October 27 TH Blueprint Lesson 2
October 27 TH Blueprint Lesson 2
October 27 TH Blueprint Lesson 2
If we want to create free plasma energy, we must have a single cohesive document with
actionable step by step instructions.
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nation and as one creation and one creator to live his life in the universe in peace. - MT Keshe
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Good morning to you good day to you wherever and whenever you listen to these teachings. Today is the second
day of blueprint week, Teachings where we teach how for you to make the blueprint. We teach you how to make
the system yourself and we go together in one direction to be able to produce energy unit which is good enough to
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help mankind to go to the next level of the development of society. Where we are not dependent on oil, and we are
not dependent on coal or on any other means which man has been waiting for ... for thousands of years. When we
finish completing this technology in the coming weeks, every man at every point on this planet, be it in the jungle
... or be it in the skyscrapers of New york or Tokyo will have his own independent power unit. This is not as I
always say, over developed for use on this planet. We have developed this technology for space. In space we
become independent of any resources on earth that we can take a step into deep space without worrying about
where the next food will come from, where the next water will come from, where will be oxygen to breathe and if
we can have shelter where we land. We have developed ... a technology in totality to cover all needs on man while
in space but the development has been so rapid that we have decided to share the knowledge...
0:24:15 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=24m15s Now you understand when we start the next step, is today as
part of the blueprint is to understand what is the next step. The next step we saw with Richard, he showed you his
pieces in the caustic going black, nano coated. He took it out as you saw with Armin teaching yesterday, he put it
in for a second time steaming, that if there is any missed now you can strengthen and cover. If you saw in the
black box of Richard, there are a couple of black pieces on the side like this.
0:25:04 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=25m04s I explain to you this was the same copper pieces you cut, you
can get a bigger piece like this, what we use here or you can do what we do in the factory, we bought a ton of
copper for commercial accounts.
0:25:24 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=25m24s So what happened, you nanocoat one part and you take
another piece of copper the same you make a solution of salt. if you live near the sea, use sea water. Thats
your best solution. If you live anywhere near big lakes, seas, oceans, take water from it - you dont need to do
anything. Anybody who is using the seawater, they are reporting such a huge result that its not even worth buying
salt to put it in it.
0:26:38 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=26m38s So what do you do, you connect (reference to video). You
put your nano coated copper piece, and copper which is not nano coated in a content of a salt and you connect
the two together with a piece of wire. What you do, you connect one piece out and connect the other piece and
then you join them the two wires outside.
0:27:14 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=27m14s If the salt content is correct and if the temperature is correct,
what you gonna end up with in the water is that now every single nanomaterial which you created on your wire ..
Now, whats gonna happen they are gonna be released and more or less what colours you will see
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0:27:48 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=27m48s ...this was your nano material on the wire (referencing the
dots drawn on the whiteboard as the nano-material on the wire) , now whats gonna happen, they are gonna
be released, and more or less what colours you will see depending on the current flow between the two plates is
most probably green. You will see layers of green (draws green dotted lines above and below the previously
drawn lines with a white space between) at the bottom of the box. So all these nano layers, when they change,
they become green in colour.
