Street Sheet Issue2 (Multi-Page)
Street Sheet Issue2 (Multi-Page)
Street Sheet Issue2 (Multi-Page)
AIDS Politics-The
Politics of AIDS
Salvaging The VIII international
AIDS Conference
From the perspective of "thinking
globally and acting locally," the VIII
International Conference on AIDS / HI
STD World Congress was quite an eye-
opener. The structure of the Confer-
ence was fairly comprehensive. There
were four tracks, labeled Basic Science,
Clinical Science and Care, Epidemiol-
ogy and Social Impact and Response. Lunch time ACT UP/lntematioiial frequently disrupted the Conference to bring
Poster Discussions were held along with evening attention to discrimination against HIV-positive people and
Minicourses and Satellite Meetings. Additionally, pharmaceutical company profiteering.
(Photograph by Kiyoshi Kuromiya)
there were "Global Meetings," which resembled
open plenaries, held on two evenings of the
Conference. Sandwiched in wherever possible
International AIDS
were all manner of press conferences, drug Conference Slams U.S.
company receptions, and other interest group
meetings. ACT UP sponsored many of these Hundreds of AIDS activists marched through
smaller meetings, not to mention daily, some- the streets of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, at
conlinuedonpage2 the opening of the Eighth International AIDS
ConferenceJuly 19. They denounced repressive
CONTENTS immigration and travel restrictions in the U.S.
AosPosto-TtePo5s«dAios rrrr?Tr_ i
iriteroSoral AIDS Conference Sums US
AnBtertJam Huron...
. I
Demonstrators carried 40 coffins, each in-
scribed with the names of people who have died
0ns Sep Forward. T«o Steps Beck..
Preparing tor Houston 6
of AIDS and with information about countries
United lor AIDS Acton Rally Not EMrelya Success G
FUCK THEUMTEOtofAlOS ACTION 9 that have immigration and travel restrictions
Go Figure.. 10
il Ainl Cheap 10 against people with HIV and AIDS. Chanting
DreamlxHB& Nightmares 1!
term This tewlener 12 "Open all borders!" protesters passed by the
KtetbBatet K
Swings _._- K consulates of several of these countries.
ACT UP leisure & lifestyle 13
ACT UP Philadelphia's People ol Wot Caucus M
Midnip Coircoy Project Reaches Out to Mate Sex tndustiy Workers __ M Most of the anger was directed toward the
Rata FerrawtstoYow Face 16 continued on page 3
The Freedom of Choice A c t — — 16
ACT UP Schedule C4 Evens _ 18
'AIDS Politics-The Politics of AIDS,' continued from page 1
times hourly actions and zaps. Imagine all of the
above crunched into a four day period in "sin
city," Amsterdam. The working group that produces each issue of this newsletter
reserves sole discretion in accepting or rejecting any articles,
Researchers, doctors, activists, health and serv- photographs, artwork, or advertising that we receive as submis-
sions. So, if you like this newsletter, join us; if you hate it, join us
ice providers, PWA's, PHIV's, funders, drug to make it better. If you don't care, fine.
company lackeys, Elizabeth Taylor, and the Press
You can contact the ACT UP Newsletter working group by
were there in droves. It all added up to five days coming to an ACT UP/Philadelphia general meeting or by
of sheer madness. In retrospect, it seems that calling (215) 7S1-1844 and leaving a message on extension 8.
many people at the conference were looking for
"the answer," when maybe all we should or really
could have gained from it were a few more clues.
"Great expectations, great disappoin tments," as a
friend once said.
It's interesting how so many of the news reports
that came out of this conference were about the
"old news" being discussed and how there were
"no new substantive breakthroughs." What did HI
people expect when the role ofHIV-1 andHIV-2
as the sole causes of AIDS was thrown in doubt by
one of the biggest stories of the Conference? It Amsterdam Rumorz
was revealed that there are about 30 documented
cases of amysteriousnon-HIV immunodeficiency or A Tall Faerie Tale
disease! Once upon a time, there was an Eighth International
The most disturbing thing about the VIII Inter- AIDS Conference and many Queers were there. One of the
national AIDS Conference was the domination of Fabulous Fountain Gang was waltzing Mathilde and
schmoozing Liz about his constituency......yeah,
American and, to some extent, European agen-
right. A pansexual, using a press pass bearing the
das. If we consider that more than 8.5 million of name of the cute and sexy cub reporter back home
the 10 million people infected with HIV globally was seen climbing the gate of the American Embassy
are from Africa, Asia, and South America (6.5 with a coffin balanced on his head. Our Most Lovely
million, 1 million +, and 1 million +, respectively), Drag Queen was honored by. the Mayor of Amster-
we must wonder why more than half of those at dam with the dual tides of Archbishop and Duchess.
