Lifting Bodies
Lifting Bodies
Lifting Bodies
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Entire Publication (all of the above files integrated into one) lbbook.pdf
Front Matter (all materials preceding Chapter 1) fm.pdf
Chapter 1: Returning From Space ch1.pdf
Chapter 2:Lifting Entry With Horizontal Landing: The Quest
Lifting Bodies: A NASA Perspective nasap.pdf
Chapter 3: The M2-F1 Program ch3.pdf
Chapter 4: The M2-F2 and M2-F3 Program ch4.pdf
Chapter 5: The HL-10 Program ch5.pdf
Chapter 6: The X-24A Program ch6.pdf
Chapter 7: The X-24B Program ch7.pdf
Chapter 8: Epilogue ch8.pdf
Back Matter (all materials following chapter 8) bm.pdf
World Wide Web Publication
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
NASA Contract # I-2102D to PAT Projects, Inc.
July 31, 1997
Original Works
Air Force Flight Test Center
Subcontract No. CS4-00012
Prime Contract No. FO 4611-92-C-0045 (USAF)
LOTD 17P3D0011: NASA Lifting Bodies and Cold War Jets Study
21 September 1994
In 1993 the Legacy Resources Management Program provided funding to the Air Force for a
study of AF/NASA Lifting Body Program. The Air Force tasked Computer Sciences
Corporation (CSC) to undertake a historical, cultural, and technological study of the Lifting
Body Program. CSC subcontracted with PAT Projects, Inc., to produce a general and
technical narrative history of the Lifting Body Program
At long last the point has been reached where Space Shuttle flights have lost their novelty
and become nearly routine matters to the aerospace community. After Columbia's first two-
day test mission in April 1981, the initial flush of enthusiasm about the new space era began
a steady evolution into a proud but casual acceptance of its technological marvels. Even the
Challenger tragedy proved to be only a temporary setback, and now each successful Shuttle
mission is seen as a completely normal occurrence. These days an Orbiter falling out of the
sky onto a runway at the Kennedy Space Center or Edwards Air Force Base merits little more
than a brief segment on the evening news programs.
This is, in the main, a desirable state of affairs. NASA's long-term goal has been to make
space activities routine, systematically transforming the adventure and drama of the new
space medium into a practical exploitation. Yet this very predictability also minimizes the
critical problems involved in each space flight and habituates us to the extraordinary
applications of technology which are necessary to overcome them.
Not least of these are the numerous problems involved in returning a Shuttle safely to the
ground. Several possibilities were considered during the early design phase of the project.
The one ultimately selected--reentering the atmosphere without power and landing--seemed
"natural" and unexceptional to the layman, but its simplicity was deceptive. Data from the
X-15 studies suggested that a craft with minimal wing area could consistently make
successful dead-stick landings. Proving the concept, however, necessitated an elaborate and
inherently fascinating effort by AFFTC, NASA and the industry. In the end the two
programs--X-15 and Lifting Body--converged to validate the concept which has now been
successfully used for the last decade-and-a-half.
Oddly enough, though, the very success of the Lifting Body Program seems to have helped
insure its relative obscurity. With the Shuttle Orbiters now in routine operation and no
similar space ventures in sight, the lifting body technology has been fully absorbed by the
aerospace community but allowed to become dated. At the same time, the Lifting Body
Program and its unique aircraft have received singularly little attention from the public, even
from the hardy breed of aviation buffs. The muted attention to the subject even extends to
the printed page, where very little more than professional papers have seen public print.
In view of this, Robert Hoey has done a commendable service in presenting this long-
overdue study of the entire Lifting Body Program. More importantly, although he presents
the story from the viewpoint of the engineers and test pilots, he has made it accessible to the
layperson who is interested in space activities. Likewise, his associates have explored other
program ramifications which are usually neglected in basic engineering studies.
Preserving aerospace technology, and especially the means and processes by which it has
been developed, is the central mission of PAT Projects, Inc., which proposed and managed
this work. Technology does not exist in a vacuum, and having only the final data of a
successful program tells little about how that accomplishment might be replicated. It is
apparent that researching the story of the lifting body effort was a singularly worthwhile
venture for this group.
Raymond L. Puffer, Ph.D.
AFFTC History Office
Edwards Air Force Base
This document attempts to bridge the communication gaps between the technical/scientific
community, the history and archival disciplines, and the non-professional aviation enthusiast.
