Engineer Quotes
Engineer Quotes
Engineer Quotes
you the
glass is twice the size it needs to be
Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.
Engineers lie to sol!e problems. "f there are no problems handily a!ailable, they will create their own
Creativity is allowing your-self to make mistakes. Art knows which ones to keep.
Normal people ... believe that if it ain't broke, on't !" it. #ngineers believe that
if it ain't broke, it oesn't have enough features yet.
#he engineer$s first problem in any design situation is to disco!er what the problem really is.
#he engineer has been, and is, a maer of history
A scientist stuies what is, an engineer stuies what never was.
$#ngineers are not superhuman. %hey make mistakes in their assumptions, in their
calculations, in their conclusions. %hat they make mistakes is forgivable& that they
catch them is imperative. %hus it is the essence of moern engineering not only to
be able to check one's own work but also to have one's work checke an to be able
to check the work of others.$ - 'enry (etroski, #ngineer.
$)cientists investigate that which alreay is& #ngineers create that which has never
been.$ - Albert #instein, (hysicist.
$#ngineers like to solve problems. *f there are no problems hanily available, they
will create their own problems.$ - )cott Aams, Cartoonist.
$)cientists ream about oing great things. #ngineers o them.$ - +ames ,ichener,
$)trive for perfection in everything you o. %ake the best that e"ists an make it
better. -hen it oes not e"ist, esign it.$ - )ir 'enry .oyce, #ngineer.
$A common mistake that people make when trying to esign something completely
foolproof is to unerestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.$ - /ouglas Aams,
$Architects an engineers are among the most fortunate of men since they buil
their own monuments with public consent, public approval an often public money.$
- +ohn (rebble, Author.
$#ngineering is the art of moelling materials we o not wholly unerstan, into
shapes we cannot precisely analyse so as to withstan forces we cannot properly
assess, in such a way that the public has no reason to suspect the e"tent of our
ignorance.$ - /r. A. /ykes, #ngineer.
$%he great liability of the engineer compare to men of other professions is that his
works are out in the open where all can see them. 'is acts, step by step, are in har
substance. 'e cannot bury his mistakes in the grave like the octors. 'e cannot
argue them into thin air or blame the 0uge like the lawyers. 'e cannot, like the
architects, cover his failures with trees an vines. 'e cannot, like the politicians,
screen his shortcomings by blaming his opponents an hope that the people will
forget. %he engineer simply cannot eny that he i it. *f his works o not work, he
is amne.$ - 'erbert 'oover, 12st (resient of the 3nite )tates
#he #op %& #hings Engineering School 'idn$t #each
10. There are about 10 types of capacitors.
9. Theory tells you how a circuit works, not why it doesn't work.
8. Not everything works according to the specs in the databook.
. !nything practical you learn will be obsolete before you use it, e"cept the co#ple" #ath, which you
will never use.
$. !lways try to fi" the hardware with the software.
%. &ngineering is like having an 8 a.#. class and a late afternoon lab every day for the rest of your
'. (verti#e pay) *hat overti#e pay)
+. &ngineers rule the world until the ne"t revision.
,. -f you like .unk food, caffeine, and all/nighters, then you should go into architecture.
1. 0ilbert is a docu#entary.