Leaders: Strategies For Taking Charge
Leaders: Strategies For Taking Charge
Leaders: Strategies For Taking Charge
People love others not for who they are, but for how they make us feel. In
order to willingly accept the direction of another individual, it must feel
good to do so. This is the very essence of leadership. Irwin Federman,
former president and CEO of Monolithic Memories
In the case of our ninety leaders, they used five key skills:
1. The ability to accept people as they are, not as you would like them to
be. Understand what other people are like on their terms, rather than
judging them.
2. The capacity to approach relationships and problems in terms of the
present rather than the past.
3. The ability to treat those who are close to you with the same
courteous attention that you extend to strangers and casual
acquaintances. We tend to take for granted those to whom we are
4. The ability to trust others, even if the risk seems great.
5. The ability to do without constant approval and recognition from
Receptivity to criticism is as necessary as it is loathsome. And the more valid
the criticism, the more difficult it is to receive.
All learning involves some failure, something from which one can continue
to learn. Reasonable failure should never be received with anger.
A vision cannot be established in an organization by edict, or by the exercise
of power or coercion. It is more an act of persuasion, of creating an
enthusiastic and dedicated commitment to a vision because it is right for the
times, right for the organization, and right for the people who are working in it.
When we asked our ninety leaders about the personal qualities they needed
to run their organizations, they never mentioned charisma, or dressing for
success, or time management or any of the other glib formulas that pass for
wisdom in the popular press. Instead, they talked about persistence and selfknowledge; about willingness to take risks and accept losses; about
commitment, consistency and challenge. But, above all, they talked about
Leaders are perpetual learners.
Walter B. Wriston, Citicorps retired chairman and CEO, said, If you havent
ever made a mistake, you havent been trying hard enough.
The entire industry has learned the importance of flexibility, and bankruptcy
awaits those who are unable to cope with rapid change.
People have a stake in an idea if they participate in its creation; then theyll
work much harder, in a much more dedicated way, to bring it to success.
-- Notes shared by Jack Fertig
The Magic of Working Together
by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles
In every industry it was the team players who were in demand. The
days of a lone wolf, good producer or not, were ending.
Unfortunately, people sometimes get so caught up in the process or
working out the best leadership style that they forget what theyre
supposed to be doing in the first place. Organizations can get so
focused on beautiful processes that they forget what theyre really
supposed to be doing. Getting it right gets in the way of getting it
It was the total interdependence, the pooling of skills, that made the
difference. No one skill was more important than another one.
Ultimately, an individual skill reaches its potential when combined with
other skills.
A team is a wonderful thing. It allows us to achieve things far beyond
our own ability, while at the same time it keeps us humble.
None of us is as smart as all of us. Thats the essence of a team.
Once you accept that none of us is as smart as all of us, you can begin
to put your needs, your pride, your agenda on hold and let the teams
needs, pride and agenda become your priority.
You cant high five all by yourself. It takes a team of at least two, and
both have to do it to make it happen. And when it does, its a magic
moment. Its the same when a team clicks; its magic.
Good teams, successful teams, all share four things in common,
no matter what kind of team they are.
1) A sense of purpose plus shared values and goals.
2) The development of high skills.
3) The third key is all about synergistic harmony. If you work as a
team, you can beat the best there is if the best doesnt work as a
4) Repeated reward and recognition.
When you focus on the positive, you develop the habit of doing things
right. By concentrating on doing things right, you actually wind up doing
fewer things wrong.
To get high performance and high morale required providing a clear
purpose with shared values and goals, unleashing and developing skills
(empowerment and flexibility), creating team power (relationships and
communication), and keeping the accent on the positive (recognition
and appreciation).
When you cut deadwood from a tree, the tree is healthier. Sometimes
even the deadwood benefits.
If youre going to be a part of a High Five team, you have to be willing to
accept some losses. Fight for ideas certainly. Try to convince others.
