Certification Booklet

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Presidents Letter

Table of Contents
Presidents Letter.....................................................2 About ETA................................................................3 Preparing for an ETA Certification Exam..................6 Exam Pricing............................................................7 Taking an ETA Exam.................................................8 ETA Certifications.....................................................9 ETA Membership....................................................19 Where are ETA-Certified Individuals?....................20

Dear Certification Seeker,

Today, electronics is one of the fastest growing industries. We have come a long way from vacuum tubes and mechanical switches. ETA International has remained committed to serving technicians and modeling certification programs to keep pace with emerging technologies. ETA offers a career path that ranges from students with little or no experience to a master level for those who have dedicated several years to improving and expanding their skillsets. ETA Internationals certifications are important for both individuals and business organizations. For an individual they: are a quantifiable milestone of achievement are a way to benchmark skills sets link competency to compensation enable advancement or flexibility in conditions of job change or advancement create industry visibility of one of the highest recognized electronics certifications are personal and portable certifications show levels of certification progression and disciplines to continued skills development are proof of mastery of the technologies in the industry For a business/organization ETA certification: shows workmanship that results in both internal and external customer satisfaction enhances credibility within the organization and with external customers identifies employees who are qualified to provide leadership to team members maximizes investment by accurately determining individual and organizational training needs supports decisions of appropriate skill level when hiring or promoting supports employee retention plans - presents new challenges and career path choices to employees provides the company with confidence that contracted vendors are technically qualified ETA distinguishes itself from other associations by being an organization primarily composed of individuals. ETA is comprised of technicians from every conceivable area of electronics, communications and technology. The interchange of information and the broad viewpoint that members are exposed to creates a unique and valuable entity. The intent of ETA is to Connect (leaders in our industry); Innovate (through networking and discussions); and Evolve (initiatives that revitalize and strengthen our industry). This information booklet will help move you forward in your industry through certifications.


Teresa Maher, CSS President

ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

About ETA
ETA International (Electronics Technicians Association, International) founded in 1978, is a not-for-profit, professional association promoting excellence in electronics technologies through certification.

The associations initiatives are to provide prominent certification programs of competency criteria and testing benchmarks that include international electronics standards and provide renowned professional electronics credentials.

The organization began with leaders, such as Richard Dick Glass, CETsr, Ron Crow, CETma, D.C. Snow Larson, CET and others who had earned much respect in the electronics industry. In the late 1970s, the founders decided never to affiliate too closely with any manufacturer. ETA was to be truly a group of technicians by technicians for technicians. Today, ETA is a strong and well known organization with nearly 6,000 members and over 179,000 certifications processed to date. ETAs focus is to help new and upcoming technicians and the technical schools they attend achieve their career goals. Although certification, specifically, was not a primary goal, it occurred naturally as ETA grew. As a non-vendor specific, independent third party certifying organization, ETA receives inquiries each month from schools asking for assistance in either recommending and/or certifying curriculums or texts. In addition, the US Military, through their individual education offices, has an agreement with ETA for both CET and FCC Commercial License testing at all U. S. Military facilities worldwide. ETA is not only strong in the certification field, but it provides many other services for technicians and electronics service firms. ETA has participated in governmental law and rule-making by commenting on behalf of technicians regarding pending local, state, or national actions of governments. The association works closely with other organizations such as the National Association of Radio and Telecommunications Engineers (NARTE), National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), American Society of Certified Engineering Technicians (ASCET) as well as several other local, state, national and international groups.


While ETA membership is also available to service dealerships and other institutions, the typical member is an electronics technician. By having a membership composed of technicians from every conceivable area of electronics, communications and networking technology, the interchange of information and the broad viewpoint members are exposed to creates a unique and valuable entity. ETA is not just an association that collects your dues then issues an occasional report. Hundreds of members have taken an active role in the association by participating as area representatives, becoming certification administrators, writing for the publications and journals or by teaching a class at seminars and conventions. It is a brotherhood of technicians who love their jobs and see ETA as the adhesive that binds real professional technicians together for the greater good.

State Representatives:

ETA has both state and national representatives who represent ETA within the community when needed. We are always looking for new members to apply. Holding the title of state and/or national representative includes many duties. Upon applying and becoming approved, you might be asked to: Contact ETA with any local developments reported by the industry or in the education of electronics related fields. Offer clarification, when a situation arises in the area, and we need further details; for example, a licensing requirement or change. Reach out to local schools or businesses with ETA material. Visit a school or business which has shown interest in ETA. Be available to attend a show or event, including a career day or job fair, if we are unable to send someone from the ETA home office. Contact local industry or workforce development boards with ETA information. Submit articles related to activities in your area for ETAs publication, The High-Tech News. Any other tasks that help promote ETA within the industries we serve.

Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978

About ETA
Certification Programs
Career/Workforce Development: ETA offers many stand-alone certifications that do not require a formal course of study or other training prerequisites, including Telecommunications (TCM), Computer Service Technician (CST) and Certified Alarm-Security Technician (CAST). Most certifications are gained at the conclusion of an educational course and examination. There are some programs that include a hands-on component and require skills documentation such as the Fiber Optics and Data Cabling certification programs. (When skills verification is involved, successful completion of an educational course through an ETA-approved school is required.) While most certifications are voluntary, some jobs require the worker to hold a specific certification (2-way communications, fiber, satellite, cell-sites, etc.). ETA certifications are widely recognized and frequently used in employer job selections, hiring processes and pay scale, or for promotions/advancements. Usefulness by Schools: ETA programs are widely used by individual states to allow verified credits to students. The entire C.E.T. program is easily implemented at no cost in secondary, post secondary and commercial technical schools. Course Approvals: Many educational facilities are required to prove that the training programs offered are both beneficial to students and worth the additional costs. They want proof that the time and money spent in learning this profession will pay off with a good career upon graduation or completion of the course. ETA provides 3rd party reviews that many schools require of electronics courses, evaluating the instructor credentials, lab and classroom equipment, course outlines, etc. The reviews have been used by all levels of education, both public and commercial, as well as military.

Training and Study Guides: ETA aligns with individual professional goals, vocational and education curriculums, and businesses resource initiatives through certification programs, conferences, speaking engagements, books and journal publications.

Global Skills X-Changes (formerly National Skills Standards Board) feasibility study concluded the ETA program was among the best industry certification programs available.

ETA actively supports training and education through the development of study guides, technical monographs, and seminars, as well as working with a large number of ETA approved schools and courses. ETA works with high schools, vocational schools, colleges, universities, educators, corporate trainers, correctional facilities and electronics industry professionals to find proper and sufficient training resources in their area. Memberships: Association membership is voluntary; a fundamental premise of ETAs member eligibility requirements that sets us apart from most certification associations. Members receive benefits such as The High-Tech News (ETAs bi-monthly publication), communication with peers through regular Members Only technical access message boards and forums and discounts on various industry publications, conferences, and events. Accessibility: ETA exams are available at approximately 1,000 educational institutions, all U.S. Military base education offices worldwide and several penal institutions. Most can be taken online via ETAs Trapeza online testing website. Examinations are routinely scheduled with an ETA Certification Administrator, but if one is not close to the examinee, then a library may be used. Eligibility: ETA examinations and certifications are not restricted to existing electronics technicians. They are open to all individuals regardless of career field, training, education or experience. ETA certification programs are non-discriminatory, objective and reasonably priced. Portability: ETAs certifications are personal and travel with the certification holder wherever they may be employed. ETA tested nearly 12,000 technicians in 2012. Currently, 692 Subject Matter Experts (SME) serve on various Certification Advisory Committees. ETA has its own Board of Directors and approximately 1000 Certification Administrators (CA) around the world.
4 ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

About ETA
An ETA certification signifies that the holder demonstrates professional proficiency within their discipline. They are recognized as having the necessary knowledge and technical skill to design, install, service or repair electronic equipment according to industry standards; not specific to a manufacturer, vendor or product. All ETA certifications measure the competencies of the person; not products or companies. Thousands of technicians have gained ETA certifications in basic or specialty segments of electronics; for example 47,000+ professionals have completed our fiber optics certifications. The CET (Certified Electronics Technician) program is one of the most widely recognized certification programs in the industry. Other specialty assessments have varying degrees of industry visibility, but all are linked to ETAs long-standing position in the electronics industry.

Industry Recognized Standards

Effectiveness of ETA Certification: Since 1965, the program has been proven effective. Aligning closely with the ISO 17024 standard, and collaborating with education providers and industry professionals, ETA provides the criteria which tests the knowledge and/or hands-on skills needed in todays electronics industries. However, ETA constantly seeks information from employers, schools and individuals verifying the validity and current relevance of its assessments. Accreditation: ETAs industry-based examinations are modeled after international competency standards. Each discipline utilizes its own group of educators and practitioners, plus industry-wide reviews, to arrive at the necessary standards. In 2003, the process was enlarged to add an all-industry review step in the process (National Coalition for Electronics Education, NCEE). The standards clearly articulate the skills and knowledge relevant to specific segments of the industry. ETA is a member of the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC), which audits ETAs programs and processes every five years for accreditation. Input Standards: ETAs exam advisory boards, specific for each certification, are composed of Subject Matter Experts (SME) who are demographically and educationally diverse with a broad range of experience. ETAs 3-step process for evolving competencies is now used by the allindustry NCEE in arriving at curricula and competency standards. Task analysis by educators, employers and practitioners is an important part of the process of developing industry-based competencies, upon which the certification exams are based. Both internal and external judgements are included in development. Quality Control: ETAs panels of experts are second to none. Strong educator input by committees of Subject Matter Experts (SME), reviews by the ETA Advisory Board, multiple national associations, and technicians currently working in the field provide a level of review unprecedented in the electronics industry. Educators, practitioners, students and employers have subjected ETAs assessments to critical scrutiny. Reliability, Validity and Consistency are a hallmark of ETA certifications. Audits: ETA examinations are reviewed for updating each year. Review: All exam pools are input to the ETA computer-based testing program, which is then used by the SMEs, who review all questions. In addition, ETAs staff has multiple graphics and proofreading experts handling each of its technical assessments. Privacy: ETA examination scores and personal information are not divulged to employers or co-workers. Weighting of Exams Questions: Weighting of exam questions is not viewed as relevant for technical workers since a seemingly insignificant competency may well be as important to safety or proper service as one that appears to be much more exotic. (e.g.: Oscilloscope operation vs. replacing a fuse.)

Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978

ETAs Annual Education Forum

for an


ETAs annual Education Forum, a world-class technical education conference, is conducted annually in Greencastle, Indiana. It is the ideal venue for both professional and curriculum development, regardless of skill level, focusing on Hands-On Training. Education Forum is the focal point for technical and educational professionals to discover emerging technologies, network and collaborate with fellow technicians and educators, have access to training and speaking sessions with industry experts, sit for certification examinations, gain continuing education credits, and discuss classroom implementation strategies. ETA hosts training workshops and sessions provided by industry leaders such as Light Brigade, Motorola Solutions, Corning Cable Systems, Slayton Solutions, Dover Telecommunication Services, Ira Weisenfeld & Associates, Bird Technologies and more. In addition, ETA conducts the Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Banquet at the Education Forum. Visit the website for the current schedule at www.educationforum.info.

ETA Certification Administration

ETA has nearly 1,000 Certification Administrators (CA) all around the world. Each examination must be proctored by a CA. To find a CA, either visit the ETA website or call ETA. If a test site is not near the examinees location, then arrangements can be made at a local library. The examinee must contact the library and set up a date and time to take the test, then contact ETA with the appropriate contact information. ETA will then send the materials to the library.

ETA Examination Materials

When preparing for an ETA certification examination, examinees are encouraged to use suggested study materials and the available competencies. In addition to the many offerings in the ETA Online Store, ETA offers study materials developed exclusively for the ETA Customer Service and Associate CET examinations. These were written by ETA professionals for ETA professionals.

The Customer Service Specialist Study Guide

$25 Members / $30 Non-Members
The CSS Study Guide contains all of the information in previous editions plus new chapters such as Social Media. The best way to prepare for the popular Customer Service Specialist exam also prepares you for working with other technicians and service personnel at your place of employment and at the other firms your company may deal with. It contains chapter quizzes and an overall practice exam quiz similar to the actual CSS exam. The information contained in this guide is applicable to anyone who works with the public: helpdesk, sales, educators, business owners, nurses, repair technicians, and co-workers!


Associate CET

The Associate CET Study Guide

$50 Members / $60 Non-Members
The latest edition is now available. It features 22 chapters authored by 16 practicing technicians and instructors from around the world, as well as new online practice exam and test site locator access. Technical topics range from Electronic Components, DC Circuits, Microprocessors and Transmitters to essential skills every Certified Electronics Technician needs such as Record Keeping and Technical Writing. Each chapter is followed by a practice quiz and the entire guide is covered in a final Online Practice Examination, which will further prepare an individual for the Associate CET examination. It also comes with a link to a complete online listing of current Certification Administrator locations. An exam candidate can easily find a location for testing.

Study Guide

6 Edition

Published by ETA International

To order ETA Study Materials, please visit www.eta-i.org

ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

Exam Pricing
There may be additional instructors fees for classes or exam supervision. When taking advantage of ETAs discounts by combining exams in a single sitting, the highest exam fee will be applied first. Basic Electronics Certifications
Student Electronics Technician (SET). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$30.00 Apprentice Electronics Technician (APP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$60.00 Associate Electronics Technician (CETa). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$60.00
-Associate exam FREE if taken with a Journeyman exam at the same time.

Electronics Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25.00 Each Journeyman Electronics Technician (CET). . . . . . . .$75.00-$150.00

-Each additional Journeyman certification is $30, if taken with the Associate at the same time.

Fiber Optics Technician (FOT) **. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150.00 Fiber Optics Technician - Outside Plant (FOT-OSP) **. . . . . .$150.00 Fiber Optics Designer (FOD) **. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150.00 Photonics Technician Operator (PTO) **. . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Each Photonics Technician Specialist (PTS) **. . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Each Technician in Precision Optics (TPO) **. . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Each Termination and Testing Technician (TTT) **. . . . . . . . . $100.00 Renewable Energy Electric Vehicle Technician (EVT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200.00 Photovoltaic Installer - LVL1 (PVI-LVL1). . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 Small Wind Energy Installer - LVL1 (SWI-LVL1). . . . . . . . .$150.00 SmartHome Residential Electronic Systems Integrator (RESI). . . . . . . . . . $75.00 -Basic RESI and 1 endorsement taken at the same sitting $75 (for both). RESI Endorsement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00 Master RESI (RESIma). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00 Other ETA Stand-Alone Certifications Broadband Voice over Internet Protocol (B-VoIP). . . . . . . . . .$150.00 Certified Customer Service Specialist (CSS). . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 Certified Service Manager (CSM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150.00 Gaming and Vending Technician (GVT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100.00 General Communications Technician - LVL1 (GCT-LVL1). .$100.00 Mobile Communications and Electronics Installer (MCEI).$100.00 Passive Intermodulation Testing (PIM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$125.00

Journeyman Certifications
Biomedical Biomedical Electronics Technician (BMD). . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00 Biomedical Imaging Equipment Technician (BIET) +. . . . . . .$75.00 Communications Communication Site Installer (R56) +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100.00 Certified Satellite Installer (CSI) +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00 CSI Endorsement *. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 Line and Antenna Sweeping (LAS) ** +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100.00 Personal Communications Service - Cellular (PCS-C) +. . . . .$75.00 Radar (RAD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00 Telecommunications (TCM) +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00 Wireless Communications (WCM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 MSS Wireless Communication (USMSS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100.00 Information Technology Certified Network Computer Technician (CNCT) +. . . . . . .$75.00 Certified Network Systems Technician (CNST) +. . . . . . .$100.00 Computer Service Technician (CST) +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 Wireless Networking Technician (WNT) +. . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00 SmartHome Certified Alarm Security Technician (CAST) +. . . . . . . . . . .$75.00 Electronic Security Networking Technician (ESNT) +. . . . .$100.00 Other ETA Journeyman Certifications Avionics (AVN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 Commercial Audio Technician (CAT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 Industrial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00 Precision Optics Technician (POT) **. . . . . . . . . . . .$50.00 Each Radio Frequency Identification Technical Specialist (RFID) + . $100.00

FCC Commercial Radio Operator Licences

One element. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Any two elements taken together. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Any three elements taken together. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70.00 Additional elements taken at same sitting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00 License Renewals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$80.00

CET Senior/Master Options

Senior Exam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost of Journeyman option plus $75.00 Senior Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00
-Senior upgrades must be completed within the first year of certification.

Master Exam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$175.00 Master Upgrade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75.00

+ Can also be taken as a Stand-Alone certification. * Each of the four endorsements (Antenna, C and Ku Band, Commercial, and
SMATV), if taken at separate times, is $60 per endorsement; if the CSI and all four endorsements are taken at the same time, the fee is $240 - a price break of $75; if you have your CSI and later take all four of the endorsements at the same time the price is $180 - a $60 price break.

Stand-Alone Certifications
Fiber Optics & Data Cabling Aerospace Fiber Optics Fabricator (FAB) **. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$175.00 Data Cabling Installer Certification (DCIC) **. . . . . . . . . . . .$150.00 Fiber Optics Installer (FOI) **. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150.00
Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978

** Indicates special course; fee and hands-on exam from an ETA-approved

school required.

Taking an ETA Examination(s) 1. 2. 3. 4.


ETA Exam

Decide which ETA certification(s) you would like to take and review the free objectives/competencies provided by ETA. Call to see if additional study materials are available. Find an ETA Certification Administrator (CA) close to you to proctor the exam. You can search ETAs online database of test sites at www.eta-i.org/test_sites.html, or contact ETA at (800) 288-3824. If a test site is not close to you, then you may contact a local library to proctor your exam. Decide whether to take the exam online with Trapeza or on paper. Note: A Certification Administrator must be present regardless of which test format is chosen. Arrange a time to take the exam with the chosen Certification Administrator. Arrive early with the proper materials to take the exam. You may bring scratch paper and a non-programmable calculator to the exam. For most exams, you will be given two hours if needed. Photo ID and #2 pencils required. Once completed, the Certification Administrator will submit your exam and information along with payment. If you test online with ETA, then you will be able to view your score(s) immediately. Examinations are processed within 7-10 business days of arrival at ETA headquarters. However, scores may be requested online through the ETA website (www.eta-i.org/exam_results.html). If you fail an ETA certification examination, you may then request an Examination Review* which covers the questions you missed. Examination Reviews are available for an additional $25.00.

5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

*Note: Some ETA certification exams are not eligible for Examination Reviews.

**As provided for under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), if you require special needs accomodation in order to complete the certification process, then please notify your Certification Administrator when scheduling your exam. Ladder of Career Progression: ETA provides a stackable, latticed path for career advancement. Basic entry levels for Student and Associate Electronics; Journeyman, Senior and Master CET.; Basic, Journeyman and Master Residential Electronics Systems Integrator (RESI); Master Satellite Installer; Fiber Optics Installer, Outside Plant, Technician and Designer, or endorsements for specific disciplines have been designed into the program as the need occurs.

