JFK Biography Pre Visit Lesson Plan
JFK Biography Pre Visit Lesson Plan
JFK Biography Pre Visit Lesson Plan
Students will use online biographies of President John F. Kennedy to
complete a Biographical Worksheet on his life.
Students will be able to:
Appreciate the role of biography in understanding history
Learn details about the life of President John F. Kennedy
Identify President Kennedys most enduring legacies
Resources Needed:
Biography Worksheet
Internet Access (or printouts of specific pages from relevant websites)
o The White House http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/jk35.html
o The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
o The John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site http://www.nps.gov/jofi/faqs.htm
1. The teacher should lead a class discussion about the definition of biography.
a. What is a biography?
b. Who writes biographies?
c. What kinds of people are usually the subjects of biographies?
d. Are biographies primary or secondary sources of information?
e. Are biographies useful in understanding history? Why or why not?
2. The teacher should distribute copies of the Biography Worksheet to students, and explain that
students will be using it to learn about the life of President John F. Kennedy in preparation for their
visit to The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza. (Teachers may want to explain the purpose and
mission of The Sixth Floor Museum to prepare students for the field trip.)
3. The teacher should explain that students can visit the assigned websites to complete their
worksheets. (Teachers may want to add additional Internet resources to a list of approved sites for
students to explore.)
Pre-Visit Lesson Plan - Biography
Courtesy, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
4. After students have completed their worksheets, have them do a pair and share activity, or the class
can share their answers as a group.
a. Did the students all have the same answers?
b. What questions do the students still have about President Kennedys life?
c. Where could they go for additional information?
d. How might a biographer use such a worksheet like this one?
5. Have students write down any remaining questions they have about President Kennedys life. Revisit
their lists after the field trip to the Sixth Floor Museum.
1. In what city and state was President Kennedy born? _____________________________________
2. When was his birthday?_____________________________________________________________
3. What were the names of his parents?__________________________________________________
4. How many brothers did he have? _____________ How many sisters did he have? ____________
5. What was his wifes name? __________________________________________________________
6. What were his childrens names? _____________________________________________________
7. What jobs did he have before he became President of the United States?
a. ____________________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________________
8. List four important facts about President Kennedys life before he became President:
a. ____________________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________________________
9. What are three important things that happened during the Presidency of John F. Kennedy?
a. ____________________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________________
10. When and where did President Kennedy die? ___________________________________________
11. How many years ago was that? ________________________________________________________
12. What impact has his life had on people around the world?
JFK Biography Worksheet
Biography (n): an account of a persons life, written, composed or produced by another. A biography is
more than just a listing of dates and events; it often explores the emotions surrounding a persons life
Inauguration (n): a ceremonial induction into office; a formal beginning or introduction.
Primary Source (n): a first-hand ("eye-witness") account of an event. Primary sources are considered the
best record of past events because they shed light on the specific period in which they were created. Some
examples of primary sources include diaries, photographs, newspapers, clothing and paintings.
Secondary Source (n): a second-hand account of an event. Secondary sources are not considered as
reliable as primary sources because they are often created long after an event has passed. Some examples
of secondary sources include textbooks, encyclopedias and documentary films.
Suggested Reading
There are hundreds of books on the life and death of President John F. Kennedy. Below are a few titles that
we recommend.
JFK: Breaking the News by Hugh Aynesworth
Dealey Plaza: National Historic Landmark by Conover Hunt
President Kennedy Has Been Shot, by Cathy Trost and Susan Bennett
Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, by Vincent Bugliosi
Remembering Jack by Jacques Lowes
Films from The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza: John F. Kennedy and the Memory of a Nation
JFK: Breaking the News
The Kennedy Mystique: Creating Camelot
Biography: JFK-A Personal Story
The Sixth Floor Museums Reading Room
The Reading Room overlooks Dealey Plaza and provides a reflective environment for people of all ages
seeking information and understanding about the assassination and legacy of President John F.
Kennedy. The Reading Room provides access to more than 4,000 books, magazines, newspapers and
videos and covers topics ranging from Kennedy's life and legacy to conspiracy theories to 1960s pop culture.
Useful Websites
The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum http://www.jfklibrary.org/
The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza http://www.jfk.org
Additional Resources