REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99: 11 Section

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QC1-1 Act ., 7 i/fQ
T ie -t 1-cic-33004/99
31-W ED
3 dit-t.5 u s (i)
PART 1 1 Section 3Su b-se ction (1)
Littictm54, 61 Id

9617 " .i! F q 62 , 1t, #T R7 7 17 , de l 2 4, 2 009/q 11; -7 1 5, 1930

No. 96]NEW DEL1-11, T UESDAY, F EBRUARY 2 4, 2 009/PHALGUNA 5, 1930

159' -4--raq
(7 m, 'te mpi)
.91 kCTA 2 4, 2 009
112 (3T ).--7 1TOtt, T rr4Y-41-9. .3-1: 1f c, 7 2 A 309
*I( gRIT IT : dT rtrf.wa
-q c-e 6 3117 f-- -c` 04111 3:1 01, 2 002
4 ; ,
: -
( 1 ) 7 1- fi7 1fu lf t .rrv1-;
31k3fq 4. Olt itfiT T ..(7 , #W -1)-H44,
2 009 tI
(2 ) 11 \ I , T HA314-17 :1 re f 'ffrfttat7 )- I
e i; -5:, I q #14-Ric-ch
f6-Fcr-q, 19-Em. 2 002 4 37 97 41 4, 12 7 , t') .1
" fz-ccru T 1" -s: 4.-14, 9Liii-cbci fit
3T R" f-e rcru F I"
" tocru l 2 I :
ftczfu T 2 : " LI14 PIN#441-1rot;
T ifoR1 ci-dsst6, -kna4
ct.iv3-1-r-- afi, 7 T O; zfrrq
34- { a lsii3aa c411;114( 4-4 rti-fr1"
[-cm.T F T -18013/66/2 003-'7 1T . 111 (Q" )]
fe -ccip; f9--(4-14 '4-noT r[..f9. 37 7 ,
2 1 f4-c7TER, 2 002 'gRT moi, Aict64. 7 17 24 3t
-CrlCif #7 -fitri7 8(31), " ffriMf
2 8 z: 4, 2 004-1.1` '-4. 7 3 ( 31) , U115
7 1-611- C , 2 005T " (1 01 2 4 I
(Department of Revenue)
Ne w De lh i, th e 2 4th F e bru ary, 2 009
G.S.R. 112 (E).In e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d
by th e proviso to Article 309 of th e Constitu tion, th e
Pre side nt h e re by make s th e following ru le s fu rth e r to ame nd
th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt, Lowe r Division
Cle rkRe cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 002 , name ly :
(1) T h e se ru le s may be calle d th e Ce ntral
Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt, Lowe r Division Cle rk
Re cru itme nt (Ame ndme nt) Ru le s, 2 009.
(2 ) T h e se ru le s sh all come into force on th e
date of th e ir pu blication in th e Official Gaze tte .
In th e Sch e du le to th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms
De partme nt, Lowe r Division Cle rkRe cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 002 ,
u nde r colu mn 12 , th e e xisting " Note " sh all be re nu mbe r as
" Note 1" and afte r as re nu mbe re d " Note 1" th e following
" Note 2 " sh all be adde d : -
Note 2 : " If no su itable candidate is available from
th e cadre me ntione d above for promotion for th e particu lar
ye ar, th e u nfille d vacancie s allotte d to th at cadre , .sh all be
fille d u p from among th e q u alifie d pe rsons from th e oth e r
cadre s, notwith standing th e ratio me ntione d above ."
[F . No. C-18013/66/2 003-Ad. III (B)]
K. K. KHAT T AR, Unde r Se cy.
Note : T h e principle ru le s we re pu blish e d in th e Gaze tte
of India, v i d e nu mbe r G.S.R. 37 7 , date d th e 2 1st
Se pte mbe r, 2 002 and su bse q u e ntly ame nde d v i d e
G.S.R. 7 8(E), date d th e 2 8th Janu ary, 2 004 and
G.S.R. 7 3(E), date d th e 15th F e bru ary, 2 005.
REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 fT r 7i07 ft-33004/99
31011i: it
ilf1111--GET Z
PART ElSection 3--Su b-se ctiou . (I)
T t. 12 0 ]

-ffe ffiirrt 12 , 2 003/T-lifF p 2 1, 192 4

No. 12 0]

NEW DELHI', W EDNESDAY, MARCH 12 9 2 003/PULAiLGUNA 2 1, 192 4

fair0 4 4 , 4 1 - . a . 1 7 #
( atT A11ikly-47 , 7 11t )
F UT W it.
IT 4 fq -F t4t, 7 T h , 2 003
-{41. .7 Ifi. 2 12 ( 31). kT iNg1-9'3-T - 17 & - ; s5.-q 309 47 trctz-4, -*G7 17 - c., if 7 1f*T 7 : 47 41T1 -41d4d{IC7 , _ , T 7
3-117 -4-F T (
11' 147 ) irdl f9- , 1997 -61-1 -T i -67 11 ttram 33-r-p F =14 .t4 . a. --rfii9h 4-piifq , q 1 T rzii
7 T ff*-2 .1T fT (T T n 11 (1'4 , ` 4 .1tr47 ; 41141
7 1
T T a11: 13 ..o-R 'Enrich T it T R" EGT ; 111
tir-N41-f *7 -4 *1-1[4_ 1(-1 .1-47 7 GI -IR). t,
T ifVta 91Pq 3117 VP-T . ( 1)iT frMT f-q -iiNzr, *-41-q f, 41R
r4101-7 (7 7 " T T " "c17 )-trill', 2 003 t I
( 2 ) 7 -4 U, 3-1 L1=1M=t-, 1 q I-t *1\ c-11#15T O till I
: fT 11331: 17 3-1-7 & 'RN ( )aF ri td 7 " 0 7 IT L-Zif4 I
1 : 7 -7 tUIT , (4 4 11cMu i 3.frt-3-41 c1wsI, 1*JF cfi19II, *1 7 4-4 fir'441
d L11 64 .6T UT -` , 1 2 41
4'', " 1: 17 1, fa., 337 1 *114-1(, *3T 3T t 3T fe ; trq 1-Rfi3-1F , E1, -*RT , 3-117 a I 3117
3--I*1 - 4-rq ff 4iCf T ). trftz-T 7 0-*-RIT aT 5 )7 - "P1-1 ( 14 ) 14 Nfriit5E` :
5. t4tffi.

T it Trif- W 1 7 -4tF a111, 11, f4) e -A, 7 : 11

(-zr )

rfT -W t tx(rciclfq q -E7 i

7 42 GI/2 003
1, 1 otAu f c114-H W e i 1
31q -E-11
T h l c4r-dl f*7 \ T H T rT 4Al4
0441 4irot; aT rzi-T h -r 4r1o, i1*R-R3-T kru -d
*NT *
3-T -e ar
3 4 5 6 7
T IT NIT IT 3050-7 5-
4590 T .
" 1-111.
2 3-30* 3
T F V` T fi
titch R GRI-W T e T -2
f-7 T R afeCA T fr
31- Ni (tAt I T h z-{
tiq -EF T ) -IN
ti t^4T
62 1 *( 2 003)
*( ct-)14 % 17


--4? r 1: 17 Trt-e rrrr :
. cri=rrti-Nt , 1lal F t, Tzrrwr 34y-T *rfq R-T
aiqta*-F7 q 3. -Frr 31-rtn-t tV-f f9T 114*-5F 4T *1 .17 - T 1*-7 1 I
fOrNa .11(-1 , (=4, R =h 1 -zT tI y 'F T l, k1r cb (ir 34F aTcr*zrrT r9W it(, -NQ
cbR r 3
cfT : 11=4*f*T 41 34*- t-T 1 fT T ft irdtri*r=r-F--wrzil 41 aiT h g Rr NAT @ T rk-rft
'aT if4.-7 f" -q A oh') .41 Gild, t4 3-T R417 4, T EZ4.4Nc11117 311.1f7 T
tlt^h lt'gRT tip t-T W iLI-T 117 1 -97 f9*T A T rq 3T rkVI'f % 317 7 317 ft-a 7 1f-dt4, 1.1'afq -U , lri zilro41, T T 4 Af-9-0arta-1-1
fq *r Na, i*, , , IS41, -ii*frizzr-T *T ffr *Amt.
-97 4Rcici-i3-1-(17 7 N7
3*4W *3-1-1T CR
T IT *T -4 4q 0*
T T 1T1-1? ( 35 1 -1na
3T W
Ri 40*04)
NIFRMT rT -d)-
t 1
e tq u i 1 :
34 ENEF-rff *T 4*f-ci
lu fkon 9T -ft % T R-J.14
3T rk-q9 317 7 f
F rNf-q -Em
T -h r (9 r=4,
1t atfoTE -ffrft3-n: F E,
31-T u r3rt1E,
IT NIF , 111145,
-NT T , Rif=toto-i,
r1tT bra
4s, 1- 4-iru cl. -51tVi
4T 7 , 4f-df, ic-4
cZQTT wfzfr--F 31(4*
34t45, 3-i-c919
-1=4, .4R X1 4 T21 1
*fc, wf--afo =4,1 -T M I
f-diftT *E 7 41-i*
itzt =h i{ -am-A *T =bit 14
cf-di 41-4**f aT T T -4
q1 01 q:
f*tt 411-'--1017 7 1*g. zrr
u r -cu m. t
IItq u s 3 (i)]grr i0-17 , 4.0-144 33mt.T T T EIT
ti ti . a->tftff--a- -4-4r7 , 4 )-zirW ri*f-f-dOcd 37 5 -4f-{*4.T r m133ifT ,
("? 1*9- )197 2 *f-17 : R303iq-19.ct; ) cv" rrd.

fila r tie r ^Intcill

2 ci ti (*4-0'
`41-11a, 1: 1.1-dI*4 7 131)--gRf zET

3h Ht/Slittr-ig.4-0/ 331-47 9- gRi 11--d1 a11 can -4 e u rt

Si cI -1V1/ 31-4 -g17 1" q 2 T T fq f4-9 -cre dz4" g17 1

Si d4\ -1/3-111? 1ffff f*-7 1T

1.4 114 -6frA -4-q I 41 5iicRiciar
3111*- i gi*ft17 *-9*ti -T t--47 : F ttft 3401-6-9' :
dcLIK % (' 4) 311t T fiTiT m1 0-zr c-alrA1, 4 4i
-4-- a-R7 T wR31 T T riv 4 -Er' cri4 , 104i -4 -4 T aT -affr9*f M l 31m-F : r*
-1, 4tW 17 1 T IT T 4 -5rF 9dLiT acicirf9ofq
Lirku ii+ -f *3-11q T { R 4lt-IT 411 7 A'
T r33-zrt7 41 fT, T rr4 - T ri:F trq q -R-or
.q A T act3T rA-- 0-ff gio
fa-cq u i : 34 1-7 rfiAtft 3T rzjT ft4r 314-NT 9
T IT T ' , w-i, f-T 147 t 1:R rcirAtd\ T N I
7 -Frffff, T -a-l*T 4 -4 ft-9. trfth q f-d-zW T i-ET
31-m- 1-3-r T rrF rt
fai-T rtzEIT T h ra- T iftrf--6 :
T il r-z3-17 ( 3T rv--- rn33t7 V
d l-I I T : ir (7 .911M7 1)
of Igm
(51q 11*-1 -1)-- T g7 T
31: 1" T q ff sto-il ob 1'4 3 ci ct) ; t1 T rq" F ff l? I'% ft T 1W f
33--7 rt zil7 1-9-, r1irci*r t, 11-R1
431+ irci*T K7 1*T zt
12 34567

2 . , 11clob62 1*(2 003)11t117 114000-100-3-T q z: ri

; ru h.k---z1*1--q T 6000 T .(*-ziad-r

*T r7 -4-4'
1-T r- gr-
f^zT T T T
t I)

('1I: 1IlcrI
5h -11-6 .girtT I
:(rt.-1 .r11(1 0b (T -CP11T u f41)-1ff)-t=13) .--rifi-IV{1, 1', 11-4 9*fq f ct; )
fq f9-krisz .Aisfi-, m i{ 1 1N414tq 5T -37 1-0 f-*-zrr
, 34-! .)dilT i-c& -m-4 41.ks34*" ci-; si " T s *-101-mi
jfch l T IT 11 11aft.( e re f-Tta' t 1-4-1ci ob .& ticbcti
faf9-44i 111N' I r
*1 w.'kcrf -t: FaRIT 3-fiT Zfzit .4 T it'witt I
faT crat : 7 7 1-d " kt4
c 7 3
0#4- 0-41-7 tiit-T ai7 *P-1, 1cti
al. n-0, 1 16F ri t; fa -.IR ft-Eriii T r trd34. 1 W IT EC
o ii( T T % 41. fq =cT i f*-z41 \ -111 , 1T 4, 11cf.c'h
ci-; 1 1T tt: ft *T P-11---101 41T 17 1 33-" e / LiNc11**611*3T 1431-RT -47
T rr-q-lf-$ 7 4*3-1-e t 3fR d3-7 7 4
.& ifq -T ch - " ci.0-4 43)-116rc-R3T 4-W W
fgwritziigl-RtiT iritrfrif ( T iT ; ; T fa-3) :
1.EW fT 39hI T otiT 3.-PT {
2 ,
1kj (-40` 1)
3115: 0F 1 (-517 f1T F T )
7 1-F e T t 7 7 ' ET tfq -cT *5-7 T -li ct) 13 ci4) -C-, ( W , -R-i1.14 7 11
aT r
fe pim .-T re
di-1, 111'oAly '7 47 '
fq q-11 , iN-3, fitif-ci
tc\ -NAT - 17 T I. I
12 34567
3. -r4ic, 1 ct)7 2 5 *( 2 003 )

ET % 117 14500-12 5-3-T 47 7 .1T IF F -1-6 trfri

-, oft40-e fe i (..21 c117 000T .(7 1-*U.11
; 31114R
*17 .4T c
t e ld3-7 1414r1cf
fW zri- -1-1T tii-sci
t I)
[ 14111(.1 u .S- 3 (0]T 7 17 17 : 1 : 31-TP411111

1, -t7 -)T
-0; if117 114-II -4 A 54 - - - - fd gRT , ff 6 ci-1q 11-1c114-q i
-rs=1 *-1 , 41, 4 7 12 41 Rir-Rbe . 7 1-1#--q a tiNiu f -34T u ri fwq r
on1 , -Ns., 4r3-ff *3-tQ' <4, 1 cri -ie i, cirt
ct)13T --flq
s1, tri 3-1-{ tfi-@ *oor t 3-th
tV1 rvir t14)11 -e 3th -0)--a-T ria-
*R-#-T 3T rr-q *). AF F T T 4 T1 tT I
fd-cr-PaT : -04 a, ri, d3T -e *P-1111r
A-Err-t, i *f*--Eu r(r
` f rz fW zIT cvs4 s=1, 4
-T ? r are */ 417 IcIr A7 r, aT f3T e */ 41, 1or AT 31T 2 1 A 31-N-*
A Err t7 9-4 A ^1 % ft ob 4-1t 3117 d-O 317 4 t4
c=, -I f4C1439-4 a nt*rfti 1ai-ck
a-)1 3T -- q -rtz **brio pick, t, rsT i-e (-4 -kT ft 31-e *P4vicir T 1-*-cr7
TE-4 t
fa" -Iritzr-sit-Rfe r .pftfff(t.--- 414tf97 ) :

#--4fti-u 31-9--- -r-zr*r 31ZR 3iT 31zT R
N9 I4m3(SiYlltii)7 : 17 : Ef
sT 1 I o ftl 91) 4-11 0h ti 3l ob-fr14
*)-. % ft3T -1-T ft.a T rr 3T -7 ft-a
=1-1 T iira*rt, fq % T rrr -47 7 *r
3T -T ff*RI/3T 7 T ra , 311, 11 fir *T R-7 '
3f e t-N% T P-F rEr*---fa Ar4fa*A--q , z4
*t\ q tip , 1-1f*zrr ,31I TI T
12 34567
3. -c4K-14)103*(2 003)T URIT 7 -15000-150-3-1-q -z19-
''T h-14 -T R8000T .( 2 o, zsor
*3114RT rco- '7 't-1-
1: 1-{ 431tiz-14F Acrd4, i, otc1c1 f)
1 *-7 T 31-9-7 T r-q -47
tic c1I t I
(11' L : 1cif


g.i*f I-th -Rf4 :
t=rf bicnaI -N-T I-4 3 ati ot-)1*1, 11 oh ) t
P.U.01 , 1rctcv.4*k14tT ro1-61. 4 3 -9A 314/41Ad1 A-41
of) viii -39*Atd 06114(V-Ii*

1.-fi fq -9-r-tf-*--zfr Ati; q r-trt, =1, 4fwd4, ; t, flit: ft

LINcli*MT , 3lifk-i7 : 3T 4P41Al11rk 31*(3afif1cri T 9-4 A-
e to-i4i4-1 9 tt{4Trfo
8tu ffF mr 31-9-91-trir 4; 1 3-T q ftT -I41C1C-111, 4011t0
t, F 01-i14 - , ft37 41, -11A11*1-41-cf6t xi1 mt rr1 t I
f4iT rritiT T A1---4" d-g1T rfff (i c ) :
3T 'T 3317 , 1-
d41Vci ( 4 (9e lici q )--9K7 T
-I6Ne i-) 3-7 1T 49 ( sRilt: 19)
[1: F f. T .f. 1 -12 018/05/99- isi s . II. Q-]
q ftITZ, 3T-qT
(Central Board of Excise and Customs)
Ne w De lh i, th e 7 th March , 2 002
G. S. R. 2 12 (E).ln e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d by th e proviso to article 309 of th e Constitu tion and in
su pe rse ssion of th e Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms, Drive rs (Grou p 'C' Posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 1997 e xce pt as
re spe cts th ings done or omitte d to be done be fore su ch su pe rse ssion, th e Pre side nt h e re by make s th e following ru le s
re gu lating th e me th od of re cru itme nt to th e post of staff Car Drive rs of Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms in th e Ministry
of F inance name ly : -
Short title and commencement : (i) T h e se ru le s may be calle d th e Ministry of F inance , Ce ntral Board of
Excise and Cu stoms. Staff Car Drive rs (Grou p 'C' posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 003.
(ii) T h e y sh all come into force on th e date of th e ir pu blication in th e Official Gaze tte .
Application : T h e se ru le s sh all apply to th e post, spe cifie d in Colu mn (1) of th e Sch e du le anne xe d to th e se
ru le s.
Number of post, classification and scale of Pay : T h e nu mbe r of th e said posts, th e ir classification and th e
scale of pay attach e d th e re to sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (2 ) to (4) of th e Sch e du le anne xe d to th e se ru le s.
Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications etc. : T h e me th od of re cru itme nt, age limit, q u alifications
and oth e r matte rs re lating to th 4; said posts sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mn (5) to (14) of th e afore said Sch e du le .
5.Disqualifications : No pe rson.
W h o ! las e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with a pe rson h aving a spou se living; or
(b)W h o. h aving a sp, mse 1 iving, h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with any pe rson,
sh all be e ligible for appointme nt to th e said post :
2 3
*62 1 ( 2 003)Ge ne ral Ce ntral
*(Su bje ctSe rvice Grou p
to variation'C' Non-Gaze tte d,
de pe nde ntNon-Ministe rial
on workload.)
2 3-30 ye ars
` (Re laxable u pto 35 ye ars
in th e case of Gove rnme nt
se rvants and u pto 40 ye ars
for de partme ntal candidate s,
in accordance with th e
orde rs or instru ctions issu e d
by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt).
Note : T h e cru cial date for
de te rmining th e age limit
sh all be th e closing date for
re ce ipt of applications from
candidate s in India (and
not th e closing date pre scri-
be d for th ose in Assam,
Me gh alaya, Aru nach al
Prade sh , Mizoram, Manipu r,
Nagaland, T ripu ra, Sikkim,
Ladakh Division of Jammu
and Kash mir State , Lah au l,
and Spiti district and Pangi
Su b-division of Ch amba
District of Himach al Prade sh
Andaman and Nicobar
Islands or Laksh adwe e p).
I. Drive r
Grade )
Rs. 3050- Not
7 5-3950- applicable

