Locally Compact Spaces
Locally Compact Spaces
Locally Compact Spaces
One of the most useful result in the analysis on locally compact spaces is the
and f F = 0.
Proof. Apply Lemma 5.1 for the pair K X rF and find an open set E, with
E compact, such that K E E X r F . Apply again Lemma 5.1 for the pair
K E and find another open set G with G compact, such that K G G E.
Let us work for the moment in the space E (equipped with the induced topology). This is a compact Hausdorff space, hence it is normal. In particular, using
Lemma (see
section 1) there exists a continuous function g; E [0, 1] such
that g K = 0 and g ErG = 0. Let us now define the function f : X [0, 1] by
g(x) if x E
f (x) =
if x X r E
Notice that f E = g E , so f E is continuous. If we take the open set A = X r G,
then it is also clear
that f A = 0. So now we have two open sets E and A, with
AE = X, and f A and f E both continuous. Then it is clear that f is continuous.
The other two properties f K = 1 and f F = 0 are obvious.
We now discuss an important notion which makes the linkage between locally
compact spaces and compact spaces
Definition. Let X be a locally compact space. By a compactification of X one
means a pair (, T ) consisting of a compact Hausdorff space T , and of a continuous
map : X T , with the following properties
(i) (X) is a dense open subset of T ;
(ii) when we equip (X) with the induced topology, the map : X (X)
is a homeomorphism.
Notice that, when X is already compact, any compactification (, T ) of X is necessarily made up of a compact space T , and a homeomorphism : X T .
Examples 5.1. A. Take [, ] = R {, }, with the usual topology,
in which a set D [, ] is open if D = D0 D1 D2 , where D0 is open in R
D1 , D2 (a, ] : a R [, a) : a R .
Then [, ] is a compactification of R
B. (Alexandrov compactification) Suppose X is a locally compact space, which
is not compact. We form a disjoint union with a singleton X = X t {}, and
we equip the space X with the topology in which a subset D X is declared to
be open, if either D is an open subset of X, or there exists some compact subset
K X, such that D = (X rK)t{}. Define the inclsuion map : X , X . Then
(, X ) is a compactification of X, which is called the Alexandrov compactification.
The fact that (X) is open in X , and : X (X) is a homeomorphism, is clear.
The density of (X) in X is also clear, since every open set D X , with D 3 ,
is of the form (X r K) t {}, for some compact set K X, and then we have
D (X) = (X r K), which is non-empty, because X is not compact.
Remark that, if X is already compact, we can still define the topological space
X = X t {}, but this time the singleton set {} will be also be open (equivalently is an isolated point in X ). Although (X) will still be open in X , it
will not be dense in X .
Remark 5.1. Let K be some compact Hausdorff space, and let p K be some
point with the property that the set X = K r {p} is non-compact. Of course, since
X is open, it follows that X is a locally compact space, when equipped with the
induced topology. If we denote by X the Alexandrov compactification of X, then
the map : X K, defined by
x if x X
(x) =
p if x =
is a homeomorphism. Indeed (see Corollary 4.1), since X is compact, and is
obviously bijective, all we need to prove is the fact that is continuous. Start with
some open set D K, and let us show that 1 (D) is open in X . If D 63 p, then
D is open in X, so 1 (D) = D is open in X . If D 3 p, then
1 (D) = [D r {p}] {} = [X r (K r D)] {},
Of course, since K is compact and D K is open, it follows that K r D is closed,
hence compact in K. Since K r D X, it follows that K r D is also compact in
X, so the above equality shows that f 1 (D) is indeed open in X .
One should regard the Alexandrov compactification as a minimal one. More
precisely, one has the following.
Proposition 5.1. Suppose X is a locally compact space which is non-compact.
Let (, T ) be a compactification of X, and let X = X t {} be the Alexandrov
compactification. Then there exists a unique continuous map : T X , such
that ()(x) = x, x X. Moreover, the map has the property that (y) = ,
y T r (X).
