The document discusses various methods and procedures related to fund raising for companies through private placements, public issues, rights, bonuses, debentures, and deposits. It outlines the process, requirements, and documentation needed for private placements of securities.
The document discusses various methods and procedures related to fund raising for companies through private placements, public issues, rights, bonuses, debentures, and deposits. It outlines the process, requirements, and documentation needed for private placements of securities.
The document discusses various methods and procedures related to fund raising for companies through private placements, public issues, rights, bonuses, debentures, and deposits. It outlines the process, requirements, and documentation needed for private placements of securities.
The document discusses various methods and procedures related to fund raising for companies through private placements, public issues, rights, bonuses, debentures, and deposits. It outlines the process, requirements, and documentation needed for private placements of securities.
Chartered Accountants LUNAWAT & CO. Chartered Accountants CA. PRAMOD JAIN FCA, FCS, FCMA, MIMA, DISA CA. PRAMOD JAIN FCA, FCS, FCMA, MIMA, DISA Funds Capital Loans Lunawat & Co. CAPITAL CAPITAL CAPITAL CAPITAL Public Public Public Public Public Issue Public Issue Public Issue Public Issue Private Placement Private Placement Private Placement Private Placement Right Right Right Right Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus Private Private Private Private Private Placement Private Placement Private Placement Private Placement Right Right Right Right Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus Lunawat & Co. Lunawat & Co. Loans Loans Loans Loans Debentures Debentures Debentures Debentures Deposits Deposits Deposits Deposits Loans Loans Loans Loans PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT Special Resolution Special Resolution Special Resolution Special Resolution MGT MGT MGT MGT - -- -14 (earlier 14 (earlier 14 (earlier 14 (earlier offer should be offer should be offer should be offer should be complete) complete) complete) complete) Send letter of offer Send letter of offer Send letter of offer Send letter of offer to persons from to persons from to persons from to persons from whom money to be whom money to be whom money to be whom money to be raised < 50 persons raised < 50 persons raised < 50 persons raised < 50 persons > 200 per > 200 per > 200 per > 200 per yr yr yr yr Send the detail of Send the detail of Send the detail of Send the detail of persons to whom persons to whom persons to whom persons to whom offer sent to ROC offer sent to ROC offer sent to ROC offer sent to ROC within 30 days within 30 days within 30 days within 30 days On receiving On receiving On receiving On receiving amount, allot within amount, allot within amount, allot within amount, allot within 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days If not allotted refund If not allotted refund If not allotted refund If not allotted refund within 15 days within 15 days within 15 days within 15 days If not refunded pay If not refunded pay If not refunded pay If not refunded pay intt intt intt intt @ 12% @ 12% @ 12% @ 12% Lunawat & Co. PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT - -- - PROCEDURE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE Offer letter in PAS 4 + application form serial Offer letter in PAS 4 + application form serial Offer letter in PAS 4 + application form serial Offer letter in PAS 4 + application form serial numbered + addressed to specific person numbered + addressed to specific person numbered + addressed to specific person numbered + addressed to specific person to be to be to be to be sent in writing or electronic mode sent in writing or electronic mode sent in writing or electronic mode sent in writing or electronic mode While passing special resolution While passing special resolution While passing special resolution While passing special resolution basis or basis or basis or basis or justification of pricing (including premium) to be justification of pricing (including premium) to be justification of pricing (including premium) to be justification of pricing (including premium) to be made in explanatory statement made in explanatory statement made in explanatory statement made in explanatory statement Offer per person can not be for less than Offer per person can not be for less than Offer per person can not be for less than Offer per person can not be for less than Rs Rs Rs Rs. 20K . 