Correlation and convolution
Level: 3102
Last update: June 2004
This module can perform the following options:
Autocorrelation of the input trace.
Cross-correlation of the input trace by the filter entered in the data field as IS1.
Convolution of the input trace by the filter.
The program can also be used with a water bottom library.
2 CORRE Users Manual Geocluster
Column content
1 *
9-10 First option:
AC: Autocorrelation
CC: Cross-correlation
CV: Convolution
If IS1 is defined in the data field, the default operation is a
cross-correlation. If IS1 is not defined, it will be an autocorrelation.
15-16 Input buffer: Contains the trace to be processed.
23-24 Output buffer: Contains the computation results.
31-80 Parameters.
Auxiliary buffers
IS1=EY Indicates the "filter" buffer for cross-correlation or convolution (AC
and IS1 are incompatible).
Optional parameters
MAX The MAX option searches for the maximumamplitude of the output
trace and it is stored in word 14.
If not mentioned, the maximum is not searched for, and WORD14
becomes (-1).
Nn n = Output level. The result is divided by 2 until the maximum level
is smaller than x; word 13 is then updated.
Mm The output trace is multiplied by a factor equal to m/(F1F2)
where F1 and F2 are the maximumvalues of the input trace and aux-
iliary trace autocorrelation functions. In option AC, F1 = F2. Param-
eters N and M are incompatible. By default, this factor is not
RNRn Application of a coefficient n/max, where max is the maximum
amplitude of the output trace, on all samples of the trace. Word 14 is
updated automatically.
LFDn n = LIBRI FD number (water bottom library).
If LIBRI FD is coded, the correlation/convolution window shifts by
Geocluster Users Manual CORRE 3
the water bottom time.
For example, a correlation window (W100-W2000) with a water-
bottom value of 100 ms is computed as (W200-W2100).
For the CC and CV options, the LIBRI FD is applied only on the
main input window (Wa-Wb), not the filter (Wc-Wd).
Specific parameters
Option AC
Wa-Wb a and b define the beginning and end of the window for computing
Default: the whole trace is processed.
Lx x = Length of the result, in ms. The result is half the autocorrelation
function (A.C.F.) which is a symmetrical function.
Default: the result equals the length of the input trace.
Options CC and AC
RC The filter (or the second trace) is shifted of -k/2, k being the number
of terms in the result.
Options CC or CV
IS1=EY EY = name of the buffer containing the filter or another trace.
Wa-Wb a and b define the beginning and end of the portion of trace to be pro-
cessed. Default: the entire trace.
Wc-Wd c and d define the beginning and end of the filter portion to be used.
Default: the entire trace.
Lx x = Length of the result, in ms.
Default: the result equals the length of the input trace.
To get the whole result, x should be large compared to the sumof the
input trace lengths.
Particular case of the CC and CV options
The initial filter shift related to the trace can be set if you specify this shift in data
in the form:
SHIFTz z is the initial filter shift in number of samples.
By default, z = -L/2, where L is the length of the filter in ms.
For the sign convention according to the option, refer to Figure 1.
4 CORRE Users Manual Geocluster
Status of the output trace header
X = updated word 0 = zeroed word blank = directly transcribed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
WORDS 1 to 10 X X X
WORDS 11 to 20 X X X
WORDS 21 to 30
WORDS 31 to 40
WORDS 41 to 50
WORDS 51 to 60
WORDS 61 to 64
Geocluster Users Manual CORRE 5
If Nn is not defined and MAX is called: the maximum value of the trace is
searched for and is stored in word 14.
If Nn is defined and MAXis called: the maximumof the trace is searched for and
the amplitude of each sample is adjusted; words 13 and 14 are then updated.
6 CORRE Users Manual Geocluster
Figure 1
Examples of different shift values
CC option
CV option
b0 b1 b2 b3
b0 b1 b2 b3
b0 b1 b2 b3
a0 a1 a2 a3
a0 a1 a2 a3
a0 a1 a2 a3
0 0
0 0
Shift = 0
Shift = -2
Shift = 2
Shift = 0
Shift = 2
Shift = -2
a3 a2 a1 a0
a3 a2 a1 a0
a3 a2 a1 a0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
b0 b1 b2 b3
b0 b1 b2 b3
b0 b1 b2 b3