50 Most Frequently Used CLI Commands
50 Most Frequently Used CLI Commands
50 Most Frequently Used CLI Commands
"# tar $ommand exam les Create a ne% tar ar$hi&e# ' tar $&( ar$hi&e)name#tar dirname/ Extra$t (rom an existin* tar ar$hi&e# ' tar x&( ar$hi&e)name#tar +ie% an existin* tar ar$hi&e# ' tar t&( ar$hi&e)name#tar More tar exam les, -he Ultimate -ar Command -utorial %ith "0 .ra$ti$al Exam les /# *re $ommand exam les 0ear$h (or a *i&en strin* in a (ile ($ase in1sensiti&e sear$h!# ' *re 1i 2the2 demo)(ile .rint the mat$hed line3 alon* %ith the 4 lines a(ter it# ' *re 15 4 1i 2exam le2 demo)text 0ear$h (or a *i&en strin* in all (iles re$ursi&ely ' *re 1r 2ramesh2 6 More *re exam les, 7et a 7ri on the 7re 8 9 "5 .ra$ti$al 7re Command Exam les 4# (ind $ommand exam les Find (iles usin* (ile1name ( $ase in1sensit&e (ind! : (ind 1iname 2MyC.ro*ram#$2 Exe$ute $ommands on (iles (ound ;y the (ind $ommand ' (ind 1iname 2MyC.ro*ram#$2 1exe$ md5sum <= >? Find all em ty (iles in home dire$tory : (ind @ 1em ty More (ind exam les, Mommy3 I (ound it8 A "5 .ra$ti$al Linux Find Command Exam les B# ssh $ommand exam les Lo*in to remote host ssh 1l Csmith remotehost#exam le#$om De;u* ssh $lient ssh 1& 1l Csmith remotehost#exam le#$om Dis lay ssh $lient &ersion ' ssh 1+ E en00F)4#G "3 E en00L 0#G#Ha Fe; "G /004 More ssh exam les, 5 Iasi$ Linux 00F Client Commands 5# sed $ommand exam les When you $o y a DE0 (ile to Unix3 you $ould (ind >r>n in the end o( ea$h line# -his exam le $on&erts the DE0 (ile (ormat to Unix (ile (ormat usin* sed $ommand# 'sed Js/#'//J (ilename .rint (ile $ontent in re&erse order ' sed 1n J"87?h?' J the*eeKstu((#txt 5dd line num;er (or all non1em ty1lines in a (ile ' sed J/#/LJ the*eeKstu((#txt M sed JN? s/>n/ /J More sed exam les, 5d&an$ed 0ed 0u;stitution Exam les N# a%K $ommand exam les Oemo&e du li$ate lines usin* a%K ' a%K J8('0 in array! < arrayP'0Q? rint =J tem .rint all lines (rom /et$/ ass%d that has the same uid and *id 'a%K 1F J,J J'4LL'BJ ass%d#txt .rint only s e$i(i$ (ield (rom a (ile# ' a%K J< rint '/3'5?=J em loyee#txt More a%K exam les, R .o%er(ul 5%K Iuilt1in +aria;les 9 F03 EF03 O03 EO03 NO3 NF3 FILEN5ME3 FNO H# &im $ommand exam les 7o to the "B4rd line o( (ile ' &im S"B4 (ilename#txt 7o to the (irst mat$h o( the s e$i(ied ' &im S/sear$h1term (ilename#txt E en the (ile in read only mode# ' &im 1O /et$/ ass%d More &im exam les, Fo% -o Oe$ord and .lay in +im Editor R# di(( $ommand exam les I*nore %hite s a$e %hile $om arin*# : di(( 1% name)list#txt name)list)ne%#txt /$/34 T Uohn Doe 111 V Uohn M Doe V Uason Iourne More di(( exam les, -o B File Di((eren$e -ools on UNIX / Linux 9 Di((3 Colordi((3 Wdi((3 +imdi(( G# sort $ommand exam les 0ort a (ile in as$endin* order ' sort names#txt 0ort a (ile in des$endin* order ' sort 1r names#txt 0ort ass%d (ile ;y 4rd (ield# ' sort 1t, 1K 4n /et$/ ass%d M more "0# ex ort $ommand exam les -o &ie% ora$le related en&ironment &aria;les# ' ex ort M *re EO5CLE
