Aug 3 Pages - Gowrie
Aug 3 Pages - Gowrie
Aug 3 Pages - Gowrie
By Jill Viles
At the July 25 Praire Valley School Board meeting incoming superintendent Brian Johnson inquired as
to what are the greatest needs of the Paririe Valley School
district in future years. He noted that the fiscal budget, as
it stands, will run out of money in 2020, and he wanted to
know which projects the district deems most important.
The board raised several pressing concerns including renovation of the south wing, a bus barn, locker
rooms at the high school (should we rebuild or remodel?)
air conditioning, and updating of lighting with LED bulbs
in one wing at a time (perhaps a money saver if rebates
are available).
We want a plan, said board member, Gary
Board member, Joe Harrison, was specific in
the plan he has for the district. Personally, Id like to
see the south wing, and specifically the entry, renovated.
This definitely needs to be changed. Its got to be pleasing when people enter our building. They need to know
where to go.
I feel we [the board] need to have a discussion
with the facilities committee, suggested Welter. Weve
never really had a plan. For example, we built the bus
barn in Callender and then closed the school building.
I think air-conditioning should be on the back
burner, said board president, Shannon Miller.
Board member, Heidi Mc Guire concurred with
Miller. Its just a short time of the year we need the A/C.
I think we should focus on other projects the school needs
School District Financial Report
School Board member, Jim Carlson, raised
an intriguing observation as the districts financial statement was reviewed at the July 25 Prairie Valley School
Board meeting. He noted that a large Fort Dodge business was utilized to purchase tires for the district, and he
questioned why a local supplier was not utilized.
Board secretary, Lisa Willardson, suggested it
may have been simply easier to use this vendor as the
district has a charge account with them. However, she
noted Carlson made an important point. This is a good
Kendall Sandgren, Gowrie Groundbreakers, wins
the Spectator's Choice Award award during the 4-H Cat
Show held Friday, July 15.
Sandgren, Gowrie
Groundbreakers, win
Choice award at fair
The 4-H Cat Show was held Friday, July 15 at
the Webster County Fair. The Champion Cat was shown
by Jeannie, C/C Sidekicks, and Addison Lincoln, Johnson
Jaguars won the Reserve Champion Cat honors. Spectators Choice Award went to Kendall Sandgren, Gowrie
August 3, 2016
Thrusday, Aug 4
Gowrie Fire Dept., 7:00 p.m. at the fire station.
Monday, Aug 8
Farnhamville City Council, 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.
Gowrie Municipal Utilities Board, 4:30 p.m. at the
light plant.
Harcourt TOPS, 8:00 a.m. at Faith Lutheran
Church Harcourt.
Tuesday, Aug 9
Farnhamville Senior Citizens (cards), 1:00 p.m.,
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.
American Legion Peterson Post #431 and Sons of
the American Legion, 6:30 p.m. social time and
meal, 8:00 p.m. meeting, Gowrie Legion building.
Callender City Council, 6:30 p.m. at the
Community Center.
Wednesday, Aug 10
Farnhamville Fire Dept., 7:30 p.m. at the fire station.
Gowrie Parks Board, 6:45 p.m. at the civic center.
To have the date and time of your organizations
meeting listed here, call the Gowrie News at
352-3325 or email us at
51 Years Ago...
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Gustafson are leaving
next week for a vacation in Hawaii. En route to the west
coast they will stop at Bryce Canyon and Zion National
Park. They will visit Mrs. Gustafsons brothers, who live
in Albany and Redmont, Oregon. They will also stop at
Turlock. California to see the Wendell Holmberg and the
Melvin Axel-Holmberg and the Melvin Axel-son families, cousins of Mr. Gustafson. They will be gone the
month of July.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reedholm of Boone spent
Wednesday with Mrs. Hulda Mossberg.
Mr. David Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carlson and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Don Will and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burman attended the wedding of Don
Johnson and Phyliss Edfeldt in Chicago on Saturday evening.
Mrs. Bob Lundberg and daughter, city of Aurelia, spent a few days last week at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Umsted.
Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Osterberg and daughter,
Ann, of Greeley, Colorado stopped over here one night
last week. They were en route to Chicago to attend the
Edfeldt-Johnson wedding and will be staying in Chicago
this week to attend the annual conference of Covenant
Mr. and Dwight Fawkes, and Kathy, and Ernie,
of Visalia, California visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Nyren last week.
