This Is Your Chrystler Saturn Story
This Is Your Chrystler Saturn Story
This Is Your Chrystler Saturn Story
This booklet i s a p a r t of the Chrysler Corporation Space Division Manned Flight Awareness Program. You will be seeing and hearing m o r e about this program. E a c h and e v e r y one of u s , and our families a r e directly involved in a g r e a t national effort, a n unprecedented adventure by man -- the landing of men on the moon. Each of u s is an important man doing an important job making produ c t s on which P r o j e c t Apollo astronauts will bet their lives. E v e r y p a r t of every booster m u s t be engineered, manufactured, installed and tested s o thoroughly that we would bet our own lives on i t s faultless performance. We m u s t make these p a r t s right the f i r s t t i m e -- the opportunity to c o r r e c t a m i s t a k e m a y never occur. Use t h i s book to explain to your family, friends, and neighbors about the C h r y s l e r Corporation Space Division and t h e work that you do here.
I a s k that everyone renew the acceptance of his job responsibilities. Do your work to the best of your abilities. Never be slow to a s k f o r guidance if you a r e unsure. I a s s u r e you that I will personally guide you if the need a r i s e s .
H .D.
In a huge manufacturing facility a t New Orleans, Louisiana -- the Michoud Operations -Government and private industry a r e joined in the building of the world's l a r g e s t space booster c u r r e n t l y in production, the Saturn I/IB. Your job with the C h r y s l e r Corporation Space Division is to a s s i s t the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in i t s monumental task. We build the b o o s t e r s f o r NASA, our custome r , whose George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, d i r e c t s the work a t Michoud. The d i r e c t o r of t h i s cent e r , Dr. Wernher von Braun, has a t e a m of the b e s t rocket s c i e n t i s t s in the business. As of October, 1964, NASA has designed, built and successfully launched seven Saturn I vehicles. This r e c o r d is unequalled. There
a r e a l s o NASA personnel a t Michoud and a t Cape Kennedy. These people work side by side with o u r people on the production floor, inspecting, directing, and accepting o u r product, the booster. There a r e other NASA people h e r e doing the many administration, engineering and other t a s k s that m u s t be done a t such a l a r g e facility. The NASA people a r e h e r e to help u s deliver o u r product on t i m e and a s reliable a s humanly possible. Although you a r e aware of your particular r e sponsibility in this g r e a t national effort, i t m a y be difficult to comprehend the scope of the Saturn P r o g r a m f r o m day-to-day o b s e r vations. The purpose of this booklet i s to d e s c r i b e the Saturn P r o g r a m and give you a b e t t e r understanding of i t s s i z e and complexity. You a r e one of about 300,000 people working on the Saturn Program.
Spacecraft and spacecraft components do not lend themselves to normal assembly line techniques. They a r e , instead, "manufactured" in the original s e n s e of the t e r m - made by hand. Our p r o g r e s s in s p a c e does not demand that hundreds, o r thousands, o r millions of spacec r a f t come rolling off t h e production lines. We a r e satisfied with only a few - provided that each and e v e r y component in every one of them works perfectly. Thus the s p a c e p r o g r a m of necessity stimulated a r e t u r n to craftsmanship, with special m e a s u r e s to s t i r the i n t e r e s t of the individual w o r k e r in perfection of accomplishment and pride of membership in a s e l e c t group to whose product the s u c c e s s of a mission o r life of an astronaut may be entrusted." F r o m a speech: "Why Go to the Moon?" by Hugh L. Dryden, Deputy Administrator National Aeronautics and Space Administration
"The e m p h a s i s in o u r Manned Flight Awareness P r o g r a m i s on the word awareness. NASA Headquarters is behind the Manned Flight Awareness P r o g r a m ; I a m personally behind it and o u r e n t i r e Marshall t e a m i s behind it. We want you and your company behind it. I ' R e m a r k s of Dr. Wernher von Braun D i r e c t o r of Marshall Space Flight Center to the Manned Flight Awareness P r o g r a m Conference September, 1964
t e r i n g a l r e a d y proven tanks and engines f r o m the Redstone and Jupiter m i s s i l e s was advanced and quickly implemented.
