REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99: 11 Section
REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99: 11 Section
REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99: 11 Section
QC1-1 Act ., 7 i/fQ
T ie -t 1-cic-33004/99
31-W ED
3 dit-t.5 u s (i)
PART 1 1 Section 3Su b-se ction (1)
Littictm54, 61 Id
fila r tie r ^Intcill
2 ci ti (*4-0'
`41-11a, 1: 1.1-dI*4 7 131)--gRf zET
('1I: 1IlcrI
5h -11-6 .girtT I
:(rt.-1 .r11(1 0b (T -CP11T u f41)-1ff)-t=13) .--rifi-IV{1, 1', 11-4 9*fq f ct; )
fq f9-krisz .Aisfi-, m i{ 1 1N414tq 5T -37 1-0 f-*-zrr
, 34-! .)dilT i-c& -m-4 41.ks34*" ci-; si " T s *-101-mi
jfch l T IT 11 11aft.( e re f-Tta' t 1-4-1ci ob .& ticbcti
faf9-44i 111N' I r
*1 w.'kcrf -t: FaRIT 3-fiT Zfzit .4 T it'witt I
faT crat : 7 7 1-d " kt4
c 7 3
0#4- 0-41-7 tiit-T ai7 *P-1, 1cti
al. n-0, 1 16F ri t; fa -.IR ft-Eriii T r trd34. 1 W IT EC
o ii( T T % 41. fq =cT i f*-z41 \ -111 , 1T 4, 11cf.c'h
ci-; 1 1T tt: ft *T P-11---101 41T 17 1 33-" e / LiNc11**611*3T 1431-RT -47
T rr-q-lf-$ 7 4*3-1-e t 3fR d3-7 7 4
.& ifq -T ch - " ci.0-4 43)-116rc-R3T 4-W W
fgwritziigl-RtiT iritrfrif ( T iT ; ; T fa-3) :
1.EW fT 39hI T otiT 3.-PT {
2 ,
1kj (-40` 1)
3115: 0F 1 (-517 f1T F T )
7 1-F e T t 7 7 ' ET tfq -cT *5-7 T -li ct) 13 ci4) -C-, ( W , -R-i1.14 7 11
aT r
fe pim .-T re
di-1, 111'oAly '7 47 '
fq q-11 , iN-3, fitif-ci
tc\ -NAT - 17 T I. I
12 34567
3. -r4ic, 1 ct)7 2 5 *( 2 003 )
-, oft40-e fe i (..21 c117 000T .(7 1-*U.11
; 31114R
*17 .4T c
t e ld3-7 1414r1cf
fW zri- -1-1T tii-sci
t I)
[ 14111(.1 u .S- 3 (0]T 7 17 17 : 1 : 31-TP411111
1, -t7 -)T
-0; if117 114-II -4 A 54 - - - - fd gRT , ff 6 ci-1q 11-1c114-q i
-rs=1 *-1 , 41, 4 7 12 41 Rir-Rbe . 7 1-1#--q a tiNiu f -34T u ri fwq r
on1 , -Ns., 4r3-ff *3-tQ' <4, 1 cri -ie i, cirt
ct)13T --flq
s1, tri 3-1-{ tfi-@ *oor t 3-th
tV1 rvir t14)11 -e 3th -0)--a-T ria-
*R-#-T 3T rr-q *). AF F T T 4 T1 tT I
fd-cr-PaT : -04 a, ri, d3T -e *P-1111r
A-Err-t, i *f*--Eu r(r
` f rz fW zIT cvs4 s=1, 4
-T ? r are */ 417 IcIr A7 r, aT f3T e */ 41, 1or AT 31T 2 1 A 31-N-*
A Err t7 9-4 A ^1 % ft ob 4-1t 3117 d-O 317 4 t4
c=, -I f4C1439-4 a nt*rfti 1ai-ck
a-)1 3T -- q -rtz **brio pick, t, rsT i-e (-4 -kT ft 31-e *P4vicir T 1-*-cr7
TE-4 t
fa" -Iritzr-sit-Rfe r .pftfff(t.--- 414tf97 ) :
#--4fti-u 31-9--- -r-zr*r 31ZR 3iT 31zT R
N9 I4m3(SiYlltii)7 : 17 : Ef
sT 1 I o ftl 91) 4-11 0h ti 3l ob-fr14
*)-. % ft3T -1-T ft.a T rr 3T -7 ft-a
=1-1 T iira*rt, fq % T rrr -47 7 *r
3T -T ff*RI/3T 7 T ra , 311, 11 fir *T R-7 '
3f e t-N% T P-F rEr*---fa Ar4fa*A--q , z4
*t\ q tip , 1-1f*zrr ,31I TI T
12 34567
3. -c4K-14)103*(2 003)T URIT 7 -15000-150-3-1-q -z19-
''T h-14 -T R8000T .( 2 o, zsor
*3114RT rco- '7 't-1-
1: 1-{ 431tiz-14F Acrd4, i, otc1c1 f)
1 *-7 T 31-9-7 T r-q -47
tic c1I t I
(11' L : 1cif
Esse ntial :
Posse ssion of a
valid driving
lice nce for motor
cars. Knowle dge
of motor me ch a-
nics and e x-
pe rie nce in driving
a motor car for at
le ast five ye ars.
Passe d viii standard
from re cognize d
Board or
Institu tion.
s 3 (0]
case of promote e s
Not applicable Not applicable T wo ye ars (Only for dire ct re cru its)
Not applicable
By Promotion
Promotion :
Drive rs (ordinary Grade ) with nine ye ars of re gu lar se rvice wh o
h ave passe d a trade te st of appropriate standard spe cifie d
be low :
[ lirtIlGu s 3 (i)]
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
By promotion
Promotion :
F rom th e Grade I Drive rs with th re e ye ars re gu lar se rvice .
Note : W h e re ju niors, wh o h ave comple te d th e ir q u alifying or
e ligibility se rvice are be ing conside re d for promotion, th e ir
se niors wou ld also be conside re d, provide d th e y are not sh ort
of th e re q u isite q u alifying or e ligibility se rvice by more th an
h alf of th e q u alifying or e ligibility se rvice or two ye ars, wh ich -
e ve r is le ss, and h ave su cce ssfu lly comple te d th e ir probation
pe riod for promotion to th e ne xt h igh e r Grade alongwith th e ir
ju niors, wh o h ave alre ady comple te d su ch q u alifying or e ligibility
se rvice .
II au s 3 (i)]
2 04]
No. 2 04]
1 -11fv - F e 6)4ii
4T ji 4 lqUf k 3111-#ITET 31- 4 3 4 0 31-1-ft : ch i1T R.