Alan Will, sone of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Will,
accompanied his grandmother, Mrs. Helen Lundberg, of
Harcourt to Chicago last week. They returned home with
Mr. and Mrs. Don Will.
Ted Lindgren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore
Lindgren recently received his Ph.D. from Georgia Tech
at Atlanta, Georgia. His parents were present for the ceremonies.
Rev. and Mrs. Milton Swanson, Mrs. Charles
Peterson, Mrs. Harold Lambert, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Burman are attending the annual conference of Covenant
Churches in Chicago this week.
Mrs. Sarah Forslund of Kalamazoo, Michigan is
visiting in the home of her sister, Mrs. Hulda Mossberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Forslund of Kalamazoo brought her
to Lanyon. They left on Thursday for a vacation in California.
The 4-H Dog Show was held Wednesday, Julyr
13th at the Webster County Fairgrounds with around 25
dogs entered. Haley Ledford, Douglas Dreamers, showede
the Champion High Point Dog and Washington WinnersP
member Sylvia Hess showed the Reserve Champion
High Point Dog.
Top Care and Grooming awards went to JosieG
Matton of the C/C Sidekicks in the first division and to
Haley Ledford of the Douglas Dreamers in the seconde
division. Top score from Pre-Novice A Obedience Classd
went to Sidney Lowery, Silver Spurs and Pre-Novice BB
Obedience Class went to Sylvia Hess, Washington Win-I
ners. Top Obedience Score from Sub Novice was Annab
Lewandowski, SonRays. Novice Obedience was AnnaD
Lewandowski of the SonRays. Graduate Obedience andG
Rally Obedience went to Haley Ledford of the Douglas
The Top Novice Junior/Intermediate Handlert
award went to Kennedy Bailey, Badger Builders. Topt
Open Junior/Intermediate Handler award to Anna Le-
wandowski of the SonRays and the Top Novice and Opent
Senior Handler award went to Miranda Keith, Gowriew
Groundbreakers. The Costume Class was awarded tog
Kennedy Bailey, Badger Builders. Anna Lewandowski,a
SonRays was awarded the Trick Class.
Ribbons for all participants were awarded ast
Dayton Tigers: Karrigan Mentzer1 blue, 1red 1S
white; and Paige Weiland, 2 blue, 1 white.
Elkhorn Earlybirds: Adalynn Lawman, 2 blue,B
Thursday , August 4 Womens Bible Study will
begin at 9 a.m.
Saturday, August 6 Worship will begin at 5 p.m.
On Sunday, August 7 the 5K Fun Run & Walk
will begin at 8 a.m. Worship will begin at 9:30 a.m. At
10:30 Missionary Coffee Hour will begin at 10:30 a.m.
August 3, 2016
Twenty-eight Educational Presentations and
Extemporaneous speaking events took place on Saturday,
June 25th at the Webster County Extension Office. State
Fair presentations will be made by the following 4-Hers
representing Webster County.
Extemporaneous Speaking: State Fair Selected: Miranda Keith, Gowrie Groundbreakers and Hannah
Peterson, Gowrie Groundbreakers
Honorable Mention: Luke Lewandowski, SonRays; Karrigan Mentzer, Dayton Tigers; and Matt Ross,
Gowrie Groundbreakers.
Educational Presentations: State Fair Selected: Luke Lewandowski, SonRays, Citizenship; Maddy Christensen, Gowrie Groundbreakers, Compound
Bow; Kylie Weiland, Dayton Tigers, Dissociative
Identity Disorder; Nathan Rethwisch, Elkhorn Earlybirds, Catching Some Zzzs; Katie Delaney, Douglas
Dreamers, Almost Home; Hannah Peterson, Gowrie
Groundbreakers, Learning Styles.
Honorable Mention: Mallory Hammitt, Nifty
Newark, Ted; Megan Dawson, C/C Sidekicks, Texting and Driving; Ruth Chalstrom, SonRays, How Not
to Give A Presentation; Matt Ross, Steam Punk.
4-H Communications entries were judged
throughout the Webster County Fair. These included
working exhibits and Share the Fun acts. These activities
gave 4-Hers the opportunity to communicate and interact with an audience in several different ways.
