A young woman, E, was hired as a junior auditor to work on an important case with a team of six employees including a senior auditor, Y, who had been there for two months. After going out for lunch one day where alcohol was consumed, Y offered E a taxi ride home since they were going in the same direction. In the taxi, Y made an unwanted sexual advance towards E, who screamed and pushed him away before telling him to get out. The next day at work, E reported Y's behavior to management, but they did not take any action. This led to an escalating conflict between E and Y, negatively impacting their work.
A young woman, E, was hired as a junior auditor to work on an important case with a team of six employees including a senior auditor, Y, who had been there for two months. After going out for lunch one day where alcohol was consumed, Y offered E a taxi ride home since they were going in the same direction. In the taxi, Y made an unwanted sexual advance towards E, who screamed and pushed him away before telling him to get out. The next day at work, E reported Y's behavior to management, but they did not take any action. This led to an escalating conflict between E and Y, negatively impacting their work.
A young woman, E, was hired as a junior auditor to work on an important case with a team of six employees including a senior auditor, Y, who had been there for two months. After going out for lunch one day where alcohol was consumed, Y offered E a taxi ride home since they were going in the same direction. In the taxi, Y made an unwanted sexual advance towards E, who screamed and pushed him away before telling him to get out. The next day at work, E reported Y's behavior to management, but they did not take any action. This led to an escalating conflict between E and Y, negatively impacting their work.
A young woman, E, was hired as a junior auditor to work on an important case with a team of six employees including a senior auditor, Y, who had been there for two months. After going out for lunch one day where alcohol was consumed, Y offered E a taxi ride home since they were going in the same direction. In the taxi, Y made an unwanted sexual advance towards E, who screamed and pushed him away before telling him to get out. The next day at work, E reported Y's behavior to management, but they did not take any action. This led to an escalating conflict between E and Y, negatively impacting their work.
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Negotiation Analysis: The escalation of conflict Coordinating Professor: Lect. Univ. Dr. Valentina Mihaela Ghinea Stdents: Oxana KRUTENKOVA Roxana Maria UDREA !ro" #$ Year II$ Master Progra%%e B&'arest ()*+ The escalation of conflict: a case study of sexual harassment at work ABSTRACTS T'is "a"er "resents a rare &ase in t'e ,iteratre of -or.",a&e: a /i&ti% -'o too. 'er &ase to t'e Co%"an01s Manage%ent$ 'ad t'e &orage to e2"ress 'er interests$ /a,es$ and desires$ gaining 3a&. 'er 4o3$ srronded 30 'er for%er &o5-or.ers6 T'e &onf,i&t t'eor0 %ode, 'as 3een sed in order to identif0 signifi&ant e/ents and 3e'a/ior s in t'e &onf,i&t "ro&ess6 Met'odo,ogi&a, &onstraints are dis&ssed$ in&,ding t'e distin&tion 3et-een different ,e/e,s of resear&'6 An e2",i&it "ro3,e%5so,/ing a""roa&' is sed$ -'i&' in&reases %an0 sers1 a&&e"tan&e of t'e %et'od6 One &an o3ser/e t'e 3e'a/ior of negotiators and &reate fa&e5to5fa&e and &'at negotiation dan&es6 Keywords: Negotiations7 Negotiation 7 Co%%ni&ation7 !oa,s7 Interests7A,ternati/es7 "o-er /s reason7 8e3ster Internationa, Di&tinar0 defines 9&onf,i&t: as 9 &,as'$ &o%"etition or %ta, interfa&e of o""osing or in&o%"ati3,e for&es or ;a,ities< ideas$ interests$ -i,,s:=6 A re/ie- of t'e ,iteratre s'o-s t'at %an0 great %inds 'a/e 3een s'o-n interest in t'e std0 of &onf,i&t6 8it'ot %ini%i>ing t'e i%"ortan&e of t'is state%ent$ -e s'a,, start 30 introd&ing na%es ,i.e Aristote,$ T'&0dides$ SnT> t'at stdied t'is "ro3,e% %ore t'an t-ent0 &entries ago6 In fa&t$ t'is fie,d 'as .no-n an o/er-'e,%ing %a4orit0 of -or. "ast &entries ago -'en so%e s&'o,ars 'a/e arged t'at &onf,i&t needs to de/e,o" its o-n ,iteratre and s'o,d 3e&o%e a fie,d in its o-n rig't6 Bt -eat'er it is a fie,d or a dis&i",ine it 'as its o-n &entra, ;estion and a 3od0 of ,iteratre t'at is in&reasing in&,ding a great /ariet0 of s34e&ts and a""roa&'es6 It a""ears t'at nti, no- &onf,i&t does not 'a/e a genera, a&&e"ted definition -'i&' one &an "in"oint in order to s3stantiate e2a&t,0 -'at it is6 As a %atter of fa&t -e &an sa0 t'at &onf,i&t is e/er0-ere$ and it is an essentia, featre of so&ia, ,ife6 8e e2"erien&e it in or "ersona, re,ations'i"s$ in or fa%i,0 and -or. ,ife$ in and 3et-een t'e gro"s -e 3e,ong to and in t'e so&iet0 in -'i&' -e ,i/e6 Conf,i&ts are not si%",e6 Often %an0 "eo",e -ere in/o,/ed and %an0 isses -ere in state6 Peo",e1s fee,ings$ "ers"e&ti/es and 3e'a/iors &'ange o/er ti%e and 3e&ase of t'is$ &onf,i&t is in'erent,0 &o%",e26 Basi&a,,0 -e need to see t'e di%ensions and as"e&ts of 'o- &onf,i&t arised$ -'at 'a""ens dring t'e &onf,i&t sitation$ -'at are t'e &onse;en&es of t'e &onf,i&t -'i&' &an 3e fn&tiona, or d0sfn&tiona, and fina,,0 'o- to get to t'e reso,tion of t'e &onf,i&t6 A"art fro% a 'andf, of re"orted stdies$ t'ere s'o,d 3e %entioned t'at t'e root of &onf,i&t 'as 3een stdied$ trog' 'istor0 30 %an0$ .no-ing ,i.e %an0 ot'er e%"iri&a, to"i&s$ so%e stages t'at need to 3e 3rog't into ;estion6 First of a,,$ -e -i,, refer to t'e -e,, .no-n s&'o,,s of tag't6 Fro% t'e traditiona, s&'oo, of t'og't it is nderstood t'at &onf,i&tis 3ad and it s'o,d 3e a/oided$ fostering &o%"etiti/e 3e'a/ior in intera&tion6 P'arses ,i.e 59 If you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at al:$ 59Dont start a fight:or 59 Be nice-get along: are ad%onitions t'at %a.e se of or e%otiona, di%ension "er&ei/ing it as a strgg,e6 Ho-e/er$ t'e '%an re,ations s&'oo, of tag't %ade a &'ange in 'o- &onf,i&t &an 3e addressed$ $ /ie-ing it as natra,$ fn&tiona, or d0sfn&tiona,6 Using t'is %e&'anis%$ /ie-s and o"inions are %ade .no-n$ and so%eti%es a o""ortnit0 for &reati/it0 and "ersation &an 3e 3orn$ in&reasing &o%%ni&ation and integration6 T'e t'ird r,e of t'%3 on -'i&' &onf,i&t is defined is t'e intera&tionist /ie-$ 3eing t'e t'ird and t'e ,ast s&'oo, of tog't6 It sees &onf,i&t as a "ositi/e sor&e$ e2&e"t -'en it is %isdiagnosed$ i%"ro"er,0 a/oided or %is%anaged6 So%e so&ia, s&ientists 'a/e gi/en &onf,i&t a3ad re"tation 30 ,in.ing it -it' "s0&'o"at'o,og0$ so &ia, disorder and -ar<Brton$ *??)=6 T'is a""roa&' i%",ies &onf,i&t to ta.e %ore of an aggressi/e fa&e $ and a"",ies in t'ose sitations -'ere indi/ida,s de,i3erate,0 a&t in a &o%"eting -a0 in order to "re/ent ea&' ot'er in a&'ie/ieng t'eir desired goa,6 T'is -a0 to nderstand &onf,i&t a""ears to 3e %ore "o",ar$ es"e&ia,,0 in t'e &ases of indstria, re,ations and intragro" sitations6 On t'e ot'er 'and $ t'ere is anot'er a""roa&' t'at ,oo.s at &onf,i&t fro% a %ore 3roader /ie-6 Pond0 <*?@A= offers t'at in 'is definition of &onf,i&t$ indi/ida,s -'o are in/o,/ed in a &onf,i&t sitation %st 'a/e so%e sort of "re&on&ei/ed notion as to -'i&' %ode of &onf,i&t 'and,ing -i,, 3e ado"ted6 T'is definition 30 far a,,o-s a 3ran&'ed ot,oo. at &onf,i&t 'and,ing -'i&' in&,des %eans ot'er t'an si%",0 &o%"etiti/eness to fn&tion6 Conf,i&t is t'e root of "ersona, and so&ia, &'ange6 Hen&e$ t'e organi>ations 'a/e &onf,i&t 3e&ase of its e/er &'anging en/iron%ent6 Conf,i&t "re/ents stagnation6 It sti%,ates interest and &riosit06 A&&ording to t'e &onf,i&t t'eor0$ its di%ensions /ar0 ser/ing as a &o%%ni&ation fn&tion or a "o-er too,$ ,eading to &o%",ete disintegration or &'ange trog' s3/ersi/e a&ts6 B0 %a.ing se of t'e &'aos and &o%",e2it0 t'eor0 -e 3e&a%e a-are of t'e fa&t t'at an0 3e'a/ior %a0 de/e,o" into a s0ste%B "attern$ so%eti%es /isi3,e$ ot'er ti%es not6 Based on t'is di%ensions$ C/e &onDi&t %anage%ent st0,es -ere e2tra&ted: doinatin! <'ig' &on&ern for se,f$ ,o- &on&ern for ot'ers"# inte!ratin! <'ig' &on&ern forse,f and ot'ers=$ co$roi%in! <%oderate &on&ern for se,f and for ot'ers=$ o&li!in! <,o- &on&ern for se,f and 'ig' &on&ern for ot'ers= and avoidin! <,o- &on&ern for se,f and ,o &on&ern for ot'ers=6$ t'at ref,e&t an indi/ida,1s 3e'a/iora, intentions in fa&e of &onf,i&t6 Conf,i&t is no- /ie-ed as not in'erent,0 goodB3ad$ "ositi/eBnegati/e$ 3t si%",0$ at its 'eart$ a "er&ei/ed state -'ere t'ere is disagree%ent a%ong "arties6 T's$ t'e %ore i%"ortant &onsideration is t'e effe&t &onf,i&t 'as on 'o- "eo",e res"ond to its "resen&e6 Conf,i&t %anage%ent sggests so,/ing &onf,i&ts$ instead of red&ing$ e,i%inating or ,i%iting t'eir dration6 In order to gain an insig't of'o- to a""roa&' t'e sitation "resented in t'e &ase td0$ -e -i, se t'e ste"s indi;ated in t'e 3e,,o- figre: Conte2t of t'e std0:Conf,i&t diagnos0s A s'ift in fo&s 'as o&&rred6 To e2",ain t'e dis"te -e ,oo.ed at t'e gro"s in &onf,i&t and ea&' of t'eir &,ai%s in order to esta3,is' -'at t'e isses -ere a3ot6 Trning a-a0 fro% t'e s0ste%ati& %ode, ana,0sis 3egn to fo&s on t'e a&tors and sitation to 3eter nderstand t'e reasons 3e'ind &,ai%s for se,f5deter%ination ai%ing for inde"enden&e$ atono%0$ &ontro,6 In t'e &ase "resented in t'is "a"er$ t'e a/ai,a3,e infor%ation &onsisted of t'e e2"erien&e of a /i&ti% and 'er a&&ont of t'e &onf,i&t6 Or ana,0sis is 3ased on data gat'ered after "arti&i"ating as si%",e e0e-itnesses and t'erefore %a.es no &,ai% of 3eing an o34e&ti/e std0 of t'e &onf,i&t6 T'rog'ot t'e &orse of e/ents -e 'a/e gat'ered infor%ation in order to i,,strate 'o- t'e &onf,i&t 'ad de/e,o"ed$ as -e,, as t'e a&tors1 "oint of /ie- regarding &ertain "arts of t'e &onf,i&t6 In t'is sense$ -e -ere a3,e to 3e&o%e fa%i,iar -it' t'e &onf,i&t and -it' t'e "arti&i"ants6A s'ortened and si%",ified s%%ar0 of t'e &ase -as &onstr&ted on t'e 3asis of t'e gat'ered infor%ation6 T'is inter"retation is indented to de%onstrate 'o- t'e in&idents -ere ana,0>ed in ter%s of t'e a3o/e %ode,6 Summary of the conflict In a ,arge A&&onting &o%"an0 in Ro%ania$ a 0ong -o%an$ E$ -as 'ired as a Fnior Aditor in order to -or. on an i%"ortant &ase6 T'e tea% -as &o%"osed of 'er and si2 ot'er e%",o0ees$ in&,ding a Senior Aditor<E=6 Y -as -or.ing t'ere sin&e t-o %ont's a,read0 and one e/ening t'e tea% %e%3ers de&ide to go for ,n&'6 As a %atter of fa&t$ after &ons%ing so%e a,&o'o,$ t'e tea% %e%3ers 3e&a%e /er0 re,a2ed and e/er0one -as te,,ing fnn0 stories and 4o.es a3ot different t'ings6 At t'e end of t'e %ea,$ e/er03od0 -as "re"aring to ,ea/e in order to go 'o%e and "re"are for t'e ne2t da06 Y$ -'o in ti%e started to 3e&o%e attra&ted 30 E$ &a,,ed for a Ta2i and offered E to s",it t'e &a3$ as 3ot' -ere 'eading a,%ost in t'e sa%e -a06 E 'ad a&&e"ted t'e in/itation and -ent for 'er &oat6 After going into t'e ta2i$ Y 'ad an i%",se and %ade a se2a, gestre to-ards E6 T'e gir,$ 'orrified started to s&rea% and "s' 'i% a-a0$ te,,ing 'i% to get ot6 H%i,iated Y ,eft t'e &a3 and -ent 'o%e6 T'e se&ond da0$ at -or.