International Business: Marketing Globally

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International Business

Chapter 16 Marketing Globally

1) Which of the following was most responsible for the early success of Tommy Hilfiger clothing?
A) The products were mass-marketed through discount stores.
B) Internet mail-order sales were developed when people had less time to shop.
C) Products were developed to fit the specific needs of different country markets.
D) Brand awareness was developed through advertising.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

2) Tommy Hilfiger has encountered some European resistance to the sale of its products because
A) many European consumers associate France and Italy, rather than the U.S., with upscale fashions
B) its customary prices, especially for the German market, have been out of reach for its target market
C) it has refused to adjust products to fit the tastes and needs of local consumers
D) it has depended on self-service in its company-owned stores
Answer: A

3) International marketing differs from domestic marketing in that ________.

A) marketing principles are different
B) consumers prefer domestically made merchandise
C) environmental variations require applying principles differently
D) low prices are a more important competitive factor in foreign markets
Answer: C

4) In comparing international and domestic marketing, it is best to state that ________.

A) similar principles are at work
B) mass-market orientations are most effective
C) principles differ for product and price, but not for advertising
D) the differences between them can be studied through gap analysis
Answer: A

5) The marketing orientation used by Bantam Shoes for its foreign sales focuses primarily on efficiency
and product quality. Bantam most likely uses a ________.
A) production orientation
B) customer orientation
C) sales orientation
D) strategic marketing orientation
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

6) When selling a commodity for which there is little possibility of product differentiation, a company
would likely use which of the following orientations internationally?
A) customer orientation
B) production orientation
C) sales orientation
D) strategic marketing orientation
Answer: B

7) Executives at Apex decided to use a production orientation in the firm's international marketing
efforts. Which of the following statements best supports this decision?
A) Top management at Apex is committed to the concept of social responsibility.
B) Apex is willing to alter its products to fit mass-market needs in foreign countries offering growth
C) Apex will produce in each country where it sells.
D) Apex will aim sales at foreign-market segments that resemble segments to which it aims
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

8) All of the following are true about passive exports EXCEPT that ________.
A) companies adapt their products very little to foreign consumer preferences
B) companies frequently export only if they have excess capacity
C) companies generally quote higher prices on exports than on domestic sales
D) they refer to the filling of unsolicited requests from abroad
Answer: C

9) Companies using a sales orientation find their greatest ability to sell the same product in more than
one country when ________.
A) promotional programs are identical in each country
B) consumer characteristics are similar
C) the product is a household item
D) the product has a low price relative to incomes
Answer: B

10) Which of the following would be an example of a customer orientation in international marketing?
A) A cosmetics company bans animal testing of its products to gain goodwill.
B) A fruit company brands the bananas it sells in foreign and domestic markets.
C) A beer company makes non-alcoholic beer for a country that bans the sale of alcohol.
D) A plastics manufacturer makes some components to the specifications of a foreign company.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

11) Pulte Homes adapts its marketing to foreign differences by making minor changes to bathrooms and
outdoor patios. However, Pulte Homes uses the same floor plans and exterior attributes in all countries
to gain economies of standardization. Pulte Homes most likely follows a ________.
A) social marketing orientation
B) sales orientation
C) strategic marketing orientation
D) production orientation
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

12) Which of the following best describes a company that follows a social marketing orientation?
A) It considers political and safety dimensions of its products.
B) It is a not-for-profit entity based in a developed country.
C) It is a government-owned entity from an emerging economy.
D) It generates sales to niche markets using social networking sites.
Answer: A

13) What is the most common way of identifying market segments within a country?
A) psychographics
B) the Internet
C) gap analysis
D) demographics
Answer: D

14) Which of the following is most likely to occur when a firm segments markets by country?
A) achieving objectives by following a sales orientation strategy within that market
B) initially targeting the high-income consumers within that market
C) overlooking similarities between different countries
D) introducing multiple products to assess demand
Answer: C

15) What is the most likely reason that sales to a mass market would be necessary for a company selling
A) gaining economies in production and distribution
B) earning initial sales in emerging economies
C) eliminating excess domestic capacity
D) gaining brand recognition
Answer: A

16) When a company identifies a market segment on a global basis, such as a segment based on income,
it will likely ________.
A) encounter a similar percentage of the population in each country within that segment
B) find that a niche market in one country may be a mass market in another
C) find that the market in each country is so dispersed that distribution is difficult
D) be aiming at a mass market in each country
Answer: B