Proof. The uniqueness part is pretty obvious, since (X) is dense in T . For
the existence, we use the map : X T to identify X with an open dense subset
of T , and we define : T X by
if x X
(x) =
if x T r X
so that all we have to prove is the fact that is continuous. Start with some open
set D in X , and let us prove that 1 is open in T . There are two cases.
Case I : D X.
This case is trivial, 1 (D) = D, and D is open in X, hence also open in T .
Case II : D 6 X.
In this case D 3 , so there exists some compact set K in X, such that D =
X r K = (X r K) {}. We then have
1 (D) = 1 (X r K) 1 ({}) = (X r K) (T r X) = T r K.
Since K is compact in X, it will be compact in T as well. In particular, K is closed
in T , hence the set 1 (D) = T r K is indeed open in T .
It turns out that there exists another compactification which is described below,
which can be regarded as the largest.
[0, 1],
f F
because we can take f = f B .
We can show now that is injective. If x, y X are such that x 6= y, then
using Urysohn Lemma we can find f F , such that f (x) 6= f (y). The function f
given by Claim 1, clearly satisfies
f (x) = f (x) 6= f (y) = f (y) ,
which forces (x) 6= (y).
In order to show that (X) is open in B, we need some preparations. For every
compact subset K X, we define
FK = f : X [0, 1] : f continuous, f
=0 .
= ( ) (f ) = ( ) f = 0,
so using Claim 1 (the uniqueness part), we have = 0. In particular, since () =
1, this forces f() = 0, thus proving the Claim.
Fc =
FK .
K compact
f1 {0} .
f Fc
By the definition of the product topology, it follows that S is closed in T . The fact
that (X) is open in B, is then a consequence of the following fact.
Claim 3: One has the equality (X) = B r S.
Start first with some point x X, and let us show that (x) 6 S. Choose some
compact, such that D 3 x, and apply Urysohn Lemma
open set D X, with D
to find some continuous map f : X [0, 1] such that f (x) = 1 and f XrD = 0.
It is clear that f FD Fc , but f (x) = f (x) = 1 6= 0, which means that
(x) 6 f1 {0} , hence (x) 6 S. Conversely, let us start with some point =
(f )f F B r S, and let us prove that (X). Since 6 S, there exists some
f Fc , such that f () > 0. Since f Fc , there exists some
compact subset
K X, such that f XrK = 0. Using Claim 2, we know that fBr(K) = 0. Since
f() = f () 6= 0, this forces (K) (X).
To finish the proof of the Theorem, all we need to prove now is the fact that
: X (X) is a homeomorphism, which amounts to proving that, whenever
D X is open, it follows that (D) is open in B. Fix an open subset D X. In
order to show that (D) is open in B, we need to show that (D) is a neighborhood
for each of its points. Fix some point (D), i.e. = (x), for some x D.
Choose some compact subset K D, such that x Int(K), and apply Urysohn
Lemma to find a function f FK , with f (x) = 1. Consider the continuous
f : B [0, 1] given by Claim 1, and apply Claim 2 to conclude that fBr(K) = 0.
In particular the open set
N = f1 (1/2, ) B
is contained in (K) (D). Since f() = f (x) = 1, we clearly have x N .
Definition. The compactification (, (X)), constructed in the above Theorem, is called the Stone-Cech compactification of X. The space (X) will be denoted
by X . Using the map , we shall identify from now on X with a dense open subset
of X . Remark that if X is compact, then X = X.
Comment. The Stone-Cech compactification is inherently Zorn Lemma type
construction. For example, if X is a locally compact space, then every ultrafilter
on X gives rise to a point in X , constructed as follows. If : X X denotes the
inclusion map, then for every ultrafilter U on X, we consider the ultrafilter U on
X , and by compactness this ultrafilter converges to some (unique) point in X .
This way one gets a correspondence
limX : U P(X) : U ultrafilter on X X .