0:28:09 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=28m09s And you can see it here (shows the camera a light green
layering at the bottom of a plastic container) You can see this colour green, lighter green, different kinds of
green comes through. And what you will see is that when you collect these at the bottom; it becomes like
sediment, but you see these at different kind of sediment than youre used to, its like a floating gel. But it is the
atomic structure of free plasma of the copper; there is a way you can do it much faster too, that is, if you connect a
normal copper plate and another copper plate in the salt water and connect it to 1.5 volts and 0.5 amps input you
see that they just bubbles off. (audio/video frozen)
0:30:26 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=30m26sSo there is a way you can speed up the production of GaNS
material, is the GaNS as we said, is when the material itself; which is in the centre, changes to, if you look at it,
this is a copper in a matter state. you nano-coated it and it became black and now you put it in the salt, the nano
atomic structure which was connected to the matter now releases itself, what you are gonna get at the bottom of
your pot is something like this.Youre gonna get very much,what you are gonna get out of the bottom is like this,
lots of green. So you have, the water at the top and you have you Gans material at the bottom. There are different
things to do.If your current is too high, for example you go to 2.5 amp , sorry, 1.5 amp and 2.5 volts, your copper
(metal) will look this colour (holds up a plastic container with the associated colored material to
demonstrate) - it wont look green. no the copper will be about this colour, its a copperish colour but it wont be
green. Its still a Gans material but you made the speed of change so much when its green its copper oxide, when
its copper colour you see you have, you have eh, copper, Cu or O2 this is green, if you do a fast rate then here
comes -the master is here Armen can shows it to you come and to see it (the copper) .This is the copper nano
coated and a zinc, and here at the bottom we are collecting CO2 is white. with the copper, if you connect it to a
plate and a current then its a copper oxide. If it is a high rate then it is a copper in a Gans state itself. Its the colour
of copper. If you increase the rate very high it goes black, but still is copper content but in a different combination.
0:33:23 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=33m23s So you get 2 different colours but at the end its all Gans. you
can use copper and zinc to get CO2, but try to take your time, you will understand what I am talking about- in a
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very short time. If you leave your copper oxide which has gone very fast for conversion of copper it is brownish
copper at the beginning and after a couple of days you see the material changes to green, oxidizes. So, you see
the conversion, it sometime happens to be black. so what you see, trying to get into oxidization level, not just to
create copper all the time - as a GaNSes-state, single atomic plasma. The reason being is, when you come to use
what you are producing for your system, power ratio of the plasma comes into play. Copper is 59 60 something in
that region, but if you oxidize it now its 59 plus 36, that gives you 95 - you see the difference? It's the difference if
you understand between this toilet roll (h olds up an almost empty toilet roll) and this toilet roll (hold up a very
full toilet roll) - you have a stronger plasma, and a stronger plasma is what you are looking for - if you remember
yesterday's teachings. So, try to do it slow, try to go into oxidization, try to make a mixture of GaNSes, mix copper
0:35:27 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=35m27s If you put in your system where you have this copper oxide, as
it is, a copper plate nano coated and a zinc and if you put a piece of iron in it, you start getting blood, you get
haemoglobin. Do not use hemoglobin- or red blood in your system. What you see if you can come close to with
your cameras you can see what i'm talking about. On the top you have a fat layer, this is what i said to you
yesterday. If you see this fat on the top, this is what becomes oil later on, this is if it comes in interaction with iron,
becomes hemoglobin and then becomes human life in a way or form, animal red blood. If it comes in mixture, if
you see this fat this is how life started on this planet. for the first time we can prove there was no adam and eve
the start of life it starts with amino acid which is sitting on the top, but just putting a copper plate and a zinc - zinc
is the emotional part of the body of the man, copper is the physicality of the man, and then when you put iron in it -
it becomes red hemoglobin and that is how life is started. So, when we explain it to you yesterday that, oil will
never finish now you see the beginning of the oil industry. All of you, when you make these plates you will see this
and what you are actually interested in, I forgot to show you, is at the bottom, which is the co2. None of you has
ever seen or most of you CO2 in a solid state, but now with the development of plasma technology you can hold
and play with CO2 even as a paste.
0:38:00 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=38m00s If you've been to our teachings most of you have done it
yourself, and if what i explained you can add iron to this fat or amino acid, if you look at the bottom of here you see
Blood (shows the camera) you see the redness of the blood. That's how life is started, thats copper oxide comes
with zinc and you can see the red blood. This has been tested on the camera for our live stream, where you can
see that we have produced litres of blood by using iron. You can see the difference, it's just in the shade there. So
when you add iron to the amino acid - hemoglobin is created.