Working Exhibits: Carson Lambert of the Dayton Tigers, Dillon Sytsma, and Sammy Sytsma, Washington Winners on Cyber Safety; Charly Scharf and Emma
Sytsma, both of the Washington Winners for Sweet
Compliments; Nelson Cook, Johnson Jaguars, Brooklin
Border and Haley Ledford, both Douglas Dreamers for
Balloon Tennis; Sylvia Hess and Mykenzie Stuhrenberg, both Washington Winners for Lady Bugs.
Honorable Mentions: Daven Rees, Washington Winners on Airplanes; Megan Anderson and Alyson Nieland, both Washington Winners on Fish Safty;
and Addison Lincoln, Johnson Jaguars and Aleksandria
Aljets, Douglas Dreamers on Counting Calories.
Share the Fun presentations provide an opportunity to perform before an audience, purely for the sake of
enjoyment. 4-Hers shared their talents on the last day of
the fair.
Those representing Webster County at the Iowa
State Fair:
Vocal Solo: Josh Gibbons, Washington Winners.
Dance: Daven Rees, Washington Winners.
Duet: Dart Dohrn and Olyvia Selby, both Badger
-Honorable Mentions went to:
Morgan Farnham, Gowrie Groundbreakers for a
and Alexis Sturenburg, Washington Winners
All participants received participation ribbons.
They were:
Ribbons for all participants in Educational
were awarded as follows:
Tigers: Jubilee Cunigan, blue; Alyssa
Speck, red; and Kylie Weiland, blue.
Elkhorn Earlybirds: Nathan Rethwisch, blue.
Gowrie Groundbreakers: Maddy Christensen,
blue; Hannah Peterson, blue; and Matthew Ross, blue.
Silver Spurs: Sidney Lowry, red.
SonRays: Ruth Chalstrom, blue; and Luke Lewandowski,
Winners: Collin Harris, blue; and
Soren Winkler, red.
Ribbons for all participants in Extemporanee
were awarded as follows:
Tigers: Karrigan Mentzer, blue.
Gowrie Groundbreakers: Miranda Keith, blue;
,Hannah Peterson, blue; and Matt Ross, blue.
Ribbons for all participants in Working Exhib,
as follows:
Dayton Tigers: Jubilee Cunigan, blue; Carson
Description: Midland Power Cooperative is
currently seeking a self-motivated, mechanicallyinclined individual to join its team as a
service center. The successful candidate will
have completed an accredited Powerline program
with training in both overhead and underground
installation and maintenance of power lines. Must
have a valid CDL Class A license, be able to meet
the physical demands of the position, and pass
applicable pre-employment physical examination
and drug test.
Midland Power Cooperative provides its
employees with a comprehensive benefits package
which includes: health, dental, vision, life, and
long-term disability insurances, sick leave,
vacation, holiday pay and 401K. Midland Power is
an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Please submit cover letter and resume by August
5, 2016 to: Midland Power Cooperative, Attn: Sue
Bueltel, 1210 13th Street North, Humboldt, IA
50548 or email to:
No phone calls please.
Saturday, August 6 Mens Group will meet in
the Fireside Room at 9 a.m. At 10 a.m. View Quilts at
Riverside Bible Camp will begin. At 1 p.m. Quilt Auction
at Riverside Bible Camp will begin.
Monday, August 8 Sewing Day will begin at 9
a.m. A Council Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the
Fireside Room.
Tuesday, August 9 Sewing Day will begin at 9
Groundbreakers has a visual arts exhibit judged
during the Webster County Fair.
August 3, 2016
Blake George of the Gowrie Groundbreakers advertises the club's photo booth during the Webster County
Fair in Fort Dodge.
The 4-H poultry show was held Thursday, July
14th at the Webster County Fair. Best of show was won
by Matthew Ross of the Gowrie Groundbreakers; Emma
Alstott of the Douglas Dreamers received Reserve Best
of Show Honors.
Champion Waterfowl was shown by Emma
Alstott, of the Douglas Dreamers. Dartangan Dohrn, of
the Badger Builders, won Reserve Champion Waterfowl
Champion All Other Poultry was awarded to
Rhett Grandfield, Dayton Tigers, Rhett Grandfield, Dayton Tigers, won Reserve Champion All Other Poultry.