The next two exercises discuss the features of this map.
Exercise 1. Let X be a locally compact space.
A. Prove that, for an ultrafilter U on X, the condition limX U X is equivalent to the condition that U contains a compact subset of X.
B. Prove that, for two ultrafilters U1 , U2 , the condition limX (U1 ) 6= limX (U2 )
is equivalent to the existence of two sets A1 U1 and A2 U2 , that
are separated by a continuous function, that is, for which there exists
a continuous function f : X R, and numbers 1 < 2 , such that
f (A1 ) (, 1 ] and f (A2 ) [2 , ).
C. Prove that the correspondence limX is surjective.
Exercise 2. Suppose a set X is equipped with the discrete topology. Prove that
the correspondence limX is bijective.
The Stone-Cech compactification is functorial, in the following sense.
Proposition 5.2. If X and Y are locally compact spaces, and if : X Y
is a continuous
map, then there exists a unique continuous map : X Y ,
such that X = .
Proof. We use the notations from Theorem 5.2. Define
F = {f : X [0, 1] : f continuous } and G = {g : Y [0, 1] : g continuous },
the product spaces
TX =
f F
[0, 1] and TY =
[0, 1],
It turns out that one can define a certain type of continuous maps, with respect
to which the Alexandrov compactification is functorial.
Definition. Let X, Y be locally compact spaces, and let : X Y be a
continuous map. We say that is proper, if it satisfies the condition
K Y , compact 1 (K) compact in X.
Exercise 5 (Functoriality of Alexandrov compactification). Let X and Y be
a locally compact spaces, which are non-compact, and let X and Y denote their
respective Alexandrov compactifications. For a continuous map : X Y , prove
that the following are equivalent:
(i) is proper;
(ii) the map : X Y defined by X = and () = is
The following is an interesting property of proper maps, which will be exploited
later, is the following.
Proposition 5.3. Let X, Y be locally compact spaces, let : X Y be a
proper continuous map, and let T X be a closed subset. Then the set (T ) is
closed in X.
Proof. Start with some point y (T ). This means that
(x) V, V V.
But now we are done, because this forces (x) = y. Indeed, if (x) 6= y, using the
Hausdorff property, one could find some V V with (x) 6 V , thus contradicting
Comment. When one deals with various compactifications of a non-compact
locally compact space, the following extension problem is often discussed.
Question: Let (, T ) be a compactification of a locally compact space X, let Y
be some topological Hausdorff space, and let : X Y be a continuous
map. When does there exist a continuous map : T Y , such that
= ?
Of course, such a map (if it exists) is unique. Obviously, by density the existence
of will force (T ) = (X), so we see that a necessary condition is the fact that
(X) is compact. In the case of the Stone-Cech compactification, this comdition is
also sufficient, by Remark 5.1.
For the Alexandrov compactification, the answer is given by the following.
Proposition 5.4. Let X be a non-compact locally compact space, let Y be a
topological Hausdorff space, and let : X Y be a continuous map. The following
are equivalent.
(i) There exists a continuous map : X Y with X = .
(ii) There exists some point p Y such that
() for every neighborhood V of p, there exists some compact subset KV
X with (X r KV ) V .
Moreover, the map in (i) is unique, the point p mentioned in (ii) is also unique,
and p = ().
Proof. (ii) (i). Assume is as in (ii), and let us prove (i). Take p = ().
Start with some neighborhood V of p. Since is continuous at , the set 1 (V )
is a neighborhood of in X . In particular there exists some compact set K X,
such that 1 (V ) (X r K) {}. We then obviously have (x) = (x) V ,
x X r K.
(i) (ii). Assume p Y satisfies condition (). Define the map : X Y
(x) if x X
(x) =
if x =
and let us show that is continuous. Since X = , and is continuous, all we
need to show is the fact that is continuous at . Let V be some neighborhood
of p = (), and let us show that 1 (V ) is a neighborhood of in X . Take D