0:39:00 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=39m00s So, now we understand a sense of the creation. How it has
been developed, but in your system you try to get mixture of everything, because, when it comes to produce
energy in the next step, you need a soup of Gans. When you collect these at the bottom, you get a syringe, you
extract it, you put it on under a heater to dry it from liquid. What you do- you extract this part, you put it on a plate
until its dry or you dry it with a lamp and dries much faster, it took me ages to dry one. Just a heating light and it
dries it in a couple of hours at morning you have the right paste, so, you need, ah yes you have to wash the salt
out, but when you extract it, i forgot one place, the other guru/group? reminds me,
0:40:00 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=40m00s You have to wash the salt off because you created this in the
salt condition, wash put some, what you call it, distilled water in your mixture when you extract it, 2 or 3 times, let
it settle, take the top water out. Then you have a pure GaNS. then dry your GaNS not to a paste yet but to a
liquidish like a running soup but not like liquid liquid but in a pasty liquid, like a stew, that the word I was looking
for. So you put what you do, you put your Gans materials, i go through this again, but if you're on keshe foundation
website there are everywhere you now how to make it. So now you nanocoated what you see with richard, you
made your nano-coating off your material. We put the plasma aside here, so now you made your nano coated
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springs the way we saw. Then what you need to do you get this stew, thin soup, which you made, has to be made
very runny but not thick you fill it up into the bottom of your container and all you do, very very gently, you get hold
of your rings and you just put your rings nano coated rings inside it, and just shake it, until it gets fully covered with
the soup. You take it out, and you just let it dry. it has to dry totally. it's not black anymore it has the colour of your
soup you need it, the soup is the Gans.
0:42:20 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=42m20s Now the most important part of the whole operation is this
soup! If you put, your nano-coated material together you get nothing, you see, it does not work. Now with the
soup, you have attached the sun to it - the energy unit to it. The secret is - putting the Gans, as the soup, back on
the spring, on the nano-coated (spring). Now, the soup, the Gans of the soup becomes everlasting supply to
already superconducting layer here. You created this superconductive layer by nano-coating, and now, you bring
the soup back. You put the Gans in a liquid state where it can attach itself to this material, and then what happens
here, these layers of superconductors will carry the energy of the plasma back into the superconductor level
because it's a matter state, or if you make it strong enough into the copper as a AC feed. So now you understand,
that's the simplicity, that means the part of the breakthrough in the technology - without this, if you put this together
2 nano-coated materials will give you nothing.Once you put it through the soup and you let it dry.
0:44:00 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=44m00s If its not totally dry you will get a big bang because now you
have water molecules which when you put the energy of the current through it it just explodes, it evaporates. So
when youve done this coating, youve washed your springs (of salt), and then you let it dry totally absolutely it has
to be dry- even if it takes two days you have to let it dry. If you hang it it dries properly. Then you have the first
basis for the next step to start absorbing the energy of the plasma into superconducting layers which you already
created. In the future when we develop the technology further as I explained to you - we will take the Copper out in
a specific way but the nano-layer stays, because dont forget this nanomaterial is connected to this (points to the
green center and the dots as the nano coating) if you take it out the wrong way then you destroy the base and
the nano-coating disappears because its connected to it. It has to be done in a specific way but you empty literally
the tube (draws.fills in the green center tube) and then what youre going to get is a hollow superconductor
magnetic field plasma flow system. This has been the dream of communications specialists because now what
happens - don't forget each one of these is a plasma if you look at the bottom of this pipe what you have is a
beautiful The copper pipe is here, you have your nano-coating (around it/ on it), then you already have Gans on
it (around that/ on it), now you have this solid - when you empty this copper (pipe) of matterous state It has to be
like whitewash if you put a chalk in the water to cover the windows so nobody can see in (is called the whitewash)
the opacity/thickness has to be that kind that it sticks to the nanomaterial, don't forget the GaNS is trying to repel
the nanomaterial itself -its a magnetic field holding. You have to create a place that it holds onto. So, the beauty
with this is so now if we empty / hollow this you see what happens (Mr. Keshe shows on the board an
emptied copper wire from inside) you have centerdly environment which is surrounded by plasmas. Here its a
pure -in this region- superconductive plasma condition without any matterous state ??hollow better than hollow
glas??. Zero time loss of information because plasma -total magnetic, superimposing another plasma, total
magnetic, central free, surrounded by plasmas. This has been the dream of physicists in the world of material. A
superconductor at no cost in a way of you take a hollow copper tube you get the same effect. It can transfer
information at zero time anywhere on this planet. And if you can do it the right way when you understand how it
works ...zero time transportation, communication anywhere across the universe, because nothing is lost. So you
see as part of development a breakthrough even in the world of communication. All it is we have a tube here you
can see it -you have this- this is the nanocoated spring, GaNS-coated -there is nothing in the center of the spring-
the center is superconductor transportation of anything you need ...even energy you can cross over. All you need
to do for physical application you can put a plastic coating ?there? if you like. This is million times more effective,
carried more information that any fiber glass at the moment used in communication. Zero loss. You can do the
same thing with your energies.
