Paul Foster Case - Tarot Fundamentals - 1936 PDF

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If you nill stop i'or a m<!nent to considsr
the chain. of ciroumstances '\"1hich 11;)dto your
reading these words, you will discover one
primary motive--your desire f:or inner en-
lightenment. Even though you approach this
study with a measure of' skepticism,. wondering
hov.r, the claims made as to the effectiveness
of Tarot can be substantiated your interest
is evidence of' your basic spiritual urge to
seek light
..,,.:~~ ,. ..., .,...... .,This - -lib.t~.!~~k~ - ~mpUlse is the f'irst
requisite ror success vrith Tarot. This and
a strong determination to persist in the ma.story of' the details of the
work explained 1n the course, vdll enable you
to me.lee the most of your study-.
The very fact that you a.:te reading this
lesson is proof that you are ready for it.
because n(Jt;hing ever happens by accident.
One fundamental principle of: Ageless 'Wisdom
is that when a pupil is ready, his instruc-
tion v:ill be forthcaning.
This course on TA.i.l.OT
shory'" you how to usQ the Tarot Keys tor the
purpose or evoking thought. Thus you -.,dll
bring to the surfaoe of' your consciousness,
where you can recognize and understand them,
those great principles of praotieal oo~ultism
vrhich lie hid in the hear:ts of all mankind.
All thes .e . principles are based on a single
truth. Knowledge of this truth is innate in
every human being; but not lllltil it has been
brought into the light of consciousness, is

it available for use. Over the portals of

ancient temples, therefore, was the motto.a
flKNCVITHYSELF.n For . the same reason it is
written: "Seek ye -first the kingdom of God,"-
and, "1'he kingdom of Gcd is vnthin you."
Rich symbolism and ingenious ~construction
make rarot one of the best instruments for
true occult education, - that is, for drawing
out the wisdom hidden within you. Understand
atthe very beginning ' that the Tarot Keys do
not put something into your consciousness.
They call f'orth what is already there, _
The practical instruction of this course
will aid yo t-0 develop an intelligent grasp
of the meanings of these I{eya. Into your
h:a.nds will be put olues- which will enable yoU
to use Tarot in order to gain a deep vtorking
und erstanding of the lavrs of life. You must
f'ol .low these clues yourself' . Then Tarot will
bring out the knovirledge v{hich is v.rithin you,.
and this lmovirledge is more important to you
than anything else.
To eaoh prospector in this inexhaustible
mine of Ageless Wisdom_ persevering study
,rill reveal uhat might never be fomd by an-
other seeker. :No matter how high may be his
source of information~ no interpreter may say
truthf'ully, "This is the full and final mean-
ing. of Te.rot. st
There can be no final explanation. No
student will ever exhaust the possibilities
of this extraordinary symbolic alphabet, any
more than one person can exhaust the possi-
- bilities _ of e. language.
There is, hO'L'rever_ a definite manner in
which . to approach the study of these Keys ,
as there are tunnels which lead to th~ h ~a~t
of a mine. In the earlie:i. pa~-t of trL ':..:l
course you will be provided with st1. mi,.p} o:;:-
plan. Then you must _enter mine of Tarot
yourself, .and dig out your peculiar treasure.
You will begin by mastering the elements
of the esoteric language or symbols in iirhioh
the mysteries of Tarot have been preserved.
Every lesson of this course will enable you
to make def'inite progress in this part of the
Pay particular attention to every detail
of prooedure; . Fol101.'l the insti:tiction \ just
as it is given . Whatever you are told to do.
you can carry , out with clear- oonscienoe. and
in the certain conviction that it will be for
your good.
As the results of your practice begm to
make themselves Il".anifest. you will be agree-
-ably - surprise~ oy "-the changes effected in
your personality. You will - find yGhf'self
developing greater ability to concentrate.
YO\U" perceptions Will be keener. You will
deepen ,. and broaden your comprehension of:
yourself~ .. and or the meaning of your various
experiences .
Mere perusal of the lessons as they OC!lle
to you ,rl.11 be almost useles -s . Y.ou might
better save your time and money. Dete-rmine
to _d '3V~ a certain period to this wqrk every
day. Then you may expect the best results.
"Out of nothing; nothing ccmeth. ~' In -simpl~
justice to yourself'., prepare to enter into
the spirit of Tarot practice.
Do not :delude your11elf into believing you
lack time tor this 1.vor~ It is absurd to say
you have no time for VI.hat is after all, the
most important thing in your life. Your own
spiritual grmvth is more 1,vorthy of considera-
tion than anyj;hing else., YoU probably prove
this every -day of your- li:te, by seeking con-

tinually for greater enlightenment. You read

books. _ You talk to people about it. You
attend lectures and meetings. Yet fift-een
minutes devoted ~o Tarot study, every day,
can promote ycnr gr-0\vth more tha.Tl hours of -
other activities, The one part of your day
you cannot possibly attord to miss is your
Tarot period.
Your first practical exerciSQ will be to
commit to memory the eleven statemen~s of Tho
Pati;ern on the Trestleboard. which is encloa- .
ed with this lesson , . These are the v.rords of
one of the great leaders of the Inner Sobool.
faey are based on an ancient esoterlo tert;'tt '
Cammit them to memory in the f' ollowing
manner: _Read the entire .Pattern several . times ' .:
from beginning to end. : Do j1ot attempt
learn it a littl.e at s: Per 'sist until .
yoU suooeed :in Qommitting the ,vliole~ Then.
fix it,. by writ .ing .out the Pa.tte rh.: .. use pen
and ink. or a fountain.-pen,. not a -penciJ.
This, by the way. is the easiest "and
qui!3kest way to memorize. Take care to use
it ror - this . first praotioe. Then you will
have made a c orreot beginning in learning hovt
to organize yQ\lr conscious processes.
This, remember, is a pattern~ not a boast-
ful declaration of personal attainment. The
truth it utters is about the SELF, the oosmio
Life-power behind and above all personal man-
ifestations. It is said to be "on the
t~estleboard ~ff because in the old terminology
of the ~uilding crafts, a trestleboard is a
sort .of table, on which are laid plan5 for
the guidancc3 of the vrorkmen.
Say the PatteDn every morning on rising.
and every night before going to sleep. Be
sure you do this, . whether you like it or not.
Guard againstsautamatic, parrot-like repeti-

tions. Think the meaning of ffVery sentence.

Make this same ef'for't every time you recite
the Pattern. It will aid you to disoover the
deeper meanings.
The next . less on will help you gain more
insight into the truths behind these eleven
sen'tences. The key is to be found in the
numbering or the statements. Thus next week's
lesson . will really extend your :ftudy of the
Pattern. A.a a preparation, geta notebook as
soon as you finish reading this less on.
. Then think fiver what you have read, and
jot do,,;m any ideas ,.-rhich cane into your mind.
As you proceed -yow- daily study:, contin-
ue to use the notebook, Make the entries
. s~ert; but rna]5'.ethem, . ~nd ~t~ ' them.
Thi:s notebook is unportant. Itis_ your
.oc.oult .diary. '"}.wry scientifio -researcher
keeps re~orda. 'You 'must do ..the same. This
book wi1 be of gre~t W..l.ue in your later
vrork. To slight it nill be to defeat' one main
.purpose . or this instructiion.
Use it at every regular study period:, and
make an entry th81J.i ft'tm . if . --,.ou. :mmrt; .:ztOC OltdNi
failure - to work nt the tillle soheduled. You
vti.11 need this diary in order to make reports
frQm time to time, and you will find that its
oontents have other uses, as time goes -on.
TO A..'ttONE.
This vreek; spend your study peri<lCls as
f'ollows: -
1. - .Memorize the Pattern~ When you
i.t by heart, always begin a study period by
reciting it.
2. Read this lesson tru-ough. sl011,1y, and
i.f p.ossible, read it aloud,
3. Use the rest of the time to iook over
y~ Te.rot Keys. You cannot be too familiar

with them. I any Key seems particularly

attractive to you, make a note of it in your
occult diary, alang with the reason, if you
have one. If you have an aversion for an.v
particular Key; note that also, and what you
suppose to be the reason. If a Eey suggests
art idea to you* h~rever vague, reoord it.
With the third of these less0118 you will
begin coloring your Keys, in accordance with
instructi .ons embodying certain Corrections to
thoe~ in HIGHLIGHTS OF TAROT. You must have
colored Keys,., on account or the symbology of
When you cal0r your ovm Keys, they take on
somethmg of your ot'V'n personality. They
become inseparably linked with you., The work -
demands attention, : and this will - i mpress the
details of every picture on your .memory., and
build Tarot into your -very brain cells.
Making the Tar.ct Keys part of your very
flesh and blood must be your aim. It is what
makes possible all the subtler and more
potent utilizations of this alphabet of Age ..
less vlbdom.
Remember, you are .not aiming primarily 'at
making your Keys works of art. Do them a:s
well as you can. Whatever skill you may de-
velop in using -paints and brushes will prove
to be or use to you, if ever you unfold into
a truly proficient practical <>coultist.
Tarot on the table .or in your,
is just a set of pictures printed on paste-
board. Tarot built into yotir brain is a
living instrument, through which y..oucan make
oontaot with seurces of knovtledge and power
greater than you realize noY~ Coloring your
ovm. Keys builds this inside Tarot quicker and
better than anything else.
. -----------
\~:- 1



n { n { .s oj- M.n"t\eY-
fn..e.ct ct.( S ;g'175 o 9), 1
. I
me.a-n; n( t>f Io /

hle _a.n, n'{, ~ ~ ~ow~ of /

l.'e~II - bh 1'Gc o,- c ehkr of' I

. . iii!' c.arc:l_s
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Number sy.i,..bels represent trubhs :immanent
in all things,. and manifest in all phenomena.
The scienoe of number is the foundation of
every other department of h1.1nan kn0<:rledge.
Resolve to 1ne.ster thoroughly its elements,
presented in this lesson. Thus will you pre-
pare your :1!lind to understand principles and
laws which you dll apply to bring yourself'
into harmony with the reythmB of the oosmio
lire. Th e same principles to 111hih the sci-
ence of numbers is a key ,.rill make you :r:-uler
.of yaur personality. and free you from re-
stri~ting limitations in your envirUllnent.
Let no fancied inaptitude or dislike f $1"
mathematics deter you from entering serieusly
into this study. You need net be quick at
figures. .You require no natural bent f'or
abstruse abstr a etions. Set to work and yfm
can master the points in a short tune.
Then practice will make you proficient in the
various applications ef these principles.
The numeral symbols., from O to 9-, repre-
sent successive stages in ever y cycle of the
Life-power's self-expression, v:hether on the
~rand sea.le of the cosmos, or on the smaller
scale of personal unfoldment. The order in
the numeral series refleots an order whih
prevails throughout creation.
It is therefore a~ anoiegt ioctrine that
t he Master Builder has erdered all things by
number, mea.-sure and weight. Every where i,he
pr op.erties of number are manifest., nhet.her in;.,,
the whirling of electrons nithin an atom., qo. ,
in the arrangement of parts in a living body.

Thus a famous relativist is reported to have

said: "Number is one of the few things ' in the
universe which is not relative."
This lesson will attempt nothing like an
exhaustive treatment -Of nwnber symbolism.
For the present, an outline of the basic
meanings of the numeral signs will suffice.
As yeu prooeed witl: your studies, you will
gather a great deal more in:forma.tion _about
numbers an.d their significance.
Some of the attributions may not se~
clear, the first time you read them. A feu
may even strike you as being far-fetched or
arbitrary. Do not let this disturb you.
K:eep. your purpose . in view. You are learning
number symbols because they are the basis <:,f
~ ..'""
-the oeoult language used by initiates to
transmit their knoi::ledge fr01n generation to
generation. Even if the symbols were purely
arbitrary (which they not)~ you must know
their traditional interpretations in order to
tmderstand the esoteric language of the mys-
teries. -No satisfactory substitute for thie
language has been devised. By means of it,
two initiates may carry on a long eonversa-
tiOll, even though neither knows e. ,.-r.ord or the
other's native tongue. By means of a few
lines and figures, an adept ean exprese more
meaning than he oquld pack into pages or
TThen you have memorized the basic ideas of
this numeral system, you will begin to see
the oonneotions between them and others re-
ia-t;ed to them. In this lesson, the key-ideas
are pr~nted in capitals at the beginning of
every paragraph of attributions. The other
meanings follow. An important part of your
mental training is to trace out the links of

a.ssooiation which join the key-words to the

others in the same paragraph. Be sure you do
In Lesson 1. yQu learned that there is a.
connection between the numbers and the corre-
sp'1Jlding sentences of' The Pattern on the
Trestleboard. '.he key-words in the Pattern
are capitalized and there is a sense in
which ever:, key-word may be taken as the name
of the corresponding number.


O. NO-THING; the undifferentiated p.!!!!!'-

preoeding all mani.f'este.tion; absence ot
quantity. quality, or mass1 freeitcan fran
every 1im.itatien; changele-Ssness; -the
unknown., immeasurable., unfathomable., in-
finite, eternal Source, the Ro-tle-ss
Root of all oreation; the ~a.ored ellip-se
representing the endless line of Eterni
ty; the Oosmi0 Egg; SuperoonsQicusness.

l. BEGINNING;first in the numeral series,

because O stands fer _ that which precedes
ma..~ifestation., and is therefore not in-
cluded in any seriesJ inoepticn; initia-
tion; the Primal 'Will; seleotion; tm.ity;
singleness J indi~iduality; attention; -
one-pointedness; concentration; the dei'-
inite or manifest. as contrasted with
the indefinable Source J Self-conscious-

2. DUPLICATION; repetition; Wisdcm a n d

Science; opposition; polarit y;'an tithe-
sis; succession; sequence; continuation;
diffusion; separation; radiation; sec-
f:: .


ondariness; subordination; dependenoo -;

the Suboonsoiousness.

3. llULTIPLICATION;increase; gret.rth; aug-

mentation; expansion; e.mplifi~ation; ex-
tens ion; productiveness; fecundity; gen-
eration,; the resp"11.Se of auboonseious
menta:J, activity to self-conscious in\..
pulse, in the generation of mental
images; hence Understanding.

4. ORDER; system, regulation; :management i

. supervision; control; authority; oom-
mand; dominance; the ol,assifying activ-
ity of seli'-eonseiousness, induced by
the multiplication or mental images pro-
duced by the response of suboonscious
mental, aotivity t self . ..conscious im-
pulse; the Cosmic Order co-.asidered a s
the underlying substance manifested in
every form; Reason~

s. MEDIATION(an idea suggested by the

fact that 5 is the middle term in the
seriez: of signs from l to 9); adapta-
tion; intervention; adjustment; hence
Justice; aooomoda.tion; reconoiliatim;
re sult or-- the classifying activities
symbolized by 4; subconscious elabora-
tion of these classifications, and tho
formation of deductions therefrom. Pro-
jected the field of self .. consoiOUB
aware~esa, these deduotions are what are
termed Intuitions.

6. RECIPROCATION; interohangeJ oorrela-

tionJ response; ooordination; coopera-
tion; oorrespondenoe; harmony; conoord;
equilibration; symmetry; Beauty 0
LESS.UH 'fi"iO 5

7. EQUILIBRIUM (the result Of equilibra~

tion, the concrete a.pplitto.tion of the
laws of syrtnnetry and reoiproontion);
mastery; poise; rest; conquest; peo.c@;
snfety; security; art; victory.

a. !iHYTBhl; pe-riodicity; o.lternution; vi-

bro.tion; pulsa.tion; flu.ic and reflux;
invclutio:n and evolut~on; education;
culture; the response of subeonsoious-
ness to everythinG s;ymbolized by 7

9. CCUCLUSIGN(litero.lly, "closing togeth ...

er _;nwhich :inplies the ,mion of elex:1ent=
uhieh are sepu.rn.te tc.'ltil the conolusi on
is ranched. und has special reference to
mflO.nin6 s o.tto.ehed to 9 through the Tarot
Key benring this 11ur;1.ber); goal; end;
COJ.!11_:>letion; fulfilment; attainment; tha result of the proce-;;-;,yrn.bolized
by the series of di 0 its; perfection;
o.deptship; the mystical uthree times
threett of 1''reemo.sons. a.nd of other soci-
eties Y1hich preserve sane ..-esti [;es of
the ancient mysteries.

The mea.nine; of n number consisting of t-rro

or nore digiiis ma.y be uscerto.ined by eombin-
ing the ideo.s indico.tecl by each symbol,
bei;inn:ine; altm.ys the disit on the rir,ht-
ho.nd or units pla.ce. Thus the number 10
c Qffibines the id~o. .s of O o.nd 1, vri th l o on-
sider ed as being the ~r.;enoy e:;;;pressini; the
power represented by o. Furthermore, since
10 follo-, rs 9, it implies that 9 stands for o.
finality which refers too. single cycle oi'
r:ia.aifesta.tion only .

The completion of o. oy.ole is o.lvmys a

return to the Eternnl No-Thing., O; . but sine
0 is essentio.lly changeless in its inh..erent
nuture, the Eternal Souroe is eternally n
self-manifestin g po rrer. Consequently., a new
cycle be r;ins us soon as the precedin g cycle
Thus the mn;iber 10 s;ymbolizes the eternal
oreutiveness of the Life-power, the incessa..'1t
v1h irling-fort h of t h.e self-expression of the
Primal Hill, the ever-tur11in G wheel of :mani-
festation. (See t h e To.rot Key numbered 10.)
This 10 the nw.:1ber of ernbod.i.":leht., of
the Kingdcrn, 0 I~ WV! in a.cticn. "-lo i sa lso 8.
ocmbino.tion of o. cho.r o.cteristic feninine sy.:i-
bol (0) with unother recognized the 1;r orld
over ns ~o.sculine (1). .
EeI:iorize the numbers and the koy-words in
capitals . Set aside ten pages of y.our occult
dio.ry . Hea d n:i.t h one of the :2.umer-
al si gns nnd 1.ts key-nord. Th en copy ea.h
pura.e;rnph on the g of t h'.e n un ero.l sym-
bols. This is important. To cop y o.!lything .
is to I!Hl.k it more sui:ely yours t hm : ,if' yeu
merely rend it .
As the do.ys, ,rhenever y ou c;et o.n idea.
u.bout the r:icm1i.'l g of some number~ mnke o. note
of it on the pro pel' puc e of your book. If
you come upon o.nyt h in c; in y our rendin g ., oopy
it 1.mder its Qppro pri ute h ea din G -
Do not oonsult ot he r texts on numbers, or
look up artisles on m....
,;ibers in nv.r;az ines in
order to fill the pur;es cf :.rour book. Make
notes of ideo.s vrhic h cca.,e to you fror fl your
ov,n inner consciousness, but o-opy only what
seems important., whe never yo n anccunter it in
the course of your ordinary reudinG and
stu~y. Just at present, do no~ go in quest
of numerical information.

TO YOU. It vdll
oeme without . spe;ial . e:ff'ort. ' You will be
~st 'onished at t}l~ quantity" 0r 'material be~_;:.
ing upon the significance of numbers whioh
~ll ,seemt~ flOV[ in your direction. ~~ if by
~gio~ . By magio it . will ~e becaus~ yo~
work ' set~ going the hi44en f orCes of .subopn.;..
soiousnes~ af explained ln SEVEN ST.EP~. ' ~n
time. this' section ' en
n~bers will beo0,ff]e one
Of the nis.t va,:l,uable items in yow- x,e1:~~lly
constructeg. reference li~re.ry of occult ~QJ,._.
.An<tt)lel' go c;_
d practice is to look up th&
exact dioti~ry . det~ni"~ions c,fthe numbers .
:fr-an O to 9,. and ' _eV~l"Y word in the t.en
,ar~g-.ap~ o:t'e~ple.nati9Il given in this las- .
s"-, . Tliis will ma~ you ;realize that the
.<>eou~t',~n,~enoe .Of n~'J)er is
par:t of the run: ..,:.
structure ."f '1~n though:',~ y;ou
wi,11 g!ti1].. a great de~l pt in~ ight ti-ctn ts
e~ .. file-.. . .,.,. .

During y~ l.i,tudy ~eriodt arrang~ 1.!"Ur

.. .~.. :.. ,.
'.Ce.rotlCeya thuo .:

l 2 3
4 5 6 .,
e 9 l,Q l! ' 1,2 1.3 14

15 16 17 18 1$ 20 2.l
E:t~a.n1~e this tableau -earel'ully t ~iing
partioular attentit1Il t the numbe'i's of th
Keys , Try t!J o.onnt3t th~m with : the p;iotUl_'es~
In the Key~ rr.oni ;it to 2li t~y "to vr.or-k'''M
che meaning~ of tb;~ ~Uiilbers i'r?m
have learned conoe-rning the ~en sym'bls~


. Transoribe your findiJ].gs and your oon,jeo-

t~es into yc,ur nqtebook~ - Do this no ll'Atter
gue f PUr first
h()?t tt~,tia.;L ~ -_. attempts may
se:em. ' you , :n\uat make a. beginningif . These
first ende~rors _to ~ormulate ideas far Y.GlUr--
aelf are like se edl! whioh will bear ~ harvest
~ . g~eq.fruit .i~ter on. .
In tl'W foregoing arrangement of the Tar
Keya., the ;ero card iij :platred ab6ve the Qth~
ers;: to 'indioate that N_o',,.nun~er, to wh.ioh l.t
cerre~pCJ?;.ds is losically superior te, and
s' the . .idea oir beginning ~epresented
by 1. . . 0 is als O se -par~ted fr om -the other
~umbersymbols l>eause- tt is :_n.ot really in
the 1Stl4j~no&ot man.1:f'6sted appearances. . .
.. Number, . he>\veter fe.r th9 seriee .. JJJAy~
extended, oomes Jalt-.eys t e. f'inal meml;ier of'
tha1; p~i~~ar aer1e:s" be~ond -whioh thete i
the No-Thing; l3etwee~ any .tvfQ n~b9rs 11:i~.f>.
seriea~ more we~ nothing intervenes .., Th~
the . ~ero Ifoy...of . Ta+ot represents~ ._ .
1. What preoedes the l!lerie4' j
2, What follow, tt;
~,. \That may 'ee thougi,tt of' aft OQoupying
the . plaee ' of mediator between any two
oonse..-u~ve members or the s~ries.
To indicate thia last . idea, Elipha~ ~evi,
when he published: his in.tenti~lly incorreet
attribution. f the '.rar~ - Keys to the: l,etteJ;.'J
t the nebrew alphabet i pla~ed th~ zero Key
ietvieen thes-e '?lumbered ie :and 21':. '.- :
. ,.:For YoW. il2.f~mati though you may not
\~ ab:le to- '186 it now,_ th;e seven Keys:1n the
't{op rc>wrefet to fOWER~er POTENTL\LITIES .e>t
e.onso~neso. Tnose . in the middle rc-ir -a.r or I.Ats ~ -A(El~CIES~ ' Th~ Key~ in t}(e
~om row r"pfesent CONDIT!ONSdr WFECT~
'T'tfusKey _l 'i s . the . power '\"Thiohworks thr-m~

"bht:t agency of Key 8 to modify eonditiOJ:UJ Cl'"

effects symbolized by Key 15.
In this tableau, again. ten -pair of Keya
ba.lane _e numerically through -11, the Key named
Justice, a symbol of equilibri~ Thus 11 ia
one-half' the sum of any two numbers which are
placed diametrically opposite .1. the tableau,
suoh as I and 21, 9 and 13, 6 and l5, and so
en. Key 11 is both the arithmetical and: the
geometrical center, or mean, between the tvro
Keys in eac~ of these ten pairs.



~----- 1
f I

I !
THI: Ltr=f;- POWER - 0


The first thmg to d, before you read this

lesson., is to place Key e, the Fool., before
you. Observe every detail closely, so that
you can make mental reference to it as you
read the less on.
Follorr an orderly procedure in your examin-
ation of the Key. Begin the liebreu let-
ter Aleph., printed in the lo y.rer ri ght-hand
corner. Then consider the meaning of the
tit1o. Then loo k at the number., and mentally
revien the meanings you learned fro m the pre-
ceding lesson.
After this, inspect the pieture. Begin at
the upper ri ght-hand corner, and uork progres-
~ively through the desi gn ., from right to left.,
and from top to bottom.
The side of any Taro ~ Key on the observer I s
right corresponds to t he direction South. The
oppoiite side is North. The background is The foreground is 1Test. Rer,1enber this,
~ecause it is an important clue to the exact
meanh1g of many Tarot symbols.
The background, further raore., usually con-
tains details which refer to states or causes
of manifestation, :mich are thought of as pre-
C'8ding .-rhat is represented by the details in
the foreground. The latter usually shows the
specia.;l. symbols which have immediate relation
to the meanings of the letter., title and m.11n-
1Der of the Key. Details pl :ltced in the middle
distance usually symbolize agencies interven-
ing bet .-reen 1.-rhat is suggested by the symbols
i.n the background and i:rhat is represented by
tb.ose in the foreground.
Key 0 represents the manner in which the
AbsoJ.,ut ('! presents itself to the minds of the

wise. The Absolute is TRA.T concerning -rJhich

nothing; nay be positively affirmed. He cannot
define it, because it transcends our finite
comprehension. Tfo may call it the Rootless
Root of all being;, or theCauseless Cause of
all that is, but these ,.rords, or any other~ v;e
may eup loy, merely point our rainds tovrard the
Absolute, nithout at all adding to our posi-
itive R:norrledge oonc it. J Speculation as
to its essential nature is futile. We shall
be much better occupied if ne t~n our thought
toward a consideration of the ways in Yih.ich
the Absolute manifests itself.
Among nru:ies nhich have been given to this
manifestation are: Life-po vrer; the One Force;
Limitless Light; L.V.X.; the Gne Thing; the
Primal Hill. Learn these names. They desig-
nate the force you use in every thought, in
every feeling, in every action. To enable you
to ~ain ~ better practical understanding of
the nature and possibiiities Of this foroe is
the prinary object of th!s instruction. Your
advance:nent :rill be neasured strictly by your
grorring o,o:nprohension of the real neaning of
these terns.
The first synbol of the Life-po :rer is o.
Revie1.r no,;; the list of its raeanings. Do so
nentally, if you can. If not, consult page 9
of Lesson 2. The Life-porrer is lW-THnm. It
is nothing -rre can d e fine, nothing ue can raeas-
ure. _Yet it really IS, and it is li:nitless.
0 looks like an egg, and an egg contains
potencies of gr~rth and developmentG As a
living body is formed inside the shell of an
egg, and then hatched fror :i it~ so is every-
thing in the universe brught into embodiment
1Tithin the Cosmic Egg of the Life-poner. When
this process of embodiment is perfected_,, and
only then, it bee omes possible to achieve the

ilttmate liberation, uhich is union ;-rith the

.Aasolute itself. But this attainment is far
beyond our present objective, ;-,rhich is to make
the best possible use of the potencies of the
Life-power, within the limits of the Ring-
Pass-Nottt sJrmbolized by the outline of the
zero sign.
The Life-power has ,tlthin it all possibili-
ties. All manifestation, ' every object, every
force in the universe, is an adaptation of the
one Life-pov:rer. Because its possibilities are
truly limitless, it may be specialized in any
particular form of expression the l).uman mind
can clearly conceive. :i:iany extraordinary re-
s.ults may be achieved by purely .raental neans.
Because the Life-po.rer is the force behind.
g;r:01,-rth and develop!llent, tt is obviously t _he
cultural po-rrer. This is intimated by the at-
tribution of the letter Aleph to this Key.
Aleph means 11bull n or II o-...c. 11
Oxen y,ere the
motive-pcnver in the early civilizations rrhere
the alphabet of occultism nas invented. They
were used to plow fields, thresh grain, and
carry burdens. Agriculture is the basis of
civilization, hence the ox represents the porr-
er a.t work in every activity uhereby man makes
use of the forces surrounding him, and e.dapts
them to the realization of his purposes.
Oxen themselves are symbols of this taming
of natural forces. Every o-.,cbegins life as a.
bull. Thus the letter Aleph is a symbol o'f
creative energy, and of the vit_al principle,.., of
liv~ creatures. This vita'J. principle cones
to us in physical form as the radiant energx
of the sun.
The Life-povrer, therefore, is not an ab-
straction, far removed fr am our every-day
iii'e. 1.Te L1ake contact with it everyrrhere, in
every form ~ Our senses reveal it to us physi-
TA..11.0T .ALS

cally as light and heat from the S\L~, and our

modern science has confirmed the truth of the
ancient intuitiO!l that ( solar .energy is the
basis of physical existence. )
Just as sunli ght is a mode of electro-
magnetic radiation, measurable by physical
instruments, so is everything else composed of
electro-magnetic vibrations. Han 1 s instru-
ments for recording these vibrations have a
relatively narrOi:r range, even though it does
extend far beyond the li..llits of physical sen-
sation. Yet there is an instrument, not made
by man, which does register the higher vibra-
tions of' cr;.:1ic radia and by Jaeans of it,
those -r,ho lmorr he:-r to us it may become a'
of, and utilize, the most potent forces in the
This instru r:1ent is human p ersonal it z, 11hich
has ~ossib~lit ies far beyond most persons
realize. In ord .c-r to make these pos sibilities
actual huiuan pon ers, l] he instrument nust bz.
rightly adjusted, and, in a sense, complete 3-t1
}i'or . the untrained personality is like a deli-
cate precision tool, and ~ Qne of the higher
. functions of the organism require us to bring
about actual alterations of structure. This
is the purpose of occult training ;) Yet ,-re
shall find., Tihen ,re take up this vrork, that
the vihole porrer of the cos mic order is yJith us
in our efforts to reach a higher stage of un-
foldment., because ti he primary function of th
human pe;sonality is t-o give free expressin
to the highest potencies of the Life-p01;ver :J
{Recall statements O, 1 and 2 in The Pattern
on the Trestleboard.)
~ A most important form taken by the radiant
energy, and the first you should learn to use.,
is air. You must learn to control it by
learning hovr to breathe. Just learn to take a

really deep breath which fills your lungs, by

giving TtiIT' play to the abdominal muscles dur-
ing the a.ct of inhalation. Rene:mber, you do
n.t; have to pull in the breath. - Atmospheric
pressure talces care of that. You simpl y have
t expand your ribs, and the air Yrill rush
into your lungs.
Do not make the mistake of trying any forc-
iale expansion of the chest. Let the muscles
just bel0\ 7 the ribs do most of the Trork. If
you do it properly, you Y.ri.11 feel the expan-
sion in the small of your back, and at the
sides, as Trell as in front of the body.
Keep in mind the picture of the air pene-
trating int 6 every pa rt of" the 1 ungs, ~ o as to
provide your blood stream with the cxy~en it
needs. At f i rst it takes ua.tchfu1 attntion
to make breathing deep and regular. Consist-
ewt 1n-actice will est ablish you in good habits
of reathin g.
Do not make any particular effert to keep
up the fullest deep breathing all day lC'.l'l.g.
T:nen yeu rise in the morning, take four deep
breaths, ,nth just as complete, exhalation
before each one as y-ou can manage uithout any
sense of strain . Remember to ~xhale before
ta k ing the first of these four breaths.
During the day, repeat yClUr four breaths at
noon, just before the evening meal, and just
1efore going to bet,. The rest of the day, you
need only deter~ine to get full value fron the
act of breathing. Your subconsc iusness will
attend autf!natically to the establishment of
the proper rhythm. Don't try any trick exer-
ises , such as are found in some books on the
use of breathin g fer oecult development. Mst
~t these breathing stunts have no practical
value. The fe w vmich are really useful are
also dangerous, unless practiced tmder the

supervision fa skilled teacher, - competent t

judge the condition of the pupil.
Listen to your breathing. It should be
practically inaudible. If ,your breathing ex-
ercises are noisy t they are -rirong. The remedy

is to slorr dorm the alternate expansion and
contraction of the abdominal muscles.
Adhere strictly t the rule of observing

The rest

ness do the 1orork.


of the tirle,
for taking
Observe these religiously,

It uill,
the dP,epest

let your subconscious-

if you make up its
mind by your definite intention. If you are
suddenl y u p set by: something., stop for four
deep breaths, before you try to t h:i.nk, or say., ,
c:i:r d a.nythinc; uhatever.
The inpertance of breath is shown in the
symbolism of the Foel. In Hebrew esotericism.,
the letter Aleph is the special sign for air
and breath. The noun "feel," moreover, is de-
rived frw.. the Latin follis, neaning a bag of
,n.J;ld,"and to thts da y vre call a noisy, silly
)'_)erson a. "v.rindba.r;." .
Follis o.lso means 11bell0\rs, 11 e.n instrument
-which uses air to stir up a fire. This is
;precisely the office of our lungs.
The yellow tint in the background of the
pic,turo is used in the schools of the Yfestern
Tradition as a symbol for air. Add to this
the faot that in almost every langu nGe DAn em-
ploys nerds .-Jhich mean air, wind or breath to
designate life and ~onscious ellerfSY Then you
,_;fill begin to understand better vmy occultism
stresses the importance of aeginning practical
- vror k by 1 earning ' t O breathe
The Tarot title for the Life-po,;rer is high,-
ly ingenious. It tells us ,mat i:re need t
knmv, and at the same time thr orrs the idly
ourious and the superficial dabblers off the

track. One clue to what Tarot means by "Fool"

is the saying: ."The nisdom of God is foolish-
ness vri th men. 11 Because this is true, the
wise men found in every generation, i:1h0 gain
unusual lmowledge of the Life-pov,rer, are often
called madmen or fools by their less enlight-
ened brethren.
Thus the title f Key O hints at a state of
consciousness -rlhich many materialistie psy-
chologists term abnormal or even :i:atholog;ica.l,
because they do not understand it. These n ho
do comprehend its significance call this state
superconsciousness, or cosmic consciousness.
To enter into this state of consciousness
is- to arrive at a pr oround understandinr; of
the csmic OJ:der, and at the same time to be-
-a rrare of the true significance of nhat it
:rs. t be a human being. This attainment may
9e.. regarded as being the ultimate objective
ef your Tarot study.
Do not look for miracles. Your study an
practice ,;rill help you organize the forces or
your personality s C) that it nill bee ome an
adequ ,te instrument for the expression of
supereonsciousness, and for the exercise of
pouers ,~hich beleng te this hii;her level or
a.vmrenes s.
The only way we can conceive of the Abs._
lute is in terms of our om1- experieno~. Yfe
oannot help investing it Yrith something of our
own huma.'1. characteristics. This is true of
the highest philosophical ideas concerning a
Creative Intelligence, just as certainly as it
applies to the grossest types of anthropo-
morEhism. Thus the Fool is a human figure.
Behind this personal semblance., hO\ 'TC!t~T,
sage-s discern s omethmg; higher--picturd here
as a white sun. Beyond the personal there is
the impersonal~ manifestet as the limitless
LESSvN T lffi.EE 8

energy, radiated to the planets of innunrable

uorld systems from their suns.
In th process of manifestation, this en-
ergy (symblizEKl also by the fair hair of th
traveler), is ter :iporaFily limited by living
organisms. Of these the vegetable kingdon,
represented by the green, is the pri-
mary class, from 'iihich, in the order of evolu-
tion, spring animal organisms, typified by the
red feather.
The Life-po-rer is forever young, forever in
the morning of its might, torever on the verg~
of the abyss of manifestation. It al nays
races un l:nmm pos _sibilities of seltt-expression
transcena ing any heigh~ it may. have _ reached.
Hence the Fool faces tcmard the N"orth-Hest
(a dir.~ction partioularly associated u ith in-
itiation., and 1Jith the beginning of nen enter-
'prises, according to the rituals of occult
schools i.Jhich dramatize the ancient :raysteries
in their ceremonies). He looks to vra.rd. a peak
above and beyond his present situatiqn.
He is 'fHAT 1:m.ic h Yias, :i.6 and shall be, . and
this is indicated by the 'HebrOY! letters IHVH
(Y(?d-Heh-Ve.v-Heh), sho bn di mly a:raonr.; the lines
in the folds of tho collar of his under r;ar-
r:tent. For "That -rmioh 1:m.s, is and shall be 11 r
is the precise meaning of' IHVli .
His inner robe stands for the dazzling
1hite light of perfect 1Jisdor:1. I t is conceal-
. ed by the blaok coat f ignorance, lined with
the red of passion and of physical f'()rce . _
This outer garment is nbr 9idered with a
floral deoora.tion; but the unit of design is .,
solar orb containing eight red spokes, and
symbe1lizing the whirling motion vlhich brings
the universe into manifestation. The coat is
ancir()led by ' a girdle consisting of twelve
uni ts, of which seven are s hawing. The gii:--

dle-- symbolizes time, and just as the girdle

must be removed before the coat may be taken
off, so is it impossible to overcome ignorance
and passion until man frees his consciousness
frem the limitations impesed on hi.rn by his be- _
lief in the reality of time. No sinGle synol
in Tarot is more important than this.
Yfuat you should notice is that the g irdle
is a.rtifioial., made by man himself II and not a
product of nature. This means that man's con:-
eeption f time is an artificial preduct, a
dvice of man's creative imagination. It is a
most useful invention,. when rightly e:nployed,
but when it is abused, as it is by most per-
s,ons, it becomes a prolific source ~f error.
The-- mountains in the background re-present
th o-s:e: abstract ma thematical conceptj_ons which
are be -hind all kno rJ'led r;e of reality. These
o m c eptions _ seem cold and uninterestin g to
many. Yet the melting iee and snc,,;r on the
peaks feeds the streams i.-rhich mah."e fertile th
valleys belorr. So will the principles of Age-
less Vfisdom feed your conso iousness an c1,make
fertile your mental i-ma.gery, thus transforming
your i_mole life.
The little _ dog represents intellect, the
reasonin g mind which functions at the personal
level. In some of the Cllder exoteric ve r sions
of Key o_.the do g bites the Fool's leg. vThen
th e Tarot Keys were first invented., the intel-
l e ctual consciousness of hu.":18.Ility, distortei
by c en t uries ef .-rron g thinking, was acti v~ ly
inimical to spiritual philosophy, and did a11
it could to impede the progress of hi gher
tru t h ...
In eur -version the dog is friendly.,to
inti mate that even the lOi-rer intellect of man
has become the companion., rather than the
adversary, of the hi gher lmo rrled ge , Today the

human intellect goes 11ith s:iperc onsci cusness

on the great spiritual adventure; but it is,
nevertheless, at a lo,;rer level:, and must have
superconsciousness for its masi:;er.
puring your practice period this uek, read
this lesson once every day. Pay close atten-
tion to any details nhich ma.y seem obscure,
and endeavor to think through then. Read
slorrly enough to take in thef'iill meaning. Be
sure to use your notebook freely, to keep a
record. f any ideas which may eceur to you in
the course of' your reading.
This Yreek you begin to color your Keys.
Use any good set of ~-ra.tercol<:>rs. The Prang
set, :made by The Junericnn Craycm Company., is a
satisfactory and inexpensive colr-box, ccm-
sisting of sixteen colors. These include the
tnelve semi-tones from Red to Red-Violet, and
four extra pans: Yfhitei, BlackJ' Bronn and Tur-
quoise Blue. In addition to these, you may
provide yourself a pan each of silver
a11.d gold. The brushes included i_-ri
th this set
should also be supplemented by the two Trhioh
are mentioned in a subsequent paragraph.
CCller only one card at a. time.,. and -rrait
for the instructicns in the lessons . Begin
by reading; the directions straight through.
Befere applying color to any card, try to
visualiz-.,, exactly horr it will look Y, ~1en it is
finishet. This is a praotic,al exorcise of
great value. It tends to clarify and make
definite your mental ima.gery. It als0 inten-
sifies the suggestive poi-rer of the Keys. Be
sure to do it before celoring any KeJr
For the best results you will need t, ;ro
u ater-colr bru -shes, a No. 5 and a :ao. 1. We
rec OID..lJl.end Devoe w Reynolds red sable., since
they are satisfactory., and comparatively inex-
pensive. A porcelain dish vrith at least six
LESSON TlliffiE 11

c-harnbers vri.11 also be of help, thou~h not

abselutely necessary.
Flesh col er is a r.iixture of orani;e, very
much diluted vtith nater., and a little red.
Befo~e a pplying this, e>i any other coler, try
it en a sheet of plain nhite pa.per. Thus you
will avoid many errors.
EACH lffiY. Leng experience ho.s enabled us to
determine this order, because of the qualities
of the coloring !;l3.terial used. For insta.."1.ce,
the reason ,,.re recOiniaencl you to 1va.~t until
to apply the red is that it runs very readily.
C.onseq-uently, if applied too soon, it may run
fut:.s- a col~r you applyin g ne xt to it, and
~o spoil your Trork.
To g_ive a 1.i f eli lce ap 1)earance to th e cheeks
~r the human fi gures, use a diluted red solu-
tion. A d_iluted brorm with a trace of orange
ever tne eyes enhances the a pp earance. 3ut i:m
r ec-orra:nend th a t you do not try this unless _y91,1
are sure you cnn do it s k ilfully.
Blond hair is yellO';r, with a littl br-m
added. You can tell ho w much bro nn to add by
testing on white paper.
The Keys oan be made more stri k ing ii' y~u
use whi ta, but this is an opaque c ,~er, ' and
difficult to use vrithO\.lt cwering up the black
1}old and silver may be use c1 vlher indicated
in th e c olering directions. This is not by
any means necessary, and gold and . silver are
difficult t apply. Wherever gold is called
for., us-e yello w, or yello rr with a trae of
oran ge added, to make golden yell ovr. For sil-
ver, use 1:rhi te, er leave blank. I f you 1:rish
t" us e gold and sibrer , y ou can buy the m fer
ab oUt t en cents a cake.

If your colors do not appear bright enough.,

it is because you have applied thel'!l toe dilut-
ed. This can be remedied by goinG cr.rer them
again until the aesired shade is secured.
When this is necessary, be sure tha.t the first
coat is th~roughly dry before you apply ~moth-
er. Otherwise you Yrill get a spotty, muddy
appearance. But if you try out yeiur colors
before applying then you '\'rill ne diffi-
By follo n ing these directicns carefully you
should be ,;;ell ple a sed uith the resu1.ts. Let
us suggest a gain that you read the directions
for each card carefully before applying any
coler-.--In this nay you , Jill avoid cloring
portions nhieh should be left blank for anoth-
er col o-.c. L.."Cperience has taught us that 'this
preeaution is ve r y necessary.
If you spoil a card, place it face dQvm in
a basin of ,:rllter over night. By mo~ning most
of the color nill have come off, so that you .
can try it a gain aft e r it is dry.

O. THE F 00L
YELLO\i : Background, c ire le s en garment.,
( but not flame in top circle), shoes.
GHEEN: TrefClils surrounding circles on the
outer garment, and other tendril-like figures.
(Not belt.) Leaves on rose, nreath ,round his
VICLET: l.Iountains. (Use someYrhat dilut0d
bOlution, since they are distant nountains.
The peaks are snorr-capped, so clo , not paint
,rhere snor1 is to be.)
BROYJN: Eagle on Ym.llet,; precipice in fore-
ground, Trhere Fool stands.
\)HITE: Sun, inner garment, dog, rose, eye
on flap of ,,allet, mountain peaks.

FLESH: Ha~ds and face. (Since it is obvious

wher~ , flesh color should be used, ,,-re shall not
indicate it hereafter. The r e are tvro places
,:rhero it should not be used--the hands and
face of the angel on Key 6, and the hunan fig-
ures on Key GO.)
BLOlIDE: The Fool ' s ha. ir
CITRI1ill : The Fool's hose. ( Ci trine is a
yello.dsh-green., secured by a mixturo of or-
ange and green. This is the onl y place n here
it is used.)
GOLD: Star on sh oulder: girdle; lmob. on
SIL VER: Moon on shoulder.
RED: Feather; lining on outer gar ment Yrhere
it sh O\'rs at sleeves; spo lrns of 1',heels; flame
in -tcp circle on coat; .-re.ll et (e~cept eagle
and eye).
Keep the symbolic interpret ation of each
deta.U in mind a s y ou color it. '.:hen your set
of Keys is completed, cio not per mit Oit;hers to
h andle them., or even see th em.
The one t,xoeption to this is thnt yeu may
shor-r your ..-rorl: to another student., if by so
doing you can really help him. Even so,
y our Keys should be ha..~dled by no 'one but your-
s e lf.
They are ;i:art of your equipment., and should
be used by you alone---not for acy selfish rea.-
so11., but in order that no subtle emanations but
your own may be im;:,ressed upo n them.

,. ...

\'~-------- - -------1. '/./

L.... I
~ --- ~\
MOira 1\..BOUTT'rlE LIFE-PC ~,'ER

NovT that you have colored the first Tarot

Key, you are in a better position to under-
stand the details of the symbolism, of yJhich
only the main outlines uere given in th~
preceding lesson.
The 1"Thite stm behind the Fool is placed in
the upper right-hand corner of the design.
Look at Keys -10 a.nd 21,. , and you will see that
in those pictures this place in the design is
oeeupied , by the head of an eagle, symbl f
the zodiacal sign Scorpio.
Astr~loger$ this sign as goVernor fYt
the reproductive functiens of the human body.
Hence the sun indicates the idea that the OiJB
F CRCE typifi _ed by the Fool b actualiy related \
to the reproductive pGir!8r of living G>rgrinisI:1.s.
On its practical side, our work has nuch to do
, Tith the control and adaptation ef the force
uhioh is Qrdinarily expressed in reprcductian.
The colr of th st -.n is a reference to. the
Primal Uill. Cn an o.noient occult
called the "Tree of Life, 11 the first manifes-
tatH>n of the Life-power, corresponding to the
statement numbered 1, in The Pattern on the
Trestleboo.rd., is named the cn.G. -;N., and is rep-
resented by a uhite circle. Fron this uhite
circle preceeds a aescending path uhioh corre-
sponds to the letter Aleph and to the F~ol.
Here is an intimation truit the ulturnl
pov,er represented by Aleph and by this Key is
idential ,nth the Primal Viill. It preeeeas
from that Will 1:rhen a cyele ef :r.i.anifestatia
Furthermore., since the psition of the &un
has been sho,;m t l!lake that luuinary s~bl
of reprodution, the idea behind this is that
( manifestation is actually a reproduction of
the power of the Primal Hill. ) In the Her metic
Wisdom taught by Tarot, a fundamental princi-
ple is that the manifested universe is not
something made by the Life-power ut of some
kind of :material other than itself. Rather is
( the manifestation to be considered as the pro-
jection of the Life-po vrer into the relative
ocnditions of time am spaoe as ue kno rr theD. )
The universe is of the same essential na-
ture as the Life-perrer. It is the expression
of an idea in the mi.iversal Mind. This idea
is -ahat is meant by the creative 1Vord, or
Legos. Hence even the exoteric Christ i an
creed speaks of th ~ Logos as "begotten, not
riiade "
The green '.l'rreath encircling the Fool's hair
symbolizes the fa.ct that the gre e n leaves of
plants do actually bind sunlight, just as the
wreath binds the Fool's yellorr hair. Captur-
ing sunbeams, and binding them into erganic
f.-rm, is the i:r incipal yrork of the chlorophy11
Yrhich is th e green coloring matter of plants .
This is ,mat makes green ve~etables so valu-
able for food. [ They constitute one ..t' the
most impertant forms in which the Life-porrer
puts itself at your disposal. See that you
eat enough of them. :J
'l'he feather rising fr ~ the Y.ireath is a
1:ring-fea.ther of an eagle. It represe~ts ani-
mal life, a step higher in the scale of organ-
is m than the vegetable kingdom. It is red,
the color f desire and action . (T he only true (
aspiration is the desire to be sbething, the
desire to express some particular form of the .
Life-po ;rer in action. ribat do y ou desire to
be and do? ,

l'he wand over the 1"eol I s s hou1der, like a

yardstick, suggests the idea of measure ment,
It indicates the necessity for careful study
of the forces indicated by \'That the Life-poner
has already a.coonplished, He cannot measure
the Life-pt,rrer itself, or ever plunb the depth
of that limitless ocean of possibilities. Our
measurement must be of things already acoO!ll.-
plished, hence the ft'ool rings his 1.ra.ndTrith
him from the loner levels ..-!hence he has flS-
cendd to the height shorm in this picture. A
Trand, moreover, is associated 11'ith magic, and
1'e shall see, later on, tho.t magic begins uith

the analysis
are no yr present
or evaluation

of past . activity.
of the probable
of conditions
before us because thay a.r e the
All successful
outcome cf future
nhich \


action requires accurate estimation f the

nature of the porrers !'evealed by ':rhut has gone
The most i :r:1 p0rt ant thing to measure is our
01.,n place in the universe. According to the
Bible, the full neasure of man is this:
"Thou hast mucle hi m but little 101rer than
God., and cronn~st hira ,-rith glry arid honeur .
Thou madest hi m t have dominion .ever the
uorks of' thy ha nds; thou hast put all things
under his fegt.t'
1) e . de not quote thia in order to support
our doctrine by Biblical authOrity. Rather is
it our purpose t sho rr that the Bible, in it .s
pGetical descriptj_on of t he tru e measure .ef
man., announces a truth 1"fhich is abundantly
denonstrated by the success attending science
and invention, founded on methods ,rhic h are,
basically, neither more nor less than accurate
measurement. Hitherto the emphasis in science
has been on the measurement of things and
forc e s in man's envircinment. In eceultism.,

the greater emphasis is on the correct esti~-

tion and use of powers nithin man himself, and
these are porrers partly physical and partly
superphysical~ For occult sc ien~e is aware of .
realities beyond the liraits cf physical form
and force, yet applies to the analysis of such -
realities methods f careful ,bservation and
analysis not less rigorous than those -rib.ich
have been so fruitful when applied to the ob-
servation and measurement of man's environment
here on the physicnl plane.
Th~ , is black because it represents oc-
cult pO\rers. Whenever ue our orm measure
truly., a secret force in human personal. ity is
mad e manifest. Ou!" lm<mledge ef this helps us. .
t~ correct measures . of . ~ environment uhich
.vrould :"' be inaccur(!te., - f:f' .-re did - not take the
hidden force into consideration.
The wallet suspended from the .-rand is a
symbel of the po:7ers cf subconsoi ousness ' ,Jh.ich
depend frem, or upen, the self-conscious porrer
0f analysis and caioulation. The basic po,:rer
,f' subconsciousness
essentially repr ~uctive.
is memory, and mem,ry is
Hence the ,7a.liet is
blaz ned rri th the device of' u flyinr; eagle.,
Ylhich refers (1) to aspiration, as having its
roots in subconscious des ires, and (2) to the
reproductive forces, ass ~ia.ted -rri th the eagle
as one of the emblems of the zodiacal sign
Sc orpi.
The eagle -is also the birli of Zeus or Jupi .
ter. King of the birds, it suggests doi::1innnee
over the element of air, uhich is attributed
by O.abalists to the letter Aleph.
On the flap of the ,-ra.llet is an open eye.
It is
the All-seeing
Eye ef Horus.,
Eye,r Freemasonry.
the Eye -placed . in a

delta or triangle on the reverse side of the

Great Seal of the United Stat~s. The partiou-

lar aspeot of Horus which tradition assciates

,; the Eye is Hoor"."pa-Kraat, (Ha rpoc;ates) ~
the god f silence, piotured in Egyptia,n
hieroglyph:i'..os as a. ohild seated on a. lotus,
holding his forefin Ger on his lips. He is the
''younger Horus,'' god of the morning sun, Y!hioh
shines above the traveler 1n this Ta.rot Key.
In t n e Egyptian raythology, the y ounger IIorus
had seven asp e cts or f'or ms. - Keep this in mind,
for in subsequent lessons you i;rl.ll learn that
the Life-porter has seven principal phases of
manifestation tnrough human personality.
The Eye of Horus is pla.oed on the flap f
the vra.llet, in the position usually ~cu pi~d
b>J a 1,ck. It mea ns: SIGHT ~IS"'' HHA1' UHLOCU:3
vray we look at eurselves and a.t life is uha.t
de~ermines vrhether Yre are mere puppets pf sub-
consci~sness er masters of its hidden po rrers.
Ten . dots, representing stitches, are on the
flap of the .-ra.llet. The y sy ::nboii z e th e ten
basic aspects 0f t he Life-pc:r :rer, o.nd therefore
corr~spcmd t the statements nu."7lbered from 1
to l in The Pattern on the Tr e stleboard. The
:me aning is si::iil ~r t .o T,hut is _ represented by
the ~en solar wheels~ the Fotl's coat.
The rose represents desire. I ts thorns
synbolize Its bloom typifies beauty an~
joy. It is -;mi t e, li ke the rum, to intimate
that through right cultivation 4lf the desire
nature ne may brin e; it into unison :Jith the
Primal Will ., Then our desires T.rill be con-
scious expressions ~f a~tual underlying ten ~
denoies in the cosmic order. To control the ..
desire nature, to culti"irate it aright, to use
it so that we may enjoy the beauty it oan
1)rin g us without suffering the pa.ins resulti3'.g
from misuse--this is one of the great practi-
oal secrets. The rose, therefore, is picture
LBSS0~ ,....~~ . 6
as a cultivated flo\"fer , and the youth carries
it gaily, i:rithout priclcing his fingers 1:rith
its thorns.
The eight-pointed star on t}:te Fool's shoul-
der is a symbol of the sun, and the crescent
near it represents the Moon. Sun and Moon
have many profound mesnings in occult science,
and c.ll these meanings developments of the
doctrine that all things are manifestations of
action and reaction betrreen the solar, or
electric, and the lunar, or magnetic, currents
of the Gi"eat Magical Agent, L. v.x.
The yellow circle enclosing a triple fla.De,
shown on the Fool's breast, represents the
doctrine that the One Force is essentiol1y
that 1thich is I:lE.l.nifest to us as light and
fire. This pa.rticul~_:r . symbol refers to the
_f.erml-e-ss state 6f' the One Force, prior to the
beginning of a cycle of mm.ifestation.
The ten ;-rheelti ,:rere toUched on in the pre-
(H,ding :Less on. Tie n&.y add that in Hermetic
'P!isd~ a nheel with eight spokes is a. symbol
for pure Spirit. Alchemists, f'urthernore., em-
ploy the same symbo'l t o represent their
Quintessence, or ~'ifth Essence. In some re-
spects, tha Quintessence is sinilar to the
luminif'eroUa ether of modern physics, and it
is also akin to Hindu philosophy calls
Every 1-r he.el is surrounded by seven trefoils
representing the seven basic modes of activity
rrhich ,,,e shall hereafter learn to ass eciate
with the seven alchemical netals, and Yn.t 'h th~
seven interior stars of occult astrology. The
"stars" or metals are the sume a.s the seven
"chakras 11 of Yoga phi'J.osophy. The trefoil~
are green, a color ass oo ia.ted with the idea or
innnort~ity, to shorr that they typify eternal
phases of the Lif~-pmver 's activity. One
\"Theel c ante.ins a HebreYr letter Shin ( the let-

ter on the 20th Tarot Key). rhis 1etter ls a

Qa~alistio syr.ibol of the fiery Life-breath,
and of the spiritue.l energy ,:mich brings a1l
things into :manifestation.
The abyss Y/hich yaxms at the Fool's feet is
:in contrast to the heig;ht whereon he stands.
It symbolizes "that uhfon is belO\-r." It is
nature, the relative, the phenomenon or er:
feet, in contrast to Spirit, the Absolute, the
noumenon or cause. At the bottom of the abyss
is a valley, the sceno of labor, of activity,
of struggle and cor.i.petition., in contrast to
the ideas ot superiority o.nd suprenacy i:ihich
are suggested by the Fool's position on the
The ~lley is t1hat the Chinese philosopher,
Lao-tze, c.all.s the Mother-Dee1:, nhf\,;!:;Hindu"
terin Prakriti., the mysterious po1:re~ of the
Supreme Spirit. Because the valley is the
fial.d of experience, it oorres~onds also to
ideas nhic h HelJre,r Wisdom r~lates to the noun
Chokmah, Hhdon. On the 'l'ree of Life before-
mentioned., the path of the letter .Alei)h ter-
minates at the point on the diagram to nhich
Cholanah is attributed.
In practical psychcil.ogy, the abyss repre-
sents ,mat we call subconsciouss.tess. The
na.turaJ. metaphor for this plane of conscious-
ness is "depths. u Thus in an article by Dr.
Putnam on the -rrork of Freud, ,;re rea.d: In the
course of these investigations Freud and Juug
and their folloi:rers have dived 1aore deeply
than anyone before into the mysteries of the
unconsciws life."
The traveler is on the verge of descendin,.
Thus the picture sho vra the Supreme Spirit., or
superconscious aspect of the Life-porrer, as Yre
think of it prior to the ~ eginning of a cycle
of self-expression. The ws,yfa.rer is unafrai4.,

-.ecause he 1010,:rs he cannot be injured by his

descent into t .he depths. Furthermore, he is
avrare that he uill certainly raise himself to
the greater height touard ,, he directs his
eager gaze.
This picture represents the limitless force
,;rhich is the central reality of every human
life. It stands for what you really meun .-rhen
you say ''I AM." It is an image of the Some-
thing in you -nhich sees far beyond the seeming
limitotions of your present circunstances.
Because it knorrs itself perfectly, lmorm
noi,r :Limitless are its possibilities, how ir-
resistible i t s porrers, horr boundless its
opprtunities, that SOI!lething in you will not
let you alone. Though you may seem to be at
the end of your resources, it urgei. you to
press on. Though you may be past ~Jhat men
ce.11 middle life, it ]mows iti.elf to be for-
ever young, and mocks i.I!lportunately at the
inner do~ of your mind., trying to let you
la.ow that in the very c re of your being is a
p.-i.rer .-rhich nwthing of age (?r defeat or
:il:1-hea.l th--a poner which over and over again
)as norked miracles of healing and rejuvena-
tion, has transformed disaster into victory,
lack into abundance, serrorr into joy.
In short, the Fool is a picture of the lim-
itless pm'rer of your or/D. inner, spiritual,
superconscious life. In order to get more and
more of that poi:rer into expression every day
from norr on, you must begin by thoroughly
impressing your subconsciousness vrith this
image of that One Force. ,

The method is sL. .plicity itself. Just leek

at this picture five minutes every mor'iiiiig
during t h e neek, and five minutes every
evening. Remember, SIGHT is the pO\rnr nhich
1.ocks and unlocks the i"J8.llet f subconscious
forces. l; hen you do this, look e,t the deta.ils
of the design, one after another. Sinple as
it is, this exercise Y1ill transfer the picture
from the printed Key to the cells of' your
brain, Then the Key ,rill bee ome an integr&l.
part of your pars ono.Iity, ,;rill be o.n
element of your flesh and blood.
This is one Great secret in the p:-actica.l
use of Ta.rot. Until you ~milt the Tarot
Keys into yourself, they do not begin to exert
their mrodt1Um poner. c-rhen you have done so
they vdll evoke la.tent forces from Ti1thin, and
your direction of these forces uill change
your mole life.
Continue to . use the Pattern. Keep up your
regular practice pe~iods. Pay particular at-
tention to y<:lur notebook~ Even if a.n entry e
only a ~.r ord or tv;o, record the idea S , Jhic h
to you a.s y ou n ork Ts'ith the Tarot Keys
._.__,.- ~- ~ ~ractice period shoul d include one of the
t~~~- five-m :Ln-~te examinations of the Fool.

- -~-----------~- -~


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Begin this less on by examining carefully

as a \mole and in detail Key lR the Magician.
Revi~w the meanings of the number 1. given in
Lesson 2.
Eve:r;-ything represented in the symbolism .of
the Key is a develOpme .nt of ideas associated
with th1-s number. The Magiei,an typifies the I

beginning or inception of the I!" ocess 'ffl'l.ereby

the lilllitless possibilities of the Life-power
are br~ght into expression as manifested
a9tualit:}.es. The Key represents the initiation
or the cteative process on all planes.
In h~ personality the creative process
is begun by seU'-conscioosness, scmetimes
called objective mind. Self-consciousness is
the distinbtively human aspect or mental ac.;.
tivity. Objective mind is the waking mind you
are using to read these wcrds.
Self-consciousness initiates the creative
process by formulating or seed.;.ideaa.
Subconsciousness accepts these as suggestions,
' v.hioh it e~aboratea by the process or deduc-
ti0D.. and carries out in modifications of men-
tal and emotional att~udes, and in definite
changes of.' bodily ftm.ction and structure
The two sentences you have just read out-
line a pr ooess or utmost importance,. You use
it continually. whether or not you know you
do, because it is the basis of your intellec-
tual knowledge. and the determinant of' the
st~te of your physical heai:th. ( All your phys-
ical and mental states ar~ results or your
mental imagery. ) When you thorot.,ghly under-
stand what is I Lmplied by the state~ent that
( any menteJ. image tencl.'3 bo ~terialize itself'

as an actual condition or event, you have the

clue to success in occult practice.
Geometrically the number l is a point, par-
ticularly, the CENTRALPOINT. In The Pattern
on the Trestleboard,, the statement at tributed
to l is: I am a ce!lter of expression for the
Primal iTill-to-good uhich eterrially creates
and sustains the universe." The beginning i'
the t,reative prl'.:Cess is the concentration or
the Life-povier at a Genter, and its expression
through that center. The sun of our solar
, system is suc-h a center. It transmits the
Life-pov,er as radiant energy which _man mAy
utilize . in Y..ay.sinnumerable.
This idea is sh onn in tvro 'ffl.YS by the let-
ter Beth, p;rinte4 on Key 1. Ancient forms of
'this charater reiresented an arrow-head, and
in Gre'ek the name for this implement v,aa ken-<m, YJhen.ce. c'cme the English vrords center -and
co'ncentrat icn. The letter-name meens "house,"
vuoh ia a definite location used as an abode.
In the sense used here, it refers to whatever
torm may be teru~d a dwelling-place for Spir-
it and the form particularly referred to in
this lesson is hm;nan per sonal:ity ..
LJ ersonality is a centar through 1.:hm h the
Spirit or real Self of man expresses itself.
Do not be abstract about this ,. Think of your
personality as a center of exp:.~e3sicn f :}r your
own inner Self,. Try to realize that this was
mat Jesus meant when he sa:i.d ~ "T'!:J.eFather 1Tho
~,;,relleth in 'meI Re dPeth the work:::."
The title of this Key, THE MAGICIAN, iden-
tifies the picture 't'[ith He:.-mes Qr Merm1ryJ, who
presided over magic. You v,ill remer11ber that
Mercury vre.s the messenger of the gods~ and in
this capacity ser"led. to tra.n;mdt or e:i:::r:r0ss.;
their wi..dom end power.

This correspondence to Herme~ is connected

also with another meaning of l., which., as
representing singleness and therefore isola-
tion; stands also for privacy and concealment,
and thus for occult or hidden knc,,,, vledge. Mag-
ic is the art of transfernation,
and it is
closely related to the Hermetic art, alchemy.
In human personality~ self-consciousness is
the transformer. It, and it only., is able to
set in motion f orces ,nich bring ab out chang~
variation., etc. The :f.'tmdamental magical prac-
tice is concentration--qne-pointed attention
to s<!lle selected .area or Clle s environment.
The practice of concentration enables one
to perceive the inner nature of the object of
his attention. This leads to the discovery of
natura1 prinoiples. By applying these, one is
able to o~ge his conditions. Hence concen-
tration helps us solve CUI' problems. Thus we
may understand why the alQhemists wrote: "Our
Mercury . enables us to prepare :the universal
solvent _.
The, higher phases of the art which begins
,. Y-rith concen t ration are those which have i;o -do
with the underlying principles of human ex-
istence.. Thus one reasQll you using Tarot
. Keys as objects for c onoeni;ration is that they
represent basio modes of human consciousness.
Learn the rollowing definition: CONCE NTRA-
OF UNITS OF FORCE. These are al ways units of
the Life-power, because every unit of force i'."1
the tmiverse, regardless of vma:t, form it takes.,
is a manifestation of that One Force.
Understand that you do not concentrate at .. .
tention. Attention is the means that enables
you to concentrate units of mental force. The
result is that you intensify this energy so
that you may direct it u ~e.f'ully~

When you intensify the rays of the sun by

means of a convex lemi, they will _burn your
hand if you direct them upon it. If you place
your hand in the sunshine . passing through a
pane of window glass, the result is merely a
slight sensation of warmth. Never forget that
when you practice o onoentrati on you are work-
ing with a real force.
Note the posture -of the Magician. W'ith his
right hand he dravrs down pov1er from above.
With his left he.nd he makes a gesture t>f' con-
centration. :a e 1 a directing power drawn
:fr oruhigher levels to planes below that of his
self-conscious existence.
He does this for a specific reason. This
picture she<~s olearly the magical prroess
involved in .an understanding <tf the oorreot
practice of concentration.
The plane belov~ the Magician is rerresented
as a garden, i'Jhioh is a symbol ~r subccn-
sci ousness _. f'lffuen you concentrate you . seek
alwe.ys to impress some definite image on sub-
consciousness, to the end that you may bring
~bout some particular modification of subcon-
scious activity, one selected in advance. )
One important point to observe is that the
Magician himself is not active. He stands
perf'ectly still. He is a channel f'<lr a power
which OQnes from above his level, and after
passing through him that po wer secs up a re-
action at a level' lo vrer than his. As in the
illustration of the convex 1ens, the lens.
though it is the agency which intensifies the
rays of the sun, _does nothing of itself, so
self-consciousness in canoentration is not it-
self active. In this c onneotian, it is inter -
esting to nebe that the old Hebre\7 name for
the mode or consciousness represented by the

.;J.early intimating that self-eons..:iiousness ef-

fects transformations because something wodo1- it.
Again, the digit 1, as the beginning of the
numeral series, us the si gn of a thing stand-
ing in relation to other ~hings. What stands
in relation to other things is connected with
them by _various links or bonds. Magic is the
science of hidden relationships. The practice
of magic is based on the law of correspondence
expressed in the Hermetic axiom: THf~TYrnICH IS
The bond between things is fundamentally
,, their co-existence as ma..."l.ifestat ions Gf the
~:'<6i<fe Life-power. All things are or one sub-
stanoe. All things are governed by one great
Law. All things are masks of appearance for a
single Reality. All things are parts of a
great Whole f'rom 1-m ic h nothing can be detach-
"'ed. Whatever is done to a plrt affects the
whole. In human relationship~ this is un-
alterably true. Therefore i.-ms it said: "Inas-
much as ye have done it unto the least of
these. my brethren.I> ye have done it unto me."
l Magio is the art which prr.duces effects by
mastery of the secret forces of nature.) It is
the science of Zoroaster and Hermes--the sci-
enoe cf whioh all other sciences are branches,
the soienoe which . sent its representatives to
pay homage to the Child of li'ethlehem.
It is the svience of initiation. A true
initiator is one vm.o has mastered this hidden
sc:ier.ce of causes. He knorrs how to direct the
~r,.i.v-ersal creative force so as to bring ab out,
by methods which seem miraculous to those who
do nr.t bcw the secret ., the full realization
a1,'1 f1h:rs-:t-'.lal emoodiment of the aims and pur-
p:.,~0:rn 0:.:i::::~0 '30d by his ID?!ltal imageryc

A perfected magician uses his objective

mind, or self-consciousness, in the manner
depicted by this Tarot Key. Endeavor, there-
fore, as you 1'rork with the coloring of the
pict.ure, to impress all its details on your
memory. In the next less on you will find their
significance explained. For the ~oming week,
con~ern yourself w"ith nothing but the &ol.or-
ing, and ,; gettLl'lg the picture, as a whole
and in detail, into your mind.

YELLOil: Background; spearQead on table;
lily ~tam.en., ..
GREEN: Foliage.
BLUE-GREEN: The serpent girdle.
BRO';nJ: Table.
WHITE: Inner garment; head band; spear-
. shaft; uplited viand; lily flowers.
GOW: P~ntaole or ooin on table; swrd
hilt; cfrole at end of spear shaft.
STF?,I,: Sv:ord blade,. (Mix a little blue
with gray.)
RED: Outer garment; roses.
Read this lessen once daily during your
practice period. Be sure to l"ok at the Key
for five minutes in beginning the period. In
this lesson there is enough material for a
great d13al of careful study. Do not slight it
because you think you understand it, after one
or two readings.




Fror:1 the preceding lessen ycu leo.rned that

the earliest fca- n of the letter Beth ,m.s a
picture of an o.rr or.r-hea.d. The shtirpness of'
o.n a.rro.r-hend suggests i:tcuteness 011d porrer to
penetrate. Thus Beth is n synbol of the
mento.l qualities of nice perception, keen O...'l'ld
pen-etrnting insight.- n~d uccuro.te estino.ticm.
of vul.ues.
The :f'undnnento.l nood represented by trds
forn of the letter, co~.nected ns it is nith
hunting o.nd ,,'tl.rfo.:r"&, is nl~ inj;entness.
~ ight use of the n entn.l po.-;er s pictured by
the 1.'. o.~ic ian cnlls for ulert, ,-.,atchf'ul atten-
tion to the succession or even.ts constituting
,mking experienee. 1
Nobody ever, becones a. true J;'ID.gician, a.
1:rl.elder of nature's subtle forces, ~,ho per-
r.lits hi!!lself to be preoccupied 1rith his
personul, subjective reo.ctions to events.
The first requisite is shurp, cleur-cut.,
objective o.rltlreness of 1mo.t o.ctun.lly goes on
in one I s environnent.
An eyrorr-hea.d has no energy of its orm.
The force vm.ereby it cleaves the no.rk is a
derived force. The nrra r: is 1-:,erely "t he means
uhere by po rrer is trans 1. ii tted. An a.rr orr-hea.d
is an instrunent uhich transfor1ls pr' opulsion
into penetro.tion. It specio.lizes bou-roroe
into o.rr 0\7-f orce. _
The sound of the letter Beth, like English
"B," is n concentruted projection of
Hold the paln of your hand near your lips o.s
you sr,:y "S." You feel the ro.r strike your
hand, like an o.rr 0:1 shot fro1:1 a. borr.
LFSSCi;::SIX 2 this .-tl th the free, unmodified

breo.thing expressed by the sound of Aleph, nn
o.lnost soundless vibration of uir, nude i:rith
lips open a..'11.d relaxed. The sound ()f' Aleph is
free, indefinite. That of Beth is o. central-
ized expulsion of breath through lips alnost
closed. It points, like the Ho.gicinn's fin-
The c betueen the t,:ro sounds is
just one instnnce of u principle mich hold.a
good tr,rou ghout the sequence ()f" !:Iebre't't let-
ters. Ever; { letter . of this is in
'Some r:J.U:nner, -.;he ~mtithesis of the letter
,fnich i r:n::edi e:tely p.::-ecedes it in the se:x:ies.
Thus -,.a fbd tha.t the earliest fors of'
Beth ngree -i:
:ith its sound. they ex:i:ress
force intensified by cioncentro:tion and pro-
jected to rro.rd a. si:e c ifio 1.1.0.rk. Transferred
to things of the !:iind, these r.1eo.nin~s are
rela.ted, .in u 1-,ri:y 11either urbitrt ~X--.fnor fan-
ciful, to keen perceptions,. alert oxroreness
of events, and consequent ability to see
through superificnl uppeuro.nces i:uto the
inner realities veiled by those nppeur:mces.
Becuuse the corresponding Turot Key is
mm.bared 1, it gives a. strong hint tha.t it
represents the first step in p-actico.l work.
B-.r ,;,ho.t you '.-rnnt t() be o.nd do,
you have taken this first step. You have set
a. r1ark at nhich you tdn the i"lhole energ-,f of
your life.
Realize ~hut the energy so ained is
cieri ved :rrom the superc onscious Life-poi:rer
pictured ns the Fool. In so doing you vrl.ll
have pln.ced yourself mentally in the position
the Magician synbolizes.
He lifts his rigM; hand to,;rord the sky.
The right is the stronger hand. and is

nennt here- is thnt the net of establishing

contact 1-rith superconsciousness is the high-
est and nost potent use of self-conscious
o:rrore ne s s.
First vre observe nhat goes on. Then ,re
use inductive reasoning, reasoning fron Qb-
served effects to inferred principles, to
reveal uhn.t lies hidden behind the veil of
appearances. ~This lends to the discwery
that the sucfcession of events of Yrhich our
personal experience is a.- pnrt is under the
direction of a supervising Intelligence,
higher than the objective tlind of nnn;J
Just i.-mat . this supervising Intelligence
DD.y be, in itself, ,re need not ask. We WlY
be very sure it is not the sort of God, nnde
in man's iI:luge., whose nature and intentions
are set forth in exoteric religious dograns.
An occultist is ready to agree nheu a pro-
fessed a theist so.ys, *'There is no God,"
because every occultist knons there 1"18.s never
such n God as the atheist denies.
On the other hand, every occultist k:nons
uhat is r.1ea.'1.tby the saying, "The fool
said L"l his heo.rt, There is no God..11 For any
occultist ,rorthy o.f the none lmorrs that the
supervising Intelligence IS, and that it is a
REAL P.aESENCEnt every point in space.
The Tlhi te Y!ml.dthe Ungicio.n holds aloft is
a phallic syr:1bol. It represents the concen-
trated, purified nerve force used in nagic.
The ignorant Y1aste this" force in uncontrolled
gratification of sex-desire. Their lack of
control is due to their want of knor;ledge.
To 1.i.uster the drive of' y;hat analytical psy-
chology calls libido requires lmorrledge not
taught in ordinury schools or colleges, cor.i-
bined _uith tech.nicul training nhich develops
skill in the direction of desire-force.

