MES AAO Manual
MES AAO Manual
MES AAO Manual
1A. An A.A.O. with the necessary number of clerks will generally be attached to
every MES Formation. He will conform to, the Organisations of the formation to
which he is attached in regard to hours of attendance and holidays.
It is the responsibility of the Controllers of Defence Accounts to train
Accountants and Clerks for M.E.S. V work and to ensure that an adequate number
of experienced and intelligent men with integrity and industry are always available
for posting to the Accounts Section of M.E.S. formations. Ordinarily no one will
be posted as A.A.O. unless he has previously worked either as A.A.O. of M.E.S.
formation or as an Assistant to one, or on M.E.S. Local Audit for fairly long period
and has acquitted himself well while so working.
M.E.S. Staff
The A.A.O. of a M.E.S. formation will supervise the work of certain M.E.S.
clerks who will be attached to his section for the performance of duties connected
with Cash Book, Stock purchase, Registers and Budget. The clerks may be either
full time or part time as the head of M.E.S. formation may consider necessary.
M.E.S. clerks attached to the Accounts Section will for the purpose of
conduct and discipline is under the orders of the head of the formation. The A.A.O.
will report to hire whenever he is dissatisfied with the work or conduct of any of
these clerks.
Defence Accounts Department Staff is not attached to the Offices of the
Sub-Divisional Officers even when they hold imprests. Payments made by the
imprest holding Sub-Divisional Officers will be post-audited by the Garrison
Engineer's A.A.O.
The accounts clerk attached to an Assistant Garrison Engineer will lie under
the general supervision of the A.A.O. attached to the Garrison Engineer's Office.
In cases where the Assistant Garrison Engineer's charge is not so heavy as to
justify the posting of an Accounts clerk to his office, the procedure outlined in the
preceding paragraph will be followed.
A.A.O. and Clerks of the Defence Accounts Department attached to M.E.S.
formations will, for the purpose of conduct, discipline, leave and pay, be under the
orders of the Controller of Defence Accounts under whom they are serving.
If at any time the head of a M.E.S. formation has reasons to be dissatisfied
with the work or conduct of an A.A.O. or Clerk attached to his office, he may
report the matter to the Controller of Defence Accounts through the Regional
Audit Officer giving full facts of the case to enable the C.D.A. to take such action
as may be necessary.
Note: The term `Regional Audit Officer' used in this manual includes the
Local Audit Officers' in areas where the inspection and review of Local Audit of
M.E.S. formations has been entrusted to them.
Confidential Reports
Confidential Reports on AAO GE and Staff of the Defence Accounts
Department attached to M.E.S. formation will be written by the RAO concerned,
who will take into consideration any recommendations/complaints on the work
and conduct of the individuals made by the- MES Officer concerned and accepted
by the Controller of Defence Accounts.
Leave and Absence
10. Subject to the restrictions laid down in Article 308, C.S.R., casual leave upto
a maximum of 8 days in a calendar year but not more than 5 days at a time may be
allowed to the Accounts Staff by the of the M.E.S. formation concerned. The leave
may with permission be prefixed or suffixed to recognized holidays or Sundays,
but any holidays or Sundays coming between the days of leave will count as leave.
It cannot, however, be combined with the joining time availed of by an individual
on transfer.
Note 1:
Leave to men summoned to attend Courts of Justice as witness in
their official capacity or jurors will not be taken into account in calculating the
period of causal leave admissible.
Note 2:
Leave granted under Art. 309 of the C.S.R. is also not taken into
account in arriving at the maximum amount of casual leave admissible.
11. In the case of privilege of earned leave, the leave application of an A.A.O.
or clerk will be submitted to the Controller of Defence Accounts through the Head
of the M.E.S. formation and the R.A.O. The latter will endorse his
recommendation on the application and, in the event of the leave being recommended, will state what arrangements he proposes to make to carry on the work of
the absentee. The applicant will not be permitted to proceed on leave, (except in
cases of emergency when the permission may be granted by the R.A.O. or the
head of the M.E.S. formation concerned in case the R.A.O. is not present in the
station) until the leave is granted by the Controller of Defence Accounts.
Pay and Allowances
12. The Pay and allowances of the Defence Accounts Department personnel are
drawn through the establishment pay bills of the Controller of Defence Accounts
and remitted to the M.E.S. Officer for disbursement. The acquittance Roll duly
signed by the payees and stamped where necessary will be return as expeditiously
as possible after disbursement to e Controller of Defence Accounts.
13. All claims preferred by A.A.O. and accounts clerks will be submitted
through the head of the M.E.S. formation concerned to the Controller of Defence
Accounts. On no account will any payment be made by the M.E.S. authorities to
A.A.O. or his clerks for which a cheque or other authority for payment has not
been received from the Controller of Defence Accounts.
Representations and Appeals
14. Representations or appeals from the Defence Accounts Department
personnel attached to M.E.S. formations will be forwarded for disposal by the
head of the M.E.S. formation concerned to the Controller of Defence Accounts
through the R.A.O.
Class IV Employees
20. Ordinarily the Controller of Defence Accounts will not post any Class IV
employees such as peons etc. to the Accounts Sections of M.E.S. formations. The
M.E.S. will arrange for peons work to be done through their own establishment.
Fuel and Hot Weather Establishment
21. Expenditure the on fuel during winter and on hot weather establishment etc.
during the summer for the use of the Defence Accounts Department personnel will
be sanctioned by the MES Officer concerned, and met out of; the budget allotment
of the formation for the purpose.
22. The functions of A.A.O. of the Defence Accounts Department attached to
Engineer Offices are three fold:
undertake on his behalf such other scrutiny of the accounts of subordinate officers
as the latter may consider necessary.
27. M.E.S. Officers are required to obtain the advice of their A.A.O. in all
matters connected with the accounts of their formations or the application of
financial rules and orders concerning which there may be some doubt. All cases of
importance, the A.A.O. will give his advice in writing while the M.E.S. officers
are not precluded from seeking the advice of R.A.O./C.D.A. whenever they
consider such a course necessary, they should first obtain the advice of their
A.A.O., vide para 8 MES Regulations (1968 Edition) and should refer matters to
the R.A.O./ C.D.A. only when they do not agree with the A.A.O.
28. The following is a list of the Main items of work done in the Accounts
Section of M.E.S. formations: (1) GE's office
*(a) Scrutiny and check of allotments and appropriations
*(b) Check of bills and other vouchers including allocation before
submission to the C.D.A. for audit
*(c) Check of all bills and voucher paid by the GE/ Imprest Holding
SDOs, from their Cash Assignment/ Imprest.
*(d) Submission of
Monthly consolidated
Punching Medium [I.A.F. (C.D.A.)
336] to EDP/DDP the respective CDAs on due dates.
Check of
Priced Stock List.
(ii) Stock purchase register.
*(iii) Register of securities
(iv) Register of approvals to works.
(v) Works passing register.
(vi) Road Register (Property Accounts).
Maintenance of
Verification of Annual
Returns of electric
Maintenance of:
(a) An up-to-date record of rentable buildings.
(b) Revenue ledgers,
Preparation and issue of licence fee bills and watching the receipt of
acknowledgements from the P.A.Os and duplicate copies of the top
lists from the Controller's offices.
Check of:
(a) Water and electric bills issued to consumers billed for direct by
(b) Quarterly vouchers for supply of water to paying consumers
under para 712 MES Regulations. (1968 Edn.)
(c) Bills for payment of water and electricity charges to private
agencies with the meter readers' books so far as quantities are
In addition to these, the items marked with asterisk (*) in the list of items
relating to tine G.E.'s office are also normally done in the accounts sections of
Engineer Parks.
Distribution of work
29. The work in the Accounts Section will be distributed amongst his assistants
by the A.A.O., the distribution list being kept on record. In doing this, due regard
will be paid to the quality and quantity of each unit of work and the experience of
the men to whom the different items of work are assigned.
33. The main objects of audit of expenditure are laid down in Chapter II,
Defence Audit Code. In the discharge of his duties as primary auditor, the A.A.O
will ensure that these objects are fulfilled.
34. He will see that before expenditure is incurred or works Services, the
following conditions are fulfilled except as otherwise provided for in the
Regulation: for the M.E.S.
Necessity for the work has been accepted by the competent authority.
Administrative approval has been accorded by the authority
competent to do so.
Technical sanction of the competent engineering authority has been
Allotment of funds has been made.
transferred the A.A.O. will see that the original amount plus the amount
transferred, is within the powers of technical sanction of the authority who
accorded the sanction and also that the amount is actually available for transfer
from the item concerned.
Reduction in the amount of Administrative Approval
49. As soon as contract is accepted, the A.A.O. will ascertain from the Garrison
Engineer the cost of the service at contract rates with details showing how the
figure has been arrived at. The cost will be checked with the details furnished and
noted in Col. 3 of the register of approvals to works.
In the case of projects estimated to cost Rs. 1 lakh or more when the amount
of accepted contracts reduces the cost of the project below the administratively
approved amount by more than 15 per cent, it will be ensured that the approved
amount of the project has been reduced by the amount exceeding 15%, by the
CE/CWE within whose powers of Technical Sanction the work falls. The details of
reduction will be sent to the CDA and all other concerned. The amount of 15%
retained is used only to cover variation in the cost for technical reasons.
When the scope of a work/service is reduced for Administrative or other
reasons, the administrative approval need not be revised but the approved amounts
for the abandoned items of the service and the total approved amount will be
reduced by the CWE (or the GE in the case of items not exceeding his powers of
Technical Sanction). As in sub para 2 above, the details of the reduction will be
sent by the GE to the CDA and all concerned".
Revised Administrative Approval
50. It is not permissible for Engineer Officers to incur expenditure on any
service the final cost of which exceeds the amount of administrative approval by
more than 10%. An Officer will take no action, which will commit Government to
expenditure beyond this limit without obtaining prior sanction of CFA. When an
excess over this limit, which cannot be met by savings on other items, occurs or
appears likely to occur on account of technical reasons, a report will be made at
once to the Engineer Officer of the authority who approved the work. If there is
still time to curtail the work or modify it, his orders should be obtained. If no
modification is ordered a revised estimate will be prepared
administrative approval of the C.F.A. obtained.
There is no limit as to the number of limits an estimate may be revised.
54. Technical sanctions, except for petty and periodical repairs chargeable to the
bulk allotment made to a Sub-Divisional Officer, will be recorded in column 6 of
the Register of Approvals to works (LA F.W.1816).
Register of Requisitions [I.A.F. (CDA) 356]
55. In this Register will be, entered only those requisitions which are sanctioned
as chargeable to the bulk allotment made to S.D.Os. Such requisitions as those for
which separate allotment of funds have been or is intended to be made e.g. for
minor works,
56. The Register will be kept by the A.A.O. in loose-leaf folios, separate sets of
folios being allotted to each bulk allotment made to J.E. The outer sheet of the
Register will be used for noting the bulk allotment and subsequent modifications
thereto and also the amount of saving or excess in each requisition, which has been
completed. The saving and the excess will be indicated by the sign (+) and (-)
respectively.The inner sheet of the Register will contain particulars of requisitions
as they are sanctioned from time to time against the bulk allotment and their
completion cost.
57. At the time of making a fresh entry in the inner sheet of the Register it will
be seen by the A.A.O. that the amount when added to the last running total
appearing in Column 5 does not exceed the latest modified figure of bulk
allotment as noted in column 4 of the outer sheet, plus or minus the running total
-of the saving or excess appearing in column 8 thereof. The date of sanction and
the time allowed for each requisition will be noted in the appropriate columns of
the inner sheet, to watch the return of the requisition on completion of work.
58. On the first of April, J.E. will be asked to furnish a list of all requisitions in
progress from the previous year on which expenditure will be incurred during the
current year together with a statement of the probable amounts likely to be
incurred. All these requisitions will be noted in the inner sheet of the new Register
but in Col. 4 of the sheet only, the estimated expenditure on each such requisitions
(luring the current year will be noted (the amount originally sanctioned in respect
thereof being recorded in the remarks col. in brackets against each entry). The
amount will be the first charge against the bulk allotment for the current year. All
entries in the current year's register in respect of such requisitions will be linked
with the corresponding entries in the previous year's register.
59. An account of appropriations will be maintained under the supervision of
the A.A.O. by the MES Staff in the Register of Appropriations (IATW-2244) on
pages set apart for each detailed head of account in the budget.
60. Orders for further appropriations or transfer of funds will be checked to see
that they have been approved by the competent authority and that in the case of
withdrawals from the appropriation for a work or detailed head, the funds
withdrawn are actually available.
Note: Before surrenders are actually made by the MES Officer to the CWE the
A.A.O. will satisfy himself that the necessary funds are available for surrender.
61. Appropriations made to sub-Division from the Reserve at the disposal of the
MES Officers should not exceed the unallotted balance as shown in file Register
of Appropriations.
62. Entries in the Register will be numbered serially under each detailed head
except when additional funds are allotted to a work for which an entry already
exists in the Register. In such a case, the serial number assigned in the first entry
will be repeated in red ink.
63. Whenever a bulk allotment is made to a J.E. under maintenance head, the
amount allotted and the subsequent additions and alterations made thereto will be
noted in the Register of Requisitions vide Para 56.
69. The rules for the issue of Tender Notices and acceptance of contract
agreements by MES officers are given in Chapter VI of the Regulations for the
MES (1968 Edn) and the powers of acceptance thereof in Table `B' ibid. The
responsibility for the correctness of all details in any contract lies with the MES
Officer by whom it is accepted.
70. Scrutiny of contract documents when concluded f on standard forms, prior
to acceptance is not necessary by the CDA except in the cases enumerated in
paragraph 77, but the original documents will be sent 'to him for post scrutiny and
custody. CEs are empowered to alter standard contract documents at pre-tender
stage to suit urgent requirements, particularly with ref. to security deposits,
percentage payments, speed of payments, issue of stores deviation limits and
similar matters. They will however, consult their Controllers of Defence Accounts
wherever possible, where the opinion of CE on alteration involves a major
departure from an existing procedure, he shall send a copy thereof to the E-inC's /Director General of Works for information.
71. In the cease of contracts accepted by the CEs and CsWE within their powers
of acceptances, the original documents together with notices of tender comparative
statement, specifications, drawings, etc. forming part of the contract agreement,
will be forwarded direct to the CDA by the Accepting Officer. A certified true copy
of the accepted contract agreement will also be sent to the CDA for check with the
original documents and transmission to the A.A.O. concerned duly attested.
72. In the case of contracts accepted by the GEs within their powers of
acceptance of contracts, the original and duplicate copies of contract deeds along
with all the subsidiary documents will be forwarded by the Executive to the
A.A.O. and attached to the M.E.S. formation for submission to the CDA.
73. The Bills of Quantitative and Schedules of Errors din the case of lump sum
contracts are treated as s` secret documents and are not passed on to the CDA.
Responsibility for checking contracts and Schedules of Errors with the Bill of
Quantities rests entirely with the S.W. The A.A.O. will, however, see that a
certificate to the effect, that the required check has been exercised is recorded on
the contract agreement, by the surveyor of works
74. Contract agreements should be concluded on the latest standard forms. The
following are the main classes of standard forms of contracts:
Tender and rate contract for the supply of stores and materials (I.A.F.W.
This form is used for the supply of stores, material and furniture in
conjunction with the general conditions of contract for the supply of stores and
materials (IAFW-1815-Z).
(vii) Lump sum tender and contract for sale of buildings. Demolition
Removal and Clearance of site (IAFW-2352)
75. Before forwarding the contract documents to the C.D.A. for post scrutiny
vide paragraph 72 above the A.A.O. will see that the documents are complete in,
all respects and will also examine that primary requirement are complied with.
76. The A.A.O. will see that the tenders have been kited in the manner laid
down in the Regulations when tenders are disposedwith, he will see that a report
of the circumstances has been made to the CWE. (The powers of the GE to
conclude a contract without calling for tenders are laid down in paragraph 432
MES Regulations (1968 Edn).
77. The A.A.O. will see that the C.D.A. is consulted t the following cases before
the transactions are concluded:
78. He will verify that the contract has been accepted by the competent
authority and initialled and signed, where necessary by the contractor or his
representative who is legally empowered to do so. He will see that the blank
spaces in the contract are filled in and the numbering and attesting of amendments
etc. are complete. He will also see that rates in Schedules B and C are correct
and schedule `A' is arithmetically correct in regard to extension, total etc.
79. The A.A.O. will also see that when the tender accepted is said to be the
lowest, it is really the lowest. For this purpose, he will calculate and compare the
financial effect of the various contractors' tenders.