Champion Chicken was won by Carly Davis,
Dayton Tigers and Reserve Champion Chicken was won
by Maddy Christensen, Gowrie Groundbreakers.
Champion Bantam was won by Matthew Ross
of the Gowrie Groundbreakers and Reserve Champion
Bantam was won by Carly Davis, Dayton Tigers.
Champion Pigeon winner was Carly Davis,
Dayton Tigers and Marydith Barkley, Elkhorn Earlybirds, was Reserve Champion Pigeon winner.
Showmanship honors were as follows: Senior
Matthew Ross, Gowrie Groundbreakers Intermediate Anna Lewandowski, SonRays; and Junior Brylie
Butrick, Dayton Tigers
Costume class winner was Carly Davis, Dayton
Spectators Choice Award was given to Carly
Davis, Dayton Tigers.
Winners in the individual classes are as follows:
Dartangan Dohrn, individual waterfowl. Emma Alstott,
Pair of waterfowl. Carly Davis, Individual Chicken. Anna
Lewandowski, Pair of Chickens. Anna Lewandowski,
Market Pen of 3. Maddy Christensen, Production Pullet. Matthew Ross, Individual Bantam. Carly Davis, Pair
of Bantams. Rhett Grandfield, Individual Other Poultry.
Carly Davis, Individual Pigeons. Marydith Barkley, Pair
of Pigeons.
Ribbons were awarded to all participants as follows:
Dayton Tigers: Randy Andrews, 6 blue; Reed
Brylie Butrick is all smiles as she stands with
her awards from the best hobby animal story during the
Webster County Fair in Fort Dodge.
Showmanship winners were chosen for senior,
intermediate and junior classes. Senior Showmanship
honors went to Kendall Sandgren, Gowrie Groundbreakers; Intermediate Showmanship went to Kylie Weiland,
Dayton Tigers; and Harley Eckert, Dayton Tigers, won
the Junior Showmanship award. Jordan Johnson, Dayton
Tigers, won the Costume Class.
Emma Sytsma, Washington Winners; Jeannie
Boro, C/C Sidekicks; Addison Lincoln, Johnson Jaguars;
Kylie Weiland, Dayton Tigers, all received First Place
designation in their respective classes.
All participants received ribbons as follows:
Dayton Tigers: Harley Eckert, 1 purple, 2 blue;
Jordan Johnson, 1 purple, 3 blue; and Kylie Weiland, 1
purple, 2 blue
Gowrie Groundbreakers: Kendall Sandgren, 1
Washington Winners: Emma Sytsma, 1 purple
Southeast Valley
Schedule of Events
Week of Aug 3rd to Aug 10th
Thursday, Aug 4
School Registration 3-8pm in Gowrie
Saturday, Aug 6
JH Band @ Harcourt Appreciation Days
Sunday, Aug 7
FCCLA National Cluster Meeting (Nov 14-16)
Monday, Aug 8
High School Fall Sport Practices Start Date (Cross Country, Football, Volleyball)
Tuesday, Aug 9
School Registration 3-8pm in Burnside
*Schedule is pulled from the SV website for your convenience*
***Schedules are subject to change at anytime***
The 2016-2017 4-H County Council was installed on Sunday, July 17, following the Parade of
Champions dinner at the Webster County Fair. The
installation was led by Hannah Peterson, and Mallory
Hammitt, former County Council members.
The new County Council members are: C/C Sidekicks
Jeannie Boro; Dayton Tigers Joel Anderson, Taegen
Long, Karrigan Mentzer, and Kylie Weiland; Douglas
Dreamers Brooklin Border, Morgan Border, Haley
Ledford, Christian Lundberg, and Danae Pingel; Gowrie
Groundbreakers Ben Carlson, Maddy Christensen, Jarrett Loseke, Ben Peterson, Alex Pudenz, and Matthew
Ross; Johnson Jaguars Nelson Cook; Nifty Newark
hDallas Hammitt; SonRays Ruth Chalstrom, and Anna
eLewandowski; Washington Winners Lauren Harris,
Christine Housken, Leslie Housken, Justin Koester,
Thomas Lennon, Olivia Mitchell, Daven Rees, Hannah
Rees, and Dillon Sytsma.