But if they cant or wont buy into your thinking, its time to take a deep
breath and let go. Another time, another project, another team, and
your brilliant idea may be appreciated. This time, though, get your ego
out of the way and move on. Learning to let go, to put the teams will
first, is an empowering experience that leads the most wonderful of all
experiences: being a member of a high-performing, gung-ho, High Five
Notes shared by Jack Fertig
humility and courage. Great leaders give everyone else credit when things go
well. And when things go wrong, they take full responsibility.
The Longer You Wait To Apologize, The Sooner Your Weakness Is
Perceived As Wickedness.
We all make mistakes and fall short of perfection. What can make us seem
evil in the eyes of others is their belief that if we cant be truthful about
the incident, we probably lie about other things too.
To some people, apologizing is regarded as a weakness rather than a
The problem with trying to be right all the time is that usually someone else
has to be wrong.
When all is said and done, the most important thing we have is our integrity.
Honesty Is Telling The Truth To Ourselves And Others; Integrity Is
Living That Truth
The Legacy You Leave Is The One You Live.
We all fall short of perfection. Your integrity is measured by how quickly you
correct your mistakes and get back on course.
Never get upset with yourself only with your behavior.
There is a big difference between an explanation of why something happened
and an excuse. An explanation deals with the reasons why something
happened, while an excuse tries to cover up whos to blame and establish a
reason to minimize accountability. You can always find an excuse for poor
behavior if you lie to yourself.
A One-Minute Apology is incomplete without a sincere attempt to make
things right.
Most people dont really know how to apologize effectively so they just avoid
it. And yet when people dont have the guts to admit theyre wrong, a small
matter can get totally out of control. In some cases, becomes even
If you lie to yourself, lying to others becomes second nature.
Trust doesnt return until the person Ive offended is convinced I have
changed my behavior.
When a person loses perspective and comes to see themselves as the center
of the universe thats the sign of an out-of-control ego. False pride (the first
way your ego can get you in trouble) is when youre constantly promoting
yourself ahead of others. When good things occur, you want all the credit.
The second way your ego gets you in trouble is self-doubt. Thats when you
think less of yourself than you should. Your emphasis then is on protecting
yourself. People with false pride dont like to share their vulnerabilities.
Admitting that they were wrong about something is their worst nightmare.
And people with self-doubt are afraid to admit they are wrong because they
fear that others will find out how incompetent they are.
People With Humility Dont Think Less Of Themselves. They Just Think
Of Themselves Less.
You cant control the outcome of events, but you can control what you
think and what you do.
If something is bothering you and you dont deal with it, what happens to
those feeling? Grudges fester and can sometimes immobilize you. Once you
deal with whats bothering you, almost like magic, your negative feelings and
fears disappear.
You are able to accept yourself when:
Your self-worth is not based on your performance or the opinion
of others.
When you make a mistake, you are willing to admit it regardless
of the outcome.
-- Notes shared by Jack Fertig
Here are Five Areas in which you must Have a Solid Coaching
- Offense
- Defense
- What to teach
- Scouting
- Organization
The elbow needs to always be in towards the body. Players should be taught that
the elbow is held in to the body and after the shot should be pointed at the
basket. This is part of the whole shot set up. If the elbow is off then the shot will
be off.
Step Three: Eyes on Target
Being focused is important to the game of basketball. A player has to learn to
always keep their eyes focused on the ball and where the ball is going. When
shooting that focus has to be on the basket.
A player needs to keep their eyes on the basket. When practicing balance it is a
good idea to also practice keeping an eye on the target. This is important and
players should constantly be reminded.
When a player is focused on the target they tend to focus their whole body and
movement to the target which in the end helps to land the basket.
Step Four: Follow Through
The final step of shooting a basketball is after the ball leaves the players hand.
The follow though allows the final contact with the ball to be focused as the rest
of the shot.
Following through involves dropping the wrist with the finger straight down to the
floor. This prevents the player from doing any weird movement with their fingers
that can send the ball off balance.
