Open and Case Hole Logging

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The document discusses the differences between open-hole and cased-hole logging methods and the types of information that can be obtained from each.

Open-hole logging is done before casing and cementing and provides direct measurements of the formation. Cased-hole logging is done through casing and provides additional information about zones behind the casing.

Cased-hole logging can help determine factors hampering production, identify zones behind casing, and evaluate the formation, completion, cement, and perforations.

Whats the Difference Between Open-Hole and Cased-Hole Logging?

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Important for drillers and operators, well logs are measurements acquired at specific depths
of the well that identify subsurface formations. Based on a ship's log, the well log started as
a journal of depth versus the type of formation, effective drilling muds and different drill bits
required to move through the formation.

Well LogSource: Geoline Services

This early journaling system has evolved to encompass lowering logging tools into the
wellbore via wireline in order to measure porosity, resistivity, permeability, temperature, water
saturation and more. While logging-while-drilling techniques have transformed drilling
operations to include real-time data for drilling engineers, some logging methods occur after
drilling has ended.

Open-hole logging refers to logging operations that are performed on a well before the
wellbore has been cased and cemented. In other words, the logging is done through the
bare rock sides of the formation. This is the most common type of logging method because
the measurements are not obstructed and it's done during or after the well has been drilled.

On the other hand, cased-hole logging involves retrieving logging measurements through
the well casing, or the metal piping that is inserted into the well during completion
operations. Cased-hole logging is performed more rarely but still provides valuable
information about the well.
Cased-hole logging is used to help operators obtain additional information from a well or
reservoir that has already been completed. For example, the well may have already started
production and a cased-hole log could help determine what has hampered flow. In some
cases, the decision must be made to plug and abandon the well or recomplete it, and the
cased-hole log will help identify what lies beyond the casing of the well.

Cased-hole logging can be used to evaluate the formation and completion of the well, as
well as determine the state of the cement, corrosion and perforation. Both gamma ray and
neutron porosity logs can be run through the casing of a well, and better ideas of thermal
decay and interval transit time can be achieved through porosity, hydrocarbon saturation and
producibility measurements.

Difference Between Open-Hole and

Cased-Hole Completions?
Leon Massaras answered 1+ year ago

When drilling of a well is completed, a steel tube called casing is normally lowered in the
wellbore. Most of the time cement is pumped down the inside of the casing and circulated on
the outside, where, it is allowed to set and cement the casing in place. This provides isolation
between various strata (zones).

To allow oil and gas to flow into the wellbore, and to the surface, perforations or slots are
created opposite the production zone (payzone). The perforations are created with special
explosive charges called perforating guns. The slots are created with a sand-laden jet. The
diameter of the perforations at the entrance is the same as that of your finger. The length of
the slots can be about 1 ft. and perhaps in wide. This would be defined as a cased

Technically an open-hole completion doesnt have the above mentioned casing or cement
opposite the production zone. However, there are several types of completions that could be
considered open hole since they have some type of tubular opposite the production zone
(payzone) but NO CEMENT. Typical of these types of completions are: Slotted casing / liner,
Gravel Pack, Frac Pack, Screen (there are various types of screens), etc.

Jean Claude Ferry 2y ago Reply Like 1

Openhole completion can only be selected when there is a clear evidence of no water below
the payzone ( oil or gas ) or a gascap in an oil bearing payzone to avoid water or gas
producing . With this in mind it is very economical to choose an openhole provided that : 1-
the shoe of the last cemented casing is set just above the payzone and 2-the open formation is
well consolidated

Saheed Jimoh answered 1+ year ago

In addition to what Leon has written,I will like to contribute as follows. The only difference
between a cased hole and a open hole completions is that the former is completed with casing
covering the entire well length. While the latter is completed without casing at the entire or
part of the reservoir section. Simply put cased hole offers integrity and support to the
formation especially when its weak and cannot withstand the drawdown that will be applied
during production operation. So open-hole may or may not require additional support like
gravel packing, Stand-Alone-Screen, slotted liner, etc. I hope this helps?

Mahmud Hammad answered 1+ year ago

The open hole is the area in the hole is without casing, and in this area, most of the problems
occur like loss. casing is steel pipe put in the hole. Casing prevents the well from caving and
seals off the formation. From the top to the bottom, we have conductor casing & surface
casing & intermediate casing and production casing. Cementing holds the casing, and cement
casing crews pump cement down the side of the casing up the annulus.

Callum Scott answered 1+ year ago

It goes without saying (except I will :-) that open hole is way less cost to drill and complete,
but potentially suffer from higher frequency of workover due to debris falling in but as the
guys above have said, it depends of the formation. In unconventional gas which I have been
involved in, horizontal wells can often suffer from collapse (especially coal) and a perforated
liner would probably be prudent. The last thing you need after spending $2m on a vertical
production well and intersection horizontal wells is for a collapse to stop or limit production.

Abdelkader Ferras answered 1+ year ago

Hi experts, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask more questions to the experts: Can someone
provide additional inputs regarding the clean up in each case i.e. what are the factors to
consider to decide for the clean up process with regards to the completion type? Thanks.

Randy Pochel answered 1+ year ago

I drilled many holes in Illinois and in almost all cases they were open hole. The formation
was dolomite and in some cases unconsolidated. Since these were vertical and once bailed
out and completed this presented no problem. As mentioned earlier particular care must be
taken to avoid the water level and gas cap, logging the well and good logging practices are
very important. A open hole usually in this case provides good production and is more
forgiving in placement of the pump.

