Chpater 1 - Rev2
Chpater 1 - Rev2
Chpater 1 - Rev2
Chapter I
1.1 Background of the Study
The present energy crisis is, undeniably, plundering the economy of many
countries in the world including the Philippines. In line with these problems, people tend
to develop and harness every possibility to lessen the usage of non-renewable resources
of energy. Also, from the increasing problem, concentration of greenhouse gases,
environmental changes, pollution and global warming affect the need of renewable
energy and new innovations global warming increases.
Water powered pumps are probably the most useful and least explored powergenerating green equipment on the world today. Water pumps are used in irrigations
through farm, a supply of water from houses and many more.
The very principle that allows this pump to create columns of water within its
coils, that of alternately taking in air and water, also acts to increase the delivery head.
The air, which is compressed as it moves toward the centre of the wheel, expands as it
goes up the delivery pipe, producing a lift effect on the water. Blow-back occurs when
the pump pressure exceeds the cumulative pressures of the coils. The blow-back pressure
is the pressure at which this occurs. This pressure can be determined for each wheel
configuration by closing the valve on the pump output and pumping until there is a
sudden drop in pressure and a surging of water and air back through the scoop (Chris
Pirazzi, 2005).
At present, the developments have been focused on the application of nonconventional sources of energy such as solar radiation, biomass, wind and others to
industries, especially agriculture-countrys main industry. Farmers most problems in their
plantation is the supplied water from canals and irrigations is not sufficient because it is
far from the irrigation system and it is in higher altitude. These farmers, in order for a
sufficient and proper water volume supply in their farms they are forced to buy gasolinepowered pumps in order to provide the right amount of water needed. In this context, the
utilization of a free energy from streams for pumping water for agriculture crops and
water deposits is therefore, highly feasible.
1.2 Objectives of the Study
From the problems in the area of agriculture, especially farmers the researcher
thought of a way to help in the agriculture for better crop. For this reason, the design,
fabrication and evaluation of a stream driven spiral hydraulic pump will be undertaken.
Thus the objectives of this study were as follows:
1. To design a spiral wheel pump with the following parts:
a. Coiled PVC hose
b. Wheel
c. Paddle
d. Frame
e. Floater
f. Scoop
Chapter 2
Related Literature
This chapter presents the related literature which will help in conceptualizing the
John Herman described that, the hydraulic wheel pump, can be made from a
single length of coiled poly pipe and is designed to be powered by water. The pipe is
coiled in a vertical plane and mounted on a horizontal axle. As the paddles rotate the coil
of poly pipe above the water, the lower part is immersed. The open end of the coil takes a
small gulp of water every time it rotates. An alternating sequence of air and water is
driven along the pipe towards the centre of the spiral. Successive coils of pipe lead to a
cumulative increase in the pumps pressure output. When a land-fixed pipe is connected
to the last and smallest coil, then water can be shifted to a higher point, such as a dam or
a tank.
Peter Tailer (1986) stated that, the Wirtz pump is constructed so that, with each
revolution of the spiral, the scoop collected one half the volume of the outer coil. As
water is taken into the coils, each column of water transmits the pressure through the air
to the preceding column of water. In this way the water in each coil is displaced to
provide a pressure head. A cumulative head is built up at the inner coils and is convey
through the rotary fitting to an ascending delivery pipe.
Peter Tailer (1986) and Chris Pirazzi (2005) stated that, the very principle that allows this
pump to create columns of water within its coils, that of alternately taking in air and
water, also acts to increase the delivery head. The air, which is compressed as it moves
toward the centre of the wheel, expands as it goes up the delivery pipe, producing a lift
effect on the water.
Ewbank (1849) stated that, this wheel pump follows the principle of Boyles
pressure-volume relationship and the coil volumes would change with respect to changes
in the entrapped air volumes. This hydraulic wheel pump works and pumps per
revolution. As water is taken into the coils, each column of water transmitted the pressure
through the air to the preceding column of water. In this way the water in each coil is
displaced to provide a pressure head (
The advantages of these devices are their inherent mechanical simplicity
combined with the fact that, unlike an Archimedean screw, they can deliver into a pipe to
a head of up to about 8-10 m, making them more versatile (Natural Resources
Management and Environment Department).