Esse ntial :
Posse ssion of a
valid driving
lice nce for motor
cars. Knowle dge
of motor me ch a-
nics and e x-
pe rie nce in driving
a motor car for at
le ast five ye ars.
Passe d viii standard
from re cognize d
Board or
Institu tion.
s 3 (0]

: -IT P-T T " {u f7

Provide d th at th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt may, if satisfie d th at su ch marriage is pe rmissible u nde r th e pe rsonal law
applicable to su ch pe rson and th e oth e r party to th e marriage and th at th e re are oth e r grou nds for so doing, e xe mpt any
pe rson from th e ope ration of th is ru le .
Powe r to Relax : W h e re th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt is of th e opinion th at it is ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt so to do,
it may, by Orde r, and for re asons to be re corde d in writing, re lax any of th e provisions of th e se ru le s with re spe ct to any class
or cate gory of pe rsons or posts.
Saving : Noth ing in th e se ru le s sh all affe ct re se rvations, re laxation of age limit and oth e r conce ssions
re q u ire d to be provide d for th e Sch e du le d Caste s, th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, th e Ex-se rvice me n and oth e r spe cial cate gorie s
of pe rsons in accordance with th e orde rs issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt from time to time in th is re gard.
Name ofNu mbe rClassificationScale of
postof postspay
W h e th e r
se le ction
or Non-
se le ction
Age limit for dire ct re cru its Edu cational and
oth e r q u alification
re q u ire d for dire ct
re cru its
W h e th e r be ne fits of adde d ye ars of

W h e th e r age and e sse ntial

Pe riod of probation, if any

se rvice admissible u nde r

q u alifications pre scribe d for

ru le s 30 of th e Ce ntral Civil Se rvice s

dire ct re cru its will apply in th e

(Pe nsion) Ru le s, 197 2

case of promote e s

Not applicable Not applicable T wo ye ars (Only for dire ct re cru its)


Me th od of re cru itme nt wh e th e r by dire ct re cru itme nt

In case of re cru itme nt, by promotion/de pu tation/a'asorption,

or by promotion or by de pu tation/absorption and th e

grade s from wh ich promotion/de pu tation/absoiption to be made

pe rce ntage of th e posts to be fille d by variou s me th ods
By absorption, failing wh ich dire ct re cru itme nt. Absorption
On th e re su lts of th e te st in driving de signe d to adju dge su itability
for th e post with re fe re nce to standards of compe te nce conside re d
e sse ntial in driving of staff cars from amongst re gu lar de spatch
Ride rs and Grou p " D" e mploye e s of th e file d formations of th e
Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms posse ssing q u alifications
in colu mn 7 or absorption of pe rsons h olding th e post of Staff
Car Drive r in oth e r Ministrie s or De partme nt.
Note : T h e Candidate s will be re q u ire d to confirm to su ch age
limits as may be spe cifie d by th e Ce ntral Board of Excise and
Cu stoms from time to time .
If a De partme ntal Promotion Committe e e xists wh at is its composition Circu mstance s in wh ich th e Union Pu blic Se rvice
Commission is to be consu lte d in making
re cru itme nt
Departmental Promotion Committee :
Additional Commissione r of conce rne d
Commissione rate Ch airman
De pu ty Commissione r (He ad Qu arte rs) Me mbe r
Assistant Commissione r (Administration) Me mbe r
W h e re none of th e me mbe rs at S.No. 1 to 3
above be longs to Sch e du le d Caste or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe , a Gr. " A" Office r from
ou tside th e De partme nt be longing to th e
Sch e du le d Caste or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s
cate gory sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
Not applicable
12 34567
2 . Drive r*62 1 ( 2 003)Ge ne ral Ce ntralRs. 4000-Non Se le ction Not applicable Not applicable
trade -II*(Su bje ctSe rvice Grou p100-6000(Se niority-
to variation'C' Non-Gaze tte d, cu m-fitne ss).
de pe nde ntNon-Ministe rial.
on workload.)

Not applicable

Not applicable Not applicable


By Promotion

Promotion :
Drive rs (ordinary Grade ) with nine ye ars of re gu lar se rvice wh o
h ave passe d a trade te st of appropriate standard spe cifie d
be low :
[ lirtIlGu s 3 (i)]

I-17 (i obi t1, 3-14? 1 : 3-1T PT IT T IT 9

mu st be able to re ad English Nu me rals and figu re s;
mu st be able to locate fau lts and carry ou t minor ru nning
re pairs;
mu st h ave good knowle dge of T raffic Re gu lations;
mu st be able to ch ange wh e e ls and corre ctly inflate tyre s.
Note : W h e re ju niors, wh o h ave comple te d th e ir q u alifying or
e ligibility se rvice are be ing conside re d for promotion, th e ir
se niors wou ld also be conside re d, provide d th e y are not sh ort
of th e re q u isite q u alifying or e ligibility se rvice by more th an
h alf of th e q u alifying or e ligibility se rvice or two ye ars, wh ich -
e ve r is le ss, and h ave su cce ssfu lly comple te d th e ir probation
pe riod for promotion to th e ne xt h igh e r Grade along with th e ir
ju niors, wh o h ave alre ady comple te d su ch q u alifying or
e ligibility se rvice .
13 14
Departmental Promotion Committee (for promotion) : Not applicable
Additional Commissione r of conce rne d
Conu nissione rate Ch airman
De pu ty Commissione r (He ad Qu arte rs) Me mbe r
Assistant Commissione r (Administration) Me mbe r
W h e re none of th e me mbe rs at S. No. 1 to 3
above be longs to Sch e du le d Caste or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe , a Gr. " A" Office r from
ou tside th e De partme nt be longing to th e
Sch e du le d Caste or th e Sch e du le d T ribe
cate gory sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
12 34567
3. Drive r*7 2 5 (2 003)Ge ne ral Ce ntralRs. 4500-Non Se le ction Not applicable Not applicable
Grade -1*(Su bje ctSe rvice Grou p12 5-7 (X)0(Se niority-
to variation" C" Non-Gaze tte d, cu m-fitne ss).
de pe nde ntNon-Ministe rial
on workload.

Not applicable

Not applicable Not applicable

By promotion Promotions :
Drive r grade -II with six ye ars re gu lar se rvice wh o h ave passe d
a trade te st of appropriate standard as pre scribe d be low :
mu st be ab'ie to re ad English Nu me rals and figu re s;
mu st h ave a tr.orou gh knowle dge of T raffic Re gu lations;
(iii) mu st h ave good knowle dge of pe trol and die se l e ngine
working and be able to locate fau lts and re ctify minor
ru nning de fe cts;
7 v . a- z/- 0 03- 2
(iv) mu st be able to cle ar carbu re tor plu g, e tc.
Note : W h e re ju niors, wh o h awe comple te d th e ir q u alifying or
e ligibility se rvice are be ing conside re d for promotion, th e ir
se niors wou ld also be considle T e d, provide d th e y are not sh ort
of th e re q u isite q u alifying o r e ligibility se rvice by more th an
h alf of th e q u alifying or e ligibility se rvice or two ye ars, wh ich -
e ve r is le ss, and h ave su cce s isfu lly comple te d th e ir probation
pe riod for promotion to th e n e xt h igh e r Grade along with th e ir
ju niors, wh o h ave alre ady comple te d su ch q u alifying or
e ligibility se rvice .
De partme ntal Promotion Committe e (for promotion) : Not applicable
Additional Commissione r of conce rne d
Commissioncrate Ch airman
De pu ty Commissione r (He ad Qu arte rs) Me mbe r
Assistant Commissione r (Administration) Me mbe r
W h e re none of th e me mbe rs at S. No. 1 to 3
above be longs to Sch e du le d Caste or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe , a Gr. -A" Office r from
ou tside th e De partme nt be longing to th e
Sch e du le d Caste or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s
cate gory sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
2 34567
4. Drive r*103 ( 2 003)Ge ne ral Ce ntralRs. 5000-Non Se le ction Not applicable Not applicable
(Spe cial*(Su bje ctSe rvice Grou p150-8000(Se niority-
Grade )to variation" C" Non-Gaze tte d, cu m-fitne ss).
de pe nde ntNon-Ministe rial
on workload.

Not applicable

Not applicable
Not applicable

By promotion
Promotion :
F rom th e Grade I Drive rs with th re e ye ars re gu lar se rvice .
Note : W h e re ju niors, wh o h ave comple te d th e ir q u alifying or
e ligibility se rvice are be ing conside re d for promotion, th e ir
se niors wou ld also be conside re d, provide d th e y are not sh ort
of th e re q u isite q u alifying or e ligibility se rvice by more th an
h alf of th e q u alifying or e ligibility se rvice or two ye ars, wh ich -
e ve r is le ss, and h ave su cce ssfu lly comple te d th e ir probation
pe riod for promotion to th e ne xt h igh e r Grade alongwith th e ir
ju niors, wh o h ave alre ady comple te d su ch q u alifying or e ligibility
se rvice .
II au s 3 (i)]

% T M(1, 1191 : 3T RIIT T Palf11

Departmental Promotion Committee (for promotion) : Not applicable
Additional Commissione r of conce rne d
Commissione rate Ch airman
De pu ty Commissione r (He ad Qu arte rs)Me mbe r
Assistant Commissione r (Administration)Me mbe r
W h e re none of th e me mbe rs at S.No. 1 to 3
above be longs to Sch e du le d Caste or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe , a Gr. " A" Office r from
ou tside th e De partme nt be longing to th e
Sch e du le d Caste or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s
cate gory sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
[F . No. A -12 018/05/99.AD.H1B1
Y. P. VASHISHAT , Unde r Se cy.
Printe d by th e Manage r, Govt. of India Pre ss, Ring Road, Mayapu ri, Ne w De lh i-110064
and Pu blish e d by th e Controlle r of Pu blications, De lh i-110054.
F .No. A-12 018/ 12 /2 004-Ad.III(B)
Gove rnme nt of India
Ministry of F inance
De partme nt of Re ve nu e
Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms
Ne w De lh i, th e 10th Ju ne , 2 005.
T o
All Ch ie f Commissione r of Ce ntral Excise .
All Ch ie f Commissione r of Cu stoms .
All Ch ie f Commissione r of Cu stoms & Ce ntral Excise .
Su bje ct: Cadre re stru ctu ring of Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt - F raming of
re cru itme nt Ru le s for grou p " C" post of Draftsme n in th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms
De partme nt re g.
I am dire cte d to e nclose h e iwith a copy of th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt
Draftsman (Grou p" C" Posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s 2 005 pu blish e d in th e Gaze lle of India,
Extraordinary, Part II, Se ction 3. Su b Se ction (i) on 16.5.2 005 vide GSR No.309 (E) date d
16.5.2 005 for information and ne ce ssary action ple ase .
End: as above You rs faith fu lly,
T e l.No.2 3363049.
REGD. NO D. L.-33004/99
" T f- T it \ r--33004/99
e tte c.'" i Raja
sT T rT 1 1 Ifug 3--a7-1 g1 J z- (i)
PART IISe ction 3Su b-se ction (i)

2 04]

fCr , *Tea, xf 1 6, 2005/ klia 26, 1 927

No. 2 04]

NEW DELHI, PtIONDAY, MAY 16, 2 005/VAISAKHA 2 6, 192 7

T NI-o-zr
(thittif 'NAT I)
if t4T 0- 9i
F Cc41, 16 T : 11, 2 005

309(3f).-1 , tf4M-9. c 31-1 -4- 309 4 1: 17 1T

-P1) -4 1#1-T -frT r' trq

ftq l1-, 197 9, \ J-I61c14-)\ 314)1 -14-` 11-1ch l "c- t -c: 1-q cb)\ 3 1cittrzt

c)34-nUT T PT 4- 10 ft7 11 , 1 -11c7 1)11- -rT RIT T RU t,

tiT T ft#T #-14-m-icilki 4T r'lZ
-ftfkEpfq fi-R, T ftcrd- fiT pi T T- 0 t, 3T c: -

1.-Ri-f41: 0--(1)#ru\-)311,

41111 . 1c2 t) -ft` i-T PT ` -41' L14)4-10I fly, 2 005 t

(2 )t '1\ 51L1-.15-14-)11 , 10-1ftT ff T ) -T rI

LI---T k--0-1T , 4 4 4, 01 31'1---T -t\ -1, -)1 coch ol
t 04, ill ; f0-TIT-I- L1 I CI C 31-17 -0T 2 4-4 dcb
-i:4-rff(Z -g I -u rr4u -- (i)cI 3T T 1.dcb
(1).; 3T rirrd-T i, 1963(1963 T T 54)ct-)1
c) 31- a9--.tlT ru R-r 3F t2 T 1
-ft - )1-0- '9-;
(2 ) Sri (1) -4 I-44t-T 604T 4- ct) , 1-1-31--Rd I 7 Z1-7 )
T sq 3: 111-4-0 TIT 4,1Qq -1\ R-4143T T z ctcr
-z1-f-3T V LI I

1516 GI/2 005

3fru rt31-rp-T rT 311. R. ,fl4 -11T -11 , 1I t.flc411

TIT ct) 11ct)) .4 LK311fri

-u T q t! VT cl I c47 2 4-1-7
IfqkT F FEI- 31- 2 -1-4T 31'41-9' f't - - - tcl-)c'Mcl; . " ) - - T tf: 2 1
- zbr =t
.-Rfvl '1 1 7r 4 4 3. 1-01-9'oc-)614fT
&- at
crd\ s
4 31. 0 - 1 - - i e rlft I 3i-cREF F c).'d I. 5 1 - f d - F k ? P a 3 1 - r qa

1 -11fv - F e 6)4ii
4T ji 4 lqUf k 3111-#ITET 31- 4 3 4 0 31-1-ft : ch i1T R.
11, 3fI1T 31-1 - q I d
ctd 31- T5 1 - - \:- i` 41. 5
\ - 1 1. 1 4 # t I
- - 4))c2 -I-
(4 ))
ffiri t fz-)fict>i
f4-4-rg f45-m

1% i-T -r4 3i(-1434-crt 7 --4t

6c)7 ). 14--a

f^4Ti- ffM c- 17 1T h e t 61411

1 :1Rtic1I cl) I 74 . 6- e rIt1 I tYi f4-4T -6-
31tR- c1, 1q- )- 3f4 fct)) cllft4 311 1171- 31-Itzf
fu 4-fr ct, 1
6. fta- 6' cbIt 7 T f41' -kc.t)c 74- 6 cf
j I 31M7 TIT I
4 -11t, T ot ciowRot
e -cbc, 4T -if ct\ -)
-c3-cr-4-q zi-41 ct- 0_ 1 147 m) -T h -ct F
7 .
? 41
-ft.14-1).ft ch )ci I c1, 31-NT T I, 311- T *91
I c-11-k
RTT T EIT IcIt, -r-9-.T ).1
-U1=17 1--T 1-1: 17 - 1-1jfir . 411j
f44. c10, 4-7 c0
f tt4 tEr . Tcr 4
f ccw 3 11 - 4 Z1 - 3 1 tRi d 1
11-f-- 1
u c
CM-11 4-1 cl' ich '0! ic--1-14-11-1 T -H-1-13i-2 1-7 r cil#\ T IW-' ? -i N7 : 11ch it-t)H-iq f .R--ft4'q -J1l'-q -, -11-1clic)
i-i_ q i i-i ----t-zr

ft-r-o-F )cir(ti)
ffiTfl=f, 197 2 c.t>.1: 1 1-11.30ch
a414\ --14 rc, -13119-T MT r
3T al-9- 3-i1-1 t 7 1 '161
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 8 *
( 9005)
1.-1 c011-1clit -1P1 01ch ---l q c-lq -1ji6ic-11 c, iq 'i '6ic-11 18 t 2 7 C41 -(T h --- 417 1
-i' ci 14-0
.-Nc.1-)NS. N1..-1, LRI--f-4-1d. t-IY,
T f'
31M n 3-1 t-11; lci V-N - Q-IIIf+ --q - iiIsq .11
arrd-, c./, -i, cbi-1
ct-, 14 1-7 R-
ictc.r-, 1rc; iY35-44dch
cl'-)31-T rc'41
5T 14a- o-i- \ ill RT w-jt t i)
T 'o=croT : 3-1-N-T itl'IT 31-q q -iftd-
-7 - Li Rcic-` 1--,
ftzu , -11
'64)c11 tI
-- C7 1: '-q -R u t.4ct-)
-r-'1---1.-T F T -4
-5n7 r 3i-r--q 9-ct-, -)Ch f67
-F -T r-d- -m-r't-, 14; 3-i-ff4=1 -mttTq -
t)--4-ft(-a-1: -cio3tr'd-IR-
tr., 11-37 -1---, 411c11-I,
7 -7 -r, , i, 4-1,
ta-R-, -11 , 10. s, f5R-r,
---c'm-)4-1, .-1=4=1)---m--7 41-R- 7 F iT f -

t/ r)
I-11AIODIt 11? 1-)? , 17 ? -h Il->, .? , ? -'(-)*
I (? , #)I-, km r_ i4.IP 1? 1LOD" P'3t? -19-3
tLEt, G.I '43 p. 1-. + 1-) kt K4 4_ N-? MT )
tlaltiS. 112 . 111.41L. -_ b to ,I? _ I-i
#L, P1-. .4h ..dh .IP r, -, 11-tr-, --)1-1-',
1 t-- JLth h .iriJh 4JiitDit. Ip 1, 1-_ ; (ii) .44, 1_ -
ti- , 41-ti-tr?
#.t-i. 1-311-3nq i II? ? .J th ili11-)f-? -.II-(I)
IPP(5q 1- 'frIP
0 L. 6
I0-' -0i-PET ) 1-61P-61-1 . --1, ' , -ID-4L.
1I- II? 411- f r I P# llht 1ODh e 'D .y, Ir?
1? - .A., , , 4
Li- :13 P? P- I? '
t-s' i in 44)W Et -(45'4
P415.1 , 1-K` -ll, ) PP4 ._ _ 64_- .L1, .
:IDr? P-t)i /7 )e ft'-,' 1` 4Di LP-Et PIP:
'PART iiSEc. 30)1

III-)p-T .r11-)
.1A0J2 1.E.Lh .l.kL #I- Iq l-t OD(-4D r? ,-) Kk)L[4-3.E, cfpI- t? 1-tp ctp q _ ie lo.: 11-C\
: ., -, M.1-rII-1? , 11, , , 1_ 3IKctp lc h ld? , \ 1 ? -fpIp-rl? sh ch dl-r? , ? , 11A<kpJ_ _ _ 11-(1) _ (._ P41.
-: ? , 5\ I cfp(-401(4)i-? _ I-.t ch 0 .1h IPi1? , , I-- I q -r LIDP4D T ? I-2, (II)
IIIr r\ Ih 11-091--? , 14, PRt? l-'? , Ict)
4: 41-- JIL ----Ig-, 4 L' - fD U 11'4' /-' '
II? p 1 I I, p j41-.' C\ (4 , 4 1 _ _ _ _ Lg i
-12 4-tit, .