$ E -as s'o-ing signs of angst$ as s'e didn1t .ne- 'o- s'e -i,, dea, -it' Y fro% no- on 6 S'e -as as.ing 'erse,f so %an0 ;estions: -i,, in&ident fro% ,ast nig't -i,, affe&t 'er 4o3G Or e/en -orse$ -i,, 'e tr0 to get 'er firedG 8'en Y sa- t'at E &a% in t'e 3i,ding 'e i%%ediate,0 -ent to 'er offi&e and a"o,ogi>ed for 'is ina""ro"riate 3e'a/ior6 S'e 3e&a%e re,ie/ed and de&ided to ,ea/e t'e sitation as it -as$ as s'e &onsidered t'at 'is a"o,ogies -ere enog' and no frt'er a&tions -o,d 3e needed6 Y -as a-are t'at s'e -as ne- in t'e tea%$ and e/en t'og' s'e &onsidered 'erse,f 'ig',0 &o%"etent$ 'er .no-,edge t'at 'er &'ief -as %a.ing t'e r,es inside t'e tea%6 Bt t'is s%a,, in&ident -as on,0 t'e 3eginning as Y did not sto""ed after %a.ing t'e a"o,ogies6 Instead -it' e/er0 o&&asion -'en 'e &o,d &at&' Y a,one$ 'e started to 3ring " t'e in&ident and to a"o,og0 >e again and again6 For &o",e of %ont's Y a"o,ogi>ed to E at e/er0 o&&asion t'at 'e 'ad6 Y 3e&o%e anno0ed a3ot t'is &'ain of a"o,ogies and &onsidered t'e% e/en strange6 T'e first ti%e -'en Y a"o,ogi>ed$ E said t'at it -as o.a0$ 3t after a,, t'is ti%e$ %ont's e/en7 s'e rea&'ed t'e "oint -'en s'e as.ed 'i% to sto" a"o,ogi>ing6 Being ner/os of 'er sitation s'e started to te,, so%e of 'er tea% %e%3ers a3ot 'er di,e%%a$ and "eo",e started to ,ose res"e&t for Y6 A,t'og' t'e in&ident -as not %ade "3,i& 30 E$ Y sensed t'at ot'ers .ne- so%et'ing a3ot t'at6 After a -'i,e t'e in&ident 3e&a%e t'e %ain gossi" of t'e offi&e6 Mean-'i,e$ E 3e&a%e tiered to 'ear 'i% a"o,ogi>e and s'e started to e2"ress e/en 3igger fee,ings of dis&o%fort6 T'e &'an&e for 'er to es&a"e t'e &rrent en/iron%ent &a%e -'en anot'er aditor "osition o"ened in t'e sa%e &o%"an0$ -'ere s'e a"",ied6 After a -'i,e$ E -as transferred to anot'er tea%6 S'e t'og't t'at t'e t'ings -i,, get 3etter as Y -o,d not 3ot'er 'er an0 %ore$ 3t instead s'e fe,t n'a""0 -it' 'er ne- 4o36 T'e &ase t'at s'e -as std0ing -as ninteresting and 'er tea% %e%3ers -ere not as t'e o,d ones6 S'e rea,i>ed t'at e2&e"t Y$ 'er o,d "osition -as rea,,0 e2&iting and started to -is' it 3a&.6 Con'lict Anal(%i% 1. Source of difference T'is "arti&,ar &ase 'as 3een ana,0>ed$ de&o%"osed and &ategori>ed in order to rea&' a 3etter nderstanding of t'e %ain &onf,i&t6 T'e &ase of t'e &onf,i&t5 se2a, 'arass%ent 5 is in'erent,0 "ri/ate$ 3t in t'is &ase t'e &onf,i&t -as 'a""ening otside t'e offi&e$ in a "3,i& ",a&e6 In or ana,0sis -e 'a/e &on&entrated on t'e in&idents and 3e'a/ior t'at -e 3e,ie/ed 'a/e 3een %ost signifi&ant for t'e &orse of t'e &onf,i&t and -'i&' t'e /i&ti% e2"erien&ed as 3eing signifi&ant6 Ho-e/er$ t'ere &o,d 'a/e 3een a,so ot'er in&idents t'at %a0 'a/e inf,en&ed t'e &onf,i&t6 8it'in t'e &o%"an0 %anagers and te% ",a0ers 'a/e a,, ",a0ed an i%"ortant ro,e6 C'ara&teristi&s of t'e -or. en/iron%ent in &o%3ination -it' t'e stressing sitation -'i&' t'e /i&ti% is e2"erien&ing 'a/e 3een fond as t'e "ossi3,e &onditions of t'e &onf,i&t6 In %an0 of t'e "resented sitations$ t'e 3e'a/ior dis",a0ed 'ad t'e o""osite effe&t to t'at "ro3a3,0 intended6 8e &o,d arge t'at Y1s intention -as to de5es&a,ate t'e 3e'a/ior< e6g6 tr0ing to negotiate -it' E in an infor%a, -a0 30 a"o,ogi>ing e/en %ore=6 T'e res,ts 3rog't frt'er es&a,ations6 T'ese a&tions -ere atte%"ts to ",a0 do-n t'e &onf,i&t$ 3t t'e o""osing "art0$ E started to inter"ret t'e% in a different %anner6 A%ong ot'er t'ings t'is &ase sggests a,so a &onf,i&t of interests6 8e -i,, e%"'asi>e 'ere -'i&' goa,s t'e "arties go for and 'o- %&' t'e sitation inf,en&es ea&' "art06 T'e first ste" to-ards reso,tion is to find ot -'at E rea,,0 -ants6 S'e &o,d "t t'e %atter into t'e 'ands of t'e HR de"art%ent or e/en go to &ort6 T'e "ro3,e% 'ere is t'at indi/ida,s /a,e and ran. t'ings different,06 E finds 'erse,f in t'e sitation -'ere s'e is assessing 'er se,f5i%age$ se,f5estee%$ 'er ego needs and a,so 'er fears6 T'rog'ot t'e &orse of re"resentation -e assessed t'is fee,ings are a re"resentation of t'e re,ations'i" goa,s$ as it des&ri3e t'e natre and /a,es t'at E desires for t'e re,ations'i" 3et-een 'er and Y6 Moreo/er$ 'er desire is to 3i,d good 3siness re,ations'i"s -it' 'er &o5-or.er Y 6T'is -o,d 3e a great ot&o%e a,so for e/er0one "arti&i"ating in t'e &onf,i&t$ 3ot' dire&t,0 and indire&t,06 An interest53ased a""roa&' is -'at t'e "arties s'o,d ,oo. for$ as fo&sing on t'eir interests -i,, 'e," t'e% 3etter nderstand ea&' ot'er6 E 'as as "ri%ar0 interest to a&'ie/e re&ognition in t'e &o%"an0$ to 'a/e a f,fi,,ing 4o3 and to get res"e&t fro% 30 'er tea%6 Y 'as t'e sa%e interests as E$ as 'e fee,s gi,t0 and tries to assre Y t'at t'e '%i,iating e2"erien&e -o,d ne/er 'a""en6 He does not -ant t'e stor0 to get e/en 3igger and to 3e a&&sed of %a4or %ista.es$ ,i.e ra"e6 A,so t'e res"e&t gained in t'e &o%"an0 is i%"ortant for 'i%6 T's$ ,oo.ing for t'e 3est a,ternati/e$ Y &on&,ded t'at 'e s'o,d a"o,ogi>e %ore t'an on&e in order to get t'ings &,ear6 8e -i,, tr0 to ans-er to t'is t'is effe&t 30 sing a %ocio!ra$ %eant to ease t'e e2",anation of t'e "'eno%ena6 In fa&t$ -e a,read0 e2",ained t'e interests of ea&' a&tor6 Moreo/er$ t'ere -i,, 3e e2a%ined a,so t'e effe&t t'at t'is &onf,i&t &o,d 'a/e on t'e ot'er e%",o0ees and t'eir interest re,ated to it6 So$ t'eir %ain interest -o,d 3e to 'a/e t'e o,d at%os"'ere 3a&.$ -'en e/er0one &o,d -or. in "ea&ef, en/iron%ent dea,ing and so,/ing "ro3,e%s in a &oo"erati/e -a06 Confidence and trust a%ong t'e% is &r&ia,$ and t'is in&ident 'ad affe&ted t'eir /ie-s6 As said 3efore$ 3e&ase t'eir re,ations'i" is 3i,t on trst$ it is 'ard for t'e ot'er tea% ",a0ers <t'e &,ster= to dea, -it' t'e nsa, sitation6 T'e0 ,i.e 3ot'$ 3t t'e tension is 'ig' de to gossi"6 T'e &o",e of e%",o0ees <t'e 3ridge= to -'i&' E to,d t'e stor0 &'anged t'eir /ie-s regarding Y$ seeing 'i% as a "otentia, ra"ist6 Moreo/er$ going ot -it' Y -o,d not 3e an a,ternati/e an0 %ore6 T'e HR Manager < t'e star= &an a,so inter/ene$ as 'e &an see t'e tension in 'is de"art%ent and t'e -or. t'at is not as "rod&ti/e as on&e -as6 T's$ E and Y &onstitte t'e emergent clusters6 T'e &onf,i&t "resents itse,f as an inter"ersona, &onf,i&t 3et-een t-o %e%3ers of t'e sa%e de"art%ent6 T's Y1s reta,iator0 &'ain of %ista.es is an e2a%",e of negati/e "attern de/e,o"%ent6 2. Initiation of negotiation 8e fond it sef, to a""roa&' t'e negotiation "ro&ess t'rog' t'e fi/e stages of negotiation: the rearation stage, the introductory stage, the initiation stage, the intensification stage and the closing stage. In order to 'a/e a good negotiation ot&o%e$ -e s'o,d %a.e se of s&enarios t'at -i,, "ro/ide s -it' different "ossi3,e de/e,o"%ents a&&ording to or &onf,i&t "rofi,e$ &ase and a&tors6 T'ree s&enarios -i,, 3e "re"ared: a= !he "est case scenario- # returns to her team and all the ro"lems "etween her and $ will disaear% 3= &iddle "est scenario ' status (uo) * # will wor+ along with her current team and adat trough time% &= ,orst case scenario- # will lea-e the comany and loo+ for another .o" where she will ha-e a fresh start. T'e 3est -a0 for E to a&'ie/e 'er goa, is to dea, -it' t'e in&ident "ersona,,06 Esta3,is'ing a 93otto% ,ine: -o,d not 3ring 'er an0 additiona, ot&o%es6 As Ur0 and Fis'er sggested$ t'e 93otto% ,ine figre: %a0 3e nrea,isti&6 Instead Y s'o,d 3etter asses 'er 3est a,ternati/e to a negotiated agree%ent <BATNA=6 T'e on,0 t'ing t'at -o,d %a.e 'er ,ea/e is for Y refsing to a"o,ogi>e for 'is 3e'a/ior6 S'e does not -ant to %a.e a for%a, &o%",aint$ 3t -'is'es t'e 3e'a/ior to sto"6 T'e so,tion %ig't 3e to ta,. -it' t'e HR Manager "ersona,,0 and dis&ss t'e sitation &onfidentia,,0 -it' 'i%6 Tog' -'en s&' "ro3,e% arises$ sa,,0 t'e Manager needs to ta.e a&tion in ter%s of La3or rig'ts and t'e re,e/ant ,egis,ation6 E 'as t-o o"tions: eit'er s'e -i,, %a.e re&orse of t'e ,egis,ation or s'e -i,, so,/e t'e "ro3,e% sing an interest53ased a""roa&'6 Loo.ing for ,ega, ad/i&e -o,d not 3ring 'er %an0 o""ortnities$ as s'e a&&e"ted 'is a"o,ogies and a,so t'e in&ident 'a""ened otside t'e &o%"an06 Loo.ing for t'e ad/i&e fro% t'e HR Manager at t'e HR De"art%ent -o,d 3e t'e 3est a""roa&' t'at Y &an %a.e6 He -i,, a&t as t'e fa&i,itator of t'e dia,og 3et-een E and Y6 For Y$ 'is "osition inside t'e &o%"an0 is /er0 i%"ortant6 As stated in t'e 3eginning 'e is Senior Aditor in a %,tinationa, &o%"an06 Losing 'is re"tation or e/en 'is 4o3 3e&ase of a st"id %ista.e -o,d &ost 'i% too %&'6 He is -i,,ing to &o%e -it' Y to an agree%ent6 E 'as &,ear,0 defined 'er o34e&ti/es and is "re"ared to &o%e -it' arg%ents in order to state 'er &rrent sitation6 S'e intends to %aintain a &o,,a3orati/e a""roa&'6 In fa&t$ 3ot' "arties -ant t'e sa%e t'ing$ %a.ing it easier to esta3,is' t'e &o%%on grond6 S'e is a-are t'at Y -o,d a&&e"t 'er ter%s as it is i%"ortant for 'i% to gain 3a&. 'is re"tation6 He .no-s t'at if E -i,, &o%e 3a&. $ t'e agitation -i,, sto"$ and t'e "eo",e -o,d .no- t'at t'ere -as 4st a %isnderstanding6 T'e %eeting 3et-een t'e "arties -i,, ta.e ",a&e after t'e HR %anage -i,, 'a/e a dis&ssion -it' 3ot' "arties se"arate,06 T's$ 'e -i,, "re"are to-ards %eeting -it' t'e% and to see 'o- t'e "ro3,e% &an 3e ta.en &are of6 T'e &o%%on grond -as esta3,is'ed6 After t'e ta,. to E$ t'e HR Manager -o,d a""roa&' E in order to %a.e sre t'at 'e is -i,,ing to 'a/e a fa&e5to5fa&e dis&ssion -it' Y6 T'e ,atter -o,d e2"ress sr"rise a3ot E1s a""roa&' to t'e Manager $ -'i&' e2",ained to 'i% t'e entire sitation and t'e fee,ings t'at E 'ad -'en Y -as &onstant,0 a"o,ogi>ing for its %ista.e6 E sa- in a"o,ogi>ing to 'er on,0 good intentions and assred t'e HR Manager a3ot t'at6 At t'e %o%ent of t'e %eeting$ E raised t'e tone e2",aining Y 'o- 'is &ontinos a"o,ogies %ade 'er an2ios and &asing 'er stress6 S'e &,ai%ed t'at s'e &o,d not &on&entrate and t'at Y sees in 'er 4st an attra&ti/e -o%en and not t'e ;a,ities of an aditor6 Ea&' of t'e% to,d t'eir o-n /ersion and fina,,0 t'e0 -i,, dis&ss -a0s in so,/ing t'e "ro3,e%6 /. !he alternati-e case In order to 'a/e an effe&ti/e &onf,i&t negotiation t'e so,tion is to in/ent o"tions for %ta, gains6 T'is is diffi&,t to do 3e&ase '%ans natra,,0 see &onf,i&t as an 9eit'er5or: "ro"osition6 8e eit'er -in or ,ose7 -e get -'at -e -ant$ or t'e ot'er side gets -'at it -ants6 8e fee, t'e res,ts -i,, 3e fa/ora3,e eit'er to s or to t'e ot'er side$ and -e do not see an0 ot'er "ossi3,e o"tions6 Ho-e/er$ t'is tenden&0 to see &onf,i&t as a fi2ed &'oi&e "ro"osition needs to 3e o/er&o%e 30 in/enting ne- o"tions to reso,/e t'e &onf,i&t to t'e satisfa&tion of 3ot' "arties6 T'e %et'od of "rin&i",ed negotiation e%"'asi>es t'at -e need to 3rainstor% and sear&' 'ard for &reati/e so,tions to &onf,i&t6 8e need to e2"and or o"tions and not ,i%it orse,/es to t'in.ing t'ere is a sing,e 3est so,tion6 Using t'e ear,ier e2a%",e $ t'e stor0 %a.es E t'e /i&ti% of it6 Ma.ing se of t'is stats s'e &o,d 'a/e "ersading t'e HR Manager t'at s'e -as "t in an e%3arrassing sitation and t'e on,0 a,ternati/e -o,d 3e to get Y fired6 S'e is a-are of 'er ;a,ities as an aditor$ and nti, t'en s'e "erfor%ed /er0 -e,, in 'er 