These youth will work with the adult Youth
Committee as they set goals for the upcoming year in the
4-H program.
Elizabeth Castle, Rachael Castle
Joann Saxton, Jane Wallestad
Betsy Wiederin, Kevin Barber
Jeff Erritt, Cindy Kail, Doug Rushton
Mel Kaufman, Pat Peterson, Bill Vote
Beth Goodwin
Trevynn Anderson, Joel West
Trinity Anderson
Judy Seil
Traci Brown, Mary Jo Klein
Kane Martens
4 - Aug
6- Aug
7- Aug
9 - Aug
Cory and Amy Donahe.
Greg and Deb Brundage.
Kendall and Roberta Seil.
Brandon and Tonya Harrison;
Larry and Linda Hirschberg.
August 3, 2016
August 3, 2016
The Champion Market Hog and Reserve Champion Market Hog at the 2016 Webster County Fair was
shown by Tielyr Clabaugh, Badger Builders.
Champion Market Barrow was shown by Pierce
Woodruff, Gowrie Groundbreakers, and the Reserve
Champion Market Barrow was shown by Jillian Woodruff, Gowrie Groundbreakers. Tielyr Clabaugh, Badger
Builders received Champion Market Gilt and Reserve
Champion Market Gilt.
The Senior Showmanship award went to Tielyr
Clabaugh, Badger Builders; Intermediate Showmanship
to Carson Lambert, Dayton Tigers, and Junior Showman-
The residence of Chuck and Sandy
Christianson, 1802 Market St., was the pick
for Yard of the Week, which is sponsored by
the Gowrie Development Commission.
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Carlson, Gowrie,
wins Grand Champion
Market Beef
Summers, reserve champion...
The annual 4-H beef show was held at the
Webster County Fair on Friday, July 15th. Josh Carlson,
Gowrie Groundbreakers, won Grand Champion Market
Beef, and Devin Summers, Washington Winners won
Reserve Grand Champion Market Beef. Other awards
included Champion Market Heifer, which was won by
Anna Heatherington, Elkhorn Eagles. Devin Summers,
Washington Winers, received Reserve Champion Market
Heifer honors. Crossbred Champion Steer honors went
to Josh Carlson, Gowrie Groundbreakers, with Reserve
Crossbred Champion Steer being won by Devin Summers, Washington Winners.
Michael Eslick, Dayton Tigers, won both
Champion Feeder Calf, and Reserve Champion Feeder
Calf honors.
Jaynie Ferrari, Dayton Tigers, won Champion
Commercial Heifer while Reserve Champion Commercial Heifer honors went to Austin Jaeschke, Johnson Jaguars. Champion Registered Purebred Female was shown
by Jordan Johnson, Dayton Tigers. Champion Cow Calf
was shown by Haylee Welter, Gowrie Groundbreakers
and Reserve Champion Cow Calf was shown by Morgan Walsh, Silver Spurs. Champion Supreme Female was
won by Jordan Johnson, Dayton Tigers, and Haylee Welter, Gowrie Groundbreakers, took home Reserve Champion Supreme Female honors.
Dillon Summers, Washington Winners, won
Champion honors in both the Rate of Gain and the Carcass Class, while Reserve Champion in the Rate of Gain
Class was awarded to TJ Nelson, Johnson Jaguars, and
Reserve Champion Carcass Contest went to Michael Eslick, Dayton Tigers.
In the Bucket/Bottle class, Best interview honors went to Lane Zierke, Johnson Jaguars, and Paige
Condon, Johnson Jaguars was selected for Best Records.
Awards were given for showmanship in three
categories. Senior Showmanship went to Josh Carlson,
Gowrie Groundbreakers, Intermediate Showmanship to
Jaynie Ferrari, Dayton Tigers, and Junior Showmanship
to Dillon Summers, Washington Winners.
All participants received ribbons as follows:
Dayton Tigers: Michael Eslick, 2 purple, 2 blue;
Jaynie Ferrari, 2 purple; and Jordan Johnson, 2 purple, 1
Elkhorn Eagles: Anna Heatherington, 1 purple.
