The document summarizes a legal case regarding a property dispute between Manuel C. Pagtalunan (Petitioner) and Rufina Dela Cruz Vda. De Manzano (Respondent). It discusses the facts of the case, including a contract to sell property signed by Respondent and Petitioner's stepfather in 1969. It summarizes the claims and allegations of both parties, as well as the decisions of the lower courts. The Regional Trial Court reversed the Municipal Trial Court's decision in favor of Petitioner and dismissed the case for lack of merit.
The document summarizes a legal case regarding a property dispute between Manuel C. Pagtalunan (Petitioner) and Rufina Dela Cruz Vda. De Manzano (Respondent). It discusses the facts of the case, including a contract to sell property signed by Respondent and Petitioner's stepfather in 1969. It summarizes the claims and allegations of both parties, as well as the decisions of the lower courts. The Regional Trial Court reversed the Municipal Trial Court's decision in favor of Petitioner and dismissed the case for lack of merit.
The document summarizes a legal case regarding a property dispute between Manuel C. Pagtalunan (Petitioner) and Rufina Dela Cruz Vda. De Manzano (Respondent). It discusses the facts of the case, including a contract to sell property signed by Respondent and Petitioner's stepfather in 1969. It summarizes the claims and allegations of both parties, as well as the decisions of the lower courts. The Regional Trial Court reversed the Municipal Trial Court's decision in favor of Petitioner and dismissed the case for lack of merit.
The document summarizes a legal case regarding a property dispute between Manuel C. Pagtalunan (Petitioner) and Rufina Dela Cruz Vda. De Manzano (Respondent). It discusses the facts of the case, including a contract to sell property signed by Respondent and Petitioner's stepfather in 1969. It summarizes the claims and allegations of both parties, as well as the decisions of the lower courts. The Regional Trial Court reversed the Municipal Trial Court's decision in favor of Petitioner and dismissed the case for lack of merit.
T,is is a #etition -or revie. on certiorari under Ru!e /0 o- t,e Ru!es o- Court o- t,e Court o- A##ea!s1 2CA3 De4ision #rou!"ated on O4to%er '), ())) and its Reso!ution dated 5ar4, (', ())& den6in" #etitioner1s otion -or re4onsideration$ T,e De4ision o- t,e CA a--ired t,e De4ision o- t,e Re"iona! Tria! Court 2RTC3 o- 5a!o!os, 7u!a4an, dated 8une (0, &999 disissin" t,e 4ase o- un!a.-u! detainer -or !a4: o- erit$
T,e -a4ts are as -o!!o.s:
On 8u!6 &9, &9*/, Patri4io Pa"ta!unan 2Patri4io3, #etitioner1s ste#-at,er and #rede4essor-in-interest, entered into a Contra4t to Se!! .it, res#ondent, .i-e o- Patri4io1s -orer e4,ani4, Teodoro 5an;ano, .,ere%6 t,e -orer a"reed to se!!, and t,e !atter to %u6, a ,ouse and !ot .,i4, -ored ,a!- o- a #ar4e! o- !and, 4overed %6 Trans-er Certi-i4ate o- Tit!e 2TCT3 No$ T-&))(9 2no. TCT No$ RT099(9 <T-(0/**'=3, .it, an area o- ('> s?uare eters$ T,e 4onsideration o- P&*,@)) .as a"reed to %e #aid in t,e -o!!" anner: P&,0)) as do.n#a6ent u#on e+e4ution o- t,e Contra4t to Se!!, and t,e %a!an4e to %e #aid in e?ua! ont,!6 insta!!ents o- P&0) on or %e-ore t,e !ast da6 o- ea4, ont, unti! -u!!6 #aid$
