Lec13 by Nptel

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Ship Resistance and Propulsion

Prof. Dr. P. Krishnankutty

Department of Ocean Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Lecture - 13
Ship Resistance Prediction Method I
In the last class, we have been discussing about the resistance estimation using a Holtrop
Mennen method and Holtrop Mennen method is normally use for conventional ships
which can be either sink is screw or tens screw. Now, we want to the next method which
is available for the estimation of a resistance of a small crafts mainly trawlers and tugs,
so this is a put forward by Van Oortmerssen based on the experimental studies which we
carried out.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:55)

We see the limitation of this application of this method is a length on water line is
between 8 to 80 meters. Then a volume at displacement is 5 to 3000 meter cube L by B
length breadth ratio 3 to 6.2, breadth to draft ratio 1.9 to 4. The prismatic coefficient 0.5
to 0.73 should be a coefficient 0.7 to 0.97 LCB 7 percent from after mid ship to 2.8
percent to forward a mid ship half angle of and this 10 degree bit 46 degree and v by l
power 0.5.
That is a volume displacement run raise to 0.5 is coming to 1.7 and Froude number up to
0.5, so if the vessel which you consider fall within this range and the type of vessel is

also is the same. The trawlers or tugs or small crafts then naturally you can try this
method for the estimation of the resistance in the preliminary stages of the ship design
(Refer Slide Time: 02:06)

As we have discussed the total resistance using the Froude imposes splits into resigned
resistance and frictional resistance. So, frictional resistance usually taken from ITTC
formula and resided resistance formula is presented here. So, the reside resistance with
relation to the weight of the ship, here both the forces force quantity is here, so which is
represented by this expression.
You can see that c 1 into exponential minus m by 9 f n square plus c 2 into e power
minus m by f n square plus e 3 into e power minus m by f n square into sign of 1 by f n
square plus c 4 into e power minus m by f n square and cos an of one by f n square. So,
this a expression put forward by Van Oortmerssen base on the recreation analysis carried
out on the experimental data obtained through the model tests. So, here it is all clear F n
is the Froude number, it is a length Froude number used C P is a prismatic coefficient
where is you stay m brought up is here.
Now, represented by using this formula which were the prismatic coefficient is a
parameter the coefficient c i, you can see that c 1, c 2, c 3 and c 4. So, c i varies from 1 to
4 is given by this expression over here that is this expression which depends on LCB
depends on prismatic coefficient depends on LD. There is a displacement length by B,

then you have the L by B here, then what plan area coefficient B by T ratio and also m
should be a coefficient. So, it depends on the major geometric Parameters of the vessel at
this stage if the design you are expect it to have all this things known.
So, then you can find out you can find out what is the c i from the table appearing in the
next slide and this c i values you can just put it here to find out c i and m and Froude
number. We get what is R R by W, so here LD is the displacement length given by this
formula LD is equal l W l plus l b p its average of that may of that one CB. We already
know that which is appearing here if the LCB here it is l c that is a naturally send of
known buoyancy c with a reference to the mid ship can see that so B is set B by T is a
draft and CWL, it can be taken as i as a half angle of entrances by LD by B.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:03)

So, once you get all this parameters and use the coefficients which has already prescribed
by Van Oortmerssen based on the analysis, so you can see that for d i that is 1 2 and
three are values is a 5, so if you look back you can see that here c i 1,00 into c i. So, here
one i c 1 that is c 1 goes here, so if you want to find out c one use this expression with i
is equal to 1 for i is equal to 1. That means you have need one d 1 0 d 1 1 d 1 2 like that
for that first c 1, so fit for c 2, then you need c 2 1000 c 2 is equal to d 2 0 d 2 1 d 2 2 like
that. So, since you get all the c values, then you can go to this expression and put the
values and get this resided resistance.

