Guide To Port Entry BD

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Bien Dong 1 - Viet Nam

Position Lat. 8 3' N Long. 108 55' E

Note: This file contains all the information Shipping Guides Ltd hold for your port. Please edit, update
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Publisher: Shipping Guides Ltd.
Description: Information about the Port of Bien Dong 1 collated from a variety of sources including, but
not limited to, the port authority, port and terminal operators and the reports of masters, officers and
crews of vessels visiting the port.
Rights: This information, as is, is protected under copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
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Date Created: 2014-10-02
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(Please tick if unable to verify the Overview information)

FSO has an internal swivel turret-type mooring system and is located in depth 130.0 m. FSO PTSC Bien
Dong 1 58,828 d.w.t., LOA 171 m., moulded breadth 32.4 m., draft 12.60 m., has black hull and storage
capacity 41,734 cu.m. (350,000 bbls.).
The terminal has a continuous fixed white light visible at 10 n.m.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Location information)

In the Hai Thach Moc Tinh Oil Field, 184 n.m. SE of Vung Tau City in position Lat. 08 03 02.31" N, Long.
108 54 30.61" E.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Charts information)

BA charts No. 3482, 3986, 1261 and 1016.

US NGA Chart No. 93020.
Int. World Chart Series No. 508.
BA China Sea Pilot Vol. 1, NP 30.

Port Limits

(Please tick if unable to verify the Port Limits information)

The seaward boundaries of the area over which the port has jurisdiction over navigation and operational
procedures and, where specified within charter party, within which the vessel is considered to be an
arrived ship.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Documents information)

Port Authority, Immigration, Customs and Quarantine officers will not board the vessel for clearance
inward/outwards. Required documents shall be completed by the Master and emailed to the Agent as
soon as possible prior to arrival.

The documents required to be sent for clearance inwards are:

Document Type
Crew Effects Declaration
Crew List
Ship Stores Declaration
Declaration of Arrival
Declaration of Articles forbidden to be used in port
Ship Security Declaration
General Declaration (inwards)
Maritime Declaration of Health (on arrival)
Ports of Call List
Port Clearance (copy)
Ship Sanitation Control (Exemption) Certificate
Ship store declaration
Ship security declaration
Ship sanitation
Dangerous Cargo Declaration (Port Authority)
Cargo Declaration (Customs)
Cargo Manifest (in transit if any)
Bill of Lading (in transit if any)

Agent will board the vessel, collecting the originals of the emailed documents and will require copies of
the following:


Document Type
All above-mentioned documents
Crew Passports (copy with ship's stamp and Master's signature (2 per page permitted))
Ship Certificates (as mentioned in ship certificate's list)
Last Port Clearance Original
Ship Sanitation Control (Exemption) Certificate
Vaccination List

Boarding Party
Boarding party for inward clearance consists of the following persons, who shall remain on board
throughout vessel's stay at the terminal:


Document Type
Independent Cargo Surveyor
Mooring Master
Mooring Master's Assistant

Arrival time will be considered as the time when the Mooring Master boards export tanker, or the time
export tanker arrives at the Mooring Master boarding area, or time export tanker arrives in the terminals
designated deep water anchorage, if not berthed immediately.
NOR shall not be tendered at the time of arrival unless export tanker is in all respects ready to load
including having signed the Conditions of Use of Bien dong Terminal (terminal booklet).
Terminal Representative will act on behalf of the company to sign acknowledgement of the NOR. NOR
shall be in the English language.
NOR shall only be accepted once the export tanker is securely moored to the facility, provided terminal
representative is satisfied that the export tanker is in all respects ready to moor and load. NOR will not be
accepted during a period when the terminal is closed on account of adverse weather.
Oil Pollution Insurance
Vessel's owner shall be a member of the ITOPF or Intertanko and have insurance covering liabilities
under the International Convention on Civil Liabilities for Oil Pollution Damage 1969, 1992 protocols.