80. The amount of the contract will be checked with the sanctioned estimate or
the modified amount of previous contracts in the case of term and running
contracts. In the case of a contract on piecework tender forms, a statement
showing the approximate total value of the work to be done will be obtained from
the GE and attached to the contract. As regards action to be taken on the
conclusion of contract for obtaining revised administrative approval see paragraph
81. In cases where the A.A.O. finds that any deviations from or additions/
amendments to standard clauses are necessitated by the special requirement of the
particular contract or local conditions he should verify whether they have been
approved by the competent authority and if they have considerable financial
implications; he should draw the attention of the CDA (Engineering Section)
prominently to this factor for further necessary action. He shall also see if there -is
any unusual provision in the contract which is likely to present difficulties in
actual application or that the contract is vague or ambiguous in any respect, he will
bring the matter to the notice of the M.E.S. Officer and the CDA. It must be
remembered that anything that audit can do to put the M.E.S. Officers on their
guard in time in respect of any matter that is likely to give trouble, is far more useful than making adverse comments at a subsequent date.
81A. A checklist on the scrutiny of contracts by the A.A.O. as per Annexure `A'
will be forwarded to the Main Office with the contract agreement.
82. All approved contractors will deposit security in either of the following form:
(a) Execute the standard from of security Bond at the time of enlistment as
per following table as security against performance: (a) Monetary limits of Contractors/ Standing Security Deposits/Minimum Reserve
Class Upper Tendering
Value of
Limit of minimum reserves/
Authority competent to
Standing Secu- total of moveable and/or
rity Deposit
immovable property or fixed
assets (in case of company
(Rs. in lakhs),
(R s.)
SS(Super Special) No Limit
`S' (Special)
7.5 Crores
CE Command
1.5 Crore
CE Zone/project
80 lakhs
CE Zone/Project
40 Lakhs
CE Zone/Project
20 Lakhs
CE Zone/Project
10 Lakhs
5 Lakhs
Such contractors will not be required to deposit earnest money and security for
individual works in the case of a contractor of unlimited class; only one bond is
executed by him although he may be working under more than one CHIEF
ENGINEER. The bond shall be accepted by the CHEIF ENGINEER in whose
command the Head Quarters of the Contractor are situated Contractors of all other
classes will be required to execute a separate Bond with the Chief Engineer of
each command in which they wish to operate.
(b) The amount of earnest money required to be furnished along with tenders by
Contractors who are not enlisted with the MES and those who are enlisted but
have not executed Standing Security Bond (except as stated in Paras (d)
hereunder) shall be calculated on the following scales:
(b) Scale of Earnest Money
Estimated cost of works
Earnest Money
Up to Rs. 5lakhs
of the amount
money and security. Such discretion will however, be exercised with the prior
concurrence o the E-in-C.
Security Deposit for individual works (i.e. individual Security Deposit) shall
be 25% more than the "` amount of Earnest money calculated as per the scale laid
down in para (b) above (i.e. 1.25 times) based ' on tendered cost subject to the
provision that in no case the Individual Security Deposit shall exceed Rs.
(d) Specialist Firms, who have not executed standing Security Bond/lodged
standing Security deposit, shall be permitted to tender for specialist work without
depositing Earnest Money along with tenders They, will, however, have to lodge
before acceptance of tender, Security Deposit for the work calculated as per sub
para (c) above.
Note: In the case of tenders issued on and after 14-8-1998 Earnest Money shall be
calculated as per the revised scale given in sub-para (b) above, and individual
Security Deposit as per the scale in Para (c) above.
83. In the case of contractors who have not executed the Standard form of Bond
the AAO will see that they have deposited the necessary Earnest Money with the
MES Officer, and also Security Deposit if the work is given to one of them. He
will also check that the amount of Security Deposit specified in the contract
agreement has been correctly calculated.
In the case of a contractor, who has executed a standard form of Bond, the
AAO will verify that he has not been given a contract in excess of his financial
84. After the contract documents concluded by the GE have been examined in
the manner indicated above, an entry should be made by the AAO in the Index
kept at the beginning of the guard file in which duplicate copies of contracts
received by him are recorded vide paragraph 86 below. The serial number assigned
to the contract in the Index will be the same as the one given by the MES Officer
with reference to paragraph 398 regulation for the MES (1968 Edn.) and will be
noted in the red ink on the first page of the agreement with the year of contract if
not already noted by him. The contract will be referred to by this number and year
in all subsequent correspondence and bills pertaining that contract.
by the GE
Name of
tion of
"Similar action will be taken by the AAO in respect of duplicate copies of contract
agreements concluded by CWE/CE received from CDA's office duly attested by a
Gazetted Officer of that Office".
87. In the case of contracts concluded by the GE amendments subsequently
sanctioned to a contract will be examined to ensure that they are in order, that they
have been necessiated by alterations in the scope of the work sanctioned by
competent authority after the contract was concluded, and that the powers for the
acceptance of contracts have not been exceeded. As a result of an amendment, if
the value of tire on-tract exceeds the powers of the officer who accepted the
tender, the acceptance of the officer in whose powers the revised value of the
contract lies, should looked for in respect of the entire contract. In such cases the
amended contract will have the same implications as if it were originally
concluded for the mended amount.
88. It should be seen that an amendment involving enhancement of contract
rates or change of specifications in respect of freak rate is not sanctioned except
here the next higher authority has accorded his sanction. When the contractor has
signed his final bill or when in the case of a running or a term contract file period
covered by the contract has expired, sanctions of the next higher authority to the
amendment will be looked for. The issue of an amendment to a contract after the
contractor has signed the final bill without any reservation (i.e. with a clear no
claim certificate on page 2 thereof) is irregular and should not be accepted. To
avoid this, the AAO will see that contracts are duly amended rider sanction of the
competent authority as soon as possible after the necessity for the amendment
89. Original and duplicate copies of work /Deviation orders in respect of all
Contract Agreements and amendments in respect of Contracts concluded by GE
will be forwarded by the executive to the AAO who will forward, the same to the
CDA after primary check. Copies of amendments to the contract concluded by the
CWE/CE are sent in duplicate by the accepting officer direct to CDA. The duplicate copy when received back duly attested by the CDA will be recorded by the
AAO with the duplicate copy of the Contract Agreement to which it relates.
90. The A.A.O. GE should bear in mind that the essentials for a valid
amendment are (i) that it is within the financial powers of the officer making the
contract and (ii) that it is for "Consideration".
91. The effect of all Amendments and Deviations will be carefully studied,
particularly with a view to ascertain if an Amendment or Deviation involves a
recovery of a past payment, in which case necessary action will be taken by the
Re-imbursement of Escalation Claims
Total values of material fuel and labour components and the element
of tools, plants and equipments and transport do not exceed the total
value, prescribed by the Min. of Def. or E-in-C.
The values of material fuel & labour etc. have been given in figures
as well as in words
Name of
Period and
Contractor nature of
Points of
noticed in
the course of
the working
of contract
The A.A.O. should consult these entries for tendering financial advice to the
M.E.S. Officers.
94. The A.A.O. should realise that he is a part of the machinery set up in the
main office of the CDA. He should bring to the notice of the CDA/RAO any
irregularities or unfavorable developments noticed by him during the actual
working of the contracts with merit consideration by them.
The figures used in the punching media are legible and correct.
An upto date list of the code numbers assigned to detailed heads in
the classification Hand Book normally used in the division is maintained and copies thereof are available with all the assistants dealing
with bills, transfer vouchers etc.
101. An abstract of receipts and charges IAF (CDA) 25-A will be prepared by the
A.A.O. The abstract will he posted every day systematically and methodically,
from Transfer Vouchers, I.D. Schedules, Adjustment Vouchers, Transfer entries
and Cash Vouchers that are passed for payment and for which cheque are issued by
the M.E.S. Office. The amount of each cheque issued wi11 also is similarly posted
in the abstract under Cede No. 0/020/81.
At the end of each month, the A.A.O. will close the abstract of Receipts and
charges and/interalia agree the figures under Code No. 0/020/81 as posted in the
abstract are invariably agreed with the totals of Cash Book under "Payment by
102. After the reconciliation of Accounts a consolidated punching medium in
form IAF (CDA)-336 will be prepared by the AAO in quadruplicate. The original
'E' Section
Note: 1. (i) Payments made by Cheque by the Main Office in respect of MES
Formations eg. Pay and allowances of M.E.S. Civilian Officers, Nonindustrial Staff, TA Bills, mist, claims etc, will be compiled by the
Audit Section concerned in the Main Office under Class-9 Voucher.
The punching Media will be prepared in quintuplicate as per
allocation given on the bills and all the columns of the punching
media will be completed by the Audit Section in the normal manner,
as is done in the case of nor MES Bills. While the Code No. of the
M.E.S. formation will be indicated in all copies of the punching
media, the voucher number allotted to the bill by the formations will
be quoted on all copies except the original.
At the close of each month, audit sections of the Main Office will
furnish to the A.A.O. copies of punching media pertaining to the
Garrison as laid down in Para 99 OM Pt. VIII.
Note: 2.
Note: 3.
103. The construction accounts are maintained by the SDOs, concerned for each
work or service. It shows for purposes of control the amount of sanction and
allotment and also the expenditure as and when incurred with sufficient details as
to the nature of expenditure and reference to vouchers Liabilities and expected
credits are also shown until adjusted
In order to enable the J.E. to complete there construction accounts
expeditiously, the A.A.O. will immediately after an entry is made in the abstract of
Receipts and Charges, return the duplicate copies of paid muster rolls, with the
cumber and date of cheque and Cas4 Book item number duly endorsed thereon.
Simultaneously one copy of the voucher for stores requiring adjustment and an
Condition of Accounts
106. If the A.A.O. finds either in the course of checking allocation on the
bills/vouchers or the postings in the construction accounts that the accounts of a
particular Sub-Division are not maintained in a satisfactory condition, he will
bring the matter to the notice of the M.E.S. Officer for any a action that the latter
may think fit to take. If this action is found ineffective, he will report the matter to
the RAO/CDA as necessary.
107. In the case of work executed departmentally, it should be verified that all
stores, the cost of which lies been charged to the construction accounts have been
shown in the lint of materials attached to the Muster Rolls/Work Charged
Establishment Bills concerned.
Material Accounts
108. It will be seen that material accounts of completed works are closed as soon
as possible. If any stores are left in hand, action taken for their disposal should be
ascertained. It will also be seen if there are any cases in which materials were
purchased at the close of a financial year (i.e. February to March) and debited to
the materials account merely to utilise funds. If it is found that the materials so
purchased continue to remain "on charge for prolonged periods, the reference to be
drawn is that purchases were made simply to avoid lapse of funds. Traces back the
entry to the original transaction and, if necessary, placed it under objection.
Note: Whenever a material account for a major works is authorised, a separate
folio subsidiary to the folio of the work will be maintained. No separate
abstract is required in this case.
Departmental Charges
109. When leviable, departmental charge-.s on works executive by the M.E.S. are
adjusted by SDOs by means of transfer vouchers. At the time of his scrutiny of the
construction accounts, the A.A.O will verify that the charges have been levied at
the prescribed rate on the booked expenditure and that the calculations are correct.
Monthly Expenditure Returns
110. The monthly expenditure returns admitted by S.D.Os will be checked by the
A.A.O. with the abstract of construction accounts, Register of Approvals to works,
Register of Appropriations, etc. In submitting the return to the M.E.S. Officer, the
A.A.O. will bring to his notice points which need his attention e.g., low
expenditure, delay in submitting bills in any particular case, excess in any particular Sub-Division, progress of, expenditure as compared with previous month's
figures and risk, if any, of a possible lapse or excess.
The consolidated monthly expenditure return prepared by the head of the
M.E.S. formation will also be checked by the A.A.O. with the monthly financial
accounts and certified to that effect.
Statement Showing Military Exchange Account-Responding items
(Referred to in para 102)
Class of Voucher
Voucher No.
1. D. Schedule
Amount Responding
Classification I.D. Schedule
Section as per
Code No.
No. and Month
Section as per Code No.
No. & Month
Column 1 of
( +R or-R)
Column 1 of
(RCH or --CH)
I.D. Schedule
I.D. Schedule
Bill Register
114. To watch the disposal of bills, a Bill Register will be maintained in the
Accounts Section. All bills will be entered in this register on the date of receipt the
disposal recorded against each entry.
Prompt disposal of bills
115. The A.A.O. will ensure that all bills are disposed of as expeditiously as
possible. Labour and other ills that do not involve much clerical work should
disposed of within three days and others within seven days of their receipt.
Arrear fist of bills
116. The clerk to whom the duty of maintaining the Register is assigned will
prepare and submit to the AAO every Monday List of bills that have been
outstanding in the section for more than seven days. The AAO will scrutinize the
list, investigate the cause of delay and take such action as may be necessary to
expedite disposal of the bill.
117. Bills are of the following kinds:
Contractors' Bills.
(ii) Muster Rolls and temporary work charged establishment bills
(iii) Casual Labour Rolls.
(iv) Bells in respect of(a) Rent for hired buildings.
(b) Rent for the land.
(c) Terminal compensation Claims of Buildings.
(d) Rates and Taxes.
(e) Care of vacant buildings.
(v) Bills for local supplies.
(vi) Bills on account of handling charges of stores
(vii) Electricity and Water Supply Bills.
(viii) Miscellaneous Bills on account of contingencies etc.
(13) that all corrections are attested by the payee as well as the JE. The GE
is not required to initial individual corrections but corrections in the
total of the bills will be initialled by him.
(14) that unusual remarks are carefully looked into.
(15) that a correct reference to the measurement book and its pages is
given on bills, where necessary.
(16) that in connection with charges for demolition, demolition certificate
is attached, indicating the condition of the materials received and the
manner in which they have been disposed of,
(17) that the rates charged are correct according to the term of contract. (In
the case of bills based upon schedule of prices, the rates in force on
the date of the notice calling for tenders are applicable).
(18) that the description of work charged for tallies with that shown in the
schedule of prices and that the rate allowed is appropriate to the
nature of the work done and that Star prices is rates specially fixed for
work not included in the schedule of prices nor- directly derivable
there from are duly sanctioned by competent authorities.
(19) that pro-rata rate or star rate involving a payment upto Rs. 50,000 will
be checked technically by the SW (or ASW where SW is not posted)
of CWEs office, and by the SSW (or SW where SSW is not posted)
of the Zonal/ Project CE where the payment involved in respect of an
individual item exceeds Rs. 50,000, before approval is accorded by
the competent authority.
(20) that the quantity of work done shown in the bill or the abstract or
measurements is the same as recorded in the measurement book.
(21) that the rate of contractor's percentage added to or deducted from the
total of the bill is correct.
(22) that in the case of bills for periodical repairs(a)
a record of the execution of repairs has been kept by the JE in
the periodical Services Measurement Book, and
(b) that entries in the PSM Books connected therewith have been
checked by the RAO if those entries have not been audited they
will be checked by the AAO.
(23) that each bill is properly allocated.
(24) that every payment is so recorded and receipt for if so obtained that a
second claim against Government in the same account is impossible
and if it represents refund of a sum previously received by
Government that the amount paid is correctly refundable to the payee.
(25) that bills for payment of water and electricity charges to private
agencies, where supplies of water and electricity are obtained from
such agencies, are initially checked by the AAO/ BSO with Meter
Reader's Books so far as quantities are concerned to the extent of 100
percent before payment. The audit of the bills in all other respects
should be done by the AAO GE concerned.
(26) that bill for rates and taxes do not include any tax in respect of vacant
buildings where the local custom is to exempt Government Buildings
from the levy of a tax for the period during which they are vacant.
(27) (i)
that advance payment to the Agency concerned is made in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agency
(ii) administrative approval and TS have been accorded and
(iii) the advance payment is restricted to the estimates submitted by
Agency concerned duly technically checked.
(iv) Arrangements have been made by MES authorities to have
unspent balances, if any, refunded as soon as the work is
(v) the Funds are available.
(vi) the Advance will be compiled to head K-Deposits and
Advances and Recoveries /Adjustment is watched as per
provisions of para 336 (b) ibid.]
Contractor's Bills
121. In addition to the checks laid down in the preceding paragraphs, the
following points will also be seen in connection with contractors bills: (a)
that in the case of final bills, dated certificate has been recorded to the
effect that the payment is in full and final settlement of all demands,
that all tools and plant have been returned and the site cleared and
that statement a of stores issued for the work correctly prepared
with reference to issue vouchers etc., in the prescribed form has been
attached to the bill and that it has been technically checked
the number and date of the last bill(s) quoted in the final bill and the
amount(s) are correct,
that a consolidated statement of stores is attached to the final bills in
cases where stores were issuable to the contractor under Schedule B
of the contract agreement. These statements will be further examined
to see that:
The issue of all the stores was authorised by schedule `B' of the
contract agreement and the rates charged also agree with those
shown in the schedule,
Note 1:
If the value of the over-issues on a particular item exceeds Rs. 2000
(when priced at contract rates) this over-issue will be treated as if it exceeds 10%
whatever the actual percentage. For over-issue of stores beyond the limit stipulated
above in addition to disciplinary action taken recovery will be effected at
Schedules `B' rate/Stock/Book rate/ Market rate at the time of recovery whichever
is higher.