Senior Certified Electronics Technician Student Electronics Technician Associate Certified Electronics Technician Journeyman Certified Electronics Technician

Over 6 years experience Associate exam plus 1 CET Journeyman option*

Master Certified Electronics Technician

2 years or less experience Geared towards high school/ entry-level students

2 years or less experience Basic portion of Journeyman certification exam

Over 2 years experience Associate exam plus 1 CET Journeyman option

Over 6 years experience Associate exam plus six different certifications in six different areas

*CET option must be passed at 85%

ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

ETA Certifications
Student Electronics Technician SET $30.00 The SET allows high school students and entry-level technicians the opportunity to earn a basic beginners certification. The examination covers a variety of topics including: Electrical Theory; Electronic Components; Soldering-Desoldering and Tools; Block Diagrams-SchematicsWiring Diagrams; Cabling; Power Supplies; Test Equipment and Measurements; Safety Precautions; Mathematics and Formulas; Electronic Circuits; Series and Parallel; Amplifiers; Interfacing of Electronics Products, Digital Concepts and Circuitry; Computer Electronics; Computer Applications; Audio & Video Systems; Optical Electronics; Basic Telecommunications; and Technician Work Procedures. The SET also has an optional Hands-On component that can be used as a part of the training process and will be noted upon completion and passing of the SET examination. Apprentice Electronics Technician APP $60.00 The telecommunication Apprentice certification program (APP) is designed to only measure the knowledge of basic direct and alternating current theory as well as basic technical mathematics necessary to begin a training program in this field. Knowledge of cabling, power supplies, test equipment, as well as safety are also measured. This program is primarily targeted towards those who wish to pursue a technical career in the telecommunications industry and want to demonstrate their ability and knowledge to benefit from an in-company or company sponsored technical training program. (This exam does not replace the Associate Certified Electronics Technician (CETa) certification.) Electronics Modules Standalone Option EM1-5 $25.00 ea. The EM5 program is based on ETAs Associate level certification, in which the AST Competencies have been divided into five sections called modules. The purpose of this is to align with a growing portion of the electronics education industry that is charged with providing electronics training that does not include the total content of traditional Basic Electronics courses. In some instances, technical institutions are asked to provide training in only certain portions of electronics. This is so that companies that need only narrower skills and knowledge (than one expects of a complete Associate CET) can employ workers who have required knowledge and skills for only the technology and processes they currently use at that company. To provide a path for the technician leading to the Associate CET credential (CETa), the five BASIC modules of the AST can be acquired individually. Once a technician attains all five module certifications, ETA will issue an official Associate (AST) certification (all five must be passed within a two-year period). The technician may also choose to gain only those modules needed in order to be employable. The five basic Electronics Modules are: DC AC Analog Digital Comprehensive Associate Certified Electronics Technician CETa $60.00 -Associate exam FREE if taken with a Journeyman exam at the same time. The Associate certification is designed for technicians who have less than two years experience or trade school training for electronics technicians. The Associate certification is valid for 4 years. It is also the foundation for the Journeyman certification program. The CETa is a more in-depth examination expanding on all of the topics listed within the Student Electronics Technician description. The Associate CET is now a renewable certification.

The Associate Electronics Technician also has an optional Hands-On component that can be used as a part of the training process.

Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978

ETA Certifications
The ETA Renewable Energy Certification program includes a three level career path for installers, technicians and integrators. For installer/technicians:
Level I requires a test in specialty area consisting of a written and hands-on component (Level 1 installers must work under a qualified supervisor). Level II requires the ETA Electronics Module 1 (DC) and Electronics Module 2 (AC) exams, as well as an advanced test in the area of specialty that includes both a written and hands-on component. Individuals must have twelve months of documented experience working in the field. Level III requires the ETA Electronics Module 4 (Digital) exam and 36 months of documented experience working in the field. Individuals must pass a comprehensive test that includes not only the technical competencies, but management and standards as well. *Note: Schools may train at Level 1, but individuals applying for Levels II & III must have on the job experience.

Electric Vehicle Technician Stand-Alone EVT $200.00 Electric Vehicle Technicians (EVTs) work on vehicles powered solely by electricity. They perform routine maintenance like other mechanics; however, Electric Vehicle Technicians (EVTs) must have extensive knowledge of how lithium-ion batteries and automotive systems interact. In addition, they may replace hydraulically assisted systems with electricpowered systems, such as power-steering pumps or air-conditioning compressors, to improve fuel economy. Certification is for individuals interested in attaining training from an ETAInternational approved EV school. In this program students will develop skills in safety, troubleshooting and repairing of Electric Vehicles. Due to the high voltage (300 VDC and above) and safety issues involved, technicians are required to receive specialized training in both knowledge and hands-on skill items. Photovoltaic Installer Stand-Alone PVI-LVL1 $150.00 The ETA International Photovoltaic Installer Certification provides assessments in solar system installations. Individuals must have hands-on training from an ETA-approved school and be knowledgeable in topics such as solar resources and principles; selection identification; proper installation sequence, performance characteristics and troubleshooting methods; permitting best safety practices; and economical impact. Small Wind Installer Stand-Alone SWI-LVL1 $150.00 The ETA International Small Wind Installer Certification provides practical assessments in wind power energy generation under 100 kW. Hands-on training from an ETA-approved school is necessary and individuals should be educated in the following topics include: theory of wind energy and electrical generation; site evaluation; design and selection of wind systems; proper installation, components and troubleshooting methods; safety; finance; and environmental assessment and management.

Biomedical Electronics Technician Journeyman Option BMD $75.00 Biomedical electronics technicians are expected to obtain knowledge of the principles of modern biomedical techniques, the proper procedure in the care, handling and maintenance of biomedical equipment and to display an attitude/behavior expected of an electronics technician who works in a hospital or healthcare environment. Biomedical Imaging Equipment Technician Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone BIET $75.00 A BIET should be familiar with the following topics: Anatomy, Medical Terminology, Computer, Electro/Mechanical Safety, Picture Archive Communication System, Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment, Building Wiring, Basic Radiographic Equipment, Film Processing, Test Equipment, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography, Nuclear Medicine, Codes and Regulations, Troubleshooting, Radiation Safety, Radiation Physics, and Linear Accelerators.


ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

ETA Certifications
Certified Network Computer Technician Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone CNCT $75.00 Certified Network Computer Technicians are expected to obtain knowledge of computer electronics basic concepts, Internet and networking technology applicable to various areas of the computer industry. More specifically, CNCTs must be able to function, structure, operate, file manage, install, configure/upgrade, manage memory, diagnose and troubleshoot operating systems and hardware (including motherboard and processors and printers). Certified Network Systems Technician Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone CNST $100.00 A Certified Network Systems Technician is a network professional who is expected to obtain knowledge of computer network basic concepts, which are applicable to the various specialty areas of the computer industry. CNSTs must acquire one of the following: the CST (Computer Service Technician), CNCT (Certified Network Computer Technician), or the A+ as a prerequisite to sitting for the CNST examination. The CNST must be familiar with the following: Computer Network Terminology, Network Administration, Wide Area Networks and Devices Used to Extend Networks, Network Architectures, Computer Network Topologies and Classifications, Network Services, Network Operations, Network Standards, Troubleshooting LAN/WAN Test Equipment, Network Server and Workstation Computer System Hardware, Network Operating Systems, and Disaster and Security Planning for Networks. Computer Service Technician Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone CST $75.00 The following can be expected to identify the major areas of trainingstudyknowledge and skills which the Computer Service Technician needs in order to perform the job of servicing the hardware and the systems software for personal computers: Computer AssemblyDisassembly; Motherboards; Buses; System Resources, Processor Characteristics; Memory Characteristics (Physical & Electronic); Secondary Storage Devices; Peripheral Devices; I/O Ports; Power Concepts and Power Supplies; Basic Networking Concepts; Portables; Digital Concepts; Troubleshooting/Preventive Maintenance; current Operating Systems; File Management; Safety Procedures/Handling; and Workplace Practices. Wireless Network Technician Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone WNT $75.00 The Certified Wireless Network Technician is a network professional who is expected to obtain knowledge of the operation and maintenance of wireless networking concepts, RF and IR propagation and modulation technologies, which are applicable to all the various specialty areas of the wireless networking industry. Once the WNT has acquired these skills and knowledge, the technician will be able to enter employment in any part of the networking industry. With minimal training in areas unique to the specific products, the WNT should become a productivemember of computer industry workforce.


CompTIA A+ Rollover to CST If earned within the last three years, your CompTIA A+ certification makes you eligible for a rollover to an ETA CST certification. You will need to send a copy of your A+ certificate to ETA via fax or email. CompTIA Network+ Rollover to CNST If earned within the last three years, your CompTIA Network+ certification makes you eligible for a rollover to an ETA CNST certification. You will need to send a copy of your Network+ certificate to ETA via fax or email. Visit http://www.eta-i.org/certification_rollovers.html to rollover your certifications today!

Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978


ETA Certifications
MR56 Installer Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone R56 $100.00 The R56 Installer is a non-Auditor certification, which validates examinees knowledge of the core concepts required in the installation of a communications site, based on the R56 industry codes and standards. It should be attempted by installation contractors, service shops, project supervisors, project managers, site construction teams, and electrical contractors involved with communications site installation and construction. Examinees must complete a Motorola approved Communications Site Installer (R56) training course. BroadbandVoice over Internet Protocol Stand-Alone BVoIP $150.00 BVoIP technicians are versed in telephone and Internet communications. They install, maintain and repair/replace voice, data and video over Internet Protocol equipment. They are capable of interconnecting BVoIP equipment to local and wide area computer network systems. They are familiar with many acronyms used in the telecom industry. They are capable of performing cable installation, replacement/modernization and interconnection between different cable types and wireless equipment. They are knowledgeable in all the protocols being used for the telecommunications industry. They are capable of configuring and provisioning BVoIP equipment and transmission media. Distributed Antenna Systems Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone DAS $100.00 Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) technicians and installers covers basic knowledge concepts of distributed antenna systems and antenna installation. This also includes service and skills applicable to all of the functions required to safely and completely install, maintain, troubleshoot and provide support of in-building distributed antenna systems, communications and electronic equipment. Certified Satellite Installer Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone CSI $75.00 CSI Endorsements $60.00 ea. (A discount is available if all four are taken together at one sitting) The exams are practical and cover a broad range of hardware and broadcast technology, but are not limited to specific brands of products. The CSI covers: Satellite Communications History & Theory, Satellite Dish Reflectors, Cabling, Amplifiers, Satellite Dish Feedhorns LNBs & LNBFs, Satellite System Installation Site Surveys, Satellite Receivers Digital Technology, Interfacing With Other Consumer Electronics Equipment, Transmission Internet Systems, Troubleshooting, Repairs, Sun Outage, and Safety. Four endorsements are also available. Antenna (CSIA) roof top antennas, towers, and rotors. C and Ku Band (CSIC/Ku) aiming, installation and troubleshooting of large dish systems. Commercial (CSICOM) VSAT and other commercial satellite systems including Internet twoway units. SMATV (CSI SMATV) satellite antenna signal distribution systems for multiple unit dwellings including cabletype headends. Available CSI Endorsements: Antenna C and KU Band Commercial S-MATV General Communications Technician Stand-Alone GCT-LVL1 $100.00 The General Communications Technician certification is a program that is modeled after communication systems basics and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) guidelines covering all of the disciplines in the COMT program. The purpose of the GCT is to provide a study guide and training program, along with the appropriate certification testing that covers all of the areas a radio communications technician and engineer will encounter in the public safety communications or business / commercial radio field. Mobile Communications and Electronics Installer Stand-Alone MCEI-LVL1 $100.00 This certification includes basic knowledge concepts of land mobile radio (LMR) and associated electronics equipment installation. This also incorporates required skills applicable to all of the functions required to safely and completely install mobile communications and associated electronic equipment, including removal and reinstallation.


ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

ETA Certifications
Personal Communication Service Cellular Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone PCSC $75.00 A Personal Communication Service Cellular examination will cover a variety of categories. A PCSC must be familiar with: RF transmit, propagate and receive principles, Technical Procedures, Technical capabilities, Test equipment, Knowledge of Components, Antennas, Frequency bands, Customer Relations, Safety, and Regulations. Passive Intermodulation Testing Stand-Alone PIM $125.00 Passive Intermodulation (PIM) is a form of interference where intermodulation mixing occurs within the confines of the transmission line and antenna network of a radio system. On multi-channel or broadband radio systems, the intermodulation products can and do cause the transmitter downlink energy to mix and come back into the system on the receive uplink frequencies and degrade system performance at the site. If the PIM is high, the radio coverage can be seriously degraded. Testing the antenna system during construction reduces the possibility of PIM and becomes the final quality check for antenna construction and operation at the site. Experience has proven antenna systems that cannot pass the PIM test will never have the range from that site that the engineers have designed for that site to operate with. The ETA PIM course and certification assures site managers that quality antenna installation has taken place and meets the desired engineering and propagation standard for that site, the PIM test set operator knows how to use the testing equipment hardware, and can do so in a safe and harmless manner. Additionally, the ETA certification is based on the IEC 60237 standard covering the installation of antennas, connectors, jumpers and related antenna network elements, allowing the holder of that certification to use any manufacturers test set at any frequency range. An ETA certified technician has a clear understanding of antenna theory and interference testing and will be well positioned to help resolve site PIM issues, so resolving these interference issues will be easier for the ETA certified technician. New site construction requirements are now specifying PIM testing as part of the site commissioning process as design engineers become aware of the added value of this test. RADAR RAD Journeyman Option RAD $75.00 Radar electronics technicians are expected to obtain knowledge of radar basics and concepts, which are then applicable to all the various types of avionics, maritime and land Radar systems. RADAR Electronics Technicians must be knowledgeable and have abilities in the following technical and human relations areas: Block Diagrams and Schematics, Components, Cabling and Antennas, Hand Tools & Soldering, Mathematics, Amplifiers, RADAR Transceivers, Interfacing, Satellite, Wireless, and Data Communications, Computers and Digital Concepts, SoftwareProgramming, Troubleshooting, and People Relations. Telecommunications Electronics Technician Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone TCM $75.00 Telecommunications electronics technicians are expected to obtain knowledge of wired and wireless communications basic concepts, which are then applicable to various types of voice, data and video systems. Telecommunications Electronics Technicians must be knowledgeable and have abilities in the following technical areas: Cables and Cabling, Analog Telephony, Equipment, Telecom Safety and Mathematics, Transmission Service Providers and Protocols, Distribution Methods, Computer, Digital Telephony, Interfacing, Internet, Network Infrastructures and Topologies, Office Wiring, Wireless Telephony, Test Equipment, Optical Wiring, and Troubleshooting. Wireless Communications WCM Journeyman Option WCM $75.00 The following is a listing of each topic considered necessary to be included in a course of study directed towards the education of workers performing installation, maintenance and repair of mobile and fixed radio communications systems: Radio Theory, Components, Terminology and Symbols, Basic Analog Circuits, Transmission Lines, Antennas and Towers, Cabling and Connectors, Block Diagrams, Schematics, Flow Charts, Hand Tools and Soldering, Grounding Lightning Protection, Radio Mathematics and Formulas, Interfacing, Computer and Digital Circuits, Computer Applications, Internet Applications, Mobile Systems, SatelliteDataTelecommunications, Radio Environment Workplace Safety and Business Practices, Frequency Bands for Mobile Communications, Test Equipment and Measurements, Troubleshooting, Commercial Radio Networks, Modulations Schemes, Control Systems, RF Interference and RF Coverage Analysis, Testing and Diagnosis.

USMSS Motorola Service Stations Journeyman Option USMSS $100.00 A wireless communications certification focused primarily on the private wireless industry. The USMSS is based on the Wireless Communications (WCM) competencies with the addition of areas related to LMR.


Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978


ETA Certifications
Commercial Radio Operator Licenses FCC Licenses are required by law to operate and maintain many types of communications equipment. The broadcast, aeronautics and maritime industries are the primary employers of commercial license holders. Many other fields now require FCC licenses. New technologies are evolving which need qualified technicians and operators to comply with procedures and rules needed to bring order to the world communications maze. One element $50.00 Any two elements taken together $50.00 Any three elements taken together $70.00 Additional elements taken at same sitting $20.00 License Renewals $80.00

Marine Radio Operator Permit (MROP) Element 1 This is required to operate radiotelephone stations aboard certain vessels that sail the Great Lakes. It is also necessary to operate radiotelephone stations aboard vessels of more than 300 gross tons and for vessels which carry more than 6 passengers for hire in the open sea or any tidewater area of the United States, and it is also mandatory to operate certain aviation radiotelephone stations and certain coast radiotelephone stations. General Radiotelephone Operator License (GROL) Elements 1 & 3 Required to adjust, maintain, or internally repair FCC licensed radiotelephone transmitters in aviation, maritime, and international fixed public radio services. It conveys the operating authority of the MROP. It is also required to operate maritime land radio stations and voluntarily equipped ship and aeronautical stations. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Operator License (GMDSS-O) Elements 1 & 7 Qualifies personnel as Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) radio operators for the purposes of operating GMDSS radio installations, including some basic equipment adjustments. It also confers the operating authority of the MP. Also offered at ETA GMDSS, restricted license for recreational vessels 1020 miles from shore. This is a voluntary license. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Maintainer License (GMDSS-M) Elements 1, 3, & 9 Qualifies personnel as GMDSS radio maintainers to perform assea repair and maintenance of GMDSS equipment. It also confers operating authority of the PG and MP. Radiotelegraph Certificate T3authorizes operation of certain coast radiotelegraph stations. It also confers the operating authority of the MROP. T2Authorizes holder to operate, maintain, and repair ship and coast radiotelegraph stations in the maritime services. It confers operating authority of the T3, MP, and Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit. T1Required only for those who serve as the chief radio operator on a United States passenger ship. It conveys all the operating authority of a T2, T3, MP, and Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit. Ship Radar Endorsement Element 8 Only persons whose commercial radio operator license bears this endorsement may repair, maintain, or internally adjust ship radar equipment. To qualify, you must hold or qualify for a PG, DM, T1 or T2, as well as pass the written examination.


ETA Certification offers higher-level certifications for technicians who exhibit exceptional skill in their field(s). These are for technicians with six or more years of experience who want to show their dedication to their profession and value to their employer/customers. Senior Technician: A technician with six or more years of combined work and electronics training may apply for the Senior level certification. To be a Senior Certified Electronics Technician (CETsr), an entire certification exam must be passed (which consists of the Associate level exam plus one of the specialized Journeyman options). This exam deals with advanced practice and theory applicable to the electronics specialty selected. The applicant must score at least 85% on the Journeyman portion to pass. The Senior level certification is intended for, but not limited to, the professional electronics service technicians, technician-managers, consultants, and electronics educators who have been active in the industry for six or more years. Master Technician: A technician with six or more years combined work and electronics training may be eligible for the ETA Master Certified Electronics Technician (CETma) certification. The Master certification was created to showcase those technicians who are able to demonstrate proficiency in the many fields of electronics. In addition to the Associate level certification, one must successfully obtain six other certifications, with no more than two originating from the same specialized category, in order to qualify. All certifications must be current. Passing score on all ETA exams is 75% or higher. The Master level certification is designed for, but not limited to, professional electronics service technicians, technician-managers, consultants and electronics educators. This is the highest level of ETA certification available.


ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

ETA Certifications
Certified Alarm Security Technician Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone CAST $75.00 AlarmSecurity Technicians must be able to identify and describe the operations of alarms and have basic understanding of technology and its configuration, fiber optics telecommunications, software, and computers and locks. The CAST will be able to explain, understand, and use block diagrams and schematics, digital concepts, software, hand toolssoldering, data communications, and cameras and intercoms. Electronic Security Networking Technician Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone ESNT $100.00 The ESNT was developed for technicians who have gained knowledge and skills needed to properly cable, connect, install, program and troubleshoot IP-enabled security devices onto local area networks and the Internet. This certification is an acknowledgement of the examinees familiarization and understanding of the hardware and theory of operation of this medium. It is a stand-alone certification that can also be used as a Journeyman option.

Over the last five to eight years, homes have been readied for broadband use, and there will be close to 1.2 billion connected consumer electronics devices in use by 2013 (iSuppli)

Residential Electronics Systems Integrator Stand-Alone RESI $75.00 RESI Endorsements $75.00 ea. Residential Electronics Systems Integrator is a professional certification for those who design and oversee the installation and integration of electronics systems in residences and light commercial buildings. The objective of the Integrator is to produce a residential or light commercial electronics systems package that will allow all data, control, and communication signals to be integrated at the premise controller and converged into one secure cohesive communication stream, to either be used within the premise or to be passed back and forth through the gateway. The Integrator should be proficient in the many protocols used over diverse media to communicate with and control residential and light commercial electronics systems. Available RESI Endorsements: Audio-Video Computer Networking Switch Closed Circuit TV Security-Surveillance Environmental Control Master Residential Electronics Systems Integrator Stand-Alone RESIma $75.00 The MASTER RESI certification prerequisites include successfully completing the core RESI certification requirements plus holding each of the five RESI endorsements.