Methods ror effecting such control va:ry:,

according to the ter:.pero.r..ent of the person
uho employs then. Uhat 17ould be rigid und
irksane nsceticisn for one person nay be
r~lc.tively er~sy f'or another. Extrene a.sceti-
cisn is a.voided by persons ,no lenrued
this .fundo.nentnl principle: THE PRACTICE 0!<'
This is the cimx~~f~tac trh~lo rur.~er. Tho
force is generuted autonuticul ly. It is pc,rt
physi-co.l and part uentnl. Physical c.usterity
nakes it o.ccu.,:iulate nore slody., o.nd riAy even
help to diasip:ite it. Yet this is to lose
nha.t ought to be used. A true r1,r.gioinn links
hioself to nhn.t is higher than non by 1::0.king
right use of the very poue:r uhich. debases his
ignori.lnt brother.
Over the heo.d of the mgicic.n is U."1 arbor
ot roses. P;n arbor is the sinplest kind of
shelter., u house of grorring plcnts.
Thus the arbor corresponds to the"'l.g of
the letter-nru:i.e Beth.
Red roses . ~ enblens of desire. Here
they nean that L_the creative ond constructive
uork of self-consciousness is ul,1o.ys uotiv-
a.ted by desire for protection ugainst f.\dverse
c ondit i onsiJ.
The horizontal figur& C CJ!!erthe 1:ingi-
cio.:n 's head is n. reninder tho.t D is the
nunher particularly associo.ted Trith Bernes or
Mercury. It also represe,.1ts educo.tion and
culture, trnditiona.lly under the patronage of
Hernes. Again, C is the nmlero.l synbol of

the control of natural forces through the

application of the lo:rr of rhythmic vibro.tion.
Such control ia o.n inportnnt fentur~ in o.11
works of praoticul nngic. Moreover, n hori-
z ontnl 3 is the mathel:!Eiticn 1 syubol - r or
i."lfinity, so thnt it n-..ay be to.ken a.s an
emblem of the limitless Life-po\7er. Finnlly,
it represents the lo.u that OPPOSITE EFFECTS
The sane la,r ,1hich uakes iron sink is Ythat
ship-builde-rs npply in order to float iron
vessels. The lnu -r.h:wh nclces u kite fnll to
earth keeps nirplnnes o.lort. The Tihich
result in ~.isery, fo.ilure, disease nnd death
nre the l.n.,::s ,hich intelligent o.dupta-
tion enploys to secure eQ:lfort, success,
heal th and long lire. BY GHA.liGI1'TG THE l,Ji:THOD
You do not have to acquire ne-rr p cmers.
You change your life-expression by applying
porters Tlhich are alreaey yours. You sinply
learn to use your forces in n different TIU.y.
The Magicia.ns left hand points to the
ground~ His gesture is one of concentration.
It is made Yrith the left. or secondary> hand,
becnuse success in c oncentro.tion de~nds on
our conscious recognition of the truth that
the force tre conoentrute comes dorm to us
:frOJ!l superconscious levels. The left ho.nd is
also a symbol o:r the habit-mind. Thus the
pointing finger of this hand represents ha-
bitual concentration, resulting f'r~ long.,
persistent irnctice.
The Magiciants black hair is ~ contra.s-t; to
the Fool's yell~t locks. Black stands for

dnrlmess, inertia, ignorance. The band sur-

rounding this black is rrhi te, typifying
purity, light, nisdon. Sel:t:-ocnsciousness is
uhro.ys o.n Q.\1t1reness of ignoronce. The nore
ne reully lmO\r. the r.:ore clearly do -rre per-
ceiv~ the i1.1.1:1ens ity of the expanse of ,mat 1.7e
do not knorr. Yet r.e do linit oUr ignorance
by our enlightenr:1e11t.
The red nmitle typifies ucti'on and desire.
Its color is nssooie,ted -:tith the plonet Murs, by astrologers to govern reproduction
o.nd to preside over t'he force expressed i.."l.
every sort of nuscular activity.
This onn'ble ho.s no fastening. It rAy be

renoved o.t ,n.11. This detnil neans tho.t
self-consciousness nny or may not be involved
in physico.l uction, according to our decision
in a given lo'l'cunsetnne.. Yet the fugicinn
not fully clothed ,rithout his nuntle. The
perfection of self-consciousness is in con-
trol over the various physico.l nunifesto.tions
of the Life-parrer in our b0dies, w.d in the
uorld outside.
On the other hn.nd, self-consciousness uay
refrain fron action, and devote itself to
contenpl uting; the im1er nentnl stn.tes uhich synbolized by the -rrhite under-garnent;,. ,
The ,Jhite oolor refers to truth o.nd ,dsdon.
The girdle is ~ blue-i;reen ser'!_Jent, \"Illich
syobolizes eternity, beco.use i.t its
tuil. The significance of blue-green -rrill De
ejcplD.ined in :i subsequent lesson. Observe
that the idea. of eterni t".f synbolized by the
I.Io.r:;ician s girdle is in controst to the idea.
of synbolized by the girdle of the Fool.
Before the Mngicia.n is u to.ble syob<>lizing
;-rhat psychology calls the "field of a.tten-
tion." The to.ble is or ,;ood grorm. in

the garden. Its legs are surmounted

by Ionic capitals, in reference to archi-
tecture, an art presided over by Harnes. The .
idea of architecture is directly related to
the ~emiil.~ of the letter Beth.
The Ionic Order is shorn been.use it nas
used in the Ephesian temple of Diuno., a n ccn
goddess. In Tarot the Moon is associated
1.iith subconsciousness. The inti.~utian here
is that the naterials utilized b'J self-
consciousness are derived from belou, or fron
sub-h'llI:lan levels of the Life-porier' s activ-
i ty. The p oner 1lhic h self' .. c onsci ousnes s uses
L'l controlling nnd arrnnging these
is brought dor-in tron superconsciousnes:s.
The il"lpler.1ents on the ta.ble are those
.ez.1ployed in cerenonial magic. The 1:iand with
u. spear-like heo.d is o. synbol of ~ and of
the elenent of fire. The cup, nude of sil-
ver, natal of t he Moon, is a synbol of menory
and U:iA.Gi li[i..,J'
- ION, ond of the eleD.ent of 1.mter.
The S1.7ord, of steel, is related to Mcrs;-- and
ror ACTION, and f<ir the e ler.ient
The cc~n or pentacle
and it also represents
is relnted
FORM., a..11.d
element of e~ h. ( Every l!lagica rt' ro.nsfornn.-
tion results rrcn the abili~J of hunan
self-consciousness to pr od.uce varying 1nan.i-
festations of rrl.11, imai;i_:1A~icn, a,.t ion and
physical en b odi.11ent. ")
These :four i.opl8I!lents represent also nhe.t
is knot.rn in Hernetic lUsdom ns the PO\Th"ROF
TEE )10:RD. According to occult doctrine,
vrords enbody a subtle :force not recognized by
the ynini~iate<l. Furthermore, there are cer~
tain words, special conbinations of SOUlIDand
IDEAS, ,rhereby extraordinary results m&.y be
-produced, i7hen such i:rords are corractly pro-
nounced or i:ntrme0 "

Becnuse the Tarot pictures . have bem:i

influenced by Hebreu esoteric ideus, there is
O!le pnrticulnr i:rord 1:1hich is synbolized by
the four mngical i :r.:.
plenents. This i.s the
four-lettered :i.wne, or Tetrn.i;rr:u:!I1nton, lihich
is usually Y1-ritten in English us "Jehovuh. u
This is not the correct pronu..~cin.tion.
Heither - are.l.l"Ya.hueh" or "Ye.hveh," the pronun-
ciations just no..-, favored in a.cndenic cir-
cles, anything nora tha n guesses ut the true
sound of this Hebreu non e ;for God. Tro.d.ition
se.ys the true pronunciction is lost, since
the destruction rf. t :~c Ter::.ple a.t Jerusalen,
'.here the High Pri e s t of Israel uttered this
dread nO!:le in the Holy of Holies once u year,
duri..'lg n solen..'1 festivnl. It should be rea.d
letter by letter: Yod, lieh, Vuv, Heh. The
corresponding English !etters ure I H V .H.
Yod. { I) .is the 11U11.d~ Eeh (H) the cup -, Vo.v
(V) the suord, und final Heh ('!:I) the coin or
-pentacle. These ere t he letters dinly shorm
iu the folds of the Fool's , ,hite gur .:1ent, ut
the neck. This supreme Hebreu nr1ue for Geel,
used thousands of ti?:1ell_ :i.n the Old Testonent.
means -i '.HATUiICIT 1.liiS, IS, .Al.JD TfILL BE. In
connection , the Hagicinn,. it signifies
thnt self-consciousness utilizes t!:le four
aspects of a si:1gle reality, in ado.pting to
its needs the forms and conditions of hunan
The ge.rde:1. represents the field eultivnted
by the objective eonsciousness. This field
is subconsci cus11ess. The 1,hole series of
events, and all the i' orns of circur:istnnce, _ of
t.hich y,e become m,mre throueh sensory chan-
nels, are events a:nd forms of the activity of
OF SUBCONSCIOUS FORCES. Bec~sa tlte objec:.


/ tive mind can control subconscious forces

) directly, and mod ify o.nd adapt the rlr,rthns o
vibration operating at subconscious levels,
.n trained n agicio.11 is r,ble to e x ert by nental
means a degree of control over his environ~
ment whic h amazes those of' his co nta :1poruries
yJho do not his kno rrledge und skill.
Tt,o principal forms of subconscious activ-
ity are s~olized by the roses ~nd lilies in
the go.rden. They rei:resent desire und knm,1-
The roses are red, to indicate active
desire. Five are shovm. because every desire
is rooted in one of the five senses. Every
rose nlso represents the nu:.~ber 5, because
all roses five, or sCiae nulti!)le of
five, ;petals.
5 is the number of adaptation nnd adjust-
ment; nnd self-consciousness. the special
human expression of the Life-po ner acts by
adnptation. Thus 5 i is t h e number ~f nan, -rrho
e1.1bodies the pe-rsonn.l factor T4\::.lich curries
the develop1.~ant of natural force~ 9eyond the
mere averages nhich chu ra.cter istic <>f the
sub-humnn and subc cm.scious l levels o 'being.
Thus it is 1rritten: "Hature unaided uhro.ys
fails," because this human personal factor is
required in order to bring ubout the perfec-
tion of the porrers which ure only iru-tly
expressed in the -ldngd01:1S of nature belo.r
The lilies are white, to represent ab-
stract perceptions of truth. or lmorrled&e o
principles and l,a:rrs. a.part fr01.:1 c onsiderQ.-
tions of desire. They represent the
number 6. because the-.1 have six petals.
In its synbolic mecning, 9 represents mii-
versal energies like light, heat. electricity

and magnetism., chemical forces., nnd so on.

By neons of concentration 1m may perceive the
true nc,ture and lnns of these forces.
There are four lilies because pure science
comprises knor .:1edge of' the p<mers the ancient
physics terned fire, Ymter, air nnd ee.rth.
In modern parlance these ure: rndiant energy,
fluidit., gases a..."l.dsolids. They nt"e the ferns
taken by the v1v1IDtypified by the Magician's
four inplements.
SUIJni..""l.g up the neo.!1:ng of this Key, ,re sa.y
that self-consciousness is the -prinary human
e.,2tpr:esslon of t he Life-p01,1er. It constitutes
your u-,mreness of your environr;ient., nnd this
is really nnn !enes s cf r::entc l inpressi ons you
receive fre>1:t the ":10rld round you thrcugh the
channels of sensation. T!le ElCtivities or
your envirornent rnnifestntions of' vari-
ous powers of subc 9nsc iousness.
Self-consciousness is consciousness of be-
ing vNE., st~1.nding in relati<1n to others. :ti
an I, .and that is not-I." At o. higher le .-el
cf urd'olduent, nho.t is usually cal.led 11:r,y-
self.," thn.t is, the physical body, is in-
cluded among the things ,Jhich ure "not-I. n
Beyond this is a state riherein the perso:'lal
consciousness is recognized o.s bein ~., l
the physicnl bod.y, r.ierely an instru: ,ont fol
expressing the superconscious pom ::,. <..
i' the
real SEIF.
In p.t rtly developed person:s the objective
mind crec.tes the illusion thut -tt1e SELF is
peculinr to n. particulnr persorn1lit-,1--thut
the personal II self't is a u:nig_ue identity,
separate fron all others. Com.1-entration and
medi to.ti on lead to freedom :ron this illu-
sion., by enabling us to Sje that it is .,,,.
illusion. -

_ When you come to this recognition., you

/ will no longer thi.."lk end act as if you ,rere a
separate being. Then you \'Jill kn0\7 that your
persan.~li ty is o.n itl.strumen-t through ,.hich
the One F oroe typified by the Fool finds
Reme:raber, the Life-pOi'rer -:Torks through
your self-consciousness. Your nill, in so
far as it really is ,rill, and not a delusive
shad01.1,- is a specialization of the '\llliversal
W'ILL. To kn.01;1 this is to be certain that
your true Trill is irresistible. This estab-
lishes confidence i.'1. the happy ou-t;cone of all
your undertakings.
It is the only lmo rrledge tho.t ce.n raoke you
truly SELF-reliant; free --rrom the least trnce
of -rrorry or a.nxiety,. and -therefore able to
give undivided llttenticn to the ~perience of
the L"1Cllllen-t. This consciousness ena.bles you
to liTe in the NOVl, and beca.use in truth it
is uhra.ys HOIT, this consciousness permits you
to live in eternity, instead of being tine-
botmd, instead of relatinG sourself either to
t.he past - or t-o the i'uture ..
Every bit of' practicnl training explained
in ~r curriculum to aid you in unfold-
ing this consciousness. Until you receive
the next lesson~ revievT this one carefully.
Bake sure you understand every detail of the
s-.1ubolism or the 1Jngicia..'lt.
This Key is designed to n:rro.ken the po.rer
of attention. Attention is truly magical ~
By acts of attention, the etherio vibrations
of external objects are concentrated on a
brain center. These vibrations have a ten-
dency to crganize that center in accordance
TJith the intrinsic nature of the thing at- .
tended to. Thus the brain center is attuned
SIX 12

to the idea uhich is the inner reality of the

thing under observo.tio.n. This attunenent is
expressed as conscious perception of' that
inner reclity. Then one sees through the
forIJ. of the thing into its essentic.l na.ture.
Be alert., then, to the life round you.
Use every instr'Unent o;f sensation to gather
accurate inf'or!:1ution. Resolve to see into
life, instead of nerely looking at it. You
,rill find the ,JOrld transforning itself be-
fore your eyes. This is one of the greut,
fundanento.1 secrets of ua.gic.
Use To.rot I~ey 1;'{ to sharpen your porr-
ers of observati o~ nnd attention. Be sure to
record y our ir.1pressions, day by dl\y, in your
occult d iarJ.

Before you rend this lesson study carefully

the;q cf l~ey 2, the High Priestess.
Reneraber, Tarot uses the universnl la.nGuage of'
pict ~rial synb~lisn, -rrith \rhich the deeper
-part or yurnind is perfectly fa.niliu:r. One
purpose . ef the To.rot Keys is ti, evoke thouGht,
and by looking at a Key before you begin to
read our explanations, you bring the knouledge
already present in the depths of your subcon-
sciousness closer to the surface. This nill
nake it easier for you to grasp the signif'i-
cnnce of the 1,Titten nords. Devote at least
five minutes to this preparatory practice, nn.d
lonGer ,;rhenever you have tine.
Anong the neanings of the number 2 is
subordination.. This word gives n elue to the
relatio:?1.ship existing bet:rreen subconscious-
ness, represented by Key 2, and objective r.rl.nd
o.r self-consciousness, represented by the Ma-
The synbolism of Key l shcms the lia[;iO ian
controlling the porr~s of subconsciousness,
which are ah.lll.ys o.nenable to his sug[;estive
influence. It is because of this that yoU are
able to en ploy these Keys to brine; into vigor-
eus manifestation the latent fcrces of your
inner life. The principle involved has been
@'lxplnined in Less on 3 of SEVEN STEPS. Revierr
that less on~ and Less on 2 of the sru,"le course.,
in connection uith your present study.
The psychclor;ical lau there stated, that
subconsciousness is perfectly amenable to con-
trol by suggestion, makes it obvious that YThat
you nust con.sider very carefully is horr you
use your self-conscious nind. For it deter-
mines you plant in subconsciousness.

Subconsciousness, you n ill recall, is rep-

resented by t he GUrden in Key 1. The fertile
soil of this c:a rden n ill gro,;r any seed planted
by ' the t ia g ici an. If he plantscareless obser-
vations and incorreot reasoning, the rre,:,ds and
taras of conscious thouc;ht, subconsciousness
u ill dev e lop these seed,s of err?r a thousand-
fold, i:Iit h q.11 s urts of tm.con fortable conse-
quences . On the other hand, if you learn to
c once r~t rn t e , r:irJ.::eyc ur u en tal ima c ery clear
and dcfini te, if y ou r.mke accurate - -observa-
ti ons fro n ,-;h ic h y ou dra , r correct inferences,
the seed you plant in your s ubc onscious cur-
den -rri.11 bear fruit in the 'rene n al, revivifi-
cation and regeneration of you r personality .
The ability of subc'11!1.scious~ess t-o develop
seed ideas in this nrumer na y be f ernulated
certain as to the differflnee l!Jietween inductive
and deductive reasoning, consul .t o. dictionary
before proeeeding _farther. Al nays, n hen you
study, have a good dictiono.ry at hand, for you
uill need it frequentl y i n the course of this
instru-,tion. You vrill find that the practice
of n a k in e; sure of the precise meaning and use
of 1:rords n ill he of inesti n able l!:renefit to you
1n t h e orderly or ganization of your mental
Ge01netrically th e m.1,":lber 2 is the line, the
extension of the point (nur alber 1).---"fiiis is
relat e d to the suboo'iiscious power just men-
tioned, n hereby the consequences of conscious
thou c ht a nd observation are developed. You
,rill not fail to note that the extension of
the ce ntral point of e. circle into a di ar:1. eter
(em extension in two opposite directions) -
divides the circle into tr-ro parts, each the

exact duplicate of the other. In this pormr

of duplicatien may be perceived the basic
function of subconsciousness, ne:oo.w. This
brings us to a third psycho1ocical principle:
Not only does it retain every experience of a
single personality, but it holds als~ a sun-
mary of the race experience, and this is the
s OUroe of the greater part 'Of our intuiticns
and ef our scientific discoveries.
1Th.en Hebreu letters were scratched rudely
on stone., the character for Gimel., the letter
printed on Key 2., ":"18.S a picture of a bo,:r.
Thii; is one reason Gimel follorrs Beth in th.e
aJ.ph3ibet. The prinitive character for Beth
i;ra.s an arror r-head, and in the develapment of
T,-ea pons ,. bows follo,.7 arrovrs. Men began by
throning their darts by hand. The invention
of the 110\7 came later. The b0\1 s~eds the
arro rr to its mark, yet it is secondary, ,then
it is considered as a vreapon suggested by the
dart or arrovt. A borr, :moreover., extends the
range of the arror r. Similarly the suboo.n-
sciousness repreented by Gimel oarries your
consc .ious deterninations to su"oessful c>il.-
clusions. It nakes your decisions hit the
mark. 11 Yet the activities of subconsciousness
are derived f'r<ln, and are secondary t, the
operatiQns of self-consoiousness pictured by
Key 1.
Subconsciousness is the propulsive., driving
force in hm;ian personality. Keep in nind this
idea of' propulsion. Link it up u ith t he noun
"propeller., 11 that which drives a boat or an
airplane. Self-consciousness aims and steers.
Sulnconsciousness provides the motive f~ce,
As- ,, a syn bol the , bOir-is f.eninine, and the
characteristics of subconsciousness are thoae
0llf SEVEN .4

,;rhich, from time ir.nnenorial, have been ass oci-

ated uith the feminine sex. Subconsciousness
is the protective, .maternal, nutritive, repro-
ductive aspect of consciousness., ahrays repre-
sented in esoteric literature under the guise
of feninine symbols. .Anong these, besides the
brr, are the ark, the crescent moon, the cup.,.
the ship, the sistrum Of Isis, a1I1onds, ovals,
lozenges (dianond-shaped figures), and nany
others, including some i:re shall find in Tarot.
The letter-nari.e,. Gimel, neans ncanel. 11 The
early forms f the letter may have suGgested
the name., because the head and neck of a cunel
b~ar sOI:le resemblance to a bent bo rr. Again,
the Hebrew verb gai:rraal~ spelt 1:ith the same
letters (GML)as the noun Gimel, means. (1) to
carry ~ load; (2) to ripen as fruits; (3) to
recompense, 1-r
hether for good or evil, so that
it includes the ideas of re,ra.rd and of punish-
ment. All these neanin s s are connected ':rith
the action of subconsciousness.
One familiar action of suoo onsciousness is
11 11
, cind-wand,ering. This enables us, nhen ,;re
fall into a state 'of revery, to pass frou one
thou ght to another until ue have -traversed a
vast field of ideas. Until ~Te learn to con-
trol this poi:rer of associating image uith
inage, it interferes nith ooncentration, and
u i th all other directed use of our u ental porr-
ers. It is like a ca n el rrild. When
:Te learn to drive it, \t his sa n e po rrer of asso-
ciation , rill take us quickly to any chosen
As the seat of oe n -ory, subconsciousness
ncarries the load" of our pars onal experience.
It bears a greater burden than this, because
subconsciousness is a universal phase of the
Life ...porrer's activity, and "personal" subcon-
sciousness is nerely a particular rnanifesta-

tion, through a single Organism, of this great

and all-inclusive universal subconsciousness.
Hence, vrhen we learn ho r,, we nay 15 ain access
to the recerds of~ experience., by tapping
the cosmic subconscious memories. By this
means., it is possible to arrive at accurate
reconstructions of the past. Sometines only
the general principles are recovered, and the
disc?Veries of scientists are often si np ly
this., as more than one of the u has admitted.
Occasionally the particular details of sor~
ancient era are also recovered, a.nd occult
literature contains many authentic exruuples of
this type of recovery.
Other imp lications of the letter-nane Ginel
are: transportation; motion from place to
p1ace; movement to and fro, as of t h e re ,:;ul a r
journeys of caravans o-ver trade r out es; hence,
cor:l!llerce., exchange., reciprocity., interchange.,
alternation. correlation., correspondence and
comnunication., dissemination of infornation.,
consequently., education and science. Study all
these words Tdth the aid of a dictionary. They
describe your subconsciousness and its pouers.
In the esoteric doctrine Of Israel, Gi n el
is s aid to correspond to the 1Io ,,n, n hich is a
"ship of the skies., 11 just as a eanel is a
ship of the desert." The Moon center in the
human brain is the pituitary body, Tihich, be-
sides the functions lmo vm to physiologists, is
understood. by oocultists to act as a transuit-
ting , station, through whio h the nental states
or self-consciousness are relayed to centers
of the nervous system., located in the physi~al
body belort the brain.
Among ideas su ggested by the Moon are:
reflection; periodicity (because it 11axes and
uanes); (')Ssociation,. accompaniment, correla-
tion (beca use the Moon is a satellite, consort

or foll ovrer of the earth, and in like manner

subconsciousness f9llor ;s the lead of self-
As a crescent, the Moon ~uggests a l!Do\v, the
original forr.1 of Gimel. Thus it is eonnected
,nth the goddess named Diana -by the Romans and
Artemis by the Greeks. Diana is a hu.~tress,
and to hunt is to follO\:r, to inquire, to pur-
Even nhile ue sleep it is revie Y-ring all our
experiences, ru.-:linating (like a ca:i:iel che ..-ring
its cud) over -rrhat n e have sensed, felt and
reasoned. Durin g sleep this nocturnal mentnl
luninary carries on the nental processes ,rhich
lead to the con-sequences of i:lhat ~-,e have
observed, :Celt and oonsciously reasoned out
during the day.
Diana Ctr Artenis 11as a. virgin geddess, and
because she pr~sided over ohild-birth she i..ras
clos e ly related to liekate, who, for the an-
clent Greeks, combined the ch.a.racteristios of
moon boddess, earth goddess, and queen of the
under ,::orld of shades, the abt,de of the dead.
Hekate had a s lw re in the rulership of earth
and sea; gave aid in war, in athletic contests
and in hunting; protected her,ds and children;
but she was particularly the goddess of na g io-,
mystery and occult po wers generally. She als.o
presided ove:c the meeting-place at u hich roads
cross. Indeed~ it is principally fro.n the
attributes of nekate that the synbolism of the
second Tarot Key is derived. ALL THE P0-t iEt"1S
One key {rord for this picture, based on its
connectio n i.-Tith Gimel and the .Moon,. is associ ..
ation. Not only ordinary association of ideas
within the lir:i.its of your orm mind. A uider
kind of association, synbolized by the caI:1el
because the journeys of caravans connect dis-


is the basis of the phenomenon of telepathy.
It is also the law T!hich will put you in touch
. Tri th your orm personal Teacher, i.-rhen you have
developed to a point ,rhere you are ready for
higher instruction. This sru:i.e lan has many
other ~pplications in practical occultism. -
During your practice period this vteek,
color Key 2, in accordance Y.rith the follorring

YELL(>F i: Left foreground, sna.11 space at

right foreground ..
GREEN: Palns on curtain behind High Priest-
esJL (.no:t cent.ers).
BLUE: Background, fron yell0t'I foregroun.
up. Her robe. The robe should have
white in it als~, 1.mere it shilllmers
dorm in front and cut of the picture,
to represent TIB.ter.
GRAY: Throne; veil background (veil need
not be painted unless desired).
vT.tlITE: Inner r;arr.i.ent; cross on breast; heaa
drapery; right pillar; centers of palms.
1 I


' -----------~--
,;- --- \l

The title of this Key means literally, "the

chief feminine elder." l~ applies perfeotly
to Hekate and the other D'-~ goddesses of the
ancients, includ:i..'11.Gthe EGYptian Isis and the
Hindu Ma.ya or Prakriti. Under the figures of
~hese goddesses the priesthoQd.s of old
concealed their knoi:rlt3dge .of the povrers of
Remember that suboonsoieus po,;rers are uni-
versal as rrell as personal. In the dectrine
received b-:f us it is held that this subo9?1-
scious act~vity . is the real subst~neo of all
things u e oall " physical objects." Ylhat ap-
pears to us as , rood or stone, as various s~ts
of minerals, as the bcdies f plants and ani-
I!, as the matter entering into the forms
round us, is held to be actually the subcon-
scious level f the nanifesta.tion of the One
Force picture d in Tarot as the Fo~l.
A fe ;;; years ago, sc ienti s't;s nould have l!
fun of this idea. Today several prominent
physicists say boldly that the real substance
eut of which atoms are built is "probably"
mind-stuff. This probability of modern s ~i-
entific speoul ation is an established ce r tain-
ty for the Inner School t() uhich rre ~1e the
invention .,f the Tarot Keys. THE ACTUAL SUB-
Hence the Tarot Key uhich pictures this
prinary "material" is rightly named "the ~hief
fe minine elder," because it synbolizes the

original receptive, reproductive and form-

building poi:rer in the universe. This it is to
which you have access through your personal
subconsciousness., i:rhich is like a bay opening
into the ocean of universal subconscious men-
tal e:aer gy.
Blue is the predominant color of Key 2, and
in one occult eol or-scale., blue is attributed
to the letter G:imel and to the Moan. It is o associated in occult ism Yrith the element
of water and with sub-consciousness.
Much of the symbolism of the High Priest-
ess is directly connected with nemory. lier
scroll the complete record of exper>-
ence, but t ,-;o things are necessary if you are
t9. read it.
r:trst~ you must practice cO!l.centration. By
careful observation and vivid awareness of
what goes on round you, you focus yeur mental
camera, and the resulting images are sharp and
clear. Secondly., you must understand and
apply the laus of recall., as set _ forth in the
symbcls of this Key.
The pillars " represent tvro of these laws by
their form and color, a.".l.danother ~vr: by~their
posit ion. You easily recall ideas or things
like each other; ideas or things in sharp oon-
tr'iist to each other; id :cas or things near each
other in srs,oe or time. In practical mnemon-
ics, or the art of recoll~ction., these three
principles are utilized. Use these identifi-
cuti on tags when you file your experiences.
Thus you ,:rill make a :raental index vrhich vrill
enable you to recall whatever you uish. Link
v1hat you -rm.nt to remember ,;nth something like
it. Contrast it with sor.iething markedly dif-
ferent. Notice what things are near it in
time or ,. space. Do this vmen you meet a nen
acquaintance, and hear his name, and you ,;rill

find that you have no difficulty whatever in

recalling the na,me the next time you see him.
In the symbols on the veil behind the High
.Priestess., the membors of the pattern are
pomegranates and palms., uhich symbolize oppo-
site forcies., and refer to the lm.'r of contrast.
Thus both repetition and are shc rm by
the pattern on the veil.
The many repetitions of these units _ of de-
sign refer to the fo-rt h lau of recall., vlhich
is th at of fr e quency. Tfe recall easily Trhat
Tie repeat often. You had a.'1 opportunity to
put this la-..-r into practice when you learned
The Patter n on the Trestleboard. Along uith
frequency g oes recency, since r.;e tend to
recall recent experiences more readily than
those i::hic h occurred s am.e time ar; . This lan
of recency is represented in I{ey 2 by the urit-
in g on the s~roll.
These la .-rs of men ory are v arious pr oeesses
of association, dealt , Tith in connection
the meanin~ of the letter Gimel., n page 6 of
t he prec eding lesson. There rie nenticned uni .. -
versal association and communication. The la.i.:r
Yrhich makes this p ossible is closely bound up
-rrith all the meanin gs of the number 2., a n d
is graphically represented by t he robe of the
Hi gh .Priestess.
This robe s ymbolizes the element cf Yra.ter,
i:,hich is in turn a symbol of root natter, or
Prakriti., as Hindus cull it. The ,.-ravy lines
of the r c,be represent vibration. This is one
of the mest important nords in eccultism (and
one ,Jhic h is sadly abused by ignorant dabblers
and mystery-mongers}. He live in a. vibratory
universe., and it is vibration in the root mat-
ter 1:Jhich puts us in touch ,1ith other points
of the universe. These points are themselves

centers of the conscious energy of the One

Life-povrer. The same la'\v of vibration, at
,;rork on the physical plane, brings to us the
radiant energy of the sun, and of other forms
of energy converging upon this planet from
every point in space.
The root matter is identical nith subcon-
sciousness, of . ....-
Jhich ,;;ater is also a symbo1.
Water vra.s the fir st nirror, and because r.,ir ...
rering is duplication and reflection, . the
symbolism ef mi,ter is directly related to the
meanings of the number 2. It is th~ consci~s
energy of the One F(t!"ce, acting upon itself in
its subconscicus aspect of root matter, uhich
brings . int -o be -ing all physical structures,
including the cells ef your bcxly.
The function of every cell is t he result of
the Life-power flning through that cell. This
is the truth behind the statements developed
in Less en Four of SE\il::li STE.PS. -
natch your daily experience closely and you
, fill soon be able to detect the operation ef
subconsciousness in your orm life. As you be-
come increasingly familiar >rith these princi-
ples and the nay they Y!vTk, ycu ,;rill put them
more and nore into conscious operation. Thus
will you gain greater control over the forces
of your personality. Persistent practice in
directing your pers cnal forces leads eventual-
ly to the attainment of extraordinary control
over physical c en.di ti ons, and this control is
exerted by mental means.
The veil behind ~he thr<llll.e of the High
Priestess is a symbol of virginity. The
design on it refers to the associative po,,v.ers
of subconsciousness. The units of the design
are palm leaves and pomegranates, t7hic h>
respectively, masculine and feminine symbols.

The pomegranates are red, tr.e color of the

masculine planet J.,:tars, i:rhile the palms are
green, representing the feminine Venus vibra-
tion. This is only one of nnny places in Key
2 rrhere the union of opposite foroes is sym-
bolized. The veil itself, because it joins
the ti:ro pillars, ls another repres en tat ion of
this union.
The pillars, alike in :rorm but opposite in
color, synbolize all pairs of oppositeB, suoh.
as light and darlmess, attraction and repul-
sion, affirnation and negation, active and
passive, no.n ifest and unnanifest. In each of
these pairs, the first is represented by the
white pillar, and the second by the black. On
the uhite pillar is Yod, the initial letter or
the Hebrew noun Jachin. That on the black
pillar is Beth, the initial of Boaz. Thus the
pillars of the liiGh Priestessri're identified
1:rith those at the porch of Solomon's teople.
The lotus buds at the top or the pillars
refer to the subconscious activity nhich is
the cause of grouth and development in organic
life. They are buds because this Key repre-
sents potencies or possibilities of subcon-
sciousness, apart fron their actual expression
in response to impulses fro u objective mind.
The High Priestess sits on a cubic stane,
to shorr that the functions of subconsciousness
are related to principles , ,hich are fundamen-
tal lai:1S of space. At this point it is beyond
the scope of the lesson to enter int extended.
exposition of the meaning of the cube. It is
a symbol of salt, a preservative, because salt
aotually crystallizes in cubes. The oube is
also a symbol of the element of earth and of
the physical plane. Again,. it stands for
truth and f~ order, because all its faces ar

equal, and so are its boundary lines.

This cube is of stone, a word having oceult
meanings which signify life, Yrisdom and union.
Briefly, the cubic stone in Key 2 means that
every operation of suoconsciousness is based
on immutable principles of truth and order,
eperative throughout the physical plane as
well as in higher fields of activity.
The robe of the High Priestess, besides be-
ing n representation of the root matter, is a
symbol of florring and fluidity. Thus it typi-
fies the ever-changing formsof' life. It is
dra i:m so as to seem to floi:, out of the pic-
ture. Under stand it as being the source of
all streams and pools among the symbols of the
. from.. Key. 3,-t 9 Key _21.
The High .Priestess' crorm. is of silver, the
metal of the- lioon. It shoyrs, by its form, the
naxing and -rro.ning lunar crescents, ,;'ith the
full moon bet1-reen then. They suggest periodi-
ciiiy' and alternation, as 11ell as the reflect-
ing and reproductive ,porrer associated nith the
:Hoon and ui th lu.."la.r deities in every systen of
mythology. Furthermore, since. the 1.viocnac-
tually plarizes sunlight, we find here another
reference to the pclarity symbolized by Ifey 2.
The cross on the ;-;oman's breast is uhite,
to represent light. It is also the primitive
f~rm of Tav, the last letter of the Hebrev.r
alphabet;., corresponding to Key Zl. This cross
has :nany meanings* some of Yl!lic h uill he men-
tioned in subsequent lessons. Norr its four
equal arms may serve to remind you of the four
irnpleto.ents on the Magician's table, and of
their combined activity. Nor i:nll you miss
the connection between the cross and Hekate.,
patron goddess of the point YJhere roads meet
at right angle~ '

The scroll represents nemory, the record of

experience and the basis of history. The , :ord
TORA signifies la,r, and is a reafrangement of
.the letters oT"""'iiOTA, Latin for nheel. This
is a reference to the La.i of Cycles, or Rota-
tion., to be dealt uith more extensively later
on. The La.-r of Cycles is closely connected
with the La::r of Spiral Activity represented
by the form of the rolled-up scroll. Both
laus are aspects of the Lau of mwthn.
The right hand of the High Priestess is
hidden, because the more pO\"!erful activities
of subconsciousness elude our atte n pt:.=t to
analyze them. Her left hand, therefore, is
the only one visible, to intir.i.ate that ue
perceive only the end results, or r elativ e ly
superficial manifestations of the occul.t
forces she represents.
Finally, this Key synbolizes sev e n Great
Hermetic Laws or Principles. - Eany uriters on
Ageless Wisdom have discussed the m. The y are
as follo ws:
1. THE I.Ari O:C'LiEN'TALISM. The la u that the
totality of the 'lllliverse is essentially nen-
tal. Th is is indicated by those details of
t h e symbolism uhich suggest that subcon-
sciousness is the "matter" or s ubstance of
all things.
2. Tllli Ll.i..1
.f 0:F' CO:i..'...11.ESPLirnE
CE. The meaning
of the letter Gimel is but one of :raany
expressions of this la,;; in th e symbols and the
occult attributions of Key 2.
3. TI:iE LAH OF VIBHATI.OU., represented by
asic meanings of 2, and by the ,:ravy folds of
the woman's blue robe.
4. THE Li [f OF POLlillITY, cf , !hich the pil-
lars are among the principal symbols.
5. THE LAU OF 1Lh'YTHM, symbolized by the
crovm, since the basis of rhytlun is periodic
action, like the 1.raxing and 1IaI1in G of the
Moon. Notiee that this is the crorming syn-
bol, inti.mating that rhythm is the dominant
lavr in subconscious mental activities. :Every
utilizo.tion fJ:f occult porrers in mai;ic dema..'1.ds
the establis):ll!lent of some chosen rhythm.
6. TH~ LA.ii vF CAUSE j;ND EFFECT., synbolized
by the -scroll and by the -nerd TORA.. This laYr
is revealed by, a.'1.d in turn makes intellig-
the reco~a__ of hunan experience.
TEL I.Ali OF GEiIDER, represented by i;;he
palms and pcmegranates on the veil, and by
many 9ther ddails of the synbolisn.
An excellt:nt little treatise on these la:rrs
,;;as w:ritten dorm sone years ago by "Three In-
itiates. He believe it ~y still be _pr~ured
at occult bookstores. It is entitled The Ky-
ltalif'n, and our Affiliates 1.rill :find it e xcel-
lent supplementary reading.
The main lessen you should noi-r learn f ron
Key 2 is that your persGnal field of su":)con-
sciou:mess is materially cotu1ected nit h even
the most distant stars. "Your" subconscious-
ness is a temporarily restricted portion f;f
the potential mode of universal matter. l.iind-
stuff is the original material f'r om Yih.ich
everything is Thrcugh various process-
es, all essentially mental, the mind-stuff
-.ndorgees changes in f'orm.,. uhich make it
appear as physical objects.
These are ao-tual objects. Uhat Tie are say.-
ing a.bout their essential mental quality is in
no nay a denial of their reality as things in
man's enviro-mnent. But it is important ti)
knou tha:b their original and actual riateria.l
may be .. shaped . by conscious control f human
mental imagery. Throu g h your personal sub-

ccnscieusness you have access to an inexhaust-

ible supply of the original material cf the
physical universe, and uhen you learn hon to
use por;ers already yours, you nay shape this
material AS YOUi'ULL.






I~ i
--- ---- --- ----- - ~



This week look o.t Key 3, the fupress, for

five mi...'1.utes before rea.ding the lesson. Re-
member thut every To.rot Key is o. symbolic
picture of some o.spect of your consciousness.
All these Keys portraits of yourself. As
Elipho.s Levi tells us, Ta.rot s,eo.ks by evoking
thought--:iot nerely inteilectual o.ctivity~ but
all the various expressions of nind-porrer th.nt
"externru.ize thenselves in no.n's life and con-
LookinG at the Keys is the fund11i-:i.ento.l
:method for brin r;i:!1. G closer to the surface the
deeper potencies of yom i:.nier life. Tihenever
you study one of these lessons, o.lways nt ;
ha.nd the Key to ,-.,hioh the text relo.tes, and
elunee often !lt the p icture, as yo" read.
MULTIPLICATION is o. key-,1ord t1ttributed to
the nu:iber 3. To r::.ultiply is to en.use to
increase in number, to mnke more: by no.turo.l
genero.tion. Multiplieo.ti~u i~he net or
operation of inere0.s fag by mul tiplyinG
CREATIVE I1IAGil'iATION is the vmy the princi-
ple of mul"tilpioo.tion r,innifests itself in your .
mental life. The seoret of the pr oeess is
r;iven in that po.rt of the definition of the
number 3 which speaks of "the response of sub-
c-onsoiousness i.;o self-oonsci ousness in the
;;enerution of mental iI:lnges..''
Just r:..s 3 is produced by the eonbinuticn of
1 c.nd 2, so is the Empress o. symbolic conbino.-
tion of ideo.s pictured by the 1:Ingicio.11 and the
HiEh Priestess. The activity resulting from
the ho.rm.onious union of the forces symbolized
by theRe t1;ro is Key 3.

As the sum of 1 nnd 2, the number 3 .is the

union of the idens of intlividun.lity (1) nnd
repetition (t). The repetition of the U.'lit
throuGh the of the dua.d is re.f>rcduo- .
tion, und repr09,uction is ri.tanifestad as rene)7
o.1, generation, crorrth, fertility, developnent
und fecu.'1.dity. Hence 3 is the nunber of pro-
duction, formation, orgnnizntion, propo.c;ation,
ela.boro.tion. RepresentinG orGanizution, it
sug c ests u.rr nn;; ement, a nd the right a.cio.pto.tion
of parts to o. whole. implies anticipa-
tion, exp ectution, purpose, plan, oontrivunce,
invention. All these mennini;s ot 3 shown
in the s ymbolis u of the Empress, beoo.use this
Key typifi e s the workinG of y our subconscious-
ness in the activities indic ated by t h e ,rords
corres p on di nG to the nunber.
'1?he Hebre v,r letter printed on the picture is
Daleth, r.1ea..'1ing "door." 0rie;innll y it vms o.
crude dro: vring of the flap of n tent. Later it t o :::::i eo.n nny sort of door--the leaf, not
the Openin g. Iience it su gcests pcmer ,to admit
Or bar, to retain or to let out.
The door has b.een ahruys n fe r.1ini!'le synbol;
representinG birth, reproduction, und the en-
try of li f e into :manifestation. Sc:ne nuthori-
ties, indeed, sny Dalet h represents the WO!i"J>,
the door of personal life, opeuin g to receive
the seed, closin g to rete.b t h e ger n. of life
during the period of gestation, and openin g
ugni!l to send the ne, 1born cren.ture into the
1:rorld. Similar activities, on planes: above
the physic a l, ure represented by the . sru;ie
Subconsciousness receives the seed :u1pulse
of observo.tions during periods of concen-
trnted attention. Then foll~1s u cycle of
development vri thin the field of subconscious-

ness. Yllien this cycle is cQnpleted., a new

idea., or rm invention, or some neYr plun, cones
forth throu gh the door Of subconscious:;iess in-
to the field of self-conscious a,mreness. The
forn of this completed result or creative
imClg instion nay be o.ltogether dif f erent from
the for m taken by the origin a l seed-thou cht;
but the life in thut for1.:. is continuot..s tn:th
the life in the seed-thoui:;ht, just o.s the life
in a humnu bod y is conti.TJ.uous Tri.t h the life in
the spen'latozoon und ovum fr01 :1 Yrhich that body
nas developed.
In this oper a.ti on of subconsc j_ousness there
is an apparent accreticn of EJE t teri a ls round .a.
vital center. This is us true i n s e~to.l o.s in
physical creation. In this connection., re n e1;1 -
ber that the Greek noun delta, derived from.
the Hebrew Daleth., re :;_l
resents bot h the fe n i n -
ine orc;a 11 of ceneratio n nn d the o.ccretio:n of
alluvial soil at the mouth of a river., a s 1:hen
, fe speak of the Delta. cf the Hile., or th e Del-
to. of the liississippi. And Delta. is the
of the fourth letter in the Gree k alph a bet .,
oorresponding to Dnleth.
Some think the ori ginal hiero glyphic for
Daleth represented the radiance . of sunrise,
the entrance Of light into the yrorld through
tho gatev.ray of the East. This may accou,;.1t for
the uttribution of the direction East to Dal-
eth., and for this le .tter's being the sign of
the aspect cf c onscious:ness Qabnlists nane the
LurnL11 .ous Intelli;ence.
Redia.nce is vibration prod ,uced by solo.r
force. The sunshine is not the sun. '.i.'he
brightness and splend~ are effects co.used by
the oction Of t h e luminary. His ruys make the
sun visible. They are his pcmer. Hence., be-
cause "che s u.,.v1 iH one of the principnl emblems
TA.: OT FUlW.Ai-

of the Suprene Spirit, sunshine represents the

"mysterious powertt of the cosmic Life-Breath-
the munii'estinr; a s ency riindus co.11 Prakriti.,
of wbiio.bthe Gita says: Ey great Pra.kriti is
the 1,;cm.b into . vrhich I c:ist the seed; from
t~hce is the birth Of all creatures."
. adio..tion of solc ..r energy, beins the ba.s is
o all ver;etuble and a.nir.-\O..l life, is ';.'lhat
brines about gro.du o.l unfold uent of conscious-
ness. :rt is also the co.use of those physio-
lo r_;
ical changes \"lhereby n hunan personali "bJ
na.nifests hi bher orders of consciousness. This
radiant energy is o the actual physical
force rrhich assumes definite fo:r::ns in your
acts of creati v e imn gi:nation. 1
Kee this in mind, hi . Orcl'er to intensify
your feelin G th a t ;-,rou a re u.sbg re a l p 0t:rers in
your occult n ork. In their essence, to be, these ure purely spiritual po1:rers. They
who so.y there is re a lly no such thing as a
se_parnte entity called "r:w.tter 11 are perfectly
On the other ho.nd, these rel a ti v e sto.tes
and conditions of the monifest ut i on of spiri-
tual energy ,Jh ic h constitute the i'ield of
investigatio n for phy sicul science are also
perfectly real. TJmtever of illusion there
n ay be abciut'"" the n is in the erroneous hunan
opinion that the physical manifestations of
the Life-power are separ a te from the f'lner e.nd
subtler :nani!'estuti o~ s whic h ar e terned psy-
chic, astral, and so on.
Accordine; to the Ageless Hisdom vrhich is
suranurized in Tarot, all fer n s of manifesta-
tion are expressions of a single enerc;y vihiah
enjoys an rt unbroken antl unbreakable continuity.
This energy is real, and its reality extends
fl~ mvmrd 11 into the physical plane just o.s
'i'lJWT FUHD.t"J
13.SSv i i :::H:i.m 5

truly as it extends "up-rro.rd" into realms of

finer and more intense vibration. nThat which
is above is as that i:rhich is helm;, and that
i1hich is below is as that which is above. 11
i,fental i.mages p1:..tterns Or oatrices for
?hysica.l conditions. lie;:ital objects, in their
plane, have just as definite reali val-
idity as physical ob ec ts. _( creo..tivo inn.Gin-
' u tion, represen e by the Jnpress' is the
\ process of interns.l develop!:1e11t and arrm_1c e-
ment vi'aich produces the external
of physical concii tions c orrespcr:.din '- to mental
patterns. nder ordinary conditions, the men-
tal n:1uies nre gra~lly precipitat~d
physical expressron throur;h n series of subtle
transformations so conple:x: that Yre ca n".lct
truce - the links in the series. These extra-
ordinary pers c-nalities, the U(lepts and Easters
of the Inner School, are able to speed up this
series of transformnticns so th P.t their mental
images are almost instantaneously r.10.nifested
as physical actualities. This is the secret
of instantaneous het,ling, of such -...;arks of
povrer as the change of ,;uter into .-rine, or
the mir a cle oft~ loaves and . fishes.
Yet it must be remanbered th nt t hese extra-
Ordin~ry manifestations no exceptions to
the general rule. For the merest tyro, as
\Tell as for the adept, mental imui;ery is the
basis of bodily nnd enviro:nnental conditions
The states of body and environnent nhich you
are nm, experiencing nre the fruition of your
1J1entul imQges. If you :-rant different external
c onditions, yon nust chr~nge th e imnt:es. This
is one secret of dominion.
Thus it is valuable to utilize every le .c;it-
imate device to make us realize that our
mental :ir1ai; ery is a man_ifestati on of real porr-

er, of poner havinr; definite physical potency

as :rell o.smetaphysical reality. The chnotic
ccnditior~ in our present political and eco-
nomic systems are direct results of chaotic,
disorderly i mu.e;es held in the minds of mil-
lions of lrnmun beinr;s. To ch:m Ge tho external
state of affe .ir s,. the mente.l irnn ge s must be
chan ged, and to {'.',.;tain this desirable result
(nhich requires -th!1.t eac h pers O!l shull under-
take the cultivati on of his mm mental go.rden)
it iG first c,f all neces3~ ,r :' to help people to
understo.nd t ha t cuter circumstances eye really
the physical embodiments of pre-existent men-
t a l pa~ telns
n G the Tarot; Keys, the Empress is the
symbolic atntement of.' the harmonious :md con-
s '.:ructive direction of mental i.:1~Gery. This
Trill be nore upp:trent next .,,-eek, after you
have considered the meaning Cf the various
details of the symbolism.
This vreek, as usual, ue concerned i,dth
ir.tpressin i; th,ese details on y our mind as you
color the Key. As heretofore, p lan your ,: ork
so us to c oraplete the col or in t; on the do.y
of your 1-T eek's study. Thus all n e ek loni:; y ou
vrill be educatin G yotUself 1:y ne ans of pictor-
ial symbolism, the ~..atural lan Gua r,e of subcon-
sciousness, and nhR.t yo u ,Till be draning forth
frcm uithin nill be vrhat the Inner School has
learned concernin g the operation of creative
ima i;inaticn. Such visual educatio n is r.1ore
valuable any verbal interpretation, since
it calls into actual oper at ion the very powers
which the sy.r,1bols represent. It nls o calls
into play the ,rider ass ocia.ti"ire pov.rer of
subconsciousness, whereby your mento.l of
the Key attunes you to ,;rise men who are fully
conversant with every detail of the meaning.
LESS Lii HiiJE 7


YELLOW: ound, shoes, staff of scep-

GRBml: Foliar,e, grass, wreath. Robe (ex-
cept cuffs, girdle, collar ed ; inG and
panel). Ball Ql1 scepter.
BLUE: Strea1 :l and waterfall.
BRG".:U: Tree trunks beside vmterfo.11.
GRAY: Stone bench.
SILv.i!R: Crescent.
GOLD: Sturs, eollar edGing, Girdle, cress
and bar- on scepter.
COPPER: Shield (except dO'.re). llix red and
brorm to secUJ"e copper color.
BLC.HDE:Hair, -.. ,heu t ears.
"i)i1 1'E: Pearls, panel in dress, cuffs of
dress, dove., hi f;hlights in .:a terfall.
RED: Roses, triangle on breast.

In your study period ponder this: TI.IE
PL-Iif'.f :.;l[CRE Till~ - ;cru,.IHG PU.;iR G? SUBGGNSCIGUS-
'.l'I:l.t-UGliTS 1'AKE D:&7 IiUTB FCiRii AS ;_ ILA.GES.
A statement like 11All is Gocdn is not a
definite menttl image. Statenents of truth do
no work unless they are li:riJced to specific
ima gery. The_ i.-rnages 1?1ust be concrete. They
must prepare ~d and boqy for action.
This is in no sense a denial of the ira-
portance und value of abstract statenents of
principle., as helps to . right understanding.
The point isthat intellectual statements of
truth must be supplemented b_y c pncrete ima.gery
before the mighty farces cf the inoor life' can
be made to er:!erge as o.a:{;ua,?.forms and condi-
tions Of t he phys.ica.l .Plane.
C.itA11V. IMIUollVltituN or i+t~ f.MPff:SS
~~its the worki'n{ of fhe. '
i "+n~ ac..fifr'h'~~ ind.,'e.d:f'c.d. b'f tte word~ .
C:.orfec;pond,'n'{ +o+he l'luynbe,- 3 t,-1,1-f~ ~,.; 4'c
rodl#C.~~Olf Srf'l ~- pyudqc.f,'017 ldu~"f
.fo i .' el"I
.,d..Ji1111_,.. for i <.ITT
'lTl4.4 ~ atioY1 or(anix.a.1;011
irowttJ pr 0 paf~-f-10,7
e.V't i I ,tq. a bt> o ,7
dewdo prne11:t' e>r''fd hi~ a.i,on
-Jeul n d.:flf Sr rct.n{ <-n.,, n"t
,~n,ewa.l cltLa.feh~+,o11 Cot
clin-iu r~t,'on
-e~pu,t a.+ioYT
f>u. r fo s-e.
,.,, 11, tr
e,ol'ltft Yche.'4ii!.
tn ventio'l'1
r ~
..:, --------------
\:,':"' -----':,(
I ~
I '
.. l l



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_;/---- ----------.:- ["-i '

The noun "e:r.1press" cones frou o. La.tin root
meaninG 11to set in order, to arro.n i;e." This,
you will see, is L11.a;;reenent with sc me of the
nean:u1 s s of the nur:i.ber 3 r;iven in the :preced-
i:i.J.g lesson. In .rurot, the :&npress represents
the inner sis.: e o:f: the process whic h establish-
es order, o.nd the ~y follorrir.. t; it in the
series has to do with the outer side of the
sa.."Ile process.
By contrast with the l!i f;l, Priestess~ nho is
o. cold, virgin fi ;::;
ure cor re s ;,011(nnr; to the
L. oon., the is warm 0nd r.mterna 1. She
is the Great liother, pre r;nan t .;it h the ;:orld
of form. In this figure o.11 th e n other c od-
desses of the ancient norld n.:ce s y;_1thesized,
but she is particularly Aphrodite, or Venus.
Venus is also the astrolo Gic a l a t t ribution
of the letter Dn.l(:;th, uccordinc; to the school
of Q.abalists represented in these pac;es . Here
t -.'fo points of occul i; tee.chin e nay be of in t er-
est. Accordin!j to ll. P. 3la.ratsk.1's Secret
Doctrine., the hur:i.n;."lrace o-,res much to an eo.r-
li1:;r develcpment of consci cu s "1.ess connected
,rith tr..e plunet Venus. L;:;ain., in the . Rosicru-
cian Fama Fraternito.tis., th e entra1:ce to the
mysterious vault -..,hich c on tained all the se-
crets of the order, as n ell as the perfectly
preserved body of t l1e Founder., v1as discm..-ered
1"Ihen one of the Br others happened to remove
a taolet of brass., a metal associated with
the planet Venus.
Fttrthermore., the vault itself had seven
sides., and this heptagone .l construction is
WS$L 1f 'l'EH 2

fou..... d also in r,1nny alchemical diagrams typify-

ing the perfection of the Great Hork. Such
perfection is, o~ ccurse, a victory over all
obstacles, and this idea of victory, linked
.rith the number 7, is associated v:j_th Venus,
because Q:'.'..balists call 7 the Sphere of Venus
.t'ut very simply, one meanhlf; of ull these
:mysterious hin.ts is that the mental uctivities
personified by the -various mother deities, of
YrhomVenus is n type' those iihich lead to
completion of the .Great Work. Hence, in the
Qaba.listic BooJ;: of Fcr1,:EJ.tion, ne .f'incl the i:dea
of 1:risd.or1 a.ssociatecl vii th Daleth.
The srnne boo l'.: also attributes Folly to this
letter.. . This is becc.use t h e sa..T.1eactivities
which, ri ghtly v.nderstood and applied, lead to
the discover:/ of the Great Secret, o.nd enable
us to complete the Grea.t "\Tork, those rihich
drive millions of men and women into all sorts
of foolish th, : ucht and action.
Tf,rot shows the positive, constructive as-
pects of the s.ctivity S;/T,!bolized by the Great
MothGr. 'l'he neGntive, destructive activities
are not represented. To picture them would be
to synthesize all the Furies into one horrible
figure, 1-.nd even then the picture would fall
short of the menace cf perverted and distorted
Hental inm r;ery.
Remember, subconsciousness accepts as true,
and proceeds to develop by deduction, whatever
suggestions inp~essed en it by the habitu-
al mentnl attitudes of self-consciousness.
( Subconsciousness is particul~ .rly susceptible
to the ~Jo'::0r of 1"Tords, ESPECIJ\Li,Y Tlill y;ORDS HE
USE AS E l E.DIG.i ..'I'ZS i~'f.J:;R THE INITIAL S'.i.'ATEl .:i:E
It! Ahl. ti )

A really practical occultist vro.tches his

words. He is careful to utter no st atem ent he

is mwrillinc to see raalized in his e:,..-terna.l

cLcui :1sta.nces. ( Hot even i!1 jest .-rill he sa.y
a.nythip.g uh ic h belittles the 11I Early in
his instruction he learns tha.t the 11I Jill" is,
i:. 1 very truth, a mar;ic "Y[ord of' Pov;er. 11 This
is the nLost Y!ord" of uhicl1 so much has been
s a id n.nd i:rritten--lost, because the profane
v:91ld hu s forgotten its si Enificance and its
actual power.,. Yet the Lost '.f ord is found,
in every s eneration of mankind, by those who
ripen i nto ~ 1derstanding.
:i The E!:1;;i ress, then, is HI.other llnture, per-
sonified cs Ve:1us. She clothes herself in the
web of ma ni::es tation ':hich entangles the minds
of fools; buJ~ the wise see through np.!')ee.~~ear
and t o the 1:1iJD.tur e unveils herself. The veil
hidin g trut h is the veil Of human ii;noranee
It may be tnken away by those who lmow hovr to
ohoose t heir n entu l images.
Green is t he color associated nith Daleth.
It ::;>
redo: 1;1i !1ates in Key 3, as it does :i.n Wa-
ture. Hote that creen is produced by mixing
yellow e.nd blue, the colors associated
the i.ia r:;icia n and the Hi::;h Priestess.
The Empress is a 1au.tronly ficure, and tra-
ditional interpretatio n s tell us she :is pre g-
nant. This ai;rees rri t! 1 the :f'act th:::i:t; creative
ir .mgiriation results frortl the impre;;ne.tion of
subconsciousness by iln:E)ulses ori (;innting in
self-co n scic u sr.ess.
Her hair is yellorI, like that of the Fool,
to s;ymbolize radiant energy. The -r.rreath bind-
in G it is of myrtle, a plant sacred to Venus.
Llyrtle is an evergreen shrub. Like the aca-
cia, it is a symbol of imn ty.
On the Empress ' head is a er own of fare 1ve
golden, six-pointed stars. This connects hel'
with the woman in the Apocalypse, clothed with

the S'lnl and orovmed twelve stars. Like

that woman, the Empress has the moon under her
feet, to show that the basis of her activity
is the pcmer symbolized by the High Priestess.
The six-pointed stars represent universal
forces. Thus th-e symbolism or the crO\vn
refers to the twelve of cosmic o.otivity
associated with the twelve si GnS of the zodi-
ac. One idea conveyed by t h is detail of' the
symbolism is that subcons~iousness, thour;h it
is influenced by su g::_;
e.itions originatin g in
self-consciousness, is cpen ulso to an influx
of pcmer -;hich descends from the celestial., er
superconscious,. level of th e Life-_:iower's ac-
The Dnpress' green robe is bouncl by a g old-
en girdle, abo v-e nhich there :i.s sho vm a red
triangle. By -its shape, the tria..."' is a
Greek letter Delta., eorresp cndi .1;; to Daleth.

It is red,. to shov, t:1.!l t th e i..x' luence of the

universal fiery ener e,.:;-1O!_,er ~t es t '.:irou Gh the
e.ctivities of subconscious:iess.,
The Empress carries a sce pter, sur i...ou..,.'1.ted
by a 6 lobe bearing a croas. This is a symbol
of dominion. Clder syi_4bolism is that the
globe e.nd cross i'orl!l n union of feminine and
1aasculine, or positive and negative.
The shield is copper, the metal sacred to
Venus. The dove on its face, nlsc sacred t-<>
Venus., is the Christian symbol of the Holy
Spirit. Hence the dove is connected ,rith the
esoteric meanings of the number 3.
In The Harmonies of Being, P. F. G. Laouria
"The number three reveals to us the harmony
of the Holy Spirit. The number three is the
return to unity, which seems to be broken by
the nU:r:J.ber two. It is in uniting the Father
L:CSSvHTE1'i 5

and the Son that the Holy Spirit realizes it-

self; and on this nee ount it mo.y be considered
as the efflorescence of the tmity."
Do not let the theological terms in this
quotation blind yo u to its profound occult
meanL""lg . La.curi a wroto in a day -rihen it uas
advisable to sound strictly orthodox., but he
ho.d . esoteric o.ssoci a ti cns with the srune Order
from ,m ie h B. G. ,r. A. derives both its knovd-
ed ge., nnd its authority for continuL'rl.g the
practical n or k cf a pp l y-in g that kno w-ledge.
Besides er,1phasizin g the correspondence of
the Empress to the woman in the Apocalypse.,
and i nd ic nt i rtG t hu t t h e basis of her povrer is
uha.t Tarot s :r,.n
bolizes as the High Priestess
the moon under her feet reminds us that all
ac.tivities hav in r; to dowith c;rowth., develop-
ment., re prod u cti 0n and imagination are those
in whic h t he pri nciple of rhythm operates.
The s tone se a t is richly ornn.~ented, in
contr a s t t-o t: ::.e se v ere simplicity of the cube
on T,h ic h si t s the Hi gh Priestess. This sho ws
the res u l t of t h e operatio n of self-conscious
observation and induction upon subconscious-
ness. It results in modific a tions nnd adapta-
tions of Nature--the urts. fine and useful.
The ripened wheat in the fore ground repre-
sents the completion of a cycle of gro wth. It
carries u it h it th e sar.1e idea of nmltiplica-
tion indicated by the number 3. The seed
forms multiplied. Ever y net of creative
imagination elaborates ccnditions spontaneous-
ly provided by Nature into nett fonr.s whioh., in
turn, g ive rise to future grov rth.
The stream and pool in the bsckt9"ound rep-
re s ent the stream of consciousness uhioh has
its source in the robe of the High Priestess.
The symbol of water falling into a pool is al-

so an intimation of the Lan of Gender, of the

reciprocal relationship between the male and
female:11>.Mes~t>r conaeioua~energy. Tnis ttraan 0

is a symbol of v,hnt is knO\'m in analytical

psychology as libido, the driving energy or
ccnscious life. The strenm is modified . and
directed by the self-conscious activities sfm-
bolized by the Liagician, and the pool .atand&
for the accumulation or those inf'luences n.t
the subconscious level. The s~eam waters the
garden, and makes it fe~tile.
The cypress trees in the bnckgroun.& &\Te 1en
in number, corresponding to tho ten eirlea on
the I<'ool's outer garment., The enres .s 1s ~
tree sacred to Venus. Attribmed to the same
goddess are red roses, of which thare are
five, representing t},..e five senses, and having
the same meaning as the fi~o'l"~es ln the
Eagieian 's garden.
Yet en other venWJinn symbol is -t1'1e ne~k!aee
of pearls. Seven pearls are -v::i,.sible, r'epsae-
. senting the seven heavenly b<>dies knO\rn to the
ancients. They correspond also to seven "in-
terior stars," nerve centers in the human
body, called chakras by Hindu yogis.
When these beads are strunG in a necklace,
they are related together and put in order.
Furthermore, a rieeltlace like this ,touches the
throat at the level of the Venus center which
is located at this point.
The intimation is that the . Venu~ center ia
the one through VThich the seven 'interior stars
are to be brought into orderly corre1o.tion, so
that the forces playing through them may be
controlled. This correlation may be called
the secret entrance into 84eptship, and thus
the Venus center ms.y be thought of as the~
to tn8.stery.
WSS(,l'J TEN 7

Regular use of tne Empress vrill enrich your

p01.ver of creative :imugine.tion and stiiuulate
your inventiveness. It will increase your
ability to make neu combinations of ideo.s.
;ie live in an age vihen cheap printing and
motion pictures, combined \"lith the cut-and-
dried life of our cit-.ies, endanger our porrer
of creative imagination. i,-re take too much of
our mental inagery at second-hand, fran the
screen and from the printed page.
In consequence -of this. consulting psychol-
ogists and -other are continually
asked for hel~ lu the solution of personal
problems 't'mich have arisen simply because r.1any
persons do not realize, .let nlona ~tilize, the
tremendous povmr of. imagi:::iation.
Key 3 will help you vse imagination posi-
tively and construotively. Through your eyes
it tells your subcon.sciwsness what porrers it
has, and hOT1 they should be exerQised. You
may not grasp the inner mea.-i.:mg of the sym-
HILL, because this picture, like the other
Ta.rot Keys, is written in your subconscious
mind ts etm language.
Pictorial symbolism is the language of
dream, _ o~ revery, of fantasy and imacination.
INTELLECT Wi..YANALYZE IT. It goes .far deeper.
Use Key 3 whenever you find yourself nppar-
ently sterile of ideas, and it uill help to
stnrt an abtm.dant flor, of :mento.l imagery.

' "';, ,

This week use Key 4., the Er.tperor., o.s the
bn~is for your five-minute meditation bei'ore
taking up the less on. As you look at it., re-
member that the fuperor., o.s his shm-,a., is
the consort and com.plerient of the &1presis.
Ccmpare the two Keys, and discover for your-
self as !:iany points of c between then
as you can.
The key-word of the number 4 is ORDER.
laeuninGs closely allied are systen., rgula-
tion., nanagement., supervision. Thus 4 clearly
relates to the classifying activity of self-
c onsoiousness., induced by the rc.sp ense of
subconsciousness to mpressions originatinb at
the self-conscious level. This classifyinc
activity is RE.i'i.SCW.
Mental imagery is useful to us chiefly nf.-
ter it has been S}~t8l!latizcd er put in order.
The~ it bec<!nes valuable in OUr daily lives.,
as a neans to rec;ulate., supervise and r.ianage
our affairs.
rn1en mental inagery is not so systematizod,
,ve are creatures of our emotions and desires--
impro.ctical drea.-:iers, unable to meet adequate-
ly the problens life presents to us. Note
that verb "presents. u Life's nroblems not
evils. They are Gifts ( Ev~ry problem con-
ceals a. principle ,,hie h, t,her. underst oOd, may
be applied to the 12'Od.uction of manifold use-
ful and beautiful results. ) Reason helps us to
discover the princiules hidden in problems.
It is ,mat enables,; u::: to face life's expe r i-
ences squa.reJ.v., and transfo?"J;;l all seaning evil
into good _.

The Emperor is an executive. The notm. em-

per or means ihe vrho sets in order, ' 1 and t o set
things in order is the chief function *>f an
adninistrative of'ficer. Thus the title is
closely bound up with the various n eanin ss of
the number 4-.
The authority of' the Thlperor is exercised
over the -progeny of the Thipress. She is his
consort, subject to her husband. Her mother-
hood depends en hil:i.. On the other hand, his
sovereisnty depends on her motherhood. Unless
the universal subconscious activities brins
forth a universe, the cosmic self-oO!l.scious-
ness has nothing to c;overn, Been use sh~ is
the manifesting p<mer, 1;hich brins:;; fcrr. 1s into
being, he has sC!!leth1nG to rule,
This is true also in man, whCI!l occultists
call the hl-icrOCoSi:1., or nuniverse in little. u
The activity of imar;ination is subconscious
response to acts of attention an d observation
ori Ginntin G at the level of self-conscious-
ness (the I~e.cician). Yet t he Dar,) cian, ,;;ho
appears nO\-r as the lili:iperor, 1,,ould ha ve not h ing
to corit:rol or transform did not subconscious-
ness send up frQin its depths a stream of
i.'llages to be classified nnd arr a :aGed by the
exercise of reason. Hence in Key 4: ue find
the Emperor seated on a. hei cht ~ tirlookin r; a
strear.i in his dcnain. It is t h e sa me stream
v1hich rmters the Empress' ~a:.:-den, and has its
sourco in the shi n mer i n :.:; :.:-obe of the Hii::;h
In c;eO!!letry 4 is represented by the square,
an old symbcl for the physical pla..11e, and for
thinr;s concrete. Specific mental ima 6 es, -in
definite_. lot;ical order-- 11precept upon pre-
cept, line upon line"--are the foundations of
reason and cood sense.

The nmnber 4 is o e onre eted v.rit h the

idea of measurement, for by the use of reason
we are enabled to take the measure of our e:x:-
per ienees, so as to interpret them correctly.
Without such rational rieht measuroment _of
experience -.,e continue to 1:1.istake the illusory
for the real. Thus \"le :raake (for :i:re ce.nn.ot help
being creative) conditions in our personal
world. .-rhich have the appearance of misery,
poverty, disease, d.iscontent, and the like.,
The letter printed on the Key is Heh., and
its name means ",nndov,.,n A windov1 admits
light, syi~bol of knO\vledc~~ and air (Life-
Breath, Sph-it) into the house (Beth) or per-
sonality. A vrindO\v, again, pert1its outlook,
survey, supervision, and so on. Hence the
function of sight is attributed to the letter

rrind ov:s, one mi f;ht say, are the eyes o:f a

h c,use. h'ven so the eyes of man have been
called ttwindO\,'S of the soul."
Si ght is also closely allied to reason. 1,Te
find ourselves confronted \, ith a problem. He-
study it, and reason out the ans vrer. "\Then Yle
succeed, \ \re say~ "I see." Bad 1easoning is
perilous. Thus we read: 1111here there is no
vision, the peaple perish."
In Hebrew, the letter Heh is used as a def-
inite article, like the English "the." Reason
de f ines. Thmi reason 1-:-
orks a t the self-
con5cious level, for to define anything i ~ to
name it, and in occultism self-consciousness
is associated 1rith Adam, the namer.
Often one' hears a colloquial expression
oommonly used in connection 1irith somethinc
unknC\m or queer. "name it, and it 1 s yours. 11
1":ha.tever the origin of this bit of slanguage,
it expresses an actual truth Ylh.ich '\'Ie see

CLEARLY.i1.SS0(6 A.S .,E Ui:IDffiSTA:i:iD

l'UFICJuWE OF lUiliIWG AHYTHIHG. Thi..."1.\:it OV@r.
Definition limits, sets boundaries, par-
ticularizes, specializes, enters into details.
The activities designated by these verbs are
those ,thich enter i.>1.tothe 1nakinG of a consti-
tutio:c. for aey social orr;anizaticn, fror::: that
of a hi 6h-schocl club to the.t of a nation. Its
consi.i.tution is, for any- DrGanization, the
supreme authority.
All la ,;:rs ae;ree with the constitution,
and laus themselves definitions. Here it
1,1.ay be 1:rell to re1:iind ourselves that ,,hat .-:e
call "In.vs of naturen are simply human, ~1a:n-
made definitions and descriptions of the vray
events follorr one another in some pa.rticular
field of hu1:1a.Y1 observation.
' Furtherr::ore, our personal defin.i-cion.s ( or
naming) of the meaninr;s of the events whioh
constitute o u ~ life-experience have great
sugcestiv0 influence on our -subconsciousness.
In one sense, every man mal;;:es his o.::n la.:r., and
is the author of the constitution of his per ..
sonal ~.-r0rld. His life-experience confcrms in
lare;e measure tc the consti .tution he makes.
Yet at the same time, every man is living
in the real w0rld, a.."ld his happiness or misery
ure thedirect consequence of the confornity
of the eons-t_;itution of his private world to
that of the real ':rorld (if he is happy), or of
the C.i6crepancy betYreen his private UO!'ld and
the real ,rorld (if he is miserable).
The first of the trrelve zodiacal sie;ns,
Aries., the Ram., is attributed to the letter
Heh, and is therefore pictured by Key 4. J\.S
the first sign, it symbolizes the outr;oing,
Ordered, cyclic :i":!.Otion., emanating from the
Primal "F
fill--the be~innin 6 of cosmic manifes-
TAROT Flllrnlll.IEETl\LS
LESS(;:r ELEVBiif 5

tation. According to astroloGicral tradition

Aries rules the head. and fe.ce, especially the
eyes, antl dominates the hi Gher functions of
t}i.e brain., the of Y!ar and conflict, but
also the protector of fields a gainst the
attacks of ene:raies, is the ruler of .Aries. In
practical occultism, "" stands for a force
at i;rork in t h e hunan body. It is ver y a.ct _ive
in the brain, and i5ives ener i-;y to the en t ire
muscular system. Th.dls it is the instrumental-
ity of execution and of realization. Thr oush
this llars 11 force, man deals u it h the ...- rorld
of his environment, and sets th a t world in
Astrolosical traditions tell us the Sun is
exalted ("that is, finds its hi 1:::hest expres-
sion) k Aries. Fr om this ,:re !:!ay under stand
t hat in our Yrorld t h e hi Ghest n anifesto.tions
of solar ene:rg:,r are those i.:rhic h are expressed
in the hur.i.a!l functi Lns and p c-:rers c;ove r ned by
i,ries, and symbolized by Key 4.
}yery one cf these functions an d p ouers is
actually the result of tre .n si'er ua t.ions of the
sol8.l' ener gy :L"'l the cells of the human brain.
Of all mechs .nisms and or e;anisms on earth, our
brains are the !":lost ,TorrJ.e:..ful, a nd the :most
pouerful, i'hey run by sol ar force, as is
every othe:r or Ga ;1 i ::. "l our bodies.
S_trictly speakin ;;, t ; 1e brain does n -0 t
trans f orm solar ene:.&'{ intc thoughts. what it
does &ce:OP.J.plish is the transformation of this
energy into rates of vibration ,;:hich enable
the personal consciousness to receive ideas
,rhich are eternally present in the Universal
i iind, and are beinG broadcast continually
throu .:;hcut space ., The principle is similar to
that . u.s,ed in radio., ,rhere an elec~ric current

in the receiving set esta b lishes vibrations

nhich may be attuned to t h ose oriGinatini:; in
a brondcnstinc stat i cn.
The receiving set does n ot make the n usic.
Heither does the brain make thou ght. r!hat
happens is that the brain provides the neces-
sary c onditions, as does a receivin G set, so
that thou Ght may b~ expressed.
The EJ~peror, the?c., re prese~ts the Sovereign
Reason. Every la.i:rin nature reflects reason.
Reason is th e source of all the operations of
the Li:fe-poner in the world of manifestation.
The Emperor is the Esteblisher, the Founder
of all thin Gs, the Frruaer of the Universal
Constitution. In t h e field of human personal-
ity, t he universal constituting po,;,er is
manifest i:o. man's ability to see through outer
appearances into the real nature of his en-
vironment. Actually, this pcr..-rer of vision is
somethin G n t.ich en braces the uhole COl:lplex
machinery, men t al and phy sical, ,rh ereby the
spirit within beco mes a'.iai-e of t h e universe.
l~s y<..u color the Key t h is Y.: eek, c onpare its
symbolis rn that of t h e Enp ress. Look for
contrasts. Look also fc.r details wh ixh bring
out the truth that VIh at the 2np er or represents
is complementary to uh at the ~ press pictures.
Color Key ,.1: as ;f'ollons:

Y:i!:LLO:f : T-cross a nd circle in ri 1:;

ht hand.
"GllEfilI: Fore t;r ounci.
BLUE: Stream at base of cliff.
GRAY: Stone cube, except ram 1 s head.
VIGLET: Belt, flaps on tu..~ic (not borders
nor medallion Oil left sh1)Ulder).
..HITE: Borders of tunic flaps, belt, ram's
head, medallion, beard and hair,
border of inverted T on globe in
left hand, sleeves.

GCiLD Inverted T, ; md cross on globe,

frame vrork and points on helmet.
BiIO\ J:,i Slopes from heit;ht in foreground to
stream's edge.
GilAiiGE: Background, above mountains.
STE~L LeG armor and breastplate.
RE.D : Globa in left hand (not inverted T
or cross), (except borders
and. points), mountains and cliffs.

Note also that numerieally the &peror is

the union or sum of' the Ma i:;icia.n and the ED.-
press. This in- one reascn. fD!t ida11,tifyu.g c,the
;?eror the Ila gicia.n. A.~other is that
the "theoso phical e:i-.."tension" of 4, or sum of
tha nui;1bers i'ron. 0 to 4, is 10, and the di 6its
of 10 reduce to 1 by addition. Thus the
Ei:1.peror is essentially l, or the 1Iai;ician, b:ut
the extension of his por ter is 10, or the 1'Iheel
of Fortune.
Yet 4 is also the sum of 2 and 2, a.~d the
multi p lication of 2 by 2. This hints that the
Er.tperor, thouGh he to be thcroughly mas-
culine, is really an expressio n of the po.rer
of 2, the root matter symbolized by the I:Iigh
Priestess. Th is rerainc.s us that ree.son is an
expression of memory. Beneath all fcr:ns of'
reasoning is the fundamental activity of re-
tention and recollection, symbolized by Key2.
Develop these nur;iber h:i.nts in your notebook.
~-. ------- ---------4 ~.1
! !