20K . 20K . 20K Payment to be made from bank A/c of person Payment to be made from bank A/c of person Payment to be made from bank A/c of person Payment to be made from bank A/c of person subscribing subscribing subscribing subscribing Company to keep record of such Bank A/c Company to keep record of such Bank A/c Company to keep record of such Bank A/c Company to keep record of such Bank A/c To maintain complete record in PAS To maintain complete record in PAS To maintain complete record in PAS To maintain complete record in PAS 5 55 5 and PAS 4 and PAS 4 and PAS 4 and PAS 4 to be filed with ROC to be filed with ROC to be filed with ROC to be filed with ROC Lunawat & Co. PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT OFFER LETTER OFFER LETTER OFFER LETTER OFFER LETTER Business carried out by Co & subsidiaries Business carried out by Co & subsidiaries Business carried out by Co & subsidiaries Business carried out by Co & subsidiaries Managements perception of risk factors Managements perception of risk factors Managements perception of risk factors Managements perception of risk factors Details of default including interest Details of default including interest Details of default including interest Details of default including interest statutory dues, statutory dues, statutory dues, statutory dues, deposit, loan, deposit, loan, deposit, loan, deposit, loan, etc etc etc etc Time schedule for which offer is valid Time schedule for which offer is valid Time schedule for which offer is valid Time schedule for which offer is valid Price of offer and its justification Price of offer and its justification Price of offer and its justification Price of offer and its justification Name & Address of the Name & Address of the Name & Address of the Name & Address of the valuer valuer valuer valuer who did valuation who did valuation who did valuation who did valuation Purpose and object of offer Purpose and object of offer Purpose and object of offer Purpose and object of offer Contribution by promoters or directors Contribution by promoters or directors Contribution by promoters or directors Contribution by promoters or directors Disclosure of interest of director, promoter or KMP Disclosure of interest of director, promoter or KMP Disclosure of interest of director, promoter or KMP Disclosure of interest of director, promoter or KMP Details of litigation pending Details of litigation pending Details of litigation pending Details of litigation pending Lunawat & Co. PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT OFFER LETTER OFFER LETTER OFFER LETTER OFFER LETTER Remuneration of directors for current + last 3 Remuneration of directors for current + last 3 Remuneration of directors for current + last 3 Remuneration of directors for current + last 3 yrs yrs yrs yrs Related party transaction for last 3 years Related party transaction for last 3 years Related party transaction for last 3 years Related party transaction for last 3 years relating to loans, guarantee or securities relating to loans, guarantee or securities relating to loans, guarantee or securities relating to loans, guarantee or securities Auditors Auditors Auditors Auditors reservations or qualifications or reservations or qualifications or reservations or qualifications or reservations or qualifications or adverse remarks adverse remarks adverse remarks adverse remarks for last 5 years for last 5 years for last 5 years for last 5 years its impact its impact its impact its impact on FS & corrective action taken / proposed for on FS & corrective action taken / proposed for on FS & corrective action taken / proposed for on FS & corrective action taken / proposed for each comment each comment each comment each comment Material frauds last 3 years Material frauds last 3 years Material frauds last 3 years Material frauds last 3 years Lunawat & Co. PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT OFFER LETTER OFFER LETTER OFFER LETTER OFFER LETTER Financial position Financial position Financial position Financial position Capital structure before & after; Capital structure before & after; Capital structure before & after; Capital