These four steps are all essential to the process of shooting a basketball
accurately. Players will begin by focusing more on just throwing the ball than
anything else, so it is important to take the focus off the power and put it on the
After all, a ball flying through the air will not reach the basket just through shear
force there has to be technique to guide it there. Without technique the player
is just hurling the ball through the air with no rhyme or reason and the chances of
making a basketball are all left to chance.
By Bill Pladson
low. You need to get your elbow underneath the ball when you shoot and you'll
fix that right away.
I have a drill that I recommend for people who really want to work on their form. It
is very basic and simple and will seem tedious, but is an absolute key to finding
problems with your shot and fixing them.
Take the ball 3 feet from the front of the rim. Hold the ball out in front of
you with your shooting hand. Bring the ball back to shooting position while
maintaining control of the ball with your shooting hand. Make sure that
your elbow is straight and that the ball is in the pads of your hand. Take the
ball to shooting position and shoot it at the hoop. Normally I wouldn't tell you
to watch the ball, but for this drill I want you to watch the ball and the rotation that
it has. It should not be going side to side at all. If it is then you have some flaws.
Typically the ball is coming off your last two fingers of your hand. Make the
necessary adjustments and keep shooting for 5-10 minutes. This will be
boring but forming good habits takes time. After 10 minutes back up a few
feet and do the same drill but start to use your guide hand in the process.
Make sure that the rotation is true. The rotation of the ball will tell you
everything that is right or wrong in your shot. Again, this drill will seem
tedious but Larry Bird used it. Dee Brown, from the University of Illinois
does this drill. If pros use it then we should also.
players know they can come to you for needs basketball related and nonbasketball related. Advice you can give regarding their troubles off the court will
follow them for many years. I don't remember most of the basketball drills my
coaches taught me as a kid specifically, but there were a couple coaches whose
"life" advice I still remember.
That's powerful stuff! You have to realize that only a handful of your players will
go on to star in high school. Maybe a couple will get to the college ranks. Most
likely none of them will go pro.
But don't forget this aspect of today's "tips for coaching basketball" - they ALL will
go on with their lives. The relationship you build with them, the words of wisdom
you can pass onto them; that can go a long way in whether they decide to make
something with their lives or not. It can go a long way in whether they make good
decisions in five, ten, fifteen years on various life issues.
These kids will grow up to work in all kinds of fields with all kinds of
responsibilities of their own. Hopefully their parents are guiding them properly.
But we all know the reality of today's America. Too many parents leave their kids
on their own, letting the TV be the one to raise them. No wonder so many kids
feel lost and unloved.
But as their coach, you can be a shining light. Do you look at coaching basketball
as just a game to be won? Or do you look at it as a chance to help mold your
players into quality human beings?
I hope you take these tips for coaching basketball seriously. I hope you realize
the awesome responsibility you have to your players. I hope that responsibility
doesn't scare you. I hope you embrace that responsibility and run with it. I hope
you build a quality relationship with your players.
I hope all this for your players' sake. They need a strong basketball coaching
figure. They need someone to stand up and be lovingly strict at times. They need
someone to just listen sometimes without judgment. They need someone they
can count on for support ALL THE TIME.
Be that person. Build that relationship. Make a difference that will last a
generation. Reflect on these tips for coaching basketball and use them.
By Matt Zavadil
Hannah Arendt
The problem we run into is that wanting to win is not a clearly developed idea of
accomplishment. Coaches have to think about the overall goal of student
progress. Do you want the athletes to be better students? Better citizens? Better
leaders? What are the benefits of sport participation and how are you going to
accomplish them?
Don't forget that sports participation has a large educational component to deal
with. We want our athletes to enjoy the experience, learn how to be cooperative
members of a team, and be better people for having been involved in our
A reflection of your own priorities as a coach is absolutely necessary. The coach
should decide what the most important aspects of team participation are.
