School Based-Child Protection Policy
School Based-Child Protection Policy
School Based-Child Protection Policy
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Faculty Manual
LUBANG INTEGRATED shall promulgate a zero tolerance policy for any act
of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse.
LUBANG INTEGRATED shall ensure that our schools are conducive to the
education of children. The best interest of the child shall be the paramount consideration
in all decisions and actions involving children. Teachers are their substitute parents and
are expected to discharge their functions and duties with this in mind.
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1. Schools shall be conducive to learning and children shall have the right to education
free from fear;
2. All children shall be protected from all forms of abuse and bullying to develop selfesteem and self-confidence;
3. Schools shall advocate a positive and non-violent mode of disciplining children to
foster self-discipline and to improve self-esteem.
4.Corporal punishment shall not be imposed on any child in school for the purpose of
discipline,training or control;
5.School Heads shall take steps to prevent bullying and ensure that the appropriate
intervention ,counseling and other services,are provided for the victims
of abuse,violence,exploitation,discrimination and bullying;
6.Pupils,students or learners shall respect the rights of others and refrain from commiting
acts of bullying and peer violence;
7.Parents shall be actively involved in all school activities or events that raise awareness
on childrens rights,positive discipline,and the prevention of bullying;
8.Visitors and guest shall be oriented on the Child Protection Policy.
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control by a teacher, school administrator or adult or any other child who has been given
or has assumed authority or responsibility for punishment or discipline.
CRUELTY - psychological or physical pain, distress or anguish especially when it is
long term; and grounds
CYBER BULLYING - is the use of information technology to repeatedly harm or harass
other people in a deliberate manner. It could be limited to posting rumors, or gossips
about person in the internet bringing about hatred in others minds, or it may go to the
extent of personality identifying victims and publishing severely defaming and
humiliating them.
EXPLOITATION -unfair treatment or use the practice of taking selfish or unfair
advantage of a person or situation usually for personal gain.
GUIDANCE COUNCILOR - a person who advises school, students and gives personal
academic counseling.
GENDER SENSITIVITY - is the act of being aware of the ways people think about
gender , so that individuals rely less on assumptions about traditional and outdated views
on the roles of men and women.
LSWDO- Local Social Welfare and Development Office
OFFENDER - somebody who hurt, violate a law or code of conduct.
PEER ABUSE - one who brings mistreatment , insult or deception in excessive amounts
to another individual of the same peer group. this is done physically, mentally,
emotionally or sexually.
PHYSICAL ABUSE- Is any act violence on the victim and can include ;slapping
kicking , shoving, , choking, pinching , pulling hair, throwing things, forced feeding,
burning, beating, used of weapons (gun, knives, or any object) or physical restraint
pinning against wall, floor, bed, etc.
PUNITIVE-a punishment creating burden or difficulty/hardship
RETALIATION - deliberately harm somebody in response or revenge for a harm he or
she has done.
SEXUAL ASSAULT -an incident that involves sexual conduct that is forced to
SEXUAL HARASSMENT - unwanted sexual advances or unwanted sex related
behavior toward somebody
SEXUAL ABUSE - maybe defined as any sexual encounter without consent and
includes any unwanted touching ,forced sexual activity, be it oral, annal or viginal,
forcing the victim to perform sexual acts , painful or degrading acts during intercourse
and exploitation through photography or prostitution.
encompassing a variety of harmful and abusive behaviors, focusing specially on children
and young people as being anyone under the age of 18 years old.
VERBAL ABUSE - yelling or shouting, insulting you or your family, making threats,
being sarcastic about or criticizing your interest , opinion or beliefs, humiliating you
either in private or in company, sneering, growling, name-calling withholding approval
appreciation or conversation.
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VICTIM - are those who are experiencing an excessive amount of physical , mental,
emotional and sexual abuse from someone of their peer group.
