This document discusses research design and methodology. It defines research design as a blueprint or plan for how a research study will be conducted. The key components of research design discussed include study designs (experimental, non-experimental, quasi-experimental), methods of data collection (primary, secondary sources), validity and reliability of research instruments, and types of research designs based on number of contacts, reference period, qualitative vs. quantitative approaches. The purpose of research design is to identify relevant information, develop procedures for gathering and analyzing data, and ensure quality and accuracy of the research process.
This document discusses research design and methodology. It defines research design as a blueprint or plan for how a research study will be conducted. The key components of research design discussed include study designs (experimental, non-experimental, quasi-experimental), methods of data collection (primary, secondary sources), validity and reliability of research instruments, and types of research designs based on number of contacts, reference period, qualitative vs. quantitative approaches. The purpose of research design is to identify relevant information, develop procedures for gathering and analyzing data, and ensure quality and accuracy of the research process.
This document discusses research design and methodology. It defines research design as a blueprint or plan for how a research study will be conducted. The key components of research design discussed include study designs (experimental, non-experimental, quasi-experimental), methods of data collection (primary, secondary sources), validity and reliability of research instruments, and types of research designs based on number of contacts, reference period, qualitative vs. quantitative approaches. The purpose of research design is to identify relevant information, develop procedures for gathering and analyzing data, and ensure quality and accuracy of the research process.
This document discusses research design and methodology. It defines research design as a blueprint or plan for how a research study will be conducted. The key components of research design discussed include study designs (experimental, non-experimental, quasi-experimental), methods of data collection (primary, secondary sources), validity and reliability of research instruments, and types of research designs based on number of contacts, reference period, qualitative vs. quantitative approaches. The purpose of research design is to identify relevant information, develop procedures for gathering and analyzing data, and ensure quality and accuracy of the research process.
Study Designs Based on Number of Contacts, Based On
Reference Period, Experimental, Non-Experimental And Quasi- Experimental Study Designs, Cross- Over Comparative Experimental Design, Replicated Cross-Sectional Design, Action Research. Methods of Data Collection Primary and Secondary Sources; Primary Data Collection Instruments; Attitudinal Scales Likert, Thurstone, Guttman Scales; Validity of Research Instruments Face And Content, Concurrent And Predictive, Construct Validity; Reliability of Research Instruments External And Internal Consistency Procedures.
Before beginning your paper, you need to decide how you plan to design the study The research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively address the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection measurement, and analysis of data. Note that your research problem determines the type of design you can use, not the other way around!
RESEARCH DESIGN- FEATURES Specifies the source and type of information relevant to the research problem PLAN Specifies which approach will be used to gather and analyse the data STRATEGY Specifies cost and budget and the constraints under which the study will be carried out Research Design DEFINITION OF RESEACH DESIGN A traditional design is a blue print or detailed plan for how a research study is to be completed- operationalizing variables so they can be measured, selecting a sample of interest to study, collecting data to be used as a basis for testing hypothesis, and analyzing the results. (Thyer) FUNCTIONS OF RESEARCH DESIGN Research design has two main functions:- Identification and or/development of procedures and logistical arrangements required to undertake a study The second emphasizes the importance of quality in these procedures to ensure their validity, objectivity and accuracy. Could be understood with an example of IV, DV and Extraneous variables. INDEPENDENT & DEPENDENT VARIABLE
Any variable that is responsible for bringing about a change is Independent variable
Any variable in which a change is cause due to independent variable is a dependent variable. EXTRANEOUS VARIABLE All other factors which affect the relationship between independent and Dependent variable are called extraneous variables. These variables exists in every study cannot be eliminated however they can be controlled to some extent. TYPES OF RESEARCH DESIGN Research Design Qualitative Descripti ve Phenomenology Grounded Theory Case Report Quantitative Analytica l Experimen tal Randomized Clinical Trial Non- Randomized Clinical Trials Non Experimen tal Cohort Case - control Cross sectional QUALITATIVE RESEARCH A systematic, subjective approach and is used to describe life experiences as it is.
It is used in social and behavioural sciences.
A descriptive study is one in which information is collected without changing the environment (i.e., nothing is manipulated). Sometimes these are referred to as correlational or observational studies QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH It is used to: 1. Describe variables 2. Examine relationships among variables 3. Determine cause and effect interactions between variables 4. Used pre-dominantly for scientific investigation
TIMEFRAME OF STUDIES Prospective Study Looks forward, looks to the future, examines future events, follows a condition, concern or disease into the future time Study begins here TIMEFRAME OF STUDIES Retrospective Study To look back, looks back in time to study events that have already occurred time Study begins here FUNCTIONS OF RESEARCH DESIGNS Research design helps to conceptualize an operational plan to undertake the various procedure and tasks required to complete the research study. It ensures that the procedures being adopted are adequate to obtain valid, reliable and accurate answers to research problems. Kerlinger calls this function the control of variance. IMPORTANCE / UTILITY OF RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is important as it prepares proper framework within which the research work/activity will be actually carried out Research design acts as a blue print for the conduct of the whole research project. It introduces efficiency in investigation and generates confidence in the final outcome of the study. Research design gives proper direction and time-table to research activity. It keeps adequate check on the research work and ensures its completion within certain time limit. It keeps the whole research project on the right track. Research design avoids possible errors as regards research problem, information requirement and so on. It gives practical orientation to the whole research work and makes it relevant to the marketing problems faced by the sponsoring organisation. Finally, it makes the whole research process compact and result-oriented. A researcher should not go ahead with his research project unless the research design is planned properly Features of a good research design A research design appropriate for a particular research problem, usually involves the following features. The mean of obtaining information. The availability and skills of the researcher and his staff, if any. The objective of the problem to be studied. The nature of the problem to be studied . The availability of time and money for the research work.
Example Outcomes of a Research Design (i) What is the study about? (ii) Why is the study being made? (iii) Where will the study be carried out? (iv) What type of data is required? (v) Where can the required data be found? (vi) What periods of time will the study include? (vii) What will be the sample design? (viii) What techniques of data collection will be used? (ix) How will the data be analysed? (x) In what style will the report be prepared? Types of Research Designs Based on the nature of investigation Experimental Non-experimental Quasi-experimental type of experiment design in which one has little or no control over the allocation of the treatments or other factors being studied. Types of Research Designs Based on the number of contacts Longitudinal designs Track participants over an extended amount of time Same people are studied at more than one time to record changes over time Cross-sectional designs Involves different people at the same point of time Types of Research Designs Based on the reference period Historical research designs Involve analysis of events which occurred during a certain period in history