Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional
Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services.
Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi
Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramcos
employees. Any material contained in this document which is not already
in the public domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given, or
disclosed to third parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part, without
the written permission of the Vice President, Engineering Services, Saudi
Chapter : Vessels
File Reference: MEX20205
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Available Options....................................................................................... 53
Requirements for New Hydrotest ............................................................... 54
PRESSURE VESSEL .................................................................. 55
Work Aid 1A: External Inspection Frequency ........................................... 55
Work Aid 1B: Internal Inspection Frequency ............................................ 58
VESSEL FOR CONTINUED OPERATION............................... 61
Work Aid 2A: Evaluation of Pitting Type Corrosion................................ 62
Work Aid 2B: Evaluation of Uniform Type Corrosion ............................. 64
ALTERATIONS ON PRESSURE VESSELS ............................. 70
DESIGN CONDITIONS.............................................................. 76
GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................... 78
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Periodic inspection may be used to improve overall operating efficiency. External inspections
may be made visually, or with other nondestructive techniques, while the vessel is in
operation and still closed. These operational inspections may identify problems such as leaks,
improper installations, plugged lines, excessive vibration, unusual noise, or other evidence of
malfunction. Early identification of these problems and their causes can help in the
development of appropriate corrective action, can prevent more extensive damage, and can
direct the planning efforts for later inspections and maintenance activities.
Primary Causes of Pressure Vessel Deterioration
The primary causes of pressure vessel deterioration are as follows:
Mechanical forces
Faulty material
Faulty fabrication
A periodic inspection program is most effective in the case of vessels for which deterioration
is expected and when the program is developed based on the types of deterioration that can be
expected in the particular pressure vessel service. The primary causes of pressure vessel
deterioration are briefly discussed in the paragraphs that follow.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Corrosion is the primary cause of pressure vessel deterioration and was discussed in COE
103, COE 105, and earlier in this course. As previously discussed, the potential for corrosion
is considered in pressure vessel design by the addition of a corrosion allowance to the vessel
component thicknesses or by the use of alloy materials or internal linings. The most common
corrosive materials that cause internal corrosion in refinery pressure vessel applications are
sulfur and chloride compounds. Caustics, inorganic and organic acids, and other chemicals
that are used in particular processes may cause internal corrosion problems as well. The
degree of external corrosion will vary based on atmospheric conditions and on the presence of
airborne contaminants such as corrosive chemicals in industrial locations and salt in the
vicinity of salt water.
Corrosion by sulfur compounds may occur at temperatures that are below the dew point of
water or at temperatures that are above 260C (500F). High-temperature sulfur corrosion is
the most damaging condition for most steels, especially in applications where hydrogen is
present in significant concentrations with hydrogen sulfide. Corrosion that is due to sulfur
compounds may take the form of general corrosion, scale formation, or blistering, depending
on the process environment and temperature.
Corrosion by chloride compounds, mainly by hydrogen chloride, occurs in areas where the
temperature is below the dew point of water and is general in nature. This type of corrosion
may also cause pitting on the surface of carbon steel or stress corrosion cracking of austenitic
stainless steel material. Areas that are adjacent to welds are particularly susceptible to this
type of corrosion.
Low-temperature hydrogen attack causes the formation of blisters on the steel surface, as
illustrated in Figure 1. In this situation, corrosion by a weak acid forms atomic hydrogen that
may diffuse into the steel. When the atomic hydrogen reaches a void or a nonmetallic
inclusion that is located in the steel, such as at a lamination, it changes into molecular
hydrogen (H2) and can no longer diffuse. Pressure will build in the void as the atomic
hydrogen continues to diffuse and as more molecular hydrogen is formed. This pressure
buildup will cause blisters if it continues to rise and can also lead to the formation of cracks.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Erosion, as illustrated in Figure 2, is the wearing away of a surface due to the impingement of
solid particles or liquid. Erosion is usually found at flow restrictions, changes in flow
direction, or other geometric disturbances that cause locally high flow velocities. Erosion
may typically be found at inlet or outlet nozzles, on internal piping, internal grid or tray
sections, vessel walls opposite inlet nozzles, internal support beams, and on flow
impingement baffles.
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Mechanical Forces
Mechanical forces can result in vessel failure if they have not been properly considered in the
design. The primary mechanical forces that are of concern are thermal shock, cyclic
temperature changes, vibration, pressure surges, and high external loads. Excessive
mechanical forces can cause upset of internal components, cracks, bulges, and permanent
distortion. Such mechanical forces will typically have a localized effect on the pressure
vessel or its internals. However, a localized failure can progress into a more general failure if
sufficient load-carrying capacity is lost and if the local failure is not identified in time to take
suitable corrective action.
Faulty Material
The use of faulty or incorrect material may cause problems with pressure vessels after they
have been placed into service. Problems that are due to faulty material may be broad in scope
and may, if they are severe, result in very rapid vessel deterioration. However, the likelihood
that problems will occur due to faulty material is minimal as long as SAESs and SAMSSs are
used for material inspection and as long as past experience and testing is used for material
Faulty Fabrication
Faulty fabrication can include poor welding, improper heat treatment, dimensions that are
outside acceptable tolerances, improper installation of vessel internals, and improper
assembly of flanged or threaded joints. Problems that are due to faulty fabrication will
typically be localized, such as weld cracks or flange leakage. As with faulty materials, the
likelihood that problems will occur due to faulty fabrication is minimal as long as Saudi
Aramco fabrication requirements are followed.
General Considerations Regarding Inspection Intervals
All new pressure vessels are inspected at the time of fabrication, as discussed in MEX 202.04.
Internal field inspections of new vessels are normally not required as long as the ASME Code
Manufacturer's Data Report (which confirms that the vessel meets the required technical
specification) has been provided.
The type, extent, and frequency of pressure vessel inspection are based on the condition of the
vessel, the environment in which the vessel operates (internal and external), and past
experience with this and other vessels in similar applications. These inspections may be
external, internal, or a combination of both. Various nondestructive techniques may be used
for this inspection, and these techniques will be highlighted in a later section of this module.
Some inspections may be done with the vessel in operation, while others can only be done
with the vessel out of service, cleaned, and prepared for safe entry. In all cases, the inspection
Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
intervals and methods that are used are intended to ensure that the pressure vessel remains
safe for continued operation, without any unplanned shutdowns, until it is inspected again.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The primary Saudi Aramco engineering document that is used to determine the required
pressure vessel inspection intervals is SAEP-20, Equipment Inspection Schedule. SAEP-20
supplements requirements that are contained in API-510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code.
The National Board Inspection Code (NBIC) contains requirements that are similar to API510 and provides additional detail and clarity in several areas. SAEP-20 does not refer to the
NBIC, but it is still a good source of pertinent guidelines.