AIL kL L9iit, 4 1p- 1, 4, \ ', It? 4_ L ., j_ <<h , .11L.L-..[, \ _

4t, P c-i'Dt. - #
? c1
? _ Pi'.'4D P(H.1)kL
'4' I t7 -5) " ? ' it--? 4''' !
: 1111: aZI -P----Lx-
1? ---? , -112 : 41.
gEtikILL.12 i, III\ T 2 11-'i` .cfph ll-? , I h 13-A1 MI\ 14)(T T ! ) _ .._ .e _ _ _ _ _ LIE.
t? -? , N-? ,-HI-, c-tp j-ID5, 1_ j. 1: t1
I? , n ch K-h J W KipIVJP111-h cr: \ I, Et2^14-LN: .P_ _ _ _ 1114cfph I-3 Ih s- r(II)
1.W 2 3.1-1 i-c, .u 2 44
^a4.4-Hi-Im(-o-L-, , , , j', , r-i Nr, [--, -, D, f2 E-i.C h h P? 4? 1" -Pit1? t, 011-, ==3; r-t (0 .1E
L 1-1 ,--t, coi(-4D1-, jL i-dg u -t c-r, 44. h 4ni1, 1--IN-r cipPLO(I )
: (Aq -
-1c; )-4411112 -U ditjiW in- t " Lt -L--1P--
k.P6ZXk-ti .4---0.' , - -T E -
i11rMI-c\ It_ _ +, 1_ Vait_ Lia #.I f-+
I 1-4D->'! -.Ipt-? , 1, pa 41aji_ .>, q .1 .. g.L4tilt, ti. 42 .
LID P.13SC4.1-., -tpji4.-, C-r, IF _ _ .
(" -#\ rq d 4-1 31W-41i 5011)
4j-q I (*4 4)1t6c14-1 T il: f
ffq fftZ " 147 SfT
\ riI , .S
3-1P-1 c4-) 4)1 37 1E, ct-)Pic47 1-\ 31-17 1.
\ rIN -

fro10-1: Q-15 i may 'ct-)(Hi) d

-11 3-1-Arcic1 \ I-1-n \ )111cbrc-16
cb )ct" I)1s1, \
\ r1-1\ 111[-cbl
4-)1, Gis11z11
q ft
c -V c\ -, fRtt
{ 4-4. 7 4. 7 -12 018/12 /2 004-W 1 III (41)]
47 . arT a, aT at
Ne ff 11---3(i);
11T Ms f ktvi:
()epartment of Revenue)
Ne w De lh i, th e 16th May, 2 005
... _ .
. _
G.S.R. 309(E).--: In
e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d by th e proviso to Article 309 of th e
tittlffn, and in su pe rse ssion of th e Ce ntral
and Land Cu stoms De partme nt
Grou p 'C' Posts Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 197 9, in so far as th e y re late to th e post of
Draftsman, e xce pt as re spe cts th ings done or omitte d to be done be fore su ch
su pe rse ssion, th e Pre side nt make s th e following ru le s for re gu lating th e me th od of
re cru itme nt of Grou p 'C' posts of Draftsman in th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms
De partme nt, name ly: -
Sh ort T itle and Comme nce me nt .-
T h e se ru le s may be calle d Ce ntral
Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt Draftsman( Grou p 'C' Posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s,
2 005.
(2 )
T h e y sh all come into force on th e date of th e ir pu blication in th e Official
C1 7 p.ttp..
Nu mbe r of Posts, Classification and Scale of Pay.-

T h e nu mbe r of said post, its

classification and th e scale of pay attach e d th e re to sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (2 )
to (4) of th e Sch e du le , anne xe d to th e se ru le s.
Spe cial Provision.- (1) Each Commissione rate sh all h ave its own se parate
cadre , u nle ss oth e rwise dire cte d by th e Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms
constitu te d u nde r th e Ce ntral Board of Re ve nu e Act, 1963 (54 of 1963) (h e re in re fe rre d
to as th e Board);
(2 )
Notwith standing anyth ing containe d in su b-ru le (1), th e ju risdictional Ch ie f
Commissione r of Ce ntral Excise or Ch ie f Commissione r of Cu stoms h aving
ju risdiction ove r th e conce rne d Commissione rate may, if h e conside rs it to be ne ce ssary
or e xpe die nt on compassionate grou nds, orde r th at a post in th e Ce ntral Excise
Commissione rate or Cu stoms Commissione rate wh ich is to be fille d by dire ct
16 G-2 -1, -3---3
[PART IISRc. 3(01
re cru itme nt u nde r th e se ru le s, sh ou ld be
filled by de pu tation of a pe rson h olding th e
same or comparable post bu t be longing to th e cadre of anoth e r Commissione rate or
Dire ctorate or any oth e r office u nde r th e Board, as th e case may be , su bje ct to th e
condition th at th e de pu tation pe riod will be for th re e ye ars su bje ct to th e approval of th e
transfe ror and transfe re e cadre controlling au th oritie s. Su ch transfe rs sh all be with th e
spe cific condition th at no de pu tation allowance sh all be admissible for de pu tation basis
Me th od of Re cru itme nt, Age limit, oth e r Qu alifications e tc.- T h e me th od of
re cru itme nt, age limit, q u alification and oth e r matte rs re lating to th e said post sh all be
as spe cifie d in colu mns (5) to (14) of th e said Sch e du le .
Disq u alification.-
No pe rsonl.
wh o h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with a pe rson h aving a
spou se living, or
wh o, h aving a spou se living, h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage
with any pe rson,
sh all be e ligible for appointme nt to th e said post:
Provide d th at th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt may, if ii is satisfie d th at su ch
marriage is pe rmissible u nde r th e pe rsonal law applicable to su ch pe rsons and th e
oth e r party to th e marriage and th at th e re are oth e r grou nds for so doing, e xe mpt any
pe rson from th e ope ration of th is ru le .
Powe r to Re lax .- W h e re th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt is of th e opinion th at it is
ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt so to do, it may, by orde r, and for re asons to be re corde d in
writing, re lax any Of th e provisions of th e se ru le s with re spe ct to any class or cate gory
of pe rsons.
7 .Saving .- Noth ing in th e se ru le s sh all affe ct re se rvations, re laxations of age
limits and oth e r conce ssions re q u ire d to be provide d for th e Sch e du le d Caste s, th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s, th e Oth e r Backward Classe s, th e Ex-se rvice man and oth e r spe cial
cate gorie s of pe rsons in accordance with th e orde rs issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt
from time to time in th is re gard.
: ;ailgiULE
Name of
Nu mbe r of
Scale of
W h e th e r
Se le ction
or non-
Se le ction
W h e th e r be ne fit
of adde d ye ars
of: se rvice
u nde r ru le 30 of
Ce ntralCivil
Se rvice
(Pe nsion)
Ru le s, 19'7 2
Age limit for dire ct re cru its Edu cational and oth e r
q u alification
re q u ire d for dire ct re cru its
W h e th e r age and
e du cational
q u alifications
pre scribe dfor
dire ct re cru its will
apply in th e case of
Promote e s
( 1 )
(2 ) (3)
(7 ) (8) (9)
Draftsman 2 8*(2 005) Ge ne ral Rs. 4000- Not Not applicable Be twe e n 18 and 2 7 (Re laxable Esse ntial: Not applicable
*(Su bje ct to
de pe nde nt
Ce ntral
Se rvice s,
Grou p 'C'
Gaze tte d,
100-6000 applicable for Gove rnme nt Se rvants u pto
35 ye ars in accordance with
th e instru ctionsororde rs
issu e dbyth e Ce ntral
Gove rnme ntfromtime to
time ).
Matricu lationor
e q u ivale ntfroma
re cognize dBoardor
Unive rsity;
T wo ye ars Diploma or
Ministe rial Ce rtificate in
Note : T h e cru cial date for
de te rmining th e age limit sh all
be th e closing date for re ce ipt
of application from candidate s
in India (and not th e closing
date pre scribe d for th ose in
Assam. Me gh alaya, Aru nach al
Prade sh , Mizoram, Manipu r,
Nagaland, T ripu ra; Sikkim,
Ladakh Division of Jammu
Draftsmansh ipfroman
Indu strialT raining
Institu te ore q u ivale nt
re cognize d Institu te ;
(iii)T h re e ye ars
e xpe rie nce inth e line
conce rne d.
De sirable : -
and Kash mir, Lah au l and Spiti
district and Pangi su b-division
ofCh ambadistr.ctof
Knowle dge ofu sing
Compu te rSoftware like
Compu te r Aide d De sign
Himach al Prade sh , Andaman
Laksh adwe e p). In th e case of
re cru itme nt made th rou gh th e
Employme ntExch ange th e
cru cialdate for de te rmining
th e age limit sh all be th e last
date u ptowh ich th e
Emp loyme ntExch ange is
Pe riodof
if any
Me th odof re cru itme nt:
wh e th e rbydire ct
re cru itme ntorby
de pu tation/absorption and
pe rce ntage of posts to be
fille d by variou s me th ods
In case of re cru itme nt by
promotion/de pu tation/abs
orption, grade sfrom
wh ich
promotion/de pu tation/abs
orption to be made
If a De partme ntal : ? romotion Committe e e xists, wh at is its composition Circu mstance s in
wh ich Union
Pu blicSe rvice
to be consu lte d
Re cru itme nt
(10) (11) (12 ) (13) (14)
T wo ye ars By dire ct re cru itme nt Not applicable Grou p 'C' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e (for confirmation) consisting of: - Not applicable .
(I) Single Commis sione rate th at is Commissione rate s h aving no common cadre :
T h e Additional Commissione r at He adq u arte r office to be nominate d by th e
cadre controlling au th ority- Chairman
T wo De pu ty Commissione rs pre fe rably se niormost at He adq u arte r office to be
nominate d by th e Cadre Controlling au th ority Members
(iii)T h e De pu ty Commissione r or Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to be
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income T ax - Member
Note: W h e re none of th e me mbe rs spe cifie d at se rial nu mbe rs (i) to (iii) above be longs to
th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, E Grou p 'A' office r from ou tside th e
De partme nt be lor ging to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all be
associate d as a me mbe r of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
(ff)Composite Commissione rate s th at is two or more Commissione rate s h aving common
cadre : -
T h e Additional Commissione r from e ach of th e Commissione rate s su bje ct to a
maximu m of th roe to be nominate d by th e cadre controlling au th ority by mu tu al
consu ltation with commissione rs conce rne d ( th e se niormost among th e m sh all be th e
T h e De pu ty Commissione r pre fe rably se niormost at He adq u arte rs office to be
nominate d by th e ( : afire controlling au th ority- Me mbe r
(iii)T h e De pu ty Commissione r or Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to be
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income T ax - Member
Note : W h e re nono of tae me mbe rs spe cifie d at se rial nu mbe rs (i) to (iii) above be longs
to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, a Grou p 'A' office r from ou tside th e
De partme nt be longing to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all be
associate d as a me mbe r of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
[F . No. A-12 018/12 /2 004-Ad 111(13)]
S. K. T HAKUR, Unde r Se cy.
Printe d by th e Manage r, Govt. of India Pre is, Ring Road, Mayapu ri, Ne wDe lh i-110064
and Pu blish e d by th e Controlle r of Pu blications, De lh i-110054.
: 1

Wi3-14-7 10417 T

ft: 7 -0:111fRT9zf. (i) 1. 4 (i y ) ^Td7 , -5-11j T AT I

Ri7 .5." 7 -61
7 .01-1 , T 11ftfa: 4-11, Riff; /T e -, 7 - 7 2 .4
0.1) 7 ti=-41, : 0I I U, f4Ittri, T it 4T " CT aft1T 7 ti3 t ticrt-I ic.1 4-1 47 -11 4-1t I
(i )

3-T hq : avri ( ot 7 '17 1'.'1 )
.W e tfre Pif I
T .flt: 1 ---(=T i Zs-T iT ilvici 41 -, 3: 1-; (" 1-17 ., 7 7 07 - -l)
9-) : 1..9 43-4-;
3[ 9
2 t1 6-11-z t a-cf ( -T s-Li I
7 1F -17 "e ll 4: 11 , 11- q r-q i
( iv ) T 47 -117 17 -T rf,
Ezrot3=f7 1i xf. (7 : 4 ( iv )'31ifT 1 7 1: -.4 717 1-9,-" T rf6
WV -EF: 41 4-1 .ill-rct r3if: t1, 1 -1 'rift *317 : 14-=-1, n: kr 'rt.:119:4 ir;371.
ti I iI RTt) " -Z+ fri ` J-Ti T ifcr4i T A-R-1 -T T 4.: 1c.t. , -f.
f-cI 7 5- - T i t7 I I
4. 4-7 6i-91--srf- k-2 -1f1
ifAIT=F 37 -4, 1T h , 11-14.4Q; rtt(11irn-t
[T I.T i. 12 018/05/2 003- Qif.
(De partme nt of Re ve nu e )
-Ne w De lh i. th e 2 6th 2 003
G. ; .R. 968 (if). in e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d by th e proviso to article 309 of th e Constitu tion, th e
Pre side nt make s th e following ru le s re gu lating th e me th od of re cru itme nt of Grou p " C" posts of Assistant Su b Inspe ctor
(W e apons) in th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt, name ly :
I. Sh ort title and comme nce me nt : ( I) T h e se ru le s may be calle d th e Ministry of F inance , Ce ntral Excise and.
Cu stoms De partme nt Assistant Su b Inspe ctor (W e apons) (Grou p 'C' posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 003.
(2 ) T h e y sh all come into force on th e date of th e ir pu blication in th e Official Gaze tte .
Nu mbe r of posts, classification and scale of pay. T h e nu mbe r of said posts, its classification and th e scale
of pay attach e d th e re to sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (2 ) to (4) of th e said Sch e du le .
Spe cial Provision.(i) Each Corrimissione ratc sh all h ave its own se parate cadre , u nle ss oth e rwise pre scribe d
by th e Ce ntral Borad of Excise and Cu stoms.
AU: th u d of re cru itme nt, age limit, q u alifications e tc. T h e me th od of re cru itme nt of th e said posts, age limit,
q u alifications and oth e r matte rs re lating th e re to, sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (5) to (14) of th e afore said Sch e du le ,
Ibis q u a lification, No pe rson,
i) wh o h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with o , t-rse rt h oviivA YO=.4.512
ill) \ V Ito h aviiu a spou se living, h as e nte re d into or contracte d a ma rrigc with any pe rson,
sh all be e ligible for appointme nt to th e said post
-- Provide d th at th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt may, if satisfie d th at su ch marriage is pe rmissible u nde r th e pe rsonal law
pplicablc to su ch pe rson sand th e oth e r party to th e marriage and ih : , 1 th e re are oth e r grou nds for so doing, e xe mpt any
arson from th e ope ration of th is ru le .
Powe r to re lax.W h e re th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt is of th e opinion th at it is ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt so to do,
may, by orde r and for re asons to be re corde d in writing, re lax any of th e provisions of th e se ru le s with re spe ct to any
ass or cate g ory of pe rsons.
Noth ing in th e se ru le s sh all affe ct re se rvations, re laxations of age limit and oth e r conce ssions
lu ire d to be provide d for th e Sch e du le d Caste s, th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, Oth e r Backward Classe s, Ex-se rvice me n and
te r spe cial cate g
orie s of pe rsons in accordance with th e orde rs issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt from time to time in
s re gard.
[ PART 11SEP 1(i).]
13. If a De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
e xists, wh at is its composition
: Assistant Su b Inspe ctor (W e apons).
: 51*(2 003)
*Su bje ct to variation de pe nde nt on workload.
Ge ne ral Ce ntral Se rvice , Grou p 'C', Non-Gaze tte
: Rs. 32 00-41900.
Non-se le ction
Not applicable
: Not applicable
: Not applicable
Not applicable
: Not applicable
: 100 pe r ce nt by promotion
Promotion :
He ad Havaldars (Rs. 3050--4590) with th re e ye ars of re gu lar
se rvice in th e grade wh o are proficie nt in h andling fire -arms.
Havaldars (Rs, 2 7 5044(K)) with sixye ars of re gi r se rvice in th e
failing wh ich Se poys with te n ye ars re gu lar se rvice in th e
grade wh o are proficie nt in h andling lire -arms.
Note : W h e re ju niors wh o h ave comple te d th e ir q u alifying/e ligibility
se rvice are be ing conside re d for promotion, th e ir se niors wou ld also
be conside re d provide d th e y are not sh ort of th e re q u isite q u alifying/
e ligibility se rvice by more th an one ye ar and su cce ssfu lly comple te d
th e ir probation pe riod if pre se nte d.
: Grou p 'C' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e :
I. Single Commissione rale i.e . Commissione rate s h aving no common
T h e se nior most Additional Commissione r at
He adq u arte rs Office ,
T h e De pu ty Commissione r He adq u arte rs,
failing wh ich any oth e r se nior most De pu ty
Cp.ri i iiiitio.; ; ; .-40iIiitiq u 'aite izi) 4V
th e time of De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
me e ting.Me mbe r
T h e De pu ty Commissione i of Ce ntral Excise
or Cu stoms.Me mbe r
De pu ty or Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax Me mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e me mbe r at se rial No. (i) to (iv) above
be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s a Grou p
'A' office r from ou tside th e De pe ane nt be longing to th e Sch e du le d
Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all also associate as a me mbe r of
th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
Naine , of post
Nu mbe r of posts
Scale of pay
5. W h e th e r se le ction or
non-se le ction post
0. W h e th e r be ne fit of adde d ye ars of se rvice
admissible u nde r Ru le 30 of Ce ntral Ciyil
Se rvice (Pe nsion) Ru le s, 197 2
Age limit for dire ct re cru its
Edu cational and oth e r q u alifications
re q u ire d for dire ct re cru its
W h e th e r age and e du cational q u alifi-
cation pre scribe d for dire ct re cru its
will apply in th e case of prornote e s
Pe riod of probation, if any
Me th od of re cname nt wh e th e r by dire ct
re cru itme nt or by promotion or by
de pu tation/absorption and pe rce ntage of
posts to be fille d by variou s me th ods
In case of re cru itme nt by promotion/
de pu tation/absorption grade s from
wh ich promotion/de pu tation/absorption
to be made .