4o36 In t'is &ase$ E is %ore "o-erf, t'an 'er o""onent6 If s'e -i,, esti%ate Y1s BATNA s'e -o,d 'a/e 3ig &'an&es to -in t'e negotiation and to 3e in "ea&e -it' 'erse,f at -or.6 On t'e ot'er 'and$ Y "ossesses great e2"erien&e in t'e Aditing fie,d6 He -as "raised for its s&&ess and gained %an0 &ontra&ts6 His net-or. of re,ations'i"s is 3ig$ so 'e &an &o/er t'is %ista.e /er0 easi,0$ as 'e is neit'er t'e first nor t'e ,ast t'at is 'a/ing t'is "ro3,e%6 Using t'is to 'is ad/antage$ -o,d %a.e 'i% -in t'e negotiation and e/en get 'er fired6 0. Communication in negotiation 8o%en and %en %a0 a""roa&' &on/ersations$ dis&ssions and negotiations different,0 de to so&io,ogi&a,$ &,tra, and e/en "'0si&a, differen&es6 So%e as"e&ts of t'e -a0 %en and -o%en &o%%ni&ate different,0 &o,d affe&t t'e "er&e"tion of "o-er dring a negotiation6 It is "ro/en t'at -o%en and %en &o%%ni&ate and ta,. different,06 Ho-e/er C,tra, differen&es 'a/e signifi&ant effe&ts on negotiations as -e,,6 Fai,re to nderstand and a""re&iate t'ese differen&es &an 'a/e serios &onse;en&es for negotiations6 E -as &ag't in t'e i%",i&it &,tra, endorse%ent of o34e&tif0ing -o%en and t'en e2"erien&ed t'e do3,e53ind of ass%ing a dis"ro"ortiona, 3rden of res"onsi3i,it0 for t'e &onse;en&es6 Be&ase s'e didnHt -ant to 3e seen as a tro3,e%a.er and a -anton one at t'at$ s'e resisted re"orting t'e in&ident6 Instead$ E and Y engaged in an i%",i&it negotiation o/er t'eir re"tation and standing -it'in t'e "rofessiona, rea,% of t'e offi&e6 A,t'og' E -as at a disad/antage fro% t'e &onte2t of a %a,e 'ege%oni& so&iet0$ s'e did "ossess t'e "o-er of .no-,edge t'at &o,d tarnis' YHs re"tation as -e,,6 Yet t'is .no-,edge -as a t-o5edged s-ord$ stri.ing a 3,o- to t'e integrit0 and &redi3i,it0 of 3ot'6 A,, '%an intera&tions are in'erent,0 inter&,tra,$ one &an rig't,0 &onsider t'at e/en t'e %eeting of t-o indi/ida,s is an inter&,tra, e2er&ise sin&e t'e0 3ot' 'a/e different -a0s to "er&ei/e$ na%e and rein/ent rea,it06 T'erefore$ -e 'a/e to ta.e in &onsideration t'at t'e "arti&i"ants %ig't 'a/e different "oint of /ie- and different goa,s6 0.2. 1ercetion Differences and their effect on negotiation One fondationa, 9.e0: isse in s&&essf, negotiation are "er&e"tions6 T'ere is a si%",e distin&tion 3et-een &o%%ni&ation and "er&e"tion6 Co%%ni&ation is a t-o5-a0 "ro&ess 30 -'i&' infor%ation is "assed 3et-een e%itters and re&ei/ers6 Per&e"tion is a re&ei/erHs nderstanding of t'e infor%ation t'e e%itter 'as offered6 Pro3,e%s arise -'en re&ei/ers si%",0 a&&e"t t'eir initia, 3e,ief or nderstanding of t'e infor%ation t'at 'as 3een e%itted$ -'en t'e0 donHt ta.e t'e ti%e or tro3,e to &'e&. -it' t'e e%itter to %a.e sre t'eir initia, HnderstandingH is &orre&t6 Often$ -'at -e "er&ei/e is -'at -e 'a/e ass%ed6 Co%%ni&ation gi/es s t'e o""ortnit0 to test ass%"tions6 It gi/es s t'e &'an&e to &'e&. -'et'er or "er&e"tions ref,e&t t'e intent or %eaning of -'at ot'ers are tr0ing to i%"art to s6 Per&e"tion de"ends on t'e "er&ei/er1s &rrent state of %ind$ ro,e and &o%"re'ension$ and t'erefore 'ere &o,d a,-a0s 3e errors in t'e inter"retation and s3se;ent &o%%ni&ation$ 4st ,i.e 'a""ened -it' t'e s"onsor6 E -as &onfsed a3ot -'0 t'is 'ad 3e&o%e a %a4or isse toY6 T'e -a0 'e sa- it$ 'e -as si%",0 tr0ing to do t'e gent,e%an,0 t'ing 30 a"o,ogi>ing6 Y1s rea&tion to 'is first a"o,og0 -as a%3igos to 'i%7 s'e said Ie/er0t'ingHs o.a0I 3t so%e'o- it -as an nsatisf0ing reso,tion to 'i%$ and Y ass%ed t'at s'e is 9o.e: -it' t'e entire sitation and 'is a"o,ogies6 Y 'ad 'is e0e on Lara e/er sin&e s'e started -or.ing at t'e Co%"an06 Y ad%itted t'at 'is "ass at 'er in t'e &a3 -as a st"id %ista.e and t'at 'e 'ad no intention of 'rting 'er6 Ho-e/er$ Y1s "er&e"tion of t'e sitation -asn1t t'e sa%e6 E fe,t t'at Y /io,ated 'er trst in 'i%6 S'e -as angr0 t'at Y see%ed to t'in. of 'er %ore as a se2a, o34e&t t'an a "rofessiona, editor and YHs a"o,ogies -ere a &onstant re%inder of 'er denigrated "osition6 Per&e"tions are "resent in a negotiation -'et'er "eo",e -ant t'e% to 3e t'ere or not6 T'e fa&t is -'et'er a negotiation is 'a""ening o/er t'e te,e"'one 3et-een t-o different "arties on t-o different &ontinents or -'et'er it is 'a""ening in &a3 on ,eat'er &o&'es$ t'ere -i,, 3e "er&e"tions of ea&' "art0 30 t'e ot'er "art0 and t'ose "er&e"tions -i,, inf,en&e t'e "ro&ess and t'e ot&o%e$ in a 3ig -a06 2sserti-e "eha-ior and its imact on negotiation Be'a/ior -'i&' ena3,es a "erson to a&t in 'is or 'er o-n 3est interest$ to stand " for 'erse,f or 'i%se,f$ -it'ot nde an2iet0$ to e2"ress 'onest fee,ing &o%forta3,0$ or to e2er&ise "ersona, rig'ts -it'ot den0ing t'e rig'ts of ot'ers$ -e &a,, it Asserti/e 6 Peo",e -'o are asserti/e are &onfident and .no- -'at t'e0 -ant6 T'e0 are not afraid to "t for-ard o"inions and are -i,,ing to ,isten to t'e o"inions of ot'ers6 T'e0 are not afraid of &onf,i&t and -i,, 3e %ore t'an 'a""0 to arge t'eir &ase6 Peo",e -'o are 'ig',0 asserti/e &an 3e seen as 3eing aggressi/e$ -'i,e "eo",e -'o ,a&. asserti/eness are often "assi/e 8o%en are ,ess ,i.e,0 to engage in asserti/e negotiation 3e'a/ior 3e&ase t'e0 fear negati/e 4dg%ents6 Asserti/e fe%a,e negotiators in&r so&ia, 3a&.,as' 3e&ase t'e0 /io,ate gender nor%s and are seen as 9too %as&,ine6: Ho-e/er$ -'en negotiating on 3e'a,f of$ asserti/e fe%a,e negotiators a/oid so&ia, 3a&.,as'6 T'is is 3e&ase t'e fe%a,e negotiator1s asserti/e 3e'a/ior is seen as &onfor%ing to gendered e2"e&tations to 'e," ot'ers and s3se;ent,0 is not /ie-ed as a ro,e /io,ation to 3e "nis'ed6 In or &ase E &o,d 3rig'ten to Y 'er 'onest fee,ings a3ot t'e sitation t'at 'a""ened in t'e ta2i and es"e&ia,,0 a3ot 'is a"o,ogi>ing 3e'a/ior$ so Y -o,d nderstand 'er "oint 3etter6 E -o,d fee, good a3ot 'erse,f 30 3eing asserti/e e/en if Y -o,d not sto" a"o,ogi>ing6 Bt instead s'e &'ooses "assi/e,0 to a&&e"t t'e sitation6 Man0 "eo",e are &on&erned t'at if t'e0 assert t'e%se,/es$ ot'ers -i,, t'in. of t'eir 3e'a/ior as aggressi/e6 Bt t'ere is a differen&e 3et-een 3eing asserti/e and aggressi/e6 Asserti/e "eo",e state t'eir o"inions$ -'i,e sti,, 3eing res"e&ted 30 ot'ers6 Aggressi/e "eo",e atta&. or ignore ot'ersH o"inions in fa/or of t'eir o-n6 Passi/e "eo",e donHt state t'eir o"inions at a,,$ as E6 S'e fai,ed to e2"ress 'er fee,ings and "referen&es to Y$ s'e on,0 a&&e"ted a"o,ogi>ing -it'ot frt'er &,arifi&ations6 For Y it -as a sr"rise to find ot t'at E is "set on 'is a"o,ogi>ing 3e'a/ior 3e&ase 'is intentions -ere good to 'er6 T'ere are ti%es -'en it is a""ro"riate to 3e %ore or ,ess asserti/e and so it -as in E and Y1s &ase6 3. 1ower -s. 4eason Po-er J &a"a3i,ities negotiators &an asse%3,e to gi/e t'e%se,/es an ad/antage or in&rease t'e "ro3a3i,it0 of a&'ie/ing t'eir o34e&ti/es T'e isse of "o-er in t'e &ase of E and Y is a ,arge nder,0ing fa&tor$ -'i&' 'as inf,en&ed t'e trn of e/ents6 Peo",e -'o are %ore affe&ted 30 'arass%ent are t'ose -it' t'e ,east a%ont of "o-er in t'e -or.",a&e6 E &ertain,0 fe,t "o-er,ess6 YHs aggressi/e se2a,it0 dis",a0ed in t'e &a3$ as -e,, as 'is nder,0ing ass%"tion t'at 'is se2a, ad/an&e -o,d 3e -e,&o%ed 30 E$ re/ea,s t'e ine;ities ",a&ed "on -o%en in or %a,e5do%inated so&iet06 A -o%an in 8estern so&iet0 is se2a,i>ed as an o34e&t7 -'ereas$ a %an is rare,0 treated in s&' a -a06 Hen&e$ E -as &onfronted -it' YHs nar&issisti& ass%"tion t'at s'e -o,d 3e 'a""0 to re&ei/e 'is attentions$ a,ong -it' t'e %a,e ideo,og0 of &,ai%ing -o%en as o34e&ts of desire6 T'is "o-er i%3a,an&e -as t'en &arried into t'e se2a, "o,iti&s of t'e -or.",a&e6 Po-er %a0 3e a 3a,an&e of ad/antage or an ine;a,it0 of resor&es in a -or.",a&e$ a 'ose'o,d$ or a ,arger instittion6 8'i,e E &ertain,0 fe,t indignant at YHs 3e'a/ior$ 'er %ain &on&ern t'e ne2t da0 -as "reser/ing 'er re"tation and .ee"ing 'er 4o36 E -as -orried a3ot %aintaining a netra,i>ed se2a,it0 in t'e offi&e en/iron%ent$ fearing a re"tation of 3eing se2a,,0 Ieas0I6 S&' a ,a3e, -o,d effe&ti/e,0 o/ers'ado- an0 "o-er t'at s'e &o,d assert t'rog' .no-,edge or s.i,,6 Conse;ent,0$ E &'ose not to ris. ",a&ing 'erse,f in a "osition to 3e nfair,0 ,a3e,ed 30 t'e offi&e "o-er str&tre e/en t'og' YHs offensi/e and 3ooris' 3e'a/ior in/aded 'er sense of se&rit0 and &onfiden&e6 S'e resisted re"orting YHs ina""ro"riate 3e'a/ior 3e&ase s'e didnHt -ant to 3e "er&ei/ed as &o%",i&ated6 In ana,0>ing t'is s&enario$ E and Y are s3t,0 negotiating for "o-er6 Fo,,o-ing t'e &a3 in&ident$ E and Y -ere i%",i&it,0 negotiating for %aintaining t'eir o-n &redi3i,it0 in t'e -or.",a&e6 T'eir intera&tions i%",0 a testing of -'at ea&' of t'e% /a,e6 Bot' /a,e t'eir re"tation in t'e offi&e6 Ot'er-ise$ Y -o,dnHt fee, &o%"e,,ed to a"o,ogi>e in an effort to I&'e&.I on E Hs fee,ings a3ot 'i% to gage 'er in&,ination to 3,a3 a3ot 'i% in t'e offi&e6 If Lara -asnHt &on&erned a3ot 'er re"tation and standing -it'in t'e offi&e$ s'e %a0 'a/e to,d t'e Manager a3ot t'e &a3 in&ident6 Bot' are testing t'e -aters of t'eir "rofessiona, standing6 Bot' -anted ot'ers to /ie- t'e% -it' res"e&t6 E -as tr0ing to %aintain t'e /a,e of t'eir re"tations at -or. 30 -it''o,ding t'e infor%ation a3ot t'e &a3 in&ident6 Bt YHs "ersisten&e 3e&a%e anno0ing and s'e &onfided in a &o",e of 'er friends at -or.6 E &,ai%ed /a,e 30 di/,ging YHs se2a, fa2 "as6 S'e &,ai%ed t'e "o-er of .no-,edge$ 3t at a &ost of ",a&ing 'er &o5-or.ers in an a-.-ard "osition6 Ho-e/er$ regard,ess of its sor&e$ "o-er 'as &onsistent and "redi&ta3,e "ositi/e and negati/e effe&ts on negotiations6 @6 Negotiations &o%e in t-o for%s5 distri3ti/e ot&o%es and integrati/e arg%ents6 Distri3ti/e ot&o%es$ a,so &a,,ed$ I-in5,oseI 3argaining$ is a &o%"etiti/e negotiation strateg0 t'at is sed to de&ide 'o- to distri3te a fi2ed resor&e <i6e6 %one0= 3et-een t-o negotiators so t'at t'e %ore one gets$ t'e ,ess t'e ot'er gets6 In distri3ti/e 3argaining$ ea&' "art0 tries to se&re t'e %ost 3enefit for t'e%se,/es$ -it'ot regard for t'e ot'er sideHs ot&o%e <Ro0 F6L$ Da/id M6S$ and Fo'n 86 M$ *???