Principles of Management Sem - I

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1. According to Mary Parker, ________ is an art of getting things done through others.
A. Job
B. Behavior
C. Management
D. Both A & B

2. Management functions include ________

A. planning & organizing
B. directing
C. controlling
D. All of the above

3. Management is ________ in order to create a surplus.

A. an art
B. a science
C. both A & B
D. None of these

4. Management skills applies to managers at _____

A. Middle levels in an organization
B. Top levels in an organization
C. Executive levels in an organization
D. All levels in an organization

5. ____________ is known as “the father of scientific management.”

A. Fredrick W. Taylor
B. Henry Fayol
C. Robert Owen
D. None of these

6. Managerial skills involves _____

A. technical skills
B. human skills
C. conceptual skills
D. all of the above

7. Which is NOT an informational role of manager?

A. Monitor’s role
B. Disturbance’s handler role
C. Disseminator’s role
D. spokesman’s role

8. Father of Administrative management______________.

A. Mary Parkett.
B. Lillian Gilbert.
C. Henry Fayol.
D. Elton Mayo.

09. . Henry Fayol laid down_____________.

A. 12 principles.
B. 13 principles.
C. 14 principles.
D. 15 principles.

10 . Espirit de corps means______________.

A. union is strength.
B. service is our motto.
C. buyer beware.
D. product is our strength.

11 . F.W. Taylor is associated with________________.

A. Scientific Management.
B. Future management.
C. Modern management.
D. Principles of management.

12 . The first and foremost function of management is ___________.

A. planning.
B. organizing.
C. controlling.
D. coordination.

13. According to …………..principle, each group of activities with the same objective must have
one head and one plan
a) Unity of Direction
b) Unity of command
c) Either of these
d) None of the above

14. The author of the famous book “General and Industrial Management” is……………………
a) Henry Fayol
b) F.W. Taylor
c) Henry Gantt
d) None

15. Which of the following is not a function of management?

a) planning
b) staffing
c) co-operation
d) controlling
16. Management should find ' One best way ' to perform a task. Which technique of Scientific
management is defined in this sentence
a) Time study
b) Motion study
c) Fatigue study
d) Method study

17. Which of the following is not the functional areas of management ?

a) Production Management
b) Marketing Management
c) Personnel Management
d) Information Management

18. Which of following is not among the levels of management ?

A) Top level management
B) Intermediate Level
C) Middle level management
D) Lower level management

19. Which of the following is not a Management Principle ?

A) Order
B) Discipline
C) Equity
D) Cooperation

20. Which of the following is not a function of management ?

A) Planning
B) profit earning
C) Staffing
D) Budgeting

21. Top management is concerned with .................

(a) carrying suggestions upwards
(b) maintaining liaison with the outside world
(C) transmitting orders downwards
(d)none of these

22. management is .............

(a) tangible
(c) fictitious
(d) All of the above

23. Top management consists of ......

(a) financial managers
(b) sales manager
(c) personnel manager
(d)Board of Directors and chief executives

24 Gang plank is related to

a) communication.
b) motivation.
c) supervision of workers.
d) incentives to workers.

1. …………. is about deciding in advance what should be done.
A. organising
B. directing
C. planning
D. controlling

2. Which of the following is a feature of planning:-

(a) Focuses on achieving goals
(b) Pervasive
(c) Mental exercise
(d) All of the above

3. Planning provides direction is a

(a) Importance of planning
(b) Limitation of planning
(c) Characteristics of planning
(d) Method
4. …….developed the concept of Management by Objectives
a) A.H. Maslow
b) Herbert Simon
c) Herzberg
d) Peter F. Drucker

5. MBO stands for?

a) Management of Business Objectives
b) Management By Objectives
c ) Managing Business Operations
d) None of these

6. 100. MBO gives emphasis on…………….

a) Top Management
b). Middle Management
c) Objectives
d) Lower Management
7. Planning process begans with
a) setting objectives
b) identity alternatives
c) developing planning premise
d) selecting alternatives

8. planning involves................
(a) future course of action
(b) review of past performance
(c) analysis of policies
(d) All of these

09) Purpose of time study is ...........

a) to remove wastage of time
b) to give timely assistance
c) to determine fair days work
d) watching time

10. Pervasiveness of planning indicates that planning

a) is a top management function.
b) extends throughout the organization.
c) is a future-oriented activity.
d) is the first element of management process.

