Brief History of Boiler:: Thermodynamic II
Brief History of Boiler:: Thermodynamic II
Brief History of Boiler:: Thermodynamic II
A boiler is a closed vessel in which fluid (generally water) is heated. The fluid does not
necessarily boil. The heated or vaporized fluid exits the boiler for use in various processes or heating
applications including water heating, central heating, boiler-based power generation, cooking
and sanitation.
Steam is being used in thermal power plant, textile industries and for domestic uses during winter to
heat the room.
Working Principal:
Boiler, also called Steam Generator, apparatus designed to convert a liquid to vapour. In a
conventional steam power plant, a boiler consists of a furnace in which fuel is burned, surfaces to
transmit heat from the combustion products to the water, and a space where steam can form and
collect. A conventional boiler has a furnace that burns a fossil fuel or, in some installations, waste fuels.
A nuclear reactor can also serve as a source of heat for generating steam under pressure.
Types of boilers:
Horizontal, Vertical and Inclined boilers
Fire tube and water tube
Externally fired and internally fired
Forced circulation and natural circulation
High pressure and low pressure
Stationary and portable(moving)
Single tube and Multi-Tube
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If the axis is inclined, it is known as inclined boiler.
2. Fire Tube and Water Tube:
In the fire tube boilers, the hot gases are inside the tubes and the water surrounds
the tubes.
Examples: Cochran, Lancashire and Locomotive boilers.
In the water tube boilers, the water is inside the tubes and hot gases surround them. Examples: Babcock
and Wilcox boiler.
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6. Stationary and Portable:
Stationary boilers are used for power plant-steam, for central station utility power
plants, for plant process steam etc. (i.e. on Land)
Mobile boilers or portable boilers include locomotive type, and other small units for
temporary use at sites (i.e. Marine, Locomotive & Large Ships).
7. Single Tube and Multi-Tube Boilers:
The fire tube boilers are classified as single tube and multi-tube boilers, depending
upon whether the fire tube is one or more than one.
Fuels Used in the Boilers:
Solid Fuels Wood, Coal, Briquettes, Pet Coaks, Rice Huts
Liquid Fuels LDO, Furnace Oil
Gaseous Fuels LPG, LNG, PNG
Configuration of Boiler:
1. Shell
Shell of the boiler is made of one or more steel plates bent into cylindrical and are riveted or welded
together. It is the cylindrical portion of the body.
2. Furnace
It is the chamber just below the shell where combustion takes place. It is also called fire-box.
3. Grate
It is the platform in the furnace on which fuel is burnt. It is made of cast iron bars so arranged that
air can easily pass through them on to the fuel for combustion.
6. Accessories
They are the items which are included in boilers to increase the efficiency of a boiler. They are super
heaters, economizers, feed pumps etc.
7. Refractory
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These are fire bricks or plastic clay used for lining the combustion chamber. This is done so that the
walls of the shell are not damaged.
Combustion Chamber
The fuel is burned in the boiler's combustion chamber, which is usually made of cast iron. Temperatures
in the combustion chamber can rise to several hundred degrees, usually in a very short time. The heat
generated in the combustion chamber is transferred to the system's heat exchanger
Heat Exchanger
In a hydronic boiler system, water is filtered around the combustion chamber through a series of flue
passages. The pressurized, boiling water is then pumped through pipes to baseboard heaters or
radiators, which give off the heat energy produced in the boiler.
Classifications of Boilers
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Different ways to classify the boilers are as follows:
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Externally Fired Boiler (Furnace is outside the shell)
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Difference between Water tube Boiler and Fire Tube Boilers:
S. No. Water Tube Boilers Fire Tube Boilers
1. The water circulates inside the tubes which are The hot gases from the furnace pass through the
surrounded by hot gases from the furnace. tubes which are surrounded by water.
2. It generates steam at a higher pressure up to 165 bar. It can generate steam only up to 25 bar.
Boiler Efficiency:
Boiler efficiency is a combined result of efficiencies of different components of a boiler. A boiler has
many sub systems whose efficiency affects the overall boiler efficiency. Couple of efficiencies which
finally decide the boiler efficiency are-
Thermodynamic II
1) Combustion efficiency:
The combustion efficiency of a boiler is the indication of burner’s ability to burn fuel.
The two parameters which determine the burner efficiency are unburnt fuel quantities in exhaust and
excess oxygen levels in the exhaust. As the amount of excess air is increased, the quantity of unburnt
fuel in the exhaust decreases. This results in lowering the unburnt fuel losses but elevating the enthalpy
losses. Hence, it is quite important to maintain a balance between enthalpy losses and un burnt losses.
