Parent's Bulletin - October 2015
Parent's Bulletin - October 2015
Parent's Bulletin - October 2015
PD Day
Y10 CP Debate
Y8 Science Trip
Friday 4th December
Blessed John Ingram Mass
CP Big Bang
(to 6th) Y11 Retreat
w/c Monday 7th December
Pre Apprenticeship Workshops
Tuesday 8th December
Clothes Show
Y7 Science Life Centre
Wednesday 9th December
Y8 Science Life Centre
CP Eurovision Song Contest
Thursday 10th December
Y9 Parents Evening
Friday 11th December
Sixth Form Advent
Monday 14th December
(to 15th) House Sports
(to 16th) Pre Apprenticeship Workshops
Tuesday 15th December
Christmas Concert
Tees Valley Skill Event
Wednesday 16th December
Performing Arts Showcase
Friday 18th December
Y11 Quiz
Monday 21st December
(to Friday 1st January) Christmas Holiday
w/c Monday 4th January
Sixth Form Mock Exams
Friday 8th January
Year 11 Photograph
Contact Details Please will parents / guardians notify the school office immediately if there are any changes to names,
addresses, telephone numbers, mobile phone numbers or the named contact persons of students.
It is very important that contact information is kept up to date.
The English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College is now on Facebook and Twitter.
Please visit and 'like' the page to receive information from the
news feed or follow @EMS_Hartlepool on Twitter.
The English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College, Catcote Road, Hartlepool, TS25 4HA
Tel: 01429 273790
Fax: 01429 273998
Parents Bulletin No 1
October 2015
St Margaret Clitherow
833 (2nd place)
St Anne Line
685 (4th place)
St Thomas More
831 (3rd place)
We will be holding a Memorial Open Day for the Rhys Hewitt Dugout on Saturday 24th October at
EMS. The day will start at 10:00 am and finish for 12:30 pm. Everyone is welcome - your support
would be appreciated.
There will be a ribbon cutting, a reading and Year 11 students will be playing a football match
against Rhys Sunday team; Hartlepool Youth FC.
As you may have heard, YMT have returned to our School this October and
are providing a variety of sessions, reflections, activities and opportunities
for all year groups around the theme of 'step up to life'. Most of the
activities will be during school hours, but on Wednesday 21st October all parents, carers,
family members, and members of our local community are invited to join us for an
evening of celebration - looking back at the week we've had together and looking forward
as we journey as one.
CHESS CLUB The Chess Club takers place on WEDNESDAYS, 3.15-4.15pm in the library.
Boards, sets and even chess clocks are available from the librarians and Mr Edwards will
be there most weeks to give any advice and support to students who wish to learn the
game or improve their skills by playing others. New Year 7 students are especially
welcome, as well as those chess players from other years who have played before.
It is hoped to run another SPEED CHESS
TOURNAMENT in the run up to Christmas,
to take place one afternoon in school
time with the MAIN TOURNAMENT after Easter open to all students,
regardless of their ability. If you cant stay after school on Wednesdays, you
can still get practice by playing independently in the mornings / at lunchtime
any day in the library just ask the librarians for equipment. Give it a go!
its a classic game with only a few rules thats great for your mental development and it makes a nice change from those hectic Xbox and PSP games!
26th - 30th
21st - 1st
15th - 19th
25th - 8th
30th - 3rd
Art Classes
The school runs an Art class for interested adults in two sessions. They began on Monday evenings in
September from 7.00 pm9.00 pm and on Friday mornings from 9.30 am until mid afternoon.
The Monday class is very informal, the Friday class a little more structured. Costs are 30 per term for
adults (25 for senior citizens and 22 for adults on benefits) for the Monday class and 5 per session for
the Friday class.
The groups work in a lively, friendly, relaxed environment and are overseen by Mr Roy Carless, a long
serving teacher of Art and Photography at the school, now retired.
Goal Keeping
Girls Football
Sports Stars
KS3 Rugby
KS4 Football
Mini Sports Stars
Girls Rugby
Cross Country
Swimming (non swimmers)
Y7 Football
Y8 and 9 Football
After School Table Tennis Club
(1 per session)
KS4 Rugby
AS revision
This will take place on Saturday 14th November 2015. The bus will leave EMS at
8.00 am and then leave Leeds at 4.00 pm
to return to Hartlepool. The cost of a seat
is 15 and can be booked by contacting
Lisa Foster at school on 01429 273790.
The trip this year will coincide with the
Leeds Christmas Market.
Song Competition
In order to celebrate the
European Day of Languages,
all Year 7 students took part
in a Eurovision-style singing
competition on the 25th
September. Classes
performed songs in French,
German, Spanish and Italian
and some even wowed us
with their dance moves and
actions too! The competition
was judged by Mr Hammond,
Philippa Jarvis (Head girl and
Year 13 French student) and
Robin Caswell (Year 12
German student).
Congratulations to 7U1A who
won with their rendition of
Fliegerlied and to the
runners up 7X1B who sang
Tu as un animal and
7U2A who sang Bonjour.
Ideas/Issues Generated
per Employee: 4.1
(Target = 4)
Date: 13/10/2015
Caterpillar: Confidential
In September a group of Year 10 GCSE PE students spent 2 days
camping in Keswick, Cumbria. Whilst on the visit students
participated in activities such as Gorge Walking, Canoeing, and
Mountain Biking. All students were a credit to the school and
enjoyed all the activities despite the typical Lakeland weather!!
On Friday 28th September two students from The English Martyrs School and Sixth
Form College went on a trip to the World War One battlefields in France. This visit was
funded by the government as part of a wider project celebrating the centenary of the
Great War. On the trip the girls were able participate in the Last Post ceremony at the
Menin Gate, as well as visiting the Flanders Field Museum and trenches of the Somme.
Following on from this experience the girls are hoping to involve school and the wider
Hartlepool community in their Legacy 110 project- more information to follow. Here
are the girls experiences in their own words.
Getting picked for the WW1 commemoration in Belgium and France was honestly one
of the proudest moments of my life. When we got there and visited the different
landmarks (especially the cemeteries) I had absolutely no words. The amount of
soldiers that had given their lives for the good of our country was breath-taking and I
am so lucky to have been picked to go. I cant wait to share with everyone just what
we have done and we will keep the memory of them alive. RIP.
Talia Doyle, Year 9
Last month I went on a History trip to Belgium and France, learning about WW1. I was
very lucky to be selected for this educational visit, as only two students could go. Early
hours on the 25th September, Talia, Mrs Richardson and I went to Durham to meet
other schools and began travelling down to Kent. When we arrived at Grosvenor Hall
we went rock climbing and made friends before going to a hands-on workshop with
real WW1 artefacts. The next morning, after a journey on the Eurotunnel, we arrived
in Ypres in Belgium. We went to the Flanders Field Museum; I really enjoyed this as it
showed what the atmosphere was like during the Great War. Next we went to
Poperinge where soldiers were punished or imprisoned. Later that evening we watched
the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate and I laid a cross in memory of my
great-granddad whose name is on one of the panels. The next day we went to look at
the cemeteries and trenches of the Somme. On the last day we made a clay soldier
which will be laid in Flanders Field as a memorial - one for each of the soldiers who
died. We visited a German cemetery, which was very different to the British ones, then
saw Tyne Cot cemetery- the largest British war cemetery in the world. This was
amazing and so emotional, but also my favourite part of this memorable experience.
Eve Remington, Year 9