structure before & after; Profit before & after tax for 3 years Profit before & after tax for 3 years Profit before & after tax for 3 years Profit before & after tax for 3 years Dividend last 3 years Dividend last 3 years Dividend last 3 years Dividend last 3 years Interest Interest Interest Interest coverage ratio for last three years (Cash coverage ratio for last three years (Cash coverage ratio for last three years (Cash coverage ratio for last three years (Cash profit after tax plus interest paid/interest paid) profit after tax plus interest paid/interest paid) profit after tax plus interest paid/interest paid) profit after tax plus interest paid/interest paid) Summary of financial position including Cash Flows Summary of financial position including Cash Flows Summary of financial position including Cash Flows Summary of financial position including Cash Flows - -- - last 3 years last 3 years last 3 years last 3 years audited audited audited audited Change in A/ Change in A/ Change in A/ Change in A/cing cing cing cing policies in last 3 years and its policies in last 3 years and its policies in last 3 years and its policies in last 3 years and its effect on profits & Reserves effect on profits & Reserves effect on profits & Reserves effect on profits & Reserves Declaration by director of compliance Declaration by director of compliance Declaration by director of compliance Declaration by director of compliance Lunawat & Co. PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT PRIVATE PLACEMENT - -- - CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION On allotment file PAS On allotment file PAS On allotment file PAS On allotment file PAS - -- -3 in 30 days, 3 in 30 days, 3 in 30 days, 3 in 30 days, detail to include PAN & e detail to include PAN & e detail to include PAN & e detail to include PAN & e- -- -mail id mail id mail id mail id Cannot be in cash Cannot be in cash Cannot be in cash Cannot be in cash If not followed If not followed If not followed If not followed - -- - Penalty Penalty Penalty Penalty Penalty of amount involved or 2 Cr, Penalty of amount involved or 2 Cr, Penalty of amount involved or 2 Cr, Penalty of amount involved or 2 Cr, whichever is high whichever is high whichever is high whichever is high + to refund the money + to refund the money + to refund the money + to refund the money Effective from 01.04.2014 Effective from 01.04.2014 Effective from 01.04.2014 Effective from 01.04.2014 Lunawat & Co. SHARE CAPITAL & DEB SHARE CAPITAL & DEB SHARE CAPITAL & DEB SHARE CAPITAL & DEB Share capital may be equity (with voting / Share capital may be equity (with voting / Share capital may be equity (with voting / Share capital may be equity (with voting / differential rights to voting, dividend, differential rights to voting, dividend, differential rights to voting, dividend, differential rights to voting, dividend, etc etc etc etc ) or ) or ) or ) or Preference Preference Preference Preference Company cannot issue shares at a discount Company cannot issue shares at a discount Company cannot issue shares at a discount Company cannot issue shares at a discount other than as sweat equity shares (53) other than as sweat equity shares (53) other than as sweat equity shares (53) other than as sweat equity shares (53) A company may issue preference shares A company may issue preference shares A company may issue preference shares A company may issue preference shares redeemable after 20 years for infrastructure redeemable after 20 years for infrastructure redeemable after 20 years for infrastructure redeemable after 20 years for infrastructure projects projects projects projects No company shall issue any Debentures No company shall issue any Debentures No company shall issue any Debentures No company shall issue any Debentures carrying any voting rights carrying any voting rights carrying any voting rights carrying any voting rights Lunawat & Co. DEPOSITS DEPOSITS DEPOSITS DEPOSITS Lunawat & Co. DEPOSITS DEPOSITS DEPOSITS DEPOSITS Following may invite, accept or renew Following may invite, accept or renew Following may invite, accept or renew Following may invite, accept or renew deposits : deposits : deposits : deposits : Banking companies Banking companies Banking companies Banking companies - -- - (RBI); (RBI); (RBI); (RBI); Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) (RBI); (RBI); (RBI); (RBI); Notified companies; Notified companies; Notified companies; Notified companies; Public company having net worth > 100 Cr or Public company having net worth > 100 Cr or Public company having net worth > 100 Cr or Public company having net worth > 100 Cr or turnover > 500 Cr (Rules) turnover > 500 Cr (Rules) turnover > 500 Cr (Rules) turnover > 500 Cr (Rules) Others Others Others Others only from its members subject to only from its members subject to only from its members subject to only from its members subject to certain conditions (73(2)). certain conditions (73(2)). certain conditions (73(2)). certain conditions (73(2)). Lunawat & Co. ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES 2014 ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES 2014 ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES 2014 ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES 2014 Apply to all companies except Bank, NBFC & HFC Apply to all companies except Bank, NBFC & HFC Apply to all companies except Bank, NBFC & HFC Apply to all companies except Bank, NBFC & HFC Deposit includes receipt of money by way of loan, Deposit includes receipt of money by way of loan, Deposit includes receipt of money by way of loan, Deposit includes receipt of money by way of loan, deposit or other form, but does not include: deposit or other form, but does not include: deposit or other form, but does not include: deposit or other form, but does not include: Amount received from CG, SG, L Auth., Stat. Auth. Amount received from CG, SG, L Auth., Stat. Auth. Amount received from CG, SG, L Auth., Stat. Auth. Amount received from CG, SG, L Auth., Stat. Auth. Amount from foreign Amount from foreign Amount from foreign Amount from foreign govt govt govt govt, bank, , bank, , bank, , bank, etc etc etc etc as per FEMA as per FEMA as per FEMA as per FEMA Amount received from Banks, PFIs, CPs Amount received from Banks, PFIs, CPs Amount received from Banks, PFIs, CPs Amount received from Banks, PFIs, CPs ICD ICD ICD ICD Share appl. money, except not allotted/refunded Share appl. money, except not allotted/refunded Share appl. money, except not allotted/refunded Share appl. money, except not allotted/refunded Amount received from director out of his own funds Amount received from director out of his own funds Amount received from director out of his own funds Amount received from director out of his own funds Convertible bond / debenture Convertible bond / debenture Convertible bond / debenture Convertible bond / debenture shares within 5 years shares within 5 years shares within 5 years shares within 5 years Interest free security deposit Interest free security deposit Interest free security deposit Interest free security deposit employee employee employee employee 1 1 1 1 yr yr yr yr salary salary salary salary Lunawat & Co. ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES 2014 2014 2014 2014 Interest free amount received in Trust Interest free amount received in Trust Interest free amount received in Trust Interest free amount received in Trust Business advances: Business advances: Business advances: Business advances: Supply of goods / services Supply of goods / services Supply of goods / services Supply of goods / services within 365 days within 365 days within 365 days within 365 days Against property Against property Against property Against property if adjusted as per agreement if adjusted as per agreement if adjusted as per agreement if adjusted as per agreement S SS Security deposit for performance of contract for ecurity deposit for performance of contract for ecurity deposit for performance of contract for ecurity deposit for performance of contract for supply of goods or provision of services supply of goods or provision of services supply of goods or provision of services supply of goods or provision of services A AA Advance under long term projects or for supply of dvance under long term projects or for supply of dvance under long term projects or for supply of dvance under long term projects or for supply of capital goods capital goods capital goods capital goods If Co. accepting money does not have necessary If Co. accepting money does not have necessary If Co. accepting money does not have necessary If Co. accepting money does not have necessary permission or approval to deal in goods or permission or approval to deal in goods or permission or approval to deal in goods or permission or approval to deal in goods or properties or services properties or services properties or services properties or services - -- -Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Lunawat & Co. ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSIT RULES 2014 2014 2014 2014 Promoters Promoters Promoters Promoters - -- - stipulation of any FI or a banks: stipulation of any FI or a banks: stipulation of any FI or a banks: stipulation of any FI or a banks:- -- - loan is brought in pursuance of the stipulation imposed by the loan is brought in pursuance of the stipulation imposed by the loan is brought in pursuance of the stipulation imposed by the loan is brought in pursuance of the stipulation imposed by the lending institutions on the promoters to contribute such lending institutions on the promoters to contribute such lending institutions on the promoters to contribute such lending institutions on the promoters to contribute such finance; and finance; and finance; and finance; and loan is provided by the promoters themselves and/or by their loan is provided by the promoters themselves and/or by their loan is provided by the promoters themselves and/or by their loan is provided by the promoters themselves and/or by their relatives. relatives. relatives. relatives. Exemption available only till loans are repaid Exemption available only till loans are repaid Exemption available only till loans are repaid Exemption available only till loans are repaid Amt. received by Amt. received by Amt. received by Amt. received by Nidhi Nidhi Nidhi Nidhi companies companies companies companies Public / Eligible Public / Eligible Public / Eligible Public / Eligible deposit deposit deposit deposit 6 m to 36 m 6 m to 36 m 6 m to 36 m 6 m to 36 m If <6, 3 months If <6, 3 months If <6, 3 months If <6, 3 months - -- - 10% of capital + free reserves 10% of capital + free reserves 10% of capital + free reserves 10% of capital + free reserves Total deposit from members <25% of C + F. Reserve Total deposit from members <25% of C + F. Reserve Total deposit from members <25% of C + F. Reserve Total deposit from members <25% of C + F. Reserve Rate of Rate of Rate of Rate of Intt Intt Intt Intt & commission not to exceed NBFC norms & commission not to exceed NBFC norms & commission not to exceed NBFC norms & commission not to exceed NBFC norms Lunawat & Co. EXISTING DEPOSITS EXISTING DEPOSITS EXISTING DEPOSITS EXISTING DEPOSITS Prepare a list and file with ROC within 3 months from Prepare a list and file with ROC within 3 months from Prepare a list and file with ROC within 3 months from Prepare a list and file with ROC within 3 months from 1.4.2014 1.4.2014 1.4.2014 1.4.2014 Repay to the depositors within 1 year Repay to the depositors within 1 year Repay to the depositors within 1 year Repay to the depositors within 1 year Non Non Non Non- -- -compliance: compliance: compliance: compliance: amount amount amount amount to be repaid along with interest to be repaid along with interest to be repaid along with interest to be repaid along with interest fine fine fine fine on Company on Company on Company on Company minimum minimum minimum minimum Rs Rs Rs Rs. 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 Crore Crore Crore Crore, , , , Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Rs Rs Rs Rs. 10 . 10 . 10 . 10 crore crore crore crore on on on on every officer in default every officer in default every officer in default every officer in default imprisonment imprisonment imprisonment imprisonment upto upto upto upto 7 years or 7 years or 7 years or 7 years or fine fine fine fine minimum minimum minimum minimum Rs Rs Rs Rs. 25000, . 25000, . 25000, . 25000, maximum maximum maximum maximum Rs Rs Rs Rs. 25 L or . 25 L or . 25 L or . 25 L or both both both both Lunawat & Co. Lunawat & Co. LOANS LOANS LOANS LOANS Debentures, Debentures, Debentures, Debentures, Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds Deposits Deposits Deposits Deposits Other Other Other Other than than than than Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit ICD ICD ICD ICD Banks, FIs Banks, FIs Banks, FIs Banks, FIs From From From From Director Director Director Director LOANS LOANS LOANS LOANS TAKING (179) TAKING (179) TAKING (179) TAKING (179) Capital Capital Capital Capital - -- -1 L 1 L 1 L 1 L Free Reserve Free Reserve Free Reserve Free Reserve 1 L 1 L 1 L 1 L Existing Loan Existing Loan Existing Loan Existing Loan 1 L 1 L 1 L 1 L New Loan New Loan New Loan New Loan 50 K 50 K 50 K 50 K Board Board Board Board Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution - -- - ROC ROC ROC ROC Lunawat & Co. LOANS LOANS LOANS LOANS TAKING TAKING TAKING TAKING (180) (180) (180) (180) Lunawat & Co. TAKING LOANS (180) TAKING LOANS (180) TAKING LOANS (180) TAKING LOANS (180) For For For For s ss s. .. . 