Amp Nptel 1
Amp Nptel 1
Amp Nptel 1
from robot controlled highly mechanized lines of production to some simple day
option, which is understanding of the dynamic changes that are taking place in the
business environment. In view of the above, a nation should develop and update its
infrastructure, such that the new and advanced technology gets into hand in hand, with
the ongoing time.
What is manufacturing?
There are many ways and definitions available to explain the concept of
manufacturing. Some of these definitions are listed below:
Manufacturing is the use of machines, tools and labor to make things for use or
Manufacturing System
In order to consider manufacturing, as a system; we need to look beyond the conversion of
raw materials and processes which lead to finished products. The understanding of the
manufacturing system as a whole helps in identifying, which process parameters and
functions of the organizations are important; this helps to make decisions about the
economical ways of producing the end products. There are several factors which are usually
considered in taking a final and relevant decision about the best way of producing the desired
end product. A manufacturing system can be considered as a simple input-output system at
the first stage as shown in Fig. 1.1.1
Fig. 1.1.1(Click here)
The input-output system does not provide the sufficient information about all the aspects of
manufacturing. Manufacturing involves more than just processing of raw materials. The
overall manufacturing system starts from the market or specifically from the customer
requirements and ends when the product reaches the hands of customers. The present day
trends also look beyond the delivery of the product to the customer i.e. after sale, services
offered by the organization. The basic model at Fig. 1.1.2 is further expanded to incorporate
most of the functions involved in an organization for the design, planning and manufacturing
of a product. The manufacturing system incorporating all the above aspects (holistic
approach) as shown in Fig. 1.1.2
Product Design
Translating the voice of customer into
Quality oriented design
Feed back
Fig.1.1.2 Manufacturing System Boundary
5000-4000 BC
2500 BC
600-800 AD
Steel production
800-1200 AD
1750 AD
Automation, mass production, interchangeable parts, diecasting and lost wax methods for engineering parts
Manufacturing Trends
Present day, the success of manufacturing company depends on cost, quality and lead
time (lead time is time between placing the order and receiving it, alternatively, it is
also known as time to market)
Manufacturing Challenges
The emerging economies, the social and political transitions taking place and the new
ways of doing business are changing the world dramatically. It is visualized through these
trends that manufacturing environment of the future would be extremely competitive and
significantly different from what it is today. In-order to remain successful in such an
environment, the manufacturers needs to be updated with the latest trends and should
possess dynamic capabilities, which need to be distinctly different. The main challenge
for the future entrepreneurs is the attainment of such capabilities, some of which are as
discussed below:
The ability to innovate ideas and to develop a creative environment for such innovations
in manufacturing
Development of effective and efficient training and education programs for the
manufacturing workforce, as more skilled workforce is required
Sustainability of small and medium scale enterprises to provide support to the large
scale manufacturing organizations
Focusing on clean and green manufacturing technologies, the environment and the
society issues. The responsibility for the production process thus goes hand-in-hand
with responsibility for the final disposal of products i.e. recycling in line with
environmental policies.
Manufacturing is the basis for all economic activities and future growth of a country
At the beginning of 20th century, mass production using efficient machine tools
emerged in USA (Ford motors)
After the second world war, new / advanced manufacturing processes came into
Since 1950s, new technologies have been emerged computerized numerical control,
flexible manufacturing systems, lean manufacturing, green manufacturing, computer
integrated manufacturing are some of those.
Newer materials have been developed and their processing requires special machine
tools or special manufacturing process
Material selection including and considering all the environmental and recycling
Selection of processing methods such as metal casting, metal forming, sheet metal
working, powder metallurgy, machining, joining, finishing etc.
Economics of tooling
Design requirements
Product design is the most important parameter amongst all the parameters of the
manufacturing system. As quality is imbibed at each stage in the product, if the product
has not been designed right at the first stage, no subsequent operation or steps can bring
back the quality into the product. Hence, the material and manufacturing process
selection and all associated concerns such as availability, environmental considerations,
recycling etc must be taken care of right at the product design and development stage. As
far as the manufacturing process is concerned, it must be economical and capable of
producing the geometric surfaces and other features which are embodied in the design of
the product.
(AJM), electrochemical
Sand casting
Continuous casting
Die casting
Slush casting
Centrifugal casting
Evaporative-pattern casting
Shell molding
hardens and gets set inside the mold, replicating its shape. In order to remove the
hardened substance, a release agent is used. There are about eight major
Transfer molding
Injection molding
Extrusion molding
Vacuum forming
Blow Moulding
Smith Forging
Drop Forge
Press, Extrusion
Sheet Metal
Blanking, Shearing
Perforating, Nibbling
Explosive Forming
Metal removal processes in which we remove the excess material to give the final shape
to the product, are often termed as secondary or machining processes. They are also
termed as finishing processes; which are done to give the required finish or tolerance to
the end product. This means that in both the cases i.e. either removal of material or
finishing of part, the product to be cut or finished is made by one of the other processes
described above. At instances, the product geometry is very complex, to be produced by
other processes. In such cases the basic shape of the product is produced using other
processes and the final shape is created by using some machining process. The major
metal removal / machining processes are as given below:
Finishing Processes
Hybrid Processes
Joining by fusing the material together with an aim to have the joint which
have same metallic properties of the parts to be joined (welding)
Out of the above three, the most popular method (though applications may bind us to use
other methods too) is welding. Welding is defined as the process of joining two similar or
dissimilar metallic/ material components through the application of heat. Filler metal can
be used and pressure may also be applied as per the necessity.
ARC welding,
GAS welding
Thermit welding
Soldering, Brazing
Plasma-MIG welding
Projection welding
Seam welding
Laser welding
High hardness
High strength
High brittleness
Complex shapes
electrical, mechanical, thermal or chemical source. Most of these processes dont use a sharp
cutting tool, as in the conventional case.
classified according to the
The special deformable ability of media is responsible for its movement through any
shape of the passage. Restricted media flow passages are necessary at the surfaces to be
processed by AFM, wherein the media behaves somewhat like flexible grinding stone,
abrades the material, and provides a good surface finish over the surface. Generally, a
fixture is required to offer restriction or to direct and focus the media to desired locations
in the work piece. Fig. 3.1.1 illustrates the principle and basic operation of AFM process.
T clamping of work piece is made
betwee n the two media cylinnders, whichh are
ydraulically operated an
nd placed in
n opposite diirections. Loower media cylinder is filled
w required
d volume of abrasive
ladeen media
hen extruded
d through the work piece into the uppper media cylinder (reffer Fig. 3.1.1 b.).
T procedurre is reverseed and the media
is fedd back throuugh the worrk piece intto the
ower cylindeer (refer Fig. 3.1.1 c.). A process cyccle is constittuted by com
mbination of these
p and down strokes.
T describe the
t process technology,
three elemeents namely the machinee, the mediaa, and
he tooling arre considereed very impo
ortant. The machine decides the exxtent of abraasion,
he media deetermines wh
hat kind of abrasion wiill occur annd the fixturre determinees the
xact location of abrasio
on. All macchines regarrdless of sizze are positiive displaceement
hydraulic systems, which force the abrasive laden media through the fixture work piece at
a selected pressure and flow rate. Standard units operate within 10 bar to 200 bars and
with flow rates up to 400 liters/min. AFM systems are essentially provided with controls
on hydraulic system pressure, clamping and unclamping of fixtures, volume flow rate of
media, and advance and retract of media pistons. The accessories such as automatic flow
timers, cycle counters, volumetric displacement systems, pressure and temperature
compensated flow control valves, media heat exchangers are integrated to conventional
AFM systems for production applications.
The most essential component of the process is the media, which is considered a
proprietary item by machine manufacturers. It consists of base material or carrier,
abrasive grains and proprietary additives. Most widely used carrier is a high viscosity
rheopetic fluid (at any constant rate of shear, its apparent viscosity increases with time to
some maximum value). The base material has enough degree of cohesion and tenacity to
drag the abrasive grains along with it through various passages/regions. Aluminum oxide
and silicon carbide are most suitable abrasives for many applications but boron carbide
and diamond are specifically used for special applications. Abrasive grain to base
material ratio can vary from 2 to 12. The additives are mainly used to modify the base
material properties to get desired flow-ability and rheological characteristics of the
media. Hydrocarbon gels are frequently used lubricants in the media. All additives are
carefully blended in predetermined quantities to obtain consistent formulations.
The primary function of a fixture is to hold the work piece in proper position
between two opposite cylinders and direct the media by restricting it to the areas to
worked during the process cycle. When necessary, the fixture can protect edges
from abrasion by acting as mechanical mask. Steel, urethane,
materials used for manufacturing fixtures. The fixture
very complex depending upon the work piece
AFM Advantages
AFM Disadvantages
The cost of media is very high and is unusable after the process.
AFM Applications
The process was initially developed for effective de-burring of hydraulic control blocks.
Later on, the field of applications got rapidly diversified into defense, medical and
manufacturing units. The inaccessible areas in components that are very difficult to finish
with traditional methods, can be easily finish machined by AFM process with up to 90 %
improvement in it with respect to the original accuracy. The typical applications of AFM
are in improving airfoil surfaces of compressor and turbine components, edge finishing of
holes and attachment features, improvement in fatigue strength of blades, disks, hubs and
shafts with uniform polishing on its edges. The adjustment of air flow resistance in
blades, vanes, combustion liners, nozzles and diffusers, finishing of fuel spray nozzles,
fuel control bodies, bearing components, reworking the components to remove coke and
carbon deposits and to improve its surface integrity.