Ti-illOT FulWALiEiifTALS

LESS0 1'I Y.:iliLVE

In the precedin~ lesson, tke general mean-

ing oi' Key 4: is c;bren a.s REASGW. '.i'his has two
aspects, as do the attributicns of all the
Tarot Keys. The univers~l aspect is that
rational quality of the Cos:raic Mind vmich sets
in order all manifestations or the Life-power.
The personal as pect is the reflection, or par-
ticularization, cf this universsl rational
q~ality in the fie.ld of man s action and
,experience. Thus Key 4 represents the Life-
por;er as the Sovereign Reason, the Great Lord
ruling all . manifestation; and at the s~e time
pictures that in yourself Thich enables you to
control the c cnaitions of' your environment
. . .The ' seat of the Emperor is just like the
seat of the Hi -r;h Priestess--a cube. Since the
days ,of Pythagora _s, this one of the fi v" regu-
lar solids has been taken as representinG the
physical plane. It is also a syrr.bcl of order,
re r;ularity and truth, because it is composed
of equal faces, has bcundary lines of equal
length. and has faces ,;-r hich are squares., oor~
responding cec:metrically to the nuraber 4
A cube is bounded by tr relve lines, eight
points and six faces. Thus tlte enUI:1era.tion of
the cha.racteristie properties ,;rhich distin-
guish a cube fro n other solids combines the
numbers 12, 8 and 6. The su.~ of these is 26,
the numeral value of tho Divine lrame I Ii V H
( Jehovah, or the Tetrar;re: ar:taton). This "name"
si gnifies "That which Yra.s, that vrhich is, that
i;1hich vrill be. 11 Without attempting to define,
it declares that ::hatever is real n0',7, has
been, and nill be, eternally the Uha.t

is more, its value, 26, is related to the cube

in another .manner. For every cube has exactly
thirteen axes of synunetry. or lines of balance
which cross one another at the interior cen,1;;
ter. Consequently ,there radiate fr can the in-
ner center or e. cube exactly t,.,fenty-su lines,
con.." that center with points at the ex-
act centers or the ti:relv-e boundary lines, . with
points a.t the exact centers of the si.x outer
faces, and with points 17hic'h are the eight
corners of the cube.
1~e cube, t herefore, as a symbol o~ the
physical plane, as a s~1nbol of' order and. of
truth, and as a s:ymbol nhose ver y ::-roportions
nre related to the numeral val.ue of I ZVE., is
a perfect representation of the idea that the
vNE REJ,.LITY, manifested in al l the appearances
of the !)hysica.l universe, is actuall y the real
presence of the l:b ni tless Li i 'e-pcmer which is
the sovereign rulin c princi~le of the uni-
In the tabernacle of Moses, there:roro, and
in Solc.inon's tenple, the Holy of Holies vm.ere
the a.rk of t ,he covenant ,.as kept ,:as a eubical
room; and O!l the propitiatory, or nercy-seat
of the ark, rested the Shekinah., or Divine
Presence, vm.ich ,ra.s understoOd to have its
spatial location at the i:nner center ~ the
lioly or Holies. Similarly, in the Apocalypse,
the heavenly cit- 3 TT'i!ich represents the com-
pletion and perfecticn of the Divine Order is
described as a cube, since its length, breadth
and height &.re said to be equal; and the
throne of the Lamb (a young ram)., is said to
b~ in its midst, or at the inner center, as a
source of light for the nhole city.
The Yfh.ite hair and beard of the Emperor
identify him as the Ancient of Days, or Great
Lor<i.~ desig nated by t..lie word IHVH. For the
LESSta T-..iELVE 3

S~"!le reason he is shcrm in profile, so -that

only one eye is showing. This is an ancient
piece of symbolism, intimating that even our
highest concept of Reality is necessarily one-
sided and imperf'ect. n ote also that this
Vfhite-haired 1"rhite-beaTded ancient is the
figure described in the fir st chapt0r of the
Apocalypse as he nho is Alpha and Cmec;a, the
first antl, 1Nho is also the Lamb (Ram)
The ram's head on the sicle of the cube, the
same design in the medallion on the lhperors
Shoulder, and. the astrologlcal symbol of Aries
at the top .of his helmet refer primarily to
the attribution of the si gn of the Ram to the
lett~r Heh, and hence to this Key. The symbol
of the ram is very ancient. In India it de-
notes Agni, the e;od of fire. As a eOI!ll:i.onnoun
the ; Sanskrit vtord agni is a.'1. alternat!ve name
for the element of fire, usually ter! ned tejas.
In uorks on Hind.u occ u lt ism, the a r;ni tattva
is said .to be the subtle principle of sight.
This agrees vrith the attributio r.. of sir;ht to
the letter Heh and to Key 4.
The distinctive bad ee of a Free mason, a
white lambskin apron., is a symbol of ,'1any cf
the ideas represented by Key 11. l~irst of all.,
it is a square vtlth a trian gular flap. This of square and tria:::i. gle is in
the picture of the Emperor, v,hose head, chest
and arms encl _osed in a trianr:;le, while his
legs form a cross, sugbesting the same idef;l. as
the square.
Furtherruore., the lambskin refers directly
to the sign Aries. That sign is first in the
series of tvrelve composing the astroloi;ical
year. Thus it represents the first stae;e of a
time cycle., before the various events of that
cycle have c cme tc pass. In Freemasonry, the

lambskin apron is ter::ned 11the emblem of inno-

cenee., n because -r,hatever is innocent is spot-
less., or ,,ithout blemish., and this is exactly
the cond .ition of the Life-poner at the begin-
ning cf a cycle of self-expression. Freedom
from the least trace cf an:-thinG noxious is
also included in the idea of innocence, and
all versions of Ageless Wisdom acree that this
describes the essential '?urit:; and h-:liness of
the Life-power.
Again., the lar.i.bskin apron is c onfe rred upon
the newly made Uas on as he strui.ds in tho
north-east corner of the led.gee This makes
another link of connecti cn be~reen the apron .
; and ideas associe.tad Y:ith t'he letter Heh.,
because the direction north-east is attrib~ted .
to this letter
It is the combination of east., attributed
to the letter Daleth and the Empress., . and
north, attributed to the letter Peh and Key
16., the Tor:er. The is Ve:::ius. Key 16
is the Tarot symbol for Mars, nhich also is
the ruler of Aries.
This is a hint that i.."l.Key 1 vre have repP.e
sented e. cQnbina.tion of the poriers of Lars and
Venus. This point ,ms I!lade in tre prece t: illG
less on, y;he:n it was said the D:lper a;~.,
consort of the fil:npress., Tiould have no subjects
to [;OVern tmless his mate had borne him chil;_
The combination of the number 3, su r;;;ested
by the triangle in nhich are the Eraperor 's
head and arms, uith the number 4, sugr;ested by
the cress formed by his legs, is another
intimation of the sa.!ue ccmbinati.on of fe:min,ine
and masculine pm 'rers. This idea is emphasized
by the s!1.ape of t"h.e fuperor's s-cepter .. :hich
is a modified form of the astrological symbol

for the planet Venus. It means that the

Emperor's active por rer of regulation has to do
with the con t rol of mental :ima r;ery. A similar
hint is t;ive n i ll t he Greek myth of a secret
love-r ,ffair b c t ,-roe:;:iEars ar.d Venus.
The hebiet, s u1::.ow.1ted by the symbol of
Aries, is als o or:na,_,(mted with twelve tria.ngu-
la1 points, c-/ ;,i c :1 six are visible. These
are a.ns.Io cou s to t :1e stars on the Em:::>ress'
crovm, and t c th e Jff:m l.s on the J..'ool s sirdle.
The spaee Gtot -.:e e:1 the bars of the heluet is
red, so that the colors of the Emperor's head-
dress, 1~old and red., are those of the Sun and
llars, both active in Aries.
The c;lobe and cross in the :E)nperors left
hand are symbols of dominion. They are simi-
lar in for~ :1 to the ornament at the top of the
Empress' scepter; but her i:;lobe is Green and
the Etnperor I s is red. These complementary
colors, the green corresponcl.inG to Daleth and
Venus, the red to Heh and liars. The little
cross at the top of the r.;lobe is composed of
five equal squ a res, referr:inb _to 5, the nuraber
of the letter Heh. -
The inverted T on the globe r~presents Tav,
the last letter of the Hebre...-1 alphabet. To
Tav, Qabalists attribute the planet Saturn.
Saturn is th e astrolo c ioal symbol of restric-
tion, hence the inverted Tav on the r;lobe of
dominion inti n a.tes that the fuperor 's ruler-
ship a;'ld authority are expressed in his abili-
ty to 1everse Saturn, that is, to reverse the
action of that asp e ct of the Life-porrer 's
self-expression nhic h seems to limit. our free~
dem~ Such reversal of apparently restrictive
ccnditions 'is precisely \'That you may accom-
plish by right usa of .the eonstituting Intel-
ligence symbolized by Key 4,

This right use consists in a higher vision

of reality. A higher vision based on accurate
observation of the actual situation on the
physical plane. True oceul t science nakes no
attempt to deny the reality~ or minimize the
importance, of the physical ,:rorld. \That is
denied is the opinion materialists hold as to
the nature of the physical Ytorld. To conbat
the errors of naterialism, there is no need
to deny the reality of physical thir.. g s. Hor
is it necessary to explain e:nay by 1near..s of
hii;h-soundint; verbal trickery, the actualities
of t im.=:and. space.
The hi{;her vis ion inclucles insii:;:it bto .the
powers of 1nan, as nell as accurate observation
of the physical conditions surrounding him.
Such insight makes it evident that r;hen ,:e
watch a tra:h"'l of events as it occurs in na-
ture, apart frQln tho introductton of the hu.~a~
personnl factor, our wa.tchi'uboss is re i:rarded
by ratio; :ial perception of the law or principle
at ,,ork in the train of events we have ob-
served. Reas on., the eye of t re mind, sees this
lau or principle, a.nd sooner ~ later the vi-
sion of principle stirs up the inventive po'.'rer
of subconsciousness. Then, th:cough the ccm-
binetion of invention (creative imaGination)
8.i"'ld reason, the human personal factor enters
into the situation.
B:1 the hltroduction of this personal factor
new trains of events are set in motion new
forms produced., ne, ; conditions mani-
fest, Thus man applies the lau ,hie h makes
a piece of iron sink., to flcat great ships
of steel. By obeyin g the lau uhich makes a
stone thrown into the air fall to the {9'0und,
man makes all-metal airplnnes uhioh have added
another dimension to his journeyings.

By seeing things a -s they really are;

instead of as they merely look, -the Sovereign
Reason. manifested throu8h the human brain.
reverses, one by one, all semblnnces of bond-
ar;s nhich afflict mankind. l,.or the Spirit of
freedom is the perfect liberty of a. rational
order, 0perative in everything, everyuhere.
Reason and insir,ht are a.hrays contrary to
mass-opinion. Hence they invariably stir up
conflict. Kno,;ring this, and foreseeinc the
immediate consequences of his ministry, Jesus
said: "Think not that I arn ccme to send peace
on earth: I crune not to send peace, but a
S\'!"ord." Peace o omes later., with fulfilment,
not in the initial stages of' the nork.
Thus the Er.lper or is shc,;m as u ma..'1 of war.,
in contrast to the peaceful scene sho.m in
Key 3. !!.'very s tap f ornard in man's doraini on
over the conditions of his environment has
been contested bitterly by those who prefer to
adhere to the "cood old ways."
The mass mind resents innovations., clings
to comfortable errors., scoffs at seers,. and
stones prophets. Yet the Sovereicn Reason is
protected. by- the armor of truth, nhich i3 pio-
tm-ed in Key 4 as beinc made of steel, a metal
attributed to wars. The final test of our
vision is tc carry it into a.cticn, and s:inca
"Mars" rules actions., the S)'Inbols here tell
us that even the mass mi.."'ld,,ill surrender its
follies 1:1hen confronted 'r:J,j the beneficent
results of true vision expressed in action.
I.Jany a person v;ho crosses the continent by
airplane today would have ridiculed the notion
of such a flie;ht in the "enlightened" year of
our l:,ord., 1900. The Uright brothers
their first flight in 1903, but e.s late as
the sprin~ of 1908., a magazine rejected an ar-
ticle by Byr Ql1. :rre,rton, .._w:ho had Yritnessed their
l i,"i,

later ac h ievements. The editor's co mnen t nas:

Vfnile your manuscript has been read i; much
interest., it does not seem to qualify either
as fact or ficticm.. 11 Remember t his uh<"..n you
encounter ske p ticism c cncernin t the value of
y cur occl ~lt stuc .i e s. Lon g a r;o t h e wise learned
t h e f utilit y of tryin g to conve1t the world by
vrords. Even deeds s cmet ime s f e.i 1 to con-
vince t h os e \v h o are blinded by prejudice.
The s k irt of the armor., and t h e flaps Yrhich
cover the Ernper or's arms., are violet. In the
color sc a l e u s e d f er Tarot., violet is prL ~ ari-
l y attributed to Ju p iter., re p resented by Eey
10. Violet is attributed also to ~ th e si gn
Aqua rius., s:yn bclized by Key 17. L.,. astrology.,
J iapit-e r r ep resen t s 'i'Otp'imsion, t h e reversal of
c cnt :act i on or constriction. Jupiter is also
th e p la~'le t associ a t e d. i;rith la w, v i th scientif-
ic researc h , an d -rrit h philosophy, as vrell as
t he p lan e t ru l in 6 reli c ion.
~To-ct., Key 10 r e pres ents the scienti f ic vi ;;
s ion of t he me chanism of the uni v e r se as it is
seen by the T,ise. Hence the ,dolet flaps of
th e Emperor's dress mean: RZI..SOH CLC'.tHE S IT- .
Since this vision is a revelation of truth
concerning man., as vrell as of truth ab out the
uni v erse, the color violet links up also nith
Key 17, .. , l obvious sy:nbol of precisely that
unveiling. In iCey 17 t h is color is ass oci-
a ted 1-rit h the s i i:;n Aquarius., beeause the Inner
School has lon g fcrese~n a gr eat revelation of
truth durin g the Aquarian Age novr da, ming.
The mountains in th e ba.c l::ground of ic-
neous rock., colored red to emphasize the fiery
qua lity of the si gn Aries. These ba r ren rocks
are i.11 sh a rp c ontrast to t h e fertility and
productiveness of the n apress' garden . Th ey

represent vividly the sterility of mere

intellection--use of reas on for its 01:m ~ake,
vrithout an y practical a pplicatio n tc life.
Again, t h ey su ,:;gest the fruitlessness of mere
re gu lation and arran c;ement, unless t here be
s orae~h :L.'lG wa rm a.!ld vi t al to set in order,. Yet
d i s in te f,r a ted roclc is the principal component
of t h e soil nh ich su pp orts ve getaticm. Thus
t l1e bleak cli f fs be h i :1d t h e Emperor are r eally
th e basis of e.11 the lush gro vrth in the _ garden
of the &:pr ess. So is pure reason, pro perly
broken do ,;m into its elements, and 1nixed vii th
the emotional qualities p~edominating in sub-
co ns ciousn e ss, t he basis of all 'the creative
vror k s of human ima g ination.
This f our th Tarot Key i s intended to
inp r crns upon y ou a clear patter n of the r uling
po ne r of o one<Jlii.G"l'lS:Gi.68 s.., i h e~19n11-,-c,u- ~ere is e
true reas on, ;-,henever ycu interpret an experi-
ence corr e ctly., nhenever you fra.."!le a satis-
factory de fi nition, you employ the pcrrer ,rhic h
defined the u..Y1.iverse in the beg:i,nning. This
p O\-rer, y; or l~in g through you, is the maker and
f'ra. rner of ,;rorlds, and the mo.ker and framer of
y our pers cnal y;orld.
' f ,l
~--- --------~ /.}
1 Kt.f5 - / 1'1,ul Tl OJ.l I


IM'tlllttoK r.>fr/Hp b 1
' 1-1u.n"he.!:> .I
s p,y;\oa.t ;r,.,,-t"'aio'n.s I
Voice 4l\ci-oic.e~ 1'.
fy e e.d o-m. 4\\,.u.Unib~ wati. \4i~r5.ff-
"'.,r...... ,,_i-b-.ltl,- ""41 tn .Ji, - j
. '

~ '!
_;,---- -

By this time you will have beccme - used to a
definite method for studying theso lessons,
wh:lc h you will follow through the entire
series. For every Key there are two lessons~
In the first of these the meaning:. of the :;i~
ber, title and letter . dealt , the
emphasis being plaoed on the general meaning
of the Key.
During the week you study this le s _son you
al-so color the Key to fix its details in mem-
ory, and prepare you for the longer am lysia;
of the symbolism given in the second of the
pair of lessons. Evory day you begin your
study :period by meditating for five minutes on
the Tarot Key. Then you study the lesson,
reflect on it as you read, and '>n-ite in your
diary whatever observations occur to you.
This week your Key is number 5, T~ HIER~
PHANT. After inspecting it i'cr five minutes,
review the meanings of the n'l&.ber 5 given in
Lesson 2. Nete that 5 symbolizes the results
of the classifying activity represented by the
number 4.
A subconscious elaboration of these elassi-
fications, and the formulation of deductions
therefran, mich are projected back into the
self-conscious level, results in the mental
states termed intuitions. Even the form of
the f'igure 5 suggests this.. The top is a
right angle composed of straight lines. The
bottom is a swelling curve. The straight
lines are masculim,. and relate to self,.
consciousness. The curve is femjnine. symbol~
izing subconsciousness.
A cyclic mental process gives rise to in-
tuitions. Every idea projected intuitively
from subco.o:::cio usn f!r;s i ::i:':c self-consciousness
13 2

beoanes . another suggestion t-o subconscious-

ness ang. is tpe be ginning or yet an other
series of deductions.
The working out of this process may be
instantaneous. This is what happens when we
"think quickly.n On the other hand it may be
a matter of dqs. or longer. A common example
of this and one Til.ich you have probably ex-
perienced many times., is \"l} occurs in read-
ing . e.cme difficult passage. At fir st it may
seem to be very obscure. Yet the ne~ time
one sees it the meaning is perfectly clear,
even though no .conscious thought may have been
given to it in the interval.
Intuition means litere.lly-11 11interiftr teach-
This direct peroeption is the re&ul t ot the
wion or personal CQlSoiousness with the su-
perc onsoiQUS I AU., the Central Self vm:wh a,
poet has call ea "the blaze of God." Sue>h per-
ception makes a human being immediately aWll.ll"e
at eternal principles, b\lt it does not stop
there. Included in this aware:a.ess is also a
perception of methods vhereby the priliciples
may be applied to the solutian of pa.r'ti~ular
Intuit:i,.ons of this kind dif'fer greatly from
those whose roots go no deeper than the "upper
layer" of subconsciousness. 1rhich is merely a
record of personal experience. The deeper
s'trata of subconsciousness record the race
experience and correspond. to what Carl Jung
names "the collective unconscious." Intuitions
coming fran the upper,. personal level of sub-
consciousness a r e what we CQI!monly call
" Intuitions originating in supe~-
13 3

e-onsciousness . clothe themselves in the symbol-

ic imagery of the raoe experience. stored in
the c olleotive subconsciousness. These may be
correctly termed spiritual intuitions.
The word union is the key t o the reception
of spiritual intuitions. Unless _there is a
real union between the personality and the
Central Self there never can be an expression
of' superconsciousness. and one does not touch
the high plane where eternal principles are
perceived. Key 5 symbolizes this idea or
union in :many ways
The Hebrew letter Vav means "nail" or
"hook." Both meaninga represent union since
nails are ......
used to join various parts or a
house, and a hook joins the object fastened to
it to the support to which the hook is
Notice that thft idea of sustenance is also
connaoted with the nail or hook, since it is
by nails t'hat the house is sustained, and ' a
hook is that from which something depends.
Y!hen the Central Self is linked consciously
with the personality. one gains first-hand
kn0t,cledge that all things are / sustained by and
depend on that ONE SELF.
The idea or union is carried out still fur-
ther by the primitive form or the letter Va,r
which was a picture or a yoke., such as is used
to harness oxen. Remember that the letter
Aleph means "ox" and you will see that here
is a hint as to the means of "harnessing" the
limitless energy of the Life-power. Think
this hint over. and record the results or your
tltinking in -you occult diary.
The root; or the English noun yoke is the
ia.nskrit yoga, or which the exact translation
-4.s "union:,r--" AB commonly taught, yoga is a
.~ystem of practices designed to bring about
the union of the higher and lower nature8 or
13 4
m&Jii- The religious doctrine of atonement (at-
one.:ment) is another expression of the same
c oneepti on.
The practical application of the idea or
union is to be round in the functi on or hear-
ing, which is attributed to Vav, and thus to
Key 5. As employed here, "hearing" means the
interior spiritual audition a s well as
erdinary physical hearing. ( Kn01:vledge of the
higher aspects of reality ccmes to us through
t~ 11soundless sound" of an Inner Voice )
( The reason is that the hearing centers in
the brain when they r each a certain stage of
finer developme~. are stimulated by .higher
rates of vibration. which serve as a means of
communication vrith the ~ Central Self. .The same
receptivity or -the hearin, centers also puts
us in communication-with those advanced human
beings who compose the membership of the Inner
School. )
Here a w<ird or warning is necessary. The
avmkening of the greater receptivity of the
hearing centers may put us in COllllllunicaticin
with intelligences which are neither wis
nor good. Do not let thia frighten yeu . There
i _s a way to distinguish between the "voices"
and the VOICE.
Of'ten tke "voices" flatter. They promise
great things--weal th, knowledge fr crninenoe,
p0\ver 1 and so on. Sometimes they appeal te
spiritual pride. by announcing that the person
who hears them is destined to save humanity
from sane dire catastrophe. Always they 4e-
mand implicit obedience. If they give what
purports to be occult instruction, they re-
quire its recipients to follow th6 teaching
withOtlt criticism, and often they insist; that
all other instructiQl be abandoned.
The tr~ VOICE never flatters. Often it
gently, . but :firmly, points eut GUr shortcQm-
13 5

ings. Seld<m does it prQnise anything. Never

does it coerce. Invariably it points out sane
universal and therefore eternal, . principle
which applies to an actual problem confr0!tt1ng
the person who hears the instruction. The
VOICE does not say: "Do thus and so. 11 It in-
structs us concerning some law or m1ture which
is involved in our problem, so that we may seo
rot ourselves what we ought to do.
Hence this mode of consciousness associated
with Vav and Key 5 is called nThe Triumphant
and Eternal Intelligonce," because the inner
Voice, by indicating a principle whiob will
work out in a successful course of action,
reveals a law of nature whioh applies not only
to our personal problem of the manent. but;
also to m&.I\Yothers having similar character-
1'hr cughout the ages, i. men have taught
and practiced union with iihe Central Self.
r 'Rveryvmere and alv~ys they have ageed that
release frQn every kind oi' limitation to
those who awaken to recognition of this power
which is always present in h~ life. This
power sets men free when they lo:lO\'rit and act
in obedience to its law. ;>
GeClll8trically., 5 corresponds to the penta-
gon. or figure or five equal sides, and to the
pentagram. the five-pointed stal" developed
frQn the .pentagon.
The pentagram is one of the most important;
occult symbols. Each ~ its five lines is
divided in exact ext r eme and mean proportion
( the famous Golden Section or Divine Propor-
'bion). Wit a single point uppermost., it
sug@."sts the head and four extremities or the
human body. On this account it is a symbol or
man, and especially ot man as the microc~, 5 is the number of mediation because
it is t he middle te:rm between 1 and s. So is
13 6

~ whose number is 5, the mediator .bet!:_e..en

G~ and na~ Here is a clue to many ury-a-
t~ot and or practical occultism.
The sign Taurus, the Bull. is attributed to
Vav and Key 5. Taurus is an earthy sign, yet
the symbol of' the bull is closely related to
that of the ex, represented by the le .tter
Aleph. Aleph. you have learned., is a sym1tol
for the Life-Breath, Spirit., superconsci rus-
ness. Yet here is a symbol vlhich is practi-
cally the, attributed to the element of'
earth., which stands :for the physioal plane.
What seems at first to be a ooni;radi.ction
is really a clear intimation that the spiri-
tual and tke material are essentially the
same. The Divine Force which is health to the
soul., medicine to the body., and the source of
all true weal th., is omnipresent The avera,e
person., if l\e recognizes this Divine Force at
a.11, thinks of it ~s being far awa.yJ and such
a person makes a sharp distinction between
Spirit and Matter.
The wise -rrno have achieved union viith the
One Self' poreeive that in reality there is no
such separation. For K..'llovte-rsof Reality the
substance of anything whatever is the actual
presence of the Cne Spirit.
Taurus is ruled by Vonus., and is the sign
wherein the Moon is exalted. Intuitions are
the progeI\V of the Empress {Venus) end this
Etnpress is the High ?riestess (Mo~) in her
_highest expression or active creation. Thus
we leern that _ supereonsciousness is to be
reached throUgh the rm.ctions of subeonseiewt-
In the older exoteric Tarot 6 Key 5- was
nruned .THE POPE. This refers to ~he attribu-
tion . of' the function of hear mg to this K4JY.
For tl:adition bas it that the first p<>pQl--was
the ~~tle Simon, nicknamed "Peter 11 the

"Ro8k. ff Simo.u (in Hebrew., Simeon} means

"hearing. n Read the passage in St _. Matthew
16: 13 to 19. which is the basis of' the papal
tradition. There you w.i.ll find a clear in-
timaJcion that Simons answer., for which Jesus ,
blessed ~. was the result or interior hear-
Hierophant, the esoteric title of' Key 5.,
means "reveal. er of mysteries ff or., "he who
shows that 'llhioh is sacred." In the ancient
Greek Mysteries., the hierophant 'Was the teach.,.
er who explained the memi.nbs of' the sacred
symbol.a. Thus the Inner Voice pictured by
Key 5 will reveal to you the deeper JI\YSteriea
o:t Tarot., and the inuer, sacred meanings of
its symbols. When this occurs. you have not .
only a true under standing of the meaning ot
life and its expression., but: y ou vdll also
enjoy a practical ,.orking knowledge which w.i.11
enable you to employ all your pOt':ers to the
best ad.vantage.
Finally., Key 5 i'ollows the Emperor., who
represents Reason., in order to show:{l) that
he who would be instructe d by the Inner Voice
must firsi; have trained his montal vision., so
as to see his situation. clearly., even though
that situation presents a problem; (2) that
though Intuition gees beyond Rea son, it is not
a substitute tor reasoning. Be sureyou get
this last point clear. Some lazy-minded per-
sons 1:ihillk. their "hunches" (echoes fr0m -t;he
personal level of subconsciousness) and the
messages tran fla1:itering "voices.," tree them
i'r an all need or reas Oiling, Their sad fail-
ures should teach them better.
Read this lesson carefully with your oo-
c ult diary at hand. Remember that Key s.
besides being a symbolic presentation of eso-
te:cic ,doctrin .e _, has power to arouse your abiJ.ity ,. b e cau s e the s:rmbo i.s act as
13 8

forceful suggestions to your aubconsciousness.

which is the channel of intuition. The 1'or-0e
of these suggestio~ will be intensified as
every detail of the symbolism is impressed on
subconsciousness while you carry out the f 01.:.
lowing directions for coloring the Key.

YELL0\1: Crown (not trefoils., crossbars or

circle at top)., yoke behind ears (ex-
cept fringe)., staff in lef't hand., or-
phreys (Y's) on priests' vestments.
GREEN: Garments of figures in foregr01md.,
(except collars., sleeve edges., flovrers
and orphreys).
VIOLET: Fringe of yoke.
GRAY: Background {light)., pillars., and
throne (darker shade for thrcne).
GOLD: Cr~ ornanents., key with handle
pointing to priest whose garment is e:m-
br oidered , roses (except; dots in
SILVER: Crescent at thr~t., key 1,dth han-
dle poi!in ; to priest whose garment is
embroidered with lilies (except dots in
BLUE: Undergarment sh0t'ling at bottom.
The scarf
should -e
WHITE: Under garment
or border of the outer robe
at throat, navel and
sleeves. Shoes., collar and sleeve edg-
ings of chasuble., dots :in key circles.
lilies in chasuble at right.
RED-ORANGE: Outer garment (not scarf or
border, dais. (Mix equal pe.rts of red .
and orange).
RID: Roses on chasuble at left.
i. H l ERoPHA NT '</

t T/\ROT I
FUND/\f\/1 I

.Yooo ,

t~-..J<Y.X,I .1
J/.(P.,I~ j
-Uelf ,


I) ~J
In the preceding less on you learned that in
some versions of Tarot, Key 5 is oalled THE
POPE!! i..?J.referenee to the attribution of hear-
ing to the letter Vav. In the Bible passage
to w:idch you were referred, note that the tra-
ditional first pope is called not only Simon
Pete:. (!'Hearing, the Rock"), but also Simon
Bar-jon.a.:- or Simon., son of Jonah: ("Hearing,
son of the Dove.") In this connection, remem-
ber that the dove pictured on the Empress'
shie l ci is not only a Christian symbol for the
Holy Spfrit, but also a bird sacred to Venus,
ruler of' the sign Taurus.
Iu Key 5~ the principle of antithesis which
rune th"t"oughout the Tarot is sh0t<1.t1. particu-
la r ly uy the contrast between the shaped s~one
whfon is a praninent detail or the design and
the rO'~:gh :rcok in the background of Key 4.
The Hi erophant sits betvireen two carved stone
p:U~ a::--G_, on a stone throne, in a stone temple.
T>e Emperor , in Key 4, sits out-of-doors,
because the activity he symbolizes is concern-
ed more partj_cular ly 1,7ith the ordering and
arrangement of external conditions. The Hier
aphant, like the High Priestese. sits within a
ltuilding because the mental activity he pic-
tures has to do~ ~lil:y~ with revelatiQn of
the i nner significance of the conditions which
the E~p $ror ru l e~o
Aotually ,i, th~ Hierophant and the EmperGr
are not t\v o 5 but one~ This is shown by the
old 'l:;it~ .e j) Thi P0pe.,, which means literally,
The Fa i:r,H.1.,., Jc n: :Tt~:.:3 to the . oondii:; of

early social erganiz:a.tion, in i.vhioh t'he head

or the f8Ill.ily was o the ohief authority in
religious matters. When the Magician has
brought i:ato existence a family O"\t"erwhioh no
rules as tather tW.d king, he as~a the I"$
sponsibility of transmitting his wisdcm ~() bias
children. Thus he the Revaalert or .
"Father," mere ever, is t. teohnioal torm,
used by Hebrew sages to designate the s&eone-
aspect or the Life-power, named WisdQn. This
is the 1U sd 4al1 menti ~ned in The Pattern '1ll th
Trestleboard, in the statement numb@red 2.
Your f:irst glance at Key 5 will shffr -bha'b- it
pictures the transmission of wisdom i'rcm 'bho
Parent Souroe.
The Emperor wears armer, but th Hier"phani-
wears the vestments of' the peaceful priestly
office. Thes are adaptations of feminine
garments, to indicate that Intuition is an
extension and a.velopment of Reason, e.ffected
when the special C'll'.lditions or a given exter-
nal situation are linked up with the inner,
suboonsoious memory fo universal frinoiplos.
That memory is first pictured in . Tar ot by the
scroll of the High Priestess. The insignia ~r
the Emperei: are those of earthly rulership;
those of th@ Hier ophant represent spiritual
The Hierophant 1s euter robe is rod-orange,
a color ~ssigned to Taurus. It is trimmea
with blue-green edging. Blue-green is the
color ecmplementary tG red-erange, and refers
to the sign Scorpio. Hi= undergarment is blu.:>
like the robe of the High Priestess., and ha1
the same meaning. Over it is a white robo
which symbGlizes enlightenment.
The outer garment is fastened at the throat
by a silver crescent. The region (\of the neok

and thrOl};t; is under the dominion of Taurus.

The shape and material of the crescent re-
fer to the :Moon, which is exalted in Taurus.
The crown is similar to the triple crown Qf
the Roman Papacy. It is egg-shaped, denoting
the idea that the One Force (that is, the Re-
. ality represented by the symbol of the Cosmic
Egg) best~ spiritual sovereignty on man,
whose life includes all - the potencies of the
Hanging from the -crovm, behind - the ears or
the Hier ophant, is an ornament in the r orm of
a yoke. This rei'ers to the primitive meaning
of the letter Vav. It falls behind the Hiero-
pha:nt's ears to call attention to those organs
of bearing. (Observe that only one ear of the
Hierophant is visible, just as only one eye of'
the ?.mperor is sh own. What the inner ear
hears is the revelation of a s:ingle truth that
has innumerable applications. What the Eye of.-
Reason sees is also a single Reality, having
innumerable aspects.)
The golden staff represents the dominion er
the Life-pO\'l'er through the planes of nature,
repreilented by the knob and three cross-bars.
These 1:ars are analogous in meaning to the
three crowns, and the lmeb at the top of the
staff' corresp ands to the oiroular ornament
w'hioh surmounts the crovm.
The lowest bar and the lowest crown repre-
sent the element earth and the physi~al plane,
symbolized by the Magician's coin Or pentacle.
The next bar and crown, counting upward., sym-
bloize the elemec.t air and the formative world
or astral plane" corresponding to the sword in
Key 1. The upper bar and crown stand for the
element water., tmd for the creative world or
mental plane .? repr'esented by the Magician's

cup. The Jmobs at the tops of staff and crown

stand for the element :fire, and the spiritual
plane or archetypal Y!orld., corresponding to
the 1rm.nd on the Magician's table.
The crossed keys at the Hierophant~ feet
represent the sun and moon, gold for the sun,
silver for the mo<!:I.. They suggest that an
understanding of the pov,er of light (gold) and
its reflection {silver) unlocks the mysteriea
t,f life. T e wards of the keys show a bell-
and-clapper ~esign, intended to indicate the
importance of sound vibration, and of the
function of hearing.
These are -the traditional keys to heaven
and hell. The gol den key is the key of heav-
en, viherein the sun is ruler. The silver key
is associated with hell because of the corr.,.
spondence bet v,een the moon and :f{ekate, whom
the Greeks worshipped as a deity of the under-
't'rorld. the silver key has _to de with the
pcn-rers of subconsciousness, and the golden key
represents the powers of superconsci ousness.
The throne, which is ornamented, and there-
fore a prcduct of human adaptation, is or
stone. Wherever one finds this material em-
phasized in the symbolism of the Western
Tradition it refers to the secret meaning Qf
the Hebrew word for "stone." This noun is
ABN, ehben. The -rJOrd itself is a symbol of
union, because its first t. vo letters spell .AB.,
Ab, meaning "father / 1 and the last spell
BN, Ben, _meaning "sen."
Thus ABN.,ehben, signifies esoterically the
union of the Father (God) and the Son (humani-
ty); and the same word is used by Hebrew sages
to designate many variations of this basic ~
cult meanmg. Place in a row the three Tarot
Keys corresponding to the letters Al ..B. and N

(Keys ' l and 13), and you will see sC1D.ething

whioh will give you a better understanding of
the inner s ignif'i.eance or the uord.
In harmony with what has just been said,
older versions or the Tarot oall Key 5 the
Pope., or Father. Yet they attribute this Key
to Vav., which letter iB., in Hebrew vdsdo.m;
a special symbol of the aspect of the Life-
power known as the Lesser Countenance or son.
As you read on page 2. the word Father
has special reference to the aspect o.:f? -the
Life-power named Wisdom., end the Paternal Wis _'.'"
aom is said to be the seat . of the universal
1.ife-force. In the same system of occult
philosophy., the name Son is applied to the
sixth aspect of Reality, correspeind:ing to the
sixth statement in The Pattern on the Trestle-
bOEU-d. This sixth aspect is understood ~o be
the particular lll8llifestaticn of the universal
Life-roroe as the h\1Jll8.nEgo. Thus !I Trhevever
stone is pro.minent in Tarot symbols, you may
knov, that it refers to sane phase of the union
of the Divine Lif'e-:rorce with the human Ego.
The pillars., like those or the High Priest-
ess. represent the Law of Polarity. On each
capital you will notice that part of the
design resembles the letter nu_none English
equivalent for Vav. The rest of the ornamen-
tation of the pillars represents the union of
masculine and feminine potencies, and thus
relates to the Law or Gender.
The priests who kneel before the Hierophant
wear .robes whereon are embroidered replicas of
the flO\"rers in the Magioian 1 s garden. Thus
the two ministers stand for desire and knovfl-
edge.- The orphreys or Y's on their garments
are variants of the yoke symbol. They are
yell OW~the -0-01or a$S oo ia.ted with Mercury and

the Magioian to she,., that both desire and

knovtledge ar~ 'Under the yoke ( direction) of
The background is gray. a color associated
,nth the same Pat~rnal Wisdcm. which the Hiero-
phant symbolizes. Gray ia a bala:noed mixture
of vthite and black, another suggestion of the
union C1f the lm01.m and the unknorm. or the
blending of' spirit and matter. Gray is also
the result of the mixture of any pair . of c cm-
plementary colors. Thus it is _a symbol 0 the
blending and balance of the influence of all
pairs of Gpposites.
or s hlilar import is the checkered bQrder
of the carpet covering the dais. These alter-
nate squares of white and black represent by
their form order and reason. and 1;yytheir
alternate colors the alternation or day and
nig}?.t. Thus they refer to the Lavi of Rhythm.,
and to periodicity.
Ten crosses of equal arms appear on this
Key: one on each hand of the Hier ophant., four
(enclosed in circles) on the carpet, and two
in the handles of the keys. They represent
the ten basio aspects of the Life-povrer., and
correspond to the ten ornaments on the Fool's
robe, and te the ten cypresses in the Empress
They also represent the mystical number;
4.,ooo. This is because each cross is a letter r
Tav., as written in ancient Hebreu. The value
of Tav being 400., ten Ta.vs represent 4.,000.
This . number 4000 is one of several numbers
used to re-present perfection. It is a symbol
for the ALL. -
Key 5 shews the One Life-power as being the
Teacher of' mankind. By its correspondences
and associations it instr~cts us that our per.-

s-u~ contact with the Inner Teaeher is by

means. of mental hearing.
The Inner Teacher is the "Guru" so often
mex.tioned in m-itings on Hindu occultism. In
those books we find many counsels which may be
summed up in the admonition: "Revere your Gu-
ru." Exoteric Hinduism corrupts this into the
most slavish obedience to a per-sonal teacher;
but the true meaning is different.
In order to re.oeive instruction :from the
Inner Teacher. we must first of all recognize
His :r,:resence in our lives. Having reoogniz.ed
Him., we must submit to His authority. This
1esson.t and the Key it explains. are intended
to belp you gain this recognition. They will
enable you to arrive at the degree of under-
standing and discrimination which ,n.11 permit
you to distinguish the Inner Voice of Intui-
tion from telepathic invasions from other ,., incarnate or discarnate, human.
or no.t.human.
In order to avail yourself of guidance and
instruction . frcm the One Teacher, study this .
lessen carefully. The steps to be taken are :

l. Acknowledgement of the actual presence

of the Teacher;

2. Daily acts of attentive listening , f'or

His instruction&

3. careful study of the content of all . mes-

sages received through interior hearing.
True Intuition unfolds princip1ese It
does not counsel vmat is merely expedi-
ent. It is alv~ys concise~ clear, ant
its meaning is unmistakeable. It neyer
flatters i more likely it will reprovee
It neve'."." mi ~lead~# and Cf'.n stand. thrJ

severest spiritual,. moral and intelleotua.l

tests. As Lao-tze says:: "Its counsel is al-
ways in season."

4. Obedience to the instruction. When you

distinguish a true intuition take steps
to carry it ont in action. You will
never be coerced,. yet you MUSTobey . be-
cause implicit obedience ,Jill be clearly
understood, . by you as being the only way
to solve . whatever problem you have to

~- - , ------- -,{...
f . ;



Contrary to our procedure in the previous

lessons of this course, vre shall consider the
meanings of the Hebre; ,r letter Zain before Yre
go into those of the m.u;iber 6. ne do this
because the :meanin e;s of the nunber 'J' O.:T cut
from~ and are dependent on, certn i,.'1. other
meaning& in the symbology of Key 6.
In Hebrew, the ?.aL~ means "Trea-
pon, n or "sword." Thus it suc 5ests active
instrunenta:lity., eraployed in overcc u in G in ~Tili-
cal forces or entities.
l\.,~O!lt; other t:,ings ., n s,,ord is o.n instru-
ment of cleavage, s omethi.u c; capable of n a l:ing
sharp divisions. rhis refers to o. huno.n ::ien-
tal faculty the Hindus call Buddhi. It is the
determinative or discrirninative--faculty, the
power to perceive differe ~ces . This p or,er is
gt the root of self-consciousn e s s , since it is
only by the self-conscious :raind that things
are perceived as many nppurently unrelated
parts, eather tho.n as a sinGle unity.
note carefully that the Ean y are only ap-
parently unrelated. Dude.hi isthe poner which
mo.kes th:ings und conditions see be real in
and by themselves. Yet these see~in c reali-
ties are - but reflecti: .ns of the GHE REfiLITY,
mirrored in the universal subconsciousness.
The occult teaching is that all such re-
_flections, i.e., everythm g Yhich changes and
1s L~perno.nent., are phases of illusion, and
therefore in t he absolute sense, unreal. Since
it is the at t en t i on of self-consciousness to
particular ide a s which acts upon subconscious- -
ness to br ine t he se i deas into active expres-

sion; this power of being able to perceive

differences. that ij,; to crea.te illusions, is
a fundn..~ento.l necessity, i~ order thnt individ-
ual self~consciousness rrAy be mani f ested.
To avoid confusion as to hcrr self-co r..scious
perception uakes self-consciousness possible,
renember tho.t manifestation is the vm.y the 01'TE
IDEliTITY appears to Itself, and that the in-
strument of its self- p erception is -r:hut is
active in man's mental life as self-conscious
.avlo.reness. As The Bvok of Tokens puts it,
"For the -sake of creation the One Life tho.t I
am seemeth to divide Itself, beconing Two."
The tyre units resultin c f'ro n this senblance
of division are tet'rQod resnectively, the su-
perior nature a.nd the inferi'or nature. ThouGh
distinguished as superior and inferior, the
one is really as important us the other. The
superior nature is nhn-t ne are considerine; in
this lesson as Buddhi, repres ented in Tarot by
the I.Iagiciun. The inferior nc.ture is the uni-
versal subconscious natrix, nhich re t1.cts to the
direction of the superior nature, c.nd is the
Turot High Priestess.
Discrhina.tion beccmes most vulua.ble to man
Y!hen he uses it to perceive the difference
betneen the real and t~ unreal. T,11ile he is
enslaved by a:ppec.rcmces, he r:1.ista k es the un-
reo.l for the reo.l. he be ,:;ins to Yl'D.ken
fr om his dreun of sense to the inner }::norrledc;e
of his true nature, he beGins to understand
Tur at pictures reuli ty in nh ich sub-
consciousness 1.mderstands. It tells the truth
about appearances. Intelligent study und con-
te n plation of . its synbols therefore consti-
tutes u phuse of ric;ht discriJnino.tion. This
is a practical method 1:rhereby you ma.y turn
from the unreal to the reo.l.

The nUl~ber 6 means reci~rocation, the act

of giving and receivitlg mutually. This is a
relationship between ciistL"lot o.nd see n ingly
sepo.rate entities, or a rel a tionship betmr~
parts of un or~nnisn or mec~n~ism. In this
lesson., reciprocution is the relationship be-
tween self-conscious and subconscious phases
of mental activity. Self-ccnsd_ousness gives
sugGes~ions to subconsci cusness. Th~ latter
receives the sugr,estions, works the::::i"'out., o.nd
gives _back the results to self-consciousness,
In com1ectic:: 1 uit h Key 6., reciprocation is al-
so the relationship bet . men superccnsciousnes~
and human pers cnality, -..:hen t he la;;' .:;er is cc:i.-
sidered to be o. conbinc..ti o.;:i of ;;he t'lrc poles
of personal nentn.lity., seli'-consciLmsness and
Ren1e:!nber that self-consciousness is not the
SELF. T}1e true Sl~LF~S ...identl.Cal -rritl:. su-
perconscicusness. ( Self-cons-:::- ~us:ness is tho.t
ph:;.se of the Life-pouer~s o.otivity Yrhich mani-
fests as a.,:mreness of the S~Li7 , but the SEi.F
nhich is the subject of oxtareness is It-
self superconscious J Subconsciousness is a.
term used to desi cnc..te the tctality of the
Life-pm-rer 's activity below the level of s-elf -
. Reciprocity bet , reen opposites, ,:rher. it is
h{l.rmcnious., expresses itself in the field of
the emotions a.s Love. 1,:n :i.nha.rmonicus rela-
tionship is a.k in to Ho.te., the inversion of
Love. Love and ho.te arehuman emotions, but
an eminent :Mast or of cccul t v:isdO.r.l once
thct they are spiritual emotions. He meant by
this that love and hate ere root-emotions, and
that all other e~otions and desires take en
the character of either cne or the other. The
Bible says God is Love, but it speaks also of
God's, a.nd n grent Ger:r.ia.n seer, Jacob
Boehme, s!:.ys the Y;ruth, or fire-:i'lpirit, is the
root of nature. '.i'hrou;h love we approach the
inner, superconscious life of God. Hate takes
us into the field of the Divine 1J ruth, imd ne
become j_de:>:i tified with the cycles of necessity
and which ch nracterize nature in its
appuren-:; cepur uticn fr o;::-,t:.1e Divine.
If both Love ~nd Hate be spiritunl, they
must be eternnl. 11!1.enc osnic rmmii'estn ti on
tnl:es plnce, the pro c ess of involution becones
oper~~ive. T~is pr ocess is the sepurntion of
' the Oi:JE THING into the uppeurunce ~o:e;
po.rts. This is ,rhn t J~c ob B oeh ..Be calls the
"fier y an Guish 11 of the turnin c nheel ;'Thereby
all thin c s cone into s eparu te no.nifestuticn.
ne, us hunrn. b e inG s, are on t!"1e of Return
,rhich is t he precess of evolution. \"Ie c,re
headed bnc l: to ,;;urd Unity.
To keen ccinG in the ri sh t direction, we
must e:r.1ploy the sy nthesizini;, attractive foroe
of Lov e , und our d esires and enotions nust be
rooted in that. Love is nl n ays u unitinr;
All this hus to do n it h discrimino.tion.,
because ne o ust employ this separative faculty
in order to deter nine t ho true color of our
emotional li f e.
The title of Key 6.,. '.i'lG LGi.Th~tS , brings 0ut
the ideu thnt pa.irs cf opp osites, !1ovr0ver
antagonistic t hey see n to be, are really
coraplenents. The Lovers ur e not simply the
man and rrcmnn in this Key. These symb.ols in
the picture stund for o.11 opposites, us nell
as for the special opposition of self-con-
sciousness and subconscicusn e ss. ( Thus the
nain lesson to be dravm from the title 5.s thnt
~ht -understanding of the universe.. shov,s it
tc be, in all its details, an expression of
LLSsvi-rFiiTEEi'l' 5

the power of love, prod.ucing harmonious bal-

ance in the operation Of the various puirB of
opposites i:;hich enter into the pattern of
The astrological attribution to Key 6 is
the z cdiacal sign Ge."'!lini, the '.[\;ins. Here is
another expression of the basic idea of dis-
cr:imL~ation and separation. The astrologicnl
syr.:.bol for Gemini is II. It brinGs out -the
fact that opposites are rea.11~,r different as-
pects of the One ThL-r1g, just us heat and Cold
are the twc extremes of s cnething; ne call
temperature, or past and future extrenes of
uhat ,;10 cull ,t:L":le, and. so on.
The planet liercury rules Genini. In Tur ot
this planet is symbolized by the Magician.
Self-consciousness is the phase of men~a.l ac-
tivity i-1hich controls the faculty of discri:n-
ination, anci utilizes it for the acquisition
of k.norrledi:;e ccncerninG the true mea.-iinr.; of
man' s envir OI'.llnent.
no planet is exulted in Genini. Ri cht dis-
cri1T1inuticn be.lances the 1.ctivit; > of c.11 man's
inner forces, i:rithout exulting o.ny one of them
above the ethers. Reme:rr:ber, the i::mer potters
of :mo.n are the real pl0 .:1.ets 11 of esoteric
astrology,. Because the universe is 01m, and
all things in it al'e related, there is u cor-
respcmdence bet'r ,een the stars outside man's
body nnd those interior cer..ters of force nhich
ar~ the occult pla;:iets. But the stars the
'.'rise man rules are the i!l.terior stars, not the
eelestial bodies in outer space.
Uercury, 11 or self-consciousness,
is the
maker of interpretations, and has rulership
over s~bconsciousness throU[.;h the luu Of sug-
gestion. Tm.en make unskilful use of this
porrer, we interpret experience incorrectly.
The result is confusio n in the mind, Trhich

confusion is r eflacted into our external lives

as misery of various kinds. As we bee cme bet-
ter trained, our interpretations become nore
accurate., and order takes the :_:iln.ce ol" cho.os
in cur mental lire o.nd outer cil'CU.."'llsto.nces.
Discr:i.i~inntion becins by accurate clnssifi-
co.tion of differences. Fr orn t h is knonledGe
it passes to a yet hisher percer:ition, nherei n ,
it finds that every pair oi' opposites is :-eal-
. ly a dual :?:1t:tnifestation of u sin c;le ncthrit'.f
Then it gees en to discover that these
reconciling unities aie themselves under the
lui.-r of polarity. In other ;.rords., when vre suc-
ceed in discoverin c the unity 1.1hich is a.
reconciler be Jcrreen t1;:o knovm opposites., ,re
have found also sCJnethi.'1.G i:ihich is either the
positive or the negative pole of imother puir
of opposites.
This, ho;;eve1~., does not e;o on indefinitely.
The process, of, riGht discrimination leads at
la$t to/ mental ,reco;:;nition cf a ffirITY ,;:hich
transcends all pairs of opposites., a UifI'i'Y Yte
cannot define or speak ab cut, a. llifIT Y for
Vii1ich SILE1ICE and DillU~-J:SSS ur e syr ib ols.
Tl1:as u1HTY is nc :mere intellectual a-Dstrac-
-tion. It may be directly lrnorm, i :::.u:i.edin.tely
perceived, even thoush neither Trords ncr i'or n s
c o.n be found uhereby to express it. Sueh
direct co~nition is the outccne of true dis-
crim ino.tion., the result of our leurnin G to
unify the pairs of opposites, and so rise
above their influence.
He nce the node of co fisciousness associated
.rith Zain in Hebrew Uisd<nn is "Disposing In-
telli e;ence. 11 To dispose is to arra.Il[;e, to
classify, to set in order. Prinnrily., hovr-
ever, it means "to pose qpart.," or to separ-
ate. Thus vre :mny expect the syi,'lbolism of Key
6., uhich ne shall analyze in the next lesson.,
to indicate an activity characterized by dual-
ity, contrast, and a tendency to divide thing#
2.nd conditj,ons into separate classes, shD.rply
distinGuished frOr.l one another.
The function assigned to the letter Zain
and t c l~ey 6 is that of tbe sense of smell
.An ancient occult treatise says: "Properties
are discerned by the nose." Sr.iell is a.1.-rays
associa t eu in lo.nguage ~nth discrirI'.ination.
Our English noun . "scent" is fr om o. French verb
mea..."1.:inG to discern by the senses." Odors are
kno nn to be m,,ong the most powerful, and' at
the same time :r.iost subtlo, means of stir:rulo.t-
in g the associc.tive :.'u.."1.ctions of the mind.
~ence t :-10 BG~ptian 6 od Thoth, corresponding to
Her mes and l,iercury, ,rm.s SCI!1eti.'-:les represented
as havin g a jnc:::al's head, because oftho.t
an~ nal's keen sense of smell.

YELLGTl: In ever y,. except the sun, the

yello w i n this cnrd is beside red, or
red and r,:r-een. The five fruits on the
tree behind tho .roman are yellov r, uith
red cheeks. The flnmes behind the nan
are yello w., with red at the base., a.fter
t he manner of the blue and yellow in o.
flame from an old-fashioned gns-jet.
The angel's hnir is yellow., red and
green. The an,::;el 1 s f lesh is yell0\'1 1 but
diluted somewhat., so as to give the
appearance of 1esh.
BLUE: Background., but not above ane;el 's
GREEM: Fore ground and folin[;;e 1 serpent on
tree., angel's hair ('rriti ; yellow and red)
VI GLET2 Angel's ~arment; mountain (dilute).
GOLD, Sun and background a.bove an.Gel (if

not- gold., use yellow).

-;JiITE: Clpuds.
BLOi'IDE: Woman's
BRGT:N: Tree behind TTcmo.n.
RED: .,:i.ngel1 s ,Tings. Se also note u..11.der
YELLv ::.

Keep close -rmtch this ,;reek upcn your de-

s ires and impulses. Check u~ on your tendency
to ob-ey kpulses i:rithout first submitting them
to the light of reason. t;:uke an effort to
discri!:1ino.te between helpful actions and mi-
import.ant ones, between those -,;ihich are purely
selfish, c.nd- those which reflect the influence
of the unif:rin g force of love.
Be careful t q discriminate intellizently.
There is o.ltogethe:. too much Of the idea thnt
i n order for an impulse to be ~ocd it :r:mst be
,molly unconcerned ,:Jith persono.1 ho.ppiness or
plea.sure. No bigger mistake can be, for
love expresses itself in !lappiness., joy o.nd
Poor discrimination no.y make s one persons
believe that happiness und Y:-ell-being
ccncerned with selfishness; but uny one ,;rho
ha.s developed c. sense of "other-consciousness"
or arm.reness of the relation bet,;reen his crm
mental and physical s to.tes and thOse of other
people> suffers fr~~ no such delusion.
Keep up this practice fror.i. now on. Un-
selfishness und conside _ration for others are
mnrks of the true mnster of occultisn.

t .
~ I
,/ '----- - ---------------- -~



The sun in Key 6 is golden. Thus it is a

symbol cf that which is the coal of o.11 prac-
tical occult Trork, no.nely.,. enlii;htemnent or
illumination . It represents also the One
Force i.,hich is differentio.ted into the various
pah's of opposites.
The angel is Raphael, archan~el of air, and
a!lGel of the plnnet hlercury, Tihich rules Gen-
ini. By its form, his hair suggests flames.
The yellovr represents the influence of' Her-
cqry. The red stands for liars, nnd for action
and passion. The green is the color of Venus,
and synbolizes the pov1-er of :bnngination. Thus
are blended in the aneels hair the -colors of
the planets ,;rhich rule Aries, Tnurus and Gem-
ini. The SUGGestion is that in discrimination
ne :make use of reason (red, Aries, Thlperor),
and imac;inntion and intuition (geen, Venus,
E)npress and Hieropho.nt).,. in order to rnake cor-
rect classifica.ticns (yellon., Gemini., Lovers).
The angel 1 s skin is yellow in reference to
the e le:rae:at of air, or the Life-Breath. This.,
because Gemini is an airy sign.,. and also
because yellow is associated i,rith llercury. "
Ris 1.'rini;s are red, to shor1 that right dis-
crimination incl 1udes right desire., and i'inds
expression in right action.
His robe is violet, the blending of the red
of ac,aon nith the blue of mental substance.
Violet is also the color of royalty and domin-
ion., shovring that right discrimination leads
to control of conditions. See also ,.-rhat is
said of' this color in Less on 12,.
O'.r FUNDALllif

The angel is superconsciousness. He there-

fore rests on o. cloud, to indicate that the
poners o.nd activities of superconsciousness partly hidden from s., because ne have not
yet developed, as ,:re shall in due seuso-.a.., the
organic centers in our bro.ins, through which
superconsciousness is realized.
The angel 1 s :nnne, Raphael., means "God is
the healer." This uc;rees ,:i th the Egyptian
doctrine tho.t Thoth (1Iercury) is the god of
::iedicine. It refers also to the idea t!J.o.t
right discrininution lends to the recognition
of t!w Unity nhich is the ALL. The true heal-
ing is the o.ttn.L'l'L':lent of inner and outer
The mounta b in the background is n symbol
of o.ttninnent n.nd realization. It is the
height Y,hereon stands the Fool, ond thE1 liernit
in Key 9 stands there o.lso. In Key 6 the
mountain is in the b;round, to indicate the
truth that vre able to discriminAte cor-
rectly because there is that :in us ,;,hich ho.s
already reached the loftiest pinnacles of
The mun corresponds to the Uo.gicinn, the
Enperor, and the ni:n.ister in Key 5 ,-,hose chas-
uble is ornamented vrith lilies. lie is also
Adam, in the Bible ulleG0rY of Genesis. In
Ta.rot he is self-consciousness.
Behind him is o. tree, uh ose leaves or .fruit
are flu mes, and ench is triple. 'l'hey repre-
sent the t,Telve signs of the x-odiac, uhich are
s ubdivided into three decanated (divisions of
ten degrees) for each sicn. Hence they repre-
sent the twelve ba.s ic types, and the thirty
sub-types, of human personality.
The noma.n corresponds to the High Priestess
and the Empress, and to the minister vrearins

roses in Key 5. She is al so Eve, the mother

of a.11. Thus she stands for subconsciousness.
The tree behind her is the tree of the
knO\'tledge of good a.nd evil, i!l contrast to the
tree of life behind the man. It bears five
fruits vhich represent the five senses, and
also the five subtle principles of sensation
lmown to occultists as the five elements:
ether, fire, m.\ter, air a.nd enrth.
The serpent coiled round the tree is the
serpent-po. ;rer, Kundalini, of the :ros is. It is
also the serpent o f ter. 1pta.tion, N'nchnsh,
NChSh, YJh. os e nm:1e ho.s the sa n e nuneral v alue,
358, as the nan.e !.iShICh, l.Iessiuh, the Anoint-
ed, which is trunsluted Christos in Greok, and
Christ in English.
rlha.t is meant is that the serpent-poner of'
vibration is the force uhic h a t first leads \.lS
into temptation throu gh delusion; and then de-
livers us from evil, 1" :hen vre kno-r; hem to apply
it to overcqne our errors.
1e ma.n locks at the ,tomon, but the woman
loo ks upwnrd toward the ~n cel. 1Thatever self-
ecnsciousness observes directly is the nct~-vi-
'r.y of subconsciousness. Yet -subconsc iousneSSJ
"broue;ht under the influence of ri i:;ht discrin-
ination* mny be to reflect the o.ctivity
$f superconsc iousness.
This is brought about by the right exercise
?:>f self-conscious porrers. All our miseries and
limitations result from subconscious deelop-
nen t s of err or.e ous interpretations of our
(T.)Cperience. Self - consciousness makes these
~rroneous interpret1;1.tions . Self-consciousness
nust correct them. For subconsciousness has
no power of independent inductive reasoning .
and its production o f mental imagery is
l.eter 1tlined by the pre misses, or mental seeds,
pl~n ted by self- conscious thinking.

The first step in tukinG o.dvuntn~e of this

lau is to learn it, o.s you just done.
Then it follm.s tha-'; if you plant correet pre-
misses., subconsciousness will out the
correspondini:; consequences. Since subcon-
sc i cusness is the b ody-bt1ilder., mid ruler of
the complex chemico.l,electrical and other
phenO:::J.eno. of the or Go.nisn., if you interpret
your place in the uni verse correctly., nn
inevitable consequence vlill be tha.t throuc:;h the ,
v,ror]mork of subconsciousness your OrGo.nism
will be so adjusted tho.t it vlill express this
true interpretation udequntely.
In Key 6, the :::nano.nd shown nude,
because i n riGht discri..'nino.tion self-con-
sciousness conceals !lCthinr; of its orm no.ture
from itself', and the true vrorkin c of sub-
consciousness is ulso perceived by it. Mo
disguise is o.ssuned by either me~ber of the
mental pnir. They hnve nothing to be o.shQT!'led
of., nothinc; to :1ide. TJ-:.eir rela.tior.. is tha.t
of lovers., not thnt of opponents, o.nd thus we
knovr tho.t this Key is n symbol of nentul
heal th, a.nd of the rit.;ht adjustment of the
relo.tionship bet1-men the t 1:rn fm1d.anental nodas
of hurao.n consciousness. There is no conf'usion
here. The tv:o stand a.po.rt, in the right
place.. The prnctico.l upplico.ticn is this:

Because subconsciousness is n.menable to

sug Eestion~ you can re~ind it that it is the
Uniting Intelligence, reflecti.."YJ.g into your
field of personality t}le absolute 1::novrledge of
the superconscious plune, und comraunicuting te
you the inexhaustible power of that hit:;her
level of bein~. In nuking this sueeestion you
are sunply recognizing the truth that the
highest function of subconsciousness is to ~ct

as such an agency of reflection. The sugGes-

tion releases subconsciousness fron bondage to
your former :misunderstandings, and should be
fornulated some,mat as follo.ra:

Speak directly to subo onsciousness, as if

to another person, a;nd says

TO 11.CCCLPLISh.iJ.,L Tliil.T

This is a ma~ionl formula. Use it us civen

here. Elaborate it so as to fit your special
aims. It vlill ,rork narvels of tro.nsr.1uto.tion
in your life.
Read the lesson once dail!r took c.t Key 6
five minutes every day, before reading the
At least once a day, pause lon~ enough to
call up mental images of the Keys you have now
s-t.udied., from Key O to Key 6. Retnenber that
they are portraits of certain aspects of your
real selfhood. As you complete this brief
niantal revietr, try to realize that ,1ha.t the
Keys picture is a.otually operative., from mo-
ment to moment., throughout your life.
Hence it is always true that ,ihnt you are
just about to do.,. vrhether it be vTOrk or play,

is un expression of poners pictured by these

K~ys . If you think of this, you vrill transfer
Ta.rot from the printed desi gns into your
brain, o.nd they vrill beco.rae inco.rnata centers
of po,;rer vrithin you.
, I
~--,.- 1 ------------- /.



UJQ - 1!,.t+1..H>Wi - c;y.J..OM

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P ,ll ~I\\

L- -,-, 'M-A1,~ udj')J~ l

.,I Sl\/1N3V'JYCJNC)j

, -~



RevioY1 the meanin 6 s of 7., in Less en 2,

before reudinG this less on. In Hebrew, uhich
has greatly influenced the philosophy of the
To.rot, the idea 11seven 11 is expressed by n !lOun
spelt 1:rith the sane letters as u verb ;:ieanin c
to be full, filled, satisfied. n ~\nother nou.'11.
denotinG 11abundu!lce, plenty, 11 is s p elt the
s~ne i,,ro.y. So is un adjective trunsluted "sa-
tiated, full., satisfied . " Fh1ally, these sru::i. e
letters for! :1 a verb r.ietmin c "to s1,eur, to vcr,,
t-0 confirm by o~th, to express s ole!:'ll1 i nten-
tion." ,
AmonG the nea:nin r:;s of 7 you find n astery,
conquest, peace, sgfety., security ., All these
are related to the root-neaninG of the Yerb
which signifies "to be filled, satisfied. 11
.associate peace ll:t?,d safety with ubu.Y!dance and
plenty. Conquest, another Deunin c of 7, is
the result of carryint: definite purpose into
action. Peace fol-lovrs conq_uest, and conquest
itself leads to the establishment of equilib-
rhim. ~between eontendin c forces. As an ancient
occult ritual says : 11T\vo c ontendin c forces,
and one reconciler between then." Hence ne
may expect to find that the Tarot Key nunbered
7 syr:ibolizes a poner vrhich ca."'1.establish har-
mony, can bring order out of chaos. It is a
porrer of adaptation and adjust ment.
This poner is WILL; but the occult concept
of Hill is different from ordinary notions,
because occultists reGard Hill as bein e; in no
sense a personal facult-.,. Will is not sone-
t,hin g stron g- minded peo v le possess, while the
-1;;:i.mid a.ri:> c.e~roi d of it ,, ( Will is the living,

motivatin g povrer behind the entire universe. )

Every person and thing in creation has an
equ a l share in it. Remember the words of the
Pattern: "All the povrer that ever v,as or 1'1ill
be is fil'RE,
The difference between pers O!J.s is not in
the de[;ree of Hill-povrer, as a possession. We
all have access to an unlir.ited supply. That
.v1herein we differ is in the de gree of our .
ability to express this porrer throu gh Qur
( 1Till-p01.ver is a coSI!!ic energy, not a par-
s anal fOrce. ') So !GD. [; 0.s Ben suffer from the
delusion that they possess wills of their 6llrm.~
they remain in bonda ge. To think of Hill-
povrer as one's personal property, as a per-
sonal attribute, i:, absurd. Cne n ic;ht as \'Tell
claim to O':'l!l the a :ir one breathes.
In all the universe there is on~ ONE Vlill-
power. It is the porrer eJ-::press ed through all
the var i ous la:rrs of life. 'l'hr cu 6h want cf
ri [;ht disori n inatio n a man may sup pose hinself
to have somethin g he calls "n ill. 11 Ee n ay g o
so far in his delusion as to su pp ose he can
pit that;inary "i:rill" of his a Gainst the
laus, of life. He who can discr ir:iinate is 12ot
so deluded .
Hence, ir ~ Tarot, the Key picturb. c; the true
\"fill-porrer, and :man's relation to it, follO\'rs
the Key v1hich represents discri mination. If
one sees wh~t Key 6 sho ws, t hat the pc,,;rer-
source behind and above self-consciousness .and
aubconsciousness (the ti:ro a spects of personal
life) is a superconsci ous reality, superior to
every personal limitation, then it is a lo c i-
cal conseql>lence to see that Uill-poi:rer must b
So much for reasoning. If rre turn to the
r~ort of those men whom history designates as

masters of life, what do they say? Invariably

they _i.-:rhose achievements express the s upor-
lative degree of mastery are persons who most
mphatical ly deny that they have any will of
t heir own. Moses was one such. So i'JaS Bud-
dha. So was Jesus , ,,mo said, nr have no11 vrill
save to do the will of hira that smt me. 11.!ld
the cotmsel of these masters Of life to those
vrho seek to follow in their footsteps is ever
the sa.rne: "Above i;ul else, rid yourself Of the
delusion . of self-vrill. Learn to be receptive
to the inx1er Guidance of t re only Will-po w-er
there is. Obey the true ran vrh.ich is above
you and behind you. Re::nember ah.rays that the
true Will is never your mm. n
The meaning ~ the letter Cheth, printed on
Key 7, is field or fence. Both meanin gs i."!lply
inolosure. "Primarily, the field intended is
the universe, including all manifested objects
and energies. In man, the field is the p er-
sonality, and the master or cultivator of t h is
field Of personality is the true I .All, or
Inner Self.
The idea of a field brin gs out the fact
that personality rray be cultivated. That is,
the potencies of Will-povrer may be brou r;ht
into active manifestation through the func-
tions of a personal vehicle which has been
properly prepared.
1Till-po: ;1er may be li k ened to the seed from
which a.11 possibilities are developed. It :is
also the fruition of those possibilities., nhen
they have bear. brought frm latency into
active monifestation. Give this idea earnest
and attentive consideration. It ,;rill shed a
flood of li ght on the true function and pur-
powe of personality. You will bogin to under-
stand:" the true value of' personality as an

instrument ,'rhereby you may make proi;ress. But

personality mut be regarded always as an
instrument It must never be mis taken for the
,rorlanan nho employs it. It is always the
field, never the cultivator. You are not your
body. You are not your emotions. You a.r
not ys.'i>ur mind. If you were, you oould not
apply the possessive case to th~..n. You do not
possess what you are.
Hence the letter Chet h is said to st:;i..nd for
a mode of consciousnass named "The Intelli-
gence of the House of Influence. The noun
translated "influence" means also ",rnal th,
abundance. 11 The purport of this is that the
master-consciousn e ss, the mental state which
permi-ts the Greatest possible expression of
Vi"iil-po,,ver, and the hi e;hest de ::;ree of control
of circumstance, is one ,vh ich gras ps t h e truth
that huma.'11.personality is t he a.bode or du elb :.: ,..
iJJ.g of a p orrer :rhich fl errs--into the c onscious
and subconscious levels of pers onali ty frcm
a plane above t h ose levels. This desc,iending
inf'luence is the only true Uill-po, ,rer. It is
free fro.t ,1 every restriction 1:rha.tevar ~ the only
free Ylill there is.
--X field is a definite ., linited ~-rea. .A
word is a definite idea, linked to a fo:rn thfr?i
t'lakes it intelli gible. A word end0\7S a.11 idea
with some specific, concrete mean.m g . There
~re mere noises, havin g no true meaninr,; and
not a fe,; r of our troubles ma-
.,v be traced to our
,rant of ability to distin guish these meanin g-
less noises fr om genuine nords. All true and
definite words are words of power. It is to
such that the wise referred u hen they assigned
the function of speech to the letter Cheth.
And by speech they meant not only vrhat is
uttered audibly, but had in mind also th~
s i lent language of - thou gh..t.. -

vur habits of speech reveal the der;ree of

Yfill development. Tiords Yre use continually.,
every day, a..TJ.dthe nean:ings we attach to
them., are the patterns of our lif 'e-expres-
sion. This does not mean that persons vrho use
big . words., or unusual ones., ex press lire more
completely than those vm.cse speech is simple
and ho.mely. Quite the contrary. But accuracy
in the use of worcf.s., in selecti~ them,
so that they express true ::-r1eanings., choice of
positive., strong., courageous words--these
among the most :i."llportant requirements for
unfoldment of Y;ill-poffer. Such vrords result
in correspondingly positive mental., emotional
and physical states. Their opposites result
i n confused thinking., chaotic feel h 1Gs .,- physi-
cal disease, l;Uld disorderly environment.
Certai::1. special words have specif'ic vibra-
tory po,rer n hen s p oken or sun g .. Among such
are the mystic syllable Om, various divi..."1.e and
ange 1 ic names , in many tongues ., t o 6 et h er n it h
certain artificial sound co mbinations. The
use of such special 1:rords is a difficult art.
Hindus call it Hantra Yor;a.
One should not experiment , rl.t h such -:. -rord
forms unless one lmO'NS just vrhat he is doin g .
The early stages of t l'l3 vr or k demand the su-
pervision of a competent personal teacher. Of
the power of sound, Madame BlavatsktJ says in
The Seeret Doctrine that it is 11a. tremendous_
force, or vihich the electricity t;enerated by a
million Niagaras could never comiteract the
smallest potentialit-y., -,rhen directed by occult
!morrledge. n 1'Tot exactly a playthi..>l g for the
idly curious, ,,ho merely "vmnt to see ,-rhat
will ha.ppen '.J1
Cancer, the Crab, is the zodiacal sign
attributed to the l etter Cheth and Key 7. The
LESSG] S :CV3i.:T3EN 6

crab is a shelled animal, hence related to the

meaning of Cheth, as fence, and the mean ins of
7, as den.otinr; safety and security. Astroloe_:y
says Cancer rules the chest, t h e fence of
bones which protects the most :i.J ;iportant vital
org~s, and this alsc agrees th (l basic s cf ti :1e letter.
Cancer is ruled by the Moen, a.nd the pl a net
Jupiter is exalted therein. Our habitual sub-
oonsc icus mental states (the i\iocn, Key 2) have
rulership over our expressio n or Yi"ill-po,rer. -
The fact that the po rter of Trill alaays ex-
presses itself in some kind of cyclic activity
has to de nith the conaeat.i on beirc8en J J:t_:1pit:ar
and ii;:ey 7, as you 1rill un u.erstand better after
you have studied I:e;;r 10.
The title, THE C:El).R IC!T, sums up all ':re have
been considerinz;. A chariot is a movable
fence, a protection for its rider. The key ..
n ord to w..clerstandini; of this title is 11vehi ..
cle. 11 Buddha used to li k en personalit y to a
chariot. Sc dj_d Pytha Goras. In tho l3h a 6 avad-
Gita YFe read: "The Self is t be in the
'"cii'ariot of the body, of .-rhich th e senses are
the horses, and the mind the reins. 11
This is ,,hat is meant by "Intelli c;ence of
the Eouse of In f luence." Right discrfr,inatio:n
shor rs that personality has n o pc rrer of its
orm. Personality is a ve h icle of por rer, an
instrument through which pcr,;er is made mani-
fest. The place of personalit--y in the cosmic
order is that of an internedia te a Gency,
thro ,ugh v1hich the one Tfill-poi.-rer, Hself the
enerr;y of superconsciousness, is brou c},t to
bear upon the states and r,onditions -rn1.:.o> con-
stitute man's environment. Tei see . this ." and
to shape thour;ht, m,rd and act.ion to agree
u ith suc h right discriminaticr.a as to the true

significance of perscnality, is to adopt the

method vrhich v'Till insure the hi g hest possible
development of f[ill-pov!er.
'i'his Ymek, as you look e.t Key 7 and color
it, brin g and to nind the thou r;ht
that your personality is an instrument or ve-
hicle 1"'or the expressio n of th e sar ,1e limitless
Yall-poi.'ler vrhich manifests itself throu ghout
the u.-riiverse as the power 1-rhic h marks out
specific fields of concrete expr e ssion for the
One Life. Re:::n.e:r.i.berth o.t 7 is the n Uw.ber
related. to the idea expressed by the verb 11t.o
vmY. 11 Dedicate yourself to an ever-incre asi ng
measure or receptivit y to the in f luence f low-
in g into Jrour field of pers onal &.nnsciousness
from the superconscious plane above. l<'rame
this vo w of dedication in a sen t ence ,h.:i.oh
expresses the idea bri efly a..Yl cl clearly.
that y ou r.i.ay na ke t h en ~1armo11.ize Yrit h ycur V(AV
~f dedication.

CCLGR Ilrn '.1.?..


Y.GLL0Tf: J3a:c1q:;r ound, chariot n heels.

GREEi{: Trees and ~rass, Ynea t h under the
rider I s er OVin.
BLUE: Stream, and faces in crescents on
shoulders. Deeper shade on canopy. The
panel beMnd carioteer and nings in
front of chariot (not the disk betrreen
them) sh ould also be of t h is darker
GRAY: Cha r :i.ot a..'1d.chariot pillars, nall be-
fore city, on both sides of the chariot.
GG;LD: Cro \'m, belt (not figures), collar
ed ~in c , ornament in square on breast-
plate, disk bet vreen ,-n.ngs, scepter in
TAROT FUl\lD.!'u..E1

right hand (except the crescent at top

of scepter).
SIL VER: C-rescents on s h oulders, and cres-
cent orr scepter; stars on canopy and
back pa.."'1.el.
YiHI TE: Cuf fs., castles in city (not roof-
tops), s hield on chariot, ,1hite sphiru:,
stri p es 0! 1 h eaddresses of bot h sphinxes.
Desi 6n en skirt of 1ider is also ,:rh ite.,
but difficult to paint. It is advisable to
lea v e it as it is
L: ;,.r mor on arms of rider,.
BRJ~ S: Breastplate ( this is &. greenish yel-
l ow, to simulate brass).
BLGl.fDK'l : :Ia ir.
RED: R oof-tops, symbol on shield in front
of chariot.
' "<I
I i
I (

. ;
o 7 TH
~ /31[>0
C.ttA RI T -
j I

li ~UBE of . sr11-ce I
' 4="4.+h,e.-/ i
3; \I o c. ~ f>'t\_al'l.f I
Stt-ntnes; s - ~ '1 C..c\Y' 4!:> Ii

.. '

./ !
_;,, - -- --

. ------- J ~.i
1'A.ll0T FUND.lill ENTALS

1..-::ssON EIGH'l'EEN


The title of this Key is directly related

to the number 7, because the Pythagoreans -,
whose doctrine was knovm to the inventors of
Tarot, called 7 the ve!1iculum of man's life.
The Sy:!abolis m of Key 7 is evidently an adapta-
tion from the ~Jt ha g orean description of the
Spirit as the ri der i n the chariot of person-
ality.. Plato gives t his as a Pytha g orean syrn-
bol; but Pythagoras proba1:1ly learned it during
his sojourn in I n dia, for the lCathopanish~d
"The Self is the rider i !l tl1e chariot of
the bod ;,{, guided b y t h~ i ntellect as chariot-
eer, drawn b y t h e senses a s p ov-rerful horses,
controlled by ,ra.y of t !1. e mind serving for t h e
reins. Thus ru.'11.sthe ve h icle over the course
of experience. The Sel f t hus conditioned by
the se:is es and the mind is called the Enj oyer
bv those nho lmow. rie vrho is forsaken by the
charioteer ( intelli gent discri mination) and
hus no idea of guid i ng the reins--his mind--in
the proper man.", has no control ever the
senses, and is like a driver of restive hors-
es. He n hc has the i n tellect for his driver
and the mind for proper reins, is able to
reach the ot~1er end of the course., the highest
essence of the All- pervading. TPi.ATever con-
cealed in all, is never manifest, but is
gr a sped by the sharp intellect of t h ose who
are trained to minute observation."
This quotation emphasizes the importanc e of
vrhat Tarot represent5 by the M:> .gician. '.['hat
Key is a s sociated , rith Beth, the House. Hence
a city i 8 shor-m in the backgrotmd of Key 7., to

intima.te tha.t the discriminative pO\'ter of'

self-consciousness is behind all that is shown
in the foreground.
The buildings "behind the wall of the city
have towers surmounted by triangles or pyra-
mids. These are red., and the to1rrers them-
selves are masculine, phallic symbols. The
true development of ':fill- ovrer s~:mbolized by
l~~ " behind it he constructive
of self-co sness ur exercise o~f........,.,_
n gs abcut a lifting-up or sublima-
tion of the reproductive forces of the physi-
cal body. 'l'his is accomplished by a release of
the subconscious force analytical psychology
calls libido.
The Yrall is a stone fence. In front of it
is a rrind-b r eak of trees like those growing: in
the E:!lpress' garden--a livi:ag ;;.,all. Then
comes the river, a wall of water. In the
foregrou. ,. d is the chariot, a portable fence,
carryin g a rider ;;rearing armor., another kind
of fence. Thus the Key contains repeated
references to the lett~r Cheth.
The body of the chariot is a cube, like
that ;;rhereon sits the High Priestess. Review
what is said of the cubic stone in Lessons 8
and 12. See also the expla.natior~ of the noun
ABN., ehben., 11stone, 11 in Lesson 14.
To this add the fact that Qabalists associ-
ate the noun Ab, Father., formed fr om the first
two letters ofABiif, vrith the aspect of Reality
they name '.'fisdom, to rrhich they attribute:
1) the forces of the zodiac; 2) the life-force
expressed in the perfect order manifested by
astronomical phenomena. From the same source
comes our life-force, uhich, as modern science
demonstrates, is derived from the rad:iant
energy of the heavenly bodies.