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Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978


ETA Certifications
ARINC Fabricator, Installer, Technician Stand-Alone AFF, AFI, AFT $175.00 ea. ARINC organizes aviation industry committees and participates in related industry activities that benefit aviation at large by providing technical leadership and guidance. These activities directly support aviation industry goals: promote safety, efficiency, regularity, and costeffectiveness in aircraft operations. ARINC recognizes ETA International as the fiber optic industry training certification entity in regards to the aerospace industry in the United States. The ARINC certification is based on the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standards. Data Cabling Installer Stand-Alone DCIC $150.00 ETA Data Cabling Installers are expected to know the basic concepts of copper cabling installation and servicewhich are then applicable to all the procedures required to safely and competently install communications cabling. Basic electricity and safety; data communications basics; definitions, symbols and abbreviations; cable construction and types; cable performance characteristics; cabling standards; basic network topologies; basic network architectures; National Electric Code (NEC); cabling system components; DCIC installation tools; connectors and outlets; cabling system design; cabling installation; connector installation; cabling testing and certification; cabling troubleshooting; documentation. Fiber Optic Installer Stand-Alone FOI $150.00 A Fiber Optic Installer has a general understanding of optical fiber installation, connectorization, splicing, and testing, is familiar with optical fiber, connector, and splice performance characteristics described in TIA/EIA-568B, ITU-T G.671, ITU-T G.652 and Telcordia GR-326 A Fiber Optic Installer can perform connector endface evaluation as described in TIA/EIA-455-57B, is proficient in optical loss testing as described in TIA/EIA-526-14A, and understands the installation requirements described in articles 770 and 250 of the National Electrical Code. A Fiber Optic Installer is proficient at the installation of connectors on various types fiber of optic cables using various types of epoxies, and can perform mechanical and fusion splicing. Fiber Optics Technician Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone FOT $150.00 A Fiber Optic Technician has a full understanding of inside plant optical fiber, connector, and splice performance characteristics as described in TIA-568C and can use these performance characteristics to create a worst case power budget for a fiber optic cable plant. An FOT can proficiently perform optical loss testing as described in TIA/EIA-526-14A and perform connector endface evaluation as described in TIA-45557B. Using an OTDR an FOT can effectively locate faults in a fiber optic cable, mated connector pair, or splice as well as evaluate optical fiber performance, mated connector pair performance, or splice performance for compliance with TIA-568C. Fiber Optics TechnicianOutside Plant Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone FOTOSP $150.00

A Fiber Optic Technician Outside Plant (OSP) must be able to properly terminate, test and troubleshoot singlemode fiber optic communication systems. This includes various types of termination techniques applicable to high speed laser based systems including SONET, DWDM, FTTx, CATV networks using ITU-T G.652 and G.655 singlemode fibers. Disciplines include mechanical and fusion splicing per the TIA-758 standard and the preparation of fiber optical cables and cable management products. Testing and troubleshooting of each element of the fiber optic communication systems along with unique test requirements of SONET, DWDM, FTTx, and CATV networks. Testing roles include optical loss testing of transmission equipment and fiber spans per the TIA-526-7 standard along with an understanding of OTDR theory and skills including acceptance testing and troubleshooting of fiber optic elements and spans. The FOT-OSP understands optical loss budgets, not to exceed loss budgets and has the knowledge and skills required for troubleshooting singlemode OSP fiber optic communications systems addressing the roles of attenuation, dispersion and refection and how to identify and troubleshoot each. The FOT-OSP should have a basic understanding of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and the National Electrical Code (NEC) and all safety conditions specific to the outside plant environment and the applicable transmission equipment.

SAE Fabricator, Installer, Technician Stand-Alone SFF, SFI, SFT $175.00 ea. For individuals involved in the manufacturing, installation, support, integration and testing of fiber optics systems. Intended for managers, engineers, technicians, trainers/instructors, third party maintenance organizations, quality assurance and personal production. Both the SAE and ARINC certifications are based on the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standards.


ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

ETA Certifications
Fiber Optics Designer Stand-Alone FOD $150.00 The Electronics Technicians Association 40hour certified Fiber Optics Designer (FOD) training program is an optical designer certification that will provide an indepth knowledge of optical local area networks. This certification covers all aspects of a successful fiber optic system design from network protocols, network configurations, optical cabling, industry communications standards, determination of fiber count, hardware selection, splicing/termination methods, and cable system testing and documentation. All that is learned in class is put into practice through multiple and intensive case studies. The ETA certified Fiber Optics Designer program provides detailed instruction and practice of Local Area Network fiber optic design. Photonics Technician Operator Stand-Alone PTO $200.00 (4 exams of $50/ea.) Photonics technicians work in jobs where they assemble, measure, test, and repair optical components such as lenses, mirrors, filters, fiber optics and electro-optic or other photonics devices plus optical sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Technicians typically work in applications where photonics is an enabling technology- such as manufacturing/materials processing, internet/communications, biomedical equipment, and defense/homeland security systems development/integration. Due to the high technical standards and safety issues involved, technicians will receive specialized training in both knowledge and hands-on skill items. Photonics Technician Specialist Stand-Alone PTS $200 (4 exams at $50/ea.) Photonics technicians work in jobs where they assemble, measure, test, and repair optical components such as lenses, mirrors, filters, fiber optics and electro-optic or other photonics devices plus optical sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Technicians Specialists work in areas that utilize the skills and knowledge of the Operator Level, but also an additional higher level of optics, photonics physics and technology and that require a greater variety of hands-on competencies in laser and optical components and systems. They typically work in applications such as the following: research and development laboratory; product development, test, and production specialists who are team members for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of lasers, optics, and photonics components and systems; field service specialists for OEMs or companies that manufacture and/or utilize lasers, optics, and photonics components and systems. They are graduates of AAS degree programs that focus specifically on optics, lasers and photonics. Specialist in Precision Optics Stand-Alone SPO $150 (3 exams at $50/ea.) Precision Optics Technicians produce, test, and handle optical (infrared, visible, and ultraviolet) components that are used in lasers and sophisticated electrooptical systems for defense, homeland security, aerospace, biomedical equipment, digital displays, renewable energy production, and nanotechnology. POTs also integrate precision optical components into these electrooptical systems and maintain them, including handling, storage and transport. POTs will also have experience in shaping, polishing, and coating precision optics; using optical instruments; understanding procedures and guidelines for verifying optical component dimensions and tolerances. These technicians have a greater range of hands-on competencies and experience with fabrication and test of a wider range of types of optics and optical coatings. Technician in Precision Optics Stand-Alone TPO $100 (2 exams at $50/ea.) Precision Optics technicians work in optical component fabrication technical areas in optical shops, optics manufacturers and in quality control departments (incoming and/or outgoing inspection) for organizations that incorporate precision optics into various systems. They must be able to examine the properties and uses of a variety of bulk materials; have experience in the use of equipment and procedures for shaping, polishing, and coating precision optics; and be able to use optical instruments, procedures and guidelines for verifying optical component dimensions and tolerances. They can also handle, store and ship precision optical components. Precision Optics Technicians have the minimum required hands-on competencies and experience with fabrication and test of fewer types of optics. Due to the high technical standards and safety issues involved, technicians will receive specialized training in both knowledge and hands-on skill items. Termination and Testing Technician Stand-Alone TTT $100.00 This certification is directed towards the education to properly, terminate, connect, test and troubleshoot IP-enabled voice/data/video cable and devices to each other. One of the key advantages to using Cat 5e/6/6A and fiber optic cables and connectors for electronic security and voice/video/data installations is that these cable connections can be readily built using the proper tools and techniques, which will be taught in the required course. This part of the training will emphasize the ETA challenge of being vendor-neutral and applying industry standards for terminations and cable performance. The knowledge gained by the examinees will be applicable to any vendors products within the scope of the technology studied. One of the primary principles of the network cabling standards is that if a cable is properly terminated and tests satisfactory, that cable can be used to connect any proper device from any manufacturer. There are hundreds of vendors making thousands of different IP network devices, any and all of which can be readily connected to a network if the cable to be used is properly terminated and tested.
Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978 17

ETA Certifications
Avionics Journeyman Option AVN $75.00 The avionics specialty is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of individuals who install, maintain and adjust electronics equipment, cabling and the accessories used in aviation communications and control equipment. An FCC GROL is also highly recommended. Several of the topics covered in this examination include: Avionics Systems, Cabling, Computers and Digital Concepts, Amplifiers, Interfacing, Antennas and Transmission Lines Components, Mathematics, Network Topologies and Infrastructures, People Relations, Optical Cabling, Safety, Test Equipment and Tools and Satellite Communications. Commercial Audio Technician Journeyman Option CAT $75.00 The Commercial Audio Technician (CAT) is a certification for sound system technicians who need to design, install and troubleshoot speech and music sound systems in commercial and institutional environments. Commercial Audio Technicians must be knowledgeable in Acoustics, Microphones, Speakers, Sound & Measurements, Wiring, 70Volt Systems, Troubleshooting, Safety, Codes and Standards. Customer Service Specialist Stand-Alone CSS $75.00 The Customer Service Specialist (CSS) is a certification that validates ones work skills through employability concepts. Though developed to meet the role of an evolving service oriented electronics technician, CSS is relevant to every industry, employer and employee. Topics included are Safety, Ethics, Respect, Teamwork, Communication, Telephone and Email Techniques, Problem Solving, Interpersonal Relationships, and Sales and Marketing. Gaming and Vending Technician Stand-Alone GVT $100.00 The gaming and vending technician certification is intended for entry level technicians with a sound background in electronics. Technicians will work in the field to troubleshoot, repair and calibrate gaming and vending type equipment. Money handling, basic electrical, circuitry, computer hardware and software, and safety are topics included in this certification. The GVT is a standalone certification and must be maintained every 4 years. Industrial Journeyman Option IND $75.00 Industrial journeymanlevel electronics technicians are expected to obtain knowledge of industrial electronics basic concepts, which are then applicable to all the various specialty areas of industry. Industrial Electronics Technicians must be knowledgeable and have abilities in the following technical and human relations areas: Amplifiers, Optical Wiring, Block DiagramsSchematics, Power Supplies, Test EquipmentTools, Mathematics, ComputersDigital Concepts, Safety, SatelliteWirelessData, Communications, Cabling, Troubleshooting, Motors, Programmable Logic Controllers, and Software. Certified Service Manager Stand-Alone CSM $150.00 This is a valuable examination for those who serve as managers, owners or department heads of service businesses such as electronics, computer, communications and appliance repair facilities. Several of the topics covered in this examination include: Manager Responsibilities and Objectives, Personnel Profiles and Job Descriptions, Team Building, Training, Hiring and Employment Laws, Employee Compensation Systems, Customer Relations Policies and Skills, Service Policies, Service/Production Area Development, Test Equipment Needs and Procurement, Financial and Parts Department Management, Warranties and Risk of Liability, Contract Negotiation, Vehicle Procurement and Maintenance, Association Memberships/Involvement, Quality Systems, Security, Safety/OSHA, and Project Management. Line & Antenna Sweep Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone LAS $100.00 This frequency domain reflectometer (FDR) certification includes a hands-on testing and verification of line and antenna sweeping skills using modern FDR equipment, as well as a written exam. The LAS is a stand-alone certification, but it can be used as a Journeyman CET option when the Associate, or basic electronics, is also passed. The written exam must be passed with a score of 75% or higher. Radio Frequency Identification Technical Specialist Journeyman Option or Stand-Alone RFID $100.00 This certification is intended for an electronics technician with an understanding of RFID. The technician should have a basic understanding of the hardware and theory of operation of radio communications as it applies to RFID radio transceiver technology. RFID is a stand-alone but can be used as a Journeyman option when the Associate exam is also taken and passed.