17) Why are MNEs criticized for exporting to developing countries the same products they sell in
developed countries?
A) The prices of the products are too low in developing countries.
B) Many of the products are deemed to be unnecessary for low income consumers.
C) The sales enhance local company failures in developing countries.
D) Developing countries need local production rather than imports.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: Discuss the role of ethics and social responsibility in international business
AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning abilities
18) Some critics complain that MNEs introduce and promote superfluous products in developing
countries, causing consumers there to buy these products rather than things they need for their health.
People answering this criticism have contended that ________.
A) consumers don't buy things because of promotion
B) the amount spent on so-called superfluous products is insignificant
C) it is impossible to draw a line between people who can afford and people who can't afford these
D) these products serve to motivate people in developing countries to work harder
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: Discuss the role of ethics and social responsibility in international business
AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning abilities
19) Agreements on international product standards are hampered by all the following factors EXCEPT
A) that standardization increases production costs
B) consumer reluctance to change
C) the cost of redesigning and retooling
D) governments' desires to protect investments
Answer: A

20) What is the most likely reason that companies such as Gillette (razor blades) and 3M (scouring pads)
sell products in smaller package sizes in some developing countries?
A) Family size is small in those countries.
B) Some governments require the smaller sizes.
C) In those countries, many consumers lack sufficient cash to buy larger quantities.
D) These are products for which the cost of altering package size is negligible.
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

21) Firms alter their products for foreign markets for all of the following reasons EXCEPT ________.
A) home country export requirement
B) religious differences abroad
C) weak infrastructures in some countries
D) to respond to legal requirements
Answer: D

22) Critics complain that pharmaceutical research budgets emphasize non-debilitating conditions
common in developed countries rather than life-threatening diseases common in developing countries.
People answering this criticism have contended that ________.
A) correction of developed country conditions, such as balding, are necessary to stimulate developing
country innovations that push global economic growth
B) very small portions of research budgets actually target these non-debilitating conditions
C) by being located almost entirely in developed countries, pharmaceutical companies lack access to
locations where they can study diseases such as malaria and sleeping sickness
D) pharmaceutical companies cannot recoup expenses for research on some of the developing country
problems, so governmental research centers and nonprofit foundations should handle this research
Answer: D

AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning abilities

23) Why might companies sometimes narrow the product line that they sell in a foreign country as
compared to the product line they sell at home?
A) Government restrictions typically limit how many products a company can sell locally.
B) Selling cost per unit increases substantially when a company offers a broad product line.
C) Not all products have sufficient demand in every market.
D) Firms cannot sell products with product line gaps.
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

24) If a company's foreign sales per customer is small compared to those in its domestic market, it

should most likely ________.

A) introduce a larger family of products
B) narrow the product line offered to the market
C) reconfigure the product life cycle marketing strategy
D) shift additional salespeople to the domestic market
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

25) Diversity of international markets and currency instability have the greatest effect on ________.
A) promotion
B) R&D
C) branding
D) pricing
Answer: D

26) A company would most likely export at a price lower than its production and distribution costs in
order to ________.
A) use a skimming strategy abroad before using one domestically
B) test a market before making a big commitment
C) use a cost-plus strategy globally
D) encourage gray market sales
Answer: B

27) Executives want to set export prices below those that the firm charges domestically. What is the
most likely problem the company will experience?
A) WTO antidumping regulations
B) consumer complaints
C) FDI restrictions
D) high tariffs
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: Discuss the role of ethics and social responsibility in international business
AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning abilities

28) Dixon Electronics recently introduced a new computer with features unavailable from other products
on the market. Dixon is charging a very high price for the computer and has plans to progressively lower
the price over the next year. Dixon is most likely using a ________ strategy.
A) cost-plus
B) skimming
C) penetration
D) diversification
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

29) Foreman Enterprises produces and sells a variety of products for the home. Foreman recently
introduced a new detergent at a very low price with the hope that a high number of consumers will try it
out. Foreman is most likely using a ________ strategy.
A) cost-plus
B) skimming
C) penetration
D) diversification
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

30) Why does price escalation most likely occur in exporting?

A) The WTO requires that prices increase.
B) Companies rely on skimming price strategies.
C) Greater distances and more intermediaries increase distribution costs.
D) Uncertain currency value changes necessitate charging higher prices.
Answer: C

31) Which of the following would LEAST likely be caused by a high inflation rate?
A) rules against increasing export prices
B) inability to quote prices in letters or catalogs
C) difficulty making changes to vending machines
D) necessity to set an equivalent value in a stable currency
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

32) What is the gray market?

