Seismic Analysis of Braced Plan Irregular Structures Using Hybrid Tes NG
Seismic Analysis of Braced Plan Irregular Structures Using Hybrid Tes NG
Seismic Analysis of Braced Plan Irregular Structures Using Hybrid Tes NG
= i.o, e
= o.o+ 8 z
= i.6S.
! Siiuciuie subjecied io No.
eaiilquales wiil vaiying A]V
Parameter Range Considered
A rauo
A/v rauo
1.3, 1.37, 1.68, 2.0
0.0#, 0.023#, 0.03#, 0.073#, 0.1#, 0.123#, 0.13#
0.73, 0.873, 1.0, 1.123, 1.23
1.0, 1.3, 2.0, 2.3, 3.0
0.33, 0.69, 0.74, 0.89, 1.0, 1.33, 1.77
S)3(, 9% U,A 0)1)8,7,16 )*5 1)*$, 4.*6#5,1,5
8esulLs - SLauc LccenLrlclLy
19 of 25
"#$% &K% @247#(#7A 5,8)*5 +,1626 67)7#4 ,44,*71#4#7A /.1 GG )*5
"G ./ B)C V
XD%YFI )*5 B3C V
X&%9F 67124721,6
"#$% &Y% "#167;67.1,A #*7,167.1,A 51#/7 +,1626 67)7#4 ,44,*71#4#7A
/.1 GG )*5 "G ./ B)C V
XD%YFI )*5 B3C V
X&%9F 67124721,6
! Duciiliiy demand incieases
on SS and ieduces on FS of
siiuciuie wiil incieasing
level of !
! SS of siiuciuie subjecied io
gieaiei duciiliiy demand.
! Fiisi-sioiey inieisioiey
diifis aie ile same foi SS
and FS of siiuciuie.
uucullLy uemand =
8esulLs - LaLeral 1orslonal lrequency
20 of 25
"#$% &N% Z.18)(#6,5 5247#(#7A 5,8)*5 +,1626 67)7#4 ,44,*71#4#7A
-#7< +)1A#*$ V
/.1 B)C GGI )*5 B3C "G ./ 7<, 67124721,6
"#$% &O% Z.18)(#6,5 T167;67.1,A #*7,167.1,A 51#/7 +,1626 67)7#4
,44,*71#4#7A -#7< +)1A#*$ V
/.1 B)C GGI )*5 B3C "G ./ 7<, 67124721,6
! Toisionally exible siiuciuies
lave incieased duciiliiy
d e ma n d c o mp a i e d i o
ioisionally sii siiuciuies.
! SS of siiuciuie subjecied io
gieaiei duciiliiy demand.
! Fiisi-sioiey inieisioiey
diifis aie similai foi SS
and FS of siiuciuie.
8esulLs - LC8 rovlslon
21 of 25
"#$% 9D% Z.18)(#6,5 5247#(#7A 5,8)*5 +,1626 67)7#4 ,44,*71#4#7A
-#7< +)1A#*$ V
/.1 GG -#7< B)C MS'I )*5 B3C [S' 67124721,6
"#$% 9&% Z.18)(#6,5 5247#(#7A 5,8)*5 +,1626 67)7#4 ,44,*71#4#7A
-#7< +)1A#*$ V
/.1 "G -#7< B)C MS'I )*5 B3C [S' 67124721,6
! ITP (Including Toisional
Piovision) las a duciiliiy
demand on aveiage ieduced
by 6% on ile SS of ile
siiuciuie compaied io ETP
( I n c l u d i n g T o i s i o n a l
Piovision) siiuciuie.
! Duciiliiy demand on FS
of ITP siiuciuie ieduced
by q% o n a v e i a g e
c o mp a i e d i o E T P
8esulLs - 8l-dlrecuonal LxclLauon
22 of 25
"#$% 99% Z.18)(#6,5 5247#(#7A 5,8)*5 +,1626 ()7,1)( 7.16#.*)( /1,\2,*4A 1)7#.
/.1 2*#; )*5 3#;5#1,47#.*)( ,E4#7,5 67124721,6 .* B)C GGI )*5 B3C "G ./ 67124721,6
! Compaiison of uni- and bi-diieciional exciied siiuciuies indicaied ilai ile
iesponse was similai foi uni- and bi-diieciional exciied siiuciuie.
! Analysis limiied io PA iaiio of i.o siiuciuie.
8esulLs - CA LecL
23 of 25
"#$% 9=% @247#(#7A 5,8)*5 +,1626 67)7#4 ,44,*71#4#7A /.1 'JQ ./ D%>$] D%F$ ^ D%K$
.* B)C GGI )*5 B3C "G ./ 67124721,6
"#$% 9>% [*7,167.1,A 51#/7 +,1626 67)7#4 ,44,*71#4#7A /.1 'JQ ./ D%>$] D%F$ ^ D%K$
.* B)C GGI )*5 B3C "G ./ 67124721,6
8esulLs - lan AspecL 8auo
24 of 25
"#$% 9F% J1)0< ./ *.18)(#6,5 5247#(#7A 5,8)*5 +,1626 0()* )60,47 1)7#.
/.1 B)C GGI )*5 B3C "G ./ 67124721,6
! Tle PA iaiio was vaiied fiom i.o io .o.
! Tle level of duciiliiy demand is noi signifcanily eecied by ile level of PA
! Hybiid iesiing las been slown io be an eeciive meilod of dynamic iesiing.
! Tle value of siaiic ecceniiiciiy las a signifcani eeci on ile seismic iesponse
of biaced plan iiiegulai siiuciuies.
! Tle laieial ioisional fiequency iaiio piovides an indicaioi foi ile level of
ioisional exibiliiy]siiness of ile siiuciuie and ile value of laieial ioisional
fiequency iaiio las a signifcani impaci on ile seismic iesponse of biaced
plan iiiegulai siiuciuies.
! Tle iesulis indicaie ilai ile Euiocode S piovision foi accidenial ioision eeci
is adequaie even ai liglei levels of accidenial ecceniiiciiy exceeding ile
piovision limiis.
! Tle eeci of bi-diieciional exciiaiion is noi signifcani compaied io uni-
diieciional exciied siiuciuies.
! Tle eeci of ile plan aspeci iaiio on ile seismic iesponse is noi signifcani.
! Recommended foi a clecl io be piovided, e.g. #
> i, sucl ilai biaced plan
iiiegulai siiuciuies can noi be ioisionally exible. Paiiiculaily if ile level of
PGA exceeds ile design PGA.
25 of 25