Note 2:
A contractor, who fails to return the surplus stores but retains them for
his own use or disposes them of to his personal gain, becomes liable to be prosecuted for embezzlement. Further, the Chief Engineer may either suspend the
contractor from further tendering or remove him from the approved list. It will be
seen in audit that action on these lines has been taken by the MES authorities.
Note 3:
With respect to items of Schedule `B' Stores which were issued free
for fixing only, if any such stores were lost or damaged while in the custody of the
contractor, the cost thereof has been recovered at a penal rate of recovery as
decided by the Accepting Officer in the case of GE's/CWE's contracts and as
desired by the CWE in the case of Chief Engineer's contracts:
Note: (1): Where the contractor refused to sign the devaluation statement, the
bill will be progressed on the basis of the statement like any other dispute bill.
Note: (2): These instructions do not apply recoveries, which are proposed to be
effected on account of devaluation of work consequent on observations made after
expiry of the maintenance period.
that the description of the work ;done Tallies with that of the
work ordered,
that the rates charged are correct according to the terms of the
that the calculations are correct;
that the administrative authority concerned has signed the
completion certificates.
that the work has been completed within the stipulated period;
that the original requisition, are supported by original IAPW2158 duly revised and completed.
The completion cost should be noted in the Register of
that in the case of bills for lump sum contracts based on Bills of
quantities, deviations, if any have been measured and valued by the
Surveyor of works, and that he has certified on the bill that the rates
passed for payment or recovery have been checked by him and are in
accordance with the bill of quantities tendered by the contractor. No
further check on these rates will be exercised by the AAO Bills based
on Bills of Quantities will be marked secret and will be submitted to
the CDA in a secret cover;
interval k of not less than 30 days and that credit has been
given to the contractor for under noted percentage of the value
of work executed and for 75% of the value of imperishable
materials as assessed by the GE lying at site.
121. (i)
the price adjustment is allowed only for the value of work done
and material collected at site.
(xi) A certificate from GE that contractor had given written notice,
consequent to fixation of minimum wages, under any law,
statutory rule is enclosed.
(xii) For the purpose of calculation of retention money and
liquidated wages. The value of the contract as required by the
price variation has been taken into account.
(xiii) The contractor should have given notice of the fact of
escalation in minimum wages of unskilled labour as per State
Govt. notification and also of his intention to claim reimbursement incorporated as a special condition in the respective
(xiv) It should be certified by the G.E. that the payment of enhanced
wages have infact been made by the contractor to his labourers
concerned particularly in respect of past labourers and that the
fact of such payments having been made by the contractor has
been verified by the G.E. and he has satisfied himself about the
Muster in Rolls
122. The Muster Roll as it name denotes, is a nominal roll or list of labourers
employed daily on works. There is generally separate roll for each work. A Central
record of ail Muster Rolls sanctioned will be maintained by the AAO.
Muster Rolls will be closed weekly, every ten days, or monthly as may be
ordered by the head of the MES Formation and will be submitted to him for check.
After audit by the AAO those will be paid from Cash Assignment. The Head of the
MES Formation may authorise a subordinate incharge of a Sub-Division to make
payments on his behalf, otherwise all payments will be made in the presence of an
Officer. At the time of payment the vouchers will be endorsed, initialled or signed
and dated.
123. The Muster Rolls will be checked with special reference to the following
that a double claim is not preferred (for this purpose particulars of
identifications given in the muster rolls will be carefully checked).
(ii) that the rate per diem is appropriate to the class of labour and does not
exceed the standard labour rate without the sanction of the competent
(iii) that the total number of days is correctly worked out.
In cases where repairs to furniture are carried out partly by workmen paid
on Muster Roll and partly by workmen paid on Temporary Work Charged
Establishment bill (Industrial and Non-Industrial), it will be seen that copies of the
documents referred to at (a) & (b) are attached both to the Muster Roll and to work
Charged Establishment Bill, and suitable remarks are made on the Muster Roil and
the Temporary Work Charged Establishment Bill with a view to linking the Muster
Roll, etc. with the relevant progress report and the list of stores.
126. It should be seen generally that the Muster Roll contains no erasures,
interpolations and over writings etc., and that all corrections are neatly carried out
and initialled. These instructions also apply rnutuatis mutandis to payments made
on Casual Labour Rolls No (IAFW-2256).
Temporary Work Charged Establishment Bills (industrial)
127. These bills will be prepared monthly in duplicate by the S.D.O. on a date
fixed by the M.E.S. Officer. The bill will be prepared for the actual period to
which it relates. It will be seen that the following certificate had been endorsed on
the bill:
"Certified that personnel named in this bill attended to the work
continuously for eight hours daily for the period for which pay is claimed except
for Sundays and Gaze1ted holidays and authorised absence on account of leave or
Date........... .
After check by the AAO payment will be authorised by MES Officer from
his cash Assignment.
128. If the amount of the bill is allocated to carious works the amount allocated to
each should be checked.
129. The sanctions accorded by the competent authority (for the employment of
Temporary work charged personnel (Industrial) will be recorded by- the AAO
chronologically in a separate file. Suitable notes should be made of amendments
and cancellations of the original sanctions on the sanctions already recorded, under
the initials of the AAO. At the time of passing bills of Temporary Work Charged
Establishment (Industrial) they should be checked with these sanctions and the
payment authorised after the necessary audit has been conducted
Terminal compensation claims
130. These claims are to be paid only after pre-scrutiny by the C.D.A. or by his
authorised representative. The AAO will, therefore ensure that such claims are
submitted to the CDA duly supported by the following documents for his prescrutiny
(i) Hire/lease agreement, if any.
(ii) Schedule of damages in respect of which the terminal compensation
claim has been preferred.
(iii) A special report in cases where there are any peculiar features coming to
the AAO notice on account of his local knowledge which the CDA may not
be aware of.
On receipt of the claims duly pre-scrutinized by the C.D.A. the amount will
be passed for payment
130-A The A.A.O. will maintain a register in the following form to watch the
progress and finalization of the Terminal compensation claims. Entries in the
register will be made with reference to the lease/derequisition /de-hiring orders
endorsed to the AAO by the Administrative authorities or received by him from
the CDA.
Register for Watching the Progress and Finalisation of Terminal Compensation Claims
No. & date of the
sanction for the
release/derequisition/dehiring of
the property and
terminal compensation
Amount of
terminal compensation
Date of
receipt of T.C.
claim by
131. The AAO will keep a register of measurement books. In this will be recorded
the serial number of each book, date of issue, date of transfer from one subordinate
to another, and the date of final return for record. These particulars will also be
entered inside the cover of the measurement book.
A measurement book will only be issued when ordered by the MES Officer
who will specify the J E. for whom it is required Completed measurement book
will be preserved for ten years after the date of completion of a work, the
measurement of any part of which are recorded therein. In the register of
measurement books the date on which the measurement book is due for
destruction and the date of actual destruction will also be noted.
Note: In the case of transfer of charges the A.A.O. will obtain through GE all
acknowledgements by the relieving officer of the measurement books taken over
by him from the relieved officer.
132. The measurement book will provide a complete; record of works performed
under a contract and will therefore, include all items having a financial bearing ' so
that full support is given to the amount of the final sum clue to the contractor. It is
the basic of all accounts of measured work and of materials received which have
to be measured or counted. In any case in which extensive services such as road
work, pipe laying or electric wiring are carried out by directly employed labour
vide paragraph 341 (b) MES Regulation (1868 Edn.) measurement will also be
recorded in a measurement book.
As a measurement book may have to be produced as evidence in a court of
law entries therein must be indelibly recorded, properly described, agreed and signed by the parties concerned the site at the completion of each day's
measurements. The AAO will see that the above requirements are complied with.
The arithmetical check of calculations (i.e. castings and extensions) will be
done by the AAO to the extent laid down below:
He will check one page in every four pages completely and the other three
pages on broad lines only (e.g. ignoring do not dominate the result fractions when
these do not dominate the result and only with sufficient detail to ensure that there
is not a substantial miscalculation. The selection of pages required to be
completely checked should be automatically made by the AAO personally and not
automatically by selecting every fourth page in a numerical order. It is also
essential that a record of the pages selected for` complete check should be
maintained in the measurement book so that the auditor's work could be reviewed
and checked independently during local audit or at other times whenever
133. It is not feasible to lay down hard and fast rules for the check of measurement
books, as this work is largely a matter in which AAO must use their common sense
and intelligence. The following lines are however, indicated for guidance:
(i) The nomenclature of the items of work where every abbreviated or not as
recorded in the measurement book, should set forth clearly and correctly the class
of work involved and be easy of identification with that in the schedule of prices,
if any while it is not the intention that the nomenclature as entered in the
measurement book should correspond word for word to that shown in the schedule
of prices of the abstract and qualities and prices (IAFW-2264). It is essential that it
should be such as cannot be confused with any other item in the schedule of the
(ii) The totals of the abstract in I.A.F.W. 2264 must be in the same as the totals
entered in the bill form.
(iii) The printed rules contained in the measurement books should be compiled
(iv) The schedule of prices for works and repairs to building, etc., should be
consulted for check of rates at which payment for work is claimed.
134. The AAO should also see that measurement is generally recorded by the J.E.
himself. Repeated disregard of this rule will be brought to the notice of the head of
the MES office. He will also see that a proportion of all measurements taken in the
formation have been checked by the head of the MES office-or an Assistant
Engineer. The AAO will see further that entries in the last column are invariably
in' inks that pencil entries are not linked over, that all corrections are attested and
generally there are no doubtful or suspicious entries. Whenever the description of
an. item of work has been materially altered or cancellation/alteration of material
nature of Measurement has been done, the reasons for the same have been
recorded by the person making the same. Inaccuracies in measurement and other
irregularities that come to notice will be pointed out to the head of the MES
formation. Measurements record in requisitions and muster rolls and Casual
labour Rolls will be checked in a similar manner.
135. Any abnormal delay in the taking off measurements after the, completion of
work will also be brought to the notice o the MES Officer for such action as he
may consider necessary. A record of such ' stances of delay and of serious
irregularities in measurements and the action taken by him will be maintained by
the AAO for Inspection by the RAO at the time of his visit.
After the measurements have been checked in the manner, stated above, the
AAO will, in cases where measurements have been carried over from one measurement book to another or from one page to some other page (which is not in a
consecutive order) of the same book, note the number and the date of the bill on
which payment is made, on the page(s) from which measurements have been
carried over. On the page where the measurements for the work billed for end, he
will endorse the following certificate:
from ...............
of Measurement
Book No............ checked and bill No... ............ Dated ................... forward to
No diagonal line in red ink will be drawn across the pages checked.
136. The A.A.O. will take census of all measurement books on the charge of the
formation as recorded in the register of measurement books once in a year in ',the
month of April, with a view to ensuring that no book is missing.
Provisional payments
137. A.A.O. will ensure that no provisional payments are made by the MES
Officers. They will also see that provisional payments are made to the third
parties, i. e., contractors, etc. in accordance with the terms of contract agreement,
Orders of the CDA should be obtained in cases where MES Officers desire that
provisional payments be made to Government employees or third parties for lack
of documentation or lack of time for the verification of particulars or for the
completion of all audit requirement.
Contingent charges
138. The following charges will be paid by the MES Officer from his Cash
Assignments after audit by the AAO in accordance with the ordinary standing
orders regarding contingent expenditure:
Cost of stamps.
Payments on account of law charges other than those, which are incidental
to a work or the hiring of accommodation or resumption of sites
Charges for local printing at private presses and binding charges where
Note-1: The charges referred to at items (iv), (xi), (xii), and (xv) above will be
preferred to the CDA for pre-audit before payment is made. In respect of stamps or
service labels item (i) above a Cheque will be made out by the MES Officer in
favour of the treasury Officer from his Cash Assignment.
While forwarding bills to the CDA for pre/post audit, the AAO will attach to
every bill a working Sheet referred to in para 25, in the proforma given as n
Annexure of this chapter. A uniform proforma is of possible to meet the
requirements of various types of bills and the Annexure only given an illustration
of the points to be looked into by the AAO while checking; a work bill against a
lump sum contract. Similar proforma with suitable modifications shall be used for
the other types of bills dealt with in the Accounts Section.
140. After signature by the MES Officer, the A.A.O. will endorse on bill either
Checked and found correct or Checked and found correct with reservations,
vide attached note. In the case of bills based on measured works, the AAO will
also sign the following endorsement on the bill. "Checked with the measurement
book and the abstract and with the contract and sanctioned specifications and
passed for Rs.......... on .....................
He will at the same time endorse over his signature low the abstract of
Checked and bill no..................... Dated...forwarded to the C.D.A.
In the case of bills based upon Periodical Services Measurements Books, the
AAO will record on the bill or the requisition a note showing whether the relevant
entries in the periodical services measurements book have been checked by the
LAO Staff if not whether they have been checked by him.
141. After completion as above, bills requiring post-audit by the CDA will be
passed on to the Cashier for payment out of Cash Assignment after the pay order,
thereon has been signed by the MES Officer. As regards bills requiring pre-audit
by the CDA the AAO will after getting the pay order signed by the MES Officer
forward the original copy of the bill and the abstract of measurements to the CDA
retain the duplicate copy of the bill in his office in order to settle any further audit
objections etc. The measurement books will not be sent to the CDA.
Normally, payment of bills will be made by, the MES Officer from his Cash
Assignment by means of a Crossed Cheque in favour of the contractor at the
treasury located in the state, where either the work is executed or services rendered
or at the treasury nearest to the station where the MES Office is located. When an
open cheque is issued to a contractor having no banking account, a written
declaration should be obtained from the contractor, that he accepts the risk
involved. Such a declaration shall be recorded with the AAO. He will make a red
ink entry "Payment by open Cheque" at the top of the payment enforcement of
each such bill. He should also verify that contractors' acknowledgement of the
open cheque has been obtained.
WORKING Sheet for the check of a lump sum contract bill
Name of Work
Cont. Agt. No.
Name of the Contractor
Amount (Lump Sum Rs.)
Points looked into in Audit
Points observed and settled with Points specially brought to the notice of the
the GE
CDA for settlement.
(i) Bill paired with the contract and
all conditions in the contract
147. In the case of MES Officers Commander Works Engineer, Garrison
Engineer etc., who are allowed to draw funds from treasuries by Cheques for their
disbursements, assignments of funds are arranged by the Controller of Defence
Accounts and Chequebooks supplied to them for the drawal of funds. Generally
each MES Officer will be placed on account with one treasury but where
necessary, the assignment may be apportioned between two or more treasuries.
The A.A.O. will ensure that cash is not drawn from the treasury in excess of the
actual amount for which cash vouchers are passed for payment.
Outstation SDOs are allowed imprests by the CWE/GE concerned within
the limits specified in para 537 MES Regulations (1968 edn.). These imprests are
advanced and recouped by the MES Officers concerned from their Assignments.
148. Every Officer having an assignment or imprest maintains a Cash Book on
IAFW-2246. Cash Book is the most important accounts record. On it the whole
accounts of the division are based and all other accounts and returns are subsidiary
to it. In this, all transactions except as laid clown in Para 164 dealing with the
receipt of Cash and all payments or disbursements will be entered daily as they
take place. The Cash Book is maintained under the supervision of A.A.O. He will
ensure that all are sufficiently detailed for facility of identification and allocation.
The Cash Book will be in two volumes, each volume to record the transactions for
alternate months.
149. The receipts for and payments from imprest will be recorded by the Imprest
Holder in a Cash Book. The amount of Imprest sanctioned will be noted on the top
of the form in red ink before the transactions for each month are recorded.
150. Miscellaneous Cash receipts, which should be accounted for in the Cash
Book, should not be utilised for expenditure but should be paid into the treasury
immediately on a receivable order.
151. Payments from cash assignment/imprest will be recorded on the credit side
of the Cash Book daily as disbursements are made.
The A.A.O. will check all entries in the Cash Book to see that(a) An entry is made on the date of payment.
(b) The amount shown as paid agrees with the amount mentioned in the Pay Order.
(c) The reference to voucher No quoted in the Cash Book is correct.
(d) The name of the payee is the same as that on the bill.
(e) The payee has given a clear and proper receipt on the bill.
(f) If the payment is made to an agent of a contractor, it will be seen that the agent
holds legal authority on behalf of the former.
(g) The classification recorded in the last column is correct.
(h) The totalling of each page of the Cash Book and carry forward thereof are done
in ink on the completion of each page.
Closing of Cash Book
152. The Cash Book will be closed on the 25th of each month (except for the
month of March when it will be closed on the last day of that month) when the
balances, will be stick. The amount of cash in hand will be stated in figures as well
as in words and a certificate endorsed by the M.E.S. Officer to the effect that the
cash in hand has been counted and found correct.
