Gateway B2+ Test Unit 1 A
Gateway B2+ Test Unit 1 A
Gateway B2+ Test Unit 1 A
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that we realised they were there needs. Who said that animals
to protect us. couldnt talk?
By circling us, they were Margaret
communicating to the shark,
telling it to leave us alone. Which person:
Eventually after about forty
minutes, the shark left the area 1 is able to communicate with
and we were able to swim to primates? ___
safety. 2 now understands the importance
Mark of communication? ___
3 had a close escape? ___
C My husband and I have always 4 works in close contact with
been fond of animals. That was animals? ___
the primary reason why we 5 has unanswered medical
decided to accept the ownership questions? ___
of a zoo in our home town in
Devon. /5
We found the first couple of years
extraordinary, especially in the
spring months when numerous
young were born and Dan and I
spent endless nights with little
sleep looking after what felt like
our own children.
A strong connection was always
present between ourselves and
the gorillas. It could be because
we seemed to understand each
other. If they wanted something
or if someone had happened they
were usually able to get the
message across.
One spring, Blanca, one of the
female gorillas, had a baby.
However, regrettably she didnt
feel she had the ability to look
after her young daughter and one
day she signalled to us to take
her from her. We were unsure
what to do but decided it was the
best option.
From that day, four years ago,
Blancas daughter Cola has lived
with us in our house. We have
adopted her and now she is part
of our family. She has her own
bedroom with her own toys and
despite being an animal, she is
able to let us know through hand
signals all of her desires and
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Listening /5
8 You are going to hear
an interview with a socialite.
Choose the correct alternative, a,
b, or c to answer the questions.
1 Why is Nicola a guest on the 9 You have decided to enter a
show? short story writing competition.
a) She is the most famous socialite The rules state that you must
in London. begin the story with:
b) She is reviewing a column for a
Sarah was walking along the beach
when suddenly she saw something
c) She is going to have her own
sticking out of the sand.
column in a magazine.
Write 200-250 words.
2 Why does Nicola believe the job _____________________________________
is ideal for her? _____________________________________
a) She is looking forward to doing _____________________________________
the research for the column. _____________________________________
b) She already has an expansive _____________________________________
knowledge of places to go. _____________________________________
c) Her friends know a lot about _____________________________________
restaurants. _____________________________________
3 Nicola keeps her figure by
a) watching what she eats. _____________________________________
b) not eating at home. _____________________________________
c) only eating salad or soups. _____________________________________
4 The caterers that Nicola employs _____________________________________
a) clean her whole house after an _____________________________________
event. _____________________________________
b) ensure that Nicola doesnt have _____________________________________
to lift a finger. _____________________________________
c) often borrow her equipment. _____________________________________
5 How would Nicola Richardson _____________________________________
describe her daily life? _____________________________________
a) Extremely hectic with no time for _____________________________________
herself. _____________________________________
b) Stressful because shes always in
a rush.
c) Busy but filled with friends and
lots of fun. /10
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