It describes the events of the Lifting Body Program with as much objectivity and detail as
possible so as to provide an accurate history of the program. At the same time, the technical
aspects of the program are discussed in sufficient detail to assure that the engineering
community will benefit from the new technology that was derived from these tests. Chapter
1 presents a brief, simplified introduction to the subject of atmospheric entry so that the non-
technical reader may also read and understand the lifting body story. Hopefully all readers
will sense the excitement, the pioneering spirit, the camaraderie, the "can-do" attitude that
prevailed within the small team of engineers and pilots who were privileged to participate in
the lifting body flight test program at Edwards.
This historical document portrays the Lifting Body Program as seen by the engineers and
pilots who actively participated in the development and testing of these unique vehicles. You
may notice a lack of reference to political policies and decisions, or media events and labels
(for example, International Geophysical Year, Cold War, creation of NASA, Sputnik, Space
Race, etc.). Such events or labels are commonly used in historical documents to indicate
changes in direction or an altered public perception of advances in technology. In actuality,
these events or labels had little, if any, effect in the near term on the Lifting Body Program.
They were almost transparent to those actually working in the technical field.
Advancement in science and technology is a continuing process. Advances usually occur
through a series of small steps in theory and/or laboratory demonstrations. Often
technological "breakthroughs" occur in almost simultaneous, but unrelated demonstrations in
different parts of the world. It is occasionally necessary for the scientists to pause in a line of
investigation, and allow the engineers to construct a complete operating device to validate
their findings and demonstrate practical applications. Periodic demonstration of current
technology is important to validate the ability to construct real hardware, and to boost and
update the industrial base.
Frequent hardware demonstrations reduce the technical risk for each step. When the cost and
complexity of a hardware demonstration becomes very high (such as in most space travel
ventures) the decision to build hardware may be deferred for political or economic reasons.
This results in fewer demonstrations and therefore higher risks for each step. Engineers then
begin looking for low cost, partial demonstrations that will sustain the technological advance
but reduce the risk for the next big hardware demonstration step.
The Lifting Body Program falls into the category of a low cost, partial technology
demonstration to reduce the high technical risk that was emerging from the Dyna Soar
program (discussed in Chapter 2). Notice that the Lifting Body Program was created PRIOR
to cancellation of Dyna Soar, and was NOT a result of that cancellation. The ASSET
program, discussed in Appendix A, section 4.4, falls into the same category further
highlighting the recognition within the technical community of the high technical risk of
Dyna Soar. Other similar technology advances and partial demonstrations were continuing
in other fields such as the development of new thermal protection materials, power sources
and flight control systems. All of these partial technology demonstrations were intended to
reduce the risk for whatever larger and more costly demonstration of controlled, manned
entry would eventually follow. What follows is the lifting body story told from the
perspective of engineers and pilots.
The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Johnny Armstrong from the AFFTC
Research Projects Office in locating, and making available, various documents and photos
that were used in the preparation of this report. Jack Kolf of NASA FRC graciously allowed
the use of the heavy-weight Lifting Body Flight Logs which he had assembled earlier from
other NASA FRC documents. The Photo Department at NASA FRC were also very helpful
in locating and printing copies of various photos which were used in the document. I also
appreciate the help of the NASA DFRC Library and AFFTC History Office for personal
assistance and access to historical resources.
In a quick-reaction peer review, the draft report benefited from comments of the following
individuals who actually participated in the various activities described in this document;
Jack Wesesky
Jack Paulson
Clarence Syvertson
A. J. Evans
Fred Stoliker
David Richardson
Dale Reed
Jack Kolf
Johnny Armstrong
Dyna Soar and X-15
HL-10 configuration definition
M2 configuration definition
NASA Headquarters
AFFTC Technical Director
X-24A, X-24B Performance Engineer
M2-F1, Program Manager
X-24B Program Manager for NASA
X-24A, X-24B Program Manager for AFFTC
I offer a special thanks to Ray Puffer of the AFFTC History Office who reviewed the
manuscript and wrote the Foreword.
Contract supervision came from John Terreo, Computer Sciences Corporation, and Richard
Norwood, AFFTC Historic Preservation Office.
