This document outlines the key aspects of effective oral communication. It discusses techniques for different types of oral presentations including public speeches, impromptu speeches, discussions, and negotiations. It also covers aspects like pronunciation, the communication process, and skills needed for gathering, organizing, and delivering information. Guidelines are provided for structuring speeches with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Tips are given for grabbing attention, informing audiences, and summarizing in the introduction, body, and conclusion. The importance of delivery through voice, gestures, expressions, and audience awareness is also highlighted.
This document outlines the key aspects of effective oral communication. It discusses techniques for different types of oral presentations including public speeches, impromptu speeches, discussions, and negotiations. It also covers aspects like pronunciation, the communication process, and skills needed for gathering, organizing, and delivering information. Guidelines are provided for structuring speeches with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Tips are given for grabbing attention, informing audiences, and summarizing in the introduction, body, and conclusion. The importance of delivery through voice, gestures, expressions, and audience awareness is also highlighted.
This document outlines the key aspects of effective oral communication. It discusses techniques for different types of oral presentations including public speeches, impromptu speeches, discussions, and negotiations. It also covers aspects like pronunciation, the communication process, and skills needed for gathering, organizing, and delivering information. Guidelines are provided for structuring speeches with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Tips are given for grabbing attention, informing audiences, and summarizing in the introduction, body, and conclusion. The importance of delivery through voice, gestures, expressions, and audience awareness is also highlighted.
This document outlines the key aspects of effective oral communication. It discusses techniques for different types of oral presentations including public speeches, impromptu speeches, discussions, and negotiations. It also covers aspects like pronunciation, the communication process, and skills needed for gathering, organizing, and delivering information. Guidelines are provided for structuring speeches with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Tips are given for grabbing attention, informing audiences, and summarizing in the introduction, body, and conclusion. The importance of delivery through voice, gestures, expressions, and audience awareness is also highlighted.
UHB 3052 Fatimah Puteh 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ORAL COMMUNICATION 2 EFFECTIVE ORAL COMMUNICATION UHB 3052 Synopsis: The course focuses on the techniques of producing good spoken discourse which include public communication such as impromptu and public speeches, group discussion and negotiation. Aspects of sound and speech production will be introduced to improve intelligibility and communicability. Basic principles of oral communication and the importance of non-verbal communication will be introduced for effective communication. 2 Public Speech Impromptu Speech Interpersonal Communication Discussion Negotiation Oral presentation Pronunciation 4 Speaker Listener Message Channel Feedback
ORAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS Speaker Listener Message Channel Feedback Interference Situation
5 Skills of gathering information Skills of organising information Skills of using appropriate language to convey information Skills of delivering information A Good Speaker Requires: 6 7 8 Introduction Body Conclusion 9 1. Introduction What is the topic What are the main points 2. Body Main part the speech Ideas are organised Ideas are elaborated and expanded 3. Conclusion Summary Chronologically Spatially Topically 10 Purpose to grab the listeners attention Strategy keep it short Use Anecdotes Use Statistics or Statements Ask Rhetorical Questions Cite a quotation Relay Good Jokes Preview Main Points Ways to grab attention in the Introduction 11 Purpose to inform/ share inform/ to persuade Strategy Elaborate and expand each key point Use examples to support Testimonials of an authoritative figure Comparison and contrast Statistics Reminder avoid having too many points in a speech 12 Purpose to summarise/ to remind audience of the main points/ to leave audience with something to ponder upon Strategy Keep it short List the main points again Reminder avoid introducing new points Good Delivery includes: Voice projection (Hand) gestures, postures Facial expressions Understanding verbal and non-verbal signals (from audience) Eye-contact 13 Good speaker are NOT BORN, they are MADE. 14 The best speaker speaks the language of his audience When preparing and delivering your speech 1. consider the audiences: Background knowledge Purpose Interest 2. choose a language that matches audiences age, level of proficiency 3. use appropriate body language 15 1. Metcalfe, S. (2004). Building a Speech. Belmont, USA. Thomson Learning 2. Sahirah Marzuki, Abdul Halim Abdul Raof, Fatimah Puteh, Haliza Jaafar, Noor Zainab Abdul Razak (2006). Towards Effective Oral Communication. Pearson-Prentice Hall.