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50:59 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=50m29s You can transport MW (mega watts) and GW (gigawatts) through
these nano holes since this is superconductor zero time loss and is protected fully by plasma magnetic field with
no loss, because the two layers will protect themselves.
So now you understand what is the next step for you in your process. So what you are going to end up with , is
this (showing the unit ) -you know you have been through this, they said there is one i made before -this is one i
made before . This is a unit which has been through the process , so this has been through, how you call it,
through whitewash. This is the system where the wires have been nanocoated, ill open it and you can see (Mr.
Keshe opening the wires) two ends and when you look you can see it's a very very dusty white wash. This is your
power supply this is the oil fields of the universe (Mr. Keshe is coming closer to camera with the coil) , it's a very
very fine dust on it , and this is what you call The GaNS material . Without this you find out that system does not
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because you can not work when there is no fuel. You made the tools, now with producing the GaNS you fuel the
system. This is the backbone of the technology. This is the brakethrough out off which you have been waiting for,
without it it dose not work because, as my grandmother use to say : if you did not have the breakfast do you
expect to understand the school? -there's nothing in there! -she meant the stomach. You can not work without
fuel. So this is the secret to whole package. The GaNS which you produce, i explain to you how you do, how you
make this liquid. It has to be fully saturated.. you let it dry. If you are not happy with it , you don't think it has been
done good enough when is dried do it the second time.[-EXAMPLE VIDEO PART 1- -EXAMPLE VIDEO PART 2-]
There is no hurry! This is what i said to somebody recently-man has been waiting for this for millions of years
-take your time -one or two days does not make much difference -but do it correctly. All you need to make this
paste is: the copper wire, if you nano coat it, or a copper piece of plate and zinc to create CO2,- this is what you
see in the bottom here . Or you put two copper plates or two zinc- one nano coated one not nano coated and you
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create as many different types of GaNS. You gotta understand now why i put this formula on the top.
Here is 95 (showing the drawing board), plasmatic magnetic field strength, here is 59 (showing the drawing board)
[Note: possibly talking about the combination of Copper (Cu, 29) and Zinc (Zn, 30) = 59, even though not
specifically mentioned by element...],
you can see the gradience of the field strength where energy flows inwards.
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That is why if you just produce copper, you wont get that good result because then it is 59 against 59 , maybe
some oxidization, But when you MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A MIXTURE , even if you can make a COMPOSITE
GaNS, that this goes from 200, 250, you get a better power supply, because there's more energy which can come
out of the system. YOU NEED A PLASMA GRADIENT. ((difference in GANS element placements on the periodic
table. Ideally above copper.) -> (Periodic table)) If you can make these things of a heavier element (Bismuth?) Go
to above copper. Go for heavier materials, go even for plutonium, go for uranium, I will teach you what they comes
to, It (GaNS) is not radioactive. non-radioactive plutonium is part of your life you all carry part of it in your body. We
all are the most effective nuclear power stations which we call the human body. So look for very heavy metals.