'lRci 6F 1 T h iufq : 397 11, 117 , 7 31-
11. Composite Commissione rate s i.e . two or more Coramissione rate s
h aving common cadre :
T h e se nior most Additional Commissione r from
e ach of th e Corru missione rate s th e se nior most
office r among th e m wou ld be th e Ch airmanCh airman
T h e De pu ty Commissione r He adq u arte rs of
th e cadre controlling Commissione rate s failing
wh ich al: y oth e r se nior most De pu ty Commissione r
(He adq u arte rs) available at th e time of De partme ntal
Promotion Committe me e ting. Me mbe r
T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Ce ntral Excise
or Cu stoms.---Me mbe r
De pu ty or Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax --Me mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e me mbe r at se rial No. (i) to (iv) above
be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s a Grou p
'A' office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing to th e Sch e du le d
Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all also associate as a me mbe r of
th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
14. Circu mstance s in wh ich Union Pu blic Not applicable .
Se rvice Commission is to be consu lte d in
making re cru itme nt
[F . No. 12 018/05/2 003-Ad. NAB)]
S. K. T HAKUR, Unde r Se cy.
Printe d by th e Manage r, Govt. of India Pre ss, Ring Road, Maynpu ri, Ne w De lh i-110004
and Pu blish e d by th e Controlle r of Pu blications, De lh i-I10054.
(6: , 64.)e - -
F i. -gt 7 -'-33004/99
REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99
actia, of
af-f-fT 4RDT
1417 1 1 1 (..q u s 3 37 -7 Nu T (i)
PART IISection 3Sub-section (i)
u ffIlW IT wh irYld

dmr1 , 444IT , -k4T iliT 2 7 , 2 0044 ti 6, 192 6

No. 566]

NEW DELHI, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 7 , 2 004/PAUSA 6, 1 926

141-1 41A1(14

( f4MIT T )
7 -. 1r-g rrif, 2 4 -fq .411 R, 2 004
837 (31).-7 T -IT Irff, T t14% . 1-N317 309 *17 1-- gillctd -51-4-T . 7 441 7 4) , -Itt d7 414
11-17 *FIT ` 1T 441-117 47 . 7 " 1 119-7 :1-9, 1999 -ff. 41 #11: 117 1- 1- 44i17 " 7 " -9q c 1ff-q 7 , 197 9 -0, '16 Oct)
-fq z: F f(*ria -ifir) 3 ttalF iirfftarch f7 -41-zrIftrw.7 cot
I , A f4; ). r rf*, 7 =1T 117 411-41(, -10b
4rt-1r1" 1-1(" 1: _ 1 1-11c1 4; WO- "T E " q ). 7 { 141 c4 tre d -, -r rolF -NH-1 . -T 4*re v, f97 : 17 f ariaaT 2 1-k: -
T ifalta. '9T 1: 1 3117 IT 7 :14.(1 ) T fi7 1T rl-F AT 7 f -11 + -117 1TI 3c'-flq 3-fRF 1-11: rrIffq 1-117 T
( 1; -I tcs 7 1ff. ) *ilAT T 4T -0 (T rP17 " 7 " trq ) Irdif97 : 17 , 2 0041- I
(2 )5{4-, 1*-4t-ffiftT =1-; )7 -17 t
tr-rr, wirch ol atrt'6-1do--1, 111-4t-t-41-9--1-4-q 9
(2 )(4)-4 rar-irt I
-f4P- 111- si k444.--51A- ail-Tq ffrffEra am W 17 4 -3- 117 117
re f -1- 7 11 'NI -e t,
3R-7 -1T -37 1:19-1 7 14 =6I.S4
1.1-al311-141)11T , 3-T taT q 3T 1t, 7 541 4C1tT T -41ff, 3-1-9-#17 *-39-F 1 -F t-414ff 37 -4:1 (41 CI.
q t1 3T -fi4T (5)-F [F T F I-1-(14)rar.-A, t:

t, F a afa, a tzrr
(a-) 14k-(-13T cr---4zT r3-T atT 4t-k*N-i--(a7 f-*-, T rrtrfa7 7 -f-T zu t,
Liq z R ft-iNT E41: 4:
3842 GI/2 004(1)


-4-1T rE T rq 1 , T u ort f*-k4r ft-q -r-6*rru *T .ffrq : 44t-q f4fi-T *
3, T h'17 -T 3 , - 1-0-zf '*-t4T T R.T rt -gq t., 7 T 1f97 T F *-51--a4q T i*t I
trf-2 1-a-wT 4q z f*-(T RT *T T n 311e Rq 'te Err *-14T -cil-r q Z-I cie -3RT 4T CIVT
f*41 7544q f*t: ft 5**31-rtvi -gm fu r-RmT r.47 rft
.a: IT VA.*-1 f9-q -Pif 4; 1 or-; 1'4ici t4*q u r, 3-1T -1---4-T rr E9C. 3j)7 3-T -44 r-IN cif T IT
i*r 44, , , N T i-rtzT -T rrizr 1:R fff*I \ 3-1: t4? i*3-1-T iR 31-T ft: ff " f4M .7 q -4*c41
*f it : 31:F 4tT ci-) .& 11 , 3-1-itNT u t
*--T 114 LIsi ct--1(9, 11 to ch oi c4ci-ii-oi -, 1-9- 31. 2 1-- q-r ..i 'cli4, 31(4, 1*T 1-*r
3-tw-ilt-i q Lh Ie -Ir.; 14: srq i ( 147 19) fili14 197 2
*f97 111 30*3itilff 3i: 07 T 't
T IT -kJ
1 2 3 4 5 6
13* T ritu ru r2 ' 61` , N4 3050-7 5- 31-*49 (11T -II MII l'I d( 3i 7 -11C-14-n
(*G3 Oft) (2 004) -4*, T rly 47 3950-80-
31KR7 3-1: 9: 17 3 .c f-7 1 '1: q
c ft0i f*-, Err
1T w=f-mi t- 1
, i-d-lf-q7 q , ; 117 A*Ordlf-*-7 , 11, -*1-4

T ir; .1- 1.0 f--7 ' 1 N.11Cift4RH*T argfq ,

f-43-7 -4trT rIAT T .31rt al-P4

-affq 1-4i 1-4ft

*NT --*T 31-0, --d-r: crcvi
47 1 q *
CllJ1l l -4[
7 8910
1: 1 -k, 6101
'44-al-tr.-4ra. : 11-6T iVil-zn

.54--fd TIT lq zff*rd7 '7 1r e criztf

1fT gio

31-riAT -q 9 f*T rr-w*T r

gill2 T r, -kg, {641
aftH4+ 1 5.1R11.11C1f
" k44 1L'1Rc1-1 .14 III4-d; -icri
fa-cu ru r : -zrFq gro Oft 44-q r*T , i- r A cr 31-6-**-N
cri-C*T R rf-{ ffrH: rff * Rfcilitm 6, 6 . 1-u r ft 4 7 -44
c, r1.4ci 41-7 4t, t..411*6) lit f-a-a-Rf**, Nor Pt)
-4--ar 4: 1 f-- q -r-0-, 1# 7 7 1.14, 1rft-4R T r cr-C1(7 1L1-)C1CIIT
11-(2t cb( t
[ I-T rrill(.5 u S 3(i)] 1-17 -ff: 3MNITJT
1fq iT rtzt3)-----T T F T rt tt-3T T O & i(" c411
IT d114ft-i-Lirth -2 T W 147 4Er T i-zi'F r
tru rivi fznr
7 7 .4 "
4N. -4 ffT -T -4
(I) 7 7 3-T r-T r7 q ., T rr 3-7 -9-, wirffzT
t, fit -*r (-11 4-11-'4 4-, 11 -te r t :
-4 artof-)M f9-4-1-7

RT -1H f-i-ft=ft-zir s3: 111iir

Ufa: ch NIC: N-114311T 4C1,
f97 T T IT 5HT tt 7 -t-rr=i-, Eft , T IN'If IT f7 ; (1.
(iii ) Z1N` b { dLIV: j4C1f*f 3: 17 : T T T
" ftzff , T 111J I
ttl: gr : 7 1i 64( 94, 44 titxlim (i)(iii) -4*rt t4 te ra 3T fit zlIrd

, -11, 111-0f-- alwr*-rtT R4, -q 2 -11-ftq fd" , 3-17 & -d , 311 fa

zrrf*T itT riu -" *" 3-f-q *rt. *rf44T r ' iftzr.54--T rfiRf
tc\ f*cr
.bis& t
3T r-IT rr-ff-i4, 37 ti'r-q 7, 31-97 3T rif, r.-1 4
mist-5F RI*rt1 Eu .tr4114-1ki-iT f*---zrt
31-F 4m641c1(1, f --(4. 4)18(
gl(r 4'11, 3: W 111
(iii )3T T 7 -7
3-T T .gmAIL(41 I
faT EIT IT : 341 9b + -I t-It4-1I ch ( )( ) 44 .(; ) 7 47 7 [ 7 12 , 7 ft: zitrfd
-zrr, 11-1\ 3111-1t, clifq 9R-F ri*" '-41-e *t, 7 4rfT RT fd, 34-1 , -1I
e rr 3T - 1--q r -q -A-1, 111-6*f*4-T rv. " *" , 33fe l*rtl*rfq w1-1--zr-511--Ht T rrlfff
47 (<0( 14 (-1 q C1fir , 311141 I

2 3

2 . 110*(2 004)T IT NT -7 *---442 7 50-7 0-311, 4-1C11I
" , 3800-7 5-
; ONT 4( 7 .{3-1-97 F --Azr
trft---q -49f*? -4T


7 8910
c111: 1 6f lnl0106.
(i)1(, 11->4, -N-q .4 t q4-qT -tr t,
(ii)t4fmitAf-q *, 114.-apiT 4-q rc4t
f47 Cffr: th LR (i) (ii) -44 jcrcirocr*q -4 t , 31-N*1-it
f9T1rwt*foisr LIN 61, v1t fe o T h fu q -9ft -4
fallq u tfT T itT R aria gRr-1'.11-N-F td-3T -afq lT
*t--4aT KR-ft4-q tT fir Amit -87 4 T ilft
4=w-if -t1T *it-44*F c7 N-fq -arT f*T srrrob aria f-1 -Eft
4-q r 4: 1 f-gt-LO i, fa i 1vra1
T Oon(-4t-ti
131 4
T iv " T r" fq -, T r9T h T rf; rf-d (31*-4-4t-T fq 9T 'T *ilor
(I)3117 : 11-0-Ettfr ch+-1,`& 1*1, fq 7 4
kil , 11 .-1 4, 1s*:
4p, -11(1 44 a-)1, -11(1, 4ai-cR
slirq-*T tt T iT 7 flfq Z t*-z:fT s311'11 I
+ As I 7 14 4)1-1644 ATEC-d1RCIrs7 .17
'1-45*r -softr*trtt f*-q rI T rq .7 4
34T FI TT 3y iVC1&1T -q -qa ti I ii, fq -1
3T 9--*t alts 114-1F -11.fT r--T 17 z1
1d u 4 u 1: 311 -37 17 941 44 ii4)(07 4 () -14 *FR' 7 4-q -- zr -zrq rr-Rit 3-iq tF cicr
3T -1-1-kff A-mircr *r , , , if-q -, T rT r*-47 7 7 P5rtF T -q fd, fact ^1fcr
zrt 3-T -17 .& -d v1-1\ lircr*f*-T h -F rv-" *" 31-F ET -tt
*T: r-q7 ,4*my*-c4-ci fart smt1, 11
(II) , k-i ,j413-T ri--*T r--m7 , 32 2 kt zrr 3T N fq -9-*-r
*11 4-11-'-4 =MS( t :
3T crt
3T rziwif, R144*(. ft-T T c
7 11 1: , II I( 3; -114-f'., 1.2(k-T 61'10 I
(ii)cniq ic1, 4-14 'T ; -1(1I T *Cr,
f*4 W'T Z7 fT 4T : Er 311f% Mtifait1: 17 7 4
3-17 F *7 a-T rI7 T f4t T i-2 1-*T T
-gT u ftzET ', I R' I f I
: 9b+ -i(7 .4 (iii)-zt2 trft-zifffaT --frm-q
3-T IT A , , 31-1\ T IIrcf 7 1aT T : ft-ff
slif-6s319 , 7 -1, T IIRT *f" -q ; " 3fir*T r4 ot; 1f=4, T rT itzT 4--f-d
[MT 7 4.-12 018/33/2 003---P11.(4t)]
t. 3-1F , 3T T {
3(i)1 % iRff bI 11,141 : aRiltiRof5
(Department of Revenue)
Ne w De lh i, th e 2 4th De ce mbe r, 2 004
G.S.R 837 (E).In e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d by th e proviso to article 309 of th e Constitu tion and in
su pe rse ssion of th e Ce ntral Excise and Land Cu stoms De partme nt Grou p " C" posts Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 197 9 and th e
Cu stoms De partme nt Grou p " C" posts Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 197 9, in so far as e ach of th e said ru le re late to posts of Ge ste tne r
Ope rator (Se nior Grade ) and Re cord Ke e pe r, e xce pt as re spe ct th ings done or omitte d to be done be fore su ch su pe rse ssion,
th e Pre side nt h e re by make s th e following ru le s re gu lating th e me th od of re cru itme nt to Grou p ` C.' posts of Ge ste tne r
Ope rator (Se nior Grade ) and Re cord Ke e pe r, in th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De pai Inte nt, name ly : -
Short title and commencement.(1 ) T h e se ru le s may be calle d th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt
Ge ste tne r Ope rator (Se nior Grade ) and Re cord Ke e pe r, (Grou p 'C' posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 004.
(2 ) T h e y sh all come into force on th e date of th e ir pu blication in th e Official Gaze tte .
Number of posts, Classification and Scale of Pay.T h e nu mbe r of said posts, th e ir classification and th e scale
of th e pay attach e d th e re to sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (2 ) to (4) of th e Sch e du le anne xe d to th e se ru le s: ''
Special Provision.Each Commissione rate sh all h ave its own se parate cadre u nle ss oth e rwise dire cte d by th e
Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms.
Method of recruitment, age limit, other qualification e tc.T h e me th od ofre cru itme nt, age limit, q u alification
and oth e r matte rs re lating to th e said post sh all be as spe cifie d in Colu mns (5) to (14) of th e said Sch e du le .
5. Disqualifications.No pe rson,
wh o h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with a pe rson h aving a spou se living; or
wh o, h aving a spou se living, h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with any pe rson,
sh all be e ligible for appointme nt to th e said post :
Provide d th at th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt may, if satisfie d th at su ch marriage is pe rmissible u nde r th e pe rsonal law
applicable to, su ch pe rson and th e oth e r party to th e marriage and th at th e re arc oth e r grou nds for so doing, e xe mpt any
pe rson from th e ope ration of th is ru le .
6. Power to re lax.W h e re th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt is of th e opinion th at it is ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt so to do , it
may, by orde r and for re ason to be re corde d in writing, re lax any of th e provisions of th e se ru le s with re spe ct to any class
or cate gory of pe rsons.
7 . Saving.Noth ing in th e se ru le s sh all affe ct re se rvations, re laxation of age limit and oth e r conce ssions
re q u ire d to be provide d for th e Sch e du le d Caste s, th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, oth e r spe cial cate gorie s of pe rsons in accordance
with th e orde rs issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt from time to time in th is re gard.
Name ofNu mbe r ofClassificationScale of PayW h e th e r se le ctionW h e th e r be ne fit of
th e postpostpost or non-adde d ye ars of se rvice
se le ction postis admissible u nde r
Ru le 30, of th e Ce ntral
Civil Se rvice s
(Pe nsions) Ru le s, 197 2
12 3456
1. Ge ste tne r13*Ge ne ral Ce ntralRs. 3050-7 5-Non-se le ctionNot applicable
Ope rator(2 004)Se rvice Grou p3950-80-
(Se nior*Su bje ct'C' Non Gaze tte d, 4590.
Grade )to ch ange Non-Ministe rial
de pe nding
on work-
3 g) ih 2 62 1c, i


Age limit for dire ct re cru its Edu cational and oth e r q u alificationsW h e th e r age and e du -Pe riod of
re q u ire d for dire ct re cru itscational q u alificationsprobation,
pre scribe d for dire ct if any
re cru its will apply in
th e case of promote e s
7 8910
Not applicable

Not applicable Not applicable Not

Me th od of re cru itme nt : wh e th e r by
dire ct re cru itme nt or by promotion
or by de pu tation or absorption and
pe rce ntage of th e posts to be
fille d by variou s me th ods
In case of re cru itme nt by promotion or de pu tation or absorption, grade s from
wh ich promotion or de pu tation or absorption is to be made
F rom amongst Ge ste nte r Ope rator with th re e ye ars re gu lar se rvice in
th e grade .
Note: If a ju nior pe rson is conside re d for promotion on th e basis of h is
comple ting th e pre scribe d q u alifying pe riod of se rvice in th at grade , all
pe rsons se nior to h im in th e grade sh all also be conside re d for promotion,
notwith standing th at th e y may not h ave re nde re d th e pre scribe d q u li-
fying pe riod of se rvice in th at grade bu t h ave - comple te d su cce ssfu lly
th e pre scribe d pe riod of probation.
If a De partme ntal Promotion Committe e e xists, wh at is its

Circu mstance s in wh ich Union Pu blic


Se rvice Commission is to be consu lte d in

making re cru itme nt
Group Departmental Promotion Committee Not applicable
(For considering Promotion):
(I)Single Conimissione rate th at is Commissione rate s
h aving no common cadre :
T h e Additional Commisssione r at He adq u arte r office
to be nominate d by th e cadre controlling au th orityCh airman
T wo De pu ty Conu nissine r pre fe rably se niormost at
He adq u arte r office to be nominate d by th e
Cadre Controlling au th orityMe mbe rs
T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Income T ax or
Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to be
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income T axMe mbe rs
siltd cte i: aRliq rtu t7
Note : W h e re none of th e me mbe r at se rial nu mbe rs (i) to (iii) above
be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, as
th e case may be , a Grou p' A' office r from ou tside th e De partme nt
be longing to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, as
th e case may be , sh all also associate as a me mbe r of th e
De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
(II)Composite Commissione rate s i.e .two or more Commissione rate s
h aving common cadre : -
T h e additional Commissione r from e ach of th e Commissione rate s
su bje ct to a maximu m of th re e to be nominate d by cadre controlling
au th ority by mu tu al consu ltation with commissione rs
conce rne d. (th e se nionnost among th e m sh all be th e )Ch airman
T h e De pu ty Commissione r pre fe rably se niormost at He adq u arte rs
office to be nominate d by th e cadre controlling au th ority
Me mbe r
(iii)T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Income T ax orAssistant
Commissione r of Income T ax to be nominate d by th e
Commissione r of Income T axMe mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e me mbe r at se rial nu mbe rs (i) to (iii) above
be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, as
th e case may be , a Grou p 'A' office r from ou tside th e De partme nt
be longing to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, as
th e case may be , sh all also associate as a me mbe r of th e
De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
12 3456