There are records of preindustrial technology that can be a source of concepts
which can be updated with modern materials and modified to be utilized in today's
technology transfer efforts. Peter Tailer (1976) cited that one of these technologies is the
low cost and low technology pump which was created by H.A. Wirtz in 1746 and called
to be as Wirtz spiral pump. The Wirtz spiral pump was constructed so the end of the
outside pipe coil opened into a scoop. The inner coil led to the centre of the wheel where
it joined a rotary fitting at the axis of the machine.
The Wirtz pump was constructed so that, with each revolution of the spiral, the
scoop collected one half the volume of the outer coil. As water was taken into the coils,
each column of water transmitted the pressure through the air to the preceding column of
water. In this way the water in each coil was displaced to provide a pressure head. A
cumulative head was built up at the inner coils and was conveyed through the rotary
fitting to an ascending delivery pipe (
Archimedes Principle
Archimedes Principle stated that, The buoyant force acting on a body immersed
in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body, and it acts upwards
through the centroid of the displaced volume.
Archimedes principle stated that buoyant force acting on an immersed object is
equal to the weight of the displaced water. The explanation is not limited to the liquid but
the gases too. Both density of an object and fluid will determines the buoyant force.
An object will float if the object is less dense than the fluid. In contrast, an object
will sink if the object is denser than the fluid. (Law Xue Ni, 2012)
Plastic Bottle
The bottles for mineral water are utilized by Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
plastic, an amorphous or transparent material. A PET plastic are also included the
semicrystallinethermoplastic material that own the opaque and white surface. The latter is
widely used to store the detergent and lubricant. This material is generally good
resistance to mineral oils, solvents and acids but not to bases. The semi-crystalline
PET has better strength, ductility, stiffness and hardness compare to amorphous
type that has better ductility with less stiffness and hardness. On the other hand, the PET
will not react with oxygen and carbon dioxide and this well barrier are suitable for the use
for mineral water. (Law Xue Ni, 2012)
Chapter III
This part of the study focuses on the design, fabrication, procedures, testing,
evaluation and the financial and technical aspects of the study.
3.1 Materials
The following are the materials and equipment will be used in constructing and
evaluation of the spiral hydraulic wheel pump.
Table 3.1: Materials that will be used in the fabrication of the wheel pump
Corrugated steel
9 mm diameter
10 pcs
Php 1 400.00
20 ft. long
G.I. Sheet
Gage 18
2 pcs
Php 400.00
PVC hose
1 diameter
25 ft. long
1.5 diameter
50 ft. long
1 diameter
2 x 2
20 ft.
7 diameter
4 diameter
6 long
Rotary fitting
Plastic Bottles
1 pc
Php 500.00
1 pc
Php 1,200.00
2 pcs
3 pcs
2 pcs
Php 40.00
2 pcs
1 pc
Php 30.00
Php 40.00
1 pc
Php 15.00
1 diameter
1.5 L
1 pc
Php 50.00
1 pc
Php 100.00
30 pcs
Php4 315.00
Estimated Total Amount:
Table 3.1 show the materials that will be used and the corresponding price in each
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4. Tape measure
2. Tin snip
3. Grinder
3.3 Methods
A. Design Criteria
The design and evaluation of the hydraulic wheel pump is directed toward its
ability to pump water efficiently, application to existing pump types and utilization
for domestic purposes.
Some of the physical factors to be considered are: volume flow rate, size and
number of paddles, wheel diameter, diameter and number of coils, submergence of
the coil, inlet pipe diameter and height of storage/tank.
B. Design and Construction
The hydraulic wheel pump is designed and constructed to meet the conditions
mentioned in the above criteria. The hydraulic wheel pump is constructed based on
the prepared working design.
The hydraulic wheel pump is consisted essentially of a coiled PVC hose, a
wheel, paddles, scoop, frame, floater and a rotary fitting. The materials will be used
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are those locally available to minimize the cost with the consideration in its
durability, efficiency and performance.
PVC hose.
The hose is formed in the diameter of the wheel having 12 coils fasten in the
frame of the wheel and is connected to the rotary fitting fasten by rubber. The first 4
coils will be a 1.5 diameter PVC hose and the remaining coils are 1 in diameter
PVC hose.
Fig. 3.1: (a) Isometric View of the designed coiled hose, (b) Front View of the coiled hose
The wheel is built by 2mm corrugated bars having an outside diameter of 13
and an inner diameter of 12 with 16 frames connected to the centre and the rotary
fitting. From the centre on the other side a shaft will be welded having a in
diameter and a bearing will be used to provide a smooth rotation of the wheel. The
other side the shaft will be a hollow shaft to allow the passage of water from the
coiled pipe.