For this topic, the needs of the athlete should be of the utmost consideration.
What is the reason for playing sports? The most common answer is to have fun.
If the athlete is not enjoying the experience, he/she will not give a full effort to the
cause. If the athletes are included in the processes of the team, they will learn
more and give more effort to the cause.
When deciding about priorities, an athlete-centered approach is the key.
Consider including the athletes in the making of team decisions. Athletes will
work harder when they feel a deeper connection to the team. Creating
opportunities for players to get involved is critical in developing an athletecentered philosophy.
Another important aspect of a coaching philosophy is defining roles. This is
where clarification will assist in player-coach and parent-coach relations.
It is important to think about what each constituent is responsible for.
Clearly lay out the responsibilities of the coaching staff, players, and parents.
Each party is important to the success of the team.
Team chemistry can be undermined by any of the three groups involved. This is
also a good time to clarify boundaries and appropriate ways to discuss issues
with the coach.
An often-overlooked part of coaching is the nuts and bolts of teaching movement
skills. People learn best by doing things. As coaches, we want to communicate
what we know. \
Unfortunately, when we start talking, players will only retain a fraction of what
they hear.
In teaching movement skills, we are better off having high levels of involvement
in the development of the skill. Simply put, we learn best by actually performing
the skill. The coach must consider the methodology of the coaching process.
Careful consideration should be given to the way the skills are broken down and
implemented in practice. Make sure that all skill work has direct relation to what
may occur in game situations.
The team that wins the championship will be perceived as the most successful
team. Interestingly enough, the teams that don't win feel very successful because
the coach has been able to nurture the idea that success comes in other forms.
This is where the coach can have a big impact on the chemistry of a team. If
success can be defined in other ways, like making progress, giving effort, how
much did we learn, or how much better were we at the end of the season than at
the beginning, the coach will be teaching important life lessons to his/her
By defining achievement in other ways, students will learn that effort is the most
important factor in athletics
While it will not always lead to victories, it will, in many cases, lead to increased
opportunity for successes.
Unprepared coaches have difficulty with teams. It doesn't take players long to
figure out that a coach is unprepared. Coaches fully expect their players to be
ready for practice. They expect players to have the proper equipment, be on
time, and be ready to concentrate on the practice.
Players have every right to expect the same from the coach. Coaches have to
develop a system that they will use on a day-to-day.
When a routine is established, players become more comfortable and more able
to focus on the situation at hand.
The same thing goes for game day. What is expected of all participants leading
up to the game? What do coaches believe about playing time?
Do you go into the game with a plan about playing time? (If you believe that
every player should play in every game, you should have a plan to accomplish it.)
By Kevin Ahern
Coach, Golden Sierra High School
I have been involved with coaching for over 30 years now and as a result I have
had the opportunity to experience scores of programs both successful and
unsuccessful. I have come to the conclusion that there are three components to
a program that make it successful; and none of them have anything to do with
the sport alone.
First, I believe that things have to be done with class. This means that we
will always do the right thing regardless of the conditions. We may see others
doing the wrong thing, but that wont detract us from doing whats right and
showing class whether we win or lose. As coaches, we need to understand that
over time our players will begin to emulate us. This means that if we make the
wrong decisions or show poor levels of class, our players will soon follow suit. It
is our responsibility to show class in everything we do. It shows our players that
we can walk the walk as well as talk about it. This characteristic goes beyond
players and coaches. It has to include parents and fans. It has to be a part of
everyone and everything in our program. Without class, nothing else really
Second, I believe that things need to be done with quality. As a coach, I
would love to have a carte blanche account where I could buy anything and
everything that I wanted for my program. This is not reality, but I can still bring
quality to my program. Its not the fancy uniforms or the fancy arena that makes
a team. Instead, its a concept that is built by prioritizing whats important to your
program and then building upon it. I have a priority to provide the best and
highest quality equipment possible for my players. I have to be willing to sacrifice
fancy in some areas in order to accomplish the quality that I want in the area of
safety. As a result, we may have what some people consider plain uniforms,
but my players are wearing the best equipment I can get to them. Quality also
permeates into the people that are in our program. We want quality people
working with our players. Coaches are teachers. We want quality people
teaching our players how to be quality ball players and ultimately, quality young
Third, I believe that we should have fun. Any sport is a fun sport. It can be
demanding, but it still can be fun. As a young coach I was considered to be very
intense. After coaching for a while, I began to realize that I wasnt having fun
coaching. I can safely say that my players were also not having fun. I have
enjoyed far greater success as a coach by having fun on the field than I did
when I was intense. I know dozens of people who tried to play and quit and most
of them quit because it wasnt fun for them. I also can safely say that these men
regret not having played, but somewhere in the past a coach could have done a
better job making things fun for that player.
