Silane Journal
Silane Journal
Silane Journal
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2015.2490486
1943-0655 2015 IEEE
Research Centre of Excellence for Wireless and Photonic Networks, Faculty of Engineering,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Malaysia
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Malaysia
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2015.2490486
1943-0655 2015 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
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Manuscript received July 3, 2015; revised October 7, 2015; accepted October 9, 2015. Date of publication October 13, 2015; date of current version October 26, 2015. This work was supported by the
Universiti Putra Malaysia's Graduate Research Fellowship, as well as the Ministry of Higher Education
Malaysias MyBrain scholarship and Fundamental Research Grant Scheme #FRGS/1/2014/STG08/
UPM/01/29. Corresponding author: M. H. Abu Bakar (e-mail:
1. Introduction
The prodigious use of fiber optic sensors has become a crucial factor in supporting the rapid
evolution of the diagnostic field today. While conventional detection methods often depend on
bulky instruments and heavy manual labor, fiber optics offer attractive alternatives that are more
versatile, miniaturized, robust, affordable, immune to electromagnetic interferences and highly
sensitive. With such credibility, they are known to be among the preferred choices in many
sensing applications, including gene expression analysis, pharmaco-genetics, drug screening,
forensics, and environmental monitoring [1], [2]. For the past few decades, the development of
optical biosensors seems to show promising progress. Among them, tapered single-mode fibers
have been known to be a favorite, especially in developing simple devices that are particularly
sensitive to changes of its surrounding refractive index [3][6].
In general, the tapering process allows the excitation of higher order modes to be guided
through the cladding, which now forms the new core along the tapered region. The evanescent
waves generated along this region will interact with the surrounding external medium and produce measurable changes in the output transmission spectrum. Among related work incorporating the stated concept includes a single-mode tapered fiber as a refractive index sensor which
was proposed to have ultra-high sensitivity when tested with various solutions in bulk [7]. Our
research group had also done similar work to accentuate the exceptional sensitivity of the
tapered fiber in sensing different concentrations of gelatin [8].
However, in the fields of environmental and biological diagnostics, where essential sensing of
precise molecular determinants is desired, high sensitivity alone is not sufficient. Instead, specificity of the system should be greatly considered for such purposes. Each molecular determinant has a conformation or unique shape of its own, allowing them to selectively recognize and
interact with molecules that mirror-image or complement them, like the key and lock configuration [9]. One way to enhance the specificity of the sensor system is to deploy the complementary concept as bio-recognition molecules so that the sensor will only sense the presence of the
specific determinant of interest without the interference of other substances. The aforementioned experiments [7], [8], although exhibiting good sensitivity, were not designed to be sensitive towards a specific target and, thus, may detect changes caused by anything surrounding
the sensing area.
The Biotin-Avidin system is a well-known bio-recognition complex in the world of molecular
diagnostics. Their strong non-covalent protein-ligand interaction, with a high dissociation constant value of KD 1015 M [10], has made them very useful in applications concerning drug
delivery [11], labeling [12], and detection [13]. By having one part, either biotin or Avidin, bound
on the surface of the sensor, any biomolecules can be easily immobilized provided that they are
labeled with the complement. A previous study showed promising selectivity of a surface plasmon resonance based biosensor in monitoring antigens using the biotin-Avidin system as a
model [13]. Another study assessed the performance of a dielectric filled silicon acoustic sensor
by verifying with biotin-Avidin (streptavidin) binding interactions [14]. In recent times, photonic
crystal micro-cavity designs have shown impressive sensing performance but this method is
plagued by issues in terms of light coupling, as well as complex fabrication process and long
detection time [15].
An all-fiber platform offers seamless integration and direct biological interaction with simpler
fabrication and operating methods. In this report, we demonstrate an optimized biosensor using
a single-mode tapered fiber with immobilized silane-PEG-Biotin as bio-recognition molecules to
sense the targeted protein, Avidin. The immobilization of specific bio-recognition molecules on
the tapered surface is to improve and heighten the specificity of the biosensor. Aside from that,
immobilization of the Biotin molecule is conducted by implementing the silanization method.