Initially, the material is ploughed by the fine abrasives that come in contact with
the work material as they rub over the metal surface with high pressure. The
material flow occurs in the direction of motion of abrasive particles as well as in
lateral direction, resulting into the formation of lips.
2. At the lips, work hardening is noticed due to the rubbing action of the continuous
flowing abrasive particles which are also responsible for intense plastic flow with
considerable stress concentration.
3. The further flow of abrasive particle causes continued work hardening which
results in embrittlement and fragmentation of the lips into microchips.
AFM Process Parameters
The AFM Process Parameters are classified as given below:
Parameters controllable by the machine: extrusion pressure, flow volume, media flow
speed and number of process cycles.
Parameters controllable by the media: media viscosity, media rheology, abrasive type
(aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, boron carbide, diamond etc.), abrasive grain size,
shape and concentration.
Parameters controllable by the work piece configuration and tooling: type of passage
(cylindrical, rectangular or complex), cross sectional area, length of the passage,
initial surface roughness.
A Ishikawaa cause and
d effect diag
gram as shoownin Fig.33.2.1, identiifies the process
parameters affecting
thee quality off the machinned surfacess in AFM process. A brief
description off some impo
ortant processs parameterss of AFM is as follows:
Work piece
Flow Volume and
d Extrusion
n Pressure
are th
he dominant process paarameters coontrolling thhe amount oof abrasion by a
pecific mediia compositiion. With alll other factoors constantt, a greater vvolume of m
w cause mo
ore abrasion
n. If two passsages of diff
fferent cross--sectional arreas are giveen the
saame volumee of flow, thee smaller paassage will thherefore be abraded morre than the llarger
preessure stron
ngly affects the final foorce acting oon abrasive grains andd thus
siignificantly affects
the su
urface rough
hness of the machined paart.
size* (mm)
* Passage sizes are widths or diameters of the cavity and assume that the passage length
is two times the width.
Number of Cycles
The travel of media from lower cylinder to upper cylinder and then back to lower
cylinder is termed as a cycle. Several cycles are required to get a particular amount of
material removal and final surface finish on a component. Various researchers have
reported that the improvement in surface finish and required amount of material removal
occurs in some of the initial cycles and then it stabilizes.
Abrasive Grain Size and Its Concentration
Abrasive grain sizes range used in AFM varies from #500 grit (tiny hole applications) to
#8 grit (roughing and stock removal applications). Larger abrasives cut faster, while
smaller size gives better finish and can reach into complex and narrow passages.
AFM Process Capabilities
The surface finish improvement by AFM process is 10 times than that of the original
surface finish, provided the surface finish is in the range of 28-280 m. Holes diameter
must be at least 0.2 mm and dimensional tolerances achievable must be up to 0.005
Recent Developments in AFM Technology
Ultrasonic Flow Polishing
Ultrasonic Flow Polishing (UFP) is the combination of AFM and USM. In this process,
the abrasive/polymer mixture is pumped down the centre of the ultrasonically energized
tool. On its exit, the flow is constrained by the tool and the work piece, the mixture flows
radially relative to the axis of the tool. While it is constrained, the vibrating tool
ultrasonically energizes the mixture. The combination of flow and vibration results in the
effective abrasion of the workpiece surface. The process is reported to have the capacity
to produce micro/nano level finish on closed cavity surfaces without causing much
deterioration to its profile or dimensional accuracy. The improvement in surface finish of
upto 10:1 is been reported by this process. The Ultrasonic flow polishing process is very
much suitable for applications in machining blind cavities that are not easily polishable
by normal AFM.
Orbital AFM
Orbital AFM combines abrasive flow machining and orbital grinding. An additional
mechanical motion is given to the medium to enable it polish three dimensional forms
that are not possible with conventional AFM. The motion is typically a planetary
oscillation that creates relative displacement between tooling and the work piece. The
oscillations can be in the vertical or horizontal or combination of both the planes,
yielding an elliptical or gyratory polishing action. Orbital Polishing is made used in
polishing the edges and surfaces in complex shapes and cavities such as bottle molds,
coining dies and aluminum wheels along with high precision and accuracy.
Magneto Abrasive Flow Machining
Magneto Abrasive Flow machining process has been developed by providing a magnetic
assistance to the flowing abrasives. Through this additional assistance, modification of
the distribution pattern of abrasive particles near to the inner surface of the hollow work
piece has been observed. Therefore, more number of abrasive particles could take part in
the abrasion process. In addition, some of the axially flowing abrasive particles get
deflected and strike on the work piece surface a slight incidence angle. On an average,
20-30 % enhancement in the material removal rate along with considerable
improvements in the finish has been recorded depending upon the material of the work
piece particularly at low flow rates of the media.
Centrifugal Force Assisted AFM
A controlled rotation of a centrally placed rod in flow passage generates the centrifugal
forces in the flowing media. This force increases the media contact force to the work
piece as the media flows through the work piece cavity due to the extrusion pressure. It is
compounded upon by the centrifugal force. The combined effect of these two forces
improves the contact of the abrasive particles with the work piece surface. In this process,
a special type of nylon fixture is used to hold the work piece that is placed in between the
two media cylinders in-order to create an artificial dead zone and increase the pressure
required for extruding the media
AJM process is a highly flexible process wherein the abrasive media is carried by
a flexible hose, which can reach out to some difficult areas and internal regions.
AJM process creates localized forces and generates lesser heat than the
conventional machining processes.
There is no damage to the workpiece surface and also the process does not have
tool-workpiece contact, hence lesser amount of heat is generated.
The power consumption in AJM process is low.
Metal working:
Cleaning the residues from diamond wheels, dressing wheels of any shape and
Principle of AJM
The principle of machining / cutting by abrasive jet process is explained through the
following steps:
1. Abrasive particles of size between 10 m to 50 m (depending upon the
requirement of either cutting or finishing of the workpiece) are accelerated in a
gas stream (commonly used gas stream is air at high atmospheric pressures).
2. The smaller abrasive particles are useful for finishing and bigger are used for
cutting operations.
3. The abrasive particles are directed through the nozzle, towards the workpiece
surface where-ever cutting or finishing is to be done. The distance between the tip
of the nozzle and the work surface is normally within 1 mm.
4. As the abrasive particles impact the surface of the workpiece, it causes a small
fracture at the surface of the workpiece. The material erosion occurs by the
chipping action.
5. The erosion of material by chipping action is convenient in those materials that
are hard and brittle.
6. As the particles impact the surface of workpiece, it causes a small fracture and
wear, which is carried away by the gas along with the abrasive particles.
7. The abrasive particles once used, cannot be re-used as its shape changes partially
and the workpiece material is also clogged with the abrasive particles during
impingement and subsequent flushing by the carrier gas.
The gas propulsion system provides the supply of clean, dry gas or air to propel the
abrasives particles to the workpiece. In this system care must be taken to have the filters
attached in so that moisture content or any oil or grease contents can be filtered out at the
first stage itself. Also, in this system there must be some arrangement to regulate the flow
of air or gas and the mixture of abrasive particles. The vibrating system is generally
attached to the system so that the abrasive is properly and uniformly mixed with the gas
or air stream. The nozzle used to deliver the mixture at the workpiece should be
manufactured from such materials which can withstand the erosive action of the abrasive
particles and should be wear resistant. The size of the nozzle opening depends upon the
flow rate requirement of abrasive mix on the surface of the workpiece. The abrasive dust
collection system is essential for the safety of the operator. Vacuum based dust collector
system is the most preferred choice. A typical nozzle used in the AJM machines is as
shown in Figure 3.4.1.
ameters of AJM
T process parameters in AJM caan be groupped into thee followingg categories.. The
Isshikawa cause and effecct diagram ass shown in ffigure 3.4.2,, depicts the effect of vaarious
prrocess param
meters on the
t accuracy
y and qualitty of the m
machining operations byy the
brasive jet machine.
1. The Abrasive:
pes, composiition, strengtth, size, masss flow rate
2. The Gas:
G composiition, pressu
ure and veloccity
3. The nozzle:
metry, material, stand-offf distance (S
SOD), feed raate, inclinatiion to
4. The workpiece:
of materrial
T selection
n of abrasivee particles to
t be used iin AJM deppends upon tthe type of work
and type of machining
peration whhich needs tto be carrieed out. Diffferent
perations succh as finishiing, roughinng require diifferent typees of abrasivve for
operations. Comm
monly used abrasive forr cutting innclude alum
minum oxidee and
siilicon carbid
de. In cleanin
ng, etching and polishinng operationns glass beaads and dolom
arre recommen
nded. The siize of the ab
brasive partiicles also plaays an impoortant role inn type
of machining
g operations of AJM. Coarse
grainn particles aare recommeended for cuutting
perations while fine graains are recommended for finishing or polishiing operations as
hown in tablle-3.4.1
in AFM
Graiin Size
Aluminum Oxide or
10 30
0 micron C
Cutting, groooving
Silicon Carrbide
Dolomite and
a glass beaads 5- 10 microns
Etching, polisshing and deeburring
T gas used
d in the AJJM process must be noon-toxic. It should be ccheap and eeasily
vailable. Co
ommon typess of gas useed in AJM aapplications are air, nitroogen and caarbon.
T recommeended velociity of gas ab
brasive mixtuure ranges bbetween 1000 m/sec to 3000 m/
seec depending
g upon the cutting or fin
nishing operaation.
T velocity of gas abrassive mixturee is a functioon of nozzle design, nozzzle pressuree, and
brasive partiicle size. Sttand-off distance (SOD)) is a very iimportant paarameter. SO
OD is
defined as th
he distance between
the tip of nozzzle and the w
work surface. The largeer the
SOD the poorrer is the quality and acccuracy of thee cut. The efffect of SOD
D on the accuuracy
of the cut is shown in Fig
The process traces back to 1950s, when an early form of water jet cutter was made used
in forests for lumber cuttings. It took around 20 more years for the technology to
advance, after which in 1970s the abrasive water jet machining was introduced.
Nowadays the process has matured and has changed the manufacturing methods of many
products. It is further available in variety of different modes such as plain water jets,
abrasive water jets, cavitation jets, percussive water jets and hybrid water jets.
The aviation and space industries were first to adopt this technology for cutting high
strength metals such as stainless steel, titanium and inconel along with some light weight
composite materials which were used in military aircrafts and later on in commercial
The chronological evolution of WJM is as given below:
Usage/ applications
The potential energy of water gets further converted into kinetic energy which
yields a very high jet velocity of around 1000 m/s.
The steam impact and high pressure of the accelerating water particles develop
fine cracks on the material.
These fine cracks propagate further under the impact of high pressure and
abrasives to the extent that the material gets cut.
The AWJM are mainly of two types entrained and suspended type. In the
entrained type of AWJM, the particles are allowed to draw in the water jet
thereby forming an enhanced abrasive water jet with significantly higher
velocities of around 800 m/s. Almost any material can be machined at such a high
velocity of the abrasive jet.
In cases where the excessive heat generated can cause changes in the material
properties, AWJM and WJM are very useful processes for hard metals like cutting
tool steels.
The water jet cutting process does not produce any dust or such particles which
are harmful if inhaled like in the case of machining and grinding operations.
In AWJM process, the cutting forces generated on work pieces are typically low.
It can cut metals, plastics, stones, composites, glass, ceramics and rubber
Higher cutting speeds are frequently used for rough cutting purposes which
degrade the surface finish.
There is a strong possibility of cracking in brittle materials and only few varieties
of materials could be cut economically.
With WJM process, thick parts cannot be cut accurately and economically.
Control System
A pump is used to create pressure in the liquid in the range of 1500-4000 bars. In
achieving this purpose, an electric motor of 50-100 HP rating is used. Nozzles are used to
convert the high pressure liquid to a high velocity jet. As there is a possibility of erosion
in the orifice of the nozzle due to the high pressure of liquid in WJM and that of abrasives
in AWJM, a high wear resistant material is used for nozzles. Control system in the
equipment helps in optimum settings for various parameters.
Process Parameters
The process parameters of WJM and AWJM have been grouped in the categories as
shown in the Ishikawa cause and effect diagram (Fig.3.6.1). This depicts the effect of
various parameters affecting the accuracy and quality of the machining operations by
water jet and abrasive water jet machines.
1. Hydraulic parameters: Size of the orifice and required pressures.
2. Abrasive Used: Type; Grit size and the flow rate required
3. Target material: Composition of workpiece and mechanical properties such as
hardness etc.
4. Mixing: Inlet angle; tube length, bore diameter;
5. Cutting: Angle of Attack; Stand of Distance (SOD); Traverse Speed
al Developm
ment of USM
The historical development of Ultrasonic Machining (USM) started through the research works
in 1927. During investigating the ultrasonic grinding of abrasive powders, it was found that the
surface of a container which was holding the suspended abrasives disintegrated as soon as the tip
of an ultrasonically vibrating transducer was placed close to it. Interestingly, the shape of the
cavity, thus produced accurately reproduced the tip of the transducer. In the early 1950s
industries started realizing its benefits and the production of ultrasonic machines began
thereafter. A wide range of brittle materials, including glass, ceramics and diamond can be
effectively machined through this process.
USM Process
The USM process is performed using a desirable tool along-with abrasives slurry as a
media. The cutting tool oscillates at high frequencies (typically 20-40 kHz)
The abrasive grains are driven by the high speed reciprocations across the small gap, inbetween the tool and the workpiece.
The impact of abrasives is the energy source which is mainly responsible in removal of
material, through the form of small wear particles which are carried away by the abrasive
Due to the abrasive action of particles, gradually wear of the tool occurs, thereby requiring the
tool to be made of tough materials.
Mechanism of Material Removal
Although the USM process is commercially used since many decades the exact details of
mechanism leading to the removal of fine materials is still to be understood. The research
works done till date in understanding the process parameters have thrown light on some
possible mechanisms. Through the investigations and the corresponding literatures, the main
mechanisms responsible for the material removal in USM are as listed below:
Mechanical abrasion: Occurs due to the hammering effect of abrasive particles on work
piece through the tool.
Impact: The freely moving particles impact with a certain velocity on the work piece
resulting in micro chipping.
Erosion: Due to cavitation effect of the abrasive slurry, erosion of the work surface occurs.
Chemical: Due to fluid employed, chemical effect can come into consideration.
It has been reported in the literature that among the above mentioned mechanisms, the first two
are primarily responsible for major stock removal. The literature reveals that erosion plays a
lesser role in the removal of material for normal materials, however for the porous materials; it
is observed that erosion due to cavitations is a significant factor.
Advantages of USM
There is no direct contact of the tool and workpiece due to the slurry used, it makes it a
wet cutting process. The surfaces produced are free from stress and damages.
Soft materials like lead and plastics are not suitable for machining by the USM process,
since they tend to absorb the abrasive particles rather than to chip under their impact.
The USM process consumes higher power and has lower material-removal rates
compared to traditional fabrication processes.
The areas of machining and higher depths are the constraints in USM.
As the USM process continuous, the lateral wear of the tool increases gradually and it
tends to make the holes tapered. The sharp corners of the tool get rounded off thereby
requiring tool replacement essential for producing accurate blind holes.
The accuracy of the machined surface gets lost due to setting up of strong lateral
vibrations. This occurs if the axis of the tool and horn, which are brazed together, are not
properly aligned with the transducer axis. In such a case, the tool needs to be redesigned.
The holes produced in USM have a tendency to break out at the bottom owing to the
static load and high amplitudes.
While producing deeper holes through USM method, there is ineffective slurry
circulation leading to presence of a fewer active grains under the tool face. Due to this,
the bottom surfaces of blind holes tend to become slightly concave.
Applications of USM
USM process is used in machining hard and brittle metallic alloys, semiconductors, glass,
ceramics, carbides etc.
Machining ceramic substrates for drilling holes in borosilicate glass for the sensors used
in electronic industries
Piezo-electric effect
Magneto-strictive effect
Electro-strictive effect
asonic Mach
hining (RUM
Iff the ultrasonic machining equipm
ment possessses a rotar
ary movemeent either aat the
ultrasonic heaad or at the worktable
or drilling, m
milling, and th
threading operations, theen it
is termed
d as Rotary Ultrasonic
UM). In rotary
ry ultrasonic
combinattion of rotatiional motion
n and axial vibrations
(off tool)
EDM Principle
T schematiic of the bassic EDM pro
ocess is illuustrated in Fiig. 3.9.1. In this processs, the
nd tool are submerged
d into a nonn-conductinng, dielectricc fluid which is
seeparated by a small gap (for sparkin
ng). The diellectric fluid insulates thee workpiece from
he tool and
d creates thee resistancee of electriccity flow bbetween the electrodes. The
dielectric fluiid may be ty
ypical hydrocarbon oil (kkerosene oill) or de-ionizzed water. Itt also
helps in cooling down th
he tool and workpiece,
cclears the innter-electrodde gap (IEG)), and
oncentrates the
t spark energy to a sm
mall cross secctional area uunder the eleectrode.
A the two electrodes
ome closer to
t one anothher, the elecctric field inntensity incrreases
beyond the sttrength of th
he dielectric enabling it tto break andd thereby allow the curreent to
fllow between
n the two ellectrodes. Ass a result off this effect,, intense heaat gets geneerated
near the zonee, which mellts and evapo
orates the m
material in thhe sparking zzone. As the flow
y stopped, so
ome fresh diielectric liquuid particles come in possition
of current is momentarily
between the inter-electro
de gap whicch restores thhe insulatingg properties of the dieleectric.
T solid parrticles (debriis) are carrieed away by tthe flowing dielectric. F
Flushing refe
fers to
he addition of
o new liquiid dielectric to the interr-electrode vvolume. A cclose view oof the
processs is shown in
i Fig. 3.9.2
2. The sparkks occur at sspots where the tool annd the
urfaces are th
he closest and since the sspots changee after each sspark (becauuse of
he material removal
after each spark
k), the spark travels all oover the surffaces. This reesults
n uniform removal of material,
heence exact sshape get reeproduced oon the workkpiece
T major ad
dvantages of the process are:
Any materials
thaat are electriccally conducctive can be m
machined byy EDM.
The to
ool (electrod
de) and work
kpiece are freee from cuttiing forces
Hardeened work-p
pieces can allso be machhined since tthe deformaation caused by it
does not
n affect thee final dimen
Hard die materials with complicated shapes can be easily finished with good
surface finish and accuracy through EDM process.
Due to the presence of dielectric fluid, there is very little heating of the bulk
Limitations of EDM
Material removal rates are low, making the process economical only for very hard
and difficult to machine materials.
Re-cast layers and micro-cracks are inherent features of the EDM process, thereby
making the surface quality poor.
The surfaces produced by EDM generally have a matt type appearance, requiring
further polishing to attain a glossy finish.
Applications of EDM
Hardened steel dies, stamping tools, wire drawing and extrusion dies, header dies,
forging dies, intricate mould cavities and such parts are made by the EDM
The process is widely used for machining of exotic materials that are used in
aerospace and automatic industries.
EDM being a non-contact type of machining process, it is very well suited for
making fragile parts which cannot take the stress of machining. The parts that fit
such profiles include washing machine agitators; electronic components, printer
parts and difficult to machine features such as the honeycomb shapes.
Deep cavities, slots and ribs can be easily made by EDM as the cutting forces are
less and longer electrodes can be used to make such collets, jet engine blade slots,
mould cooling slots etc.
An intense electric field develops in the gap between electrode and workpiece.
There are some contaminants inside the dielectric fluid which build a highconductivity bridge between the electrode and workpiece.
When the voltage increases, the bridge and dielectric fluid between the electrode and
workpiece heat up. The dielectric is ionized to form a spark channel. The temperature
and pressure rapidly increase and a spark is generated. A small amount of material is
evaporated on the electrode and workpiece at the spark contact point.
Bubbles rapidly expand and explode during sparking until the voltage is turned off.
Next the heating channel collapses and the dielectric fluid enters into the gap in-order
to flush away the molten metal particles.
Gap distance: Smaller the gap better is the accuracy and slower is the material
removal rate.
of EDM
M Processees
1. Die Siinker EDM
2. Wire Cut
3. Powder Mixed ED
Powerr supply.
Dielecctric system..
Servo system.
T power su
upply provid
des a series of
o DC electriical dischargges and contrrols:
Pulse voltage
Pulse duration
Duty cycle
Electrrode polarity
Pulse frequency
nd its Circullation System
T dielectric fluids useed in EDM operations
aare of differrent types. T
The most poopular
uids are hydrrocarbon oill (kerosene in particularr). The otheer fluids useed are
trransformer oil,
o paraffin oil; silicon based oil, oor de-ionized water. Thhe selection of an
uid dependss upon its vvarious chem
mical and ffluidic properties
(ssuch as flash
h point, dieleectric strengtth, viscosityy, specific gravity and coolor)
T dielectricc system perrforms the fo
ollowing taskks:
In order to provide circulation of the dielectric fluid to the work piece, the EDM machine
tool is equipped with a well-designed dielectric circulation system. It consists of
following two parts:
1. Pump : Its main purpose is to circulate the dielectric fluid on-to the
2. Filter and suction unit: This unit filters out the material debris and any other
foreign parts from the dielectric.
Servo System
The servo system is commanded by signals from gap voltage sensor system in the power
supply and it controls the in-feed of the electrode to precisely match the required rate of
material removal. At times stepper motor can be used instead of a servomotor. As soon as
the gap voltage sensor system determines bridging of some pieces of electrically
conductive materials between the electrode and work-piece, the servo system
immediately reacts and reverses the direction. The process is restored when the gap is
flushed by the dielectric fluid. When the gap becomes clear, the in-feed resumes and
cutting process continues.
The electrodes for EDM process are usually made of brass, copper, graphite and coppertungsten alloys.
As the MRR of EDM process is low, the rough cutting should be done by some
other machining process and EDM machine should me made used for the
finishing operations only.
T WEDM process requires lesseer cutting fo
forces in maaterial remooval; hence it is
generally useed when lo
ower residu
ual stresses in the workpiece aree desired. If the
nergy/powerr per pulse is relatively low (as in fi
finishing opeerations), litttle changes iin the
properties of the materiall are expecteed due to theese low residdual stressess. The
whiich are not stress-relieve
ed earlier cann get distortted in the maachining proocess.
T selection
n of processs parameters is very crrucial, as inn some casees the workkpiece
ndergoes sig
gnificant theermal cycless that can bee very severre. These thhermal cycles can
orm recast layers and induce residual tensilee stresses onn the workkpiece whichh are
of Material
moval in Wiire-Cut EDM
n the WEDM
M process, th
he motion of wire is sloow. It is fed in the progrrammed pathh and
is cut/
removeed from th
he workpiecce accordinggly. Electriccally conduuctive
are cut by the WEDM process by thhe electro-theermal mechhanisms. Maaterial
reemoval takees place by a series of discrete disccharges betw
ween the wiire electrodee and
n the presence of a di-eelectric fluidd. The di-eelectric fluidd gets ionized in
between the tool-electrode gap thereby creating a path for each discharge. The area
wherein discharge takes place gets heated to very high temperatures such that the surface
gets melted and removed. The cut particles (debris) get flushed away by the continuously
flowing dielectric fluid.
WEDM is a non-conventional process and is very widely used in tool steels for pattern
and die making industries. The process is also used for cutting intricate shapes in
components used for the electric and aerospace industries.
Applications of Wire-Cut EDM
Wire EDM is used for cutting aluminium, brass, copper, carbides, graphite, steels and
titanium. A schematic of the cutting through wire EDM is shown in Fig. 3.11.2. The wire
material varies with the application requirements. Example: for quicker cutting action,
zinc-coated brass wires are used while for more accurate applications, molybdenum wires
are used.
The process is used in the following areas:
Manufacturing micro-tooling for Micro-EDM, Micro-USM and such other micromachining applications.
T Subsysteems of Wiree EDM
Powerr supply.
Dielecctric system..
Wire feeding
Positioning system
T power su
upply and di-electric
ystem used iin WEDM iis very similar to that oof the
onventional EDM. The main
m difference lies onlyy in the typee of dielectricc used.
n wire cut ED
DM, a moving wire elecctrode is usedd to cut com
mplex outlinees and fine ddetails
n the requireed workpiecee. The wire is wound onn a spool annd is kept in constant tennsion.
T drive sysstem continu
uously deliv
vers the freshh wire on-too the work aarea. New w
wire is
ontinuously exposed to the workpieece hence thee wear of the wire (tool)) is not the m
isssue in WED
DM process.. The wire feeding
systeem consists of a large sspool of wiree and
ollers which direct the wire
w through the machinee. The presennce of metall contact proovides
power to the wire and gu
uides it furth
her in-order tto keep it sttraight throuughout the cuutting
nch rollers w
which providde drive andd wire tensiion, a
prrocess. The other parts are the pin
ystem to thread the wiree from the upper
to the llower guidee and a sensoor to detect w
he wire runs out or break
ameters in WEDM
T process parameters
can affeect the qualiity of machiining or cuttting or drilliing in
proccess are sho
own through
h an Ishikaawa cause-eeffect diagraam as show
wn in
fiig.3.11.3. Th
he major paraameters are as follows:
Dielecctric System
m: Type, viscosity, and otther flow chaaracteristics
off Laser Beam
T attributess of laser ligh
ht are as folllows:
It is coherent i.e. all photons that make up the beam are in phasee with each oother.
This optical
propeerty of lightt that mostlyy distinguishhes the laserr from other light
sourcee is cohereence. The laser is reggarded, quit correctly aas the first truly
cohereent light sou
urce. Other liight sources,, such as thee sun or a gass discharge llamp,
are at best only paartially coherrent.
It is highly
mated; i.e. a parallel beeam is prodduced. Lightt rays are allmost
perfecctly parallel
It is monochrom
matic means the light iss of one coolor, or of one waveleength.
Differrent media used
to stimu
ulate the phootons generaate different wavelengthss, but
each type
of laser has a speciffic wavelenggth.
mode: Thiss mode is geenerally preeferred whilee cutting strraight and m
ontoured patths (the cuttiing is fastestt).
mode: This mode is preferred
d for cutting thin materiaals, as it enabbles tight coorners
nd intricate details
to be cut without excessive bburning.
The rep
presentation of
o continuou
us and pulsed
d beam is shhown in Fig. 3.12.3
of Lasser
are two
o types of lassers used forr cutting: thee gaseous CO
O2 laser and the
state Neodymium
m-doped Yttrrium Alumin
num Garnet (Nd: YAG) laser. The
the ab
bove two typ
pes of laser are
a given below:
The Co2 laser is more powerful amongst these lasers and is primarily used for cutting and
profiling. It is capable of cutting up to 25mm thick carbon steels. This laser beam,
because of the spread after its focal point, tends to create a tapered cut.
The Nd: YAG laser is suitable for drilling small holes (2-3 microns) to a depth
approximately six times diameter. It can also be used for engraving and etching. A
significant advantage of the Nd: YAG laser is that the beam can be transmitted through
fiber-optic cables. This property/characteristic makes it useful for welding applications.
Mechanism of Material Removal / Cutting using Laser Beam:
The mechanism of material removal by laser beam is given in the following steps:
Place the workpiece on the table. As there is absence of cutting forces, fewer work
holding devices are needed.
The focal point of the laser is intentionally focused onto the surface of the workpiece
for providing the heat in a concentric manner.
Due to the striking of laser beam, heat is generated at the work-piece surface and as a
result, the material vaporizes instantly, producing kerf in the material.
To clear the molten metal that has yet not vaporized or clogged on the surface of the
workpiece, the assist gas, (inert gas or exothermic gas is used for this propose) under
pressure is passed on-to the workpiece. The use of different assist gases with different
work materials is given in table 3.12.1
ble 3.12.1: Workpiece
d Correspon
nding Assist Gases
M steel
Sttainless steell
or nitrogen ((nitrogen leeaves an
(an ineert gas becauuse of its reaactivity)
A or inert ggas
T schematiic of laser cu
utting units are
a shown inn Fig. 3.12.4 and Fig. 3.112.5. Referriing to
Figure 3.12.4
4, when pow
wer is suppliied by the P
PFN (pulse-fforming netw
work), an inntense
ulse of light (photons) iss released thrrough one ennd of the cryystal rod.
content. When focused on the desired surfface, laser llight createss intense heeat which caan be
further used for weld
ding, cutting and drilling
g applicationss.
a sig
gnificant pro
ocess in everry manufactuuring econom
It is now become
No limit to cutting paths as the laser point can move in any paths.
As there is an absence of direct contact between the tool and workpiece; thus no
forces are induced and as a result it is not necessary to provide the work holding
system to hold the workpiece.
The fragile materials are easy to cut on a laser without any support.
Laser processes involve high capital investments and high operating costs.
Laser holes are tapered to some extent (approximately 1% of the drill depth)
It cannot drill blind holes to precise depths. Hence there is limitation on its thickness.
Heat affected through the lasers may change the mechanical properties of the metallic
materials and alloys
The processing time in larger holes is slower due to trepanning action (process)
involved in it.
One of the problems associated with the conventional approach in cutting of tough
materials such as titanium alloy is that, at high cutting speeds the life of the cutting tool is
very short. As the titanium alloys are used extensively in the aerospace industry, there is
a tremendous interest and curiosity for developing this technique especially for enabling
higher cutting rates.
Laser machining is used for making very accurate sized holes as small as 5 microns in
metals, ceramics and composites without warpages. It is widely used for fine and
Control Unit
The optics unit consists of mirror and focusing lens. Mirror is used to direct the beam
from the source to the lens. The lens focuses the beam and converts it into desired
geometry and directs it onto the workpiece. The assist gas system removes the molten
metal which does not get vaporized at the end. The control unit, which is specifically a
computer program, helps to achieve the desired shape and profile in the workpiece.
Process Parameters in Laser Beam Machining
The process parameters of LBM can be grouped in the following categories.
1. Beam geometry: beam diameter, beam power intensity
2. Target material or workpiece: Type, Composition, cut width (kerf), cut time,
mechanical properties, such as hardness, fracture properties and metallurgical
The four physical parameters of the workpiece include: Reflectivity, Specific
Heat, Thermal Conductivity and Latent Heat. (These parameters are preferred to
be lower in magnitude for increasing the process efficiency as the energy required
to melt and vaporize the material is lesser in LBM)
Lasers can burn and make a person blind. Hence, eyes and skin should be protected from
scattered beams. The low power lasers can also cause damage to the retina leading to
as the namee suggests iss a chemicaal phenomennon that occcurs betweenn two
onductors diipped in a suitable
ution when eelectric currrent is passeed between tthem.
o copper wiires, dipped in a coppeer sulphate solution aree connectedd to a
ource of dirrect current as shown in
i Fig. 3.144.1. This sollution of coopper sulphaate is
teermed as thee electrolyte and it has electrical
coonducting prroperty. The entire systeem of
ellectrolyte an
nd electrodees is called
d as the eleectrolytic ceell. As per the polarityy, the
hemical reacctions occurrring at the anode and ccathode are called as annodic or cathhodic
reeactions resp
nt from thee metallic cconductors that conducct electricityy. In
are differen
ellectrolytes, the
t current is
i carried by
y atoms or ggroup of atoms and not by the electtrons.
T atoms have
either lost or gain
ned electronns, thereby acquiring eeither positivve or
negative charrges and succh atoms are called ions.. The ions thhat carry possitive chargees are
atttracted by the
t cathode and they move
througgh the electrrolyte in thee direction oof the
positive curreent and are referred to as the cat--ions. The negatively charged ionns get
atttracted to th
he positive electrode
i.e.. anode and they are refferred to as tthe anions. Due
o the potentiial difference applied, th
he movemennt of ions is accompanieed by the floow of
ellectrons, in the
t oppositee sense to the positive cuurrent in thee electrolyte,, outside thee cell,
ass shown schematically in
n Fig. 3.14.2
n the electrop
plating process, which iss a very poppular applicaation of electtrolysis, the m
oatings are deposited on
n the surface of a cathoodically polaarized metall. An exampple of
he anodic dissolution
iss electro-poolishing. In this polishhing processs, the
hich has irregularities is made as thee anode in thhe electrolytiic cell. The w
workpiece gets po
olished and irregularities on its surrface are disssolved prefe
ferentially soo that
affter the process, the item
m gets shinin
ng effect and becomes flaat.
T ECM and
d electro-polishing process are simi lar, such thaat both are aanodic dissollution
prrocesses. The rate of metal remo
oval obtainned in the electro-polisshing proceess is
onsiderably less than th
hat required in the metaal removal pprocesses. Soome observaations
reelevant to EC
CM are:
At the anode, the metal dissolves electrochemically and its rate of dissolution
depends upon number of factors such as the ionic charge, atomic weight, the
current and the time of current passage.
The rate of dissolution is not influenced by the hardness of the workpiece material
or any other metal characteristics.
At the cathode, only the hydrogen gas is evolved. The electrode shape remains
unaltered during the electrolysis process. This is the most relevant feature of ECM
being used as a metal shaping process.
T major ad
dvantages of the ECM prrocess are:
plex shapes can
c be machined on hardd metals,
No too
ol wear occu
There is no tool to
o workpiece contact.
There is no cutting forces, theerefore clampping is not rrequired exceept for contrrolled
motion of the worrk piece.
The products obtaained are freee from physiical and therrmal strains.
nding on thee materials, high surfacce quality leevel is attainnable (Ra < 0.02
High dimensional
l accuracies are attainablle
The co
ost of toolin
ng is high.
gy consumpttion is high: Power conssumption is more as thee ECM proccesses
operattes at high cu
urrent and reelatively low
w voltages (55-15V).
The saline
olyte poses a risk of coorrosion to the tool, woorkpiece annd the
Since special elecctrodes need to be develooped for eacch product, hhigher produuction
nomic viabillity. Dependding on the ccomplexity oof the
numbers are requiired for econ
mum producct numbers arre decided.
material, the optim
The electrode
dessign is comp
plex and haas high initiaal cost but hhowever it hhas a
long life.
Sharp corners or flat bottomss are not suittable througgh the ECM process, as there
is a tendency of th
he electrolyte to erode aw
way the sharrp profiles.
Power supply.
Electrolyte circulation system.
Control system.
The Machine.
In the ECM setup, as the gap between tool and workpiece is small, a low and
constant voltage of around 10 V is applied across the electric circuit. The current density
is however high.
The electrolyte chosen is such that the shape of cathode is not changed during
electrolysis. To remove the products of machining and to reduce the undesirable effects
which may arise with the gases generated at the cathode and electrical heating, the
electrolyte is pumped at a rate of 2 to 30 m/s, through the gap between the electrodes.
The electrolyte system consists of the electrolyte storage tank, fairly strong pump, filter,
sludge removal system and treatment units.
Control of ECM process refers to a predetermined adjustment of process parameters.
Thus control of the process parameters in ECM is very vital as the rate of material
removal, surface finish and accuracy of machining depends upon the accuracy of the
control parameters. The control parameters include voltage, type of electrolyte, inlet and
outlet pressure of electrolyte, viscosity of electrolyte and the temperature of electrolyte.
The current of the electrical system in ECM under operating condition is dependent on
the above parameters and the feed rate of the tool.
The general requirements of the tool material in ECM are mentioned below:
The tool should be rigid enough to take up load and the fluid pressure.
The tool material should be easily formable and machinable to the desired shape.
The other materials which can be used as tool materials are aluminium, graphite,
bronze, platinum, and tungsten carbide.
The hole or cavity produced through ECM is an exact replica of the tool shape.
Thus the tool shape and its accuracy have a direct effect on the work piece
ical machiniing is a tech
hnology useed for machhining metalls. It is baseed on
ellectrolysis th
hrough whicch the producct is processsed without tthe tool-worrkpiece contaact or
ny thermal influence.
T metallic workpiece is dissolvedd (Machinedd) locally thrrough
ellectricity (Electro) and chemistry
Chemical) un
until it reaches the desireed end shape. As
discussed earrlier, the material remo
oval processs in ECM ooccurs throuugh atomic level
dissolution by
y the electro
ochemical acction. The m
material remooval rate (orr machining rate)
iss thus not deependent on
n the mechan
nical or phyysical properrties of the work materiial. It
nly dependss on the atom
mic weight and
a valencyy of the workk material aand the impoortant
ondition is that the maaterial should be electrrically condductive. Thee most impoortant
feeature in ECM is thatt, it can machine
any electricallyy conductive work maaterial
irrrespective of
o its hardnesss, strength or
o even therm
mal propertiies. The variious uses of ECM
Die-Sinking operaations
Deburrring operatiions
ng operation
ding operatio
ons and
o-machining operations
T various uses
of ECM
M have been
n schematicaally shown in the follow
wing figures, Fig.
3.15.2, 3.15.3
3 and 3.15.4
Electro-Chemical Grinding
Electro-chemical grinding (ECG) is a variant process of the basic ECM. It is a
burr free and stress free material removal process, wherein material removal of
the electrically conductive material takes place through mechanical (grinding)
process and electro-chemical process. The abrasive laden grinding wheel is
negatively charged and the workpiece is positively charged. They are separated by
an electrolyte fluid. The fine chips of the material that is removed from the
workpiece (debris) stays in the electrolyte fluid, which is further filtered out.
Electrochemical grinding and electrochemical machining are similar processes
with a difference that a wheel substitutes the tool used in ECM. The wheel shape
is similar to the desired work shape. The schematic of the electrochemical
grinding is shown in fig. 3.16.1
Process of Grinding in ECM
The main feature of electrochemical grinding (ECG) process is the use of a
metallic grinding wheel which is embedded with insulating abrasive particles such
as diamond, set in the conducting material. Copper, brass, and nickel are the most
commonly used materials while aluminum oxide is a typical abrasive used while
grinding steels.
The commutator is an electrolytic spindle having carbon brushes and holds the
grinding wheel. It receives a negative charge from the DC power supply and the
workpiece is given a positive charge. In ECG process, the grinding wheel slightly
touches the workpiece. Electrolyte is supplied on-to the grinding wheel near the
workpiece such that the wheel carries it through the cutting process thereby
resulting in an electro-chemical action. A nozzle similar to the one which carries
coolant in a conventional grinding process is provided, which enables the flow of
the electrrolytic fluid to the worrk-tool contaact area. Thhe electrolytte along witth
wheel wo
orks simultan
neously in th
he process oof cutting. T
The electro-cchemical cells
thus form
med further oxidize
the su
urface of thee workpiecee. The wheell carries awaay
the formeed oxides theereby exposing the fresh metal layerss beneath thee workpiecee.
In this prrocess of EC
CG, the majjor material removal acctivity takes place by thhe
electrolytic action (arround 90%). Rest of the metal removval takes plaace due to thhe
ng with abrasives use d (embeddeed in the wheel). This
grinding action alon
mechanical action contributes to
t around 110% due too abrasive aaction of thhe
ng grinding wheel. The pressure appplied on thhe grinding w
wheel is alsso
much lessser than the conventionaal grinding pprocess. Thuss the very baasic necessitty
of frequen
nt wheel dreessings and truing as inn the case off conventionnal process is
also elimiinated.
The schem
matic of the electrochem
mical grindingg process is shown in Fiig. 3.16.1
Process Characteristics
The life of grinding wheel in ECG process is very high as around 90% of the
metal is removed by electrolysis action and only 10% is due to the abrasive
action of the grinding wheel.
The ECG process is capable of producing very smooth and burr free edges
unlike those formed during the conventional grinding process (mechanical).
The heat produced in the ECG process is much less, leading to lesser distortion
of the workpiece.
The major material removal activity in ECG process occurs by the dissolving
action through the chemical process. There is very little tool and workpiece
contact and this is ideally suited for grinding of the following categories:
Fragile work-pieces which otherwise are very difficult to grind by the
conventional process
The parts that cannot withstand thermal damages and
The parts designed for stress and burr free applications.
The applications of ECG process include the following:
In production of tungsten carbide cutting tools.
In burr-free sharpening of hypodermic needles.
In grinding of super-alloy turbine blades.
In form grinding of aerospace honeycomb metals.
In removal of fatigue cracks from steel structures that have been used for
underwater applications.
The ECG process can be applied to the following common methods of grinding.
1. Face Wheel Grinding.
2. Cone Wheel grinding.
3. Peripheral or Surface grinding.
4. Form Wheel or Square grinding.
N 5: OTH
Lecturre No-1 High
h Energy R
Rate Forming Processess
High En
nergy Rate Forming
A numbeer of metho
ods have been developeed to form m
metals throuugh the appplication of large
amounts of energy in
n a very sho
ort time interval. They aare known aare High eneergy rate forrming
processess (HERF). Many metaals tend to deform moore rapidly under the ultra-rapid load
on rates, useed in these processes.
T schemattic of the HE
ERF processs and its varriants
are show
wn in Fig. 5.1
High eneergy rates can be obtain
ned by five distinct meethods:
D to explossions made underwater.
D to underw
water spark discharge (eelectro-hydraaulic techniqques)
B some pneu
umatic (mecchanical) meeans.
D to the intternal combu
ustion of mix
xture of gasees.
B the use off rapid force magnetic fieelds (electrom
magnetic tecchniques).
atic of the H
HERF proceess Variantss
Fig. 5.1.1
Major Advantages:
It is possible to form large workpieces and difficult to form metals, with less expensive
equipment and tooling than would otherwise be required.
Another advantage of HERF is that there is less difficulty related to spring back. This is
associated with the following two factors:
1. High compressive stresses are set up in the metal when it is forced against the die, and
2. Some slight elastic deformation of die occurs under the ultra-high pressure. The latter
results in a slight over forming of the workpiece and appears like no spring-back has
Underwater explosions:
Three commonly used procedures under this are: (i) free forming, (ii) cylinder forming and (iii)
bulk-head forming. While these can be used for a wide range of products, they are particularly
suited for parts of thick materials like 10 feet diameter elliptical dome, only a tank of water in the
ground is required, with about six feet of water above the workpiece. The female die can be
made up of inexpensive material such as wood, plastic or low-melting temperature material.
Spark discharge method:
This method uses the energy from electrical discharges to shape the metal. Electrical energy is
stored in large capacitor banks and is then released in a controlled discharge, either between two
electrodes or across an exploding bridge wire. High energy shockwaves propagate through a
pressure transmitting medium and deform the workpiece material. The initiating wire can be preshaped and shockwave reflectors can be used to adapt the process to a variety of components.
The space between the workpiece and the die is usually evacuated before the discharge occurs, to
prevent the possibility of puckering due to entrapped air. The schematic of this process is shown
in Fig. 5.1.2.
The spark discharge methods are most often used for bulging operations in small parts, but parts
upto 1.3 m in diameter have been formed. Compared to explosive forming, the discharge
techniques are easier and safer, use smaller tanks and need not be performed in remote areas.
Work piece
is discharged, producing a current surge through a coiled conductor. If the coil has been placed
within a conductive cylinder, around a cylinder or adjacent to a flat sheet of metal, the discharge
induces a secondary current in the workpiece, causing it to be repelled from the coil and
conformed to a die or mating workpiece. The process is very rapid and is used primarily to
expand or contract tubing or to permanently assemble component parts Coining, forming and
swaging can also be performed with electromagnetic forces.
In electroforming process, the metal is electroplated onto a pre-shaped pattern or mandrel that
has been fashioned from a material such as plastic, glass, pyrex, or other metal, such as
aluminum or stainless steel. If the pattern material is non-conductive, a conductive coating is first
applied. Then, metals such as nickel, iron, copper or silver are plated in thickness upto 15 mm.
The workpiece is stripped from the mandrel as soon as the desired thickness is obtained,.
Explosive forming can be utilized to form a wide variety of metals, from aluminum to high
strength alloys, replacing the punch by an explosive charge.
As in case of hydro-forming metal stamping process, HERF process exerts even force over
the entire surface of the metal blank. The HERF process is capable of producing components
large in size, with great details to very fine tolerances.
The HERF process is employed in Aerospace and aircraft industries apart from the
production of automotive components.
Explosives Used:
Explosives are substances that undergo rapid chemical reactions during which heat and large
quantities of gaseous products are evolved. Explosives are either solid (TNT tri-nitro toluene),
liquid (Nitroglycerine) or Gaseous mixtures. Explosives are divided into two classes; Low
Explosives are those in which ammunition is burnt out very rapidly without exploding, hence the
pressure build up is not very large and High Explosives are those which have very high rates of
reaction along with large pressure build ups. In guns and rockets for missile propulsions, low
explosives are commonly used. Table-5.1.1 shows the features of these explosives. These
explosives are in the form of granules. The typical explosives used are Blasting gelatin, RDX
Method of
Low Explosives
Conversion time+
+ Time required for converting a working amount of high explosive into high-pressure gaseous products
Die Materials:
Different materials are used for manufacture of dies for explosive working, for instance, high
strength tool steels, plastics, concrete etc. Relatively low strength dies are used for short run
items and for parts where close tolerances are not critical, while for longer runs, high strength die
materials are required. Kirksite and plastic (fiber glass) faced dies are employed for light forming
operations requiring low pressures and used for fewer parts. Ductile iron is used in high
pressures and for mass production, whereas concrete is used for medium pressure and large part
Explosive Forming Characteristics:
Used in very large sheets with relatively complex shapes of preferably axis-symmetric
Transmission Medium:
Energy released by the explosive is transmitted through medium like air, water, oil, gelatin,
liquid salts. Water is one of the best media for explosive forming since it is available readily,
inexpensive and produces excellent results. The transmission medium is important regarding
pressure magnitude at the workpiece. Water is more desirable medium than air for producing
high peak pressures to the workpiece.
Formability Aspects:
Formability has been defined as the ability of a sheet metal to be deformed by a specific sheet
metal forming process from its original shape to a defined shape without failure. In normal
explosive forming operations, the major characteristics of the work metal that determine
formability are ductility and toughness. It is general practice not to exceed the elongation as
determined by the tension testing in forming a part from the same metal. Table-5.1.2 shows a
comparison of formability of some metals, using annealed aluminium as a basis.
Table- 5.1.2 Formability of different materials by explosive forming
1010 Steel
5 % Cr Steel
Inconel X-750
% Scale
The process has high initial cost due to special equipment, dies and energy used.
The die material should be strong enough to withstand the sudden shocks.
Explosives used can be tremendously hazardous if the reactions are not controlled or
handled properly.
In this age of fast growth (rapid technology age), customer demands are increasing rapidly.
Customers do not like to wait. The traditional processing time needs to be shortened. It is a
Buyers market today, instead of a Sellers market as it used to be in the past. In the quest for
fast manufacturing, all non-productive times need to be eliminated. The traditional method
involves time loss on concept designing, manufacturing, assembly and testing. For example, in
case of a foundry, lot of time is spent on pattern designing, making, getting the casting done and
then evaluating its performance. This initially involves designing and redesigning, until a
satisfactory product is developed, which is a very slow process. In order to get this time
recovered, to overcome the slow trend and grow up with the requirements of the next generation,
the most logical answer to the future of design and manufacturing is the Rapid Prototyping
Technology (RPT).
Rapid prototyping (RP) is a technology wherein the physical modeling of a design is done using
a specialized machining technology. The systems used in rapid prototyping quickly produce
models and prototype parts from three-dimensional (3D) computer aided design (CAD) model
data, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan data and such data created from 3D digitizing
systems. Using an additive approach for building shapes, the systems in RP join different
materials like liquids or powder to form some physical objects. Layer by layer, the RP machines
fabricate these powdered ceramic, wood, plastic and metal powders using very small and thin
horizontal cross sections of the generated computer model. Rapid prototyping is an emerging
technology, the definition of which is derived from the key concept - making it rapid. Rapid
prototyping is creating a profound impact on the way companies produce models, prototype
parts, and tooling. A few companies are now using it to produce final manufactured parts. It is
believed that rapid prototyping shall occupy a major share in manufacturing techniques in the
years to come.
Steps in RPT
Conversion of the CAD model into Standard Tessellation Language (STL) format,
Post processing/finishing/joining.
Major RP Technologies:
1. Photo Masking or Solid Ground Curing technique.
2. LOM (Laminated Object Manufacturing)
3. SLA (Stereolithography)
4. FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)
5. SLS (Selective Laser Sintering)
6. Thermo Jet Process
7. 3D Printing
8. Ballistic Particle Manufacturing (BPM)
1. Photo masking or Solid Ground Curing :
A mask is generated by electro-statically charging a glass plate with negative image of cross
section of the required part. In the meantime, a thin liquid polymer is spread across the surface of
the work-plane. The mask plate with a negative image of the liquid polymer is positioned over
the thin polymer layer and exposed under the ultraviolet laser lamp for few seconds.
All parts of the exposed photopolymer layer get solidified with one exposure. However, the area
shaded by the mask is left in a liquid form and is wiped off with vacuum suction head and
replaced by hot wax which acts as a support to the solidified polymer layer. A face mill makes
the surface of wax and polymer flat and to desired thickness. All the above steps are repeated till
final model embedded in removable wax is obtained.
1. Stereeolithograph
hy (SLA):
In this technology, th
he part is pro
oduced in a vat
v containinng a liquid w
which is a phhoto-curable resin
acrylate. Under the influence of light of a sp
pecific waveelength, smalll moleculess are polymeerized
Fig. 5.2.2, crreates
into largeer solid mollecules. The SLA machiine, whose sschematic iss shown in F
the proto
otypes by traacing the lay
yer cross sections on thhe surface off liquid polyymer pool w
with a
laser beaam. In the in
nitial positio
on the elevattor table in the vat is inn the top most position. The
laser beaam is driven
n in X and Y directionss by program
mme driven mirrors to ssweep acrosss the
liquid su
urface so as to
t make it solidified
to a designed depth (say,11 mm). In thhe next cyclee, the
elevated table is low
wered further. This is reepeated untill the desiredd 3-D modeel is created. The
figure sh
hows a modiffied design in
i which a contact windoow allows thhe desired arrea to be expposed
to light, masking
the area which remains liqu
matic of the Stereo
litho graphic proocess used in
n RPT.
Fig. 5.2.2
d Deposition
n Modeling::
4. Fused
In this technique, a spool of therm
moplastic fillament is fedd into a heatted FDM exttrusion headd. The
X and Y movements are controllled by a com
mputer so thaat the exact ooutline of eaach section oof the
prototypee is obtained
d. Each layeer is bonded
d to the earllier by heatiing. This meethod is ideaal for
ng hollow objjects. The scchematic of the
t FDM is shown in Fig. 5.2.3.
he object is made by sq
queezing a ccontinuous tthread of poolymer throuugh a
In this teechnique, th
narrow, heated
nozzlle that is mov
ved over thee base plate. The thread m
melts as it passes througgh the
nozzle, only
to get hardened
agaain immediaately as it touches (and sticks to) thhe layer beloow. A
support structure
is needed
for ceertain shapes, and this iss provided bby a second nozzle squeezing
out a sim
milar thread, usually of a different co
olor in order to make it eeasier to disttinguish them
m. At
the end of
o the build
d process, th
he support structure
is bbroken awayy and discaarded, freeinng the
object. The
T FDM method produ
uces models that are phyysically robuust. Wax caan be used aas the
material, but generallly models arre made of ABS
A plastic.
Fig. 5.2.3
matic of the F
FDM processs
5. Selecttive Laser Sintering
a thiin layer of powder
is ap
pplied usingg a roller. Thhe SLS usess a laser beaam to
In this method,
selectively fuse powdered materrials, such ass nylon, elasstomers and metals into a solid objeect as
shown in
n the Fig. 5.2
2.4. The CO2 laser is often used to siinter successsive layers oof powder innstead
of liquid resin. Partss are built up
pon a platform which siits just below
w the surfacce in a bin oof the
ble powder.. A beam of
o laser then
n traces the pattern on the very first layer theereby
sintering it together. The platfo
orm is furth
her lowered by the heigght of the ssecond layerr and
powder is
i again app
plied. This process is continued uuntil the parrt is compleeted. The exxcess
amount of
o powder at each layer helps
to supp
port the part during its build-up.
g. 5.2.4 Scheematic of th
he Selective Laser Sinteering processs
6. 3-D Systems:
In this sy
ystem, in orrder to build
d a part, the machine sppreads a singgle layer of powder ontto the
movable bottom of a build box. A binder is then printedd onto each layer of powder to form
m the
shape of the cross-section of the model. The bottom of thhe build boxx is then lowered by one layer
thicknesss and a new layer of pow
wder is spreaad. This proocess is repeaated for everry layer or ccrosssection of
o the modell. Upon com
mpletion, thee build box is filled witth powder, ssome of whiich is
bonded to form the part,
and som
me of which
h remain loosse. The stepps involved iin the processs are
shown in
n Fig. 5.2.5.
Fig. 5.2.5
atic of the 33-D systems
7. Therm
mo Jet Proccess:
This tech
hnique uses an inkjet printing
d with a binnder materiaal to bind ceeramic and other
powders spread by ro
oller prior to
o application
n by a sprayy gun. Wax pparts producced in this syystem
can be ussed as sacrifi
ficial patternss for investm
ment casting. The main aadvantage off the methodd is in
the produ
uction of reelatively com
mplex castin
ngs without the need foor a tooling, and hencee cost
effective. Complex metal
parts may
m be produ
uced from coomputer aideed design (C
CAD) models in a
y short perio
od of time. Wax
W patterns need to be ffinished to a high standaard. One prooblem
with the system is th
he requiremeent of a support system. The suppoort system leeaves undulaations
on all do
ownward facing surfacess of the patteern. Thereforre, the suppoorts need to be removedd, and
surfaces are required
d to be cleaaned by han
nd. This proocess is best suited to small numbber of
complex parts that would
otherrwise requirre a significcant amountt of coring to accommodate
undercut features.
uring (BPM):
8. Ballisstic Particle Manufactu
M system uses
piezo-drriven inkjet mechanism
m to shoot ddroplets of molten materials
which geet cold-weldeed together on
o a previou
usly depositeed layer. A laayer is createed by movinng the
droplet nozzle
in X and Y direcctions. The base-plate
iss lowered byy a specifiedd distance after a
layer is formed,
and a new layerr is created on the top oof the previoous one; finnally the moddel is
Rapid manufacturing may be considered as an extension of Rapid-Prototyping technology. It
involves automated production of parts by instructions directly fed by the CAD data which is
modeled earlier. Currently, only a few final products are prepared by these machines. This
technology is not suitable for mass production but for small batches and one-off production
articles, it is cheaper since no tooling is involved. Some of the final components that are
produced are: customized dinner-wares, helmets for individual heads (customized), jewellery
patterns, spark erosion electrodes and reverse engineering parts.
Applications of RPT:
In medical applications, RPT is used to make exact models resembling the actual parts of a
person, through computer scanned data, which can be used to perform trial surgeries,
RP techniques are used to make custom-fit masks that reduce scarring on burn victims,
Selective laser sintering (SLS) has been used to produce superior socket knees,
Future developments:
As the Rapid Prototyping Technology gets further advanced, it can lead to substantial
reduction in build-up time for manufacturing.
Further improvement in laser optics and motor control can improve the accuracy.
The development of new materials and polymers so that they are less prone to curing and
temperature induced warpages.
Developments in ceramic composites can further increase the range of rapid prototyping.