180 180 180 180, ,, , loans loans loans loans includes includes includes includes loans loans loans loans from from from from banks banks banks banks too too too too Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary loans loans loans loans from from from from bankers bankers bankers bankers in in in in ordinary ordinary ordinary ordinary course course course course of of of of business business business business not not not not included included included included in in in in limits limits limits limits Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary loans loans loans loans means means means means repayable repayable repayable repayable on on on on: :: : Demand Demand Demand Demand Within Within Within Within 6 66 6 months months months months But But But But does does does does not not not not include include include include loan loan loan loan for for for for capital capital capital capital purpose purpose purpose purpose Lunawat & Co. PENALTY FOR DELAY IN FILING PENALTY FOR DELAY IN FILING PENALTY FOR DELAY IN FILING PENALTY FOR DELAY IN FILING Delay Delay Delay Delay upto upto upto upto 270 270 270 270 days days days days 12 12 12 12 times times times times filing filing filing filing fee fee fee fee After After After After 300 300 300 300 days days days days: :: : On On On On company company company company fine fine fine fine Rs Rs Rs Rs. .. . 5 55 5 L LL L 25 25 25 25 L LL L; ;; ; and and and and On On On On officer officer officer officer in in in in default default default default fine fine fine fine Rs Rs Rs Rs. .. . 1 11 1 L LL L 5 55 5 L LL L Lunawat & Co. ICD ICD ICD ICD Can Can Can Can a aa a company company company company take take take take ICD? ICD? ICD? ICD? What What What What if if if if the the the the company company company company from from from from whom whom whom whom you you you you take take take take ICD ICD ICD ICD has has has has same same same same director director director director as as as as your your your your company? company? company? company? What What What What if if if if the the the the company company company company from from from from whom whom whom whom you you you you take take take take ICD ICD ICD ICD has has has has a aa a member member member member who who who who is is is is also also also also a aa a director director director director in in in in your your your your company company company company? ?? ? Penalty Penalty Penalty Penalty: :: : On On On On company company company company who who who who gives gives gives gives F FF F Rs Rs Rs Rs. .. . 5 55 5 L LL L 25 25 25 25 L LL L; ;; ; and and and and On On On On company company company company who who who who takes takes takes takes ICD ICD ICD ICD F FF F- -- - Rs Rs Rs Rs. .. . 5 55 5 L LL L 25 25 25 25 L LL L Lunawat & Co. SHARE CAPITAL AND INCOME TAX SHARE CAPITAL AND INCOME TAX SHARE CAPITAL AND INCOME TAX SHARE CAPITAL AND INCOME TAX Section 68 Section 68 Section 68 Section 68 Section 115BBE Section 115BBE Section 115BBE Section 115BBE Section 56(1)(vii)(c) Section 56(1)(vii)(c) Section 56(1)(vii)(c) Section 56(1)(vii)(c) Individual / HUF Individual / HUF Individual / HUF Individual / HUF Section 56(1)( Section 56(1)( Section 56(1)( Section 56(1)(viia viia viia viia) ) ) ) Firm or Company Firm or Company Firm or Company Firm or Company Section 56(1)( Section 56(1)( Section 56(1)( Section 56(1)(viib viib viib viib) ) ) ) Company Company Company Company Lunawat & Co. SECTION 68 SECTION 68 SECTION 68 SECTION 68 Source of source to be proved Source of source to be proved Source of source to be proved Source of source to be proved w.e.f w.e.f w.e.f w.e.f. . . . 