Fabrication of tapered fibers is controlled accurately with a precise machine that has proven its
reproducibility [16]. Findings from the proposed setup may contribute greatly to the development
of highly sensitive bio-chemical sensing methods.
2. Sensing Principle
Propagation of light in an optical fiber is well explained by the principle of total internal reflection,
where the differences of refractive index (RI) between the core and the cladding layers ncore >
nclad allow strong confinement of light within the core. However, when an optical fiber is tapered, the core/cladding interface is redefined in such a way that causes a portion of the fundamental core mode to be converted to higher-order cladding modes [17]. The schematic diagram
of the tapered fiber is as illustrated in Fig. 1.
As the down-taper region excites these higher-order modes, they continuously propagate
within the cladding of the tapered fiber which is now the new core, creating an evanescent field
on the new core/external medium interface. The evanescent field is capable to interact with the
surrounding environment and is highly sensitive depending on its penetration depth that decays
exponentially [18]. The penetration depth can be mathematically expressed as [18]
2 n12 sin2 int naq
where is the wavelength of the incident light, n1 and naq are the RI of the new core and the
surrounding medium, and int is the incident angle measured from the normal at the new core
external medium interface. Upon reaching the up-taper region, the fundamental and the highorder modes merge or couple back together into the fiber's original core, and because these
modes are not in-phase with one another, the output spectrum will result in a MachZehnder
interferometric pattern. The intensity of the output is expressed as [8]
I I1 I2 2 I1 I2 cos
where I is the output intensity; I1 and I2 are the intensities of the fundamental core mode and
the high-order modes, respectively; and is the phase shift between the two modes, which
is calculated using [8]
2neff Lw
where neff is the difference between the effective refractive index of the core and the effeceff
tive refractive index of the external surrounding nceff next
, and Lw is the waist length. The
fringe spacing between two interference patterns is given by [8]
neff Lw
These equations mathematically support the idea that any manipulation of RI at the external surrounding or the cladding would affect the phase shift, fringe shift, as well as the resulting intensity of the output. Hence, when a sample of interest or a targeted analyte is introduced to the
system, the occurrence of change in refractive index will be shown as the shifting of interference
pattern between the spectra, as well as the difference in output intensity.
3. Methodology
3.1. Fabrication of Tapered Fibers
The light transmission within a tapered fiber is affected greatly by the physical dimensions of
the tapered region. In this work, tapers were fabricated using Vytran's GPX-3400 Optical Glass
Processing Workstation. The machine is capable of performing precise fusion splicing and
Fig. 2. Experimental setup for the performance measurement of the proposed tapered fiber sensor.
tapering with its filament furnace assembly and precision stages. Its real-time control system
allows manipulation of dimensions, uniformity and reproducibility of the fabricated taper as the
pulling speed and heat were kept at a constant value of 1 mm/s and 42 W, respectively. Using a
standard step index single-mode fiber (Lucent All-Wave Fiber), a section was tapered down
from the initial cladding diameter of 125 m to 12.3 m with symmetric up and down taper transition lengths of 5 mm, respectively. As for the tapered fiber's waist length, although an ultrashort waist length has been reported to achieve great sensitivity for bulk solution sensing [7],
such a length would not provide enough surface area for the ligand-target protein interaction.
Thus, the proposed work opted for a longer length; 15 mm, for all fabricated tapered fibers in
the experiment. Dimensions were measured under the machine's microscope for confirmation.
