Lorenz Curve
Lorenz Curve
Lorenz Curve
The Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient
By: Preshita
The curve shows the proportion of national income earned by any given
percentage of the population (measured from the poorest upwards)
The diagonal 45 line denotes the line of complete equality
The further away from the diagonal line, the more unequal the distribution of
income in a country
Gini Coefficient
through the points (0,0), (100,0) and (100,100), and the surfaces A and B would be
similar, leading to a value of one for the Gini-coefficient.
It is sometimes argued that one of the disadvantages of the Gini coefficient is that it is
not additive across groups, i.e. the total Gini of a society is not equal to the sum of the
Ginis for its sub-groups.