The cargo to be loaded shall be covered by the International Convention on the Establishment of
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage 1992 or equivalent.

ISPS Compliance

(Please tick if unable to verify the ISPS Compliance information)

Terminal is compliant.
Dao Quang Tuan. T: +84 (8) 3824 5566 (ext. 838). M: +84 903 688 759 (after hours).

Max. Size

(Please tick if unable to verify the Max. Size information)

50,000150,000 d.w.t.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Density information)

Average dock water density (preferably expressed in kg/m at 15C). Any variations in density at different
areas of the port or at different terminals.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Restrictions information)

Vessel Type
Vessels 50,000150,000 d.w.t., OCIMF category C is normally acceptable. For vessel less than 50,000
d.w.t., but more than 25,000 d.w.t., OCIMF category B. Acceptance on a case by case basis with special
Vessel History
Vessels with a history of major safety and environmental incidents, such as fire on board, spill of crude oil
cargo, non-conforming effluent disposal, serious injury, loss of life or reported violations of marine law,
shall be reviewed with particular care prior to acceptance by the Bien Dong Petroleum Operation
Company (BD POC) Vetting process. Management organisation of such vessels, if nominating any
vessels to BD POC, shall be subject to similar careful review prior to vessel acceptance.
Vessel Age
Double hull vessels up to 20 years old, may be approved on the basis of a current SIRE Report. Single
Hull vessels are not accepted for loading. Combination carriers more than 15 years of age are not
Ballast Condition
Only vessels fitted with SBT are permitted to berth at the terminal. Due to exposed location, vessels are
required to arrive with maximum amount of ballast for safe handling. A vessel found by the Loading
Master to be inadequately ballasted will be rejected.
Hours of Operation
Terminal operates throughout 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Export Tankers will normally be berthed
during daylight hours, weather and other circumstances permitting.
Berthing normally starts not later than:
1500 hrs. November 1 to February 2829.
1600 hrs. March 1 to October 31.
Provided that the Export Tanker should be in position not more than 1.5 n.m. astern of the FSO by the
time limit.
Unmooring will be carried out at any hour, weather and other circumstances permitting, providing it is
considered safe and practical to do so. If un-berthing during the hours of darkness, then an agreement
shall be made between the Master and Mooring Master that they are satisfied it is safe to do so. The
Company will make every effort to moor export tankers upon arrival in daylight, weather permitting.
Marine Exclusion Zone (MEZ)
The following facilities are located within the Hai Thach Moc Tinh oil field:

WHP-MT 1 Lat. 07 55 46.68" N, Long. 108 47 31.02" E.

WHP-HT 1 Lat. 08 02 34.52" N, Long. 108 55 40.69" E.
PQP-HT Lat. 08 02 38.92" N, Long. 108 55 40.96" E.
FSO-PTSC Bien Dong 1 Lat. 08 03 02.31" N, Long. 108 54 30.61" E.
A prohibited area has been established bounded within radius 500 m. from a line joining the above
positions. Four areas formed by extending 500 m. from outer edges of PQP/WHPs and FSO. Vessels
shall not enter these areas without permission from the OIM or a Mooring Master on board. Anchoring of
vessels within a restricted zone, is strictly prohibited.
Weather Limits: Mooring Operations
10 min. mean wind speed:
FSO heading stable

<35 knots
<3.5 m.
<5.5 m.
>1,000 m.
+/- 5.

Crude oil transfer to tanker

10 min. mean wind speed:

<45 knots
<4.0 m.
<7.5 m.
>100 m.