In closing, I feel that there is no better learning tool for young men than sports. I
believe that there is no other activity a boy can get involved in that offers so
many life learning experiences. Over the years I have never met anyone who has
regretted playing a sport. I have met scores who have regretted not playing.
Coaching Philosophy
"In basketball, where skill is the order of the day, I also believe
that chemistry, heart, commitment and determination can win a
ton of games. Unity and trust must become the blocks upon
which to build. And through that the team can develop the belief
that it can win. I am a firm believer in two things - a coaching
staff that demands a most fervent attention to detail, and a team
that understands the importance of commitment and chemistry.
Winning is always a can-do thing. It has got to be, however,
something your players and coaches crave, thus stimulating the
inexhaustible will and dedication necessary to achieve
-- Shared by Ed Zaloom
"The only thing even in this world is the number of hours in a day. The
difference in winning or losing is what you do with those hours."
-- Woody Hayes
Overcoming Obstacles
"Man is so made that whenever anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish." -Jean de la Fontaine
"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not
sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." -- Charlotte
"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the
environment in which you first find yourself." -- Mark Caine
"Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances,
would have lain dormant." -- Horace
"Trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps instead of hindrances,
if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fiber of a character, but strengthen
it. Every conquered temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial
endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than
it was before." -- James Buckham
"The one resolution, which was in my mind long before it took the form of a
resolution, is the key-note of my life. It is this, always to regard as mere
impertinences of fate the handicaps which were placed upon my life almost at the
beginning. I resolved that they should not crush or dwarf my soul, but rather be
made to blossom, like Aaron's rod, with flowers." -- Helen Keller
"The abundant life does not come to those who have had a lot of obstacles
removed from their path by others. It develops from within and is rooted in strong
mental and moral fiber." -- William Mather Lewis
"The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy
mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a
man of high and heroic temper." -- Aristotle
"I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does
go on, and it will be better tomorrow." -- Maya Angelou
"It is a psychological fact that we cherish most what we have worked hardest to
gain. The further we have come, the sweeter the celebration at the destination
when we arrive." -- Denis Waitley
"It is inevitable that some defeat will enter even the most victorious life. The
human spirit is never finished when it is defeated - it is finished when it
surrenders." -- Ben Stein
"Identify the major obstacle that stands between you and your goal and begin
today to remove it." -- Brian Tracy
Leaping from crawling to running sets us up for a painful fall. We don't achieve
true personal growth, and because we find ourselves back at square one we may
become disgruntled and distrustful of the process, often blaming anyone and
anything but ourselves.
If you want to change, you must do the work. Go back to basics. In football,
professionals earning millions of dollars annually practice the most basic drills
throughout the season. Professional artists go back through the strokes and
lighting. If you make millions of dollars consistently, most likely it's because you
go back to the basics of budgeting, saving and investing consistently.
Whenever you are seeking to grow and you have a clear vision of what
you wish to do make sure that (who) you are being is big enough to
consistently be doing what it is you wish to do. Make sure of this so you can
consistently achieve your desired results.