Reserve Bank of India/State Bank of India will send a copy of the daily
payment scroll to the concerned disbursing officer simultaneously with that sent to
the Controller of Defence Accounts. A separate payment scroll for each
assignment which will be prepared by the bank, duplicate being sent to the assignment holder and original will be sent to the concerned Controller of Defence
Accounts together with paid cheques with the information available in the daily
payment scroll (viz. cheque No and the amount of each cheque paid by the bank)
with MES officer who draws from assignment will satisfy as to the accuracy of his
drawings and prepared a monthly reconciliation statement in the following form:(i) Amount of cheques remaining unpresented on 25th of each month (except for
the month of March when it will on last day of that month).
(ii) Amount of the cheques drawn during the month.
(iii) Total
(iv) Amount of cheques en-cashed during the month.
(v) Balance i.e. amount of cheques remaining un-cashed with details of cheques.
(j) The amounts handed over to the superintendent Grade-1 or AGE for payment to
the personnel are totalled neatly and shown in words as well as figures.
Note: In so far as payment by cheque to the contractors/suppliers/banker's are
concerned in addition to the payee's receipts mentioned in clauses `C', `D', `E', and
`F' above, they are also required to acknowledge receipt (on the tear slip of IAFA,
838) of all cheques issued in their favour in payment of their bills etc. The payee's
acknowledgement for the cheques issued will be obtained by the GE and recorded
with the paid vouchers. The A.A.O. will ensure that these acknowledgements have
been obtained for all cheques handed over personally to the parties as also for
those sent by post.
154. The original Cashbook together with necessary supporting vouchers will be
submitted by the A.A.O. to the CDA for audit. The extract of the imprest Cash
Book of the Sub-Divisions recouping their imprest from the Cash Assignment
together with the imprest Account vouchers will accompany the Main Cash Book.
Separate lists for the following categories of vouchers will be prepared and
submitted alongwith the Cash Book
(i) Vouchers already pre-audited by the CDA.
(ii) Vouchers requiring post-audit by the CDA.
(iii) Vouchers retained by the A.A.O. for post-audit by the RAO at the time of his
normal visit to the MES Formations (i.e. Muster Rolls work charged Personnel
Bills, Bills for the refund of rent and vouchers for the amounts of which do not
exceed Rs. 100).
The A.A.O. will also record a certificate to the effect that all vouchers in
respect of the month have been received by him and accounted for in the above
lists, and that no voucher is left with the MES Staff.
Unpaid Wages Register
157. An account of unpaid wages of labourers employed on Muster Rolls or
temporary work charged Establishment bill (Industrial) will be kept by Cashier in
IAFW-2259 Entries in this Register will be checked by the A.A.O. When an
amount is left unpaid on a Muster Roll or Temporary Work Charged Establishment
bill (Industrial) it will be entered in the Register together with full particulars of
the payee and the vouchers on which the amount remained unpaid. The amount
Initial of
Date of
Authority of
160. Issue of receipt book, will be made on demand under the orders of the MES
Officer with due regard to the number of books already with the demanding
161. The return of counterfoils will be watched through this Register. On receipt
of counterfoils the A.A.O. will verify that no counterfoil is missing and that if a
counterfoil has been cancelled, the reasons for cancellation are recorded and
initialled by the holder of the receipt book and that the cancelled foil is attached.
The amounts received will be traced in the Cash Book and in the monthly financial
accounts in the case of receipt issued in exchange of treasury receipts. A
Certificate to the effected that the required comparison has been made will be
recorded on the cover of the Receipt Book.
162. When payments are due to Government they will normally be made into a
treasury on Receivable Orders (I.A.F.A. 507) issued by Accounting Officers,
unless recoveries are effected through pay bills etc. All AAOS attached to MES
Offices are authorised to sign Receivable Orders in connection with amounts due
to the state. When Cash is tendered, the tenderer should be asked to deposit the
amount into the treasury on a Receivable Order, which should be issued unless
cash can be accepted under Regulations.
163. Whenever cash or treasury receipt is accepted, a receipt (S 119) will be
given to the payer. The receipt should clearly indicate whether the amount is
received in cash or otherwise.
Cash received will be credited in the Cash Book immediately, and remitted
into the Treasury in the normal manner (vide Para 150).
164. Public Fund Account Cash Book Cheques issued by the CDA in payment of
bills on account of Pay and Allowances of MES Non-gazetted personnel including
TA claims in favour of State Bank/Treasuries for credit to the Public Fund Account
of the MES Officer responsible for disbursement of such Bills will not be entered
in the Assignment/Imprest Cash Book. Transactions connected with such receipts/
167. A separate organisation functions in the MES to deal with the recovery of
licence fee and allied charges and supply, holding and issue of furniture and stores.
It is called the Barrack/Stores Branch. The CWE through his Senior Barrack
/Stores Officer (S.B./S.O.) and the Garrison Engineer through his Barrack/Stores
Officer (BSO) are responsible for the discipline and Administration of this Branch.
The detailed rules are contained in the Memorandum on Procedure, Organisation
and Duties of Barrack/ Stores Branch of the Military Engineers Services.
A Separate A.A.O. with the necessary Staff will be attached to the Office of
every Barrack/Stores Officer who will be responsible for the Revenue work of this
Branch. The remaining work of the Barrack/Stores Branch relating to furniture and
Stores etc. will be done by the A.A.O. Garrison Engineer's Office.
167A. The A.A.Os BSO will examine all orders and sanctions effecting their
work issued by the Government of India and authorities subordinate to them
CGDA's letters and CDA's Office orders etc. in order to ensure that they are
correctly applied. For this purpose they will hold monthly Conference with their
staff. All important and doubtful points arising during their day to day working
will be discussed and recorded in the Review Register, which will be produced for
inspection by the RAO. MES on his visits; Doubtful points connected with the
interpretation or applicability of the rules, instructions etc. will be referred to
RAO/CDA for orders/ clarification. A certificate of review of orders and
sanctions will be submitted to the RAO who will render a consolidated certificate
to the CDA:
of expenditure thereon. it will be seen that the provisional assessments are worked
out as accurately as possible taking into account the recorded expenditure as well
as the full liabilities. Subsequently when the accounts have been closed the licence
fee assessment will be revised on the basis of the final completion cost. In cases
where the variation between provisional and final, assessment is 5% or less the
final assessment will be effective from the date of the accounts are closed and
where the variation is more than 5 % of the final assessment will have
retrospective effect from the date of occupation. This procedure will also apply to
additions and alteration effecting the Capital value of buildings.
Rent assessment statement in respect of buildings occupied prior to transfer
of charge between the GE (Project and GE Maintenance), will be initiated by GE
(Project) and forwarded to AAOGE (Project) who after check will furnish a copy
to AAOGE (Maintenance).
171. The A.A.O. Garrison Engineer's Office will compare the Licence fee
Assessment Ledger with the Register of Buildings every year in April, to see that
the capital value of buildings shown in the register agrees with the entries in the
Licence Fee Assessment Ledger. Any discrepancies noticed would be investigated
and rectified by reference to the original documents, on the authority on which a
different Capital cost is shown. A certificate to the effect that required comparison
has been made will be recorded in the licence fee assessment ledger.
172. The A.A.O. attached to the Barrack/Stores Officer will maintain the following
ledgers etc.:
(i) Revenue ledger.
(ii) Licence fee bills numbering register.
173. It should be ensured by the A.A.O. B.S.O. that the Revenue ledgers
maintained by him are complete in all respect and for this purpose the Register of
Buildings for which Licence Fee is leviable maintained by the BSO should be
called for and compared with the Revenue ledger whenever found necessary.
Revenue Ledger (I.A.F.W.2240)
174. This contains a record of Revenue due and recovered in respect of each
buildings or quarter and also from other sources. Separate Revenue Ledger will be
maintained for
(a) Government owned quarters.
(b) Hired, leased and requisitioned accommodation in the Station Pool, and
(c) Civil Works Revenue.
(a) A complete list of all hired buildings and rental paid as on 1st April each year
and monthly "change" statements thereafter.
Note: (i) The monthly change statements will be furnished by the A.A.O (GE) by
the 5th of the following month. The A.A.O. (BSO) will link all the change
statements into the list as on 1st April. The list and the change statements for each
year will be recorded in a separate file.
(ii) The A.A.O. (B.S.O.) will tally the list for every year (as on 1st April)
with that for the previous year (as amended from time to time).
(b) Monthly list of Revenue credited through the GE's cash Accounts and the No.
& date of the relevant licence fee bills.
(c) Licence fee assessment statements as and when rent of building is assessed
(d) A copy of the statement of the furniture hired out to the officers etc. by 10th of
each month. It is important that an effective liaison is maintained between the two
AAOs and any further information required in connection with the recoveries of
licence fee and allied charges is promptly made available of the A.A.O.
Barrack/Stores Officer.
178. All accommodation in a occupation Return/ Station, although physically in
the charge of the Barrack/Stores Branch is at the disposal of the Station
Commander. Quarters will be held in a Station Poll and allotted to individuals by
the Station Commander or inter-services Quartering Committee (or other allotting
authority) Barrack/Stores Officer or his representative will be responsible for
preparing and forwarding to the A.A.O. Barrack/Stores Officer Occupation returns
for all quarters in the Station Pool. In the case of all other buildings, units and
formations in occupation are responsible for the prompt and correct rendition of
Occupation Returns (in duplicate) to the Barrack/Stores Officer or his representative at Outstation, who after necessary check pass one copy of the same to
the A.A.O. The Barrack/Stores Branch has instructions to ensure that occupation
returns are submitted promptly and correctly to the A.A.O. and it is the
responsibility of the latter to ensure that the preparation of licence fee bills does
not fall into arrears.
179. Occupation Returns will be prepared on the prescribed form and will be
forwarded to the A.A.O. as follows:
(i) Immediately after taking over.
(ii) Other changes in occupation by the 5th of each month to show changes during
the preceding month.
(iii) Complete Occupation Returns showing all buildings (Govt. owned / hired /
requisitioned whether licence fee leviable or licence fee not leviable, i.e..
Barracks, Office stores (etc.) and quarters by 5th April annually to show position
as on April 1st.
Note 1: Occupation Returns in respect of an Officers Mess will be submitted by
the Unit Commander (or the Mess President) to Barrack/Stores Officer or his
representative at the outstation
Note 2:
Licence fee in respect of Messes whenever free accommodation is
not authorised is recoverable at source by the CDA at the time of admitting the
Mess Maintenance Allowance of the Units and formations. Cases in which Mess
Maintenance allowances is admitted in full a "No accommodation certificate "
should be intimated to the A.A.O. Barrack/ stores officer concerned. The A.A.O.
will verify that the cases in question, accommodation at Government expense as
not provided to the Mess.
180. Occupation Returns rendered by the Barrack/ Stores Br. will be fully checked
by the A.A.O. Besides the general completion of the Return, it should be seen(a) that the return is rendered on the prescribed form (lAFZ-21'70) as amended.
(b) that the description of the buildings is correctly given.
(c) that tile Return is signed by the authority responsible: for its submission.
(d) that the relevant columns of the return are properly filled in and
(e) that information whether quarters are furnished or unfurnished is given.
181. In scrutinising the allotment of accommodation, should be seen(i) that accommodation allotted to an officer is according to the scale, to which he
is entitled;
(ii) that all officer commissioned after 1st July 1949 who are below the age of 25
years and are married (irrespective of the date of marriage) are treated as single for
accommodation purposes;
(iii) that the accommodation allotted to an officer is occupied within 10 days from
the date of allotment. Licence Fee will become payable from the date following
the expiry of the period or from actual date of occupation whichever is earlier
except in the case of reserved accommodation when the rent is recoverable from
the date of assumption of the charge of appointment.
(iv) that out of class accommodation is allotted only when there is no demand for
such accommodation by entitled officers and there is no accommodation available
of the appropriate class to which are officer is entitled.
(v) that a quarter has not been sub-let by the allottee except when an officer is
proceeding on furlough with family under the conditions laid down in AO 5/S/48.
(vi) that the classification of an officer's quarter once carried out in accordance
with the existing rules remains the same irrespective of the number of occupants in
a quarter. Reclassification of accommodation from a back date involving
adjustment of recoveries will be done with the previous concurrence of the Govt.
of India.
(vii) that where the allotment is stated to be free of licence fee, or at a reduced rate
of licence fee, the authority in support is quoted and that it covers the case;
(viii) that when accommodation is leased to private persons not in Government
employee ;
(a) all agreement is executed on the lines notified by the Ministry of Defence from
time to time;
(b) the instrument is properly stamped;
(c) the current market rate of licence fee is quoted on the return.
(d) the licence fee is fixed at the market rate provided it is not less than the
assessed rent;
(ix) that the licence fee recoverable front contractors in respect of buildings used
as cinemas has been correctly fixed according to the highest bid by auction, that an
agreement is executed on the prescribed form, that the amount of security has been
deposited by the contractor and that the whole building is insured by the lessee and
renewal premium receipt is called for and verified;
(x) that when accommodation is allotted to NonGazetted personnel of the
categories mentioned in the Ministry of Defence letters No. (i) 5/ (30)/58/1838/
(Civ-1) dated 27-2-62 (2) 50433/TD-13 4823/D (Prod) dt. 25-4-66 (3) 4/
(22)/68/D (Civ-1) dt. 4-8-69 (as amended from time to time). It is ascertained hi,
reference to the CDA concerned that they hold such appointments which entitle
them to free quarters".
(xi) that when non-Gazetted Officers of the categories referred to in item (x)
above, to whom accommodation is allotted are appointed to officiate in gazetted
appointment both the substantive and officiating pay are noted in the occupation
return so that the licence fee payable may be calculated in accordance with para
13(j) of A.R.I. Quarters and Rents.
(xii) that when a Military Building is allotted to a Canteen Contractor for running
institutes, etc., an agreement is executed in the Model forms of Station and Unit
Contract agreement.
(xiii) that when free accommodation is allotted to personnel referred to in
paragraph 1(k) ARI Quarters and Rents. It has been stated that their duties require
them to live in particular Quarters in order to be near their work.
(xiv) that in the case of an officer entitled to be provided with accommodation and
permitted to make his own arrangements the sanction of the Station Commander
exists for the accommodation occupied and the rent fixed. Detailed instructions in
this respect are contained in A.O. 10/S/86 (as amended).
(xv) that arrangements to provide suitable accommodation in Hotel, Club, bearing
house, etc., are made only when an officer entitled to be provided with
accommodation can not be provided with accommodation in the Station Pool and
the Officer is unable or unwilling to make his own arrangements provided in the
opinion of the Station Commander, the arrangement is more economical than
hiring a house or other suitable accommodation, such an arrangement is made only
for a period not exceeding three months at a time and it is stated in the lease
agreement that the hiring may be terminated without notice at the end of each
calendar month. The claims of Officers for reimbursement of rent paid in excess of
the prescribed percentage of their pay will be checked inter-alia to see that a
suitable accommodation for them is not available in the Station Pool. Cases where
suitable accommodation may be lying vacant will be promptly brought to the
notice of the Barrack/ Stores Officer. This check will be exercised before the claim
is forwarded to the C.D.A. concerned.
(xvi) that in the case of buildings, etc., hired out to Provincial Governments
licence fee bills at the prescribed rates are regularly issued and on receipt of
accepted copies of licence fee bills, necessary debits are raised against the Civil
Scale of Accommodation
182. The following are the important checks, which should be exercised under this
(a) It should be seen that no individual (except for valid reason) is allotted
accommodation in excess of the scale to which he is entitled under the Regulations
Or superior to that authorised for his rank or appointment. If a superior quarters or
excess accommodation is allotted at the request of the occupant, the fact should be
noted in the Revenue Ledger to ensure that the increased rate of licence fee is
(b) When an individual is allotted accommodation inferior to his rank, it should be
seen that sufficient reason for not allotting full accommodation has been recorded.
(c) Accommodation allotted to contractors (for use as institutes) should be checked
so that any room or rooms not set apart for an institute is charged for under
183. When the vacation of a building is reported, it should be verified from the
Revenue Ledger that intimation of occupation of the buildings by the person
reported as vacating was duly received noted in the Ledger. However, in the case
of personnel entitled Licence fee free- accommodation for whom no separate folio
is required to be opened the revenue Ledger, the verification will be done from the
report of retention of accommodation beyond permissible period by BSO/Station
The cause of vacation should be looked for. If a building is vacated for
reasons other than transfer, vacation of appointment etc., the circumstances should
be fully investigated /specially the occupant is required under rule to occupy
Government own hired accommodation. In cases of transfer or vacation of
appointment it should be seen that the quarters are re-allotted to another entitled
If a quarter is vacated with sufficient reasons, action should be taken as
indicated below:(i) Officers and others not entitled to free accommodation. Licence fee should
continue to be claimed.
(ii) Individuals entitled to free quarters-The CDA should be informed that claims
for compensation in lieu of quarters are not to be entertained.
The above action should be taken with the approval of the Barrack /Stores
officer. In the event of a disagreement between the Barrack/Stores officer and his
AAO full facts of the case should be reported for orders of the CDA through the
(d) The particulars recorded in the return should be compared with those noted in
the Revenue Ledger except in the case of personnel entitled to licence fee free
accommodation where the particulars will be compared with the initial occupation
returns case in which the two documents do not agree will be taken up with the
authority concerned, electricity, hire charges of fans, other Electrical appliances.