=6 Integrati/e negotiations$ on t'e ot'er 'and$ in/o,/es a 4oint effort dire&ted at finding a so,tion t'at -i,, 3e "er&ei/ed as 3enefi&ia, to 3ot' "arties6 In ana,0>ing t'is s&enario$ E and Y are s3t,0 negotiating for "o-er6 Fo,,o-ing t'e &a3 in&ident$ E and Y -ere i%",i&it,0 negotiating for %aintaining t'eir o-n &redi3i,it0 in t'e -or.",a&e6 E and YHs intera&tions i%",0 a testing of -'at ea&' of t'e% /a,e6 Bot' /a,e t'eir re"tation in t'e offi&e6 Ot'er-ise$ Y -o,dnHt fee, &o%"e,,ed to a"o,ogi>e in an effort to I&'e&.I on E Hs fee,ings a3ot6 E 3egn to ,ose &onfiden&e in 'erse,f and to %a.e t'ings -orse$ E1s a"o,ogies -ere a &onstant re%inder of 'er denigrated "osition6 In a -a0$ it -as %ore intrsi/e t'an t'e ta2i in&ident6 Y fe,t 'e,",ess 3e&ase at t'e offi&e s'e &o,dn1t get a-a0 fro% 'i% and s'e fe,t gi,t0 and angr0 at 'erse,f for not 3eing a3,e to stand " for 'erse,f and not ,et Y affe&t 'er6 Ys "ersistent a"o,ogies i%"inged "on E1s "ersona, s"a&e and %ade 'er fee, t'at 'e -as as.ing for %ore t'an forgi/eness6 His a"o,ogies &o,d 3e seen as a -a0 to %ani",ate Y into not infor%ing t'e dire&tor or ot'er &o5-or.ers a3ot t'e &a3 in&ident6 Y is ",a0ing on EHs Ini&enessI 30 doing t'e 'onora3,e t'ing of a"o,ogi>ing in 'o"es t'at s'e doesnHt 3rea. t'is eti;ette6 T'e -a0 of dea,ing -it' t'e &onf,i&t is to &o%"ro%ise$ for t'is is t'e -a0 E and Y &an sett,e %ost of t'eir &ontro/ersies6 Ea&' s'o,d gi/e a ,itt,e in order to 'a/e "ea&e$ or to s"ea. a&&rate,0 in order t'at t'e a&ti/it0 -'i&' 'as 3een interr"ted 30 t'e &onf,i&t to go on6 Here -e re&ogni>ed t'at 3ot' 'a/e &o%%on interests$ one of t'e% 3eing re"tation6 8'en t'is desire is integrated$ it %eans t'at a so,tion &an 3e fond$ and t'at neit'er side 'as to sa&rifi&e an0t'ing6 T's$ -'en E de&ided to ,ea/e 'er 4o3$ in one -a0 s'e &'oose to &o%"ro%ise6 Bt after a -'i,e s'e nderstood t'at s'e didn1t do it in t'e &orre&t -a06 8'en so%eone &'oses to &o%"ro%ise $ t'e &onf,i&t -i,, &o%e " again and again6 S'e ga/e " a "art of 'er desire to 3e&o%e res"e&ted and a""re&iated 30 'er tea%6 On,0 30 integration s'e &o,d rea,,0 sta3i,i>e6 In fa&t$ in order for 3ot' "arties to 'a/e a "ositi/e ot&o%e -o,d 3e for Y to a"o,ogi>e for 'is insistent 3e'a/ior and sto"6 On t'e ot'er 'and$ Y s'o,d a&&e"t in a sin&ere -a0 t'ese a"o,ogies and to start -or.ing -it' 'i% as t'e0 -ere doing 3efore t'e in&ident6 5. !he style of negotiation and strategies used in negotiation Indi/ida,s$ s&' as E$ -'o "refer to a/oid &onf,i&t tend to 3e intro/erted rat'er t'an e2tro/erted and are %ore ,i.e,0 to 'a/e a fee,ing "referen&e rat'er t'an a t'in.ing "referen&e6 E is ,ess in&,ined to s"ontaneos,0 rea&tion to a &onf,i&t$ n,ess it is /er0 %eaningf,6 8it' a fee,ing orientation s'e is sensiti/e to t'e i%"a&t t'at t'e disagree%ent is 'a/ing on 'er and Y6 S'e is ,i.e,0 to %a.e de&isions on t'e a3o/e des&ri3ed attri3tes rat'er t'an 3ased on fa&ts or ,ogi&6 Being an intro/ert -'o %a.es efforts to a/oid &onf,i&t E %a0 3e seen as I"assi/eI or I-ea.I 3t %a0 a,so 'a/e t'e ad/antage of not engaging in &onf,i&t nti, t'e sitation is rig't and s'e is "re"ared6 S'e is a -ar% and .ind "erson$ &atios and a-are$ dis&reet and "ri/ate6 S'e1s afraid of 3eing 'rt6 S'e "refers to a/oid sitations in -'i&' s'e attra&ts attention$ and tries to 3e as in&ons"i&os as "ossi3,e6 S'e 3e,ie/es t'at if s'e -i,, ignore t'e "ro3,e%$ it -i,, go a-a0 and if s'e fee,s or t'in.s so%et'ing n",easant$ s'e1s tr0ing to -i"e it ot or distra&t 'erse,f6 Fro% t'e &ase$ -e &o,d ded&e t'at E is a "erson t'at "ts great e%"'asi>e on e2terna, ,o&s of &ontro,$ as s'e is 3,a%ing Y for a,, t'e sitation t'at is 'a""ening to 'er6 S'e does not 'a/e t'e &orage to state 'er o"inion$ e2"ressing strong senti%ents of fear6 As &on&erning Y -e %a0 see 'i% as &o%",iant in 'is re,ations'i"s and o/er-'e,%ing,0 &onf,i&t5a/oidant$ e/en at t'e e2"ense of 'is &ore 3e,iefs and /a,es6 Y /a,es re,ations'i"s -it' ot'ers$ and %a0 e2'i3it "3,i& dis",a0s of gi,t$ an2iet0 or de"ression6 Peo",e often find it 'ard to nderstand ea&' ot'er 3e&ase of t'eir differen&es6 Most "eo",e affe&ted 30 'arass%ent fear t'e negati/e &onse;en&es of re"orting 'arass%ent ta.ing t'e for% of not on,0 of reta,iation$ 3t a,so fro% si,ent re4e&tion or disa""ro/a, 30 &o5 -or.ers and fa%i,0$ and t'e ,oss of good-i,, fro% e%",o0ers6 Re"orters of 'arass%ent a,so fear a ,oss of "ri/a&0 t'at a "3,i& &o%",aint -i,, 3ring6 Most i%"ortant,0$ re"orters 3e,ie/e t'at t'e0 ,a&. t'e sffi&ient e/iden&e of t'e offensi/e 3e'a/ior$ -'i&' ",a&es t'e% in t'e ntena3,e "osition of I'is -ord against %ine:6 A/oiding is a &o%%on res"onse to t'e negati/e "er&e"tion of &onf,i&t6 Lara -as a ne- e%",o0ee$ sti,, in t'e "ro&ess of ,earning t'e offi&e "o,iti&s and "ro/ing 'erse,f as 3eing a &o%"etent editor6 S'e did not -ant to ro&. t'e 3oat or 3ring negati/e attention to 'erse,f6 S'e -as tr0ing to %aintain t'e /a,e of t'eir re"tations at -or. 30 -it''o,ding t'e infor%ation a3ot t'e &a3 in&ident6 S'e -as -i,,ing to ,et t'e nfortnate in&ident go -it'ot reta,iation6 S'e &'ooses to a/oid t'e &onf,i&t6 S'e e/aded t'e isse$ -it'dra/ed fro% t'e dis&ssion and did not e/en sta0 for t'e reso,tion6 In 'er %ind -as t'at if 9s'e donHt 3ring it "$ it -i,, not 3,o- o/erI6 Bt instead a,, t'at 'a""ens is t'at fee,ings get "ent "$ /ie-s go ne2"ressed and e%otions raised intensi/e,06 Li.e a &an&er t'at %a0 -e,, 'a/e 3een &red if treated ear,0$ t'e &onf,i&t gre- and s"eeded nti, it .i,,ed t'e re,ations'i"6 S'o,dnHt E 'a/e en,ig'tened 'i% of t'e ina""ro"riateness of 'is 3e'a/iorG E/en if 'e didnHt sto"$ at ,east s'e &o,d fee, good a3ot 'erse,f 30 3eing asserti/e6 Instead$ s'e "assi/e,0 a&&e"ted t'e sitation6 Most of s -o,d ,i.e to a/oid &onf,i&t as %&' as "ossi3,e6 In so%e &ases efforts to a/oid &onf,i&t are fitting and effe&ti/e6 In ot'er &ases$ ,i.e -it' or stor0$ a/oiding &onf,i&t on,0 &ontri3tes to t'e "ro3,e% and "re/ents it fro% 3eing reso,/ed6 Kno-ing t'e a""ro"riate ses of a/oiding as a &onf,i&t %anage%ent %ode$ and nderstanding 'o- "ersona,it0 d0na%i&s inf,en&e t'is &'oi&e$ -i,, ena3,e s to dea, -it' &onf,i&t %ore s&&essf,,06 As &on&erning E -e %a0 /ie- 'i% as -e,,5%eaning in 'is a"o,ogies 0et so&ia,,0 ine"t in 'is a3i,it0 to gage -'en to sto" a"o,ogi>ing6 Fee,ing gi,t0 Y &'ooses t'e a&&o%%odating st0,e of negotiation and &onstant,0 tr0ing %a.e E find a so,tion t'at is satisfa&tor0 for 3ot' of t'e%6 Ti% is o"erating fro% fee,ings "ers"e&ti/e$ not fro% t'in.ing "ers"e&ti/e6 Ne/ert'e,ess$ -e &an ,oo. "on YHs a"o,ogies as intrsi/e$ -'i&' &ases 'is a"o,ogies to ,ose t'eir %eaning of good-i,,6 It &o,d 3e a for% of 'arass%ent -'erein E &annot es&a"e$ for s'e is de"endent "on 'er 4o3 to s""ort 'erse,f6 Bt Y ad%itted t'at 'is "ass at 'er in t'e &a3 -as a st"id %ista.e$ and 'e tr,0 regretted and -as e%3arrassed 30 'is 3e'a/ior6 He &ertain,0 didnHt nderstand 'o- 'is a"o,ogies &o,d 3e &onstred as 'arass%ent6 Understanding t'e ot'er "art0Hs interests and ta&ti&s is integra, to good negotiating6 A strateg0 "ro/ide t'e o/era,, a""roa&' sed t'rog'ot t'e negotiations6 C'oosing a strateg0 t'at 3est res"onds to t'e interests and ta&ti&s -i,, 'e," to a&'ie/e t'e 3est ot&o%e6 In or &ase t'e strateg0 for t'e negotiating t'e &onf,i&t is Ina&tion or A/oidan&e strateg06 Using t'is strateg0 si%",0 do not address t'e &onf,i&t and is indifferent to ea&' ot'er1s needs and &on&erns6 E is tr0ing to a/oid t'e &onf,i&t and %a.ing no a&tions to-ards reso,/ing it instead s'e is "retending t'at not'ing 'a""ens and on,0 &onstant a"o,ogi>ing fro% Y &onstant,0 re%inding 'er a3ot it and anno0ing 'er6 De to gender differen&es E &ertain,0 fe,t indignant at YHs 3e'a/ior and 'er %ain &on&ern t'e ne2t da0 -as "reser/ing 'er re"tation and .ee"ing 'er 4o36 S'e resisted re"orting YHs ina""ro"riate 3e'a/ior 3e&ase s'e didnHt -ant to 3e "er&ei/ed as a &o%",e2 "erson6 Ho-e/er$ instead s'e &o,d &'oose to "rse t'e %atter t'rog' an interest5 3ased %e&'anis% to address 'er -is' t'at Y sto" 'is a"o,ogi>ing and ,ea/e 'er a,one6 An interest53ased a""roa&' is 3etter sited to t'e &onf,i&t 3et-een E and Y 3e&ase fo&sing on interests &o,d 'e," t'e% 3etter nderstand ea&' ot'er6 EHs "ri%ar0 interest is to 'a/e a &'a,,enging and f,fi,,ing 4o3 in -'i&' s'e is res"e&ted6 S'e -ants to 3e free of t'at tig't$ "ani&.0 fee,ing in 'er gt -'ene/er s'e sees Y6 E -ants to 3e seen as a &o%"etent "rofessiona,$ not a f,oo>0 -'o f,agrant,0 /io,ates t'e n-ritten r,e of a/oiding se2a, da,,ian&es -it' %a,e &o5-or.ers6 Yet s'e -ants to 'a/e a so%e-'at infor%a,$ en4o0a3,e -or.ing re,ations'i" -it' 'er &o,,eages6 YHs interests are t'e sa%e as EHs6 He doesnHt ,i.e t'e "redi&a%ent 'is attra&tion to E 'as ,ed 'i% to6 A&ta,,0$ t'e '%i,iating re4e&tion 'e e2"erien&ed in t'e &a3 effe&ti/e,0 .i,,ed 'is initia, interest in E6 No- 'e fee,s st"id and gi,t0 and &o%"e,,ed to %a.e sre t'at E doesnHt t'in. 'e is a &o%",ete oaf6 And 'e doesnHt -ant t'e %isera3,e &a3 e2"erien&e to 3e re&ast into a ta,e of atte%"ted ra"e6 He too -ants a &'a,,enging and f,fi,,ing 4o3 in -'i&' 'e is res"e&ted6 If t'e0 -o,d &'oose anot'er strateg0 in so,/ing t'eir &onf,i&t$ t'e ot&o%e %ig't 3e %&' 3etter for 3ot' of t'e%: E %ig't sta0 at 'er -or.ing ",a&e and Y -o,d not ,ose res"e&t fro% 'is &o,,eages6 6. 7utcomes EHs and YHs interests are stri.ing,0 si%i,ar6 It -as o3/ios,0 t'at E and Y needed to fa&i,itate t'e dis&ssion6 E and Y %et and to,d t'eir stories to ea&' ot'er -it'ot interr"tions6 For E$ Y1 se2a, %o/e in t'e &a3 ,eft 'er &onfsed and angr06 S'e t'og't t'at it -as ni&e of Y to offer s'aring t'e &a3 and 'ad no fore-arning of 'is interest in 'er6 E fe,t t'at Y /io,ated 'er trst in 'i%6 S'e -as angr0 t'at Y see%ed to t'in. of 'er %ore as a se2a, o34e&t t'an a "rofessiona, editor6 Conse;ent,0$ s'e 3egan to ,ose &onfiden&e in 'erse,f6 To %a.e t'ings -orse$ YHs a"o,ogies -ere a &onstant re%inder of 'er denigrated "osition6 In a -a0$ it -as %ore intrsi/e t'an t'e &a3 in&ident6 At ,east in t'e &a3$ s'e fe,t s'e &o,d get a-a0 fro% 'i%6 In t'e offi&e$ s'e &o,dnHt get a-a0 and fe,t 'e,",ess as a res,t6 S'e tried to te,, 'i% to sto"$ 3t it see%ed to 3ear no res,ts6 Y de&,ared t'at 'e 'ad no intention of 'rting 'er6 Yes$ 'e 'ad 'is e0e on E e/er sin&e s'e started -or.ing at t'e Co%"an06 S'e -as "rett0 and fn to -or. -it'6 Yet Y ad%itted t'at 'is "ass at 'er in t'e &a3 -as a st"id %ista.e$ and 'e tr,0 regretted and -as e%3arrassed 30 'is 3e'a/ior6 Y -as e/en %ore re%orsef, after 'earing YHs "ainf, a&&ont of t'e e%otiona, ra%ifi&ations t'e in&ident 'ad "on 'er6 Bt t'atHs -'ere t'e e%"at'0 sto""ed6 Y 4stified 'is &ontining a"o,ogies as an atte%"t to %a.e &,ear t'at 'e -as sin&ere6 He to,d E to ,ig'ten "6 He &ertain,0 didnHt nderstand 'o- 'is a"o,ogies &o,d 3e &onstred as 'arass%ent6 If E fe,t t'at -a0$ t'en it -as 'er "ro3,e%6 He -as on,0 tr0ing to 3e ni&e$ and no- s'e %a.es 'i% ot to 3e a so&io"at'6 Y as.ed Y -'0 s'e 'ates 'i% so6 It -as o3/ios t'at 3ot' of t'e% 'a/e sffered fro% t'e &a3 in&ident6 Bot' fe,t gi,t and s'a%e6 Y said 'e re&ogni>ed t'e "ain 'e &ased 'er and nderstood t'at 'is "ass in t'e &a3 -as -rong6 His gi,t a3ot t'e in&ident &ased 'i% to re"eat 'is a"o,ogies6 A,, 'e -anted no- -as for E to 'ear and a&&e"t 'is a"o,og06 T'en 'e -o,d 3e a3,e to "t t'e -'o,e t'ing 3e'ind 'i% and %o/e on6 Y 'o"ed t'at E -o,d 3e a3,e to do t'e sa%e6 E re",ied 30 sa0ing t'at s'e fe,t s'e 'ad a&&e"ted 'is a"o,og0 t'e %orning after t'e in&ident o&&rred6 No- t'at s'e nderstood -'0 Y &ontined to a"o,ogi>e$ s'e -asnHt as angr0 at 'i%6 C,ear,0$ e%otiona, e2"ression -as a &r&ia, e,e%ent of not on,0 t'e &onf,i&t and its es&a,ation$ 3t a,so its reso,tion6 In ,ig't of &onf,i&t e/a,ation and reso,tion$ t'e e%otiona, "atterns e2'i3ited in ti%es of an2iet0 &an ser/e as a -arning signa, t'at inter/ention is needed6 E/en a s%a,, ste" to-ards ,ess rea&ti/it0 and greater se,f5a-areness -o,d %a.e a signifi&ant differen&e in "re/enting destr&ti/e &onf,i&t6 ?6 8-aluation T'e first ste" to-ard finding a reso,tion of t'e &onf,i&t is to dis&o/er -'at E tr,0 -ants6 S'e &o,d &'oose to "rse t'e %atter t'rog' a rig'ts53ased %e&'anis% to see. redress