11, 3fI1T 31-1 - q I d
ctd 31- T5 1 - - \:- i` 41. 5
\ - 1 1. 1 4 # t I
- - 4))c2 -I-
(4 ))
ffiri t fz-)fict>i
f4-4-rg f45-m
ft-r-o-F )cir(ti)
ffiTfl=f, 197 2 c.t>.1: 1 1-11.30ch
a414\ --14 rc, -13119-T MT r
3T al-9- 3-i1-1 t 7 1 '161
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 8 *
( 9005)
1.-1 c011-1clit -1P1 01ch ---l q c-lq -1ji6ic-11 c, iq 'i '6ic-11 18 t 2 7 C41 -(T h --- 417 1
-i' ci 14-0
.-Nc.1-)NS. N1..-1, LRI--f-4-1d. t-IY,
T f'
31M n 3-1 t-11; lci V-N - Q-IIIf+ --q - iiIsq .11
arrd-, c./, -i, cbi-1
ct-, 14 1-7 R-
ictc.r-, 1rc; iY35-44dch
cl'-)31-T rc'41
5T 14a- o-i- \ ill RT w-jt t i)
T 'o=croT : 3-1-N-T itl'IT 31-q q -iftd-
-7 - Li Rcic-` 1--,
ftzu , -11
'64)c11 tI
-- C7 1: '-q -R u t.4ct-)
-r-'1---1.-T F T -4
-5n7 r 3i-r--q 9-ct-, -)Ch f67
-F -T r-d- -m-r't-, 14; 3-i-ff4=1 -mttTq -
t)--4-ft(-a-1: -cio3tr'd-IR-
tr., 11-37 -1---, 411c11-I,
7 -7 -r, , i, 4-1,
ta-R-, -11 , 10. s, f5R-r,
---c'm-)4-1, .-1=4=1)---m--7 41-R- 7 F iT f -
t/ r)
I-11AIODIt 11? 1-)? , 17 ? -h Il->, .? , ? -'(-)*
I (? , #)I-, km r_ i4.IP 1? 1LOD" P'3t? -19-3
tLEt, G.I '43 p. 1-. + 1-) kt K4 4_ N-? MT )
tlaltiS. 112 . 111.41L. -_ b to ,I? _ I-i
#L, P1-. .4h ..dh .IP r, -, 11-tr-, --)1-1-',
1 t-- JLth h .iriJh 4JiitDit. Ip 1, 1-_ ; (ii) .44, 1_ -
ti- , 41-ti-tr?
#.t-i. 1-311-3nq i II? ? .J th ili11-)f-? -.II-(I)
IPP(5q 1- 'frIP
0 L. 6
I0-' -0i-PET ) 1-61P-61-1 . --1, ' , -ID-4L.
1I- II? 411- f r I P# llht 1ODh e 'D .y, Ir?
1? - .A., , , 4
Li- :13 P? P- I? '
t-s' i in 44)W Et -(45'4
P415.1 , 1-K` -ll, ) PP4 ._ _ 64_- .L1, .
:IDr? P-t)i /7 )e ft'-,' 1` 4Di LP-Et PIP:
'PART iiSEc. 30)1
III-)p-T .r11-)
.1A0J2 1.E.Lh .l.kL #I- Iq l-t OD(-4D r? ,-) Kk)L[4-3.E, cfpI- t? 1-tp ctp q _ ie lo.: 11-C\
: ., -, M.1-rII-1? , 11, , , 1_ 3IKctp lc h ld? , \ 1 ? -fpIp-rl? sh ch dl-r? , ? , 11A<kpJ_ _ _ 11-(1) _ (._ P41.
-: ? , 5\ I cfp(-401(4)i-? _ I-.t ch 0 .1h IPi1? , , I-- I q -r LIDP4D T ? I-2, (II)
IIIr r\ Ih 11-091--? , 14, PRt? l-'? , Ict)
4: 41-- JIL ----Ig-, 4 L' - fD U 11'4' /-' '
II? p 1 I I, p j41-.' C\ (4 , 4 1 _ _ _ _ Lg i
-12 4-tit, .
Wi3-14-7 10417 T
3-T hq : avri ( ot 7 '17 1'.'1 )
.W e tfre Pif I
T .flt: 1 ---(=T i Zs-T iT ilvici 41 -, 3: 1-; (" 1-17 ., 7 7 07 - -l)
9-) : 1..9 43-4-;
3[ 9
2 t1 6-11-z t a-cf ( -T s-Li I
7 1F -17 "e ll 4: 11 , 11- q r-q i
( iv ) T 47 -117 17 -T rf,
Ezrot3=f7 1i xf. (7 : 4 ( iv )'31ifT 1 7 1: -.4 717 1-9,-" T rf6
WV -EF: 41 4-1 .ill-rct r3if: t1, 1 -1 'rift *317 : 14-=-1, n: kr 'rt.:119:4 ir;371.
ti I iI RTt) " -Z+ fri ` J-Ti T ifcr4i T A-R-1 -T T 4.: 1c.t. , -f.
f-cI 7 5- - T i t7 I I
4. 4-7 6i-91--srf- k-2 -1f1
ifAIT=F 37 -4, 1T h , 11-14.4Q; rtt(11irn-t
[T I.T i. 12 018/05/2 003- Qif.
(De partme nt of Re ve nu e )
-Ne w De lh i. th e 2 6th 2 003
G. ; .R. 968 (if). in e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d by th e proviso to article 309 of th e Constitu tion, th e
Pre side nt make s th e following ru le s re gu lating th e me th od of re cru itme nt of Grou p " C" posts of Assistant Su b Inspe ctor
(W e apons) in th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt, name ly :
I. Sh ort title and comme nce me nt : ( I) T h e se ru le s may be calle d th e Ministry of F inance , Ce ntral Excise and.
Cu stoms De partme nt Assistant Su b Inspe ctor (W e apons) (Grou p 'C' posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 003.
(2 ) T h e y sh all come into force on th e date of th e ir pu blication in th e Official Gaze tte .
Nu mbe r of posts, classification and scale of pay. T h e nu mbe r of said posts, its classification and th e scale
of pay attach e d th e re to sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (2 ) to (4) of th e said Sch e du le .
Spe cial Provision.(i) Each Corrimissione ratc sh all h ave its own se parate cadre , u nle ss oth e rwise pre scribe d
by th e Ce ntral Borad of Excise and Cu stoms.