It .as a!so sti#u!ated in t,e 4ontra4t t,at res#ondent 4ou!d iediate!6 o44u#6 t,e ,ouse and !otA t,at in 4ase o- de-au!t in t,e #a6ent o- an6 o- t,e insta!!ents -or 9) da6s a-ter its due date, t,e 4ontra4t .ou!d %e autoati4a!!6 res4inded .it,out need o- Budi4ia! de4!aration, and t,at a!! #a6ents ade and a!! i#roveents done on t,e #reises %6 res#ondent .ou!d %e 4onsidered as renta!s -or t,e use and o44u#ation o- t,e #ro#ert6 or #a6ent -or daa"es su--ered, and res#ondent .as o%!i"ed to #ea4e-u!!6 va4ate t,e #reises and de!iver t,e #ossession t,ereo- to t,e vendor$
Petitioner 4!aied t,at res#ondent #aid on!6 P&(,90)$ S,e a!!e"ed!6 sto##ed #a6in" a-ter De4e%er &9*9 .it,out an6 Busti-i4ation or e+#!anation$ 5oreover, in a CKasunduanD & <&= dated Nove%er &@, &9*9, res#ondent %orro.ed P',))) -ro Patri4io #a6a%!e in one 6ear eit,er in one !u# su #a6ent or %6 insta!!ents, -ai!in" .,i4, t,e %a!an4e o- t,e !oan .ou!d %e added to t,e #rin4i#a! su%Be4t o- t,e ont,!6 aorti;ations on t,e !and$
& <&= T,e 5TC De4ision stated t,at #!ainti-- 2#etitioner3 never su%itted a 4o#6 o- t,e Kasunduan in eviden4e$ Last!6, #etitioner asserted t,at .,en res#ondent 4eased #a6in" ,er insta!!ents, ,er status o- %u6er .as autoati4a!!6 trans-ored to t,at o- a !essee$ T,ere-ore, s,e 4ontinued to #ossess t,e #ro#ert6 %6 ere to!eran4e o- Patri4io and, su%se?uent!6, o- #etitioner$
On t,e ot,er ,and, res#ondent a!!e"ed t,at s,e #aid ,er ont,!6 insta!!ents re!i"ious!6, unti! soetie in &9@) .,en Patri4io 4,an"ed ,is ind and o--ered to re-und a!! ,er #a6ents #rovided s,e .ou!d surrender t,e ,ouse$ S,e re-used$ Patri4io t,en started ,arassin" ,er and %e"an deo!is,in" t,e ,ouse #ortion %6 #ortion$ Res#ondent aditted t,at s,e -ai!ed to #a6 soe insta!!ents a-ter De4e%er &9*9, %ut t,at s,e resued #a6in" in &9@) unti! ,er %a!an4e d.ind!ed to P0,>0)$ S,e 4!aied t,at des#ite severa! ont,s o- de!a6 in #a6ent, Patri4io never sued -or eBe4tent and even a44e#ted ,er !ate #a6ents$
Res#ondent a!so averred t,at on Se#te%er &/, &9@&, s,e and Patri4io si"ned an a"reeent 2E+,$ (3 .,ere%6 ,e 4onsented to t,e sus#ension o- res#ondent1s ont,!6 #a6ents unti! De4e%er &9@&$ Eo.ever, even %e-ore t,e !a#se o- said #eriod, Patri4io resued deo!is,in" res#ondent1s ,ouse, #ro#tin" ,er to !od"e a 4o#!aint .it, t,e Barangay Ca#tain .,o advised ,er t,at s,e 4ou!d 4ontinue sus#endin" #a6ent even %e6ond De4e%er '&, &9@& unti! Patri4io returned a!! t,e ateria!s ,e too: -ro ,er ,ouse$ T,is Patri4io -ai!ed to do unti! ,is deat,$
Res#ondent did not den6 t,at s,e sti!! o.ed Patri4io P0,>0), %ut 4!aied t,at s,e did not resue #a6in" ,er ont,!6 insta!!ent %e4ause o- t,e un!a.-u! a4ts 4oitted %6 Patri4io, as .e!! as t,e -i!in" o- t,e eBe4tent 4ase a"ainst ,er$ S,e denied ,avin" an6 :no.!ed"e o- t,e Kasunduan o- Nove%er &@, &9*9$
Patri4io and ,is .i-e died on Se#te%er &*, &99( and on O4to%er &*, &99/, res#e4tive!6$ Petitioner %e4ae t,eir so!e su44essor-in-interest #ursuant to a .aiver %6 t,e ot,er ,eirs$ On 5ar4, 0, &99*, res#ondent re4eived a !etter -ro #etitioner1s 4ounse! dated Fe%ruar6 (/, &99* deandin" t,at s,e va4ate t,e #reises .it,in -ive da6s on t,e "round t,at ,er #ossession ,ad %e4oe un!a.-u!$ Res#ondent i"nored t,e deand$ T,e Punong Barangay -ai!ed to sett!e t,e dis#ute ai4a%!6$