for se2a, 'arass%ent6 T'e rig'ts53ased %et'ods is gronded in fi2ed r,es or "rin&i",es: t'e0 i%"ose a deter%ination 3ased on entit,e%ents$ %erits$ &redi3i,it0$ and "ositions6 Or E &o,d &'oose to "rse t'e %atter t'rog' an interest53ased %e&'anis% to address 'er -is' t'at Y sto" 'is a"o,ogi>ing and ,ea/e 'er a,one6 In interest53ased %et'ods$ "arties identif0 t'eir interests and &on&erns to arri/e at a %ta,,0 a&&e"ta3,e agree%ent6 An interest53ased a""roa&' is 3etter sited to t'e &onf,i&t 3et-een E and Y 3e&ase fo&sing on interests -o,d 'e," t'e% 3etter nderstand ea&' ot'er6 T'ese interest53ased te&'ni;es are &onsidered 3etter %et'ods of dis"te reso,tion I3e&ase t'e0 res,t in greater satisfa&tion -it' ot&o%es$ ,ess strain on t'e "artiesH re,ations'i"$ and ,o-er re&rren&e of dis"tes6 8e3ster Internationa, Di&tinar0 defines 9&onf,i&t: as 9 &,as'$ &o%"etition or %ta, interfa&e of o""osing or in&o%"ati3,e for&es or ;a,ities< ideas$ interests$ -i,,s:=6 A re/ie- of t'e ,iteratre s'o-s t'at %an0 great %inds 'a/e 3een s'o-n interest in t'e std0 of &onf,i&t6 8it'ot %ini%i>ing t'e i%"ortan&e of t'is state%ent$ -e s'a,, start 30 introd&ing na%es ,i.e Aristote,$ T'&0dides$ SnT> t'at stdied t'is "ro3,e% %ore t'an t-ent0 &entries ago6 In fa&t$ t'is fie,d 'as .no-n an o/er-'e,%ing %a4orit0 of -or. "ast &entries ago -'en so%e s&'o,ars 'a/e arged t'at &onf,i&t needs to de/e,o" its o-n ,iteratre and s'o,d 3e&o%e a fie,d in its o-n rig't6 Bt -eat'er it is a fie,d or a dis&i",ine it 'as its o-n &entra, ;estion and a 3od0 of ,iteratre t'at is in&reasing in&,ding a great /ariet0 of s34e&ts and a""roa&'es6 It a""ears t'at nti, no- &onf,i&t does not 'a/e a genera, a&&e"ted definition -'i&' one &an "in"oint in order to s3stantiate e2a&t,0 -'at it is6 As a %atter of fa&t -e &an sa0 t'at &onf,i&t is e/er0-ere$ and it is an essentia, featre of so&ia, ,ife6 8e e2"erien&e it in or "ersona, re,ations'i"s$ in or fa%i,0 and -or. ,ife$ in and 3et-een t'e gro"s -e 3e,ong to and in t'e so&iet0 in -'i&' -e ,i/e6 Conf,i&ts are not si%",e6 Often %an0 "eo",e -ere in/o,/ed and %an0 isses -ere in state6 Peo",e1s fee,ings$ "ers"e&ti/es and 3e'a/iors &'ange o/er ti%e and 3e&ase of t'is$ &onf,i&t is in'erent,0 &o%",e26 Basi&a,,0 -e need to see t'e di%ensions and as"e&ts of 'o- &onf,i&t arised$ -'at 'a""ens dring t'e &onf,i&t sitation$ -'at are t'e &onse;en&es of t'e &onf,i&t -'i&' &an 3e fn&tiona, or d0sfn&tiona, and fina,,0 'o- to get to t'e reso,tion of t'e &onf,i&t6 A"art fro% a 'andf, of re"orted stdies$ t'ere s'o,d 3e %entioned t'at t'e root of &onf,i&t 'as 3een stdied$ trog' 'istor0 30 %an0$ .no-ing ,i.e %an0 ot'er e%"iri&a, to"i&s$ so%e stages t'at need to 3e 3rog't into ;estion6 First of a,,$ -e -i,, refer to t'e -e,, .no-n s&'o,,s of tag't6 Fro% t'e traditiona, s&'oo, of t'og't it is nderstood t'at &onf,i&tis 3ad and it s'o,d 3e a/oided$ fostering &o%"etiti/e 3e'a/ior in intera&tion6 P'arses ,i.e 59 If you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at al:$ 59Dont start a fight:or 59 Be nice-get along: are ad%onitions t'at %a.e se of or e%otiona, di%ension "er&ei/ing it as a strgg,e6 Ho-e/er$ t'e '%an re,ations s&'oo, of tag't %ade a &'ange in 'o- &onf,i&t &an 3e addressed$ $ /ie-ing it as natra,$ fn&tiona, or d0sfn&tiona,6 Using t'is %e&'anis%$ /ie-s and o"inions are %ade .no-n$ and so%eti%es a o""ortnit0 for &reati/it0 and "ersation &an 3e 3orn$ in&reasing &o%%ni&ation and integration6 T'e t'ird r,e of t'%3 on -'i&' &onf,i&t is defined is t'e intera&tionist /ie-$ 3eing t'e t'ird and t'e ,ast s&'oo, of tog't6 It sees &onf,i&t as a "ositi/e sor&e$ e2&e"t -'en it is %isdiagnosed$ i%"ro"er,0 a/oided or %is%anaged6 So%e so&ia, s&ientists 'a/e gi/en &onf,i&t a3ad re"tation 30 ,in.ing it -it' "s0&'o"at'o,og0$ so &ia, disorder and -ar<Brton$ *??)=6 T'is a""roa&' i%",ies &onf,i&t to ta.e %ore of an aggressi/e fa&e $ and a"",ies in t'ose sitations -'ere indi/ida,s de,i3erate,0 a&t in a &o%"eting -a0 in order to "re/ent ea&' ot'er in a&'ie/ieng t'eir desired goa,6 T'is -a0 to nderstand &onf,i&t a""ears to 3e %ore "o",ar$ es"e&ia,,0 in t'e &ases of indstria, re,ations and intragro" sitations6 On t'e ot'er 'and $ t'ere is anot'er a""roa&' t'at ,oo.s at &onf,i&t fro% a %ore 3roader /ie-6 Pond0 <*?@A= offers t'at in 'is definition of &onf,i&t$ indi/ida,s -'o are in/o,/ed in a &onf,i&t sitation %st 'a/e so%e sort of "re&on&ei/ed notion as to -'i&' %ode of &onf,i&t 'and,ing -i,, 3e ado"ted6 T'is definition 30 far a,,o-s a 3ran&'ed ot,oo. at &onf,i&t 'and,ing -'i&' in&,des %eans ot'er t'an si%",0 &o%"etiti/eness to fn&tion6 Conf,i&t is t'e root of "ersona, and so&ia, &'ange6 Hen&e$ t'e organi>ations 'a/e &onf,i&t 3e&ase of its e/er &'anging en/iron%ent6 Conf,i&t "re/ents stagnation6 It sti%,ates interest and &riosit06 A&&ording to t'e &onf,i&t t'eor0$ its di%ensions /ar0 ser/ing as a &o%%ni&ation fn&tion or a "o-er too,$ ,eading to &o%",ete disintegration or &'ange trog' s3/ersi/e a&ts6 B0 %a.ing se of t'e &'aos and &o%",e2it0 t'eor0 -e 3e&a%e a-are of t'e fa&t t'at an0 3e'a/ior %a0 de/e,o" into a s0ste%B "attern$ so%eti%es /isi3,e$ ot'er ti%es not6 Based on t'is di%ensions$ C/e &onDi&t %anage%ent st0,es -ere e2tra&ted: doinatin! <'ig' &on&ern for se,f$ ,o- &on&ern for ot'ers"# inte!ratin! <'ig' &on&ern forse,f and ot'ers=$ co$roi%in! <%oderate &on&ern for se,f and for ot'ers=$ o&li!in! <,o- &on&ern for se,f and 'ig' &on&ern for ot'ers= and avoidin! <,o- &on&ern for se,f and ,o &on&ern for ot'ers=6$ t'at ref,e&t an indi/ida,1s 3e'a/iora, intentions in fa&e of &onf,i&t6 Conf,i&t is no- /ie-ed as not in'erent,0 goodB3ad$ "ositi/eBnegati/e$ 3t si%",0$ at its 'eart$ a "er&ei/ed state -'ere t'ere is disagree%ent a%ong "arties6 T's$ t'e %ore i%"ortant &onsideration$ is t'e effe&t &onf,i&t 'as on 'o- "eo",e -'o res"ond to its "resen&e6 Conf,i&t %anage%ent sggests so,/ing &onf,i&ts$ instead of red&ing$ e,i%inating or ,i%iting t'eir dration6 In order to gain an insig't of 'o- to a""roa&' t'e sitation "resented in t'e &ase td0$ -e -i, se t'e ste"s indi;ated in t'e 3e,,o- figre: Context of the study:Conflict diagnosys A s'ift in fo&s 'as o&&rred6 To e2",ain t'e dis"te -e ,oo.ed at t'e gro"s in &onf,i&t and ea&' of t'eir &,ai%s in order to esta3,is' -'at t'e isses -ere a3ot6 Trning a-a0 fro% t'e s0ste%ati& %ode,$ t'is ana,0sis 3egn to fo&s on t'e a&tors and sitation to 3eter nderstand t'e reasons 3e'ind &,ai%s for se,f5deter%ination ai%ing for inde"enden&e$ atono%0$ &ontro,6 In t'e &ase "resented in t'is "a"er$ t'e a/ai,a3,e infor%ation &onsisted of t'e e2"erien&e of a /i&ti% and 'er a&&ont of t'e &onf,i&t6 Or ana,0sis is 3ased on data gat'ered after "arti&i"ating as si%",e e0e-'itnesses and t'erefore %a.es no &,ai% of 3eing an o34e&ti/e std0 of t'e &onf,i&t6 Trog'ot t'e &orse of e/ents -e 'a/e gat'erd infor%ation in order to i,,strate 'o- t'e &onf,i&t 'ad de/e,o"ed$ as -e,, as t'e a&tors "oint of /ie- regarding &ertain "arts of t'e &onf,i&t6 In t'is sense$ -e -ere a3,e to 3e&o%e fa%i,iar -it' t'e &onf,i&t and -it' t'e "arti&i"ants6 A s'ortened and si%",ified s%%ar0 of t'e &ase -as &onstr&ted on t'e 3asis of t'e gat'ered infor%ation6 T'is inter"retation is indented to de%onstrate 'o- t'e in&idents -ere ana,0>ed in ter%s of t'e a3o/e %ode,66 S%%ar0 of t'e &onf,i&t In a ,arge A&&onting &o%"an0 in Ro%ania$ a 0ong -o%an$ E$ -as 'ired as a Fnior Aditor inside in order to -or. on an i%"ortant &ase6 T'e tea% -as &o%"osed of 'er and si2 ot'er e%",o0ees$ in&,ding a Senior Aditor6 E -as -or.ing t'ere sin&e t-o %ont's a,read0 and one e/ening t'e tea% %e%3ers de&ide to go for ,n&'6 As a %atter of fa&t$ after &ons%ing so%e a,&o'o,$ t'e tea% %e%3ers 3e&a%e /er0 re,a2ed and e/er0one -as te,,ing fnn0 stories and 4o.es a3ot different t'ings6 At t'e end of t'e %ea,$ e/er03od0 -as "re"aring to ,ea/e in order to go 'o%e and "re"are for t'e ne2t da06 Y$ -'o in ti%e started to 3e&o%e attra&ted 30 E$ &a,,ed for a Ta2i and offered Y to s",it t'e &a3$ as 3ot' -ere 'eading a,%ost in t'e sa%e -a06 E 'ad a&&e"t t'e in/itation and -ent for 'er &oat6 After going into t'e ta2i$ Y 'ad an i%",se and %ade a se2a, gestre to-ards E6 T'e gir,$ 'orrified started to s&rea% and "s' 'i% a-a0$ te,,ing 'i% to get ot6 H%i,iated Y ,eft t'e &a3 and -ent 'o%e6 T'e se&ond da0$ at -or.$ E -as s'o-ing signs of angst$ as s'e didn1t .ne- 'o- s'e -i,, dea, -it' Y6 S'e -as as.ing 'erse,f so %an0 ;estions as if t'e in&ident fro% ,ast nig't -i,, affe&t 'er 4o36 Or e/en -orse$ -i,, 'e tr0 to get 'er firedG 8'en Y sa- t'at E &a% in t'e 3i,ding 'e i%%ediate,0 -ent to 'er offi&e and a"o,ogi>ed for 'is ina""ro"riate 3e'a/ior6 S'e 3e&a%e re,ie/ed and de&ided to ,ea/e t'e sitation as it -as$ as s'e &onsidered t'at 'is a"o,ogies -ere enog' and no frt'er a&tions -o,d 3e needed6 Y -as a-are t'at s'e -as ne- in t'e tea%$ and e/en t'og' s'e &onsidered 'erse,f 'ig',0 &o%"etent$ s'e .no-,edge t'at 'er &'ief -as %a.ing t'e r,es inside t'e tea%6 Bt t'is s%a,, in&ident -as on,0 t'e 3eginning as Y did not sto""ed after %a.ing t'e a"o,ogies6 Instead -it' e/er0 o&&asion -'en 'e &o,d &at&' Y a,one$ 'e started to 3ring " t'e in&ident and a"o,og0 again and again6 For &o",e of %ont's Y a"o,ogi>ed to E at e/er0 o&&asion t'at 'e 'ad6 Y 3e&o%e anno0ed a3ot t'is &'ain of a"o,ogies and &onsidered t'e% e/en strange6 T'e first ti%e -'en Y a"o,ogi>ed$ Y said t'at it -as o.a0$ 3t after a,, t'is ti%e$ %ont's e/en$ s'e rea&'ed t'e "oint -'en s'e as.ed 'i% to sto" a"o,ogi>ing6 Being ner/os of 'er sitation s'e started to te,, so%e of 'er tea% %e%3ers a3ot 'er di,e%%a$ and "eo",e started to ,ose res"e&t for Y6 A,t'og' t'e in&ident -as not .no-n 30 ot'ers$ e2&e"t t'e t-o a&tors$ Y sensed t'at ot'ers .ne- so%et'ing a3ot t'at6 After a -'i,e t'e in&ident 3e&a%e t'e %ain gossi" of t'e offi&e6 Mean-'i,e$ Y 3e&a%e tiered to 'ear 'i% a"o,ogi>e and s'e 3e&a%e to e2"ress e/en 3igger fee,ings of dis&o%fort6 T'e &'an&e for 'er to es&a"e t'e &rrent en/iron%ent &a%e -'en anot'er aditor "osition o"ened in t'e sa%e &o%"an0$ so s'e a"",ied and s'e -as transferred to anot'er tea%6 S'e t'og't t'at t'e t'ings -i,, get 3etter as Y -o,d not 3ot'er 'er an0 %ore$ 3t instead s'e fe,t n'a""0 -it' 'er ne- 4o36 T'e &ase t'at s'e -as std0ing -as 3oring and 'er tea% %e%3ers -ere not as t'e o,d ones6 S'e rea,i>ed t'at e2&e"t Y$ 'er o,d "osition -as rea,,0 e2&iting and started to -is' it 3a&.6 Conf,i&t Ana,0sis T'is "arti&,ar &ase 'as 3een ana,0>ed$ de&o%"osed and &ategori>ed in order to rea&' a 3etter nderstanding of t'e %ain &onf,i&t6 T'e &ase of t'e &onf,i&t5 se2a, 'arass%ent is in'erent,0 "ri/ate$ 3t in t'is &ase t'e &onf,i&t -as 'a""ening otside t'e offi&e$ in a "3,i& ",a&e6 In or ana,0sis -e 'a/e &on&entrated on t'e in&idents and 3e'a/ior t'at -e 3e,ie/ed 'a/e 3een %ost signifi&antfor t'e &orse of t'e &onf,i&t and -'i&' t'e /i&ti% e2"erien&ed s 3eing signifi&ant66 Ho-e/er$ t'ere t'ere &o,d 'a/e 3een a,so ot'er in&idents t'at %a0 'a/e inf,en&ed t'e &onf,i&t6 8it'in t'e &o%"an0 %anagers and te% ",a0ers 'a/e a,, ",a0ed an i%"ortant ro,e6 C'ara&teristi&s