Cidade de Goa Windows

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 3, Issue 5; April-June, 2016, pp. 465-471
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Window as an Element of Architecture

Kishor P.Rewatkar1 and Priyanka K.Rewatkar2

Priyadarshini Institute of Architecture and Design Studies, Nagpur, India

Lokmanya Tilak Institute of Architecture and Design Studies, Navi Mumbai, India

AbstractWindows are the eyes of a building which relate the

outside world with the inside. It arranges and governs the light and
thus sets the atmosphere of the interior. It regulates the winds and
thus helps to ameliorate the human comfort inside for the occupants.
Further windows frame a beautiful view outside and create a moving
picturesque portrait which can act as a backdrop to our daily
activities. It is often framed and spanned with glass mounted to
regulate light and wind. There are many different types of windows
which have been evolved worldwide .The configuration of the window
,composition ,image making quality depends upon many factors
including the climate, society ,materials ,construction techniques,
religious beliefs e.t.c.The different attributes of windows help to give
a desired character of building .The paper tries to explore window as
an element of architecture by taking interesting architectural
examples which are modern as well as vernacular.

The oxford dictionary meaning of window is An opening in
the wall or roof of a building or vehicle, fitted with glass in a
frame to admit light or air and allow people to see out. [1]
Apart from the basic functions of a window which include
admittance of fresh air light, view and spatial articulation there
are many other connotations of a window in a building facade.
The window design keeps evolving over the time. The
windows of the vernacular buildings contribute to the sense of
place. Depending upon the available building materials,
construction techniques, local building traditions one can trace
the different treatment given to the windows. The paper tries
to explore the relationship of window with the space leading
to interesting architectural examples.

Fig. 1: Model of Harappan house with use of windows on the

walls facing the streets

The caves carved out of the rocks consisted of openings. The

sun windows placed in the centre of the horseshoe arch found
in the Buddhist Chaitya halls at Ajanta allowed sunlight to
dispel the darkness of the deep caves. Especially in the cave
no 26 which is aligned to summer solstice sunrise. As the sun
raises the sun window allows the beam of light to illuminate
the stupa and the statue of Buddha inside. In a similar manner
the sun window of cave no 19 is aligned to allow the beam of
sun of winter solstice. [4,5,6]

Windows have always been an essential element of a building.
The size and shape of the opening depended highly upon the
different building materials, social condition, climate and
construction techniques.The early windows can be traced in
the Harappan houses of the Indus civilization. For the
courtyard houses, the windows had wooden shutters and reed
grills which allowed light and ventilation. [2,3]

Fig. 2, 3: Front View and interior view of Cave no. 26,

Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra

To enlighten the central space below the dome, a circular

opening referred as oculus was designed in the Roman

Kishor P.Rewatkar and Priyanka K.Rewatkar


Because of the load bearing construction, the earlier windows

were of small size. But now due to the advent of frame
structure, glass etc. windows help to blur the distinction
between the interiors and the exteriors. The finest example for
the impact of frame structure on building facade are the ribbon
windows which Le Corbusier used in his buildings
exemplified best in Villa Sayoye . [20]
Fig. 4, 5 : Interior view of the Pantheon, Detail view of
Oculus of Pantheon

Another interesting early example of use of windows can be

traced in Hagia Sophia. Forty windows placed below the dome
added to the visual weightlessness and to the wonderful play
of light. [7,8,9].

Fig. 8: Exterior view of Villa Sayoye, Poissy, France

Thereafter new experimental types of windows were used in

the buildings.

Fig. 6: Interior view of Hagia Sophia.

A significant element of Gothic churchs facade is the circular

rose window. The rose window consisted of stone tracery
along with the stained glass. The structural system of Gothic
church with flying buttresses, ribbed vault and columns
allowed lot of windows with stained glass in the walls with the
narratives which created a mystical play of colorful light. All
types of windows in Gothic church allowed the divine light to
enter the church. [11,12]

Fig. 8: Different types of windows [19]

After understanding the evolution of a window ,a wide

horizon of connotations and functions for windows in
architecture opens up which are briefly discussed as follows:

Fig. 7: Interior view of a Gothic Church

Pierre von Meiss says that,A window is a sign of life .He

further adds that it is a wink to the passerby. And it is equally
uncomfortable to be in a house which bounds a public street
with no window at all on the street. It is also an eye of the
building allowing one to gaze at the outside world without
been seen. [29] The interaction between the inside and the

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 3, Issue 5; April-June, 2016

Window as an Element of Architecture

outside world is possible due to windows as people can

visually as well as verbally interact and introspect with each
other which enlivens the human mood. Without a window the
street looks dull and frightening.