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Fig. 3.2: (a) Isometric View of the wheel, (b) Front View of wheel
The paddles are constructed out of BI sheet gage 18, with a height and wide of
6 angled up to 30. It is connected to the outer diameter of the wheel having 16
wheels (see design).
Fig. 3.3: (a) Isometric View of the paddles, (b) Zoomed Front View of the paddle
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during the rotation of the wheel. The floater is consist of 1.5L plastic bottles that will
be joined together by a net.
Fig. 3.4: (a) Isometric View of the frame and the floater
The scoop is made from PVC pipe 4 in diameter and the other side is cut for
about 30 - 40 for better scoop of water during the rotation of the wheel. From the
opening of the scoop a filter will also be used to avoid unnecessary materials that will
clog the pipe.
Fig. 3.5: (a) Zoomed View of the scoop, (b) Isometric View of the scoop
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C. Operation
The hydraulic wheel pump is operated by first, putting and fixing the frame
beside a stream or river. The frame will have a floater in order to vary its level
position as the water level changes. After the frame is fixed, the wheel will be
installed in the frame. The stream of the river will cause the rotation of the wheel and
will begin to pump.
The stream will cause the wheel to rotate, and will cause the scoop to get
water in each revolution. The pressure of trapped air inside the pipe will push the
water and will start to pump.
D. Machine Design Evaluation
After fabricating the machine it will be used and tested in Bued River,
Bantugan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan.
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(Roger S. Capote and Joel A. Mandawe, Primes Power Plant Engineering 2007)
2. Work Input
To know the work input:
Where: F = Force in pounds exerted at wheel circumference
Rev = No. of Revolutions
Circumference of the Wheel = * Diameter of the Wheel (D)
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4. Design for a Spiral Wheel Pump
To know the number of spiral pump coils for a given delivery head on a given
size of the wheel, these have been derived from Boyles pressure-volume law.
D = h1 = wheel and outer coil diameter and outer coil head
H = delivery head
n = number of coils
d = pipe diameter
hn = head in nth coils
From Boyles Law:
P1 = Patm + D
Pn = Patm + H
To find hn:
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To find n:
Once the numbers of coils required for a given wheel are determined to provide a
given pressure or head, a suitable pipe size can be selected to form the coils of the spiral
pump (Pirazzi, Chris, 2005).
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Gantt Chart
of the
2. Literature
3. Planning the
4. Purchase of
the Materials
5. Fabrication
of the Design
6. Testing and
7. Revisions
of Design
8. Collecting
and Recording
9. Computation
and Analysis
of Data
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Literature Search
Design Conceptualization and
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Figure 3.8 shows the isometric view of the whole layout of the design.
Figure 3.9 Closer view of the design from the rotary union.
Figure 3.8 shows the isometric view of the closer view of the design from the rotary union.
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Figure 3.10. The connection of the delivery pipe from the rotary union.
Delivery pipe
Figure 3.8 shows the isometric view of the connection of the delivery pipe from the rotary union.
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Anonymous. Floating and Sinking, Ideas for Teaching Science: Years P-8. Deakin
Anonymous. Visual Physics. School of Physics University of Sydney. Australia Capote,
Roger S.,Mandawe, Joel A. 2007. Primes Power Plant Engineering
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(Accessed 2016-01-01) (Accessed 2015-12-21)
Friedl, Sarah. Buoyancy: Calculating Force and Density with Archimedes Principle. (Accessed 2016-01-01)
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Kaw, Autar 2009 December 23. Physical Problem for Nonlinear Equations General
Engineering.Chapter 03.00A
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Klas, Roman, Pochyly, Frantisek 2014. Hydraulic Losses in the Spiral Case of Low
Specific Speed Pumps. Technicka 2, 61669 Brno, Czech Republic
Padua, Alicia L., Crisostomo, Ricardo M. 2003. Practical and Explorational Physics
Modular Approach. Vibal Publishing House, Inc. 1253 G. Araneta Ave., Quezon City
Pirazzi, Chris 2005. The Spiral Pump. (Accessed
Reciprocating Displacement Pumps.
.htm (Accessed 2015-12-24)
Spiral Wheel Pump
htm (Accessed 2015-11-28)
Tailer, Peter 1986. The Spiral Pump; A High Lift Slow Turning Pump, 1986. (Accessed 201511-28)
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