the conference were from North America and During the ceremony, many were reminiscing about
Western Europe. Just how international was this the live sex shows with audience participation.
conference? Not enough! Counterfeit passes to all the events were being
manufactured and distributed by that Famous
Why was the conference so dominated by people Communications Terrorist. The Luscious Young
from the Northern and Western hemispheres? Lezzies took in tulip nurseries and girl bars. The
Economics is the answer! We have the money and Outreach Workers Were seen taking a romantic
they don't! We have the largest research facilities, cruise up the canals, though one of them had re-
the drug companies, the overall medical infra- cently had a bad experience with a raisin. The
structure and vast resources that flow dispropor- second of the Fabulous Fountain Gang was hardly
tionately in our direction. You've gotta pay to play ever seen. Some speculated that he was taking in the
"International" AIDS Conference! plazas, canals, and men's rooms.
How are health providers from Africa going to Partying 'til late...rising early...NOT! And a good
time was had by all.
utilize various treatment protocols when a rela-
cont'mued on page 4 —submitted by Lady Loose Labiae—
'InternationalAIDS Conference Slams U.S..'continuedhorn page!
United States. Tomas Fabregas, a Spaniard who Fernandes, of Sao Paolo's state health depart-
emigrated to the U.S. in 1978, addressed the ment, said Brazil's inability to adequately ad-
protesters. Since U.S. immigration laws prohibit dress the AIDS crisis is "deeply linked to our
people with HTV from entering the country, the country's existing economic crisis."She pointed
govemmentmaypreventhim from returning to out that the government must pay billions of
San Francisco after the conference. dollars a year on International Monetary Fund
"I have lived in the U.S. all my adult life," loans, leaving Brazil without the funds to care
Fabregas said. "I contracted HIV there. I pay for its 25,000 people with AIDS and 425,000
taxes and have a lover there. I demand the right HIV-positive people.
to stay." Nduati, a University of Nairobi pediatrician,
Fabregas said most immigrants with HIV are said AIDS is an integral part of the overall crisis
afraid of deportation and thus do not seek of poverty and hunger that millions face in sub-
testing and treatment. He said HTV-based re- Saharan Africa. AIDS treatments are owned by
strictions on immigration and travel "drive vast profit-hungry companies in the imperialist
numbers of people underground, make them countries—like the U-S-'sBurroughs-Wellcome,
unreachable by education or medical support, whose drug Retrovir® (zidovudine/AZT) is far
and thereby foster the spread of HTV." too expensive for most Africans with AIDS.
Bill Bahlman of ACT UP/NY told attendees
Scientists, activists share views
that progress against AIDS will be impossible
The AIDS conference was originally sched- unless scientists from competing pharmaceuti-
uled to be held in Boston under the sponsorship cal companies share research information rather
of Harvard University. However, at last year's than spending millions of dollars to replicate
conference in Florence, Italy, protests about studies.
U.S. immigration policy forced organizers to With no breakthrough findings reported at
move this year's conference to another country. the conference, this call gained new urgency
For the past two years, the International AIDS with the news that a new strain of the HTV virus
Conference has passed declarations opposing may exist Conference participants said it shows
the U.S. immigration ban and travel restrictions more than ever that it will require a massive army
against people with HTV. And ever since AIDS of well-funded researchers to strike down the
activists took the stage at the opening ceremony hydra of AIDS.
of the 1989 conference in Montreal, organizers
have included activists in the meeting program. Onus o n U.S.
The inclusion is often an appendage to the At the opening session, conference chair Dr.
conference more than an integral part of it. At Jonathan Mann of Harvard said there are cur-
the request ofACT UP, this year the conference rendy 13 million people infected with HTV. By
held its first global meeting for scientists, activ- the year 2000, some 38 million to 110 million
ists, health-care workers, policy makers, and adults, and 10 million children will be infected,
people with AIDS to exchange ideas. and the epidemic is spreading most rapidly
among women and children. Dr. Michael H.
