The document contains a question bank on management theories with multiple choice questions. It covers various topics like motivation theories by Maslow and Herzberg, leadership theories like trait theory and behavioral theory, and management theories like scientific management by Taylor and administrative management by Fayol. Other topics included are transactional analysis, Hawthorne studies, bureaucratic theory by Weber, and performance appraisal methods.
The document contains a question bank on management theories with multiple choice questions. It covers various topics like motivation theories by Maslow and Herzberg, leadership theories like trait theory and behavioral theory, and management theories like scientific management by Taylor and administrative management by Fayol. Other topics included are transactional analysis, Hawthorne studies, bureaucratic theory by Weber, and performance appraisal methods.
The document contains a question bank on management theories with multiple choice questions. It covers various topics like motivation theories by Maslow and Herzberg, leadership theories like trait theory and behavioral theory, and management theories like scientific management by Taylor and administrative management by Fayol. Other topics included are transactional analysis, Hawthorne studies, bureaucratic theory by Weber, and performance appraisal methods.
The document contains a question bank on management theories with multiple choice questions. It covers various topics like motivation theories by Maslow and Herzberg, leadership theories like trait theory and behavioral theory, and management theories like scientific management by Taylor and administrative management by Fayol. Other topics included are transactional analysis, Hawthorne studies, bureaucratic theory by Weber, and performance appraisal methods.
a) Fredrick Herzberg b) Blake and Mouton c) Abraham Maslow d) Douglas McGregor e) Clayton Alderfer
2. The Motivation-Hygiene theory was propounded by a) Fredrick Herzberg b) Blake and Mouton c) Abraham Maslow d) Douglas McGregor e) Clayton Alderfer
3. The ERG Theory on motivation has been propounded by a) Fredrick Herbert b) Blake and Mouton c) Abraham Maslow d) Douglas McGregor e) Clayton Alderfer
4. The Trait Theories on leadership aims at a) finding the traits of the followers so that leaders can reorient their efforts accordingly b) determining the reason why certain traits lead to a failure in leadership. c) proving that traits such as determination , decisiveness etc have no role to play in determining leadership qualities d) establishing that some traits like ambition, desire to lead, self confidence etc increases the likelihood of success as a leader. e) None of the above
5. The Behavioral Theories of leadership aims at establishing a) that leaders have to be well-behaved to be successful. b) that a successful leader is capable of changing the behaviour of his followers. c) that there are certain behaviours that identify leaders and these qualities are not necessarily inborn and can be taught d) that the behaviour of a person has nothing to do with his leadership qualities e) None of the above
6. The Managerial Grid of Blake and Mouton depicts :- a) Nine possible positions along each axis, creating 81 different positions in which the leader's style may fall. b) Not results produced but, rather the dominating factors in a leaders thinking in regard to getting results c) The highest point in the two way axis i.e the (9,9) style are the ones in which managers perform the best d) All of the above e) None of the above
7. According to the Fiedler Model on leadership a) Leadership success lies in an individuals leadership style and this is innate to a person i.e style is fixed and cannot be varied. b) Three contingency dimensions define key situational factors of leadership effectiveness. These are leader-member relations, task structure and position power. c) To achieve maximum leadership effectiveness it is necessary to match the leader with the situation after due assessment of the contingency variables. d) All of the above e) None of the above
8. The Leader member exchange model on leadership postulates that a) Leaders and members have to work together for the benefit of the organization. b) The Leader is more important than the members in determining the success or otherwise of an organization,. c) A leader who emerges from within the members and is not thrust from outside has the probability of doing better d) Because of time pressure, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their subordinates
9. The concept of Transactional Analysis (T A) was propounded by a) Douglus McGregor b) Abraham Maslow c) Eric Berne d) Robert House e) Vroom and J ago
10. Transactional analysis deals with a) How a transaction is completed between buyer and seller. b) Analysing and evaluating interpersonal communication. c) Analysis of transaction that take place between a leader and his followers. d) The art of communication so that the best transaction is ensured
11. The theory of scientific management was propounded by : a) FW Taylor b) Fredrick Herzberg c) Blake and Mouton d) None of the above
12. According to scientific management theory, the work should be planned by : a) Supervisor b) Worker c) Both d) None of the above
13. The theory of Administrative Management was propounded by : a) Heny Fayol b) Fredirick Herzberg c) FW Taylor d) Douglas McGregor e) None of the above
14. According to the theory of Administrative Management, the degree of centralisation and decentralisation of authority should depend on : a) Circumstances b) Size of the organisation c) Type of activities d) Structure of the organisation e) All the above
15. The theory of Bureaucracy was propounded by : a) Max Weber b) Fredrick Herzberg c) Blake and Mouton d) Douglas McGregor e) Clayton Alderfer
16. The Hawthorne experiment in GEC was conducted by : a) Elton Mayo b) Max Weber c) Fredrick Herzberg d) Blake and Mouton e) Douglas McGregor 17. Theory Z has been propounded by : a) William Ouchi and Algred Jaeger b) Blake & Mouton c) Max Weber d) Elten Mayo
18. Body Language is : a) Verbal Communication b) Non-Verbal Communication
19. In J ohari Window, Arena refers to : a) Known to self b) Known to others c) Both the above d) None of the above