The NBIC does not have "National" application to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Rather, the
term "National" in the document title applies to its applicability in the United States (although
not all states require its use). Within Saudi Aramco, the NBIC is used as a reference when
repairs, modifications, or rerating is required.
SAEP-20 requires that an Equipment Inspection Schedule (EIS) be prepared as part of all new
projects for pressure vessels that are in the following services:
Utilities, production, processing, storage, and transportation of oil, gas, and byproducts.
The EIS must be included in the Inspection Record Book as part of the Project Record Book.
The EIS must be submitted for approval 30 days prior to facility completion. The EIS
approval process must involve Saudi Aramco Project Management, as well as the facility's
Operations Engineering and Inspection Unit. This approach to the development of vessel
inspection requirements forces these inspection requirements to be considered early, results in
permanent records, and involves all the appropriate technical areas.
The anticipated or measured rate of corrosion is the primary factor that determines the
maximum permitted external and internal inspection intervals. Other special factors that
could cause vessel deterioration in particular services are also considered in the development
of the maximum permitted inspection intervals. Work Aid 1 may be used to determine the
appropriate pressure vessel inspection intervals based on given corrosion rate information, in
accordance with SAEP-20 requirements.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
SAEP-20 also provides the flexibility to revise the external and internal inspection intervals
that were originally developed for the pressure vessel based on actual experience and
operational needs. Specific procedures and approval requirements for inspection interval
revision are specified in SAEP-20 and must be followed in order to permit these inspection
interval revisions. Participants are referred to SAEP-20 for additional information.
External Inspection Intervals
Informal pressure vessel inspections should be performed periodically by operations,
maintenance, and inspection personnel during their normal course of doing other work in the
area. These informal inspections merely involve being observant and aware of indications
that appear to be abnormal. For example, visible signs of leakage, extreme vibration, or other
obvious abnormalities should be brought to the attention of appropriate personnel for
evaluation to determine an appropriate course of action. It is always preferable to identify
potential problems as early as possible so that corrective action can be taken before these
problems become more significant.
Formal external inspections, and Onstream Inspection (OSI) Performance, must be done at
intervals that are determined in accordance with SAEP-20. SAEP-20 specifies when the
initial OSI must be done after the vessel has first been placed in service, and SAEP-20 also
specifies subsequent OSI intervals. The initial and subsequent OSI intervals are based on
corrosion rate. Sufficient vessel component thickness measurements are made during the
OSIs in order to determine the actual corrosion rates being experienced and to estimate the
remaining vessel life. Information that is obtained during the OSIs may be used to help
determine whether the specified internal T&I intervals should be lengthened or shortened.
Work Aid 1 summarizes the procedure for determining the required external inspection
Internal Inspection Intervals
Formal internal Test and Inspections (T&I) must be done at intervals that are determined in
accordance with SAEP-20. SAEP-20 specifies when the initial T&I must be done after the
vessel has first been placed in service, and SAEP-20 also specifies subsequent T&I intervals.
The initial and subsequent T&I intervals are based primarily on corrosion rate but are also
influenced by the vessel service, whether an internal coating is used, and inspection results.
Sufficient vessel component thickness measurements are made during the T&Is in order to
determine the actual corrosion rates being experienced and to estimate the remaining vessel
life. Work Aid 1 summarizes the procedure for determining the required internal inspection
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Before the inspection actually begins, operations personnel and all persons who are working
around the vessel should be advised that people will be inside the vessel. As a safety
precaution, a worker should be posted outside the manway that is used for vessel entry, to
stay in touch with the people who are inside the vessel and to get help should assistance be
required. In the case of tall towers, it is advisable to post warning tags at all other manways
as well. Workers who are inside a vessel should also be informed when any work will be
done on the exterior of the vessel, so that they do not become alarmed should there be
unexpected or unusual noises.
Preparatory Work
Existing vessel inspection records and past experience must be reviewed in order to anticipate
what forms of deterioration may be present in the vessel and to plan the specific external and
internal inspections that will be done. Once this inspection planning has been done, it is
possible to determine what specific inspection tools are required. All the tools that are needed
to conduct the vessel inspection should be checked for availability and proper working
condition prior to beginning the inspection. This equipment check includes anything that is
needed for personnel safety. Any necessary safety signs should be installed prior to entering
the vessel. All necessary scaffolding, with appropriate safety rails, toeboards, and ladders,
should be installed prior to beginning the inspection.
Typical inspection tools include items such as a thin-bladed knife, chisel or scraper, steel tape
or rule, inspector's hammer, pit depth gauge, wire brush, magnet, crayons, notebook and
pencil, and plastic bags for corrosion product samples. More specialized equipment which
may be required for specific tasks may include ultrasonic and magnetic particle test
equipment, a portable hardness tester, and a material testing machine. A more complete list
of inspection equipment that may be needed is contained in API RP 572, Inspection of
Pressure Vessels.
External Inspection Scope
Much of the external inspection of a pressure vessel can be done while the vessel is still in
operation. In-service inspection will reduce the amount of time that the vessel must be out of
service in order for the entire inspection to be completed. The paragraphs that follow
highlight the primary areas that are inspected, along with typical deterioration that may be
found. More detailed information can be found in API RP 572, Inspection of Pressure
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Steel supports should be inspected for corrosion, distortion, and cracking. The thickness of
any areas of significant corrosion should be measured and evaluated for acceptability.
Columns, load-carrying members, or skirt supports which have visibly distorted should be
evaluated for adequate structural integrity.
The nozzles and adjacent areas of the vessel should be inspected for distortion, weld cracking,
and damage or distortion to the flange faces. Nozzle distortion or cracks could be caused by
excessive loads that are imposed on the nozzle by connected pipe or equipment. Flange face
damage could be caused by improper handling practices during maintenance. If any
distortion or damage is noted in the immediate area around the nozzle, the inspection should
be extended to include all vessel seams in the area to ensure that there are no weld cracks.
Nozzles should be internally inspected, when possible, for corrosion, cracking, and distortion.
Nozzle internal inspection is especially important in situations where erosion or high thermal
gradients are expected. Nozzle wall thickness measurements should also be made.
Grounding Connections
Electrical grounding connections should be visually inspected to ensure that good electrical
contact is maintained. Grounding connections provide a path for the harmless discharge of
lightening or static electricity into the ground.
Auxiliary Equipment
Auxiliary equipment, such as gauge connections, sight glasses, and safety valves, should be
visually inspected while the vessel is in operation. Leakage at flanged or threaded
connections, or excessive vibration, should be noted for possible corrective action.
Protective Coatings and Insulation
External protective coatings, such as paint systems, are used to protect the vessel from
external corrosion. Any coating deterioration should be noted by visual inspection. The
usual indications of paint system failure are rust spots, blisters, and lifting of the paint film.