2 . Re cord110*Ge ne ral Ce ntralRs. 2 7 50-7 0-Non-se le ctionNot applicable

Ke e pe r(2 004)Se rvice Grou p3800-7 5-

*Su bje ctNon Gaze tte d, 4400.
to ch ange Non-Ministrial
de pe nding
on work-
7 8910
Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
By Promotion Promotion: from amongst :
Daftry and Ge ste tne r Ope rator with two ye ars se rvice
Se poy with fou r ye ars se rvice .
Note I : Only th ose of th e office rs me ntione d at (i) to (ii) above wh o pass
in th e pre scribe d writte n te st sh all be e ntitle d for promotion as Re cord
Ke e pe r.
Note II : If a ju nior pe rson is conside re d for promotion on th e basis of h is
comple ting th e pre scribe d q u alifying pe riod of se rvice in th at grade , all
pe rsons se nior to h im in th e grade sh all also be conside re d for promotion,
notwith standing th at th e y may not h ave re nde re d th e pre scribe d
q u alifying pe riod of se rvice in th at grade bu t h ave comple te d su cce ssfu lly
th e pre scribe d pe riod of probation.
Group 'C' Departmental Promotion CommitteeNot applicable
(For considering Promotion) :
Single Commissione rate th at is Commissione rate s
h aving no common cadre :
(i)T h e Additional Commissione r at He adq u arte r office
to be nominate d by th e cadre controlling au th ority Ch airman
(n)T wo De pu ty Commissione r pre fe rably se niormost
at He adq u arte r office to be nominate d by th e
cadre controlling au th orityMe mbe r
(iii)T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Income T ax or
Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to be
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income T axMe mbe r
Note: W h e re none of th e me mbe r at se rial nu mbe rs (i) to
(iii) above be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s, as th e case may be , a Grou p'A'
office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing to
th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, as
th e case may be , sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
Composite Commissione rate s i.e .two or more
Commissione rate s h aving common cadre :
T h e Additional Commissione r from e ach of th e
Commissione rate s su bje ct to a maximu m of th re e
to be nominate d by cadre controlling au th ority
by mu tu al consu ltation with commissione rs
conce rne d (th e se niormost among th e m sh all
be th e )
T h e De pu ty Commissione r pre fe rably se niormost
at He adq u arte rs office to be nominate d by th e
cadre controlling au th ority
(iii)T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Income T ax or
Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to be
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income T ax
Note : W h e re none of th e me mbe r at se rial nu mbe rs (i) to
(iii) above be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s, as th e case may be , a Grou p'A'
office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing to
th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, as
th e case may be , sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
Ch airman
Me mbe r
Me mbe r
[F . No. A-12 018/33/2 003-Ad. T LI(3)]
S. K. 'T HAKUR, Unde r Se cy.
Printe d by th e Manage r, Govt. of India Pre ss, Ring Road, Mayapu ri, Ne w De lh i-110064
and Pu blish e d by th e Controlle r of Pu blications, De lh i-110054.
A--33004/99REGL). NO. D. L.-33004/99
` 4111-11.1-13-0-4 3 --.3II-13-Erg (i)
PART IISe ction 3Su b-se ction (i)
VINI-4, 11 4 1.1111410
J. 382 JT ORT - off, 33 4 1t-cl, 2 007 /31ifolu r 30, '192 9
Nth 382 , 1NEW DELHI, 'T UESDAY, AUGUST 2 1, 2 1107 /SRAVANA 30, 192 9
fii AT -c9-4
( T F if
Icnril, 17 3.1111, 2 007
-m."wr. t4. 557 ( 31)317 P--'-k3099-.9ie *T Eff `'F I

T jcf, c-t 7 , -'3-04T C

11F -17 3T -R '9111 T T ITIT 14(-4-, T T-1'q m 14 T IT -7 ; " T T " T K 4-1-41 Ii0, 2 002
j ,
7 *fl d r-4, ilcirlq t{4c1' - *,
( (11f14 1tT 4GI A -0 -f*rnch W E , 41, 1 kh 9I 1 1 , 11 *, dc4I ! of-4, 34.17 T 414-11
ttri-T rq 43111 T h 119Arp- " T T "
T )
TR A-A *fifj 1. 7 1 ir p*lot; td-Rfill.tmcr
491T -i 4*:
1. T if'q qi -9ITT VR` 41. : (1)9 f7 i7 1-111 7 17 1 7 : 41P, T T d.0T 111T 3c9F -qrct, 41141
tT 0T 1T , i', 7 4RI7 411
W F .F. : 1 ?, R (Ire ; )rfi fiv-144, 2 007
(2)-4 T I ,IT F T 73-1*l'q l7 -17 tt .ffltr4 '43tT .IT I I
01+ 1 r..17 1T T 7 P1T 1 T 104 3 1419

4 11-(37 41 r=11( 1 ) q tit9IR Irej T l & -rp-Le M

1: 1---t4. k, ..4T , 9 4 114, { 11 1q t-11.-7 i44 1174Lt 107 1T , 7 , 414T E 7 -1-1 111-.( , 1 1-oimo*fit 41 7 ..9 if17 -1141
7 1 T V'-)1, *..t1.( 2I7 ) /-42 9 ( 4 )-141-914), , , : *
4-17 if 7 -e a T-F e ff , 417 t -7 41- 41, 31dI1 ailF q T K9 tr4ta, 4T kfq -d
, q 1 3101 3-ii, -{-141-*Asi-A ( 5 )( 1, 1) Ti'F I- -19RLe .*I
frffitd ' T
frAtwf*-1Erml--41firdf7 4-41 *;
(T o i, p31 SIT i trfa 7 11 614 . 1r T r41. -4411-7 1--d T rtn 7 , t*-41 tu A f, -1, --cr-o- 1***,
3i.F t
re , 1{i tri91
19p 119ci T T 4119-6T
'2 17 -cb-R -47 1 3( -41011111*1-tf1T -17 -17 -47 1 101517 53111 fi onb3110 TPO ch l f, *1 014 1, 1017 1 f4h 1
31,17 )51l.51I 51T t15111117 , 3T RI : 31-141-T 1311t31111
1 i nitAld -f
6. f51ri-94-ff ch .(47 tt-F fT c-T 7 1(4, 1( T 1 -4o 11P4*IT 11, 411 =1)t-if 311101*q -F ; f
t011 7 417 , 4.P91947
t11rq Th f(pft7 47 1 ich
7 1.1-E11T 4
czft(h --if 31t 4199, NIP-T o
3111 (r-4', 4t
lsh o Gi/2 00
2 _ _
7 . '& 11-9-f1f97 17 11l4I d, tf4 31MP: 11, 311T (-11 HI 143T P4 frzn-Of TR " SPIT q ii 4I,
04R IW 51T It04 -11 44144--T P44-4 R ic61k.. 1 'Ws 3T F kq 'll311k1 31ti1r-M f6-2 11., aF sif---4q .1.-01 if, vi 1; iI
tT 4cI4tiPJ. 4-R7 43sifdfiArd -4- I
T h I11T 1AT -11-111.q Z17 1NF 31 .f17 41 14 , xq 7 17 Zit W IT fiA trkff7 )0
1 cf07 KT T 1T It47 7 1, -.7 41A-T RI 4. 1

Aq i (i)t-ff) f97 1-11, 197 2 319-7 1)7 11

" r17 17 1 303114tff
31T 4)7 4 7 1114
( I )(2 )(3)(4)(5)(6)(7 )
I . T e --4-0 T ( 42 00 *( 2 007 )T R4R17 1 =li , -; n 17 :12 7 50-7 0--4 + 4-1-(-T rik, ia cllC111, 7 4 61di
*.q i-Ri vrR ql 7 141, 493ri ' 11, 3800-7 5--
300R T R317 17 444, 4400/ - T .
111tEltt frfo7 11 Ji 110 kfriP1
. 7 11T 13T43l 1
t(4 i1 IM7 .11, 4 i4.7 1f- qu il*frRifl4 it1. 4)q -ffVf .kw, k 0 37 1

j1 II(j Il17 tT 3)11 3F 1 34-11Q"
*4i4 141-1(1-7 11 T I

q -)t,
6)4 zu
8 )
( )(10)
(ffilIT e 4-11, 111 .9e e a, -
1T t T -111. 4 Off 7 41 cf/T 441 F 1Cid/aIl4 H '47 1fst-14 Nl---f-dr-Af-df; T f4d/
7 11 i.itatrizilcid/34114-0-1 q 141 lT 4T fd417-i3-401-M -q n 441 7 4T RIT T
/I11 T ft-F0 7 , 1 T 1 Ilf01414.11
( I I )((2 )
41- 611id 14 4 7 1 4))444 314 4)111 Ti 3
4) 3-44-1-11.7 4.117 9147 11 414 14 fti-rq j4)-1413fq -414,
aT rzirrr14, 11
(II) (14)
T it-1j T PF " V f-T 4-11 zr th ik1-T h t-T
11 p-:
9ily1 1I/I47 1 -44)4 9-e ; mlifaitt t17 1T 1 7 : 1111114 r-19:
I i)-g1T 1 91c4W 41: 14-1 41/7 1. 7 1, 1 4 1141 4 1- " Marti
.34144 3I 14I4
(11)14111-{4T C44T iT icrft-r-4-tq ld
411F : , , 7 4 44-3-4-114 41 611147 4
T '(i 47 14 6114 - 4T 4 1417 7 4
- -147 7 4
, 3117 1-4 n 401444
sb-14./4. (1) 3) (iii)T re.-PilT h t,
, 41-14-417 4F E .11Icr 7 11 ", ? 4 ,14f7 44 , 41--fu lT h 3)11111-4d 17 6 -a
1 404p, zo.
47 47 T T , 7 1 2 , T 1t44iT T , IT .311411=1.41
11P111.----(4 0 8 3(i)) 'OR 4. 1 (1. 144 : 31-GR)1ui
.1-otifitA A.--4f4A, Any " T " 31f4Eh t(
-(AAIAtcsil. 4A% -iftitru tAt--At wvrtI
4#PH4 d1? J1r frF T f0'4114 " h 9TF IADAF -7 4 ,b18t
AtitAA 3(F t(1fAmaif1=4, T iArtat-F r.e ., -7 fil-q =4T
.91f. 1-444 gT U 4T h 7 1441-4 q7 1, T f4412 ii
af, R 3194a T fil'11 4- 1F 14110 fOT T W CIT F I 01-9-4 4,AT- cffri
31Y2 K1 4111 I )
oi1-14-44. wh i-witt.b-T irt-QT A 4;
aifit-r-n-ru t-acriF ir
(iii) 47 1AA roAr Arc(1-0. , rq -ra arrzt-ri-, ( -3A17 .143T Atv(-e -1
41 7 1 - (10-IT 341-/A0
aroT : JO 7 3-q tT ff (t)(iii)-MT-41'11 A -4; 1-,
A'intA4111, 31-y1-AA AAA, T T infti A(T4T ilA A-e i%
t41-11- 9Aru 7 1q 1ft-v-IfT 1, 3111A1-141T t4 7 11 4114.1f-q cf
7 iT irrf6it-ii, 31-tti4it(1T t fAlT nitir Alr-t
? T 14t? i 4(4-w4T isPtlfrq d q f1J, 1 11 I
(I)(2 )(3)(4)(5))( 7 )
2 . (I '4F -I2 155 (2 007 ) 7 114(tu r .q .n - --', 17 13050-7 5-'riziiF I111 7 0, . T)7I 1TEFL .-if 411
1i(T T " 1F 14.017 t-47 41, (-01' T 1 ', 3Q50-80-
31i 41( 1: 1(3-17 17 411t-RI, 4590 -(7 .
iT 1-1, 1(-11 17 , 4413i-114; 4c: 11g
Al W ficli Vil
( 12 )
( )
-ffPF; Ce l 441
40), -0 oldr1 q ti
I (. rOld IfF ifd T ; 14 I31f1-1-01413T $ t 5! 1-n it A T ir-T ra q n.f, 41-4 ,A u ft 4 3
1-1114-14 4itI
( 13)
'A' f4ArriiAT rftri-ff
icIrIl! ch -H -F 4-;
T T 7 F A 7 17 1 1-P4014 3T 41q T-T gknt Atn-rpt tits4
(1)1, -04447 q ro -q 1rn-0; h IT -ff 4144 4.11104 47 - -31u 4k1
( i I471:47. I +-1. -)47 1A-Pilt1 10) 7 4-1 1 -k.d n : 1 T P5LT 7 F 17 111PT
3 Ii NTIF IT ( : 4, , -3(114
399: 144
(ii)..s1R1 - 1-F ( 31T 44911404, 04 :307 1-41-1, 4+ 1 7 11
11 -417 T I 1-1 II v4
4 , 1447 1 t44.A. ( t) A (tit) A) A-cAAI A At
7 M1IP: 117 : 1, ji-rj-q a. , iad in 31-y1-AA 4F 9A11-4 - -(f.q tAA ; re %
( 14 )


[PARr3 i)].
41 1'4 91111 t gre 47 1, T1'41144 q, .31-1-44({ It 7 1T 41(i .r.ra-
-4-4t q a, Av " 4-i" .-.1114T e t-T r1N ^-11c1
w, -e )Ys T 4 AT 41.1.! irr I
Ili-fLp 19A 34, 44 ct341.' 44, Isi s ft0T 4T 4-4414F 1 4 4-{
AG(fi-rd airzsmI t 1-11((-4ft cb4T Mtizt.t<ii
e ft) 3rt
ife t, d H d1 r fit, T ft1: 7 , 141ai 14 1 111s;
; 3-1P41c1 7 41ill-11-0, -17 1T 1 T 4-7 41 -q M11(3ir1 -(4F , C(1-11
311.4)1. Ili I)
Ef, 1 1 Y4
-g-iNq -d il gm -91-9t i tt(s.) cbi 0.1*
3-1111 14EI cf67 1-F ie fil
3T 17 1 4T T 314 iT 3 T 41 91A1-0, -tvra7 11
3111 -1, T -(1-f411-4T 4117 3333
4 ki
t3117 R{i ) A (h i) Aq-4Awit
qY frip-ift, 31-1, Afi4d.17 17 )T 1td II #7 , 01-(1
al - 1, U5(T ftlt xitd, & 1 191-r.fa -W itt 7 11 31, 04d
T T ^rrt ti T ki'Lfd, " t" 3t114, 141 4)- ft-T I: rinT h q
AtAfi 4 1-F -R-zt cfi T r. f Ao-Tilizra fiT zfl 7 4[117
['wt. P. -R'-I2 018/3/2 006-N-VIT . 37 .g
-1P1. (414.1-11, f9-131T T (W M. 3 )
(Pepartmott of Revenue)
Ne w De lh i, th e 17 th Au gu st, 2 007
G.S.R.557 1E).--h i e xe rcise of lie powe rs confe rre d by (fie proviso to article : 309 of th e CI institu tion and in su pe rse ssion
of th e Ce ntral Excise and Land t: u sionts De partme nt Grou p
"D" Post
Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 002 in so far as th e y re late to th e
posts of Havaldar and He ad Havaldar, e xce pt as re spe cts th ings done or omitte d to be done be fore su ch su pe rse ssion th e
h i: side 's h e re by make s th e billowing ru le s re gu lating tlw me th od of re cru itme nt to Grou p ''C" posts of Havaldar and He ad
ltavaldar in th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt, name ly : ---
I. Sh ort title and COnlit l el I CCHIC III . (1 ) . 1 1 1 0.tie
ru le s may h e calle d th e Ce ntral Excise and ( 'u slonis De partme nt
lavaldar and He ad Havaldar (Catnip " C" posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 11117 .
(ii) Hwy sh all come into Voice u n th e iliac of th e ir pu h lication in th e Official Gaze tte .
2 . Application .---T h e se ru le s sh all apply to th e posts spe cifie d in colu mn (I) u I th e
Schedule annexed to th e se
: ide s
N umber 0f posts, classification and scale of pay.T h e nu mbe r of said posts; th e ir classification and th e scale
sty attach e d th e re to sh all h e as spe cilie d in colu mns t 2 ) to (4)4111c said Sch e du le ..
Me th od of re cru itme nt, age limits, oth e r q u alification e tc..T h e me th od l i t re cru il.fficni, age litnils, yu ali h e at ion
, ind oth e r matte rs re lating to th e said post. sh all h e as spe cifie d in colu mns (5) lo (14) of
the said sch e du le .
Disq u alifications. No pe rsist, -
tat wh o h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with a pe rson h aving a spou se living;
(I ) ) wh o, h aving a tip isc. l iving. , h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with any pe rsist;
sh all h e e l T ilde for appointme nt to h ire said posts :
h ovide d T h ar th e t'u ntral ( love rnme nt inay, it satisfie d th at siwli niarriage is
r.) ennissible u nde r th e pe rsonal law
ah plirah le i su ch pctsu n and th e oilie r pally it) th e marriage and th at th e re are oth e r
grounds for sn doing, e xe mpt any
pe rson Irom th e ope ration of th is ru le .
f 31PT 11-14u Z 3(0.1
Powe r to Max.W ile ]
may, by orde r and asons to be
or cate gory of pe rsons.
Saving.Noth ing in th i
1.0 be provide d for th e Sc h e du le d
issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt
Name of
Nu mbe r (it
h ost
(2 )

. Havaldar

42 004 (2 007 )
, Su bje c t to
de pe nde nt
ou workload.
Edu cationa
and oth e r q u alil te a
re q u ire d h ir dire ct re cru its
Not applicable
Me th od of re cru itme nt:
dire ct re cru itme nt or by prow
de pot at ion/absor
ion and
of posts to be fille d by variot
(I I)
10(1 pe r ce nt by promotion
it a 1)e partme ntal Promotion
wh at is its composition
" C" kie tante ntal
((or conside ring promotion
Single Commissione rate
no common cadre :
Additional (
()th e e to h e nom
au th ority
T wo De pu ty Cc
most at ficadq tr.
tlie Cadre t...ontri

T h e . De pu ty O.
Assistant Collin
d by th
T ax
- _ _ -
- - - -
- - - - - . - n
ti )
6 4, 64N1
Me th od of re cru itme nt : W h e th e r by

In case of re cru itme nt by promotion/de pu tation/absorption, gra(

(Mod re cru itme nt. or by promotion or by

from wh ich promotion/de pu tation/absorption to be tirade

& plaid ton/a bsor pt ion and pe rce ntage
of posts to h e fille d by variou s me th ods
(I I)
(12 )
1(10 pe r ce nt by promotion
By promotion from th e grade of Se poy with 3 ye ars Re gu lar Se rvice
Me grade .
L ,I PTI 1-71u 63(i)]
'11R1ff TT hr-M: al-q p/Rtit
Power to relax.
W h e re th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt is of th e opinion th at it is ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt so to (I
may, by orde r and for re asons to be re corde d in writing, re lax any of th e provisions of th e se ru le s with re spe ct to any c
or cate gory of pe rsons.
Saving.Noth ing in th e se ru le s sh all affe ct re se rvations, re laxation of age -limits and oth e r conce ssions re q u
to h e provide d for th e Sch e du le d Caste s, th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, Oth e r BaCkward Classe s in accordance with th e or(
issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt front tu ne to time in th is re gard.