FSO/ Export Tanker roll and pitch not leading to snatch loads on hawser. Tandem hawser load less than
150 tonnes or less than 100 tonnes in less than 30 minutes.
Operational limit, in-field transfer by service boat
Significant wave height 2.0 m. 10 min. mean wind speed 20 knots.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Approaches information)

Except for the wellhead platforms, which are in close proximity to the FSO, there are no hazards on
approaching the terminal. Depth 120 -140 m. throughout the Hai Thach Moc Tinh oil field.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Pilotage information)

Compulsory for berthing/unberthing at the FSO. Pilot will board the export tanker approx. 3 n.m. from the
terminal, and will be accompanied by a Mooring Master and other officials. Pilot will remain on board and
will be responsible for the departure of the export tanker under the command of the Master.
Pilot Boarding
Pilot, embarks/disembarks in a circle radius 1.0 n.m. centred on Lat. 08 05 10" N, Long. 108 52 22" E
in bad weather and Lat. 08 16 00" N, Long. 107 05 00" E.
Boarding shall be provided in accordance with SOLAS requirements.
When wave height in the MEZ is less than 2.0 m., boarding party including the Pilot, PVOIL
representative (shipper), Mooring Master (terminal representative), Agent and surveyor will be transferred
to the FSO by helicopter and then transferred to the export tanker by service boat. If wave height is
greater than 2.0 m., transfer of the boarding party to the export tanker will be carried out directly by the
service boat at Vung Tau Pilot Station.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Anchorages information)

Export vessels sent to or requesting to anchor, the recommended area is located within an area of 3.0
n.m. NW of the FSO PTSC Bien Dong 1, in an area radius 1.0 n.m. centred on position Lat. 08 05 10" N,
Long. 108 52 22" E.
Holding ground considered good. However, due to depth approx. 130 m., weather conditions and safety
precautions, should be considered very carefully by the Master, prior to anchoring.
No vessel shall anchor within the exclusion zone.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Pratique information)

All formalities will be completed by the terminal's shore office prior to vessel's arrival. Free pratique will
then be granted on arrival at either Vung Tau or Hai Thach Moc Tinh Oil field.

Pre-Arrival Information

(Please tick if unable to verify the Pre-Arrival Information information)

Vessel shall notify the Agent and BD POC on receiving orders to proceed to the terminal. It shall further
forward its ETA 72, 48, 24 and 12 hours before arrival at the terminal, promptly notifying the terminal if the
ETA changes by more than 3 hours following the 12 hour notification. When 20 n.m. from the FSO, the
Master shall contact the FSO's CCR on VHF Channel 10 and/or VHF Channel 12 for instructions.
The following information shall be transmitted in the first message sent by the vessel to both the Agent
and terminal operations department:
1. vessel name, previous names (if any), call sign, ship type, flag
2. ETA (LT)
3. Master's name and nationality
4. last port of call/next port of call
5. No. of crew and nationality
6. arrival draft and trim, LOA
7. confirmation that main navigation and propulsion equipment is fully operational (24 hour notice only)
8. grade and quantity of cargo on arrival (if any) or "in ballast". Quantity to be loaded at terminal.
Maximum loading rate on one manifold
9. confirmation vessel is able to load and de-ballast simultaneously
10. confirmation IGS is in working condition and vessel is inerted on arrival
11. confirmation that cargo-heating system is operational and can maintain temperature at 40 C and
Vessel calling at the terminal for the first time shall also include:
1. g.t., n.t., d.w.t.
2. Inmarsat 3D No.
4. confirmation 112 in. ANSI 150 flat flange is available on port side suitable for a 12 in. camlock
5. confirmation vessel is fitted with fairlead and Smit bracket or chain stopper for 76 mm. chain.


(Please tick if unable to verify the VHF information)

Terminal maintains a continuous watch on Channel 16 and works on Channel 10, but able to select any
public channel for use as a working channel after initial contact on Channel 16. Masters of inbound export
tankers are recommended to use this when within range.
The terminal's attention to early communication will assist in avoiding delays in berthing and vessel
turnaround time.
Masters are reminded that if vessel is requested to anchor to await berthing, it is the irresponsibility to
maintain a constant listening watch on Channel 16 to receive terminal instructions. Any delay due to a
failure to maintain a constant listening watch on Channel 16 will be for the ship's account.
When the export tanker is at the anchorage, communications between the FSO and the export tanker will
be established on a mutually agreed channel. When moored to the FSO, communications between the
two vessels will be maintained by VHF equipment, supplemented as necessary by hand-held UHF,
provided by the Mooring Master.
The export tanker's officers shall maintain radio communications with the terminal representative and
FSO CCR throughout loading operations.