de$lare 1x EO5CLE)I50EL2/u0"/a /ora$le2 de$lare 1x EO5CLE)FEMEL2/u0"/a /ora$le/ rodu$t/"0#/#02 de$lare 1x EO5CLE)0IDL2med2 de$lare 1x EO5CLE)-EOML2xterm2 -o ex ort an en&ironment &aria;le, ' ex ort EO5CLE)FEMEL/u0"/a /ora$le/ rodu$t/"0#/#0 ""# xar*s $ommand exam les Co y all ima*es to external hard1dri&e : ls 6#C * M xar*s 1n" 1i $ <= /external1hard1dri&e/dire$tory 0ear$h all C * ima*es in the system and ar$hi&e it# : (ind / 1name 6#C * 1ty e ( 1 rint M xar*s tar 1$&W( ima*es#tar#*W Do%nload all the UOLs mentioned in the url1list#txt (ile : $at url1list#txt M xar*s %*et 9$ "/# ls $ommand exam les Dis lay (ilesiWe in human reada;le (ormat (e#*# XI3 MI et$#3! ' ls 1lh 1r%1r11111 " ramesh team1de& R#GM Uun "/ "5,/H ar$h1linux#txt#*W Erder Files Iased on Last Modi(ied -ime (In Oe&erse Erder! Usin* ls 1ltr ' ls 1ltr +isual Classi(i$ation o( Files With 0 e$ial Chara$ters Usin* ls 1F ' ls 1F More ls exam les, Unix L0 Command, "5 .ra$ti$al Exam les "4# %d $ommand %d is .rint %orKin* dire$tory# What else $an ;e said a;out the *ood old %d %ho has ;een rintin* the $urrent dire$tory name (or a*es# "B# $d $ommand exam les Use Y$d 1Z to to**le ;et%een the last t%o dire$tories Use Ysho t 1s $ds ellZ to automati$ally $orre$t misty ed dire$tory names on $d More $d exam les, N 5%esome Linux $d $ommand Fa$Ks "5# *Wi $ommand exam les -o $reate a 6#*W $om ressed (ile, ' *Wi test#txt -o un$om ress a 6#*W (ile, ' *Wi 1d test#txt#*W Dis lay $om ression ratio o( the $om ressed (ile usin* *Wi 1l ' *Wi 1l 6#*W $om ressed un$om ressed ratio un$om ressed)name /4H0G GHGH5 H5#R[ as 1 at$h1 r ms#txt "N# ;Wi / $ommand exam les -o $reate a 6#;W/ $om ressed (ile, ' ;Wi / test#txt -o un$om ress a 6#;W/ (ile, ;Wi / 1d test#txt#;W/ More ;Wi / exam les, I\ is EaWy8 ;Wi /3 ;W*re 3 ;W$m 3 ;Wdi((3 ;W$at3 ;Wless3 ;Wmore exam les "H# unWi $ommand exam les -o extra$t a 6#Wi $om ressed (ile, ' unWi test#Wi +ie% the $ontents o( 6#Wi (ile (Without unWi in* it!, ' unWi 1l Cas er#Wi 5r$hi&e, Cas er#Wi Len*th Date -ime Name 11111111 1111 1111 1111 B0GG5 ""1401GR /4,50 ME-51INF/M5NIFE0-#MF 4/"NG 0R1/51GR /",0H $lasses) "5GNB 0R1/51GR /",0H $lasses)names "05B/ 0R1/51GR /",0H $lasses)n$om "R# shutdo%n $ommand exam les 0hutdo%n the system and turn the o%er o(( immediately# : shutdo%n 1h no% 0hutdo%n the system a(ter "0 minutes# : shutdo%n 1h S"0 Oe;oot the system usin* shutdo%n $ommand# : shutdo%n 1r no% For$e the (ilesystem $he$K durin* re;oot# : shutdo%n 1Fr