186. Recoveries fro3n non-entitled consumers who are paid by the Defence
Accounts Department or by a Civil Accounts Officer will be made in the same way
as, and together with recoveries of licence fee. For this purpose, the Barrack/Stores
Officer will prepare the Return of Recoveries (electric) (IAFW-2218) from the
Meter Reader's Book and forward it to the A.A.O. so as to reach him not later than
the 10th of the month following that to which the charges pertain. The return will
be checked in full by the staff of A.A.O. B.S.O. and posted in the Revenue Ledger.
A.A.O. B.S.O. will exercise test check over the pasting of return of recoveries in
the revenue ledger to the extent of 10% of the total no. of items in the returns.
Note: In checking the Return of recoveries it will be seen that charges for water
and electricity if payable by the consumer direct to a Public Supply Company, are
not included in the return.
187. Normally charges on account of electricity and water will be included in the
monthly return of recoveries. In case, however, where it is not possible to record
meter reading monthly, a provisional recovery as assessed by the Barrack/Stores
Officer will be made monthly. The Barrack/Stores Officer will prepare adjustment
bills for individuals on the basis of meter reading (electric and water combined)
promptly on a change of occupancy, and otherwise at quarterly intervals and
submit to the A.A.O. for incorporation of the figures in the licence fee bill.
188. In the case of private consumers the amounts will be billed for and or
recovered by the Barrack/ Stores Officer. The monthly bill (IAFW-2217) will be
prepared by the Barrack/Stores Officers and sent to the consumer accompanied
unless standing arrangements to make recoveries in cash by the Garrison Engineer
have been made, by a receivable order (IAFW-507) which should give such details
as will enable the treasury receipt to be identified with the relevant bill without the
bill itself. The return of treasury receipt will be watched by the Barrack/Stores
Officers. After taking into account the amounts recovered in cash and credited into
treasury, the Barrack/ Stores Officer will prepare and render to his A.A.O. monthly
an abstract of all receipts duly supported by treasury receipts. The A.A.O. will
check the abstract and see that the total recoveries made by the Barrack/Stores
Officer from Private consumers as recorded in a folio of the Revenue Ledger agree
with the amount shown in the Return of Recoveries as recovered by the Barrack
/Stores Officer from these consumers. The number and date treasury receipt will
be cited against the appropriate items in the Return of Recoveries and credit for
authorised and within the sanctioned scale and that the rates and arithmetical calculations of columns 4 and 6 of Furniture Statement are correct.
After carrying out the above check, the A.A.O. will forward positively
within a week of receipt, a, copy of the above statement to the A.A.O. B/SO who
will enter the amount of the assessed licence fee in the Revenue Ledger for
recovery from the Officers / individuals concerned.
Similarly, Barrack Service representative at outstations will submit in
duplicate a statement of furniture issued on hire together with the list of vouchers
to the A.A.O. G.E. for check and onward transmission of one copy to the
Note: With reference to para 33 of the Memorandum on Procedure, organisation
and duties of the Barrack Stores Branch of the MES as amended by Govt. of India,
Min. of Def. Corrigendum No. 29469; 2A/5482 ASO I (Work), dated 15-11-58, the
Barrack Stores Officer will furnish furniture Hire Statement as under:
(i) Immediately after issuing the furniture.
(ii) Subsequent changes by 10th of each month showing changes during the
preceding month.
195. In the matter of recovery of licence fee, etc., the A.A.O. will pay particular
attention to the rules relating to the provision of accommodation and allied
services and recovery of quartering charges in the Regulations and Special Army
Orders 10/S486 .a amended from time to time and also to AI 12/S/65 as long as it
remains operative.
197. From the occupation return and the returns of recoveries of electricity and
water after they have been checked the A.A.O. will enter the names of occupants
and the period of occupation etc., in the Revenue Ledger (IAFW-2240) and in
cases where licence fee etc., is recoverable will prepare and issue licence fee bills
including charges of water, electricity, furniture, conservancy etc. on behalf of the
Barracks/ Stores Officer.
198. If occupation returns are not received in time, the A.A.O. will prepare the
licence fee bill on the basis of the entries in the Revenue Ledger for the previous
month subject to the readjustment on receipt of the occupation returns.
199. Licence fee bills will be prepared and disposed of as under:
(iii) Raid from Civil Estimates-Two copies will be sent to the Civil Accounts
Officer concerned. One copy will be sent to the formation concerned and one copy
will be retained as office copy.
(e) For building occupied by other departments, as offices etc.-Will be
prepared in quadruplicate on TAFW-2241. Three copies will be sent to the Head of
the Office concerned and ore copy will be retained as office copy.
(f) All other cases-Will be prepared triplicate on IAFW-2241. Two copies will be
sent to the Allotting Authority and one copy will be retained as office copy.
Licence fee bills will be forwarded so as to reach the authorities concerned
not later than the 23rd of the month to which they pertain. In the case of private
individuals licence fee is recoverable in advance and therefore, licence fee bills
will be prepared well in advance so that they may be asked to pay the bills on or
before 5th of the month to which rent bills pertains.
200. Blank.
201. When quarters are to be vacated before the last day of month owing to the
departure of the occupant on transfer, leave or retirement, the Officer Commanding the Station, Unit or Head of the Department or any other authority
responsible for the allotment of quarters will intimate the probable date of vacation
to the Barrack/Stores Officer. The B /S.O., will intimate the impending change to
the A.A.O. who will prepare and issue a rent bill to the appropriate authorities, so
that in the case of Military Officers the amount may be debited to the 1R.L.A. of
the Officer concerned immediately and the recovery may be effected in other cases
before the occupant's departure. Any balance remaining to be recovered will be
intimated by A.A.O. to the Accounts Officers to -whose audit area the individual
is transferred.
202. After scrutiny of Occupation Return; and Returns of Recoveries etc., licence
fee bills will be prepared by the A.A.O. B/S.O licence fee rills for a particular
month will be allotted a consecutive serial number from a numbering register to
the maintained for the purpose. These will be sorted out by each pay section of
CDA's Office,/PAO (OR, )/ 1N Pay Office/A.F. Central Accounts Office, etc., as
the case may be. Thereafter a simple forwarding memo (T.A.F.Z.2014)
(thereinafter called Top List) in triplicate (quadruplicate in the case of Navy
Officers and A.F. Civilians whose Accounts are maintained on T.R.L.A. system)
entering therein the serial number of the licence fee bills total amount recoverable
(i.e. licence fee percentage plus amount on account of water, electricity etc.) on
each bill will be prepared. The total number of licence fee bills forwarded will lie
entered in figures as well as in words in the toy) list.
The original and duplicate copies triplicate (in the case of Air Force and
Navy) of the top lists along with the licence fee bills will be forwarded to the CDA
and other Officers concerned by registered post in two or three convenient batches
before the 23rd of the month.
In respect of I.A.F. Officers four copies of he top sheets in a form noted
below will be prepared. Two copies each of licence fee bills and the top sheets will
go to A.F.C.A.O. and one copy of the top sheet alone to D.C.D.A. (A.F.) New
Delhi who will pair it with the copy of the top sheet received from A.F.C.A.O.
Service No.
No. & date Amount
Pay A/C/
of Rent
The A.A.O. will watch the prompt receipt of acknowledgement of licence fee bills
(the return of one copy of the top list duly endorsed. On receipt of such
acknowledgements, he will complete the Revenue Ledgers. If any undue delay in
receipt of acknowledgement is noticed and the A.A.O. B.S.O will render a report
to the CDA for necessary investigation and administrative action.
In the case of private individuals who pay licence fee etc. in cash the
outstanding list of licence fee bills wily be submitted to the B./S.O. for necessary
action. A copy of this list will also be submitted to the C.D A.
203. Licence Fee bills will be prepared for the current month, and be recovered in
arrears by the 1st of the following month, except in the case of pensioners and
private persons from whom rents ar4 to be recovered monthly in advance. It will
also be seen that in the case of private persons, additional three month licence fee
which will be treated as deposit has been recovered as required by A:TO letter No.
64443/MP/M/O3 (Coord) Dt. 6-12-67.
The bills for licence fee & allied charges in respect of Defence Services
Officers for married accommodation will be issued on the prescribed computerized
forms IAFW-2241-A IAFW-2241-B and IAFW2241-C by the AAO BSO.
Form IAFW--2241-A will be used for initial occupation/standard licence fee
P: allied charges. Form IAFW-2241-B will be used for recovery of water &
electricity charges and form TAFW-2241-C for refund bills.
Form IAFW-2241-A will be filled by BSO at the time of initial occupation
based on handing/taking over documents signed by authorized representative and
other records available with him. Format B will be filled quarterly by AAO BSO
as per return of recoveries rendered on quarterly basis by BSO on 31st March,
30th June, 30th September and 31st December of the year. Format "C" will be
used for refund bills.
Four copies of the bills for each officer in respect of Army and Naval
officers and five copies for each Air Force Officer will be received by AAO BSO
from BSO. The same will be distributed on completion of the columns to be filled
by AAO BSO as laid down in para 199 and acknowledgement watched. The
additional copies will be returned to BSO.
204. An officer allotted accommodation will be responsible for payment of licence
fee of accommodation whether, he occupies it or not unless the allotment is
formerly cancelled by the Station Commander.
205. Licence fee will be charged from the date of occupation to the date of
vacation of the quarters except as in paragraphs 181 (iii) and 204 above.
No licence fee will be recorded for the date of occupation if the quarters are
occupied in the afternoon and for the date of vacation if the quarters are vacated in
the afternoon.
206. When Government buildings or parts thereof are let to Private individuals
etc., A.A.O. should see that their insurance where necessary is effected as required
by paragraph 637 Regulations for the M.E.S. (1968 Edn.).
207. In the case of remissions or refunds, the A.A.O. will trace the original
demand or realization and make a note against the original entry in the accounts so
Note: List of vacant buildings for which chowkidars have been employed and paid
for is required to be furnished to AAO BSO by CDA as laid in item I (XII) of
Annexure `B' to Chapter V of OM Part-11 Vol. 1. This will be checked by the
AAO BSO, with the list received by him from the BSO and the occupation/
vacation returns. Any discrepancy will be pointed out of all concerned.
210. After the issue of licence fee bill, the AAO Barrack Stores Officer will
forward the occupation Returns to the RAO with his necessary remarks on points,
which he has settled locally on his own appreciation, and those on which he
desires directions from the RAO/CDA. The occupation returns and lists of vacant
buildings prepared by the Barrack Stores Officer will be revised critically by the
RAO with a view to ensuring the Government accommodation has been utilized to
the best advantage of the State and that no wasteful expenditure is incurred in retaining hired and requisitioned buildings, when vacant Government buildings
could with advantage be utilized for the purpose. Where an RAO is satisfied that
there is prima facie a case of irregular allotment and/or extra expenditure to the
State the matter should be taken up by him locally at the highest level accessible to
him on the spot. When, however, this method does not yield the desired result, the
cases should be brought to the notice of the CDA for further action with higher
administrative authorities.
211. The following concessions have been approved for Commissioned Officers
governed by Pay and allowances Regulations of the respective services as
modified from time to time
LICENCE FEE. The flat rates of Standard Licence fee based or the living area
classification any type of the accommodation is prescribed by Govt. from time to
time. The rates shall be applicable to both married and single officers actually
occupied irrespective of the rank of the occupant.
FURNITURE: At the flat rates prescribed from to time.
ELECTRICITY: Service officers will be changed at half the rate of the prevailing
rates of recovery by local State Electricity/Boards/Electric supplying agencies.
POWER: Will he charged at full rates of the prevailing rates of recovery by local
Electricity Boards/ Supplying agencies.
WATER: As prescribed by Govt from to time, the present rate is Rs.4.00 per
thousand liters.
Visitors Book of MES Inspection bungalow
212. The AAO will check the visitors Books maintained in MES Inspection
Bungalow and will ensure that the amounts realized are in accordance with the
rates of licence fee prescribed by the CWE and 'that these amounts have been
credited to Government and brought to Account under the revenue sub-head
concerned. It will also be ensured that the instruction contained in Rules for the
occupation MES Inspections Houses (as amended) issued by the E-in-C's are
compiled with. This will be checked by the AAO to the extent of 100%.
Guest Rooms
213. Guest Rooms attached to officers' mess will be under the control of PMC
Officers Mess to which they are attached for the purpose and Allied Charges from
the Occupants. Furnishing of items such as sustains mattresses. Carpets and other
items are not authorised to the Guest Rooms out of Govt. Fund. The recovery
charges towards such furnishings when provided out of Mess funds will be fixed
by Station Commanders and shall be credited to Mess Account. The recovery of
L.F. from the occupants shall be made at the rates prescribed by Govt. from time to
time. The present rates are as under:
Single Bed
Double Bed
(a) Plain Stn.
(b) Hill Stn,
Delhi, Madras
except Srinagar
(1) Occupation
charges will be levied
for single bed if the
occupant stays single
in a double bed Suite.
The basic charges mentioned above are for officers including civilian
officers of Defence Services and DAD on duty. The term duty includes temporary
duty and the period of joining time on permanent transfer. The rates will be double
when such officers are not on duty including leave. Retired Officer including
civilian officers from Defence Services & DAD will be considered as officers not
on duty.
The recovery on account of consumption of Electricity and water shall be
made at All India Flat rates in addition to L.F where separate meters exist.
Confessional rates of Electricity
and water shall be applicable only to service
officer on duty. Where no separate meters consumption exists is to be assessed by
PMC in consultation with MES authorities.
The basic charges of Licence Fee will be collected from the occupant by Secretary
Officers Mess and the amount deposited in Govt Treasury through T.R. A register
as per the format being used for MES Inspection Bungalows will be maintained
for recording occupancy of Guest Rooms, which is auditable, by LAO.
217. The working stock of stores required for works project carried out by the
MES consisting of selected non-indigenous items and certain indigenous items of
short supply which do not deteriorate through long storage, are held in the
Engineer Stores Depots and Engineer Parks.
A.A.Os are attached to the Engineers Parks. The duties of the AAO attached
to Parks are analogous to those of the A.A.O., Garrison Engineer's Office in
addition he is required to carry out a continuous check of stores ledgers etc.,
maintained in these formations.
218. The stores accounting procedure to be followed ' Engineer Parks is laid down
in "Standing Orders for the Organisation and Stores Accounting Procedure of
Engineer Stores Depots" issued by the Engineer-in-Chief.
The numerical record of all stores received into and issued from Engineer
Parks and Dumps is maintained by MES Officer in accordance with the principles
laid down in Chapter VI of the above standing Orders.
219. The detailed procedure may be varied by Chief Engineers to suit the size.
scope and staff of the stores concerned, but it is essential that the accounting
procedure as laid down in Chapter VI so far as it relates to use of Store-in-Hand
Ledger (IAFW-2223 or loose leaf ledgers) and receipts and issue vouchers (IAFW2321) should be observed. Issues from one store holder to another will be on a
numerical basis. The final issues either from an Engineer Park or a Dump for
incorporation in Works whether for a project or for maintenance will be accounted
for financially in the consignees accounts.
220. The various processes to be gone through by the A.A.O. in exercising; check
over these ledgers fall generally under the following main categories:
(a) Verification
(i) Castings.
(ii) Closing Book balance and
(iii) Opening Book Balances
(b) Linking of the receipt side of Transfer Inwards and of Purchases and on
the issue side linking of Transfer outward and of Final issues.
(c) The check of Final Receipts (Surplus found on counting Stock, etc.) and the
check of the Final Issues i.e. issues for final consumption (as distinct from a
transfer to some other stores account) also auditable by the DAD or "Issues on
payment or quantities charged off on Loss Statements, etc etc.
221. The A.A.O. will ensure that balance is struck after each transaction and the
castings leading up to the balances are arithmetically correct. The last balance on
each folio will be transcribed by him in words.
Closing balances
222. To ensure that the final closing balance at the end of the period under check is
correct, the total of the issues of each article will be struck and deducted from the
aggregate total of receipts and the opening balances. A line will be drawn neatly
against the closing balance of each article in the ledger which will be initialled and
dated in ink or coloured pencil by the A.A.O., an additional initial being affixed
against every alternation to such balances. In the case of receipt transactions, in the
event of any discrepancy coming to notice on receipt of issue vouchers, etc., the
balance will be rectified on the date the discrepancy comes to notice without
altering the previous balances.
Opening Balances
223. It will be particularly that the last audited closing balances (which represent
the opening balances) have not been altered or erased.
Linking of Receipt
224. (i) Audit of receipts will be carried out by the A.A.O. Engineer Parks with
reference to the copies of receipt vouchers furnished by the Parks Authorities.
