Lorenz Curve
Lorenz Curve
Lorenz Curve
The population in the Lorenz curve is represented as households and plotted on the x axis from 0% to 100%.
The income is plotted on the y axis and is also from 0% to 100%.
For example, a Lorenz curve can show that the bottom 50% of households bring in 35% of a country's income.
To build the Lorenz curve, all the elements of a distribution must be ordered from the most important to the
least important.
Then, each element is plotted according to their cumulative percentage of X and Y, X being the cumulative
percentage of elements and Y being their cumulative importance.
For instance, out of a distribution of 10 elements (N), the first element would represent 10% of X and whatever
percentage of Y it represents (this percentage must be the highest in the distribution).
The second element would cumulatively represent 20% of X (its 10% plus the 10% of the first element) and its
percentage of Y plus the percentage of Y of the first element.
If income distribution were perfectly equal, 20% of households would generate 20% of income, 50% of
households would generate 50% of income, 72% of households would generate 72% of income, and so on. This
situation where each element has an equal value in its shares of X and Y, that is a linear relationship, is called
the perfect equality line, and would be equal to the Lorenz curve.
The perfect inequality line represents a distribution where one element has the total cumulative percentage of Y
while the others have none.For instance, in a distribution of 20 elements, if there is perfect equality, the 10th
element would have a cumulative percentage of 50% for X and Y.
The amount of inequality may be misleading. If richer households are able to use their incomes more efficiently
than lower income households, the amount of inequality could be understated.
When comparing two Lorenz curves, it is not possible to determine which distribution has more inequality if the
two curves intersect.
Gini Coefficient
The Gini Coefficient is a way to measure equity and is derived from the Lorenz curve. It is named after Corrado
Gini, an Italian statistician, demographer and sociologist
The Gini coefficient is defined graphically as a ratio of two surfaces involving the summation of all vertical
deviations between the Lorenz curve and the perfect equality line (A) divided by the difference between the
perfect equality and perfect inequality lines (A+B).
If the area between the line of perfect equality and Lorenz curve is A, and the area under the Lorenz curve is B,
then the Gini coefficient is A/(A + B).
In layman terms, the numerator in the Gini coefficient is the area between the Lorenz curve of the distribution
and the uniform (perfect) distribution line. The denominator is the area under the uniform distribution line.
Gini coefficient values
A value of zero corresponds to perfect income equality (everyone has the same income), while a value of 1
corresponds to perfect income inequality (one person has all the income, and the rest of the population has
While most developed European nations tend to have Gini coefficients between 0.24 and 0.36, the United States
Gini coefficient is above 0.4, indicating that the United States has greater inequality.
Characteristics of Gini coefficient
The Gini coefficient can be used to indicate how a distribution changes over time and if this change shows that
equality is increasing or decreasing.
Not affected by the shape of the Lorenz curve, only by the ratio of the areas used to compute it.
Does not indicate how the inequality is distributed, only the total amount of inequality.
The Gini coefficient cannot be used when the values of the variable distributed among the population can take
on negative values. No one can have a negative net wealth.
The measure will give different results if applied to individuals instead of households. For comparison to be
meaningful, the populations must be looked at with consistent definitions.