Nano-coat them. They will be nanocoated a slightly different way. ( how?) Because you need a high temperature to
create the nanocoating. And then, coat your copper line with that. (heavy metal gans composite thick liquid) You
find 200 to 59 is a big difference. The gradient is much much bigger. A more powerful system.
00:57:14 https://youtu.be/z7DFZgxTswI?t=57m14s Then you see how your system is going to be powered, when
we come to the next step. So your homework yesterday was to make the coils, and form the coils some of you
have already managed to come to the nanomaterial. Todays homework is- try to make as much GaNS as you
can, that this GANS - why we call it a GaNS is Gas in Nano State. Because you evaporated at the point of (points
to an inner dotted line of the outer dots on a coil/wire) gas state of the matter in a singularity of a nano it becomes
atomic structure of itself in a plasma state what we call a GaNS. Gases in a Nano State, that's where the
technology comes from we call it a GaNS because when you heat it it doesn't melt it goes so fast on the top layer
(draws a line along the dots on the first layer on connected to the copper) in a vapor condition to escape. But what
it does the magnetic field of the copper itself pulls it back and then because its separated? in a nano state as a
gas, then it appears as a nanomaterial going back on itself. Thats how its created. So the technology of the
GaNS means Gas in a Nano State, so when you put a GaNS layer on this (the copper wire) the bigger difference
on the inside, the higher gradient, the better powerful system .
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Producing GANS is not that hard, the most powerful Systems you get if you use heavier combinations of Atoms.
The nano layer which we established on our coals is made out of copper, so it has a nucleon number of 63. If we
want to make our generator more effective we need to produce GANS with higher nucleon numbers, for example
like explained above on the picture, with copper and nano coated copper you get a GANS out of CuO2 so you got
copper with 63 plus two oxygen (16) in total 95 so it is heavier. You also can use, Zinc and nano coated copper
you end up with CO2. Play with GANS, try the optimum, when you don't feel that it's good enough then do it again.
We waited thousand of years for this, so take your time! ...
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need or us to learn from them. And sometimes we have teachings in respect to children. But mainly Tuesday
afternoons is a public opening for the health applications.
00:03:55 [Human body structure as a Vacuum/Plasma state] If you look at the structure of the human body it is a
one dynamic plasmatic system. Something which man never realized and has been in the teachings of the Keshe
Foundation, is that the body of the man is very much if you look at it - just like this (draws picture) a long
open-ended tube. This is the mouth and this is the exit part (draws xs at the top to represent the mouth and the
lower exit to represent the exit part). If you look at it, it's just one big long sausage. If you look at it, its in a total
vacuum state (labels one side of the sausage body as VA ST - vacuum state). It's in a better vacuum condition
than deep space. It ( the body) has managed to create such a vacuum condition that can create life, sustain it, at a
matter state condition. So the body of the man, on its own is the universe -well organized universe, and it works in
its own (looks to be drawing depth perception to the body/sausage) vacuum condition.
00:05:50 As we know, in a vacuum condition, everything is in a state of plasma. So every piece- every cell in the
body of the man is literally in the GaNS state, in a plasmatic state. Because we touch it, in respect to the
atmospheric environment its in we have fooled ourselves into thinking it has to be a matterous state but its
nothing but interaction of the plasmas at a very high vacuum condition. We puncture, it we cut it- immediately it
creates his own sealing system, but if you look it has two functions. It (the body) has connected itself to another
piece (draws a head around the mouth area labeled x ), we call the head, (erases the top x to representing a
filtering process from vacuum of the body to open space and the head is without a neck yet) and what has done is
connected one piece to here ( draws the neck connecting the head to the body ) and one piece to the top ( draws
a red nose, mouth, or brain in the head as a new mouth of sorts ).
This piece(the neck connection) to feed the physical parts ( draws and points to the sausage/human body/core)
and this piece through the nose to feed the emotional part. (air that comes in through the nose feeds emotional?..
looks like a line from the ears or nose to the brain?)