The metal that is under areas of paint system failure should be inspected for corrosion
thinning and pitting.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The insulation system should be visually inspected to ensure that its jacketing is intact and
that the overall installation is sound. Failure of the external jacketing could permit water or
other corrosive material that is in the atmosphere to get under the insulation and externally
corrode the vessel shell, as illustrated in Figure 4. It is prudent to remove several samples of
insulation to determine the condition of the insulation, metal shell, and insulation support
clips that are located beneath it. If local areas of insulation system failure are noted, a more
thorough external inspection of the vessel shell should be made to determine if any corrosion
has occurred. Areas that are typically of most concern are near geometric changes in the
vessel, such as at nozzles and support points. Proper jacket installation is more difficult at
vessel geometric changes, and water can accumulate more easily at these sites.
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Surface Preparation
The amount of surface preparation that is required for an internal vessel inspection depends
on the type and the location of deterioration that is expected. Normal cleaning methods such
as hot water washing, steam or solvent cleaning, and ordinary scraping, are usually sufficient
to permit adequate inspection. Where better cleaning is needed, the inspector's common hand
tools will normally be sufficient.
More extensive cleaning methods, such as power brushing, abrasive-grit blasting, or power
chipping, are sometimes required based on the circumstances. The more extensive cleaning
methods are typically required when stress corrosion cracking, wet sulfide cracking, hydrogen
attack, or other forms of metallic degradation are suspected. If extensive cracking, corrosion,
or pitting are found, thorough cleaning over wide areas is required in order to permit a
thorough inspection.
Preliminary Visual Inspection
The vessel internal inspection should always begin with a general, preliminary, visual
inspection. The type of corrosion (uniform or pitting), the location and extent of corrosion,
and any other obvious data (such as failed internal components) should be noted. The visual
inspection should then concentrate on areas where problems could be anticipated based on the
vessel service and past experience. The need for additional inspection, as required, should be
noted. The paragraphs that follow highlight typical occurrences that should be considered.
Pressure vessels that are in certain refinery services are subject to corrosion or
other forms of attack that tend to concentrate in particular areas. Past
experience should highlight the services and areas that are of particular
concern. For example:
The bottom head and shell of fractionator towers that process high
sulfur crude oil are prone to sulfur corrosion that tends to be most
severe around the inlet lines.
The upper shells and top heads of fractionation and distillation towers
are sometimes subject to chloride attack.
Vessels that are exposed to wet hydrogen sulfide or cyanides are prone
to cracks in the welds and HAZ.
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Cracks will most likely occur where there are abrupt geometric changes, such
as at nozzles or in weld seams, if high local stresses are applied.
Vessel shell sections that are adjacent to inlet flow streams or a flow
impingement plate are prone to thinning that is caused by erosion. Special
attention should be paid to the possibility of erosion in situations with relatively
high velocity liquid flows, and to the presence of entrained solids in the flow
The preliminary visual inspection will note areas that require additional cleaning and more
detailed follow-up inspection in order to completely define the situation and permit suitable
Detailed Inspection
The detailed internal inspection should be done using a systematic procedure that begins at
one end of the vessel and works toward the other end. Special attention should be paid to
suspect areas that were identified during the preliminary visual inspection. All parts of the
vessel should be inspected for corrosion, erosion, hydrogen blisters, deformation, cracks, and
laminations. Records should be made of the types and locations of any deterioration that is
found. The paragraphs that follow highlight particular items that must be included in this
detailed inspection.
Thickness and size measurements should be made at areas that exhibit general
corrosion or pitting. The number and location of the thickness and pit depth
measurements that are made will depend on the extent of the deterioration that
is found.
Welded seams are more prone to the formation of cracks when the vessel is in
particular services, or if the vessel is fabricated from particular materials.
Therefore, the welds should be carefully checked for cracks in these cases.
Services that require special attention are amine, wet hydrogen sulfide,
caustic, ammonia, cyclic/high temperature applications, or deaerator
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The depth and extent of any cracks that are found must be defined. This crack
definition is typically done by the use of liquid penetrant, magnetic particle,
and/or ultrasonic shear wave inspection techniques.
Areas that are directly above or below the liquid level in vessels that contain
acidic corrosive materials are subject to hydrogen blisters. The blister size and
whether any cracks are associated with the blister should be determined.
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Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Radiography and shear wave ultrasonics are used to evaluate defects that are
not visible on the surface.
Etching of small areas of the metal surface is sometimes used to find small
surface cracks.
The use of any of these inspection methods requires more extensive cleaning of the local
areas of the vessel.
Metallurgical Changes and In-Place Metal Analysis
The methods that are used to detect mechanical changes can also be used to detect
metallurgical changes that may have occurred. In-place metallography can be used to detect
metallurgical changes through the use of portable polishing equipment and replica transfer
techniques. Hardness measurements, chemical spot tests, and magnetic tests are three other
methods that may be used to detect metallurgical changes.
Portable hardness testers may be used to detect locally hard areas that may be more prone to
cracking. Faulty heat treatment, carburization, nitriding, decarburization, and other factors
may result in local changes in hardness that could have wider implications with respect to
vessel reliability.
Local chemical tests are typically used to detect the installation of incorrect materials.
Chemicals such as nitric acid in various concentrations are typically used for these chemical
Steels that are normally nonmagnetic usually become magnetic when they are carburized.
Therefore, carburization of austenitic stainless steel can sometimes be detected through the
use of a magnet.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Scope and History. This section specifies the scope of the current inspection as
well as the inspection methods that were used (such as visual observations and
ultrasonic measurements). The use of any special inspection techniques should
be documented.
This section also summarizes the pressure vessel's history, such as when it was
placed into service, when the last T&I was done, and any significant inspection
findings or repairs that were made during the last T&I. The Equipment
Inspection Schedule (EIS) with the associated Onstream Inspection (OSI) and
Test & Inspection (T&I) intervals are not a part of the Inspection and History
Report, but they may be referred to if required as part of the evaluation.
The inspector should have reviewed the operating history of the pressure vessel
and should have identified any process difficulties that occurred during the last
period of operation prior to the T&I. Anything unusual in the operating history
should be documented in the report since it might have contributed to problems
that are noted during the inspection. This pressure vessel history review should
also include whether any problems were found on similar equipment during
their T&Is that affected how the current inspection was conducted.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The complete information file for the pressure vessel will include the Pressure Vessel Data
Sheet (Form 2682 or Form 2683 as appropriate), the pressure vessel Safety Instruction Sheet
(Form 2694), and the vessel fabrication drawings. It may be necessary to refer to this
additional information in order to evaluate the current inspection data. However, this
additional information is not part of the Inspection and History Report.