In October, 1958, a Government o r d e r to develop a n eight-engine, clustered-tank booster was issued. Three y e a r s l a t e r on October 15, 1961, NASA successfully launched the f i r s t Saturn I. C h r y s l e r Corporation, with i t s experience on the Redstone and Jupiter p r o g r a m s , was s e lected to build the Saturn I booster. Following this contract award in December 1961, the Space Division was formed and a s m a l l group of key personnel moved into the Michoud Plant a t New Orleans. Within two y e a r s , the f i r s t Chrysler-built Saturn I boost e r was assembled and ready f o r test. Today, you a r e one of nearly 5 , 0 0 0 employe e s of the Chrysler Corporation Space Division working on the Saturn P r o g r a m a t the Michoud plant, Huntsville, and Cape Kennedy. You, a s a Space Division employee, can b e e proud of ~ h r ~ s l e r 'r s c o r d in our nation's space program. No Chrysler-built booster has e v e r failed, a r e c o r d unequalled by any other company. The g r e a t e s t challenge to a l l of u s is to maintain this r e c o r d by continuing to engineer, build, t e s t and launch the best, m o s t reliable b o o s t e r s in the industry.
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SA-201 TO SA-212
11 1 I I
SA-1 TO SA-lo
SA-500 TO SA-515
The Saturn family has its beginning with Redstone and Jupiter. P a r t s that were designed, tested and proven reliable through actual flight on these missiles a r e today flying again on Saturn. F o r example, the central LOX tank is of the s a m e dimensions a s the ~ i p i t e r booster tank. The smaller tanks clustered around the central tank a r e the s a m e dimensions a s the Redstone booster tanks. This approach of using flight tested and proven hardware will continue throughout the Saturn program, Saturn I with its S-IV upper stage will, after testing and improvement, become the Saturn IB with its S-IVB upper stage. The Saturn IVB in turn will be flight proven a s p a r t of the S-IB and then used on the Saturn V. This approach i s also applied to the Apollo capsule which will f i r s t be flown on the S-IB, put into orbit, checked out, and only then will it be used on Saturn V. This, then, i s the story of the Saturn family - a story of continuing test and development with each step contributing to the next important step.
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The s a m e a r e a today
In September, 1961, the manufacturing facility shown on the preceding page and a t the left was chosen by NASA a s the site for Satu r n space vehicle fabrication. The major buildings of this facility, now the Marshall Space Flight Center, Michoud Operations, were constructed during World War I1 for the manufacture of Liberty ships. The buildings were renovated for use by the Saturn Prog r a m contractors. The facility now consists of two administration buildings, a large manufacturing building, and a newly constructed engineering building, all of which a r e fully a i r conditioned. In addition to housing NASA (our customer), Michoud Operations accommodates Chrysler and Boeing, the two major Michoud Saturn contractors, and various other subcontract o r s supplying facilities support, food s e r vices, and data processing services. Shown a t the right is our booster in the manufacturing building.
At the left i s an exploded view of the Saturn IB booster. Most of the booster's working p a r t s a r e in the tail a r e a which is composed of a thrust structure, eight rocket engines, a shroud with four engine s k i r t s , eight fins, and the majority of the booster's mechanical and electrical systems. The thrust structure supports the back end of the tank cluster a s well a s the shroud, engine s k i r t s , and swept-back fins.
The spider beam provides support for the forward end of the tank cluster and f o r additional booster operation systems.
Work on one of the booster's electrical distribution panels nears completion in electrical fabrication area. A technician adjusts the automatic silk screen printer used to make miniaturized electronic circuits for the booster's control systems. One of the booster's complex structural components i s fabricated on a remotecontrolled milling machine. Another booster component takes form on this imposing vertical milling machine. A booster engine undergoes one of the many minor modifications made by Chrysler.
Following fabrication of the booster's major structural components, assembly of the massive thrust structure begins. As the thrust structure i s assembled, work begins on the eight-legged spider beam. Once the thrust structure is assembled, it i s carefully maneuvered into an upright position and the center LOX tank i s secured over the b a r r e l assembly. The assembled spider beam, with its high-pressure nitrogen spheres, is then attached to the forward end of the center LOX tank. This mammoth assembly i s then rotated on its clustering rings and each of the eight outer tanks is positioned and secured fore and aft in the booster structure. After the propellant tanks have been clustered, final operations including the installation of various tubing and wiring, measuring instruments, and rocket engines a r e completed and the booster is readied for final functional checkout.
Metal used in the booster's structure is strength tested here in the metallurgical lab. Many of the booster's precision parts a r e assembled and tested in this clean room facility. Completed booster components a r e tested here in the engineering environmental test laboratory. Booster engines a r e pressure tested here in the engine test cell. In this mockup a r e a , various booster components a r e mounted and checked for physical compatibility. Before the booster is shipped for static testing, a final visual check of all major booster components is made.