The cycles of transformation of this radi-

ant energy ,;rithin our bodies, and in the vrorld
of physical thin 6s which constitutes OUr en-
vir onm.ent, <Ycl.USe all phenQIIJ.enn within range of
our experience. These cycles are represented
by the :rheels of the chariot, \'thich refer to
the symbolism of Key 10., associated with the
planet Jupiter., exalted in Cancer.
The directic -n East-Below., corresponding to
the loi.ter horizontal line at the rear of a
cube- facing an observer seated in the 1.'Iest, is
assigned to Cheth. 1'his is a combination of
the directions Below (assigned to Gimel and
the High Priestess) and East (assi Gned to Dal ~
eth and the Empress).
This line of East-Belo,.v joins the 101:rer and
eastern faces of' the Cube of Space mentioned
in The Book of Ji'orma ti on. It c on..'1:e c-ts the
lor,er end of the north-east line (as-
signed to t he Emperor) and the ver-
tical line (assigned to the Ilierophant).
It is opposite, and there f or e complemen-
tary, to the horizontal line., East- Above, at
the top of the oube. East-Above is the line
a.t che junction of the upper face (assigned
to the }'Iagician) and the ea.stern face (assign-
ed to the Empress). This line of East-Above is
the one assigned to the Lovers. Note that it
connects the upper ends of the lines of the
Emperor( Horth-East) and the Hierophant (South-
East ) , just as the line East-Bel01, r., assi gned
to the Chariot., connects the lo wer ends of' the
same t , ro vertical lines.
TJhat. is intimated l1are is that the mmtal
activitie~ represented by Key 6 link together
reason and . intuition (Emperor and Hierophs.nt)
at the l evel of self-conscious mental activity
repres 6nted by the Magician. On the other

hand, the functions represented by Key 1 unite

the powers cf the Emperor e.nd the Hierophant
at the level of subconscious activit-~ repre-
sented by the High Priestess.
Key 7 refers primarily to cperations of the
Life-povmr occurring at subconscious levels.
They are co!'(lbinations of creo.tive imag:ine..tion
(East: Er.'1press) a. n d 1,1emory (Below: High
Priestess). Tnese activities link together
the subconscious consequences of reason
(North-East: Emperor) and intuition (South-
East: u iero phant). '.i.'hese opera-'cions are those
related to the sign Cancer, which coverns
nutrition and digestion, Subconsciousness is
the ruling power in those ftm.ctions (Moon, the
High Priestess., governin G Cancer).; and the
hi ghest functions of -..rha.t is astrologi-
cally as ''Jupiter," workin g through the solar
plexus, or abdominal brain, are brough~ also
into play.
This is important as sh owing that Key 7 has
tc do wit h the vehicle of personality., built
by subconsciousness. Same have suggested that
Key 7 ou,~ht to be n amed the Charioteer. rfe do
not a .gree -rrit h t his opinion. '.i'he er.phasis in .__
this Key is on the v eh i<,le, considered as the
portable "House of .L:n.fluenee. 11 Hence the body
of the ch ariot is a. cube" to indicate that the
personal vehicle is actually no more the.n a
particular shapin g of the same materials vrhich
constitute its enviromnent.
These materials flo w into the enclosure -
provided by the per::rnna.l vehicle, as the river
in the background of the picture flows into
the scene. Like the same river, flowing out
of the picture, the various cosmic forces flc. v
out of the personal vehicle., after talcing form
in the various personal activities. None .r

them originates in the vehicle. l'Ione remains

within it.
li'our pillars rising from the body of the
chariot support a. cancpy. The number 4 is the
number of order and measurew.ent. It refers
also to the fcur elements: fire, water, air,
earth : Each pillar is divided into t\vo equal
parts, reminding us of the Hermetic axio:m:
nThat which is above is o.s that 1;1hich is
The point of division at the center of
pillar is surrounded by a ring. This is a
symbol of Spirit, for the rings are circles,
or zero-signs. The idea symbolized is that
each of the four elements is encircled by the
One Spirit.
The - starry canopy represan.ts the celestial
forces whose descent into the physical p iane
through the activity of the four elements i:s
the cause of all external manifestation.. ?his
canopy represents the forces which surround
the- earth, and seem to be above us in the sky.
It represents also the subtle metap :1:ysic a l
.forces \'.lhich are above the level of pers onali-
ty. It is therefore a s;yabol of nhat Eliphas
Levi ,:,a.lled 11Astral Light. 11 ( See SEVEll S TEPS~
Lesson 1.)
A shield on the face of the ce.r has the
same significance e.s the letter-name, the wall
an9- vriud-break of trees, the river, and the
chariot itself 6 The symbol on the shield is
one form of the Hindu linge.m-yoni, typifying
the ,mien of positive and negative forces.
Above the shield is a variation of the
vringed globe of Egypt. It is yellow, to rep-
rr,sent the pevmr of the solar rays, and the
wi ngs blue to symbolize the moisture of
th 0 atmosphere which brin ~s these rays to

The crovm of the charioteer is orn8.I!lented

with three golden pentagrams (See Lesson 13).
Three are shown., because the mental do.minion
we exert tht-ougn right use of the power of
speech does really extend over three planes
or worlds.
The rider '-s fair hair is bound by a green
wreath., like that on the head of the Fool, s.nd
having the same meaning. He is clad in armor.,
like the Er.iperor. The crescents on his s hou l-
ders refer to the Moon's rulers h ip in Cancer.
They also symbolize the t1To aspects of the
Life-power which Hebre ,r Uisdon1 calls Eer cy and
Severity. Hence ttere is a smilL~~ face in
the half-moon on the side of Mercy., and in the
crescent on the side of Severity is a. frovming
The charioteer's cuirass., or breastplate.,
is greenish-yellC\ r to simulate brass., the
metal of Ver~us. It si gn ifies the protection
afforded by ri gh t use of the pm::er of the
Empress., vm.o carries., you ,till remember., a
shield as s;ymbcl of her protective function.
The squa.:re on the represents order and
pl..i.rity., while the three T's of v1hich it is
made up refer to the limitin r; p orrer of Saturn$
which planet is attributed t o the lett er T, or
Tav. The skirt belovr the ar ::ior is divided
into eigl1.t pe.r ts, and the 1.UJ.its cf its de~ign
are geoma.ntic symbols, used in mak in g mag ical
talismans. The belt of the charioteer sug-
gests the zodiac. Close exa1;iinat ion vii 11 sh 01."f
the astrological sy:r.i.bol fer Cancer in one of
its panels, and a erescent moon in another.
The charioteer 1 s scepter is surmounted by a
fi gure 8, combined ni th a crescent. '.i.'his is a
combination of the s;ymbol over the Magician's
head with the lunar cro;,m of the liig!i Priest-
esf!. Thus the charioteer's ensign or author-

ity shovrs that his dominion is the result of a

blending of the powers of self-consciousness
and subconsciousness.
Key 7 is the end of the first r CJ;;'f of Keys
in your tableau, and is a synthesis of them
all. It tells you that the of events
leading; to your ability to express Will-po1;rer
starts with the Magician. Acts of attention
( KeJr 1) set going the associa.tiYe fun~tion of
subconsciousness (Key 2), and the result is
. cree.tion of concrete mental :iJnaE:;es., vrhich ex-
ternalize as definite environmental conditions
(Key 3). The observation and orderly correla-
tion of the images, \,hich present themselves
to us as facts and circumstances is vThat we
cal 1 rea.s on ( Key 4). This ena.b le s llS t o test
our intuitions (Key 5)., vrith. the result that
-...-m ma.1:e discrininaticns between the real and
the unreal, a.YJ.d i.vith the further result that
vre become a,;rare of the differences bet1Teen
self-consciousness and subconsciousness, and
perceive their relation to superconsciousness
(Key 6). This discr:iJnina.ticn, 1.:0rked. out by
subccnsc ious processes of deduction and irnag~
ination, afifects the body-building activities
,rhich, ,. give ns our physical vehicles. Thus vre
beco me anare of the true nature of Tfill-power.,
and perceive that the Universal Self is the
rider in every chariot of personality.
By the invisible reins of the mind., vre let
the Self guide the vehicle of personality.
The result is that the motive-pm,er of sensa-
tion is brought to rest, as are the sphinxes
in this version, or the horses Trhich draw the
chariot, in s o.rne older Tarot designs.
The sphinxes are propounders of riddles,
and so are the senses. By sensation we
experience all the pa.:ir s of opposites--what vre
LESSUH :i:i.;IGilTEEtI 8

like., and vrha.t rre dislike; ,That seems favor-

able to our aims, and what see~s adverse. But
when the Cne Self., through the intellect.,
guides the vehicle of personality., it controls
the senses, and the result is security., safety
and peace--as represented by the nUT!lber 7.
This ueek sper-d some time in a deliberate
endeavor to realize that your inner Self is
above and beyond your perso:nalHy. Try to
understand that this Self is the true Actor in
all that you do. ThL'l').k:of your personality as
beins merely a vehicle, havi :'lG no power of its
orm, but only that flowin g frcm the One 11ill.,
and ta.kin G form in the enerGY of the Astral
Light. By repetition, this concept will be-
e ome so hab i tua 1 an cl natural that everything
you think, say and do will be influenced by
it. Thus nill you be cultivatin g your field
of personality. .
Above all., watch your vrords. Sa.y i:rhat you
mean., and mean uhat you say. Get the diction-
ary habit., a..'l').dbegin enriching your vocabulary
with stron g, pas itive, cheerful., hopeful Yrords
vrhic}1 express the hii;hes"t truth ;','OU can thbk
.As an aid to this we reco rrnend the use of
Ro get 1 s Thesaurus and Hartrampf 's Vocabu l aries~
These standard reference are 110i:r pub-
lished by Grosset and Dunlap, at the lovr price
of one dollar each. Buy these books, and use
them daily. You wi ll never make a better
investment. By their aid y ou may take long
strides tonard learn:iJ.1.g the art of truly :ma~i-
cal speech.



/. /


1..fB8T- BBLO~:
JS ~
F i g . 2
t t I



; , ,":".:-- S

~ l-

, " I

Fig. 3

Fi gure 1 represents the C:U B:S G:[,' 8?.ACE

vievred from the west, shorrin r~ the top, ,,est
and south faces. The boundary lines are
named., and arro vrs s h cm t ;1e direc t'i on of the
current flo rrin g in eac h line.
Fir:;ure 2 s h oi:rs the top, bott cm 1, north and
east face&, to gether :Iit h the boun<lary lines, 1

l\TORTH-B ELCJ Ti, illi..ST-BELCiFI and W~RTH- EAST, nhich

are omitted fro m Fi gure 1.
Fi g ure 3 represents the three co-ordinated
by dotted lines from A (AB()VE) to B (BEL(Xl),
froi ;)_E (EA.ST) tor! (r!EST), and fro m N (NORTH)
to s ( SvUT.d).
To these three lines are assi gned three
Hebrew letters, -{:;he1iC/l'.lIEP..S; t? t he twelve
od ges the twelve SII.iPLE letters; to the six
faoe~ the first six DODBLE letters; and to
the inner central point., -where the co-ordin-
ates cross, the sev erith double, Tav ..


The Hebr e1;r latter Teth meun.s "snake." If'

you examine the f orm of the c hnra.cter on Key 8
you will see that it is s:inply a conventional-
ized picture of a eoiled serpen:t. The serpent
is one of the most frequently used, end one or
the roost important occult symbols. The Wise
Ones use it when they wish to compress their
knoviledge of the Great Magical Agent into a
sin gle efil.bJ.em.
The Great hlagical Agent is on aetual force,
employed every day by everyono. It is eosmio
electricity~ the u."'l.iversal life-principle, the
conscious energy which takes for.tu as all ex-
is,:;in e; things, a.Tl.dbuilds there nll fro m with-
in., In hu 1:1 11 personality
a.... it is also specially
ma-::1ifest as o. subtle kind of nerve-force, to
which our Oriental Brethren Give the Sanskrit
name, K'l.mdali n i., tha "coiled one."
Lear1:in g to control the Magical Agent is
part of the daily TfOrk of every student of
Ageless Wisdom. One step toY,m.rd contrcl is to
est ablish a clear intellectual perception of
the truth that all the various forns of physi ..
cal ex.istence merely transformations of
this one energ.y. The world is full of a num-
ber ofthinGs. All are disguises for the OlIB
.l llrn. The essential nature of the One Thing
The old Rebrev : naJne for the special mode of
consciousn tiss represented by the letter Teth
is "Intell :l.;~0nce of the Secret of Wor k s." Th<"'
noun t1an8la:t ed '',;n is some t i mes rendered
as "wagoi:s11 or 11re wE.rd .." The Sflcret of r jght
work is ' to make su r e t h '.:' .f; .:rlli.! i;::,n.,-
,,,:r C!l s d. 0 .::,~

will brin g about the intended result. T:hat is

t n e essence of that secret? Th" lmo..-rledge
that the -a orking; power is the inexhaustible
energy- of the One Spirit. "I do nothing of
n:yself: the Father that dwelleth in me., he
doeth the works. tt
There is the secret. Com.pare it with ,;hat
has been said ab out the noun ABH, ehben, in
the precedil1 s lesson. -[Jo be absolutely sure
of succecls., we must correctly identify the
v.orking po wer as beinc the One Spirit. ] By so
doing., we rid ourselves of eoncern as to the
outc om.e of our vror ks
. 'l'his unconcern a.bout results is by no means
i:p.d\fference. lJeither is it a vague., dreamy
feeling that "all vri.11 be well." One must be
specif io., t::no-dng r,ha. t is intended., and fully
resolved to brin g about defhiite results. Tho
thing to avoid is anxiety.
Jesus taught this plainly. The Bhagavad-
Gita says the secret of right work is to have
~attachment to results. Eisunderstood by
many., es by those vho have t,.rlsted it
into an excuse for mental haziness., t l!is idea
is perfectly so~d. Tul
oreover, it is;~o
put into practic ~.
To be anxious a.bout t he future, to be oon-
cer n ed ab out results is to :make men te ,l :imac;es
of failure. IIe who does this concentrates on
a mental pattern of v.rhat he does not want--
c0n s ciously. Often., sad to sa y , t his anxisty
is a subconscious deter rninatia.a to fail. 1.Iore
perscns fail because the y really hope to than
is gen erally under st ood., Th eir ,ri ll to fail
is ba sed on a subconscious fear that they lack
power to carry their projects throu gh,
Hence to cure that fear is essential; and
the cur is easily effected by seeing, first

of all, that every one of us has at his dis-

posal a power perfectly adequate to accomplish
whatever .-re intend to do, and whatever vre are
able to ina.Ge clearly and definitely. Yfuen we
grasp this truth, subconscious fears are dis-
sipated, and them goes the hidden vrill t-o
To this end, begin nm-r to think of every-
thing as beinc a nanifestation of Spirit. You
may find it helpful to think of everything as
a direct expression of one - radiant mental
energy. Only to those ,1iho fail to understand
its nature does the Great Magical Agent seem
to be a blind, mechanical force.
Learn to ~h~~ ?f . ~1;; as conscious; j..ntel- .
ligent energy. Practice thinking this. Over
and over again, as you make contact 1'iith the
varic~ objects L'l'l your environoent, remind
yourself' of their real nature. Try to see,
hear, smell, taste and touch the One Spirit
everywhere. r:o matter if this idea is famil-
iar. Get it to permeate your i-Jhole organism.
Knovring it in your brain
it second nature by repetition.
Ti11at., in the s econ-d paragraph
is not enough.

of this les-
- Make .

son, is named 1Cu.:.-: da l"ini, is the special form

of the Great 1.Iac;ica.LAient utilized for occult
"works of p ovrer 11 For tuna te ly, it is d ormant
in . most persons. He say 11fortunately,tt be-
cause it is a tremendous force., as potent for
destruction and debaseL1ent as for integration
and illumination. It may not be trifled with.
i'.ia.k:e no attempt to awaken it until you aro
sure you understand our instructions, and take
al l the precautions Yrn recom.-nendo You viill
lmo w i:1hat to do 1 and why . if you study these
les~ons., for they explain the true


Je appeal here to y_our good sense and to
your prudence, not to base fears. The ability
to contr ol this force mny be developed easily,
once its nature is understood.. f,rhe conditions
under nhich it :raa.ybe brou ght into activity
safely include: purity of mind end desire,
high aspirations a!l.d ideals; utter unselfish-
ness in e.cticn :J
Every a ttei ;ipt to express these states of'
consciousness throut'!}l right action makes an
actual cha.n~e in your or Ganism. 'iihen the sum
of ~ great number of small ch~~ges effects a
sufficient total al teratiQ!J., you , rill find
yourself ready to awaken the serpent po,;.rer,
and you nill kno1;r just what to de .
Tfoy is this force called the seppent po r,er?
So r.i.any persons suppose tha serpent to be al-
riays a B"JL 'l.b ol of evil that s Qme ans ,:er to ..this
question seems appropriate here.
Host of our notions are based on a literal
readin g of the allegory of the Fall, L~ the
third chapter of Genesis. There ,re read tnat
the serpent vm.s !!lOre subtile than any other
beast of the field. {The field is the sane
field which is represented by the letter-name
Cheth, correspondin g to Key 7.)
The ordinary mea.l'lixl.g of the Hebra.t adjec-
tive translated sub ti le is "clever , cu nnin r:;.,
cra f ty, dissembling:.-"Yet the sa me n ord, ,Tith
different vov.rel - points, means nnaked, bare~
unc o-.rered., 11 Here is a reference to one r:1arked
ohare .cteristic of the Great I.1a gical .A.c ent. IT
The Great Magical Ar ent is the indefinable :
scmething irrhich presants itself to us in vari-
ous up ~ea.rances. Under everJ guise it seems
to shov.r itself openly, without the least con-

c~alment. lt has taken nilleniur.ts for roan to

learn that every visible form is a veil of
concealment for a hidden truth.
Hence it is that they who call themselves
":realists'! are, of all persons, often farthest
from havin~ any notion of the true Reality.
For them appearances constitute the only truth
worth a mcment s con-sidera.ticn.
1 If such per-
sons enter the field of art they Ymllov1 in
what they call nnaked truth," when all the
time they simply parading their familiari-
ty with undressed lies. Usually their pro-
ciuctions characterized py extr8ll\e emphasis
on unpleasant details of appearances.
A true "realist" is he i:rho is 11ot taken in
by the seuin(!;--epenness of externals. He un-
derstands the subtlaiby of the serpent po1:mr
and turns it to e;ood use. (For remember., the
same Genesis which tells us the serpent vms
the ternptor includes the snake among the crea,.
tures of ,rhQ',1it \tas said: ''And GOd saw that
it \'las good." Hor is it amiss., in. this con-
necticn. to remind ourselves th~t if Y/8 are to
be influenced by Scripture, Yre must take its
Y,holo teaching into account. And the Bible is
explicit in its declaration that the law of
the Lord is perfect, and nll his ,.,.orks part of
a success process.) Hence, throur:;hout the
history of humanity., great initiates have
called themsehres and their pupils '! good ser-
pents." ,:r.'he Christian admonition., nBe ye wise
as s.erj?ents," echos e this ancient custom.
The motion of the MaGical Agent is serpen-
tine, because it is both uavy, or undulating.,
and. spiral. '.l.'his coiling, spiral, vibratory
motion of the serpent power is one reason for
associating it with the nurr.~ :,er 8 1 for 8 -is a
numeral symbol of rhythmic vibration~

To write a one begins at the top and de ..

scribes a. letter S, serpentine in fern. S is
also an alphabetical symbol for hissing sound.
Continuinr; the motrement, one forms curve.s re.-
cipr ocal to those first described. Thus in
writing a figure 8 - we make the same cwved
lines 1:1hich are sho,;m in the caduceus of Her-
mes b3r two interti.vined snakes. These are also
the lines of mover.ient traced by the s~rpent
poi;rer as it moves ,:Ii.thin the human body. Thus
8 in this ICey is more than a symbol. It is e.
diagrarre na.tic repre _sentation of the .path of the
serpent po,;rer when it moves throuc;h man's
nervous system.
Except O, the figure 8 is the only one that
can be written over and over a.Gain, vtlthout
lifting pen f.'ro1:1 paper. Thus it is , a si2,-n of
endless activii;\J. This relates 8 to the ser ..
pent, because snakes shed their skins, e.nd the
ancients, ooserving this, supposed that these
animals renewed their ,;rhole organ.ism al~ o. So
fr0.r.1 time inuaemorial, the serpent has been a
symbol of immortality and eternity.
In Christian occultism, 8 is sometimes said
to be the Dominical :Mumber, or spevia.l number
representing Christ. Yet it is also a symbol
for the Holy Spirit~ sometimes described as a
feminine potency. This is the reason the 8 in
Key 1, and over the head of the w oman in the
Key you are studying , novr, is placed in a hori-
zontal, or feminine, position;
Again, 8 symbolizes the ancient doctrine
that all opposites are effects of a singlo
cause~ and that balanced, reciprocal action
an reaction betv1een opposites results in har-
mony. Some of the Pythagoreans <:,Ven called 8
monia. Yihat they had :in mind is one grea.t
pra~tical secret of Ageless Yfisdcm.

Attribute<$ to Key 8, through the letter

Teth, is the z sign Leo, ruled by the
S'Lm. :Astrologers say Leo governs the heart:,
the back,. the spine and spinal c<>rd (wh:ich is
the main channel fOr the physical manifesta-
tions cf the - serpent powel"}. Amoni; the tribes
of Israel, Leo is represented by the Tribe of
Judah, whose standard bore a lion.
The Rel.Jr en mane for Leo is ARili, Arieh. The
letters of . this word :may be re.;.arran ged 1;e
spell ru~IH~ reaiyah, sight. Sight is attrib-
uted to the , lettel" Heh (I-I), and is therefor&
associated the sign Aries. .,
The numeral value of these two -words, 216,
is the same :as that of the nO\m RVGZ,rogaz.,
which maJ- be translated "trembling, vibr~-
tion." This noun is pnrticularly conreeted
,,,ith Samekh, the sir,n Sagittarius, and Uey 14.
Again, 216 is the number of the word GBVRH,
Gebiu-ah~ Strength. This is tho Hebrer1 f<>r the
title of ' .Key a. It is also the name of t4e
fifth of the ten spheres on. the Qa.balistie
diagram, the Tree of Lifo. This sphere is the
Sphere of- Mars, or field in which the pot7er of
that planet is activo. -
These . c orrespondenoes all point in one
direotion. .. They indicate that strength, or
working power., is to be sought in a. form of
vibration. -r.
!hich is fiery in quality, ,;hich is
active in the sense of sight, end \'fhich is
CO!ll'-.ected in some way vrith the fu:rccticns of
the heart and spine.
This power is the lit;ht power 'd1ich makes
vision poss :ible. It is also the life p0.'1er
actually centered. in the heart., and coursing
through the great "main cab le" of the spinal
cord., uhence it is distributed by the nerves
to every part of the _physical organ ism


YELLOri: Background, lion 1s eye.

_GREEN: Foliage, ros e leaves., leaves . in
v,oman's hair, forer;round (but do not
extend a1i the vray in right forer,round~
b ecaus e the mountain range carries over
to the ri ght).
VIOLET: Mountai..:."l. (both sides o r back-
'WHITE: Haman's dress, lion's teeth.
BLONDE;'s hair. -
RED: Roses, lion, flow-er in womants hair.

Pay parti6ular attention to this less on and

the next. They deal w~th the foroe you are
using for the regeneration of your personal-
ity. Use it; and you will attain the heignts.
Abuse it, and it will destroy you. It is the
com;iic electricity mentioned by madame Blavat-
~ky in The Secret Doctrino:

"llighty word, and still iughtior symbol!

Sacred regenerator of a no less sacred prg-
eny; . o~ firo--the creator, the preserver, and
the destroyer; of light--the essence of our
divine ancestors; o f flame-the Soul o f




u;ssou Tl,ENTY


In your tableau., Key 8 is the first of the

second r O';r of Keys, -vrhich., you renernber, rep-
resents the lr..1,'18or o.gencies whereby the prin- ,
ciples symbolized by t h e Keys nv.nbered fr<im l
to 7 ure curried into <>peration. Key a repr~-
sents the la.YTwhich is the means for express-
ing the principle of attention pictured by the
This lo.vii' is sug r~estion. It is v,i th
at some length Lesson
in - 3 of SBVE~i STEPS.
Review what is ,,-ritten there., in -,onneotion
with this present lesson.
It is by means of sug ; estion thn.t the force
eoncentra.ted by o.cts of attention is co.rried
into mo.nifestution.., for the modification of
external conditio ns. Rer:1.eber., the force so
concentrated is a perfect Unity$ design~ted by
the Rebrew noun AChD, ncht>-d or echud. It is
ahebah., love.
Love-force., as indicated
between AChD, Unity,
Ponder this i~ neditation.,
by the nu-
you ,rill find another clue to the Secret or
Note pa.rtioularly that 13, the number link- .
ing these i;\ 10 llebrew Ytords., is the nucber of a
Tarot Key which., a.s ycu will learn fr cm Less on
29., is related beth to Unity o.nd Love.
The ,roman in Key 8 is the High Priestess~
the Empress., and the Lady Eve of Ke:r 6. She
sy u1bolizes the human aspect of subconscious-
'e&s, controlling and directing the functions
\f every or r:; th3 body.,. and directing th e
e~~-etik of Pro.:c.a,. th e vital enerr;y or Lif"l ....
tn -<~ 1.~ Thl:l adjustment of personal it: / to tb-,
Lr;SSufl T\!ENTY 2

point where suoh control and direotion changes

bodily structure and chemistry to the dei;ree
that the physical o_rgan ism may make pr a cticnl
application of the hi gh potencies of supercon-
scious life, is the work of subconsciousness,
operatin t; in accorda..1.ce ,;;ith the law of sug-
Li l::e the Emr>ress., the TIOinan is fair-ho.ired
and crowned. lier crorm is of flower:;., instead
of stars. This hints that we are concerned
in Key 8 ,Tith or 6 anic processes, rnther than
with t h e inor ..;a:!:lic cosnic forces symbolized by
the hexa gr run on the Enpr es s' er ov-m.
FurtherI .,ore, fl0\1ere are the reproductive
organs of t h e ve cetable kingdom, and . a crovm
abmys sta nd s :t'or :Till, l,caus e in Qabalah the
tec~ical .e . fox; . the Primal Vfill is KThR,
Kether., the Crmmo , Thus the crO\m of flo.1ers
means that the soverei gnty exercised by the
hmaan subconsciousness' t:Jver the v arious grades
of bein 6 belou the human le'Vel is a sovereiGn-
ty havin c to do vrit h intelli g ent control of
the serpent poi-,er ,;mich is t he acency a.t uork
in vegetable, aninal and hui:vin reproduction.
Over the 'vtcm9.n's head is. a horizo:atal 8 11
;.ike that hove .ring 9Ver the head of the
cian. ]<,or she partak e s of his influence, and
typifies subconscious re a ction to the princi-
ple he personifies. In one sense everything
symbolized by Key 8 may be rei:;=,,,rded as a
developnent of the symbolis n of the roses and
lilies gr()!:rinG in the i1a g ician 1 s garden.
The Empress and the High Priestess sit.
This wcman, like the one in Key 6, stands.
The High Priestess is subconsciousness, con-
ceived as the reco r de r and preserver of the
various impressions originating a t conscious
and supercoriscious levels. The Empress typi-

fies the gernina.tion cf mental images through

subconscious resp Lnses to conscious and super-
conscious s-timuli. The ,..,cman in Key 6 shous a
more active response of subconsciousness to
superconscicus potencies and r;uidance. Movr,
in Key 8, the wcr.ian is sh ovm controlling all
the forces of nature belovr the human level.
Her robe is pure ,mite, like the inner gar-
nents of the Fool and the La c ician. This
garment represents the purified aspect of sub-
eonsciousness, which it assumes as -b. resul-t; Qi'
intelligent application of the l a.,,-.-t..ria t it is,
at all times, amenable to control by su ;:;~es-
tion. Ylhite stands !'\lso for the Divine Un::.ty,
and is an emblen of purity and in n ocence,
hence of regeneration, vlhich results in a per-
somil realization of the tru t h that the ;,LL. is
The chain of roses ~h ieh goes round the
woman s and encircles the lion 1 s nee :;:: is
intended to represent a fi gure 8, thou i-;h this
is net "<very clea.rl;f shovm in the p icture.
Roses symbolize desire, hence tr.e c hai11 is a
systematic series of desires, i.,oven to geth~r . ..
Ri ghtly cultivated and combined, desires ~r~
the most potent form of su ggestion. [ By def-
inite formulation of desire, in har mony i.7ith
the ree.l nature of things, Yre ean dominate the
mighty forces of nature bolovt the hunan level
.r activity J
As king of beasts~ the lion represents th~
highest forms of development in the kingdoms
or nature belorr the level of :man. He is the
ruling principle of the animal nature. He is
also an alchemical symbol of one of the most
important principles in the Grent Uork. That
v-rork is the tr a nsmutatio n of the gross forms
of natura l lrn."!l a :nit y into the Stone of the
f e ;, rn :' e 0t e ,~. rn;ir,_;:,.
Ll.IBS0H TrifiliJTY 4

In alchemical books we read of the Green

Lion, the Red Lion and the Old Lion. The
Green Lion is the animal nature., before it has
been ripened and purified. The Red Lion is
the animal nature brou ght under control of the
higher aspects of man.ts spiritual being. Th.e
Red Lion is the one in Key 8. The Old Lion
represents a special state of consciousness
-rihic h becomes manifest after tho v:ork of puri-
fication has changed the Green Lion into the
Red ,Lion. In the state .of c<.'llSciousness ,nich 1
the Old Lion 'symbolizes; one senseS t'di:reet }y
the e't;ernal radiant mental ~ner g:r -uhich, be-
cause it vms before anythi ng else had been
brou. 6ht intomanifestation., is., in "i:iiae rela-
tions., older t'h_an anything else.
Among the ideas, suggested b;y the -rrord lion
are: rulership , (sirtce the lion is the k ing of
be~ts),,. courage., brav,e:r.:y., val or (also sumb ol-
ized by the color red), tenacity, re~olve,
fortitude, decision, ,Jill. He say that a per
son having these qualities has ''bac kbone, tt and
this links up nith t h e liou as a symbol of the
sign Leo., s a id b y ' astrologers to g 0<rern the
back and /' r
Ho1 th-A b ove is tke direction
a.ttributed to
the letter Teth, and to Key 8. In the Cube of
Space (See -Lesson 18)., North-Above is assi sned
to the upper northern . ed ge of t he cube.
Thus it is the upper boundar y of the north-
ern face, and the northern boundary of the tcp
faee. 'l'he nor-t h face is assi gned to the let-
ter Peh and Key 16 ., vrhic h c or r esp ond to th
force astrolo gically relo.tecl to the p lan e -.
rs. The tap face corresponds to th.e direo-
tion Above., assi gned to the letter Beth., to
Key 1., an d to the planet hlercury.
Thus in North-Above are joined the powers
symboli ze d by Key s 1 and 16.. Key 1 represents
Lh SGGi! T\iEli TY 5

tho se 1r-conscious level of mental activity.

Key 16 represents the fiery energies ,..,hich, in
Key 1, symbolized by the red outer mantle
or the l lagician.
Key 8, then, shows what happens uhen cosmic
fire is controlled by self-conscious acts of
attention. Furthermore, since Key 8 is North-
Abovo, ne may understand the.t -,Jhat is pici:;1:1:red
in this Key is a direct consequence of inten-
tional, conscious practice. The situe1.tion.
represented by tho syiiiools of tbis Ke:/ is n~
a spontaneous natural development. It is t~ _-
result of deliberate intentions and purp~ei
consciou~ly formulated. It is the consequ ence
of kno, ;ledi;e consci ously acquired. The out-
come of practice consciously undertaken.
To be sure, the la.vr of su g:;estion is a law
which vror ks , whether vre J.r.non anythin ; ab out it
or not. But it does not :"Tork this vra.y unle'~ .
vre do k:norr, and apply our kno rrled s e . l~ey '8
sho,;rs the positive and constructive use of the
law of suggesti on L"<l. the Yrork of' :9ers onal re-
generation. '<That it symbolizes is a situation.
v-1hich never oceurs nit h cut the introduction of
an in.pulse proceeding from ,mat TtU-ot t~rpifies
by the lfac;ic ian.
Here we approach one difficulty of Ageless
Vfisdom. In order to perfor m the Great Hork,
we must lJndertake the ini ~ial stages as if we
were doing something of our own volition, by
our orm p orrer.
Certainly it seems that , my. It involves a
distinct sense of ef'fort. There is a deliber-
ate exercise of power. nays and means are
carefully selected. The initial steps in the
work require strict self-discipline. No per-
son who does not detern in edly "take himself in
ha ni 11 ev er performs the Great Work of regener-
\ \
a:r,i rm,:-

All this looks like the exercise of n very

definite personal will, and feels like it in
the e~rlier sta ges of t h e pr&ctice. Yet the
sages continually re mind us that this feeling
is illusive, and part of their traditicnul
discipline consists in nentul practice which
builds up, grn.duully, a realizo.tion :'.>h::ttthe
,Tork is not accomplis h ed by personal effort ai;
By proloi1.ged prqctice of this kind, pursuod
sometimes for months years vrithout nny
apparent resul'.t. those who follow- the fay of
Liberation effect , 'changes . in the:ir subcon-
sciousness. These changes ur& symbolized in
Key 8, a nd prcduce at the Sll..tne time the result "'
sho,,,m in Key lG. '
1faen we cc me to the latter Key, the nature
of this result will be l!!Ore f'Ully explained.
Even here v,e may say that it is the overthrow
of a false conception cf personal activity by
a lightnin g-like flush of' true inspiration.
Because fe;;r per-sons h ave coure.r ,;e nnd per-
sistence to continue t he o.ry work in
spire of its a pp are n t fruitlessness, and be-
cattse not man;,r choose to pro.ctice the res elute
denial of self- will re qu ired by ever-:{ occult
system of' discipline, tne nunber of adepts in
propO!'tion to the -w orld's po pul a tion is small.
All recent ve.porin r;s to the contrary not-
ui thstand:in. g, the -c1me will never come when
these first steps will n et be required. No
suspension of the discipline, for an.y reasQtl
vmatever, can be made for the adherents of any
school or teacher. F or the discipline is not
imposed by men, or higher bein gs. It is the
consequence of natural la:rrs of physical and
mental growth. They ca:::i never be changed, be-
c au se they are part of the essential nature of
all 2}v ine; bei n gs.

The line of l!o-.t"t.11-Above, being the upper

northern edge of the Cube of Space., connects
the upper end of the line North-East (assigned
to Heh and the Em.per or) to the upper end of
the line Horth-West (assigned to Lamed and
Justice). Thus i(ey 8 is shown to be the
con.... ecting link bet\teen Keys 4 and 11, at the
level of consciousness represented by the di-
rection Above, the letter Beth, and Key 1 1 the
You have not yet received an interpretation
of Key 11, but one of its meanings is Work or
Action., or, as Hindua term it., Karma. Hence
you will be able to understand that Key 8 is
the connecting lin..1<:which carries the po 1;.rer of
Reason., the Constituting Intelligence (Key 4),
into the field of activity Yrhich .has to do
with hman action and its results.
1'[hat is pictured in Key 8 is the agency
whereby the power of control over the cOI!.di-
tions of our external environment, symbolized
by Key 4, is brought . to bear upon all the ccm- .
plex operations of natural law desicnated by
the term Karma.
This means tho:l; Karma can be modified. It
is true that action and reactiO!l are equal,
and that today brings us into situations which
are consequences of our past actions. We have
to these situations as they arise;
but it makes a great deal of difference wheth-
er we the1:1 ignorantly or intelli-
If - ,,e knovr the la 1;I, we may prOduce results
not spontaneously provided by natural reac-
tions to stimuli - origina.tinG at some period in
the past. It is by bringing about the situe-
ti<l'1 pictured as _ the t& of the Red Lion
that the Cosmic Reason meo.;y- be brought to bear
for the adjustment of Karmic rea.')tions .,
~SS(,H Ti."

Reference tc the diagram of the Cube which

accompanies Lesson 13 virill shO\".ryou that the
line co r respondL'r1g to Key 8 is also the link
betvme 1"2the line assigned to Zain (Key 6, the
Lovers) and the line . corresponding to Srunekh
(Key 1,1:, Ter,:perance). Since the northern ends
of these t wo lines are joined by the line as-
signed to ICey 8, ,-re know that Key 8 1nay be
regarded as being u link between that part of'
Key 6 i:rhich shows the woman, the Tree of the
'rledge of Good and Evil, and the serpent,
and , that part
' ' I ' .
or Key t 14 which sham. a lion,
v~se . of . -qater, and a range of mountains .over ,
wnich ,fl bat~ a crown. .


VIBST. Exceptions are I~eys 16, 17, 18 and 19.
Tfe look at the Tarot Keys from the symbolic
nest, facil"l. g the East. . So do we l.ook at the
dia. Grar '.l of the Cube of Space, which is one of
the n ost important esoteric clues to the mean-
ing of Tarot, hitherto unpublished.
Because you have not studied Key 14, it is
inadvisable to enter into an explanati0n of
the mea.'1.inr; of Key 8 as connecting Keys 6 and
1~. Yet the fact that these two Keys are so
connected by Key 3 needs to be mentioned here,
and you Ttill do ,Tell to pay close attention to
this part of the less on. Remember, you al-
ready lmovr, interiorly, the meaning ~ of this,
.a;nd the fact that \Te have brought the corre-
spondence tc. your attention ,rill begin to have
its effect on your subconsciousness. Thus,
LESSC.i; 'fl IEiiTY 9

whe!l you reach Lesson 32, you v1ill find that

the explanations given there are easier to
grasp because, in the meantime, the seed-idea
no,;r planted , rill have been grovring.
The seen in Key 8 is an open plain, in
contrast to the walled city of Key 7. Vfha.t we considering here is the operation of a law
at uork evsr,1Y1here in nature. In no sense is
this 11:ax r dependent on artificial conditions of
man-:made civilization. The lan of sui:;sestio.n
is a.hmys in cperation. It is the primary la w
of subconsciou~ness.
Ever J 1::ingdCI!l of nature is represented in
t h is picture. The woman stand& for the human
kin r;dor:i.. The lion is chief' of the a."limal
k in gdom. Roses are the rO'Jal flO\ rers. and the
flo uers, grass and trees belon e; to the veGe-
table ree.ln.. They gro:r frOI!l the earth, vrhich
is disintegrated stone, and i n the background
a mountam, like that in the back Ground of the
sixth Key, cQ:lpletes the represe:c.tation of the
mineral kingdom.
This serves to remind us that all natural
forms a."ld forces are expressions of the one
Great Magical Agent, and are all subject to
the la,v pictured here. The animal nature is
subordinate to the human, the vegetable to th~
animal, the mineral to the vegetable. This
control does n.ot need to be estaqlished. It
is already m effect. Yet the greater number
of human experience the consequences of
its nega~ive operation, because they do not
1rnorr h01.', to ree.p the benefits of its positive
The difference betvreen a tyro in practical
occul tsim and a great adept is this: The tyro
has little or no lmovrledge of the fact that
subconsciousness at the human level aut omati-


cally responds to the pred~ninant suggestions

1;;hich originate at the conscious level. Hence
he sets up activities having reactions which
are negative and pain-b _earing. His subcon-
scious control of forces below his conscious
level makes those forces take form as destruc-
tive reaction in his ~ body, and in the
bodies 9f other persons. Furthermvre., this
destructive reaction. extends into the reulms
of nature below the animal kingdom., and the
result is that the person finds his oontr ol of
subconsciousness working iu reverse. Thus it
co.mes a.bout that everjthing and everybody
seem i;q ' ~e against him.
~ adept., on the contrary., knovra that the
. subtle porter of the Great Magical Agent con,..
, ce .als the true nature o.f th:ings by seemin G to
' expose them u.n~overed. Hence he takes z1othing
at its superfioial value. He looks attentive-
ly at the world ' reported by his senses. Thus
he detects hidden relationships, and in
the lon g run., he comes oon.sciously and subcon-
sciously under the guidance or the One Self
symbolized by the Hier ophant, by the angel in
Eey 6, and by . the charioteer in Key 7. Then
his personal subconsciousness is purified., and
,;ears the white ge.rment of wisdom, as in Key
8. The consequence is that the reactions from
the kingdoms of ne.ture below the hUI:1an level
are favorable to s.n adept.
There has been no chanGe in the underlying
law. Neither has the adept gained control
which -the tyro has not. The adept uses the
already existing law positively. The tyro
employs the same law negatively. The adept is
i:rise: the tyro is ig.aorant. That is all; but
in th a t single difference is the differenc~
betv1een freedom and bondage, joy and misery,
success and failure, health and disease.

Your practice this week is highly impor-

tant. Spare no effort to carry it out. The
most valuable lesson you can learn is that of
seeing through appearances, and the consequent
discovery of the Cne Reality veiled by them.
Whenever you have anything: to do ,.,.ith another
perscn, try tc keep in nind that it is not the
appearance, not the external details of per-
sonality, that you speak or m-ite to, or that
you are in any way concerned yJi th. Re:neinlle;
that his inner nature is identica:l with your&, ,
and try to see, ,..rith the mind's eye., the real
man behind the mask of personalit- 3 Do this
with the J!lembers of your family., with your
friends and business associates, even , ,' the
strangers ycu pass on the street.
At first this may seem cfifficuH ., ex pec~li'-
ly when you den.ling with those who; .1'-o/ ', ,
1my reason ( or unreason)., are mi pleasant ~
repulsive to you. li ake the attempt just th~
same. You ,rill i'ind greater practical value~
under such circumstances than in your dealin ~:t:
with persons you like.
Den t :r:take the mistake or being sentiments.:,
or emotional about it. This is an exercise ::.1,
mental sug ge~tion. Look deliberately for th~
good and the beautiful in every one. Dor. ~1
just affirm it. Don't pretend it's ther -{
LOOK: You'll find it i,.rhen you develop eye J
to see.
natch your tongue. Don t gossip. Do no~
discuss the unlovable qualities of any othe1
person. Make an effort to see the Self' of al;
men and wcanen y cu meet as perfect. Thus wil:
you help yourself by telling yourself th~
truth about a.11 men, and the povrer of yol.;"
thought uill bles r those on whom you turn it.
This exercise h ,,s far-reaching consequenc.:es
which we pur po sel y refrain frcrn disc~ss1ng

now. It will be better and :raore interesting

for you to find out f -or yourself. This is one
of' the most valuable,. though simple, means of
developing really penetrative vision. He who
has this insight possesss a key to limitless


I ~
-9 lftSPONSf

,Low ot .9 - - - 1
- - - \

_;Cdeni,\q '.:1AM- - - - - - ~-1- 2

I .
"(oD'- , - - - - - - ;!.
,H;tain'l"l'le"'t\.+-- - - -- - - 3
.}-t4n.d 4 'l'T\dh - - - . 3
nJ off'~+"' - - - - '3
. .: +
.A-:s-holo(i'c..~\-o~\.~.""'?-:.<;1\\-e.hsem - - - - 5.,
Chlf{e- - - - - -- .5

.. /

7----------~----- -\;,l l

The Jan attributed to Key 9 is Response.

This lavv may be stated thus: EVERY ACTIVITYOF
UHIVZRSE. The essential thought here is that
no personal activity i.1hatever has its begin-
ning., source, or origin within the limits of
the personality. All personal action is de-
rived, reflective, responsive.
To every one of us it seems that our states
of mind and our actions express purely person-
al, motives. This semblance of personal in~
itiative affects the most illumined of ,rise
men, except - in rare instances of ecstatic
identification ,rith the Absolute, just as it
does anyone else. A .-rise man, horrever, knorrs
better. He thinks differently from those who
try to live on the assU111ption that personal
thought, feeling and action are self-caused,
His 1; ,rords, whenever they are recorded., are
sure to include sorae reference to the fact
that he really does nothing of himself.
Personality is the mask of the true IDENTI-
TY~ This IDENTI'.I'Y is superior to, and is not
limited by, the conditions of personality. It
is from this inner and superior IDENTITY that
all original impulse flows, and ull the activ-
ities of persona.lity--the instrument or vehi-
cle--are but ef facts of this out,mrd and
dovmvro.rd movement of the energy, or vrorking
p,wer, of the TRUE IDE..1frITY. or I AM.
Ageless Wisdom declareri . ,.;here is but 0~
IDElfl'ITY in the universe. THIS ONE IDENTITY
HERE. OR ANYrrrmRE. Its presence is the sub-
stance of everything. The mental quality of

the ONE IDEHTITY is nhat is manifested in any

particular expression of consciousness. T:he
energy of the ONE IDB1'TTITYis Yrhat is released
in any particular form of' activity.
Your perscnality is but one of its innumer-
able forms of expression. Your real nature is
n~e other than that OWE. Hence, nhatever laxrs
and forces condition the activity of your
personality must be lam1 and forces p:t"OOeeding
fromyour TRUE IDENTITY. -
The Hebreu letter Yod resembles a tongue of
flame. It is a component part of every letter
of the ancient Chaldean alphabet no,,7 generally
known a& "square Hebrevr," to distinguish it
from th e earlier script used by the Children
of Israel before the Captivity.
Because Y,od is the foundation of the let-
ters, and looks li~e a flame, the Chaldean or
square Hebreiit alphabet is often named "The Alphabet." The H'.ebretr alphabet itself
is a symbol of everything; that ever .-ra.s or
ever nill be. Thus the letter Yod, as a com-
ponent part of every letter, symbolizes the
flame of spiritual energy vrhich is present in
all forms of the Life-po1 rrer's self-expression ~
Yod is a Hebrew noun neaning "the han<! of
man:1' Thus it is directly oonnected uit h the
ancient doctrine: THE ffiiliARY AlID Fill!DAl,iEJJTAL
It is said that the upper point of' Yod. rep-
resents the Primal Hill, nhile the reat of the
letter cQrresponds to the aspect of the Life-
porrer named Wisdom. This means that all
mental activity is derived directly f'rom the
essential 17ill of the ONE IDENTITY, and this
mental activity~ or volition, takes form as
the Wisdom ,mich is the basis of the entir&

cosmic order. Furthermore, the mental activi-

ty of the Primal Tiill, symbolized by the upper
point of the Yod, e~pands into the life-force
of all beings, and this life-force is fiery,
as the shape of the letter suggests.
The hand of man is also the seat of highly
organized centers of the sense of touch. This
sense is therefore assigned to Yod.
The hand is also a striking synbol of that
whereby the human nind makes contact Trith
the superc onsciousness above it. Thus in Key
1, representing Mercury and the conscious mind,
it is the right hand of the Magician which has
lifted the wand Yrhereby his contact with the
higher level is established. Furthermore, the
uplifted .-iand symbolizes the sublimation of
the serpent-porrer or libido.
The nost intense forms of ecstatic union
rrith the Absolute are often described in
imagery closely approaching the erotic. Why?
Because the raost intense feeling of pleasure
is experienced through the sense of touch, and
the higher forms of interior union nith the
ONE IDENTITY are experiences of bliss so
intense the.t they uho attempt to describe such
ex?eriences usually turn to erotic imagery.
Key 9 represents attain.-nent through union.
( This :means that the end of the Path is reached
when the personality meets the inner Self, in
perfect contact ~ A graphic symbol of this is
the slorr, stea dy" grorrth, throughout the ages,
of stalagr.iites and stalactites in a cave. In
that growth, the stalactite vrhich extends it-
self dorm-ward from the roof of the cave is th
active agent. The upi.-ia.rd grorrth of the stal-
agmite from the floor of the cave, is a
response to the steady dovmpour of drops of a
limestone solution from the stalactite. The
stalactite may be taken as a symbol of the ONE

IDENTITY, ever moving itself nearer to union

nith the ascending personality symbolized by
the stalagmite. Yihen at last they reach the
stage of Grorrth ,;rhere they make contact, their
united form is a pillar, approximately the
shapte of the letter I, 1:rhich is the English
Latin and Greek equivalent for Yod.
In nritin ;; t h e figure 9 in ' ordinary script,
the first part of the character is a reproduc-
tion of the zero sign, and from the point
where the circle is closed, a straight line,
or figure 1, descends. In i:iriting the circu-
lar part, one's hand d0scribes a complete
circuit, suG gestin.g the conpletiqn of a course
of action. '.ijrnn the straight line is 'drai ;m., a
figure i, s;c,n:1:)ol of beginning.
The end of one cycle is alY,ays the begin-
ning of another. Attainment is never complete.
/ 'iu:ter the union of the persoI!.ality with the
\ GNE IDENTITY, there ar~ greater heights to
scale. )
Attributed t o the letter Yod, ancl thus to
l\..ey 9, is the zodiacal sir;n Virgo. It is ruled
by Mercury, that is, by the power symbol-
ized in Tarot as the Mar;ician; and astrologers
say i.ierc ury is exalted also in Virto. Thus in
Key 9 ne have a symbol of the hir;hest expree-
sion of n hat is pictured by Key 1.
Merc t:1.ry represents the Life-po..-rer -,,-1orking
at the self-conscious level 1 .-rhere the brain
is its most mportant instrument. The physio-
logical field of i:Jercury's operation in the
brain is the frontal lobe of that organ. Our
greatest brain-physiologist, Dr. Frederick
rilney, calls the frontal lobe "Master of Des-
tiny,/' In it are the controls nhich determine
all bodily responses. One of the most impor-
tant areas ,therein are exerted the controls
of muoh the frontal lobe of the brain is the

organ is the pe.rt of the body astrology puts

under the dominion of Virgo.
This area is the abdominal region, and
especially the upper part of the small intes-
tine, where food is assimilated and sent to
the various organs -rrhich transmute it into
bone, tissue and the -various secretions indis-
pensable to physical existence. At one stage
of intestinal dige.stion, food is transformed
into an oiiy, milky substance named chyle, frora
rrhich the lacteals absorb nourishment for the
blood stream.
\.!hen, under proper s elf-co n scious direc-
tion, the finer forces ahra.ys presPnt in ch yle )
are liberated into the blood stream, th e se .
forces energize brain centers which f'unction
in the experience termed illw nination.
Pu r s 1.1e this thouGht as far as you can, be-
y ond this brief explanation. eonsider that in
all legends of 'Voi rld Saviors, the Great One is
born of a virgin. Consider a lso that Jesus is
said to been born in Bethl e he m, nh ioh
means 11The Hous e of Bread, 11 and tha t ':rhen the
shepherds came to adore hi m, th ey fou..'1.d the
babe lyin g in a man ger. The libera.tini:; po-;:-er
is born, ~ rele a sed, in th e dar l-: cav e. of.: the
House of Bread -.
[fa :1ong the hie;host expression f!_ of human
consciousness are those which c 'ontrol t he
activities of the intestinal tract J Th is ma y
see m strange, but it is perfectly true. Vie
control the activities of the assimilativo
portion of the intestinal tract by ( hoosing
caref ~ l y ~hat we eat, and by utilizing the
lavr of su ggestion to eff'ect the release of the
subtl e forces fro m chyle. "'j
Th is last s e ldom happens unless one 1::nons
of t he possi b ilit y , understands to some degree
ho w su c h r-el0::;, s ,; cf subtle force .-rill bring

a b out i. 11 1H:11.n.t\');(
. , ~ 1,.;~~- an d d e f
"' ..; . . t e 1y t a lce s
self in hand for the sake of accomplishing the
Great Hork.
It has been said that God chooses the ~,ea k
things of the ,rorld to confound the ,rise, and
certainly the fact th a t illunination depends
on the release into the blood stre un of a sub-
tle force Ylhich is generated in the intestinal
tract is one not likely to a::.:,pe al to senti-
mental aesthetes. But there it is, a stubborn
fact, and for those uho have eyes to see, real
beauty may be found in it.
Ponder the ideas of this less on during the
coming week., Try to see in horr r::.any u ays you
can pene,trate the veil of appearances, and see
uith the mind's eye that your personal activi-
ties ~re really responses to the impact of the
Universal Hill See, if y ou c an, horr little
1 , by little, in the dar k ca,re of the House of
Bread, the Life-porrer is weaving t he vesture
, of a fin6r vehicle, throu bh -r;hich you ,rill ,
eventually, becone consciously anare of your
uni on u i t h the CNE IDLlIT ITY.


YEL1CitT: Lantern rays, bet ue en blaclc li...'

BLUB: Her mit's ca p .
BRvY:N: Staff, shoe
Gi1AY:n obe (not ri ght sleeve of undergar ~e nt),
foregro"Lmd (not peaks).
TlliIT~: Hair, beard, right sleeve, noun tain
I i-IDIGO or BLACK: Background. Indi g o is deep
blue-viol et a.nd black. The scene is .
a night sky. Better use bla .ck, if you
are not skilled Yrith colt'rs.

___ _ ____ _,,:J
. .,I

i I
i TifE ttJ:=RMIT- !!J I
., .


I ?tophec.y - - - ~ I 1

t 14.ermli i~1 AM - - - 2. J
Fct+q- - - ' - . - - - .. - . ~ I
f a+--h1!~-YoJ- - - - 3 .
C.RoWN , )'(oo - - - -- .;5
'*d~ 'ft - - -_ - -- 3

---- --- --- ----- - --- --- .. ---- -------- -




9 is said to be the number cf adepts}"lip and

of prophecy. It is easy to see ho\"r the Hermit
represents adeptship, for he stands on a moun-
tain peak. His staff is in his left hand, to
show he does not need it for climl!ning. It is
evident that he has reached the tap~ that he
1$tands at the sumnit of the path of cceult
attainment. ,,
That he represents prcphecy is not so ob-
vious, though hi:s ,:rhite liteard and venerable
aspect suggest traditional conceptions of hovr
a p:r'ophet looks. Yet this picture really
doe:s express the idea of prophecy~
A prophet, rememllrer, i~ not merely one who
makes predictions. A.~y fortune-teller, er any
political campaign manager, might lire called a
prophet, were that .all. A true prophet is one
who lmc:rrs his _ visicn of the future is true
ecause it is founded on accurate understand-
ing of principles.
By applying his knowledge of principles t
the study of nations and races, a true prophet
oan predict their future. Sometimes the writ-
in_gs of great prophets offer hope. 11
your vm.ys, and the evil I see may be avertes..
C<rn.e back to the lTay . of Liberation, and you
shall be free~"
At other times, their prophetic lm~iledge
shO\"ts that a person or a nation has gone too
far i ~ __:she _ ,~o_!lg!-_~ to avoid t~ 9on-
sequences of evil behavicr .9 Tiien the voice of
prophecy is a v .oice of doom.
Tho He-rmit stands looking dO\m over the
pnt h :i.:; ~c-, .s Ps~enc.a ~.. others are climbing the

sa.11\eTro.y, and he vra.tches their upmi.rc. pr.ogress

\"nth benevolent interest. He is familiar Yrith
every step. He knorrs all the by-paths. He
has himself surmounted every danger. He feels
for every clil:lber, e.nd holds out his lantern
as a beacon of encouragement.
He need to keep remembering this. For the
Hermit is a symbol or the I AM Tthioh is at one
and the same time above and Trithin us all. By
means or Key -9, Tarot tells us T/8 are in con-
tinual con.ta.ct vrith e. Ree.l ity -rrhich knorrs all
!Te have ever thought, all Yte have ever done,
and knorrs also every step of the path ahead of
This does not mean fate, as generally
understood. It does mean a kind or predestina-
tion, because ue are all destined sometime
to reach the height uhereon -the Hermit stands.
Yet no "outside" force is driving us re-
morsel~ssly omm.rd. An ind:rrellin r; Presence,
timeless because eternal, kno,~s every exper-
. ienoe ue must pass throur;h in terms of time
and space, to fulfil this destiny uhich is
Sympathetically and lovingly, this Presence
guides us. It sends the light of its emni-
scienoe into our personal consciousness, te
give us courage to continue the journey.
The Herr.ii t is "He :tho stands al one." The
title sho rra this, being derived from a root
meaning '*solitary." Thus the name of this Key
cor.neots rdth the Hebreu noun IChIDH. Yekhi-
dah, meaning the single. the indivi.sible/'
in Hebre, :r philosophy, the term for the ONE
IDENTITY,.just as Atman, in Sanskrit, desig-
nates the same Reality.
Yekhidah is said to be seated in the first
and highest sphere of being, named Kether, the
CrO\m, and corresponding to the number 1. , The

Crown is the Primal Will to Tthieh.,. as you

learned frQn the preceding lesson., the upper
point of the letter Yod is assigned~ ,
The Hermit, therefore., is a representation.
of the Ancient of Days, '1" the OWEIDENTITY,
as the Will Power in the universe. To this
Porxer all f'Orms of its self-expression re-
spond. It has no e11pport other than it-
self. Thus one book of Hebreu lTisdcm says the
letter Yed. is "above all (symbolizing the Fa-
~r) and with Him is none other :usociated,. 11
" ~~~ name AB., Ab, Father, is also the special
designation of the aspect of Reality uhich is
the seat of the life ...foree in human person,.
ality. '1
"~o stands alone" symbolizes adeptship
also, because an adept., eonsciously identify-
ing himself trlth all that is, by this very
attitude sets himself apart from all but oth-
e~s like himself', because he cannot share his
kn0\7ledge , those who do not cQnprehend it.
By reason of his superior kn0\7ledge, he must
needs be a hermit. Yet his is by no means the
proud separa.tiveness of an egotist.. There
was no tinge of egotism in the remark which
legend attributes to not twelve
men in all the u4lrlcf could \Ulderstand his the-
eyy of relativity. Einstein says nO\'t tha1:; htl
neYer made this remark, but even if he had, it
Ttould have been free f'ran egotism. [ superi~
ity and loneliness go together :\ Yet thQ
lonelinesa of a sage is not as tne' lonesane-
ness of the- unenlightened. A sage has vlhat
the ignorant do not enj<iy--continual compan-
ionship v.rith the ONE SELF, unbroken auareness
of union -with the One Reality Tm.ich is the
sage's o,;,n IDE1f'2ITY',
The scene in Key~ is a direct antithesi~
to th o.+; of the prec f.'ding Key.
In Key 8 -rse see

fertile valley warmed by the sun. Here is

1 icy, wind-suept peak., wrapped in darkness.
This does not mean that they ,mo reach the
!igbts or adeptship receive naught for their
tins but a sterile., icy perceptLon ef
1stra.ct truth. The Hermit himself is ua.rmly
Lad. He carries his ovm light. The celd and
u-kness merely symbolize the latency of the
lery activity of the One Force.,. and are in
=mtrast to the lion of Key 8. The heights of
?iritual consciousness- seem cold and dark to
1ose T!ho have not scaled them; but they ,mo
cand upon thes~ lofty peaks endure no dis-
The ice at the Hermit's feet is the source
f' the river in the Empress' garden, the same
i.ver vmich t'lorrs behind the Emperor and the
~ri-.t. This ice., therefore., is the sub-
cance of the High Priestess robe., in a.~other
orm. That robe, as you read in Lew.son 8,
,nnbolizes the root matter nhich underlies all
ariations of form4' In Key S-., the vibrat etry
.otion of the root matter is ?"epresented as
eing arrested and crystalli~ed (ice)# because
he symbolism of Key 9 refers to THAT which
.oes not., itself., enter into action, though it
.s the source of all activity throughout the
A bearded ancient is the central fi6Ul"e of
his picture. He is the "Most Holy Ancient
.me," identified in Qabalah uith the P.dmal
Till. He is clad in gray., a mixture of black
md 1::hite# the colors of the High Priestess
pillars., of the ,mnd and rose of the Fool., and
o the sphinxes ,m.ich dran the Chariet. His
garment theref'ore represents the union and
equilibration of all pairs f appc:isites.
His cap is shaped like a letter Yed. It is
blue, the clor of the High Priestess' robe,.
LESSON TT.iElf.rY-T .,0 5

tc intimate that the One Identity always per-

fectly recollects its 01.m nature and porrers.
The cap, moreover, is e. sort of cronn, so that
this bit ef symbolism says to an initiat-ed
observer: The Crown is Yod. No comment is
required. They who are ready to receive the
instruction compressed into these four ~,o~s
will perceive the tremendous import of the :
statement. Yet it -rrould be i r,possible to give :
any more light to the unprepared, though ,:re
devoted many pages to attempts at explanation.
The Hermit has brought his lantern and ,,
staf'f frQ!l the valley belO\ 'T.-whence he crune-.
The staff a branch of a tree, is a pr oduct of
the organic side of nature. It refers to ;&}l~
fiery activity of the serpent por1er of Key . 8-
The Hermit used this po:rer to help him climb
the mountain, and in some versions of Tarot
the staff is draun to look li!{e a serpent. In
other versions, but not the older ones, a
coiled snake -rrith uplifted head is on the
ground in front of the Hermit. This is an
unnecessary addition. The staff itself is
suffieient indication of the serpent porrer.
The Hermit holds the staff in his left hand to
show that he no longer needs it for elimbin@;
The staff gre,r., but the lantern vias ma.dti.
It is of glass and - metal, derived frcm the iIJ-
orga.nic side of nature. The basic principleta
on -rrhich our understand.:ing of cosmic la'\'r ii
founded are discoverable in the physiea: .,
chE111ical and electrical activities of the min-
eral kingdom. Our chief source of illumina. ...
tion (the lantern) is man's adaptation o!
these basic activities. Yet ,re rely on tht
Life-pm7er 's expression through 'organic be ..
ings (the staff) to assist us in our ef!'ort .::i
to rise above the limitati ans of self-eon-

sciousness to the heights of superconscious

realization. '
The light in the lantern is from a six-
pointed star. The star is composed of t,,o
interlaced .equilateral triangles. From time
imnemorial it has typified the union of eppo-
sites. One great Master of the Wisdom has
v,ritten that he nho understands this ~bol of'
the hexagram L~ all it.s aspects is virtually
an adept.
Because it is a symbol of the number 6, the
star has special Tarot ref~rence to Key 6. It
indicates that discrimination is the source or
enlightenment. Astrologically, it refers t
Virgo, sixth sign of the zodiac, ,rhich is
attributed to the letter Yod.
To Yo:l also is assigned the direction
North-Belon, corresponding to the line or the
~be of Space in ,rhich North (Peh, Key 16) and
Belort (Gimel, Eey 2) are united. Uhnt is sym-
bolized by Key 9 is something at ;rork in man
at the subconscious level. This is true, in
spite of all the symbolism suggesting height.
Our contact 1.7ith the 0:g IDENTITY is an inter-
ior contact, made in the darkness of the sub-
(s ubconsciousness is our i~strument for com-
munion ,dth superconsoiousness. , T h u s the
Tarot tableau in Lesson 2 shows the number 9
bet i.-reen 2 and 16, as the agency nhich carries
che power of 2 into the field of expression
represented by 16. The power expressed by the
Hermit is dra vm. from the source typified by
the High Priestess, an:l it is applied to the
activity symbolized by Key 16. Through right
recollection (Key 2) l"Te cane to knorr the ONE
IDRfTITY (Key 9), and this knorrled&e over-
thror,s all structures of separative delusi9n

(Key 16). The lightning-flash in Key 16 is a

ray fr -.c :m the Hermit's lantern.
T-he line North-BelOtr connects the 10\"rer end
'of' the line North-East' (Hehj Key 4) to the
lowe.r end or the line North-Trest (Lamed, Key
_1,ll.. ":For Key 9 represents cosmic foryes TTOrk:' ...
"int at subconscious levels to bring to bear
upon Karma (Key 11) the ordering and control ..
ling p<mer f the Constituting Intelligence
(Key 4).
This is in accordance , the principle of
antithesis -.;thich make$ every Key of Tarot. a
contrast to the Key TI'hich precedes it. In
Key 8, the emphasis -'\'las on pers"Qnal effort, on
.onscious control of the and other sub-
jiuman--r-orce :s ~ The stress in Key 9 i'alls on
A;be doctrine that personal action is really a
response to supereonscioUs influence. The
most important transro.r:n:atiQlS those or
which Tre are fiuite unconscious. They occur
belc;,vr the threshold of conscious aT1arenessJ in
that region or our physical bodies which, . say
astrologers, is governed by the sign VirgC>.
Yet these tTansf~rmations are direct conse-
quences of the c onsci aus effort picttll"ed by
Key 8. Just as the record on the scroll of
the High Priestes-s is derived from ...- ihat the
Magician observes, so is the ecntact ,mich i~
established. interiorly, whereby n e becOin~
a,1are of the ONE ID_EHTITY,, a eon.sequence or
the ,10rking of the pot'1&:- Of the Magici~
through the agency or the ~:in Key a. For
it must be remembered that ,10man is jus'\
the instrumentality through ub.1ch the Magici~
works. I~ is ~ power that ~~es the lier.,
not hers.
rhettef' ore Key 9 l!"8present~ n.ot only tM
ll"\llership but also the exalt~tion, of tht
planet J.T
e:.:cury., This astrolog if al doctrine., _

as applied in practical occultis~, means th,;i.t

our pO\"Ter to take conscious camnand of certain
processes ,mich go on in the Virgo region of
the hwnan body enables us to set a pattern for
subconsciousness, a pattern whereby the
body is transformed into a finer, regenerated
vehicle for the ONE SELF.
The actual building process
is made pos-
sible by , eha,nges in the blood stream. These
changes initiated in the Virgo region of
the h'W118Il body.
They are never be~ Ulrtil one understands,
intellectually and rationally, the lan uhich
makes thein possible. One must knO\'t thai. sub-
consciousness is am,enable to suggestion. One
must know that subconsciO\,\Sness controls body-
functions and body struct-ure One must knO\r
that patterns impressed on subconsciousness
from the self-conscious level mli begin ab
terations in blood ~hemistI"y, in organic ftmc-
tions~ and even in the structure of certain
parts or the body. One must knorr that the
human body is built from materials taken into
the blood stream from chyle in the small
intestine. All this lmowledge is really a.
participation in the Constituting Intelligence
symbolized by the Emperor ..
It is~ knowledge., brought into cur per-
sonal field of consciousness by the fu..??Ctions
of the brain., ruled by Aries. It is a sbRring
of the vision of reality vrhi~h is always pres-
ent to the all-seeing eye of Universal llind.
Thus it c or responds to the Emper 91", and to the
direction North-East.
Through bodily changes occurring in the
Virgo region., this head lmorrledge is actually
incorporated into the physical <>rg~nism. It
is then brought to bear on that part or th
body 1Thich, as being under the astrologiff.l
LESSGll T"'.lEMTY-TrIO . 9

dominion or 1,J.bra, corresponds to the line

:tlorth-Yfest on the Cube or Space, and to Key 11
in Tarot.
Libra governs the kidneys and adrenals. In
the Libra area or the body are organs ,mich
perform some of the mst important p}wsical
ftmctions. This lesson is not the place to
discuss these functions, Yrhich will come in
for more extended ex0J!l.i.nati<>n in the cmu-se
: iORK. Yet here is :may be said, that organs in '
the Libra area contr~l the state or chemical
equilibrium in the blood stream. ( Upon this
equilibrium not only ordinary heal~h# but also
the special organic condition peeu.litu- to
adeptship:, absolut ely depends .7
The line North-Bela,,1 connects alAso the
northern end of the l~e East-Belo i:1, assi~ed
to the letter Cheth, and to Key 7, i:tith the
northern end or the line West-Belovr., assi~e(
to the letter Ayin and 1~3Y 15. This relati<:lh. 1
like that between Zain o.nd Samekh., mentirJned.
Lesson 20, must uait explanation until we .
study Key 15. In the meantime, yoU should
take careful note of all the symbols on t~
left-hand., or northern., side of Key 7. h._
the:se you Trill find indications a.s to trui
sources of p01. ver expressed through the agen(');)>
of Key 9 1 and brought to bear through t~
agency on '"111at is pictured by Key 15.
In conclusion, we may say that the pictur~
of the Hermit tells . us that above the merelf
personal level of our daily experience is~
real Presence, ,mich norr IS all thnt ,~ aspir<
to be,. That Presence., horrever far orr it ma)l
seem, ho:rever inadequately TI'e may understaru, ,
it. however shrouded in darlmess and obscuri~
its real nature, is friendly and helpf ~ l.
LESS0lf T"iillifrY-THO 10

Comprehend it we may not,. Touch it can,

whenever ,re remember to do so. Only by an
illusion are ue separate frQn it.. In truth it
enters into every detail M' OUr lives. Ac-
tively present in all ,Te think, or say, or do
is this One Identity, the Ancient of the
Ancient Ones, the fundamental and sole Vlill.
whence all manifestation proceeds.
Key 9 has direet connection each of
the Keys preceding it. As the number 9, it is
the end of a numerical cycle, and includes
within itself each of tl'!,e preceding numbers.
For instance, the Hermit is connected in
many 17&ys 1tlth 'the Fool. He is the Fool,
after the latter's ascent from the valley of
manifestation. The F'ool is Spirit in its as-
pect of Eternal Youth. The Hermit is the same
Spirit, in its aspect of all-embracing experi-
ence. Both are really one, for youth and age
are but appearances of the No-Thing, which is
at once the youngest and the oldest reali'by in
the universe.
This Treek try to estRblish a logical con-
nection betneen Key 9 and the other Keys from
0 to 8 inclusive. Youwill find this exercise
of great benefit in your Tarot ~ork, since it
is essential that you learn to recognize the
relationships ~xisting among the Keys. Skill
in this comes from practice. At first it may
seem difficult. but if you persist it i.tlll be
easier and easier. Be sure you make the at-
tempt. Trrite vmat you discover in ycur occul-t
~ '/-1

o ROTII T N -1

.-j io cJ5 I a \'\d o - f:>6-1"-:l:-

- - - - - l 1
!tto+:-on - - - - - - ' - 2. I
I Roft1,fjo-r, - - - - -- _.:..;i_ I

ll'a~~ - ~Gd~iri(- .:_ - - - - .3 .

J 'f ,.,,'te,... -. - . . . - - ~ - . - . - 3
.Jqpi tcr - str-fa.+her
- row-er- - -4-
W4-\-er- <Jc, - - - - - -~
Afode '1 COl\S<!. ; 0 ~;in 1t ~~ - _ _ - - - .5
. t d ,,, o ! c.i.c. Ie ~ .,._ - - - ...:. - - - s -






The number 10 is &. ccrinbination of O and 1.

On page 6 of Lesson 2 is a statement that 10
symbolizes the eternal crea~iveness of the
Life-power, the incessant vmir ling forth of
the- self-expression of the Primal Hill, the
aver-turning Wheel of Manifestation. Let u&
consider the meaning of this
O is a symbol of the One Forco. 1 is a
symbol of the POrnT wherein that Force ~on- -
centrates itself. Concerning this, review the
instruction in Lessons 3, 4 and 5~ At the
Central Point within itself, the One Force
becomes active. This, conseque ntly, is the
Point where motion begins.
What i:,e are thinking of now ~ s priOr to all
physical manifestation. I~ precedes the mani-
festaticn of thin1~s. It is the concentration
of energy in free space. The free space, fur-
ther, is mental space. There is not h in g but
consciousness of itself at this POINT i:rhere
the One spirit wakens into activit y .
Because there can be no other mode of
activity at this f:irs..t a ...- ra.kening of conscious-
ness, the - activity we a r e non considering must
be, as Judge Troward has pointed out> o.ctivi ty
which is 1,,1lolly self-sustained. He goes on to
The law of reciprocity~ therefore> demands
a similar self-sustained motion in the materi-
al correspondence, and mathe matical considera-
tions show that the only sort of motion wh ich
can sustain n self-supporting body in vacuo is
a rotary mot :',on ; brhl .gin.g the body itself into
, a s phe r i c ? . l r.'1,
1' ,:c,-,

nwow this is exactly ,;rhat we find at both

extremes of the material ,-rorld. At the big
end the spheres of the planets rote.ting on
their axes and revolving round the sun; and at
the little end tile spheres of the atoms con-
s sisting of particles which, modern s .oience
~ ~ tells
1 mon center
us, in like manner rotate
at distances
with their e. com-
which are astronOr.iical
01:m mass. Thus the tvro
ultimate units of physical manifestation., the
atom and the, both :eollorr the SGme la'Vl
of self-sustained motion which ,re have fo1md
~oriori grounds., they ought in order
to express the primary a,Qtivity of Spirit.
And we may note in passing that this rotary,
or absolute, motion is a combination of the
only ti.TO possible modes of relative motion,
that is to say centrifugal and centripetal no-
tion; so that in rotary or absolute motion ...-re
find that both polarities of :motiqn are in-
cluded, thus repeating on the purely mechani-
cal .side the prL~ordial principle of the
Unity inoluding the Duality in itselr.
'This quotation from The Creative Process in
the Individual, pages 29-30, deserves careful
study. It is full of meat~ Build up in your
mind an image of the initial nhirling motion
in the vast expanse of the Limitless Light.
The doctrine of Rotation is one of the most
important in occultism., for it is concerned
i.,ith the principles of gronth., involution and
evolution, action and reaction, and the recip-
rocal relation betYreen eve1 y pair of opposites

throughout the universe. This doctrine, you

should remember, has to do with things in man-
ifestation. Do not confuse abs oluts motion
with the Absolute. Absolute motion is so
called because it is self-derived and selr-

sustained, ,rrithout being dependent on, nor

conditioned by, other of activity.
The Hebrew letter Kaph printed on Key 10
represents a hand in the a.ct of gro.sping, or a
closed fist 0 Close vour fist and. turn it vdth
the thumb to,:rard "j'ou: See ho,r the f.orefinger
and thumb forn a spiral.
The activity of the One Force is not simply
circular in form. It is spiral. Thus, o.nd
only thus, is grO\"rth possible, does evolution
come about. The motion appears to return i;o
its startin;-point, but o.t each revolution it
begins at a higher level. Review vJhat wn.~
said about spiral activity in Lesson 19. ,..,,,
The basic io.ea suggested by Kaph is compre-
hension or grasp. As stated above, we deal in
this less on with a lnw of finite manifesta-
tion. This law is vrithin our mental grasp.
Ii; may be, and is, a lnu 0perative throughout
unimaginable immensities. Yet it is finite,
and ,ia co.n cca.'lprehend i-t. The principle of
rotation at vrork through the entire series of
cosmic manifestatious is an intelli;;ible prin-
ciple. We can U..Yldersta.nd and apply it. It
has been symbolized from time immemorial by a
turning wheel.
To Kaph, and thus to Key 10, the planet
Jupiter is attributed,. Astr olo~ ea.lls it the
Greater Fort"lmeo Myth makes Jupiter ruler of
the gods, and through their agency, master of
the destinies of man. Linking the idea of
comprehension i.r.iplied by !Caph,. the grasping
hand, to these ideas associated with Jupi-
t~r, we have the thouGht that it is possible
to comprehend the miderlying la,7 vrhich governs
human destiny.
Jupiter is the planet exalted in Cancer,
the sign o on:nected with Koy 7. The i:rheel s of
the Chariot represent the La,7 of Rotation.
O'f 1'"'iJ1111JllliEUTALS

Review Key 7 and you will see some of_ the

practical applications of the LaTr of Rotation
to your O\'.'ll life. T'ry to comprehend. the idea
that even the lea t of your personal activi-
ties is a particular expression of some more
extensive cycle of cosmic activity. Then you
will begin to understo.nd hO\"t it is that every
detail of your personal life-expression is
adjusted -to the svr~ep of currents cf universal
Carried to completion., such comprehension
enables :man to free himself frcm every dis-
ease., every misfortmi.e., every semblance of
bondage. The power of Jupiter., the sky-father
is man's porrer.
Yet this must be c<1nprehended truly. The
grasp of' this truth is more than mere intel-
lectual apprehensiO!l of the neaning of the
words '\'rhich say that ,matever ,re de is pe.rt of
the cosmic ebb and flow. . We must re9.lize it.
The Tarot Keys will , help us do so:---13y their
aid we may plant tho seed-idea in subcon-
sciousness., where it will grow., and bear fruit
in the corn.prehens ion we seek.
As the sk:y-father (-.1hich is the literal
meaning; of his name) Jupiter is god of cloud.,
rain, li ghtning and thunder. This is closet
Tlhat science says concerning the :n,ature of the
physical world,. Everything physical is some
special form assumed by the electrical energy
, ;hich pervades the atmosphere. The circula-
tion of this energy produces whatever there
is. A physical form 1nay be thought of as
being a condensation of the electro-magnetic
rain" which is the root_-1!18.tter pervading all
space~ and veiling the fiery energy of the On~
Force. This root-matter, with it s interior
fire., is the "vm.ter" of which occultists speak
so Often.

