Staff Meeting
Staff Meeting
Staff Meeting
Desired Outcomes:
oReview and discuss expectations that will support a safe, learning environment.
Share out and finalize plans for Digital Literacy Day and Celebration of African American History
& Contributions Day.
oldentify two action steps to move on as a school to support Goal 3 of SlP.
General Common Agreements:
o Arrive prepared
o Start on time
o Seek the good of the whole
o Seek firstto understand
o Seek 3rd alternatives
o End on time
o Limit sidebar conversations
o Technology - phones on silenq vibrate, or upside down - laptops only for taking notes
2 mins Review Pearce
10 mins Pearce Teap Review & Discuss
negotiables i''
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Review l- L/ -
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5 mins. Pearce
- Letter Notification from School
Fl Plan
3 mins eearce* 1.3rQ, Share final expenditures for plan
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Digital Literacy li-Y,r;" ' ,r l' ,.i
Day and 9I xtr-;r:.'i' i ,
t\ Celebration of =..:'f--
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African ,
Each Teim/Departmeni shares out plan. leams cdtl ,: ,;"'
10 mins American s)t- 11 t (..:.
provide recommendations to others.
History &
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Contributions \ : .J i ,t, .. ,
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Goal 3 & 1., ': i-'
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Review, PIan and Decide I r'^. i
Expectations and Non-Negotiables:
. Follow the PBIS response to behavior chart- warning, bounce, parent contact, BIC, office
referral... unless it involves drugs, weapons or fighting. Those 3 are automatic office
. USE DOJO to identiS and reward positive behaviors. Positive reinforcement results in
increased positive behaviors. Mr. Scanlan and Ms.G willbe giving out info through
PBIS regarding grade level accounGl-
i,i Ensure structures and routines in the classroom are in place, have been taught, and are
followed consistently. Questions to reflect on: What is the entry routine? Is thele a ) /i':
routine for getting Chromebooks and putting them up-Whatliihe exitrottine? ,'''
a Do not send more than two students out of the room at a time unless called by a staff
tl ,/ ---? member (no more than one to the bathroom at a time). Question to reflect on: Is there a
plan in place to monitor how frequently students are requesting to leave? Some are using
it as a way to get out of class and partaking in unacceptable behaviors in the hall.
# leave group of students unattended. Stand in your doorway in the morning as students
arrive and between class changes so you can monitor students in the hall and in the room
at the same time.
o Students should be escorted to Enhancements and lunch.
. Hold all students accountable for behavior expectations... No cell phones unless used for
direct instruction at the time or lunch; All students walk on the right side, one by one, not
two by two or three by three ("Right &g! 1ILt49-BlUq:' rygl!, glgAt iq tbg tgi" bgldir-,_g )
. Teach preferred behaviors- review Matrix before moving to new locations; build social
skills and cultural competencies into lessons.
. Stick to the master schedule- Ensure all students are moving to lunch and Enhancements
at the correct time. If students are feleased early andlor late, adequate supervision in the
areas may not be present.
o Afternoon Dismissal
' 3:40 is for car riders onty. All car riders MUST exit at the end of the 6th
grade hall. Use the bell for dismissal, not phones. r, ,.,1
. 3:45 is for buses and athletes. No athlete should dismiss before 3:45 to ..f iii , ,I
change for practice. Adequate supervision is not in the halls before 3:45. ,.,' ,:4n','-\rl
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Teachers not on duty, should walk with their classes through the tunnel to';.1 I
X'r.1. I :
Multi-language access
via the website (for
newsletter, web pages,
Safe School; Create a multicultural Costs for planned Media website pictures of
Community; activity calendar in activities and resources Coordinator/ calendar/ displays and
Rigorous which different cultures needed for instruction. jou'malism/yearb visual displays of events
Cuniculum & are highlighted each ook class/ in hallways posted/
lnstruction month. The calendar Administratior/ lesson plans
will include a global CCed
topic as well. Topics committee/
will be integrated in teachers
instruction school wide
Enforce the Positive PBIS funds- cost for PBIS PBIS committee monthly
Behavior hrtervention rewards/recognition Committee/ minutes/ ODR reports
Support (PBIS) Adminishation/ Dojo reports
Implementation: staff
o Dojo Points
r Acknowledgem
ent System
. Dragons on
o Attendance
Items in the school's budget designated to funds for technology, training and tools to support
globalinitiative. gtrffn\ hf\
Globally-focused resources and materials are aVailable for teachers and students.
The visual displays throughout the school reflect student-led global investigations.
Artifacts and materials related to region of focus/global theme are displayed in classrooms.
Classrooms are equipped with appropriate and latest technology for global investigation and
The school environment is focused on integrating and celebrating community diversity (staff, iamilies,
A successful gtobal schoot provides feachers differentiated professional devetopment, tools and support.
Educators are using student global competence indicators focused on assessing global attitudes, skills
and knowledge.
Educators are connecting with peers to improve their practice and to receive feedback (virtual or
Educators have professional development opportunities focused on global education (attend, present, I
Iead, etc.).
Educators use formative and summative assessments to gauge global learning.
Pillar - Experiential Learning
lmplementation Strategy: Globalizing lnstruction - Glassroom practices
ln a successful global school, students are highly engaged and develop knowledge, attitudes and skitls needed for a
complex global society.
Students teach and learn from each other, both virtual and within their communities.
Students investigate other cultures and countries and demonstrate empathy and curiosity.
The school has established community partnerships that encourage student to present their learning
with wider audiences.