AU: th u d of re cru itme nt, age limit, q u alifications e tc. T h e me th od of re cru itme nt of th e said posts, age limit,
q u alifications and oth e r matte rs re lating th e re to, sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (5) to (14) of th e afore said Sch e du le ,
Ibis q u a lification, No pe rson,
i) wh o h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with o , t-rse rt h oviivA YO=.4.512
ill) \ V Ito h aviiu a spou se living, h as e nte re d into or contracte d a ma rrigc with any pe rson,
sh all be e ligible for appointme nt to th e said post
-- Provide d th at th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt may, if satisfie d th at su ch marriage is pe rmissible u nde r th e pe rsonal law
pplicablc to su ch pe rson sand th e oth e r party to th e marriage and ih : , 1 th e re are oth e r grou nds for so doing, e xe mpt any
arson from th e ope ration of th is ru le .
Powe r to re lax.W h e re th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt is of th e opinion th at it is ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt so to do,
may, by orde r and for re asons to be re corde d in writing, re lax any of th e provisions of th e se ru le s with re spe ct to any
ass or cate g ory of pe rsons.
Noth ing in th e se ru le s sh all affe ct re se rvations, re laxations of age limit and oth e r conce ssions
lu ire d to be provide d for th e Sch e du le d Caste s, th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, Oth e r Backward Classe s, Ex-se rvice me n and
te r spe cial cate g
orie s of pe rsons in accordance with th e orde rs issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt from time to time in
s re gard.
[ PART 11SEP 1(i).]
13. If a De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
e xists, wh at is its composition
: Assistant Su b Inspe ctor (W e apons).
: 51*(2 003)
*Su bje ct to variation de pe nde nt on workload.
Ge ne ral Ce ntral Se rvice , Grou p 'C', Non-Gaze tte
: Rs. 32 00-41900.
Non-se le ction
Not applicable
: Not applicable
: Not applicable
Not applicable
: Not applicable
: 100 pe r ce nt by promotion
Promotion :
He ad Havaldars (Rs. 3050--4590) with th re e ye ars of re gu lar
se rvice in th e grade wh o are proficie nt in h andling fire -arms.
Havaldars (Rs, 2 7 5044(K)) with sixye ars of re gi r se rvice in th e
failing wh ich Se poys with te n ye ars re gu lar se rvice in th e
grade wh o are proficie nt in h andling lire -arms.
Note : W h e re ju niors wh o h ave comple te d th e ir q u alifying/e ligibility
se rvice are be ing conside re d for promotion, th e ir se niors wou ld also
be conside re d provide d th e y are not sh ort of th e re q u isite q u alifying/
e ligibility se rvice by more th an one ye ar and su cce ssfu lly comple te d
th e ir probation pe riod if pre se nte d.
: Grou p 'C' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e :
I. Single Commissione rale i.e . Commissione rate s h aving no common
T h e se nior most Additional Commissione r at
He adq u arte rs Office ,
T h e De pu ty Commissione r He adq u arte rs,
failing wh ich any oth e r se nior most De pu ty
Cp.ri i iiiitio.; ; ; .-40iIiitiq u 'aite izi) 4V
th e time of De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
me e ting.Me mbe r
T h e De pu ty Commissione i of Ce ntral Excise
or Cu stoms.Me mbe r
De pu ty or Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax Me mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e me mbe r at se rial No. (i) to (iv) above
be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s a Grou p
'A' office r from ou tside th e De pe ane nt be longing to th e Sch e du le d
Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all also associate as a me mbe r of
th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
Naine , of post
Nu mbe r of posts
Scale of pay
5. W h e th e r se le ction or
non-se le ction post
0. W h e th e r be ne fit of adde d ye ars of se rvice
admissible u nde r Ru le 30 of Ce ntral Ciyil
Se rvice (Pe nsion) Ru le s, 197 2
Age limit for dire ct re cru its
Edu cational and oth e r q u alifications
re q u ire d for dire ct re cru its
W h e th e r age and e du cational q u alifi-
cation pre scribe d for dire ct re cru its
will apply in th e case of prornote e s
Pe riod of probation, if any
Me th od of re cname nt wh e th e r by dire ct
re cru itme nt or by promotion or by
de pu tation/absorption and pe rce ntage of
posts to be fille d by variou s me th ods
In case of re cru itme nt by promotion/
de pu tation/absorption grade s from
wh ich promotion/de pu tation/absorption
to be made .
'lRci 6F 1 T h iufq : 397 11, 117 , 7 31-
11. Composite Commissione rate s i.e . two or more Coramissione rate s
h aving common cadre :
T h e se nior most Additional Commissione r from
e ach of th e Corru missione rate s th e se nior most
office r among th e m wou ld be th e Ch airmanCh airman
T h e De pu ty Commissione r He adq u arte rs of
th e cadre controlling Commissione rate s failing
wh ich al: y oth e r se nior most De pu ty Commissione r
(He adq u arte rs) available at th e time of De partme ntal
Promotion Committe me e ting. Me mbe r
T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Ce ntral Excise
or Cu stoms.---Me mbe r
De pu ty or Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax --Me mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e me mbe r at se rial No. (i) to (iv) above
be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s a Grou p
'A' office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing to th e Sch e du le d
Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all also associate as a me mbe r of
th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
14. Circu mstance s in wh ich Union Pu blic Not applicable .
Se rvice Commission is to be consu lte d in
making re cru itme nt
[F . No. 12 018/05/2 003-Ad. NAB)]
S. K. T HAKUR, Unde r Se cy.
Printe d by th e Manage r, Govt. of India Pre ss, Ring Road, Maynpu ri, Ne w De lh i-110004
and Pu blish e d by th e Controlle r of Pu blications, De lh i-I10054.