A) sales targeted to elderly consumers
B) selling goods through unofficial distributors
C) a legal black market run by governments
D) selling counterfeit merchandise
Answer: B

33) What is the LEAST likely reason that international companies are concerned about the gray market?
A) undermining the long-term viability of the distributorship system
B) causing a firm's operations in different countries to compete against each other
C) requiring companies to make frequent price adjustments to capture the market
D) preventing companies from charging what the market will bear in each country
Answer: C

34) Which of the following best depicts a push strategy for a U.S. company selling in Mexico?
A) Tupperware selling through parties in homes
B) Gillette selling razor blades through supermarkets
C) KFC selling chicken dinners at its franchises
D) Google advertising on television
Answer: A

35) A push strategy for international sales is most likely preferable to a pull strategy when ________.
A) there are few prohibitions on advertising
B) the price of the product is high relative to incomes
C) people rely on friends' opinions before buying a product
D) literacy rates are high
Answer: B

36) A pull rather than a push strategy is most likely preferable when ________.
A) self-service is not predominant
B) the price of a product is high relative to incomes
C) there are few governmental restrictions on advertising
D) there are a large number of languages and a low literacy rate
Answer: C

37) Promotion using direct selling techniques is ________.

A) a pull strategy
B) necessary where inflation is high
C) a standardized advertising technique
D) a push strategy
Answer: D

38) Which of the following best describes globally standardized advertising?

A) a campaign that is identical in all markets
B) a campaign that meets the legal and ethical standards of all countries
C) a campaign that is similar but not identical from market to market
D) a campaign that depends primarily on push rather than pull promotion
Answer: C

39) All of the following are possible advantages of globally standardized advertising programs EXCEPT
A) cost savings
B) improvement of local-level quality
C) avoidance of legal impediments
D) faster entry into different markets
Answer: C
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

40) Increasingly, media reach audiences in more than one country, such as through satellite TV that
reaches multiple countries simultaneously. What is NOT a problem of advertising on these media?
A) Because of reaching so many households, the cost is prohibitive.
B) The product may not be available everywhere it is advertised.
C) A company may not be able to advertise price because they may differ among countries.
D) The advertisement may reach countries using different languages.
Answer: B
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

41) In advertisements aimed at different countries, companies sometimes use actors who do not speak,
along with a voice and/or print overlay. What is the main reason for doing this?
A) avoiding dubbing that does not correspond to lip movements
B) altering themes and messages among countries
C) meeting legal requirements on morality
D) reaching a hearing-or sight-impaired audience
Answer: A

42) All of the following are problems of using a worldwide brand EXCEPT which one?
A) Brand names may carry a different association in another language.
B) Pronunciation may be difficult in another language.
C) Acquired brand names cannot be legally changed.
D) Pictogram alphabets need visual appeal in addition to phonetic appeal.
Answer: C

43) Which of the following statements is most likely true?

A) Consumers in most countries believe that imported products are better than locally made products.
B) Brand names have little impact on perceptions about a product's country-of-origin.
C) Consumers in most countries favor locally made products over imported products.
D) A positive brand image helps overcome negative perceptions about a product's country-of-origin.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

44) The importance of using a brand to convey the perception of whether a firm will deliver what it
promises is more critical in ________.
A) countries without strong trademark protection
B) selling to mass markets than in selling to niche markets
C) countries with strong cultural characteristics of uncertainty avoidance
D) selling industrial products than final consumer products
Answer: C

45) All of the following are true about distribution concerns when marketing internationally EXCEPT
which one?
A) Geographic barriers may divide countries into very distinct markets.
B) In some countries, few potential sales lie outside the large metropolitan areas.
C) Each country has its own distribution system, making standardization of distribution difficult.
D) Because most foreign consumers are easily presold by advertising messages, it is difficult to
convince retailers to offer good service.
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

46) Ampco Industries has a production facility in an area of India in which roads are poorly maintained
and dangerous. What part of Ampco's marketing mix do these conditions most likely affect?
A) distribution
B) branding
C) product standardization
D) promotion
Answer: A
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

47) Which of the following is true concerning countries' distribution systems?