So, that is what you get here, so when is when is equal to when we want to c 1 use this
values when you want c 2 use this values you want c 3 this values and c four this values.
So, these are the coefficient regression coefficient and based on which you will able to
find out knowing other parameters this resistance reside resistance, so once c of r obtain
the resize resistance, then you follow the ITTC formula.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:27)

To find out the friction resistance and also use the form factor from which you will get
the total resistance and that total resistance we have to add the correlation allowance.
Other air allowance and wind allowance and all that from which we get the total
resistance of the ship which you design and from which would be able to find out the
power requirement. Subsequently, the power of the ancient required for the ship, so the
next method what we look into it is like Guldhammer Harvald method. This is also a
popular method again use for conventional ships and generally use for both at simple and
tones curve ship.
So, here the specific Resistance coefficient here C R has been expressed as a function of
Froude number which is obvious because why its relative C R is related to Froude
number. Then the raisers resistance coefficient is plotted against Froude number in a
group, we have already seen that if you know the chart the series diagram normally put
for the Guldhammer Harvald cannot good is the diagram.

Here, you just explain this on the regression expression so this starts that is for each
value of one by l by delta up of one third a certain data is available. So, the charts
Guldhammer Harvald charts are meant for l by delta up of one-third values of 0.45, sorry
4.5, 0.55. It goes up to 8, so these are the charts which are available base on the studies
performed by Guldhammer Harvald. So, the resistance curves diagram corresponds to
vessel with standard all the test have been done with the standard is form. So, the test
have been done for the standards position of LCB location of buoyancy, then standard B
by T the shape is taken as normal section and cruiser stern is taken as moderate.
It has not concert transom stand here it run cruiser system which is moderate shape and
raked stems, so this are the assumptions or theses are the values which have been used
for the models preparation of the models. Such models have been tests and data have
been obtained, so whenever there is a deviation from this value you have to apply
correction to the values of the C R values which we get to use for a ship which is not
deviating from this standard values used to by Harvald.
So, the limit of the application of this method you can see it is l by delta power one-third
4 to 8 that is what I said it starts from 4. Then with the 0.5 increment 4.5, so you have the
charts available for these values, then the prismatic coefficient varies from 0.5 to 0.85
Froude number 0.15 to 0.45 and v by square root. It is taken and feet varies from 0.5 to v
knots and the line fit, it varies from 0.5 to 1.5, if the ship falls within this range. Then
there is a normal conventional vessel you can use the Guldhammer Harvald method.
So, the rake system where I think you know that what is rake system there is no bulbous
bow considered here it is a normal rake system straight system. The section shapes
normally it is divided into normal section then u section and v sections, so if you have
deviating from the normal shape or if you using u section or v section then you have to
give a correction for the change in the section shape.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:51)

So, this is a expression coming from that in place of chart this been putting this form, so
the empirical formula here is 10 cubes C R because C R is the small quantity. It is a
coefficient is a non dimensional parameter and hence it is usually very small, so it is here
says present often by 10 power 3 C R. So, that is equal to e plus g plus h plus k each
terms are define below once in you are favour evaluate these terms. Then you can find
out and get the total resizer resistance coefficient, so here the e term if you look it is
given by this parameter say 0 and f n a.
Then, you have the m coming here m and f n, so you will see that what are the
coefficient are parameters here a 0 given by this expression it depending on the m alone
a one also depending on m alone see m is defined as l by delta power one third. So, once
you know l by this value you can just substitute it here and also n 1 which appears here.
You can see it represents again in terms of m, so you have this values all the values are
known from here and then substitute it here.
You get E, then g the second term here design by b 1 and b 2 by b 3, so the terms are
explained here b 1 depending on a b 2 depending on C P prismatic coefficient and B 3
depending on the Froude number and once you get all this parameters, you can find out
what is g and g will go here. Then you have h exponential C Power of this quantity is
here f n C P m all this quantities are known.