Shore Based Stations

Vung Tau and Ho Chi Minh Radio Stations listen on Channel 16.
Vung Tau pilots listen on Channel 16 and works on Channels 6 and 14., operational 07001700 hrs.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Tugs information)

During the approach, a tug will secure to the tanker's stern.

Stern to stern connection in wind speed less than 30 knots and sea height less than 3.0 m. Towing line
length 30 m., SWL 30 tonnes pendent wire, 60 m. stretcher rope, towing wire and shackles SWL 85
Bow to stern connection in wind speed more than 30 knots and sea height more than 3.0 m., towing line
length 10 m. SWL 30 tonnes pendent wire, 350 m. ultra high molecular weight polyethylene rope, length
15.0 m. SWL 30 tonnes and shackles SWL 55 tonnes.
Stern tug will hold the export tanker on station throughout the offloading operation and at all times
maintaining distance 350450 m.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Berths information)

Details of available berths, including length of quay, depth alongside, maximum LOA, beam and draft at
Low Water (indicating whether salt or fresh water), maximum size of vessel, fendering and other relevant
data, together with advice of cargoes handled at respective berths. Details of independent berths or


(Please tick if unable to verify the Mooring information)

Permit to Berth
Prior to berthing, export tanker shall be issued with a permit to berth at the terminal for a scheduled lifting.
Terminal representative OIM/FSO Master will issue the permit once given permission by the BD POC
representative, Mooring Master will inform vessel.
Vessel tandem berths with the FSO. Outer limits of the swing radius can be as much as 1,200 m. from the
centre. Total length of tandem mooring system (chafe chain sides A, B and mooring hawser) is approx.
80.0 m. Mooring hawser load monitoring system will be in operation, with actual hawser load indicated on
display placed in CCR. The measuring range is 0200 tonnes.
Equipment Required
Poop Deck

210 in. circ. (80 mm. dia.) 100 m. 45 tonne SBL buoyant mooring lines.
Forecastle Head
176 mm. dia., SWL 200 tonnes chafe chain (OCIMF recommendations for equipment employed in the
mooring of ships to SPM and mooring equipment guidelines), 1 sledgehammer, 2 crowbars.
Mooring Operations
Service boat will tow the floating hose strings away from the berthing area as the export tanker
approaches to ensure that they are kept clear during berthing.
During final approach, export tanker should be manoeuvred with minimum speed to 420440 m. from the
stern of the FSO, to catch a messenger line with buoy by grapnel hook with line.
If vessel overshoots and mooring operation has to be aborted, export tanker can then pass safely clear
and will be able to manoeuvre for a second approach.
After taking the 32 mm. and 72 mm. diameter pick-up ropes, they shall be winched in until the 76 mm.
chafe chain is passed through the chain stopper.
Export tanker shall maintain engine on stand-by to ensure that the mooring line is not under maximum
load. Weather conditions should be taken into consideration.

After completion of hose disconnection, and when advised by the Mooring Master, unmooring operations
can commence.
After making sure that the hose string is entirely floating in the water, the Mooring Master will order the
release of the towing ropes from the tug.
Mooring Master will advise export tanker's Master to order the vessel to come slowly ahead so taking the
weight off the mooring line. When the load is reduced and mooring line slackened down, open the chain
stopper. The pick-up rope should then be heaved up on the winch so taking the weight, then the chafing
chain should be let go from the bow. The pick-up rope should then be slowly slackened until the chafing
chain is in the water. Whilst the pick-up ropes are being lowered, the vessel should come slowly astern
until it is clear of the terminal.
Terminal's personnel will be transferred from export vessel to the terminal by service boat, provided wave
height is less than 2.0 m.