(6: , 64.)e - -
F i. -gt 7 -'-33004/99
REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99
actia, of
af-f-fT 4RDT
1417 1 1 1 (..q u s 3 37 -7 Nu T (i)
PART IISection 3Sub-section (i)
u ffIlW IT wh irYld
No. 566]
( f4MIT T )
7 -. 1r-g rrif, 2 4 -fq .411 R, 2 004
837 (31).-7 T -IT Irff, T t14% . 1-N317 309 *17 1-- gillctd -51-4-T . 7 441 7 4) , -Itt d7 414
11-17 *FIT ` 1T 441-117 47 . 7 " 1 119-7 :1-9, 1999 -ff. 41 #11: 117 1- 1- 44i17 " 7 " -9q c 1ff-q 7 , 197 9 -0, '16 Oct)
-fq z: F f(*ria -ifir) 3 ttalF iirfftarch f7 -41-zrIftrw.7 cot
I , A f4; ). r rf*, 7 =1T 117 411-41(, -10b
4rt-1r1" 1-1(" 1: _ 1 1-11c1 4; WO- "T E " q ). 7 { 141 c4 tre d -, -r rolF -NH-1 . -T 4*re v, f97 : 17 f ariaaT 2 1-k: -
T ifalta. '9T 1: 1 3117 IT 7 :14.(1 ) T fi7 1T rl-F AT 7 f -11 + -117 1TI 3c'-flq 3-fRF 1-11: rrIffq 1-117 T
( 1; -I tcs 7 1ff. ) *ilAT T 4T -0 (T rP17 " 7 " trq ) Irdif97 : 17 , 2 0041- I
(2 )5{4-, 1*-4t-ffiftT =1-; )7 -17 t
tr-rr, wirch ol atrt'6-1do--1, 111-4t-t-41-9--1-4-q 9
(2 )(4)-4 rar-irt I
-f4P- 111- si k444.--51A- ail-Tq ffrffEra am W 17 4 -3- 117 117
re f -1- 7 11 'NI -e t,
3R-7 -1T -37 1:19-1 7 14 =6I.S4
1.1-al311-141)11T , 3-T taT q 3T 1t, 7 541 4C1tT T -41ff, 3-1-9-#17 *-39-F 1 -F t-414ff 37 -4:1 (41 CI.
q t1 3T -fi4T (5)-F [F T F I-1-(14)rar.-A, t:
t, F a afa, a tzrr
(a-) 14k-(-13T cr---4zT r3-T atT 4t-k*N-i--(a7 f-*-, T rrtrfa7 7 -f-T zu t,
Liq z R ft-iNT E41: 4:
3842 GI/2 004(1)
1fT gio
2 3
2 . 110*(2 004)T IT NT -7 *---442 7 50-7 0-311, 4-1C11I
" , 3800-7 5-
; ONT 4( 7 .{3-1-97 F --Azr
trft---q -49f*? -4T
j1 II(j Il17 tT 3)11 3F 1 34-11Q"
*4i4 141-1(1-7 11 T I
q -)t,
6)4 zu
8 )
( )(10)
(ffilIT e 4-11, 111 .9e e a, -
1T t T -111. 4 Off 7 41 cf/T 441 F 1Cid/aIl4 H '47 1fst-14 Nl---f-dr-Af-df; T f4d/
7 11 i.itatrizilcid/34114-0-1 q 141 lT 4T fd417-i3-401-M -q n 441 7 4T RIT T
/I11 T ft-F0 7 , 1 T 1 Ilf01414.11
( I I )((2 )
41- 611id 14 4 7 1 4))444 314 4)111 Ti 3
4) 3-44-1-11.7 4.117 9147 11 414 14 fti-rq j4)-1413fq -414,
aT rzirrr14, 11
(II) (14)
T it-1j T PF " V f-T 4-11 zr th ik1-T h t-T
11 p-:
9ily1 1I/I47 1 -44)4 9-e ; mlifaitt t17 1T 1 7 : 1111114 r-19:
I i)-g1T 1 91c4W 41: 14-1 41/7 1. 7 1, 1 4 1141 4 1- " Marti
.34144 3I 14I4
(11)14111-{4T C44T iT icrft-r-4-tq ld
411F : , , 7 4 44-3-4-114 41 611147 4
T '(i 47 14 6114 - 4T 4 1417 7 4
- -147 7 4
, 3117 1-4 n 401444
sb-14./4. (1) 3) (iii)T re.-PilT h t,
, 41-14-417 4F E .11Icr 7 11 ", ? 4 ,14f7 44 , 41--fu lT h 3)11111-4d 17 6 -a
1 404p, zo.
47 47 T T , 7 1 2 , T 1t44iT T , IT .311411=1.41
11P111.----(4 0 8 3(i)) 'OR 4. 1 (1. 144 : 31-GR)1ui
.1-otifitA A.--4f4A, Any " T " 31f4Eh t(
-(AAIAtcsil. 4A% -iftitru tAt--At wvrtI
4#PH4 d1? J1r frF T f0'4114 " h 9TF IADAF -7 4 ,b18t
AtitAA 3(F t(1fAmaif1=4, T iArtat-F r.e ., -7 fil-q =4T
.91f. 1-444 gT U 4T h 7 1441-4 q7 1, T f4412 ii
af, R 3194a T fil'11 4- 1F 14110 fOT T W CIT F I 01-9-4 4,AT- cffri
31Y2 K1 4111 I )
oi1-14-44. wh i-witt.b-T irt-QT A 4;
aifit-r-n-ru t-acriF ir
(iii) 47 1AA roAr Arc(1-0. , rq -ra arrzt-ri-, ( -3A17 .143T Atv(-e -1
41 7 1 - (10-IT 341-/A0
aroT : JO 7 3-q tT ff (t)(iii)-MT-41'11 A -4; 1-,
A'intA4111, 31-y1-AA AAA, T T infti A(T4T ilA A-e i%
t41-11- 9Aru 7 1q 1ft-v-IfT 1, 3111A1-141T t4 7 11 4114.1f-q cf
7 iT irrf6it-ii, 31-tti4it(1T t fAlT nitir Alr-t
? T 14t? i 4(4-w4T isPtlfrq d q f1J, 1 11 I
(I)(2 )(3)(4)(5))( 7 )
2 . (I '4F -I2 155 (2 007 ) 7 114(tu r .q .n - --', 17 13050-7 5-'riziiF I111 7 0, . T)7I 1TEFL .-if 411
1i(T T " 1F 14.017 t-47 41, (-01' T 1 ', 3Q50-80-
31i 41( 1: 1(3-17 17 411t-RI, 4590 -(7 .
iT 1-1, 1(-11 17 , 4413i-114; 4c: 11g
Al W ficli Vil
( 12 )
( )
-ffPF; Ce l 441
40), -0 oldr1 q ti
I (. rOld IfF ifd T ; 14 I31f1-1-01413T $ t 5! 1-n it A T ir-T ra q n.f, 41-4 ,A u ft 4 3
1-1114-14 4itI
( 13)
'A' f4ArriiAT rftri-ff
icIrIl! ch -H -F 4-;
T T 7 F A 7 17 1 1-P4014 3T 41q T-T gknt Atn-rpt tits4
(1)1, -04447 q ro -q 1rn-0; h IT -ff 4144 4.11104 47 - -31u 4k1
( i I471:47. I +-1. -)47 1A-Pilt1 10) 7 4-1 1 -k.d n : 1 T P5LT 7 F 17 111PT
3 Ii NTIF IT ( : 4, , -3(114
399: 144
(ii)..s1R1 - 1-F ( 31T 44911404, 04 :307 1-41-1, 4+ 1 7 11
11 -417 T I 1-1 II v4
4 , 1447 1 t44.A. ( t) A (tit) A) A-cAAI A At
7 M1IP: 117 : 1, ji-rj-q a. , iad in 31-y1-AA 4F 9A11-4 - -(f.q tAA ; re %
( 14 )
[PARr3 i)].