Certifying Todays Technician in Tomorrows Technology!

18 ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

ETA Membership
BENEFITS Member Benefit Non-Member
The High-Tech News, ETAs bi-monthly magazine, full of industry news, certification information and technical tips Online Practice Exams Career Resource Center Study Materials Discounted rates for ETAs annual convention FREE $20.00 FREE FREE Resum and Job Postings Discounts on selected texts Discount on registration fees Members Only FREE Resume and Job Postings Members Only Members Only


Who Can Join? If you plan to or are currently working in any area of electronics or customer service, you are eligible to join ETA. Students, instructors, technicians, trainers, distributors, company owners, military personnel and certified technicians all hold membership in ETA. Now you can too! ETA International offers four (5) types of membership: Individual, Student, Institutional, and Lifetime. All Memberships are good for one year. Each will receive a wallet card and wall certificate.

Individual: Price: $40.00 Domestic / $55.00 International Members of ETA receive a subscription to The High-Tech News (HTN), ETAs bi-monthly publication and discounts on ETA study materials, merchandise, and the Career Resource Center, in addition to access to the Members Only site that includes free practice exams, HTN archives, and many other exculsive materials. Student: * Price: $20.00 Domestic / $35.00 International Student memberships apply to those who are enrolled at state and commercial electronics training institutes or in correspondence and military courses. Students also receive the same benefits as those who are individual members of ETA in addition to assistance in developing a successful career. ETA offers professionals help in improving their resumes and other materials needed by employers. * Student ID or current course schedule required. Institutional (Includes 4 Individual Memberships): Price: $250.00 Domestic / $350 International Hardware manufacturers, public and private educational institutions, service providers, and affiliated groups can have a voice as an institutional member with ETA. Institutional memberships enjoy the same benefits as Individual memberships. Master CET: Price: $25.00 Domestic / $45.00 International Youve earned distinction within the industry by becoming a Master Certified Electronics Technician (CETma). ETA can help you connect with other professionals from around the world to discuss issues, share experiences, and learn from one another. In addition, your membership gives you access to our Members Only technical publications, seminars, workshops, newsletters and special services the same as the Individual membership. Lifetime: Price: $500 Domestic / $1,000 International If you would like a Lifetime membership with no annual renewals at a great discount, then this is the option for you! Included are all of the perks of the Individual membership plus the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting your industry with a lifetime commitment to ETA.

To sign up for ETA Membership, please visit www.eta-i.org/join_eta.html

Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978


Where are ETA-Certified Individuals?

In 2013 alone, technicians at the following companies chose to become certified through ETA International. This list does not include the thousands of students in electronics who also became certified in 2013.
10th Marine Reg HQ Btn 1st TSC HHC G-6 2D Radio BN 2TZ Inc 2-Way Communications Service/Newington 364 TRS/TTKMS Sheppard AFB A T & T / Pacific Bell A T & T / SBC A T & T Alaska A T & T Corp A T & T Mobility A T & T SBC Internet Service A T & T Southeast A T & T Telecom A T & T U-Verse A Telecommunication Svc Inc ABC Television Access Communications Ace Telephone Association ADI/Honeywell Advanced Comm & Elec Inc Advanced Control Concepts Advanced Electronics/Redondo Beach Advanced Signal Advanced Technology Center Advantage Communications Adventist LaGrange Memorial Hospital Aerzen USA Affordable Engineering Services AFL Telecommunications Air Services of Cleveland Airwave Communications Enterprises AJ Construction of WI LLC Alabama DOT Alabama Technology Alaska Communications Systems Alaska DOT Alaska Railroad Corp Albany Communications and Microwave Albertville Municipal Utilities Albertville Utility Rd Alcom Electronic Communications Alion All Points Wireless All Star I & E Inc All Systems Alliance Telecom Ltd Allied Barton Allied Professional Training Allied Technology Group Inc Alpine West Systems Electrical Alta Group of Companies Altec Systems Inc Altus IT Alyeska Pipeline Services American Alarm & Communications Inc American Broadband American Museum of Natural History AmeriSkills Amerizon Wireless Amprite Electrical Company Amptronic Anadarko Petroleum Anchorage School District Ancom Technical Center Andrews High School Antioch Unified SD Apex APL Access & Security A-Plus Telecommunication Appliance Traders Limited Applied Professional Training Arcata Associates Inc ArCom Systems Inc Arctic Slope Telephone Association Arden Engineering Ark-La-Tex Two Way Arlington County DOT Armal Alarm/OSP Arrow S3 Arrowhead Electric Corporation Arts Handyman Services ASI Career Institute Assurant Solutions ASTAC A-T Solutions Atlanta Communications ATRG Technical Services LLC ATSI Aubrey Silvey Enterprises Auburn School Dist #408 Augusta Communications Augusta Utilities Austin Energy Automotive Components Holdings LLC Automotive Plastic Specialist Avaya Systems Aviation Institute of Maintenance Avid Solutions B & B Signal Company B & C Communications B & C Tower BAE Systems Baker Hughes Baldwin Telecom Banctec Bank of Guam Bank of the West Barbeck Comm Inc DBA Dixon Ottowa Comm Inc Batelco BAYCOM Inc / Green Bay BAYCOM Inc / Milwaukee BC Hydro BC Institute of Technology BCE Nexxia Beale Innovations Bear Communications & Electronics/Chantilly Bear Communications & Electronics/Columbus Bear Communications & Electronics/Deer Park Bear Communications & Electronics/Garland Bear Communications & Electronics/Las Vegas Bear Communications & Electronics/Los Angeles Bear Communications & Electronics/Marietta Bear Creek Mountain Resort Belize Telemedia Limited Bell South Bellevue Hospital Center Benton County Electric Bergen County Police Dept Bering Sea Eccotech BHF BHI Biogen Idec Birdman Communications Bismarck State College Black & Veatch Corp Black Construction Corp Blackstone Valley Regional High School Blackstone Valley Tech High School Blue Bird Network Blumerich Comm Svc Inc Bobcat Specialties LLC Boeing Bonneville Contracting Bonneville Power Admin Boren Industries Bowhead BIPS Briggs Healthcare Bright House Networks Bristol Bay Telephone British Columbia Rapid Transit British Embassy Brown Mackie College Buckeye Hills Career Center Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railway Bush-Tell Inc BVT C R Services CA Dept of Water CA Institute of Technology Cable Broadband & Telco Cablevision Cablevision of NYC CALPIA Printing Caltech Canadian National RR Canyon State Wireless/Sierra Vista Carbon Career & Technical Institute Careerline Tech Center Carel Group Inc Caribbean Broilers Ltd Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology LLC Carlisle Interconnect Technologies Carnegie Mellon University Carrier Comm DBA Multi-Media Comm Carter Brothers LLC Carthage Water & Electronics CCI Cel-Com Systems Ltd Cementation USA Center Point Energy Center Point High School Central Communications & Electronics Inc Central Westmoreland CTC Centre du Telephone Mobile Ltee Century Link Certified Telecom Charles Industries Ltd Charleston Job Corps Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Chatham Electric Chesterfield Technical School Chestnut Ridge Radio Comm Cheyenne Mountain AFB Chicago Communications LLC/Elmhurst Childrens Hospital of WI China Cables Direct Chugach Electric Association Chugach-McKinley Inc Circle City Telecom City & County of San Francisco City of Bellingham WA City of Billings MT City of Concord NC City of Coppell TX City of Denton TX City of Dothan AL City of Eugene Public Works City of Fairfax VA City of Fontana CA City of Franklin TN City of Galesburg MI City of Gallatin Dept of Electric City of Hamilton OH City of Lowell MI City of Palo Alto CA City of Port St Lucie FL City of Pueblo CO City of Rochelle Municipal City of Spanish Fork UT City of Tulsa OK Clear Communications & Electr/Charlottesville CN Railroad Coast to Coast Lighting Inc CoastCom Inc Cochrane Telephone Company Coeur Alaska Coeur Rochester College of New Caledonia Collins Communications Colorado DOT Colorado State University Columbia County Georgia Columbia Public School District Columbus Communications Inc Columbus Networks Colville Confederated Tribes Comcast Comm Serv Co of Daytona Inc DBA Radio One Comm Specialists Inc / Columbia Commdex Consulting Commenco Inc Commercial Wireless Solutions LP CommScope Inc Communication Planning Co Communications Electronics of Maryland Communications Electronics of Pennsylvania Communications Electronics of Virginia Communications Group Red Deer Ltd Communications Service - DR Spaulding Inc Communications Service Co DBA Radio One Communications Service Co of Daytona Communications Service Inc / Asheville Communications Service Inc / Portage Communications Specialist Inc / Columbia Communications Technologies Inc / Rock Springs Comproducts Inc DBA B & C Comm / Akron Comproducts Inc DBA B & C Comm / Ashland


ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

Where are ETA-Certified Individuals?