VOYEURISM - it is sexual interest in or spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors
such as undressing, sexual activity, or other actions usually considered to be of private
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Article 218 of the Family Code of the Philippines provides the following
responsibilities of school administrators, teachers, academic and non-academic and other
A. Exercise special parental authority and responsibility over the child while under their
supervision, instruction and custody. Authority and responsibility shall apply to all
authorized activities whether inside or outside the premises of the school, entity or
Article 220 and 233 of the Family Code of the Philippines, Presidential Decree
No. 603, and other related laws enumerated the following duties and
responsibilities of the above mentioned persons and personnel over the children
under their supervision ,instruction and custody;
B. Keep them in their company and support, educate and instruct them by right percept
and good example;
C. Give them love and affection, advice and counsel, companionship and understanding;
D. Enhance, protect, preserve and maintain their physical and mental health at all times;
E. Furnish them with good and wholesome educational materials, supervise their
activities, recreation and association with others, protect them from bad company and
prevent them from acquiring habits detrimental their health, studies and morals;
F. Represent them in all matters affecting their interest;
G. Inculcate the value of respect and obedience
H. Practice positive and non-violent discipline, as may be required under the
circumstances; provided that in no case shall corporal punishment be inflicted upon
I. Perform such other duties as are imposed by law upon them, as substitute or
guardians; and
J. School personnel shall also strictly comply with the schools child protection policy.
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2. Conduct themselves in accordance with their levels of development, maturity,
and demonstrated capabilities, with a proper regard for the rights and welfare
of other persons;
3. Respect another persons rights regardless of opinion, status, gender,
ethnicity, religion, as well as everyones moral and physical and integrity; and
4. Observe the code of Conduct for pupils, students and learners.
Ensure the institution of effective child protection policies and procedures and monitor
compliance thereof;
Adopt a child protection policy, and organize and convene the CHILD PROTECTION
COMMITTEE(CPC) of the school;
Conduct the capacity building activities for the members of CPC and Guidance
Counselors/ Teachers;
Ensures that the participatory and other rights of children are respected and upheld in all
matters and procedures affecting their welfare;
Coordinates with appropriate offices, agencies or instrumentalities for appropriate
assistance and intervention
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This section focuses on the work that is done to reduce the impact of bullying and other act
of abuse. All public elementary school shall build the capabilities of school personnel , pupils,
students and learners, parents and guardian to understand and deal with child abuse , exploitation
violence and discrimination cases, bullying and peer violence by conducting sessions, trainings
and seminars on positive peer, relationship and enhancement of social and emotional competence
Conducting sessions, trainings and seminars on positive peer relationships and
enhancement of social and emotional competence,
Using trainings modules which include positive and non violent discipline in classroom
management and gender sensitivity,
Integrating and teaching childrens rights in the classroom
Protective and Remedial Measures to Address Bullying and Other Acts of Abuse by a Pupil
Student or Learner
This section focuses on the work that is done to reduce the impact of bullying and other act
of abuse.
All bullying incidents shall be reported to the School Head.
The School Head shall in turn inform the parents of the pupils concerned and a meeting
shall be held for that purpose.
The student shall be referred to the CPC for counselling and other interventions.
The School may impose Non-punitive Measures in accordance with the principles of
Positive and Non Violent Discipline.
Punitive measures will be a last resort.
Expeditious conduct of investigation and reporting cases
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3. If the person complained of is a non- teaching personnel, the Schools Division
Superintendent shall cause the conduct of a fact- finding investigation within the same
4. Criminal and civil liability shall not be a bar to the filing of an administrative case;
5. The Revised Rules of Procedures of DepED in Administrative Cases shall apply in all
other aspects;
6. The identity or other information that may reasonably identify the pupil or student
shall remain confidential; and
7. The identity of a respondent- teacher shall likewise be kept confidential.
This School- Based Child Protection Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy will take
immediately upon consultation and approval of the various stakeholders in
general assembly called the purpose.
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