Homework 1
Homework 1
Homework 1
Chap. 1
(c) Write a question based on the material in this chapter that involves critical thinking and explain why it involves cntical thinking.
(c) What
(d) Whai
to a picture of a cobra?
o f r rabbit?
(e) Review the oblecrives for Chapter 1 in the Summary Notes on the
CD-ROM. Write n paragraph in which you descr~hehow well you feel
you me1 these objec~ives.Diqcuss any difficulties you encountered and
three ways (e.p.. meet with professor. claqsmarec) you plan to address
removing these difficulties.
(f) Loub at the Chemical Reactor section of the Vi.rual E~lc?.rinl~rdin
Eyuiprnenr on the CD-ROM. Write a paragraph describing what you
(g) View the photos and schematics on the CD-ROM under Elements of
Chemical Reaction Englneerrng--Chapter 1. Look at the qulcktime videos. Write a paragraph describing two or more of the reactors. What similarities and differences do you observe be~weenthe reacton on the weh
(e.g.. 1r~tr~n.Ir~ebeqrtipi71er1t.con~).
on the CD-ROM. and in the text? How
do the used reactor prices compare aith those In Table 1-I?
Load the Interactive Computer Module (ICM) from the CD-ROM. Run the
module and then record your performance number for the module which indicates your mastery of the material.
ICM Kinetics Challenge 1 Performance #
Example 1-1 Calculate the volume of a CSTR for the conditions used to figure the plug-lion reactor volume in Example E -1. Which volume i s larger. the
PFR or the CSTR'? Explain why. Suggest two ways to work t h ~ sproblem
Calculate the rime ra reduce the number o f moles of A to 19 of its initial value
in a constant-volume batch reactor for the reaction and data in Example 1 - 1 .
\%'hat assumptions were made in the dcrivat~onof the design equation for:
la) the batch reactor?
(b) the CSTR?
{c) the plug-Row reacior (PIT)?
Id) thc packed-bed reactor IPBR)?
(e) State in words the meanings of -r,. -r; . and X
r . Is the reaction nte -r,
an extensive quantity'! Explain.
Use the mole balance to derive an equation analogous to Equi~rion( 1-7 1 for n fluidifrd CSTR contalnrnp catalyst particles in terms of the catalys~we~ght.IV and other
appropriate term\. Hirlr: Scc rnaq~nfigure.
Chap. 1
Q ~ ~ c a n t manklim
or hills
SFde view
Figure PI-14 Schematic diagmrns or the Loc AngeIes basin.
= 0.0001 s-I
with k = 3 dm'
with k
moE .h
Sec. 1.4
Continuous-Flow Reactors
As with the PFR,the PBR is assumed to have no radial gradients in concentration, temperature, or reaction rate. The generalized mole balance on species A over catalyst weight AW results in the equation
In -
Generation = Accumulation
!notes A
.(mass of catabsr) = moles
(time)(rnass of caraly.~r)
which are. as expected, the same dimensions of the molar flow rate FA. After
dividing by AW and taking the limit as A W -+ 0. we arrive at the differential
form of the mole balance for a packed-bed reactor:
When pressure drop through the reactor (see Section 4.5) and catalyst
decay (see Section 10.7) are neglected, the integral form af the packed-cataIyst-kd design equation can be used to calculate the catalyst weight.
Use integral fnrm
only for no AP and
no catalyst decay.
W i s the catalyst weight necessary to reduce the entering molar flow rate of
species A. F,,. to a flow rate FA.
For some insight into things to come, consider the following example of
how one can use the tubular reactor design Equation ( 1 - 1 I).
Exumpk 1-1 How Large Is
runs-2-bu tene
A - R
The first order (-r, = kc,)reaction is carried nut in a rubular reactor in which the
volulnezric flow mte, c, I F constanl. 1.e.. I? = E ) , ~ .
Mole Balances
1. Speciec A is consumed as we move down the reactor, and as a result. both the
molar flow rate of A and the concentration of A will decrease as we move.
Because the volumetric flow rate is constant, v = v , , one can use Equation
(1-8) to obtain the concentration of A, C, = F , ~ U and
~ , then by compariwn
with Figure 1-12 plot the concenrration of A as a function of rertctor volume
as shown in Figure El-1.1.
Figure EI-1.1
Concentration prufile.
For a tubular reactor, the mole balance on species A Cj = A) was shown to be given
by Equation (1-1 1). Then for species A (j= A) results
Reactor sizing
Because the volumetric flow rate. u , is constant ( u = uo). as it is for most liquidphase reactions,
Industriat Rsac!ors
U ~ i n gthe conditions a ihc entrance ef the reactor that when V = 0, Ben C , = C,,,,
- 5f:d5 ,
J:( ,V
k r
C,= C,,,exp
3. We want to find the vo:olume. V , , at which C , = --C,,
c = 10 dmJlmin.
In the remainder of this chapter we look at slightly more detailed drawings of some typical industrial reactors and point out a few of the advantages
and diradvantages of each.'
E, 5