About 1,000 people attended this meeting on Merson of the World Health Organization said,
July 19, including scientists from Africa, Latin "close to half of the one million newly infected
America and Asia. Both Dr. Maria Eugenia Fer- adults [since January 1] have been women."
nandes of Brazil and Dr. Ruth Nduati of Kenya
linked the burgeoning epidemic in their coun- Also during the conference, activists an-
tries to the effects of neocolonialism. nounced a U.S. boycott against products manu-
'AIDS Politics-The Politics ofAIDS,' continued from page 2
tively clean blood supply or clean syringes for the
most basic medical procedures are often not
available? Treatment of any disease is possible
when proper medical facilities are available, but
what about when they aren't 5 That's a matter of
access to basic health care, which is a human
Some of the most important things to come out
of the Vm International AIDS Conference were
the creation of various transnational networks.
For PWA's, there is the Global Network for Treat-
ment and Drugs (or something like that), a sort
of international buyers club. For those of us con-
cerned about the next international AIDS/STD Jon Paul Hammond, international coffin construction consultant,
conference in Berlin, there is the Global AIDS preparing one of the 40 symbolic boxes that were delivered to the
Advocacy Network, which will lobby Conference consulates of many nations in Amsterdam.
organizers around issues of planning, content, (Photograph by Kiyoshi Kuromiya)
structure (although the structure of the Amster- 'International AIDS Conference Slams U.S..' continued from page 3
factured by Astra Pharmaceuticals, a Swiss firm,
dam Conference was far better than that of the
to protest the cost of Foscarvir®. The drug is used
Florence conference last year), and, hopefully,
to treat cytomegalovirus retinitis, which blinds
international representation and language trans-
up to 46 percent of people with AIDS. Foscarvir®
lation, both of which need serious attention.
sells for $25,000 to $30,000 a year.
Back here in Philadelphia, I am going to use my As in past years, many conference participants
newly acquired knowledge of needle exchanges from the Third World said poverty prevents
in Holland to help create an effective needle their countries from mounting the kind of full-
exchange program here. All those syringes people scale AIDS prevention and treatment programs
keep donating—the ones we can't use here—I necessary. They said it is the responsibility of the
think I am going get them out through the Global
imperialist West, which controls vast scientific
and financial resources, to commit those re-
they are really needed. Perhaps it will be possible
sources to combating AIDS worldwide.
to set up a network which does this consistendy.
We could include racially appropriate condoms —written by Brenda Sandburg—
(© Workers World Service)
(the majority of penises in the world are not
white), syringe cleaning materials, and alcohol
prep pads. Perhaps a letter from the People of
Color Caucus of ACT UP Philadelphia regarding
representation and language translation would
be helpful if circulated through the Global AIDS
Advocacy Network. Maybe someday there will be
health care for all and a cure for AIDS, maybe...
—submitted by Jon Paul Hammond—
'Preparing for Houston,' continued from page 8
past policies, or even the threat of arrest stop us For me, what should have been an exciting
from taking the role of forcing change. We and unified event turned into a frustrating
cannot setde for wearing ribbons, being "points experience that left me both angry and de-
of light," going to Hollywood-style shows, or pressed.
simply tending to the sick. Our voices must be —submitted by David Acosta—
heard and we must demand action now. We will
be in Houston whether they like it or not. It is
our right and our duty to ACT UP, FIGHT Go to the United for Aids Action to ACT UP not ACT OUT.
—submitted by Charlie Price— AIDS activist must attend the rally on July 14. You must
show up because most of the attendees of this rally have
no idea what it is to ACT UP. GMHC has spared no great
'United ForAIDS Action Not Entirely a Success,' continued from page 8
expense to get you there (gag) and have gone to great
able to wriggle my way out of their grasp, but lengths promoting it as the largest AIDS COALITION march
other individuals were unable to do so. They and rally (double gag) EVER. The mother of them all. SO
were thrown on the ground, handcuffed, stepped DON'T EVEN CONSIDER NOT GOING. BUT when you get
on repeatedly, andjabbed with nightsticks. One there, CHANGE IT. When Jesse Jackson, a keynote
speaker—and this wasn't supposed to be a "political"
of the six individuals with whom I had linked ra//y(triple gag)—begins to speak, SEND US MADONNA
arms wasJohn McLaughlin, who suffered a mild NOW. PLEASE, someone with AIDS, storm the stage, grab
concussion and, as a result, as happens in such the microphone and take it over. Speak with HEART. Speak
cases, has been charged with felony assault of a with SOUL. Speak with ANGER. Speak about the SHAM that
police officer and resisting arrest has masqueraded as AIDS research for the last 12 years.