On A#ri! @, &99*, #etitioner -i!ed a Co#!aint -or un!a.-u! detainer a"ainst res#ondent .it, t,e 5uni4i#a! Tria! Court 25TC3 o- Gui"uinto, 7u!a4an #ra6in" t,at, a-ter ,earin", Bud"ent %e rendered orderin" res#ondent to iediate!6 va4ate t,e su%Be4t #ro#ert6 and surrender it to #etitionerA -or-eitin" t,e aount o- P&(,90) in -avor o- #etitioner as renta!sA orderin" res#ondent to #a6 #etitioner t,e aount o- P',))) under t,e Kasunduan and t,e aount o- P0)) #er ont, -ro 8anuar6 &9@) unti! s,e va4ates t,e #ro#ert6, and to #a6 #etitioner attorne61s -ees and t,e 4osts$
On De4e%er ((, &99@, t,e 5TC rendered a de4ision in -avor o- #etitioner$ It stated t,at a!t,ou", t,e Contra4t to Se!! #rovides -or a res4ission o- t,e a"reeent u#on -ai!ure o- t,e vendee to #a6 an6 insta!!ent, .,at t,e 4ontra4t a4tua!!6 a!!o.s is #ro#er!6 tered a reso!ution under Art$ &&9& o- t,e Civi! Code$
T,e 5TC ,e!d t,at res#ondent1s -ai!ure to #a6 not a -e. insta!!ents 4aused t,e reso!ution or terination o- t,e Contra4t to Se!!$ T,e !ast #a6ent ade %6 res#ondent .as on 8anuar6 9, &9@) 2E+,$ *&3$ T,erea-ter, res#ondent1s ri",t o- #ossession ipso facto 4eased to %e a !e"a! ri",t, and %e4ae #ossession %6 ere to!eran4e o- Patri4io and ,is su44essors-in-interest$ Said to!eran4e 4eased u#on deand on res#ondent to va4ate t,e #ro#ert6$
T,e otion -or re4onsideration and otion -or e+e4ution -i!ed %6 #etitioner .ere denied %6 t,e RTC -or !a4: o- erit in an Order dated Au"ust &), &999$
(<(= Ro!!o, #$ &(($ '<'= Id$ at &/0$ T,erea-ter, #etitioner -i!ed a #etition -or revie. .it, t,e CA$
In a De4ision #rou!"ated on O4to%er '), ())), t,e CA denied t,e #etition and a--ired t,e De4ision o- t,e RTC$ T,e dis#ositive #ortion o- t,e De4ision reads:
GEEREFORE, t,e #etition -or revie. on 4ertiorari is Denied$ T,e assai!ed De4ision o- t,e Re"iona! Tria! Court o- 5a!o!os, 7u!a4an dated (0 8une &999 and its Order dated &) Au"ust &999 are ,ere%6 AFFIR5ED$
T,e CA -ound t,at t,e #arties, as .e!! as t,e 5TC and RTC -ai!ed to advert to and to a##!6 Re#u%!i4 A4t 2R$A$3 No$ >00(, ore 4oon!6 re-erred to as t,e 5a4eda La., .,i4, is a s#e4ia! !a. ena4ted in &9*( to #rote4t %u6ers o- rea! estate on insta!!ent #a6ents a"ainst onerous and o##ressive 4onditions$
T,e CA ,e!d t,at t,e Contra4t to Se!! .as not va!id!6 4an4e!!ed or res4inded under Se4$ ' 2%3 o- R$A$ No$ >00(, and re4o"ni;ed res#ondent1s ri",t to 4ontinue o44u#6in" uno!ested t,e #ro#ert6 su%Be4t o- t,e 4ontra4t to se!!$
/</= Id. at '*$ T,e CA denied #etitioner1s otion -or re4onsideration in a Reso!ution dated 5ar4, (', ())&$
Een4e, t,is #etition -or revie. on certiorari$
Petitioner 4ontends t,at:
A$ Res#ondent De!a Cru; ust %ear t,e 4onse?uen4es o- ,er de!i%erate .it,,o!din" o-, and re-usa! to #a6, t,e ont,!6 #a6ent$ T,e Court o- A##ea!s erred in a!!" De!a Cru; .,o a4ted in %ad -ait, -ro %ene-itin" under t,e 5a4eda La.$
7$ T,e Court o- A##ea!s erred in reso!vin" t,e issue on t,e a##!i4a%i!it6 o- t,e 5a4eda La., .,i4, issue .as not raised in t,e #ro4eedin"s a quo$
C$ Assuin" arguendo t,at t,e RTC .as 4orre4t in ru!in" t,at t,e 5TC ,as no Burisdi4tion over a res4ission 4ase, t,e Court o- A##ea!s erred in not reandin" t,e 4ase to t,e RTC -or tria!$ 0 <0=