Combustion efficiency also varies with the fuel being burnt. Combustion efficiency is higher for liquid
and gaseous fuels than for solid fuels.
2) Thermal efficiency:
The thermal efficiency of a boiler specifies the effectiveness of the heat exchanger of
the boiler which actually transfers the heat energy from fireside to water side. Thermal
efficiency is badly affected by scale formation/soot formation on the boiler tubes.
Indirect Efficiency:
The indirect efficiency of a boiler is calculated by finding out the individual losses taking place in a boiler
and then subtracting the sum from 100%. This method involves finding out the magnitudes of all the
measurable losses taking place in a boiler by separate measurements. All these losses are added and
subtracted from 100% to find out the final efficiency. Blow down valve is kept closed during the
procedure. This method should be implemented as per the norms provided in BS845 standards. The
losses calculated include stack losses, radiation losses, blowdown losses etc.
Thermodynamic II
During the evaporation the enthalpy rises drastically. If we evaporate the water at atmospheric
pressure from saturated liquid to saturated vapour, the enthalpy rise needed is 2260 kJ/kg, from 430
kJ/kg (sat. water) to 2690 kJ/kg (sat. steam). When the water has reached the dry saturated steam
condition, the steam contains a large amount of latent heat, corresponding to the heat that was led to
the process under constant pressure and temperature. So despite pressure and temperature is the same
for the liquid and the vapour, the amount of heat is much higher in vapour compared to the liquid.
If the steam is heated beyond the dry saturated Phase change
steam condition, the temperature begins to rise
again and the properties of the steam start to 160
resemble those of a perfect gas. Steam with higher
The Basics of Steam Generation - 7 temperature
than that of saturated steam is called superheated 120
Boiler Rating:
Boiler rating is the heating capacity of steam boiler. It is expressed in BTU per hour (btu/h), horsepower
or pounds of steam per hour.
The oldest method of rating boilers. It is still used to rate the small boilers.
One horse power is defined as:
“The ability to evaporate 34.5 lb of water into steam at 212°F and above.”
Conversion of Units:
Large boiler capacity is generally given by lbs of steam per hour under specified steam conditions.
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1. To convert the boiler horsepower into lb of steam, multiply horsepower with 34.5 (hp×34.5)
Example 100 hp × 34.5 = 3450 lbs of steam per hour
2. To convert lbs of steam into horsepower, divide it by 34.5
Example 8625 lbs of steam ÷ 34.5 = 250 hp boiler
3. To convert BTU into hp, divide BTU by 33472
Example 8368000 btu ÷ 33472 = 250 hp boiler
33472 BTU = 1 HP
Maximum continuous rating is the hourly evaporation that can be maintained for 24 hours.
When a boiler operates at its maximum rated capacity, it is referred to as Maximum Load.
If load varies hour to hour, it is referred as Varying load.
Application of Boiler:
Hot water boilers can be used for heating and hot water supply (such as bathing hot
water). Can be used in schools, hotels, urban heating systems, office buildings,
accommodation areas, farms, planting greenhouses.
Steam boilers can be used for heating, cooling, cleaning, humidification, etc. in
production processes, and can also be used for power generation. Steam boilers can be
used in food processing industry, feed industry, textile industry, paper industry, building
materials, metal smelting, heating engineering, etc.
Steam boilers are used where steam and hot steam is needed. Hence, steam boilers are
used as generators to produce electricity in the energy business. Besides many different
application areas in the industry for example in heating systems or
for cement production, steam boilers are used in agriculture as well for soil steaming.
Cochran boiler finds its application in cranes, excavators and in small factories for general
contract work where temporary supply of steam is required.
Babcock and Wilcox boiler finds its application in sugar mills and textile industries for
power generations and processing works.
Boiler Ratings:
Thermodynamic II
dry saturated steam at the same temperature.
33,475 BTU/hr.
MBH: 1,000 BTU/hr.
PPH: Pounds of steam per hour.
Gross Rating: The full output of a boiler actually available to the
heating or process system at the
outlet nozzle.
Net Ratings: The net connected design load that can be
supplied with heat by a boiler of given output,
allowing for normal system piping losses and
pickup from a cold start. Since steam system
piping losses may be expected to be larger than
for water systems, and steam boilers require
greater heat input from a cold start than water
boilers before heat flows to the system, steam
net ratings for automatic freed boilers are slightly
lower in relation to gross output than water net
MBH Net Water: Gross Output - Water (MBH) / 1.15