Tanker Facilities

(Please tick if unable to verify the Tanker Facilities information)

Details of tanker facilities incl dimensions, cargo lines, safety, local conditions, moorings, gangways,
environmental, STS, slops, cargo SG, API and temperatures.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Hoses information)

Offloading floating hose strings used for transferring crude oil consist of 26 sections with a 12 in. ANSI150
camlock with five quick-opening cams, total length 270 m. Hose operating pressure 10 Bar, test pressure
1.5 times operating pressure (15 Bar), with max. pressure 75 Bar.
Export vessel manifold crane to have lifting capability of at least 15 tonnes SWL rigged on the port side
and ready for hose handling. Mooring Master will advise on the procedure for connecting the hose.

Cargo Operations

(Please tick if unable to verify the Cargo Operations information)

When the hose connection has been made, Mooring Master shall instruct the export tanker's crew to
open the manifold valves and advise the terminal that the export tanker is ready to load. Cargo transfer
operations should not commence until the export tanker's cargo officer on duty and the Mooring Master
are satisfied, and have agreed that the hoses are correctly connected and that all necessary tanker
valves have been set for receiving or discharging cargo.
Transfer shall commence slowly at 400 cu.m./hr. until it has been verified that the oil is reaching the
designated tanks and that the whole system is operating satisfactorily. Hose strings should be inspected
for evidence of leaks. When it has been firmly established that the whole system is operating correctly,
pumping rate can be increased to maximum rate as specified by the terminal.
During loading, periodic inspection should be performed on the manifold connection, the entire hose
system and the areas around the vessel and terminal. At regular intervals, the pressure at the manifold
and the quantity of transferred cargo should be recorded by the independent surveyor on both terminal
and vessel. Figures are to be compared. Any marked discrepancy between quantities should be
investigated immediately.
During the offloading operation, responsible crew members are to be stationed at the export tanker's bow.
Hai Thach Condensate
Density at 15C
Specific Gravity at 60/60F
Reid Vapour Pressure
Appearance and colour
Flash Point

0.8382 gm./ml.
Light yellow, transparent
Like gasoline
8 C

Specification is from laboratory analysis and actual cargo specification may change from the above.

Cargo Temperature
Export tanker shall be equipped with a cargo heating system capable of maintaining crude oil temperature
not less than 40C.
Loading Rate
Max. 2,500 cu.m./hr. Working offloading rate of 2,000 2,500 cu.m./hr., maximum allowable working back
pressure 10 Bar.
Completion of Loading
Upon completion of cargo transfer, pumping rate will be reduced. Manifold valves to remain open until oil
flow has ceased completely. Mooring Master shall wait for confirmation from the terminal before directing
the export vessel valves to be closed. Mooring Master should confirm closing of outlet valve on the FSO
and inlet valve on export tanker manifold.
Cargo Calculations
Figures will be based on FSO's metered figures, and checked by the independent surveyor. Condensate
properties are analysed by automatic sampler. Quality and Quantity Certificates will be issued by the
independent surveyor. Official figure for the condensate volume loaded should be inserted in Bill of
Lading based on these certificates.
Cargo Figures and Documentation
Cargo figures are based on the independent surveyor's calculations. The BD POC representative shall
issue all cargo documents on board.
A set of cargo documents will comprise:
Bill of Lading

Cargo Manifest

Certificate of Origin
Certificate of Quality
Certificate of Quantity

Letters of Protest (if any)

Notification of Departure
Receipt for Documents and Samples.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Ballast information)

Vessels with SBT are the standard. Only by prior arrangement, under special circumstances and with
clearance from the terminal, may a CBT configuration tanker, as defined by MARPOL be accepted, on
the condition that the vessel has undergone and passed a physical examination within the last twelve
months by a professionally qualified surveyor acceptable to BD POC. Any CBT ballast discharge shall be
monitored by using an operational oil-in-water monitor that complies with the latest MARPOL regulations
and the provisions for inerting CBTs.
After completing the discharge of ballast from dedicated CBTs, the terminal representative and
independent surveyor shall witness the closing and sealing of pump room sea suction valves.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Pollution information)