The mode of consciousness associated vrith

the letter Kaph is named nThe Intel-
ligence of Those "'"fuo Seek, 11 or, "The Intelli-
gence of Desirous Quest. 11 What '\his :raeans is
that to comprehend the La.\'T of Rclh~tion. i$ t-o
secure the s~tisfaction of every desire. This
comprehension comes - to real seekers, and to
nobOdy else. Lazy :minds cannot grasp truth.
(H e uho has no definite idea of vfnat he wants
never perceives the inner significance of the
Law of Rotation. _]
In scme respects this . law is one of the
most obvious in nature. We see it L'l'l opera-
tion every-Mhere. Yet few persons understand
even part cf it means.
One plain meaning is that ,rha t 1re send out
ec1nes back to us. The present state of the
world is evidence that most persons do not see
the truth of this. If humanity vrould realize
that its future--not that of its children, but
its very own future--depends entirely on its
present actions, ,rar~, strife and selfishness
vrould come to an end. The idea of separate
existence., of good to be obtai:::ied : nt the
expense of others, would be ..-riped oute Do all
you can to perfect your oi.:m grasp of t h is lavr.
hlake y<mr exercise this ueek a.n attempt to
see the Lau of Rotation at work. Begin by
calling to mind every instance cf cyclic or
spiral aotivity ~ ou can identify. Then ex-
amine yourself. l Look back over your past, and
see how your experiences have r1m in cycles.
Tiatoh y<YU:r m.cods, and you nill find the same
alternation of ebb and flovr. Think or your
present activities, and try to picture their
logical results in future experience.


YELI...Olii: Serpent, eagle's ~ye, lion's eyes.

BLUE: Background., sphbx (n o t head-
. ORA.11GE: En'cire body of the uheel.
BROrJN: Animals. Lion should be tawny, a
mixture of br ovrn and ye 11 ovr.
GOLD: Sword hilt.
STEEL: Sword blade.
~Y: Cl ouda, but they are gray and
white storm-clouds.
BLONDEr Man t9 hair, s beak ( upper
and 1 ovrer)
:rmtrE: In headdress of sphinx, clouds as
stated above., bull's horns, eye of
Hermanubis, the rising figure.
RED: Hermanubis (jackal-headed figure,
except eye) , , eagle's tongue.
l~:------~--------------~q /1
I 1

TH/; WHEEi.. Of FORTUNE -ta l


, i
- -.. \L .
/"-- - --- '----- ---~--------~


This version of Key 10 is a reproduction' f

the correct esoteric design. Fror:i it Eliphas
Levi adapted the illustration in his Ritual o~
the Sanctum Regnum., which he drevr to repres-ent
the Tlheel of Ezekiel. Of 'chis he ,rrote:
Th Whee1 of Ez Qkiel is the type on ,rhic h
all the Pantacles of the Higher :Magic a~
''Tihen the adept is in the blessed psse$-
sion of a full knorrledge of the pmwrs of the
Seal of Solomon ~d of the virtues . of the
t lhael or Ezeid ..el., which is indeed eorrespond-
ent., in its entire symbolis:ra., 1.-rith that of
?ythagora.s., he has sufi'io ient experience to
design talismans and Pantacles for any magical
"The rfueel of Ezekiel oontains the solution
of the quadrature of the circle., and demon-
strates the correspondence between -rrords and
figuros., letters and emblems; it exhibits the
tetra.gram of characters analogous to that of
the elements and elemental forms. It is a
glyph of perpetual motion. The triple ternary
is shown; the . central point is the first
Unity; three c;,ircles are added, each with four
attributions., and the dda.ekad is thus seen.
The state of universal equilibrium is suggest-
ed by the oounte.rpoised emblems, and the pairs
of opposites. The flying Ea gle balances the
Man; the roaring i,io:n OOU!lterpoises the labor-
ious Bull.u
In Hebreu Hisdom the number 10 .is called
lJLKV'fh, Ualkuth, the Kingdom. A kingdom. ex-
presses the will and authority of its ruler.

The Tarot Keys frcm O to 4 inclusive add up to

10., and a few minutes' inspection of these
Keys Yrill shorr you that they represent every-
thing fundamental to the meo.ning of the noun
"Iani;d om"
One Greek name for 10 vras Pantelia.., signi-
fyint:; 11all complete,'' or "fully accor;1plished. 11
Westcott says: 1Jote the.t ten is used as a
sign of fello rrship., love, peace, and . u..11ion., in
the Ila.sonic third token., the union of tuo five
- :points of fell owship. 11 Ten is o the number
of complete ro.a.nifestation., according to the
A c:er-r,cct comprehension or mental ~rasp
(Kaph) of the ten aspects of the Life-porrer
mentioned in the stateinents numbered from 1 to
10 in The Pattern on the Trestleboard serves
to place the rulinG power i n its right posi-
tion in our thought. This 1uling po r!8r is the
Reality designated by the Hebrew divine name
IHVH, jehovah, identical in basic 11?.eaning v.rith
the Jove or Jupiter of the Romans.
The title of Key 10 refers to Jupiter, the
Lord of F'ortune., according to astrology. (' The
perfection of g ood fortune is brouGht about by
the ri ght functioning of a center in the
body., k,."lovm in occultism ~s the Ju piter cen-
ter. ? 'his is v.rhat anatt\nists call the solar
plexus. Do not be misled by their name for
it. It is not the Sun center. This gr~up of
nerve cells, s~ netimes called the epigastrio
plexus., is situated in the abdomen behind the
stomach .Among the several ganglia it con-
tains, the most .i!nportant are the sernilunar
ganglia. This organ., sometimes lmorm as the
abdominal brain., controls all the abdominal
viscera, and has corm,1and of ass :i.milation. (t ts
.occult functions have to do nith activities by

means of uhich we may synchronize our personal

existence ,;nth the universal cycles of the
Life-pc; 1rer 1 s self-expression. ,
In the Cube of Space, the letter Kaph and
I(ey 10 correspond tc the direction Viest. This
is the face of the Cube nearest the observer
in diagra.ins like those in Lesson 18. Because
nearest to us, this s;;estern face of tho cube
represents those events and circumstances
which, at any given moment, are in the immedi-
ate present.
( What surrounds us nO\'I is, hO\vever, the cul-
mination of a stream of events cming out of
the past. Thus the present situation repre-
sents the end of a cycle of preceding activi-
-tie.s. ;') For ,"this r-e~ on the present mOI!lent is
symbolized by the direction lest, the place of
sunset, corresponding to the end of a. 11day. 11
In occultism generally, as in the first chap-
ter of Genesil!, the vrord "day" stands for any
t:irne-per iod.
By its spac-e attribution, Key 10 is iJa to Key 3., the Empress. The latter is
the Tarot symbol of the direction East, the
plaqe of sunrise or dawn. It represents the
first stages of a cycle of manifestation. ( J.{ey
10 represents the culmination of a stream of
eve.ts having their origin in i!hat is pictured
by the Empress. )
' Because there is a sense in which a ,;m.ol~
series of events is continuous with its origin
or cause, we may say that Key 10 is another
aspect of the Empress. Thus we find that one
of the nm,1es for Malkuth in Qabalah is Bride1,
vrhile another is Queen., and ' both words are
applicable to the Empress.
The con..."1.0cting link be"b;reen East and '\Test,
in the Cube symbolism, is a horizontal line,
connecting the center of the eastern face ,vith

the center of the Y.restern face. To this line

is attributed Mem., the second of the three
Mother letters., associated .-rith the element of
water., s.nd with Tarot Key 12. 'Water 11 is th.:
root matter, and the root matter is what; ltnks
the origins represented by East to the conse-
quences corresponding; to West. Of this., more
when 1:re come to Key 12.
In the symbols of :Key 10 the bull, eagle.,
lion and man are supported by clouds, to re-
mind us that Jove and Jehovah are g;eds of rain
and lightning and thunder. The four animals
are the ones mentioned in Ezekiel and Revela-
The lion corresp_onds to Yod (I)., the first
letter of IHVH. The eagle is the s ec ond let-
ter of tha. .t name (H). The man stands for the
third letter (V). The bull i~ -the last letter
( the second H).
These living creatures are related also to
the four fixed signs of the zodiac. The lion
is Leo, the eagle Scorpio, the man A3uarius,
and the bull Taurus. These are the 5th, 8th.,
11th and 2nd signs. Their nUI:1bers in the
z odiac~l series add to 26, vrhic h is the sum of
the nt:!IJleral values of the letters in IHVH.
The~e four creatures are shown in -the arms
of Freemasonry. Gn Ke;y 10 they are placed in
the corners of the design to illustrate the
statement (quoted in Acts 17:28 from a hymn to
Jupiter, vrritten by the Greek poet Clea.nthes):
In h:L'll we live and rncs,e and haYe our bei.."lg. 11
The same thought is in these lines fr0.i11 the
Ka.ivalya Upanishad;

'1Tithin me the universe ca.roe into being;
Uithin me the universe is established;

Within me the tmiverse passes away--

This Brahma, vtithout a second, I myself
am It .. 11

The solution of the quadrature of the cir-

cle, mentioned in our quotation fro.m Eliphas
Levi, is indicated by the total value of the
eight letters on the wheel. Reckoned accord-
ing to their Hebrew values., they add to 697,
and the sum of the die;its of this number is
22. If the letters be reckoned accord-
ing to their values in the Latin Cabala Sim-
plex, the total of the E:ebre,;r and the Roman
Ts74, vrhich reduces to 11.
The relatic:n of these numbers to the quad-
rature of the circle goes back to very ancient
times. 22 represents the relation of the cir-
eurnference of a circle to its diameter. ' This
is only an approximate "squaring of the cir-
cle," but it is c],ose enough for all practical
purposes. The ratio is that of n circumfer-
ence of 22 to a diameter of 7, vrhich is the
same as a circumference of 11 to a die.meter of
s. Both these numbers, 7 and 3, oc9ur as
symbolic numbers in the Bible, and in other
occult Yrritings.
1'he ract that this quadrature is only ap..
proximate has its Ot.m lesson for us. Ue never
can take the exact measure of a manifestation
of the Infinite, because the Infinite itself
is immeasurable. Ue can make practical ap-
preximations. This truth has been brought
homo to raodern science by the quantum thE1ory.
"Close averages, rather thfil"l absolute measures,
are the tocls of scientific research .
The relation bet.veen 22 as circumference
and 7 as diameter is a key to many occult for-
mulas of great value. It occurs in the Bible,
,, FOUR 6

in Egyptian hieroglyphics and architecture, in

ancient magical medals, in certain passages of
Oriental 'books on Yoga, and elsewhere. As you
progress in your occuit studies., it vrill come
up again and again.
The tetra.gram (four-leti;sr combination) of
characters Levi mentions is sho,,v.n in tho
middle circle of the wheel. At the top, under
the letter T, is the character for alcheJ!lioal
Idercury. At the right, beside the letter A,
is the symbol for --9J e.hem;ica.l Sulphur. At the
left, beside the le~ter O, is the barred cir-
cle representing alchemical Salt. Above the
letter R, at the bottom of the cirole, are the
t v;o ,ravy li...' so:rn.otimos used by alchemists to
symbolize Dissolution. Because this symbol is
used also for .the sign Aquarius., and Aquarius
corresponds to the Man among the livi:hc crea-
tures, it may be understood. to represent Man
as the dissolver of the phantoms of illusion.
};iercury, Sulphur and Salt, tho three "prin-
ciples" of the alchemists, correspond to the
three, or qualities, mentioned by Yll'i-
, ters on Hindu philosophy. (Do not be confused
by "principles and 11qunlitiestt as used in the
special senses here indicated.)
1.;ercury cor r esponds to the Sattva-guna., or
Wisdom . L~ these lessons, we call it s~per-
Sulphur corresponds to the Rajas-gun.a., or
passio n and desire, inciting to action. This
is the main characteristic of ordinary self-
conscious avrareness
Salt corresponds to tl'te Tamas-guna , . or the
quality of inertia. This is the dominant
characteristic of what we cal l subconscious-
The symbol for dissolution; which stands
also for the sign of Man, Aquarius., reveals an
Allillf TJILS
i.ESSGH 'i";rEnTY-FCUR 7

important truth. In both alchemy and yoga

(wh ich have the same objectives, and ,, ork vrith
the sa.~e m~terials, by identical methods), man
learns to dissolve the various forms of
appeararoe which surround him, extract their
essence, assimilate that essence to himself,
a..YJ.dprcject it in ne,;r forms modified oy his
creative L~agination. Here is the theory of
practical occultism in a sentence.
In the smallest circle is sh0<;m the alchem-
ical symbol for the Q.uintessenoe, or Spirit.
This corres p onds to the Akasha of the Eindus.
The symbol is an eight-spoked whe~l., like that
which is repeated ten times on the outer
gar ment of the Fool.
The center of the wheel, as Levi says,
represents the Fir st Unity, ",mence all motion
originates. The central POINT is the Arche-
typal 'i'forld of the Q.aba.lists, symbolized also
by the lmobs at the top of the .staff and crO\'m
of the Hierapha.."1.t . It is the Ytcr.tld in -r:hich
all the potencies of manifestation, hovrever
extensive tlw.t manifestation :.rJAybe, are con-
centrated into a single FGINT.
Surrounding this center, the smallest cir-
cle stands for the Creative rrorld, or mental
plane. This is symbolized a.lso by the upper
bar of the Hier ophant 's staff, and by the
topmost of hif! three crovms .
In the next circle are the alchemical
symbols of the forces active in the Formative
'\1orld. This is represented by the middle bar
of the Hierophant 1 s staff, and by the second
of his three crO\ms :
The cuter oircle, containing letters which
suggest the manifestation of the HCRD., or the
Logos, s t ands for the Material Ticrld, or World
of Action. This is symbolized by the lorrest

bar of the llierophant's staff, and by the l~,-

est of his three crovms.
The eight saonenta .of tho rmo.Heet circlo
dtvide its circumference into a.res of 45
degrees. 45 is the value of the Hebrmv noun
ADM, Adam, the generic name for humanity, like
the La.tin homo, which also adds to 45, by Lat-
in Cabala Siiiiplex. What is sugges t ed here is
that the essential spiritual being, or Quin-
tessence, is the san1~ Life-pOll'rer which is the
spirit of humanity.
Tho eight radij. of this oirole remind us
that 8 is the nunber of Hermes, and. of Christ.
They indicate that the secret of :me.stering
circumstance is to be sought in the fa.ct that
the inner most spirit of humanity is identical
vii th the ruling po1rrer (Christos, the Anointed)
which sets tho vrheeling activity of the cos mic
cycles into motion. 7
The field n herein man may a ppl y the r oYal
po.-rer of the Central Spirit is in the It'orma-
tive World. He does this by combinin g tho
three alchemical principles in the Great V[ork
vhioh dissolves all seer.!in g obstacles by the
"philosophical Mercury." This is the right
knowledge., or true comprehension, su ggesl;ed by
the meaning of' the letter-name Kaph, the
grasping ha...'ld. ~ issolution makes available
the various energies lo~ked up in form, )
The letters in the outer oircle spell I HVH,
Jehovah, in Hebrew., and. Rota, rfueel, in Latin.
The letters of Rota may be arranged. to form a
sentence (in rather barbarous Latin): ROTA
TARO ORAT TGRAATOR. It means: The 1fueel of
Tarot speaks the Law of Ator. Ator is one
Latin spelling for the name oTtii:e Er;yptian
goddess liathor, personifying Nature and Venus.
Thus the La.w of Ator is the Law of the Empress-

in Tarot. These letters are Ytritten in the

outer circle., to remind us that the Material
Vforld is really the plane ~f the uttered ~TORD
of the indwelling Spirit. .
The serpent ~ on the descending side of the
-.rheel is yellow, tc represent light. It;s i:m.vy
form symbolizes vibration. It stands for the
descent of the Serpent Porter, Fohat, into the
field cf physical manifestaticn. Thus it
represents the involution of Light into Form.
Hermanubis., the red figure rising on the
right side of the wheel., stands for the ev-ol1l
tion of form, and is a specific symbol of the
average present developl!leAt oz human personal-
ity. He has a human body., ;-;ith a jackal 1 s
he~d., to shoi:r that humanity as a vi-hole has not
evolved beyond the intellectual level. His
eaJ.s rise above the horizonte.l diameter of the
wheel., to indicate that through interior hear-
ing (Intuition., Key ?) man is be gin.'l'ling to
have some Jrn.mrledge of the segment of the ey-
ole of evolution through 1-rhich he is destined
tor ise.
The segment of the Y,heel betv1een llerma.nubis
and the Sphinx contains the letter Yod, uhich
is represented in Tarot by the IIer:nit. "Ghat
completes the unfoldment of man, and develops
powers beyond his intellectual level of con-
sciousness, is n.n organic change. To effect change is to omplish the Great fork,
and the letter Yod is a symbol of tha. t ace om-
plis hment. For the perfection of the '.Tork is
the identification of the pers anal 11self:, 11 the
Ego seated in the heart., nith the Ancient of
Days I the Silent Tiatcher of Key 9
The Sphinx symbolizes the perfection of
this identification. She cnrries a svrord, the
weapQn corresponding to the element Of aJ.r, to

the Formative r ;orld, and to the letter Zain,

represented in Tarot by Key 6. Thus her ,;reapon
stands for conquest in the Formative Uorld, or
plane wherein the subtle forces of the Life ... at work. This conquest is effected
by right discrimination.
The Sphinx combines the two principal ele-
ments in the symb olis:r:i of Key 8. She has a
woman's head and b1easts., cQmbined the
b dy of a male lion. She is the union of' male
and i'emale povters, the, perfect of
foroes uhich., at _ loner levels of perception.,
appear to be opposed.
A brief sun mary of the mea!l:ing of Key 10
is: All cycles of natural ma11if-estation are
cycles in the orderly expression of One Power.,
which is identical with the innen,ost Spirit
of :Man.
There is also a statement in 1'he Kybo.lion
which has a diroet bear ins on the meaning of
Key 10. It is quoted frcm certain ancient
writers whc declared:
"The farther the crca t;ion is fr Cl.rt the
Center., the more it is bound; the nearer the
Center it reaches, the nearer free is it. u
--The Kybalion, p. 1'119.

_______ _././
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"Equilibrium is the bas is of the Gs,i,G~

Work," sn.ys nn occult maxim. This doctrine is .
behind o.11 the meonings of Key 11.
Consider the number itself. Its digits
equal ench other. Thus 11 is itself n glyph
of balnnce, or equilibrium. Hence it typifies
equnlity, parity, symnetry nnd poise. 11 '. is
similur to the zodincul sign Gemini, II, o.:nd
to the Romon numeral II. For the idea. of e-
quilibrium inplies that of duulity. Ba.lance,
says Eliphns Levi, is the result of e~uulizing
_opposing activities or forces.
tEquilibrium is the result of two forees,
but if these were olutely a.nd permanent-
ly ~qual, equilibrium -would be ~obility, nnd
consequently t},c negntic:n. o-.rlife. Movement
is the result or nlternnted preponderunce--
,ro.rmth after cold, mildness after severity,
uffection after nnger--this is the secret of
perpetual motion und the prolongntion of' povr-
er. To opere.te always on the srune side and in
the same manner is to overload one side of a
balance, nnd the complete destruction of equi-
librium will soon result. Everlasting cnr-
ressing wuickly ~ngenders disgust and nnti-
pathy., in the saine -..ray that consto.nt coldness
or severity alienates and discourn~es affec-
tion in the end. tt
The Kybnlion states the same la:rr thus: "To
destr~~ an undesirable rate of vibration, put
in operation th~ Principle of Polarity and
concentrate upon the opposite pole to that
;vhioh you desire to suppress. 11 The same book

gives this excellent summa.ry of the Principle

of Polarity:
"Everything is dual; everything has poles;
everything h~s its pair of opposites; like and
unlike are the srune; opposites are identical
in nature, but dif'fe:rent in degree .; extremes
meet; all truths are but half-truths; all
pa.rad o:xes may be reo o.nciled."
Tho Hebrew letter on this Key is It
means "ox-goad. 11 Thus it suggests the idea of
control, combined with that of incitement. An
ox.-goad impels on ox to move, and keeps him on
the road chosen by the driver.
In the Hebre w the Ox is Aleph, the
letter represented . in Tarot by the Fool. Yet
it is not reall y true that vre incite the su-
percon::icious Life-pov,er to enter into action.
Nor is it true that we exert any eontrol over
it, 9r do anything to determine its perfctly
free and spontaneous activ i.ty. On the other
hand, we do seen <to de both these 1:Mngs.
Vfuo.t really occurs is that the Life-power
directs itself, by menus of the functions of
pe i:_sono.l consciousness represented by the let-
ter ' and by Ke'J 11. These f unctions
appear to or iginnte .-ti thin us. Persons who
are ignorant of the . true situation suppose
t.bese activities to be peculiar to themselvGS,
but they are misto.:!.cen.
For all practica.l purposes, however -, they
who knov1 the truth of the mutter net just as
if they ,,ere directing the Lii'e-p01.ver. They
knO\, better, but the-.1 a.ct 11ns if'," just ns a
man""who knov1s the sun does not revolve rotn1d
t he earth ma.y find it convenient to reckon tho ,
hour by the sun s aprnrent position in the
The sllape of the letter Lamed is that of a
serpent. It represents the force we dis-

cussed in our stufy of Teth and Key B. Teth

is the coiled srpent. is the
snake, uncoiled and active.
The sign Libra is attributed to Lamed. Its
namemeans "scales, n and this makes obvious
the correspondence between this sign and the
eleventh Tarot Key.
Astrologers say Libra governs the kidneys,
whose function is to mainta.:in the chemical
equilibrium of the blood. The kidneys
organs vmose function is both elimino.tive nnd
balancing. They elem- the blood strea.'ll of the
impurities which are produced by bodily no-
tion, cmd thus ma.into.:in the proper balance of
its elements.
The ruler of Li bro. is Vanus. You w:i.11 re
member that Venus, in Tarot, is o onnected nith
creo.tive imagination. All occult practice
cells creative ima gin~tion into nction. Books
on yoga are full of exercises in mental
imagery. The 1"1:ritings of o.lchemists and magi-
oiens n.bound in similnr instructic.n.. 1Iodern
metaphysical teachers mnke extendeo. applica-
ti cm of the same principle. The nnnlytical
psychologists use mental imo.gery in treating
neuroses. Creative imngination is the ho.sis
of all practical r.rork nith Tarot,
Imagino.tion builds faith. True imo.gina-
tion--not mere fantasy--rests on the firm
foundation of science. The Arabian Nights
in their tale of the r.Iagic Co.rpet, give us a
fanciful notion of flying; but frcm Leonardo
de. Vinci to the designer of the Chino. Clipper,
true c~ eative imagiilt'l.tion has justified man's
faith in his pcr;rer to fly. Hith every advance
in &:ice.ct lmowledge, in exact \'Teighing and
measuring , creative imagination gr0\7S clearer
and sees farther ~ Leonardo had his faith,

though he never f+ei:7, o.nd he made valuable

contributions to the science of o.viation. The
Arabian story-teller contented himself ,rith
flights of fancy. He rendered no service to
the ca.use of the conquest of :iir, because he-'
had no real faith in -:;he possibility that man
might muster that element.
Faith is a prime requisite for the accom-
plishment of the Great Yfork. Without fni th
you ca n do nothing. You must have confidence
in the principles whereby you operate. Yen
must have fo.ith i:n yourself. Hence occult
schools mak e their pupils fnmilio.r YJ'ith the
lives and ac h i evements of e.depts who have com-
pleted tl1e Great Work. Study 'the lhres of
Jesus and Buddha~ In nhat they st\id und,
the principles of the Great Work are explained
and exemplified.
The planet exalted in Libra is Saturn. It
represents the p oner of 1 imitn.t ion which mo.kes
poesible the manif estn.tion of specific forms.
The pO\ver of l irnito.ti cn is the active povrer
at work in vrho.t Orientnls call Karma. It ex-
presses 'itself to us as undeviating justice.
Hence the So.turn por rer has its highest mani-
festation in the Greut r,ork .-lhich ena.bles us
to control Karma
.Man can I:IEl.kea full and c oraplete conquest
of his future. He can make nhatever Khrmtl he
ohooses. Some persons are so ufraid of "mak-
ing bad .Karma" the .t they do nothin g whatever
to improv-e the conditions in uhic h they live.
others are afraid of "interfe1ing" with Karma.
Don't ,~orry about that. It can't be done.
You can generate fresh lforma, but you . can-
not change immutable law, nor interfere 1,rith
it. You must reap what y ou sow, but you may
select your seeds, and so d.etel'mine the nn.ture

of tomorrow 1 s harvest. As for tOday's tares

among the wheat, use your discrimination. You
can put even bad Karma. to good use, if you are
ingenious. '
There is also the type of person vrho 11in-
vites his Knrma, 11 and immediately thereafter
begins to have all sorts of unpleasant experi-
ences., vrhich he "bears" with a proper facial
express icn of uncomplaining martyrdom 1 ,..lliat
has really happened is that he has had the
silly notion that Karmu is identical ,Tith s or-
r cr;r and disaster. Thus he has more of less
definitely imagined evil forms of exp er ie nee,
and subconsciousness , fa.ith:fullv reproduces his
imaginn.tLms in the ~onstituting his
environment. These self-deluded martyrs have
not ' c a lled dO'\m thejr Karma from a Pandora. 's
bo x of afflictions in the custody of the Lords
of Destiny. 1'hey have simply indulged their
imaginations in ma.king patterns of evil., and
,rhnt they get is vrhe.t they have made.
Ue ca.n:lot escape from Karma, because in all
the universe there is no such thinb as inao-
tion.., and the literal meaning of Karma is
action. The same meaning is behind the Hebre,T
noun translated 1Vlork. 11 is attributed to the letter
The fruit of what we ce.11 11ina.ction 11 is loss
o:f faculty and function, whu.t is not
used atrophies. Yet this very loss of power
is action in the \,'rong direction. We work as
hard to fail as we do to succeed-ho.rder, in
fa.ct. Thus Ma.dame Blavatsky wrote: tt1na.ction
i:p. a deed of mercy is action in a deadly sin . 11
1'he truth of the ,mole matter is found in
the admonition: "Yfi1atsoever thy hand findeth
to do., do it ,aith thy might. 11 This does not
mean you should exert as much force in picking

up a pin as you rrould to lift &. crowbar.

"Yiith thy might" means you must apply your
whole povrer to whatever you do, ,-;hether the
expenditure of energy be small Or' great. This
takes concentration, a n d concentration is
_basically limitation, the pm"ler of Saturn, for
concentration el~T.inates everf distraction
which ta.kas force ai:my from the YTork you have
in hand.


YELLG,f: Between curtains in background,

GREE.liI: Surrounding square on cro vm; cape
over shoulders.
BLUE: Sleeves (same shade as canopy of
cha.riot in Key 'l).
IHDIGO: The letter T on woman's breast.
VIOLET: curtains (not ropes, tassels or
fringe), oval rou..~d neck, veil
connecting pillru-s of throne (a
li ghter violet for bhis veil).
GRAY: Throne and dais
GOL_D: Balnnces, s i:rord hilt, rings hold-
ing r0pes on curtains, outlin~
and peaks of cro.m.
STEEL: S,: ord blade.
rfiU TE: Shoe, square on er ovm., panels be-
side T on woman's breast.
RED: Circle in square on crovm, gar-
ment (not cape or sleeves), ropes
tassels and fri n ges on curtains.
I '

________ ___,,:J


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The br,ckgrcund of Key 11 is the sc..rae yellow

thn.t is shown on Keys 1 nnd 8. The Lem of
Equilibrium is . broui;ht to bec.r through the di-
rective nctivity of sufuf ,.c, nsc'fr.sueness,. il!nti . by
meu.'1.s of the Serpent P()1:;er (Key s 1 r.nd 8).
The two curtains suggest tlunlit y nnd ~olar-
ity, a.ncl their sym.."'lletric!:'.l nr:rrn/:;enent typi-
fies br,lnnce. Their folds reminiscent of
the drnpery of the IIi p;h Priestess, nnd sur; ;;est
vibro.tion. Their color, viole+,: is complemen-
tary to the yellow bo.ckgrom1d. It is n.lso the
color ::,,,ssocinted uit h the letter n.nd with
r:ey 10. This means tha.t the n e ch::u1ical aspect
of 1.miversa.l mo.nif est&tie,n sy;nbolized by the
\ iHEEL OF F(aTL'l{J]; veils the livL,ig, conscious
IDI:jnITY behind.
The throne repents the syr.ibolisr:1 of the
pillnrs of the High Priestess: o.nd the veil
bet ~,een them. IIore th e po.rt of
the throne, nnd are surmounted by pomegranates
instead of lf'tus buds 5 to shorr th::..t the activ-
ity represented by Key 11 hn.s nrrived o.t the
sto.~e of frtlition.,
The crorm is sur r.1ounted by u triple ornu- _
ment,. This refers to the letter Shin, printed
on Key 20, which is in close correspondence
with Keys 2 ro1.d 11. This triple ornc ,ment rep-
resents the Serpent Porrer nhich, in its most
exv.l"i;ed m0.nifesto .tion , huno.n con-
sci ousness fro; n. the li mito. t ions cf thre0-
dimens ional interpretnti 0ns of experience.
The c ire le m1c_ squ1:'.re on the front of the
cro r.n r e f er to the mov err:ent of Spirit uith i n
phfsicaJ . f' 0,:ri, Thi s little detail of the sym-

bolism is a.lso .connected. with ICey 10., nhich

shovrs n. vrheel or circle moving in spo.ce bound-
ed by the four mystical
The orYJ.runent on the breast of Justice com-
bines a T-cross with an ellipse. The cross is
indiGo, the color o.ssocio.ted with So.turn. This
detail foresho.dm7s the mathematical elements
combined in the composition of Key 21. It is
a refer~nce also t t,. the .ticn of Saturn
in Libro..
The pointed blnde of the sword ho.s the srune
bo.sic meuning ns the ox-goad. The is of
steel, the metal ruled by, lfars., in reference
to the fnct nhenever ithe Venus force dom-
:i,na.nt' in L:i,bra comes into play, the Mars force
isaotive also. Venus und QOinplemen-
to.ry. The activity of one al..-ruys excites the
a.ctivity of the other.
The hilt of the sword is o. T-cross~. Tlitle
the uplifted hilt of the suord is another in-
dication. of t}le _ exultution of So.turn in Libra..
The sword-hilt is golden., relating it to the
Stm, nhose meto.l is goldw Hore is a hint of a.
profound nlchemico.l secret, havin g to do uith
the transmutation of 11lead" int c "gold"; but
there is a. simpler ne:.ming also. Sc.turn rep-
resents limitation u..,id form. 'i'he Sun stands
for light nnd r a diation. Uh.en the porrer ef
limitation is used positively :i.t is combined
ni th the radiant ener :s:ir of the Sun. . Thus
enlightenment exalts form.
In the alphabet., Zain. is the letter ,mich
correspunds to the s-rrord. A sword cuts off.
Thus it symbolizes tho eli:m.inntive processes,
rhysical. and mental. This is, of course., a
00"respondence to Libra. ,;Jhich governs the
kid l1eys 1 the or gnns uhic h a in the chemi-
cal equilibrium of the blood. by eliminating
vmste . Psychologically, the practical meaning

of the sword is: Use right discrimination to
rid yourself or everything useless, to free
yourself fro;n o.ttachment,. frcm prejudice, und
from resentment and regret."
The scales represent weighing and meo.sur
ing, or the exercise of mental po,;rer s related
to rno.ther:mtics. Tho pa..'1.s of the seal es are
semicircular. iience each semicircle stands
for 11, since 22 is the number representing a
con:plete circle.
Thus the pans of the bnlance represent the
equilibro.tio!l of t h e 11 pairs of complementary
activities represented by the 22 letters of
the Hebrev1 alphabet and the 22 Te.rot Keys.
The pans of the baln.nce !:',re gold.en, to show
thut all these pairs of activities are modes
of the sLlli;le f orce, ra.diat energy, physi-
cally mani f ested as solar force.
The length cf t h e cross-bar of tho scales
is the srune as th~t of eac h of the lines sup-
porting the puns. Thus seven equal straight
lines are shO\m. 'he y re f er to the seven as-
pects of the Life-power represented by Keys 1,
2, 3, 10, 16, 19 and 21--the Keys correspond ..
ing to Mercury, the r.Ioon., Venus 1 Jupiter,
Ears, the Sun and Saturn. These seven heaven-
ly bodies correspond. o.lso to the seven alchem-
ical metals, and to the seven centers in the
human body vmic h bear the same planetary
names e AgaL-i., the se v en Keys just :mentioned
correspond., through their resp&ctive Hebrew
letters, to the six sides o.nd interior center
of the Cube cf Space.
The seven equ~l lines of the balance refer
also to the relutio n sh ip of Key 11 to the sign .
Libra.., which is the s eventh sign of the zodi-
acal series. Th is is the same sort of hint
that is given in Key 9, uh.ere the six-pointed
TARGT FUlTD...:\i.Ji!iirT.ALS

star in the Her n i t 's lantern is a. reminder

tho.t Virgo is the sixth sign.
The seven equal lines remind us of the
seven-sided figure, or heptagon, 1-rhich appears
so often in alchemical diagrams. This hepta-
gon is the i;eC.:net r ic v.l basis f'or the construc-
tio n of the seve n -sicled vo.ult described i n the
R os ic ruci an Fat~a Fra ternitatis.
I n :~ey 11 the arra.n s ement of th e seven
lines indico.tes a square cOJ,tbined n ith two
triangles. The nur.iber of the is 4, and
tTro triangles are tv.rice 3, or 6. Hence, by
their arrnn~enent, the seven equal lines give
a hint of the number 10, as ,rell as a direct
presentati on of 7.
In occult a r ithmetic 10 und 7 are reluted.
The sum of the numbers frcm 1 to 7 is 28, und
the digits of 28 add to 10. m-..atis Yreighed
and measured by the scales of Justice is the
conplete rr.a:nifestation of the pers O!ml activi-
ties s yn b c l ized by l: ey 7., The activities,
t hough see 1.:i ::1gly ori r;inating in -the field of
:perso110.lity, nro :::-euUy cos n ic cpero.tions al-
so. Een ce the c i1u:d.ot moves because it is on
wheels, and t he nheels represent nha.t is mer
explicitl:, r symbo lized by Key 10. The La-r of
Ko.rno. is the consequence of the rctntion of
the cosmic cyc les.
The d ire ction assigned tc and Key 11
is lJor th- T;cst. This is the line of the Cube
of Space at t h e junctio:a of the western face,
ass iGned to Ku:;_:,hand Key 10, uith the northern
face, assi gned to the letter Peh and Key 16 .
The lat ter Kay relates to Ea rs., s.nd. Key 10 is
a syn.bol f er Jupiter.
:i:l"owlook at Key 11. On its left-hand, or
northern side, :,rou see the uplifted s,;rcrd of
1.1ars. In the other 'hand of Justice is the
pair of be.lances., nhose tvro se mic:1.rcular pans,

fitted together, y;ould a sphere or wheel.

Thus the outstanding elenents of the symbolism
of Key 11 are directly connected with the two
directions, North and West, joined in the line
assigned. t o Lamed.
The line North-West connects the western
end of the line North-Above (assigned to Key 8
a.."1.d Teth) vri th the western end of the line
North-Belot-r (ussi ; ned to ICey 9 and Yod). Be-
cause the general mean ing of Trest, ns explain-
ed in Less on 24, is the completicn of a cy cle
of activity, it follorrs that Ke-; 11., joining
the western ends of the lines corresponding to
Keys 8 nnc1 9, represen t s the culmination of'
tb.e activity symbolized b y these two Keys.
Key 8 has to do with con s cious, and Key 9
w?:_~h -. s,ubcons .c.ious activities which reach com-
pletion in '.-rhe.t is represent ed by Key 11. The
modification of Kc.rr.i.a., by ri ght discri r:lination
and right judfg!!ent., a.pplie u to .-:ork or action,
is the outcome of processes t y pified by I~eys
8 and 9.
Key 11, as reln.ted to the line North--i;fost,
is like ~1ise v1ha.t joins the northern ends of
the lines West-Above ( a ssi gn ed to Sn.."!lekh a.nd
Key 14) nnd Uest-Bel01 ;; (a ss i gned to Ayin and
Key 15); but the expl a n t.\t i on of this must
till we co1ne to the interpretation of these
tvro Keys.
The cape of Justice is green, the color
attributed to Venus. In one scale of color
correspondences, green is o the color r,hich
is associated Yrit h Lib r a.
The v,omun 's robe is red, color complem ent
to green. It sy1nbolizes the I-iars force uhich
energizes the muscular system. This force has
to do u ith the function of the adrenal glands,
g overned by Libru, becausa the adre na ls con-
tro l t he t on.i city of the entire muscular sys-
TAROT F'ulWl;l.iI]:iT.ALS

ten:.. The general sp.i.bolic meaning of the rob~

thus relates to what enables us to work.
The dids and throne are of stone., meaning
that the Lau of Equilibrium is operative even
in the mineral kingdom. For many persons, the
physical plane is the only one concerning
which they any direct sense-experience.
Tarot means us to understand that if i:re inter-
pret correctl y our ex perier..ce of the physical
plane ,;re shall lear n all that is necessary to
kn01r1 in order to begin using the Lexr of
11That uhich is a,bove is as that t1hich is
below. 11 Cne need not be able to sense higher
planes in order to see the law n.'G work,
This week consider your actions more care-
fully thm y ou bave ever d"ne before. Go
,~bout / Our dail y tasks earnestly.,, no me.tter
hor; trivial they may seem. No one ever did
great thin. c s vrell uho had not f hst done well
1:,i th smri.11 things,
Go about y our worl :: in a. poised, quiet mo.n-
ner. Tlhen yo u s i t do rm to study, sit still.
reach your body t he meanin g of balan c e.
Fear not " Dismiss anxiety. Bn~ish the
mood of ho.ste ~ rlh n.te rer you do., re :~,emqer thut
every personal a.ctio:i. is reo.lly a po.rticula.r
expression of the perfect Life- f orce. Above
all ,- train yourself to fashion clear forms for
your desires., and to look upOJ.'.1these mental
i mo.ges as present reo.l it i e s.


/ (

_ kt'( - , ?. - Ri=vi:=Rs1tt.. - M-4l.mI
L.a-' o..f l?e.1"e'($ol - - - _ _ __ _ r
wa,te. y 1.+~.~ \')'42 - - , - - - ~ - - - - ,-, 2. ' l
5 u bcon sc i oit~n~s~ - l"T'a.-kda.
l of - - 2.. I
'i . . - -. . - - .3 I

-,. i

/- --------- - -- - -- - ----- -- - -- - - - -l_ ~ ._:,




The symbolism of Key 12 is as obviously re-

lated to the Law of Reversal as is thn.t of Key
11 to t!1e Lau of Equilibrium.. The application
of this law f'inds expression in the mental
~ttitude of the truly, which is the exact
reverse of popular opinion. That on v,hich the
wise set high value is accounted as nothing in
the estimation of the average man. This is
one renson the first Tarot picture is nruned
the Fool, o.nd numbered Zero.
The series of To.rot Keys is intended ~o
effect a revers -al or the superficial., deluded
interpretation of the universe ,mich holds the
ordinary human being in bondag~. Renee Key 12
is ( a symbol of the state of absolute freedcm., )
as experienced by the ,rise; but this s;t;ate is
indicated by a combination of syr,1bols ,mich
looks like a picture of bondage and su:f'fer ing.
The Hebrev, letter Mem., printed on this Key,
means waters or seas., and this letter-name is
als the genericliebrew noun corresponding te
our word 1.'18.ter. It refers., likev.'ise, to the .
meta.physical substance which is called "water"
in various texts of occultism.
Water s~,1mbolizes the Lau of Reversal be-
eause water refleots everything upside down.
More than this., no one btti; a person who has
experienced the reversal of consciousness pic-
tured in Key 12 can understand what is really
meant in occult isa by ".'later. \I others may a.p_ ..
proach the truth L~tellectually, but -they only-
who actually have experienced reversal can
fully comprehend the Water of too Wise, as
alchemists -call it.

In connection with the symbolism of the

High Priestess, you learned to identify water
vrith subconsciousness. Ycu learned also that
subconsciousness is the substance of
every form in the universe--that it is the 01TE
THING from ....-rhichall things are Conse-
quently, it will be easy to recognize the let-
ter Mem us signifying the Mother Deep, or Root
of Nature. This is carried out further by the
fact that this letter is one of the three
Mother letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the two
others being Aleph and Shin. These three let-
ters represent three aspects of the Absolute.,
Or the .ALL. .
The universal subconsciousness is o.lso your
pers anal suboonsciousnoss. Its creative povr-
ers are those which you govern by meEU>.sor
suggestion., as . explained in SEVIHSTEPS.
One thing whio h makes all fOnI'.S of mentnl
and occult practice seem difficult is the
suppositicn that what we have to do demands an
exertion of scme intangible l!lental pov,er.,
~hich must be pitted against the inertia of a
very ta11gible physical reality. This "matter"
surrour..dine; us seems to be so dense, so
resistant, so hard to mov~, ~ha.t n~t persOJ.:! .S ~
regard as preposterous the notion th~t _mere
thinking any power over external
conditions ,
A wise man is not deceived by i;his surfaoe
appearance. Re sees himself surrounded by
things which have neither the s oliditJ' nor the
inertia his unaided senses report. He under-
stands thut the densest forms of physical
substance, as v1ll a.s the lightest gases, are
really forms of energy, built up from infini-
tesimal, widely separated "drops" o f the
11,vater 11 Of' the alchemists.

Thus, when he begins to attack the practi-

cal proimlem of changing oondit.ions by changing .
his thinking, he does not :face the difficulty
which besets one vrho believes what his senses
report concerning the th:ings in his environ-
ment. A practical oceultist kn.01,1sthere is no
difference between the energy -vmich ta.lees form
as thought a.nd the energy vm ic'h takes form--:a.!-
a diamond, a piece of' metal, or any other
physical objectt. Re kno,.-rs, moreover, that
thought~forms are centers of mOre intense a..~d
more lasting activity than physical things.
Thus the QCcult teachi."lg ab out water as
substance, which, in many- respects, is pre-
cisely the same ns the scientifio conception
of . the al.-eetr:ie-al .,eO?Wtttrtion of matter, en-
ables an a.snirant to eff'ect a reversal in his
environraent. By means of this reversal he is
able to free his mind from ~-- sub,Seotion to
appearances which prevents most pers o.ns f'r o.m
using mental imagery to change conditions for
the better.
The number 12 is almost inexhaustible in
its meanings. In this respect it is like the
number 7. It is also related to that number.
12 is the product of 3 and 4., and 7 is the sum
of the same t, rro numbers -
You are familiar vrith 12 e.nd 7 as repre-
senting the number of' &Odiacal signs and the
nunber of heavenly bodies k:norm to anc "ient
astronomy. E is assoein.ted the idea. of
completeness., because tuelve months e.nd twelve
signs c5'I'" the zodiac round out a ysa.r.
Since 12 is eor:iposed of the digits land 2,
and we reud the digits in a ccmposite munber
from right to left, 12 expresses the ll"Anifes-
. tation of 2 through the agency of 1. In Tarot
..2 is t.he ---Hi -gh Priestess a...'lc'I.
). is the Magiciani,

Hence this reading of 12 suggests nn out-

pouting of the powers of subconsciousness
through the fixation of the conscious mind's
povrer of attention. Precisely this is what
the Hanged lian typi:fies.
Tihen concentration is prolonged, the effect
produced is .-hat Hindus call Sar.nadhi.
eftects of Samadhi include profound trance,
and the suspension of nost of the bodily
functions.- The inner result is direct experi-
ence of superconsoiousness. Thi1; is the union
of personal c onseiousness with the Wliversal,
attained by practices which quiet the mind,
and S\lSpend the formation of clw.ins of associ-
ated ideas tt
The title of -!;he Key, the Hnnged Man, re-
fers to the result of such practices. tlithout
cho.nging its meaning ne might ca.11 it i;he Sus-
pended Lian.
11:Ma.n" is an English noun derived from the
Sanskrit root uanas, mea..~ing mind as the
thinkin g; prin~i p!e! Tc the initiated, there-
fore, the title of' Key 12 suggests the suspen-
sion of pers cnal mental activity. This is
achieved by concentration.
1Then this suspension cf persona.l activity
is effected, there is n release of those mar-
velous powers o! subeonsciousness which make
themselves manifest in the "worlcs of' power"
performed by ndepts.
As a result of even momentary experience of
the superconscious state, one's ,mole attitude
toward life becomes the reverse of that of the
average human being. He ;;rl10 has had this ex-
perience knorrs himself to be merely n vehicle,
or instrument, of the ccs1r..ic
Gone forever is the delusion that personality
is, or can be, separate i'rcan the sum-total of
.11osmie activity.

The wards or Jesus, "Of myself I can do

nothing, 11 express the mental state reached by
all ,7hO have this experience. Yet this is ncb
in the least d~groe a confession of vreakness.
It is simply the recognition that there is no
i'orm of per-scnal activity nhich is not also an
expression of universal forces and lf:t1t7Se In-
stead of lessening the importance and value of
personality, this consciousness tremendously
enhances one's estimate or the v10rth or the
personal vehicle. For it shov1s that personal-
ity, though it can do nothing of itself, is
the indispensable agent whereby the povrers -of
the One Life may be expressed in the condi-
tions of relative existence.
The El:'st r.-olo t ical correspondence to Key 12
is the planet Neptune. ThOU{;hthis planet ,ms
11ot discovered by exoteric astronoiners until
long s.i'ter the Tarot Keys were invented, its
existence 'i:/8.S kno rm to occultists. Hence they
niade a place for it in the Tarot series. One
has only to kn.0 1; that astrologers call Neptune
the planet or inversion., to understand that it
must be related to Key 12.
ifoptune is said to rule inspiration. psy-
chometry and mediumship. It i& connected also
1Tith gases and drugs vihich produce unc on-
sci ousness and hallucinations. Some of these
drugs and gases effect che!ilical changes in the
blood YThich make possible an i:nperfect percep~
tion of h i gher forms of conscioUsness.
Be on your guard here. You may have read
of cases in Trhicn a narcotic drug or gas has
opened, temporn.rily., a gatoTiay into the higher
consciou.sness. Hever make any experiments of
th i s kind. No intelligent occultist ever uses
drugs for this purpose.
Though such chemical substances, when in ..
'troduced into the bloOd., do sthnulate the

action of brain centers through ,;rhich the

higher consciousness is experienced, the ac-
tive principle in them which accomplished this
result can_~ct be separated by any process
lm.ovm to modern chemistry from certain other
substo.naes vlhic h terribly destructive to
the delica.te tissues of nerves and brain.
Yet, the fact that narcotic drugs do enable
one to experience a measure of supereon.scious-
ness points to an important conclusion. He
who experiences the Divine Consciousness does
so because of a. chemical change in the comp~
sitia.n of his blood. This cho.nge, hortever,
must be eff'ected fr0!:1 within Jlihe bOdily organ ..
ism, not by outside agencies.
Since the bodily processes completely
under the control of subconsciousness, it fol-
lorrs that the alteration of bOdily ste.tes is
also effected by subconsciousness. The neces-
sary .chemical cli..anges in your organism are
being brought , about by the work you are doing
in connection rrith thi-s instruction.
'.Then you look at these Tar-ot Keys, and
oarry ouj.:;the directions given in these pages,
you give imbconscicusness patterns On -rrhich to
work. Subconsciousness brings about t h e .
required modifications in your body chemistry
in a perfectly normal and safe way. ( ultimate-
ly, you 1n.ll, as o. result of these changes of
chemistry and nerve structure, experience the
1:::i.nd of consciousness pietured by Key 12. ")


Yfil.LOi.T: Slippers, halo rom1.d head.

BLUE: Coat (not rescents, buttona;
belt or stipe d0ml front and
round neck), same as canapy in Key

GREEN: Grass.
BRGYJW: Scaffold, hill sl0pes at base of
GRAY: M.ekgr ound.
SILVER: Cresoents., belt, buttons and front

\ .. stripe.
m:ITE: Hair of I!lan., and rope by which he
is suspended.
RED: Hose.

In :malltYrespects this is one of the ~0-&t

important Keys of Tarot. As you oolor it t~1is
week, and during your regular perioo.s of'
study, be sure to :make nots of any impressions
you may receive.
Do not forget that I!lAny highly advanced
hume.n beings nre at all times using Ta.rot as a
focus for their meditations. Because they are
illuminated men and women, they are like high-
p<r,Yered broadcasting stations. Ylhen you 1.rork
attentively and receptively with Te.rot., you
are likely to pick up sane ct the ideas sent
forth by these illuminated :raembers of the
Inner School.
Soon you will learn to distinguish these
thoughts from the ideas developed through the
deductive process in your O\m field of subcon-
sciousness. You may even receive a very clear
impress ion as to the personal source '.'thence
these flashes of illumination ocme to you.
Alvra.ys have pencil and paper at hand ,.,il.en ycu
,rork with the Tarot Keys. Then :rou,rill be
ree.dy to record anything ycu may get in this
~.-,--------- -1?1
TAI)~ -,- l

I l1- :'<~_) l







The gt>. llows from which the Hanged Man is

sus pended is shaped like o. Hebrew letter Tav.
Dach upright line zyf the letter is a tree-
trunk~ having six lopped branches. They cor-
res p ond to the tnelve signs of the zodiac, and
thus the y typify the tvrel ve astr ologice.l types
of personality. 'l'he intimation is plain. In
, . the state of, :mental reversal symbolized by Key
12J personal peculiarities ' ar~ . 'reduced to a
Jthe branches are loppro) ,and emphasis
~ ' .:. ., mil\1!tnuin
\ 'alls on, the Inner Self, the true Spiritual
Identity'. 1
. The correspondence of the gallQ\. 7s to the
., letter Ta-v to.kes us ahead in the i'arot series
t<? the ;i.a!t ' Key, bearin g the n~ beF 21.,, for
th'is' "Key represents the esoteric significance
of Tav. 1n t'he state of Samadhi; or the sus-
pension ~r personal consciousness.,; an a.dept in
concentration becomes a,,are of the real nature
of th 0 uni-v-ers .e. '.!."his is depicted in I:ey 21,
vJhich is na med the world.
'.1:c reverse one's men.tal attitude is +,o have
c. new n orld-view, v,hich a e.ea the universe as a.
C.mce of life, full of joy and freedom. Fur-
t he !.more, t h e suspension of the Hanged l\Io.n
fro n t h e letter Tav intimates tl1at i.u tho
sta t<3 of consciousness represented here, one
real ~ies the utter dependence of personality
0-11 !;he universal life. That universal life,
mor n~rer _, is understood to be the perfectly
ade ' ,.m.te su pport of persona.lity.
li,:Jl~ VIe may note that since Key 12 is
related , to vra.ter, the .f:ir st mirror,
nhich re-

verses the inages thrm 'm upon it., even the

number of the Key is a reversal of 21., ta
indicate that the state of Samadhi., as the
reflection of the perfect freedom of tho Self
depicted lim Key 21 as the norld Dancer,
appears in Key 12 to be a state of restriction
or bo nd agn. That is to say., the appearunce
shovm by Key 12 is the reverse of the inner
In Srunadhi the pers ona.l vehicle is in a
state of motionless trance. The physical body
is cold., the heart-beat slorr., and the respira-
tion alm.ost im:_Jerceptible. All the organic
functions are in a state of suspension.
This is only the outward seemin i~. Interi-
-_.orly.+ , Wl. -adept in this state experiences the
bliss of union vlith the Central Reality of the
universe. That Central Reality is a focus of
intense activity 1 th ough itself at rest. Here
t h e limitations of lang;ua1:;e force us into the
use of paradox. Yet ~That -rre have said is the
report of the vrise ,;.rho hav e had the experience
no u ords can deseribe.
Again., the letter Tav is associated ,Tith
the direction Center. It is said to be the
Temple of Holiness nhich. ~tands in the center,
su pp crti..""l.g the . six dir.ections of space repre-
sented by the si:r.: faces of a cu.be_. Thus Key
12, sh owing the lie.nged Han supported by a let-
t~r Tav., indicate~ that the stnte of S&madhi
ig one of unicn vrith the supporting Center of
all things,
Mem, being one of" the three Mother letters,
is attributed to one of the three co.-ordine .te
lines de f b i ng the Cube of Space. This line
is the one connecting the center of the east ..
er n f ac e wi t h t h e center of the western face,
li arr i~ att r i h l'.cod t o t ~1L, lirn=1 b e cau:,e Idem
is tht:1 li ot't1er lE,tt e:c e;or ~es 2c,:.- 1cli:r:.; t o t .he

.elemen~ of ,;:ater. The 11water" is the stream of

substance ,ihich flows f:rom the mental origins
represented by the direction East and Key 3.
This strenm of substance enters into mani.;.
festation as the system of related events
constituting the mechanism of the cosmos. The
syste m thus brought into expressicm is symbol-
ized in Tarot by Key lO., corresponding to the
direction Tiest .
Here we touch on. another occult doctrine.
It is often objected that the practice of
concentration, leading; to Samadhi is a selfish
procedure. Persons Yrho labor under the im-
pression that nobody does tmless his
body is in more or less violent action sneer
at the motionless recluse., seated in his
retreat., and aocuse him of heartless eccapa
from the responsibilities of life.
It must be confessed that a certain type of
quietist mysticism is open to this criticism.
There pers ons viho seek escape from reality
by mystic practices., just a.s there are other
persons who try to avoid reality by rushing
madly from one form of occupation to another.
A true adept is never idle., even th our;h his
physical body may be in a state of motionless
trance. True is tm.ion , .rith the sus-
taining principle of all manifestation, and a
sage in this condition is actually sharing the
burden, the responsibility~ and the j~J or
cosmic administration. Thus ,;re f:ind that to
t h e letter Tav is attributed the Administra-
tive Intelligence which directs and. ass aciates
the motions of the phmets., dir acting them all
in their proper courses.
Further1:iore, in relation to the Cube of
Space, ;;re must consi _der the final form of the
letter Mam. This is the special form of the
letter., used alw ays at the end of words. In


the Cube of Space, this final form of hlem

is assigned to the center., along with Tav.
Nev-r.,as this is the final form of the let-
ter, its combination with Tav at the interior
center of the cube must be represented by the
Hebrew noun ThM, tomes signi:{'IJ ing "co mplete-
ness, viholeness., fullness; soundness, welfare.,
prosperity; integrity of mind, uprightness ~
innocence. 11 Is it not evide:nt th a.t all these
meanings apply to the state of consciousness
symbolized by Key 127 Furtherrr,ore, concentra-
tion "mea!lS lite;.ally a state of beb g \I one
v-rith the Center, n as anyone may see who vri.11
cmsider the make-up of the .-r0rd.
The legs of the Ranged Ma.n form an :i,.nverted
figure 4. It refers to Reason.. His body and
~s - form, wit-h 'hls head, e.n L'lverted tri ang le
corresponding to the number 3. The symbolism
here is a correct st~temenb of the si tuatiQn
iepioted. ,
The practicea whic h lead ot mental reversal
are based on rational grasp of prin9ipl.es_oi'
Reality, 9.1-:i.o
ng them being the necess ary real
presence of the Uni~ersal Life of God at the
center of human personality. This is a rea-
soned consequence cf the truth that God must
be present at fJVery point in space, since He
is omnipresent.
This realization is the fruit of subcon-
scious response to the seed idea that the
Divine Presence must logically be thought of
as being central in human personality. This
idea is a suggestion vrr~ich subconsciousness
alaborates. In response to it are effected .
subtle physiological changes wh ich set going
the functions of i;he higher brain. cantors.
Throu gh t h !':l act i vity of these brain cen t ers,
,Ihic l1. be g il is as n o more th an a rational grasp
of t h o prin c i Il s :, +.r,e~fl ocmes an ecstatic ex ..

perience of the Real Presence of the I AM. To

the glory of this experience every great
Ieystic has borne ,tl tness ~
The 4 over the 3 shows also the subordina-
tion of imagination to reason. Host persons
permit reason to be dominated by :L.--na.gina.tion.
A fevr have discovered that reason can deter-
mine ~mat mental L"'lages shall occupy the field
of atte!l.tion. Tlilese few imagine creatively,
and their imagery is governed by their 1t1ental
vision of the plaoe of human personality in
the cosmic order.
Most persons merely ratiQllalize their un-
contr olit.a<l. imaginations ,,. \vhich are at -tJ::e
mer~y of race thought> and sf suggestions en-
gendered by external appearances. Not so the
adept pictured in Key 12. His subcon.soious-
ness is alnays 'mder the <l.irection of the
reasoning self-co:nseiousnoss. He is not the
slave of moods,. !lor swayed by race-thought.
When others are tossed about by tempests of
passion, he remains unmoved. '.i.'he Constituting
Intelligence pictured in Tarot by the En;.peror
is the ruling principle of every detail of his
life-experience. By clear mental vision he
1. That there is only OIJE :POTIER..
2. That the CHE centered every-
3. That the ONE PC\JER is therefore the oen-
tral fact, behind every mask of pe1 son-
4.That, consequently,. ,;rha.tever is,
apparently by sOI!J.ehuman being, is real-
ly accomplished by the GHE ?0 :TER, which
acts through that person: and since the
same povrer is the energy v1hich takes
form in all the :immensity of manifesta-
tion \Te call the "universe," it must be

true that vthatever seems to be done by a.

person is actually performed by the sum-
totnl of cosmic forces., operating by
ni..eans of the personal instrument.

The Ranged llans' is blue., like the

robe of the High Priestess. This color is
attributed to the element of water. The lunar
crescents forming the pockets of the eoat are
symbols of subconsciousness _(Moon). They ar~
shown as pockets, to emphasize the idea that
subconsciousness is the container of the povr-
ers and stored-up experiences which a re the
equipment of personality. The ten buttons are
an allt,sion to the te:n. aspects 1 or the Lii'e-
povmr. Q.abe.lists term these t e n aspects
Sephiroth; or numerations. In Hebrei: r T~isdam,
the made of ooiisciousness associated -.-rith the
letter Mem is said to be 11the source of con-
sistency in the numerations (Sephircth).
The belt and trm.ning of the ja,cket suggest
the combination ef circle and cross, uith the
oross uppermost. A c:irole surmounted by a $
cross is the symbol of the planet :M Here
is a hint that what seems to be absolutely
motionless suspension of activity is really a
form of intense expression of force.
The radinnt halo surrounding the Ranged
Man's head suggests that he is an er.ibod.iment
of the One Lic;ht. To carry out this sugges-
tion, his is white., like the hair of the
Emperor and the Hernit. This :c:ieans that the
J!anged 1ian, even though his face be youn@:, may
be identified with the Ancient of Days.
Below his head., the ground is hollovred out.,
as by a ,ratercour se . This is e. further refer-
ence to the letter Nem. All that part of his
head fr0r.1 the eye ~ tc, the top of the s::.Cull is
actually belo,. , t ha surface of the soil fr41111.

1 11hieh spring the trees. Thus vre are shorm

that his vision and his brain are
active below the surfao$.
This is what di:f'.ferentiates an .adept :CrO!n,;
most persons. He sees th.I"oUgh the surface of
things. He diseerns la ws hidden bel01.v the il-
lusive 3.ppearan.ces on which the unenlightened
base their judgments and their actions.
The ,mole figure represents a pendulum at
rest. Thus the tree trunks are like the pil.
lars of Key 2, the sphinxes of Key 7, and the
pillars of the thrones of the Hierophant and
Justio. The Ranged lian is umnoved nnd inunov-
able. lie knovts that no perscin ever thinks
anything, or eays axrJthing; or does anything
. . ~ . ~ows . that the GNB JDEl~TITY is the only
. TW.~er, the only Speaker, the only Aet or . Re
1 realizes his identity with i;ho.t One, and sees
t~~t his personality is perfectly and v"1.elly
.. supported by the Central Pri~iple
, versb, syinbolissd by the Tav-!'haped gallo \'rs.
of th uni-

Thi:3 v1eek, use as an exercise the practice
or checking your t h oughtil -'GO see h~n :ruany
times the reversal of your first thought is
more nearly in line ,dth the teach:ings of Age-
less r!is dom. Be on your guard subtle
rationalizations. One of the c01nmonest forms
of rationalization is that uhich mak es
eou.rse of &ctio:n seem to be reasonablo vrllen in
r eality it is just the opposite. An over-
vrorked cxa."!lple is the desire for sc.mething
which res .son sa.ys one should not buy. Often
the rationalizer persuades himself thut he
cannot do without the object of his desir.
Th us he places imagine.ti on ab 01,e reason. and
deludes himself. 1::aintain alert watchfulness
against this and other re:t;ionalizations.




-----------~- ~1


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So ~ny superstitions nre connected ,

the number 13, as a symbol of bad luek and
disa.ster, that you will not be surprised to
find it nssigned to the Tnrot Key entitled
DEA.TH. But., like so mney things in occultis1ll.,
ue shall learn that 13 and DEATHhnve other
meanings for those ,tio kno'ire
Both the number and the title relate to the
I,a,;r of fransformation Y,hic h brings about dis-
solutim1 c.nd change. Minda dominated by race
thought fear change, not because hange iis
usunlly adverse, but because its outoC!ne is
unlmc,;m. Such persons to realize that
Yfithout continual change life could not exist,
and tlmt even if it could, its nonoton.t 'irould
be unbearable.
13 is the number of two Hebrew nouns, AChD.,
a.ehad, 1!180..."ling "unity," and ABBR, ahebah, sig-
;1ifyi11g n1ove." The Unity, the One Pcr.rer from
whih all th:ings proceed, is n.lso the LoVe
P~ver vrhich is the ce.use of nll ntt r actions
o.nd o.ffinities.
r~egeneral!~- think of 1:;he Love P<mer as be-
ing chiefly concerned with reprcd.uction. 'l'hus
t Key 13 is attributed the sign Se~pio,
~overning the reprcrid.uctive organs. Soorpio is
the natural ruler o:' the nstrologieal house of
death . The same Love PO\-rer ,Jhich leads -cf
birth is what controls the phys i ca.1 chnnges
resulting in dissolution ~,d death. The LO'V'9-
PO\'rer governs both the _beginning and the
cessation of our bodily i'.ctivities.
This is important, and you nill do vrell to
, ponder it. There nre no-I:; t, rro ancagonistic
LESS0E 1":!Ell!TY-Hnm 2

pO\:ers, one -l'Utltil!g for ,li.fe, and the other for

death. There is only a. single porter, which
has n "tl:ofold manifest1;,tion.
1Inn fears death because he does not knorr
the meaning of this transfor:me.tion. "Dissolu-
tion is the seeret of the Great Work. 11 The
dissolution of forri is imperntive for growth.
11hen forms break dorm, energy is released, to
be utilized f~r further develcpment.
Stone disintegrates to torn. soil, and :!'rom
soil springs the 'vegetablo ldngdom.
eat the yegetables, a 11 d incorporo.te their
essence~ into a higher type of organizaticn.
Mo.n ea.ta both a..'l'l<l.vegetables, and
builds the chemiea.1 energy of their cells into
his orm. body. If' be lec.rns e. secret nhich is
avnilable for all. who ha.v ears to hettr, nnd
are willing to work, man does more then this.
He liberates himself fr~ the conditions of
physical . exis tenoe and, by so doing., becomes
master of the energies rm.ich build his body.
Yfuen he has e.ohieved this mastery he is
able - tP maiutnin his physical body for mnny
years be-.rond the ordino.ry span of human lif'e.
Furthermore, in the f~ll perfection ~r this
mastery, mcm is able to disintegrate his phys ..
icnl body at ,;rill., ::md ri.ble also to reinte-
grate it. For su ch h man,, as \he-world
knorrs, is a.t an end.
This is an mn.azin ~ statement. To the avff-
age person it sounds utterl~r preposterous .
Possibly it is expecting too much tc suppos
you will accept this teaching nt this stege of
your progress: lihether you nccpt it or net.
be sure you know what the teaching is., because
YT!1en you have put yourself in .n position te
examine the evidence for t;he doctrine., you
Yrill 1mdoubtedly be fully persuaded tha.t i'b is

not an extravagant., fanciful claim. Eore than

this, you will ascertain its truth at : first
hand, by performing the experiments which will
enable you to demonstrate its accuracy.
In fact you ure beginning the:se experiments
norr, y;ith this instruction. You have been
taught the :inportance of forming the right
kind of mental images. You must visualize
yourself ~s having a body Yrhich readily re-
~p<.nds to the T!'ill pet'ter you express. Your
clenr il! of z-. ehe.nGed organism uhieh >'rill
be a perfect ,.nd beautiful b<>dy, both in
function and appearance., hns s~ggestive power
which subconsch .usness accepts .
In response to that :suggestion., subcon-
seiousness is evn now begin ::.- 1ing to set in
motion proce:sses vrhich lead to the de-sired
trans~orriations. You do not need to tell
subconsoiousness how to d~ these things. It
already lmo rts~ Tell it whnt you ,umt it
to dt,- nnd make your pietur~ .a.s clear e.nd
eoncre\e as you can.
rhus will man triumph -eveutun.lly over phys-
ical deathf Actually, he M~ alre0 .dy trium phed
over death, because man d~es not die. It is
i.mpcssible to present"tne tr~mendous accum~la-
tic,n of evidence n0\1 available in proof' of hia
survival of the death of the physical body.
Suffice it to say that this is t11iascertain-
able fact. Any interes~ed person mny prove to
his complete satisfaction tho.t man does not
die. Thos ~ho are prejudiced refuse to
examine the evidence. Th~J who lazy nill
not take the trouble~ Yet the evidence is
abtmdant. nnd thoroughly convincing .
~an is immortal, ~nd can never die. Though
his bodies change and disintegr~te n. thousand
thnes, he remains. You are approaching a time
i. ES~GH TU:E'iiTY-l'lliiJ'E 4

when you .-rill }mer-;; this, a.s otheri lmovr it,

who have gone this vray before you.
}i..s a noun, the Hebrevr letter-mime Wun means
ttrish." li.S a verb, it signifies t o sprout,
to gro\'1, to propa.g;nte. 11 For eenturie.s, the
fish has been a symbol of Christ, the immortal
principle, presen,t in every one of us. It is
only as we grow "to the measure or the fulness
of' the stature of Christ 11 thnt 1:re
anything like true comprehension of life. The
first moment or supereonsciousness, of true
Selr-i-enlit.ation, is mystically called the
11birth of the Chi-ist-child" in human persanal-
Tp.e itlea designated by the noun "fish" is
e:losely rela.ted to that or ltpropa.gntion, ll
because fish are n:mong the most prolific
breeders. It is estimated that the pregeny
of' a single pair or cOdi'ish, if they arrived
llt Dt1turity, w~uld fill the .Atlantic Oeean
frflm shore to sh~e. 'l'h!s idea. of propagation
is fully intimated by the attribution of the
sign Scorpio to the letter Hun nnd Ke:r 13.
Scor pio, -governj_ng the reproductive orgnns,.
indicetes that the f>rce used in reproductien
has to do with the liberating., transforming
potwr' of dissolution. Do not be misled. by
this. 11ha.t ,;re have just said has nothing in
cormnon Yrith the pseudo-occultisn1 of certain
free-love cults, Ue spank ef a fQrce.
Ordinarily., this force is utilizod in the
reprod.-uction of the species. I t may be
applied to higher purposes. It mn.y be us~d to
cho.nge your consciousness, so that you will
knO\v ycurself to be i:m.'llortal. It may be used
also to modify the :metabolism of your body, so
that you may renei.r it continually, or, if' you
so desire, dissolv it instantly, and a.a ..
quickly reconstitute it,

.. ..- ,.

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. ~
LESSui-; T'tiEHTY-IHlfE 5

Be careful not to get any false notions.

'He sug&est n o abnormal restr aint of the
sex-1'unetion 41 We do not r-,ommend celibacy. instruction for the higher direction
of the Scorpio force is reserved for those who
have demonstrated their fitness to receiv&
such information and use it ,.~isely. It ,.-rill
ccme to you uhen you t;re ready for it.
The information you are receiving ncrr aims
to aid your subeonseiousness in bringing you
to the stage where you are ~uali f ied to i.mder;...
take more advanced work. Purit y of thought
and o.cticrt nre essential. For the rest, what
y<>u learn from ~hese pa ges is sufficient fer
the present.
Scorpio is ruled by i-Inrs. and it is the
Mars force in the human organism to i:rhich we
refer. Mars is also ruler of Aries, symbol.-
bed by Key 4. Aries is the sign which gov-
erns the head and brain. Aries is called the
d~ throne of Mnrs, ,,1hile Scorpio is the .. night
t rone. Y!:len the f-.roe, ,rorkin ~ . in the
darkness and concealment of Secrpio. is raised
by oecult practice so that it ener gize~ brain
en 1>ers ruled by Aries, it brin i;s one i...'1.tothe
daylight of the clear vision of Reality repre-
sented by the Emperor.
~cco:-ding to mOdern .~;trology, Uranus ia
exa).ted i n Scorpio. In Tarot. Uranus corre-
sponds to the Fool., , repreq ,entir,). ~ ~,per~on-
eciommess. The hiG hest . -~xpressioi t :, i!>
f : the .\
Uranf !l.n influenc~ in human persQnality is A;hat .-
~v hio ~ results in first-hand knoia:;\,.edg~ :.J >f im~,
~norte.lity. This is brought about through the
a ctivity of the Leve PO\.er
Both death and inheritance are conr.ecte d-
'.'rith t'h.e eighth house of the horoscope, th& ~
11no.tural' t h ouse of the eighth sign ; Scorpio.
.:.. ~ .'(

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._ ..


. -
LEssG1r''f: ,EHTY-NDIB


The very povrer which, because vre mistm.der-
stand it and misapply it, results in disease
and death, is the porrer ,,hereby we may expe:ri-
ence perpetual health and immortality. This
pouer is the pom~r of life and grorrth to all
\7ho kno-,N"o.nd obey its le.,7. ,.Only to those nho
o.isobey it is it, .~e i.mtrument ef death and
In. this. ~onneotion remember l.h~t the ser-
pent, the so.orpion and the eagle !te a J,11 used
to symbolize Se()rpio. Remember, too, th!rt our
med.ern science is beginning to make use of the
benoi'icen'fj. ac1.ion &f serpent venom, mocU.fied
by hu:r:ia.n intelligence, for the relief of dis- So does external. soience catoh up, wer
and over again -rdth the intuition of the ,-,ise
who invented es cter io s~b tib


YELLa:r: Sun, band, on nwn 's crorm.

GREE11: Leaves and rosebush.
BLUE: Stream.
1iN: Scythe handle.
STEEL: Scythe blade.
YirtITE:Skeleton, rose, euff on hand in
.BLONDE: ~f oman, I 5' '.hair
GOLD: PointsOri : man ts or O'\m.
RED: Bnckgr ound.

Give a gr~at,i - o:f. \ thoui;ht thi$ wa.ek t

the ideas of dissoiut-icw , arid p_tu',nge. lieaJn to
ne~come change., JU1~:, ~:r Of; l;t. She
future . holds, 1-rha':b
. y-i:n,t
hav~ earned. 1n .;~ont'~m-
ity ,Tith paBt ..aotion., an~ ~tterns ;you ,ru-.ei p.dtr,
.:mak~It~ Yi.e_l<;~~ ._
iJi;.,vttJJ,JS ~;-


" .


' ?: ,: . .1 '

' .:':
' ,,. 6 ;

13 - DE-ATH 1(.'f
~k.~\~hn-")"'nea.n;ni- -- - .{ .
\ ~ee-d Vr>we.Y" - _, - ...!. - - - - I '
Se..eJ ~ i c:.tu,y''(.. !_ ' - - - - - _; - ' I
on'31aJen~el'\fofho-N f-~


/ ----------


On the surface, the skeleton of Key 13 is a

co11venticnal representatim of the "Grim Reap ..
er. 11 To the eye of the initiated, it oonveys
a reminder thut the bony structure of the body
is the foundation of its every mot'ion. .Be-
cause our muscles !tre attached to our bones
ue can ,mlk, moVe our ha.ncls and feet., and so
on. Even the involuntary muscles are con-
nected irlith the skeleton., and coul.d n9t move
otherT1ise. Thus ,:-ha-;.-is shcr-m he r e is really
t-he be.sis of all . our bodily activfties. Sym-
bolically, there f ore, it stands fo.r thnt v,hich
is the basis of all function and of all go- ;rth
end developm.ent.
This something is the GEE PCFiER, special-
ized in the reproductive fu.~cti ons of the
body. It is the seed power, and it is to this
that the convention a lized picture of a seed,
in the upper left-hand corner of the Key,
refers. This little seed is composed of t, ro
ovals, that is~ of t1:ro zeroes.
From the smaller oval five rays extend
to r:v.rd the limits of t h e larger , ne. The tv 10
ovals are joined, so that they are really on0.
iiere is a s:hnple hiero glypl1ic fer the process
of manifestation.
The fo.ner and s:rnnller oval is the source of
radiant energy, differentiated as Ether, Fire;
Water, Air and Earth. (In later lessons you
will learn more about the inner meanings of
these elements.) This energy fills the spe .oe
enclosed by the larger oVal, :rhic h is one n ith
- t h e smaller ovul. This express _es a f1.t.1.damen-
tal doctrine of Ag.eless Uisdom: Tlli: IN1lER POH-
LBSSl,iJ TliffiTY 2


ITS BLF, AC) S:i?ACE (the large oval) Ai:IDFILLS
Copy t hi s ce.p its.lized ste.tement into your
notebook. Rea d it several times, o.nd if you
co.n, o.cld to it some thoughts of your ovm. In
due course you .-rill come to understand thut it
is a concise and accurate sta .tement of the nay
the universe comes into being.
Two details of this skeleton ,rill arrest
the attention of any e.rtist or anatomist ;,~9
sees the picture., rhe figure is tvtisted at
two points., one just above the pelvis., the
other at the neck. This nould be obvious were
the skeleton covered wit}l flesh. It would be
a. posture no contortionist could imitate. The
force here symbolized must be far.isted., or
reversed, in order to perform its highest
'l'he s k el eton vmlks f:ro1r. north to south.
frOJ71 t h e dar:m ess of ignorance to the light of
perfection. It represents the frmne, :rork of
all progress--t h e disintegro .tion of form for
the sake of releasin g energy.
Tl1e h andle of the scythe is shaped like a
letter T. Thus it has the S9Jne :meaning t\S the
gallo n s of the Han ged Man, for T and Tav are
two forms of the s arne letter. Th us the handle
of the scythe is connected with ideas "!l'1t
r ot
symbolizes \Tith Key 21.
The blade of the sc;y-the is shaped like a
crescent, suggesting the moon, and referring
to subconscious porters symbolized by Key 2.
Yet the material of the blade is steel, a met-
al attributed. to Mars. The red background of
K-ey 13 is another reference to llars
. The river flows tm rard the sun. It starts
in the north, and makes a bend so that it alss

flo,.'S east, ra.rd. The b,end in the river has the

same significance as the twist in the skele-
tont s spine. It intimates a change of direc-
tion in the current of energy. Remember that
this is the river 1:ihich begins in the rob e of
the High Priestess, and makes a waterfall in
the Empress' garden. Trace it through the
other Tarot Keys.
The sm1 is another important detail. The,
idea of death, as the end of personal
existEmce, is usually associated nith west and
vrith sun.set. In t h is Key, hovrever, the sun is
in the east, and is rising. This intimates
that the po wer men ca.11 death is really the
po..,er of life. Ever y dissolution of f&rJn
brings about the birth of new ones.
The rising sun is connected ; the letter
Daleth, and the symbolism of the E;rnpress.
A little meditati on on t h is relationship will
a.eepen your underst anding of Key 12, v.rhic h
precedes Key 13. Note th at t h e digits of 12
add to 3. 'fhe rising sun refe r s to the daxm
of . higher consciousness in the state of
Sa.rnadhi symbolized by the Ean r;ed Han. This
da-,m of a ne ,;1 kn.cuing is Yrhat is behind the
transformation shovm by Key 13,.
The white rose refers to the planet Uranus,
and ho.s the same Gs a.s t he rose in the
left hand of the Fool. Review what is written
concerning it in Lesson 4, page 5. Remember
also that the rose is related to the number 5_.
and review vrhat is , of it in Lesson 6,
paGe 9. The key thought is that mastery of
the subtle forms of the :Mars force is a vrork
of adaptation., symbolized by the number 5, and
by the five-pointed stur or pentagram, vrhich
is explained in Lesson 13, pag~ 5.
The womun' s head at the left of the pic-
t ur :, is a sy.mb ol of imdersta.p.ding, for re a s ens

1;1hich rrill be evident to you when you tak(j up

the study of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. In
the Qabalah the Sephirah named Unq.erstanding
is usually called the Mother, but ".:
re are told
that in the perfection of the Great Trork, the
Queen and the Mother are ma de one.
The man's head rt;pres .ents Uisdom and also
Beauty, for it is the Qa~listic symbol of
that .wh.ich, as i,~e.ther ,. is termed Uisdom, and
as Son, is called Beauty. ,Yet remember that
the Father and the S-on are ONE, and their
unity is bth:iated here.
Three hands are shc:frm. Two active,
spr:inging up f ro m the earth. The third is
passive, r e stin g :pahr1. down\"1ard on the surface
of the grounQ. The active hands represent the
new works which res-lt fron1 the transformation
indicated by Ke;,r 13. ,The pa.ssi ve hand is a
reference to Yod, the Great Hand, of' miieh we
become a,; in t h e hi c;her order of knovring -
Cnly one foot is shorm, bec o.use this pie-
ture re f ers to the end of the Pisoean .l\, and
the zodincaf sii:;n Pisces rules the feet. That
is to say, ":'le are in the lo.tter end of the
Piscean Dispensation.
These details of the three hands and the
one foot in strict ccn.formity with the
eso.teric To.rot nhich has never bee ri published.
'i'hey agree also vdth the early exoteric Tarot
shown in Court de Gebelin 1 s Jionde Primitif,,
nnd reproduced in Papus' Tarot of the Bohem-
ians, and in The Key of Dest in;t, by Dr. e.nd
Mrs. Curtiss.
For good reasons, mueh ha.s been left t
y our intuition v:ith respect to this Key. Les-
sons like these are not a proper medium for
practical instruction in the revers~l of the
ourrents of the 1iars force. Yet we believe

ci1ough has been to put you on the track

of prineiples. If you fellow this lesson
through, with Key 13 before you., many vo.luable
intimations should present themselves to yoy.,
especially in meditation.
In t h e language of pictorial symbolism., un-
derstood. perfectly by your subconscious mind.,
because it is the one truly universal languago
tr a nscending the lirnitations Of human speech.,
Keyl 3 tells the secret er .secrets; -nnd .;;-
on to you our inla.erita.nce fro m the , rise men
who have gone this '.ray before us.
It is a secret nhich kills out the old mis-
taken conceptions of the place of per \>onality
in the schorae of th:ings. It is e. secret ,,
truly ma~ s one free frcm the "last enemy., 11 by
giving us direet perception of life eternal.
As y o\! progress in the path of prnctiea.l
oc.:.ultism, this vrill become to you more and
r1ore an open secret. As y0u begin to under-
stand it., y on Trill understand a lso the reasons
fer the caref -ul reserve concerning it vrhich is
characteristic of all truly uise instruction.,
ancient and raodern.
Ee u ho kno vrs this sHret has in his hands e.
povrer vrhich might .be used to overturn the
1:rorld. Yet no person learns it until he is
truly perpared, and mere than anything else.,
this menns such ethieal preparation that no
temptation to misuse this poner could ever be
suf!'icient to turn the kno rrer from the path of
strictly constructive application of the force
he is able to Qontr ol.
For the present., then, school yourself to
lmcrr th a t change is never your enemy. Strive
to become one of those of Yrhom the Bhagavad-
Gita says: "The Yrise in heart mourn neither
those who live., nor t h ose that die ., lTor 1.,
Li;SSU I 'i'HmTY 6

nor thou, nor any of these, ever ua.s not~ nor

ever .-rill not be, for ever and for ever after-
wards. All that doth live, . lives ahmys ! To
man's frame, as there rc,ome infi:,:acy and youth _
and age, so ome there raisings-up and laying
dovm. of other and of other lif'e-abocles, uhi~h
the viise kn'1\"T I and : fee.r not. 11

'I. -~

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<)/.----- ----- - -- .



