Manifestations of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Radiographic Findings
Manifestations of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Radiographic Findings
Manifestations of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Radiographic Findings
Poster No.:
ECR 2015
Educational Exhibit
R. G. Ghinea; Cluj-Napoca/RO
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Learning objectives
The aim of this study is to highlight the radiographic aspects found at patients with
pulmonary tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease mainly caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, that
is transmissible with high contagion rate and with high mortality.
Only 10-20 % of the infected patients make the disease, especially those with improper
immune system, and approximately 80% is pulmonary tuberculosis while the rest of 20%
is extrapulmonary (pleural, osteoarticular, genitourinary, gastrointestinal system).
The source of tuberculosis are the patient with the active disease, untreated and they
spread it by sneezing, coughing or spitting. The spreaded Flugge droplets dehydrate and
the become nucleosome that can stay on the floor, on clothes or different objects.
If the tuberculosis bacillus are inhaled into the alveoli the macrophages are the first
responsible of the elimination, but the bacillus can remain in a dormant (inactive) phase.
It can also spread through the lymphatic vessels to the lymphatic nodes.
After the first exposure the patient can develop Primary Tuberculosis and there are
specific manifestations because they don't have any specific immunity. Secondary
Tuberculosis (Postprimary Tuberculosis) develop in patients with previous exposure.
Characteristic in TB is the polymorphism of the lesions:
proliferative-epitheloid granuloma ( nodule )
caseous necrosis - destruction
In the alveoli, around the bacillus, the immune system cells form a granulomatous
proliferative inflammation (epithelioid granuloma).
Primary Tuberculosis
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PrimoInfection is the first phase when the bacillus enter into the alveoli and where a
infiltrate develops.
The focus of infection it is known as Ghon Lesion (focus). Usually it develops in the most
ventilated part of the lung (upper lobe, middle lobe or basal segments of the inferior lobe).
It can be so small that it cannot be found on a chest X-ray (CXR). Usually found on a
CXR is a nodular omogenous opacity 0,2-2 cm.
If the bacillus spread through the lymphatic vessel to the lymphatic nodes on
the radiography appears the lymphangitis and the lymphatic adenopathy(hilar or
paratracheal most frequent).
The initial focus, the lymphangitis and the adenopathy form the Ranke or Ghon
Complex. It is not necessary to appear all 3, sometimes only initial focus can be seen
or only the adenopathy.
Primary Tuberculosis can heal without any signs visible on CXR or it can complicate.
The complication of the primary tuberculosis are local-regional and general.
The local-regional complication refers at the complication that can appear in the
pulmonary parenchyma:
The general complication refers at the disemination through the lymphatic vessels,
bronchial three and the hematogenous disemination:
caseous pneumonia
caseous bronhopneumonia
miliary tuberculosis
At the end stage of primoinfection there is an atypical local-regional limfatichematogenous disemination in the upper part of the lung (apical):
This type of lesions are very important because they can constitute the initial place of
tuberculosis reactivation.
Postprimary Tuberculosis (Secondary Tuberculosis)
Postprimary Tuberculosis appears at patients with improper imune system that had
previous contact with the bacillus. The immune response is different and the disease
appears because of the reactivation of previous healed lessions that contain dormands
bacillus or by a second exogen reinfection.
Typicaly it is the early infiltrates (precocious infiltrate) that appears and it is a caseous
alveolitis with a perifocal congestion ring. The place where it is found is where the primary
tuberculosis was:
Simon nodules
Aschoff-Puhl nodules
Malmross-Hedwall "initial apical foci"
Ghon focus
The pulmonary common sight were the reactivation appears is in the apical-posterior
segment of the upper lobes and the apical segments of the lower lobes (best ventilated
There are several aspects of the early tuberculosis infiltrates:
The difference from the primary tuberculosis is the fact that there is no adenopaty
like in Ranke complex. Although, when the Postprimary tuberculosis it is caused by a
reinfection, not by reactivation, the adenopaty can appear (with the condition that primary
tuberculosis has previous totaly healed).
Tuberculosis can spontanous heal in a small amount of 10% without any radiographic
findings or can heal by fibrosis leaving fibrotic scars (fibrosis lessions). On the chest x
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ray the most common found are pulmonary dense nodules well defined and with sharp
margins, that eventualy can calcifiate ( granulomas ).
The radiographic findings lesions are characterized by the productive, exudative,
caseous and fibrous lessions that can coexist togheter in the same patient chest x ray.