no% "G# (t $ommand exam les Ioth (t and se$ure (t (s(t ! has similar $ommands# -o $onne$t to a remote ser&er and do%nload multi le (iles3 do the (ollo%in*# ' (t I./hostname (t V m*et 6#html -o &ie% the (ile names lo$ated on the remote ser&er ;e(ore do%nloadin*3 mls (t $ommand as sho%n ;elo%# (t V mls 6#html 1 /(t test/(eatures#html /(t test/index#html /(t test/othertools#html /(t test/sam lere ort#html /(t test/usa*e#html
More (t exam les, F-. and 0F-. Ie*inners 7uide %ith "0 Exam les /0# $ronta; $ommand exam les +ie% $ronta; entry (or a s e$i(i$ user : $ronta; 1u Cohn 1l 0$hedule a $ron Co; e&ery "0 minutes# 6/"0 6 6 6 6 /home/ramesh/$he$K1disK1s a$e More $ronta; exam les, Linux Cronta;, "5 5%esome Cron Uo; Exam les /"# ser&i$e $ommand exam les 0er&i$e $ommand is used to run the system + init s$ri ts# i#e Instead o( $allin* the s$ri ts lo$ated in the /et$/init#d/ dire$tory %ith their (ull ath3 you $an use the ser&i$e $ommand# Che$K the status o( a ser&i$e, : ser&i$e ssh status Che$K the steatus o( all the ser&i$es# ser&i$e 11status1all Oestart a ser&i$e# : ser&i$e ssh restart //# s $ommand exam les s $ommand is used to dis lay in(ormation a;out the ro$esses that are runnin* in the system# While there are lot o( ar*uments that $ould ;e assed to a s $ommand3 (ollo%in* are some o( the $ommon ones# -o &ie% $urrent runnin* ro$esses# ' s 1e( M more -o &ie% $urrent runnin* ro$esses in a tree stru$ture# F o tion stands (or ro$ess hierar$hy# ' s 1e(F M more /4# (ree $ommand exam les -his $ommand is used to dis lay the (ree3 used3 s%a memory a&aila;le in the system# -y i$al (ree $ommand out ut# -he out ut is dis layed in ;ytes# ' (ree total used (ree shared ;u((ers $a$hed Mem, 45NNB0R "5R0//0 "GRN"RR 0 /04GRR G0/GN0 1/S ;u((ers/$a$he, BH4/H/ 40G4"4N 0%a , B000"HN 0 B000"HN I( you %ant to qui$Kly $he$K ho% many 7I o( O5M your system has use the 1* o tion# 1; o tion dis lays in ;ytes3 1K in Kilo ;ytes3 1m in me*a ;ytes# ' (ree 1* total used (ree shared ;u((ers $a$hed Mem, 4 " " 0 0 0 1/S ;u((ers/$a$he, 0 / 0%a , 4 0 4 I( you %ant to see a total memory ( in$ludin* the s%a !3 use the 1t s%it$h3 %hi$h %ill dis lay a total line as sho%n ;elo%# ramesh]ramesh1la to ,@' (ree 1t total used (ree shared ;u((ers $a$hed Mem, 45NNB0R "5G/"BR "GHB/N0 0 /0B/N0 G"/55N 1/S ;u((ers/$a$he, BH544/ 40G"0HN 0%a , B000"HN 0 B000"HN -otal, H5NN5RB "5G/"BR 5GHBB4N /B# to $ommand exam les to $ommand dis lays the to ro$esses in the system ( ;y de(ault sorted ;y $ u usa*e !