A) They reflect the economic levels of countries, so countries at similar economic levels have similar
distribution systems.
B) They are difficult to change because they have evolved over time, reflecting countries' cultural,
economic, and legal environments.
C) They are more similar among countries than pricing and promotional systems are.
D) When standardized, they offer more cost savings for international companies than when products are
Answer: B

48) Which of the following would most likely indicate that a company should handle its own
A) high-volume sales and non-complex after-sales servicing
B) local customers and low-tech products
C) low sales volume and few business-to-business sales
D) global customers and high technology
Answer: D
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

49) Which of the following statements is important to companies in order for them to gain contracts with
foreign distributors?
A) Convince the distributors that the product and company are viable.
B) Offer high margins so distributors will compete to get the account.
C) Determine the distribution gap before signing a contract.
D) Establish in-house distribution to demonstrate what is desired.
Answer: A

50) Although electronic commerce offers companies an opportunity to promote their products globally,
doing so brings challenges. Which of the following is NOT one of the challenges?
A) Many households, especially in developing countries, lack access to the Internet.
B) Setting up and implementing Internet sales can be expensive.
C) The appeals must be differentiated for every country of the world.
D) Switching to Internet sales can upset current distribution.
Answer: C

51) All of the following are true about the Internet and electronic commerce EXCEPT which one?
A) Suppliers can deal more quickly with their customers.
B) It enhances companies' ability to differentiate their marketing methods by country.
C) Customers worldwide can quickly compare prices from different distributors.
D) To be successful, companies must be able to deliver efficiently what they sell over the Internet.
Answer: B

52) Gap analysis is ________.

A) a method for estimating a company's potential sales by identifying segments it is not serving
B) an investment advisor's report on the future of one of the leading clothing retailers
C) the leap-frogging of demand in many developing economies whereby consumers skip certain
generations of products, buying the latest model instead
D) an estimation of the disparity in incomes between the very rich and the very poor in a given market
Answer: A

53) A company would most likely use gap analysis to ________.

A) estimate market potential over a business cycle
B) compare sales over time
C) compare consumption potential with its own sales
D) determine the best market niches to target
Answer: C

54) Assume the per capita consumption of shoes is three pairs in Country A and two pairs in Country B.
The difference probably means that there is a ________ gap in Country B.
A) product line
B) usage
C) distribution
D) competitive
Answer: B

55) Gap analysis can be used by companies to gain synergy among countries. Which of the following is
a benefit of this synergy?
A) It allows companies to determine the allocation of marketing budgets among countries.
B) It can be used to prevent sales via the gray market.
C) By seeing the combined market potential among several countries, companies can determine whether
there is sufficient demand to justify new product development costs.
D) By analyzing the distribution gap, companies can better determine whether to handle other
companies' imported products along with their own.
Answer: C

56) Arden Shoes runs a different marketing campaign every four weeks abroad. Which of the following
best describes the advantage of doing so?
A) It enables Arden to attract more sales personnel.
B) It helps Arden create an image of having quality products.
C) It allows Arden to change prices in highly inflationary economies.
D) It enables Arden to switch quickly and inexpensively to a local emphasis.
Answer: C

57) Compton Cereal Company sells its cereals in most global markets, and overall sales at the firm
remain strong. However, the firm is losing sales to some of its competitors because Compton lacks a
gluten-free cereal. Which of the following best describes Compton's current problem?
A) usage gap
B) competitive gap
C) distribution gap
D) product-line gap
Answer: D

58) Which of the following is NOT one of the three personality traits that specifically affect international
A) globalism
B) materialism
C) ethnocentrism
D) cosmopolitanism
Answer: A

59) International marketing is unlike domestic marketing because the basic principles are completely
Answer: FALSE

60) The marketing approach a company takes internationally should be compatible with its overall aims
and strategies.
Answer: TRUE

61) In a production orientation, a company focuses on efficiency and product quality when selling
Answer: TRUE

62) Passive exports involve the filling of unsolicited orders from abroad.
Answer: TRUE

63) A company that adapts its marketing to foreign differences without deviating very much from its
experience is following a customer orientation.
Answer: FALSE

64) Under a strategic marketing orientation, a company considers potential environmental, health, social,
and work-related problems from the sale of its products abroad.
Answer: FALSE

65) The most common way of identifying market segments is through demographics.
Answer: TRUE

66) There are more cost savings for international branding standardization than for international product
Answer: FALSE

67) Different country standards, such as safety regulations, add complexity to whether companies decide
to use a globally standardized product.
Answer: TRUE

68) A company sometimes handles a broader line of products in a foreign country than in its home
country because most of its new product development is abroad.
Answer: FALSE

69) Although the broadening of product lines increases distribution efficiencies, too broad a line can
create problems in selling.
Answer: TRUE

70) Market diversity, government intervention, and currency fluctuations complicate international
pricing decisions.
Answer: TRUE
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