ASK GMHC how much this little "coup de theatre" has '
After the arrests were over, we continued to cost. EXPECT to be booed. Expect to be THREATENED.
move towards Madison Square Garden. When DON'T leave the stage.
we got there, the police were already waiting for BRING A GUN.
Ask your audience what they plan on doing TOMORROW. If
us. They would not permit us to speak or to they plan on doing what they did yesterday, tell them to go
gather on the street As we were getting ready to home—it didn't work YESTERDAY—it won't work tomor-
comply, they once again stormed the crowd, row. Tell everyone wearing a red ribbon to shred them.
pushing us with nightsticks towards the pave- Tell them to STOP hoping for a cure. Hope is for preachers.
Tell them we need Bush OUT of the White House. Anthony
ment and against the wall. It was at this point that
Fauci OUT of the NIH. GMHC and AmFAR OUT OF SHOW
ACT UP Philadelphia member ScottTuckerwas BUSINESS. Tell them to go to the next ACT UP meeting,
arrested. The police threw about several people throw out everyone who doesn't think AIDS is a POLITICAL
violendy and clubbed them. One woman sus- crisis, admit failure, plan a new strategy AND start a war
tained a serious injury to her leg as she was chest for the millions we will need to get what we want: A
CURE. When you're finished, thank everyone POLITELY
thrown over a fire hydrant.
{like Tim Sweeney orMathilde Krim would) and smile.
Here, we were once again penned in like catde You did a GREAT Job.
and told not to leave the barricades on penalty
of arrest. We, however, did not obey, as we —This text, without the words "BRING A GUN," was
needed to find out what had happened to Scott distributed as part of a broadside by Anonymous Queers at
the United for AIDS Action March and Rally—
and to make sure other Philadelphians were all
right. Several calls and a walk to police head-
quarters reassured us that no one else from our
group had been arrested. The police told us that
Scott's release would take several hours. We
waited in New York until Scott's release and
returned to Philadelphia.
Go Figure It Ain't Cheap
During the National Democratic Convention On July 14, 1992, more than sixty ACT UP
and the United For AIDS Action March and Philadelphians trekked to New York to demand
Rally, there was increased criticism heaped on that the next President of the United States take
George Bush for his "do nothing" attitude to- a leadership role in ending the AIDS crisis, or at
wards the AIDS pandemic. The media picked it least follow the recommendations of the Pre-
up somewhat and Bush was on the defensive. In sidentially appointed National Commission on
true fashion, Bush chose to air boilerplate cliches AIDS. It wasn't a very enjoyable demonstration,
to defend his administration. Bush said that they but the point is that it cost us money.
were spending far more on AIDS than on other ACT UP Philadelphia will send at least twelve
diseases. Among other facts, Bush failed to activists to Houston to denounce Bush's pa-
mention that his figures are totally bloated. thetic response to the AIDS crisis. Everyone
George Bush said that the U.S. is spending expects the evil Republicans to do all they can to
$4.3 billion on AIDS and that he has asked for re-elect the great serpent but it is our responsi-
$4.9 billion for 1993. Activists need to be able to bility to speak out against his homophobic and
look through his rhetoric and numbers to refute AIDSphobic administration. While V.P. PotatoE
his lies very clearly and loudly. What he does, in Head goes around campaigning for his version
effect, it to give sound bites to everyone who of so-called "family values" and against Queer
never thought that the government should be rights, we need to organize massive protests
concerned about AIDS anyway. Soon after Bush every time they rear their ugly/hateful heads in
was quoted saying that the Federal government Philadelphia and especially in Houston, but the
spends ten times as much per patient on AIDS as point is that it will cost us money.