Gowrie Groundbreakers: Ben Carlson, 1
purple; Joshua Carlson, 1 purple, 1 blue; Alex Pudenz, 1
blue; and Haylee Welter, 1 purple, 2 blue.
Washington Winners: Megan Anderson, 1
blue; Devin Summers, 2 purple, 1 red; and Dillon Summers, 3 purple, 2 blue.
Samantha Alphs, Gowrie Groundbreakers, is enjoying her time at the Webster County Fair in Fort Dodge.
August 3, 2016
Alex Pudenz, Gowrie Groundbreakers, shows
lambs during the Webster County Fair in Fort Dodge.
Blake Peterson, Gowrie Groundbreakers, is pictured with his sheep during the Webster County Fair in
Fort Dodge.
August 3, 2016
Unemployment rate
in Webster County,
Iowa at four percent
Iowas seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased slightly to 4.0 percent in June from 3.9 percent in
May. The states jobless rate was 3.6 percent one year ago.
The U.S. unemployment rate rose to 4.9 percent in June compared to 4.7 percent in May.
The unemployment rate in Webster has been running at about the same rate as the overall state unemployment
rate, about 4 per center.
Despite the increase in the unemployment rate
in June, reaching the highest level since November 2014,
Iowas businesses added 5,100 jobs last month, said Beth
Townsend, Director of Iowa Workforce Development.
IWD is working hard to develop programs such as doubling
the number of Registered Apprenticeships in the next five
years to help spur economic growth and close the skills gap.
Good paying, secure jobs continue to be available in Iowa.
The number of unemployed Iowans rose to 68,100
in June from 66,600 in May. The current estimate is 6,300
higher than the year ago level of 61,800.
The total number of working Iowans decreased to
1,642,900 in June. This figure was 1,900 lower than May and
6,300 higher than one year ago.
Worship Schedule
In the early 1920s Webster County roads were
nothing to brag about. So many times the girls had to depend on the horse and buggy if they wanted to attend the
4-H meetings. As proof of other conveyances that were
often used, we offered a picture of a mule that often attended club meetings much against his better judgment.
This mule was named Jack and was owned by
the Jacobson family. Whether he hated 4-H club meetings or just girls in general he was known to kick at the
daughter, Frankie, every time she walked by him in the
The mule was very careful to wait until she was
safely past but no doubt he wanted to show his disdain
in some fashion. There was great sorrow in the Jacobson
family when this small mule went to mule Heaven.
The first demonstration team was composed
of Ellen Gustafson and Frankie Jacobson going to Des
Moines with a Cake-Baking demonstration.
A beautiful cake was baked (no doubt with the
help of adults) and carefully carried to Des Moines on the
Interurban. Someone found another use for it so there was
need to bake another one. If you know Inez Holmstrom,
you know there was nothing that ever phased her so when
she let someone else take our beautiful cake she quickly
thought of a way out of this dilemma.
Inez knew that Amy Johnston, daughter of a former Swedish Methodist minister, lived in Des Moines so
she asked if was she could go to her home and bake another cake. She said of course so Inez and her four girls,
Ellen and Frankie, Ellen Peterson and Minerva Piltingsrud got on the streetcar (which ran everywhere in those
days) and we went out to bake our cake.
Have you ever carried a freshly baked cake
anywhere or especially on a street car? If you have, you
must know what happened. It arrived at the Fair Grounds,
slightly dilapidated. Not only did Inez have a cake to
cause her a slight worry but she had adventurous girls to
keep her eye on.
Well, while we were waiting for the streetcar on
the corner, a man came up and offered us a ride and before Inez could say No Minerva and Ellen had crawled
into his car and off he went.
Inez nearly had a tizzy but a good friend came
along and said he would follow the car. Good thing that
traffic wasnt as heavy in those days so we could keep up.
However, he must have been a good guy because we all
arrived safely.
Dayton Township is really a township and a
half because of the winding Des Moines River that flows
On Mule: Martha (Peterson) Kinsey, Myrtle
(Carlson)Acting. On ground: Frankie (Jacobson) Hade,
Gloria Hayes (Deceased) and Helen (Carlson) Bottorff.
Plans for the Bakken oil pipeline in Iowa cleared
a final regulatory hurdle on Tuesday of last week when
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concluded that proposed crossings of Iowa waterways will comply with federal environmental laws.