If you are the "stallion," then use your power and set yourself up to win with a
coach or trainer whom you trust to observe and protect you from your own
impetuous eagerness. And let them help train your muscles and harness your
power so you can first walk and then run with a purpose.
If you are a leader responsible for "stallions," then you must protect them from
themselves as they seek to skyrocket up the corporate ladder. As a mentor, this
is very much your charge. The personal damage an increase of fear and
frustrations can be the result of falling on one's face too often. This damage
can be overcome, but recovery from it can take the wind out of your "stallion's"
sails. So as a leader, help them master the fundamentals so their climb up the
ladder of growth and personal betterment is a lasting success.
Having the power of choice, we humans don't automatically follow all of the
rules as the stallions do in nature. We will never see a healthy plant provide
fruit out of the natural order. For lasting success we need to consciously be
aware that we must "learn to crawl before we walk, and walk before we
Celtics Assistant Coach Kevin Eastman has taken SIX KEYS TO A QUALITY
time out from his busy off-season schedule to
offer up some tips to help younger basketball
players improve their workout quality and
1. Practice at a rate
effectiveness. These workout tips can help you
equal to or faster than
develop your skills while having fun learning to
that which will occur in
play like the pros.
a game.
2. Understand it is a
process to improve.
Effective Practice
Working on your game is not an easy thing, but Improvement
below are tips to help you work on your overall
3. Eliminate
practice habits as well as some shooting drills that
Workout Killers
can help you become an improved shooter. The
general theme of these drills is to work hard and Fatigue
at game speed, while also maintaining form to
your shot. Work on these skills and we have no
4. Have a written
doubt that you'll become a better player.
workout plan
1. Catch & Shoot (Spot Ups)
5. Work on three
Catch and shoot is the best way to start a good
areas every day
shooting workout. It allows you to get into a
rhythm and work on form with minimal movement. conditioning
Simply pick a few spots, usually five going around dribbling
the horn, and shoot ten shots from each spot.
Have a rebounder giving you good outlet passes,
6. The theory of two
and remember that although you're not moving at
Two minutes to show
a rapid pace around the floor, it is important to
shoot shots at game speed.
Two weeks to be
2. Cut - Catch - Shoot
Now that you have a good sweat and rhythm
Two months to use in a
going, it's time to move to cut-catch-shoot. In this
drill you'll need a passer at the top of the key to
give you the entry pass. Start foul line extended and use a "V" cut (running to
the low block and cutting back out towards the wing) to get yourself open.
Remember to set the defender up when making the "V". You want to walk the
defender down to the low block, then quickly cut back out. After receiving the
entry pass square up and shoot your shot. Do this drill on both sides of the
court at game speed.
3. Shots Off The Dribble
This drill is similar to the above, but this time after catching the entry pass,
take a few dribbles right and pull up for your jump shot, then repeat going to
the left. As always make sure you go game speed.
4. Perfect The Form On All Shooting Drills
Another key to a good shooting workout is using proper form on each drill.
That's why we want to go game speed, so we're used to using perfect form in
game conditions. If you don't go at game speed, when you do get into a game
your form will be off.
5. Contest All Shots
These drills will be much more productive if you can find a partner to contest
your shots. In game situations you most likely will have a hand in your face
when you shoot, so practicing that way will allow you to adjust to game
situations. If you can't find a partner, use a chair or trashcan to shoot behind.
6. Game Shots From Game Spots At Game Speed
Game speed has been a theme throughout this workout plan. Practicing at
game speed is vital to your workout regimen. If you don't work on game
situations at the same speed as you would in a game then your practice will
not translate to games, and you're basically wasting your time.
All the girls had ugly gym uniforms?
It took five minutes for the TV to warm up?
Nearly everyone's Mom was at home when the kids got home from school?
Nobody owned a purebred dog?
When a quarter was a decent allowance?
You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny?