[Applying our understanding of Plasma state to the Healing of body cells]: So when you understand now that
everything in the body is in the plasma condition, one important thing in the body of man is the health section. Now
we understand how everything can be affected in the body of the Man without the use of any medicine because
now that we know the body of the man is made of GaNS and the GaNS itself is a plasma. All you need to know is
how much it's taking ( arrow into circle/ closed vacuum of body/ cell) and how much its giving.( arrow out of the
00:08:40 (draws a red circle , with a h = a heart cell) all you do is change this, it can be a cell of the heart or a cell
of the breast (now with b letter used as an example) its all the same, each one has a given specific mass that is
its gravitational magnetic field balance and so all you need from now on to interact with the abnormalities is just to
change the environment or change the rate of the flow of the fields to Gans material ( draws a green circle around
the cell) this technology is at its infancy but today Brennan showed us new systems if this is the first time you have
come to the foundation you may say these are strange people that these people work with twisted wires which are
nano coated. These people put the wire on themselves and it works and they say it works they are a bunch of
crazy ones. Now they say that weve created the cult that nobody will believe all these lies but then they lose their
pain and it changes everything because it doesnt fit into the structure of the present Society because you have to
take your medicine but now in the space with apologies you cant take the medicine with us, you just take
(digresses looking for pen)
Sarenas Experience with the Pen and fibromyalgia/ finger pain/stiffness: (Keshe) This lady has been using my
pen since yesterday do you know who she is she is the voice of the translator of the peace conference with the
world ambassadors. Serena, shes had a problem shes been after me for a year can you do something about my
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pain. now. I gave her this pen yesterday and she used it she can tell you she suffers from severe fibromyalgia very
rare cases of it but shes had a problem here (Sarena) I had my little finger for the last two months was very rigid
and dark colored, and had a little bit of growth on it and painful and I experimented with the pen for about five
minutes last night and all of the darkness and the rigidity and pain with went away in five minutes its feeling much
better (Serena moves her hands around in all different directions and she feels young again) (Keshe) thank you
so you have seen it its understanding now that the technology its not just the pen something hiding in it youre so
crazy that we show it life two-day Brandon/Brennan? showed different types for different diseases now the beauty
of it is the Chinese have one even gone a stage further theyre making hats and helmets and body pieces for it
they fill them with the GaNS of different materials and we seen the results and usually more or less instantaneous.
00:12:55 In minutes, within hours maybe within days, if theres an imbalance in this system ( points at his
drawing of the cell and adds arrows) not only what the pen does to it. It (presumably- the pen) takes from it ( the
body/cell) what it doesnt need, just giving it away and in a way its (the pen) giving back to it ( the body cell) what
it is short of. when the system finds its balance in the environment there is no more pain.
[Regeneration of Organs and limbs]- humans vs Lizards 00:13:30 In the next two weeks as we announce we will
release the system very simple for regeneration of organs, of arms and legs and fingers because now we
understand the process. Its been a big mystery we explain this because a lot of your new people what I call my
teachings, foundation people know that one of the biggest mysteries for us human beings has been where the
reptiles can make their tails regrow- if we chop them up if they lose it they heal the tail. ( draws a critter with tail
sliced off) Overtime they slowly build detail doesnt get built from here it (not from the air towards the body, but
from the body outwards into the air) Builds here and goes this way now we know the secret it has been one of the
biggest mysteries of the science why can we not regrow my finger. I remember maybe you can find it announcers
says he has looked for the videos that are supposed to be on the website about the brain tumor and that kind of
stuff and they were never transferred from the old server a response there should be a video on The health sight,
of the fingertip of a woman can you get Caroline on the line and ask her if she can transfer the documents or
pictures of Mackey?
What we found out and What is done now and its going to be released to be done is we have realize now how the
lizards do the growth, is no mystery into it, absolutely no mystery because this is exactly what we spoke about this
morning remember we have the copper wire and we spoke about the nanomaterials ( draws a wire with dots
above) we created the net materials then went to Id like very much the tip of the pen so what has happened.