Comproducts Inc DBA B & C Comm / Columbus Comproducts Inc DBA B & C Comm / Parma Comproducts Inc DBA B & C Comm / Chillicothe Comserco Inc/Victorville Comsource of Michigan Comsouth Inc/Meridian Comtronics Corporation Conley & Associates Inc Conroc Solutions Contact Network Inc Continental Wireless Inc Control Communications Inc / Davie Control Communications Inc / Miami Convergint Technologies Conway Corporation Core Tech International Coresite Corestaff Corning Cable Systems Corstar Coshocton County Career Center Cosner Comtech Inc Costa Rica Telecom Regulator Cox Communications CPT Landis CPT Manning CRCI Creative Communications/Phoenix CRI Lighting Cross Country Cable Crown Plastics CTS Consolidated Telecom Serv / Round Rock CTS Consolidated Telecom Serv / San Antonio CTS Consolidated Telecom Serv / Temple Cubic Transportation Systems Custom CPU Cyber Communications Cypress Communications D & D Communications Inc Damar Services Danielson Inc Dans Excavating Inc Danville Telecom DaVita Inc Day Management Corp DBA Day Wireless Sys DCS Radio Communication Inc Del Mar College Delaware River Port Authority Delmarva Communications Inc Delta Airlines Delta Wireless/Sacramento Department of Defense Department of Enterprise Department of Homeland Security Department of Labor Department of State Department of Veterans Affairs DFW Communications/Arlington DFW Communications/Irving DFW Communications/Lufkin DFW Communications/Tyler DGA Security Systems Digitcom Electronics / La Junta Digitcom Electronics / Monte Vista Direct Line Dish Network Diversified Electronics Inc / Forest Park DNR Laboratories Dorian Tool Int Douglas County Communications Dr Splicing Services DRJ DSCI Dubois Telephone Duke Energy Dunne Communications Dynamic Systems Technology E & R Automotive Eagle County East Kentucky Power Coop Easton Utilities Easy Energy LLC ECB Electrical Installation Services Eclipse Heating & Air ECM Automation Networks ECPI University EDA EDL Inc Electric Power Systems Electrical Technology Services Electro Telecom Electronic Engineering/Omaha Electronic Engineering/Sioux City Electronic Service Solutions/Kearny eLeet Computer Solutions Inc Elite Company Emcor Government Services Emerald Resource Emergency Radio Service Inc/Fort Wayne Engility Corporation Engineering Services Network Inc. Ensco PLC Ensco/Pride Off Shore Enterprise Products EoDesu I / US Navy EPCO Inc EPCO/Enterprise Products Epsilon Systems Solutions EQS, Inc ESPN Inc ETA International ETI Technical College Etiselat Nigeria Evergreen Fire & Security Exelon Corporation Express Radio Inc Exxonmobil F & M Mutual Tele Co Facchina Global Services Faith Communications Faith Technologies Fastenal Fathom 4 FBI Federal Express Fedex Home Delivery Fiber Network Training & Consulting Services Fiber Optic Cable Shop FiberDocs Fiberlink FiberOptic.com Fiberworks Final Phase Construction Finger Lakes Communications First Communications/Fort Walton Beach First Communications/Tallahassee First Communications/Thomasville First Step Internet Fisher Wireless Services Inc/Ukiah Flo Comm Inc Florida Communications Gov Div/Melbourne Flower City Communications LLC Foremost Foods Guam Fountainhead College Franks Radio FRCSE (DOD) Fresno City College Frontier Radio Communications/Greenwood Village Frontier Technologies Fusion Systems Future Shop/Best Buy Canada G C & E Systems Group Inc Gainesville Regional Utilities Gately Communication Co/Chesapeake Gately Communication Co/Hampton Gateway Technical College GCI Industrial Telecom GE Healthcare GE Oil & Gas GEM State Communications Gemini Communications General Atomics General Dynamics AIS General Dynamics Information Technology General Dynamics of Norfolk General Foam Plastic Corp Genesis Candeo Ltd Gentex Corp Georgia Public Web Gibsons TV / Video Service Gilwell Technology Services LLC Glenn International Glentel Inc/Burnaby Glentel Inc/Edmonton Glentel Inc/Ottawa Glentel Inc/Perth Glentel Inc/Stoney Creek Glenview Recruiting Co Global Summit Technologies GNC Live Well Goodman Networks Google Inc Google Ireland Ltd Google Singapore Government Contracting Services Government of Canada Government of Montserrat Granite Electronics Grant & Weber Granville Communications Greenlee Textron GSS Global GStek Inc Guilford County Schools H & S Electric Inc Hackel & Hackel Hamer Electric Inc Hankeys Radio Inc Hannax Consulting Limited Hargray Communications Harman Signal Processing Harris CapRock Communications Harris Security Hastys Communications-Tifton Hawaii Medical Institute HCTC-iFix Hecla Mining Company Helix IT Herkimer Radio Herzog & Reyes Inc HH Technology Service HHC 2-12CAV HiCaps Inc Hilcorp Alaska Hill Country Telephone Hillsboro Telephone Company Hilton Rose Hall Hobbs Group Holly Energy Partners Holmes Electric Honeywell Honeywell / ADI Global Hood County Sheriff Hooker Company Hope Water & Light Hopkinsville Electric Hot Wire Houle Electric Houston 2-Way Radio Houston R-1 School District Houston Refining LP Humphrey Communications Huntsville Radio Service Co Hurco Co Hurricane Tech Hy-Vee I & S Communications IBEW IBEW Local 17 Idaho DOT Ikeja Hotel Plc IL Coop Assoc (Clear Talk Comm) DBA Buchanan Illinois Central Management Illinois DOT Indiana University Industrial Communications & Electr/Billings Industrial Communications & Electr/San Antonio Industrial Maintenance Technology Infinity Molding & Assembly InfoRelay Online Systems Integral Blue Integrated Communications Inc/Memphis Integrated Communications Inc/Tupelo Integrated Logic LLC Integrated Wireless Technologies, LLC Integrity Networks Integrity Sky Network Intellecom Communications Intellitec College Interior Fiber Optic Intermountain Communications International Enterprises LLC Invision IPTEC IRC Wireless Isle of Wight County IT Tech Direct LLC IT Tech Solutions ITT Systems ITT Technical Institute Ivy Tech Community College J & J Telecom J & R Electronics J & R Underground LLC J.R. Simplot Company Jackson Rancheria Casino Jacobs JCL Inc JE Construction & Communications

Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978


Where are ETA-Certified Individuals?