(ii) On receipt of convey notes, issue vouchers, from the consignors' A.A.O./LAO,
the A.A.O. of consignee Engineer Park will link the same with the Depot receipt
vouchers already checked by him and endorse them as linked quoting the relevant
receipt voucher No. and The Park receipt vouchers will also be cross-linked by
quoting reference to issue vouchers etc. If and when any discrepancy in the
description and/or quantity of stores is noticed during the linking the relevant
ledger entries will be checked and the error, if any, rectified on the date on which it
is brought to notice without affecting the previous transaction and balances.
(iii) At the end of the month, the file of receipt vouchers will be reviewed by the
A.A.O. and action initiated to call for the outstanding consignors issue vouchers
Note: The audit of receipts will lot, however, be considered as completed unless
the same is carried out with reference to the consignor's issue vouchers etc. The
linking of Park receipt Vouchers with the issue vouchers, etc. will be done by the
A.A.O. with due care and wanting issue vouchers called for an watched with
Linking of Issue
225. The issue entries in Ledgers should be linked in full from the Ledgers into the
issue vouchers, loss statements etc, furnished to the A.A.O. by the Park authorities.
The issue vouchers will not be priced by the A.A.O. Park/depots in respect
of Stores and tools and Plant issue to work Projects in charge of M.E.S. or to
Divisional Stock or to other Parks. In the case of stores and tools and plant issued
to CPWD, Provincial PWD or other Departments on repayment or book debit,
relevant issue vouchers will be priced by the A.A.O. Park. Necessary debits will be
raised by the AAO through the financial accounts against the Accounts Officers of
PWD and other Departments concerned and the required numbers of schedules
supported by the accepted copies of vouchers sent to the C.D.A.
Issues on Loan
226. Issue Vouchers pertaining to Stores issued on loan which will bear a
distinctive marking to show that the issue is on loan, will be posted, (1) in the
ledges as an issue and the stock balance column reduced accordingly and (2) In the
loan ledger as a receipt (see form shown in Appendix F to standing order; and the
balance in loan column increased accordingly issue and receipt entries relating to
loan issues in the quantitative accounts should be checked in full and at the same
time the transactions should be traced into the loan ledgers by the A.A.O.
In cases where hire charges are recoverable on account of T & P issued on
loan to civil bodies, etc., the A.A.O. will watch the receipt of accepted vouchers
for raising necessary debits against the Consignees' Accounts Officers concerned.
(2) Register for watching the Acknowledgement of Top Lists
(All Lists, which have not been acknowledged for two months arc, progressed
through this Register).
Date on
Date of
Date of
Initials of
Delay Register
230. The Delay Reports and the Delay Reports Register, the Delay Register within
Chapters IV, VI and VII of "Standing Orders for tile MES Depots" will be
subjected to a test check by the AAO. It would ' inter-alia be seen that
(i) Valid reasons exist for not preparing receipts Vouchers.
(ii) In the case of issues from such stores, issues have been properly accounted for
in the ledger and that minus balances are not registered in the ledger as a result
(iii) There has not been undue delay in bringing the stores outstanding on delay
reports to account by means of Regular receipt vouchers.
(iv) Necessary action is taken in respect of short delivered or damaged stores as
valid down in Chapter VII of the above quoted standing orders.
231. Blank.
232. Instructions for the maintenance and check of accounts pertaining to MISS
Workshops as laid down in MES Regulations, local Audit Manual and this Manual
will generally be followed in the case of Stores for each item of Manufacture.
233. Garrison Engineers obtain stores either for works installations or for
Divisional stock.
Fictitious Adjustment
235- All transactions of receipts and issues should be recorded strictly iii
accordance with rules. Fictitious stock adjustments such as (1) of debiting to a
work of the cost of materials not required or in excess of actual requirements, or
not brought on site (2) the debiting to a particular work for which funds are
available of the value of material intended to be utilized on another work for
which no funds are available (3) the writing back of the value of materials used on
work to avoid excess over appropriation etc., are prohibited. Any breach of this
rule constitutes a serious irregularity and must be reported to the CDA.
Stock Limit
236. For every item of stores both of Engineers and Ordnance Origin authorised
to be field by each GE in his divisional stocks, Maximum limits will be fixed by
the CWE. Those will not exceed four month's normal requirements of the
divisional for minor works/ maintenance. Any excesses over the authorised
maximum quantities will require the sanction of the CWE. When separate stocks
are maintained under orders of the GE outstation subdivisions, it is essential that
the quantitative limits of these stocks shall be so fixed that the total limits
authorised for the division as a whole are not exceeded.
237. The A.A.O. will check the divisional stock register against the limits referred
to in the proceeding para. He will see that: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
The powers of MES Officers for the purchase of stores categorised under
local purchase (vide Para 746, MES Regulations (1968 Edn) will be as laid down
in MES regulations, table `B' item 2 and 5(a) (i) )
The powers of `direct purchase' of Stores categorised tender direct purchase
(vide Para 747), M.E.S. Regulations (1968 Edn) will be as laid down in M.E.S.
Regns. Table `B' items 5. These powers will be exercised when the category of
store is required for important works Projects urgently and delay in obtaining them
through normal channels will be detrimental and adversely affect the progress of
such project, so but when such stores are required for replenishment of stock,
recourse to direct purchase will not be made until it has been confirmed by E-in-C
that stores are not available in ESDs and that further central provisioning is not
being undertaken.
(d) the maximum purchase prices of stores of local origin purchased locally are
not exceeded by the Garrison Engineer without the prior sanction of the C.W.E.
Receipts of stores
238. On receipt of stores, the individual receiving the same will prepare a receipt
voucher (in triplicate) showing the date of receipt the number and date of the
indent/issue voucher and railway receipt, the number and page of the measurement
book (if required), the particulars of stores including the quantity. The number,
date and value of credit notes will also be shown as a separate item.
Two copies of the receipt vouchers bearing allocation and accompanied by
the consignors' issue voucher/invoice and measurement book (when required) will
be submitted to the Accounts Section.
Check of Measurement Book
239. The measurement book will be checked in the manner described in
Chapter-V. The quantities and source of supply shown in the measurement book
will be checked with the entries on the receipt voucher to see that they agree. At
the end of the entries in the measurement book, an endorsement will be made as
shown below:
Garrison Engineer
(b) In the case of stores received for works from Park the copy of the Issue
Vrs. received from the A.A.O. of the consignor Park will be priced at P.V.E.S. rate,
verified and linked with the receipt vouchers and adjusted in accounts by the
A.A.O. of the consignee by credit to sub-Head F Stores (including Transportation
Stores) under Main Head-7 Expenditure, on Works (other than Capital Projects)
Maintenance, etc, One copy of the receipt voucher with the number and date of the
issue of the Park and the monetary value duly noted thereon will be returned to the
SDO concerned for entry in the construction accounts.
(c) In the event of stores issued by the Army to MES the stores section of
the CDA office will make no adjustment in the accounts in respect of such issues
The pricing group will send a copy of the priced vouchers to the A.A.O. of the
MES Formation receiving the stores and obtain his acknowledgement. The A.A.O.
will link the particulars of stores, etc. as given in the priced voucher with the
receipt voucher referred to sub-para (a) above by noting on the latter the number
and date of the communication with which the priced voucher is received and pass
on the voucher to the SDO concerned for allocation against the works head
concerned and return. He will watch that the cost of stores is duly adjusted by
debit to work heads indicated by the SDO, and contra credit to the head of
account, which will depend upon the class of stores issued. The A.A.O. will take
steps to obtain the wanting priced vouchers from the stores section concerned.
(d) The adjustment of the cost of stores for MES Installations which received
will be carried out finally against the relevant minor bead Sub-Head C
Maintenance and Operation of Installations under Main Head 7 Expenditure on
Works (other than capital Projects) Maintenance etc.
Receipt Vouchers of stores for stock whether received direct or from Parks
will not find a place in the accounts but will only be verified and linked by the
A.A.O. with the paid I.S.D. London Invoices, etc., or with the Issue vouchers of
the Parks. In the case of stores for stock issued by the Army and I.S.Ds to MES the
value will be adjusted in the accounts from the priced vouchers as in the case of
such stores received for works.
Railway Freight
243. A list of consignments for works will be prepared monthly by the Garrison
Engineer's Office showing particulars of credit notes and railway warrants issued
during the month and reference to the receipt vouchers quoted therein. This list
will also include credit notes and railway warrants debitable to works carried out
in the division issued by other Garrison Engineers but will include credit notes and
necessary verification (in due course) of credits in the consignees stores ledgers
etc. The latters acknowledgement will be obtained and recorded.
Check of Indents
248. The A.A.O. will check the Indents to see that they are priced at the current
rate, that the calculations are correct and that all alterations in quantities are
attested that the stores have been correctly allocated to the work concerned and
that when stores are issued to the contractors reference to the unstamped
acknowledgement receipt is quoted on the indent.
249. The contractors unstamped acknowledgement receipts will also be checked
to see particularly that the rates charged to contractors agree with those provided
in their contracts. The total amount shown on the indent as chargeable to a
contractor's account should agree with the amount on the contractor's receipt.
Disposal of Indents
250. One copy of the Indent will, after entry in the Abstract of Receipts and
charges, be returned by the A.A.O. to the SDO concerned and the other retained in
the Accounts Section, securely filed.
251. Contractor's acknowledgement will be recorded separately and kept under
A.A.O. safe custody after the amounts recoverable from contractors have been
noted in the Contractor's Ledger.
Overdrawal & Underdrawal of Stores
252. The quantities of stores actually issued as compared with the amount of
work done will be checked by Surveyor of Works Branch, but the A.A.O. will see
that the check certificate of Surveyor of Works Branch exists on the relevant bill
and that unexpected stores, if any have been promptly accounted for.
Stock Accounts
253. In addition to receipt vouchers and indents mentioned above the following
records are maintained by the executive in connection with stock
(a) Stock Purchase Register (IAFW-2316). (b) Stock Register (IAFW-2279).
(c) Priced Stock List.
(d) Road Metal Register (IAFW-1809).
(e) Stores-in-hand Ledger (IAFW-2223).
The detailed procedure for the maintenance of these records, is described in
the following paragraphs
264. It will be seen that the provisions of MES Regulations, (1968 Edn) paras 243,
759 and 779 have followed.
265. The A.A.O. will audit the stores accounts of Sub-Divisional Office and will
be responsible for the check of all the numerical and quantitative store ledgers.
Accounts etc. maintained in those Offices. A list of such ledgers and accounts is
given in Annexure to this Chapter. Additions and alterations to this list can be
made at the discretion of CDA as and when found necessary but an initiation
thereof will be sent to the CGDA.
266. The ledgers and accounts will be checked by the A.A.O. to the extent and in
the manner laid down in MES Local Audit Manual and any other relevant
instructions issued from time to time.
267. The frequency of visits to SDOs, Offices by the A.A.O. will be fixed by the
CDA having regard to the local conditions.
Normally the outstation S.D.Os' Offices will be visited half yearly.
Annexure of Chapter VIII
List of ledgers and accounts for the audit of which A.A.O., Garrison
Engineer's Offices are responsible:
(a) (1) Stock Register.
(2) Material Registers
(3) Store-in-Hand Ledgers.
(4) Road Metal Registers.
(5) Demolition Register with Demolition Stores Ledger and Salvage
(6) Fan and Meter Registers.
(7) Bulbs Accounts
(8) Furniture Ledgers.
(9) Changes in Furniture distribution Ledgers
(10) T & P Ledgers.
(b) Meter Reader's Books of Electricity and Water and Consumers Ledgers will
be checked by the A.A.O. Barrack/Stores Officer.
273. Workshops are of two categories
(i) Repair Shops.-These cater for the normal repair requirements in connection
with the maintenance and operation of Installations, maintenance of vehicles T&P
and furniture and repairs to Plant and Machinery etc.
(ii) Workshops required for manufacturing purposes and which E-in-C
establishes in consultation with the financial authorities.
The expenditure on (i) above is booked directly to the work or maintenance
head concerned whereas the expenditure on (ii) is maintained on Cost Accounting basis and the accounts are adjusted under Major Head 58, Main Head 7, SubHead C, and Minor Heads.
The Accounts of Workshops mentioned at (ii) above are maintained by the
Defence Accounts Department on the lines indicated in Appendix Kto the MES
Regulations. For this purpose, an accounts clerk will be posted to the workshop
who will work under the orders of the A.A.O. attached to the Garrison Engineer of
the Division in which the workshop is located. The accounts clerk in charge of the
workshop accounts will maintain.
(i) Workshop Account (T.A.F.W. 2233).
(ii) Materials Account (T.A.F.W. 2242).
the entries concerned for facility of check with the financial accounts, it being seen
particularly that the amounts agree.
Expenditure Sheet (I.A.F.W. 2230)
279. An expenditure sheet will be maintained in respect of each job and posted
from Daily Sheets. At he close of each month, totals will be struck and carried to
the Summary. An abstract of all expenditure sheets will then be prepared in IAFW.
2233 Workshop Account form by noting in column 2 the number of the work
orders. The total of the abstract should agree with the total in the Workshop
Account (I.A.F.W. 2233), maintained by the Accounts Clerk.
Completion Cost
280. When a job has been completed and all expenditure relating thereto brought
to account, the final cost will be worked out and noted in the Expenditure Sheet
and a red diagonal line drawn through the blank space under Daily expenditure to
ensure that no further debits are booked against the job.
281. The number and date of l.A.F.W 2233 will be noted in the Expenditure
Sheet and the amount posted in the Workshop Account. One copy of the voucher
will be filed by the Accounts Clerk and the other duly allocated passed to the
A.A.O. for incorporation in the Financial Accounts.
282. At the end of the year, the expenditure incurred on all completed jobs will
be adjusted as above, by debit to the party concerned.
283. The financial working of Workshop is reviewed on I.A.F.W. 2234 Monthly
Workshop Return.
The Return is prepared by the Superintendent and checked by the Accounts
Clerk who will endorse thereon his certificate.
The Capital Costs will be checked from the Plant Record Book and the
Register of Building and the booked expenditure and credits compared with the
figures in the works accounts. All calculations will be checked to see that they are
285. Blank
287. On completion of a work, completion reports will be rendered in accordance
with the following procedure:
Part A of the form (IAFW-2266A) will be initiated by GE as soon as the
work is physically completed and will be forwarded through engineer crannies
duty checked by AAO concerned to the Engineer Adviser of the CFA. After being
noted, the form will be returned direct to the Garrison Engineer concerned for
completion of Part `B' and resubmission in accordance with the procedure laid
down in paragraph 379 AIES Regulations (1968 Edn.)
288. The A.A.O., Garrison Engineers Office will check the amount of
administrative approval and Technical Sanction with the register of Approvals of
Works. The completion cost will be verified from the construction account and it
will be seen that all recorded liabilities and expected credits have been adjusted,
unused stores have been credited to Government and drat a remark has been added
in the constructions account by the Sub-divisional Officer to the effect that the
completion report has been submitted. This remark will be initialled by the A.A.O.
in token of his having passed the completion report.
It should be seen that in the completion report reference is quoted to the
correction slip to the register of buildings against each item which involves a new
entry or an alteration to an existing entry in that register and that the correction slip
has been received. The correction slip will be checked by- the A.A.O. with the
completion report and other record in his possession to see that it has been
correctly madeout. In cases in which completion report involves an entry or an
alteration to an existing entry in the Plant record book of an installation, the entry
or the correction in the plant record book will be checked. In respect of completion
reports relating to furniture it should be seen that the articles have been brought on
289. All newly constructed residential or rentable buildings will be noted in the
rent assessment ledger and action taken to assess tire rent. If a work or a renewal
involves an increase in the- Capital Cost of an existing residential or rentable
building the Capital Cost in the rent assessment ledger will be altered and rent
revised under rules.
290. After action has been taken as above, the completion cost will be noted in
the register of approvals to works (IAFW-1816) and the completion forwarded in
duplicate after signature by the Garrison Engineer to the A.A.O. who will, after
verification and check, transmit the original to the CWE for disposal, retaining the
duplicate in his office for subsequent check by the R.A.O.
291. The A.A.O. will see that accounts of works are closed promptly and
completion reports and completed requisitions submitted without undue delay. To
this end he will prepare at the close of his monthly check of the construction
accounts for November, Jan. and March in IAFW (CDA)-268 a list of works on
which there has been no expenditure for three months or which appear to have
been completed (as indicated by a comparison of the actual expenditure with the
sanctioned amount) but for which completion reports have not been received.
Note: Should an error or omission in the recorded expenditure of a work come to
light after its accounts have been closed the accounts may be reopened in order to
rectify the error or omission unless the amount involved is not more than Rs. 10 in
which case it will be sufficient to make a note of error or omission in the relevant
documents concerned (See Para 589 MES Regulations).
292. To ensure that in the preparation of the list no omissions have been made, the
A.A.O. will check the list for November with the previous year's registers of
approvals to works and requisitions and satisfy himself that it include all works for
which completion reports have not been received and which have been carried
over to the next year.