71) Antidumping regulations of the WTO allow countries to establish restrictions against any exports
that fail to meet quality standards.
Answer: FALSE

72) A company that exports products at a price lower than its domestic market price is using a skimming
policy abroad.
Answer: FALSE

73) A company that prices its products at a desired margin over cost is using a cost-plus strategy.
Answer: TRUE

74) High inflation might cause a company to gain advantages by selling more on credit.
Answer: FALSE

75) When the currency value in the location where a company produces becomes stronger, the company
most likely needs to adjust its margins downward to be competitive in export markets.
Answer: TRUE

76) A push strategy is most likely preferable to a pull strategy when goods are sold using self-service
Answer: FALSE

77) A push strategy is most likely preferable to a pull strategy when the price of the product is high
relative to incomes.
Answer: TRUE

78) A problem of advertising through media that reach multiple countries is that the product may not be
available everywhere it is advertised.
Answer: TRUE

79) A positive brand image cannot overcome negative perceptions of the country where the product is
Answer: FALSE

AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

80) If a brand name becomes generic in one country, it becomes generic in other countries as well.
Answer: FALSE

81) Seasonal differences around the world enable MNEs to distribute weather-related sales, such as
winter clothing, more evenly throughout the year.
Answer: TRUE

82) Higher disposable income and technological advances help overcome many geographic constraints

on product demand and distribution.

Answer: TRUE

83) When a company sells technologically advanced products to global customers, it is more likely to
handle distribution itself.
Answer: TRUE

84) Internet sales complement traditional distributors, thus enhancing companies' ability to secure and
hold traditional distributors.
Answer: FALSE

85) Gap analysis refers to an estimation of sales potential caused by the disparity in incomes between
developed and developing countries.
Answer: FALSE

86) Gap analysis may show that the combined market potential among several countries may justify
product development costs.
Answer: TRUE

87) E-commerce facilitates the ability of consumers to compare prices from different distributors, which
will most likely result in lower prices on products.
Answer: TRUE
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

88) In a short essay, discuss the international application of five common marketing orientations.
a. Production orientation: Companies focus primarily on productioneither efficiency or high quality
with little emphasis on marketing. There is little analysis of consumer needs; rather, companies
assume customers want lower prices or higher quality.
b. Sales orientation: A company tries to sell abroad what it can sell domestically on the assumption that
consumers are sufficiently similar globally. A company may make this assumption because it lacks
information about the foreign markets. This orientation differs from the production orientation because
of its active rather than passive approach to promoting sales.
c. Customer orientation: Management usually is guided by answers to questions such as "Should the
company send some exports abroad?" "Where can the company sell more of Product X?" In contrast, a
customer orientation asks "What can the company sell in Country A?"
d. Strategic marketing orientation: Most companies committed to continual, rather than sporadic,
foreign sales adopt a strategy that combines production, sales, and consumer orientations. Instead of
merely trying to sell a domestic product abroad, the company adjusts this product to foreign needs.
e. Social marketing orientation: Companies with social marketing orientations realize that successful
international marketing requires serious consideration of potential environmental, health, social, and
work-related problems that may arise when selling or making their products abroad.
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

89) In a short essay, describe the various reasons for product alteration.
a. Legal reasons: Explicit legal requirements are the most obvious reasons for altering products for
foreign markets. The exact requirements vary widely by country, but are usually meant to protect
consumers. One of the more cumbersome product alterations for companies is adjusting to different laws
on packaging that protect the environment. Marketing managers must also watch for the indirect legal
requirements that may affect product content or demand.
b. Cultural reasons: Marketing managers find it difficult to determine in advance whether consumers in
foreign markets will accept new or different products because of differences in consumer cultures.
c. Economic reasons: If foreign consumers lack sufficient income, they may not be able to buy the
product the MNE sells domestically. The company therefore may have to design a cheaper model. Even
if a market segment has sufficient income to purchase the same product the company sells at home,
differences in infrastructure may require product alterations.
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