Windows help to connect with the nature.One of the finest

architectural project which displays the concept of windows
which help to frame a vista is a resort Heritance Ahungalla
designed by Ar .Geoffrey Bawa .

In the traditional Indian temples the orientation of the temple
is east-west. And the windows were oriented to admit the
garbhagriha /Sanctum sanctorum placed towards the east
direction. The significant examples being Sun Temple at
Modhera,Sun Temple at Konark e.t.c. A festival of sun rays
also referred as Kirnotsav is celebrated in Mahalakshmi
Temple at Kolhapur when the sun rays fall directly on the idol
of Mahalakshmi highlighting it at the time of sunset on
specific six days in a year which is possible because of the
precise calculations of the size of the opening and the distance
between the source of light and the idol. [21]

Fig. 11: Heritance Srilanka Ahungalla , View from the entrance

lobby to overlooking the reflecting pool, swimming pool and
finally the vast sea.

It exemplifies beautifully his concept of complete synthesis of

site and the context. The design breaks the distinction between
the interiors and the exteriors by sensitive use of full heighted
windows which binds the building with the sea .The reflecting
water pool in front of the entrance lobby welcomes the visitor
and the window opening of the reception and waiting area
acquaints the visitor to the vast sea .Further the reflecting and
swimming pool stretches the visual continuity from the public
to private and form the exterior to interior and further to
infinity. Thus the window frames a beautiful view and helps to
connect the exteriors especially with nature. [32]

Fig.9,10-Sun beam touching the feet of the idol at Mahalakshmi

Temple at Kolhapur during Kirnotsav.

In the research paper titled The Benefits of Daylight through

Windows done by Peter Boyce, Claudia Hunter and Owen
Howlett , it mentions that windows are preferred for daylight
and the views they offer .It also quotes that windowless spaces
are generally disliked when the spaces are small. Windows
offer daylight and ventilation along with a view outside.In the
results of surveys of office workers, out of all the above
mentioned functions of the window the two important
functions of windows are outside views and daylight(Collins,
1975; Brill, 1985).Out of these two attributes the research
work of Young and Berry (1979) demonstrates that view
dominates daylight admission through the window. [31]

Fig. 12: Interior view of Fransworth House

Another excellent example which highlights window as a

backdrop for the spaces in side is weekend Farnsworth House
designed by Ar.Mies Van Der Rohe.The glass spans the
overhead and ground plane running on the periphery the base

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 3, Issue 5; April-June, 2016

Kishor P.Rewatkar and Priyanka K.Rewatkar


plane which connects the interior with the exterior

surroundings to the fullest. [22].The full length window

opening designed in Church on the water,Japan by Ar.Tadao
Ando takes the relationship of the interiors with the exteriors
to a very different level wherein the cross placed in the the
reflecting pool which is surrounded by trees extends the space
of the church visually.This helps the user to experience and
relish the change in weather.

from the nallah towards the south of the site. The building
takes up maximum glare free natural light from the northern
side. A blank wall towards the south creates a negative
pressure which pulls fresh air from the north. This strategy
increases the convective currents of air in the building
ensuring proper ventilation. [36]

Fig. 15: Section through T.E.R.I.Bangalore showing natural light

penetrating deep inside the building due to windows placed on
the northern faade and due to skylights.

Fig. 13: View towards the exterior from the interior,

Church on the Water, Japan


The location and size of the window according to the air flow
allow fresh air to come inside which ensures ample amount of
fresh air inside the space.

Another noteworthy example for effective use of windows for

ventilation is the Gandhi Smarak Sanghralaya Ahmedabad. A
museum dedicated designed to commemorate the life of
Mahatma Gandhi, designed by Ar.Charles Correa consists of
square modules placed in an asymmetric way to replicate the
organic plans of Indian towns. The design was kept simple to
reflect the simplicity of Gandhijis life .The building
vocabulary consisted of tiled roofs, stone floors, exposed brick
walls and louvered windows. The windows which allow cross
ventilation and filtered light inside were devoid of any glass,
but consisted of adjustable wooden louvers. [25,26,27]

Fig. 14 Diagrams showing plans with single opening ,two

openings same walls ,two openings adjacent wall and
Two openings opposite walls. [23]

The effectiveness of air ventilation depends largely upon the

wind velocity, size, location and placement of windows.
Windows help to regulate ventilation through a space. A
single window facing the windward side in a room will be less
effective than two windows in a room. Further, if one places
two windows on adjacent walls the ventilation will increase.
Cross ventilation i.e. placing windows on opposite walls of a
room is a preferred strategy in warm and humid climate to
achieve effective ventilation through the space. The
combination of smaller inlet and larger outlet window placed
on either sides of a room increases the velocity of air. [23].The
Energy Research Institute (T.E.R.I)Bangalore designed by
Ar.Sanjay Mohe ,is an excellent example wherein we can see
that the windows allow sufficient light and ventilation through
the building while simultaneously disallowing the foul air

Fig. 16: Section showing the detail of louvered window at

Gandhi Smarak Sanghralaya,Ahmedabad[25,26,27].