1.4.2013. Not applicable to: 1.4.2013. Not applicable to: 1.4.2013. Not applicable to: 1.4.2013. Not applicable to: Co. in which public are substantially interested Co. in which public are substantially interested Co. in which public are substantially interested Co. in which public are substantially interested Application received from Venture capital co. or Application received from Venture capital co. or Application received from Venture capital co. or Application received from Venture capital co. or fund fund fund fund Sum credited may be: Sum credited may be: Sum credited may be: Sum credited may be: Share application money Share application money Share application money Share application money Share capital Share capital Share capital Share capital Share premium Share premium Share premium Share premium Any such amount by whatever name called Any such amount by whatever name called Any such amount by whatever name called Any such amount by whatever name called Lunawat & Co. SECTION 68 SECTION 68 SECTION 68 SECTION 68 Application for Debentures?? Application for Debentures?? Application for Debentures?? Application for Debentures?? Received from Indian company?? Received from Indian company?? Received from Indian company?? Received from Indian company?? Received from Foreign Company?? Received from Foreign Company?? Received from Foreign Company?? Received from Foreign Company?? Received from Non Received from Non Received from Non Received from Non- -- -resident Indian?? resident Indian?? resident Indian?? resident Indian?? Received from Foreign Citizen?? Received from Foreign Citizen?? Received from Foreign Citizen?? Received from Foreign Citizen?? Lunawat & Co. SECTION 115BBE SECTION 115BBE SECTION 115BBE SECTION 115BBE If assessed u/s 68 / 69 / 69A / 69B / If assessed u/s 68 / 69 / 69A / 69B / If assessed u/s 68 / 69 / 69A / 69B / If assessed u/s 68 / 69 / 69A / 69B / 69C / 69D 69C / 69D 69C / 69D 69C / 69D rate of tax rate of tax rate of tax rate of tax 30% on such 30% on such 30% on such 30% on such income income income income No expenditure allowed from such No expenditure allowed from such No expenditure allowed from such No expenditure allowed from such income income income income No allowances allowed from such income No allowances allowed from such income No allowances allowed from such income No allowances allowed from such income Deduction u/c VIA??? Deduction u/c VIA??? Deduction u/c VIA??? Deduction u/c VIA??? Lunawat & Co. SECTION 56(1)( SECTION 56(1)( SECTION 56(1)( SECTION 56(1)(vii)(c) vii)(c) vii)(c) vii)(c) Applicable only to individual and HUF Applicable only to individual and HUF Applicable only to individual and HUF Applicable only to individual and HUF Mr. A Mr. A Mr. A Mr. A buy Shares of listed Co for 5 L buy Shares of listed Co for 5 L buy Shares of listed Co for 5 L buy Shares of listed Co for 5 L from Mr. B from Mr. B from Mr. B from Mr. B (FMV (FMV (FMV (FMV 5.5 L 5.5 L 5.5 L 5.5 L). Is 56 (1) (vii) (c) applicable? ). Is 56 (1) (vii) (c) applicable? ). Is 56 (1) (vii) (c) applicable? ). Is 56 (1) (vii) (c) applicable? Mr. X Mr. X Mr. X Mr. X buy Shares of listed Co for buy Shares of listed Co for buy Shares of listed Co for buy Shares of listed Co for 2 2 2 2 L from L from L from L from Mr. B Mr. B Mr. B Mr. B (FMV (FMV (FMV (FMV 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 L LL L) & for ) & for ) & for ) & for Rs Rs Rs Rs. 3 L from C (FMV 3.25 L).? . 3 L from C (FMV 3.25 L).? . 3 L from C (FMV 3.25 L).? . 3 L from C (FMV 3.25 L).? Mr. M to plan his taxation sells shares of Mr. M to plan his taxation sells shares of Mr. M to plan his taxation sells shares of Mr. M to plan his taxation sells shares of Reliance Industries to Mrs. M for Reliance Industries to Mrs. M for Reliance Industries to Mrs. M for Reliance Industries to Mrs. M for Rs Rs Rs Rs. 1 L (FMV . 1 L (FMV . 1 L (FMV . 1 L (FMV 2 L)?? 2 L)?? 2 L)?? 2 L)?? Mr. P buys redeemable debentures of ABC Pvt. Mr. P buys redeemable debentures of ABC Pvt. Mr. P buys redeemable debentures of ABC Pvt. Mr. P buys redeemable debentures of ABC Pvt. Ltd. having FV Ltd. having FV Ltd. having FV Ltd. having FV Rs Rs Rs Rs. 5 L from Mr. Q for . 5 L from Mr. Q for . 5 L from Mr. Q for . 5 L from Mr. Q for Rs Rs Rs Rs. 4 L?? . 4 L?? . 4 L?? . 