11) Which one of the following is an importance of planning?

a) Reducing uncertainty
b) Identifying alternatives critically
c) Developing leadership
d) Selecting the most appropriate plan

12) Which one of the following is not a limitation of planning?

a) Dynamic environment
b) Costly process
c) Rigidity
d) Top management approach

13) Which one of the following is a step of planning?

a) Analysis of organization structure
b) Analysis of environment
c) Analysis of employee behavior
d) Analysis of employee morale

14. ------means selection based on some criteria from two or more possible alternative
a) Management
b) Planning
c) Decision making
d) Evaluation

1. Decision making helps in the

smooth function of
A. business.
B. staffing.
C. organization.
D. planning.
15. Planning is --------------process
A. Directing
B. Thinking
C. Forecasting
D. None of these

16. Operational planning is undertaken at.................

A. Top level
B. lower level
C. middle level
D. All of these

17. Management by objective is

A. goal oriented
B. work oriented
C. budget oriented
D. none of the above

18. Which among the following involves in planning process?

A. Selection of objective
B. Determine the way to achieve objective
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

1. Decision making helps in the smooth function of the___________.
A. business.
B. staffing.
C. organization.
D. planning.

1. Decision making helps in the smooth function of the___________.

A. business.
B. staffing.
C. organization.
D. planning.

1. Organizing can be defined as:-

(a) Identifying & grouping various activities
(b) Establishing productive relations for the achievement of goals
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above

2. Responsibility flows from :-

(a) Superior to subordinate
(b) Subordinate to superior
(c) None of the above

3. Which of the following is not a process of organising:-

(a) Division of work
(b) Assignment of duties
(c) Grouping jobs
(d) Decision making
4. ___________ clearly defines what tasks & activities shall be carried out at particular
(a) Role clarity
(b) Coordination
(c) Job design
(d) Specialization

5. When managers are made responsible for coordinating a particular number of jobs
effectively is called
(a) Adaptation
(b) Span of control
(c) Coordination
(d) Job design

6. ________ structure is suitable when the size of the organization is large

(a) Organizational
(b) Divisional
(c) Functional

7. Which of the following is not true about formal organization:-

(a) Deliberately planned & created by management
(b) Stable & predictable
(c) Violation of rules may lead to penalties
(d) Leaders are chosen

8. Process of entrusting responsibility & authority & creating accountability of person

who work has been given:-
(a) Delegation
(b) Centralization
(c) Decentralization
(d) Informal organization

9. Factors affecting organizational behavior is/are

A. People
B. Environment
C. Technology
D. All the above
10. As we go higher up in the management hierarchy the scope of authority
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains same
D. None of the above

11. Job is evaluated based on essential information is

A. Job description
B. Job enrichment
C. Job ranking
D. Job enlargement

1. Decision making helps in the smooth function of the___________.

A. business.
B. staffing.
C. organization
12. Which of the following activities is better decentralized in the typical organization?

A. Operations management
B. Information systems design
C. Purchasing capital equipment
D. Controlling international cash flows

13. Factors affecting organizational behavior is/are

A. People
B. Environment
C. Technology
D. All the above
14. Which organizational structure facilitates occupational specialization,

A. Functional structure
B. Horizontal structure
C. Network structure
D. Divisional structure

15. As we go higher up in the management hierarchy the scope of authority

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains same
D. None of the above
16. Which of the following is not an example of 'structure?
A. Supplies of materials
B. Rules and procedures
C. Formal hierarchy
D. Information systems
17. An organizational chart describes:

A. The relationship between the different departments and their personnel

B. The company goals
C. The function each person performs.
D. Both B and C
18. Choose the correct sequence of steps to be followed in an organizing process.

A. Departmentalization, Establishing reporting relationships, Assignment of duties,

Identification and division of work
B. Identification and division of work, Assignment of duties, Departmentalization,
Establishing reporting relationships
C. Identification and division of work, establishing reporting relationships,
Departmentalization, Assignment of duties
D. Identification and division of work, Departmentalization, Assignment of duties,
establishing reporting relationships

19. For An employee Authority granted should be

A. Equal to the responsibility entrusted to him

B. Less than the responsibility entrusted to him
C. More than the responsibility entrusted to him
D. All of the above
20. Employee relationships are major element of occupation of

A. Marketing manager
B. Account manager
C. Finance manager
D. Human resource manager
21. When the "voice of customers" is brought into the organization, which of the
following organizational structures works best?

A. Virtual teams
B. Cross functional teams
C. Matrix
D. Line and staff

22. The average loss of manpower due to leave, retirement, death, transfer, discharge, etc
to calculate the need for manpower is known as

A. Work load analysis

B. Forecasting
C. Job analysis
D. Workforce analysis

23. Which of the following is not ways to departmentalize?

A. By function
B. By employee
C. By process
D. By product

24. Choose option that is not a feature of formal organization?

A. It specifies the relationships among various job positions

B. The standards of behavior of employees are evolved from group norms
C. It is deliberately designed by the top management
D. It places less emphasis on interpersonal relationships among the employees

25. A strategy of jog design that increases job depth by meeting employees needs for
psychological growth

A. Job rotational
B. Job enlargement
C. Job engagement
D. Job enrichment

26. A job is evaluated based on essential information is

A. Job description
B. Job enrichment
C. Job ranking
D. Job enlargement
27. Which of the following characteristics under Job specification
A. Psychological characteristics
B. Physical characteristics
C. Personal characteristics
D. All of the above

1. It is very difficult to detect the source of such communication.

A. Upward communication
B. Vertical communication
C. Lateral communication
D. Informal communication
2. It refers to the process of instructing, guiding, counseling, motivating and leading people inthe
organization to achieve their objectives.

