Communication is an important tool for managing employee safety. The document defines communication and different mediums that can be used for safety communications like presentations, toolbox meetings, and notice boards. It discusses behaviors critical to safety such as indifference and anger. It provides tips for dealing with these behaviors and improving safety performance which include developing a strong safety program, open communication, thorough accident investigations, and prioritizing safety training. The overall message is that safety should always be a top priority that requires ongoing communication and accountability.
Communication is an important tool for managing employee safety. The document defines communication and different mediums that can be used for safety communications like presentations, toolbox meetings, and notice boards. It discusses behaviors critical to safety such as indifference and anger. It provides tips for dealing with these behaviors and improving safety performance which include developing a strong safety program, open communication, thorough accident investigations, and prioritizing safety training. The overall message is that safety should always be a top priority that requires ongoing communication and accountability.
Communication is an important tool for managing employee safety. The document defines communication and different mediums that can be used for safety communications like presentations, toolbox meetings, and notice boards. It discusses behaviors critical to safety such as indifference and anger. It provides tips for dealing with these behaviors and improving safety performance which include developing a strong safety program, open communication, thorough accident investigations, and prioritizing safety training. The overall message is that safety should always be a top priority that requires ongoing communication and accountability.
Communication is an important tool for managing employee safety. The document defines communication and different mediums that can be used for safety communications like presentations, toolbox meetings, and notice boards. It discusses behaviors critical to safety such as indifference and anger. It provides tips for dealing with these behaviors and improving safety performance which include developing a strong safety program, open communication, thorough accident investigations, and prioritizing safety training. The overall message is that safety should always be a top priority that requires ongoing communication and accountability.
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OBJECTIVES To provide an under!andin" #o$ i%por!an! &o%%uni&a!ion i in %ana"in" e%p'o(ee a)e!(* To +e a+'e !o iden!i)( o%e e%p'o(ee +e#avior &ri!i&a' !o a)e!(* TOPICS ,e)ini!ion o) Co%%uni&a!ion Mediu% o) Co%%uni&a!ion So%e &o%%on a)e!( Ter% -o$ !o &o%%uni&a!e Sa)e!( E%p'o(ee Be#avior &ri!i&a' !o a)e!( Funda%en!a' in i%provin" a)e!( per)or%an&e ,e)ini!ion o) Co%%uni&a!ion Co%%uni&a!ion i a two way process o) rea&#in" mutual understanding in $#i&# !#e speaker and the receiver no! on'( #are in)or%a!ion +u! a'o share and create meaning ,e)ini!ion o) Co%%uni&a!ion In a)e!(. &o%%uni&a!ion i an e/&#an"e o) idea and in)or%a!ion $#ere a&&ura&( and under!andin" o) !#e %ea"e and in)or%a!ion i #i"#'( deira+'e* 0Lan"ua"e #ou'd +e appropria!e !o $or1)or&e and !#e ue o) appropria!e !er%ino'o"ie2 ME,IUM OF SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS Preen!a!ion Too' Bo/ Mee!in" E'e&!roni& Mai' No!i&e Board Po!er dip'a( Si"na"e SOME SAFETY TERMS AN, SLOGANS Safety First! What does this mean? - Safety is something that you learn from the start.. Being accident free is doing your part Safety first !.means Safety always. - "harles #ayes-
SOME SAFETY TERMS AN, SLOGANS Warning$ #ard #at %rea &t means.... wearing your personal protective e'uipment like hard hat. a safer you! is a safer me
SOME SAFETY TERMINOLOGIES AN, SLOGANS W%()&)*$ #&*#+, F+%--%B+. /(012"3S 3his could send a message !! )o open fire
Safety is not a gadget 4ut a state of mind 3E'eanor Evere! 3 SOME SAFETY TERMINOLOGIES AN, SLOGANS )0 S-05&)* %(.% %ean44 (ou are en!erin" a )'a%%a+'e area* 3he door to safety swings with the hinges of common sense -O5 TO COMMUNICATE SAFETY6 E!a+'i# a &'ear &u! %e!#od $#ere e%p'o(ee &an %a1e a)e!( u""e!ion and re"i!er a)e!( &on&ern A&! and &o%%uni&a!e pro%p!'( on a'' a)e!( u""e!ion and &on&ern* E/p'ain !o e%p'o(ee !#eir reponi+i'i!ie a )ar a a)e!( po'i&ie. iue and &on&ern in !#eir repe&!ive area* ,i&ip'ine $or1er $#o vio'a!e a)e!( ru'e and &o%%end !#oe $#o )ai!#)u''( ad#ered i!* Safety is not e6pensive7 it is priceless BE-AVIOR CRITICAL TO SAFETY IN,IFFERENCE 3 e%p'o(ee dip'a( no in!ere! in $#a! one i a(in" )or variou reaon u&# a iue on7
a* &redi+i'i!( o) !#e peron +* I%por!an&e o) $#a! !#e( a( &* T#e %anner o) de'iver( 3 under%ine i%por!an! %ea"e re'a!ive !o a)e!( ru'e $#i&# %a( #ave an i%pa&! on !#e 'i)e and proper!( o) an or"ani8a!ion* When you gam4le your safety7 you 4et your life BE-AVIOR CRITICAL TO SAFETY ANGER 3 An"er a))e&! an e%p'o(ee a)e!( 9ud"%en! and in&reae !#e poi+i'i!( o) una)e and un#ea'!#( +e#avior "heck yourself 4efore you wreck yourself -O5 TO ,EAL 5IT- SUC- BE-AVIOR6 %nger 3 1eep (our e%o!ion under &on!ro' 3 'o$er (our o$n voi&e and pea1 'o$'(
3 Tr( !o iden!i)( and e'i%ina!e !#e &aue o) an"er -O5 TO ,EAL 5IT- SUC- BE-AVIOR6 &ndifference 3 ,e!er%ine $#( !#e e%p'o(ee i no! pa(in" a!!en!ion 3 Be pa!ien! and ue i'en&e !o (our advan!a"e
3 O+erve e%p'o(ee +e#avior &'oe'( a)!er (our di&uion FUN,AMENTALS IN IMPROVING SAFETY PERFORMANCE ,eve'op a "ood a)e!( pro"ra% )ounded on "enuine &on&ern )or e%p'o(ee* Open 'ine &o%%uni&a!ion i een!ia' +e!$een uperior and u+ordina!e re'a!ive !o a)e!( iue and &on&ern* Avoid dependen&e on %a a)e!( inpe&!ion !o &o%p'( $i!# a)e!( po'i&ie* I) a&&iden! da!a i no! avai'a+'e. inve!i"a!e. don! $ai!* Find and ana'(8e a)e!( pro+'e% and iue S#o$ e))or! and &on&ern in i%provin" &o%pan( over3a'' a)e!( per)or%an&e Bo!!'ene&1 !o &orre&!ion o) a)e!( pro+'e% %u! +e e'i%ina!ed* E*"* nu%+er o) peron !o approve !#e &orre&!ion* FUN,AMENTALS IN IMPROVING SAFETY PERFORMANCE Supervior %u! +e&o%e 'eader. &oa&#e. )a&i'i!a!or and &oun&i'or in i%provin" a)e!( pro&e* A a)e!( i a #i"# priori!(. a)e!( !rainin" #ou'd a'o +e "iven a deira+'e a!!en!ion C'ear'( $ri!!en. !ep +( !ep a)e!( pro&edure and po'i&ie %u! +e ad#ered !o a! a'' 'eve' in !#e or"ani8a!ion 0SAFETY IS AL5AYS AN ABC AL5AYS BE CAREFUL2