f PART - Sv c. , 3i )]
Name of Nu mbe r of ClassificationScale of pay W h e th e r W h e th e r be ne fit Age limit IC:
post post
se le ction or
Non-se le ction
of adde d ye ars
of se rvice admix-
Bible u nde r ru le .
dire ct re cru it
30 of Ce ntral Civil
Se rvice s (Pe nsion)
Ru le s, 197 2
( I )
(2 ) (1)(4)
(6) (7 )
Havaldar 42 01*(2 (X)7 ) Ge ne ral Ce ntralRs. 2 7 50-7 0- Se le ction Not appl iconic Not appl icah
*Su bje ct to
de pe nde nt
on workload.
Se rvice , Grou p38(X)-7 5-4-1(X)
'C', Non-Gaze tte d,
Non-Minisle rial
lidu calional and oth e r q u alification
re q u ire d torce t re cru its
W h e th e r age and e du cational q u alifications
pre scribe d for dire ct re cru its will apply in
th e case of Promote ss
Pe riod ()I - pi (th atit an)
12 01 8/3/2 006
! A YH. 3-1q 1
7 , 7 112 Rr, firjrp
r 4: nr. 3 )
Not applicable
Not applicable
2 ye ars
Ciniu mstance s in wh ich Union Pu b'
Se rvice Commission is to h e consu lte d ii
making re cru itme nt
Not Hrpl icah le
Cliou p '" De partme ntal Promotion Cominitte e
(le a conside ring, promotion) :
Single Commissione rate th at is (2 tarimissione rate s h aving
no cornown cadre :
T h e Additional Commissione r at He adq u arte r
Oft ice to h e nominate d by (h e cadre controlling
au th ority
(ii) T wo De pu t y Commissione r pre fe rably se nior-
most at He adq u arte r Office to h e nominate d by
I h e . Cadre Controlling au th ority Me mbe r
(di) T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Income T ax or
Assistant Commissione r or Income T ax to h e
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income
11txMe mbe r
ic Co
nstitu tion and in su pe rse ssion
2 002 in so far as th e y re late to th e
me be fore su ch
u pe rse ssion th e
-T ." ' posts of Havaldar and He ad
' j
x.cise and Cu stoms De partme nt
ize tte .
Sch e du le anne xe d to th e se
th e ir cl
assification and th e scale
atme nt, age
, q u alificia ton
oldie said sch e du le .
(u se living:
di any. pe csou ;
ssible u nde r th e pe rsonal lair
ldS for Si) doing, e xe mpt any
Ira De partme ntal Promotion Committe e e xists, .
wh at is its composition
'7 7 1c3 66,
41 .)
[girriii--u rg 3(i)]
144tte.' aW de ant6W VAlte akra& rd'IlAaiti-141-Pi=s, ti, ), 11-1
(iii) above be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s, as th e case may be , a Grou p
" A" office r front ou tside th e De partme nt be longing
to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s,
as th e case may h e , sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
C'ompositc Cominissione rate s name ly two or more
C01 1 1 1 -ilissione raie s h aving common cadre : ---
T h e Additional Commissione r from e ach of th e
(oil missione rate s su bje ct to a maximu m of
tinve to h e nominate d by cadre controlling
au th Oritybymu tu alconsu ltationwith
Commissione rsconce rne d (th e se niormost
among th e m sh all h e W e --Ch airman
l'h e De pu ty Commissione r pre fe rably se nior-
most at He adq u arte rs Office to h e nominate d
by th e . Cadre Controlling au th ority --Me mbe r
(iii) T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Income T ax or
Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to h e
mat line d by th e Commissione r of income T ax
----Me mbe r
Note : W h e re . none of th e me mbe r at se rial moth e rs (i) to
(iii) above be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e
Sch e du le d T h h e s, as th e case may be , a Grou p
" A" office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing
to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s,
a; ; th e case nay be , sh all also associate as a ['lu mbe r
01 lie De partme ntal Promotion Conimme e .
(ii) T wo De pu ty Comm
th e Cadre COntrC
(iii) T h e De pu ty Cot
As sistant Comm
nominate d by LI
T ax
Note : W h e re none of Me i
(iii) above be longs
Sch e du le d 'T ribe s,
" A" office r from ou
to th e Sch e du le d C.
as th e case may be , S
of th e De partme ntal
Composite Commission
Commissione rate s h aving
(i) T h e Additional C
Comm issione ratt
th re e to h e nom
au th ority by
Commissione rs
iiiost among th e n
0 0 T h e De pu ty Con
most at He adq u ai
by th e Cadre Con
(nil T h e De pu ty ('ors
Assistant Commi
nominate d by th e
T ax
Note : W h e re none of th e n
(iii) above be longs t
Sch e du le d T ribe s, ;
" A" office r from ou t
to th e Sch e du le d C.[:
as th e case may be , sl
of th e De partme ntal
( I )(2 )(3)(4)
(5)(6)(7 )
2 . 1 le ad2 155*(2 01)7 )Ge ne ral Ce ntralRs. 3050-7 5-Se le ctionNot applicable Nu t applicable
1 lavaklar*Su bje ct toSe rvice ., Grou p3950-804590
variation'C', Non-Clitze ite d,
de pe nde ntNon-Ministe rial
on workload.
Not applicable Not applicable 2 ye ars
(12 )
100 pe r ce nt by promotionBy promotion front th e grade of l-lavaldar and Re cord
Ke e pe r with 3 ye ars Re gu lar Se rvice in th e grade .
('crou p " C" De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
(for conside ring promotion) :
Single . t.'ommissione rate th at is Commissione rine s h aving
no common cadre :
(i) T h e Additional Commissione r at He adq u arte r
Office to be nominate d by th e cadre controlling
au th ority Ch aimian
Not applicable
6) (7 )
plicable Not applicable
2 ye ars
ade of IlavaW ar and Re cord
Se rvice in th e grade .
, lot applicable
[PART 3(0]
11R-q l U 3141 aRT MR.1--11
T wo De pu ty Commissione r pre fe rably se nior-
most at I lcadq u arte r Office to be nominate d by
th e Cadre Controlling au th ority--Me mbe rs
T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Income T ax or
Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to be
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income
T ax
Me mbe r
Note : 1: Vh e re , none of th e me mbe r at se rial nu mbe rs (i) to
(iii) above be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s, as th e case may be , a Grou p
" A" office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing
to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s,
as th e case may be , sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
Composite Corn miss one rate s name ly two or more
Commissione riae s h aving common cadre : --
'th e Additional Commissione r loin e ach of th e
Commissione rate s su bje ct to a maximu m of
th re e to h e nominate d by cadre controlling
au th ority by mu tu al consu ltation with
Commissione rs conce rne d (th e se nior
most among th e m sh all be th e -Ch airman
T h e De pu ty Commissione r pre fe rably se nior-
most at He adq u arte rs Office to h e nominate d
by th e Cadre Controlling au th ority Me mbe r
(iii) T h e De pu ty Commissione r of -Income T ax, Or
Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to h e
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income
T ax--Me mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e me mbe r at se rial nu mbe rs (i) to
(iii) above be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s, as th e case may be , a Grou p
" A" office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing
to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s;
as th e case may be , sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
[F . No. A- 12 018/3/2 006- Ad. III 13
RIT A KHORANA, Dire ctor (Ad. 1111

Printe d by th e Malinge r, Govt. of India Pre ss, Ring Road, Mu yainiri, Ne w De lh i-I I0064
and Pu blish e d by th e Controlle r of Pu blications, De lh i-110054.
aT i: IfT EIT T u r
cu rrt I 1tg(i)
PART IISe ction 3Su b-se ction (i)
vrtimr ii -cl---rr-Fra.
14, 581]rq rci , TrOTT, ici l cR 5, 2 008/cm ch 1 4, 1 930
No. 581 1 NEW DELHI, W EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2008/KARTIKA 1 4, 1 930
REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 f- AT ? 1' to to .Cr7 0-33004/99
( u socr faint )
Rryil, 4 -I c1+ -R, 2 008
7 : 11.-T .f9'. 7 7 1( 3T ), --7 11T 1t, tf4t119 3T 309
1; .1 T K9 q ii-Orzff7 4t-crrq
3-fR 4111fT 4-1P1 TaicicR 351 e 119 6cmCR
(tip' " T T TK) itzfq , 2 007 t7 01-9. " W e 41C-`
fe u 31-q 4 : -
1, -fifkmr BT U 34T w.() i fa-E4f .wr 4 P, T tu
-11 4-1*IT c-F -414P1 6c1c1C1(
3t1-7 (T ry ' IT ' tr)iml#7 1)-49 fir, 2 008 t I
(2 )(IA44-fft-ct we lt I
2 .q '1-41 6c-LiK r3T #T rrrig-r{
3-131% 117 c-ICR (7 1V11- )fizIT I, 2 007 31T O
1411c, 11( -4-- q tq ff sbH title d 2 t V11: 1-4, -Ri` 14
l2 14 " 311T 31-fir crr-o. " (-1), 4 f*-T ET ARitr
[tr. T i.--12 018/07 /2 008-5RIE.
te cd(, 3T W T rr7 -
: -T o f97 114 1-1Rd11T T T 11, 05 3, 37 -
( ) 147 4.557 ( 31) T T ICT 17 3T 1MT ,
2 007 ART 5lch IrT h 1 ft- T T Y 2 4 1
42 2 7 G1/2 008
(Department of Revenue)
Ne w De lh i, th e 4th Nove mbe r, 2 008
G.S.R. 7 7 1(E).In e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d
by th e proviso to article 309 of th e Constitu tion, th e
Pre side nt h e re by make s th e following ru le s to ame nd th e
Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De parUne nt Havaldar and He ad
Havaldar (Grou p 'C' posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 007 ,
name ly :
(I) T h e se ru le s may be calle d th e Ce ntral Excise
and Cu stoms De partme nt Havaldar and He ad Havaldar
(Grou p 'C' posts) Re cru itme nt (Ame ndme nt) Ru le s, 2 008.
(2 ) T h e se ru le s sh all come into force on th e date of
th e ir pu blication in th e Official Gaze tte .
In th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt
Havaldar and He ad Havaldar (Grou p 'C' posts) Re cru itme nt
Ru le s, 2 007 , in th e Sch e du le at se rial nu mbe r 2 re lating to
th e post of He ad Havaldar, in Colu mn 12 , th e words
" and Re cord Ke e pe r" sh all be omitte d.
[F . No. A-12 018/07 /2 008-Ad. III. (B)]
K. K. KHAT T AR, Unde r Se cy.
Note : T h e principal ru le s we re pu blish e d in th e Gaze tte
of India Part II, Se ction 3, Su b-Se ction (i),
vide No. G.S.R. 557 (E) date d, th e 17 th Au gu st, 2 007 .
Printe d by th e Manage r, Govt. of India Pre ss, Ring Road, Mayapu ri, Ne w De lh i-110064
and Pu blish e d by th e Controlle r of Pu blications, De lh i-110054.

( 2 )
( 3 )
3 5It? 17 " -& -T T -T -T ; ! T

2 155*(2 002 )

T 7 7 1k*fT 7

3050-7 5-3950-80--
( =.7 11- 4 417 " ; ; -; .q T ill? T T

7 T" , 3A-T , T 7 rif? , 7 ,

4 5 9 0 i.
rIfT q F zi7 faT E1T T T f7 7 T

F; f7 7 7 f-.7 7 T 7
( 5)

( 6 )(7 )
7 T T I1'7 1

7 T T T -, T Tft T 9-T T 1
( 8 )(9)
IM 7 0 e .1. T dT as
V17 51- f7 F 7 SI-Ir7 f7 q . 7 7 7 : sal u fT q 'T 9f7 g rKT q 'T -\1, 1T 5-' 74 DIT 4 a-1-7 .atr
f7 7 1#7 ; : 17 T : 17
( 1 4 )
Ilj 97 : 1'1F 1T
9 11 NV.IT IT 7 51'17-7 f7 F fiT if7
T 119, q 7
4re 1.4 7 3, 7 7 1Z: 31-Efrak7
al-T T -17 3T .RT W IfT
fT -'7 7 ft: --7 e aT RIT T tf
q q -4- =17 1-T q7 tfEF O: t4T e T
T T 7 ; 1-T 3fNIT T - 1 ai 31, 7 , 7.1N- 7 Tilt T fT 52 -W 7 7 .
7 7 7 if7 T T 1, f7 '11.T ri4 RF -7 17 T fq 7 -
T IT .: El.'117 a. fT Z1T
. 7 -1 2 01 81312 0 02 U: 'T III (di)]
q T t. T :1'.1 T . q fp: T E3, aroi T CF 7 q
(De partme nt of Re ve nu e )
Ne w De lh i, th e 9th Se pte mbe r, 2 002
G.S.R. 37 6.In e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d by th e proviso to Article 339 of th e Constitu tion and in
su pe rse ssion of th e Ce ntral Excise and Land Cu stoms De partme nt Grou p " D" post Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 197 9,
th e Pre side nt h e re by make s th e following ru le s re gu lating th e me th od of re cru itme nt to Grou p 'D' posts of Se poy,
Havaldar and He ad Havaldar in th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt, name ly :
1. Sh ort title and comme nce me nt.--(i) T h e se ru le s may be calle d th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De part-
me nt Se poys, Havaldar and He ad Havalditr (Grou p ` D' posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s; 2 002 .
GO T h e y sh all come into force on th e date of th e ir pu blicatiP-, - in th e Official Gaze tie .
Application.T h e sc ru le s sh all apply to th e posts spe cifie d in colu mn 1 of th e Sch e du le anne xe d to tile s
ru le s.
Nu mbe r of posts, classification and scale of pay.T h e nu mbe r of said posts, th e ir classification and th e
scale of pay attach e d th e re to sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (2 ) to (4) of th e said sch e du le .
4. Spe cial provision.- 41) Each Comniissione rate sh all h ave its own se parate cadre u nle ss oth e rwise pre s-
cribe d by th e Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms.
(2 ) Notwith standing an y th ing containe d in su b-ru le (1) th e Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms may :
if it conside rs to be ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt in th e pu blic inte re st so to do and su bje ct to su ch conditions
as it may spe cify h aving re gard to th e circu mstance s of th e case and for re asons to be re corde d in
writin g , orde r any post in th e Commissione rate /De partme nt to be fille d by transfe r of pe rsons h olding
th e same or comparable posts bu t be longing to th e cadre of aiioth e r Commissione rate /De partme nt
or office u nde r Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms.
if it conside rs it ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt on compassionate grou nds, orde r th at a post in th e De part-
me nt wh ich is to be fille d by dire ct re cru itme nt u nde r th e se ru le s, sh ou ld be fille d by transfe r or de pu -
tation of a pe rson h olding th e same or comparable or h igh e r post from any oth e r De partme nt/Office
of th e Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms, su bje ct to su ch conditions as it may spe cify h aving
re gard to th e circu mstance s of th e case .
Me th od of re cru itme nt, age -limits, oth e r q u alification e tc.--T h e me th od of re cru itme nt, age -limits, q u ali-
fication and oth e r matte rs re latin g to th e said post sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (5) to (14) of th e said sch e du le .
Disq u alification.No pe rson,
W h o h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with a pe rson h avin g a spou se livin g , or
W h o, h aving a spou se livin g , h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with any pe rson,
sh all be e lig ible for appointme nt to th e said post :
Provide d th at th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt may, if satisfie d th at su ch marriage is pe rmissible u nde r th e pe rsonal
law applicable to su ch pe rson and th e oth e r party to th e marriage and th at th e re are oth e r grou nds for so doing
e xe mpt any pe rson from th e ope ration of th is ru le .
Powe r to re lax..W h e re th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt is of th e opinion dia: it is ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt so to
do, it may, by orde r, and for re asonito be re corde d in writing, re lax any of th e provisions of th e se ru le s with re spe ct
to any class or cate g ory of pe rsons.
Saving.Noth ing in th e se ru le s sh all affe ct re se rvations, re laxations of age -limits and oth e r conce ssions
re q u ire d to be provide d for th e Sch e du le d Caste s, th e Sch e du le d T ribe s oth e r spe cial cate gorie s of pe rsons in accor-
dance with th e orde rs issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt from time to time in th is re gard.
Name of postNo. of postClassificationScale of pay

(2 )
1. Se poy6913*Ge ne ral Ce ntral Se rvice , Rs. 2 610-60-2 910-65-

(2 002 )Grou p 'D', 3300-7 0-4000.

*Su bje ct to variationNon-Gaze tte ci,
de pe nde nt on work-Non-Ministe rial,
W h e th e r Se le ction or Non-SF Ae ctiOn
W h e th e r be ne fit of adde d ye ars of se rvic
admissible u nde r Ru le 30 of th e CCS
(Pe nsion) Ru le s, 197 2
Age limit for dire ct re cru its
(7 )
Not applicable Not applicable
18-2 7 ye ars
Edu cational and oth e r q u alifications re q u ire d for
dire ct re cru its
Middle Standard pass from re cognise d sch ool.
Note : Candidate s will be re q u ire d to posse ss th e Ph ysical
standards and pass ph ysical te st as spe cifie d be low,
name ly :
F or Male Candidate s :
Ph ysical Standard (minimu m) :
He i g
h t 157 .5 e ms. (re laxable by 5 e ms. in th e case of
Garh walis, Assame se , Gorkh as and me mbe rs of th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s).
Ch e st 81 e ms. (fu lly e xpande d with minimu m e xpansion
of 5 e ms.).
Ph ysical T e st :
W alkin g 1600 me tre s in 15 minu te s.
Cycling c, lams. in 30 minu te s.
F or F e male Candidate s :
Ph ysical Standard (minimu m) :
He i g h t152 e ms.
W e ig h t 48 bu s.
(He igh t re laxable by 2 .5 e ms. and we igh t by 2 kg s. for
Garh walis, Assame se , Gorkh as and me mbe is of th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s).
Ph ysical T e st :
W alkinu 1 km. in 2 0 minu te s.
Cycling 3 ins. in 2 5 minu te s.
(T h e above ph ysical standards/te sts: sh all also be applicable
for fillin g u p th e posts by promotion, if any).
W h e th e r age and e du ca-
tional q u alifications pre s-
e iT h od for dire ct re cru its
will apply in th e case of
promote e s
Pe riod of probation,
if any
Not applicable
2 ye ars for dire ct re cru its
Me th od of re cru itme nt ; wh e th e r by dire ct
re cru itme nt or by promotion or by de pu tation/
absor p tion and pe rce ntage of posts to be fille d
by variou s me th ods
(l 1)
85 pe r ce nt by dire ct re cru itme nt.
15 pe r ce nt by absorption.
In case of re cru itme nt by promotion/de pu tation/absorption,
grade s from wh ich promotionicie pu tati rmiabsorption to be made
(12 )
Absorption ;
F rom th e cadre of F arash , Ch owkidar, Safaiwala, Malts and oth e r
Grou p ` D' e mploye e s. provide d th e pay scale of th e posts h e ld
by su ch Grou p 'IT e mplo ye e s is th e same as th at of farash e s,
Ch owkidars. Safaiwalas or Malls, su bje ct ' , to th e following
conditions, name ly :
th e y sh all h ave pu t in at le ast five ye ars re gu lar se rvice ;
th e y sh ou ld posse ss at le ast e le me ntary lite racy and give
proof th r0u ali a te st of ability to re ad e ith e r Hindi or
En g lish or a Re gional langu age s; and
(iu ) th e y are be low F ortyfive ye ars of age and posse ss su ch
ph ysical standards and pass su ch ph ysical te sts as laid in
Colu mn 8.
If a De partme ntal Promotion Committe e e xists, wh at is its
Circu mstance s in wh ich UPSC is to be
consu lte d in making re cru itme nt
(1 3 )

Grou p 'D' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e :
Asstt. Commissione r

Ch airman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise

Me mbe rs
Income T ax Office rMe mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to Sch e du le d Caste /
Sch e du le d T ribe cate gory, an office r fond ou tside th e De partme nt
be longing to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all
also be associate d as a me mbe r of th e De partme ntal Promotion
Committe e .
( 1 )
(2 )
Not applicable
2 . Havaldar42 00*
(2 002 )
*(Su bje ct to variation
de pe nde nt On work-
Ge ne ral Ce ntral Se rvice , Rs. 2 75 0 - 70 - 3 8 0 0 - 75
Grou p 'D',

Non-Gaze tte d,
Non-Ministe rial.

Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
(8 )


Not applicable Not applicable 2 ye ars
(1 1 )
100 pe r ce nt by promotion
(12 )
By promotion from th e grade of S3poy' with 3 ye ars re gu lar
se rvice in th e grade .
(1 3 )(1 4 )
. _ .
Grou p 'D' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e : Not applicable
Assistant Commissione rCh airman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise Me mbe rs
Income T ax Office rMe mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to Sch e du le d Caste /
Sch e du le d T ribe cate gory, an office r from ou tside th e De partme nt
be longing to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all
also be associate d as a me mbe r of th e De partme ntal Promotion
Committe e .
(2 )
3. He ad Havaldar
'1 5 5 *
(2 0 0 2 )
" Su bje ct to variation.
de pe nde nt on work-
Ge ne ral Ce ntral Se rvice , Rs. 3 0 5 0 - 75 - - 3 9 5 0 - 8 0
Grou p 'D', 4590.
Non-Gaze tte d;
Non-Ministe rial.

Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
2 ye ars
100 pe r ce nt by promotion
(12 )
By promotion from th e grade of Havaldar with 3 ye ars re cu lar
se rvice in th e grade .
Grou p c D' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e :
Assistant Commissione rCh airman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise Me mbe rs
Income T ax Office r
Me mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to Sch e du le d Caste /
Sch e du le d T ribe cate gory, an office r from ou tside th e De partme nt
be longing to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all
also be associate d as a me mbe r of th e De partme ntal Promotion
Committe e .
Not applicable
[F . No. A.-12 018/3/2 002 -Ad. III B]
Y. P. VAS HISHAT , Unde r Se cy.
MG1PRRND-2 859 F in.2 002 Se e . i-30-9-2 002 -2 00.
REGD.NO.D. L.-33004/99
W M: 4T M
14F T 3-317 -T firg (i)
PART IISe ction 3Su b-se ction (i)
W rETW ET 1 7W 61 d


4-1 4 1riaH, kT rizit- 7 , 2 004/3111 16, 192 6

No. 538]


f4-ff1-bu r14
( , o , frt-or wi.nT r)
3alT iT .H1
krn-11, 6 fq 4+ -.R, 2 004 ,
T 4T .c4, 114. 7 92 (3T )._ P tiftJ, T it4q T q t 3T 309 309*.7 7 -- -n7 T T T T riaRit obl 'AF T 1, 0 v3tf-4-1-i-Aic1'-1, (1, 1H-cf
fq 1111.1, 4) .-5; '113fR T I- #117 T - 1114 iUaiji 4.7 .rt.R " 4# 3114T T i. - --11019/7 2 /99 W T . IV, -ffltia. 19
2 001 T AT 2 T Tlf- d7 101. 7 -1#11 !? pcli f1T F ITj "ET ' 11-q 'Lica f97 14, 197 9 3-11T *I T fTliPT
frill 197 9 tt, 3-11)1(T imoriTft), \ -T E'm1-01T T rrt, q ri, .1114): 4*1-4
tit, i ic1lciq d-Ifq W t7 T T - q Q., 1, 14 -q 4 31.r.q .wl=r7 tt .cr. 7 4 [tat l iatt 342 T 4tcrilq t-60-11q
417 T Itq f , ), (" *, 1-111-iri -4 " I'd. d-ROT RIF IT T
-44-1gR, tRT 7 t, .-1, 1, 14atcrtit-T
7 1-4-1-dkr-R1H-1 -W T 4100, I-11---IroW ct .i.4.ER.t, 3-12 -111-q :
T ifarca. -114-1 3T T , 4#94.--( 1)f97 11111ii1114-67 -rfq 7 1-1-q rfq % T irr3-mita-{
(T rizirt-ni ; 1, 41),
14J ,
-ci41q R, TF T RI, t-P-bli -417 1 7 17 ' sr T ff f9-zIT E, 2004 tI
(2 ) .4 th x1 , -I1 14 11-)1.? 1-IdflftT W E tit
tre , 'T 'ru rr, .1414u i 3.0L-ki& it''3 -111I -Ef.47 4.41T
mq (ta( 2 )k-c-1 1-14 (4) if 141k t-d t1
3-1T ift-1-416-1: f9-q #4.t .5fRvii- T 1. 7 4 .qTfft (11: 33fR T IM-11wit t crq ziMit li1 Er1 , -114.zP: if

3ift9. " T q ra4r-{ T T 'F F q rffrT 'T fffW ifwq r ' NI' T IT O nir IfT T T fft " gm ch 'ltrq r 'T at317 4 t-If tr-T
trard-1-4F i i i 4R. 2 -111rc-R
iu j.j
ftalts, 11 I
fOT ET 3-C1-4U : T cI e f), 3cLIKJEf7 : ItT IT

a1-IT f*-7 11-3197 9T T I ch i

317 91 1191*ci-dtr/rr
5.r4-1, 41cbl trfr, 311q -7 m. 3IT 31-t91, 311-cr- IT T IT -d1.1.17 , (7 . , , t, 3tiq -7 41-T rt, 3fr-{346-lit; 3-fr{
7 4-4N--dalciii41c/c1 31-1-2:01'17 .P.T (5) .4 ( 14) 14 ral1 ; iNt't
362 4 GI/2 004
-I (.11. ci & if-qi-

ff-t-*[ 4d1ffT t, f-4-4ff f*-7 :fr t, zir
(1) f-q t4 37 (4 -gt 'T
l cflt
f*7 1-1. *ff-Otciif*--T rr
7 -wrctf9-T Afwr col -11i1411:
1-47 1 7 :ifq t-Rch lt 661W:fiT-T lc1F fT T F cic.afr-W 1.1-4-47 *3T - 1-cRffRr114 1, TzlT hq fq f

ap-fyi s aT -0-0-3-frT -T rf ci, ( 43T p: r ; 31-KR tt. 1-17 - f*--tl.-rr*r*r =f f9-T itt 97 4-9- t q e . 4-11-0ii I
fifr'W O( chrl'i ohriT RT kfIT cbt-11 3-11-q -Tq W zif -.1 411 , 11 7i t,
c10 -3-T ft
7 ) *101(tT F T -4. Ilt4)fq -zrlt t f*-4t 7 Er4q *t f*-4-tcb)3T r-Or -gRIf4T 5T -R on*t*T h -
8. .azt-q -F W .---1 f9 z: R4Ei1T t, T aT T, W IT , 3111-4i Hrva31^4ro. p-icii 17 7 4-T fq v9t80t, , 7 1-11
t-Rch ltT AT F 1W 17 41: R kr-b1c4t 3-T -11 t 31-97 04 7 1f6-4f, 3IT T F , 311 , 3111641, wiftlF 0-4 7 ri
at-N;4rEft 044cRI I k` 'N Li 49- *tit 31-4NT -d t
64-T Ot
T FT -1114 I < " ).W ifT oi

010-14-11-1-q 19 Li q aT 2 1r-11f-q t ch I
31-q -7 17 1-1-q LI-011t--#11-q -F #41
( -47 f9) fffzigf197 2 t
f30 fiT
12 3
12 2 *T PT P: trf" ktzf-i: lzil2 610-60-il'i1 IT T I, .)ctf
2 004-F 117 7 1 aith sPANT r, 2 910-65-
(T P-117 1*([t4ck3300-7 0-
Off)t 3-T r*T .4000 T .
o f**
11 4: Act-Mit)
r4T --4 f*7 #1).'''ii rq i 4
-rf*17 -4-*ftiit)1,

tiff-tu r cb` l41--- d1 *1. -T e d: irdl

c41 co q *3T 9-tt -*te r

.11, 1T 5 81h 11 1i197 fT T Err 11-di--.11q racr,

d4ill 1N1i4, 311-4M7 T T E

7 116ikr149, 7 t7
, T 114 clic4

18't). 2 7 (i)-frrft-o7 *-o-c-R 7i-tiltI.319: -0011t-dft9ff R1. f7 T 1k7
W -4, 7 T U
It (a)
1: 1" t9tfkit 6-1& : t'T tt4 T il
f*7 7 1-r 3 . 1-rt14 if W il u lciT I1-1-4 7 -ff
t4.-14.4m1 Aq q -4
t to y, Prii-2 m. --7 .*35 GO
-ff--1 7 17 T -*-011-1
tiq u r1-19T i#ff
ch *4F t.'114, F roiliwb T fra.
Hi4.cf31.1-7 af-Pff
4: -, t1-g, q I{, :AR 31-4 T ri: F '
" 'ET " T T ' W A T 41:7 " 7 " ch 4t4l1t41
qjr-ff1c-11, 111-1 q 't tT , 511 th (Rf, tin 4R,
' c-t9q Q, :
wwtr, Qc11.1 q 1t, 4-11c: 11fff 5giT F I -4 AT
-T 4-17 L-ki -97 4-] 44*44 c44 1 14[1-Id
tsrLh tm, 4Ni q R,
ti4-111 ti I
4nrt 3-17 51: 410-1
T T 1tT t1 I
" It" friffitraT T ifffra-
(14P7 91
; ; 1-.:
(i)5ic4T T E
(ill) 37 7 -4-*-7 3-T NT T -rft
f-e -ccru r : #41-% m at-4 , 4, 1W A'

ft 317 1ff-17 7 11 61-11-4ff

, 3: 1-1\7 111cf T I1=pI1 . T T i.q T 4 i1 t, 4e
tT ii fci Akt 7 4-r
3ld , 1-1, 11{6IT tft
ct; ) A- fa % fi-lfm
-F -crt*--zrr
o p t -la cif
32 : 1T

[ IT T II .s 3(i)] IIT M T 0, 3141 : 3

T rrcdf-MT T : 117 1-d
afEdlIT cliT 1 3-7 414, T IP-11t-14,
, 3111-4(.1*47 ,
fONER, 7 41T v4R
tl tcr0(.15, k4-111c4
T A7 f t 7 0, 1 at #th i
311T 4t,
34--- 4-14F ticrT-.9-i-
g1 1-1*; 3-11-7 #15. -T troff-9-1-o
t, t I)
ttEPT T 2 : tlz1 4 11t .1"ET T T -T 6IT 1411A41
q F t4)1 .T r-rr : T rtf
7 #1 1T 3-1 q qtt7 foki, -J u l 441
4F 41IT cIRicl tA-4
d oh skT 1 + 11 4.1-)141(14i EF T -114 9)7 4
n q r t.
7 .11-4T /51 iq q t-1/311 1-10: -T .q-RT T ff11

iffq- 1-11 4 r Q-1ifT h T t, a

9-0 47 4 f*-9 T ifT F OT f-d-


T 'f9A-9T 31-r1T

-F 47 zri , 31114.111



2 3


2 . .T cfT tl4*
2 004
" 31P-117 T r{
Rci tT
T T (-i4cli t)
317 1-AT T *
s3T 9-7 1" t=t4
d p oe f e lcir
2 610-60-
2 910-65-
3300-7 0-
4000 T .

7 8


c111-11 0101

C114L-10 oil'ditrd-rg.R1
12 13 14
iirRfa :
414.R1, 41-4: 3-1 ,44 1: 17
11"LI L; 4 14, " 71# T I97 " TT"*4clifi, if .gru
trrftffF 1tn = 1c11 4-11-1 -T e rH-mq r, i1c1kR,
14-)1 licif 1T iW ftt 1-1q F -14-11-0{4
t 3P: 417
( i) 7 -47 , 4.11-111011c-II, 4-114T EIOft ir-T
3fIT " (tT= 1" F T T - "ET LkfTIT . 3-gf -45 -W 1 1 4 Ci
Q A [Hc1#qr r114-11-1 'T AT ,
T n7 t t T T I=F 1 tr
(ii) 1lR fl' i
. 41:K " -Er"riizrT ftri'd

t Hi4-wif
T W { t
-161q 4)
t7 tE
1q c--b
TIT =T -*
(iii) 6-1N-w3T fe ltr4
fa-cau r : T 4fg-d. 3T f4T ri-taii
, fird 3T ICAT
c-1 -{T q q-M. 4Tt
fowrf-q ru 31-9-, q --q ff 31 1 1 -07
aT T ftd A-1.11rd t f47 , 11. T fT rt
t'r fdrirrtzT T irT it t T r-q T zt
Ri., '-11 75 11 + If I

148 *(2 004)
'P-*-0441-t timiT
I T T Lii-ockf-q --rm
fI 4.1 ch c1f t I
c'11 4 11e1 e)cI I 3.4-, tPf 2 550-55-2 600-
60-32 00/-

18 T 4 2 7 -qtrt 641T -I
- tt174 4.-Rcbit" gfT T \11(a
-17 1- kii, " 6-111i
T AT T h -fT l.trIt Fitif
cb b 35
fl T itt
t- I
fe TCP:U : ,-61--#rrn 3fET q -rft--d
rc.-N ku llq 4) 7 tRfi.
T zt
-i-r-d-1,1 artitrriti (-9 oh
'73#419. - " rRt@i 311 37 114, -47 F -17 ,
6-16 0 111cl" 40-97 ,
-11 J 11Js, ; iyf, f4.1 4txr,
-sr=Or Q-116Q-1 sit T W OT 41
- 711 1 1 zic:1Ii4-111
T f :T T . T -t 7 , -111# rill)(11
4. --nal R MI + f15l 5 cif 2 550-55-2 660-
60-32 001-
T c1
[ y-TI T E I I 3(i)] 1-11-t-: 31-41q 17 1
31)7 F oo, ) ,AR tctSri -Ckigt1-4
311-7 ffiriti t f-cotfafe ff 1; t- 1)
faT EPT 2 : t 11P.2 1" 4
, 1q if if, 311T I-
#F fr 31-q q rf1mt-7 . tou l
15 3tr-M: ff-4t
'1, T HERt IIN 91u i i t
F cw, *5f l i q rt I
#4T 1.1d1

T iNF " T r" fOliT T fitf lk-ff T ifiT rff ( 741 71 YTrfff41T
cm; )
ti6I 31T ci31tz1& T
T rr *IT t 41 3m q t --7 44T zr
( ) 3-T RitT 31-rq t-t
fcwu l : t-40-q dfq trftzisi t t)-11.11- 31-j91-4o T rr
, 1-1, 111-crci5if-wrr t *ql-U
3 1 -T IN-U Trrt ft-t 31fq tt tr v)
-1-q iiftzrt T f-T Eitq ct-cf fit , rIR+ if I
d11-1. 5111


5iof -5112 .(fr- R T t.7 -4rt ' ort


TAt41 c1Ie l@ AT T ch
trilt 6468, 3t-q r9
3117 Pict; Np. dtg 7 a-r
t 1)
faT PT 2 : t)A4 IT T tT zlsrffzililT u T gf
ch l AI; .m4q ; 11.14, 31Iq -
*T rrt F ri fT ,

di .au o)ii)fq A
colq 101I7 7 1.
F riki, tT E 1NIt I
tq R1.1(11
1 3

.:[15 4 tr" falvt--44t---Aftrfa( RiT zfrzh oiT riA7 1 fa--4-ff
.wT k
41wic1 31T 5Y{ 3T6TRT
() ,7i0-11q7 1. ki HI q ic- q , 347 --MSt
311.7 -4*rit
fa-u cru r : T ft Alrd
, 311 , 711fd -1 11d,I 4 chi-9e e , q T 1--0, 4-1141 T i -q IV
s-INFricf Alf 1 7 11 31-1- 1 .ritt 31Ncla
T iftrMto-I 14 i-iq otc-f i1T .-rp: fri

1 2 5 * (2 0 0 4 )
4 '- - 0 4 . - n- . f . * 3 - 74 7
4kgcf-f fr
2 5 5 0 - 5 5 - 2 660 -
60 - 3 2 0 0 /-
opoe l

1 8 -4 2 7. q- Er t
tt7 iT ittl-{7 4T Altl
=R-t1t acf rm
t-ft 35 cidir IT itth
ft-Eu rrirr 1 : 3111-41AT 3i ` 11I cI t-T 4
117 1-10-41 A. 3 TO <1, .i T ITcff -T -T 4frl Q.
-{17 1-d c -T r"3-if#t T ti-T g 14i1
-51-12 1#1T t-c-Itp.-3 Pjf IcrII, ILi e IcIf
*r 7 :F LIRT , 111
c1 F j 1 8 1 F 1 c1 1
DI TT1I 1Wr-f 3(1)1

` 4-11td =111: 317 4; 47 17

c3-T h d-R
-5(t7 , 431104, T ifu rgT ,
f-197 ,
ltOf *0160 41T T ch t-ff? -tt
---11-4r rA6(+ 6, 3454-11-f
Gilt 1-141 , 7 41t ticf-MW e ci
3P-7 -4 -0.1A *fc-Rf-11-tl)
fe tilu f 2 : .i1, 31+ 11t
4411 A14 11r11 % It <1, 1
q -r0 -T 4sF r-R
7 1t1-5 " q7 3-if-d14 T t.17 5
ct ch 1, 31, 114
*T f 1 V-ilt I
7 4W .-grr

T v " la" fawrIzt -ORR-1F F d( -RT PtwT u rt-rrrrr-ffitrT fq -A-ff
cfrf, ; *R10 :
tiKl zl ch ," 6-1T 9T H31RT
6041q 3-Itq T
(iii) 311W { 3#4-*-r-tr--T q .fzf
fairfu T : #41T d aT f T fiti , Alfa

A 1A1R1, T n-r T rq -F t t, tq 'H-r-rr.rt*

31 fe d ^11(cr e rr , T 7 fr-q - AlAIrci*f*-T fr 3T IEI T 1 ) '1#
twritT UfaT rItifff*T il*if
c11, 1-10