The radiographic findings are :
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Fig. 2: Red: ill defined opacities with tendency of confluence with cavitary images
Yellow,Blue: different dimensions nodules suggestive for bronchogenic dissemination
Right small pleural effusion
References: Radiology department, "Leon Daniello" Pulmonology and Tuberculosis
Care Clinics, Cluj-Napoca/RO
Bellow is a CXR of a 28 years male recently diagnosed with type I diabetes. The
radiography shows a postprimary tuberculosis (fibro-cavitary type). Fig. 3
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Fig. 3: Red: Cavity with the drainage bronchia ("tennis racket" aspect) Blue:ill defined
fibro-nodular lessions, consolidation
References: Radiology department, "Leon Daniello" Pulmonology and Tuberculosis
Care Clinics, Cluj-Napoca/RO
Bellow there are the PA and the LL CXR of a 43 years male with postprimary tuberculosis
and the evolution within a week. Fig. 4 on page 17 and Fig. 5 on page 18
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Fig. 4: Red: 2 cavities containing air-flui level Green: ill defined fibro-nodular lesions
Blue: consolidation near cavities
References: Radiology department, "Leon Daniello" Pulmonology and Tuberculosis
Care Clinics, Cluj-Napoca/RO
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Bellow there are the PA and the LL CXR of a 65 years women and the evolution within
40 days. It is a postprimary tuberculosis with cavity, bronchogenic dissemination and
hydropneumothorax. Fig. 6 on page 18 and Fig. 7
Fig. 6: Red: cavities Yellow: ill defined fibro-nodular lesions Blue: patchy ill defined
areas Black: small pleural effusion
References: Radiology department, "Leon Daniello" Pulmonology and Tuberculosis
Care Clinics, Cluj-Napoca/RO
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Fig. 7: Red: cavity Blue: infiltrative lesions, consolidation Black arrow: air-fluid level
References: Radiology department, "Leon Daniello" Pulmonology and Tuberculosis
Care Clinics, Cluj-Napoca/RO
Bellow there is a CXR of a 24 years female with post primary tuberculosis complicated
with miliary dissemination. Fig. 8
Fig. 8: Red- cavity Green- ill defined fibronodular lesion Blue- ill defined nodules
Miliary pattern
References: Radiology and Medical Imaging Clinic,SCJU Cluj-Napoca/RO
Bellow there is a CXR of a 86 years male with left fibrothorax. Fig. 9
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Fig. 9: Left thorax volume loss. Left shifted mediastinum. Left pleural thickening
References: Radiology and Medical Imaging Clinic,SCJU Cluj-Napoca/RO
Bellow there is a CXR of a 65 years patient with healed tuberculosis presenting multiple
tuberculosis sequelae. Fig. 10
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Fig. 10: Yellow: well defined fibro-nodular lesions Red: round well defined opacity Tuberculoma.
References: Radiology and Medical Imaging Clinic,SCJU Cluj-Napoca/RO
Bellow there is a PA and LL CXR of a 53 years patient with healed tuberculosis presenting
multiple tuberculosis sequelae and pneumothorax. Fig. 11
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Fig. 11: Red: fibro-nodular lesions well defined Blue arrow: partial right lateral
pneumothorax White arrow: small right pleural efussion Yellow arrow: diaphragmatic
symphysis Apical pleural thickening Small calcifiate nodular opacities.
References: Radiology department, "Leon Daniello" Pulmonology and Tuberculosis
Care Clinics, Cluj-Napoca/RO
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Fig. 1: Yellow: fibro-nodular lesions, TB sequelae Red: healed primary complex of Ranke
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Fig. 2: Red: ill defined opacities with tendency of confluence with cavitary images
Yellow,Blue: different dimensions nodules suggestive for bronchogenic dissemination
Right small pleural effusion
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Fig. 3: Red: Cavity with the drainage bronchia ("tennis racket" aspect) Blue:ill defined
fibro-nodular lessions, consolidation
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Fig. 4: Red: 2 cavities containing air-flui level Green: ill defined fibro-nodular lesions Blue:
consolidation near cavities
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Fig. 6: Red: cavities Yellow: ill defined fibro-nodular lesions Blue: patchy ill defined areas
Black: small pleural effusion
Fig. 7: Red: cavity Blue: infiltrative lesions, consolidation Black arrow: air-fluid level
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Fig. 8: Red- cavity Green- ill defined fibronodular lesion Blue- ill defined nodules Miliary
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Fig. 9: Left thorax volume loss. Left shifted mediastinum. Left pleural thickening
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Fig. 10: Yellow: well defined fibro-nodular lesions Red: round well defined opacity Tuberculoma.
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Fig. 11: Red: fibro-nodular lesions well defined Blue arrow: partial right lateral
pneumothorax White arrow: small right pleural efussion Yellow arrow: diaphragmatic
symphysis Apical pleural thickening Small calcifiate nodular opacities.
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The pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis requires a multidisciplinary collaboration, and the
positive diagnosis it is made on sputum culture that can last 3-4 up to 8 weeks.
Because of the multiple lessions that can be found on a CXR, the radiologist has a major
role in the interpretation of the active or the inactive pulmonary tuberculosis in order to
isolate the patient and prevent the contamination of others.
Personal information
1.D. Radulescu - Radiologie medicala, Cluj-Napoca, 1983
2.G. Chisleag - Radiologie medicala, Bucuresti, 1986 - -
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