41 1'4 91111 t gre 47 1, T1'41144 q, .31-1-44({ It 7 1T 41(i .r.ra-
-4-4t q a, Av " 4-i" .-.1114T e t-T r1N ^-11c1
w, -e )Ys T 4 AT 41.1.! irr I
Ili-fLp 19A 34, 44 ct341.' 44, Isi s ft0T 4T 4-4414F 1 4 4-{
AG(fi-rd airzsmI t 1-11((-4ft cb4T Mtizt.t<ii
e ft) 3rt
ife t, d H d1 r fit, T ft1: 7 , 141ai 14 1 111s;
; 3-1P41c1 7 41ill-11-0, -17 1T 1 T 4-7 41 -q M11(3ir1 -(4F , C(1-11
311.4)1. Ili I)
Ef, 1 1 Y4
-g-iNq -d il gm -91-9t i tt(s.) cbi 0.1*
3-1111 14EI cf67 1-F ie fil
3T 17 1 4T T 314 iT 3 T 41 91A1-0, -tvra7 11
3111 -1, T -(1-f411-4T 4117 3333
4 ki
t3117 R{i ) A (h i) Aq-4Awit
qY frip-ift, 31-1, Afi4d.17 17 )T 1td II #7 , 01-(1
al - 1, U5(T ftlt xitd, & 1 191-r.fa -W itt 7 11 31, 04d
T T ^rrt ti T ki'Lfd, " t" 3t114, 141 4)- ft-T I: rinT h q
AtAfi 4 1-F -R-zt cfi T r. f Ao-Tilizra fiT zfl 7 4[117
['wt. P. -R'-I2 018/3/2 006-N-VIT . 37 .g
-1P1. (414.1-11, f9-131T T (W M. 3 )
(Pepartmott of Revenue)
Ne w De lh i, th e 17 th Au gu st, 2 007
G.S.R.557 1E).--h i e xe rcise of lie powe rs confe rre d by (fie proviso to article : 309 of th e CI institu tion and in su pe rse ssion
of th e Ce ntral Excise and Land t: u sionts De partme nt Grou p
"D" Post
Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 002 in so far as th e y re late to th e
posts of Havaldar and He ad Havaldar, e xce pt as re spe cts th ings done or omitte d to be done be fore su ch su pe rse ssion th e
h i: side 's h e re by make s th e billowing ru le s re gu lating tlw me th od of re cru itme nt to Grou p ''C" posts of Havaldar and He ad
ltavaldar in th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt, name ly : ---
I. Sh ort title and COnlit l el I CCHIC III . (1 ) . 1 1 1 0.tie
ru le s may h e calle d th e Ce ntral Excise and ( 'u slonis De partme nt
lavaldar and He ad Havaldar (Catnip " C" posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 11117 .
(ii) Hwy sh all come into Voice u n th e iliac of th e ir pu h lication in th e Official Gaze tte .
2 . Application .---T h e se ru le s sh all apply to th e posts spe cifie d in colu mn (I) u I th e
Schedule annexed to th e se
: ide s
N umber 0f posts, classification and scale of pay.T h e nu mbe r of said posts; th e ir classification and th e scale
sty attach e d th e re to sh all h e as spe cilie d in colu mns t 2 ) to (4)4111c said Sch e du le ..
Me th od of re cru itme nt, age limits, oth e r q u alification e tc..T h e me th od l i t re cru il.fficni, age litnils, yu ali h e at ion
, ind oth e r matte rs re lating to th e said post. sh all h e as spe cifie d in colu mns (5) lo (14) of
the said sch e du le .
Disq u alifications. No pe rsist, -
tat wh o h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with a pe rson h aving a spou se living;
(I ) ) wh o, h aving a tip isc. l iving. , h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with any pe rsist;
sh all h e e l T ilde for appointme nt to h ire said posts :
h ovide d T h ar th e t'u ntral ( love rnme nt inay, it satisfie d th at siwli niarriage is
r.) ennissible u nde r th e pe rsonal law
ah plirah le i su ch pctsu n and th e oilie r pally it) th e marriage and th at th e re are oth e r
grounds for sn doing, e xe mpt any
pe rson Irom th e ope ration of th is ru le .
f 31PT 11-14u Z 3(0.1
Powe r to Max.W ile ]
may, by orde r and asons to be
or cate gory of pe rsons.
Saving.Noth ing in th i
1.0 be provide d for th e Sc h e du le d
issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt
Name of
Nu mbe r (it
h ost
(2 )
. Havaldar
42 004 (2 007 )
, Su bje c t to
de pe nde nt
ou workload.
Edu cationa
and oth e r q u alil te a
re q u ire d h ir dire ct re cru its
Not applicable
Me th od of re cru itme nt:
dire ct re cru itme nt or by prow
de pot at ion/absor
ion and
of posts to be fille d by variot
(I I)
10(1 pe r ce nt by promotion
it a 1)e partme ntal Promotion
wh at is its composition
" C" kie tante ntal
((or conside ring promotion
Single Commissione rate
no common cadre :
Additional (
()th e e to h e nom
au th ority
T wo De pu ty Cc
most at ficadq tr.
tlie Cadre t...ontri
T h e . De pu ty O.
Assistant Collin
d by th
T ax
- _ _ -
- - - -
- - - - - . - n
ti )
6 4, 64N1
Me th od of re cru itme nt : W h e th e r by
f PART - Sv c. , 3i )]
Name of Nu mbe r of ClassificationScale of pay W h e th e r W h e th e r be ne fit Age limit IC:
post post
se le ction or
Non-se le ction
of adde d ye ars
of se rvice admix-
Bible u nde r ru le .
dire ct re cru it
30 of Ce ntral Civil
Se rvice s (Pe nsion)
Ru le s, 197 2
( I )
(2 ) (1)(4)
(6) (7 )
Havaldar 42 01*(2 (X)7 ) Ge ne ral Ce ntralRs. 2 7 50-7 0- Se le ction Not appl iconic Not appl icah
*Su bje ct to
de pe nde nt
on workload.