.AB a verb the HebreTr letter Sam.ekh manna.

to prop. bear up. establish uphold sustain.
As a noun it moans a tent-peg, \-7hieh mkes the
tent firm in its place. Both a.s n verb and a
noun. its meanings are closely allied to the-
principle or verification v.11ich is the keynote
of this lesson.
Most of the instruction you been given
thus i't',r consists of theory. This is an es-
sontinl pnrt of your, because it is
nn occult maxim that the pupil must be ,rell-
grounded in theory before he can beg!n t
pre.ct ice.
It is necessary for you to learn the terms
the nlphnbet in 1nich your working instruc- 1.

tions nre Y,l"itten. Uevertheless, these theor-

ies must be established and supported. They
must be verified before they can become pnrt
e>f your worl::mg equipment. ~hey must be tried.
Their temfor must be tested to the utmost.
fis point is- pre-o~ely where the teaebing
you no-a receiving, ond 't'ri.ll receive, dif-
fers froo W\~y sy.stems of occult instruction..
It is practical. You Yrill be given very
precise directions as to how to test and hOVt
to epply these theories,
Already you have made n start. if you have
enrried out faithi'ully the exercises given
1:vith these lessons. They are intended to
their principal effect in shnping your atti-
tudes toward yourself and your brothers and
siaters here A realizntiou of. the

nature nnd true unity of all ma.c.kind is nn

absolute essential for the suooessf'ul practice
of l!l!l.gic in its truest, h~ghest forms. These
exercises nre intended also to accustom. you to
linking up the various ideas depicted by t~e
To.rot Keys. both "'lrith one another and ,rith
your experience of lire.
Y"Oumust, hmvevar. sea one clearly in
this eonneetion. The r-~egoing does not mean
that in order to practi~e the magical art you
need nothing more than e. recipe., or set of di-
reeticns ,hieh you me.y follo.1 as mere i-outine:-.
The magical art iri.elude8 n tra.nsrerl!lation of
your perscnality, and tho raising or expe.n-
sion of your eonsoiousness, until you perceive
clearly the principles and la,rs whereby you
opero.te. The g;reat tri.e.l is a
of yourself.
of . consciousness.
Tarot representa yoit
Tlle principles
depicts those governing your life. Th~y
emanate from the mmIDEWTIT'f'"'vhioh is your
innermost SELF.
The letter Samekh., consequently., represents
the trial., the probation., the purgation and
purification of your pe:i.sono.lity, to the end
that it may bee<l!le a fit channel fOr the ex- ,
pression of the One Foroe., a fit Temple of the
Most High., a pure nnd holy habitation for the
One Sph-it. Thu:s 011ly does the Lo.vr of Verifi~
cation bring about the establishment or the
fomidation of the Reuse of God,. As you pre-
gress .-ri +.h your studies and perform the work
set for you to do, you are at the s
undergoing subtle tests yJhioh pI'OVe your :fit-
ness to earxy on the Great Work .
See to it the .t you talce this enterprise
seriously. ( You have r:mnouneed y0urself o.s a
candidate :for Truth. ) Truth vrill be revealed

to you v!hen you have proved yOUrself rendy for

it. Your first test is the earnestness .nth
v!hioh you apply yourself to the preliminary
instruction. This is the true purport of the
foll(?rring passage frQn the Book of Tokens.:
11Thus run I as one uho testeth gold in
a furnace,
And this aspect or my being
Presenteth to the unrighteous
A face or wrath.
Yet by this pur{;ntion of fire
Do I upheld end sustain thee
In every :raoment of thy life.

Behold, I e-Jnhe vrho testeth thee

Hit h many subtle tests.
Wise art thou if thou lmo.,est
That the subtle serpent of t empta.ticm
Is in truth the Anointed One
V1hl1bringeth thee . to libe!'n:t~on.''

Note that . this quot;ntion refers to 1,reth

and to a serpent.. These ~e both clteeJ.1
c 8nnected TTith the letter Se.mekh nnd -with thQ
under lying I:J.eaning of Key 14
In Key 8 Tre see the serpent coiled, symb-ol-
ized by the letter Teth. In Key 11 W"Et see, in
the letter Lamed, the serpent \mooiled and
a.etive, its head erect, and its tail _pointi.."'1.g
d o.mYm.rd and to the lef't The letter Sf'JJ1e$h
shOfrs l:;he completion of the upward :movement of
the tail toward the serpent 1 s mouth, r,nd it is
therefore a reversal of the symbolism of' Teth.
Teth shows the Serpent Porrer ns it is be-
fore we learned. h<m to direct it.
shows it at the half--rro.y stage tonurd mastery.
Srunekh sh0\7S the result of perfect control.

The serpent biting its tail has been tor ages

a symbol or eternity mid of wisdom. It
sugf:,'8Sts circular movement by its shape. This
establishes a connection between Key 14 nnd
Key 10, to ,7hich Jupiter is o.ttributed.
This connection is verified by the fact
that to the letter Srunekh is assigned the sign.
Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarius
means "archer," and its astrological symbol is
an arrow. It is a. sign of the fiery triplici-
ty, .Aries and Leo ~ing the other t"WO fiery
signs. Sagittarius is said to be ruled by
Jupiter beenuse the fiery power y; ii. ;l(
fests is directed . and oontrolled by means
of the Lun o.f ,yclieity Cl?' RotatiQ!l, . piet"Ured
lrJ Key 10.
This fiery notivit~, is a. form of intense
vibration, and the Hebrew noun for 11Yr.rath"
alst> means vibruticn. The Serp8Ilt PO"i!'er is
vibratory. It is the e force .;hie h is
the energizing principle behind e.11 we do. It
can be terribly destructive n hen not wisely
direeted, c.nd ,;iri,.th or ll!lger is its o oror:ionest
deistructive emotional manifestation.
Yet it is the po,rer _vfhie:.1 leads to freedQ!Jl,
the force which destroys limitations and irn.-
pediments to free expression. It is r enl ly
the tempering;, cleansing po :ier -tho.t gets rid
of all impurity and error in our personal
consciousness. . To the objects of its disinte-
grating activity it is ,terri '.)l o , but the u ise
perceive its beneficence~
The number 14 represents the principle of
reason ( 4) expressed through the agency Qf
ooncentration (1). The verification of hypo-
theses arrived at by the use of reason is
. oa.rried out by means of concentration. Con-
centration is the focusing of the vibratory
activity of the Serpent Fire at a. definite

point in the brain. The means ,,hereby concen-

tration is accomplished is symbolized by the
1Iagioian., directing power from above tov.ra.rd
a belO\'r--his garden.
i'he digits of 14 add to 5, the number of
the Hieropha.nt. For the g()(.l.l of verification
is reached by follO\",ring carefully the instruc-
tion imparted by the "still., small voice" of
Intuition. 5 is also the number of adaptation
and desire., and pr0per adaptation of the tre-
mendous force of de:sire., through intelligent
direction., results in the attainment of the
higher consciousness.
The el~e to the inn~ meaning of nll this
may be found in the uord DBCh., debakh., "to
sacrifioe." DBCfi is written with letters
h~v .mg numeral values which ndd to 14;
!Jobody e-ver attains to perfection ,rithout
so.orifice. To be sure, he whc knows the value
of his objective feels no sense of loss vrhen
he rids himself' of every incumbrnnee which
interferes with his progress. In early stages
of the Great Work, h<mever, one is called upon
t0 :make decisiPnS vrhich appear to involve
sacrifice. Experience demonstrates the ral
s i ty of such appearnnces, for experience shovJS
thot every act of wise elimination :makes
possible the expression of a greater measure
of porrer. At first, though, s cme of the tests
ar~ ho.rd to meet.
They who fail in them are usually the per-
sons ,iho nre readiest to assert that there is
nothing in the promise~ of Ageless W:i8dom. In
a sense they are right,. There is l13ss than
ncthing for the lazy the double-minded., the
fearful. Less , than nothing for persons who
lack courage to fe.ce periods of seendng fail-
ure. Ee vm.o seeks the big.nest must have zeal.
He must be in fiery rebellion. the lim-

it~tio.ns nnd bondage of ignorance. To cnrry

on, ago.inst odds ,mich seem to be hopeless, he
must be filled with intense,. one-poL'l'lted de-
sire to demonstrate by actunl experience thnt
he is renlly nnd truly whnt every one of t 11ese
lessons has declared concern:ing tho L1.1ost
nn.ture of :mnn.
Zenl, however, is not enough. .. Hor ;:m.a .icy
perso~ ever liberated just been.use he had o.
flaminG des ire for freed~. The fiery foroe
of the desire nature must be directed intelli-
gently. To this Key 14 refers by its title.
TEi.t.-PE&AJJCE, here, is n.ot restricted to the novr in coromcn use, though it does, ~
course~ include the thought of beL""lg nble to
mnnage ones appetites nnd desir.eis . T!:..e titlo
of Key 14 is to be und~rstood in its ancient
signif'ica.tion"'!'-nthe aot of te1:1perin.-; or mix
ing. ,,
The objeet ~ tempering is to :impr-.rt :more
strength to wb.'l.t is tenipered. In the Great
F ork, this objeet b nttr:dned by proper mix.- Of apposite forces, th:J.t is., by npplying
the Law of Equilibrntion. This meu..-riing is
apparent :i.n the picture now bef4re you.
Consider the symbolism carefully,. as you
eolOr the Key. &J this time Tarot should be-
gin to speak to you even before you hnve read
the detailed analysis of its symbolism. Re-
:uember, no analysis can exhaust the mefl.nings .
r:hut is nritten in these pages i8 intended to
put you on the track of correct interpreta-
ticn; but, in every Key, there is for you n.
special personal mes3age., because, in the
agelong development of your personality to its
present stt>.ge of @'.rovrth, you hnve necum:ulnted
a store cf experience. This treasure is belO\T
the surface of your consciousness. but through
the operation of psyohologicnl lnns -r1hich hnve
L,ii;SSuH '!'liffiTY-GUE 7
been utilized in the construction of Ta.rot, .
these Keys ca.n evoke from subconscious depths
just exnctly whnt you need to knO\'r.
So write out, this week, 1,1ho.tyou feel Key
14 means for you. Mext week, compare your
findings ,rith the nna.lysis of the symbols
given in Lesson 32.


Cr orm. over mountain pea.ks, Yods

over eae;le.,. torch flrune ( :L"ter-
spersed \'iith red, to short tho.t it
is fire), lion's eyes, pnth from
Lion (see instructions for Key 10)
eegle (except benk a. n d legs),
torch handle.
BLUE: Pool, nnd strerun frQ" :1 vase.
-GREEN': Grass.
OPJ\iJGE: Ornament on hend of angel; vase.
VIuLET: Mcuntai~ - in background. Dilute
the coior so the.t the mountains
will not ~ a violent purple.
Backgroimd; stnr on the nngel s
breast. {Use yellow, if not gold.)
YiiIITE: Dress.
BLONIE: Angel's -heir; ben..~, legs und tal-
ons of eagle.
Rl'.:D: 1\ngel 's uine;s. These high-
lighted with. blue.

The rainbow is a succesdon of bnnds of

col0r. Begin at the upper side of this aro
,vitb viole-c, and apply j_n suoce .ssion blue,
green, yellovr, orange and red.




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JP(-- -r
E-MPEJi./t NC.E.


- - --- - . ----- - -- - - ---- - - ---- ____\\


The central figure of Key 14 is the angel

Michael, angel of the sun nnd archangel of the
element oi' Fire. He is a.lso the angel of the
direction South. All these attributions con-
nect him with the s1.m pictured in Key 19. His
name means 11ike unto God."
On his brorr is a solar syI:1.bol, and from his
head light rndia.tes,. One foot rest& on '!.-a.ter,
symbol or the cosmic mind-stuff., The other
foot is on lmid., sym.bol of concrete manifestn~
The ~el is e symbol of that, L"l ever".{
human being., to which the term Higher Self ii,
applied. He is not the vNE IDENTITY, but the of thtlt CNE IDElf!'ITY _ centered in
the heart of persc:nnlity. l'he grenter number
of hun.e.n beings, '.'Then they use the pronoun
"I," think only of the persont>.l self, and
reg~rd it as being ~ separate, intlependent
entity. others suppose themselves to be guid-
ed Or overshadorred by s 0111e divine or angelic
presence., uhich they look upon as being, on
the one hand, separate from the GHE IDEfiTITY,
and, on the other, separnte from the personal
The true esoteric doctrine is thnt one 1 s
feeling of "egoity is due to the focusing of
a re.y of the fiery Lif~Breath of the CNE
IDE1ITITY uithin the personal ore;nnism. This
fiery Life-Breath is in continual circulation
between its personal center of manifestation
and the ONE IDlillTITY whence it 0riginntes,
just as the electricity "lighting a lamp is in
LESSGll TllL {TY-Ti :o 2

conti11uo.l circulntion be~reen tre lamp and the

dynamo at the pONer station.
Cn Michael's ,mite robe is the Tetre.grrumna-
ton., IHVH., (Jehovah)., m-itten in Ile.brew char-
acters. Thia identifies the angel as being or
the order called Melakin., Kings, by Qcbclists.
It places hhn c.lso in relt>.tion tc the Se?hirah
named Tiphareth or Benuty. On the Tree or
Life, Tiphareth is the sixth aspect of the
Lif"e-porrer. To it the name mvn is particu-
larly referred,
Among names or Tiphareth nre BN., Ben, Son;
WC., melek., King,; ADM, .Adam, Man. In Qabalis ..
tic psycholor:,, Tipharoth is the seat of th&
pars onal ego. It is the point of :mnnifesta-
t ion for our essential humonity (Adrun), which
is e.ctually the Divine Son (Ben) of the ONE
' as Jesus taught., out of his orin
first-hnnd experience.
The seven-poL~ted star on the ongel's
breast is e. figure .rhich r:iust be droxm by ac-
tual experiment vtith a pair or compasses, for
the regular heptagon nhence it is derived is
not a11 equr ,l divider or the 360 degrees of the
circle, Because making a. heptagon requires no
little skill in the use of compt>.sses, this
figure is a symbol of mastery,
Freemasonry preserves a traditioc. or older
esoteric schools uhen it says the cor.ipasses
nre "to circumscribe our desires a.nd keep our
passions within due bounds." Thnt is, the
compasses nre the 11:::.sonic symbol for the oon-
'"'-. ,.trol of th.e :fiery desire force which is repre-
,fented by the circular form or tho letter
Samekh', ns explained in the preceding lesson.
Can you take this hint? Skill in vrielding
the compasses 1s represented by the seven-
pointed star. But this star is on the angel's
breast ,, to re mind . us that the requisite skill
LBSS0ll 'l'HD1TY-Tr;O 3

in w..e.naging the j\esire nature depends on the

"Kno.rledge and C<>nverso.tion of the Holy Gurnd-
ian .Angel. n To obtain this skill, ,,e must
receive instruction from the ru1t;el. He put
ourselves in a position to receive the angelic
message ,men we devote ourselves tot he Yrork
of making experimental verification of the
fact that the real presence of the Higher Self
rnAY be perceived at the heart of our .
lives~ Such single devotion brings us into
harmony with t he universal Order is
exhibited in the la 1;rs ,Thich find mrmifeste.tion
in the cyoles of tho heavenly bodies~ or
celestial spheres.
The C-reat Tiork 11hich completes the expres-
sion c,-f the laws of nature is nn artistic
adaptation of those lmrs by mnn. - 11nthout man.,
this ".rork never comes to its full fruition.
Hat1:lre unnided., 11 says an ancient occult max-
im., 11ahmys fails." Although all humru1 action
results i'rom a series of transformutions of
the Cne Energy, it is only ,1he11 tha.t Energy is
expressed through human speech, thouGht and
works--intelligently directed--that fulfilment
is possible. The Great Art o the occultist
requires the agency of human personulity.
'.i'he wings of the nngel are fiery red,. ,:ith
blue hiGhlights, to indicate the fiery quality
of the sign Sagittarius, an~ its color attri-
bution, whic~ is blue. Rel!lember thnt the
aymbol of Sagittarius is an nrrc.T, suggesting
aim, will, purpose, i11tention. . Bear in mind, o., that as the nnturnl sign of the ninth
house of the horoacope., Sagittarius hF.s to do
with dreams, visions, religion und philosophy.
With the systematic formulntion of,.
that is, and with the quest for lmo: r ledge thn't
is implied by the TI<>rd 11verifioa.tian.. 11
Sa.gittafius has to do uith long jou.rneys ("'the
. LE.SS(>N

travels in strange countries" of Masonry.)

Sagittarius is connected with those high as-
pirations or .the humnn heart which lead man
away from "this uorld" of false appcru-ancea
into the country, strange, a.las,. to l!lf:'l.ny.,
.rhich is his true home.
The torch is a symbol or fire, a.nd from it
full five Yod.s upon an eagle. The Yods refer
to the i'ive differeiations cf the Life-
povrer into the fi ,ve subtl6 principles of
sensation. Thus they have the same meaning as
the radiating lines in the oval shom1 in Key
13. Furthermore., since thay arc Yods, they
indicate a connection uith Key 9. The fire is
the subtle fire generated in the Virgo region
of the human body.
Here the flame is directed toi.:rard the head
of an eagle, symbol of the sir;:n Scorpio,
beM.use the Gre&t Tlork has to do rrith the
modification of a ~pecific phase of the Life-
Breath., concentrated in the nerve centers
connected vdth Scorpio.
This is a hint of one . of the most carefully
protected secrets of o.lcheJ:lY. Its full mea.n-
i11g cannot and must not be put into plain
words., lest the unprepared misuse the lmorrl-
edge. But if you verify in your 0\ 'm experi-
ence the teachings of' Tarot~ you aill be able
to develcp this seedthought fully, o.nd with
your couprehension of the secret vrill cane
also full understanding cf the necessity for
keeping it a :mystery undisclosed to the
The vase represents vmat alchemists call
the of' art. 11 In Philalethes I Fount ~
Chemical Truth., rro read: 'tvlhen we speak of
our vessel and our fire, ue meen 'l,\.f b~h
expressions, our m:i.ter, nOr is our furnace
anything diverse or distinct from our ,rater.

There is then one vessel, one furnace, one

fire, and all these make up one ,m.ter. Tho
f'iro digests., the vessel 1:i11itens and pene-
trates, the furnace ia the bond vthich compris-
es and encloses nll, and these three are our
This cryptic language refers to personal
consciousness, -rm.ich is threefold., viz., Spir-
it, the fire, Soul, the vessel, Body, the
furnace. These three oonstitute our 111iercury 11
or human self-consciousness. This is nha.t is
represented by the vase. The vase is held in
the angel's hand to sho:; that the Great l[ork
cannot succeed, Wl.less human personality IS
TAKEN LT HAND by the Higher Self, or Holy
Guardian Angel.
The .rater pouring fr cm the vase is rt refer-
ence to the letter Mem, and to the doctrine
symbolized by the Hanged Man (See Lessons 27
a.."ld. 28). When the purified twater.," o r
reversed pers cnal consciousness, is p oured out
on a lion, a.s in Key 14, the mea.n:in:; is plain.
Through suspension Of the fnlse notion of per-
sonal independence one comes to untlers-tand the
true function of personality as un instrument
for the Divine WILL.
This che.nge of mind is carried into subcon-
sciousness, as shovm in Key 8., which repre-
sents, like the lion in Key 14, the zodiacal
. sign Leo. A uF HE/l.ll T IS BRGUGH'.l.' ABUUT.
More than this.,. a definite activity is
instituted at the heart center of the physical
body. Understand this just as it is '\'Jl"itten.
Here are nc blinds, no figures of speech. The
change is that to \7hich anoth~r e.lchemist, an
anOirjlllOUS German philosapher, alludes when he
says: "Fire and flowing water nre contrary to
one anoth0r; happy thou, if' thou ce.nst unite
them: let it suffice thee to knorr this Z"
'l!R:~ FUN

!he ra.inbO\'r symbolizes the differentiation

of the it'ibratory activity of li[;ht into color:,
t1'J means or water suspended in the upper air.
\Then the water of consciousness hns been
mingled with the cosmic Life-Breath:, then is
manifest the rainbow of premise. The colors
of the rainbov; are the colors of the planetary
In the instructions for coloring given in
the preceding lesson, no mention i.' of
indigo, the color of Saturn. because it is
hard to show it clearly in painting the ee.rds.
This deep blue-violet is between the violet at
the top of the rainbort ~d the blue you were
told to place beneath the violet.
Thus the rainbow represents the hnrmonious
oombi....--i.ationor the alchemical "metals:," ,m.ich
are the same e.s the planetary centers, and th@
same, als<>, as the ehakras or the Yogis. The
rainbOl, refers also to the occult use of color
as a most effective menns to bring grea~er
povrer into our human field of 0peratio.n.
B-J means or color we eo.n use vibratory
i:tctivity to mOdify external conditions. This
subject is trented ~ore extensively in lnter
instructions:, 11herein you \'Till receive many
practical secrets of the utilization of color
in o ombinati..on cith s O\.llld
Finally, the rainb01."t confirms the attribu-
tion of Key 14 to the letter Samekh and to the
sign Sagittarius. F.or the name of this sign,
in Hebrew, is QShTh, quesheth, the Bow.
The path in Key 14 rises betvreen t'lirin moun-
tain peaks vmich symbolize the Qabalistic
Sephiroth, T!isdcm and Understanding. It ends
beneath a cro.m, symbolizing Kether, the CrO\"m
of Primal Will. Uote that the path begins in
YesOd, Foundation or Basis--designated also as
the nsphere ol the Moon."
HO 1

In this connection., remember that all rep~

resenta:tions of water in Tarot begin with the
robe of the High Priestess. Bear in mind
also what ..,-1as in SErvEU STEPS, to the
e:ffec-t that mind-stuff at subconscious levels
is the basis of all forms of embodiment.
In Lesson Thirty no mention ,ras made of the
direction assigned to 'the letter Nun and Key
13, because T{'f! wished to bring this into
closer correspondence trith Key 1~.
The direction- corresponding to Nun is, the vertical line at the south
side or the western !'ace of the Cube of Spaee.
(See Fig. l of the diagram o.oecmpnnying Lesson
18). This line is opposite to the line south-
east., cerresponding to Taurus., just as the
sign Scorpio is opposite to Taurus in the
As t~& southern boundary cf the nestern
J,-aee of the cube., it corresponds to the
ascending side of the Uh.eel in Key 10., and to
the risin~ figure of llermo.nubis. Fer one of
the fundnmental meanings of Key 10 has to do
,nth the ascending scnl~ of orgnnic evolution.,
or bOdily development, :,,rhich is nn expreasian
of the repr<>ductive forces under the rulership
of Scorpio.
Through the opera.t 'ion of these forces.,
first of all in the lm ,rs of chemical afi'inity,
nnd later in the sexual nctivities of plante
and aniruals., the Life-po,;!er provides it self
,Tith finer and finer vehicles of exprassion.
At last the human organ.ism, and it
e;~es through progressive refinements., from
race to race. The continuation of the process
is due to the exercise of the reproductive
function, and :fe\'1 human perst1nalities ,mo are
aGents of this progx-essive development have

any avm.reness of ,mat is really at work behind

the compelling urges of the libido.
Finally., there appear on earth men and
women, a few in every generation., who are suf-
f'icientlJ receptive to the Life ...pc,.1er I s higher
levels of avro.reness to begin to register in
their brains some mee.s ure of knovrledge oi' what
is really the true significnnce of this uni-
versal mating urge. The earlier forms or this
knonledge seem to have been imperfect. They
were expressed in a phallic symbolism Trhich
seems crude and offensive to modern taste.
Yet the truths discovered are not; less valu-
able because all their consequences i.rere not
perceived at first. llha.t has been learned
since does not cancel nor contrndict the
a.Y.ra.reness so strangely expressed by the phal-
lic syl!l.bolisr:1 of ancient y:ise men. ( It is just
as true as it ever Ym.s that Il';,.n's progress to
the goal of illumination is conditioned by his
understanding of the significance of his sex
life. ]
By controlling the drive o-.rthe libido ,;re
may go beyond the position of Hermo.nubis in
Key 10, and rise to the point of conscious
union ,;fith the Higher Self . Thus the cube
symbolism shc,,1s the ascending line of south-
west terminating at the end of the line of
west.above, assigned to Samekh and Key 14.
This line of ,rest-above begins ab the upper
end of the line north-west, assigned to Lamed
and Key 11. The current of energy in it moves
from north to south. But the current of ener-
6Y in the line north-west moves from above to
belov1. Consequently, though the line of uest-
above joins ~ the upper end of the line north-
west to the upper end of the line south-Yrest,
it receives no influence from the line north-
,Te st ,, On the other hand, the currenj. of'

energy in the line north-nbove,

to Teth and Key S, moves fr or., east to ,rest .
At the north-west upper corner, where the
lines of Teth, Lamed and Samekh meet, the cur-
rent flowing in the line no-rth-ubove is divid-
ed. Part of it flows dovm through the line
north-vrest. Part flor1s southvra.rd, through the
line nest-above. (F.ote tha.t the letters Teth,
Lamed and Sa.m.ekh, by their serpentine form,
represent three aspects of the Serpent Fire.)
Since the current of energy in the line
south- vTest moves up, mrd, it contributes n.oth-
ing to the current in t he line ,7est-above.
The latter receives energy from the line cQI'-
responding t~ Teth, but none from. the line of
the letter Hun.
l~ote also that in. the symbolism of Key 14,
the lion of Le<> (Te'th) is on one side of the
angel, a.nd the ea~le of Scorpio (Nun) is on
the other side. The angel, princip~l symbol
of Key 14, is beti: reen the lion and the ~~gle,
whose rela jtive positions are like those of the
corresponding lines on the eube.
Only the head of the lion and his fcrepavrs
are shcmn, and his body rests horiz onto.Uy,
with the hindquarters nearer the east than his
head. The eaglets ,mole body appears in the
picture , and stands in a vertical position.
Thus the posit ions of the bodies of the lion
and the eagle correspond to the positions of
the lines t o which these are r,ssigned.
BiJ such careful attention to detail does Tarot
indicate it was .-rork:ed out b'J men ,Tho
were truly great adepts, fn!lliliar nith all the
correlations of t he myste~y language of Age-
less Wisdom.
J.nother point that should be considered in
connection the line west-above is thnt it
is the ,,estern boundary of the upper face of
the cube. Thus it represents an activity car-
ried on at the level of self-conscious a,~re-
ness (above), and this activity is t .he goal or
objeotive completing the work symbolized in
Tarot by the Magician.
MOi'!ledge and Conversation of the .Holy
Guardian Angel is Yrhat the Magician aims to
accomplish~ . The e11d toward nhich all the
activities of humo.n self-consciousness are
directed is exper:imentnl verification of the
truth that the pers anal life of every human
being is actually under the guidance and
direction of Y:'Mt Tarot pictures by the angel
in Key 14:.
Understond, this verification does not at
all bring about such guidance nnd direction.
The :mostignorant man, utterly deluded by the
illusion of personal sepcra.teness and inde-
pendence, is just as certainly under such
guidance as the most illuminated sage. Every
human bein,g is led and guided by the Holy
Guardian ~mgel. Only a fe,1 are conscious-
ly aware of this. _ To the mass of humanity the
Holy Gua.rdia.11 Angel presents himself under the
forbidding and dreadful aspect of the central
figure in Key 15, which vre shall begin to
study iu the next less on.
This ,veek, test yourself in various 1.m.ys.
Test yourself ,rith respect to your O\m earnest
desire to suceeed :tn this work, to grasp the
meaning of Ageless Wisdcr.i. Ask yourself such
questions as: "Does / Ir\>'belief actually support
me itl the various crises of icy daily experi-
ence-? If not, whnt does? liho does ,that I do,
thinks ~7ha.t I think, feels what I. feel? Is my
study and ,.-,ork transmuting the base metal of
my ~ersonality into the gold of real attain-
ment? AJ'e my desires becoming purer, my
mental processes clearer, my intuitions better

We cannot repeat too often that Ageless

T;isdo.m is not a. creed, not a system of belief,
not an escape from reality into a mirage of
glittering genernlities. Hor is it a doctrine
which puts nside until after death all hope of
verifying its Plainly and spe-
cifically, it declares that its basic princi-
ples been matters of hurna.'1 knonledge and
experiertce in other days, and may be tested in
the same Tmys now.
Just ' as plainly and specifically, it avers
that such experience is not miraculous, that
it may be repeated, as to its fu..lldruaentnls, by
any person vrill ing to underta!ce the tre.ining
of body and !llin .d ,-;hicb 1:1.e.kesit possible. It
warns e.11 yfho even the bee;innmg Of
the Path Of: Attainment that this ancient Hay
is not for cowards, not for the lukew,1.rm, not
for triflers. To the courageous, the zealous,
the persevering, it offers evidences that
admit no de-nia.l. It points out the nay to
attaining i'irst-hand lmorrlecige:, and shows now
to follovr that ,ray.
At the same time it steadfastly refuses to
communicate the higher a.s~cts of this lmo,:rl-
edge to persons i,Jho have not made ready their
bodies o.nd minds t;o receive su~h communica-
tion. It never attempts the impossible fee.t
of transmitting to those who not dul:; tUid
truly prepared any part of these inner nwster-
ies which must ahroys remab hidden by .the
veil of ignorance fron such s.s are unready to
look upon the face of truth.;

ENTALS N Pit ~ i
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, 1.

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;) --------- ----- --i



The first thing to learn in eormection nith

Key 15 is that .-mat manifests as bondage is an
illusion, a virong construction put upon the
principle of limitation. This -nrong eons.truc-
tion makes that principle take on the appea.ranc~
of the Devil. The gross, re .pellant surfo.ce . of
thi.s Key represents that illus'lr.n,. You must see .
through it to find out its true meaning.
Let us begin by examining . the nunber 15,. In
Roman numerals this is XY. X and V are the la.s;f .
tYTO letters of the nord L..v.x ., uhich designo.tes
the One Force ue c ~centrate by acts of' atten-
tion. That is, XY is L.v.x., mL~us the L.
The L is Lamed., Ymich means "to instruct ,"
when used as a verb, and "ox-goad., 11 1men used as
a nou...~. L.V.X. minus L" therefore suggests the
absence of the equilibr.ating., directive p<mer
symbolized by Key 11. Hence from the number XY
we hnve an intimation that ,the Key nor; before us
represents the One Force.,~ it operates apart
from human knovrledge (La.>ned as verb) and liuman
direction {Lamed as noun).
Yet XY is composed also of the numbers X and
V. In Tartt., X or 10., is the Vfueel of Fortune.,
,'lhich symbolizes the mech,an_ical aspect of the
cosmic manifestations of the One Force.
Man's conception of the universe as meeharilsm ~ -t
has been built up from his observation of the '::.
cycles of the seasons, and fr cm other observa.~
tions of recurrent phenomena., among which tho~-e
studied by astronomers are very significant .0;n<l
important. The greater part of the observatitins
respo ns ible for I:Jeshanistic theories and pl{il~
cs opid. e s a re n U .e la .s bel01;1the human level .

The phenomena so observed seem to be the i:rorking

of a blind aggregation of forces, operating by
nece~sity, according to the la.,7 of aver.ages.
This law of averages seems to be at 1.-rork in
what is called the survival of the fittest. Yet
as evolution progresses, this loxr seems to uork
, s<neYthat diminished fc.rce. A poet once
't7rOte of the Life-f ~"'rce, "Hon careful of the
type it seens., how careless of -the single life J"
In the lorrer forms of life, countless nun.bars
are vriped out of . existence. Only the strongest
-survive. Thus nature perfects her types.
Behold noi7 different it is ,nth nen. Here
th,e survival of the individual takes on increas-
ing importance~ because a nen principle is at
uork 11 This principle is Yrha.t Tarot pictures as
Key 5., br V. It is the principle of conscious-
,n~ss. ,.which is hidden by the mechanical appear-
. . imce of' the universe.

Th~s when man examines his .enviJ;"onment., and

the fields of existence belor; hir he builds in
his :mind the concepti .on of mechanism symbolized
by the VIheel of F orttu1e. l ilien he turns his
attention innard., torrard the Center of his orm
existence, he discovers the indi'relling presence
of the Great Revealer, the Hierophant-.
Thus X in XV represents the norld of objeo-
tive appearances, through which man gains his
Jmowledge of the outer aspects of the manifesta-
tion of the One Force. V in XY stands for the
subjective YJOrld of consciousness ,rhence man
derives M,s Jmonledge of the significance of the
whirling cycles of change revolving round him.
By o ombining these ti:ro kinds of knorrle dge., X
and V., man finds within himself a guidance v,hich
enables him to control his e.nviromnent. He is
waging a successful ,-mt against siclmess, pover-
ty and death. The war is not over, and in some

fields, the battle seems, as these rrords are

-rn-itten, to be more in favor of the forces of
darkness than a victory for the forces of light.
Yet those nho have a-ccess to the oce.ult rec-
ords of the Inner School are not dismayed by the
terrors of this age of' transition. Even without
such lmowledge of ages even worse than this,
from ,rhich humanity has anerged to enter periods
of triumphant progress, the careful student of
history finds 11ttlo basis for assent to the
gloomy predictions of knother ~k Age.
The civilization into Trhich most readers of
these pe.ges. wore born is passing av,ay before aw
eyes, but men and ,romen who have caught the vis-
ion rocorded in Tarot, and in other expressions
of the knovrledge of the Inner School, are confi-
dent that this era is u prelude to a greater
measure of freedom and enlightenment for all
Even in the midst of the present confusion it
is possible for one 1.,ho has develaped the degree
of conscious unfoldment attained by the enlight-
ened minority to achieve freedom for himself, in
spite of the unsettled conditions which terrify
most of mankind? The members of this enlighten-
ed minorit- 3 are o.ble t~ act as ehanriels for the
superior powers whereby tho automatic forces of
nature, belorr the human level, may be con-
trolled, and directed cons}ructively.
Those among them vrho are most advanced have
long foreseen this era, and for centuries they
have been preparing for the bringing into actual
manifestation of that Nh1"f ORDEROF TH& AGES that
is mentioned in one of the mottoes of the- Great
Seal of the United States. Largely as a result
of their endeavors, forces being brought to
bear which 1.till enable all :mankind to exorcise
the Devil by adding L to XV, and making V cen-
~, as in the word L.V.X. --

U~til very recently, the efforts of this

enlightened minority have deen directed in the
main toward seeking out and assisting individu-
als to gain a greater measure of' control over
themselves and conditions. Since o.bout the raid ..
dle of the nineteenth centul'y, horrever, the
Inner Schoel has been active in bringing about a
wider dissemination of Ageless Hisdom than could.
be effected in em-lier periods of history.
today thousand~ are ready for instruction,
,;There hundreds only ,tere prepared in former
times. Yet the enlightened are still in the
minori'\iy, nnd ,Jill be for some decades, or even
centuries, to cQn.e. The nain difference norr is
that the time has arrived ,men they may, in many
parts ot- the world, vrork openly uithout fear of
persecution by Church or State. Here in the
Neu Yiorld they are beginning to exerc -ise, by
various agencies, the superior pcnrer .-rhich is
alvra.ys the accQfflpalliment and consequence of' su-
perior ertlightemnent. Yfuile the Old Order falls
in ruins, they are mo.king ready for the NeYTEra
of light o.nd freedom nhic h is to ,ritness a great
advance torrard the liberati .on of ALL humanity.
There are several other points in connection
,.-; the number 15 ,rhich ,.-,ill help you to relate
this Key to others in the series. 15 adds to 6,
and by ~ omparing Keys 15 and 6 you will see they
are in contrast, yet contain similar details.
It is as if Key 15 1.rere a caricature of Key 6.
15 is also the sum of the numbers from O to
5. Thus h0t:rever unlikely it may appear at
first, we may understand that the Devil sums up
the por,ers pictured in Tarot from the Fool to
the Hierophant, inclusive. You have learned
alo that 14 is related to 5, because land 4
add to 5. Norr, since 15 is the "theosophic
extension" of 5, there ought to be a connectiQl.
between Keys 14 and 15. See h0\7 many evidences

of such a connection you can find by comparing

the two Keys.
The letter printed on Key 15 is Ayin. Its
primary meaning is "eye." Other meanings are:
"a fountain," and "outmu-d show, or superficial
For ages past, in all parts of the vH>rld, the
All-seeing Eye has been a symbol of Deity. Thus
Key 15, no matter ho,..rstrange it rnay seem to un-
accustomed minds, must have something to do i:rith
certain aspects of the One ?orrer theologians
call God. Add to th-is the ideas related to im.e
word 11fomitain, 11 and you will begin to under-
stand that this Key veils occult dcetrines about
God as the f 0tm.tain of manifestation, or source
of . creation. Add no..-, the third meaning of Ayin.,
and you will see that Key 15 must be interpreted
as a symbol of the One Identity, considered as
the source of the forms and appearances of rela-
tive existence.
The hUI:Jan e<Je, as the organ of vis ion, hints
at a relationship betvreon the ideas correspond-
ing to Ayin and those connected Ttith the attri-
bution of the function of , sight to the letter
Heh, represented in Tnrot by Key 4. It is a
commonplace that the sense of sight, important
as it is, is also a souroe of manifold illuaiOll& :
and deceptions. Every student of elementarr
psychology is familiar ,:Tith the phenomena of
optical illusims. We all know \7e must make
mental adjustments, in order to interpret cor-
rectly what i,-,e see. If .a man standing on the
observati <ltl. platform of a train accepted the
report of his sense of _sight a~ face value, he
vrould be under the delusi an that the parallel
tracks over Ylhioh the train had just passed had
moved toward each obher as they receded.
Yet our eyes deceive us only if vre let them.
Here is a diree;t connec tion between the meaning

of the letter Ayin and the title of Key 15, for

devil is derived from the Greek d i a b o 1 o s,
meaning "a traducer, a slanderer." An old prov-
erb says appearances are deceiving, and Jesus
counselled his disciples to avoid judging by ap-
pearance. In the Nert Testament, also, the Devil
is called the "father of lies," that is, the
progenitor, souroe, or principle of falsehoed.,
confusion, error, fallacy and mental disorder.
The Devil represents the funda.mental errOr
v,hence all other falsehoods proceed. This is
the error -of supposing that a reality called
"Matter" is opposed to another reality named
uspirit." Or the error that matter is the only
reality, and that r!hatever man designates by the
noun "Spirit" is actually no ;more than an intel-
lectual abstracticm.
The Sanskrit word for matter is Maya, and one
of its meanings is "illusion." In contrast to
the Occidental mind, ,:Jhich has a tendency to
accept the world of appearances constituting the
objective universe as the only reality, th&
philosophers of the Orient are inclined to
interpret the objective, phenomenal norld as an
unreal phantasmagoria of ever-shifting appear-
Ageless Wisdom reconciles these 0ppgsing in-
terpretations. It says t~e term reality applies
to both worlds.. The outer world may be Maya, Or
illusion, in one sense of that term. Yet be-
co.use vihat ...-ie call "Matter" is actually the Hap-
pearanoe" or nhat ne call "Spirit," as it enters
the field of nane and form, ,re do not see ho,;r it
is possible to separate the reality of the
appearance from the reality of the One Identity
which is making the appearance.
ErrOr creeps in .-rhen ,re try to establish !l,llY
sueh separation betueen the, .,ancr unat

may be termed the "Appearer." The seeming "Two"

are really "One," and they are not in opposition
to each other.
Thus Qaba.lists attribute to the lett er Ayin
the twenty-sixth path on the Tree of Life. (The -
Tre or Life is a diagram showing the various
relations betr;een the different a$peets of the
Life-pocrer. This diagram is, S? to say, the
skeleton or framenork for the construction of
the Tarot., The number assigned to this path is
important because 26 is the numeral value of the
Divine IHVH, Jehovah. Moreover, the a.spect
of the Life-po1 :rer corresponding to the -b:renty-
s ixth .path is called the Rene,nng Intelligence,
which is said to be so called ''because by it the
Holy God rene,rs all that is begun afresh in the
creation of the world."
Consider these words carefully. They are an
i..-rnportant clue to uhat is meant by "creation."
For "begun afresh" distinctly intimates that the
beginning of any cycle of creation is actually
a renevra.l of activity related to other cycles,
preceding this beginning.
Consider this in connection , the meaning
of qin as "fountain. n A fountain is a spring,
whence flows uater i::hich nourishes the gro;rth of
plants, and makes waste places fertile. where
there is a fountain in a desert there is an
oasis. Usually it is ringed trees, and,
i.rhen vieued fraa a height., looks like an eye in
the face of the landscape.
Yet the fountain in the oasis does not make
the water vmich flo ws from it. It is the be-
r;inning of a little stream Tlh.ich trickles from
it. This little stream joins itself with others
until they all unite in a river which ultimately
reaches the sea. The fo1.mtain "begins afresh,"
but is fed by rain falling from clouds, formed

by evaporation from the ocenn. The fo-imtain is

not an original source. It is si. mply a point at
the connnencement of a partieular cycle.
In a magical manusoript of the sixteenth cen-
tury, quoted by Eliphas Levi in the intrOd.uctio.n
to Transcendental Magic, tre read tha.t among the
powers nnd privileges of an adept, those con-
nected with the letter Ayin are: "To force
nature to make him :free at his pleasure. n lle
find, moreover. these startling words in the
first -verse of the fourth chapter of the Gospel
according to St. Uatthen: "Then Jesus was led up
into the ,ri.lderness by the Spirit, to be tempted
by the devil."
This is the literal translation of the Greek
original. It provides an important clue to the
mystery of Key 15. Note that the Spirit did the
leading, for the specific purpose of testing
Jesus by the tenptation. Here bt3ar in mind uhat
you learned fron the tTTo preceding lessons,
concerning the need for - verificatim. The Devil
begins to appear to have sane good use.
Consider also what is uritten in Job 1 :6:
"Nor, there ,;,as a day -rrhen the sons of God came ,
to present themselves before Jehavah, and Satan
came also. 11 There is no hint that Satan is pro-
hibited from coming into Jeh<>vah's presence. He
is one of the company of the "Sons of GOd.," or
"Beni-El ohm."
In Qabalah, the Beni-Elohim are said to bo a
choir of angels associated the .. Sphere of
Mercury," or field of Mercurial influence. That
is, they have to do ,nth the phase of conscious-
ness represented. by Key 1, the Magician. This
is the "Mercury .r the Sages.," human self-
consciousness, making contact uith its envircn-
ment through the senses, among uhich the sense
of sight ls ohief.

Vfuat must ,.-re oonolude from all this? First

of all., that the appearances which deceive us
are necessary to the m~ifestation of the Life-
power. Furthermore., that to attain to our full
stature as human beings, so that Yre are in a
position to force nature to make us free at our
pleasure, ,1e must be subjected to tests and
trials of our faith., and these trials are im-
posed on us by appearances. _
The whole book of Job is an elaboration or
this theme. So are the four Gospels. The
"mystery or evil" is no mystery to those i.-rho
have met and passed the trials of .faith. Every
person who has left a r~prt or his experience
of the higher order or knOfsing has testifiod
that in thai; exp er1ence all consciousness of
evil vanishes.
"All very uell.," you mo.y say., 8 but I n.n
acutely aware or the economic, polit -ical and
social evils of the present day. I have scrne
shortcomings myself, and most or the people
around me are simply dreadful ~ No amount of
fine theory ,rill erase the slums, raze the hos-
pitals., empty the insane asylums and prisons."
Granted. Yet the vra.y of life which leads t
reali _zati on of :man's true plaee in the schemo
of things does more than banish ~onsciousnes~
of evil. It brings v.rith it power to transmute
all semblances of evil into manifestations cf
.positive good. Thus the magical manuscript
alread quoted ends with these TrOrd.s:
"The ,rise man rules the elements., stills
tempests, cures t -he diseased by his touo-h., and
raises the dead The initiat~s lm0\7~ and
as for others., whether they derid t doubt, r
believe, vm.ether they . threaten or fear--,mat
matters it to science or to us?"
Until we experience the higher order of
knouing, we. may have difficulty 1rsith ta vari-

ous appearances of evil. We may wonder nhy

appearances are so often deceiving. But even
without this higher knorrledge, reas en will take
us far. Logic f"rces us to attribute the :mani-
festation of the visi~le 1.miverse to a power
vlhich is essentially good. A p01.1er, moreover.,
Trhieh is wholly wise. Thus it rollorrs that
even if , appearances are deceiving., appearance
itself is necessary for the perfect manifesta-
tion of the Life-power. The manifest universe,.
as .Oriental philosophers assert, nay be Maya,
but., on the hypothesis that it proceeds from an
all-vrise, all-good., all-porrerful Source, then,
whether ue can explain it or not., .re are forced
to conclude that this pOI.Jer to deceive the hu-
man mind, and originate all sorts of delusion~
is somehO\'r useful, someharr part of the univer-
sal order.
This involves no denial whatever of the
various appearances of relative evil. Nor docs
Ageless Ylisdora narcotize us into an indifferent
acceptance of these appearances at face value.
Precisely thse persons \'Tho have done most to
ba.nish illne~s., sorrow and i;nin fron the lives
ef their contemporaries are the persons ,.rho
bear Yd tness to the reality of a higher order
of knorring, in v.rhich all consciousness of evil
Here Tarot affords us a clue by the attribu-
tion to Key 15 of the z sign Capricorn,
vmich is ruled by Saturn~ planet of limitation
and restriction. In Capricorn, moreover., Llars
is exalted, er has its highest field of expres-
sion. Thus we may expect to find in Key 15 a
symbolic representation or a. power nhich both
binds and liberates.
In its binding aspect it creates form. All
fon:i has definite limitations. All release of
energy., as we san in our study of Key 13, which

represents another aspect of the operu.tion of

the Mars fcrce, requires dissolution of forms.
In Capricorn ., then, these opposite aspects of
Reality are brought together,
As applied to the keyword of our lesson, the
meaning is this: Form necessitates limitation,
and in our experience limitation is bondagee
Yet the very limitations vrhich gall us w:t.y
become spurs to action ,.nich sets us . free.
See hoi.v clearly this is indicated by the
first column of Keys in the tableau given in
Lesson, 2, page 7. The exercise of concentra-
tion <,Key 1) puts into operation thelav, of
suggestion (Key 8).,. ,Jhich results in . a renewal
of consciousness that releases us from bondage
(Key 15). When the force of Mars, representet
by the red robe of the Magician, is brought; to
bear through concentration, it brings about a
regeneration which dissolves the appearances of
Through qin, again, Key 15 is assooiated
with the id ea of Mirth. Laui;hter is caused by
perception of the incongruous. It is but a
step fr.m this to the truth that joy results
from the perception of the incongruity betTreen
appearances of limitation and the truth that
man is . the immediate agent of the One Identity.
Experimental verification of this truth brings
an experience of the most intense bliss, far
beyond, yet o omparable to, the most ecstatic
sense-experiences lmO\'.lll. to man.
Finally, to return to the title of Key 15,
there is a.n old saying, "The Devil is God as He
is misunderstood by the wic ked." This means
that the noustrous figure in Key 15 is a symbol
Of :man's i gn orant notions of the true natur <'>of
Reali t y J ond mo::-", esp3ci a lly " of rnan 1 s false
op1.:c.i o~:i.:
-; co n cerning his arm place in the scheme
of t 'i:1 h 1g~. This ignorance is the real Devi 1,
and because it may be overcome, they . vrho set
their feet upon the ancient "ITayof Liberation
learn hm7 to banish the Devil and destroy hi-s


As you col or Key 15 this '\'mek, notice pa.:r..;

ticula.rly that this hJ,deoue figure i1 an impos-
sible combination of incqruities. Heyer did
this nightmare shape exist outside the realm of
disordered fmicy, and it never ean..
. .
YELL0\1: Insignia above . eross belorr navel of
devil. The hair of the male and fem.a.le
f.'igures, the tc:reh flame, and the tail of
the male figure are yep~'1 11 shot TTith
,. , red.
~t Tail of female figure.
BROHN: Feathers., legs and horns of devil,
torch handle., foreground, body and wings
of devil (this is nare effective if a
little gray be mixed rd th diluted brotm.,
to give a dull, eartey colr.)
VIHITE: Star., beard, horns of male and female
STEEL Chain and ring.
RED;. Cross on devil's . body., grapes on tail
of female figure, devil's eyes . (AlsQ
note what is said under Yellovr.)

! 1

ENTALS .> - 1H i: Of.1 I L .

- o1'Yll - --- 1 - - - - I .

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;!--------- ---------- "-- - \ ~.


The black background of Key 15 represents

darlmess. It is a symbol of ignorance. It
refers also to Saturn. the planet ruling Capri-
corn. because the color black especially in
heraldry, ste.nds for this planet.
The central figure is an androv~e goat.
having the wings of a bat, the arms and ,he.nds
of a man, and the legs and .feet of an eagle.
The ,:tings refer to the designation of the Devil
as "prince of the po.rer of the air." They _ in-
dicate a subtle energy in the ~tmosphere, which
energy is one of the porrers controlled by prno-
tical occultists.
The eagle's legs and feet refer to the sign
Scorpio, ruled by J.Tars, which planet is exalted
in Capricorn. The Scorpio fOrces must be puri-
fied in the fires of tes _t and trial if vre are
to be released frQD. bondage.
The arms and hands of the monster are shown
in a gesture resembling that made by the Magi-
cian. The difference is that the uplifted hand
is open, and bears on its palm the astrological
symbol of Saturn, signifying limitation.
The position of the fingers of the Devil's
right hand is also a contrast to the gesture of
esotericism made by the Hierophant. , The Devil
seems to be saying, ''What is visible, can
be grasped by the senses, is all there is."
This is the basic fallacy of materialism.
In the symbolism of the Devil 1 s hand it is
assocmted with tre sign of the planet Saturn,
because materialism is the cause of man's ,rorst

The inverted torch in the Devil's left hand

burns wastefully, and gives little light. It
is typic~l Qf the false light of pseudo-
science. It represents also the blazing torch
of revolution and rebellion.
On the Devil's body, just belorr the navel, a
symbol of Mercury refers to the activity of the
subtle processes of digestion and assimilation.
These., under the inf'luence of Mercury in Virgo,
,are ,brought .r . control in the vrork of prac-
tieal occultism. This vrork is a cClabination of
mental processes, indicated by the yellO\'r upper
ha:lf of the Mercury symbol, with b .odily re-
spons~s or . reactions, represented by the red
cro~s ,forming _the lmver half of the symbol.
...The..Devil's eyes are red, because Mars, cor-
responding to that color, is exalted in the

' sign capricorn.
They emphasize the meanings of
Ayin 1 and refer also to the fact
that Sight is attributed to the letter Heh., and
thus to Aries, a sign ruled by :Mars.
The inverted pentagram beti.-reen the Devil's
horns is the most evil of all signs of black
magic. ( The essence of black magic is mental
inv~rsion, rooted in the . belief that the" Self
of man is dominnted by the elements composing
his physical environment. ) Thus the inverted
pentagrarn is a symbol of falsehood, because i.t
is .never true thnt Spirit can be dominated by
The pedestal is a half-cube, representing
imperfect understanding of the physical nor ld.,
because this world is often symbolized by a
cube. At the f'ront of the pedestal is a large
ring. To it are fastened chains vihich bind the
two smaller figures.
These typify the human conscious and sub-
conseious minds. The bondage of delusion is

a. consequence of man's erroneous interpretation

of t h e nature of the physic al universe.
The hoofs, horns and tails of these little
prisoners intimate that delusion bestializes
On the Cube of, Key 15 is represented
by the line West-Belorr, shovm in Figs. 1 and 2
of the diagram accompanying Lesson 18. This
line connects the l<r,ver ends of the lines
North-West and South-Uest. It designates an
activity working at the subconscious level,.. It
is the lower boundary of the western face 'Of'
the Cube, and is o the western boundary of
the lovrer face.
considered under the first of these two
aspects, it represents the operation of vrhat is
shovm in Key 10., at ,'IOrk on subccnscious levels
of manifestation. Considered under the second
of these two aspects., it represents the subcon-
scious element in the Le.i:r of Rotation.
Actually, these are simply t'rro nays of de-
soribing one and the same activity. Hence they
are represanted on the Cube by the single line
of West-Belovr.
In terms of Tarot., then., ue may say that Key
15 shcrus how the n.ower represented by the High
Priestess manifest~ itself in the Law of Rota-
tion, and shows also those aspects of the Law
of iotation ..hich cperate in the uniyerse., and
.in the life of man., below the level of con-
scious a1:rareness.
The current of energy in this line meves
fr om North to South. It combines the current
passing fr om East ti) West along the line of
north-Below with the current passing from Above
to Below a'long the line North-Hefit.
Key ~ therefore represents activity which
combines the forces of Key 9 with those of Key
11., Here is an important clue to the practical

meaning of the Key. [ It shows us that whatever

is represented by the symbolism of the Devil
combines the secret forces of Virgo and Libr 0
The lhte 1'fest-Belovf is opposite the line
East-Below. The latter is relo.ted to the Char-
iot and to the si p;n Cancer, the zodiacal oPPO-
site of Capricorn, vThich corresponds to the
line nest-Belu f r. Furthermore, the line Yfest-
B~low is diagonally opposite the line East-
Above, and we have seen that there is a hint of
this opposition in the symbolism of Keys 6 and
15. .
In practice .! occultism Key 1'5 rep~esents a
force 17h ic :1. combines the energy i-eleased into
the physic a l organism through the functions of
the V:irgc regi .on ,' {as explained in Lessons 21
and 22), vrith the. force specializ.ed by the
adrenals, governed by Libra.
In one sensla, all these forces are really
phases in the cperation of ~he One, Foroe. Yet
each is distinct, and ha.s its own pecul-
iar characteristips. As an illustration of the
same general princi p le, we nay think of the One
Force as electricity, vmich may be specialized
through appr0prfote instruments into various
kinds of activity. Passing thren~ the .ft]..l.
ament Of an electric la "llp, it mar..ifests as
light. Sent through the coil of a stove, it
becanes heat~ One. manifestation enables us to
read at night. The other vre.rms a room, or
cooks .a meal. But vte do not try to read by the
light of a stove, nor cook a dinner over a:ri
electric bulb.
To speak of anything so obvious may seem out
of place in a course of lessons meant for tho
instruction of intelligent men nnd vromen. Yet
it is necessary, because so many appear to be-
lieve that one needs only to make contact with

the central source of the One Foroo in order to

accomplish all things. Again and again vre have
been asked what good. there is in "all this
technical kno;.ledge. n Often the question. is
put by a person describing himself as an
"advanced student, 11 who has spent years reading
occult literature, and has been a member of one
or more "veey ocoult" societies.
Failure to grasp yhis principle aeco1mts fer
the lack of sueoess attending the eff'orts o!'
many genuinely earnest students. It needs t
be said often that practical ~ccul~ism ia Jus~
as full of inevitable technicalities as gra.e~ .1~
cal exoteric scienoe. 'Our conquest O f the....,
inner world of occult forces is made by th~
same kind. of procedure nhich has brought about
our conquest of the outer 1:orld.
In SEVEl{ STEPS, Lesson 1, is a quotation
from Eliphas Levi, describing the Astral Light.
Add to it these i"TOrds from the same author: . ,. ,
"This eleotro-ma.gnetic ether, this vital and
luminous caloric, is represented on ancient
monuments by the girdle of Is is, ,mic h twines
in a love-knot round t\"!o poles, by the bull-
headed serpent.- by the serpent v:ith the head of
a goat er a dog., and by the serpent biting its
mm tail, emblem of prudence and of Saturn. It
is th~ winged dragon of liedea, the double
serpent of the caduoeus, and the tempter of
Genesis. Lastly, it is the devil of exoterio
dogmatism, and is really the blind force ,;Jhich
souls must conquer, in order to detach them-
selves from the chains of earth. n
Now, in Genesis the tempter is called NChSh,
and this noun Nachash is closely related to the
word translated in the Authorized Vrsion as
"brass," though it really means ooipper, the
metal of Venus. The number of NChSh is 358,

the .s.ame a~ the MShICh . Messiach,

n1,lL1ber o!'._.:i .
s ignirying "lft;he anointed,,, a.u.u r eferf ing be bhe
V,1la.t is hint e d b y this numeral identity?
This, that the a gency of te mptation and that of
release ar e one an d t he s ame. The Life-p~ ver
is th e caus e both of b onda ge and of liberation.
Vfo.en we do not und erst an d them, the laws . of the
Life-po,, ver's self- ex pr e ssion seem to be ur
advers aries. When ne co me to kno w that all
manifestation proce e ds frtim the One Identity,
we discover th ut a reversal of relationship is
possible, so that what se ems to be against us
5.s. transformed '
into the means for Qur release
from all r e striction.
7lhen Eliphus Levi speaks of the Astral Li ght
as blind, he employs a subtlety of language.
The force is blind oniy so long us we ure of its true nature. Ylhen we ours elves
. see the truth, this , frce becomes the vehicle
of our vis ion. Eenc e it is c OIU?B c ted with
Ayin, the Eye.
The secret of rel oase is to t e t the pentu-
gran right side up. Man's monstrous imaginary
creation, th e Devil, i s ro o.ll y non e other than
God, us God s eoms to men wh o ho.vo un upsido-
dovm conception of th e I Ji.}Ji. [T o lmow whut the
Self of man reo.ll y is disp e ls th e delusion that
Spirit is dominded by t he c l cments :l Yihon this
delusion is ove rcome, th o p owe rl e ssiioss of evil
becomes elf-evident, r,nd tho works of th
Devil - ur o du s tr oyc d.
Learn to laugh ut up p eur unc e s. Laugh ut the
notion of o. Devil. Thti ~ ost effective r e sist- to error is ridicul e . Laugh o.t the Devil,
und he, und ull his angels, ,rill fl ee .




' I
~-' --/.J
I ,
'/ ~


l 1fa- AWlrk EHi Nb - f'E 14 .
.J 5e~o~cl :stage.
Spirt"fqa/ llnf-old.h-leT1-f- - - - - '. I
i h11ho.hi>l1 , . . . - - - - - ' - - - ... / l
f-c.n- Desfruc.fio71 -- -- - - - - r..:.b._
THI: wo~o - ~ - - . --. - - - -~ 1
M.o~tlh- - - . . - - - - - - .2- 3
be.~+rqc+ , on e>fJ;.i"1nita.+;on, - - - - J I
Ma<S fo1c.~ - - - - .. - - - - 4- f
Td\e5 - .- - i- - - -. - ; 5 I
I owe. 'f of 8 ll \,el . - - - - - . 5" I-


~~ ,i

\'!e oome no,.v tc the second stage of spiritual

unfoldment. which is the awakening the
dream of sense. from the nightiaa.rc of bondage.,
The first stage represented by ICey 15, is that
of the realization of the nature of bondag,
and the perception that it is, urter a.11 1 only
a. bad dream.
Key 16 is ebviously n picturo of destpuo-
tion, but it is important to nctiee t hat the
source of the destruetive power is the stm, and
that the disintegrating force comes forth as a
flash of lightning. This refers to the flush
of superconseiousness which eonstitutes t~ .
first awakening.
It is the first moment cf clear visie.n, ar~
ter which the person to nho.m it canes is never
again quite the same e.s he was beforo. It i~
like the hatching 9f a hiek fro m the egg.
Another lii'e 0pens before it. So it is ,
man. At the moment of sudden illumination pic-
tured by Key 16, he re~eives an initiatiQU, o.nd
fr~ then on he bclon,gs to a new Order of
In The Book of Tokens, the meditation on the
letter Pe ~ t to Vlhich Key 16 is attributed)
"Verily deatruotion is the i' 6undatiQU
of existenoe,
Arid in the tearing-do,;m thou se~st
Is but the assembling of material
For a grander structura.
A little observation will convince you that
destruction IS really the basis of existence.
Our entire lives nre spent in the d1~integra-

tion of forms for the sake ef building up

other forms. PO'wer is released by disintegra-
tion. The f oed ,rd ee.-1;, the clothes vre 1r1ear,
the automobiles ne ride in., all in process
()f destruction fr~l the firs (; mom,:>nt we put
them into use. In the act of destruction
itself lies all the utility we can extraot from
any cf these thinGs
In the experienee of spiritual un.foldmant,
a,mkening is distinctly a destructive process.
All the c,ustomary wrong thinking and viron.g act-
ing must go. The false sense of personal ,rill,
of personal autonomy~ of self-action,
must be destroyed.
This is not a oor:if ortable procesa. Tihen one
is foreed to recognize the truth that- s cmo of
his most cherished beliefs are false, th con-
sequent readjustment is not easy. Yet the Yrise
in evary age have testified that ,his destru-
tior! is essentially a gathering of materials
ro,, a grander structure.
The f'irst chapter of the Gospel a ecording t()
St. Jolm says 1 "In the beginninG -:ms the , trord,
and the Hord vms vn. th God., ..and the Yiord was
God. li.11 things ncre made by llim; and vr.ithoub
Him was not anything made th at was I:l.t1.d0. That
vthich hath been made vm.s life in Him, a.nd the
life ,'Jl!s the licht of men. n
This passage refers to the power whieh you
have been studying sine~ the first lesson ~
SEVEN STEPS. Yon learned that this pa-rey
is not only the sourcs ef the forces useE1. in
creation., int;egrntion and repr oduetion, but
that from it sprinc nls o the forces ]!lam.fest in
the opposites of these.
Henee The Book of TOkens, in the meditation.
on Peh ( ,rhich means literally "the mouth Gf' man
as the organ of speech") states:

"I am the Mouth, whenoe issueth the breath

or life;
I am the all-devouring one
Tihereunto all, things return."

This is the power which is active in the

disintegration of the old forms of personal
consciousness. It rends the veil whioh hides
truth from our eyes. The teuchin ~ that this
breakinG d0tm of form is fl.ll1.damental in the
process of the Life-pol"ler s self-manifestv.ti en
is very important.
The practical ocoultist has to learn that he
gannet hoPe t reach any goal he may have set
for himself without first breakinG dom1 the
oo:ndition'S' -- m 1m.ich he finds hmself ,rhen he
formulates his des ire. In occult ism, as in
everything e~e, we cannot have our cake and
eat it, t. ( Before vre may find release from
.the chains w'hich bind us, we :r.1.ust learn ho,,7 to
break them.; ")
The t~ to begin this process of breakin~
dorm the old limiting f<>r1:1sis NOrr, not sone
time in the future. You have already a
good start. You are aware of your limitations.
You mo.king an effort to transcend them.
This is witnessed . by the fact that you have
followed the instruction thus far.
As you proceed i.rith it, other practieal
methods for combatting your limitations will be
given you., and i;hings Of splendor ,Jill unfold
within you . Your first step is to apply in
your daily life the principles represented by
the Ta.rot Keys., so as to build those principles
into the structure of your orm being. .
The number 16 says as much. Right discrim ~
ination., the principle represented by Key 6, is
necessary in this , rork. Apply this principle

through acts of concentration, typified by Key

1., and you will find tha.t eaeh day 1 s experience
br ini;s you s cme measure of the o.i:!U.kening so
strikingly pictured here. Superfi~ial observa-
tion ,;rill not suf:rice. You must give attention
to the meaning of your thoughts, des ires and
actions. Thus you apply the principle of limi-
tation to overcome limitation.
He TlhO is proficient in concentration rarely
places hinself in erabarrassing situations by
rash and unconsidered action. lie thinks beftre
he acts., and then acts wisely. The planet Ma~s
is related to Key 16 through the letter Peh,
and in exoteric astroloQ' Mars . is the planet -t'
war., and of rash action.' Yet it is also the
planet of the driving force behind all sueoess-
ful activity. The vsay the liars force manifests
in us depends, therefore, on -rrhether , re direct
it so as to make full use of its drivin g p0\7er.,
or whether 17e permit it to c cntr o 1 us, thus
inducin i::;rash and f&olish activity.
The Mar s force is the propulsive ener ey of
desire. Direeti en of desire is not. repression.
no man nithout povrerful desires n.nd e::notions
ever attains to the heights of nastery. !hen
one tries to repress the Mars force, it sooner
or later breaks loose in a burst of terrific
destruction. Books on analytical psyoh$logy
tell of many horrible ex0..'11
:iJles of human wreok-
age caused by the repression of desire.
The chan..."'lel:. throur;h YJhich the desire foroe
finds expression are, however, noraally under
our conscious contr~l. It is perfectly natural
to manage the desire-nature. Key l, the MaL;i-
cia.n, shorrs hov. Formulate your o:esires, using
intelligent discrimination, and then brine; them
into manifestation by concentration. Make your
mental images of the desired results sharp and

clear, so tho.t subconsciousness nill receive

d.ef inite impressions. Then the activity of the
dynamic fore& will make your dreams cQno
SC!ne very old versions of Key 16 are named
The Hausa of God." Others are. ~a.lled nThe
Fire of Heaven." Still others bear the title,
"The Lightning-struck T0\1er." The title in . our
version is a short for:i., of this third variant.
There is a tradition that it refers t ,o the fall
of the Tov1er cf Babe.l, at vhich time 'human
speech is , said to have become a confusicn of
Thus the title is related to the notion of
speech which is eonnf'.1cted -~;ith the letter Peh.
The .t>ld Bible story indioa.tes that it is a mis-
taken use oi' language to try to reach heaven by
means of a structure ef .rords. The correct use
of language is to direct the force.s of no.ture,
by making ,1ords the tools of Organized thou Ght.
Yfnen we try to use v:-ords to define supercon-
scious states, nhich are actually beyond uords,
the inevitable result is con.fusion,.
This week, as you color Key 16, observe its
details closely. Try to Get some hint of their
deeper meaning., and make note of ,,hatever ideas
may come to -you.


W: T';,ro bands
YELLO on cro,.-m that look like
rope; star; cro.m. of woman. The Y9ds ar
yell ov1~ with a tongue of red in the gen-
eral shape of a YOd in the lower right
corner of each. A preponderance or red,
shot Yrith yellovr~ makes them more realis-
BLUE: Dress of ,voman; hose of man.

GOLD: Croi.m. except yellow parts, lightning-

GEAY: Tower, clouds (heavy storm clouds, as
in Key 10).
BROiJN: Ct~. lrop i;,f cliff is made a liGhter
BLONDE: rrcman's hair.
RF..D: Boots and coat of man. shoes of ucman.
(See also under yellow.)