We put here then k value is depending on Froude number and prismatic coefficient, so
this values again, so you that the standard that is as per the Guldhammer Harvarld
standard what is the 10 cube C R. That is the resizers resistance coefficient of the vessel
which you are considering for the design. So, whenever there is a deviation of course the
B by T here assumed this 2.5 that is the standard B by T assume by Guldhammer
Harvald the vessel which you consider the design is deviating from this.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:26)

You have to give a correction in 10 cubes C R for the B by T, so here I can see the B by
T correction 10 cube C R is equal to 10 cube C R standard. That is the one which we
have seen before plus point 1, 2 B by T minus 2.5, so which implies that if B by T is less
than 2.5, then it can be negative if it is more than 2.5. Then you have to add just
physically correct when the beam of the ship increases resistance increases. So, when B
by T is more than 2.5 resistance C R will increase or if the most lender that is the b is
that reduce resistance comes down.
So, this quantity become negative, so which is taken care of in the correction in this the
similar corrects are also available for LCB where it deviates from the standard value.
Then also the form if you are using not the normal form u or v, then they will be a
correction for that.
So, considering this if you are having not a cruises stern and you have a transom stern
there will be correction for that. So, including all this correction the small correction

which are not covered here, so you will get the corrected 10 cubes C R, so once you
achieve that corrected 10 cubes. Then again you estimate the frictional resistance using
the ITTC formula and get the form coefficient with the form factor and using that you
will find into total resistance by putting the other model ship correlation allowance and
that is c a which you put 0.0004. Then the air resistance and other things you put, then
you get the comparing the resistance of the ship and tug design.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:18)

The next method here is the Fungs method, so here we can see these. Basically, resist
for the transom hull vessels is carried out this are relatively new method 1995. Various
parameters used in this are explained here where it consider transom area is a transom
ship which is consider transom area with relation to mid ship area may be consider
prismatic coefficient transom width and the B by T ratio. Half angle of entrance mid ship
area coefficient wetted surface area all these are consider in the estimation.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:02)

Fung method is represented and put the resizer resistance coefficient C R is equal to
exponential of summation of this one. It is the product sign, so you have this the quantity
over here and now you know n a thing is coming up to 16 n is a total number of constant
69 coefficient. We will see the coefficients later n value, so i is equal to 1 to n and j is
equal to 1 to 9, so what so you have is the j here 1 to 9. So, you get x 1, x 2 up to x 9 see
how this x one are represent x one is equal to Froude number raise to d. So, x 2 is equal
to given by cosine as lambda into Froude number raise e exponential a by f n square x 3
given by this formula.
This is the mass less placement of the ship x 4, it is the area of the transom that a
submerged area of a transom divided by area of mid ship section under water. Then x 5
is the prismatic coefficient curve x, the breadth of the breadth of the transom at the water
line and b is a breadth of the ship. So, once you know all this parameters, you can then
this is x seven is a B by T and x 8 is a length into 90 minus i e, x 9 is C m.
Then, lambda which appears here is given by this expression it depend up on C P again
mass displacement l W l. So, this coefficient which appear here you can see that in d e a
and also may be other a one and all that you can say this coefficient are given like this,
this are the values for the this parameters other coefficient this parameter. So, finally
what you need is, now you know what is x 1 x 2 up to 9 you have these values and what

do look for its b values then you have the you need the c i j, so we say that we look into
what how do you get b and c i j and based on which you find out.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:24)

So, here this is B you can see i is the total number of terms, we have seen 69, so this
column will go up to 69. This column is up to 10 and may be next slide for that goes to
69, so for particular i what is the value of the excess. So, the power of that is given here
that is you have seen that it is x power C i j, so what is the power given for the x
corresponding x that power value is given here. So, once you get the b i particular row
you get all this quantity you can see that sorry this is the first this all 0 is here.
So, if you go only you have b, all this are 0, so it becomes 0 then you have here B i B 1 is
equal to minus 5.3817 and only x 1 will have a power other terms are not significant. So,
you get goes like that the power the powers will be and the other powers means 0 means
x says to 0, 1 x 2 x or 3 raise to 0 again its 1. So, other terms are become 1, so only the x
1 will have the power, so you just continue with that you have the similar diagram from
regression coefficients you goes up.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:56)

Similarly, 20, now 30, here 40, here 50, here 60 it goes up to 69.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:08)

So, that is a total number of coefficients, so all the coefficients are given here the power
keep changing may be 2 here you can see that some powers are different.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:18)