293. The list will be sent to the Sub-Divisional Officer concerned and its return
carefully watched. On receipt back, it will be put up to the Garrison Engineer with
the observations of the A.A.O. on the reply of the Sub-Divisional Officer. Unless a
completion report (or completed requisition) satisfactory explanation of the
suspension of work is received, the work will continue to appear in the list of the
succeeding months down to March, after which the A.A.O. will bring the matter to
the notice of the RAO through the Garrison Engineer. The list of March will not be
finally recorded until all overdue completion reports and completed requisitions
have been received and a note to that effect has been made in the construction
account folio for which a completion report is necessary or in the Register of
Requisitions unless a work has been carried over to the Construction Account or
the Register of Requisitions for the next year.
Want of Appropriation
All expenditure incurred without allotment of funds but trifling, items of
expenditure need not be objected to.
Note 1: Expenditure incurred at the commencement of a financial year, which is
covered by a provisional allotment, need not be placed under objection for want of
Note 2: Un-settled objections relating to appropriation will not be carried forward
after the close of the financial year. These will be included in Statement `C' of the
Annual Review of MES Expenditure by the C.D.A.
Vouchers Awaited
In respect of objections falling under this Category, numbers of vouchers
awaited and also the amount should be shown separately by months under
different groups. The number may be written in red ink or otherwise distinguished
so that they may not be included in the amounts when making totals.
Outstandings against ContractorsAmounts outstanding against contractors in the Contractors Ledger for more
than 3 months, comprises
(i) Overpayments to contractors and other miscellaneous dues, e.g., licence fee,
electricity and water charges etc., remaining unrecovered for more than 3 months;
(ii) Charges against contractors oil account of cost of stores, advance payments,
etc., remaining unrecovered for more than 3 months from the date of completion
of works.
Purchase or disposal of storesAll purchases and disposals not approved by the competent authority.
(2) To afford a means of checking during the course of the day, the number of
labourers actually working at the time of the Garrison Engineer's inspection of
316. To be of real value, therefore, the labour reports should reach the Garrison
Engineer's Office punctually and as early as possible. After scrutiny by the Garrison Engineer, the Labour Reports will be handed over to the A.A.O. for check with
the muster roll or Casual Labour Roll, when received for payment.
Garrison Engineer's Officers
317. Losses will be dealt with either on loss Statement expense vouchers as laid
down in Section 34 MES Regulations (1968 Edition).
In cases where stores, furniture, tools, etc., become unserviceable through
fair, wear and tear are sold and issued at less than their book value they will be accounted for by means of expense voucher to be sanctioned by the competent
Engineer authority under the powers laid down in Table `B' of the Regulations for
the MES. For all other losses, loss Statements will be prepared for the sanction of
the competent financial authority. The term Losses includes actual losses,
depreciation and wastage.
318. Articles held on charge without value, will not be struck off the ledgers until
the loss statement approved by the Competent Financial Authority has been
received. The value entered on the loss statement will be assessed on cost price
less depreciation. . When articles are borne on ledger charge with value, an issue
voucher will be prepared for -adjustment, reference to the voucher being quoted in
the loss statements.
319. Infructous expenditure caused by abandonment or curtailment of a project or
by change of plan or designed by defective design on construction or by premature
termination of a contract or any other cause should be sanctioned as a loss by
Competent Financial Authority under Rule 161 and Appendix II, Pt-I-ArmySchedule VI, F.R. Part-I 1963 edition. Receipts from the disposal of Stores or other
assets sold or utilised elsewhere should be credited to the project in order to arrive
at the net amount of the loss.
Note: Infructous expenditure has been defined as one in which Government
receives no useful return, for the money expended or in which there has been unnecessary or avoidable extra expenditure.
320. Loss Statement (in all MES Formation including Parks) will be prepared in
quadruplicate and forwarded to the A.A.O. for pricing. Two copies of the unsanctioned loss Statement (triplicate and quadruplicate) will be retained by the
A.A.O. and original and duplicate sent to the M.E.S. authorities for obtaining the
sanction of the Competent Financial Authority in consultation with the Regional
CDA or the CDA concerned in the case of special works referred to in the note
under Para 322. The A.A.O. Garrison Engineer's Office will at the time of
returning the priced copies of loss Statements made an entry of these in the
register of losses to be maintained by him in the proforma given below
In the case of Parks, a similar register is maintained by the executive and it will be
ensured by the A.A.O. Park that these loss statements have been entered in the
321. On receipt of the sanction of the Competent Financial Authority, the
sanctioned copy of the loss statement will be shown to the A.A.O., Garrison
Engineer's Office who will complete the register of losses maintained by him; The
A.A.O. Park will see that the register maintained by the executive has been completed. The remarks of the competent Financial Authority will be transcribed on
the triplicate and quadruplicate copies of the loss statement and triplicate copy
forwarded to the- Regional CDA or the CDA concerned in the case of special
works referred to in note under para 322 for the preparation of Annual Statement
of losses and the quadruplicate retained for his record and audit purposes. In the
case of loss statements sanctioned by the Government of India, a reference to
Government letter sanctioning the loss will be cited by the A.A.O. on the copies of
the loss statements.
322. On the Ist May each year, the A.A.O. will furnish to the Regional CDA with
a statement giving the number, the date of all loss statements sanctioned during the
preceding financial year.
Note: Even in respect of losses of building and furniture on charge of Air Force
Units and Indian Navy, the Regional Cs. D.A. in whose area such losses occur,
will be responsible for inclusion of the items in their statements of losses. In the
case of special works, the transactions in respect of which are brought to account
finally by the CDA, Navy/Air Force, the responsibility for the exhibition of losses
in the Appropriation Accounts should rest with the Controller of Defence Accounts
323. Losses, which have not been regularised under the sanction of the
competent Financial Authority, will be included in the Monthly Objections
324. In the case of Parks, the loss statements will be priced at the rates shown in
the PVES. As regards Non-P.V.E.S Items, the rates will be obtained from GE,
Park. The Assistance of k1inistry of Finance (Defence) should be sought if any
difficulties are experienced in fixing rates for non-PY.E.S items.
325. Losses of individual items and even of dissimilar items noticed in a
particular stock-taking in any one section of a Park will be treated as one item of
loss, the AAO will see that a single loss statement is prepared in such cases.
326. E-in-C's standing orders provide for the preparation of issue vouchers to
adjust deficiencies or damages in the case of stores received by purchase or
transfer as also in respect of deficiencies disclosed during stock-taking and for
other losses within the Park. These vouchers which are enfaced "Loss under Investigation" are also to be entered in the register or losses.
Note 1: The discrepancies arising out of incorrect in-dentification or nomenclature
or stores and involving no monetary loss should be regularised by adjustment
vouchers (without a loss statement on IAFA-498`, such adjustment vouchers will
bear reference to the original receipt issue vouchers on which the item was
incorrectly identified and the ledger page number affected.
Note 2: Incorrect identification of stores unless paid for as such, doesn't involve
monetary loss except in cases where there is a discrepancy in the total number of
all sizes of an item or for change in condition when the loss involved shall be
written off in loss statement.
Transport Indents and Orders
327. Transport Indents and Orders (I.A.F.7-2150) dully priced and endorsed with
the relevant Army Head to which the cost is creditable will be forwarded by LAO
of the Unit providing the transport, monthly to the ME LAO concerned with a
converting Memorandum specifying the number and date of each transport indent
or order. On receipt, these will be acknowledged by the A.A.O. and passes on to
the Sub Divisional Officer concerned for necessary allocation to the relevant MES
Heads of accounts. Y On receipt back of the transport indents, etc. from the SubDivisional Officers concerned, the AAO will ad lust the amount in the MES
accounts by per contra credit (by deduction from charges) to the Army Head
concerned as indicated on the indents., etc. 1-le will at the same time note against
the relevant item in the covering memorandum, referred to the above the voucher
number and the months accounts in which the particular transport indent or order
has been adjusted. The transport indents and the covering memorandum will be
recorded by the A.A.O. in a separate file to facilitate test check by the Regional
Audit Officer. A.A.O. will also ensure that the transport indents are promptly
adjusted in the MES Accounts.
The A.A.O. will watch the receipt of a transfer voucher from the
Superintendent in charge of transport on MES charge showing the particulars of
transport used on work, etc. during the month.
The A.A.O. will check the price with reference to the rates laid down in A.I.
from time to time and make the necessary adjustment by debit to the work etc.
Hired Transport Bills of Contractors
328. Hired transport bills after pre-audit by the CDA (Store Section) will be paid
by the MES Officer out of his assignment and adjusted in the Financial and
construction accounts like other bills.
the date on which they should be sent to him, for inspection by the head of the
office. I.D. Schedules
333. To keep watch on the disposal of I.D. and other remittance schedules,
received from the C.D.A. for verification and adjustment, the A.A.O. will maintain
a Guard File in which all the covering lists with which I.D. Schedules, etc. are
received from the CDA will be recorded after noting thereon the date or which the
schedules are sent to the Sub-Divisional Officers concerned for verification and
allocation. The A.A.O. will mark off entries contained in the lists as and when the
1D Schedule are adjusted by citing reference to the number and date of the transfer
voucher through which the adjustment is effected and record the ID Schedules
after adjustment have been made. All ID Schedules for credit notes and railway
warrants will be linked with the lists of those document maintained by the AAO
Note: Before accepting debits from Civil Accountants General on account of
compensation to land owners in respect of acquisition of land paid by the
Collectors, it will be seen by the A.A.O. that-(a) the acquisition of land has been sanctioned by the Government of India;
(b) compensation has been assessed by the Collector;
(c) the funds are available;
(d) the land owners receipt in support of the payment are attached and
(e) the debit in question have been accepted as correct by the Defence Authorities.
Annual Furniture Return
334. The Annual Furniture return (IAFW 2219) will he submitted by the Garrison
Engineer to the CWE in support of the Annual Schedule of demands. The values
recorded in the return will be checked by the A.A.O. Garrison Engineer's Office,
before it is submitted.
Guard File of Specimen Signatures
335. Copies of office orders issued by the Garrison Engineer authorising an
Assistant Garrison Engineer or Sub-Divisional Officer to sign estimates, bills and
other accounts documents and specifying the particular powers to be exercised by
the officer together with his specimen signatures received by the A.A.O./CDA
should be recorded in a Guard file. The specimen signatures of other officers
wherever necessary will also be similarly recorded in the Guard Pile, which should
be page, numbered and a suitable alpliabe6cal Index kept therein to facilitate easy
reference. Particular 'care should be taken to complete this Register as and when
transfer of an officer or Subordinate in charge of Cash/Stores takes place.
of USRs
of SDO/
Only one unstamped acknowledgement receipt book will' be issued to a subdivisional Officer or an outstation Superintendent at a time. In the case of a large
project, an additional book may (at the discretion of Garrison Engineer) be issued
for use on that project only.
The Original unstamped acknowledgement receipt duly signed by the MES
representative and the contractor's duly authorised Agent, with corrections, if any,
initialled by both parties, will be sent to the A.A.O. immediately after the
transaction. In case any unstamped acknowledgement receipt is cancelled, the
cancelled receipt (Original) endorsed with reasons for cancellation and signed by
the Sub-Divisional Officer will also be sent to the AAO. After noting the amounts
of unstamped acknowledgement receipts in the contractor's ledger the originals
will be docketted by the A.A.O. in separate jackets by each book. A monthly
outstanding statement will be prepared showing cases where the link in the serial
numbers is missing and sent to the Sub-Divisional Officer concerned for further
At the time of checking a Running Account Receipt in respect of an advance
payment to a contractor it will be verified by the A.A.O. with reference to the
original unstamped acknowledgement receipts in his possession that all unstamped
acknowledgement receipts in respect of transactions up to the date of the RAR
have been adjusted. Similarly when the final bill is prepared, adjustment made in
respect of unstamped acknowledgement receipts will be checked by the A.A.O.
with the original unstamped acknowledgement receipts.
339. All records should be carefully catalogued and preserved. The periods, for
which the different kinds of records will ordinarily be retained, are shown in
Appendix. A to this Manual. In order to avoid the congestion of old records
which are not likely to be of any use and to make room for new records, all time
expired records will be listed and proposal for their destruction submitted in April
every year to the LAO/ RAO (MES) through the head of the MES Formation. On
receipt of the approval of the LAO/RAO (MES) destruction will be carried out in
the presence of the Regional Audit Officer and the list of documents destroyed
with the certificate of destruction noted thereon kept on record
Works Passing Register
340. This register will be subjected to broad check in a quarter to ensure that it is
maintained properly and in accordance with the instructions issued by E-in-C vide
his letter No. 41917 E3 Dt. 18/20-11-64 as may be amended from time to time
Road Register (Property Accounts)
341. The GE will maintain a Road Register, showing separately for each road,
the class of road and length, expenditure on new construction (Capital Outlay) and
Annual Expenditure on maintenance.
This register will also show all bridges culverts, drains and retaining walls.
The register will be subjected to broad check once a quarter to ensure it is
maintained properly and in the prescribed form.
Reimbursement of freight charges for transportation of cement by Road
341-A. When the transportation of cement is made by road instead of by rail,
regularisation of difference between Rail and Road Freight charges will be watched by the A.A.O. To observe this A.A.O. will maintain a column: for register
and will enter all payments made by the GE for conveyance, of cement by Road.
Methods for procurement of Immovable Properties
342. There are three methods by which rights over lands and buildings can be
taken to meet the requirement of Defence Services
(a) By hiring or purchase by Agreement with the owners,
(b) Requisition and if necessary, its subsequent acquisition
c) Temporary occupation under RAIP Act 1952 or under corresponding State
enactment; Requisition and Acquisition of immovable property in Act 1952.
343. Any one method or combination of the methods may be adopted but the
same should be of the cheapest to the Govt. and as far as possible, most convenient
to all concerned.
Rents, MES Regulations or other Govt. orders issued from time to time, will
require the sanction of the Govt. of India.
Note 1: The procedure indicated above will not apply to the hiring or
requisitioning of jute trills or factories or all immovable properties other than residential accommodation for service officers within the Municipal and Corporation
limits of New Delhi/ Delhi.
2. Accommodation hired or requisitioned tinder this procedure, will
confirm, as far as possible, to prescribed scales, whenever different scales of
accommodation are specified in orders/instructions the lowest scale may be
adopted. Hiring /requisitioning of immovable properties intended for use of office
accommodation by the Min. of Def. DHQ and their attached Units will continue to
be the responsibility of the Ministry of Works and Housing.
3. In cases of Acquisition of lands, revised Administrative sanction would
not be necessary if the actual area of the land acquire does not exceed the amount
of Admn. sanction by more than 5% subject to the maximum of 5 acres and further
subject to the condition that over all cost of acquisition does not exceed the
amount provided in the Admn. sanction by more than 10% in case where a single
letter conveys sanctions is necessary if project, be revised Govt. sanction is
necessary if compensation for one or more projects exceed the corresponding
provisions in the Govt. sanction by more than 10% but over all total of the
finalised/unfinalised cases if within 10% of the total provision of the sanction.
Compensation in such cases of acquisition/ requisition of land will, however
approved by the Govt. even if the amount of assessment falls within the
competence of the Officers of Defence Estate Service. Cases where only part of
the Area sanctioned for acquisition has been acquired, also fall under his category
excess in such cases is, however, to be determined on prorata basis. Wherever, the
compensation has been approved by the Govt. the formal sanction is required to be
issued by the lower formations.
4. In case, the initial recurring or terminal compensation is fixed by Arbitration
and the amount awarded excess the Admn. approval. The revised sanction would
be necessary and compensation will be paid according to the award.
346. The procurement of property by way of acquisition, requisition or hiring
involves payment of compensation either recurring or non-recurring.
(a) Prior to 1-1-83 Collectors/land Acquisition Officers were making Payments to
the owners after drawing the moneys from Civil Treasuries in terms of Appx. 6 of
TR Vol-11. The entire expenditure on this account was being included in the
Central Section of the Treasury accounts under Defence Services and debits for the
same were being passed on by the AG of the State to the CDA concerned. The
method of making payments by book debits through Civil Exchange accounts was
terminated and w.e.f. 1-10-76. Accounts Section of Main Office started making
payments to the AGs by Cheque/Bank Draft in respect of such transaction.
(b) In partial modification of the procedure laid down in Appendix 6 of TR Vol.
11, it was decided that w.e.f. 12-2-75 moneys for payments to be made by the
Collectors /Land Acquisition Officers in Assam State will be obtained by them
from the DEO concerned, after that date no funds were to be drawn by them from
Civil Treasuries except in the case of recurring compensation pertaining to the
properties requisitioned before that date.
(c) The procedure made applicable in Assam State w.e.f. 12-12-75 was also
extended to the States of Punjab, J & K and Rajasthan w.e.f 3-3-78. In the remaining cases, where requisitioning of immovable property is desired to be
resolved, to prior approval of the Govt. should be obtained.