I -r
! Jb - TH I: To W f; R PE+l
.:1 , g-h+-n,ni
'flash - i he \IJ~.,.cl - _ - - r 1
\Tl-le.Towey . - - - - - - .'... - - 2. j .,
l C rov.1-,, - . - ' - -- , .2.
ta\\illtfi(~H,<;-,-- - - - -- . .3
,5' YoD,S; - - - - ; 3
1't1ani\e.::ita+ .io11-Coll~e ~ .l - - -45 !
f -tt - .1'\'t"~- - :_ - - . - t:,
- ~~'<+Ii - Se_'()>e-n\- - - - ~ 7
o11 to de~ 1'(e _:_ - ..- it
~~v~-yotc.e _', l'\.'('\-i


I !
l ~ i
---- - -- --- -- ---- -- ----- - ------"~ "- \ I

The lightning-flash in Key 16 is a reference

to the vtords or the Book of Formation (1:5):
"The appearance of tho ten sphere .a out of noth-
ing is like a flash of lightning, being wii;hout
end. His word is in them vmen they emanate and
when they return." - Thus the lightning-flash is
a symbol or the power of the creative Word and
so pr0perly corresponds to the letter Peh,
since the letter-name means th& mouth as the
organ of speech.
The flash comes from a. solar disk, to show
that the active force at work in the picture is
a phase of the working of the Life-power, in
spite of the sesning destruction wrought by it.
The disk is in the same corner of the picture
as the sun in Key O. Review nhat is said in
Lesson 4 concerning this. Remember that the
reproductive force is the force, which another link with the attribution
of Mars to Peh.
The lightning-flash is so drawn that it is a
diagram of the canplete expression of the ten
aspects or the Life-power whi.c h are mentioned
in The Pattern on the Trestleboard. This sym-
bolism is borrowed from a diagram familiar to
In relation to the second stag~ of spir ital
unfoldment_ the lightning indicates the sudden
illumination. or flash of inspiration .. whioh
comes to us v1hen vie have faced . OUr particular
problem boldly, and have concentrated on it the
full force of the Life-p01.7er I by means of pro-
longed acts of atteation. Notice that the end
Of the thunderbol-c ; .$ formed like an arrewhead.,

an ancient character for the letter Beth, which

is the alphabetical symbol .r- initiative, and
o the actual beginning of' a cycle of' activity,
corresp ending to Key 1 of Tarot.
The tower is built of brick, laid in twenty-
two courses. Thus it represents a structure of
human spec eh, because the components of speeeh the letters of the alphabet., and in Hebrew
these are twenty-two.
. Thia toaar is a struc'bUPe or human errQ" and
ign9rance yet it is at . t?le same time a House
or God. Nothing is more true than that these
physical personalities of ours, even thcugh
t~ be structures which incorporate our false
notions, are at the same time Temples ot the
Living God. The ugliness and inadequacy of aur
bodiea their 'ffll.Ilt of' 0C1D.ei1ness and grae, are
caused by tho influence on subcC11scicuaness ot
our :f"alae thinking, e~res.sed by erroneous use
of words.
Bence the lightning-flash of true perception
always makes itself felt in the physical. body,
because there must be a period of physical
readjustment, before our bodies can be vehicles
for th~ expression of the higher levels or
conaci ousness.
The crown which i.s lmocked off the top or
the tower is a syttbol of will-power, beg,a_use
the Hebrew noun Kether, meaning "cr9Wn," is a
synonym for "willn. This, hovtever, ia a false
crown, a symbol af mere usurpatien, and its
:oature is exposed by the four letters M with
which it is ornamented.
In Hebrew., M is Mem. and the numeral value
ot Mem, 40, multiplied by 4 is 160., the number
of the proper name QIN., Cain. Cain., the
first murderer., pereonifies the false idea of
will p~r, the notion that every person haa a

will of his own, separate from the will-power

of other persons, and frcm the Cosmic Will.
Right knowledge begins with a flash of per-
ception. which makes us realize that no detail
or our personal experience can be separated
fr om the total expression of' the Life-power's
activity. However brief this flash of realiza-
tion may be, it overthrows the notion of a
separate personal will; and it also distupts
mental structures based on the error that we
are living our lives in perpetual antagonism to
the universe and to the lives of our neighbors.
This lie is behind every __ .l}l\ll"der_ :(:t is eraui-
ce:ted by even the br~'4'~atporc.eption or the.
f'uudamental tm.ity or all -that exists.
The !'al.ling - figures- represent "the tlto ~ad.ea
of' c o.n.sci aisneaa. ThQ ipan is ae.1.t-
c onsc i ousnes s. the woman subccmso iowmesa . The
flash of inspiration upsets . a_ll . ~ f crmer
c onoeptions . of the na~ or personal con-
sciousness~ and revers'~ _; ,, our . fcrmex: W&f of _
thinking. ~
In Key 16 the figures AN' clothed becaulle
they hide their iirue nature fr om each other
while man remains in the state of ignorant sep-
arateness. In this eonneotion, remember that
clothes are symbols of shame and :sin.
Twenty-two Yods are shown., suspended in air.
Ten are on one side of the tow.r., so disposed
that they form the Qabalistic diagram of the
Tree or Life. The twelve on the other side are
arranged symmetrically al so. These YOd.s stand
for the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alpha~
bet. because every Hebrew letter is said to be
some aspect of the , letter Yod..
Thus these Yods floating in air represent
the sum-total of cosmic :f'oroes. They stand.,
also., for the eiements of the Creative Word!,
.. and for the powers of human personality.
They are shown hanging in space, to present
symbolically the idea that none of these forces
has a physical foundation. This idea is just
the reverse of that suggested by the rocky.
isolated peak on vhic h the tower is erected .a
Note that this peak is the same color as the
Devil's body.
The a-verage person thinks his life has a
peysical basis. He supposes it to be sustained
by food air water, and the various physical
forces of his enviromne~t. Ageless Wisdom says
just the opposite. It declares explieitly that
the one Lire-power is the basis of all manifes-
tation whatsoever. physical or otherwilaov It
by no means denies the importance. much less
the actual . existence of the peysical plane;
but it does say that the peysical world is an
. expression or the , powers of spiritual life.
Thus it declares that instead of life being
supported by the onditioni, of physical ex-
istenee. these cClld.itions are caused and main-
tained by lite.
It is undaibtedly true that certain definite
peysical conditions must obtain in order that
the functions of human pa-sonality may be exer-
cised here on earth. It is not true that th.3se
conditions are either ce.use or support for sw )h
terrestrial functions of human personality.
The true cause is the Life-power itself, and it
is the Rife.power which . manifests itself in
every peysioal condition . in every physioal
force. The conditions are the effects., net the
causes., of manifestatim.
Thus Ageless 'VJisd om holds ausation to be
vital. rather than physical. In our day this.,
conception of causation is not in fashion., aey
more than the cc:nception that the earth is
round was in fashion in the days of Columbus.
It is true :aevertheless~ and it is demonstra-

bl~ true. Nor is it any less true because

i;fiTativaly few persons now living are able to
nii k:o the demonstration.
Not every person can play a concerto. They
VI!! O have suffioi~nt musbal talent, and have
dAvoted themselves to hours or practice,
able to do so. Similarly, there are persons on
earth today who are suf!'ioiently aoquainted
with the laws of life., and sufficiently skilled
in applying them., . because they have praetioed.,
so that they oan control peysical _!)onditions. to
an extent which seems t..c be mi-raoulous.
Such virtuosi in the an C?f'living ha.VG a
c Qnma.nd of' their bodies, ang..,thr.Oilgh th.air
regenerated bodies, of their environment., whioh
ena~les them -to do many extraord-mary things.
Yet they all bear vii.tne ,s~ -t~t ~t . one. st~ge . of'
their development they just as ignerant of
the laws of life a"s:',re .1:11,ost
, t~fllo
. They met the same problE!fflS mt . are mqeting, all
faced the same diff'ieulties. At one time in
their experience., they were as much in the dark
as we . seem -to be. They supposed causation was
physical., and they thought they were "going it
alone." Like the t~rer, their house of person-
ality was reared on a peak of selfish i~olatio.n
from the rest of hummiity., and it uas
with the usurper s diadem of belief in personal
Then there came a day when., like lightning.
a f.'lash of clear perception reversed their
former opinions. Darkness closed round them
a~in., ror at this stage of spiritual unfold-
_ment i, the light is not continuous. Yet they
reIIBl!'.bered whe.t they had seen. and the eon
sequence of' that recollection was a radi
change in the fundamental conception
their 'Whole cop.duct of life was based4

We must make the same change, but before we

can make it, we have to pass through the same
experience. If you have had this experience
already, you will l.m.derstand the deoper impli-
cations of Key lo. If you have not had it,
this le.sson will help .prepare you for the
sudden, terrible, yet wonderful awakening i'llbioh
will encl your dream of separation and bring
yov. near the beginning of the Way.
In the directional attributions r the
Hebrew letters, Peh is assigned to North. Th:i.s
.is the. .pl,e.ce . . of greatest symbolic darkness.
Thus Masonic ledges have no station in the -
.. North, ~ hcause it is said that the sun never
shone cu the north .side of the temple at Jeru-
. OCl!l~re this darkness symbolism with the
coler ct the pillar on the left, or notth, side
of Key 2~a:nd. v.tiththe -colot" of the sphinx on
the llame ~ i,de of Key 7. Note that the pillar
marked -1dth Beth is assoc3a.ted with the idea .r
strength, and that, in Hebrevr wisdom, the word
translated strength may be rendered also as
severity, which is suggested by the forbidding
expression of the blac-k sphinx in Key 7.
The idea behin:i this assocjation of darkness
and North with strength is tho idea that those
pO'Wers which are, t0 the average mind., veiled
in darkness., are the powers which bring release
and enlightenment. The occult forces are lib-
erating forces. 11hat inspires fear and terror
in the mind or a savage is l7hat a M.vilized man
employs to set himself free from a thousand
limitations v.dlich restriet a savage.
Nothing in nature inspires man with greateF
fear - than lightning. tet the civilized man
annihilates distance by telephone, telegraph,
and wireless,. By this willing servant ot human
intelligence he sends words and pictures round

the world. In hours he makes journeys that

took days and months only a few years ago. and
the lightning-flash in a gas-engine makes this
This is v.hy t~ Emperor faces North. Human
reasoning is ahe.ys oo.ncerned with the unknown.
with what is concealed from the average mind.
He 'Who o onquers his rear or darknes is able
to disoover the secrets it hides., and to bring
them and him~elf to l ,ight.
In Job 37:22 we re"d "Fair weather ccmeth
from the north." but the max-gm or the ..
James Version substitutes: . 1_'gold" .ror. "fair
weather., 11 and this is the moro e.ceurate trans-
lation. In Hebrew it reads: M'J:tP~ ZHB IAThH
and the numeral value of this phrase .ia 696.,
which is the number -of ASh HShMIM, Esh ha-
shamaim, ''Fire or heaven~" This last is the
same as the Ft-enoh title f'<>r.
.Key 16; . "Le Feu.
de Ciel."
This passage rran Job is tle text for a long
alchemical camnentary in the Qabalistic Book of
Purifying Fire., but discussion or this must be
reserved for our texts on Hermetic Science.
The point to be brought out now is that here is
rather . more than a hint that by "Mars" and by
"North" the vtise men of old indicated their
knO\'rledge of the same force now named "elec-
tricity." What is more~ they knevr that the
occult force they symblized by a flash or
lightning is the baai s tor those inner modifi-
cations of the personal vehicle vm.ioh result in
enlightenment. This aspect or the cosmi:c vital
electricity they represented also by a serpent.
Hence, in Key 6 there is a serpent on the north
side of the pidture. and in Key 10 a serpent is
descending ori the north side or the wheel.
Thus we m5 interpret "Gold OQ!leth frQn the
ntn"th." as meau:i .:r1g, "Enlightemnent has its

origin in the hidden sources of power which

arouse the emotion of terrcr in the minds of
the ign.Ortmt."
Remembering that a fundamental activity flt
the Mars force in human personality is the
stimulation or desire, deTote yourself this
week to a study of your desires. Most or WI
are beset by a 1Teritab le mob ot miscellaneous.
desires. MaJ\ er them. are tmimportant. weak.
ephemeral. Ml enliglrtebM man b a man of
comna.ratively few desires, but those he has are
4f.JOp.poweri'ul, one-pointed. Such a man shoots
stzaight . at his mark permitting nothing to
deflect his purposeful aim. His thought .s dwell
on what he has decided to be and de. Ris mind
pictures 1t . elearly. His activity is directed
t O its a"a.inment
. Select .y .~ most important desire. Do not
.allOV( le.s s , important ones to iJlterfere with it.
Yielding to the .influence of $lllall desires (is-
sipates energy you .can apply to truly important
'rhis tra.otice is dif'f'icult, easy as it is to
describe. To bring the e.esire nature complete
ly under control takes long,, steady drill. On
this account, do not drop the practice at the
end or this week. Keep at it coxrtil1ually. De-
sire is the power that achieves, and the art or
directing this power is the .basis of all kinda
of mastery~

l !

,,,.. ! \

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37 i
- . - - -- - -- - --- -- - _)\ !

The third stage of spirituaL unf'oldment rep-
resented by Tarot is Revelation. Revelation is
unveiling, disclosure, discovery. The discovery
is not made by the seeker for truth. It is :made
to him. Hereceives the revelation. He does
not lift the veil of Isis. She unveils herself.
Thus Key 17 pictures something nhich operates
from above the level of hUll\a.n personal con-
sciousness. Disclosures made at tl 1is staGe are
not perceived by the physical senses. They are
not conclusions reached by the reasoning mind,
as a consequence of observing externals. Quite
th0 reverse. These revelations come vlhen the
r~a.soning mind is completely 5tilled and the
senses sea.lo .d. ,
Tzaddi is the Hebrew letter assigned to Key
17. Its name means "fish-hook." A fish-hook is
a symbol for angling. Hence it is related to
our ideas of experimentation, quest and re-
The quest is for something not yet definitely
realized. It is a groping, a feeling one's vray,
a 11fishing" for something. Thus the symbol of a
fish-hook stands for an agency or instrumental-
ity whereby one endeavors to solve problems or
enigmas. It typifies a means for disc overing
secrets, or a method whereby one follovts a clue
leading to the understanding of a mystery.
IJeditation is this agency symbolized by a
fish-hook. The Qabalistic Book of Formation at-
tributes this activity to Tza.d,i.i, and the Hebrew
verb (not foUJ.~d in the Bible, but occuring
often in Rab"' l vn.-iti ngs, means to thirik, to

speculate, to fancy. Like the English word con-

templatw, it implies the marking out of a fiold
~observation, limited in extent, wherein tho
whole force of attention may be brought to boar
on some objeet of thought.
Patanjali defines meditation as 11an unbroken
flovr of' kncnvledge in a particular object." We
shall see that the symbolism of Key 17 agrees
,Tith this definition. Meditation is elose,
continued thought. It is deep reflection. It
is a continual dwellirig on one central idea, a
diving dorm into the depths of the mind for the
various a.ssoeiations connected ;rith the main
thought--the.t is, . fishing for truth.
You will note that suoh associations of
ideas are the basis of Tarot practi YoU
,;fill fine this cru;-ried out evsn furthel" uh.en,
later on, you ooine to the det'a.iled study ct'
Qabalistic .correspondences and the Tree cf
Keys 1, 2 and 3 symbolize the fundamentals
of the process. First, the selection of some
definite object, on which attention is fixei
(Key 1). Second, the associative activity rep-
resented by the meaning of the letter Gimel
(Key 2). Third,. the development cf :r.iental
imagery, the basis of true understanding (Key
These are the mental aspects of the medita-
tive process. Tihat should not be overlooked is
tho fact that meditation has specific physical
results, and employs physical energy in tho
organism of the person vrho engages in medita~
tion ..
The letter-name Tzaddi., 11fish-hook", givos o.
hint as to this physical part of meditation.,
because in the . Hebrevr alphabet the idea 11fish 11
is represented by the letter Nun, and the id.a

"hook" by the letter Vav.

Mote, als ?., that in
UVN., Nun., the letters N and V are coniliined.
The letter Nun., represented by Key 13., is
associated "t'Tith the zodiacal sign Scorpio, and
with the secret force governed by that sign.
The letter Vav., represented by Key 5., is linked
,rith the sign ,Taurus. These tuo signs are
oppos~tes., but complements. The centers cor-
responding to them in the human body are als
opposite and complementary.
In meditation., the tcrce , ordinarily
expresses itself throur;h the Scorpio field of
the hui.,an body is raised, anubecomes jactive in
the Taurus region., which includes the hearing
centers in the brain. The resulting st:i.mula~
tion of those centers enables one to become
a,;rare of the Voice. represented by the
Hierophant. The Hierophant is the Revealer,
and Key 17 is a symbol of the Revelati 1on..
The numeral value of the character Tz, Tzad-
di., is 90. This is also the value of l the word
MI M., Mem, the name of the letter symbolized
by Key 12., the Hanged Man. The nu.'-:leral cQrre-
spon.dence indicates a relation bet1 -.r
een the tvro
letters and the ideas they represent.
Even in the meaning of the letter-names ne
can see this. Certainly a fish-hook ~akes one
think of vmter, since it is an instrument for
lifting fish out of: the YJater. Trater, you will
remember, is the occult name for the universal
subconsciousness, the Great Sea in which all
things have their origin.
Again, the title of Key 12 is synonymous
with "The Suspended Mind," and signifies the
suspension of the activity of personal con-
sciousness, as a result of profound meditation.
In Sanskrit writings on yoga, this suspension
is called Samadhi., and Samadhi is said to lead
to _the revelation of the highest truths.

Note in passing that a fish-hook is usually

suspended from a line., so that the fact that it
hangs from something is vma.t makes it useful.
In meditation., by keeping the stream or
consciousness floning in relation to some par-
ticular object., - ,;re gather impression after
impression from that object. Our minds talc
the form of that object. He become identified
,:rith it. Thus we become ai:iare of' the object's
inner nature. It reveals itself to us.
The object of meditation is usually some
sort of problem. .Just as one must have the
right sort of bait to induce fish to bite, so
one must have a definite object fer meditation.
The reason for :meditating is to solve the prob-
Because it is a problem, it appears to be
the adver.sary ofthe person i:rho is meditating.
It may look like the Devil himself; but a prac-
tical occ ultist knows this is only the first
appea: ance,
and disregards it. He knorrs the
solvent power of consciousness, and how to
apply it.
The first thing to do is to silence the
superficial activity of personal ~onsoiousness.
Just as a fisherman sits quietly, so must one
in meditation learn to , patiently until the
fish of thought takes the hook. The hook is
ahmys a specific question. They uho imagine
they are meditating when they sit pe.ssively,
imitating a jelly-fish by their mental attitud
of utter emptiness, are ~adly mistaken.
Certain as it , is th at T:e ourselves do not
discover truth, it is also needful for us to
understand that our mental attitude must be one
of active quest. T;e must not be con.tent merely
to sit still, in hcpe of enlightenment. Qui(tt
,;re must be, but at the same time intent on r .~-

ceiving light on our problem--as the poet says,

we must invite the soul. In this attitude we
are able to hear the Voice of the Hierophant,
and he Trill speak distinctly and definitely
. As T,e bee cme skilled in the praotice f
meditation, we find that about all we have to
do, personally, ,nth the disclosure of new
aspects Of truth is the selection Of & epecif'ic
problem as the pivot for our meditation. In
old Egypt there used to be a statue or Isis,
,,fith an inscription asserting that no mortal
had ever lifted her veil. This continues to be
true. Yet ~he veil of Isis is lifted again and
again for those ,:,ho are duly and truly prepared
to behold the vision of her lovely presence.,
Uature does not hide herself frcm us. The
-veil Trhich conceals truth is the veil of
ignorance, the veil of man's foolish belief ~n
his own separateness and mortality, and this
veil may be removed by the practice of medita-
The numi.> er 17 is composed of the digits 7
and l, with 7 standing for too power nhich is
expressed, and 1 for . the agency throuGh vrhich
that povrer operates. In Tarot,. 7 is the Chari-
ot, symbol of the receptivity ~hieh is so
necessary for meditation. The same Key is re-
lated to a special mode of consciousness knovm.
as the Intelligence of the House Of Influence.
Something vlhich flows d01m. into the field of
personal consciousness, when vie are quiet and
receptive, is what does the i:rork in meditation.
He who vrishes to meditate must be keenly
aTrare that personality is only a vehiclo for
the Life-power. He must understand also that
the Life-po'iler, being the TIORD or Creativ~
Speech, finds expression in all forms.

Because this HORD is actually seated in our

hearts, vre are able to receive its disclosures
of truth. The mental attitude p symbolized in
Tarot by the La g ician is the means ,;rhereby
truth so disclosed may be put into practical
application. Llan is the transformer of his
environment, in accordance with his perceptions
of reality. He IS this, uhether he applies his
pO\'rer vrisely or un rrisely. life are all magicians,
projecting our onn magic circle of oireumstance
by our mental imagery. Uhen ne understand this
truth about ourselves and act upon it, Y,e find
release from every kind of bondage.
The zodiacal sign Aquarius the Tiater-bearer
is attributed to Tzaddi, and thus to Key 17
also. Its symbol is the same as one of th
alchemical symbols for dissolution. Thus it is
directly cmmected with ideas '\7e have consider-
ed in our study of l~ey 13. It is clear that
the latter is related to Key 17, because the
letter Uun, represented by K e 'Y" 13, means
"fish. 11
In the symbolic representation of the fixed
signs of the z od iac , i n the corners of Keys 10
and 21, Aquarius is indicated by the Man. Man
is the Great i'isher for nen forms of truth. He
is the possessor of the Universal Solvent we
read of in alchemical books. The Universal Sol-
vent is human consoiousness, concentrated and
directed in meditation. By means of this., man
may solve every problem.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and by Saturn.
These t v10 planets are represented by the first
and last Keys of Tarot. Uranus is the Fool.,
and Saturn is the r:crld. Here is a hint that
the practice of meditation vrl.11 eventually find
answers to every question., from the most ab,-
stract to the most concrete. Many other ideas

are connected with this co-rulership of Aquar- /

ius. Seek to find them in meditation.
The title., . The Star., refers to the universal
Light-energy ,mich condenses itself into stars.
It is the reality behind their physical forms.
The explanation of a more recondite meaning of
the title must be deferred to another time.
This week develop the oxeircise you began
last week. Formulate your desires into specif-
ic problems. Focus upon them the spotlight of
your conscious11ess. liake every detail clear
and definite. Then., nith this as a basis.,
begin the fishing process of meditation.
Do not try to think about ~our problem's
probable solution. Rother let the stream of
consciousness fl<>vr; as ~t uere., past your point
of observ:ation. natch the iueas ,mich seem to
rise to the surface of themselves. Reject th~
unle~rn they show sQne definite relation to tho
central idea of your meditation. Keep your
object alvJS.ys in vievr.

YELLOW: The central star.
GREEN: Grass, leaves on tree.
BLUE: Background., pool., water from vases.
Deeper shade in ovals on vases and
stripes round their necks.
VIOLET: Mountains. (Note that there are
rising hills before the peak.)
OHAiIGE: Vases (except stripes. ovals and
UHITE: Smaller stars., vase handles., the
stripes across ovals on vases., ex-
cept th~ stripes colored red., the
highlights on the water.
BIWIIN: Tree trunk.
BLONDE;Hair. This can be done beautifully
by putting a little darker shade
over the shading lines.
FLESH: The woman's body ..
RED: Top band over oval on vase at left
of card; lower bo.nd over oval on
vase at right; the bird on the

I /


1 TAl~OT , I

tH 1: ":>1 - I1
- - - I
J.i;-e<;,se~ ~-l~,-r~ - - - .- - - - - ...
..t-a.f~,7 - '...
l't\-e - - : I
See.,..-cc..~ - - l -
- - l.
I 9 is - 1.11' al\; a., . : '- - - -. - ,2__

, ,.

< I
/.. , _ ______ _____
______ ,. ___
_ ---- ---i

The great yellovr star is the Blazing Sta.r of

~asonic synbolism. It stands a.lso for the
Quintessence (Fifth Essence) of the alchenists.
This is clearly indicated by the fact that the
star has eight principal rays. The eight-
spoked designs on the dress of the Fool, the
vTheel of Fortune, and this eight-rayed star are
all emblems of the Quintessence, which is Spir-
it, the porrer behind the energy trans :nitted to
their vrorld-systems by suns. Note th at the
star has also eight very shart secondary rays.
You '."ill
J find these rays fully developed in the
symbolism of Key 19
..The lesser stars are also ei ght-rayed,
to shon that they are manifestations of the
same Quintessence . They represent also the
seven alchemical metals: Lead, Iron, Tin, Gold,
Silver, Copper and Mercury. These correspond
to the .seven astrological planets: Saturn ,
Mars., Jupiter., Sun., Moon., Venus and Mercury.
Thus the stars of Key 17 are symbols of the
seven interior stars: called chakras by Yogis,
which are centers through which the One Force
manifests itself in the huuan body.
Yfuat has just be~n said is a forerunner to
instruction you will receive in later lessons .
You will then be told more concerning these
centers., and nill learn practical nethods for
utilizing the forces vrhich nork through then
.For the present, this is vrork for i.mich you not sufficiently prepared.
Concerning the development of these centers,
much has been published. A great dee.l of ,vhat
may be found in book s is dangerous, because it

~~ 9s technical knorrledge to persons n ho are by

~ ,,., noans qualified to use it, so that they
often do themselves grave inJuries . Horse even
than this are those books nhich fill the mind
of the student with a - lot of time-nasting non-
sense., of which he nust rid himself before he
can receive genuine inst~ucti on .
Vie refuse to enter into ar guraent ni th per-
s ens who cannot see the need for ke eping secret
certain aspects of occult instruction. They
cannot receive the knO\'Tledge they clamor -tor---
nor vci.11 they find it mitil they bee ome
enough to see how vitally necessary the old
rule of secrecy really is. Thus ,-refrankly ad~
mit that in these lessons ue hold back not a
little., in accordance uith ancient usage nhich
we feel to be binding upon us . On the other
hand., we giv'~ you no "blinds" of false inter-
pretati9D., nor do -rre ,m.ste your time ,
fruitless practices. Hhen you have taken these
preliminary steps in your training., detailed
explanation of :r.i.ore advanced vrork Yrill be
available., und~r suitable reserves.
The nude water-bearer is Isis-Urania. She
represents truth., and the practice of nedita-
tion reveals truth to us ;rithout disguise.,
hence she is nude. Her legs are bent so that
each forms an angle of 90 degrees. 90 is the
nw;iber of the letter Tzaddi, and an angle of 90
degrees is an ancient symbol of rectitude.
The weigh~ of her body rests on her left
knee, and is supported by earth, representing
the facts of physical existence. Her balance
is maintained by her right leg, and her right
foot rests on the surface of the pool. This
means that in meditation something occurs ,mich
gives to the usually unstable mind-stuff, sym-

bolized by water., a solidity and stability like

the physical world. Here is a hint of what al-
chemists mean by nfixati on of the volatile.
The two vases are the t-rro personal r.iodes of
consciousness, like the two ministers in Key 5,
or the man and wona.n in Key 6. The ellipses on
the sides of the vases represent the zero sign,
Spirit., or Akasha. Only two ellipses are shorm.,
but there are really four., si gnifyin~ the ex-
pression of Spirit through the four worlds and
the four elements.
From the vase in the uoman ' s ri ght hand
falls a stream ,thich sets up naves in the pool.
The yraves concentric rin g s~ li ke t he
circles on Key 10. ~hese waves re present the
activity set up in subconsciousness by medita-
FrC!n the other vase a strean falls on land.,
and it is divided into five ~arts. This repre-
sents the purification and perfection of the
senses., by means of right m.edi tat ion. Tuo im-
portant clues to the meaning of Key 17 are that
the vroman lifts the vases., and that the Yra.ter
comes from the pool and goes back to it. _
The raotmtain in the backi;r ound is the same
as the one in Keys 6 and 8. It represents the
perfection of the Great Yfork, Yihich is man's
conscious control of the inorganic forms of the
Li f e-power's self-expression. This control be-
gins with man 1 s mastery of his own mind and
body, so that they become open channels for the
outflorr of the higher aspects of the Life-
pow-er 1 s true c onsc i ousnes s.
Ylhen this preliminary work ,-rith the personal
vehicle is completed., then becomes possible the
culmination of the Operation of the Sun, in
the actual mastery of the patterns of the inor-
ganic ,1orld, by what appears to the 'llll.initiated _

to be a rrwsterious., r.i.iracle-norkin g pm1er of

the adept The adept hir.1se lf., however., lmorrs
that this pmrer is latent in all men., and he
seeks eagerly for those nho are ready to 'begin
the journey to the n ountain-peak of msstery.
The tree in the u id.dl e distance refers to
the hui:ian nervous system., -r.hich occult diagrams
often. typify as a tree. The upper part of the
tree is the brain., and the trunk represents
the .spinal . cord., and the sympathetic nerves and
The bird perched in the branches is an ibis.,
a fishing bird re garded by the Egyptians as
being sacred to Th oth., identified by the Greeks
with Hermes, and by the Ro.mans ,nth Mercury .,
Here in Key 17., the bird of Hermes reminds us
that meditati on is begun by., and supervised by.,
the self-conscious aspect of human personality.,
r:lercury or Hermes., pictured in Tarot as Key 1.,
the Magician.
On the diag,T&n of the Cube of Space, the
line corresponding to Tzaddi and Key 17 is the
line South-Above, ,;ihich is the southern bot1d-
a.ry of the upper face of the cube.
This upper face is re presented in Tarot by
the Ha gie ian., and since the line corresponding
to Key 17 is the southern boundary of this
face., - i:re see that Key 17 n ust represent the
southern half of Key 1., ,:Ihere ue see a table, the iI!J.pleuents of cere r.i.onial nagic.
No,;r cere r.i.onial magic itself is one form of
meditation., because everything done in a magi-
cal ceremonial is intended to enphe.size the
central idea., or seed-thought, of the ritual.
In this connection review lesson 6.
At this point it may be uell to indicate the
direction of the currents of energy . in the
t welve boundary lines of the Cube of Space. In

the diagrams accompanying Lesson 18, sane of

these are shovm in figure 1. You can add the
others to figure 2.
In the line North-East (Key 4), the current
moves do-,mi:mrd from Above to Below. In the
line South-East (Key 5), it moves up,mrd from
Belon to Above. In the line East-Above (Key 6),
it moves fron South to North, as nay be seen by
careful inspection of the symbols on that Key.
In the line East-Belovr (Key -7), it moves from
North to South -, like the river in the picture.
Thus it is possible to trace a continho-qs
line round the boundaries of the eastern f~e
of the cube, beginning -:Tith Key 4 from Above to
Belovr, . then tnrc igh t-he line East-Below frQm
-. North to, then fron Belo,.r to Above up the
line South-East, and :rrom the South-East upper
corner, through the line East-Above, back to
the Horth-East upper corner~
On the North face of the cube it is impos-
sible to trace a continuous line, for the
current in the lL'l'les l{orth-Above (Key 8) and
North-Below (Key 9) moves in both lines from
East to Yfest; and the current in the line
North- n est (Key 11) no-,res, like the current in
the line North-East (Key 4), fran Above to
It is impossible also to trace a continuous
path round the vrestern face, because, although
the line South-Tfest carries a current from Be-
low to Above (Key 13), the lines Tiest-Above and
Y'lest-Belorr both carry currents from North to
South (Keys 14 and 15) ..
On the upper face of the cube, horrever, we
may trace a continuous line, starting from any
corner, for East-Above (Key 6) moves from South
to North, North-Above (Key 8) carries a current
from East to West, Hest-Ab .ove (Key 14) runs

fr om North to South, . and South-Above (Key 17)

carries a current from Trest to East.
No continuous line T!l.a.Y be tr4ced round the
loner i'ace, because the lines East-Below and
n est-Belem both :r;iove from North to South. Nor
may a continuous line be dra 1:m round the south-
ern face, because the lines South-East and
South-West both move from Belorr to Above; and
the line South-Belorr, like the line South-
Above, carries a current from Wect to East.
Note that the -line South-Above (Key 17)
begins at the upper end of the line South-Uest
(Key 13) and runs back to.the upper end of line
South-East ( Key 5). Thus this line does actu-
ally jcin t~e line of Nmi, the fish, to the
line of Vav, the hook (See Lesson 37).
Observe also that the current from the line
f!est-\bove ( l~ey 14) and that from the line
South- "i Key 13) meet at the point nhere the
line South- Ab ove begins. This i:ndioa:t;es that
the forces represented by Keys 13 and 14 are
blended in Key 17. In every act of right :r.i.edi-
tati on the secret force of Scorpio is aimed by
the arrow of Sagittarius. .
Furthermore, since the line corresponding to
{ey 17 ends at the upper point of the line cor-
~esponding to Key 5, and the current in the
Latter moves up-rrard, it is evident that the
~orce carried by Key 17 cannot nave dO\mvre.rd
tgainst the current in the line South-East.
what happens is that a.t the end of a suc-
:essful period of meditation, one receives,
;hrough the activity pictured by the Hiero-
iha.nt, a revelation of some eternal principle
rhic h bears directly on one's pr oblen.
After this has occurrE3d, the current from .
;he line South-Above passes into the line East-
~bove., symbolized by Key 6. The revelation we

receive ' at the end of a successful meditation

bee omes part of the conscious awareness of the
person meditating. This additional enlighten-
J11ent then contributes t o the exercise of
discrimination pictured by Key 6.
A'c this time, we shall not 'follm, the course
of the cube boundaries farther. Yet the alert
reader vrill be able to nalre his onn discoveries
by applying the principles already outlined.
Continue your meditation practice this week.
Begin it by giving five minutes to letting the
pictured image of Key- 17 make . its h 'lpression on
your subconsciousness~ Remenber that this Key
is a picture of i:rhat ade pts knorr about medita-
tion, and that it gives your subconsciousness
definite suggestions, i:rhich will make it easier
for you to neditate succensfully.
Finally, think 1-rell upon this passage fr<!n
The Book of Tokens. It contains an important
s0oret concerning Key 17.

"Thinkest thou, 0 seeker for nisdom,

That thou bringest thyself into the Light
By thine arm search?

Not so.
I am the HOOK,
Cast into the ,raters of darkness,
To bring men from their depths
Into the sphere of true perception,

Entering that sphere,

They must die to their old selves
Even as a fish cast upon the land must die !

Yet do they die only to live again.,

And .-mat before seemed . life to them
Now vreareth the aspect of death.

IJen think they seek me,

But it is I who s~k them.
No other seeker is . there than Dyself,
And rrhen ' I find mine,
The pain of questing is at an em.
The . fish i;raspeth the hook,
Thinking to find food,
But the fisherman is the enjoye:r ot
the meal."

' '\



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KEY 18 symbolizes the fourth stabe of spir-

itual unfoldment. After one has ~ealized that
the condition of bondabe to appearances is but
an illusion (Key 15); nhen by the flash of
spiritual illuminaticn false structures of
wrong thou~ht and action have been overthrovm,
(Key 16); then comes a pericd. of quiet like the
calm which fol.lows a storm., and durin; it., new
relations are revealed to us throu r,h m~dita.-
tion (Key 17). After this becins the prcness
of organization.
As used here., the term >rr;ani?.ation does not
mean the assoeiation of h~nn beinGs into
groups or societies. It refers rather to the
organization of the various parts of the human
body into a higher type of -:,rGa.nism.than thut
which is spontaneously provided by the r;enora.l
averages of evolution.
The practical application cf the principles
of Ageless Wisdom is aimed at this change in
the human organism. Creatures in the evolu-
tionary scale below man incupa.ble of any
great de~ree of self-modifioatien. AnL~als and
plants brought tmder the influence of man may
be considerably modified in a relatively short
period of time., but they shou a tendency to
revert to the primitive types when the cultural
influence of man is for any reason removed.
The "Great Art, 11 as the alchomist~ called
their practice, is concerned the produc-
tion of a higher. finer$ more sensitive and
responsive typo of human body. This is not
effected by eugen i c measures. It is not by se-
leotion and breeding, but by the ( direct notion
of man's will and imagination upon his own
vehicle of flesh and blood, that the transform,.
~ is effected. )
This transfor mation is the outcome of the
working together of universal forces. It is
not merely a consequenc e of pers onal e fforts.
Yet the culmination of the Great r; ork requires
the introduction of the person a l factor. No
man accomplishes this nark until he himself
sees, under .stands, and applies the principles,
laws and forces which are involved in that
transfor mation of h1s own substance, which the
alchemists called "The Operation of the Sun."
This u coomplish n ent is made possible by the
exercise of iI:ia gin ation, 'or imngination is
what mak es clear and definite our desires and
aspirations. Eental iiitages are the patterns
which vre pass into subconsciousness, the build-
er of the body and the controller of all its
funct'ions .
If our patterns are clear a nd definite, and
we keep then intact, subconeciousne~s will
build a body to correspo nd to t hen . 'rhis does
not nean that we can sit still o.nd do nothing
but hold mental ima ges. Not by any s ch prao-
tice shall we tru.nsr.mte our bodies. 1.lhat it
does mean is that n hen our ima r;es are vivid,
they provide us with patterns for bodily trans-
formations, and ii n.pel us into eourses of' acti0l
v1hich bring about the necess a ry chan ges.
For exa.mplo, a boy cherishes the image e~
becoming a. concert pianist. This ina ge dcm-
inates his action, so th a t he goes willingly
t hrs,ugh h:>,urs of practice nhioh would b e
drud gery to an unmusical person. The practi~
affects the muscular stru~ture ef his hnnis,
arm~ and legs. It causes many subtle chang~s

in the centers of sight and hearing. It affects

many other groups of nerves and muscles.
Eventually he becomes what he imaged. By action
corresponding to imagination, he has built for
himself the specially conditioned body which is
characteristic of a pianist.
The same principle holds true in evary other
instance . A prize-fighter is d~inated by his
ll."TlageryI and SO is a poet. /j, verythmg that
human beings achieve is accomplished thr ouch
some kind of bodily activity, and each type of
activity is ande possible by the develo pnent of
a c orrspondine; type of organic structure .:;)
This is as true of the prophet and s ee r as
it is of anybody else. [J :hatever y cur object in
life may be, you Viill achieve it -rihe n y ou have
built e. physical vehicle vrhich cn.n tr a nsfor m
the Life-power into the partfoulo.r kinds of
a.cti -on corresponding to your mental i mo.;:;ery J
The number 18 expresses the potency of the
number 8, u orkin 0 through 1. Thus it r epre-
sents the La.v1 of SugGestion symbolized. by Key 8
as being applied throush the directive activity
of attention typified by Key 1.
You will find it to your advantage to review
'Less on Two of SEVEli :jTEPS HJ PP.ACTI CAL 0CCULT-
IS 1i in con."1.ection with this study of Key 18 .
Uhe.t bhat lesson has to say a.bout subconscious-
ness should pass often through the conscious
mind, for each review impresses upon subc on-
sciousness itself a deeper imprint of your
conscious renlization of these facts. In
effect, when subconsciousness knows that
understand what it can do, it works better.
The most advanced adepts not too wise to
remind themselves continually of this, and
they invented Tarot for just this purpose.
In reference to the organization o,f a finer
and 1,10.r-e r es_2cns:ye ph y sic a l vehicle, this

self-direction from the level of the conscious

mind .applies a principle enunciated lonG UGO
by Lamarck, vrho wrote:
"The production of a nei;,r organ in an animal
body results frcm the supervention of a new
ua.nt continuing to make itself felt, and a neTt
movement which this nant i:;ives birth to and
encourages Effort may be in a lurGe
measure unconscious and instinctive, but nust
in larse measure be conscious, beinG made vtith
a mental purpose to produce same desirable
The liebrev1 letter Qoph means "the back of
the head." It alludes to the fact that sane of
the nost inportnnt orGans in the body are lo-
cated in the reo.r of the skull. This part of
the head houses the posterior lobes or the
cerebrum and cerebellum. The posterior lobe of
the cerebruxa c onto.ins the s iGht center, so that
it is actually true that "iie see Trith the backs
of our heads
Just belo.Y the posterior lobe of the cere-
brum is a knot of nerve tissues called the
medulla. oblon r;;a.ta, u..11.itinG the br a in to the
spinal cord and its branches.
Thus the medulla
is the c Oll..'1.eoting link betvreen the hi ~her oe:n-
ters of sensation, thcu cht and action, located
in the head, and the subPrdinate centers locat-
ed in the body. The medulla itself is indeed a
knot, present i:hg many intricate problems to
anatomists and physiolo:;ists. Many of these
proble ms are unlikely to be solved by those nho
depend on ordinary methods of investigation.
Unst1tisfo.ct ory as ordinary study of the ner-
vous system must be, because tissues examined
under the microscope taken from dead bod-
i e s, it has been found that the medulla governs
respiration, that it regulates the heart, that
LESSliH 1'HL-..TY-i.HNE 5

it ccntains the principal center which controls

the circulation of the blood throughout the
body. Besides these, it has other functions of
basic importance to the maintenance of the
organism. Thus the lmot of nerve cells at the
back of the head is really nhat keeps,
for its functions are carried on nithout inter-
ruption, even r1hile Yre are asleep.
Sleep, therefore, is assi r;ned in Qabalah to
the letter Qoph, because .-rhat consciousness
remains active in persO!lality during sleep hAs
its most important centers in the back of the
head. Sleep, moreover, is the ~eriod. of rest
and recuperation; clurin G ,ihich the -::aste caused
by the day's activity is elimhiated, and nevr
materials are woven into the bodily structure.
While we sleep, the p lans and t h cuchts Tre
have been concerned vrith durin g the day are
ripened and brought to mnturity. Thus it is
proverbial that night brin GS co~msel. Many a
problem has bem1. solved subconsciously durinf;
the night. vur mental prGcesses continue at
subconscious levels, even Hhile the cells of
the upper brain are resting.
It is during sleep that our aspirations and
efforts are built into organic structure. \'[hat
we have thought and done during the day g oes 011.
influencinG the body while ue sleep. This is
why it is advantageeus to review each day,
before falling asleep . Tie see where vie have
fallen short, and vre vigorously deternine to do
better the next time ne find ourselves in a
similar situation. We intensify the effect of
all our vrell-doing by this mental repetition of
our orir;inal actions and thoughts. Then, 'Jre...;
fore g OUl"'selves for slumber, YJe once
more brin g b ef ore us, as clearly as vre can, the
image of t ha t v.rhich is our h~ghest and truest

desire. By this means i:re e,ctually build our

aspirations into our flesh and blood, impress-
ing our domin a nt desire on every cell.
As you raake yourself familiar n ith the
details of Key 18 t h is n eek, nhile colorin~ it,
try to Y:or k out t h is h int.. The digits of the
number 18 - add to 9, an d 9 is the ilermit.
Revievr the two lessons on Key 9, Trith special
reference to the instructions concerning the
functions and secret poi.-rer of the Vir g o ar~o. of
the hu.~an body. Then notice that Keys 9 and 18
are both ni cht scenes, while both have the sug-
gestion of a height, and of a path leadin g to
that height . This .-rill . pre pa re you to under-
stand next week's lesson.


YELL< NJ: fuOOn and r Qys; path. Yod.s s &me as in

Key lo.
GREEM: Grass in fore ground. ( n ote that
thi s do e s not reach the to wers.)
BLUE: Bo.ckg r0und, pool.
GRAY: Tov,ers, nol f, stones round pool.
VI C.LET: Crayfish, mountains . (Dilute f er
Dog, plains betneen grass and the
mount a ins.
TiHITE: Tower n indows, hi ghlights on pool.,
vrolf ' s fan g .



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' l FLJ~
--riff MOON -18


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Key 18 's ti tlo, The. l\;Ioon, is a direct refer-
ence to subconsei ousness, and its po1:rers of
duplication, reflection, reprOduction, and the
turning of energy back to its source. In its
deeper raeaning, Key la therefore symbolizes the
Pa th of Return.
An ancient es oterie uaxim is plainly indi-
cated by the symbols of this Key. "Fir st the
stone, then the plant., then the animal, then
the man." At the lorrer end of the futh, at the
margin of the pool, are several stones. Just
beyond the,:i. are the pointed leaves of a Yro.ter-
plant, looking like arrons, and suggesting a~
and aspiration. The vegetation continues also
in the field beyond. Gl:i.mbinr; onto the path is
a relatively lovt form of animal life., a crusta-
cean, and a little farther alenG are a doc and
a vrolf'. Then come the towers, human structures,
but the path continues beyond than.
The pool below is the same as that of Keys
14 and 17. It is the great deep of c i::smic
mind-stuff, out of which emerges the dry land
of physical manifestation. Frcm it- all form,
inorgs.nic as well as organic, proceeds.
The crayfish is a crustacean, hard-shelled.
Note that its shape is similar to that of a
scorpion. This resemblance is one of the rea-
sons for selecting this particular creature as
a. symllnol. That which rises, and makes the
whole journey a.long the Path of Return~ isrthe
force of the sign Scorpio, as 1,e have 2 seen
throur;hou-t; these lessens. The crayfish also
represents ., on the ne gat:i. ce side, selfishness,
crabhed ~.::-~s., obi:t:i n, but on the positive

side it is a type of purpose, determination,

and pertinacity. On account of its shell, this
animal typifies also the early staces of
unfolchnent, wherein the student still thinks of
himself as being separated fron the rest of
The dog and the ,;10lf belonG to the sa.r.-,e
fundamental i;enus, the canine fo.mily. The nild.,
dan i;erous wolf is nhat natur~ produces,
from hu...-nan interference and a.duptati _on. The
doG is the result of :modifications effected in
the wolf by human thou c;ht. Men ta.":le wolves and
modify. the structure of their bodies by cr -ess-
breeding. Thus this detail in the syr.ibolis ::1 is
a direct allusion to control of the body-
consciousness, and to development of specific
patterns formulated by human intelli gence . The
wolf, therefore, is a symbol of Nature, and the
dog n symbol of Art.
The path goes between t};l.ese extremes. 1'' or
it is the way of balance, the i:ro.y or method
which goes neither too fnr tO\m.rd artificio.lity
nor toward the error that everythini; should
be left to natural inpulse.
The path pro gresses over u...~dulatin g Ground,
so that it . is a succession of ascents and
descents. Advance alon e t h e Path of Return is \
not un unbroken upward cli n b. As ne traverse
it, vre attain one eminence after another, o.nd
after surmounting scme lesser peak, ue seen to
go dormhill for a time.
Vfe cannot be climbin g nll the time. In the
Great Uork there is periodicity. It is a work
of the Moon, as vrell as a vrork of the Sun. In
this operation there must be v.ra.ning as well as
waxing, reflux as nell as flwc., rest as well as
activity. Assimilation, or taking in, must
be balanced by eocpression, or givins out .
Periods of intense effort must alternate ,rith

periOds of relaxation. A bow ahro.ys dravm

never speeds the arr av,.
Since the path rises over rolling ground, as
one advances there comes a time vrhen the lovrest
point of descent is a hi ~her level than the
peak of a. previous attain..r.i. ent. The lessen of
this path symbol is of great inportance t
occult students. To all of ts there come times
when we can.'1.ot olinb, and if we do not under-
stand the law here represented., ue become
discouraged. The one thin g needful is to keep
facing tovm.rd the coal .
The tovrers are the work of man. They have
battlements, and forn a gateway. The suGces-
tion of the design is that ench tower is part
of a vmll, not shO\-m in the pictur .e. The oc-
cult interpretation vre have received is that
this is the ,iall of the ordinary limits of
human ser...sation and perception. Yet it is not
a final bou..-r1dary. A vus-t reGion of experience
extends bevond it. kiany have entered that
region, and their footsteps have mar k ed a path
wherc,by we may follow then.
The moon is so dra .-:n that it has sixteen
principal and sixt~en secondary rays, though in
the picture sane of the secc ndary rays at the
top of the design are not clearly shorm. Thus
there are thirty-tw0 ro.ys, and this nun:.ber 32
is, first of all, the nu.~ber of paths on the
Qabalistic diagr8Ir). of the Tree of Life, ,;,hie h
shorrs the ten forces corresponding to the
numbers from 1 to 10, and ti-a tvrenty-trro forces
represented by the letters of the Hebrew alpha-
bet and the Tarot Keys. Hence the rays of the
moon indicate t h e sum-total of cosmic forces at
work in the field of human personality.
32 is also the number of the Ilebrei:.r noun LB,
laib, meaning "the heart (i n all senses,
e~ pe cially as the seat of lmo.vledge, under-
standf ,ng and th:inking); also, midst., center. n
In this connection, remember th e quotation from
Eliphas Levi; in SEVEN. STEPS, Less on 1., which
identifies the heart of man with the sympathet-
ic nervouse system..
The HebreYr word for Moon is LBNH., lebanah.
Its first t rro lettei"S spell lnib, 11
heart. 11 The
second ti;ro spell m~,ben,. ttson. 11 The last tno
spell NH., nah., 11ornament, beautifica'ti on. 11 ThQ
first threeletters spell LBN., la.ban,, n,'Thite. 11
The last three spell BIIB, ba,~~to build,
tQ. !!lake., to erect." --
This esc-teric a:ialysis of the ,1ord LBNH,
accordin ::; to accepted methods Of Qabalists,
su Ggests: 1. T~o.t . in the he-o.rt of the Son (nun)
are to be found the sources of beauty; 2. That
in the aspect of the Life~power identif~ed in
yoga. and alc h emy as the "white ,ttt-k'' of the
Moon., is concealed ~he renl secret of building
the mystic te mple of re benerat~d hwnanity.
Ei Ghteen Yods fall from the :noon onto the
path. In the colored Keys they are partly red
and partly y ellon, to intimate the co.:nbino.tion
of solar energy (yellovr) nith the vitnl force
in the blood (red)o
In some versions of Tarot, these Yods are
replaced oy drops of blood, indicating the same
underlyini; idea, Yrhich is th a t the pcwers of
subconsciousness are develcped as actual physi-
cal structure throu gh changes in the chemical
constitution of the blood. The 1::>odyis built
from elements contained in the blood. stream,
and the chemistry of blood is controlled by
subconsciousness, the moon in Key 18.
The Tray of Attainrnen-t is the Path of Return.
The Beyond is really the Source. !hat is
before us in the future is also ,.,hat is behind
us in the past. This is cme meaning of the ~ay-
ing;, "The last shall be first, and the fil' si7

shall be last.'' When the cycle of evolution is

completed, end and begiTu~ing are one.
The height to which the path leads is that
whereon stn.nds the Hermit of Key 9. .Ancient
teachers have left clear descriptions of this
Hay. They say it is narrow, meaning that con-
centration is required from those Trho follow
it. It is a mode of life balanced betTreen the
conditions of nature and si...-ch modificati~ns of
those -conditions as are possible to art.
The beginning of the Huy is in the realm of
the faniliar, of' the co.t:Jinonplo.ce. The path
leads, by easy star;es, fr om the knO\m to the
less-knO\-m, and fr Qn the less-lm0\-m to the
unlmovm. Every gr-eat Master of life has fol.- this path to its gpal. [. The path itself
is the path of physiolog? reorganizati ~
The goal is true Self-recognition, correct
perception of the universal I AM, and mental
identification with that ONE REALITY.
Thus on the Cube of Space the line c >rre-
spondinG to Qoph o.nd Key 18 is the line a.t the
bottom of the southern face, South-Belem, vrhich
connects the loner end of the line South-Hest
to the lo,.-1er end of the line Tho
current in this line South-Belotr moves from
Uest to, that is, frcm appenrances to
causes ..
This line receives no influence from the
line South-"ifest, because in the lntter the
current of energy moves upvra.rd. The line does
receive a stream of influence fro.r.i. the line
'\'fest-Belovr, corresponding to Ayin, Key 15, and
the sign Capricorn.,
This line South-Bel cv, is that of th6l s _ign
Pisces, the tvtelfth and lust sign of the z odi-
ac. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (oorresponding
to Tiest). and in this sign, Venus (,rhic-h oorre-

sponds to East) is said to be exalted. In this

connection, note tho.t the line runs from nest
to, and at the corner comnuni-
cates its influenoe to the line South-East,
correspond i n c to Key 5. this ,rith '\7ha.t
is i.-;ritten o.t the end of the first po.rngraph
on po.r:;e 5. 11,I ental identification ':rith the
ONE REALITY is precisely ,tr'b.o.t is syrabolized by
Key 5., and tnis identification results fr CI:'.I.the
reor Gnnization symbolized by Key 18. As a fur-
ther co:nfirmo.tion of the attribution of Key 18
to Pisces, you nill note that Pisces rules the
feet, and this is suggested by the, or
track, left by the feet of those who have
traveled over it.
This week besin the . practice of reviewing
your day'~ activities just before going to
sleep. Record your go.ins and failures in your
~iary. Your attainr.i.ents are steps in your
pr ogress tor :urd Self-realization. Your fuiluros
wa rn y ou 1-rhut to avoid in future.
Never n us e 1 onG on your f ai 1ur es Remeoher
that ,rhnt n e cull 11sintt is nothinc; but 1tmissing
the marko" Do not y:orry. fr rorry is concentra-
tion on the ne i;ntive appearances of lii'e ;J If
you are i;iven to ,-rorry, then you possess the
ability to conc entra.te. Cho.nGe the polnrity of
your thou ghts o.nd enotions. Before you full
asleep, impress subconsciousness ,nth the most
positive h nnc;es of good you ca.n fashion. Per-
sist in this practioe. You ',till s o:r seeds Ythieh
subeonsoiousn~ss i.rill build into a new and
better bodily structuro .


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The fifth sta.Ge or spiritual, unfoldment,

symbolized by Key 19, is the stage or the new
birth frcm natural humanity into spiritual
humanity. Every ceremonio.l presentation of the
process of regeneration employs this symbolism _
of rebirth.
In the natural man, the powers of subc on-
sc iousness are stifled and perverted by the
ne ~ative suggestions implanted as a result of
erroneous conscious thinking. By applying the
correct conscious self-direction to his efforts
to grow, a m.nn becomes truly a ne vr-born bein g :,
one 11twice-born." In this ne,v birth the physi-
cal body is transformed, and the practical
method which effects this change is conci :sely
summarized in the injunction, Be ye transfo r m-
ed by the r enevring of your mind. 11
i\ieditate on these i70rds. The nei:r oirth is a
ver y real process, a deepening inner realiza-
tion , of the true status of man in the cosmic
order. [r t is a ~U!'~ .?! _a~~Rt _s!'1~.P1 that of
lil,eration from the limitations of physical
matter and circ\.Ull.stan~e. It is also a grade or
conscious identification , ti th the One Life .]
Yet it is not final . For though it is a
Stage wherein all material resources . are under
the control of the adept, who, having himself
become childlike, experiences the fulfilment or
the promise: ,~ "A lit t le child shall lee..d them,"
th~ - person ,mo reaches this grade still feels
himself to be a separate, or at least distinct,
entity. This is not full liberation, but it is
a higher stage than any of .those preceding it.
It is, in particular, the stage at vrhich all

physical forces are dominated by the will of

the adept, beBause he is an unobstructed vehi-
cle for the pov1er of the One l7ill ,rhich has
ruled these forces ever since the beginning.
The number 19 stands for the expression of
the p01.7er symbolized by S through that symbol-
ized by 1. In Ta.:r-ot, this is the expression of
the force represented by the Hermit through the
~oti~ity represented by the Magician.
Ren.ember tho:t you learned frOI!l. Lessens _ 21
and 22 that the Hermit ropresents the universal
Will, the single free will-p~rer of the One
Identity. The Magicie.n represents the plane o:r
personal self-censciousness. Thus it is evi-
dent that in Tnrot the number 19 denotes the
expression of the One Will through human self ...
The Hebrew letter Resh meuns 11head." Tri th
the noun "head" we assoc:iate the idea of begin-
ning, since what is in the beginning comes
i'irst, or takes the lend, and therefore has
precedence, priority and superiority. The head
of a goverllI!lent is its ruler, the head of a
class is its brightest pupil, and the heads of
a speech the principal points of argument
or exposition.
Again, ,;re speak of "head 11 in the sense of
povrer, as when we say 11a full head of steam,"
suggesting ooncentrated ener 6y. The ideas of
completion and accomplishment, moreover, are
indicated by phrases like "te bring t .o a head.,"
or "to come to a head .,!.!,-
The sun is the heavenly body assigned to the
letter Resh. This connects the esoteric mean-
ing of the letter with all ideas associated
vlith the sun. In both Testaments, the Bible
calls God the "sun of life and light," and in
other sacred books, the smi. is a principal
emblem of Deity.

In alchemical writings we read that the

Great Tiork is the operation of the sun. The
sun is also the symbol for alchemical gold., of
which Eliphas Levi vrrote:
"The r;old of the philosophers is., in re-
ligion, the absolute and supreme reason; in
philosophy it is truth; in visible nature it is
the sun., vrhich is the emblem of the sun of
truth., as that itself is the shndorr of the
First Source ,lhence all splendours spring; in
the subterranean vrorld it is the purest and .
most perfect gold. For this reason the search
after the magnum opus is cal led too search
after the Absolute., . and the Great Viork is
itself called the ,'Tork of the sun."
The correspondence betueen the sun and bold
is a clue to t -he ,mole Hermetic mystery. Thus
Sendivogius says the Philosophers' Stone is
nothing other than gold digested to the highest
degree. Similarly, the anonymous German P,uthor
of The Golden Tract says: 11The reader n0\1 kn.O\rs
that the substance -of our Stone is neither ani-
mal nor vegetable, and that it does not belong
to the minerals or the base metals,. but that it
must be extractad from gold &nd silver., and
that our gold and silver are not the vulgar,
dead gold and silver, but the living gold and
silver of the Sages. n .
V his living gold, in its physieal manifesta-
tion, is the radiant energy of the sun., ,;.hich
is truly the F~st Matter or the Great 'Horkl
The alchemists say the First Matter has as many
names as there are th:ings on earth., that it
swims with the fishes in the ses., and flies
with the birds in the air. their
doctrine with the follO\ ring quotation from
Tyndall's t17elfth lecture on HEATj
"Every tree, plant, and fl 0\-rer., gr orrs and
flourishes by the grace and bounty of the sun.

"As surely as the force which ._:novos a

clock's hands is derived from the arm vrhich
,rinds up the clock, so surely is all terrestri-
al pcr.rer derived from the sun.
"Leaving out s:,f acoount the eruption of
volcanoes, and the ebb and flovr of tee tides,
every manifestation of power, organic nnd in-
organic, vital and physical, is preduced by the
sun. His u:nrmth keeps the sea liquid, and the
atmosphere u e;us , and all the storms i;rhieh aci-
tate both are blown by the mechanical rorce of
the s\m. He lifts the rivers and claciers up
to the mountains; and 'thus the cataract and the
avalanche shoot with an energy derived immedi-
ately from him. Thunder and lightning are also
his transmuted strength. Every fire that burns
and every flame that glows dispenses light and
heat t1hich originally belonged to the sun. In
these days, unhap.pily, the news of battle is
familiar to us, but every shock and every
charge is an application, or miso.pplicntion., , of
the mechanical force of the sun . He b:).orra the
trumpet, he urges the projectile, he bursts the
bomb. .llnd remember, this is not poetry., but
rigid mechanical truth. He rears, as I a.hve
said, the whole veGetable ,r,.rotld, and through it
the animal; the lilies of tho field are his
vrorlananship, the verdure of the meo.dO\',s, and
the cattle upon a thousand hills . He forms the
muscle; he urges the bloOd.; he builds the
brain. His fleetness is in the lion's foot; he
soars in the eaGle ., he slides in the snnle.
(Note here Tyndall's subconscious mind, drarring
on its treasure-house of inages for the symbols
of Leo and Scorpio.) He builds the forest and
hews it d0\m., the p0\7er which raised the tree,
and which wields the axe, being one and .the
same. The clover sprouts and blossoms and the

scythe of the moi..~r swin Gs by the operation of

the same force. (Note here another working of
the scientist's intuition , emphasizing that the
reproductive poner, nnd that which is; fer the
clover, the scythe of death, are one. ) The stm
digs the ore from our mines, he rolls the iron,
he rivets the plates, he boils the vm.tor; he
dra i:rs the train. He not only GrO\'!S the cotton,
but he spins the fibre and vrea ves the web.
There is not a hammer .raised, or e. wheel turn-
ed, or a shuttle throvm., that is not raised and
turned and thrown by the su~. Iris energy is
turned freely into space., but our world is a
halting place vrhere this eneri:; y is conditioned.
Here the Proteus works his spells; the selfsame
essence takes a million hues and shapes., and
finally dissolves into its prinitive and almost
formless for 171. The sun comes to us as heat; he
quits us as heat; and bet i;reen his entrance and
departure the multiform po rrers of our globe
appear. They are all speci~l forms or solar
power--the moulds into nhich his strength is
temporarily pourod in pass in .:; fro m its source
through infinitude.''
This qwotation is a brilliant exposition of
the physical manifestations of the One Radinnt
Energy. In To.rot, as in o.lchemy, this ALL POU-
ER is often represented as v.rater. for, as Levi
says: "It is substance and :notion at one and
the same time; it is a fluid and a perpetual
vibration." And one of the alchemists, speak-
ing of this spiritual radiance as the First
Matter or Primal Substance., deu-lo.res, "If you
call it 1:rater, you cill net be 1.T.ron g . 11
DO\"mthrough the ages, the nis e men uho com-
pose the Inner . School have transmitted their
lmo,,Tledge of this living, fluidic rndianceo
Modern science has gone far since Tyndall 1s

day" and n01.v its high priests Give out a doc-

trine differing from Ageless Hisdom in just one
particular. The modern doctrine is a result of
speculative reasoning, based on analysis of the
elements eo:mposinG man 1 s environment. Ageless
Wisdom is an expression of direct experience,
possible for all, but } to relatively .few.
The spiritual, .fluidic, Golden 1'fater of ~he
alhemist is n t~,r, and may be perceived as
irmnedintely and definitely us any other phenom-
enon in nature. Hence the Sages aver that they
have seen their First Matter ,:nth their own
eyes, and have touched it ,Tith their hands.
They say their First Matter is seen 1liy"all,
though kno1:m. 1ll?r few. It is, then, something
within the range of otu- physical senses. Its
effects are perceptible by ordinary sensation,
but not every person knows the si Gnifico.nce of
this which is seen by all. Ageless Hisdcm is a
record of the expe:.:-ience of those uho, looking
in the right direction, have seen into some ..
th ~ which the uninitiated only loo k at.
JJ; n the hunan body, the p oint of entrance
wnich admits this living radiance into the
field of personality is a r;roup of nerve cells
forming , rhat a.nnto1.1ists call the cardiac gan-
glion. This gnnglion is in the syinpa.thetic
nervous system., just a.b ove and behind the
heart., the beat of v1hic h it controls. The
undifferentiated Life-p01.'ler enters the body
throuGh this center, as an electric current
enters a buildinG through the main switch. The
nerve cell3 of the Slm.-center char~e the blood-
strerun, as it passes throuch the heart, ;;rith
this cur~ent of radiant energy. Persons having
the finer vision which is one of the conse-
quenc,es of occult training are able to see the
fine vibrations of this force as they enter our
bodies through this "main switch." J

In astrolobY, the sun rules the sign Leo,

Yrhic h governs the heart, and this confirms the
Inner School's attribution of the sun to the
cardie.c ganglion, instead of to the solar plex-
us. Modern viriters v1ho make the latter
attribution do so because thoy nre misled b:<l
the anatomists' name for the great nerve center
behind the stomach, ,.-rhich in ~ vr~k is cor-
rectly attributed to Jupiter,. In relation to
Tarot this makes K'By 19 the doainunt force man-
ifested by the process depicted in Key 8. You
will profit by re-readinG Lessons 19 and 20,
with the thought in mind that they explain the
result of what is shown in Key 19.
Astrologers se.y also tho.t the sun is exalt-
ed, or raised to its hii_;hest form of expression
in 'Aries, corresponding to Key 4. Here it
will be :1orthwhile to revie,r Lessons 11 and 12,
thinking of uhat is pictured by the Eiaperor as
being the highest mo.nifestntion of Trhat is sym-
bolized by Key 19.
rn studyin~ Key 18, vre noted tho.t its number
indice.tes o. correspondence betueen the body-
building processes symbolized by thnt Key _and
the functions of the Virc::o region, t;1rpified by
I(ey 9. In OU!' study of Key 19 ue have to do
vrith the same functions. For it ,-rill be remem-
bered thut who.t o.lcheP-1ists call their "Stone"
is termed also their 111i.Iedicine." (In this con-
nection, reviev1Yt the explanations of the Yrord
"Stone," given in Lessons 8 and 14.) no-rr the separnte letters of the
noun _ABN, ehben, Stone. The first is Aleph,
symbol of the Life-Breath., typified by Key O,
the Fool. The second is Beth, representing
self-consciousness, and iliercury, the Magician.
The third is Hun, correspond.inG to Scorpio, and
symbolized by Key 13. Add together the numbers


of Keys O., 1 and 13, and the total is 14., the

number of Temperance., symbolizing the blovrledge
and conversation of the Holy Guardinn Ani:;el.
rn1en we establish communication vnth the
Higher Self., vre enter into a stnte of conscious
recoGniti~n of the truth that the Fnther (Jill)
and the Son (BN) are truly in perfect miion.
11e enter into this consciousness through fill
influx of the ALL-P01:"ER (Key o) into the field
Qf self-consciousness (Keyl)., uhence it is
directed to subconscious levels so o.s to 1:iodify
the _ operation of the serpent-pCl\,er or Scorpio
force. Thus the :Uac;ician cultivates florrers in
his garden., and fl oner s are the reproductive
_ organs ef the vegetable kingdom.
As a result of exercises undertaken by prac-
tical occul tis ts., the forcfll '7hich nno.lytical
psycholor:;y terms libido is raised or sublimated
so th~ .t it avro.l:'3ns bro.lll centers which brL'lf; us
into the hicher . order of knovring, in vrhich the
Father (AB)., and the Son (BN)., instead of being
regarded as separate., are seen to be in . perfect
union. This consc;i.ous realizo.tio:n, is not only
the "Stone.," but also the "Hedicino.," for it
heals all diseases of mind and bod.y. Sometimes
it is called the Eedicine of Metals., beenuse
the alchemical metals are the seve~ interior
stars pictured by ICey 17., and these nre
whole, and their porrers equilibrated., in the
state of ~onsciousness indicated by the inner
significance of ABN, ehben, the STvNE.
The result is a. physioloGica.l., as ,Tell as a
psychological, transformation:. The adept's body
chemistry is changed. The subtle structure of
the cells composing; his organism is chont;ed.
Thus he becomes newly born., or regenerated.
As you color Key 19., fix its details in
mind., so that you will the more ens ily follO\'T
the explanations in the next lesson. Keep up

the practice of reviening the day's activities;

but this h~ek endeavor to intensify your reali-
zation that the entire physical aspect of these
activities is, as the long quotation from Tyn-
dall shorrs, really a transformation of solar
radiance into all the multiform events and
things of your daily experience.


YELLGYI:Sun and rays. sunflower petals.

GREEN: Grass (circle thould be darker than
the rest of the grass). leaves.
BLUE: Background. (This should encircle
the rays extending from the sun.
Blue projections, similar to those
on the face of the sun in the Key
s h ould extend im:arci. fr ora the edge
of the circle, tormrd the sun. Make
these projections very short.)
BROU~: Sunflorrer centers.
GR.ft.Yi nan.
ORJ,lmE: Yods.
BLONDE:Rair of bot h children.




The title, The Sun, corresponds to the dom-

inant symbol of the Key, a rndiant solar orb
vii th a hu.."'18.n countenance. It confirms the
attribution of this Key to the letter Resh, and
conveys all the attached to the solar
symbcl in the preceding lesson.
The sun itself is the c onventiono.l alchemi-
co.l repre~entation of the day-star, but there details in the ciesign which importo.nt,
as shorrin& the relation of Key 19 to other Keys
in the Tc.rot saries.
The sun . has eight salient or pointed rnys.
Thus the lines passie; through . the center of
the orb from these rays form the same angles as
the lines 1aithin the circles o.f the Fool's
dress, the lines forming the spokes of the
Tiheel of Fortune, o.nd the lines of the great
star in Key 17. One and the same power is
represented by .all these symbols, since their
geometrical properties are identical.
1Then you studied Key 17, you Yrere told that
the ~econdary rays of the greater star 1:rould be
seen again in Key 19. Here they extended
to form eight curved or v,avy rnys of the sun .
It is o.s if there hud been u development of
pO\-rer, and the nature of this development is
clearly indicnted, because curved lines alTmys
represent feminine aspects of the Life-povrer.
What is shO\m in Key 19 is the equal develop-
ment of :masculine (salient) and feminine {vmvy)
forms of the universal radiant energy.

Besides these lnrger rays, forty-eight beams

ure sh~m, in groups of three, each group being

placed bet, ree:n a salient and a wavy ray. These

refer to the expression of the One Force in
activities of integration., preservation o.nd
disintet;ration. 'rheir number., 48, not only
reduces to 12, but is also 4 x 12., su[mesting
some connection ,rith Key 12., as v.rell o.s the
operation of the law symbolizGd by that Key in
the four phases of 11matter"--fire, water., air
and earth.
Again., the salient . rays of the stm., raas-
culine., refer to the solar . radiance itself, and
to the alchemico.l sun, ahrays designated by the
pronoun he. 11 The wavy rays, feminine., re-
far to the lunar current of the Lif'e- _po1;1er.,'
the moon is o.lvrays designated as "she. n
.,. The number 48 is the value of the Hebrevr
nou."1.KV.rffi., nhich., us a comnon noun, is employ-
ed to designate any star; but is more partiou-
la.rly referred to the planet ttercury. Hence the
three types of rays extending from the solar
disk hint at the combination of the srm (sali-
ent), moon (wavy)., and Mercury ( the forty-eight
beams). This., together with the fact that the
sun has a hu:nan face, makes it evident that
this symbol represents the Operation of the
Sun, for alchemists say .-J "The Great Hork is
performed by the Sun ro1.d Moon, nith the aid of
This work is the regene_ration of human
personality., and its perfection gives us the
St ono (AnN)., described over i. and ,over again a.a
being (:!OJnE:lthing nhich nev~ _r, ca.n be, save
by the -grace of God. To _atte:in , the goal, some-
thing niore than per sona.1 effort is required.,
a.ncJ_ the something more is an _influx of povrer
from the superconsc ious level of : I}eing.
Round the disk of the sun are shoi;m a series
of short lines:( Their numbe!" is not accidental.

There are exactly 125, and 125, as the cube of

5 ( 5 x 5 x 5), represents the power ~that
number, exercised in a threefold manner, or
through the entire extent of the three-di."!len-
s ional vrorld. (I r vre remember tho.t 5 is the
nu:r.ibcr of the pentagrrun, symbol of the dcminion
of Spirit over the elements, it vrill be seen
that 125 conveys syrnb olico.lly the idea @f' the
extension of this dominion over and through
every part of nature .J
This dominion is the Stone and the Univereal
Medicine. In the preceding less on you learned
that the letters of ABN, the Stone, correspond
to Keys O, l and 13, so that Key 14 sums up one
aspect of the Stone. Then, since "the di 'gits of
14 add to 5, the number of the Hiercphant, we
see that there is a connee.tion bet"t:reen f.,ey 5 and
the Stone,
This is really true. forfrhe Knorrledge anti.
Converstn.iop of the Holy Guardian Angel is con-
tinuous in'tuitive perception of realit:> ' , whiah
n e receive throu gh the function of interior
hearing. ) Hence vre enjoy not lmorrledGe only.,
l::fut o convers ation. Furthermore, 14 is the
value of the word ZBB.,. zahab, gold, referred to
in Le sson 36.
There t h e point v.Jas that zahab is the
alchemical gold ,vhich is defined in the quota-
tion from Eliph us Levi, in Lesson 41, pai;e3 _3.
'.,his gold is symboliz e d by the sun in Key 19,
and in Key 14 the same g old is in<licated by the
solar disk gleo.ming on the forehe~d of the
In Key 19, the human features of the solar
orb, as in all alche mical represento.tions of
the sun, are intended to shovr that it is n sym-
bol of living, conscious intelligence. Ancient ~_
oocult doctrine holds that all celestial bodies
are vehicles of intelligence, and the deeper

modern science goes into its analysis of the

physical universe, the more evidence does it
accumulate that this ancient notion is essen-
tiul ly true., thouGh it rr-..o.ybe true in 11,..: stifut:ier
sense than was u.. .. derstood by s orne of our an-
cient brethren. The sun, us a synthesis of all
the active forces enterinc into t he con.p osition
of hU!Ilan personality, is sho rm here us a livin g
power, not as a merely physic a l enerG'J
It is a pov1er like ourselves. Tie ha ve
something in common. nith it. It enters inti-
mately into our lives. Tyndall's ,-.,ords, i n the
preceding lesson., sho,;r tho.t eve n on t h e phy si-
cal plane our lives nre part of a se r ies of
trunsformo.tions of solo.r ener c;y. This ene r gy
constitutes e. circuit. It is not merely tho.t
ener f:.
:.Y coming fr om the sun f l o--:rs thr ous h our
bodies and tukes form in our acti v ities. It is
that energy coming from the sun and flo
bnck to it again produces all the phenomena of
human experience~
Thus the solar energy shines i n us, o.nd our
~nergy shines in the sun. There is c. differ-
en~e in the degree of radio.nee, but sun a nd mnn li15hts on the same circuit of sph- it ual
6nergy. This is o. central doctrine of Ageless
Tiisdom, nnd it has ii apcrtant practical conse-
The 1-etters Yod shorn.1. fallin g from the sun
(six on either side, and one in the middle, be-
tween the children} thirteen in number, so
as to suggest fh-st of o.11 the ideas of Unity
and Love, inasmuch o.s 13 is the value of the
liebrew nouns designating these ideas. The let-
ters are Yods., to indicate the Law of Response,
and als _o to sho\' r that in -rrhat is pictured here,
the secret o.ctivity associated with Virgo plays
its part. A f ur t her sug gestion of their num-
ber . 13 , 5.s r ,: l at-1,'l_ t o th e Tarot Key associated

nith the sign Scorpio. It is u combino.tion of

the forces of Scorpio and Virgo Trhich brings
about the sto.te of rei::;enera.tion wherein Unity
and Love made manifest thrcu c h us.
The sldl.floners are five in nu.'1lber. Four are
open. They are symbols of four stages in the
evolution of form--the nineral, ve getable,
ma.l o.nd hUllla.n kingdoms. The u.11.opened sunflower
represents o. stage of development not yet
experienced by most persons. It is n syr.ibol of
the kingdom of spiritual humo...'11.ity,composed of
regenerated men and v,omen. This kingdom r,oes
as far beyond that of the nn.tural nan us that
of the natura.l mun g oes beyond that of the
'he four sunfloners representing the kingdoms
already in full manifestation ure turned -&Ol!.'llll.Ss
the wall, so that they face the children, as if
the la.tter -rrere their su.'11.s, to Yhich they turn
for life and li sh t. .The iden su c;E;ested is that
the kin gdoms of nature so re presented are
actually turning to, und thus expressinG their
dependence on, the regenerated hu.T0.nity
11 typi-
fied b;,r the children.
The fifth su.."1.flovrer turns t0t:r.l.rd the sun
above, for it o.nd the children synbolize the
sane thing. It represents n state of being ns
yet in its earlier staces of development, in
b~d, but not in full bloon. Thus at present it
is more dependent on the nor k inc; or universal
forces tho.n on any embodiment of ose forces
Jn humun personality. J he nu~ural man and the
three kinc;dons bel OIT f.tiJ:1 are even nor,-; dependent
on the new"'.'born spiritual humanity, and receive
their sustenance throuc;~ the spiritualized and
regenerated oembers of the hu.~un race. Spiri-
tual humanity itself turns only to that nhich
is o.bove.

The wall behind the children is of stone.

