Kinetics Formula
Kinetics Formula
Kinetics Formula
conc [A]
All rates written as time ort . Instantaneous rate is the slope of a concentration vs time plot and is
shown by the differential equation: dt . Overall rates for forward reactions are shown as POSITIVE rates,
therefore, all reactants (which have negative rate of change) must have their rates negated dt .
Rate Laws for: aA products (all the following equations assume that k is for the overall reaction)
Zero Order First Order Second Order
rate = ak rate = ak[A] rate = ak[A]2
ln[A]0 ln[A]t = akt
1 1
[A]0 [A]t = akt [A] = akt
ln 0 = akt [A]t [A]0
1 1
[A]t = -akt + [A]0 ln[A]t = akt + ln[A]0 = akt +
[A]t [A]0
[A]0 ln2 t1/ 2 =
t1/ 2 = t1/ 2 =
2ak ak ak[A]0
Watch out for this! Make sure you know HOW k is defined for a reaction. It must be known WHICH component that the rate is
being expressed. Is it A? B? C? D? Many times k is given for the overall reaction. If that is the case then you must remember to scale
k by the coefficients (a, b, c, or d) given in order to get the right rates for each component. That is: k = ak, etc (this is discussed in
15.2 in your textbook)
When finding
the new k at a new T...
k2 Ea 1 1 Here is the version using half-lives instead of ks
ln =
k1 R T1 T2 t1 Ea 1 1
ln =
Note this is the typical Arrhenius Equation where you have 2 t2 R T1 T2
specific rate consants at 2 specific temperatures. Remember This is still the Arrhenius Equation, EXCEPT we now show
they come in pairs. Also note how the Arrhenius factor A, has TIME in place of rate constant. Time is inversely proportional
factored OUT of the equation. to rate so the positions are switched. Any common timed event
will work half-life is the most common.