Figures 5 and 6 provide overall formats that summarize the primary sections and information
that are combined in an Inspection and History Report.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Conical Section
External Heads
Internal Heads
Vessel Support
Support Foundation
Internal Lining
Internal Cladding or Overlay
Trays and Downcomers
Internal Distribution Piping
Catalyst Support System
Paint System
Insulation System
Ladders, Stairways, Platforms
Auxiliary Equipment (Gage connections,
sight glasses, etc.)
Grounding Connections
Components of Inspection and History Report
Figure 5
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Inspection Date
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Determining actions that can be taken if corroded areas are not acceptable.
Type of corrosion
Type of loading
The required procedures for determination of the minimum actual thicknesses to use in the
evaluation of corroded regions of a pressure vessel are contained in Work Aid 2.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Types of Corrosion
Corrosion may take the form of a uniform metal loss, or may occur by leaving a pitted
appearance. Uniform corrosion is a general, even wastage over a surface area. Pitting
corrosion has an obvious, irregular surface appearance. Uniform corrosion may be difficult to
detect visually, and thickness measurements are required to determine its extent. Pitted
surfaces may be thinner than they appear visually, and thickness measurements are typically
required for pitted areas as well. Uniform and pitting types of corrosion are illustrated in
Figures 7 and 8. These types of corrosion must be evaluated differently.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Recall that MEX 202.03 discussed procedures for calculation of the wall thickness of various
pressure vessel components. For example, a uniform minimum required wall thickness was
calculated for an applied internal pressure. Uniform corrosion results in a thinner vessel
component over a relatively large area. This relatively uniform thinning will make the
component suitable for less severe conditions than it was originally designed for.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Pitted regions on the surface of a pressure vessel are plainly visible and have the appearance
of craters or locally thinned regions that are surrounded by thicker areas. These thicker areas
act as local reinforcement. Because of this local reinforcement, the pitting must be fairly
extensive and deep before it will have a practical impact on vessel integrity. The pitting can
actually be ignored if it can be classified as "widely scattered." If pitting cannot be classified
as widely scattered, pitting corrosion is evaluated with the same approach as for uniform
corrosion. Pit depth, size, and area measurements must be made in order to determine if the
pits can be considered widely scattered and if they may be safely ignored. API-510 provides
a procedure to determine whether pitting can be considered as widely scattered. The API-510
procedure is contained in Work
Aid 2.
Major Vessel Sections
The pressure vessel must be divided into major sections, and the minimum actual thicknesses
to use in the integrity evaluation must be determined for each major section. It may also be
necessary to subdivide these major sections further and to evaluate the smaller regions
separately, based on the type and extent of corrosion that is found and on the size and
geometry of the section. Each section of the vessel is evaluated separately, and the section
that limits the overall operation of the vessel is then determined based on the weakest section.
This concept of identifying the weakest section of a pressure vessel is the same as the
approach to MAWP calculation that was discussed in MEX 202.03.
Division of the vessel into major sections may be based on the following factors:
Geometry. For example, cylindrical or conical shells, heads, and nozzles can
each be considered as a separate section of a vessel.
Corrosion rates and types. Experience may indicate that corrosion rate or type
may vary in different parts of the vessel, and different sections of the vessel
may therefore require separate evaluation.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Type of Loading
The type of loading that governs the design of a vessel section determines how the minimum
actual thickness is determined. For the primary shell and head sections of a pressure vessel, it
should be determined whether the governing stress is in the circumferential or meridional
(axial) direction, since the direction of the governing stress will govern the direction of the
thickness measurements. Thickness measurements should be made along lines in the
meridional (axial) direction in vessel sections where the required thickness is governed by
circumferential stress. Thickness measurements should be made along lines in the
circumferential direction in vessel sections where the required thickness is governed by
longitudinal stress. The concept of shell thickness measurement direction is illustrated in
Figure 9, and additional details are provided in Work Aid 2.
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The average wall thickness for the vessel shell that should be used in
subsequent evaluations.
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Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
From TTL,
1 000
1 250
1 500
1 750
2 000
2 250
2 500
2 750
3 000
3 250
3 500
3 750
4 000
4 250
4 500
4 750
5 000
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
API-510 does not give guidance on the number of readings in Lmax that should be used
to get a good average, but typically a minimum of 5 data points should be used. If
local thinning is a concern, a maximum distance of 50 mm between measurement
points is typically used.
Minimum number of readings per Lmax = 5
Maximum distance between readings = Lmax/4 = 250 mm
For the thickness measurements given, the minimum thickness can be found by
inspection of the data. The average thickness, "tavg", can be found for a section of the
shell that is Lmax long and that passes through this minimum thickness point.
tmin, min = 11.8 mm
However, note that there is a row of 12 mm thickness readings in the "W" plane.
Averaging these thickness readings results in a minimum average thickness in the shell
of 12 mm.
Alternative Procedure:
Alternatively, the shell can be divided up into sections that are Lmax long starting at Point 1.
A value for "tmin" can then be found for each section of the shell.
Section 1
tavg =
tmin =
tavg, min =
12.18 mm
tmin, min =
12.1 mm
Section 2
tavg =
tmin =
tavg, min =
12.08 mm
tmin, min =
12.0 mm
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Section 3
tavg =
tmin =
tavg, min =
12.00 mm
tmin, min =
11.8 mm
Section 4
Section 5
tavg =
tmin =
tavg, min =
12.04 mm
tmin, min =
12.0 mm
tavg =
tmin =
tavg, min =
12.20 mm
tmin, min =
12.1 mm
Minimum tavg =
12.00 mm
The minimum average thickness for the shell is termed "tactual" and is used for subsequent
calculations. This sample problem demonstrates that the minimum average thickness of the
vessel will not necessarily be around the point of the minimum actual thickness. It should
also be noted that subsequent evaluations may account for the actual pressure at a given
elevation along with the minimum average thickness at that elevation.
Acceptability of Corroded Area
After the minimum actual thicknesses for the different sections of the pressure vessel have
been determined, the vessel is then evaluated for acceptability. Each corroded area is
evaluated separately, and a decision is made with regard to the vessel's suitability for
continued operation at the specified design conditions.
In very broad terms, the goal is to confirm that the MAWP of the vessel in the corroded
condition is still acceptable for the required design conditions. This determination must
consider both the current thicknesses of the vessel components and the expected future
corrosion that will take place before the next vessel inspection. This evaluation can be done
through use of the following methods:
Determine the remaining life of the vessel and maximum permitted subsequent
T&I interval, based on the minimum actual thicknesses (less future corrosion)
and the required thicknesses of the primary vessel sections. The vessel is
acceptable as long as the remaining life is acceptable and as long as the
permitted T&I interval is at least as long as that required by SAEP-20.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Calculate the stresses in the vessel components for the actual thicknesses (less
future corrosion), and compare these stresses to their allowable values to
determine acceptability.