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Staffing
D. Directing
3. Which of the following is not an element of directing?

A. Supervision
B. Communication
C. Leadership
D. Inspection
4. Identify the level at which the directing function takes place in an organization?

A. Top level management

B. Middle level management
C. Lower level management
D. All of the Above
5. It means the process of making subordinates to act in a desired manner to achieve certain
organizational goals.

A. Supervision
B. Communication
C. Leadership
D. Motivation
6. Effective motivation in the organization does not contribute towards

A. Developing performance levels of employees

B. Helping to reduce employee turnover
C. Resistance to changes in the organization
D. All of the above
7. Which of the following is not an example of financial incentive?

A. Perquisites
B. Job Enrichment
C. Profit Sharing
D. Co-partnership
8. It is the process of influencing the behavior of people by making them strive voluntarily
towards achievement of organizational goals.

A. Supervision
B. Communication
C. Leadership
D. Motivation
9. Which of the following is not a feature of leadership?

A. It shows ability of an individual to influence others.

B. It leads to achievement of organizational goals.
C. Leadership is one-time process.
D. It leads to desired change in the organisation.
10. Identify the correct sequence of steps involved in the communication process.

A. Sender, Message, Encoding, Media, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback

B. Sender, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback, Message, Encoding, Media
C. Sender, Message, Encoding, Media, Decoding, Receiver, Feedback
D. Sender, Media, Decoding, Receiver, Message, Encoding, Feedback
11. Formal communication may take place between

A. Superior and subordinate

B. Subordinate and superior
C. Two managers at the same level
D. All of the above
12. Upward communications refer to flow of communication from

A. Subordinate to superior
B. One departmental manager to another
C. Superior to subordinate
D. All of the above
13. Downward communications refer to flow of communication from

A. One departmental manager to another

B. Superior to subordinate
C. Subordinate to superior
D. All of the above
14. Lateral communication takes place from

A. First to second division of the same organization

B. Superior to subordinate
C. Subordinate to superior
D. All of the above
15. Which of the following is not a type of communication barriers?

A. Semantic barriers
B. Psychological barriers
C. Rational barriers
D. Organizational barriers
16. Which of the following ways help in improving the communication effectiveness?

A. Ensuring proper feedback

B. Being a good listener
C. Ensuring follow up patience
D. All of the above

17. On the successful completion of two years in a company, Harsh received a letter confirming
his job as permanent employee. Identify the need of Harsh being fulfilled as per Maslow’s Need
Hierarchy Theory.

A. Esteem Needs
B. Security Needs
C. Self Actualization Needs
D. Basic Physiological Needs

18. Identify the style of leadership in which the superior uses file forces from within the groupsin
order to establish control.

A. Autocratic leadership
B. Democratic leadership
C. Laissez-faire leadership
D. Authoritarian leadership

19. Mohit recently got a raise in his salary due to annual increment. Which of his human needs is
being satisfied through this?

A. Security Needs
B. Belonging Needs
C. Self Actualization Needs
D. Basic Physiological Needs

20. Which of the following is not an assumption of Maslow’s theory?

A. People’s behavior is not based on their needs.

B. Satisfaction of such needs influences their behavior.
C. A satisfied need can no longer motivate a person; only next higher level need can motivate
D. A person moves to the next higher level of the hierarchy only when the lower need is

21. It refers to all measures which are used to motivate people to improve performance,

A. Leadership
B. Motivation
C. Incentives
D. Communication

22. As the general manager of an e-commerce company, Gagan maintains good interpersonal
relations with followers and also motivates them to contribute for achieving organisational goals.
Identify the concept being described in the above lines.

A. Supervision
B. Communication
C. Determination
D. Leadership

23. Which of the following is not a type of psychological barriers?

A. Premature evaluation
B. Lack of attention
C. Fear of challenge to authority
D. Distrust
24. Which of the following is not a type of personal barrier?

A. Fear of challenge to authority.

B. Unwillingness to communicate
C. Loss by transmission and poor retention
D. Lack of proper incentive

25. While other functions prepare a setting for action, name the function that initiates action
inthe organization.

A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Staffing
D. Directing

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