Chrysler Corporation Space Division personnel gather to witness the formal acceptance ceremony f o r the f i r s t Chryslerbuilt booster, S-1-8. Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of NASA's George C. Marshall Space ~ i i g h t Center, and Mr. L. A. Townsend, P r e s ident of the Chrysler Corporation.
f o r m a n interesting contrast - man's oldest u s e of forced combustion, a chimney furnace, and his newest, a Saturn booster. Because of the s i z e and weight of the booster, a special barge had to be built. Over 260 feet long, this barge will support up to 2,000 tons of cargo. The booster i s f i r s t rolled into the b a r g e ' s special enclosure as shown on the upper right. The cover i s then s e c u r e d in place and f r o m that t i m e on the C h r y s l e r b a r g e c r e w closely monitors and maintains t e m p e r a t u r e and humidity conditions within the enclosure. Still another interesting contrast is evident h e r e , a s man's newest and f a s t e s t means of transportatlon, the Saturn booster, i s moved to and f r o m i t s various t e s t and launch a r e a s by one of the oldest and slowest modes of transportation known to man, a r i v e r barge. The barge route shown on the preceding page c o v e r s m o r e than 3,000 m i l e s of inland wat e r w a y s and the Gulf of Mexico. As the barge is moved over this extensive route, i t is accsnipanied a t a l l t i m e s by a U.S. Coast Guard v e s s e l to e n s u r e that nothing will i n t e r f e r e with s a t u r n ' s eventual mission in outer space. 24
through movement; a rigidly r e s t r a i n e d booster must bear the punishment of all s t r e s s e s and vibrations acting upon it. During a normal static test, the booster is fired twice. Its f i r s t firing is of short duration and establishes that all systems aboard the booster a r e functioning properly. After this f i r s t test, the booster is then fully fueled and fired for a period equivalent to actual flight time to demonstrate the correct functional performance of all airborne systems under simulated launch conditions and to provide the data necessary to caiculate a potential flight trajectory for the vehicle. As each booster is fired, NASA and Chrysler personnel monitor and control all test activit i e s from the blockhouse. Some 700 separate measurements of each t e s t a r e automatically made and recorded a t this control center. Over 300 more measurements a r e recorded and evaluated a t the nearby NASA Computation and Quality Laboratories. Once this data has been analyzed and the t e s t judged a success, the booster is transported back to the MichoudOperations for post static t e s t rework and eventual shipment to Cape Kennedy. 27
On the NASA test stand a t Huntsville, Alabama, the Saturn I/IB boosters come to life for the f i r s t time. Before this test, a boost e r is a towering structure of carefully engineered and manufactured parts. Once a booster is successfully static fired, then and only then, does it qualify a s a reliable boost e r for a manned space vehicle. After the booster is unloaded from the Michoud barge, it i s transported to the test a r e a and securely mounted in the test tower. All electrical and mechanical connections a r e made. All systems a r e checked and approved. The booster i s then fueled. Once this preparation is complete, the firing switches a r e thrown and the booster's engines r o a r to life. With all eight engines developing full power, the booster is subjected to some of the most severe s t r e s s e s it will ever face - even more severe than those encountered during vehicle launch. This i s due to the fact that an airborne booster can dissipate some of the forces acting upon it
We have s t a t i c tested our SA-8 and SA-10 boosters. We have not a s yet launched one. Until now, o u r Cape personnel have been in a supporting r o l e to NASA, but the day will soon come when: C h r y s l e r personnel a t Cape Kennedy will fill the fuel tanks. They will r e p o r t - ALL SYSTEMS GO. This i s the moment that a l l of u s , those a t Michoud, Huntsville, Cape Kennedy, and in Detroit, have worked toward. Confident and yet feeling the goose pimples grow, the launch c r e w completes t h e i r final p r e p a r a tions. A loudspeaker b l a r e s ! Ten. nine four.. .three.. .two.. one.. LIFTOFF!
.. . . . . . .
With s t a t i c t e s t behind it, the mammoth Satu r n booster again spews forth i t s f i e r y inferno. Majestically r i s i n g on i t s thundering plume, Saturn r o a r s away toward the southe a s t and i t s mission f a r above the earth! Moments l a t e r , the payload is successfully f i r e d into orbit! Another Saturn launch i s a complete s u c c e s s !
1 .
The Saturn has been subjected to an allsystems t e s t and simulated flight test, has been fueled, and now stands ready for flight. The command to launch has been given and data electronically relayed to the blockhouse s p e l l s out the beginning of another successful Saturn launch. Slowly a t f i r s t and then with increasing speed, Saturn lifts off the launch pad and r o a r s away f r o m Cape Kennedy.