The first approach is the most direct and the quickest; also, the first approach minimizes the
number of calculations that are required. All the information that is needed is available from
the inspection results in the Inspection and History Report and the vessel Safety Instruction
Sheet, Form 2694. Form 2694 was discussed in MEX 202.03. The second approach is only
necessary if it is found that either the remaining life of the vessel or T&I interval is not
acceptable, and a decision must be made whether to repair the vessel or rerate the vessel to
less severe design conditions. The third approach is normally only required when it is
necessary to evaluate local load conditions or if a detailed Division 2 stress analysis is
required to determine the acceptability of locally corroded regions.
The vessel evaluation is normally based on the requirements of the Code to which the vessel
was built. This method is consistent with the minimum thickness requirements that are on
Form 2694 for the vessel. However, a later edition of the Code may be used if desired, as
long as the vessel meets all the requirements of the later Code edition.
It is also permissible to perform a Division 2 detailed stress analysis of corroded regions of a
vessel if it is felt that this analysis would be advantageous. If the Division 2 analysis
approach is used, the following procedures are employed:
The allowable stress that was used in the original design must be used in place
of the Division 2 design stress intensity, as long as this allowable stress is less
than or equal to 2/3 of the Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS) of the
material at the design temperature.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
If the original allowable stress exceeds 2/3 of the SMYS of the material at the
design temperature, then 2/3 of the SMYS is to be used for the Division 2
design stress intensity.
Work Aid 2 summarizes the procedure to use for the evaluation of a corroded area for
acceptability based on the remaining life and subsequent T&I interval requirements.
Potential Actions if Corroded Areas Are Not Acceptable
If a corroded area of a pressure vessel is found to be unacceptable for continued operation,
only two options are available:
Repair the corroded area as needed to make it acceptable for the required
design conditions.
Repair of the corroded area restores the vessel to the strength that is required to withstand the
specified design conditions. Restoration of the vessel integrity in this manner will thus not
have any effect on future process operations. Several repair options are available. The choice
of which repair option to use depends on the nature and extent of the corrosion and the vessel
material of construction. Several of these options will be discussed in a later section of this
In some cases, it may not be practical to repair the vessel due to either the extent and cost of
the required repairs or to the time it would take to make the repairs. If the vessel is not
repaired, it can only be returned to service at less severe design conditions. This reduction in
vessel capability can affect process operations because the mechanical strength of the vessel
is now a restriction on how the vessel may be operated. Rerating a pressure vessel to less
severe conditions will be discussed in a later section of this module.
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
An alteration is a physical change in any component that has design implications which affect
the pressure-containing capability of a pressure vessel beyond the scope of the items that are
described on the original ASME Code Manufacturers' Data Report. Several examples of
alterations are as follows:
The addition of new nozzles or openings, except for those that may be
classified as repairs.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Defect Repairs
Unacceptable defects that are found during a T&I, such as cracks or excessively corroded
areas, must be repaired before the pressure vessel can be returned to service at the specified
design conditions. The particular method that is used for the repair depends primarily on the
type and extent of the defect.
In all cases, the repaired area must be inspected for acceptability. The inspection method that
is used and the extent of inspection depends on the type and extent of repairs that are made.
The basic intent of inspection after repair is for the repair welds to receive the same level of
quality control that the original construction welds received. This will typically involve PT or
MT inspection of weld overlay type repairs and RT and/or UT examination of full penetration
type weld repairs. The required procedures and acceptance criteria for the actual inspection
method that is used is the same as for new construction, as was discussed in MEX 202.04.
The inspection requirements are developed at the same time as the repair procedures are
developed. The Consulting Services Department should be consulted as required.
The paragraphs that follow discuss several different weld repair options that may be
considered, based on API-510 and Saudi Aramco and industry practice. Work Aid 3
summarizes an overall procedure which may be used to determine appropriate repair and
alteration procedures.
Whenever cracks are found, an evaluation should always be made to identify their root cause
and to eliminate it, rather than to just repair the cracks. For example, cracks may be due to
the following:
High local stresses that are caused by applied loads or thermal gradients.
The Consulting Services Department should be consulted as required for the determination of
the root cause of cracks.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Crack repair cannot be made until the crack has first been completely removed. Crack
removal before repair is necessary in order not to leave a geometric discontinuity at the repair
location. Such a geometric discontinuity could act as a stress concentration point and could
be a location for new crack initiation after the vessel is returned to service. Crack removal is
typically done by grinding the crack to sound metal and by performing a PT or MT inspection
to confirm that the crack has been completely removed. It is common to find that cracks
which are thought to be fairly small may actually be much longer and deeper than originally
expected. The grinding and subsequent inspection of cracks will define their complete extent.
After the crack has been completely removed, the area must be prepared for welding. This
weld preparation will typically be in the form of a U- or V-shaped groove that extends the full
length and depth of the crack. If the crack extends through the full thickness of the material,
the preparation should be for a full penetration double-butt weld or for a single-butt weld with
or without a backing strip. The area that is to be welded is then filled with weld metal through
the use of a qualified weld procedure.
It should be noted that it might not always be necessary to do a weld repair after grinding out
a crack. If the crack is shallow enough such that the remaining vessel thickness after grinding
is still acceptable for continued operation, subsequent weld repair is not required. If weld
repair is not necessary, the area of the ground out crack should be blended into the adjacent
material so that there are no sharp corners that could act as stress concentration points. Blend
grinding a crack is illustrated in Figure 12.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Relatively small corroded areas may be repaired by weld overlay, provided that
it is determined that this approach will not reduce the overall strength of the
vessel. Strength should not be an issue as long as appropriate weld procedures
and qualifications have been developed and as long as the repaired area has
been inspected. Use of weld overlay does not require any weld preparation
other than cleaning the surfaces to be welded.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Corroded areas of flange faces may be thoroughly cleaned and built up with
weld metal. The flange faces then must be remachined to provide the required
contact surface to seal against the gasket. The weld buildup and subsequent
machining must be done such that the flange thickness is not less than the
thickness required by the original design. Use of less than the original flange
design thickness must be verified as acceptable based on calculations that are
done in accordance with ASME Code criteria.
All pressure vessel repairs and alterations must be done in accordance with the principles that
are contained in the ASME Code, as modified by the applicable SAESs and SAMSSs that
were discussed in MEX 202.04. However, it is recognized that specific ASME Code and
Saudi Aramco welding requirements may be difficult to apply in all cases. This difficulty
arises because the ASME and Saudi Aramco requirements are for new construction that is
done in a fabrication shop, whereas repairs and alterations to existing pressure vessels are
done under field conditions.
It is always preferable to make vessel repairs and alterations based on the same welding
requirements that are used for new construction. However in situations where this approach
may not be practical, alternative approaches may be considered as long as they are technically
acceptable for the intended purpose. The Consulting Services Department should be
contacted for assistance as required, especially if it is necessary to deviate from ASME Code
and Saudi Aramco original construction requirements. The paragraphs that follow highlight
several specific topics.