20. In J ohari Window, Blind refers to : a) Unknown to self and known to others b) Known to others and known to self c) None of the above d) Both 1 & 2
21. Blind areas can be reduced by : a) Seeking contradiction of decisions from others b) Taking feedback from others over decisions made c) All the above d) None of the above
22. In J ohari Windows, Hidden refers to : a) Known to Self and Unknown to others b) Unknown to Self and Known to others c) Known to others and Known to Self d) All the above e) None of the above
23. In J ohari Windows, Dark area refers to : a) Known to Self and Others b) Unknown to Self and others c) Known to Self but unknown to others d) Unknown to self but known to others
24. I am OK You are OK refers to : a) Autocratic style of leadership b) Participative style of leadership c) Submissive style of leadership d) None of the above
25. I am OK You are not OK refers to : a) Autocratic style of leadership b) Participative style of leadership c) Submissive style of leadership d) None of the above
26. I am not OK You are OK refers to the style of a : a) Pessimistic leader b) Participative leader c) Submissive leader d) None of the above
27. I am not OK You are not OK refers to the style of a : a) Participative leader b) Autocratic leader c) Submissive leader d) Pessimist leader
28. Appraisal Interview refers to review of performance for : a) Making plans to overcome deficiencies b) To reinforce strengths c) Both the above d) None of the above
29. Collective bargaining is the process of bargaining between: a. Management and Unions on service matters b. Management of Banks and IBA c. Management and Suppliers d. Management and Other Statutory bodies
30. Confrontation is a method of: a. Conflict resolution b. Conflict aggravation c. Both the above d. None of the above
31. Competency comprises of: a. Knowledge gained in academic institiutions b. Skill developed by practice c. Attitude towards work d. All the above e. None of the above
32. Collaborative Management refers to: a. Power sharing b. Subordinate participation c. Both the above d. None of the above
33. Case Study Method is used for: a. Training and Development b. Description of Organisational problem to diagnose and solve c. Both the above d. None of the above
34. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is a process for: a. Improvement in performance cost b. Improvement in quality c. Improvement in service d. Improvement in speed e. All the above
35. Democratic Management refers to: a. Low concern for work and employees motivation b. High concern for work and employees motivation c. Low concern for work and High concern for employees. d. High concern for work and low concern for employees.
36. Effectiveness means: a. Doing things rightly b. Doing the right things c. None of the above d. All the above
37. Efficiency means: a. Doing things rightly b. Doing the right things c. None of the above d. All the above
38. Empowerment refers to: a. Delegation of power and authority b. Concentration of power and authority c. Promotion to higher position d. None of the above
39. Halo effect in performance appraisal is represented by: a. Evaluation by one trait during the period of performance b. Evaluation by several traits c. None of the above d. Both the above
40. Human Capital in the organisation comprises of: a. The knowledge and Education b. The training and development c. The skill and expertise d. All the above e. None of the above
41. J ob Enlargement is resorted to: a. Increasing job scope b. Motivating the employee c. Both the above d. None of the above
42. J ob Enrichment is a process of: a. Combining activities from a vertical cross section b. Giving more autonomy c. Giving more responsibility d. All the above
43. J ob Evaluation is a process of: a. Identifying compensation to be offered for the job b. Comparison to determine worth of the job c. Both the above d. None of the above
44. J ob Rotation is a process of: a. Shifting the employee to another job b. Shifting the employee to another office c. Shifting the employee to another organization d. None of the above
45. Laissez-faire management refers to: a. Low concern for people b. Low concern for tasks c. None of above d. Both the above.
46. Legitimate power is based on the assumptions of: a. Formal authority b. Subordinate accepts right to exert influence c. The influence has certain boundaries d. All the above 47. Line authority reflects: a. Unity of command b. Multiplicity of command c. Both the above d. None of the above
48. Mentoring is a process for: a. Advising the seniors b. Advising the juniors c. Both the above d. None of the above
49. Organisational developmental intervention is a process for: a. Change of technology b. Change of systems and procedures c. Change of employee attitude, values and behaviour d. All the above
50. Performance Appraisal is a procedure used to: a. Compare individuals job performance to the standards b. Comparing group performance to the objectives c. Comparing Manager and Employee performance d. None of the above
51. Performance Analysis seeks to: a. Identify performance deficiency b. Identifying the alternatives to make the deficiency c. Both the above d. None of the above
52. Integrative bargaining is a position of : a. Win-Win situation b. Win-Lose situation c. None of the above d. Both the above
53. Distributive bargaining is a position of : a. Win-Win situation b. Win-Lose situation c. None of the above d. Both the above
54. Synergy is a situation where : a. departments operate in isolation b. departments interact and co-operate c. both the above d. none of the above
55. Vertical Communication refers to : a. Upward communication b. downward communication c. horizontal communication d. Up or down communication
56. Training for skill development is given through : a. Case Study b. Games c. Role Play d. All the above
57. Training for knowledge is given through : a. Class Room b. Games c. Role Play d. All the above
58. The VRS/CRS is resorted for : a. Succession Planning b. Downsizing c. Proper Placement d. All the above
59. The management under which personnel resources are kept, maintained and utilised is known as : a. Financial Management b. Infrastructural Management c. Technology Management d. Human Resource Management
60. Industrial dispute means : a. disputes between employer and employer b. disputes between employer and employee c. disputes between employee and employee d. All the above.