Both ends were later connected to single mode pigtails with the input end fixed to a broadband light source from 1520 nm to 1620 nm (Amonics ALS 18-B-FA) and the output end to an
optical spectrum analyzer (AQ6331 Yokogawa), as shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3. Schematic figure to describe the (a) surface preparation, (b) functionalization, and (c) detection
4. Results
4.1. Characterization of Tapered Fiber
As depicted in Fig. 4(a), a red shift can be observed when the dip of the spectral responses
were compared as the concentration of NaCl increases. This is due to the fact that the increase
in concentration promotes an increase in RI as well. In accordance to Eq. (4), the increase of RI
reduces the neff value, resulting in a larger fringe gap and red shifts. The trend line in Fig. 4(b)
suggests good congruity between the two parameters with a correlation coefficient value of
Fig. 4. (a) Spectral response of tapered fiber when immerse in different concentrations of NaCl and
(b) a linear trend line depicting the relationship between wavelength shift and refractive index
R2 0:9775. The sensitivity achieved is 1858.0 nm/RIU, which is considerably higher compared
to previous studies [3], [8], [22] and comparable to [7] within the same range of RI.
4.3. Specificity of Tapered Fiber When Tested With Avidin and PBS
After functionalization was achieved, the tapered fiber was introduced with Avidin, as well as
Phosphate buffer solution (PBS), as a negative control to demonstrate the system's specificity.
Fig. 5. (a) Transmission response of tapered fiber before and after the surface preparation process
with NaOH and (b) transmission response of tapered fiber before and after the surface functionalization process with silane-PEG-Biotin.
Fig. 6. Comparison of spectra responses when tapered fiber was introduced to silane-PEG-Biotin,
PBS, and Avidin, where arrow (a) shows the red shift when Avidin was introduced and (b) the blue
shift when PBS was introduced.
Should the sensor neglect the surface modification step and the specificity trait like [7], [8],
spectra peaks should show Avidin at the lowest wavelength, followed by Biotin, and PBS with
respect to the effects of their RI where Avidin at 0.2 nM corresponded to an RI value of 1.3544.
However, Fig. 6 depicts the PBS spectrum having shifted 2.54 nm to the left from the peak of
the Biotin spectrum, which suggests no binding occurred in the tapered region. On the other
hand, the 4.12 nm shift to the right after the introduction of Avidin supports the successful capture of targeted Avidin molecules to the Biotin end of the silane-PEG-Biotin compound. The decreased ER obtained when Avidin was introduced strengthens the finding as the peak response
of PBS has a higher ER compared to the rest.
Fig. 7. (a) Linear trend exhibiting the relationship between wavelength shift, its corresponding refractive index change, and (b) wavelength shift and its corresponding concentration change when
immersed in different concentrations of Avidin.
of 2526.8 nm/RIU and 20.368 nm=M respectively, which is comparable or even better than recent reports on protein sensors [8], [25][28]. We postulate the occurrence was as such due to
the promotion of specific binding on the tapered region that resulted in a more concentrated attachment of targeted molecules on the tapered surface when compared with the floating molecules in bulk solution. Thus, a smaller neff and a larger fringe gap were obtained which gave
us the larger sensitivity value [29]. Fig. 7(b) depicts a trend line to describe the proportional relationship between the wavelength shifts produced and concentration change with R2 0:9797.
Error bars in both Fig. 7(a) and (b) represent standard deviation (SD) of experimental triplicates. Low average SD value of 0.51 denotes minimal variation within the system, which further favors the reproducibility of the sensor.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, we have investigated the performance of a highly sensitive tapered fiber transducer and its response to specific molecular attachment between silane-PEG-biotin and Avidin.
The proposed taper profile managed an RI and concentration sensitivity values of 2526.8 nm/RIU
and 20.368 nm=M, respectively. The successful integration of our setup with bio-recognition molecules has greatly enhanced its specificity by providing precise selectivity towards targeted substrate of interest. Good reproducibility has been portrayed as well with a low SD value of 0.51.
Due to irreversible binding constrictions, the proposed setup will be suitable for disposable test
procedures, which is, in fact, a more preferable approach in light of hygiene issue. Today, biorecognition molecules and complexes like Biotin and Avidin can be engineered to complement
many hormone and antigenic proteins for the detection of various diseases and chemical compounds. With this advantage, along with the qualities of being highly sensitive, specific, reliable
and cost effective, the proposed study may contribute greatly in the world of both environmental
and medical diagnostics.
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