Thus it represents forms of truth, as opposed
to the forms of err~ ; typified by the bricks of
the t orrer in Key 16. It is, nevertheless, a
wall, and has five courses to show that it is
built of materials dra,m from sense-experience.
Those materials are aspects of trut h , or reali-
ty. On this Ageless 1"iis d om is explicit.
It does not deny the truth of sense-experience.
Even though our senses do not bive us a full
report, the report is true as far a s it c;oes.
Tha difficulty is that most persans believe
there are no other aspects of trut h than those
we learn through physical sensation. By li l'.1. it-
in g the mselves to sensation, the y b u ild an
artificial barrier which halts their f urther
progress. Thus the wall says: "Thus far, and
noPfarther, shalt thou g o. 11 Yet TJe sh a ll see
that Key 19 gives . intimations of another 1my
. The children are nude. Thus the y repeat the
symbolis m of Key 17, where ue see nature
un-.,.eilin G herself a.s truth. In Key 19 He see
humanity so perfectly identified ~.-
n.t h the :!; sa me
truth that it has nothing whatever to co!l.c eal.
Here we anticipate a.n objection. Sq neone
may ask, 1'1'.r ha.t a.bout the secrecy with 1'.hich the
Easters of Wisdom are supposed to surround
t ,hl=)mselv~s?" The ansv rer is that they do noth-
ing of .. the kind. The veil~ wh ich hide them
from us o:t; our Ol'm weavin g , even as is the
Veil of Isis _. -Our ignorance is the veil,
e)" th~n .iirtything to i:rhich the Hasters re .~ort
to o_onceal themselves. They are really "the
mo~t childlike and tra h sparent of human bei ngs.
Their . lives simple. Th~ir words are sim-
ple. It is because they are so plain and
direct that vrhat they say is seldom understood.
Hence an old alchemic a l a uthor says:
HO 7
The Sa 6 es., then, do uell to call their gold
or earth vrater., for they have a perfect right
to ter n it whatever they like. So they have
frequentl y called the Stone their gold., their
superperfect g old., their regenerate gold, and
by many oth<Pr names besides. If any one does
not perceive th e ir meaning ut the first glance.,
he must bla me his own ignOTance., not their
A f eTr lin e s back you read that Key 19 ho.s
intimatio n s of another way than that v1hich is
barred by man's interpretations of his sense
experience. Thi s other nay is indicated by the
ftact th a t both c h ildren turn their bo.cks e.n the
wall. The na ture of the other Hay is shmm
also by the fa iry ring in which they do.nee.
Thes~ tv ro concentric circles are symbols of
t h e fourth di :;;;.e
nsion.. The Tray of the spiritual
man is not the way of the natural man. The
spiritual man e e rrte r s himself in the inn er cir-
ele of RUnifestation. By repeated practiee., he
has habitual h is identifieation with the
ind1.rellin G., central Sill.,i7
Hence t he children are of equal statur-e, and
st and on t h e srun.e level., wit h one foot in the
central rin g . In the natural man, subcon-
scio usness., the fe minine aspect of personality,
is subordinate. Sha is subjected to the mis-
understandin gs and mis i r.terpretations of the
masculine, or self-conscious mind. This is no.t
so in the life of a spiritual man., whose sub-
cons e iousness i ~ released from the bondage of
er r oneous su gg esti on. In spiritual humanity
the powers of subconsciousness are rightly
understood and rightly unfolded. Under correct
applicati on of the law of sugcestion, subcon-
scious habits have been established which rid
us of t h~. notion that because.: we cannot attain
IO 8

to certainty by means of sensation, YJe cannot

attain to certainty at all.
For this reason the first of the Tarot Keys
is named "The Fool. tt The certainty of freedom
possessed by a spiritual man is knovrledge ga ined
by means which ~o beyond sensation. Such
knowledge seems folly to the uninitiated, and
the world of sense-bound humanity derides it.
For the 1:'fa.y of Certainty is the 1."Tayof Won-
Sense, even as St. Paut:i inear..t ,;1hen he 'n-rote
thqt his doctrine 1;ro.s nsheer folly" to the
Do not confuse this esoteric :Non-Sense with
ordinary "nonsense." Some nell-intentioned
persons do in this aGe of eager, but often
ill-directed, quest for occult truth. 'fhus it
see!l1s, sometines, that the one sure nay to g et
a nide popular henring for anything purporting
to be occultism is to make it as fantastically
preposterous as possible. This the Inner School
permits, in crder to test the discri mination of
those vrho seek to approach its portals.
The little . girl :r.iakes the gesture of repudi-
ation tonard the wall, thus indico.tinG that
subconsciousness has been trained to accept the
Other l:ay. The little boy holds the pulm of
his hand a,ray from the i:ro.11, in a 6 esture of
acceptance Y1hich cOI!lplements what is expressed
by the .gesture of the girl. Ile is , reudyi.. to
receive the Nevr Light on the Open ,.-ray.
These tvto represent the regenerated person-
ality. Compare them with the k.Tleeling figures
at the feet of the Hier ophant. Lay out Keys 5,
12 and 19, as shown in the Ta.rot tableau given
in Lesson 2. Taken together in this manner,
the Keys huve more povrer to evoke thought than
when studied separately.
Let us now- consider Key 19 in relation to
th <1 direction Sr', . a ttributed to the letter

Resh. This is the southern face of the Cube of

Space, shmm in the diagram o.ccompnn.yir..G Lesson
'Vle may regard the Key o.s representing this
face of the cube, so that the'-pti:ft'-of ti..o de-
sign on the ob$erveris right is the eastern
half of the picture, and. the part at left
is the vrefitern half. This makes the little
girl correspond to the direction, ns
do one of the sunfloners, and the unopened bud.
Fr en this ne learn that it is only in human-
ity that tht;, function of subconsciousness o.s
Intuition -is really expressed. Subconscious-
nes .s is its agency -ef manifestation. I:r. the
kingdoms of nature belo..-r, true Intuition
0annot be manifest, because Intuition is con-
scious anareness of universal principles, and
this conscious a yiureness is not among the fu..'YJ.c-
tions of the various organisms in the three
kingdous o,i' nature belo rr that of the nntura.l
In those three king doms, r epresented by the
three sun~l owers behind the boy, there is an
ever-increasing develop ment of consciousness,
approximating, in the hi cher aninals, something
very like self-consciousness. .A...
"1.i.nals like
dogs and cats have most decided personalities,
a.nd so have birds a.ccust<:rr!'led to c ap tivity, like
canaries and. po.rr 0ts.
It is far frcm beir....g true that these higher
animals are completely identified wi th a group-
soul, and huve no identity of their own. They
have, i n fact, personalities not very much less
distinct than those of human beings, including
some pe 1sons who ver y glib nith their pat-
ter about animal group-souls, learnt by rote
from Theosophical primers. Thus it may be 1.-rell
to point out here that humanity has o. group-

soul, just as trul;}' as do the animals, and many the men and women who are by no means free
from beini; dominated by it.
The little boy, and. the three sunflowers
behind him, rep1esent the direction South- Tfest,
c.orrespondin r; to the sign Scorpio and Key 13.
And it retlly is throuGh the operation of the
force S;Jl!lbolized by Key 13 that the development:
of successhrelu higher states cf consciousnes _s
is made possible. Far this force is the active
principle of generation and reproduction, uhich
provides the l.ife-poner with the billions of
physical vehicles necessary to the evolution cf
htnnan personality at the level of the ndural
man. This same force, directed purposef'ully by
the regenerated consciousness of man, typified
by tne little boy, is nhat completes the Great
rr or1:.
The upper part of Key 19 corresponds to the
upper po.rt of the southern face of the cube,
and so we find that the Sun is o. repetition of
the Blaz ins Star of Key 1 7, here br ou~ht into
full manifestation.
The 101:rer part of Key 19 corresponds to the
direction South-Below, and thus Tre learn . that
the fairy ring in -r.hich the children da~ce is
another Y.'a.y of symbolizin G -what is taught by
Key 18. The ring is the Ring-Pass-lifot of the
regenerated organism. 'rhe children cl&sp . hand.s
above 'it-s center. For thEj Other nay and the
rfa.y of Return nre one, and that One :.Tay leads
vdthin, or from the surface to the center.
~his we shall see very plainly expressed by th
l:' two Keys of the Tarot series 1 to be in the next four lessons.
The student ,rill do 1-rell to take the hint Yt e
have given in this part of the lesson, and
s.tudy the other Keys c orrespcnding to the faces
of the cube. Note that because the human mind

never can get behind the plane of causes, the

eastern face of the cube, corresponding to Key
3, must be viewed fr om the \Test., so that the
rie;ht side of Key 3 is to be interpr()ted f.'.s
being South-East, and the left side as l'Jorth-
East. Similarly, the lorrer fuce of the cube be vie,;md from above, so that the richt
side of Key 2 ,,rill correspond to South-Below,
and the left side to North-Below, :rith the
upper part corresponding to East-Belov,r, t~.nd the
lorrer part ot -r;est-Belovr.
Horth, agaL.'1, is the place of the unknown,
so that we cnnnot Get behind that. Hence ,te
look at ICey 16 as if ne were facing it from the
South; vrhich puts North-F.ast on the rig:ht side
of Key 16, and North-'Hest on the left side,
with Horth-Above at the top, and Wo1th-Belovr at
the bottom.
The vrise student will take these hints, but
it should be understood that they are no more
than hints. Conplete exposition of the corr~ ..
it.prb-m.~nno-efTarot ':ritl1 the Cube of Spa-Be yrnuld
require many volumes. Vle advise you to i:;ive
s cme time to it, recordini; your findings in
your occult diary; but . ne vra.rn you also, at
this stag;e of your norlc, a.go.inst beco,_,int:; too
much )?reoccupied y;ith this phase ot Tarot.
I ~,
I .,

,e ft;..11A-
f TION - /..0 I
<,.th -s+aie o-f SpiYifua.f uYlfo/chnent - -- __... /I
eo-r.1fiY-mi+ioT1 otfnc..llr,c,t .. c1l IJ'1cle~:rla,,clin{ - - .. _;
6,./,r,-rd,er Zo ;. . - - - - - - - - - - , ,
lerre-t"sl R~c.og"';+:on ' -: - ~ - - - - ~ I. I.
~'t , - - - - - - - - -_
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... ..- - - .....- 3 r
J . ... - - - . - - - - l _ - . - - .- - - - ...-- 3,.4

C'fea.i"'C6T\Tiot be +olJ- - - 4.1.S I
fbe .Jq.dd"'"
6 '
- . - =-,
- - - -. 5 j
fea!-ne.t' &{- lt''-l-flJ ~ . - - - - _ ~ _. --j,-:(.j

/ 1
;/- ----- -v



Key 20 shows the sixth of spiri tua.l

unf'olclnent. in which the persono.l conscj . ousness
is on the ver r;e of blend.ine vrith the universa.l.
At this stage, the a.dept renlizes tho.this pe!'-
sonal existence is nothing but a :mo.nife ~to.ti on
of the relo.tion between self.-consciousness o.nd
subconsciousness. lie see -s, c.lso, tho.t self'-
consciouGness u n d subconsciousness not
themselves personal. but are of univers o.l
consciousness. Ho knorrs tho.t in reality his
person a lity ho.s no separate existence-. At this, his intellectual conviction is confirmed
b y a fourth-diraensiouo.l experience, 1thich blots
out the delusion of s e parateness.
The numbe r 20 ho.s alren dy go.ined s p e cio.l
si gnifico.nce for you, o.s th e nu.11ber of the let-
ter Kaph, to wh:ooh Key ~O, the Tfueel of For-
tune, is assigned. Thus 20 is for y ou L,m.un-
ber symbolizing grasp, or comprehension ,.
This ideo. is basic i n connectio n wit h Key
:w, because in t h is Ke y ne se e t h e res u lt of
eo 1.1 pletin g the cycle of raa nifestation repre-
~:ented by t h e rihoel. In the lesson on Key 10
it was pointed out th at humo.nity o.t krge is
yet ll\ the positi-0n of Her r~anubis, o.nd that the
completion of the Grout Wor k consists in tha
e:ictendon. of the li ght of intellir;ence through
that eegment of the wheel which is murlced by
the letter Y od.. In other words ,- nhen mu~ com-
prehend.{l his true n ature, he sees tho.t this
nature is identical with the One Reality, the
One Tfill 1 of , rhic h the 1.u1iv e rse is o. f esta-
tion. Tr~n he s a y s ., " I h a v e n o uill but to do
th e \'ril l o "t\i_,-r. t i,.0.t Ee;".+; n0~ n

On the other hand, he lm.Oi7S tho.t Trill. Be

lmo-as it o.s a will to freedom, as a uill to
joy, as o. will to he.n.lth, a.s o. u ill to abun-
dance. He knovrn that it is a vrill to good,
to the :i.npo.rtation of every good L'1dperfect
r;ift. He comprehends it a.s the 1.--I ILL nhic h ho.s
its expression in o.11 activity. He;e and novr,
he sees, that '\'fill expresses no laek, no dis-
ease., no failure, no poverty. Ee Gro.sps the
truth tho.t whatever appearances _of evil sur-
round us, they seem o.s they do beoause we t,re
not yet seeine; the true relations.
For such an one, daily experience is o. suc-
cession of niro.clos. Yfhen ne begin to see the
light, it is like the li t; of Key
16. Tihile it lasts, it breaks dorm structures
of error, and sh<ms all existence as it really
is. Then the darkness of ignorance closes in
a.gain, and ne have to for the next flash.
In the sto.te represented by Key 20, h~rrever.,
there is perpetual - recognition of the power of
Spirit. Thus 20, read from units to tens, ex-
presses the operation of the No-Thini; th.iouGh
memory, or the nor king of the !i'ool Is vis ion
through the law of the Bigh Priestess. Her e
there is .freedom fron the lapses of rr,emory
vrhich assail us earlier in the ;10rk. 1:ioment by
moment,- without cessation., we s ee the truth and
live it. Tfit:i this recognition comes o. new
kind of consciousrn,ss. 'We do not sleep any
nore. Our bodies are put to rest, but we re-
main o.uuk e.,,- able to fu.."lct:i.on conseiously in the
fourth dimension, so that ue actuully do 11serve
God, do.y and night 9 11
This is one of the meaninss of conscious
inm.ortality. I testify to my lmonlede;e tho.t it
is a.n experience of nor:mo.l men o.nd women. To
b e unconscious ei ght hours out of the tTrenty-

four is ao unnecessnry ns to wear n gas-mas:k in

ordinc.ry air. We nre immortal, and vihether we
]mow it or not, vre can function consciously
while our bodies are nsleep.
The greater number of persons., hm vever, do
not recnll t h eir nocturnal experiences., beco.uso
they have not developed the physical instru-
ments for recording it. Once this power of
recalling the experience is developed, it is
possible to plan the whole night's work., o.nd
recollection of it will be part of the day's
nctivities. Until this is knO\m experimental-
ly, no hur.ic.n language cun convey the alteration
it makes in one's life.
The Hebre vr letter Shin meo.ns 11Q. tooth or
fnng. 11
In .~~s .,f.Or.m this let t er resembles three
tongues of fla me from n fiery bnse.
Thus the elenent of fire is attribut e d to this,
the t hird and last of the Hebrew Mother let-
ters. The sound of the letter., "Sh !11, is nn
adnonition to silence, understood by all men.
So, but more i n pressive, is the shnrper hiss of
1hich this letter is also n sig!l in Hebrevr.
Th us th e let t er Shin corresponds by sound to
the final a dmonition of the I.Ia.stars: BE SI LENT!
Ser pents.) every rrhere reco gnized us symbols
of u isdom ; a re silent., subtle oreutures. Jesus
told his disciples to be Trise as serpents, thus
empha.sizingii for those v:ho had enrs to hear,
the ancient doctrine of silence. Evidently.,.
t h en, in beginning our study of the letter
Sh in, i:;e a re a ppr co.chine; a. gre at wisdom., ,;rhich
has al vm.ys been reserved, something ab out which
vre must k eep silence.
Knov;ers o f the Secret do r.ot
silence because they ure niggardly their
spiritual possessions. Nor is the silence
k ept becaus e any orde r of be i n cs hi r;her t ha.n
Til.!lOT i?UHD.A.l.EN

mo.n imposes a prohi b ition forbidding speech.

Heither is silence o'!::>served because there is
dnn ger in the Secret. The one r eo.s on for
silence is t hus phrased by La.o-tze:
"The Ta.a i;,hich is the subject of discussion
is not th e true Ta.o." This is identica.l with
th e sta.te ::nent of the a.lche n ists, uhic h is real-
ly ne gative, thout;h it seems to be positive in
its vrordinG: "Our :mutter ho.s us mn_TJ.ynones as
th ere thin gs in this rror ld; tho.t is 11hy the
foolish lmo,;; it not."
The Great Secret sinply cannot be told.
Hence it is folly to try to tell it. The -wise
na.ste no ti1:ie, invite :no nisconception, expend
no energy, in va in efforts to tell. l/TheI1 they
speo.k., it is not to tell the Secret., u ut to
p oint out the lifo.y.
On the other ha_'l'ld., those yJh.o know the Secret
are forever tellin g it, not only by their
nords, but nls o by their lives. I}lus a cor-
respondent vrrites: "How strange that though I
had reo.d t h es nn e sto.tenent hundreds of tines.,
it is onl y lmo rr t h at I perceive it !1' As vrhen we
l e a rn a. forei gn lo.n guo.c e, so vrith t he speech of
th e wise. At first, the nords are neuningless
n oises. Presently we apprehend scme of the
meanin i:;s . If u e persist in our study, a. da.y
a rrives when. not only the dictiona.r:r defini-
tions of the 1rords, but CJ the subtle con-
notations o.nd in plica.tions no lexicographer
may hope to capture, are conveyed to us in
t h e ver y y,ords which meo.nt nothing in the
be g innin g .
So it is uith these To.rot studies, Tihere not
only the written uord, but o.l so the more ex-
pressive language of pictorial symbols, is used
to communicate the mysteries. no must
remind you that in t h ese lessons you ure giv-

en key s Trhic h vrill open the doors of the pr is on

of i gnorance, o.nd admit you to the freedom of
th e True World. The language of symbol is the
c01m:1on 'speech of the inhabitants of that True
Wor ld. All langua ges of mankind are but poor
tr Qnslations fron it.
If y ou, as so1: .e have done, "Why not put
this into plain English? 11 v1e answer that ,,here-
ever plain English ;-rill convey the nean:inG, it
is our conr: tant endeavor to use it. Yet no
tra.nsl o.tio n f ro r. the r.1ystery ean ever
be adequ a te. You rnust lea r n tha.t silent speech
of sumb ols for your self. Then you wi 11 find
y ourself in communication i' others ,;,ho blow
In old yersions of Tarot, as in ours, Key 20
is i na n ed The Jud .rgnent. O!l_ the sur-
f ace, this refers to that day whic h theologians
re gQrd as bein g a far off--the day when all
souls shall be judged. This is o. veil for the
real mean .ing. Q udgment is the consequence of
wei gh ing evidenc l Hence Justice is alm~ys rep-
r e sented by the scales , nnd. in ancient Er;yptio.n
pictures of the judQ!lent of the soul, the can-
didate rs heartnas put in the balances _vrith the
fe at her of, or truth.
Again, [ jude;ment implies estiraation or meas-
ure ment J One mi e;ht say that the Great Secret
ans.-mrs the question, "How much do you neigh ?'!
That is to say, -.;re ha ve to see thut since all
that is real of us is identical with the One
Thing, our true vreight must be the same us its
weight . Geore;e Burnell ho.s expressed it beau-
tifully: 'l'ruth is that i:rhich is; there ounnot
be that which is not. Therefore that which is,
or Truth, nust be all there is."
1Then th e vre ie;h t of t he h ea rt-.:.the ce ntra l
consc 'i ousne ::;s in mu.n- - c or r e s p ond s to the vrei ght

of the feather of truth, then the scales of

judgn.ent bo.lanced.
( A judgment is a reasoned c onclusi on .J Age-
less Wisdom offers a reas enable doctrine. The
sar;es forever say: 11Cooe now, let us reason
tosether. St. Paul, nriting of the e;ivinc up
of the false sense of personality, calls it o.
reasonable sacrifice. The Cho.ldean Craeles bid
us join nor ks to sacred reo.s on. Thus in the
symbols of Key 20 ne shall find nany references
to the numqer 4, the Tarot number particulo.rly
associated with reason.
(:Yet, since a jud~ent is a rea3oned conclu-
sion,, and reasoning leads tc thut conclsion,
judgment, is ulso the end of reo.soninG J In Key
20, reasoning has come to its term, ancl o. new
order of kno.:ing is manifested. Old thinss po.ssed o:,;my th;_r;oui;h the operati on of the
la.n pictured by Key 13, i.ihich is the a Gency of
the principle of ri e;ht discrir::ination p ictured
by Key 6. There is no more v:ei.:;hing of
evidence., no more discussi on of pros and cons.,
no more argument for and against. That is all
done with, and in the picture \Te shall find
abundant ,ritness to this.
Finally, {ji. judgment is n decision J It has
direct consequences in action. ?Jote that ~-.rord
11 11
decision, and its derivation frora a Lo.tin
root meo.ninr:; "to cut." In this you have the
sane hint that is given by the correspondence
of the letter Shin to a Hebrev, nord meaning
"separ a tion. u The Judcm e nt cuts off forever,
our connection v:ith the false lmor.ledge of
this vrorld." [i t puts an end to our limita-
tion to three-d:ir ,en sicnal consciousness. It
terminates our sense of mortality. ]
Thus, in a Bible promise which is directly
related to t hi s doctrine of J udc;uent , Tie reo.d:
~EE 7
The y sho.11 hunger no more, neither thirst any
:rnore. 11
To have done vrith all this misery. Wothin G
l e ss. Tho.t is the promise, o.nd to done
n ith it forever. !Jot a. makeshift o.lleviation.
A devouring flame of realization ,rhich consumes
the whole unho.ppy brood of lies.
This uee k try to practice SIL Ei.lCE . Speak
as little o.s you co.n, keep your enotions under
control, and above all, try to your
thqu ghts quiet. Notice that this concerves
ener gy for useful endeavors. Continue this
practice, the rest of your life.

Y:CLLO: :: Bell of trunpet; ra.ys fron clouds.
B.1'tfil : Bac}q,;round; uater; angel's dress.
( The dress o. darker sh ado.)
GR.A.Y: Bodies of figures:; coffins.
(Coffins a darker sh n de.)
TiHITE: Clouds; bo.nn er (not c r oss); foeber gs
(blue hi ghli ghts, very delicate); col-
lo.r ed g inG 611 anr;el 's dress.
GCLD: Trumpeto
BLCdDE: Hair of norno.n, child o.nd an15el.
RED: A-11.gel's i:rin r;s; er oss on banner.
J ooGNlfliT is

~.+=1~ 7~
3 . a. ~ ~
4 , CAJ~
t, ,._
-~,,...., -------
1 .

<i I
. j



,., II 'f
;------------ ---- - - - - - - - - - /---
--- .\ I



The o.n ;:;el of Key 20 is obviously Gabriel,

for he curries the trumpet which sur:n..10ns the
dead frc, n their coffins. Bo.briel is the o.rch-
un Gel of the n oon. In ttis connection, observe
that 2, the nunber of the Key attributed to the
moon, is the root-n~~ber of 20. Furthernore,
in Key 2, o.11 t h e vm.ter sho\"m in Tarot has its
The ide a here is tl m t the presidinc povrer in
the sce n e is the por;er of reflection, the root-
p01:1er of the Universal Tuie1:iory. Ga.brio! means
lli r;ht or God, 11 and the sur;cesti on is, there-
fore., that hu man personality is ro.ised f'ron the
''death" of the three-d:i.nensional consoiousness
by a po rmr d esc endin c fron c.bove., rr.tqer than
by its orm eff orts. The Spirit of LH'e in us
never for c:;ets it se lf, and nher.. the day of jude;-
ent c ones, n e heur the call., pr
inc our real nature, and cullin g us fr01:1 the
deC',thlil::e sleep of belief in norto..l existence.
In the conp ostton of our version of this
Key, care has been ta k en to enclose the nn e el
in tl cecmatric c..l desi c:::i.eonsistin c of tno equal
circles, ex c..ctly fillinc o lr~Ger circle. The
nn gel's heud is in the upper snall circle, his
body in the lovrer one. This fii::;ure is nn
a.ncient synbol of the fcu 1~th dimension.
Clouds s urround the an c el, because the true
nature of the Self is veiled by nppenrances,
and the substance of these uppearunces is reul-
ly the srune as the s t reru~ of consciousness
typified by the robe of the High Priestess. It
is the flow of the strerun . of consciousness
uhich ~ives rise to our ideas of time, nnd

these ideo.s are i:rho.t pertly veil fron us the

true nature of the One Identity.
T1relve ro.ys of light pierce the clouds.
These o. technical Qabalistic menn:ing, f or
in Hebre-rr nisdo.m, the divine na.:me HVA, Hoo.
(pronounced Hu), hns the numeral value 12. It
is the Hebrew third personal pronoun nRe, 11
attributed to Kether, the Crcn:m of Primo.l T!ill.
The intimation here is tho.t the li s ht piercing
the veil of clouds is the li ght of the True
Self II called He" by Qo.balists. Gabriel per-
s onif'ies one aspect of that light.
Bescending from the tru..r.ipet are seven ro.y s.
.rhe trumpet itself is of c old, o.nd in
preceding lessons you len.rned the occult
significance of this meto.l. As an instrument
for nmplif'yinE sou..~d vibration, the trumpet
refers to the fact thc.t the a:rm.keninG of the
higher consciousness is actuo.l ly accomplished
by certain scunds. These are represented
by t}1e seven little rnys, 1:1hich correspond to
the sound vibrations of the seven interior
centers you saxr symbolized by the seven sin.all
stars of Key 17.
The icebergs in the background refer to a
certo.i:'.t alchemical dictum, nh ich says th a t in
order to perform the Greut r;ork .,:re must fix the
volatile. The volatile is the stream of con.
scicus energy., - ty!)ified as uater. Its flovr
gives rise to the illusions frora which our
delusions are derived. Vfl1en ne fix it, or make
it solid by arresting the flor:, i:re are eman-
cipated frm bonda.r;e.
Thus Key 12 shovrs the Hansed Man, or Sus-
pended I.Iir..d, in connection y;ith the element of
Huter. The state o f Samo.dhi., or perfect
abstraction, there pictured, culminates in the
Perpetual Intelligence symbolized by Key 20.

The hi 1;her co n sciousness arrests the flo, ;r of

mento.l energy. Because it does this by means
of abstractions h avin c their basis in nuthemat~ -
ics, the arr e sted flo rr of consciousness is
represented by ic e , c.s it is in Keys O and 9.
The sec,, moreover, is the end of o. flowing
of nater. Thus it su c ; ests thesnme notions of
ter miw 1tion und conclusion v1hich Tre found a.sso-
cic.ted trith the n ord "j ud gnent. 11
'The seu supp orts three stone coffins, inti-
matin g that the rev.l support or bo.ois for the
D.ppea.ran ces of physical form is the vibration
Of mento.l en ergy. The sea. is the Greo.t sea. of
the race-co n sciousness, operating o.t the sub-
conscious level.
This is the ~ctuo.l substo.nce of o.11 things
in human envirOllment. There is no difference
between the substo..nce of cm eleotron cmd the
substance of a. t h our;ht. In thesl;l days this
ancient do-ctrine ot Aceless Yri&dcm is receiving
~bund ant confir mation frQ~ . lea.dine exoteric
scienti s.ts.
The coffins ar e r ectanGul o.r, to su5 G0st the solidity and i:npenetro.bility of three-
diE1ensiono.l for r.1s. The hU!!lan fi c;ures stand
upright, so thn.t t h eir bodies ~re at rii:;ht
nngles tc the bcttor as of the coffins. Thia
inti:mo.tes s 01nethin r; which is impossible to
delineute--th0 n a.ther.10:tical definition of the
Fourth Dimension u s thc..t v:hich is c..t rii;ht
O.nGles to o.11 three di mensions of space, us we
perceive them.
The three figures represent self-conscious
o.vra.reness (the mo.n), subconsciousness (the vrom-
a.n), o.nd. their product, the r eGenernted person-
ality (the child). They correspond o.lso to the
Egyptian triad, Osiris the father, Isis the
mother, and Horus the child.

Their postures hin:l:i to the initiated that

sach figure represents a Roman letter. The
woman, by her extended arms, denotes L. The
cuild lifts is hands over his head, so that
his arms u V. The man, in the tro.ditional
posture of Osiris risen, crosses his arns to
form an X. Thus the three persons symbolize
1.v.x., the Latin for Light.
The man is in nn attitude of :rerfectly
pussi ve a.doro.tion. 1nf ourth-di.J!1ensional con-
sciousness, er the Perpetual Intellicence, the
self-conscious mind realizes that it does noth-
ing VIhatever of itself. It is merely a eharmel
through 11 hich the hir;her life descends to lo rrer
levels. Its one virtue o ons ists in 1.7h::,.t is
intimated by the nnne of the node of conscious-
ness typified by the Uagioi!Ul., the Intelliu;enco
of Transparency. The more self-
consciousness becomes, the less interference it
offe::.-s to the free po.ssa.ce of the One Thine.
110i' myself' I can do nothing., 11 is the :meo.ninG of
the man's crossed arms. The X crosses out, or
C!J.ncels, the idea of pers onal ori r;inntion f or
e.ny action.
The -..roman actively receives the influx of
pov1er frolll 1 Since her posture suc;sests
the letter L, it is relo.tod to Lamed a.nd to Key
11, Trhich :represents the Fo.ithful IntelliGence.
Under the guidnnce of right reason, subcon-
sciousness expresses perfect faith.
Unren.sonable faith is inpossible, hov1ever
stoutly men affirm thut their creeds and dogmas
deserve to be called nfaiths. 11 the .-1ome.n
represents the pu:..ification follorTing rif;ht
r0a.soninr;, the subconscious response to correct
estimates of reality.
The child fo.ces tovrurd the interior of the
picture. Thus he represents insight, the turn-

ing of the mind o..,m.yfrom the false reports of

external sensation. liis posture corresponds to
V, or Vnv. He is the type of intuition, nnd of
the Triu.~phunt o.nd Eternnl Intelligence.
The three figures are nude, to suegest . u
sto.te of perfect :i.nnocence, a stute of freedom
from shn:::ne, thut fo.lse emotion engendered by
our incorrect interpretation of the reul nnture
of huno.n life and its functions. Their nudity
also suggests perfect intmucy. This, of
course, is one of the co.nditions of the Perpet-
'Unl Intelligence:_, in nhieh the true relo.tions
betl reen the conscious nnd subconscious ninds
o.nd their offspring, personality, e re clenrly
imderst ood.
The flesh of the fir;ures is e;ro.y, tc show
thut they have overcome nll t h e pairs of
opposites, since gruy is the tin t resultinG
fror.i the blending of any t wo co:mplenentury
colors, such as 1:rhite and bluc k , red o.nd r;reen,
blut and <>rnnce, und so on.
Since the To.rot Keys which c orr e s pc nd to the
seven interior eenters ccr :::-
esponcl ulso to the
puirs of.' opposites, here is also un intinntion
tha t in the Perpetual Intellir;ence there is o.
perfect blending of the seven pairs of oppo-
sites: Life and (:i{ey 1); Peo.ce o.nd Strife
(Key 2); 1:risdora a.nd Folly (Koy 3); Heo.lth nnd
Poverty ( Key 10); Beaut y a.nd Uc lin e ss ( Koy 16);
Fertility and Sterility ( Key 19); und Dominion
ctnd Slavery (Key 21). Thus the Gro.y flesh of
the figures shovrs tho.t the forces of the cen-
ters have been perfectly co-ordinnted, even us
the seven re.sys issuinG fr0!:1 the trumpet inti-
mute the snr.1e thing.
The banner on the trumpet is u,
meo.surine; 5 x 5 mlits ; so that it is renlly -tr
magic of twenty-five cells, or mo.Gio,

square of Thus it refers to the activity

represented in Key 16, o.nd o.t nork also in Keys
4, 13 und 15. F:ire, the quality of Mars, pre-
doninates in Kay 20.
Since the banner is square, and hea r s an
equal-armed cross, both the banner and the
cross are symbols of the number 4. The SEl.I!le
number is indicated by the four figures in the
picture. There four principal eleraents in
the scene: the icebergs., the sea, the Group of
human figures, and the O.ItGel.
For Tc.rot students, 20 represents Kay 4 , the
Emperor, multiplied by Key 5, the Hierophont.
The Emperor stands for Aries a fiery sign, un-
der the rulership of Mars. The Er:lperor is also
the Tarot symbol of the sovereign reason, nhich
leads to decision, or ri ght judcment.
Ac;ain., the banner correspo:ids to the number
of the Key, for it is a. square bounded by lines
of five units, so that the perimeter or the
ba.nner is 20 units. He may think of' t h e Per-
petual Intelli 6 ence as beinG the product of the
interaction of Rea.son (Key 4) an d b.tuiticn
(Key 5). i]e must reason ri c:htly be f ore Yie re-
ceive the inner tea.chine of Intuit 5.on. Lazy
~--iinds do not hear the nn cel' s trU! :1. pet call.
In the Cube of Spsce, the line corresponding
to the latter Shin is the co-ordinate line
joining the north face to the south. This lin~
mwes from the center, as do all three co-ordi-
nates. The ree.son for this is thD .t the cube is
brought into manifestation frcm the central
The first ca-ordinate is the line of the
Eother letter Aleph, extending up,ro..rd from the
center to the face Above, corresponding to the
letter Beth, und domnmrd fr cm th.e center to
the face Below , corresponding to the letter
Gimel c

The second cc-ordinate is the line of the

Hother lett er Mem, extendin G east ward fr or:i. the
center to the ff,oe East, corresponding to
Daleth, and westnard fr om the cente:r to the
fo.ce west, corresp ondin c to ICaph.
The first co-ordinate, because it corpe-
sponds to Ale ph an d t he Fool, is th at of the The mode of consciousness it
represents is spiritual consciousness, 1;'Jhich we
usuc.lly term "superconsciousness." Ren eJ!:.ber,
the ter ms 110.bove" and 11"VIithin" are interchange-
able in occultism. Ou.r ho.bits of thought aro
vestiges of ancestral thin k ing, uhen 11heaven"
wo.s identified with the sky, i,.rh appears to
be above the surface of the- earth. But Easters
of life knor, that the true location of 11hea ven"
is not ~' but in. Tho kingdom of heaven is
within you. 11
Su.perc onsciousness, therefore, is interior
consciousness. Thus in Koy 18, the Path of
Return to ascend, but reall y it leads
within. Sin ilo.rly, in Key 20, t h e little child
faces into the picture, as do t he listening
ministe:rs in Key 5.
Hence eac h of the cube co-ordinates is a
symbol for o.n uspect of superc onsciousness, or
avmreness of the , rit h in. In Key 12 this ni.mre-
ness is sho1;m as a revers a l of the mental
attitude of the o.verD.[;e mnn, ,;rho is concerned
almost wholly nit h outer a ppea r ances, o.nd his
mental und emotional reactions to the~. Key
12, through the letter ltlem, is related to the
ele1.'1ent of water, and thus it connects the
eastern face of the cube, attributed to Venus,
fabled to have been born from the forun of the
ocean, to the . 1,1estern face, attributed to Ju-
piter, the sky-father, ruler of ruins and lord
of the thunder-bolt.

The third co-ordino.te is o.ssocie.ted vrith the

element of fire, and links together the north-
ern face of the cube., attributed to the fiery
planet Hnrs, and the southern face, attributed
to the sun, source of n.11 nvnifestutions of
fire L.. our v1orld-system.
The fjrst co-ordinate, tho.t of Aleph, is
ass ocia.ted nith life. The second co-01dinate
is assigned to liem, and to substance., which is
s:y:mbolized universa.ll :r us .-rater. The third
co-ordinate is that uhich has to do principally
,rith activity., S~ITilbolized by Hernetic philoswu
ophers as fire.
Thus Key O is mainly concerned with the
superconscious ox,o.reness of life., Key 12 nith
superconscious ni.:ureness of the nc.ture of sub-
sta.nce, and Key 20 rrith superconsci cus
ness of the true nature of o.ctivity. If you
will develop these !1.bts, you Hill find out for
yourself mony aspects of truth tha.ct hwill be nll
the mere valut1.ble to you, been.use they -rrill be
your cmn discoveries.
Note also that since, in of these
co-ordinate lines, the direction of movenent is
double., ox10.y frvr .1 the center in t i;ro opposite
directions, it is i.'rnpossible to follow nny of
them from the surface back to the center.
Horr, then, shall one r;et to that center? By
following one or other of the four interior
dini; These not sh onn in the dio.c;ro.ns
o.ocompnnying Lesson Eighteen, because they
vrould huve beon confusinG, but yon ea.."
them out ,dthout o.ny difficult;yi., if you attend
closely to what follows.
These four interior diagonals correspond to
four of the five final fl'rms of cert ain letters
in the Hebre,;r alphabet. Uhen the letters Kuph,
Uen, Nim, Peh or Tznddi come at the end of 8.

Hebre,1 word, they o.hro.ys Yrritten in o. spe-

cia.l ....-my,f or ,;rhich the B.ebreirr ho.s
five distinct characters. These are knoi.m us
the five "finals.
The fou r dic q; extend upward fr om the
bottcn of the cube, o.nd they o.11 puss throue;h
the c enter. The of finul Kuph begins a.t
the sout ~1.-enst loner corner, and runs dia.gonal-
ly upnard thr our;h the center to the north-i::est
upper corner, conneoting the loner end of the
south-east line to the upper end of the north-
1,rest line. The pnth of final Nun beg:i.ns o.t the lower corner, nnd ru."1.s up thr ouch
the center to the upper corner., eon-
necting the lo Yrer end of the north-east line to
the upper end of the south-nest- line. The
of finul Peh is the dio.conul connecting the
lower end of the south-vrest line to the upper
end of the line. The path of final
Tzaddi joins the loner end of the north-,1est
line to the upper end of the south-enst line.
The place cf fino.l Llen is at the center of the
cube, the point of perfect equilibriun, o.nd the
point of control. '.L'here i'in::i.l Ilon is ccmbinod
i:Tith the letter To.v, to forn the Hebrew ThM, or
to01:1, sicnif y in c perfection nnd co.r.ipleteness.
-~ .Frcm t h is it -rrill be evident thnt it is by
means of the psycholor;ico.l e.nd other activities
repre::iented by Keys 10, 13, 16 and 17,, tho.t the
steps tul:en uhich lead consciousness im-,o.rd
to the center. Because the four dia.e;onnls ull
aove upmi.rd tono.rd the center fron the pl~ce
ropresented by the lormr surfo.ce (a.nd in To.rot
by Key 2) it is evident a.lso tho.t the life-
force of the person undergoing occult tro.ining
1:ioves ulong these po.ths a.s o. result of re-
sponses originuting at the subconscious level.
The upml.rd movement a.long the dinsonals is n

consequence of, and response to., a prior dcn:m.-

ward movement, originating at the conscious
level represented by the cube's upper face.
For example., the shor t'est vro.y to i;et to the of the diagonal correspo n d i nc to
final Kaph is to descend through the line
north-East, corresp anding to Key 4, t h ence
along the line East-Below., corres pc:nd.i ne; to ICey
7, and then upvro.rd throuGh the diu g ono.l oor-
responding to fino.l. and Key 10,.
The shortest ,my to reach the starting-point
of the diagonal correspondin G to fin a l Npn ~s
s :imply to descend the line correspondin t; ~~ tho
The shortest i;ro.y to reac ~1 the b e Gin n in c , of
the diae;onul eorresponding to fin a l Peh is to
descend the north-eat line, ther..c e to s o Yrest- ,
nard throuGh the line North-Bel ov.r, a..-ridthence
soutlmard throu Gh the line Yrest- Belovr .
The shortest no.y to reac h the bei:;inninc; of
the dio.Gono.l corresponding to final Tzo.ddi is
to descend the line North-East., o.nd co ,-rest; to
the ur. d of the line Morth-Belo ,;r, Y:hic l: i s also
the becinning of the diagonal of final Tz~ddi.
Note tho.t the first of these dia g onals is
that of, hence it can n ot be tra v ers e d
until the western fo.ce of the cube, corr e sp ond:t,
ing to, has bee n bou..~ded. That is, none
of the interior dingonuls CQ.n be entered until
one has passed throuch the line 1." Iest-Belo,:r,
c 'orrespondine; to Key 15 ., It is to be under-
stood, of course, that this is purely diagram-
matic. What is meant is that one is not ready
for the journey up,;mrd to-,ra.rd the center until
one ho.s fo.ced the definite problem nhich happens
to be One's own Dweller on the Threshold .,
Havin 6 a r ri ve d a t th e cen t e.1 by 1-ro..y of any
one of the fo ur i n t erior diagonals, one may

,then in any of ten different v,uys to the

exterior. Four lines lead to the upper norners
through the diagonals, and six lines lea~ to
the faces throuGh the lines of the hlQ"ther
letters. Thus ,,e learn thc.t Keys O, 12, 20,
10, 13, 16 and 17 represent the ways lea.ding
from the center tc the external faces and
corners of the cube.
All this is probably difficult at first
rending, but it is included in the lessons at
this point because nothing in this ,,,hole syste:r.:.
of To.rot symbolism; ,..,ith the .possible exception
of the Qa.balistic Tree of Lire, is of Greater
value. Thus ,re advise ycu most emphatico.lly to
follO\'r all these descriptions of the cube
syr;i.bolism and directions., with the dia.Grnr:is and
with the various Ta.rot Keys.
We approach the end of this course. Hcvr is
the time W bring your occult diary up to date.
Go back through the lessons, and muke sure that
you are actually co.rryinG out the practical
instruction, es pecially the su pplenents.
The cumuln.tive effect of the (\OJ:J.pnra.tively
siraple tasks vrh i:h have be en set for you is
most valuable. Do not be deceiv e d by the
seer,dnc; s ir.iplicity o f scrae of this vtork.
Ho.ture operates by simple n eo.ns, a.nd the Great
Tfork is an imitation of those simple ::aethods
,thereby she o.cconplishes na.rvelous results
~-. ------------------ -q
! ;

ENTALS co.s \A\C COM.Sc.IOtii&H ;,1';) - it\
! Cos'l"n;c.'St1es<i-N-ir11anil - - - - - - t -
.. Dil.)'K,e. 0
\ ~-i\t; - bcCnc.-e)" - - - ' - , - - ~ 1
I '2,l-o-~-- ~ - - -- l

( .,/ i

---------------- --~



The last co.rd of the ma.j or Ta.rot Keys., The

V,[orld, is u symbol of cosmic consciousness .,~
Nirvana. ?.' he central fact of this experience
is that l..}i,e to whom it comes has first-hand
knovrledge of his identity "with the G'ne Pm,e_!J,
which is ,the Pivot and Souree of the whole cos-
mos. Qi~ knons also that through him the Poner
which governs and dires,ts the universe florrn
out into ma.nifestation J .
Words fuil to 6 ive any adequate idea of this
seventh sta(ie of spiritual unfoldment. It must
be left to your intuition to combine the sug-
gestions of the picture with the meaning of the
lcttor Tav., nhich is assigned to this Key.
Here is a pictl1re of ,;that you really are, and
6f vihat the cosmos really is. The universe is
the Dance of Life. The inmost., central SELF of
YOU is the Eternal Dancer.
21 is the sum df th e numbers frcm O to 6, so
that., as a key number in Ta.rot, it shows the
cQJnpletion or extension of the power of the
principles represented by the seven Keys from
Key O to Key 6. Thus there is a close affinity
betyreenKey 21 and Key 7, for as 21 is the con-
sequence of a.dd:ing the digits from O to 6, so 7
folloffs 6 in the numerical sea.le. Furthermore,
we shall find that ' Saturn is attributed to Key
21, and. Saturn is the seventh of the planets
Jmovm to the ancients. From Saturn I s ; KebreYi, Shabba.thai, we get the same meaning .as
from Sabbath, the day of rest or inertia, and
the seventh day of the week. In the Tarot tab-
leau, moreover, Key 21 (3 x 7) is placed belovr
Key 14 ( 2 x 7 ); a.nri Ke:v 14- il'J p laced below

Key 7. 'I'hus the principle at work fa Key 21 is

:trilI,resented by Key 7, and the secret of' -~Cey 7
is beautifully explttined in the follorring nords
from Li ght on the Path:
11Stand aside in the ccmin g battle., and
thour;h thou fightest, be no thou the -rmrrior.
Look for the 11a.rrior., and let hi.m fi ght in
"Take his orders for the battle and obey
"Obey hi.'!1. not as though he Yrere a i{e1teral.,
but as though he were thyself, and his spoken
words v;ere the utteiance of thy secret desires;
for he is thyself, yet :infinitely wiser and
stront::;er than thyself'. Look for hb1, else in
the fever and hurry of the fight thou. mayest
pass him; and he ,;,rill not knorr thee unless thou
lcnowest him. If thy cry reach his listening
ear then nill he fight in thee and fill the
dull void Trithin. And if this is , so., then
canst thou go through the fi ght cool and un-
wearied, standing aside and lettin g him battle
fqr thee. Then i{; vrill be i mpossible for thee
to strike one blovr m:i.iss. But if t h cu look not
for him., if thou pass him by, then th0re is no
sa f eguard for thee . Thy brain ,;rill reel, thy
heart gr ow uncertain, and in the dust of the
battlefield thy sight and sense will fail.,
and thou wilt not lmorr thy fr .iends from thy
Be :i'.s thyself, yet thou art but finite and
liable to error. He is eternal and is sur0.
He is eternal truth. When once he has entered
thee and become tby warrior., he vrill never
utterly clesert thee, . and at the day of the
great peace he will become one nith thee. 11
Read this quotation carefully. See hmv the
narrior, the rider in the chariot, is identi-
fied vvith speech, the functioh associated with

Key 7. :Furthermore., since the ri u er is the OHE

SELF, he is also the Hierophant, associated
with hee.ring., and in this quotation., his 11lia-
tening ear" is _specifically mentioned, It ia
from a Master of the Western School that this
gem of occult nisdom was given to u1;; ar..d those
f~iliar witr1 it will recall the fact that the
two sections of the text eac"h divided in~o
t1iTenty- one numbered paragraphs, preceded by an
introduction bearine; no number.
"He is thyself.n The quest is for the SELF.
The goal is the SELF. . The kno rrledge is knowl,-
edge of the SBLF. The p01Ner of the infinite
and eternal SELF is the only power~ The SELF
is the ONE, 1:,orking through the mysterious,
glamorous - -a.o-tivity of reflection and duality.
All this is shorm in 21, the number of this Tarot Key.
'rhe Eebre,-r letter Ta.v meo.ns 11signature," or
"mark. 11 The mar~~ is a er os s having four
equal arms, like that on the banner of the
angel in Key 20.
The Egyptian TAU., corres p onding to this let-
ter, is said to have been a tally for measuring
the depth of the Nile, also a squar~ for test-
ing right angles. .Among the Heb1errs., the
letter Ta.v, written in the old alphabet as a
cress like that on the breast of the High
Priestess, ;-ras a. sign of salvntion (See Ezekiel
9:4). It a symbol of salvation from,
and a signature of eternal life.
As repre _senting a signature., this letter
implies security., pledge, guarantee, and so on.
A siGnature makes a business instrument valid.
Thus Tav indicates the final seal and comple-
tion of the Great Work.
The great secret of the letter Tav is the
point where the tv1c lines cross. This point
represeni;s the inner center ut i:rhich the Ono

Identity has its abode. Thus The Book of For-

mation says: "The onl;).' Lord God, the faithful
King., rules over all from His holy habitation
for ever and ever. 11 .And the s book indi-
cates the place of that holy habitation thus:
"The seven double consonants are analogous to
the six di r.1e~-i s ions: Ile ight and Depth., East and
West, North and South, and the Holy Temple that
Qtands in the center, which sustains then. all. 11
This innermost point is in itself no-thing, and
thus The Clementine Homilies report St. Peter
as saying that the Place of God is 11That-Y1hich-
is-not." Yet this latter text goes on to say:
"This., therefore, that, starting fr om God.,
is boundless in every direction r.iust needs be
the heart holding Him Hho is verily above all
things in fashion, vTho, wheresoever He be., is
as it were h1 the mid.dle of a boundless space,
bein g the termine:.l of the All. Ta.l::ing their
origin the ref ore fr cm Him, the six extensions
have t he nature of U.Ylli~ nited th:ings . Cf uhich
the one, tak in g its beginning fro:m. God, is dis-
played upna rds t .oi:ia.rd the height, another dovm-
ward s to n ard the depth., anothe r to th e right.,
another to the left, another in front, another
behind For at Eim the six boundless
lines do ter minate and fr om Him the y take their
boundless extension."
Read this quctat ion several times, comparing
it vrith ,;ft1at is said in Less en 44 , a.nd vrith
Fig ure 3 in the diagram accompanying Les-
s on 1 8 . Note that the ab-ode of' ..God :is called
the heart. It is f.).lsc termed "That-vrhich-is-
not," because it has no physical form or
fashion, and might perfectly vrell be indicated
by the zero sign, vihich ,.-re attribute to the
Fool. Yet it is by no means a non-entity, for
this inner POINT is a positive metaphysical,
intellectual . reality. Hence, if you can grasp


ILY EVZRY FJHERE, you will see that it must be
the center of your ovrn being.

Hence to Tav is assigned o.lso the Adminis-
trative Intelligence, of vrhich it is 'VT.!:'itten:
11It is so called it directs all the op-
erations of the seven ple.nets., !.'-Ss ociates their
activities, and guides them .all in their proper
Remember that the occult planets are the
same - as the interior stars mentioned in c oIL~ec-
tion 1:, Key 17. Remember also that each of
these planets corresponds to a Ilebre,r double
letter, and thus to one of the six directions,
as follons: liei ght, Mercury., Beth Key l;
Depth, Moon, Gimel, Key 2; East., Venus., Daleth.,
Key 3; Yiest., Jupiter, Kaph, Key 10; North.,
Liars., Peh, I(ey 16; South, Sun, Resh, Key 19;
CEl'J'l'ER (the Holy Templ0)., Saturn, Ta v, Key 21.
Thus Tav 1epresents the point of control, at
the C.E: i:TTER, or at the heart. Not the physical
or gan, undC;)rstand, but heart in the sense of
"midst :, i:nrnost, core." To Get at the heart of
y our p ersonal existence is to enter the Palace
of the Kin g . There the GUE LlELF is enthroned.
There the Lord of tho Universe has His abode.
Tr:are is the central point of aut h ority and
rul e rs h ip, extending its boundless ini'luence
throu r;hout the cos mos. There, n hen the Great
Work ~s ace cmplished, and the Father and the
Son are One, the Ne11 Kin gdom is est P.blished.
Concerning this an ancient alchemical trea-
tise s ays:
"The Son ever remains in the Father,
And the Fat h er in the Son.
Thus in divers things
They -produce untold ~ precious fruit.
T~1.Yper i ::;h nc-;rsrrnoro~

And laug1 at death.

By the Grace of God they abide forever,
The Father and the Son, triumphing
In the splendour of their }fovr Kin ~dom,
Up on one throne they sit,
And the face of the A..'1cient 1\iaster
Is straight way seen between them. 11
--The nook of' Lam.bsprin g .

.t Cfil,TT!:!Rwithin. Seelk: it dil ii; ent ly, and
you shall surefy find it, and find there the
Stone of the Hise, so perfectly described in
the quotation . you have just read.
Key 21 . sunnnarizes the vrhole Tarot, .mid so
epitomizes all th a t can bo put into any kind of
symbolism, concerning the cuL-nination of the
Great Uork. the symbols deep ti.pen your
subconsciousness, as you. color thera this week.


GRE:SN: 1."
BLUE: Background, (leave blank t he ellipses
round spirals in hands).
Br..O\",lir: ~birnals ( as in I~ey 10).
1ilil 'J.'E: Clouds, a.s in 1:ey 10. Rays should
be painted y;hite, extending from
the ellipses round the spirals,
into the blue of the back g;round.
BLOUDE: Hair on ma,,. and dancer; beak of
VXOLET:Kaph-shaped veil round dancer.
RED: Binding a t top and bottom of the
wreath; the cap-li k e vrreath on the
head of the dancing fi gure.
,Hf; WOR \..0 - Z. I ,1

( .. \A>021.P- COKSC!.toc.1SNE&S -1 J\M- - - - - / .

( l34-tl t ,ul"ne.d -(-rol'nCente.Y a..J Lin 1 -- _., .?'.,_
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b.--- -- -------- ---- -- ----- -- ----- 'f-1_i:-

....,i '


TilE '.":(]H..D

The title of Key 21, "The norld.," ouggoats

"world-consciousness . 11 When you n.ttoin to this
you find yourself in tune Yrith the Yrhole uni-
verse. You discover thn.t tho . center of 11:t:e
nnd po:rer nt the henrt of your person.'ll life is
one with the PO\'rer which rules creation..
In this oOnsciousness., the ,rhole universe is
realized as the body of the I .AM. When you ex-
perience this, )7 0U will knovr that the directive
C.enter of the entire field of} cosmic nctivity
is identical with your innermost SELF.
The four corners of this Key are occupied by
the srune :reysticnl figures v.rhich uppenr on Key
10. Here ther-e is t:. differe11ce in one,
In Key 21 the fn.ce of the bull is turned away
fi'Cl!n the lion, o.nd thus also nyro.y from the cen-
tral figure of the design. This is intentionnl.t
and follorrn an ancient trndition observed in
most early versions . of Tnrot.
The bull represents the element of earth, Cl"
that ,;,fuich gives fQnn. In Key 10 this is turn
ed toward the lion, and o t award the center
of the Key, where the symbol of Spirit is shown
at the heart of the wheel, because fi.h e mente.l
activity pictured in Key 10 is one which turns
the :mind nYray from form to the consideration of
energy, away frQn body to the consideration of
Spirit ..1 The comprehension of the La.,r of CyclE}S
(Key 10) is nn a.ct of :mental abstre.ction. ~n
which attention is turned away from the forms .
of things to their fiery essence (the lion).
In Key 21, on the contrary, the empho.sis is
. upon concrete manifestation. For this Key is
att:r-ibut"'i to the planet Saturn., representi?J.g

c ,osnic forces which lir! energy in produc-

ing form. In this Key, therefore, the bull
faces away frcm the lion, and avro.y from the
center of the design, in or der to indicate tho.t
the .!'orces pictured by The Yiorld move torm.rd
concrete me.nifestation.
The goal of the Great Work is not abstro.c-
tion. It is demonstration, expression, orderly
procession of energy into suitable forms--the
adornment o f the Life-power with s.uitable
For the other mennmgs of the four f' igures
at the corners of Key 21 see the explanations
in Less on T1,renty-f our, page 4. Remember tho. t
the general sicnificance is that, as these
creatures represent the Great Name, I H V H,
their posi at the corners of the Key sug-
gest thnt all ma.nifestation is included vrithin
the boundarie s of this Name and the Reality :for
which it stands.
The ,;;reath i _s an ellipsoid figure. Its
longer axis is exactly eisht 1.lllits, and its
shorter one exactly five 1.L.~its. Thus a rec-
tangle vrhich vrculd exactly contain it 1.1ould be
eight units high and five units nide. The
rectangle of 5 x 8 is mentioned in the first of
the Rosicrucian Iilnuifestoes~ Fraterni-
tatis, which speaks of "a vault of seven sides
and seven corners, every side five foot broad,
and the height of eight foot. n Note tha.t the
area of such a rectangle is 40 square units~
and that 40 is the number o.r the letter Mem,
the letter corresponding to the Ifo.nGed Mo.n, i[ey
12. The total length of the four bomidary
lines of such a rectangle is 26 units, the num-
ber of the Name I H V H. Furthermore, 5 is to
8 in very close approxmution to the Golden
Section, or Extreme and Mean Proportion, and

these ~vo numbers were used again nnd ngnin by

the ancients to express that proportion., which
is related also to the fifth and the octave in
~usic. Extreme and Mean Proportion may be thus
defined: "That proporti.on. in ,;rhich the lesser
part is to the greater part as the gr eat er pe.rt
is to the whole. n It is paraphrased in the
occult maxim: "Nature (the lesser part) is to
lilan ( the greater part) as Man is to tl ~,, ( the
To students of dynamic symmetry, the 5 x 8
rectangle is lmat'm as the ~'Rectn.n c l.e of the
Whirling Square." It is the basis of the
logarithmic spiral, co:ncerning which Claude
Bragdon says:
Ho,;r the generic or archetypal form of
everything in the universe is naturally not
other than the form of the universe itself .
Our - stellar un.iverse is n<m thought py ai:ttrcir.-
omers to be a spiral nebula; and the spiral
nebulae we see in the heavens., stellar systems ,
like our own. The geometric equivalent of the
nebula form is the logarithmic spiral. This is :
therefore the unit form of t .he universe., the
form of all forms."
Thus the wreath represents the name, IIMI,
as the FUlWALlRL~TAL PRHTCIP~E OF' FORivI, of wh:ich
the entire cosmos is the representation or
The wrenth is composed of tv.renty-t'\ro tric.ds
of leaves. Every triad corresponds to o. Hebrew
letters- to o:ne of the twenty-tyro aspects of
ccmsoious energy represented by those letters,
and to one of the t, rrenty ...two Tarot Keys Every
mode of the Life-po.rer has three kinds of
expression: l" Integrative; 2. Disintegrative;
3. Equilibrnting. The third balances the other
flt fe.ayo 'frue-nf ffte 1 OYtnic
fov-c-., fife. - -

Note tho.t u is n vTork of man. Nature

provides the leaves. lian neaves them into a
chaplet for the viotor. Thus the ,vreath is a
a.ymbol for human adaptation of the forces of
nature. It suggests also that cosmic con-
sciousness is not spontaneou&ly provided by
natural e"t'olution. It is the oompletion of the
Great Yfo.rk., and man is the artificer.
At top and bottom., the vr.reath is fastened
with bands similar to the horitontv,l figure 8
over the head of the Magician. All that is
visible f this band is that portion which
l!lAkes a form of the letter X. This is the
shape . of one of the ancient Hebrew oharncte.s
for the letter Tav. This intimutes that the
p6rrer represented by '1.'nv is i:ihat InaJi uses to
bind the forces of nc.ture into n or
victory. It is also a hint thnt the X form is
more accurately sh01,m as the horizontal 8,
figure of mathematical infinity, and symbol of
the truth ~hat opposite effects are produced by
identical causes.
The ,;,rreath rests on .the bull and the lion.,
because man 1 s povrer of Giving form (the bull)
to the formless, fiery, essential energy (the
lion) is nho.t enables hi..m to neave together the
tYrenty-t,ro modes of force derived from that ' one
Finally, the outline of the vr.renth is n zero
sign. The ellipse of manifesto.tion., vroven by
man from the forces ,;:Jhich play through him., is
No-Thing. It has just ns :r:iuch porrer over him as
he gives it., and not one nhit more. It does
not really bind him., nhen he understands what
it is The "world'' of a Master of life is a
wreath of victory
The dnncer in the appears to be fem-
inine., but has been so drnvm that the legs are

more i:nnsculine thun -rromanly in appearv.nce. The

l,'[orld-Dancer is the Celestial Androgyne. Her
purple veil (in our version, as in ancient
Tarot Keys) is in the f Orm of a letter Kaph.
Because Kaph is represented in Ta.rot by Key 10,
the meaning here is this : Yhe mechanistio
appea1once ass uned by natural phenomena (!Caph,
the Yfueel of Fortune) veils their true charac-
ter. The cosr.ios seems to be a system of Yrheels
within wheels. It presents itself to our
intellectual consciousness: as a vast ma.chine.
Cause and effect seem to be rigidly and
unalterably connected.
This is only relatively true. The Life-
po u er is the au th Or, U..lldtherefare the master,
of the La.Yr of Ca.use and Consequence. All
lmrs" nre part and pr:>.rcel of the drama of
manifestation. Ho la.w binds the SLLF.
The Horld-Dancer is perfectly free, and this
state of freedom is NOi'f. Hence the D~cer
stands on nothing. She is s~lf-supported. She
herself is in perfect equilibrium.
A spiral in her right hand turns to,;ro.rd the
right. G'ne in her left hand turns town.rd the
left. '.t'hese spirals .,_O!)rescnt'..;;egttation and
disintegration. They are complements, and they
turn s imul tane ous ly.
In the picture., each spiral has a definite
beginning and a definite end, but thi~ is
simply a l:irnitation due to the impossibility of
picturing the infinite . Understand thn.t the
process the spirals syml:>olize has neither be-
ginning nor end. Each spiral has exactly
eleven loops, so that the two together repre-
sent the t, renty-tvro modes of conscious energy
symbolized by the Hebrew letters and Tarot
He ,;mo enters into cosmic consciousness
experienc~s directly nhnt is symbolized by this
Ti\lt 01' FUl\lDAiilll'l"T.A.LS

iCey. He knows that every particle of the mani-

fested universe is a living center of the One
Realit y , within that One Reality. He perceives
directly t hnt whatever is being disintegrated
is exactly balanced by that which is simultane-
ously being integrated. He knorrs thnt the
universe is a universe of conscious motion,
eonsisting of endless sequences of production,
destruction and reproduction. Evoluti on is
balanced by devoiution, association by disso-
ciation, integration by disintegration.
, Says The Book of Concealed Mystery, an old
Qaba.listic nork: 1'Before there was equilibrium,
countennnce beheld n o t cwntenance. This
equilibrium hangeth in that re gion Tmich is
NOT. 11 ( Compare this with ,.,hat is said of the
Place called "That-which-is-not 11 in the Clemen-
tine Homilies., c:!_uoted in Less pn 45.
Th is rer;ion vrhic ll is NOT is the central ,
point in the Cube of S.pooe; Yrhere the. . threQ ,
co-ordint:' ,tes and the four interior diagonals
cross. It is the p oint of perfect balance,
throu gh vrhich pass the thirteen axes of sym-
metry of th e c ube. At t h is point our occult
attribution of the letters places the generat-
ing center of the three co-ordinates. Tht\t is
to say, the three l.Iother letters, Aleph, hlem
and Shin, are all located at this center, and
the co-ordinate lines correspondin g to these
letters rc.diate from this center. At this cen-
ter, also, is placed the letter Tav, the Temple
of Holiness in the midst. Final Mem is also
located here. From these letters ,;re may form
the tivo i.0rords., :Em.eth, A M Th, and Shem, Sh M.
Emeth means., fundamentally., stabiTit'y, hence
truth. Shem signifies sign, token, memorial.,
monument., name. It is usedoften in the Qa.bal-
istic viritings to designnte the special Divine
LE8S O:iJ FOR'rY-SlX 7

Nnme., Jehovah., or I H V H. Thus the letters

assigned t o the central point of the cube sig-
nify the Truth of TIIAT which vm.s, is and ,Till
--The srun.e truth is the central renlity., at
the core of human personality. +herefore is
the mxrne of God declared by Moses to be I AM.
For the sarne reason., llindu philosophers term
this reality the Supreme SELF.
The point vrhere it is centered, however, is
without form or dimensions. Hence it is the
region 1:rhich is NOT. Here is the srune sugges-
tion the Q.abalah gives us., nhen it calls
En, A I N, the Na-Thing, the "First Veil of t he
.Absolute." It is what Tarot means by numbering
th~ Fg_oJ.., .sy,mbol of the Spirit that manifests
{he -nhole crention, with the zero sign. No
conditions of time, space, or quality limit the
perfect freedoru of the Central Reality. At
this center is the focus of all possibilities,
conceivable and. L"1.conceivable, knorm and un-
lo:i.orm. Whitman emphasizes .the idea of equilib-
rium also, for he tells us that cosmic con-
scicusness is an 11intuition of the absblute
b a lance, in time and space, of the Yrhole of
t h is multifariousness, this revel of' fools., and
incredible nnd general tmsettled-
ness vre call the vrorld; a soul-sight of that
divine clue and unseen thread 1:rhich holds the
whole congeries of thin gs., all history and
time, Eind ull events, h orrever trivial, h ov,ever
momentous, like a leashed dog in the hand of a
hunter 11
Lea shed, but ready to be let loose to
fulfil the hunter's bidding;. Tfuen the SELF is
kn01.,n, it is knovm a s the :Master of the Shovr of
Illusion named the World. The of this

Easter, in Hebrew, is Eheyeh, A JI I H, or I .AJ ':1,

a.n d this is the supreme Divine attributed
to Kether, the Crown o-r Primn.l Will. It is
connected. vrith this final Tarot Key because its
number, li k e that of the Key, is 21.
What wish most to i.ri.t h you in
closbg this lesson and this course is the
re a lization thct ~ tP,tes of consciousness are
ste,tes of povrer. L!~e goal of the Great Work i.i)
to k:n.ov, the Self J] but to lmovr, as ,r e mean it
here, is not l!!J)rely to witness, not merely te
be aware of somethin g external, as i:rhen we sa.y
we n1mov,11 the vurious phenomena of our environ-
ment. a he ,k no,;rledge nhich Completes the Great
Work is identification v1ith the Central Reality
of the universe, a..."l.dsuch k:nouledge is really
.the acme of practical poner. 7
Thus, in alc.hemicctl books , this lo:icwledge is
symbolized by the Philos opl,ers' Stone--thfl.t is
to say, the mineral kingdo:m as the truly Yrise
p erceive it. For the mineral kingdc.m is the
basis of all form-manifestution t hroughout th~
universe, and to see t hat kingdo:.n as it really
is, is to 1mderste.nd all else . Eence the nl-
che mists assure us t ho.t ,-rhoever mo r;s the First
Matter lmo i;;s all thc.t is necessary, because, as
Philalethes puts it, in his F ount of Chen ic a l
Truth, 0,ur appliances are part of our sub-
stance. n Here is the secret, in plain sight.
Jn t he consc J ousness of r;ho has re a ched
t h is goal, Father and So:n have become one., and
rule from the at the center of the ALL.
This is the secret meaning of Ehben, A B :N, the
S'rCNE, as we have told. you before. Therefore
is it v,ritten that they who possess this STONE t h e means for preserving; their youth.,
expelling disease, preventing suffering, end
pr ovidinc; themselves .-rith a ll the y require.
All this is exactly and actually true., vrithout

any metaphor whatever. Success in the Great

Work so unites the personal self wit h the Oi:TE
IDEUTITY the.t every detail of the personal
existence is a conscious expression of the
ALl... PO':TER.
A life . so li7ed is a life of perfect free-
dom, perfect hell th, perfect joy. It is o. life
in which there i s no trq,ce o f vm.nt or
insufficiency. It is a life in which every
circUiilstance of daily experience affords an
opportunity for the demonstration of . what is
termed, in connection ,rith the lettar Tav, the
Administrative Int~lligence.
Such a life is, in highest measure, Q. per- .
feet fulfilment of one's real heart's desire.
It is the a.ctua.l and practical realiz0.tion of
heaven on earth, here and now. I:Ie vrho lives it
ceases to be a bond-slave to appeurunces, a
mere subject of the cosmic goyernment . He
enters i n t o j O'IJOUs participation . in that
g overnment, as one whose life is a. continual
o.dministr11tion of the perfe ct la,;r of liberty.
Muke this your goal. Devote yourself with
all your heart to it, and, ltke thousands vrho
have e;one this ,w.y before you, you shall be
among those who tread the joyous measures of
tho Dance of Life.

* * *
Hext week you will receive the Supplement to
this course. It is a series of meditations to
be used in ccnjunction with the ICeys of Tarot.
Be sure to follovr the instruction .given in this
Supplement, with full attention to all its
details. It is your .-;ork for next month.
'L'illOT FLl1

A foOH

You non p ossess the funda:nental knowledge

required for y our i'urther pr ogress. You have
had y our int r od uct ion t o Tar ot. You kn ow
enou gh about ICey to enable you to grasp
more' a dvanced instruction., Yet to make Ta.rot
serve ycu as, it, s,hould, you need to become even
better ~qpa~t.~d vritb j:b. In the hands of
experts, ,it is a po1rrerful instrument for self-
transfor mation ~and self-mastery. Yet even the
greatest pts ,in its U5e once knew less about
it th un you do novr.
Do not :make the mistake of trying -to reviev \r
TAROT FUi.ifD.tll JEN'l'ALS at this time You don't
repeat tlte . formula of introduction every time
you meet a nevr noquaint-nnce. N"o, you rratch his
beh a v :i:_-or
, every time you see him in a different
set of circ umst an ces. You g;et to Jmovr hirn bet
ter by hear ing nhat he says, and seein g , rhat he
does. So it is ,Tith Tarot. The best vray to
broaden and deepen your imo n led ge of it is
to see it f ront as !!lany different points of view
as possible_,
Remer.1ber, you ca :1 arro.."" these t,-renty-two
Keys (usin g them all in each arrangement)
no less than OHE SE.1:TILi,ION HAYS. The exact
number is l,124,000,727,777 1 607,0BO,ooo. There
are innumerab:}.e ~ther groupings, in which only
po.rt cf the series is used. Thus the total
number of possible arrangements is practically
in f inite -
Every combin ation has its ovm speci a l mean-
ing. Every combination calls forth its ovm
particular subconscious res p onse. Every com-
A M01'TH

bination brings to the surface of your n:.nd

some fresh perception of relationships b e-bte nn
ideas and things. Thus f:fVery combin e.tion h e lps
you to orge.nize your mind, and enab l es you to
knit Iri.Ol"eclosely the fe.bric of your thought.
In the follmving p~.ges you will find- ,twenty ..
four combinations. Use one each day. six de.ya
a week 6 the Monday after y~ receive
this lesson. Do .no work on Sundays. exoept the
recitation of the Pattern.
Begin by picking out the Keys selected . for
the day. Put them before you. Study them
carefully in relation to one ap."other. Then
read the meditation aloud.
The meditation~ have potent suggestive pow-
er. Every meditation is co.mpleted by a k'ey
sentence for the day 6 printed in capitalso
Write this on a slip of paper, e.nd car r y it
with you during the day.. Repeat it at
three times, as the day passeso
By carrying out this :instruction ce.~ef'ully
you will accomplish several desir~ble results.
You ,vill charge your subcansciousness daily
with seeds of cre ~tive thought. You will also
reviev.r the entire series of Tarot Keys., from a
fresh point of view.,, You will begin to under-
sta.."1.d from actuaJ. experience how wo!l.der:' ~1 11y
Tarot can aid you in living the liber ~.t ed lifee
After you have completed th ,3 fo ur -,ve ek,<:;'
practice you will be ready to send your ans wers
to the Proficiency Tesb at the end of this les-
s on. This 1.'lill en a ble you to check your grasp
The tools now in your hands. You }lave
learned Vlilat they You now begin to do the
work which will enable you to be what you want
to be., do what you want to do., and have every-
thing requ is :i.te to t :i- 1.0.
t 1::eing and doing. Fro.m
now on 9 you b.:,gi.n to ~ your daily life in

accordance with the principles and ln ws symbol-

ized by the Tarot Keys "" Your feet are firmly
plan t ed on the Way of Liberation.


Life limitless flows through me to complete

its perfect work. 'The povter ~hich guides all
things finds , in me an open qhannel of expres-
sion. Receiving that power freely, I freely
give it to al+ triings . and creatures in the
field of existence surrounding me~
DAY:Keys 2 and 3

The law of trut,1 is ,v.ritten in my he a rt; all

my members are ruled by it. Through 1rr-Jsubcon-
sciousness, I a:m united to the Source of nll
,risdom, and its light banishes every sh~dov t of
ignorance and fear. I share the perfect memory
of the Un5.versal Mindc, and have free access to
its trea.serss of knowled ge and wisdo.m.o

THL'lD DAY: Ke-.,ys4 and 5.

The Mind that frames the v1orlds is ruler of

my thoughts; I listen or ;its instruction.
Through me the ' One Life sets its house in or-
der:, and makes kncmn the hidclen meaning of its
ways and works., It arms me against all appear-
an ceo of h ostility, and by its revelation of
truth I meE:rt and solve the problems of this



FOURTHMY: Keys 6 and 7.

Th~ healing radiance of the One Life de-

scends upon me; it fills the field of - my vmole
-personal exist~nce ,vith heavenly influences of
strength and peace. All the farce of my being
is rightly disposed, far I yield mysal~ utter-
ly to the sure guidance of the One Will ~ch
governs all things. I see thmgs in their true
relationships and proycrtio:ns. and my words,..
expressing this clear visim. are words of'
pO\'J'er.- --
FIFTH DAY: Keys 8 and 9.

My strength is established. and I rejoice,

:for I am one with the single Source of all pow-
er. Nothing is, or can be, my antagonist, for
I run a perfectly responsive instrument, through
which . the Primal Will finds free expression.
The subtle vibrations of cosmic energy work to-
gether for my liber~tion~ and even now the Hand
ot the Eternal leads me step by step along the -
way to freedom.

SIXTH DAY: Keys 10 and 11.

One povirer spins electrons round the nucleua

o:f' ~ ' atbili. whirl:i:f planets round suns, express-

es itself in all cycles of universal activity,

yet remains ever itself, and perpetually main -
tains its equilibrium. The sum-total of the
revolutions of the great unive r se , including
all activities, is inseparable fro.m. the suc-
cessive tra.."'lsformations of energy which make up
my life . history. Every detail of my daily
experience is sar.1e part of a cosmic cycle of
adj .ustment and trrotsformation.

SEVENTH DAY: Ui.e on1y the l?ai,tern tOday.

EIGilTll DAY: Keys 12 and f3

I do nothing of my~elf ~ These thoughts and

, words and deeds ~re but th~ ripening of the
seeds of past a:ctivit"ie s. F:very phnse of my
personal existence depends utterly on the mo-
tion of the On~ Life.' .. Th.ref ore I am ,free from
fate, free from a ccident, free even from death,
since . what I truly am can suffer neither decay
nor change. By lmo-l'rledge of truth I reverse
all former pain-bearing errors . The darlmess
of ignor-o...ll.ce passes away , and the light of a
new day da wns in my h~art.

l'!rnTH DAY: Keys 14 and 15.

Recognizing ever; / det a il of my life experi-

ence to be the operation of the One Life, I
perceive that ewery appearance of a dversity
must be, in truth, a mask worn by th at s an e One
Life, to test Irrf pO\ver to know it, even through

the most forbidding veils. Like a wise

teacher, the One Life sets me problems, that
in the solutions I may receive renewed proof's
that nothing whatever mc.y be excluded from
the perfect order of the Great Plan.

TENTHDKY:Keys 16 and 17.

I am awakened from the nightmare of' delu-
sion, and now the truth . that GOd, Man and
Universe are but three names for the One
Ido:n:';;i !;y, is clen.r to me. Fear makes some
l!len bu5.;.d them prisons which they call places
of safety, but he who has seen the vis ion of'
the Beloved has in his heart no roo;m for
ELEVENTHDAY: Keys 18 and 19.

lcy fee-t are set upon the path of libera- ,;

tion, which shall lead :c1e far !'ran the limits ;-.
of the world of sense illusion. I follow the ...
Way of Return, as a child turns _its faoe
homeward at the end or the day. I do not oee
the end of the roadJJ for it goes boy .end it:he
boundaries of my present .vision, but I lmow
the s,m shines there., and that joy is there,
for I have heard the messages of encourage-
ment sent back by those who have gone <n
. -~ ~-..
. :,


~;BLFTH DAY: Keys 20 ruid 21.

TheT lifa of the : hentoens- .is manif':ested in


.e _, here on earth. The fire of right knowl-

dge burns avro.y the bonds of illusion_, and
he light of right under~tanding transforms
he face of the world. Through me the Per ..
,etual Intelligence which governs . El.11 things
.dministers ita Perfect Law

'HIRT~ENTHDAY: Key~ O, l, 2. "self-consciousn~ss ." of mine is the
Leans whereby the cultural pcn'fer of the One
,ife may be directed to the field of subco.n-
cicus activity. Its primary function is
ha t or alert attention. -As I 1.-mtch closely
he sequence of this day's events., their
leani.Tlg will be transmitted to my subcon-
ciousness., thera to ge1minate . in forms of
ight kno wledge and right desire.

'OURTBEHTHDAY: Use only the Pattern.

'IFTEEHTH DAY: Keys S, 4, 5.

~y personal world is as I see it. If the

ma.gas rising fr~ my subconsciousness are
onsequences of rey faulty perceptions of oth-
1r days, the new kn0vrledge I have gained will
Lelp me detect and destroy them. By baing
;hus ever on the watch., I shRll set rey' vvorld
.n order. Thus., too, shall I make ready to
Lear the Voice of Intuition, which will
enable me to solve my problems when I am face

to face with appearancos of . disorder ,vhich nw

reasoui.. .. g will not set straight.
SIXTEENTHDAY: Keys 6, 7, 8.
Consciousness and subconsciousness work
together in my life, as harmoniously balanced
counterparts. I yield my whole personality
to the directive and protective influx of the
One Life. The mighty forces of vibration
below the level of' my self-consciousness ,
purified and adjusted by the Master Power of
which I am a receptive vehicle.

SEVENTEENTHDAY: Keys 9, 10, 11.

The Will of' the Eternal guides me to per-

fect union with the One Identity. Every
detail of my daily e::<:perience is il1 truth a
revelation of tha c; Will through the cycles of
its expression. Whe:t I do now is inseparable
from the cosmic sequences of I:1anif'estnti<lD.
vih.ich establish the reign of justice through-
out creation.

DAY:Keys 12, 13, 14.

~very detail of my personal activity is

really s cme part of the operation of the cos-
mic life. Today I reap the fruit of thoughts
and words and deeds of other da~, and pass;
on to better th:ings" I run guided, moment by
moment, by the oversha.dmrlng presence of the
One Identity.



D.AY: Keys 15, 16, 17.

E,fery appearanoe of adver~ity and antagon -

ism is an evidence of faulty vision . ~et me
be freed today from the delusion or separate-
ness, and let my eyes be opened to . the w:hite
splendor of the Truth or Being.

iTIETHDAY:Keys 18, 19, 20.
Every cell in ey body is unmated by the
cosmic urge to freedom. I turn my bac~ upon
the limitations of the past, and face coura.
ge ous ly t o..--ro.rdthe new ;;ro.y which opens bef' ore

TWENTY-FIRSTDAY: Use only the Pattern.

I am not deceived by the manifold illu-
sions . of' sens&tion.. I remember c ontinua.lly
that these appearances but ref'lections o
a Single Reality. My subconsciousness., by
its power o deductive reasoning., develops
the seed o right observation into a rioh
harvest of' wisdom.

DAY:Keys 4, 5, 6.
The empire of the Universal Order includes
the little province of my personal existence.
All . experience teaches me the perfection of
the Great Plan. Consciously and subcon-
sciously, I respond to the perfect WisdQn
which rules all creation.

DAY:Keys 7, 8., 9.
The One Life lives through me. Its vital
fire pervades my being. Its lmfailing Will
sustains ms continually.
DAY:Keys 10, 11, 12.
The revolutions of circumstance in the
outer world are manifestations of the One
Povter seated in my heart. That Power main-
tains its perfect equilibrium throUgh all
these sequences of cause and effect. My per-
sonal activities have no existence apart from
that Pov.rer

TYiElJTY-SIXTHDAY: Keys 13, 14, .15.

Out of the darkness of the unknown comes the

pov;er which sets me fre&. The Way or Libera-
tion stands open and free. I face this day 1 s
tests with joyful heart.

DAY: Keys 16, '}-7, 18.

Let others imprism themselves in their

tower~ oi' false lmowledge. I will be free J
. Let others dread the workings .or our Mother Na.-
tur .e. I will iove s.11 her ways Z Let other;J be
servants or the body which they hate, , because
they are its slaves. I . will make it m;, servant
and love it for its faithfulness in responding
to my conm1ands l
. DAY: ,Use only the Pattern
T1HENTY-HlUlE'.lJH. today~

You are nov, ready to check your pr ogress by

rneans of the Profic -iency Test, given in the two
pages following. This vrill help you sum1narize
clearly the results of your work with TAROT
Fu1rn.AMENT.ALS. It will also focus all your for-
ces for the fascina:'Ging use of Ta.rot taught in
the next course, TAROT IN'.r:ERPRETATION. Send us
your replies to the Proficiency Test.


In arunvering these questions, write on one

side only of' letter-size sheets {8 x 11).
put your name and a.ddress at the top of' the
first page. a.."'l.d number each ans..-rer to oorre-
spond to the questions. Do not copy the ques-
tions. Make your answers brief.

1. .Howdoes Tru-ot; evoke thought?

2. Vfuat stc..tement in THE PATTERN ON THE

TRE3TLEB0ARD means most to you? Which seems
most dif'f'ioult?

3. Vfuich number from O to 9 seems most im-

portant to you? Which of' the 22 Keys is your

4. \'fuat is magic?

5. How does oua tap the Universal Memory?

6. Who.t is the significance cf the number

Five and of the Penta.grrun, as symbols o:r man?

7. Yfuat do you understand by the Hexagram,

or six-pointed st~?

a. As symbols 0 oonsciousness, what nre

Sulphur, Salt and Mercury?

9. What is the occult teaching a.bout water

as substance?

10. "\That is the occult meaning or the

Hebrew noun translated"?
.. . ~.



11. lToat is the activity of the liberating

aspect ot the force symbolized by Key 152
12. 'Vlhy the Yods in Key 16 suspended in
the air?

13. Why does the . woman in Key 17 rest her

i' oot on the suri'c.ce of the pool?

14. Upon wtmt fundamental condition does

the . achievement of your purpose depend?

15:) Tlhat is the significance of the saying.,

"Osiris is a black god"?

16. \Thnt is the 1;00.l of the Great V[ork?

17. After careful study of the lessons, and
of the tables in HIGHLIGHTS, construct from
me:raory the Cube of Space. Use two diagrums,
and shO\v the following attributions:

1. Directions.
2. Tnrot Keys, by name.
3. Letters of the Hebreu alphabet.
4. The various "Intelligences."
5. Alphabetical numeral v~lues (not num-
bers of Keys).
6. Astrologicalsymbols.
7. Symbols of elements.
Below your diag;rnms vi1rite a short paragraph
giving your idea of the manner in which this
Cube helps interpret life by means of' . Tarot.

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