Procedures and Records
Before any welding is done, welding procedures must be prepared and qualified, and the
welders who will perform the work must be qualified to the procedures. The same welding
procedure and welder qualification review and approval process that is used for new vessel
construction must also be used for the welding that is done for repairs and alterations. These
qualification requirements were discussed in MEX 202.04. The intent here is that there
should be no distinction between original construction welds and repair or alteration welds
with respect to welding procedure and welder qualification requirements.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Repair and alteration welding will typically be done manually rather than through the use of
automatic or semi-automatic equipment. Such welding will also be done under field
conditions rather than shop fabrication conditions. Therefore, it is extremely important that
the welding procedure and welder qualifications be performed in the positions and with any
restrictions that will be encountered in the actual vessel. For example, if repair welding will
be done in a very restricted space and overhead, these conditions should be duplicated to the
extent possible in the procedure and welder qualification tests. A procedure or welder may be
able to pass the qualification test under ideal conditions, but either the procedure or the welder
may be unacceptable under the actual field conditions that must be dealt with.
Welding procedure and welder qualification records must meet the same requirements that are
used for new vessel construction. Here again, the intent is to have no difference between
original construction and repair or maintenance welding with respect to record keeping and
accountability. These records will have added importance in situations where a subsequent
failure occurs at a location that has been repaired or altered, since the records might help in
the development of an alternative repair approach.
Alternatives to PWHT
A pressure vessel may have been given a PWHT as part of its original fabrication. This
PWHT may have been based on either stress relief considerations in accordance with ASME
Code requirements or on Saudi Aramco requirements based on either the vessel service or to
achieve acceptable weld hardness. PWHT was discussed in MEX 202.02 and MEX 202.04.
Performance of a PWHT in the field after repair or alteration welding is commonly done.
However, based on the amount of welding that is done and the materials that are involved,
field PWHT can become difficult and time consuming. Therefore, it is sometimes
advantageous not to PWHT after repairs or alterations, even if the vessel had originally
received PWHT.
There are two possible alternatives to PWHT that may be considered in the case of repairs or
alterations: the use of a higher than normal preheat temperature or the use of a temper bead
welding technique. These alternatives may only be considered for the specific cases that are
summarized in Work Aid 3. Use of either higher preheat temperature or temper bead welding
as a means to avoid PWHT should only be considered after consultation with the Consulting
Services Department.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Higher Preheat Temperature - Use of a higher than normal preheat temperature reduces the
differential temperatures in the weld joint area and thus reduces the residual stresses that are
induced due to weld shrinkage.
If higher preheat temperature is used for cases where impact testing was done as part of the
original fabrication requirements, the welding procedure that is used for the repairs should be
requalified at the higher preheat temperature. This requalification is necessary to confirm that
the toughness is still acceptable in the as-welded condition.
The details and additional restrictions on the use of higher preheat temperature are contained
in Work Aid 3.
Temper Bead Welding - The temper bead welding technique is also known as the half-bead
welding technique. The basic concept of temper bead welding is to use the heat from
subsequent layers of weld metal to provide a heat treatment of the weld metal and HAZ of
weld layers that are underneath. Weld metal that has not been tempered in this manner is
removed by grinding.
Details and restrictions on the use of temper bead welding are contained in Work Aid 3.
Local PWHT
PWHT of a new pressure vessel is typically done by placing the entire vessel into a heat
treating furnace. However, the ASME Code also permits use of a local PWHT for new
construction under certain circumstances, such as if a new nozzle or attachment must be
added to a vessel after it has already received a PWHT.
In the ASME approach to local PWHT, as illustrated in Figure 14, an entire 360
circumferential band around the vessel must be uniformly brought up to the required
temperature and held at this temperature for the specified time. Heating is typically done
through the use of electric resistance heating coils. This circumferential band contains the
weld that requires the PWHT and is to extend at least six times the plate thickness beyond
each side of the weld. The circumferential band and adjacent area of the vessel are externally
insulated to the extent necessary to ensure that the thermal gradients that result from the high
PWHT temperature do not cause excessive thermal stresses in the vessel shell.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The design details for all repairs and alterations (such as the addition of new connections)
should generally meet the principles that are established in the ASME Code, as supplemented
by Saudi Aramco requirements. Vessel components should be replaced rather than repaired
when the integrity of the repair might be questionable. Vessel design and fabrication
requirements were discussed in MEX 202.03 and MEX 202.04.
Buttwelded joints that are used for repairs or alterations must have complete penetration and
fusion in all cases, consistent with new construction requirements. Fillet-welded patches
should not be used, except for exceptional cases (such as in very low pressure applications
that involve nonhazardous services). The use of fillet-welded lap patches requires special
design considerations, and the Consulting Services Department should be consulted before
the use of fillet-welded lap patches is considered.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Rerating calculations will typically be done in accordance with the Code that was used in the
original vessel design. All the necessary design information to permit rerating in accordance
with the original construction Code is contained on the Pressure Vessel Design Sheet, the
Safety Instruction Sheet, and the original vessel fabrication drawings. Rerating calculations
may also be done based on a later edition of the original construction Code. However, to use
a later Code edition, it must be confirmed that all essential vessel details comply with the
requirements that are contained in this later edition of the Code.
The sections that follow discuss the reasons for pressure vessel rerating. Work Aid 4 provides
a procedure for the evaluation of a pressure vessel for rerated design conditions.
Changes to Original Design Pressure or Temperature
It is sometimes desirable to change the original design conditions of an existing pressure
vessel for process operations reasons. For example:
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The pressure vessel must then be evaluated for the desired design conditions in order to
determine if the vessel is acceptable. With the following exceptions, this evaluation is done in
the same manner as for a new vessel (as was discussed in MEX 202.03):
An allowance for future corrosion that is based on actual corrosion rate data
must be included.
Either the design pressure, design temperature, or both might be revised. As MEX 202.03
explained, the design pressure and design temperature must be considered together when a
pressure vessel design is developed. This combination of design pressure and design
temperature must also be considered when a vessel is rerated. Items that must be considered
when rerating a pressure vessel are as follows:
The need to reset the safety valve set pressure, based on a new design pressure.
A shorter future inspection interval, which will permit use of a smaller future
corrosion allowance.
This information defines an acceptable design envelope for the vessel. This acceptable design
envelope, if it is not adequate for a long duration of service, might be satisfactory for at least
shorter term operational needs.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Modify the process requirements such that the vessel will be acceptable without
repair or modification.