So, it is a straight forward method, now you know you will able to find out the C R using
Guldhammer Harvald, you say chart the data presented in a chart form has been used. I
clearly explain is based on the regression expression and using the regression coefficient.
So, whole chart is now convert into regression because when you convert it in regression
computer section become easier calculation become easier to programme the expression
is easier than programming the chart values. So, that is the reason here, so the limitation
what this is the applicable of what all what is the limitation of it is the Fung method.
It is volume displacement by l cube this the range B by T, the range prismatic coefficient
against c this the range mesh coefficient this the range half angle of entrance this the
range L by B length by breadth ratio this it and water plain coefficient is this. So, just
look to our ship if it falls within this range, then you can use the false method so the all
this methods basically are meant only for design purpose the final thing you have to
perform a model tests.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:34)

Then, you have estimate the resistance before finalizing the resistance and subsequent
selection of the determination of the engine power of the selection of it. So, the next
method is Mercier Savitsky method, whenever you say this method obviously refer to it
is a plain hull here for displacement hulls and also planning crafts in displacement mode.
So, this can used for displacement hull for usually smaller vessel and also for planning
crafts and displacement planning craft plans only at a higher speed. So, the initial speed
the lower speed it operate as a displacement mode, so when the speed reaches at crush
hold point then it start planning.
Then, you consists it is a planning vessel and the resistance is determined separately, so
here this method is applicable only for displacement ship and for planning crafts in the
displacement mode not in the planning mode. So, general form of the equation is given
by this total resistance by weight of the ship is given by this one a 1 plus a 2 x plus a 4 u
plus a 5 W a 6 x z.
So, it goes like that, so it goes up to a twenty seven many x are missing in between look
at this are form it has been used. This equation is based on the developmental study
carried out for a displacement weight of 100, 1,000 pounds are equal to 445 kilo
Newtons. So, here the x which appears here is explain this volume displacement power
one third divided by L, so that is the x definition the set which appears here is define as
volume displacement b power third as a breadth of the ship power. Then u is equal to

square root of 2 time half angle length of entrains it is u appearing here it define like this
W which appear here is area of the transom divided by area of the mid ship again below
the water line then the Froude number is depending volume.
So, this is the demonstration of volume the Froude number definition v by square root of
g into volume displacement raise to one-third. So, this is the Froude number used this is
not the length of Froude number used here is the volume displacement based a Froude
number so then you have the r t by W correction. If is a correction deviation from this it r
t is equal to this value plus this is the correction applied here c f prime which is coming
from ITTC formula minus c f E q that is coming from the Hooks formula.
I think you remember that plus the correlation allowance so all this put together and
multiply half s by V power two-third into the volume Froude number square. So, the
flow this you get the corrected total resistance to eight ratio, so once you get this, then
you get the total resistance straight from here.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:08)

It is not that you have split this formula, the total resistance is handle unlike the previous
expression where only they resizer resistance was canceller where as in this case you
have consider resizer resistance also the c f values is also taken care. So, the wetted
surface area is given by s by v raise to two-third is equal to 2.2 l by v power one-third B
by T and B by T square. So, once from this expression by knowing this parameters you

will be able to find out the wetted surface area the correlation allowance is normally
taken as 0.0004, but the expression is given here base on length of water line.
This is the expression t f the t f by l W l t f is the draft at the forward perpendicular draft
at the forward perpendicular by length of the water line. If it is greater than 0.04, use this
if it is less than 0.04 use this expression and for at 0.04, you can use any of us both will
come to the same expression.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:22)

So, this is the Mercier Savitsky method, so here the coefficient what we need a 1 a 2 x of
draft t is 27 that is what you need here a 1, a 2, etcetera up to 27. These quantities are
given here you can see that this is a 1 values, so a 1 values are given for particular
Froude number volume, Froude number is equal to 1 displacement Froude number is
equal to 1. You get use this values if displacement number is one point one use this
values if the displacement Froude number is in between.
You do both and then take interpolation of that for that value, so this is given for a range
of Froude number 1 to 2, then increment of 0.1. So, the values are we have to take the
appropriate values for a 1 to a 27 and use the previous equation, then you get the total

(Refer Slide Time: 27:24)