# -o sort to out ut ;y any $olumn3 .ress E (u er1$ase E! 3 %hi$h %ill dis lay all the ossi;le $olumns that you $an sort ;y as sho%n ;elo%# Current 0ort Field, . (or %indo% ",De( 0ele$t sort (ield &ia (ield letter3 ty e any other Key to return a, .ID L .ro$ess Id &, nDOL Dirty .a*es $ount d, UID L User Id y, WCF5N L 0lee in* in Fun$tion e, U0EO L User Name W, Fla*s L -asK Fla*s ######## -o dis lays only the ro$esses that ;elon* to a arti$ular user use 1u o tion# -he (ollo%in* %ill sho% only the to ro$esses that ;elon*s to ora$le user# ' to 1u ora$le More to exam les, Can ^ou -o -his_ "5 .ra$ti$al Linux -o Command Exam les /5# d( $ommand exam les Dis lays the (ile system disK s a$e usa*e# Iy de(ault d( 1K dis lays out ut in ;ytes# ' d( 1K Filesystem "X1;lo$Ks Used 5&aila;le Use[ Mounted on
/de&/sda" /G540B00 4/44"0B /BHGH/4/ "/[ / /de&/sda/ "/04NHGG/ 50"H"5GN NB0R/0N0 BB[ /home d( 1h dis lays out ut in human reada;le (orm# i#e siWe %ill ;e dis layed in 7I`s# ramesh]ramesh1la to ,@' d( 1h Filesystem 0iWe Used 5&ail Use[ Mounted on /de&/sda" /G7 4#"7 /B7 "/[ / /de&/sda/ ""57 BR7 N/7 BB[ /home Use 1- o tion to dis lay %hat ty e o( (ile system# ramesh]ramesh1la to ,@' d( 1Filesystem -y e "X1;lo$Ks Used 5&aila;le Use[ Mounted on /de&/sda" extB /G540B00 4/44"/0 /BHGH/"N "/[ / /de&/sda/ extB "/04NHGG/ 50"H"5GN NB0R/0N0 BB[ /home /N# Kill $ommand exam les Use Kill $ommand to terminate a ro$ess# First *et the ro$ess id usin* s 1e( $ommand3 then use Kill 1G to Kill the runnin* Linux ro$ess as sho%n ;elo%# ^ou $an also use Killall3 Kill3 xKill to terminate a unix ro$ess# ' s 1e( M *re &im ramesh H/B4 H/// G //,B4 ts// 00,00,00 &im ' Kill 1G H/B4 More Kill exam les, B Ways to Xill a .ro$ess 9 Kill3 Killall3 Kill3 xKill /H# rm $ommand exam les 7et $on(irmation ;e(ore remo&in* the (ile# ' rm 1i (ilename#txt It is &ery use(ul %hile *i&in* shell meta$hara$ters in the (ile name ar*ument# .rint the (ilename and *et $on(irmation ;e(ore remo&in* the (ile# ' rm 1i (ile6 Follo%in* exam le re$ursi&ely remo&es all (iles and dire$tories under the exam le dire$tory# -his also remo&es the exam le dire$tory itsel(# ' rm 1r exam le /R# $ $ommand exam les Co y (ile" to (ile/ reser&in* the mode3 o%nershi and timestam # ' $ 1 (ile" (ile/ Co y (ile" to (ile/# i( (ile/ exists rom t (or $on(irmation ;e(ore o&er%rittin* it# ' $ 1i (ile" (ile/ /G# m& $ommand exam les Oename (ile" to (ile/# i( (ile/ exists rom t (or $on(irmation ;e(ore o&er%rittin* it# ' m& 1i (ile" (ile/ Note, m& 1( is Cust the o osite3 %hi$h %ill o&er%rite (ile/ %ithout rom tin*# m& 1& %ill rint %hat is ha enin* durin* (ile rename3 %hi$h is use(ul %hile s e$i(yin* shell meta$hara$ters in the (ile name ar*ument# ' m& 1& (ile" (ile/ 40# $at $ommand exam les ^ou $an &ie% multi le (iles at the same time# Follo%in* exam le rints the $ontent o( (ile" (ollo%ed ;y (ile/ to stdout# ' $at (ile" (ile/ While dis layin* the (ile3 (ollo%in* $at 1n $ommand %ill re end