T H E P A Y L 0A D A N D Y 0U
We would like you to look a t the payload in successful orbit a s the pay-off of our combined and individual day-to-day work. Such a pay-off was impossible for the billions of humans that came before us; they could only look to the heavens and wonder what was out there ! This book will help you to understand the Satu r n Program; the program i s big, it is i m portant, you a r e important to it. Remember:
. .
Since the Saturn I and IB vehicles will be used to place payloads in orbit around the earth (one of these payloads will be aManned Apollo Spacecraft) , a short discussion of "orbit" and "how to get there" will aid in understanding this very important phase of the Saturn program. As everyone knows, earth' s gravitational force draws all objects within its field toward the center of the earth. In fact, one must travel many thousands of miles away from the earth to escape this far-reaching force. How, then, can we place r e s e a r c h payloads several hundred miles beyond the earth's atmosphere and keep them t h e r e ? We need only look a t the moon for the answer. It swings with unfailing regularity over its course around our world neither crashing to earth nor streaking away into the sun. Long ago, a balance between earth' s gravitational pull and the moon's tendency to fly away was achieved. It is a known fact that objects in motion tend to travel in a straight line unless acted upon by some force. As illustrated in the diagram a t the left, the moon travels just f a s t enough to strike a balance between this tendency to travel in a straight line away from earth and
the inward pull of earth' s gravity. If, f o r some reason, the speed of the moon w e r e gradually i n c r e a s e d , i t s tendency to t r a v e l in a straight line would predominate and i t would fly off into the sun. Similarly, if the speed of the moon w e r e gradually decreased, the force of e a r t h ' s gravity would predominate and the moon would s p i r a l down to impact on the e a r t h . Like the moon, if a payload w e r e lifted to a desired altitude and accelerated to the p r o p e r speed along a path p a r a l l e l to the earth's surface, it would swing into a r e g u l a r orbit around the e a r t h and s t a y t h e r e indefinitely. During a Saturn I B launch, the guidance s y s tem will s t e e r the vehicle over a curved flight path toward i t s orbit e n t r y point a s shown on the right. Booster burnout and separation f r o m the r e m a i n d e r of the vehicle (1) will occur somewhere between 40 and 75 miles above the e a r t h (depending upon the weight of i t s payload) and a t a velocity of 3,000 to 5,000 m i l e s p e r hour. As the boost e r drops back to e a r t h ( 2 ) , the second s t a g e will f i r e and f u r t h e r a c c e l e r a t e the payload toward i t s orbit e n t r y point ( 3 ) . Somewhere short of orbital altitude, the second stage will shut down (4) and allow the payload to coast to a point approximately 350 m i l e s
above t h e earth. During the fuel economy maneuver, the vehicle will a r c over under the influence of gravity until it i s traveling parallel to the e a r t h ' s surface. At this instant, the second stage will f i r e again ( 5 ) and a c c e l e r a t e the payload to final orbital speed, approximately 18, 000 m i l e s p e r hour.
accurately evaluate the hazard these meteoroids pose to manned space flight. During launch, the satellite will be housed in an assembly like the Apollo spacecraft s e r vice module. Once in orbit, two large "wings" will be unfolded from the satellite exposing more than 2,000 square feet of test surface to meteoroid impact. An a r t i s t ' s conception of this satellite is shown a t left. The r e a r surface of each aluminum panel will be coated with a thin layer of plastic and then another layer of vapor-deposited metal. In orbit, an electrical potential will be established between these two metallic l a y e r s . Then, whenever a meteoroid ruptures a portion of this multipaneled capacitor, the break will discharge that panel and create an elect r i c a l impulse. By recording the frequency and magnitude of these impulses, r e s e a r c h e r s will have an accurate record of the meteoroid population in an a r e a of space soon to be used f o r manned spacecraft testing. Shown a t the right is a dynamic test model of the satellite.
January 31, 1958 March 3, 1959
. . . . .. . Jupiter
. . . . . . . . ~ e r c u r y / ~ e d s t o nbeo o s t e r s . . . . . The
booster ( J u n o 11) launches Pioneer IV past the moon and into orbit around the sun.
lift the f i r s t two Manned Mercury capsules carrying Astronauts Shepard and Grissom over sub-orbital flightpaths. first Saturn I, SA-1, i s successfully fired from Cape Kennedy followed by SA-2 and SA-3 on 25 April 1962 and 16 November 1962, respectively. booster e n g i n e intentionally shut down, successfully completes its assigned mission. per stages and orbits 37,700 pounds.
The NASA-built SA-9 vehicle is scheduled for launch prior to the SA-8 vehicle which will use a Chrysler-built first stage, S-1-8.
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