they do on cancer, many conservative writers This article is a plea for donations—you get
followed Bush's lead and mouthed his figures. the most bang for your buck with ACT UP, as we
Also, there was a slew of letters in newspapers have no paid staff and no bureaucratic swamp to
everywhere denouncing the "high" AIDS budget suck down your cash. We use our money for
His figures of sums in the $4 billion range are rent telephones, printing, postage (for such
completely fictional. The budget for AIDS re- things as our widely acclaimed HIV Standard Of
search, weakly coordinated by the National Care document), etc. ACT UP runs only on
Institutes of Health (NIH) is only $841 million volunteers, a fabulous cast of characters who
this year. The amount that Bush wants to spend have mobilized to fight AIDS in Philadelphia.
on AIDS research in fiscal year 1993 is $873 So, ACT UP will be in Houston, Texas, demon-
million. Anthony Fauci, Bush's own Associate strating and hell-raising in Bush's so-called home
Director for AIDS Research at the NIH, wanted state (he has a hotel room there). Houston will
$1.2 billion, and said that the proposed spend- be thick with Republicans of all stripes, includ-
ing would mean a reduction in some NIH re- ing the fascist Buchanan, who will be holding a
search teams and programs and "certainly will rally in the rather queer Montrose section of the
slow down" work towards a cure [Associated city. It is rumored that he wants a fight with the
Press, 2/25/1992]. Can you fucking believe that? Queers. Although we are always non-violent we
How can people wonder why we are angry? Even didn' t back down from him in Manchester, New
those figures are questionable, according to Hampshire during the Republican primary and
Prpjectlnform. They estimate that the figure for we will not retreat from Adolf Buchanan on
1992 was more like $150 million. Apparently, Queer turf. ACT UP people will put their bodies
continued on page 11 continued on page 11
"Go Figure,' continued from page 10
Bush adds in money from Medicaid, Medicare, this tactic is and how it plays in to Bush's hateful
Social Security, the Labor Department the policies. Bash Bush in 1992: your life may
Defense Department the Public Health Service, depend on it!
etc. to inflate hisfigures.The main reason spend- —submitted by Michael Marsico—
ing increases occur is that many people who
have AIDS are on Social Security, use Medicaid 'It Ain't Cheap,' continued horn page 10
and Medicare, and so forth. As Congressman on the line to end the AIDS crisis and to fight
Waxman said, "The growth is because more and homophobia. We hope you can put some money
more Americans are dying of AIDS...this is not on the line for the cause. ACT UP! Fight Back!
a budget of research opportunities. It is a body Fight AIDS! Write A Check!
count" —submitted by Michael Marsico—
Another reason that we need more money for
AIDS research is that itis arelatively new disease
and much of the needed basic research has
never been done. (Such basic research about
cancer and heart disease was funded long ago.)
There is also the fact that AIDS has cut down
men and women in their prime, as well as chil-
dren. Heart disease and cancer strike mostly the
Put Out
elderly. Project Inform writes, "Crude compari-
sons which lump all cancer and heart disease
patients in a single group without regard for age
make no distinction between the inevitable ef-
fects of aging and the onset of disease on other-
wise healthy individuals with long life spans
With Your
ahead of them." While, Bush trumpets his non-
existent record on AIDS spending in this elec-
tion year, we know he is a fucking liar.
What follow are some indicative figures.
% of NIH budget Cumulative Number of
Americans Diagnosed with AIDS
used for AIDS research
Dreamboats & Name This Newsletter
Nightmares Win Five ACT U P T-Shirts
Street Sheet is happy to announce that we have What's in a name? ACT UP's new newsletter
more dreamboats than nightmares for this issue needs a h o t sexy, 90's name. We liked Out Rage
(even though the AIDS crisis is getting steadily andAttitudebut, alas, those names are already in
worse). Our picks break down as follows. use. Socummon,puton those thinking caps. We
Dreamboats know the perfect name is out there. The winner
gets five (5) ACT UP T-shirts of her/his choice
Ed Rendell, Robert Ross, Maria Gold and and the respect and envy of peers. So, get busy
Barry Savitz deserve praise for their efforts on thinking. Call (215) 731-1844 extension 8 and
behalf of clean needle exchange for the City of leave your idea, name, and telephone number
Philadelphia. on the "Street Sheet answering system.
We idolize Nan Feiler, Scott Burris, and Tony
and John for their work with Prevention Point. Bitter Is Better
Have you noticed that Philadelphia Gay News
editorJohn Mandes provides ACT UP with free Be sure to pick up one of our MOST BITTER
advertising every time he talks to the main- T-SHIRTS. With a picture of the police beating
stream press? We are deeply humble and grate- the shit out of us on September 12, it is tided
ful for his services in this area. "ACT UP/Philadelphia," and our slogan is writ-
ten large on the back.. ."AIDS. IF YOU LIKED
Fran Stoffa gets our dirty underwear prize for SECOND." You can buy them at the ACT UP
stating to City Paper that injection drug users are general meetings, every Mondaynight 7:30p.m.
inherently untrustworthy. at the Church of St Luke and the Epiphany, at
Thirteenth and Pine Streets in Center City Phila-
Gay Men's Health Crisis of New York City gets delphia.
an F" on its activist report card for sabotaging the
United [Divided?] for AIDS Action demonstra-
tion and setting up ACT UP folks from all over
the country to be beaten and arrested. Thanks
The President and Government of Mexico are
using terrorist tactics to suppress democracy,
AIDS awareness, and the Mexican Queer libera-
tion movement Nightmare of the month Par-
tido Revolucionario Institutional sponsors po- 'Hi Lh&W20—9-(CXPE fOll SVRE JT!ELI9{Q
litical terror! HISS!!! TfECEO^T—^E MISS DrOU WNp LOVE OV'U.
—ACT W/Tfiifatfefpfiia
ACT UP Leisure & Lifestyle
Red Hot+Danceh the second major project produced by Red Hot and Blue, an organization dedicated to
raising money for AIDS activism, research, and services while increasing awareness about the epidemic The
group's first endeavor, Red Hot+Blue, collected artists' performances of their favorite Cole Porter songs. Red
Hot + Dance contains mostly re-released hit dance songs from the original artists, re-remixed by well known
Along with the nine old hit songs on Red Hot + Dance, there are four new tracks, three ofwhich are by George
Michael He wrote all three exclusively for this album; in fact, he was the first artist to volunteer for this
project Respect George! Thefirsttrack and first single is T o o Funky?"—the tide alone gets three snaps in
a triangle. The song is danceable hard funk with tart pop on the edge. When I first heard it I reminisced
to way back in the golden glittering years of the 70's, to wearing my sister's six-inch pumps and an afro wig.
The second track from George is "Do You Really Want to Know." This song should get play at the clubs.
You can vogue and work out in a sweat to thisjam, and once the song is over, you can tone it down and dance
to "Happy," George's third and final track. "Happy"sounds similar to Soul II Soul productions, or even rather
is a return to the "Sound of Phila-
The best dance track on this
album next to Too Funky?"and"Do
You Really Want to Know," I must
say, is Sly and the Family Stone's
Thank You (For Letting Me Be
Myself Again)." This song has been
scratched, over- sampled and
bitten, but it never gets proper rec-
ognition. A good example of the
song's appropria- tion is Janet
Jackson's "Rhythm Nation." LIES!
Her song should have been called
"J.J.'s Copied Na- tion."Slyandthe
Family Stone's work is the only song
that blends rock and soul with ease.
Now on to the negative side of this album. Why, why, why put old tired songs on the album and re-remix
them? Crystal Waters' "Gypsy Woman" has been played over and over and over, la da dee, la da daa, la da
dee, la da daa. Give it a BREAK! It's a good thing the chorus of this song has been omitted until the very end.
This goes equally for EMF's "Unbelievable." Madonna's "Supernatural" is not a new song either. It was first
released as a B-side to "Cherish." At first I disliked Madonna's remix, but after a few swallows I kind of liked
it Seal is my favorite artist on this album. I give him great respect for his beautiful lyrics. The song "Crazy"
is well suited for this album, but it shouldn't have been so saturated in the remix. This version is too slow and
worn down.
This album is excellent for a party, for the beach, or for sitting around with your friends; you can sing and
dance to your favorite tunes. If you're not going to buy this album because of my critique, YOU'RE WRONG!
People have different opinions. You might like it more than I do. And if you're not satisfied, be happy you
bought it for the cause. Every penny is going to benefit AIDS activism, research, and relief.
If you have any information about AIDS-related music, art, or entertainment or if you just want my
telephone number, call the ACT UP office and leave a message on the newsletter extension [that's (215)
731-1844 extension 8]. Be sure to ask for OJ.