So, these are the different number, there after different other methods may be some of
the resistance calculation methods for advance vehicle high speed vehicle sent may be
soft. We will be discussing later, so this are generally for this all meant for mainly
displacement type of vessel what we have seen the method what we discuss Holtrop
Mannen method. Then Fungs method Gudlhammer Harvald method all this are meant
for displacement type vessels even it including the Mercier and Savitsky method. So, it
can be applied to planning vessels, but only for the case when it is in the displacement
So, this are the conventional methods or you know the data availability you base on the
experiments carried out by various research screw and these information is very much
use full for the in the designs area of a ship. So, when you design you have to have an
idea about the engine power requirement, so you have to know how much the power
required for the vessel.
So, the power requirement is now depending on the resistance of that, so once you get
the resistance at the several speed, then resistance into the several speed that gives the
effective power. Then you consider the transmission losses due to shaft baring gear and
all that then you will come to know what is the power required at the engine side now
you consider engine is not operated at hundred percent power always. So, the maximum
continue rating is remain usually it continues rating of the injuries about 85 to 90 percent

of the maximum power. So, then you will know with the non curating, what is a break
power of engine, once you arrive at the that break power, then you go through the engine
carried law from which you will find out you can choose an engine.
Therefore, another parameter come into picture what is the fuel efficiency what is the
size what is the weight what is the reliability regarding maintains. So, cost of
maintenance availability of surveys after sale surveys, so any factors you consider then
you select the engine. So, once you select the engine you know what the weight which
will go as so as in input into the design because when you do the weight estimation the
initial stage of the design.
You might have assume a weight for the engine the engine plan mass we might have
assumed. So, here you have obtain a correct mass which you substitute and proceed with
design further so that is how that is why this up methods are useful. So, typical example
this method have been applied to a LPG cylinder carrier, we just see that how what is it
(Refer Slide Time: 30:32)

So, these are the vessel parameter we have concern numerical example vessel parameters
here this 37.59 metre LPP. This is the very water line length breadth 9.5 depth, 3.5 and
draft 2.5 meter. This is other or other informations about the vessel, so then you have all
this parameters coming here, then you can just go through this what all different area

given and speed given. And so finally, a transom area is given, so all this parameters are
(Refer Slide Time: 31:25)

So, based on which use all this methods to find out the resistance that is Holtrop this total
resistance is the retire resistance is all in Newtons Oortmerssen is given it is under
predicting very high and here again say Guldhammer and Fung. They are coming closer,
so this method is half it may be the vessel is not falling in the range of Oortmerssen
because that mainly meant for trawler sent tugs here the vessel is the batch.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:01)

So, the resistance calculating for the various speeds using the different methods are given
here starting a speed of 2 meter it goes up to 12 meter.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:13)

So, you can see this is the variation over that and later just plot it to find out you know
take a feel of the variation of resistance prediction. So, here you already know what is a
method adopted in the ITTC 1978 approach to predict the vessel resistance where the
total resistance off the model is represent by the resizer resistance of the model plus the
form factor into the flat plate formula expression. Use ITTC 1957 for the friction
resistance, so convention thing you know that the C R M is equal to C T M minus 1 plus
k into C F M, so that is the resizer resistance coefficient of the model.
From this, it is same as the C R S because it is satisfying the Froude number C F M you
have is coming from the ITTC formula. So, C T s total resistance is equal to C R S plus
one plus k into c f s, so you can say this c f is coming from here this formula and then the
C T s you put C R s is equal to C R m. So, you get the total resistance coefficient for the
ship to that you add the correlation allowance and winter air factors and all that.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:39)

So, this is a geometry of the model and this is a geometry so the experiments also have
been done using this ship and in that towing tank in a t Madras. So, the expand results
also available we have also performed CFD analysis for the same vessel and all the
results are compared.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:04)

You can say here first you comparing with the experimental results with a different
methods. You can see the experimental method is given by this line this line shows the
experimental method and Oortmerssen is under predicting a lot, then Guldhammer is

coming this is a line Gudlhammer line this is the Holtrop Mannen method. This is the
Fungs method, so this is I think a service paid, you can this is a variation and Fung
method. You can see the experiment getting closer to Guldhammer method and survey
speed you can say it is very close. So, that is a prediction sought of prediction we have
got from the different analysis using the regression expressions and also using the
(Refer Slide Time: 34:57)