Petitioner su%its t,at t,e 5a4eda La. su##orts and re4o"ni;es t,e ri",t o- vendors o- rea! estate to 4an4e! t,e sa!e outside o- 4ourt, .it,out need -or a Budi4ia! de4!aration o- res4ission, 4itin" Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc., v. Maritie Bui!ding Co., Inc. > <>= 0<0= Id$ at @$ ><>= No$ L-(0@@0, Nove%er &>, &9*@, @> SCRA ')0, '(*$
Petitioner 4ontends t,at res#ondent a!so ,ad ore t,an t,e "ra4e #eriods #rovided under t,e 5a4eda La. .it,in .,i4, to #a6$ Under Se4$ ' * <*= o- t,e said !a., a %u6er .,o ,as #aid at !east t.o 6ears o- insta!!ents ,as a "ra4e #eriod o- one ont, -or ever6 6ear o- insta!!ent #aid$ 7ased on t,e aount o- P&(,90) .,i4, res#ondent ,ad a!read6 #aid, s,e is entit!ed to a "ra4e #eriod o- si+ ont,s .it,in .,i4, to #a6 ,er un#aid insta!!ents a-ter De4e%er, &9*9$ Res#ondent .as "iven ore t,an si+ ont,s -ro 8anuar6 &9@) .it,in .,i4, to sett!e ,er un#aid insta!!ents, %ut s,e -ai!ed to do so$ Petitioner1s deand to va4ate .as sent to res#ondent in Fe%ruar6 &99*$
T,ere is not,in" in t,e 5a4eda La., #etitioner asserts, .,i4, "ives t,e %u6er a ri",t to #a6 arreara"es a-ter t,e "ra4e #eriods ,ave !a#sed, in t,e event o- an inva!id deand -or res4ission$ T,e 5a4eda La. on!6 #rovides t,at a4tua! 4an4e!!ation s,a!! ta:e #!a4e a-ter ') da6s -ro re4ei#t o- t,e noti4e o- 4an4e!!ation or deand -or res4ission and u#on -u!! #a6ent o- t,e 4as, surrender va!ue to t,e %u6er$
7 [7] R.A. No. 6552, Sec. 3. In all transactions or contracts involving the sale or financing of real estate on installment paments, incl!"ing resi"ential con"omini!m apartments #!t e$cl!"ing in"!strial lots, commercial #!il"ings an" sales to tenants !n"er [R.A No. 3%&&], as amen"e" # [R.A No. 63%'], (here the #!er has pai" at least t(o ears of installments, the #!er is entitle" to the follo(ing rights in case he "efa!lts in the pament of s!ccee"ing installments) *a+ ,o pa, (itho!t a""itional interest, the !npai" installments "!e (ithin the total grace perio" earne" # him, (hich is here# fi$e" at the rate of one month grace perio" for ever one ear of installment paments ma"e) Provided, ,hat this right shall #e e$ercise" # the #!er onl once in ever five ears of the life of the contract an" its e$tensions, if an. Petitioner 4ontends t,at ,is deand !etter dated Fe%ruar6 (/, &99* s,ou!d %e 4onsidered t,e noti4e o- 4an4e!!ation sin4e t,e deand !etter in-ored res#ondent t,at s,e ,ad C!on" 4eased to ,ave an6 ri",t to #ossess t,e #reises in ?uestion due to <,er= -ai!ure to #a6 .it,out Busti-ia%!e 4ause$D In su##ort o- ,is 4ontention, ,e 4ited Layug v. Interediate "ppe!!ate Court @ <@= .,i4, ,e!d t,at Ct,e additiona! -ora!it6 o- a deand on <t,e se!!er1s= #art -or res4ission %6 notaria! a4t .ou!d a##ear, in t,e #reises, to %e ere!6 4ir4uitous and 4onse?uent!6 su#er-!uous$D Ee stated t,at in Layug, t,e se!!er a!read6 ade a .ritten deand u#on t,e %u6er$
In addition, #etitioner asserts t,at .,atever 4as, surrender va!ue res#ondent is entit!ed to ,ave %een a##!ied and ust %e a##!ied to renta!s -or ,er use o- t,e ,ouse and !ot a-ter De4e%er, &9*9 or a-ter s,e sto##ed #a6ent o- ,er insta!!ents$