Your Mom wore nylons that came in two pieces?
All your male teachers wore neckties and female teachers had their hair
done every day and wore high heels?
You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped, without
asking, all for free, everytime?
And you didn't pay for air? And, you got trading stamps to boot?
Laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels hidden inside the
It was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real
restaurant with your parents?
They threatened to keep kids back a grade if they failed... and they did?
When a 57 Chevy was everyone's dream car... to cruise, peel out, lay rubber
or watch submarine races, and people went steady?
No one ever asked where the car keys were because they were always in
the car, in the ignition, and the doors were never locked?
Lying on your back in the grass with your friends and saying things like,
"That cloud looks like a ..." and playing baseball with no adults to help kids
with the rules of the game?
Stuff from the store came without safety caps and hermetic seals because
- Mimeograph paper
- Beanie and Cecil
- Roller-skate keys
- Cork pop guns
- Drive ins
- Studebakers
- ashtub wringers
- The Fuller Brush Man
- Reel-To-Reel tape recorders
- Tinkertoys
- Erector Sets
- The Fort Apache Play Set
- Lincoln Logs
- 15 cent McDonald hamburgers
- 5 cent packs of baseball cards - with that awful pink slab of bubble gum
- Penny candy
- 35 cent a gallon gasoline
- Jiffy Pop popcorn
**Do you remember a time when...
- Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-moe"?
- Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "Do Over!"?
- "Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest?
- Catching the fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening?
- It wasn't odd to have two or three "Best Friends"?
- The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was "cooties"?
- Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a slingshot?
- A foot of snow was a dream come true?
- Saturday morning cartoons weren't 30-minute commercials for action
- "Oly-oly-oxen-free" made perfect sense?
- Spinning around, getting dizzy, and falling down was cause for giggles?
- The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team?
- War was a card game?
- Baseball cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle?
- Taking drugs meant orange-flavored chewable aspirin?
- Water balloons were the ultimate weapon?
If you can remember most or all of these, then you have lived!!!!!!!
-- Shared by Eddie Oliver
"Play and practice every day like you are trying to make
the team."
-- Mike Krzyzewski
"The more your team loses, the more positive you have to
become. When you're winning, you can ride players harder
because their self-esteem is high. If you are losing and you try to
be tough, you're asking for dissension."
-- Rick Pitino
"You should sub a player out when you see a player not
going full-speed or playing selfish basketball."
-- Dean Smith
"Put your two best players away from the ball and bring
it back to them."
-- Don Meyer
The _________________Basketball Program emphasizes the word TE-A-M. Our strength comes from an understanding that each of us
brings certain skills and abilities to the group, and we must combine
these talents cohesively to create a stronger unit. In order to be
cohesive, each player must understand and accept his or her role. Not
all roles are equal, but all roles are essential to the success we desire.
From the first day of practice, we must develop that positive mental
attitude and real team spirit that all champions have. The pride and
determination to excel as students must carry over to the court. On
the road to being a champion, loyalty to our team and program will
help us overcome obstacles.
Our team will be in better physical condition than any team that we
play. "FATIGUE makes COWARDS of us all. When you are tired
because you are out of condition, you rationalize. You make excuses
in your mind for your failure to do your best. Thus, when you are not
prepared to do your best because of any reason, you are cheating
yourself and your team".
The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender. If you ever ease
up or quit in practice, you will find a reason to do it in a game. Once
you have quit, it gets easier the next time. A loser's habit: "DEFEAT
1.Commitment to being a Student-Athlete. Are you willing to work in the
classroom and on the basketball court?
2.Commitment to Teamwork. Are you able to give 100% to the team? Can you
leave it all on the court? Do you believe the name on the front of the jersey is
more important than the name on the back?
3.Commitment to Being the Best. Are you coachable? Positive feedback and
practice will make you a better player? Do you have a work ethic, on and off the
It's Teamwork that makes the Dream work!
One Team,
One Focus,
One Family...