So, later I say before a CFD analysis carried out using that is the model of the vessel and
computation domain.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:06)

This is the vessel here and if identified domain for the computation and it is taken as boat
length upstream is three times a length one boat length upstream and the side and the
three times this side downstream and two boat lengths below. That is deport a condition
and one above it include air part, then one boat length into transverse direction. So,
usually you mould at only half of it because it is C P metric, so the boundary conditions
use that inlet velocity inlet wall of fraction in component.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:50)

So, here this is an inlet boundary and this is the outlet boundary pressure out let volume
fraction method used then the wall the shear stress whether the slip is used and body you
have use in no slip condition. So, mesh details are given here and physical models
selected keeps one model used then ranks used turbulent model it is tab that is what it is
a capriole volume of wave waves are units some other duos for that.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:45)

Then, you have this of the methods and closer the view of the body and determine it.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:52)

CFD analysis the for this vessel for this velocity there are some model sizes been
generate in the CFD analysis. So, it is the model speed in corresponding Froude number
and these are the model resistance update in neutrons.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:09)

So, now the total resistance compare all this CFD and you can see that Holtrop method
for the model case Oortmerssen Guldhammer Fung experiment and CFD. This is I think
this the survey speed and there you get the values coming reassembly close you can see
here except this Oortmerssen method.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:38)

We just out play, so this is the plot of that for different methods.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:43)

So, it is subsequent to this.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:45)

The lower vessel was also considered for the CFD analysis for 1,000 fuel barge, these are
the particulars of that 68 meters, 66, nearly 67 meters length that tenth that water line.
So, these are main particulars of the vessel and this are the hydrometric Parameter said
this have design draft of 3.3 metres. So, the volume displacement centre point C position
wetted surface everything obtain for that vessel and the same has been used for further

analysis this is the model 3 D model of the vessel. You see this different views, sorry top
view is a profile view is a symmetric view and sufficient view only again only half the
model is consider because of symmetry.
(Refer Slide Time: 38:36)

You can see here, so symmetry planed here and then domain is unless fixed this on the
standard you know dimensions, so closer view of the machine.
(Refer Slide Time: 38:48)

You can see the mesh around that and this is the total resistance.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:55)

This has been obtained based on the CFD studies, so you can see this has been checked
with data with Guldhammer Harvald method which has coming getting very closer to
that within a deviation of a 5 to 10 percent. So, this is a speed resistance in neutrons, you
can see for various ship speeds for the prototype is plotted. Here, the modelling is done
for the prototype not for the model size dissolved for the model a prototype dimensions.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:28)

Finally, you get resistance into velocity is the effective power, it is effective power
obtained from the computation.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:38)

Here, you can see that wave valuation a free surface for a vessels speed of you can say it
is the survey speed is 12 knots in this case see the wave valuation here. You can see the
wave is coming to we looked the scales is coming to 1.7, you can see it is a draft of 3.6
metre the bow wave is going up to 1.7 metres above the water level. You can see here
the wave size is there and here is a deep excreta forming here, you can say this scale is
low extra formed here.
So, generally this shows as that this region is having a high wave which increase are
resistance of the ship. So, if you read is say in the form reduce the shoulder you may be
you provide a bulbous bow, this is a vessel without a bulb avoid a bulbous bow and
obviously it is going to reduce the wave size and reduce the resistance of the ship. So, the
safety analysis through light on to this aspect, so what would be the reason information
about the wave formation or you input the flow pattern the velocity around the flow.
The body which increase the friction resistance and all that, so that is this helps in doing
that, so this is actually meant for a dual project which obviously the Schlichtings the
design stage. So, there is a scope for correction for the form as I said before inclusion of
bulb properly designed is going to dink down the bow way and also a proper a fine
tuning of a form here the shoulder also reduced the wave size.
The resistance is expected to come down, you can see that the model also shows that you
say is sub one without bulb. You can say it is a raked step, there is no bulb here. So,

provision of the bulb obviously will have a positive influence and the resistance of the
vessel. So, I think with that we conclude this lecture, and we will continue in the next

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy