p2 Intro
p2 Intro
p2 Intro
Debdeep Pati
Introductory Example
Women in a given age group who give birth to their first child relatively late in life (after
30) are at greater risk for eventually developing breast cancer over some time period t than
are women who give birth to their first child early in life (before 20).
1. 2000 women aged 45-54 with no breast cancer
2. 1000 in group A: first child before age of 20
3. 1000 group B: first child after age of 30
4. Followed for a number of years
5. Suppose there are 4 new cases of breast cancer in group A and 5 in group B.
6. Can we make any conclusions based on this result?
Axioms of probability
1. Probability of an event A, P (A) satisfies 0 P (A) 1
2. Probability of the sample space P (S) = 1
3. If A and B are two events that cannot both happen at the same time, then P(A or
B occurs) = P(A) + P(B)
Operations on Events
1. Union: A B, Union of A and B: event that either A or B occurs.
2. A = {Y }, B = {N }, A B = {Y, N }.A = {X < 90}, B = {90 X < 95}, A B =
{X < 95}
3. Intersection: A B
4. Intersection of A and B: event that both A and B occur A = {(H, H), (H, T ), (T, H)}, B =
{(H, T ), (T, H), (T, T )}, A B = {(H, T ), (T, H)}
5. Commutative laws A B = B A, A B = B A
6. Associative laws A (B C) = (A B) C
7. Distributive laws (A B) C = (A C) (B C), (A B) C = (A C) (B C)
8. If A and B have no outcomes in common, then we say A and B are mutually exclusive
and denoted by A B =
and represents the outcomes in S that
9. Complement of a set E is denoted by E c or E
are not in E.
10. E = {(H, H), (H, T ), (T, H)}, E c = {(T, T )}.
11. E is contained in F, denoted by E F , meaning all of the outcomes in E are also in
F. F = {(H, H), (H, T ), (T, H)}, E = {(H, T ), (T, H)}.
Venn diagram
Venn diagram is a graphical representation for illustrating logical relations among events
i.e., union, intersection, complement, containment.
Conditional probability
1. A small business with 120 workers and 2 employee benefits, A and B. (Venn diagram
in Figure )
2. Calculate the prob. that an employee chosen at random has the retirement benefit
(A) given that she takes the health-care benefit (B). Restrict our attention to the rst
row: 64/98 If the sample space S is finite, and all outcomes are equally likely, it is
often convenient to compute P (E | F ) by using F as the sample space as
P (E | F ) = |E F |/|F |
Count |E F | in the reduced sample space F. (Note that E F is an event in F since
E F F .)
3. While Biopsy is accurate for breast cancer diagnosis, but expensive and invasive.
An alternative is to use mammogram which is noninvasive and less expensive. The
idea is to have mammogram first and then decide whether to take biopsy based
on mammogram result. A = {mammogram+}, B = {breast cancer} Conditional
P (T +) = .289, P (D+) = .318 If the patient has high blood concentration (T+),
what is the probability of disease (D+)? P (D+ | T +) = 25/39 = .64 P (D+ | T +) =
P (D + T +)/P (T +) = .185/.289 = .64
Two events, E and F , are independent if knowing that one had occurred gave us no
information about whether the other had or had not occurred. If
P (E) = P (E | F ), P (F ) = P (F | E)
then E is independent on F. If P (E) 6= P (E | F ), then E is dependent on F.
Definition 1 Two events E and F are independent if P (E F ) = P (E)P (F ). Two events
E and F that are not independent are said to be dependent.
1. A card is randomly selected from a deck. Let E denote the event that the card is an
ace and F the event that it is a spade. Are E and F independent? Knowing that
the card is an ace gives no information about its suit. P (E) = 4/52, P (F ) = 13/52,
and P (E F ) = 1/52 P (E F ) = P (E)P (F )
2. Suppose we are conducting a hypertension-screening program in the home. Consider
all possible diastolic blood-pressure measurements from a mother and her first-born
child. Let A = {mothers DBP > 95}, B = {first-born childs DBP > 80} Suppose
P (A B) = 0.05, P (A) = .1, P (B) = .2 Then P (A B) = .05 > P (A) P (B) = .02,
and the events A, B would be dependent.
3. Multiplication law of probability: If A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak are mutually independent events,
P (A1 A2 . . . Ak ) = P (A1 )P (A2 ) P (Ak )
4. Addition law of probability: In the previous example, what is P (A B), the probability that either mothers DBP > 95 or the first born childs DBP > 95? P (AB) =
P (A) + P (B) P (A B) = .1 + .2 .05 = .25