Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
S R N O 1 QUE O1 O2 O3 O ANS
C.I. engine is nothing but Calorific value of petrol is %emoval of burnt gases from engine c&lin'er is no(n as *tto c&cle means
Petrol engine 43000 !" g Pri) ignition Constant pressure c&cle +ess 1"2
2 1 3 2
$ #
In 4)stro e I.C.po(er output as compare' to 2)stro e engine is 0he (or ing c&cle in case of four stro e engine is complete' in follo(ing number of revolutions of cran shaft 0he ratio of in'icate' thermal efficienc& to correspon'ing air stan'ar' c&cle efficienc& is calle' 0he 4ir stan'ar' efficienc& of an *tto c&cle compare' to 'iesel c&cle for the given compression ratio is If the inta e air temperature of IC -ngine increases7 its efficienc& (ill 4ll heat engine utili8e'
1 3
2 1
3 4 $
,orse test is use' in multic&lin'er I.C.engine to fin' =hile calculating in'icate' po(er7 number of e>plosions are 'etermine' b& using 5nit of ;S<C is ,otoring test is use' to fin' In 'iesel engine this is supplie' at the time of suction 4n engine in'icator is use' to 'etermine the follo(ing If the compression ratio of an engine (or ing on otto c&cle is increase' from $ to #7 its air stan'ar' efficienc& (ill increase' b& 0he pressure at en' of compression in the case of 'iesel engine is of the or'er of 0he ma>imum temp. in the IC engine c&lin'er is of the or'er of Piston rings are usuall& ma'e of 0he air fuel ratio of the petrol engine is controlle' b&
2 3 2 3 1
12 ?g"cm2 20 ?g"cm2 1000 to 1$000C 4limini um Carburet tor 1$00 to 20000C Phospho r bron8e Governo r
10 11
1 2
=or re.uire' to 'rive the compressor is minimum (hen compression process =hen (e are using perfect intercooling s&stem the amount of (or save' is ;& multistaging overall cost of compressor If there is no clearance7 the volumetric efficienc& (ill be In t(o stage air compressor having perfect intercooling an' (hich re.uires ,inimum po(er has the interme'iate pressure ratio ->ample of 2on Dpositive 'isplacement t&pe of compressor is C&lin'er clearance in a compressor shoul' be 0he net (or input re.uire' for compressor (ith increase in clearance volume %atio of in'icate' 9P to shaft 9P is no(n as @olumetric efficienc& of air compressors is of the har'er of %otar& compressors are suitable for
Isothermal Constant pressure process ,o'erate /ero %emains constant *ne P1"P3 2one of above ,ore than one P3"P2
3 2 2 1
%eciprocat ing compresso r 4s large as possible Increases ,echanic al efficienc& 20)30 B +arge 'ischarge at high pressure
+&sholm 4>ial flo( Scre( t&pe compres compresso compressor sor r 4s small 4bout $0 as B of possible s(ept value Decreas %emains es same 4'iabati c efficienc & 40)$0 B +o( 'ischarg e at high pressure 4bout 60 B of s(ept value 5npre'ictab le
3 1
compresso @olumetric r efficeinc& efficeinc& #0)10 B +arge 'ischarge at lo( pressure 10)60 B
-ricsson gas turbine c&cle is also no(n as =hich engine is also no(n as aero thermo'&namic 'uct +ocation of precooler is In close' c&cle gas turbine7 fuel use' is 0he element in turboCet engine (hich is use' to convert the inetic energ& of engine air into a static pressure rise In the gas turbines7 high thermal efficienc& is obtaine' in Gas turbines use follo(ing t&pe of air compressor -fficienc& of gas turbine is increase' b& 0he air fuel ratio in the gas turbine is of the or'er of ,echanical efficienc& of gas turbines as compare' to IC engines is 0he pressure ratio for an open c&cle gas turbine compare' to close' c&cle gas turbine of same 9P is
;oth of the above +obe t&pe 4''ing a regenerator 30:1 Same Same
5npre'ictable 4>ial flo( t&pe 4ll of the above $0:1 5npre'ictable 5npre'ictable
1 3 6 10
1 2
%everse' Carnot c&cle is not practicable as it involves the follo(ing processes 0he follo(ing element is no(n as E9eart of refrigeration s&stem In vapour absorption s&stem7 the refrigerant use' is In-lectrolu> refrigeration s&stem7 total numbers of flui's present are 0he t&pe of refrigerant 7(hen it is entering in evaporator is
Compressor <reon 12 2 9igh pressure high temperatur e vapour refrigerant 9igh pressure cut out ;re&ton c&cle 4l(a&s less than unit& Steel
Con'enser <reon 11 3 +o( pressure lo( temperatur e vapour refrigerant Solenoi' valve Carnot c&cle 4l(a&s more than unit& brass
+o( pressure 9igh pressure lo( 3 lo( temperature temperature li.ui' refrigerant li.ui' refrigerant 'iffusser %an ine c&cle -.ual to unit& copper Drier -rricson c&cle 2one of the above aluminium 3 1 2 3
=hich component is not use' in refrigeration s&stem 4ir refrigeration operates on 0he value of C*P in vapour compression c&cle is usuall& 0he con'enser an' evaporator tubes in a <reon refrigeration plant are ma'e of +ithium bromi'e in vapour absorption refrigeration s&stem is use' as
1 3
Cooling substance