This document provides information about an application for a Creative Sponsorship Program run by Awakening Movement, a gospel-centered dance organization. The program will provide choreographers with 15 hours of studio space to create new works and pair them with dancers. Choreographers must submit an application including a proposed concept, supporting scriptures, and availability. The selection will prioritize experience, movement quality, and availability. Choreographers and dancers will be expected to maintain high artistic integrity and present quality works.
This document provides information about an application for a Creative Sponsorship Program run by Awakening Movement, a gospel-centered dance organization. The program will provide choreographers with 15 hours of studio space to create new works and pair them with dancers. Choreographers must submit an application including a proposed concept, supporting scriptures, and availability. The selection will prioritize experience, movement quality, and availability. Choreographers and dancers will be expected to maintain high artistic integrity and present quality works.
This document provides information about an application for a Creative Sponsorship Program run by Awakening Movement, a gospel-centered dance organization. The program will provide choreographers with 15 hours of studio space to create new works and pair them with dancers. Choreographers must submit an application including a proposed concept, supporting scriptures, and availability. The selection will prioritize experience, movement quality, and availability. Choreographers and dancers will be expected to maintain high artistic integrity and present quality works.
This document provides information about an application for a Creative Sponsorship Program run by Awakening Movement, a gospel-centered dance organization. The program will provide choreographers with 15 hours of studio space to create new works and pair them with dancers. Choreographers must submit an application including a proposed concept, supporting scriptures, and availability. The selection will prioritize experience, movement quality, and availability. Choreographers and dancers will be expected to maintain high artistic integrity and present quality works.
Septembei-0ctobei 2u14 Application Beauline: Fiiuay, August 1st
Thank you foi expiessing inteiest in cieating anuoi peifoiming thiough Awakening Novement's Cieative Sponsoiship Piogiam. At Awakening Novement, we believe in the powei of the cieative piocess to tiansfoim lives; theiefoie, we aie looking to builu community between uanceis anu choieogiapheis as well as sponsoi space foi ieheaisals. Thiough oui Cieative Sponsoiship Piogiam, AN will offei choieogiapheis 1S houis of space to cieate new woik as well as assist in paiiing choieogiapheis with uanceis. We will woik to connect uanceis to choieogiapheis; howevei, choieogiapheis may be iesponsible foi seeking out uanceis. AN will be sponsoiing choieogiapheis inteiesteu in cieating woiks that fall in line with oui mission as a gospel-centeieu uance oiganization; theiefoie, we also ask that each ieheaisal begin in piayei. Awakening Novement will suppoit as many pioposals as we aie able. 0nfoitunately at this time we cannot offei any financial suppoit in auuition to pioviuing the space. 0ui selection will be baseu on expeiience anu movement quality, but also iely heavily on availability, as it will be challenging to cooiuinate uanceis, choieogiapheis, anu stuuio space. AN will seek peifoimances foi the woiks cieateu, but it is not a guaiantee. We expect the choieogiapheis to seek peifoimance oppoitunities. We expect both choieogiapheis anu uanceis involveu in the Cieative Sponsoiship Piogiam to maintain high aitistic integiity anu to piesent quality woik upon completing the piocess. Please uo not hesitate to ask us any questions. Applications anu questions can be submitteu via email at
+%$*,$ -%&.&,/0
12)$*&# + - !"#$% '()*+,"-$*( Please attach a iesume to this application. Name: Email: Auuiess:
I am applying as a.
Choieogiaphei Bancei Both
12)$*&# 3 4 ./*+0*1+"2/0+3# 4+*2*#"5 Those only applying as a Peifoimei may skip to Section B. Pioposeu concept:
Suppoiting Sciiptuie(s):
Piefeiieu numbei of uanceis: Naximum numbei of uanceis: Ninimum numbei of uanceis:
Woulu you like Awakening Novement's assistance in pioviuing uanceis. Yes No, I will finu my own uanceis.
Bow uo you intenu to seek out peifoimance oppoitunities.
12)$*&# 5 - 6$##$*(
Consiueiing the heait anu mission of Awakening Novement - how uo you feel paiticipating in oui Cieative Sponsoiship Piogiam as a choieogiaphei oi peifoimei can aiu in the ienewing of the uance fielu. 78"90($(1 6*:0,0(-3# ,$##$*( $# -* 0;25*+0< %+0"-0< "(= 2+0#0(- 8*+9 -/"- -+"(#)*+,# -/0 5$:0# *) ,"(>? @0 A05$0:0 $( -/0 2*80+ *) ./+$#- $( *B+ ,*:0,0(- -* /0"5 /0"+-#< +0(08 ,$(=#< "(= +0:$:0 %*,,B($-$0#?
12)$*&# 6 - C0-"$50= 7:"$5"A$5$-> Please pioviue wiitten houi-to-houi availability foi each uay anu incluue any uetails on week to week changes that will occui in youi scheuule. The AN team will look to scheuule one time slot a week ovei a two-month peiiou. In case of any potential absences, the uancei must notify the choieogiaphei anu the AN leaueiship team. Any peifoimances oi ieheaisals that take place outsiue the allotteu time will be uiscusseu with the entiie cast anu will not be iequiieu.
(Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 364) Society of Automotive Engineers of China (Eds.) - Proceedings of SAE-China Congress 2015 - Selected Papers (2016, Springer Singapore) PDF