Se rvice , Grou p38(X)-7 5-4-1(X)
'C', Non-Gaze tte d,
Non-Minisle rial
lidu calional and oth e r q u alification
re q u ire d torce t re cru its
W h e th e r age and e du cational q u alifications
pre scribe d for dire ct re cru its will apply in
th e case of Promote ss
Pe riod ()I - pi (th atit an)
12 01 8/3/2 006
! A YH. 3-1q 1
7 , 7 112 Rr, firjrp
r 4: nr. 3 )
Not applicable
Not applicable
2 ye ars
Ciniu mstance s in wh ich Union Pu b'
Se rvice Commission is to h e consu lte d ii
making re cru itme nt
Not Hrpl icah le
Cliou p '" De partme ntal Promotion Cominitte e
(le a conside ring, promotion) :
Single Commissione rate th at is (2 tarimissione rate s h aving
no cornown cadre :
T h e Additional Commissione r at He adq u arte r
Oft ice to h e nominate d by (h e cadre controlling
au th ority
(ii) T wo De pu t y Commissione r pre fe rably se nior-
most at He adq u arte r Office to h e nominate d by
I h e . Cadre Controlling au th ority Me mbe r
(di) T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Income T ax or
Assistant Commissione r or Income T ax to h e
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income
11txMe mbe r
ic Co
nstitu tion and in su pe rse ssion
2 002 in so far as th e y re late to th e
me be fore su ch
u pe rse ssion th e
-T ." ' posts of Havaldar and He ad
' j
x.cise and Cu stoms De partme nt
ize tte .
Sch e du le anne xe d to th e se
th e ir cl
assification and th e scale
atme nt, age
, q u alificia ton
oldie said sch e du le .
(u se living:
di any. pe csou ;
ssible u nde r th e pe rsonal lair
ldS for Si) doing, e xe mpt any
Ira De partme ntal Promotion Committe e e xists, .
wh at is its composition
'7 7 1c3 66,
41 .)
[girriii--u rg 3(i)]
144tte.' aW de ant6W VAlte akra& rd'IlAaiti-141-Pi=s, ti, ), 11-1
(iii) above be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s, as th e case may be , a Grou p
" A" office r front ou tside th e De partme nt be longing
to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s,
as th e case may h e , sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
C'ompositc Cominissione rate s name ly two or more
C01 1 1 1 -ilissione raie s h aving common cadre : ---
T h e Additional Commissione r from e ach of th e
(oil missione rate s su bje ct to a maximu m of
tinve to h e nominate d by cadre controlling
au th Oritybymu tu alconsu ltationwith
Commissione rsconce rne d (th e se niormost
among th e m sh all h e W e --Ch airman
l'h e De pu ty Commissione r pre fe rably se nior-
most at He adq u arte rs Office to h e nominate d
by th e . Cadre Controlling au th ority --Me mbe r
(iii) T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Income T ax or
Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to h e
mat line d by th e Commissione r of income T ax
----Me mbe r
Note : W h e re . none of th e me mbe r at se rial moth e rs (i) to
(iii) above be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e
Sch e du le d T h h e s, as th e case may be , a Grou p
" A" office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing
to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s,
a; ; th e case nay be , sh all also associate as a ['lu mbe r
01 lie De partme ntal Promotion Conimme e .
(ii) T wo De pu ty Comm
th e Cadre COntrC
(iii) T h e De pu ty Cot
As sistant Comm
nominate d by LI
T ax
Note : W h e re none of Me i
(iii) above be longs
Sch e du le d 'T ribe s,
" A" office r from ou
to th e Sch e du le d C.
as th e case may be , S
of th e De partme ntal
Composite Commission
Commissione rate s h aving
(i) T h e Additional C
Comm issione ratt
th re e to h e nom
au th ority by
Commissione rs
iiiost among th e n
0 0 T h e De pu ty Con
most at He adq u ai
by th e Cadre Con
(nil T h e De pu ty ('ors
Assistant Commi
nominate d by th e
T ax
Note : W h e re none of th e n
(iii) above be longs t
Sch e du le d T ribe s, ;
" A" office r from ou t
to th e Sch e du le d C.[:
as th e case may be , sl
of th e De partme ntal
( I )(2 )(3)(4)
(5)(6)(7 )
2 . 1 le ad2 155*(2 01)7 )Ge ne ral Ce ntralRs. 3050-7 5-Se le ctionNot applicable Nu t applicable
1 lavaklar*Su bje ct toSe rvice ., Grou p3950-804590
variation'C', Non-Clitze ite d,
de pe nde ntNon-Ministe rial
on workload.
Not applicable Not applicable 2 ye ars
(12 )
100 pe r ce nt by promotionBy promotion front th e grade of l-lavaldar and Re cord
Ke e pe r with 3 ye ars Re gu lar Se rvice in th e grade .
('crou p " C" De partme ntal Promotion Committe e
(for conside ring promotion) :
Single . t.'ommissione rate th at is Commissione rine s h aving
no common cadre :
(i) T h e Additional Commissione r at He adq u arte r
Office to be nominate d by th e cadre controlling
au th ority Ch aimian
Not applicable
6) (7 )
plicable Not applicable
2 ye ars
ade of IlavaW ar and Re cord
Se rvice in th e grade .
, lot applicable
[PART 3(0]
11R-q l U 3141 aRT MR.1--11
T wo De pu ty Commissione r pre fe rably se nior-
most at I lcadq u arte r Office to be nominate d by
th e Cadre Controlling au th ority--Me mbe rs
T h e De pu ty Commissione r of Income T ax or
Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to be
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income
T ax
Me mbe r
Note : 1: Vh e re , none of th e me mbe r at se rial nu mbe rs (i) to
(iii) above be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s, as th e case may be , a Grou p
" A" office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing
to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s,
as th e case may be , sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
Composite Corn miss one rate s name ly two or more
Commissione riae s h aving common cadre : --
'th e Additional Commissione r loin e ach of th e
Commissione rate s su bje ct to a maximu m of
th re e to h e nominate d by cadre controlling
au th ority by mu tu al consu ltation with
Commissione rs conce rne d (th e se nior
most among th e m sh all be th e -Ch airman
T h e De pu ty Commissione r pre fe rably se nior-
most at He adq u arte rs Office to h e nominate d
by th e Cadre Controlling au th ority Me mbe r
(iii) T h e De pu ty Commissione r of -Income T ax, Or
Assistant Commissione r of Income T ax to h e
nominate d by th e Commissione r of Income
T ax--Me mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e me mbe r at se rial nu mbe rs (i) to
(iii) above be longs to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e
Sch e du le d T ribe s, as th e case may be , a Grou p
" A" office r from ou tside th e De partme nt be longing
to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s;
as th e case may be , sh all also associate as a me mbe r
of th e De partme ntal Promotion Committe e .
