"Developing Excellent Communication Skills Is Absolutely Essential To Effective Leadership. The
"Developing Excellent Communication Skills Is Absolutely Essential To Effective Leadership. The
"Developing Excellent Communication Skills Is Absolutely Essential To Effective Leadership. The
leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm
to others. If a leader can't get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then
having a message doesn't even matter."
Gilbert Amelio
President and CEO of National Semiconductor Corp.
The most contributing factor to any organizations success is the possession of effective
communication ability in management. Information technology has potentially influence
communication in a way, but that has not curtailed the need for effective communication. For
instance, e-mails, text messages, social networking are some of the various communication ways
enable by information technology. In any organization communication represents;
Considering the above circumstances, every organization needs a manager who is capable of
communicating effectively with the employees to build a successful and sustainable
Communication is the process by which information is transmitted and understood between
two or more people. (McShane and Von Glinow, 2008) . The principles of communication
involves: is, purposeful that is to inform, influence and instruct, a package of signals, a
process of adjustment, transactional, punctuated and involves content and relationship
dimensions. Basically communication is an expression of an opinion, a bias, judgement,
comment and impression.
In this rapid growing technological ad business era, employees should have some degree of
communication competence. Communication competence refers to a persons ability to identify
appropriate communication patterns in a given situation and to achieve goals by applying the
knowledge. (McShane and Von Glinow, 2003)
Communication plays an important role in our societies and organizations because:
Communication in an organization seeks to achieve four primary functions, they are: Control,
Motivation, Emotional expression, Information.
The Communication process/ model an essential area in this subject entails eight (8) elements:
sender with ideas, encoding of the ideas, message, and channel of transmission, receiver, noise
and feedback. (Robbins and Judge, 2011)
Organizational policies.
Policies in organizations are mostly made by the highest management and these policies
impact the relationship between employees. In most case, it hinders the smooth flow of
communication. Example, is the policy of an organization to communicate only through
written massages, this policy might cause delay in transmitting because the use of
This can be simply defined as language problems in clear terms. The problems arise from
language background and an individuals communication ability. They occur in both written and
oral communication.
(Pinterest, 2014)
This happens when a receiver mistranslates messages received to a third party or the
receiver misunderstood the intentions of the sender. For instance when a manager
informs employees of a message sent by a superior, he/she might translate based on
personal understanding or assumptions.
1. Barriers to superiors
This occurs mostly in the downward type of communication because the messages are
sent from the highest in positions and status to the subordinates. This is also most formal
communication process and the relationship between employees creates a restriction to
knowledge circulation. Some ways are:
I. Regard and attitude