90) What factors makes international pricing and distribution more complex than domestic pricing and
Answer: International pricing is difficult because of different degrees of governmental intervention;
greater diversity of markets; price escalation of exports; changing values of currencies; differences in
fixed versus variable pricing practices; and relations with suppliers. MNEs also find distribution one of
the most difficult functions to standardize internationally, for several reasons. Each country has its own
distribution system, which an MNE finds difficult to modify because it is entwined with the country's
cultural, economic, and legal environments. Some of the factors that influence the distribution of goods
in a given country are citizens' attitudes toward owning their own store, the cost of paying retail
workers, legislation restricting store sizes and operating hours, different effects of laws on chain stores
and individually owned stores, the trust owners have in their employees, the efficacy of the postal
system, the quality of the infrastructure system, and the financial ability to carry large inventories.
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business
91) Define price escalation in exporting and explain why it occurs.
Answer: Price escalation occurs if standard markups are used within distribution channels and
lengthening the channels or adding expenses somewhere within the system further increases the price to
the consumer. Price escalation in export sales occurs for two reasons: (1) channels of distribution usually
span greater distances because exporters need to contract with organizations that know how to sell in
foreign markets and (2) tariffs are an additional cost that may be passed on to consumers.

92) What is the gray market? Why are companies concerned about it?
Answer: By selling goods through unofficial distributors, the gray market can undermine the longerterm viability of the distributorship system, cause a company's plants in different countries to compete
with each other, and make it harder for companies to charge what the market will bear.

93) In a short essay, compare push and pull promotional strategies.

Answer: Promotion may be categorized as push, which uses direct-selling techniques, or pull, which
relies on mass media. Most companies use combinations of both marketing strategies. For each product
in each country, a company must determine its total promotional budget as well as the mix of the budget
between push and pull. Generally, the more tightly controlled the distribution system, the more likely a
company is to emphasize a push strategy because it requires a greater effort to get distributors to handle
a product. Also affecting the push-pull mix is the amount of contact between salespeople and consumers
and the cost of products relative to incomes.
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

94) In a short essay, discuss the standardization of two marketing components: advertising and
Answer: In addition to reducing costs, advertising standardization may improve the quality of
advertising at the local level, prevent internationally mobile consumers from being confused by different
images, and speed the entry of products into different countries. Standardized advertising usually means
a program that is similar from market to market rather than one that is identical in each. Some of the
problems that hinder complete standardization of advertising relate to translation, legality, and message
needs. Within the marketing mix, MNEs find distribution one of the most difficult functions to
standardize internationally, for several reasons. Each country has its own distribution system, which an
MNE finds difficult to modify because it is entwined with the country's cultural, economic, and legal
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business
95) How do language differences affect international branding and promotion?
Answer: Major problems for standardizing advertising among countries are translation, legality, and
message needs. Global branding is hampered by language differences, expansion by acquisition,
nationality images, and laws concerning generic names. Nevertheless, global brands help develop a
global image.
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business

96) How do foreign government regulations affect pricing and promotion for international businesses?
Answer: Government regulations may directly or indirectly affect the prices that companies charge.
International pricing is further complicated because of currency value fluctuations, differences in
product preferences, price escalation in exporting, and variations in fixed versus variable pricing
practices. In regards to promotion, what is legal advertising in one country may be illegal elsewhere. The
differences result mainly from varying national views on consumer protection, competitive protection,
civil rights promotion, standards of morality and behavior, and nationalism. For example, there are many
products that some societies view as being in sufficiently bad taste that they restrict advertisement of
them, such as whether they can be advertised on television and, if so, at what time. In terms of consumer
protection, policies differ on the amount of deception permitted and what can be advertised to children.
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business
97) What challenges are created by selling internationally through the Internet? How does e-commerce
affect pricing?
Answer: Many households, especially in emerging economies, lack access to Internet connections.
Therefore, if a company wants to reach mass global markets, it will need to supplement its Internet sales
with sales using other means of promoting and distribution. A company also needs to set up and promote
its Internet sales, which can be very expensive. A company cannot easily differentiate its marketing
program for each country where it operates. If a company makes international sales over the Internet, it
must deliver what it sells expeditiously. This may necessitate placing warehouses and service facilities
abroad, which the company may or may not own and manage itself. Finally, the company's Internet ads
and prices must comply with the laws of each country where the company makes sales. This is a
challenge because a company's Web page reaches Internet users everywhere. E-commerce enables
consumers to compare prices quickly among distributors, which will likely cause prices to decrease.
Learning Outcome: Explain the functions of marketing in international business
98) In a short essay, discuss gap analysis.
Answer: Gap analysis is a method for estimating a company's potential sales by identifying reasons for
not serving markets adequately. When sales are lower than the estimated market potential for a given
type of product, the company has potential for increased sales. The distribution gap represents sales lost
to competitors who distribute where the company does not. The product line gap represents sales lost to
competitors who have product variations the company does not have. The competitive gap is the
remaining unexplained sales lost to competitors who may have a better image or lower prices.

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