[F . No. A- 12 018/3/2 006- Ad. III 13
RIT A KHORANA, Dire ctor (Ad. 1111
Printe d by th e Malinge r, Govt. of India Pre ss, Ring Road, Mu yainiri, Ne w De lh i-I I0064
and Pu blish e d by th e Controlle r of Pu blications, De lh i-110054.
aT i: IfT EIT T u r
cu rrt I 1tg(i)
PART IISe ction 3Su b-se ction (i)
vrtimr ii -cl---rr-Fra.
14, 581]rq rci , TrOTT, ici l cR 5, 2 008/cm ch 1 4, 1 930
No. 581 1 NEW DELHI, W EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2008/KARTIKA 1 4, 1 930
REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 f- AT ? 1' to to .Cr7 0-33004/99
( u socr faint )
Rryil, 4 -I c1+ -R, 2 008
7 : 11.-T .f9'. 7 7 1( 3T ), --7 11T 1t, tf4t119 3T 309
1; .1 T K9 q ii-Orzff7 4t-crrq
3-fR 4111fT 4-1P1 TaicicR 351 e 119 6cmCR
(tip' " T T TK) itzfq , 2 007 t7 01-9. " W e 41C-`
fe u 31-q 4 : -
1, -fifkmr BT U 34T w.() i fa-E4f .wr 4 P, T tu
-11 4-1*IT c-F -414P1 6c1c1C1(
3t1-7 (T ry ' IT ' tr)iml#7 1)-49 fir, 2 008 t I
(2 )(IA44-fft-ct we lt I
2 .q '1-41 6c-LiK r3T #T rrrig-r{
3-131% 117 c-ICR (7 1V11- )fizIT I, 2 007 31T O
1411c, 11( -4-- q tq ff sbH title d 2 t V11: 1-4, -Ri` 14
l2 14 " 311T 31-fir crr-o. " (-1), 4 f*-T ET ARitr
[tr. T i.--12 018/07 /2 008-5RIE.
te cd(, 3T W T rr7 -
: -T o f97 114 1-1Rd11T T T 11, 05 3, 37 -
( ) 147 4.557 ( 31) T T ICT 17 3T 1MT ,
2 007 ART 5lch IrT h 1 ft- T T Y 2 4 1
42 2 7 G1/2 008
(Department of Revenue)
Ne w De lh i, th e 4th Nove mbe r, 2 008
G.S.R. 7 7 1(E).In e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d
by th e proviso to article 309 of th e Constitu tion, th e
Pre side nt h e re by make s th e following ru le s to ame nd th e
Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De parUne nt Havaldar and He ad
Havaldar (Grou p 'C' posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 2 007 ,
name ly :
(I) T h e se ru le s may be calle d th e Ce ntral Excise
and Cu stoms De partme nt Havaldar and He ad Havaldar
(Grou p 'C' posts) Re cru itme nt (Ame ndme nt) Ru le s, 2 008.
(2 ) T h e se ru le s sh all come into force on th e date of
th e ir pu blication in th e Official Gaze tte .
In th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt
Havaldar and He ad Havaldar (Grou p 'C' posts) Re cru itme nt
Ru le s, 2 007 , in th e Sch e du le at se rial nu mbe r 2 re lating to
th e post of He ad Havaldar, in Colu mn 12 , th e words
" and Re cord Ke e pe r" sh all be omitte d.
[F . No. A-12 018/07 /2 008-Ad. III. (B)]
K. K. KHAT T AR, Unde r Se cy.
Note : T h e principal ru le s we re pu blish e d in th e Gaze tte
of India Part II, Se ction 3, Su b-Se ction (i),
vide No. G.S.R. 557 (E) date d, th e 17 th Au gu st, 2 007 .
Printe d by th e Manage r, Govt. of India Pre ss, Ring Road, Mayapu ri, Ne w De lh i-110064
and Pu blish e d by th e Controlle r of Pu blications, De lh i-110054.
( 2 )
( 3 )
3 5It? 17 " -& -T T -T -T ; ! T
2 155*(2 002 )
T 7 7 1k*fT 7
3050-7 5-3950-80--
( =.7 11- 4 417 " ; ; -; .q T ill? T T
4 5 9 0 i.
rIfT q F zi7 faT E1T T T f7 7 T
F; f7 7 7 f-.7 7 T 7
( 5)
( 6 )(7 )
7 T T I1'7 1
7 T T T -, T Tft T 9-T T 1
( 8 )(9)
IM 7 0 e .1. T dT as
V17 51- f7 F 7 SI-Ir7 f7 q . 7 7 7 : sal u fT q 'T 9f7 g rKT q 'T -\1, 1T 5-' 74 DIT 4 a-1-7 .atr
f7 7 1#7 ; : 17 T : 17
( 1 4 )
Ilj 97 : 1'1F 1T
9 11 NV.IT IT 7 51'17-7 f7 F fiT if7
T 119, q 7
4re 1.4 7 3, 7 7 1Z: 31-Efrak7
al-T T -17 3T .RT W IfT
fT -'7 7 ft: --7 e aT RIT T tf
q q -4- =17 1-T q7 tfEF O: t4T e T
T T 7 ; 1-T 3fNIT T - 1 ai 31, 7 , 7.1N- 7 Tilt T fT 52 -W 7 7 .
7 7 7 if7 T T 1, f7 '11.T ri4 RF -7 17 T fq 7 -
T IT .: El.'117 a. fT Z1T
. 7 -1 2 01 81312 0 02 U: 'T III (di)]
q T t. T :1'.1 T . q fp: T E3, aroi T CF 7 q
(De partme nt of Re ve nu e )
Ne w De lh i, th e 9th Se pte mbe r, 2 002
G.S.R. 37 6.In e xe rcise of th e powe rs confe rre d by th e proviso to Article 339 of th e Constitu tion and in
su pe rse ssion of th e Ce ntral Excise and Land Cu stoms De partme nt Grou p " D" post Re cru itme nt Ru le s, 197 9,
th e Pre side nt h e re by make s th e following ru le s re gu lating th e me th od of re cru itme nt to Grou p 'D' posts of Se poy,
Havaldar and He ad Havaldar in th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De partme nt, name ly :
1. Sh ort title and comme nce me nt.--(i) T h e se ru le s may be calle d th e Ce ntral Excise and Cu stoms De part-
me nt Se poys, Havaldar and He ad Havalditr (Grou p ` D' posts) Re cru itme nt Ru le s; 2 002 .
