AttractSuccessBlueprint JonathanC PDF
AttractSuccessBlueprint JonathanC PDF
AttractSuccessBlueprint JonathanC PDF
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
Attract Success Blueprint
Have you ever wished you could map out an exact plan of action to help you pursue the life of
your dreams? Most of us have a few fleeting moments of wishful thinking now and then, but
we never really sit down and take a good, hard look at our lives – and the mindset that goes
with it.
The Law of Attraction (LOA) is a concept that changes the way you live each day – from an
aimless, happenstance manner to a purposeful, driven strategy that actually helps you achieve
your goals and dreams.
Contrary to what many believe, the LOA isn’t just an idea where you make a wish and hope the
universe fulfills it. It has far more to do with you and your actions than it does the universe.
Attract Success Blueprint
Attract Success Blueprint
Instead, a law of attraction advocate would go to work that day as if their raise has already
been awarded to them. Their confidence would be oozing from their demeanor and this
radiates over to those who encounter you, helping nudge your boss into agreeing with you –
that the raise you seek should be awarded to you!
It’s not about faking it, either. It’s something you have to practice and begin believing. You DO
deserve that raise. Why do you deserve it? Pump yourself up and go in there with a can do
Attract Success Blueprint
Attract Success Blueprint
This type of positive mindset will get you one step closer to achieving that goal. It’s what will
drive you each day whenever you work hard to afford the new mortgage on that bigger, better
house that you’re going to manifest.
Sometimes you have to employ the use of positive affirmations. These are phrases or sentences
that foster an encouraging and upbeat mindset to help you start your day, end your day or get
through your day without being sidetracked by obstacles that hinder your progress.
You don’t want to use the word “will” when writing your positive affirmations down. Don’t say,
“I will have a new career.” Instead, use a phrase like this, “I am career-drive and pursuing the
job of my dreams.”
That simple sentence makes a firm statement about what IS happening, not what might or
someday happen. It affirms that today, you will be taking action to get a better career. It will
make you take action.
Attract Success Blueprint
Attract Success Blueprint
Attract Success Blueprint
Using the LOA to gain wealth works when you stop harping on how broke you are and start
focusing on every bit of wealth that you’re building. Action steps might include leveling up in
your job, whittling down your debt and living frugally for awhile, or selling off needless items to
contribute to your wealth building strategy.
Using the LOA to lose weight is what some people do. They start by letting go of past weight
loss failures. You can’t go into this expecting to quit. Use positive affirmations that celebrate
your weight loss journey and implement action steps that help you shed pounds.
For example, say things like, “I am a healthy eater,” and then shop for foods that reflect that
new reality. Don’t get downtrodden about slow weight loss or plateaus – focus on the positive
progress that you’re showing.
Using the law of attraction is something that works in almost any situation. It’s good for men
and women, adults and children. This is a process where you change your way of thinking to
change the outcome of your life, and it takes practice, but once you learn how to do it, anything
can be yours!