Terminal has a small quantity of dispersant for pollution control, which can be dispensed by a stand-by
vessel. A sufficient quantity of equipment to contain and recover oil from the sea is kept on board the
Export tanker shall comply fully with all relevant provisions of the MARPOL Convention and with all
applicable Vietnamese Environmental Laws. Any oil leakage or spillage shall be reported immediately to
the terminal representative/Loading Master. All offloading operations shall be suspended until the cause
of the spill is established and remedied and cleaning completed to the satisfaction of the terminal
representative and any relevant Vietnamese authorities.

Waste Disposal

(Please tick if unable to verify the Waste Disposal information)

Whether a collection service is available and if drums or skips are provided on board or alongside.
Contact details of garbage services, charges and collection time.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Medical information)

Medical treatment only available in an emergency, when the patient would be flown to Ho Chi Minh City.

Fresh Water

(Please tick if unable to verify the Fresh Water information)

Not available.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Fuel information)

Terminal may accept a bunker tanker for ship-to-ship operations if the signification wave height is less
than 2.0 m. and wind speed is less than 25 knots.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Drydocks information)

See ``Nha Trang''.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Repairs information)

Whether all types of deck and engine repairs are possible, and if not, then what types of repairs may be
carried out. Full contact details for the operator(s) of the repair facility.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Surveyors information)

During mooring, the terminal's laboratory technician shall sample and analyse the condensate for
determining the BS & W content, density and API gravity. This will be done under the independent
surveyor's supervision. Terminal will then isolate the offloading cargo from the other tanks.
The Chief Officer shall accompany the independent surveyor to carry out condensate cargo and free
water volume checking on the export vessel.
During mooring operations, the Chief Officer accompanies the independent surveyor, BD POC
representative and/or other from the boarding party to carry out dry tank checking. After making sure the
dry tanks are checked and ready for the offloading operation, all the valves to these tanks should be
sealed. The Dry Tank Certificate will be issued by the surveyor.
Also see ``Cargo Operations''.

Emergency Response Centre

(Please tick if unable to verify the Emergency Response Centre information)

Vung Tau Port Authority. Email:


(Please tick if unable to verify the Regulations information)

Unauthorised Craft
Presence of unauthorised craft alongside the export tanker will render the export tanker unacceptable for
loading. It is the duty of the export tanker's personnel to see that the vessel's sides are clear of any such
craft at all times.
Compliance with Vietnamese Laws
Vessels shall keep a distance of not less than 10 n.m. from the MEZ including terminal, its facilities and
fixed platforms. Vessels may only enter the MEZ and berth at the terminal after requesting and gaining
permission from BD POC.
Vessels visiting the terminal shall comply with the provisions of Vietnamese maritime laws, as well as the
Terminal Regulations and other Vietnamese laws and regulations.

The Master, vessel owner and their Agents shall comply with all directions made by the Government of
Vietnam and all its authorities or agents having jurisdiction over the terminal and related facilities and
fixed platforms.
Procedures specifying the Vietnamese Government requirements relating to health, environment,
Customs and Immigration or other articles are strictly adhered to.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Weather/Tides information)