Petitioner ar"ues t,at assuin" Patri4io a44e#ted res#ondent1s de!a6ed insta!!ents in &9@&, su4, a4t 4annot #revent t,e 4an4e!!ation o- t,e Contra4t to Se!!$ Insta!!ents a-ter &9@& .ere sti!! un#aid and t,e a##!i4a%!e "ra4e #eriods under t,e 5a4eda La. on t,e un#aid insta!!ents ,ave !on" !a#sed$ Res#ondent 4annot %e a!!o.ed to ,ide %e,ind t,e 5a4eda La.$ S,e a4ted .it, %ad -ait, and ust %ear t,e 4onse?uen4es o- ,er de!i%erate .it,,o!din" o- and re-usa! to a:e t,e ont,!6 #a6ents$
@<@= No$ L-*0'>/, Nove%er (', &9@@, &>* SCRA >(*, >'0$ Petitioner a!so 4ontends t,at t,e a##!i4a%i!it6 o- t,e 5a4eda La. .as never raised in t,e #ro4eedin"s %e!o.A ,en4e, it s,ou!d not ,ave %een a##!ied %6 t,e CA in reso!vin" t,e 4ase$
T,e Court is not #ersuaded$
T,e CA 4orre4t!6 ru!ed t,at R$A No$ >00(, .,i4, "overns sa!es o- rea! estate on insta!!ent, is a##!i4a%!e in t,e reso!ution o- t,is 4ase$
T,is 4ase ori"inated as an a4tion -or un!a.-u! detainer$ Res#ondent is a!!e"ed to %e i!!e"a!!6 .it,,o!din" #ossession o- t,e su%Be4t #ro#ert6 a-ter t,e terination o- t,e Contra4t to Se!! %et.een Patri4io and res#ondent$ It is, t,ere-ore, in4u%ent u#on #etitioner to #rove t,at t,e Contra4t to Se!! ,ad %een 4an4e!!ed in a44ordan4e .it, R$A$ No$ >00($
T,e #ertinent #rovision o- R$A$ No$ >00( reads:
Se4$ '$ In a!! transa4tions or 4ontra4ts invo!vin" t,e sa!e or -inan4in" o- rea! estate on insta!!ent #a6ents, in4!udin" residentia! 4ondoiniu a#artents %ut e+4!udin" industria! !ots, 4oer4ia! %ui!din"s and sa!es to tenants under Re#u%!i4 A4t Nu%ered T,irt6-ei",t ,undred -ort6--our as aended %6 Re#u%!i4 A4t Nu%ered Si+t6-t,ree ,undred ei",t6-nine, .,ere t,e %u6er ,as #aid at !east t.o 6ears o- insta!!ents, t,e %u6er is entit!ed to t,e -o!!" ri",ts in 4ase ,e de-au!ts in t,e #a6ent o- su44eedin" insta!!ents:
2a3 To #a6, .it,out additiona! interest, t,e un#aid insta!!ents due .it,in t,e tota! "ra4e #eriod earned %6 ,i, .,i4, is ,ere%6 -i+ed at t,e rate o- one ont, "ra4e #eriod -or ever6 one 6ear o- insta!!ent #a6ents ade: Provided, T,at t,is ri",t s,a!! %e e+er4ised %6 t,e %u6er on!6 on4e in ever6 -ive 6ears o- t,e !i-e o- t,e 4ontra4t and its e+tensions, i- an6$
2%3 If t! "o#t$%"t &' "%#"!((!), t! '!((!$ '%(( $!f*#) to t! +*,!$ t! "%' '*$$!#)!$ -%(*! of t! .%,/!#t' o# t! .$o.!$t, e?uiva!ent to -i-t6 #er4ent o- t,e tota! #a6ents ade and, a-ter -ive 6ears o- insta!!ents, an additiona! -ive #er4ent ever6 6ear %ut not to e+4eed ninet6 #er4ent o- t,e tota! #a6ents ade: Provided, T%t t! %"t*%( "%#"!((%t&o# of t! "o#t$%"t '%(( t%0! .(%"! %ft!$ t&$t, )%,' f$o/ $!"!&.t +, t! +*,!$ of t! #ot&"! of "%#"!((%t&o# o$ t! )!/%#) fo$ $!'"&''&o# of t! "o#t$%"t +, % #ot%$&%( %"t %#) *.o# f*(( .%,/!#t of t! "%' '*$$!#)!$ -%(*! to t! +*,!$$ 9 <9=
R$A$ No$ >00(, ot,er.ise :no.n as t,e CRea!t6 Insta!!ent 7u6er Prote4tion A4t,D re4o"ni;es in 4onditiona! sa!es o- a!! :inds o- rea! estate 2industria!, 4oer4ia!, residentia!3 t,e ri",t o- t,e se!!er to 4an4e! t,e 4ontra4t u#on non-#a6ent o- an insta!!ent %6 t,e %u6er, .,i4, is si#!6 an event t,at #revents t,e o%!i"ation o- t,e vendor to 4onve6 tit!e -ro a4?uirin" %indin" -or4e$ &) <&)= T,e Court a"rees .it, #etitioner t,at t,e 4an4e!!ation o- t,e Contra4t to Se!! a6 %e done outside t,e 4ourt #arti4u!ar!6 .,en t,e %u6er a"rees to su4, 4an4e!!ation$