The Iowa Utilities Board had previously authorized Dakota Access to start construction on the pipeline
where necessary permissions had been granted, and construction has already begun in some counties. However,
the Corps of Engineers verification is a major step forward for the pipeline project, which will diagonally cross
18 Iowa counties, because it will permit long stretches of
construction to be completed through areas that include
water crossings.
Several lawsuits are still pending, though, which
challenge the Iowa Utilities Boards approval of the pipeline and the use of eminent domain to condemn private
Iowa land for the project.
The $3.8 billion pipeline will transport up to
570,000 barrels of oil daily from North Dakotas Bakken oil fields to Patoka, Ill. Dakota Access spokeswoman
Lisa Dillinger said Tuesday the Corps of Engineers has
now granted a permit for the pipeline in all four states
along the pipeline route: Iowa, Illinois, North Dakota and
South Dakota.
Construction activities are underway on all four
spreads of work along the route in Iowa, Dillinger said.
These early stages of construction include staking, grading, clearing, temporary road construction, and building
of temporary fences and gates. Areas of construction that
began in early June in southeast Iowa have started stringing and welding pipe, she added.
We have signed easement agreements on 96
percent of the properties along the route in Iowa, Dillinger said. We have signed 100 percent of the properties
in North Dakota, South Dakota and Illinois. The plan remains to be in service by the end of this year..
August 3, 2016
Your Local
Rochelle Guess,
Adam Swisher, DO
Kari Swisher, ARNP-C
Hours: Monday-Friday
1800 Main, Gowrie, Iowa
Phone 352-3891
Part-time Police Officer
Missouri Valley, IA. Must have
current ILEA certification.
Applications can be picked up
d at 223 E. Erie St. or call: 712n 642-3605. Position open until
filled. (INCN)
GUN SHOW August 1214. Convention Center Sioux
City, IA. Friday 4PM-9PM,
Saturday 9AM-5PM, Sunday
9AM-3PM. Large selection of
guns & ammunition for sale.
Info: 563-608-4401 (INCN)
Ryan Willison,
Cell 351-0679
We can
I talk to
my daughter
about HIV
protect her.
It Pays to Advertise!
August 3, 2016
Notice Is Hereby Given: That at 7:00 oclock p.m., at the Gowrie
Community/Civic Center, Gowrie, Iowa, on August 15, 2016 the City
Council will hold a public hearing on the question of designating as the
Gowrie Urban Renewal Area (the Urban Renewal Area), pursuant to
Chapter403, Code of Iowa, the real property in the City of Gowrie generally
described as follows:
All real property situated within the incorporated limits of the City of
Gowrie, Webster County, State of Iowa, as of July 1, 2016.
The subject matter of the public hearing will also include a proposed
urban renewal plan and projects for the Area identified above, pursuant
to Chapter403, Code of Iowa, a copy of which plan is on file for public
inspection in the office of the City Clerk.
The general scope of the proposed urban renewal plan, as more
specifically described therein, includes the following:
Increasing the tax base and promoting economic growth in Gowrie
by encouraging economic development, constructing necessary public
improvements, assisting private enterprise through tax increment financing
incentives and undertaking projects and initiatives to alleviate and prevent
blighted conditions within the Area. The initial projects to be undertaken
under the plan will consist of (1) providing tax increment financing
support to an economic development grant program for the promotion of
commercial construction activity in the City; and (2) providing tax increment
financing support to the acquisition, demolition and site preparation for the
redevelopment of dilapidated properties.
At the hearing any interested person may file written objections or
comments and may be heard orally with respect to the subject matter of
the hearing.
Danielle Clancy
City Clerk
PV School Board...
August 3, 2016
Southeast Valley
HS X-Country
practice begins
Monday, August 8. . .
The high school cross-country season (grades
9 through 12) will officially begin Monday, August
8th. Athletes and managers need to meet in the Southeast Valley high school commons by 7:20 a.m. There
will be a team meeting at 7:30 to cover team expectations and philosophy, followed by a practice that will
last until approximately 10 am.
Physicals and other forms (these can be filled
out online or obtained from the high school office)
must be up to date before students will be allowed to
Those who attended the meeting last spring
will be receiving information in the mail that will contain a practice schedule, meet schedule and further information about what is needed for practices.