(d) With effect from 1-1-83 the so called Assam Procedure as mentioned in Sub
Para (b) above has been extended and made applicable to all the States. This
procedure will also apply for payments of recurring compensation/ terminal
compensation in r/o Properties already requisitioned and the properties requisitioned/acquired for Defence Service and the properties requisitioned/
acquired for Defence Services before 1-1-83 but payment due in such case is outstanding.
347. Procedure to be followed by Collectors/Land Acquisition Officers on
introduction of new scheme
(i) An estimate of monthly Cash Assignment should be given for each quarter one
month in advance of the Quarter to enable the DEO to obtain necessary Cash
Assignment from the CDA.
(ii) (a) The actual drawal of fund from DEO should be accompanied by land
Award Statements indicating details of Scheme and sanction should take into account money remaining unspent with them;
(b) Amt. remaining unpaid for advances received earlier from treasuries
should be refunded to treasuries as per earlier procedure and credit afforded to the
C, DA to whom advances were debited by the Treasuries.
(c) Undisbursed amount should be refunded to the DEOs by the civil
authorities/Courts within a period of one year.
(iii) A simple Cash Account should be rendered to the DEO monthly by 10th of the
following month giving details of the amount drawn and paid. The account should
be duly supported by payee's receipts, receipts pertaining to deposits of moneys
into Courts and the certificate regarding Cash balance in Hand.
Notes: Payees receipt means the receipt given by the owner for the amounts
received from collector/ land Acquisition Officers for compensation of land and
not the receipt given by the Collector/Land Acquisition Officer for having received
the money from the DEO.
348. Procedure to be followed by DEO:
(i) Amount of monthly cash requirements will be fixed in consultation with
the CDA by the Director DL & C based on the details received by the DEOs from
the collectors/land Acquisition Officers. On that basis DEO will seek necessary
cash assignment from the CDA on quarterly basis in terms of para 535 of MES
(ii) All payments out of Cash Assignment will be made to the collectors/land
Acquisition Officers through cheque/bank draft after pre-audit of the requisition
for advance by the A.A.O. At that time of grant of advance DEO will ensure that
land award Statt. Assessment report and the relevant Govt. sanction for requisition/
acquisition of land will be sent in support of the requisition to the AAO so that
advances can be compiled to the appropriate head of account. Simultaneous entries
will also be made by the DEO in the main Cash Book of Cash Assignment and
land Acquisition Officer collector-wise Cash Book under the dated initials of
(iii) The details of properties being acquired/requisitioned as mentioned in
the Land Award Statements/sanctions will be noted in their ledgers by the DEO
before forwarding the requisition for advance to .the AAO and a certificate to that
effect will be endorsed thereon. The details of unspent balances with the
collector/land Acquisition officers with full particulars will also be sent with
requisition to the AAO duly verified.
(iv) DEOs will watch the regular and timely receipt of cash accounts from
the collectors/land Acquisition Officers duly supported by all connected vouchers,
payee's receipts etc. Delayed receipt/non-receipt of cash accounts should be
promptly taken app with the collectors/land Acquisition Officers and pursued at
appropriate level.
The monthly account will be submitted by the DEO. to the AAO giving
details of the amounts drawn and the amount paid supported by the payee's
receipts, pertaining to deposits made into court and the certificate regarding the
cash balance in hand. These documents will be finally audited by the AAO and
kept on record.
(v) DEO will maintain the following documents, which shall be subject to
audit, try the AAO and LAO/RAO
(a) Separate Cash Book for Cash Assignment in respect of acquisition/
requisition of properties will be maintained. It will be maintained in two books
covering transactions of alternate months. There will be a separate Cash Book for
payment of rents against hired properties. The Cash Books shall be balanced and
closed on the 25th of each month (except for the month of March when it shall be
closed on 31st under the dated signature of the DEO and will be sent to the CDA
through AAO along with supporting vouchers for post audit.
S1. Requisition
Total advance paid to
Advances to
No. Acq.No.
Disbursing Officers during
the month uptodate
Officers uptodate
Nature of
Balance Amount
spent by
during the
Note. (i) Separate Cash Book will not be maintained for each Collector
/DC/LAO/SLAO but separate pages will be allotted each Collector/ DC/ LAO/
SLAO within the jurisdiction of DEO and the same indicated in the index at the
beginning of the Cash Book.
(ii) On the 25th of each month, the total figures from each of the ledger account
will be transmitted to concerned Cash Book quoted at paras 3 and 4 above which
will be closed on the same date under the dated signature of DEO.
(iii) At the end of Cash Book, separate pages should be allotted for summary of all
totals. The totals of each Collector/DC/ LAO / SLAO would be entered here also
each month as follows
Sl. No.
Name of
Amount paid
spent by
(iv) "Disbursing Officer" means collector JDC LAO /SLAG.
(v) "Nature of Advance" means on account of final payment, Misc. payment and
initial payment etc.
The AAO will confine 100% cheek only to the General Cash Book and the
Collectors/ DCs /LAOs/SLAOs wise Cash Book. Regarding personal ledgers this
need not be subject to audit verification monthly. However, this will serve as a
subsidiary documents for audit check as and when necessary.
(e) All the above documents alongwith Stamped receipt received from all
the Collectors/DCs/ LAOS/SLAOs during the month will be sent to AAO for his
verification initially of the new item in the personal ledger and signing all the
above Cash Book after verification.
(f) The AAO will confine 100% check only to the General Cash Book and
the Collectors/ DCs/LAOS/SLAOs wise Cash Book mentioned above. As regards
the personal ledger this need not be subject to audit verification monthly.
However, this will serve as subsidiary documents audit check as and when
349. (i) The AAO will maintain register on sanctions. On receipt of requisition of
advance from the DEO, complete details as mentioned in the Land Award
Settlement and sanctions attached there to will be recorded in the above register
with full particulars regarding payment against each sanctions /case. The details of
final payment against each sanction/case -will also be noted in the above register
with reference to the payee's receipts submitted by the DEO every month. He will
also ensure from the LAO/ Collector wise Book that payment in respect of the particular case has not been made earlier to avoid possibility of double payment.
(ii) Before releasing payment it will be ensured that cash assignment to
cover the payment being made has been placed at the disposal of the DEO by the
CDA. For this purpose Cash Assignment register maintained by the DEO will be
verified with reference to the original communication of the CDA.
(iii) The various cash books/ledgers maintained by the DEO will be audited
by the A.AO to the extent of 100%. He will maintained all the new entries herein
after due verification and will endorse a certificate of stocking at the end of each
month in each Cash Book/Ledger. He will also ensure that land acquired has been
taken on charge in the land register by DEO.
(iv) The receipt of monthly account duly balanced and closed by the DEO
monthly along with the payee's receipt pertaining to deposit made into court and
the certificate regarding cash balance in hand will be watched regularly. After
noting full particulars regarding payment-in the register of sanction, the monthly
account will be finally audited by the AAO and kept on his record.
(v) With a view to ensure proper control over the unspent balance with
the land Acquisition Officers a register of unpaid balances will also be maintained
by the AAO. This register shall be completed every month with reference to the
payee's receipt submitted by the DEO. The register should contain complete
details of unspent balances with the land Acquisition Officers, against each
sanction/cast- and the same should have a cross reference to the entry made in the
register of sanction proforma for unpaid balances register should be prescribed
(vi) The bills for payment submitted by the DEO will be carefully
scrutinised with reference to the general points as per para 120 and also the
following facts
(a) The requisition for advance is supported with all the details viz. details
of unspent balances with the land Acquisition Officers, land award statement,
sanction of the CEA, correctness and verification certificate of DEO, a certificate
of the DEO showing ledger page references wherein details have been noted by
(b) The amount will be compiled to the appropriate head of account as
mentioned it, the sanction.
(c) Payments against the expenditure debitable to locally controlled head
will be made only after pre-audit of the bills by the Main Office
(d) Payments in satisfaction of award court decree will not be made unless
Govt. sanction for snaking allotment of funds under "Charged" head is received. It
will be ensured that sanction-covering allotment of funds of this account indicates
Min. of Def. (Finance/Budget) UO No and date of Min. of Def. and dated under
which bulk allotment has been made.
(e) Payment of legal fee to the Central Govt. standing Counsel and Pleaders
will be made only when: (a) It is clearly certified by the DEO that the amount as claimed in the bill
have been verified with reference to the rates prescribed by the Ministry of Law
(as circulated from time to time) and found correct.
(b) Complete details of the court cases with dates of hearing etc., are given
in support of the claim.
(c) Proper sanction exists for the engagement of the pleader counsel and
also to defend the case in the Court.
(d) The instruction contained in Chapter XII of Defence services regulation
is complied with and the rates/fees claimed are in accordance with these
prescribed by Ministry of Law from time to time.
Note 2: (a) At isolated and small Stations where the Senior most combatant
Officers is functioning as Station Commander under para 20 (b) of reds, for the
Army requirement of holding the Stations Board of Officers far hiring of
Accommodation will be dispensed with., The reasonableness certificate of the
house at such Station should be approved by the Civil authorities or by the DEO
where Civil authorities are unable or unwilling to do so.
(b) At these isolated and small Stations where Officers functioning at
Station Commanders are below the rank of Lt. Col. Admn. Sanction for hiring will
be accorded by next higher formation commander based on the rent
reasonableness certificate as provided in (a) above.
Note 3: A similar board with Chief Administrative Officers in place of Station
Commander and outer corresponding Officers as members will be set for
regulating hiring of the CAOs Pool of accommodation in New Delhi/Delhi.
356. Sanction for Hiring
If the rent of the house as assessed by the Station Board is accepted by the
owner, administrative sanction for the hiring will be issued by the Station
Commander of the competent authority. The sanction shall include the rent of the
officers for whom house is being hired; monthly rent payable and the appropriate
head to account to which expenditure is debitable. Copies of the Admin section
shall be endorsed to the CDA with additional ink signed copy, GE DEO and all
other concerned.
357. Hiring of Accommodation Excess of Authorised in Plinth Area
In exceptional, where no suitable accommodation within the prescribed
plinth area can be found and the hiring authorities certified to that effect, hiring up
to 25% in excess of the prescribed plinth area can be resorted to with the prior
approval of the next higher formation commander i.e. Sub Area/indep. Sub Area
Commander after taking into account all the relevant factors i.e., location of the
house, reasonableness of rent as certified by the Station Board and certificate from
the Station Commander that hiring of the particular house is inescapable due to
non availability of house within the plinth area limit and that excess over the
normal limit has been kept to the minimum. In no case the rent ceiling applicable
to each category be exceeded. The cases involving hiring in excess of 25% of the
prescribed plinth area shall be reported by the hiring authority to AHQ obtaining
Government sanction.
Note 1: All hiring will as far as possible be in accordance with the scales
prescribed by the Govt. from time to time for officers of various ranks houses with
lesser plinth area and without the facility of garage and or servant quarter may be
hired provided the houses so hired are otherwise suitable for occupation and there
is no likelihood of their remaining vacant. Rent for such houses will be fixed by
the sanction Board for the plinth Area actually hired with due regard to the
prescribed rental ceiling.
Note 2: In case of private houses hired by the Govt. without a separate servant
quarter where an officer engages a servant (provided he is authorised for it) an
excess plinth area up to 240 sq. ft. (is the area authorised for servant quarter) will
be allowed in the permissible plinth area in the Main-hiring unit. The relaxation in
the authorised plinth area of the main living unit excluding servant quarter up to
25% will also apply in such cases and may be allowed with prior approval of the
next formation Commander.
Note 3: The tolerance limit of 25% in the authorised plinth area of the building
inclusive of garrage and servant quarters provided the officer does not claim
reimbursement of rent for garrage separately hired. Scales for married
accommodation area given in Annexure IV to this Chapter.
358. Period of Hiring
(a) The hiring shall be for a minimum period of 3 years but the same may be
for 4 or 5 years depending upon the requirement and conditions prevailing at a
particular Station as well as willingness of the owner.
(b) Houses taken on hire will ordinary be dehired on the expiry of the period
of hiring as mentioned in Clause 2 of the lease Agreement, if the owner is not
willing to extend the hiring for further period. In such cases, dehiring may be
approved by the authority who had sanctioned the hiring.
(c) Where the owner of the house makes a request for dehiring of the house
before he expiry of the period of hiring and is proposed to accede to the request,
prior approval of the Min. of Def. should be obtained to the dehiring.
(d) In cases where the owner is willing to extend the period of hiring for a
farther period and the house is required to be retained, a fresh hiring agreement
will be executed in the prescribed form for a minimum period of such continued
hiring will have to be approver by the Station Board. In case when a owner is not
willing to extend the period of hiring for three years but is willing to continue
hiring for a shorter teen and retaining of the house for such shorter term is
Rs. 25,000/- .
per property.
Rs. 5,000/
per property
Note: These powers both for hiring and requisitioning will be calculated as
(a) In case of hiring and requisitioning, the amount will be calculated by taking
into account the initial account of non-recurring compensation, if any, plus one
year's rental/recurring compensation.
(b) The term "per property" means immovable property i.e. land, building hired or
requisitioned at a point of time for the same purpose irrespective of the fact
whether the property/ properties is/are owned by one or more persons.
(c) In case, the initial, recurring or terminal compensation is fixed by arbitration
and the amount awarded exceeds the administrative approval, no revised sanction
will be necessary and the compensation will be paid according to the award.
Powers of Defence Estates Service officers to approve compensation assessed by
Collectors/SLAC/ Land acquisition officer for the acquisition of immovable
properties in the capacity of financial authority:
1. Director General
2. Addl. Director General/Director
3. Deputy Director General /Director
Rs.1 Crore
Rs.10 Lakhs
Rs.5 Lakhs
Director, DE in Commands.
Joint Director DE in commands,
Rs. 50,000
Rs. 25,000
Rs. 5,000
Note 1: The term per property means immovable property, land, building hired
or requisitioned at a point of time for the same purpose irrespective of the fact
whether the property/properties is/are owned by one or more persons.
Note 2: Rentals and compensation, which exceeds the above, mentioned financial
powers will be referred to the next higher authority. Cases in which the annual
liability or compensation exceeds Rs.50.000 will require approval of Min. of
Note 3: The above limits of powers and the authority by whom they are
exercisable will also hold good in the matter of approval of rentals and
compensation payable on surrender, if any, in respect of hired properties.
Periods of Retention of Records
Serial Description of Records
Period of retention year
Duplicate copies of contract agreements
6 years after the date of completion
Occupation Returns
5 years
Register of cases
10 years
Register of measurement Books
10 years after completion of the
register for existing entries.
Measurement Books
10 years after completion of work.
Register of Receipt Books
3 years after completion of the
register of existing entries.
Bills-Licence fee, Electricity and water
1 year after the charges have
been recovered.
Unstamped Acknowledgement
Receipt and their register.
10 years afters completion of work.
Licence fee assessment ledger
20 years
Revenue ledger
5 years
Receipts books counterfoils (MES)
10 years
Muster Rolls
10 years
2 years
2 years
3 years
1 year after the register is closed.
5 years
1 years
2 years after the case is finally closed.
5 years
5 years
10 years
10 years
10 years
5 years
5 years
5 years
10 years
5 years
2 years
5 years
5 years
3 years
5 years
2 years
3 (Applicable to Engineer park only.)
3 years
5 years
1 year
3 years
5 years
5 years
33 years
(Referred to in Para 81-A)
Scrutiny of Contractors by A-A.O
All the documents have been signed and alterations attested by both the
All documents have been page numbered and indexed in proper form.
The particular specification do not reveal any special features, departures
from usual specification.
The arbitration clause is correctly filled in.
In the case of furniture contracts they confirm to the E-in-C's designs.
In the case of single tendering up to Rs. 2 lakhs by the CWE and Rs. 5 lakhs
by the CEs, CDA has been consulted before acceptance of single tender
except where the reasons for urgency (to be recorded) it is not considered
possible to do so. The reasons for dispensing with competition and method
of determining the rates will be placed on record in writing at the time of
acceptance of single tender.
The deviation percentage has been prescribed in the contract and the same is
within the authorised limits fixed by the E-in-C....
(a) The time limit for the execution of work has been clearly stated.
(b) Date of completion as envisaged by the contract has been shown.
The clause regarding the provision of water is in conformity with the latest
orders on the subject.
In the case of store supply contract the supply is intended to replenish stock.
There are no discrepancies between the terms of acceptance letter and final
contract documents.
No special tenders such as those of the cost plus type has been accepted
except with prior sanction of the E-in-C's.
Attested copies of all relevant drawings have been attached to the original
contract documents.
The original aid the duplicate copies have been carefully compared and the
latter agree with the former. Point out the amendment made............
The contractor has executed the security bond and furnished the necessary
security backing money...
A suitable note has been made in the register of contracts.
The building nos. mentioned in the CA has been verified with the Register
of Military Buildings.
Any other points of interest noticed which is considered worthwhile to be
brought to the notice of Main Office. Specify them if any......... (Above
Annexure 'A' to Para 81-A add& d vide CS No. 93/77).
mchk 062807