SW Monsoon
May to September, wind is generally variable during the monsoon transition period but may strengthen in
late local squalls.
NE Monsoon
October to January: Intermittent bad weather occurs during the monsoon, high wave and swell condition
can persist for extended periods.
Surface currents of the South China Sea are influenced mainly by the monsoon winds which control the
flow of water into/from the Sulu Sea, Java Sea and through the Taiwan Straight. Main current flows on the
west side of the region and sets SW during the NE Monsoon and NE during the SW Monsoon. During the
period of either monsoon, the current has a high constancy but some variations, and even occasional
reversals may occur with irregularities in the monsoon. The main current trends with the monsoonal wind
direction at up to 3 knots on the surface.
Direction of prevailing wind is determined by monsoonal activity. May to September, the SW monsoon
period, SW'ly winds predominate. Wind direction is variable in October and then during the NE monsoon
October to January, the winds are from the north to east.
Winter months are subject to strong winds commencing in October. This period is also subject to
monsoonal surges which may be associated with winds up to 50 knots. This is likely to affect mooring and
lifting operations. February and March the dominant wind direction is SE and in April, winds are again
variable with the transition from the winter to summer monsoon.
Typhoons, which can create wind speeds over 100 knots, are likely to be encountered in the latter months
of the year.
Sea and swell conditions are directly related to the monsoon. NE monsoon winds are stronger than those
of the SE monsoon. Maximum sea and swell conditions therefore occur during the winter months. During
the height of the NE monsoon, seas are predominantly moderate with the occasional rough sea. In
February 50% of the sea and swell conditions can be expected to be consistently moderate to rough and
calm seas are the exception throughout the area. During the change between the monsoon seasons in
April/May and again in October, there is a marked improvement in the sea and swell conditions where an
expectancy of 80% for smooth to slight seas can be experienced.
SW (summer) monsoon period, characterised by prevailing SW'ly winds and high rainfall (greater than
200 mm./month). The NE (winter) monsoon, November to February, period of predominantly NE winds
and lower rainfall (less than 70 mm./month). During the change from the winter monsoon to the summer
monsoon, winds are variable and rainfall is low (less than 30 mm./month). The minimum air temperature
is 21C and maximum 35C.
Sea Water Temperature/Salinity
Average sea water temperature is approx. 24.5C, the lowest being expected during February and
highest during August. Salinity is extremely variable and is in direct contrast to the near uniform sea
surface temperature experienced. In general, water masses of low salinity form at the surface and high
salinity water of oceanic origin is found at depth. Between these two masses, a large current flows to and
from, such that many regions are alternately filled with waters of different origin resulting in large seasonal
variations of salinity.

Nearest Airport

(Please tick if unable to verify the Nearest Airport information)

Distance from and name of nearest airport; whether airport is international or domestic.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Customs information)

Contact details for Customs. Quantity of dutiable goods (tobacco, wine, spirits, etc.) permitted for each
crew member to be held out of bond. Any other relevant information.

Shore Leave

(Please tick if unable to verify the Shore Leave information)

Whether crew members are allowed ashore or not.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Repatriation information)

Whether facilities exist for effecting crew changes and arranging any necessary repatriation.


(Please tick if unable to verify the General information)

Any information that may be of value to the Shipmaster and that is not covered by the previous questions.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Developments information)

Details of expected draft increases, new installations, berths, etc., expected in the foreseeable future,
together with expected dates of completion.


(Please tick if unable to verify the Authority information)

Vung Tau Maritime Administration, 2 Quang Trung Street, Vung Tau City, Viet Nam. T: +84 (64)
385 6270, 351 2811. F: +84 (64) 385 6085, 385 6137. E:
W: Contact: Le Van Chien, Director. T: +84 (64) 385 6907. M: +84 9039 23914.
Le Van Thuc, Deputy Director. T: +84 (64) 385 6084.
Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Comapny, PetroVietnam Tower, 3rd Floor, 1-5 Le Duan Street, Ben
Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. T: +58 (8) 3824 5566. F: +58 (8) 3520 2999.
Contact: Capt Dao Quang Tuan, Marine Supervisor. M: +58 9036 88759. E:


(Please tick if unable to verify the Agent information)

PV Trans Oil JSC, Citilight Tower, 45 Vo Thi Sau Street, District 1, Hi Chi Minh City, Vietnam. T: +84 (8)
6291 1281, 6291 1282/3. F: +84 (8) 6291 1180. E: W:

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