Jefferson County Sherriffs Office Jesse Stutts Inc Jettyplus Integrated Serv Ltd JIBEI JM Fiber Optics JMI and Associates Job Corps John Wayne Airport Johnson Electric Jones NCTI Jordan Lumber Joy Global JSC LLC JT3 LLC Kaiser Permanente Kalona Cooperative Telephone Kamloops Alarm and Electric Kapitan Engineering Inc Kayree Inc Kelcom - Vaughan Kennedy Health System Keystone Communications Kings College Kirkwood CC Kit Technologies Limited KITCO Fiber Optics Kits Technologies LTD Kitsap County WA Kitsap Public Utility District KJS Marketing Inc KPE Electrical Contractors KTUI-TV8 L & K Communications L-3 Communications L-3 Unidyne Inc L-3 Vertex Lafayette Utilities System Lake Louise Ski Area Lakeland Communications Lane Council of Government Laster Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Leaf River Telephone Co Ledcor Technical Services Lemonwier Valley Telephone Co Lenexa Police Dept LGS Electronics Life Fitness Light Speed Fiber LIME Limore Excavating Lincoln College of Technology Lincoln Memorial University Link Distributors Corp Linward Electric Little Rock Job Corps Lockheed Martin Corporation Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control Lockheed Martin Space Sys LOMA Lorimar Group Inc Lost Nation-Elwood Telephone Louisiana Radio Communications/Lake Charles Lower Colorado River Authority LR Kimball LTC Corp Lumos Networks LUS Fiber Lyondellbassell-Citgo M C Dean Inc Madison Area Technical College Manatee County School Board Manatee Technical Institute Manawa Telephone Co ManTech International Group Mared Inc Marianas Energy Company Markdale Cable Marquette Adams Telephone Co-op Maryland Transportation Authority Matrix Service McAfee McCall Communications McCall-Thomas Engineering McIntosh Communications Megahertz Technology Inc Meridian JT Dist #2 Meridian Management Metro Communications LLC Metro Power & Light Metrocom Wireless Inc/Bedford Hill Micro Control Systems Micron Technology Microserve MICT Calicut Mid Continent Communications Mid-South Communications MIDASCO LLC Midwest Cable Mijac Alarm Mike Hogan Electric Millennium Miltec Mine Equipment & Mill Sup Miner Electronics Corp/Munster Minford Telephone Company Ministry of Education Minneapolis Convention Center Mission Critical Partners MN Army National Guard J6 MobilComm Inc Mobile Comm of Dekalb Inc/Charleston Mobile Communication Service Inc/Meadville Mobile Communication Services Inc/Livonia Mobile Phone of Texas/Witchita Falls Mobile Radio DBA Day Wireless Syst/Benicia Mobile Radio Engineers LLC DBA Day Wireless Mobile Services Montana State University Montys TV Mosaic Telecom Motion Controls Robotics Motor City Electric Motorola Gmblt Motorola Solutions Inc Motorola USFGMD-E MPA MS Air National Guard Myrtle Beach Communications National Grid National Park Service Navair Engineering Navajo Prep Naval Air Engineering Station Naval Air Warfare Center Naval Research Lab Site Detachment Naval Sea Systems Command Naval Undersea Warfare Navas Electric Inc. NAVSEA Philadelphia Navy Recruiting Distr Atlanta NAWC-AD Lakehurst Nelson Co NEP Telephone Net Optics New Knoxville Telephone New York City Transit Authority New York Communications Nextera Energy Niels Fugal and Sons Co NOAA National Weather Service Noble Drilling Corp Norcon Inc Norfolk Naval Shipyard Norfolk Public School Norfolk Southern Railway North American Mobile Systems North Carroll Communications North Johnston High School North Point High School North Slope Telecom Northeast Alabama Community College Northeast Iowa Community Northeastern Communications Inc/Naugatuck Northeastern Communications Inc/Windsor Northern Illinois University Northern Indiana Public Service Co Northrop Grumman Northway Communications Northwest Communications Northwest Computer Service Novicom 2000 Inc NPR Solutions Nsight Tel Services NSWC Corona NSWC Port Hueneme Division NW Communications NYJOS Cable Co Oakland Unified School Dist Oceanworks International OHare Airport Transit System Ohio Valley 2-Way Radio Inc Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Orange County Schools Oregon City Schools Orlando Utilities Commission Osage Nation Ossipee Mountain Electronics Inc Ottumwa Job Corps OTZ Telephone Our Lady of Loundes Medical Ctr Oven Industries Owens Communications Inc/Jeffersonville P & R Communications Service Inc/Dayton P & R Communications Service Inc/Oregon P A C E Electric Co PA Army National Guard Pacific Convenience & Fuels LLC Pacific Data Systems Pacific Drilling Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Wireless Communications LLC/Honolulu Pacific Wireless Communications LLC/Kahului Palmetto Rural Telephone Paragould Light Water & Cable Parking Co of America Parking Concepts Inc Parkland Electric Pathways Patoka Technology Patriot Techs PC Merge Pedernales Electric Corp Peel Regional Police Pender County School Penntium Electronics and Technical Training Peoples Telecommunications Petro Communications Petrotrin Phalatech Photoscan Northwest Pickwick Electric Cooperative Pierce Co Emergency Management Pierce County Radio Pierce Transit Pilgrims Pride Pine Ridge Specialty LLC Pinnacle Wireless USA Inc/Fair Lawn Pinnacle Wireless USA Inc/Hackensack Pittsburgh Technical Institute Pittsfield Communications Systems Inc/Cobleskill Pittsfield Communications Systems Inc/Pittsfield PKL Services Plumas-Sierra Telecommunications Point to Point Communications Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Potomac Construction Pottawattamie County Sheriffs Office 911 Precision Cable Price County Telephone Co Pride Enterprises Prime Controls Priority Communications Inc Pro Electric Inc ProComm Alaska LLC/Anchorage Progress Rail Services Pulaski Electric System Q Comm Network Services Quality Technology Services R & M Electrical R & P Technologies Ra-Comm Inc/Lafayette Ra-Comm Inc/Plainfield Radio Communications Svc Inc/Sumter Radio Communications Svc Inc/York Radio Communications Sys Inc/Louisville Radio Maintenance Inc Radiophone Engineering Inc/Springdale Radioworks Communications Inc Rail Road Friction Rainbow Telephone Ratelco Comm Services DBA Day Wireless Rauhorn Electric Inc Raving Fan Technologies Raytheon RCN REC Solar Red River Tech Center Reedsburg Utility Commission Regal Entertainment Group Regional Communications Inc Regional Training Institute Remote Imagery Technologies Inc REO Consultants Restech Services Richland County DES Rio Tinto Alcan RiteAid


ETA International 5 Depot Street, Greecastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 eta@eta-i.org www.eta-i.org

Where are ETA-Certified Individuals?

Rockbridge County High School Rockwell Telecom Rohl Geomatics Roy Walker Communications/Makanda RR Construction RR Donnelley RT Communications Russells Appliance Svc Ryan Electric Ryan Towers RZ & Associates Inc DBA RZ Communications S & P Communications S & S Comm S K Bryan Electric Safeguard Security SAIC Salt Lake Community College San Carlos Apache Telecom San Diego County Water Authority San Manuel Gaming Commission Sandhills Utility Services Sasktel Savannah Comm & Elect SC Communications LLC Schoolcraft College Seacon Advanced Products Sears SECOM Securitas Securitronics Security Equipment Inc SEI Seiker Handyman Service Seither & Cherry Company Seminole County Government Dept of Public Safety Sequoyah Comm Sether Private Limited SFO Technologies PVT Ltd Shelby Electric Company Shentel Shift 9 Labs Inc Shreveport Comm Svc Inc DBA Monroe Comm Siemens Industry Inc Sierra Comm Southwest Inc Sierra Nevada Corporation Sierra Telephone Sikorsky International Operations Silicon Security Sistema University Ana G Mendez SJM Industrial Radio Skywave Communications Smartronix Smith Two-Way Radio Inc/Fayetteville Snohomish County PUD Social Security Administration Sodexo Sorenson Telecom Splicing Source Broadband Services South Arkansas Telephone South Bayside System Authority South Central Library Systems South Plains College South Plains Telephone South Sales Communications Inc South Stanly High School Southern Cross NC Southern Pine Electric Power Southwest Nebraska Comm SPAWAR Spectrum Communications Limited/Kitchener Spiral Communications Spirit Communications Springsea Physician PC St Landry Parish School Board St Vincent Hospital Stafford Associates Computer Specialist Inc Stage Front Presentation Systems Staggs Plumbing & Elec Staley Technologies Starbright Services State Communications Inc State Electronics Co Inc State of Michigan Steamaster Co Inc Sterling Communications & Electronics Stone Creek Communities Stones Mobile Radio Inc Sturgeon Heights Sub Sea Robotics Sumitomo Electric Lightwave Sun Communications Inc DBA Ocean Audio Serv Sunny Group of Companies Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (Sutel) Superior Staffing Inc Supreme Radio Comm/Peoria Heights Sussex Technical High School Suttle SWRMC / US Navy Symptai Consulting Ltd Syracuse University System Integrators Inc System Services Broadband Tab Electronics Tactical Public Safety LLC TACTRAGRUPAC Talk Wireless Inc Tapco Target Tatarka Technologies DBA Demerly Comm TBAYTEL TCI College TDS Metrocom TDX Net TE Connectivity Tech Ed Center Tech Electronics Inc Teksystems Teledyne Oil & Gas Tele-Rad Inc/Grand Rapids Tele-Rad Inc/Holland Tele-Rad Inc/Traverse City Telesignal Teletech Communications Teletronics, Division of DCX-CHOL Teltronic Inc Telus Communications Inc Temp-Tel Tennessee College Applied Technology-McKenzie Tennessee Technology Center Tennessee Valley Authority Texas A & M Texas State University Thales Communications The Fiber Guys The Light Brigade The Protection Bureau Thyssen Krupp Steel USA TJ Cable Tobyhanna Army Depot Tohono Oodham Utility Tongen Construction Inc Torres Construction Total Radio-Oklahoma City Tower Resource Management Towerstream Corp Town of Highlands NC Town of Ocean City MD Traffic & Parking Control Co Inc TransCore TransCore ITS Transocean Drilling Tribalco Tri-Co Communications Inc/Inverness Tridon Communications Inc Trinity Trailer Manufacturing Inc Trinity Wiring & Solutions Troys Electronic Repair Shop TRW Automotive Tucker Energy Services Tulare Western High School Turnure Telecom TuWay Communications Tuway Mobile Comm Inc DBA Tuway Wireless TWD & Associates TWI Group Inc Tyme Engineering Underwriters Laboratories Union River Telephone United Radio Communications Inc Universal Solar, Inc University of California University of Idaho University of Kansas University of North Carolina at Wilmington University of South Carolina University of Southern Carolina University of Utah University of Washington URS Federal Systems US Air Force US Army US Army / A Co 307th ESB US Army EAMC WTB US Army Medical Information Technology Center US Coast Guard US Dept of Justice US Embassy US Falcon US Installations Group US Marine Corps US Marshals Service US Merchant Mariner US Mobile Wireless US Navy US Navy Base Communications US Navy Commanding Officer US Navy NIOC USAF 31st TES USMC MCTSSA USMV USS Donald Cook USS Rhode Island USS Sampson (DDG-102) USVI St Croix UTEC/EASi Utilities Board of Tuskegee Utility Locating Services Utility Communications Inc Utility Lines Construction Utility Locating Services Utility Technologies Inc Valley Electric Association Valley Rose Adult School Vanderbilt University Venture Communications Verizon / USNR Verizon Communications Verizon Inc Verizon Wireless - NE Vertical Tower Veterans Assembled Electronics LLC Video & Sound Service Inc Video Tec Vinco Inc Virginia Bch Public Schools Tech & Career Ed Ctr Virginia Dept of Transportation Virginia Information Technologies Agency Vocational Electronics Vocational Manuel Mendez High School VSD LLC Walmart Ward Bell Communications Warner Radio & Comm Warren County Technical School Washington Broadband Washington State DOT Wells Communication Service West Central Comm Inc West Virginia Network Western Area Power Western Energy Company Weyerhaeuser White Coconut Computer Services Whittens 2-Way Service Williams Gas Pipeline Wind River Casino Windstream Communications Wireless Access Management Wireless Advanced Communications/Evans Wireless Communications Inc/Arlington Wireless Communications Inc/Baltimore Wireless Communications Inc/Charlotte Wireless Communications Inc/Wilmington Wireless Electronics Inc Wireless Technology Equipment Co/Ft Myers Wireless Technology Equipment Co/Lakeland Wireless Technology Equipment Co/Orlando Wireless Technology Equipment Co/Sarasota Wireless Technology Equipment Co/Tampa Wireless USA/Maryland Heights Wireless USA/Quincy Wisconsin Independent Net Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Wise Energy Bldg Sciences Wolff Wireless Women & Mens Healthcare Clinic Worad Inc Worrell Contractor Wren Construction Wyle Labs Xcel Energy Xerox Business Services Xibitz Inc XTO Energy Yavapai College Zachry Industrial Inc

Fostering Excellence Through Certification Since 1978


ETA International 5 Depot Street Greencastle IN 46135 (800) 288-3824 www.eta-i.org www.etainternational.org eta@eta-i.org

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