Currently, the size is also a restriction; capability for larger parts shall be expected in the near
Currently, the demand is low and with the further technology advancement, awareness and
training, this can be increased.
Advancement in computing systems and viability to support net designs from a distant
country to be fed directly on the RP machines for manufacturing is a new possibility.
Unfamiliarity with the application of RPT exists. Therefore, its complete adaptability and
how exactly this new and advanced technology will be of help and is not known.
In view of high equipment cost, very few organizations can invest in these new machines.
The RPT is at present limited to making of paper and plastic type products only.
Replacing steel by composites is still not easy and people fear its implications.
RP companies usually limit the marketing efforts and industry awareness; hence most
engineering and manufacturing professionals are not fully aware of the RP potentials.
The Fig. 5.2.6 indicates some common appliances, wherein the blades of fan, covers and
components of oven, projectors are made by the rapid manufacturing techniques.
F 5.2.6 So
ome applica
ations of Raapid Manufaacturing
Microwave processing is a relatively new and emerging area in material processing. It has bright
prospects as an unconventional manufacturing technique in the years to come. Application of
microwaves in material processing is one of the significant developments in researches in
material processing which is gaining popularity day by day. The use of microwaves to process
absorbing materials was studied intensively in the 1970s and 1980s and has now been applied to
a wide variety of materials. The metals were earlier considered not viable to process through
microwaves owing to the fact that they primarily reflect microwaves at room temperature but
recent research activities, however indicate that it is possible to process metals under certain
conditions. The microwave processing of materials provides a new approach to improve the
physical properties of materials. It offers an alternative for processing materials that are hard to
process using conventional means.
There are a number of processing advantages and environmental benefits that can be derived
from the use of microwave processing. Some of these advantages include:
Microwaves have been effectively and efficiently used for processing of ceramics and
composite materials which are otherwise difficult to process through conventional processes.
Conceived almost 50 years ago, microwave energy was developed primarily for
communications; its application was later extended to some areas of processing such as cooking
foods, tempering, thawing, and curing of wood, rubber products etc. However, a considerable
development has taken place in the last two decades. Today, microwaves are being extensively
used not only in industrial applications but also in domestic appliances.
In microwave processing, heat is generated internally within the material instead of originating
from external sources. Heating is rapid as the material is heated by energy conversion rather than
energy transfer. There is a 100% conversion of electromagnetic energy into heat. In conventional
thermal processing, energy is transferred to the material through conduction, convection and
radiation of heat from the surface of the material. On the other hand, microwave energy is
delivered directly to materials through molecular interaction with the electromagnetic field.
Significant advantages in material processing through microwaves have been observed in respect
of savings in processing time, product uniformity, grain size control and consequent property
enhancement etc. Microwave energy has been in use for variety of applications for over five
decades, however, in the last few years more advancements and applications like ceramic
sintering were noticed.
Microwave heating/ processing of material depends on dielectric and magnetic properties.
Microwaves are not form of heat; rather form of energy that is converted into heat energy.
Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths in the range of 10 mm to 300 mm.
Microwaves generally refer to signals with frequency in the range of 0.3 GHz to 300 GHz. The
most common microwave frequency used for materials research is 2.45 GHz. The Federal
Communications Commission has issued the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) frequency
bands used for industrial microwave heating. These frequencies are indicated in the Table 5.3.1.
A frequency of 2.45 GHz is used for the domestic microwave ovens. Figure 5.3.1 shows the
electromagnetic spectrum along with the range of microwaves.
Table 5.3.1: Permitted frequencies and wavelength bands:
Frequency (MHz)
Wavelength (m)
Area Permitted
Great Britain
Di-electric heating
Radio frequencies
10 cm
10 m
100 m
Frequency (Hz)
3 X 1010 3 X 109 3 X 108 3 X 107 3 X 106
13.56 MHz
900 MHz
Principal frequencies allotted
2.45 GHz
for industrial use
27.12 MHz
433.9 MHz
433.9 MHz
Conventional Heating
Mechanism In
of heating
Microwave Heating
From the outer surfaces into the The thermal gradient is in the reverse
of heating
Rate of
Relatively faster.
Polarization and Conduction:
There are two most widely accepted mode of interaction of microwaves with materialspolarization and conduction. The polarization involves short range displacement of the charges
through formation and rotation of electric poles, while the conduction requires long range
Ma terial Type
Low loss insuulator)
((Lossy Insulator)
Partial to
Partial to
trix= Low loss insulator
Fibeer/additives = aabsorbing
ation of miccrowaves in
nto differentt materials.
Fig. 5.3.2
Self-limiting reactions.
In the 1970s and 80s, microwave processing was mostly confined to absorbing materials and
food processing areas.
Sintering, Joining and Cladding are some of the important areas where microwave energy has
found substantial applications.
Material/ Process
Potatoes, cakes.
Curing/ Hardening
Dye Fixation
Yarn, Fabrics.
microwave field in 15-30 minutes. Later in 2004, the sintering of Tungsten and its alloys was
successful through microwaves at 1400 C in 20 minutes, and by 2008, sintering of molybdenum to
full density at 1650 C in less than 5 minutes was reported. Sintering of Aluminium was reported in
the year 2008. Some major findings in the sintering area are grouped and shown in Table 5.4.2
Major Findings
Zhou et al.,
Carried out sintering of 316L and ferritic (434L) stainless steels (SS) through
et al., 2008
conventional and microwave mode with upto 1.5 % graphite addition. They
reported higher corrosion resistance and improved corrosion properties.
Completed sintering of Al, Mg and Solder alloys. The tensile testing of the sintered
et al., 2008
products showed better properties in the microwave sintered conditions than the
conventionally sintered ones.
Rajkumar and
Mo powder sintering was done using microwave radiation with 98% density.
et al., 2008
Sunil Ratna et Sintering of micro and nano-crystalline WC-12Co powders through microwave
al., 2009
were made and the samples yielded better properties than conventional sintering.
has been extensively used for joining ceramics and ceramic composites. Ifthikar Ahmed and his coresearchers, in the year 1997, joined SiC ceramics and composites using polymer precursor at 1000
C in around 90 minutes. In India, in the year 1999, Aravindan and Krishnamurthy successfully
joined sintered alumina 30% - zirconia ceramic composites using sodium silicate powder glass as an
interlayer. Ahmed and Elias in the year 2001 have reported microwave joining of 48% alumina-32%
zirconia-20% silica ceramics which yielded higher joint strength than the base metal. Meek and
Black in the year 2001 have also reported joining of alumina-alumina ceramic using commercial
sealing glass interlayer. Binner and his group of researchers have reported the joining of alumina,
silicon carbide and yattria-doped partially stabilized zirconia rod specimens in the year 1995.
Microwave Joining, Coating and Cladding:
In spite of significant progress, there had been very limited reports on microwave joining of metallic
materials. The main reason was due to the misconception that all metals reflect microwaves and/ or
cause plasma formation. This was later overcome and in the last few years, metallic joining has been
successfully reported. Some studies conducted of microwave processing of metals are as indicated as
Sallom and his co-researchers in the year 2005 have reported the brazing of gamma TiAl with
Ag-based filler metal.
Bartmatz and his group have patented the brazing of titanium carbide tip to diamond cutter at
1000 C by using braze powder as interface layer in the year 2000.
Siores and Diego (1995) have reported the joining of thin steel specimen in the range of 0.1 to
0.3 mm in an inert atmosphere.
Agrawal et al. (2006) have reported joining of regular steel and cast iron in a microwave field in
2-3 minutes using a braze powder.
At the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, microwave joining of bulk metals has been
successfully carried out since 2007 onwards. Joining of bulk copper, stainless steel-316L (SS316L) etc. were carried out successfully. Fig.5.4.1 a and b, show some sample joints of Cu and
stainless steel joined using the microwave energy.
The development of coating and cladding using microwaves is also an emerging research area. In
the last decade only few research groups have reported their works on coating and cladding using
owave energ
gy. Table-5.4
4.3 reports some
of the developmennts in coatingg and claddiing using
MW energy in th
he recent yeaars.
Table-5..4.3 Develop
pments in m
microwave ccladding.
d by
al. With
h the microw
wave exposu
ures for 60 too 90 mins, pporous thin coatings (~ 42 m)
and dense
thick coating
(~ 66
61 m) of A
Al2O3 on Al ssubstrate werre developedd.
and Saylo
coatiing of frictio
on reducing alloys usingg CuNiIn poowder on Tii-6Al-4V haad much
Recent developmen
t in Claddin
ng on Metalllic Substrattes:
g microwav
ve hybrid heating
processing tecchnique, meetallic coatiing with suubstantial
ness on meetallic substrates have been recenntly develooped at the Indian Insstitute of
nology Roorrkee (IITR).
The WC-Co
d and EWAC clad on S.S.
S has beenn successfullly carried oout using hoome MW
applicator at 900
0 W at the Microwave Materials P
Processing L
Laboratory aat IIT Roorrkee very
ntly and the same
has beeen shown in Fig. 5.4.3.
On subsequent testing,
this developed clad
was foound to be m
metallurgicaally bonded with the
metalllic substratee.
The developed
cllad was freee from visiblle cracks andd contained significantlyy less porosity in the
rangee of around 1.02%.
Fig. 5.4
4.3 Image off transversee section of EWAC
dding on SS
S-316. (Courrtesy: IIT Roorkee)