The author also wishes to thank the following members and consultants of PAT Projects,
Inc., for their direct contributions to sections of this document, as well as their review of the
final manuscript: Betty Love, for gathering photos and preparing the M2-F1 flight log in
Appendix C; Bruce Peterson and John Manke for the pilot comments in Appendix B; John
McTigue for information about the M2-F2 and HL-10 procurement from Northrop; Lyle
Schofield for his assistance in preparing the discussion on aerodynamic heating and low L/D
approaches; Anne Millbrooke for her insightful review and her help in reformatting the text
for historical validity; Chris Licciardi for computer graphics and production support; and
Wayne Ottinger for his overall assistance and management of the effort.
World Wide Web (WWW) Publication
Some minor corrections and additions were made to the original works for the WWW
publication. Book Two, The Cold War Context, and most of Book Three, Lifting Bodies As
Cultural Resources, were not included in the WWW publication. The author, Robert G.
Hoey, and Betty Love provided the minor corrections and additions. With NASA's
assistance, the color photographs available were selected as substitutions for the black and
white photos original used. Wayne Ottinger, of PAT Projects, Inc., produced the WWW
version in both HTML and PDF configurations with the assistance of Carla Thomas (Adobe
FrontPage 97
and the PDF version was produced using both Microsoft
97 SR-1 and Adobe
Acrobat 3.0
Book One of Original Air Force Publication
Chapter 1: Returning From Space 1
..................1.1 The Capability: Exiting the Atmosphere 1
..................1.2 The Challenge: Atmospheric Entry 1
..................1.3 Ballistic Entry 3
..................1.4 Semi-Ballistic Entry 5
..................1.5 Lifting Entry 6
..................1.6 Emergence of the Lifting Body 7
..................1.7 Glider Landing Techniques 9
Chapter 2:Lifting Entry With Horizontal Landing: The Quest Begins 10
Lifting Bodies: A NASA Perspective 16
Chapter 3: The M2-F1 Program 18
..................3.1 Theoretical DevelopmentChapter 3: The M2-F1 Program
..................3.2 Technical and Physical Development 19
..................3.3 Construction 21
..................3.4 Flight Testing 23
..................3.5 Technology Lessons Learned 27
..................3.6 Test Sites 29
................. 3.7 Current Status of Aircraft 29
Chapter 4: The M2-F2 and M2-F3 Program 30
..................4.1 Theoretical Development 30
..................4.2 Technical and Physical Development 31
..................4.3 Construction 34
..................4.4 Flight Testing of the M2-F2 40
..................4.5 M2-F2 Landing Accident 48
..................4.6 Flight Test of M2-F3 52
..................4.7 Technology Lessons Learned 56
..................4.8 Test and Support Sites 59
..................4.9 Current Status of Aircraft 60
Chapter 5: The HL-10 Program 61
.................5.1 Theoretical Development 61
.................5.2 Technical and Physical Development 62
.................5.3 Construction 64
.................5.4 Flight Testing 65
.................5.5 Technology Lessons Learned 71
.................5.6 Test Sites 73
.................5.7 Current Status of Aircraft 73
Chapter 6: The X-24A Program 74
.................6.1 Theoretical Development 75
.................6.2 Technical and Physical Development 75
.................6.3 Construction 80
.................6.4 Flight Testing 85
.................6.5 Technology Lessons Learned 90
.................6.6 Test Sites 95
.................6.7 Current Status of Aircraft 95
Chapter 7: The X-24B Program 97
.................7.1 Theoretical Development 98
.................7.2 Technical and Physical Development 100
.................7.3 Construction 101
.................7.4 Flight Testing 105
.................7.5 Technology Lessons Learned 114
.................7.6 Test Sites 116
.................7.7 Current Status of Aircraft 116
Chapter 8: Epilogue 117
Appendix A: The X-20 "Dyna Soar" Program 123
.................1.0 Basic Concept and Design Evolution 123
.................2.0 The X-20 Glider 130
.................3.0 Configuration Reassessment (Phase Alpha) 136
.................4.0 Program Cancellation 136
Appendix B: Pilot Comments 142
Appendix C: Lifting Body Flight Logs 160
.................Part One: Light Weight; M2-F1 161
.................Part Two: Heavy Weights 164
Appendix D: AFFTC/NASA Memorandum of Understanding 170
Appendix E: Lifting Body Personnel 174
Glossary 179
Source Essay and Literature of the Field 184
About the Author 198
All photos and old artwork images were scanned originally at 300 dpi and in 'True Color or 256 gray scale as
appropriate. All images were processed with DEBABELIZER