6. ? 1 , 11(11 304*(2 004)
trtiq ft--44-9. fwzrr
2 550-55-2 660-
60-32 00/-
o iqe

. 11. -0 6-1dr 3iT 2 1111*7 T 7 3414 c114L-15
f-d-Eq -u r:

d1.4T ff'4-u o
3r44: 07 -4# 3T r54--9
fizm 4; 1
T tl-a.i)tI (14 4
di(101: 0, 11Cl4,
u I I T4 C't
fT 31T 1, T ift11133,
7 7 11'11 th rLf
T T c1I1T 3 fzit -ff7
-c1 4-41 Iiic -1147 7 T it
31-14: 144It t-cf7 114T 14
341-zi-ft-4-fIQI tatoT it1)
fdru iu t 2 : 14 IR 7 F 7 1" -q i-ff7 T IT 67 44
-47 1- , 7 114 iici` i-iciT t q U31-9-
T M: T T 61-q A-T rfi--d, C4 fl-cd-zrEF
" T ifttL5
dit-d# 4i1
ci ch N-lir-N-4'9T R ` i: ), 31
c..1 1, 7 T 4 1 q 1t I
ilt 5 -rit
-49-5" " f4q 4T -A-4(T T ffIT A cf{f4ZI

1141: 16 kit
(4-n trcit0:

I1 cl- 14114t3T h f147

: 3T N---*-r1-7 4#4t1Hd Alki 7 4f
917 k-Ift4 j 31-1\ 311[C1 ci ch i 4;it,lrrnr. q-Fe
` 3i I CI 141 3131Ht[d3114wrft3119-ft
[T h l.T i.T 1, 12 018//33/2 003- 147 T 1.- in( 41)
7 4.t. dicK dioR
D1T f11.iff3(01

1-110 -T r: 3-R-iF -17 119

(De partme nt of Re ve nu e )
Ne w De lh i, th e 6th De ce mbe r, 2 004
G.S.R. 7 92 (E). In e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d by th e proviso to article 309 of th e Constitu tion and in
su pe rse ssion of th e Ce ntral Excise and Land Cu stoms De partme nt Grou p " D" posts Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 197 9, and th e
Cu stoms De partme nt Grou p " D" posts re cru itme nt Ru le s, 197 9, re ad with th e sanction orde r No. A-11019/7 2 /99-Ad.1V,
date d th e 19th Ju ly, 2 001, issu e d by Gove rnme nt of India, in th e Ministry of F inance , De partme nt of Re ve nu e , Ce ntral
Board of Excise and Cu stoms, in so far as th e y re late to th e posts of Ge ste tne r Ope rator (Ordinary Grade ), Daftry
(Se nior Grade ), Mali, F arash , Swe e pe r, e xce pt as re spe cts th ings done or omitte d to be done be fore su ch su pe rse ssion,
th e Pre side nt h e re by make s th e following ru le s re gu lating th e me th od of re cru itme nt to Grou p " D" posts of Ge ste tne r
Ope rator (Ordinary Grade ), Daftry, Mali, Ch owkidar, F arash , Safaiwala in th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt,
name ly :
Sh ort title and comme nce me nt(1) T h e se ru le s may be calle d th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt
Ge ste tne r Ope rator (Ordinary Grade ) Daftry, Mali, Ch owkidar, F arash , Safaiwala (Grou p 'D' posts) Re cru itme nt
Ru le s, 2 004.
(2 ) T h e y sh all come into force on th e date of th e ir pu blication in th e Official Gaze tte .
Nu mbe r of posts, classification and scale of pay.T h e nu mbe r of said posts, th e ir classification and
th e scale of pay attach e d th e re to sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (2 ) to (4) of th e Sch e du le anne xe d to th e se ru le s.
Initial Constitu tion.T h e pe rsons h olding th e post of Daftry (Se nior Grade ) and Swe e pe r, be fore th e
comme nce me nt of th e se ru le s, sh all be de e me d to h ave be e n appointe d as Daftry and Safaiwala re spe ctive ly u nde r th e se
ru le s and th e se rvice s re nde re d by th e m sh all be cou nte d for promotion, , se niority and oth e r te rms and conditions of
i se rvice in th e ir re spe ctive posts.
Spe cial Provision.Each Commissione rate sh all h ave its own se parate cadre u nle ss oth e rwise pre scribe d
by th e Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms.
Me th od of re cru itme nt, age limit and q u alifications, e tc.T h e me th od of re cru itme nt, age limit, q u alification
and oth e r matte rs re lating to th e said posts sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (5) to (14) of th e said Sch e du le .
Disq u alification.No pe rson,
wh o h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with a pe rson h aving a spou se living; or
wh o, h aving a spou se living h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with any pe rson,
sh all be e ligible for appointme nt to any of th e said posts :
Provide d th at th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt may, if satisfie d th at su ch marriage is pe rmissible u nde r th e pe rsonal
law applicable to su ch pe rson and th e oth e r party to th e marriage and th at th e re are oth e r grou nds for doing, so e xe mpt
any pe rson from th e ope ration of th is ru le .
Powe r to re lax.W h e re th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt is of th e opinion th at it is ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt so to
do, it may, by orde r for re asons to be re corde d in writing, re lax any of th e provisions of th e se ru le s with re spe ct
to any class or cate gory of pe rsons.
Saving.Noth ing in th e se ru le s sh all affe ct re se rvations, re laxation of age limit and oth e r conce ssions
re q u ire d to be provide d for th e Sch e du le d Caste s, th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, th e Oth e r Backward Classe s and oth e r
spe cial cate gorie s of pe rsons in accordance with th e orde rs issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt from time to'time in th is
re gard.
gCV g
Name of
th e post
Nu mbe r of
C lassificat
Scale of Pay 'W h e th e r
se le ction post
or non-
se le ction post
W h e th e r be ne fit of
adde d ye ars of
se rvice is
admissible u nde r
ru le 30 of th e
Ce ntral Civil
Se rvice s (Pe nsion)
Ru le s, 197 2
Age limit for dire ct re cru its
, , -,
Edu cationalandoth e r
q u alifications re q u ire d for
dire ct re cru its
(2 ) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(7 ) (8)
1. Ge ste tne r12 2 * Ge ne ral Rs.2 610-60- Not applicable Not applicable Be twe e n 18-2 7 ye ars Middle Sch ool
Ofie rator (2 004) Ce ntral 2 910-65- (Re laxable forGove rnme nt Standard Pass
(Ordinary Se rvice 3300-7 0- se rvantsu pto35ye arsin
Grade ) (*Su bje ct to
de pe nde nt
Grou p
" D" non-
Gaze tte d
ministe rial
4000 accordance with th e instru ction or
orde rsissu e dbyth e Ce ntral
Gove rnme nt)
Note 1: T h e cru cialdate for
de te rmining th e age limit sh all be
th e closingdate forre ce iptof
applicationsfromcandidate sin
Proficie ncyin
h andlingCyclostyling
Mach ine

India. ( andnot th e closing date

pre scribe dforth ose inAssam,
Me gh alaya, Aru nach alPrade sh ,
Mizoram, Manipu r, Nagaland,
T ripu ra, Sikkim, Ladakh Division
of Jammu and Kash mir, Lah u lal
and Spiti district and Pangi su b-
divisionof Ch ambadistrictof
Himach al Prade sh , Andaman and
Nicobar Islands or Laksh dwe e p)
Note 2 : In th e case of re cru itme nt
made th rou gh th e Employme nt
Exch ange s, th e cru cialdate for
de te rmining th e age limit sh all be
th e lastdate u ptowh ich th e
Employme nt Exch ange s are aske d
to su bmit th e name s
W h e th e r age and
e du cational
q u alifications
pre scribe d for th e
dire ct re cru its will
apply in th e case
of promote e s
Pe riodof
probation, if
Me th odofre cru itme nt
wh e th e rbydire ct
re cru itme nt or by promotion
orbyde pu tationorby
absorptionandpe rce ntage
of vacancie s to be fille d by
variou s me th ods
In case of re cru itme nt by
promotion or de pu tation or
absorption, grade sfrom
wh ich promotionor
de pu tation or absorption to
be made
IfDe partme ntalPromotionCommitte e
e xists, wh at is its composition
Circu mstance sin
wh ich th e Union
Pu blicSe rvice
Commission is to be
consu lte d in making
re cru itme nt.
(9 )
(10) (11) (12 ) (13) (14)
Age : No Not By promotion failing wh ich Promotion: Grou p'D'De partme ntalPromotion Not applicable .
Edu cational
Qu alification: Ye s
applicable by dire ct re cru itme nt
F romamongstF arash ,
Ch owkidar, Safaiwala, Mali
Committe e (forconside ringe ase sof
and oth e r Grou p 'IT posts,
provide d th e pay scale of
th e posts h e ld by Grou p 'ID'
e mploye e s is th e same as
th at of F arash , Ch owkidar,
Safaiwala or Mali, su bje ct
to th e following conditions: -
(i) h aving at le ast fou r ye ars
re gu lar se rvice in th e grade
ofF arash , -Ch owkidar,
Safaiwala, Mali and oth e r
Assistant Commissione r Chairman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise or
Cu stoms Members
(iii) Income -tax Office r Member
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to
Sch e du le Caste or Sch e du le T ribe cate gory,
an office r from ou tside th e De partme nt
be longing to th e Sch e du le Caste s or th e
Sch e du le T ribe s, sh all also be associate d as
a me mbe r of th e De partme ntal Promotion
Committe e
Grou p ` D' posts wh ose pay
scale issame asth atof
F arash , Ch owkidar,
Safaiwala, Mali
(ii)h avingproficie ncyin
h andlingandope rating
Cyclostyling Mach ine
ET )
(2 ) (3)
1 (5)
(7 )
2 . Daftly 4* Ge ne ral Ce ntral Rs.2 610-60-i
Non-se le ction Not applicable Not applicable . Not applicable
----- (2 004) Se rvice 2 910-65-3300-
(*Su bje ct to
de pe nde nt
on workload)
Grou p " D"
non-Gaze tte d
non-ministe rial
7 0-4000
(9) (10) (11) (12 ) (13) (14)
Not applicable Not applicable By promotion Promotion: Grou p` D'De partme ntal Not applicable .
F romamongstF arash
PromotionCommitte e (for
conside ring case s of promotion):
Ch owkidar, Safaiwala, Mali and
oth e r Grou p 'D' posts, provide d
th e pay scale of th e posts h e ld b y
(i) Assistant Commissione r
Grou p D'e mploye e sisth e
same asth atofF arash ,
Ch owkidar, Safaiwala or Mali,
su bje cttoth e following
conditions: -
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral
Excise or Cu stoms Members
Income -tax Office r
Me mbe r
h avingat le ast fou rye ars
re gu lar se rvice in th e grade of
F arash , Ch owkidar, Safaiwala,
Mali and oth e r Grou p ` 12 / posts
wh ose pay scale is same as th at
ofF arash , Ch owkidar,
Safaiwala, Mali.
Note : W h e re none of th e office r
be longs to Sch e du le . Caste or
Sch e du le T ribe cate gory, an
office rfromou tside th e
De partme ntbe longingtoth e
Sch e du le Caste s or th e Sch e du le
T ribe s, sh all also be associate d
as a me mbe r of th e De partme ntal
Promotion Committe e
PrimarySch oolStandard
( 1 )
(2 )
1 (3 )
(4)' (5) (6)
(7 )(8)
3. F arash
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(2 00-4)
(*Su bje ct to
de pe nde nt
Ge ne ral
Ce ntral
Se rvice
Grou p " D"
non-Gaze tte d
non-ministe rial
Rs.2 550-55-
2 660-60-32 00
Be twe e n 18-2 7 ye ars
(Re laxable for Gove rnme nt se rvants
u pto 35 ye ars in accordance with th e
instru ction or orde rs issu e d by th e
Ce ntral Gove rnme nt)
Note 1: T h e cru cialdate for
de te rmining th e age limit sh all be
th e closingdate forre ce iptof
applications from candidate s in India.
( and not th e closing date pre scribe d
forth ose inAssam, Me gh alaya,
Aru nach alPrade sh , Mizoram,
Manipu r, Nagaland, T ripu ra, Sikkim,
Ladakh Divisionof Jammu and
Kash mir, Lah u lal and Spiti district
and Pangi su b-division of Ch amba
districtofHimach alPrade sh ,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands or
Laksh dwe e p)
Note 2 : In th e case of re cru itme nt
made th rou gh th e Employme nt
Exch ange s, th e cru cialdate for
de te rmining th e age limit sh all be th e
last date u pto wh ich th e Employme nt
Exch ange s are aske d to su bmit th e
name s
Primary Sch ool
Standard Pass
(10) (11) (12 ) (13) (14)
Not applicable - 2 ye ars- By dire ct re cru itme nt. Not applicable Grou p 'D' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e ( for
conside ring case s of confirmation):
Not applicable .
Assistant Commissione r Chairman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise or Cu stoms
(iii) Income -tax Office r Member
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to Sch e du le
Caste or Sch e du le T ribe cate gory, an office r from
ou tside th e De partme nt be lon ging to th e Sch e du le
Caste sorth e Sch e du le T ribe s, sh allalsobe
associate dasame mbe rofth e De partme ntal
Promotion Committe e
(1) (2 ) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
(7 )
4. Ch owkidar 47 ' Ge ne ral Rs.2 550-55- Not applicable Not Be twe e n 18-2 7 ye ars Primary Sch ool
(2 004) Ce ntral 2 660-60- applicable (Re laxable for Gove rnme nt se rvants Standard Pass
(*Su bje ct to
de pe nde nt
Se rvice
Grou p " D"
non - Gaze tte d
non-ministe rial
32 00 u pto 35 ye ars in accordance with th e
instru ction or orde rs issu e d by th e Ce ntral
Gove rnme nt)
Note 1: T h e cru cial date for de t , mining
th e age limit sh all be th e closing date for
re ce ipt of applications from candidate s in
India. (and not th e closing date pre scribe d
forth ose inAssam, Me gh alaya,
Aru nach al Prade sh , Mizoram, - Manipu r,
Nagaland, T ripu ra, Sikkim, Ladakh
Division of Jammu and Kash mir. Lah u lall
and Spiti district and Pangi su b-division
of Ch amba district of Himach al Prade sh ,
Laksl idwe e p)
Note 2 : In th e case of re cru itme nt made
th rou gh th e Employme nt Exch ange s, th e
cru cial date for de te rmining th e age limit
sh all be th e last date u pto wh ich th e
Employme nt Exch ange s are aske d to
su bmit th e name s
(10) (11)(12 ) (13) (14)
Not applicable 2 ye ars
, ..
By dire ct re cru itme nt Not applicable Grou p 'D' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
(for conside ring case s of confirmation):
Assistant Commissione r Ch airman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise or
Cu stoms Members
(iii) Income -tax Office r Me mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to
Sch e du le Caste or Sch e du le T ribe cate gory, an
office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing
to th e Sch e du le Caste s or th e Sch e du le T ribe s,
sh all also h e associate d as a me mbe r of th e
De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
Not applicable .
( 1 )
(2 ) (3)
(6) (7 ) i (8)
5. Mali 12 5*
(2 004)
(*Su bje ct to
de pe nde nt
on workload)
Ge ne ral
Ce ntral
Se rvice
Grou p " D"
non-Gaze tte d
non-ministe rial
Rs.2 550-55-
2 660-60-
32 00
Not applicable Not applicable Be twe e n 18-2 7 ye ars
(Re laxable
for Gove nu ne nt se rvants
u pto 35 ye ars in accordance with th e
instru ctionororde rsissu e dbyth e
Ce ntral Gove rnme nt)
Note 1: T h e cru cialdate for
de te rmining th e age limitsh all be th e
closing date for re ce ipt of applications
from candidate s in India. ( and not th e
closing date pre scribe d for th ose in
Assam, Me gh alaya, Aru nach al Prade sh ,
Mizoram, Manipu r, Nagaland, T ripu ra,
Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and
Kash mir, Lah u lal and Spiti district and
Pangi su b-division of Ch amba district
of Himach al Prade sh , Andaman and
Nicobar Islands or Laksh dwe e p)
Note 2 : In th e case of re cru itme nt
made th rou g h th e Employme nt
Exch an ge s, th e cru cialdate for
de te rmining th e age limit sh all be th e
last date u pto wh ich th e Employme nt
Exch ange s are aske d to su bmit th e
name s
PrimarySch ool
Standard Pass
Ade q u ate
knowle dge of
garde ning
(11) (12 ) (13) (14)
Not applicable , 2 ye ars By dire ct re cru itme nt Not applicable Grou p ` D' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
(for conside ring case s of confirmation):
Not applicable .
Assistant Commissione r Chairman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise or
Cu stoms Members
(iii) Income -tax Office r Member
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to
Sch e du le Caste or Sch e du le T ribe cate gory, an
office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing
to th e Sch e du le Caste s or th e Sch e du le T ribe s,
sh all also h e associate d as a me mbe r of th e
De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
( 1 )
(2 ) (3)
(7 ) (8)
6. Safaiwala
, _ _
(2 004)
Ge ne ral
Ce ntral
Rs.2 550-55-
2 660-60-
Not applicable N ct
Be twe e n 18-2 7 ye ars
(Re laxable for Gove rnme nt se rvantsu pto 35
Primary Sch ool
Standard Pass
(*Su bje ct to
de pe nde nt
Se rvice
Grou p " D"
non-Gaze tte d
non-ministe rial
32 00 ye ars in accordance with th e instru ction or
orde rs issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt)
Note 1: T h e cru cial date for de te rmining th e
age limit sh all h e th e closing date for re ce ipt
of applications from candidate s in India and (
not th e closing date pre scribe d for th ose in
Assam, Me gh alaya, Aru nach alPrade sh ,
Mizoram, Manipu r, Nagaland, T ripu ra,
Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and
Kash mir, Lah u lal and Spiti district and Pangi
su b-division of Ch amba district of Himach al
Prade sh , Andaman and Nicobar Islands or
Laksh dwe e p)
Note 2 : In th e case of re cru itme nt made
th rou gh th e Employme ntExch ange s, th e
cru cial date for de te rmining th e age limit sh all
be th e last date u pto wh ich th e Employme nt
Excl., -7 ' aske d to su bmit th e name s
(9 )
1(10) (11) (12 )
(13) ( 14)
Not applicable 2 ye ars By dire ct re cru itme nt Not applicable Grou p ` D' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e (for
conside ring case s of confirmation):
Not applicable .
Assistant Conu nissione r Ch airman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise or Cu stoms
Me mbe rs
(iii) income -tax Office r Member
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to Sch e du le
Caste or Sch e du le T ribe cate gory, an office r from
ou tside th e De partme nt be longing to th e Sch e du le
Caste sorth e Sch e du le T ribe s, sh allalsobe
associate dasame mbe rofth e De partme ntal
Promotion Committe e
[F . No. A-12 018/33/2 003-Ad. III(B)]
S.K. T HAKUR, Unde r Se cy.
Printe d by th e Manage r, Govt. of India Pre ss, Ring Road, Mavapu ri, Ne wDe lh i-110064
and Pu blish e d by th e Controlle r of Pu blications. De lh i-110054.

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