the line num;er to ea$h line o( the out ut# ' $at 1n /et$/lo*rotate#$on( " /&ar/lo*/;tm < / missin*oK 4 monthly B $reate 0NN0 root utm 5 rotate " N = 4"# mount $ommand exam les -o mount a (ile system3 you should (irst $reate a dire$tory and mount it as sho%n ;elo%# : mKdir /u0" : mount /de&/sd;" /u0" ^ou $an also add this to the (sta; (or automati$ mountin*# i#e 5nytime system is restarted3 the (ilesystem %ill ;e mounted# /de&/sd;" /u0" ext/ de(aults 0 / 4/# $hmod $ommand exam les $hmod $ommand is used to $han*e the ermissions (or a (ile or dire$tory# 7i&e (ull a$$ess to user and *rou (i#e read3 %rite and exe$ute ! on a s e$i(i$ (ile# ' $hmod u*Sr%x (ile#txt Oe&oKe all a$$ess (or the *rou (i#e read3 %rite and exe$ute ! on a s e$i(i$ (ile# ' $hmod *1r%x (ile#txt
5 ly the (ile ermissions re$ursi&ely to all the (iles in the su;1 dire$tories# ' $hmod 1O u*Sr%x (ile#txt More $hmod exam les, H Chmod Command Exam les (or Ie*inners 44# $ho%n $ommand exam les $ho%n $ommand is used to $han*e the o%ner and *rou o( a (ile# > -o $han*e o%ner to ora$le and *rou to d; on a (ile# i#e Chan*e ;oth o%ner and *rou at the same time# ' $ho%n ora$le,d;a d;ora#sh Use 1O to $han*e the o%nershi re$ursi&ely# ' $ho%n 1O ora$le,d;a /home/ora$le 4B# ass%d $ommand exam les Chan*e your ass%ord (rom $ommand line usin* ass%d# -his %ill rom t (or the old ass%ord (ollo%ed ;y the ne% ass%ord# ' ass%d 0u er user $an use ass%d $ommand to reset others ass%ord# -his %ill not rom t (or $urrent ass%ord o( the user# : ass%d U0EON5ME Oemo&e ass%ord (or a s e$i(i$ user# Ooot user $an disa;le ass%ord (or a s e$i(i$ user# En$e the ass%ord is disa;led3 the user $an lo*in %ithout enterin* the ass%ord# : ass%d 1d U0EON5ME 45# mKdir $ommand exam les Follo%in* exam le $reates a dire$tory $alled tem under your home dire$tory# ' mKdir @/tem Create nested dire$tories usin* one mKdir $ommand# I( any o( these dire$tories exist already3 it %ill not dis lay any error# I( any o( these dire$tories doesn`t exist3 it %ill $reate them# ' mKdir 1 dir"/dir//dir4/dirB/ 4N# i($on(i* $ommand exam les Use i($on(i* $ommand to &ie% or $on(i*ure a net%orK inter(a$e on the Linux system# +ie% all the inter(a$es alon* %ith status# ' i($on(i* 1a 0tart or sto a s e$i(i$ inter(a$e usin* u and do%n $ommand as sho%n ;elo%# ' i($on(i* eth0 u ' i($on(i* eth0 do%n More i($on(i* exam les, I($on(i*, H Exam les -o Con(i*ure Net%orK Inter(a$e 4H# uname $ommand exam les Uname $ommand dis lays im ortant in(ormation a;out the system su$h as A Xernel name3 Fost name3 Xernel release num;er3 .ro$essor ty e3 et$#3 0am le uname out ut (rom a U;untu la to is sho%n ;elo%# ' uname 1a Linux Cohn1la to /#N#4/1/B1*eneri$ :B"1U;untu 0M. -hu 5u* "G 0","/,5/ U-C /0"0 iNRN 7NU/Linux 4R# %hereis $ommand exam les When you %ant to (ind out %here a s e$i(i$ Unix $ommand exists ((or exam le3 %here does ls $ommand exists_!3 you $an exe$ute the (ollo%in* $ommand# ' %hereis ls ls, /;in/ls /usr/share/man/man"/ls#"#*W /usr/share/man/man" /ls#" #*W When you %ant to sear$h an exe$uta;le (rom a ath other than the %hereis de(ault ath3 you $an use 1I o tion and *i&e ath as ar*ument to it# -his sear$hes (or the exe$uta;le lsmK in the /tm dire$tory3 and dis lays it3 i( it is a&aila;le# ' %hereis 1u 1I /tm 1( lsmK lsmK, /tm /lsmK 4G# %hatis $ommand exam les Whatis $ommand dis lays a sin*le line des$ri tion a;out a $ommand# ' %hatis ls ls ("! 1 list dire$tory $ontents ' %hatis i($on(i* i($on(i* (R! 1 $on(i*ure a net%orK inter(a$e B0# lo$ate $ommand exam les Usin* lo$ate $ommand you $an qui$Kly sear$h (or the lo$ation o( a s e$i(i$ (ile (or *rou o( (iles!# Lo$ate $ommand uses the data;ase $reated ;y u dated;# -he exam le ;elo% sho%s all (iles in the system that $ontains the %ord $ronta; in it# ' lo$ate $ronta; /et$/ana$ronta; /et$/$ronta; /usr/;in/$ronta;
/usr/share/do$/$ron/exam les/$ronta;/en*lish# l#*W /usr/share/man/man"/$ronta;#"#*W /usr/share/man/man5/ana$ronta;#5#*W /usr/share/man/man5/$ronta;#5#*W /usr/share/&im/&imH//syntax/$ronta;#&im B"# man $ommand exam les Dis lay the man a*e o( a s e$i(i$ $ommand# ' man $ronta; When a man a*e (or a $ommand is lo$ated under more than one se$tion3 you $an &ie% the man a*e (or that $ommand (rom a s e$i(i$ se$tion as sho%n ;elo%# ' man 0EC-IEN1NUMIEO $ommandname Follo%in* R se$tions are a&aila;le in the man a*e# "# 7eneral $ommands /# 0ystem $alls 4# C li;rary (un$tions B# 0 e$ial (iles (usually de&i$es3 those (ound in /de&! and dri&ers 5# File (ormats and $on&entions N# 7ames and s$reensa&ers H# Mis$ellaneous R# 0ystem administration $ommands and daemons For exam le3 %hen you do %hatis $ronta;3 you`ll noti$e that $ronta; has t%o man a*es (se$tion " and se$tion 5!# -o &ie% se$tion 5 o( $ronta; man a*e3 do the (ollo%in*# ' %hatis $ronta; $ronta; ("! 1 maintain $ronta; (iles (or indi&idual users (+4! $ronta; (5! 1 ta;les (or dri&in* $ron ' man 5 $ronta; B/# tail $ommand exam les .rint the last "0 lines o( a (ile ;y de(ault# ' tail (ilename#txt .rint N num;er o( lines (rom the (ile named (ilename#txt ' tail 1n N (ilename#txt +ie% the $ontent o( the (ile in real time usin* tail 1(# -his is use(ul to &ie% the lo* (iles3 that Kee s *ro%in*# -he $ommand $an ;e terminated usin* C-OL1C# ' tail 1( lo*1(ile More tail exam les, 4 Methods -o +ie% tail 1( out ut o( Multi le Lo* Files in Ene -erminal B4# less $ommand exam les less is &ery e((i$ient %hile &ie%in* hu*e lo* (iles3 as it doesn`t need to load the (ull (ile %hile o enin*# ' less hu*e1lo*1(ile#lo* Ene you o en a (ile usin* less $ommand3 (ollo%in* t%o Keys are &ery hel (ul# C-OLSF 9 (or%ard one %indo% C-OLSI 9 ;a$K%ard one %indo% More less exam les, Unix Less Command, "0 -i s (or E((e$ti&e Na&i*ation BB# su $ommand exam les 0%it$h to a di((erent user a$$ount usin* su $ommand# 0u er user $an s%it$h to any other user %ithout enterin* their ass%ord# ' su 1 U0EON5ME Exe$ute a sin*le $ommand (rom a di((erent a$$ount name# In the (ollo%in* exam le3 Cohn $an exe$ute the ls $ommand as raC username# En$e the $ommand is exe$uted3 it %ill $ome ;a$K to Cohn`s a$$ount# PCohn]de&1ser&erQ' su 1 raC 1$ JlsJ PCohn]de&1ser&erQ' Lo*in to a s e$i(ied user a$$ount3 and exe$ute the s e$i(ied shell instead o( the de(ault shell# ' su 1s J0FELLN5MEJ U0EON5ME B5# mysql $ommand exam les mysql is ro;a;ly the most %idely used o en sour$e data;ase on Linux# E&en i( you don`t run a mysql data;ase on your ser&er3 you mi*ht end1u usin* the mysql $ommand ( $lient ! to $onne$t to a mysql data;ase runnin* on the remote ser&er# -o $onne$t to a remote mysql data;ase# -his %ill rom t (or a ass%ord# ' mysql 1u root 1 1h "G/#"NR#"#/ -o $onne$t to a lo$al mysql data;ase# ' mysql 1u root 1 I( you %ant to s e$i(y the mysql root ass%ord in the $ommand line itsel(3 enter it immediately a(ter 1 (%ithout any s a$e!# BN# yum $ommand exam les -o install a a$he usin* yum# ' yum install htt d -o u *rade a a$he usin* yum# ' yum u date htt d -o uninstall/remo&e a a$he usin* yum#
' yum remo&e htt d BH# r m $ommand exam les -o install a a$he usin* r m# : r m 1i&h htt d1/#/#41//#0#"#el5#i4RN#r m -o u *rade a a$he usin* r m# : r m 1u&h htt d1/#/#41//#0#"#el5#i4RN#r m -o uninstall/remo&e a a$he usin* r m# : r m 1e& htt d More r m exam les, O.M Command, "5 Exam les to Install3 Uninstall3 U *rade3 auery O.M .a$Ka*es BR# in* $ommand exam les .in* a remote host ;y sendin* only 5 a$Kets# ' in* 1$ 5 *mail#$om More in* exam les, .in* -utorial, "5 E((e$ti&e .in* Command Exam les BG# date $ommand exam les 0et the system date,
: date 1s 20"/4"//0"0 /4,5G,542 En$e you`&e $han*ed the system date3 you should syn$roniWe the hard%are $lo$K %ith the system date as sho%n ;elo%# : h%$lo$K 9systoh$ : h%$lo$K 11systoh$ 9ut$ 50# %*et $ommand exam les -he qui$K and e((e$ti&e method to do%nload so(t%are3 musi$3 &ideo (rom internet is usin* %*et $ommand# ' %*et htt ,// rdo%nloads#sour$e(or*e#net/sour$e(or*e/na*ios/na*ios1 4#/#"#tar#*W Do%nload and store it %ith a di((erent name# ' %*et 1E ta*list#Wi htt ,//%%%#&im#or*/s$ri ts/do%nload)s$ri t# h _sr$)idLHH0" More %*et exam les, -he Ultimate W*et Do%nload 7uide With "5 5%esome Exam les
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