—submitted by Qf—
ACT UP Philadelphia's Midnight Cowboy
People of Color Project Reaches Out to
Caucus Male Sex Inudstry
The People of Color Caucus of ACT UP Phila- Workers
delphia is a diverse group of individuals (repre-
The Midnight Cowboy Project is a joint effort
senting many communities) who are united in
of the GALAEI Project (Gay and Lesbian Latino
anger and committed to direct action to end the
AIDS Education Initiative) and ACT UP Phila-
AIDS crisis.
delphia. MCP provides AIDS education, refer-
The People of Color Caucus (POCC) of ACT ral, and support services to male street sex work-
UP Philadelphia arose out ofa need to empower ers in Philadelphia. MCP began meeting in
communities of color in the struggle against service of the population it was hoping to reach.
AIDS by providing a voice that speaks to the Then, in March, the Ed Savitz case and the
needs of these communities regarding AIDS homophobic sensationalism that followed it
education and access to health care. Although made it clear that we were on the right track.
AIDS is the lens through which we focus our MCP is committed to AIDS education and refer-
struggle, we are equally concerned with racism, ral services for Philadelphia's male sex industry
sexism, and homophobia, both within and out- from a non-moralistic approach.
side our respective cultures and communities.
Male hustling is motivated by many factors,
The POCC realizes that the AIDS pandemic is poverty, unemployment, and substance abuse
exacerbated by the traditional oppressions of are but a few. For gay, bisexual, and heterosex-
poor and disenfranchised communities. It is ual youth who run away from home or are
therefore the objective of POCC to articulate thrown out, hustling becomes a way of survival.
these issues as they impact upon the spread of (This survival tactic is by no means limited to
HIV in our respective communities, and in so males.) While great emphasis is placed upon the
doing, to link all of the struggles that strive to prosecution and harassment of sex industry
enrich the quality of life of communities of workers of both sexes, the authorities scarcely
color. We realize that AIDS cannot be arbitrarily pay attention to their male clients, many of
separated from other social ills thatimpact upon whom are married and affluent
its spread. Therefore, we pledge ourselves to use
MCP believes that condom distribution and
whatever means are necessary to overcome all of
instructions for their proper use, as well as refer-
the facets of the AIDS crisis.
ral to drug treatment programs, is but a stop-gap
The People of Color Caucus welcomes all measure in the fight against AIDS and other
people of color who are interested in AIDS and STDs. Until we can provide a safe environment
its impact upon our communities. We meet on foryouth, regardless of their sexual orientation,
the first and third Thursday of every month at class, or economic status, street outreach and
6:00 p.m. at the ACT UP office at 201 South AIDS prevention information is an alternative
Camac Street (between Thirteenth and Twelfth that saves lives. Much work needs to be done to
Streets and between Walnut and Locust Streets) change the economic and social conditions that
in Center City Philadelphia. For more informa- leave youth no other alternative than to turn to
tion, please call (215) 731-1844 extension 3. prostitution as a way of survival.
—submitted by David Acosta—
Individuals interested in working with male
continued on page 15
'Midnight Cowboy Project...." continued from page 14
sex industry workers should call the GALAEI
Project's Midnight Cowboy Project Hotline at
D. A.G. (Dyke Action
(215) 977-7556 or ACT UP Philadelphia at Group)
(215) 731-1844.
—submitted by David Acosta—
Well, It's About Time
One month ago, seven outrageous dykes got
together to plan the Philadelphia Lesbians and
AIDS Conference. The Conference, set for Sat-
Fierce Feminists In The Freedom of
Your Face Choice Act
Recendy, Women's Health Action and Mobili- Lies!
zation (WHAM!) held two powerful demonstra-
tions to voice our outrage against the Pennsylva- At first glance, the Freedom of Choice Act
nia Abortion Control Act. The Supreme Court (FOCA) looks like a strong, liberal piece of leg-
announced their decision on June 29,1992, to islation. Many politicians as well as leaders in the
uphold all but one of the abortion restrictions pro-choice movementhave been pushing FOCA
that the Act dictates. Specifically, the Court as the salvation of reproductive freedom. Sup-
upheld the twenty-four hour waiting period, posedly, FOCA will protect us from the restric-
parental consent, and state informed consent tions that George Bush and the Supreme Court
provisions. They rejected the provision for hus- have forced on women. In reality, nothing could
band notification. Because a twenty-four waiting be further from the truth. It looks like, once
period is both time-consuming and cosdy for again, the only women who will have "freedom
women who do not live in big cities and for of choice" will be those women who are over the
teenagers who cannot tell their parents that they age of eighteen and can afford to have an abor-
are pregnant, these women will be affected the tion.