GO T h e y sh all come into force on th e date of th e ir pu blicatiP-, - in th e Official Gaze tie .
Application.T h e sc ru le s sh all apply to th e posts spe cifie d in colu mn 1 of th e Sch e du le anne xe d to tile s
ru le s.
Nu mbe r of posts, classification and scale of pay.T h e nu mbe r of said posts, th e ir classification and th e
scale of pay attach e d th e re to sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (2 ) to (4) of th e said sch e du le .
4. Spe cial provision.- 41) Each Comniissione rate sh all h ave its own se parate cadre u nle ss oth e rwise pre s-
cribe d by th e Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms.
(2 ) Notwith standing an y th ing containe d in su b-ru le (1) th e Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms may :
if it conside rs to be ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt in th e pu blic inte re st so to do and su bje ct to su ch conditions
as it may spe cify h aving re gard to th e circu mstance s of th e case and for re asons to be re corde d in
writin g , orde r any post in th e Commissione rate /De partme nt to be fille d by transfe r of pe rsons h olding
th e same or comparable posts bu t be longing to th e cadre of aiioth e r Commissione rate /De partme nt
or office u nde r Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms.
if it conside rs it ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt on compassionate grou nds, orde r th at a post in th e De part-
me nt wh ich is to be fille d by dire ct re cru itme nt u nde r th e se ru le s, sh ou ld be fille d by transfe r or de pu -
tation of a pe rson h olding th e same or comparable or h igh e r post from any oth e r De partme nt/Office
of th e Ce ntral Board of Excise and Cu stoms, su bje ct to su ch conditions as it may spe cify h aving
re gard to th e circu mstance s of th e case .
Me th od of re cru itme nt, age -limits, oth e r q u alification e tc.--T h e me th od of re cru itme nt, age -limits, q u ali-
fication and oth e r matte rs re latin g to th e said post sh all be as spe cifie d in colu mns (5) to (14) of th e said sch e du le .
Disq u alification.No pe rson,
W h o h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with a pe rson h avin g a spou se livin g , or
W h o, h aving a spou se livin g , h as e nte re d into or contracte d a marriage with any pe rson,
sh all be e lig ible for appointme nt to th e said post :
Provide d th at th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt may, if satisfie d th at su ch marriage is pe rmissible u nde r th e pe rsonal
law applicable to su ch pe rson and th e oth e r party to th e marriage and th at th e re are oth e r grou nds for so doing
e xe mpt any pe rson from th e ope ration of th is ru le .
Powe r to re lax..W h e re th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt is of th e opinion dia: it is ne ce ssary or e xpe die nt so to
do, it may, by orde r, and for re asonito be re corde d in writing, re lax any of th e provisions of th e se ru le s with re spe ct
to any class or cate g ory of pe rsons.
Saving.Noth ing in th e se ru le s sh all affe ct re se rvations, re laxations of age -limits and oth e r conce ssions
re q u ire d to be provide d for th e Sch e du le d Caste s, th e Sch e du le d T ribe s oth e r spe cial cate gorie s of pe rsons in accor-
dance with th e orde rs issu e d by th e Ce ntral Gove rnme nt from time to time in th is re gard.
Name of postNo. of postClassificationScale of pay
(2 )
1. Se poy6913*Ge ne ral Ce ntral Se rvice , Rs. 2 610-60-2 910-65-
Grou p 'D' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e :
Asstt. Commissione r
Ch airman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise
Me mbe rs
Income T ax Office rMe mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to Sch e du le d Caste /
Sch e du le d T ribe cate gory, an office r fond ou tside th e De partme nt
be longing to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all
also be associate d as a me mbe r of th e De partme ntal Promotion
Committe e .
( 1 )
(2 )
Not applicable
2 . Havaldar42 00*
(2 002 )
*(Su bje ct to variation
de pe nde nt On work-
Ge ne ral Ce ntral Se rvice , Rs. 2 75 0 - 70 - 3 8 0 0 - 75
Grou p 'D',
Non-Gaze tte d,
Non-Ministe rial.
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
(8 )
Not applicable Not applicable 2 ye ars
(1 1 )
100 pe r ce nt by promotion
(12 )
By promotion from th e grade of S3poy' with 3 ye ars re gu lar
se rvice in th e grade .
(1 3 )(1 4 )
. _ .
Grou p 'D' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e : Not applicable
Assistant Commissione rCh airman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise Me mbe rs
Income T ax Office rMe mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to Sch e du le d Caste /
Sch e du le d T ribe cate gory, an office r from ou tside th e De partme nt
be longing to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all
also be associate d as a me mbe r of th e De partme ntal Promotion
Committe e .
(2 )
3. He ad Havaldar
'1 5 5 *
(2 0 0 2 )
" Su bje ct to variation.
de pe nde nt on work-
Ge ne ral Ce ntral Se rvice , Rs. 3 0 5 0 - 75 - - 3 9 5 0 - 8 0
Grou p 'D', 4590.
Non-Gaze tte d;
Non-Ministe rial.
Not applicable Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
2 ye ars
100 pe r ce nt by promotion
(12 )
By promotion from th e grade of Havaldar with 3 ye ars re cu lar
se rvice in th e grade .
Grou p c D' De partme ntal Promotion Committe e :
Assistant Commissione rCh airman
T wo Su pe rinte nde nts Ce ntral Excise Me mbe rs
Income T ax Office r
Me mbe r
Note : W h e re none of th e office r be longs to Sch e du le d Caste /
Sch e du le d T ribe cate gory, an office r from ou tside th e De partme nt
be longing to th e Sch e du le d Caste s or th e Sch e du le d T ribe s, sh all
also be associate d as a me mbe r of th e De partme ntal Promotion
Committe e .
Not applicable
[F . No. A.-12 018/3/2 002 -Ad. III B]
Y. P. VAS HISHAT , Unde r Se cy.
MG1PRRND-2 859 F in.2 002 Se e . i-30-9-2 002 -2 00.
REGD.NO.D. L.-33004/99
W M: 4T M
14F T 3-317 -T firg (i)
PART IISe ction 3Su b-se ction (i)
W rETW ET 1 7W 61 d
No. 538]
3ift9. " T q ra4r-{ T T 'F F q rffrT 'T fffW ifwq r ' NI' T IT O nir IfT T T fft " gm ch 'ltrq r 'T at317 4 t-If tr-T
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ap-fyi s aT -0-0-3-frT -T rf ci, ( 43T p: r ; 31-KR tt. 1-17 - f*--tl.-rr*r*r =f f9-T itt 97 4-9- t q e . 4-11-0ii I
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