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 3, Issue 5; April-June, 2016

Window as an Element of Architecture


MAKER Windows help to create an image of a building due to their
shape , size and composition of many windows. Many times
the buildings are recognized and identified because of the
windows .Many architects experiment the windows to
modulate the building facades. A traditional example of this is
the Hawa Mahal at also known as Palace of Winds, Jaipur,
India. It consists of a five-storey pyramidal facade facing the
street consisting of 953 latticed bay windows also known as
jharokas ,were filled with stone jalis and colorful tinted glass
which enable the royal women to observe the street festivals
while being unseen from outside. The lattice windows allows
cool air through their intricate pattern carved out of red
sandstone due to Venturi Effect ,air conditioning the interiors
during the summers in the daytime. [34]


Ar.Charles Correa in his building Inter-University Centre for

designed the building facade with the grouping of square
windows of different sizes which eventually creates an image.
[Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune had very efficiently
35]Thus the element of windows draws a users attention to
the building facade.
Another contemporary example where we can trace that

Fig. 19: Faade facing the River, Cidade De Goa, Dona Paula,
whose design is inspired from Portuguese town

window creates an image is Cidade De Goa, designed by

Ar.Charles Correa.Here the windows contribute to lively and
an interesting faade due to uneven window projections and

Fig. 17: Exterior view of Hawa Mahal from the street.

A vast amount of heat loss or heat gain is through windows.

Thus it forms a decisive factor while designing the type
location material and size of the window in a space. We find
small windows in hot dry regions to disallow the hot winds
from the outside on the outer facade and large windows on the
wall adjacent to the inner courtyards in a typical house. In
warm and humid climate windows are large and multiple in
the building facade which faces the wind direction to allow
cross ventilation. A building is cooled by window openings
low in the building by allowing cooler air inside which
carrying heat away through openings in the top of the space
creating a stack effect.

Fig. 18: View of the central court surrounded by walls with

square windows grouped together at I.U.C.A.A, Pune[35]

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 3, Issue 5; April-June, 2016

Kishor P.Rewatkar and Priyanka K.Rewatkar


form and add meaning to both. It can facilitate and control the
link between inside and outside; and can be effectively used as
an object of image making. The perception and experience of
manmade enclosed space depends largely on how well various
considerations have shaped the design of window. We have
numerous examples of this kind which needs to be looked
into, and approach design of windows as fulfillment of with
specific criteria in given situation rather than following the
rule of thumb and rhetoric.

Fig. 20,21,22: View of perforated sliding and folding window,

Conceptual section showing the windows and exterior view of
Hotel Raas, Jodhpur. Rajasthan overlooking the Jodhpur Fort.

Raas Jodhpur is a contemporary example of windows which is

inspired for the traditional windows of the region to ameliorate
the climate inside a space .The windows offer passive cooling,
play of light and shade and privacy to the users
simultaneously. The window panels can be folded to reveal
the uninterrupted views of the fort or closed to keep the harsh
sun out. [24]

[2] Muhammad Bin Naveed. Harappa: An Overview of Harappan
Architecture and Town Planning, Ancient History
Encyclopedia. /article/695/.
[6] Spink, W. M.. (1985). Ajanta's Chronology: Solstitial Evidence.


[7] Sophia _

The vernacular windows are the best examples which reflect

the climate,culture,building materials, building techniques,
traditions of a space. They at the same time create an image on
the onlooker.


Fig. 23: Images of vernacular windows from different

parts of India.

Window is connection between two realms. The attributes of
its design could be based on proper understanding of the
requirements primary as well as secondary from both sides. It
plays a significant role in space quality; physical as well as
emotional. Windows are important apparatus of architecture
which help in articulation and modulation of space as well as


Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 3, Issue 5; April-June, 2016

Window as an Element of Architecture

[27]Kenneth Frampton, CharlesCorrea,Thames and Hudson.
[29]Pierre Von Meiss, Elements of Architecture from Form to
[30]Christopher Alexander,Sara Ishikawa,Murray Silverstein with
Max Jacobson,Ingrid Fiksdahl-King,Shlomo Angel,A Pattern
Language,New York Oxford University Press-1977.

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

p-ISSN: 2349-8404; e-ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 3, Issue 5; April-June, 2016


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