of t'e -or. en/iron%ent in &o%3ination -it' t'e t'e stressing sitation in -'is' t'e /i&ti% is fond 'a/e 3een fond as t'e "ossi3,e &onditions of t'e &onf,i&t6 In %an0 of t'e "resented sitations$ t'e 3e'a/ior dis",a0ed 'ad t'e o""osite effe&tto t'at "eo3a3,0 intented$ and t'e res,t 3eing a &onf,i&t t'at 'as es&a,ated e/en %ore t'an it -as intented66 8e &o,d arge t'at Y1s intention -as to de5es&a,ete t'e 3e'a/ior< e6g6 tr0ing tto negotiate -it' Y in an infor%a, -a0 30 a"o,ogi>ing e/en %ore=6 T'e res,ts 3rog' frt'er es&a,ations T'is a&tions at t'e 3eginning -ere atte%"ts to ",a0 do-n t'e &onf,i&t$ 3t t'e o""osing "atie$ Y$ started to inter"ret t'e% in a different %anner6 A%ong ot'er t'ings t'is &ase sggests a,so a &onf,i&t of interests6 8e -i,, e%"'asi>e 'ere 'ere -'i&' goa,s t'e "arties go for and 'o- %&' t'e t'e sitation inf,en&es ea&' "artie6 T'e first ste" to-ards reso,tion is to find ot -'at E rea,,0 -ants6 S'e &o,d "t t'e %atter into t'e 'ands of t'e 'ands of t'e HR de"art%ent or e/en go to &ort66 T'e "ro3,e% 'ere 'ere is t'at indi/ida,s /a,e and ran. t'ings different,06 E finds 'erse,f in t'e sitation -'ere s'e assessing 'er se,f5 i%age$ se,f5estee%$ 'er ego needs and a,so 'er fears6 Re,ations'i" goa,s is one as"e&t on -'i&' -e &o,d &on&entrate as it des&ri3es t'e natre and /a,es t'at E desires for t'e re,ations'i" 3et-een 'er and Y6Moreo/er$ 'er desire is to 3i,d good 3siness r,ations'i"s -it' 'er &o5 -or.er ti% 6T'is -o, 3e a graet ot&o%e a,so for e/er0one "arti&i"ating in t'e &onf,i&t$ 3oot' dire&t,0 and indire&t,06 An interest53ased a""roa&' is -'at t'e "arties s'o,d ,oo. for$ as fo&sing on t'eir interests -i,, 'e," t'e% 3etter nderstand ea&'ot'er6Lara 'as as "ri%ar0 interest to a&'ie/e re&ognition in t'e &o%"an0$ o 'a/e a f,fi,,ing 43 and to get res"e&t fro% t'e tea%6Ti% 'as t'e sa%e interests as Y$ as 'e fee,s gi,t0 and tr0es to assre Y t'at t'e '%i,iating e2"erien&e -o,d ne/er 'a""en6 He does not -ant t'e stor0 to get e/en 3igger and to 3e a&&sed of %a4or %ista.es$ ,i.e ra"e6A,so t'e res"e&t gained in t'e &o%"an0 is i%"ortant for 'i%$ t's ,ooing for t'e 3est a,ternati/e 'as 3rog't 'i% to e2&se 'i%se,f %ore t'at 'e s'o,d6 8e -i,, tr0 to e2",ain t'is effe&t 30 sing a %ocio!ra$ %eant to ease t'e e2",anation of t'e "'eno%ena6 In fa&t$ -e a,read0 e2",ained t'e interests of ea&' a&or6 Moreo/er$ t'ere -i,, 3e e2a%ined a,so t'e effe&t t'at t'is &onf,i&t &o,d 'a/e on t'e ot'er e%",o0ees and t'eir interest re,ated to it6 So$ t'eir %ain interest -o,d 3e to 'a/e t'e o,d at%os"'ere 3a&.$ -'en e/er0one &o,d -or. in a "ea&ef, en/iron%ent dea,ing and so,/ing "ro3,e%s in a &oo"erati/e -a06 Confiden&e and trst a%ong t'e% is &r&ia,$ and t'is in&ident 'ad affe&ted t'eir /ie-s6 As said 3efore$ 3e&ase t'eir re,ations'i" is 3i,t on trst$ it is 'ard to e/a,ate 'o- to dea, -it' ea&' of t'eir tea% ",a0ers6 T'e0 ,i.e 3ot'$ 3t t'e tension is 'ig' de to gossi"6 T'e &o",e of e%",o0ees to -'i&' E to,d t'e stor0 &'anged t'eir /ie-s regarding Y$ seeing 'i% as a "otentia, ra"ist6 Moreo/er$ going ot -it' Y -o,d not 3e an a,ternati/e an0 %ore$ as 'is 3e'a/ior &an &'ange -'en a "arti&,ar sitation arises6 < t'e0 re"resent t'e &,ster and t'e 3ridge=6 T'e CEO< t'e star= $ a,so &an inter/ene$ as 'e &an see t'e tension in 'is de"art%ent and t'e -or. t'at is not as "rod&ti/e as on&e -as6 T's$ E and Y &onstitte t'e e%ergent &,sters6 T'e &onf,i&t "resents itse,f as an inter"ersona, &onf,i&t 3et-een t-o %e%3ers of t'e sa%e de"art%ent6 T's Y1s reta,iator0 &'ain of %ista.es is an e2a%",e of negati/e "attern de/e,o"%ent6 Bt 3efore &onsidering t'e diagnosis &o%",ete -e -o,d ,oo. at t'e intera&tions 3et-een t'e ot'er tea%sL 8e -o,d ,oo. at &oa,itions re,ated to t'e &onf,i&t t'at %a0 e2ist otside E and Y$ in/estigating in t'i sense t'e intera&tions t'at are affe&ting t'e &onf,i&t inside t'e organi>ation6 8e fond it sef,, to a""roa&' t'e negotiation "ro&ess trog' t'e fi/e stages of negotiation: t'e "re"aration stage$ t'e introd&tor0 stage$ t'e initiation stage$ t'e intensifi&ation stage and t'e &,osing stage6In order to 'a/e a good negotiation ot&o%e$ -e s'o,d %.e se of s&enarios t'at -i,, "ro/ide s -it' different "ossi3,e de/e,o"%ents a&&ording to or &onf,i&t "rofi,e$ &ase and a&tors6 T'ree s&enarios -i,, 3e "re"ared a= t'e 3est &ase s&enario5 E retrns to 'er tea% and a,, t'e "ro3,e%s 3et-een 'er and E-i,, disa""ear7 3= %idd,e 3est s&enario< stas ;o= J E -i,, -or. a,ong -it' 'er &rrent tea% and ada"t trog' ti%e7 &= -orst &ase s&enario5 E -i,, ,ea/e t'e &o%"an0 and ,oo for anot'er 4o3 -'ere s'e -i,, 'a/e a fres' start6 T'e 3est -a0 for E to a&'ie/e 'er goa, is to dea, -it' t'e in&ident "ersona,,06 Esta3,is'ing a 93otto% ,ine: -o,d not 3ring 'er an0 additiona, ot&o%es6 As Ur0 and Fis'er sggested$ t'e 93otto% ,ine figre: %a0 3e nrea,isti&6 Instead Y s'o,d 3etter asses 'er 3est a,ternati/e to a nego&iated agree%ent<BATNA=6 T'e on,0 t'ing t'at -o,d %ae 'er ,ea/e is for Y refsing to a"o,ogi>e for 'is 3e'a/ior6 S'es does not -ant to %a.e a for%a, &o%",aint $ 3t -'is'es t'e 3e'a/ior to sto"6 T'e so,tion %ig't 3e to ta,. -it' t'e CEO "ersona,,0 and dis&ss t'e sitation &onfidentia,,0 -it' 'i%6 Tog' -'en s&' "ro3,e% arises$ ssa,0 t'e CEO needs to ta.e a&tion in ter%s of La3or rig'ts and t'e re,e/ant ,egis,ation6 Y 'as t-o o"tions: eit'er s'e -i,, %ae re&orse of t'e ,egis,ation or s'e -i,, so,/e t'e "ro3,e% sing an interest53ased a""roa&'6 Loo.ing for ,ega, ad/i&e -o,d not 3ring 'er %an0 o""ortnities as s'e a&&e"ted 'is a"o,ogies and a,so t'e in&ident 'a""ened otside t'e &o%"an06 Loo.ing for t'e ad/i&e fro% t'e CEO ar t'e Hr De"art%ent -o,d 3e t'e 3est a""roa&' t'at Y &an %a.e6 He -i,, a&t as t'e fa&i,itator of t'e dia,oge 3et-een E and Y6 For Y 'is "osition in t'e &o%"an0 is /er0 i%"ortant6 As stated in t'e 3eginning 'e is Senior Aditor in a %,tinationa, &o%"an06 Loosing 'is re"tation or e/en 'is 4o3 3e&ase of a st"id %ista.e -o,d &ost 'i% too %&'6 He is -ii,ing to &o%e -it' Y to an agree%ent6 E 'as &,ear,0 defined 'er o34e&ti/es and is "re"ared to &o%e -it' arg%ents in order to state 'er &rrent sitation6 S'e intends to %aintain a &o,,a3orati/e a""roa&'6 In fa&t 3ot' "arties -ant t'e sa%e t'ing$ %a.ing eas0 to esta3,is' a &o%%on grond6 S'e is a-are t'at Y -o,d a&&e"t 'er ter%s as it is i%"ortant for 'i% to in&rease 'is re"tation again trog'ot 'is tea% ",a0ers6 He no-s t'at if E -i,, &o%e 3a&. $ t'e agitation -i,, sto"$ and t'e "eo",e -o,d .no- t'at t'ere -as 4st a %isnderstanding6 T'e %eeting 3et-een t'e "arties -i,, ta.e ",a&e after t'e dis&siion of t'e HR %anager -i' E6 T's$ 'e -i,, "re"are to-ards %eeting -it' t'e "arties and to dis&ss 'o-t'e "ro3,e% &an 3e ta.en &are of6 T'e &o%%on grond -as esta3,is'6 After t'e ta,. to Y$ t'e Hr Manager -o,d a""roa&' E in order to %a.e sre t'at 'e is -i,,ing to 'a/e a fa&e5to5fa&e dis&ssion -it' Y6 T'e ,atter -o,d e2"ress sr"rise a3ot E1s a""roa&' to t'e %anager $ -'i&' e2",ained to 'i% t'e entire sitation and t'e fee,ings t'at E 'ad -'en Y -as&onstant,0 a"o,ogi>ing for its %ista.e6 E sa- in a"o,ogi>ing to 'er on,0 good intentions and assred t'e Hr Manager a3ot t'at6 At t'e %o%ent of t'e %eeting E $ raised t'e tone e2",aining Y 'o- 'is &ontinos a"o,ogies %ade 'er an2ios and &osing 'er stress6 S'e &,ai%ed t'at s'e &o,d not &on&entrate and t'at s'e &onsidered t'at 'e sees in 'er 4st an attra&ti/e -o%en and t'at 'er ;a,ities as an aditor are not "raised6 Ea&' of t'e% to,d t'eir o-n /ersion$ and fina,00 t'e0 -i,, dis&ss -a0s in so,/ing t'e "ro3,e%6 T'e a,ternati/e &ase T'e stor0 %a.es E t'e /i&ti% of it6 Ma.ing se of t'is stats s'e &o,d 'a/e "erating t'e HR Manager t'at s'e -as "t in an e%3arsing sitation and t'e on,0 a,ternati/e -o,d 3e to get Y fired6 S'e is a-are of 'er ;a,ities as an aditor$ and nti, t'en s'e "erfor%ed /er0 -e,, in 'er 4o36In t'is &ase E is %ore "o-erf,, t'an 'er o""onent6 If s'e -i,, esti%ate Y1s BATNA s'e -o,d 'a/e 3ig &'an&es to -in t'e negotiation and to 3e in "ea&e -it''erse,f at -or.6 On t'e ot'er 'and$ Y "ossesgreat e2"erien&e in t'e Aditing fe,d6 He -as "raised for its s&&ess and gained %an0 &ontra&ts6 His net-or. of re,ations'i"s is 3ig$ so 'e &an &o/er t'is %ista.e /er0 easi,0$ as 'e is not t'e first nor t'e ,ast t'at is 'a/ing t'is "ro3,e%6 Using t'is to 'is ad/antage$ -o,d %a.e 'i% -in t'e negotiation and e/en get 'er fiered6 Co%%nia&tion in negotiation C,tre &,ear,0 defines an indi/ida,s /a,es$ &sto%s$ ,angage$ r,es$,a-s and organi>ations6 It s'a"es t'e -a0 t'e0 t'in.$ a&t$ /ie- t'e -or,d and intera&t -it' ea&' ot'er6 T'ere 'as 3een arged t'at %an0 di%ensions differentiate &,tres at a,, ,e/e,s: ti%e orientation$ for%a,it0$ "o-er distan&e$ indi/ida,is% /s &o,,e&ti/is% and &onte2t6 In t'e "resented &ase stdies t-o of t'e di%ensions -i,, 3e ana,0>ed6 First$ t'e "o-er distan&e ansd se&ond,0 t'e &onte2t di%ension6 8e note t'at effe&ti/e negotiation re;ires a /ie- to-ards interde"enden&e rat'er t'an "o-er o/er ot'ers6 !ender differen&es %a0 re,ate to &,tra,i>ation6 HofstedeHs Mas&,init0 di%ension fo&ses on t'e degree to -'i&' a &,tre reinfor&es traditiona, %a,e /a,es and gender$ s&' as a&'ie/e%ent$ &ontro,$ "o-er$ %one0$ re&ognition$ &'a,,enges$ asserti/eness$ aggressi/eness$ do%inan&e$ &o%"etiti/eness$ a%3ition$ t'e a&&%,ation of %one0 and -ea,t'$ inde"enden&e$ and "'0si&a, strengt'6 T'e %as&,ine orientation is to a&'ie/e%ent otside t'e 'o%e6 Mas&,init0 is a %easre of t'e &o%"etiti/eness6 Its &entra, /a,e is I8in at an0 &osts6I6 Traditiona, fe%inine goa,s are &oo"eration$ se&rit0$ ",easant re,ations'i"s$ %odest0 and å6 In fe%inine &,tres$ -o%en are s3ordinated to %a,e ,eaders'i"6 Using t'e ter%ino,og0 Iasserti/eness /6 &oo"erati/enessI instead of %as&,init0 /6 fe%ininit0 -o,d "ro3a3,0 %a.e t'is di%ension easier to nderstand in &onte%"orar0 so&iet0 and ,ess e%otiona,,0 &'arged6 E re"resents 'ere t'e -o%en t'at is tr0ing to "ro/e 'erse,f in an en/iron%ent t'at is ssa,0 do%inated 30 %en6 S'e fee,s &og't in a &,tra, endorse%ent of o34e&tif0ing -o%en6S'e &onsidered t'at re"orting t'e in&ident -i,, %a.e 'er e/en %ore -ea.