The choice of which option to take depends on cost, schedule, and available operating
The repairs or modifications that are required to make an existing pressure vessel suitable for
revised operating conditions must be defined in order to determine the feasibility, cost, and
time to implement the repairs or modifications. For example, relatively simple repairs such as
localized weld overlay, the use of insert patches, or the replacement of corroded components
such as nozzles or flanges might be all that is required and might be relatively simple to
accomplish. However, the replacement of major sections of the shell or of entire heads will
be more expensive and time consuming.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
After rerating to new design conditions that result in a higher than original
A new hydrotest is performed in the first two situations for the same reason that it is done for
a new vessel. The hydrotest is done to confirm that the mechanical integrity of the vessel is
still acceptable after alterations are done. A hydrotest is also done to determine whether the
vessel has been rerated to a higher MAWP. If the vessel MAWP has not been changed from
the original value, the hydrotest pressure will typically be equal to that shown on the Pressure
Vessel Design Sheet (Service Test Pressure) and the Safety Instruction Sheet. If the vessel
MAWP is changed, the hydrotest pressure is adjusted accordingly. Procedures to use in the
calculation of the hydrotest pressure were discussed in MEX 202.04.
Doing a hydrotest for the last two situations will depend on the particular details that are
involved. The Consulting Services Department should be consulted as required.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
This Work Aid may be used in conjunction with the copy of SAEP-20, Equipment Inspection
Schedule, that is contained in Course Handout 2, in order to determine the appropriate
external and internal inspection frequencies for a pressure vessel.
Work Aid 1A:
The procedure that follows is to be used to determine the maximum permitted initial and
subsequent Onstream Inspection (OSI) Performance intervals for pressure vessels.
Determine the Corrosion Service Class for the pressure vessel in accordance with the
criteria that follows:
Corrosion Service Class
0 - Performance Alert
1 - Corrosive Service
The initial maximum OSI interval must be one year for Corrosion Classes 1 and 2, and
two years for Corrosion Class 3.
The initial maximum OSI interval must be one year for Corrosion Class 0, unless a
shorter interval has been specified based on specific Performance Alerts.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Determine the actual measured thicknesses for the same major vessel sections,
tactual, as determined from the previous OSI.
Determine the maximum corrosion rate for the vessel, CR, based on the larger
of the following:
The actual maximum CR for the vessel, based on the OSI data for each
major vessel section, as determined based on the equation that follows.
The CR for the vessel is taken as the maximum value that is calculated for the
major vessel sections.
Determine the remaining life, RL, for the vessel. This is the minimum RL that
is calculated considering all the major vessel sections, based on the equation
that follows:
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Determine the maximum subsequent OSI interval from the table that follows.
Maximum Subsequent
OSI Inspection
Corrosion Service
Vessel RL,
Less than or
equal to 4
4 - 10
12 months
10 - 20
Greater than or
Equal to 20
30 months
60 months
Any revisions to the specified inspection intervals can only be made based on the
procedures and approval requirements that are stated in SAEP-20.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The procedure that follows is to be used to determine the maximum permitted initial and
subsequent Test and Inspection (T&I) intervals for pressure vessels.
Determine the Corrosion Service Class for the pressure vessel in accordance with Step
1 of Work Aid 1A.
No ___
Determine the maximum interval before the Initial T&I based on the information in
Steps 1 and 2 as follows:
If Step 2 is "No", the Initial T&I interval is 24 months for all Corrosion Service
If Step 2 is "Yes", the Initial T&I interval is 12 months for Corrosion Service
Classes 0 and 1, and 12 - 24 months for Corrosion Service Classes 2 and 3.
Assignment of a time interval for Corrosion Service Classes 2 and 3 is flexible
within the stated range, and must be determined by Area Operations Inspection.
However, the actual time interval that is used must not be influenced by
material selection and/or design considerations.
The maximum interval for subsequent T&Is must be the smallest of the values that are
determined based on the three separate determination criteria that are summarized in
Steps 5 through 7: the vessel remaining life, Corrosion Service Class, or equipment
items as specified in SAEP-20.
Determine the vessel remaining life, RL, using the procedure in Work Aid 1A,
Step 4.
The maximum subsequent T&I interval must be the lower of RL/2 or 10 years.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
1 - Corrosive Service
120 (1 & 2)
120 (1 & 2)
Equipment with internal critical coatings that are in Corrosion Service Classes
2 or 3, as determined by Area Operations Inspection, should have their T&I
intervals based on anticipated coating life.
60/120 (1)
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
24/48 (3)
GOSP Desalters
Small air surge drums have a capacity of 4 cubic feet (30 gallons or 114 liters)
or less. Larger air surge drums fall under the regular "air receiver" category for
T&I intervals.
All internal welds of the Deaerator must be 100% Wet Fluorescent Magnetic
Particle Tested (WFMPT). The T&I intervals that follow must apply based on
the results of those tests:
If deep cracks (approaching or exceeding tm) are found, then the T&I
interval must be 12 months.
If shallow surface cracks are found, then the T&I interval must be 24
If no cracks are found after two successive T&Is, then an EIS Revision,
along with support documentation, should be submitted for the
maximum 48 months T&I interval.
Any revisions to the specified inspection intervals can only be made based on the
procedures and approval requirements that are stated in SAEP-20.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The procedures that are contained in this Work Aid are based on API-510, Pressure Vessel
Inspection Code, and may be used to determine the suitability of a corroded pressure vessel
for continued service, based on information that is provided in an Inspection and History
Report and elsewhere. A copy of API-510 is contained in Course Handout 2 for reference.
Use of this procedure requires the following information:
Vessel component current wall thickness data. The wall thickness data would
have been obtained during a T&I and should be summarized in an Inspection
and History Report that is prepared during the T&I.
Vessel geometric details and design conditions. Again, these are available
from the Pressure Vessel Design Data Sheet or Safety Instruction Sheet.
The number of years the vessel has been in service, the desired remaining life,
and the desired minimum inspection interval. This information should be part
of the Inspection and History Report.
Data Collection
Use the procedure that follows to collect the data that is needed for the vessel evaluation.
From the inspection data, original component thickness information, and the number
of years the vessel has been in service, determine the maximum corrosion rate for the
From the maximum corrosion rate, desired remaining vessel life, and desired
minimum inspection interval, determine the required remaining corrosion allowance to
achieve the minimum inspection interval and remaining vessel life.
From the inspection data, determine whether the corrosion is pitting type or general
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Locate the worst area of pitting within the corroded area, and inscribe a 200 mm (8 in.)
diameter circle around it.
Measure the total pit area within the 200 mm (8 in.) circle.
Inscribe a straight line or lines within the circle such that they cross the pits. The
objective is to locate the straight line that results in the largest total length of pits that
are within the circle whose boundaries cross the straight line (see Figure 15).
Determine the maximum pit depth that is located within the circle.
The pitting may be considered as widely scattered and ignored if all the following
conditions are satisfied:
The pit depth is no more than half the required wall thickness minus the
required allowance for future corrosion.
The total area of the pits in any 200 mm (8 in.) diameter circle does not exceed
45 cm2 (7 in.2).
