22jul201505070413 Gautam Choubey
22jul201505070413 Gautam Choubey
22jul201505070413 Gautam Choubey
Print ISSN : 2339-9095; Online ISSN : 2393-9109; Volume 2, Number 6; April – June, 2015 pp 45 – 49
Krishi Sanskriti Publications
Abstract: The current research aims at analyzing the heat transfer coefficient of nanofluids. Many studies evaluated the
rate of the nano particles with double tube heat exchanger. convective heat transfer of nanofluids [7–10]. For example it
Graphene, the nano particle under consideration, can be prepared has been shown that alumina–water nanofluids at 6 vol% can
using Hummers and Offeman method. The analysis has been done increase the heat transfer coefficient in the entrance and fully
with the help of Ansys14 Fluent software. The physical properties
(density, thermal conductivity, specific heat, viscosity) of the nano
developed regions by 17% and 27%, respectively, when
particles are taken from a standard journal and analyzed in a double compared with pure water. Here we performed simulation
tube heat exchanger. The simulation is done using the Ansys fluent using water as working fluid, graphene 1 solution (0.05% by
for a particular concentration of graphene and the results are found weight),graphene 2 solution (0.075% by weight) in a tubular
to be almost similar. Hence the result obtained is standardized. The heat exchanger and comparing it with the results obtained in
analysis is done for various concentration of graphene i.e. graphene experiment. Also we performed simulation using graphene 1
1(0.05% by weight) and graphene 2(0.075% by weight) with solution (0.05% by weight) in a tubular heat exchanger by
corresponding properties and analysis has been continued by making providing grooves and compared it with the results obtained
grooves on the outer surface of the inner tube in case of double tube with that of without groove.
heat exchanger. It has been found that the performance and heat
transfer rate of double tube heat exchanger with grooving is better
than that of without grooving. 2. FLOW MODELING AND SIMULATION
Index Terms: Nanofluids, Convective heat transfer, Laminar flow, The computational model and its dimensions used is similar to
Graphene that used by Ahmad Ghozatloo, Alimorad Rashidi, Mojtaba
Shariaty-Niassar for their research work. All the 3D models
are generated using ICEM-CFD and computational analysis
1. INTRODUCTION are done by using ANSYS 14-Fluent software. Boundary
Conditions are same as experimental work that is taken from
Nanofluids are suspensions that can be obtained by dispersing Ahmad Ghozatloo, Alimorad Rashidi, Mojtaba Shariaty-
different nanoparticles in host fluids with the aim of enhanced Niassar (Convective heat transfer enhancement of graphene
thermal properties [1]. Over the past few years, it has been nanofluids in shell and tube heat exchanger).
shown that nanofluids are able to remarkably improve the
thermal conductivity, stability and heat transfer coefficient and Three types of boundaries are applied: inflow, outflow and
reduce the consumed power and the costs [2–5]. These fixed walls and the fluid flow is considered to be laminar.
advantages made a growing tendency in the use of nanofluids Also no slip condition is applied on fixed walls.
in different types of heat exchangers, due to the optimized
energy consumption. Hence, discovering suitable nanofluids
with improved heat transfer properties and high thermal
conductivity became a serious challenge. More specifically
graphene water-based nanofluids reveal great improvements,
which is owing to the high thermal conductivity of graphene
[6]. The experimental studies have reported significant
enhancement on the thermal conductivity and heat transfer
46 Anupam Choubey, D.H Das, Gautam Choubey
Outer inlet
1000 mm
Outer outlet
Figure 1: Configuration of the outer face Figure 4: Meshing of double tube heat exchanger
35mm Here Grid independence Test is carried out here to analyze the
40mm effect of grid number on the maximum static temperature of
the flow field.
Grooved surface
Here we describe the results obtained from simulation work. Figure 7: Contours of static temperature
The author would like to thank the Mechanical Engineering
Department of National Institute of Technology (NIT Silchar)
for providing Computational Fluid Mechanics Lab of NIT
Silchar to carry out the research work.
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