4 L?? Lunawat & Co. SECTION 56(1 SECTION 56(1 SECTION 56(1 SECTION 56(1)( )( )( )(viia viia viia viia) )) ) Applicable only to a Firm, LLP and Company Applicable only to a Firm, LLP and Company Applicable only to a Firm, LLP and Company Applicable only to a Firm, LLP and Company Applicable on Applicable on Applicable on Applicable on receipt of shares at price in receipt of shares at price in receipt of shares at price in receipt of shares at price in excess > 50k of fair excess > 50k of fair excess > 50k of fair excess > 50k of fair value of value of value of value of shares shares shares shares XYZ P. XYZ P. XYZ P. XYZ P. Ltds Ltds Ltds Ltds shares FMV is shares FMV is shares FMV is shares FMV is Rs Rs Rs Rs. 50 per share. It . 50 per share. It . 50 per share. It . 50 per share. It allots 1 L shares @ allots 1 L shares @ allots 1 L shares @ allots 1 L shares @ Rs Rs Rs Rs. 10/ . 10/ . 10/ . 10/- -- - to its promoter?? to its promoter?? to its promoter?? to its promoter?? ABC P. ABC P. ABC P. ABC P. Ltds Ltds Ltds Ltds shares FMV is shares FMV is shares FMV is shares FMV is Rs Rs Rs Rs. 100/ . 100/ . 100/ . 100/- -- - its its its its issues bonus shares in ratio of 1:1?? issues bonus shares in ratio of 1:1?? issues bonus shares in ratio of 1:1?? issues bonus shares in ratio of 1:1?? ABC P. Ltd ABC P. Ltd ABC P. Ltd ABC P. Ltd buys buys buys buys convertible convertible convertible convertible debentures of debentures of debentures of debentures of XYZ. XYZ. XYZ. XYZ. Ltd. having FV Ltd. having FV Ltd. having FV Ltd. having FV Rs Rs Rs Rs. 5 L from Mr. Q for . 5 L from Mr. Q for . 5 L from Mr. Q for . 5 L from Mr. Q for Rs Rs Rs Rs. . . . 4 L 4 L 4 L 4 L?? ?? ?? ?? Lunawat & Co. SECTION 56(1 SECTION 56(1 SECTION 56(1 SECTION 56(1)( )( )( )(viib viib viib viib) )) ) Applicable only to a Company Applicable only to a Company Applicable only to a Company Applicable only to a Company Applicable on consideration received on Applicable on consideration received on Applicable on consideration received on Applicable on consideration received on issue of shares at premium issue of shares at premium issue of shares at premium issue of shares at premium consideration consideration consideration consideration received in excess of FMV of shares is received in excess of FMV of shares is received in excess of FMV of shares is received in excess of FMV of shares is income income income income Not applicable to: Not applicable to: Not applicable to: Not applicable to: Co. in which public are substantially interested Co. in which public are substantially interested Co. in which public are substantially interested Co. in which public are substantially interested Amount Amount Amount Amount received from Venture capital co. or received from Venture capital co. or received from Venture capital co. or received from Venture capital co. or fund fund fund fund Lunawat & Co. SECTION 56(1)( SECTION 56(1)( SECTION 56(1)( SECTION 56(1)(viib viib viib viib) )) ) Is issue of Debentures covered ?? Is issue of Debentures covered ?? Is issue of Debentures covered ?? Is issue of Debentures covered ?? XYZ P. XYZ P. XYZ P. XYZ P. Ltds Ltds Ltds Ltds shares FMV is shares FMV is shares FMV is shares FMV is Rs Rs Rs Rs. . . . 20 20 20 20 per per per per share. It allots share. It allots share. It allots share. It allots the following: the following: the following: the following: 1 1 1 1 L shares @ L shares @ L shares @ L shares @ Rs Rs Rs Rs. . . . 50 50 50 50/ // /- -- - to to to to ABC P. Ltd.?? ABC P. Ltd.?? ABC P. Ltd.?? ABC P. Ltd.?? 2 L shares @ 100/ 2 L shares @ 100/ 2 L shares @ 100/ 2 L shares @ 100/- -- - to to to to Foreign Company?? Foreign Company?? Foreign Company?? Foreign Company?? 1 L shares @ 80/ 1 L shares @ 80/ 1 L shares @ 80/ 1 L shares @ 80/- -- - to Non to Non to Non to Non- -- -resident Indian?? resident Indian?? resident Indian?? resident Indian?? 1 L share @ 90/ 1 L share @ 90/ 1 L share @ 90/ 1 L share @ 90/- -- - to Foreign Citizen?? to Foreign Citizen?? to Foreign Citizen?? to Foreign Citizen?? ABC P. Ltd. after incorporation gets its ABC P. Ltd. after incorporation gets its ABC P. Ltd. after incorporation gets its ABC P. Ltd. after incorporation gets its shares valued @ 500/ shares valued @ 500/ shares valued @ 500/ shares valued @ 500/- -- - based on intangible based on intangible based on intangible based on intangible asset it acquired & allots shares @ 450/ asset it acquired & allots shares @ 450/ asset it acquired & allots shares @ 450/ asset it acquired & allots shares @ 450/- -- - ? ? ? ? Lunawat & Co. Lunawat & Co. CA. Pramod Jain CA. Pramod Jain CA. Pramod Jain CA. Pramod Jain +91 9811073867 +91 9811073867 +91 9811073867 +91 9811073867 2014 CA. Pramod Jain, Lunawat & Co