If an athlete did not attend the spring meeting
and is still interested in running cross country this fall
please to receive the additional information or if you
have questions or are unable to attend the first practice
and are planning to participate, please call Coach Nuss
515-352-3142 or email at
Stewart Memorial Community Hospital
(SMCH) will be implementing changes in its clinics
as part of the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative
(TCPI) as a member of the Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (IHC). This change is reflective of our committment
to quality health care for the communities we serve, says
Cindy Carstens, SMCH CEO.
The IHC and its partners will receive up to $32.5
million during the four-year initiative to provide technical assistance support to help equip clinicians in six states
- Iowa, Georgia, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and South
Dakota - with tools, information, and network support
needed to improve quality of care, increase patients access to information, and spend health care dollars more
wisely, according to the IHC.
TCPI is designed to help clinicians achieve
large-scale quality improvement transformation. The initiative is one part of a strategy advanced by the Affordable Care Act to strengthen the quality of patient care and
spend health care dollars more wisely. Since the launch
of the Affordable Care Act, the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services has launched numerous programs
and models to help health providers achieve large-scale
transformation. Programs like the Hospital Engagement
Network (HEN) are striving to help clinicians and hospitals move from volume-based towards patient-centered
quality health care services. SMCH has been a member of
HEN since 2011 and has worked toward goals like reducing readmissions for patients for the same health issue,
curtailing surgical site infections, decreasing falls and
immobility, lowering catheter-associated urinary tract infections, and lessening adverse drug events.
Kari Jones, Chief Nursing Officer at SMCH
comments, SMCH has seen tremendous success with the
HEN. Improvements in quality have been noted in medication errors, readmissions, falls and early OB deliveries.
With the success of the HEN program, we are determined
to see the same progress from TCPI. Quality measures
will center around improvement in diabetes, congestive
heart failure, hypertension and many more areas in our
McCrary Rost Clinics. The vision of SMCH/McCrary
Rost Clinics transforming our communities by providing coordinated care and exceptional experiences will
drive the TCPI movement in our clinics. While this work
is never easy, it will continue to be our #1 objective, to
provide quality health and wellness for the communities
we serve.
TCPI aims for improved patient care in a number
of ways: to build the evidence based on practice transformation so that effective solutions can be scaled, improve health outcomes for millions of patients, reduce
unnecesssary hospitalizations, sustain efficient care delivery by reducing unnecessary testing and procedures,
and transition 75% of practices completing the program
to participate in alternative payment models. SMCH has
begun efforts in the core measures, among those are patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, heart
failure, low back pain, children with upper respiratory
infection, and all-cause 30-day readmission rates.
TCPI is one of the largest federal investments
uniquely designed to support clinician practices through
nationwide, collaborative, and peer-based learning networks that facilitate large-scale practice transformation.
SMCH CEO Cindy Carstens says, As a provider of
health care to the communities we serve, we are seeking to develop methods that will improve health care and
reduce costs. We look forward to the opportunities and
challenges TCPI will bring. Our staff are committed to
creating and implementing changes that have proven to
be best for our patients. Its the right way to provide care
to our patients.
For more information about Stewart Memorial
Community Hospital and the services it provides, please
visit us at
Kari Jones, Chief Nursing Officer, and Cindy
Carstens, CEO at Stewart Memorial Community Hospital
discuss the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative that
will introduce changes at McCrary Rost Clinic to improve
healthcare and reduce costs.
Two major trails at Brushy Creek State Park
near Lehigh were closed last week because of heavy rains
early in the week.
Brushy Creek State Recreation Area, in Webster
County, temporarily closed equestrian and bike trails
due to wet conditions. The 12-mile Lake Trail remains
open. For up-to-date information contact the park office
at 515-543-8298.
People planning park visits in the near future are
reminded to check on current conditions before heading
out. Several Iowa state parks have been impacted by recent heavy rainfalls.
Its always a good idea to check out the closure
information on our website or call individual park offices
to find out latest information, reminds DNR State Parks
Bureau chief Todd Coffelt.
The webpage with closure information and
alerts can be found at
August 3, 2016
Come join the Town for a Day of fun activities in the CITY PARK!
Friday, Aug 5
Saturday, Aug 6