$ and s'e &ontined 30 stg,ing -it' 'erse,f nti, s'e &eased6 Bet-een E and Y t'ere &onsists t'e "ro3,e% of negotiating for t'eir re"tation6 E/en tog' s'e fonds 'erse,f in a so&iet0 t'at is &'ara&teri>ed as a %a,e 'o%ogeni& one$ s'e sti,, "osses t'e "o-er of .no-,edge t'at gi/es 'er t'e o""ortnit0 to stri.e6 T'e in&reasing an2iet0 %a.es E ,ea/e t'e &rrent 4o3 in an atte%"t to ease 'er 3rden6 As a %atter of fa&t 3t' "arties are negotiang for "o-er6 T'e0 see. to %aintain t'eir o-n &redi3i,it0 in t'e -or.",a&e 6 E1s "ersona, &ondr0 -as &rossed trog' Y1s att%"ts to red&e t'e &onf,i&t6 Here -e &an re,ate to t'e &onte2t di%ension$ t'at refers to t'e a%ont of infor%ation t'at a "erson &an &o%forta3,0 %anage6 T'e &ase e2e%",ifies 'o- "eo",e &o%%ni&ate dire&t,0 or i%",i&it,0 re,0ing on /er3a, &o%%ni&ation rat'er t'an non/er3a,6 0. Communication in negotiation 0.1 Cultural Differences and their effect on negotiation 8o%en and %en %a0 a""roa&' &on/ersations$ dis&ssions and negotiations different,0 de to so&io,ogi&a,$ &,tra, and e/en "'0si&a, differen&es6 So%e as"e&ts of t'e -a0 %en and -o%en &o%%ni&ate different,0 &o,d affe&t t'e "er&e"tion of "o-er dring a negotiation6 It is "ro/en t'at -o%en and %en &o%%ni&ate and ta,. different,06 Ho-e/er C,tra, differen&es 'a/e signifi&ant effe&ts on negotiations as -e,,6 Fai,re to nderstand and a""re&iate t'ese differen&es &an 'a/e serios &onse;en&es for negotiations6 Lara -as &ag't in t'e i%",i&it &,tra, endorse%ent of o34e&tif0ing -o%en and t'en e2"erien&ed t'e do3,e53ind of ass%ing a dis"ro"ortiona, 3rden of res"onsi3i,it0 for t'e &onse;en&es6 Be&ase s'e didnHt -ant to 3e seen as a tro3,e%a.er and a -anton one at t'at$ s'e resisted re"orting t'e in&ident6 Instead$ Lara and Ti% engaged in an i%",i&it negotiation o/er t'eir re"tation and standing -it'in t'e "rofessiona, rea,% of t'e offi&e6 A,t'og' Lara -as at a disad/antage fro% t'e &onte2t of a %a,e 'ege%oni& so&iet0$ s'e did "ossess t'e "o-er of .no-,edge t'at &o,d tarnis' Ti%Hs re"tation as -e,,6 Yet t'is .no-,edge -as a t-o5edged s-ord$ stri.ing a 3,o- to t'e integrit0 and &redi3i,it0 of 3ot'6 A,, '%an intera&tions are in'erent,0 inter&,tra,$ one &an rig't,0 &onsider t'at e/en t'e %eeting of t-o indi/ida,s is an inter&,tra, e2er&ise sin&e t'e0 3ot' 'a/e different -a0s to "er&ei/e$ na%e and rein/ent rea,it06 T'erefore$ -e 'a/e to ta.e in &onsideration t'at t'e "arti&i"ants %ig't 'a/e different "oint of /ie- and different goa,s6 0.2. 1ercetion Differences and their effect on negotiation One fondationa, 9.e0: isse in s&&essf, negotiation is "er&e"tions6 T'ere is a si%",e distin&tion 3et-een &o%%ni&ation and "er&e"tion6 Co%%ni&ation is a t-o5-a0 "ro&ess 30 -'i&' infor%ation is "assed 3et-een e%itters and re&ei/ers6 Per&e"tion is a re&ei/erHs nderstanding of t'e infor%ation t'e e%itter 'as offered6 Pro3,e%s arise -'en re&ei/ers si%",0 a&&e"t t'eir initia, 3e,ief or nderstanding of t'e infor%ation t'at 'as 3een e%itted$ -'en t'e0 donHt ta.e t'e ti%e or tro3,e to &'e&. -it' t'e e%itter to %a.e sre t'eir initia, HnderstandingH is &orre&t6 Often$ -'at -e "er&ei/e is -'at -e 'a/e ass%ed6 Co%%ni&ation gi/es s t'e o""ortnit0 to test ass%"tions6 It gi/es s t'e &'an&e to &'e&. -'et'er or "er&e"tions ref,e&t t'e intent or %eaning of -'at ot'ers are tr0ing to i%"art to s6 Per&e"tion de"ends on t'e "er&ei/er1s &rrent state of %ind$ ro,e and &o%"re'ension$ and t'erefore 'ere &o,d a,-a0s 3e errors in t'e inter"retation and s3se;ent &o%%ni&ation$ 4st ,i.e 'a""ened -it' t'e s"onsor6 Ti% -as &onfsed a3ot -'0 t'is 'ad 3e&o%e a %a4or isse to Lara6 T'e -a0 'e sa- it$ 'e -as si%",0 tr0ing to do t'e gent,e%an,0 t'ing 30 a"o,ogi>ing6 LaraHs rea&tion to 'is first a"o,og0 -as a%3igos to 'i%7 s'e said Ie/er0t'ingHs o.a0I 3t so%e'o- it -as an nsatisf0ing reso,tion to 'i%$ and Ti% ass%ed t'at s'e is 9o.e: -it' t'e antire sitation and 'is a"o,ogies6 Ti% 'ad 'is e0e on Lara e/er sin&e s'e started -or.ing at t'e Forna,6 Ti% ad%itted t'at 'is "ass at 'er in t'e &a3 -as a st"id %ista.e and t'at 'e 'ad no intention of 'rting 'er6 Ho-e/er$ Lara1s "er&e"tion of t'e sitation -asn1t t'e sa%e6 Lara fe,t t'at Ti% /io,ated 'er trst in 'i%6 S'e -as angr0 t'at Ti% see%ed to t'in. of 'er %ore as a se2a, o34e&t t'an a "rofessiona, editor and Ti%Hs a"o,ogies -ere a &onstant re%inder of 'er denigrated "osition6 Per&e"tions are "resent in a negotiation -'et'er "eo",e -ant t'e% to 3e t'ere or not6 T'e fa&t is$ -'et'er a negotiation is 'a""ening o/er t'e te,e"'one 3et-een t-o different "arties on t-o different &ontinents or -'et'er it is 'a""ening in &a3 on ,eat'er &o&'es$ t'ere -i,, 3e "er&e"tions of ea&' "art0 30 t'e ot'er "art0 and t'ose "er&e"tions -i,, inf,en&e t'e "ro&ess and t'e ot&o%e$ in a 3ig -a06 0./ 2sserti-e "eha-ior and its imact on negotiation Be'a/ior -'i&' ena3,es a "erson to a&t in 'is or 'er o-n 3est interest$ to stand " for 'erse,f or 'i%se,f$ -it'ot nde an2iet0$ to e2"ress 'onest fee,ing &o%forta3,0$ or to e2er&ise "ersona, rig'ts -it'ot den0ing t'e rig'ts of ot'ers$ -e &a,, Asserti/e Be'a/ior6 Peo",e -'o are asserti/e are &onfident and .no- -'at t'e0 -ant6 T'e0 are not afraid to "t for-ard o"inions and are -i,,ing to ,isten to t'e o"inions of ot'ers6 T'e0 are not afraid of &onf,i&t and -i,, 3e %ore t'an 'a""0 to arge t'eir &ase6 Peo",e -'o are 'ig',0 asserti/e &an 3e seen as 3eing aggressi/e$ -'i,e "eo",e -'o ,a&. asserti/eness are often "assi/e and get ta.en ad/antage of6 8o%en are ,ess ,i.e,0 to engage in asserti/e negotiation 3e'a/ior 3e&ase t'e0 fear negati/e 4dg%ents Asserti/e fe%a,e negotiators -'o in&r so&ia, 3a&.,as' 3e&ase t'e0 /io,ate gender nor%s and are seen as 9too %as&,ine6: Ho-e/er$ -'en negotiating on 3e'a,f of$ asserti/e fe%a,e negotiators a/oid so&ia, 3a&.,as'6 T'is is 3e&ase t'e fe%a,e negotiator1s asserti/e 3e'a/ior is seen as &onfor%ing to gendered e2"e&tations to 'e," ot'ers and s3se;ent,0 is not /ie-ed as a ro,e /io,ation to 3e "nis'ed6 In or &ase Lara &o,d 3rig'ten to t'e Ti% 'er 'onest fee,ings a3ot t'e sitation in t'e &a3 and es"e&ia,,0 a3ot 'is a"o,ogi>ing 3e'a/ior$ so Ti% -o,d nderstand 'er "oint 3etter6 Lara -o,d fee, good a3ot 'erse,f 30 3eing asserti/e e/en if Ti% -o,d not sto" a"o,ogi>ing6 Bt instead s'e &'ooses "assi/e,0 a&&e"t t'e sitation6 Man0 "eo",e are &on&erned t'at if t'e0 assert t'e%se,/es ot'ers -i,, t'in. of t'eir 3e'a/ior as aggressi/e6 Bt t'ere is a differen&e 3et-een 3eing asserti/e and aggressi/e6 Asserti/e "eo",e state t'eir o"inions$ -'i,e sti,, 3eing res"e&tf, of ot'ers6 Aggressi/e "eo",e atta&. or ignore ot'ersH o"inions in fa/or of t'eir o-n6 Passi/e "eo",e donHt state t'eir o"inions at a,,$ so as Lara is6 Lara fai,ed to e2"ress 'er fee,ings and "referen&es to Ti%$ s'e on,0 a&&e"ted a"o,ogi>ing -it'ot frt'er &,arifi&ations6 For Ti% it -as a sr"rise to find ot t'at Lara is "set on 'is a"o,ogi>ing 3e'a/ior 3e&ase 'is intentions -ere good to 'er6 T'ere are ti%es -'en it is a""ro"riate to 3e %ore or ,ess asserti/e and so it -as in Lara and Ti%1s &ase6 M6 1ower -s. 4eason
Sources of ower Po-er J &a"a3i,ities negotiators &an asse%3,e to gi/e t'e%se,/es an ad/antage or in&rease t'e "ro3a3i,it0 of a&'ie/ing t'eir o34e&ti/es T'e isse of "o-er in t'e &ase of Lara and Ti% is a ,arge nder,0ing fa&tor$ -'i&' 'as inf,en&ed t'e trn of e/ents6 Peo",e -'o are %ore affe&ted 30 'arass%ent are t'ose -it' t'e ,east a%ont of "o-er in t'e -or.",a&e6 Lara &ertain,0 fe,t "o-er,ess6 Ti%Hs aggressi/e se2a,it0 dis",a0ed in t'e &a3$ as -e,, as 'is nder,0ing ass%"tion t'at 'is se2a, ad/an&e -o,d 3e -e,&o%ed 30 Lara$ re/ea,s t'e ine;ities ",a&ed "on -o%en in or %a,e5do%inated so&iet06 A -o%an in 8estern so&iet0 is se2a,i>ed as an o34e&t7 -'ereas$ a %an is rare,0 treated in s&' a -a06 Hen&e$ Lara -as &onfronted -it' Ti%Hs nar&issisti& ass%"tion t'at s'e -o,d 3e 'a""0 to re&ei/e 'is attentions$ a,ong -it' t'e %a,e ideo,og0 of &,ai%ing -o%en as o34e&ts of desire6 T'is "o-er i%3a,an&e -as t'en &arried into t'e se2a, "o,iti&s of t'e -or.",a&e6 Po-er %a0 3e a 3a,an&e of ad/antage or an ine;a,it0 of resor&es in a -or.",a&e$ a 'ose'o,d$ or a ,arger instittion6 8'i,e Lara &ertain,0 fe,t indignant at Ti%Hs 3e'a/ior$ 'er %ain &on&ern t'e ne2t da0 -as "reser/ing 'er re"tation and .ee"ing 'er 4o36 Lara -as -orried a3ot %aintaining a netra,i>ed se2a,it0 in t'e offi&e en/iron%ent$ fearing a re"tation of 3eing se2a,,0 Ieas0I6 S&' a ,a3e, -o,d effe&ti/e,0 o/ers'ado- an0 "o-er t'at s'e &o,d assert t'rog' .no-,edge or s.i,,6 Conse;ent,0$ Lara &'ose not to ris. ",a&ing 'erse,f in a "osition to 3e nfair,0 ,a3e,ed 30 t'e offi&e "o-er str&tre e/en t'og' Ti%Hs offensi/e and 3ooris' 3e'a/ior in/aded 'er sense of se&rit0 and &onfiden&e6 S'e resisted re"orting Ti%Hs ina""ro"riate 3e'a/ior 3e&ase s'e didnHt -ant to 3e "er&ei/ed as &o%",i&itos6 In ana,0>ing t'is s&enario$ Lara and Ti% are s3t,0 negotiating for "o-er6 Fo,,o-ing t'e &a3 in&ident$ Lara and Ti% -ere i%",i&it,0 negotiating for %aintaining t'eir o-n &redi3i,it0 in t'e -or.",a&e6 Lara and Ti%Hs intera&tions i%",0 a testing of -'at ea&' of t'e% /a,e6 Bot' /a,e t'eir re"tation in t'e offi&e6 Ot'er-ise$ Ti% -o,dnHt fee, &o%"e,,ed to a"o,ogi>e in an effort to I&'e&.I on Lara Hs fee,ings a3ot 'i% to gage 'er in&,ination to 3,a3 a3ot 'i% in t'e offi&e6 If Lara -asnHt &on&erned a3ot 'er re"tation and standing -it'in t'e offi&e$ s'e %a0 'a/e to,d t'e dire&tor a3ot t'e &a3 in&ident6 Bot' are testing t'e -aters of t'eir "rofessiona, standing6 Bot' -anted ot'ers to /ie- t'e% -it' res"e&t6 Lara -as tr0ing to %aintain t'e /a,e of t'eir re"tations at -or. 30 -it''o,ding t'e infor%ation a3ot t'e &a3 in&ident6 Bt Ti%Hs "ersisten&e 3e&a%e anno0ing and s'e &onfided in a &o",e of 'er friends at -or.6 Lara &,ai%ed /a,e 30 di/,ging Ti%Hs se2a, fa2 "as6 S'e &,ai%ed t'e "o-er of .no-,edge$ 3t at a &ost of ",a&ing 'er &o5-or.ers in an a-.-ard "osition6 Ho-e/er$ Regard,ess of its sor&e$ "o-er 'as &onsistent and "redi&ta3,e "ositi/e and negati/e effe&ts on negotiations6 A6 T'e style of negotiation and strategies used in negotiation 5.1 !ye of ersonality of the ersons in-ol-ed in negotiation Indi/ida,s$ s&' as Lara$ -'o "refer to a/oid &onf,i&t tend to 3e intro/erted rat'er t'an e2tro/erted and are %ore ,i.e,0 to 'a/e a fee,ing "referen&e rat'er t'an a t'in.ing "referen&e6 Lara is ,ess in&,ined to s"ontaneos,0 rea&t to a &onf,i&t$ n,ess it is /er0 %eaningf, to t'e%6 8it' a fee,ing orientation s'e is sensiti/e to t'e i%"a&t t'at t'e disagree%ent is 'a/ing on 'er and Ti% and is ,i.e,0 %a.e de&isions on t'at 3asis rat'er t'an 3ased on fa&ts or ,ogi&6 Being an intro/ert -'o %a.e efforts to a/oid &onf,i&t Lara %a0 3e seen as I"assi/eI or I-ea.I 3t %a0 a,so 'a/e t'e ad/antage of not engaging in &onf,i&t nti, t'e sitation is rig't and s'e is "re"ared6 S'e is -ar% and .ind "erson$ &atios and a-are$ dis&reet and "ri/ate6 S'e1s afraid of 3eing 'rt$ ns&&essf,$ 3eing in&o%"etent in -or. sitations$ 3eing &riti&i>ed or 3eing de%eaned6 S'e "refers to a/oid sitations in -'i&' s'e attra&ts attention$ and tries to 3e as in&ons"i&os as "ossi3,e6 S'e 3e,ie/es t'at if s'e ignore a "ro3,e%$ it -i,, go a-a0$ if s'e fee,s or t'in.s so%et'ing n",easant$ s'e1s tr0ing to -i"e it ot or distra&t 'erse,f6 As &on&erning Ti% -e %a0 see 'i% as &o%",iant in 'is re,ations'i"s and o/er-'e,%ing,0 &onf,i&t5a/oidant$ e/en at t'e e2"ense of t'eir &ore 3e,iefs and /a,es6 Ti% /a,es re,ations'i"s -it' ot'ers$ %a0 e2'i3it "3,i& dis",a0s of gi,t$ an2iet0$ de"ression or i,,ness6 5.2 !ye of temeraments 9Persona,it0: and 9te%"era%ent: are not s0non0%os6 Te%"era%ents are %ere,0 ne of %an0 fa&ets of a "erson1s o/era,, "ersona,it06 T-o "eo",e %a0 'a/e identi&a, te%"era%ents$ 3t &o,d 3e &o%",ete,0 different in e/er0 ot'er -a06 T'e0 are easi,0 re&ognised$ on&e 0o .no- t'e "atterns6 Yo neednHt .no- a "erson for ,onger t'an fi/e %intes in order to at ,east get an idea of t'eir te%"era%ents6 T'e te%"era%ent of a "erson is a "attern of tenden&ies and in&,inations -'i&' f,o- fro% t'e "'0sio,ogi&a, str&tre or &onstittion of an indi/ida,6 It is i%"ortant to re%e%3er t'at it is different fro% &'ara&ter$ -'i&' is t'e "attern of 'a3its t'at are t'e res,t of ed&ation$ "ersona, effort and en/iron%enta, fa&tors6 Te%"era%ent is t'e 3asis7 &'ara&ter is t'e end res,t$ it is t'e %ateria, ot of -'i&' &'ara&ter is %ade6 One of t'e -a0s to deter%ine oneHs te%"era%ent is to &onsider oneHs rea&tions to offenses6 If t'e is and ans-er ,i.e: sa,,0 I &annot forget ins,ts7 I &an 3ear a grdge a ,ong ti%e$ se/era, da0s$ -ee.s if so%e3od0 'as offended %e7 I tr0 to e/ade t'ose -'o 'a/e offended %e$ refse to s"ea. to t'e%$ et&6$ t'en$ one is eit'er of choleric or melancholic temerament6 If on t'e &ontrar0 t'e ans-er is: I &annot 3e angr0 -it' an03od0 for a ,ong ti%e7 I forget e/en a&ta, ins,ts /er0 soon7 so%eti%es I de&ide to s'o- anger$ 3t I &annot do so$ at ,east not for a ,ong ti%e$ at %ost an 'or or t-o N if s&' is t'e ans-er$ t'en one is eit'er sanguine or hlegmatic. In or &ase$ Lara and Ti% see%s to 'a/e %e,an&'o,i& te%"era%ent6 T'e %e,an&'o,i& indi/ida,s as or "arties are at first on,0 s,ig't,0 e2&ited 30 an0 i%"ression re&ei/ed7 a rea&tion does not set in at a,, or on,0 after so%e ti%e6 Bt t'e i%"ression re%ains dee",0 rooted$ es"e&ia,,0 if ne- i%"ressions of t'e sa%e .ind are re"eated$ so -e &an see -it' t'e a"o,ogi>ing fro% Ti% sitation6 Me,an&'o,i& te%"era%ent is "assi/e and in&,ined to s,o- %o/e%ent6 T'e te%"era%ent is innate in ea&' "erson$ t'erefore it &annot 3e e2&'anged for anot'er te%"era%ent6 Bt %an &an and %st &,ti/ate and "erfe&t t'e good e,e%ents of 'is te%"era%ent and &o%3at and eradi&ate t'e e/i, ones6 5./ 9egotiation style Most "eo",e affe&ted 30 'arass%ent fear t'e negati/e &onse;en&es of re"orting 'arass%ent ta.ing t'e for% of not on,0 of reta,iation$ 3t a,so fro% si,ent re4e&tion or disa""ro/a, 30 &o5 -or.ers and fa%i,0$ and t'e ,oss of good-i,, fro% e%",o0ers6 Re"orters of 'arass%ent a,so fear a ,oss of "ri/a&0 t'at a "3,i& &o%",aint -i,, 3ring6 Most i%"ortant,0$ re"orters 3e,ie/e t'at t'e0 ,a&. t'e sffi&ient e/iden&e of t'e offensi/e 3e'a/ior$ -'i&' ",a&es t'e% in t'e ntena3,e "osition of I'is -ord against %ine:6 A/oiding is a &o%%on res"onse to t'e negati/e "er&e"tion of &onf,i&t6 Lara -as a ne- e%",o0ee$ sti,, in t'e "ro&ess of ,earning t'e offi&e "o,iti&s and "ro/ing 'erse,f as 3eing a &o%"etent editor6 S'e did not -ant to ro&. t'e 3oat or 3ring negati/e attention to 'erse,f6 S'e -as tr0ing to %aintain t'e /a,e of t'eir re"tations at -or. 30 -it''o,ding t'e infor%ation a3ot t'e &a3 in&ident6 S'e -as -i,,ing to ,et t'e nfortnate in&ident go -it'ot reta,iatio6 S'e &'ooses to a/oid t'e &onf,i&t6 S'e e/aded t'e isse$ -it'dra-ed fro% t'e dis&ssion and did not e/en sta0 for t'e reso,tion6 In 'er %ind -as t'at if 9s'e donHt 3ring it "$ it -i,, not 3,o- o/erI6 Bt instead a,, t'at 'a""ens is t'at fee,ings get "ent "$ /ie-s go ne2"ressed and e%otions rised intensi/e,06 Li.e a &an&er t'at %a0 -e,, 'a/e 3een &red if treated ear,0$ t'e &onf,i&t gro-ed and s"readed nti, it .i,,ed t'e re,ations'i"6 Lara -as tired of 'earing Ti% a"o,ogi>e and 'er fee,ings of dis&o%fort in&reased and s'e &onfided in a &o",e of 'er friends at -or.6 S'e &,ai%ed t'e "o-er of .no-,edge$ 3t at a &ost of ",a&ing 'er &o5-or.ers in an a-.-ard "osition6 S'o,dnHt Lara 'a/e en,ig'tened 'i% of t'e ina""ro"riateness of 'is 3e'a/iorG E/en if 'e didnHt sto"$ at ,east s'e &o,d fee, good a3ot 'erse,f 30 3eing asserti/e6 Instead$ s'e "assi/e,0 a&&e"ted t'e sitation6 Most of s -o,d ,i.e to a/oid &onf,i&t as %&' as "ossi3,e6 In so%e &ases efforts to a/oid &onf,i&t are fitting and effe&ti/e6 In ot'er &ases$ ,i.e -it' or stor0$ a/oiding &onf,i&t on,0 &ontri3tes to t'e "ro3,e% and "re/ents it fro% 3eing reso,/ed6 Kno-ing t'e a""ro"riate ses of a/oiding as a &onf,i&t %anage%ent %ode$ and nderstanding 'o- "ersona,it0 d0na%i&s inf,en&e t'is &'oi&e$ -i,, ena3,e s to dea, -it' &onf,i&t %ore s&&essf,,06 As &on&erning Ti% -e %a0 /ie- 'i% as -e,,5%eaning in 'is a"o,ogies 0et so&ia,,0 ine"t in 'is a3i,it0 to gage -'en to sto" a"o,ogi>ing6 Fee,ing gi,t0 Ti% &'ooses a&&o%%odating st0,e of negotiation and &onstant,0 tr0ing %a.e Lara find a so,tion t'at is satisfa&tor0 for 3ot' of t'e%6 Ti% is o"erating fro% fee,ings "ers"e&ti/e$ not fro% t'in.ing "ers"e&ti/e6 Ne/ert'e,ess$ -e &an ,oo. "on Ti%Hs a"o,ogies as intrsi/e$ -'i&' &ases 'is a"o,ogies to ,ose t'eir %eaning of good-i,,6 It &o,d 3e a for% of 'arass%ent -'erein Lara &annot es&a"e$ for s'e is de"endent "on 'er 4o3 to s""ort 'erse,f6 Bt Ti% ad%itted t'at 'is "ass at 'er in t'e &a3 -as a st"id %ista.e$ and 'e tr,0 regretted and -as e%3arrassed 30 'is 3e'a/ior6 He &ertain,0 didnHt nderstand 'o- 'is a"o,ogies &o,d 3e &onstred as 'arass%ent6 5.0 9egotiation strategies Understanding t'e ot'er "art0Hs interests and ta&ti&s is integra, to good negotiating6 A strateg0 "ro/ide t'e o/era,, a""roa&' sed t'rog'ot t'e negotiations6 C'oosing a strateg0 t'at 3est res"onds to t'e interests and ta&ti&s -i,, 'e," to a&'ie/e t'e 3est ot&o%e6 In or &ase t'e strateg0 for t'e negotiating t'e &onf,i&t is Ina&tion or A/oidan&e strateg06 Using t'is strateg0 si%",0 do not address t'e &onf,i&t and is indifferent to ea&' ot'er1s needs and &on&erns6 Lara is tr0ing to a/oid t'e &onf,i&t and %a.ing no a&tions to-ards reso,/ing it instead s'e is "retending t'at not'ing 'a""ens and on,0 &onstant a"o,ogi>ings fro% Ti% &onstant,0 re%inding 'er a3ot it and anno0ing 'er6 De to gender differen&es Lara &ertain,0 fe,t indignant at Ti%Hs 3e'a/ior and 'er %ain &on&ern t'e ne2t da0 -as "reser/ing 'er re"tation and .ee"ing 'er 4o36 S'e resisted re"orting Ti%Hs ina""ro"riate 3e'a/ior 3e&ase s'e didnHt -ant to 3e "er&ei/ed as &o%",i&itos6 Ho-e/er$ instead s'e &o,d &'oose to "rse t'e %atter t'rog' an interest53ased %e&'anis% to address 'er -is' t'at Ti% sto" 'is a"o,ogi>ing and ,ea/e 'er a,one6 An interest53ased a""roa&' is 3etter sited to t'e &onf,i&t 3et-een Ti% and Lara 3e&ase fo&sing on interests &o,d 'e," t'e% 3etter nderstand ea&' ot'er6 LaraHs "ri%ar0 interest is to 'a/e a &'a,,enging and f,fi,,ing 4o3 in -'i&' s'e is res"e&ted6 S'e -ants to 3e free of t'at tig't$ "ani&.0 fee,ing in 'er gt -'ene/er s'e sees Ti%6 Lara -ants to 3e seen as a &o%"etent "rofessiona,$ not a f,oo>0 -'o f,agrant,0 /io,ates t'e n-ritten r,e of a/oiding se2a, da,,ian&es -it' %a,e &o5-or.ers6 Yet s'e -ants to 'a/e a so%e-'at infor%a,$ en4o0a3,e -or.ing re,ations'i" -it' 'er &o,,eages6 Ti%Hs interests are t'e sa%e as LaraHs6 He doesnHt ,i.e t'e "redi&a%ent 'is attra&tion to Lara 'as ,ed 'i% to6 A&ta,,0$ t'e '%i,iating re4e&tion 'e e2"erien&ed in t'e &a3 effe&ti/e,0 .i,,ed 'is initia, interest in Lara6 No- 'e fee,s st"id and gi,t0 and &o%"e,,ed to %a.e sre t'at Lara doesnHt t'in. 'e is a &o%",ete oaf6 And 'e doesnHt -ant t'e %isera3,e &a3 e2"erien&e to 3e re&ast into a ta,e of atte%"ted ra"e6 He too -ants a &'a,,enging and f,fi,,ing 4o3 in -'i&' 'e is res"e&ted6 If t'e0 -o,d &'oose anot'er strateg0 in so,/ing t'eir &onf,i&t$ t'e ot&o%e %ig't 3e %&' 3etter for 3ot' of t'e%: Lara %ig't sta0 at 'er -or.ing ",a&e and Ti% -o,d not ,ose res"e&t fro% 'is &o,,eages6 6. 7utcomes LaraHs and Ti%Hs interests are stri.ing,0 si%i,ar6 It -as o3/ios,0 t'at Ti% and Lara needed to fa&i,itate t'e dis&ssion6 Lara and Ti% %et and to,d t'eir stories to ea&' ot'er -it'ot interr"tions6 For Lara Ti%Hs se2a, %o/e in t'e &a3 ,eft 'er &onfsed and angr06 S'e t'og't t'at it -as ni&e of Ti% to offer s'aring t'e &a3 and 'ad no fore-arning of 'is interest in 'er6 Lara fe,t t'at Ti% /io,ated 'er trst in 'i%6 S'e -as angr0 t'at Ti% see%ed to t'in. of 'er %ore as a se2a, o34e&t t'an a "rofessiona, editor6 Conse;ent,0$ s'e 3egan to ,ose &onfiden&e in 'erse,f6 To %a.e t'ings -orse$ Ti%Hs a"o,ogies -ere a &onstant re%inder of 'er denigrated "osition6 In a -a0$ it -as %ore intrsi/e t'an t'e &a3 in&ident6 At ,east in t'e &a3$ s'e fe,t s'e &o,d get a-a0 fro% 'i%6 In t'e offi&e$ s'e &o,dnHt get a-a0 and fe,t 'e,",ess as a res,t6 S'e tried to te,, 'i% to sto"$ 3t it see%ed to 3ear no res,ts6 To to" it a,, off$ Lara fe,t gi,t0 and angr0 at 'erse,f for not 3eing a3,e to stand " for 'erse,f and not ,et Ti% affe&t 'er6 Ti% de&,ared t'at 'e 'ad no intention of 'rting 'er6 Yes$ 'e 'ad 'is e0e on Lara e/er sin&e s'e started -or.ing at t'e Forna,6 S'e -as "rett0 and fn to -or. -it'6 Yet Ti% ad%itted t'at 'is "ass at 'er in t'e &a3 -as a st"id %ista.e$ and 'e tr,0 regretted and -as e%3arrassed 30 'is 3e'a/ior6 Ti% -as e/en %ore re%orsef, after 'earing LaraHs "ainf, a&&ont of t'e e%otiona, ra%ifi&ations t'e in&ident 'ad "on 'er6 Bt t'atHs -'ere t'e e%"at'0 sto""ed6 Ti% 4stified 'is &ontining a"o,ogies as an atte%"t to %a.e &,ear t'at 'e -as sin&ere6 He to,d Lara to ,ig'ten "6 He &ertain,0 didnHt nderstand 'o- 'is a"o,ogies &o,d 3e &onstred as 'arass%ent6 If Lara fe,t t'at -a0$ t'en it -as 'er "ro3,e%6 He -as on,0 tr0ing to 3e ni&e$ and no- s'e %a.es 'i% ot to 3e a so&io"at'6 Ti% as.ed Lara -'0 s'e 'ates 'i% so6 It -as o3/ios t'at 3ot' of t'e% 'a/e sffered fro% t'e &a3 in&ident6 Bot' fe,t gi,t and s'a%e6 Ti% said 'e re&ogni>ed t'e "ain 'e &ased 'er and nderstood t'at 'is "ass in t'e &a3 -as -rong6 His gi,t a3ot t'e in&ident &ased 'i% to re"eat 'is a"o,ogies6 A,, 'e -anted no- -as for Lara to 'ear and a&&e"t 'is a"o,og06 T'en 'e -o,d 3e a3,e to "t t'e -'o,e t'ing 3e'ind 'i% and %o/e on6 Ti% 'o"ed t'at Lara -o,d 3e a3,e to do t'e sa%e6 Lara re",ied 30 sa0ing t'at s'e fe,t s'e 'ad a&&e"ted 'is a"o,og0 t'e %orning after t'e in&ident o&&rred6 No- t'at s'e nderstood -'0 Ti% &ontined to a"o,ogi>e$ s'e -asnHt as angr0 at 'i%6 C,ear,0$ e%otiona, e2"ression -as a &r&ia, e,e%ent of not on,0 t'e &onf,i&t and its es&a,ation$ 3t a,so its reso,tion6 In ,ig't of &onf,i&t e/a,ation and reso,tion$ t'e e%otiona, "atterns e2'i3ited in ti%es of an2iet0 &an ser/e as a -arning signa, t'at inter/ention is needed6 E/en a s%a,, ste" to-ards ,ess rea&ti/it0 and greater se,f5a-areness -o,d %a.e a signifi&ant differen&e in "re/enting destr&ti/e &onf,i&t6 ?6 8-aluation T'e first ste" to-ard finding a reso,tion of t'e &onf,i&t is to dis&o/er -'at Lara tr,0 -ants6 S'e &o,d &'oose to "rse t'e %atter t'rog' a rig'ts53ased %e&'anis% to see. redress for se2a, 'arass%ent6 T'e rig'ts53ased %et'ods is gronded in fi2ed r,es or "rin&i",es: t'e0 i%"ose a deter%ination 3ased on entit,e%ents$ %erits$ &redi3i,it0$ and "ositions6 Or Lara &o,d &'oose to "rse t'e %atter t'rog' an interest53ased %e&'anis% to address 'er -is' t'at Ti% sto" 'is a"o,ogi>ing and ,ea/e 'er a,one6 In interest53ased %et'ods$ "arties identif0 t'eir interests and &on&erns to arri/e at a %ta,,0 a&&e"ta3,e agree%ent6 An interest53ased a""roa&' is 3etter sited to t'e &onf,i&t 3et-een Ti% and Lara 3e&ase fo&sing on interests -o,d 'e," t'e% 3etter nderstand ea&' ot'er6 T'ese interest53ased te&'ni;es are &onsidered 3etter %et'ods of dis"te reso,tion I3e&ase t'e0 res,t in greater satisfa&tion -it' ot&o%es$ ,ess strain on t'e "artiesH re,ations'i"$ and ,o-er re&rren&e of dis"tes6