(Someone comes in and he is talking about getting access to the pics- online?) so what we have found out as you
have seen the pen what the lizard does at the point of the cut, his body creates its own vacuum. with us we dont
do that . And how he does the vacuum is that he creates an immediate nano layer here thats all he does ( as the
point of the cut) he creates a cell combination that the last cells in The body becomes Nanomaterial, a nano layer .
so what what happens its like here( the pic of the copper wire) information comes, it is absorbed in the nano layer.
As far as the brain is concerned nothing has happened because in the human race in our body when the
information comes you cannot go anywhere ( points at cut end of the lizard tail) information becomes pain in that
pains shows danger you dont do this again we touch fire we no fire burns dont touch it so when the brain sends
this information to the human body dont touch it pane so the body does not send any more information for the cell
to move on or reproduce but happens in the lizard is that when information comes because it has created a nano
layer there the energy gets absorbed into that later and the brain gets no registration of pain so it carries on
developing and what happens in Missouri peeps on stacking up the tail because the nano layer stays on the end
as it grows moves and the tail keeps on growing as it moves the goal to the next step to the next it next it until the
( @20 min) as far as the brain is concerned there are no more layers so the tail finishes now he knows the secret
there is no nothing in the memory of the lizard has learned at the point of cut to create a specific temperature heat
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that creates and then a layer of the site the way you put your copper and caustic created the heat enough to nano
coat the lizard creates that temperature at that point now what we did when you understand that all you need to do
it cost $.10 cents to produce the specific plate too place in front of the amputated finger and allow you To move it
back its the same thing as the information comes in the same process follows he can grow the whole finger weve
done this is not.
[Keshe Italy release of limb regeneration plates] Now we teach the technology its done through plasma
technology. By the end of Nov, Keshe foundation in Italy will release at least 100,000 plates to the hospitals
around the world we are leaving it on the conscience of the surgeons that when the child comes its going to have
no finger for life with this piece of material you can attach to it because its continuous thats why I asked Terra to
release the pictures the body immune system and builds itself the immune system protects itself you can see
inside the finger you can see the bones, you can see the tissues but you see no bleeding & you See no infection.
we have looked at it after this body for 4 months. its a dear friend. but the science is now understood with plasma
because every cell at this point is a plasma it releases information and if it gets returned it carries on. ( draws
green dots on the finger diagram at point of the cut)
Effect of this on space travel: now with the new understanding of the plasma, the structure of the human body, we
see the whole structure of the world of medicine and the world of space changes. I dont need to amputate a
man's arm because when we travel for centuries in space, no need to travel with one arm short when in months
we can grow it back.
Body Cells are less than 11 years old, no matter how old you are:
(@22:30)The body heals itself because you take that pain away, the body never knows its missing, it just keeps
on replacing. dont forget the golden rule. all this part of your body. it doesnt matter how old you are its only nine
years old. None of us in this room has one piece of their body that is 10 or 11 years old. all of our parts are
changed cell. its like the Skin of , the Skin changes every 28 days every cell your body changes. So as you give it
time, the leg arm amputations all can be replaced. one piece or part of our body still remembers this memory and
at the point cut it re generates itself and thats or liver because it carries so much it Creates that so you can cut the
liver and it processes itself.
(@22:26) if you understood this, know you understand change in the structure of human travel in space.
( i took screen clips of his drawings, ill see if i can figure out how to add them in this doc tomorrow,
gnighty all, loving this! Its heart centered origins and all of its far reaching implications in all directions ,
especially in my broken/outdated medical field- HBPT)
Begin @ ~00:55:00
Link: http://livestream.com/accounts/15210385/blueprint/videos/103057874
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Q. - A Nice Lady Asks acreally don't know what damage is going on in the background. Christ, bless his name;
had one principle, he gave to the dead, it was the soul of the dead who accepted to rejuvenate the physicality. He
did not rise to physical body, he gave to the soul. These true healers are the prophets of God and for this reason
most healers in present time are not true healers.
Volunteers Questions:
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