most by these new laws. FOCA has become another political play-toy
The day after the Supreme Court announced for the election year. Originally intended to
their decision, WHAM! and groups from the codify Roe v. Wade, FOCA has been gutted
Southeastern Pennsylvania Abortion Rights down to a token gesture laden with restrictive
Coalition held a peaceful demonstration across amendments. Presendy, it does not "require"
the street from the Liberty Bell. Approximately public funding of abortions and it allows each
400 people attended. After the rally, demonstra- state to impose parental consent laws. Here in
tors poured into the streets and began a sponta- Pennsylvania, we know what that means. Abor-
neous march to the Ben Franklin Bridge, which tions will not be accessible to poor women and
successfully stopped all traffic for forty-five min- teenagers. There are also other amendments
utes. Hundreds ofangry protesters later blocked waiting to be attached to the Act before it goes
Market Street There were no arrests. to a vote in the Senate and House. The votes
should come in the next few weeks and there is
More excitement occurredjust a few days later a good chance that the FOCA will look just like
at a Fourth of July "No Choice, No Liberty" the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act when
action sponsored by WHAM!, Women for Re-
the Congress is finished with i t
productive Freedom, and the National Organi-
zation for Women. We held a rally at the west The most important point of this whole game
side of the Liberty Bell while seventeen people is that the FOCA is being pushed through the
infiltrated the long lines offlag-waving,patriotic system as quickly as possible so that it can get to
Americans who were waiting to catch a glimpse George Bush and his certain veto before the
of the Bell. November elections. This end result is supposed
to make the President look even more unrea-
Inside, the seventeen rebels tried to chain
sonable that he already does. Many big name
themselves to the railing surrounding the Bell.
pro-choice organizations are playing the game
Not all were successful, but they made a huge
and backing the FOCA even with the debilitat-
scene nonetheless and the police arrested them ing amendments. Unfortunately, most of the
continued on page 17
continued on page 17
Tierce Feminists In Your Face," continued horn page 16 77K Freedom of Choice Act,' continued from page 16
and carried them out Once again, the energy public blindly looks to these groups as leaders,
was intense and the crowd took over the streets, so they do not know the truth about the FOCA.
yelling chants that ranged from the conservative Women's Health Action and Mobilization
"What do we want' CHOICE! When do we want (WHAM!) is exposing the FOCA for what it
it? NOW!" to the more explicit "Suck my tit / really is—bogus legislation to ease the con-
Lick my clit / Bush is a fuckin' hypocrite." sciences of those who supposedly represent us.
The general response to our actions was fan- WHAM! rejects the FOCA in its entirety and asks
tastic. WHAM! thanks those of you who came instead that you support the Women's Health
out in support, especially the men who showed Equity Act of 1991 (H.R. 1611), which is truly
that the issue of women's rights affects us all. pro-choice legislation. For more information,
For more information about WHAM!, includ- call Planned Parenthood at (215) 351-5560 or
ing meeting times and locations, call the ACT WHAM! at (215) 731-1844 extension 5.
UP telephone number at (215) 731-1844 exten- —submitted by Rue Landau—
sion 5 and leave a message.
—submitted by Rue Landau—
Action Committee meets every Wednesday at 07:30 p.m. at Penguin Place, 201 South Camac Street.
Science and Medicine Committee meets at 07:00 p.m. on first and third Monday of the month right before the
general meeting.
Prevention Point meets Tuesdays; call Lois at (215) 387-0270 or Jon Paul at (215) 627-1246 for more information.
People of Color Caucus meets on Thursdays at 06:00 p.m., call Jon Paul at (215) 627-1246 to confirm.
Women's Caucus and PISD (People With Immune System Disorders) Caucus meet periodically.
The ACT UP office and answering system can be reached at telephone number (215) 731-1844. The ACT UPfacsimile number
is (215) 731-1845.