The sum of the pit dimensions along any straight line within the circle does not
exceed 50 mm (2 in.).
It may be necessary to repeat this process to confirm that the entire pitted area satisfies
the criteria.
Pitted areas that cannot be considered widely scattered must be repaired or treated as
general corrosion.
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Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The minimum thickness that is measured anywhere within the generally corroded area
may be used for the subsequent evaluation. However, use of the minimum thickness
may be too conservative. Therefore, the thickness within the corroded area may be
averaged over a maximum length, L, based on the procedure that follows.
For vessels with an inside diameter of 1 500 mm (60 in.) or less, L is the
smaller of one half the vessel diameter or 500 mm (20 in.).
For vessels with an inside diameter over 1 500 mm (60 in.), L is the smaller of
one third the vessel diameter or 1 000 mm (40 in.).
When the corroded area contains an opening, L must not extend beyond
the limits of reinforcement as defined by the ASME Code (discussed in
MEX 202.03).
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Note the following with respect to the thickness measurements and averaging.
For vessel sections where the minimum required thickness is governed by internal or
external pressure, the governing stress is circumferential and the distance, L, that was
determined in Step 1 should be located along meridional lines on the vessel section
(axial lines on a cylindrical shell). Circumferential stress will govern the design of
most vessel shell and head sections.
If the combination of pressure, weight, and wind or earthquake loads governs the
design of a vessel section (such as the lower part of a tall tower), the governing stress
is longitudinal and the distance, L, that was determined in Step 1 should be located
along circumferential lines on the section.
If it is unknown what type of stress governs the design of the section, the "L-distances"
should be located along both meridional and circumferential lines.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
For corroded areas that are at or near welds that have a joint efficiency other than 1.0,
the weld joint efficiency must be considered.
Corroded areas that are within the greater of 25 mm (1 in.) or twice the minimum
thickness on either side of the weld must be evaluated based on the weld joint
efficiency. Corroded areas that are located further from the weld may be evaluated
based on a joint efficiency of 1.0. If the inspection data does not specify the distance
between the corroded area and the welds, the actual weld joint efficiency must be used
in the evaluation.
Thicknesses that are measured in the knuckle region are evaluated by the
appropriate ASME Code head formula.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
D/2h 3.0
One-half the length of the minor axis, equal to the inside depth
of the head, measured from the tangent line, mm (in.).
Use the procedure that follows to determine if the generally corroded area, or pitted
area if not "widely scattered," is acceptable.
Determine the remaining life of the vessel, RL, based on the corroded area.
If the calculated RL equals or exceeds the desired RL, the corroded area
is suitable for continued operation.
If the calculated RL is less than the desired RL, either the corrosion
must be repaired, the RL shortened, or the vessel downrated.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Compare the calculated maximum permissible T&I interval with the desired
T&I interval.
If the calculated T&I interval is less than the desired T&I interval, either
the corrosion must be repaired, the T&I interval shortened, or the vessel
Repeat this procedure for each generally corroded area that is found in the
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The following procedure must be used to define acceptable repair details and procedures for a
pressure vessel. Refer to the copy of API-510 that is contained in Course Handout 1.
Unacceptable defects that are found during a T&I must be repaired before the pressure
vessel is returned to service.
All repaired areas must be inspected for acceptability. This inspection will typically be
as follows:
Inspection procedures and acceptance criteria must be the same as are used for
new construction.
Prepare ground area for welding using a U- or V-shaped groove that extends
the full length and depth of the crack area. If the crack extends through the full
thickness of the material, the preparation must be for a full-penetration doublebutt weld, or a single butt-weld with or without a backing strip.
If the crack is shallow enough such that the remaining vessel thickness after
grinding is acceptable for continued operation, subsequent weld repair is not
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Corroded Areas
The repair option that is used for unacceptable corroded areas is based on the extent of
the corrosion, cost, and the time required to make the repair. Note that it is acceptable
to repair only portions of a corroded area, as long as the remaining thicknesses in the
unrepaired portions are acceptable for the design conditions.
For corroded flange faces, clean thoroughly and build up with weld metal.
Remachine the flange face to provide required gasket contact surface. Confirm
that the final flange thickness is acceptable.
Welding procedures, qualifications, and record keeping must meet new construction
requirements. Consult the Consulting Service Department for assistance as required
and for special situations.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
Use of either approach should only be considered after consultation with the
Consulting Services Department to develop appropriate procedures.
For P-No. 1 materials, the total depth of repair must not exceed 38 mm
(1-1/2 in.). For P-No. 3 materials, the total depth of repair must not
exceed 16 mm (5/8 in.).
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The initial layer of weld metal must be deposited over the entire
area with a 3 mm (1/8 in.) maximum diameter electrode.
Approximately one-half the thickness of this layer must be
removed by grinding before depositing subsequent layers.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
After the finished weld repair has reached ambient temperature, the
weld repair must be inspected using MT or PT. Weld repairs that are
over 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) deep must also be given an RT inspection.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
If PWHT is required, it may be done locally and not encompass a 360 circumferential
band if the requirements that follow are met:
Heat must also be applied to any nozzle or other attachment that is located
within the PWHT area, even if the nozzle or attachment were not involved in
the welding that was done.
Butt-type joints that are used for repairs must have complete penetration and fusion.
Insert type patches must have rounded corners. Design details for all repairs must
meet the same requirements as are used for new construction. The Consulting
Services Department should be consulted when alternatives are being considered.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
The procedure that is contained in this Work Aid may be used to evaluate the suitability of an
existing pressure vessel for rerated design conditions. This procedure is based on the
assumptions that follow:
Determine the originally specified design pressure and temperature, material allowable
stresses, vessel geometric information, nominal and minimum required component
thicknesses, corrosion allowance, and vessel MAWP. This information is available
from the Pressure Vessel Design Data Sheet or Safety Instruction Sheet.
Determine the desired rerated design pressure and temperature. This information is
provided by process or operations engineers.
Evaluate the suitability of the vessel for the rerated design conditions based on which
case is appropriate, as described below.
Case 1: New design temperature is unchanged (or lowered), and the new design
pressure does not exceed the original MAWP of the vessel.
The rerate is acceptable.
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
If the new MAWP exceeds the desired design pressure, the vessel is
If the new MAWP is less than the desired design pressure, the vessel is
not acceptable for the desired rerated conditions.
If the vessel is not acceptable for the initially desired rerate conditions,
operations personnel may ask that one or more alternative combinations
of pressure and temperature be evaluated for suitability.
subsequent evaluation is done based on the same procedure as above.
In all cases, the safety valve set pressure must be reset to the revised design
Engineering Encyclopedia
Maintenance and Repair of Pressure Vessels
corrosion allowance
I-T&I interval
minimum allowable
shell thickness
Performance Alert,
Corrosion Service
Class 0
T&I interval