Open-Hole or Closed-Hole
Approximately what percentage of well completions would be open-hole and what
percentage would be closed-hole? Does this vary from region to region?

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9 Answers

Angel Guzman-Garcia answered one year ago

Katy - I don't believe that it is a function of region. It is more a function on the rock:
unconsolidated vs consolidated, and what type of rock exists above the reservoir. By this, I
mean that if a collapsible formation is above the reservoir of interest, then leaving it open-
hole might not be the best idea. Then you must be aware of the type of fluid to be produced,
particularly if there is H2S present in it. Basically, it is not as easy as open-hole vs cased-
hole. Some thought must be put in place to avoid a catastrophic incident.

Note that in some countries, the government might have specific regulations for well
completions, regardless of the rock quality.

Angel Guzman-Garcia

answered one year ago

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Davy Massalha answered one year ago

Hi; i think we cannot speak about percentage on the kind of completions put in place. It's
depend only of geological resevoir environment. If rocks reservoir are consolidated we can
choose to put an open hole completion. I'm a recent graduate; i would like to know more
about it if it's possible. Thanks

Davy Massalha

answered one year ago

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John Kennedy answered one year ago

For new well completions worldwide, my GUESS would be somewhere around 10-20%
openhole, 70-80% cased hole, and 10% other (sliding sleeve, ports, etc.), and this would vary
greatly by region.
Pre-1940/50 almost all wells were completed openhole, but engineers soon discovered that
producing a gas cap severely limits oil recovery by depleting the reservoir pressure
prematurely, and any water influx from below was next to impossible to stop. Many old
mature fields had to abandon the open hole completed wells and have new cased hole wells
drilled, where only the oil productive interval would be perforated, just to limit gas and water
production (and increase oil recovery).

With the advent of horizontal drilling, the mix of openhole wells have increased, because the
lateral can be placed in the one section you wanted to produce, with less risk of producing the
gas cap and/or water.

John Kennedy

answered one year ago

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Colby Hazard 1y ago Reply Like

Hi John, do you have any insights on openhole SWDs? It seems like if you are disposing, you
wouldn't have the concerns you mentioned above. However, I have noticed quite a mix of
openhole and cased hole SWDs near my study area, and am wondering how to choose one
over the other. Openhole obviously gives you more access to the formation, but with other
risks involved...Any insights you might have on this would be appreciated.

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Miguel Angel Gonzalez Rivera answered one year ago

I think that open hole percentage depend of the rock consoliation, if the rock is consalidated
an open hole could be convinient.

Miguel Angel Gonzalez Rivera

answered one year ago

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Mike Pollard 1y ago Reply Like

We use sand screens in open hole to help prevent sand production, particularly at water
break- through. Consolidated rock may become more unstable during the life of the well.

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Miguel Angel Gonzalez Rivera answered one year ago

Open hole has in Mexico low percentage. It can vary from one Region to another Region.
Depens on the rock hardness.

Miguel Angel Gonzalez Rivera

answered one year ago

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Katy Smith OP answered one year ago

Davy, Angel, Miguel, thank you for responding to my question! I was wondering, in terms of
well intervention, whether you would typically need to perform stimulation treatment on all
cased hole completions?

Katy Smith

answered one year ago

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Andrew Self answered one year ago

Entirely anecdotal, however, 100% of our Austin Chalk Wells in S. TX have been open hole
completion. Can't get casing down through a curve/lateral if you had to.

Andrew Self

answered one year ago

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Ahmed Mostafa answered one year ago

Katy, I think for consolidated reservoirs especially carbonate rocks open-hole completion is
preferred, well type also my play an important role in selecting completion, for example a
horizontal well may be open-hole completed in the horizontal section more often. But, I think
it is not related to the region and there is no fixed percentage controlling the choice.

Ahmed Mostafa

answered one year ago

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Alfredo Velsquez 1y ago Reply Like

Hello Katy, as mentioned in previous answers the percentage of wells cased hole is greater
than open hole and the decision of one or another depends basically on the degree of
consolidation of the rock matrix of the consolidated or unconsolidated deposits. when
unconsolidated sands should be placed a slotted liner packed with gravel to control the
migration of fines into the well bore.

Completed open hole wells have the advantage of having greater flow area and are not
invaded by filtering the cement; so could produce more wells cased hole as the drawdown
between the reservoir and the well bore greater, however should be produced in a controlled
way to prevent trawls fine or water or gas coning. But it has the disadvantage that in some
cases it is difficult to recover the slotted liner, control high water or gas production and in
some cases have to abandon or convert reentryes wells. I hope that helps. Thank you.

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Abhinav Malhotra answered one year ago

Again as summed up by gentlemen here. It depends on reservoir. If it is tight sand , gas. u

have to frac and here an Open hole completions is used whereby you rn frac ball sleeves
syetem in the long horizontal section. In conventional reservoirs, most often that not , cased
hole completions are used. Also the geology of rock, consolidated vs Unconsolidated also
governs the type of completions. Sand screens for example will 90% time be rn in open holes.

There has been a lot of advancement in the open hole completions technology in recent
decade like swell packers, open hole packers, sleeves,
Logging through casing began with the gamma ray log in the later part of the 1930s and this
tradition has continued to the present. The gamma ray log is used for depth correlation on
many logging and wireline services.

Most cased hole logs have a GR and casing collar log (CCL) for depth control. Slim hole tools
for use through tubing or hostile environments, as well as full size tools for casing or open
hole applications, are usually available.

In the mid 1940s, the neutron log was added and recorded through casing. Correlation, shale
volume, porosity, and gas zones could be observed with these two logs. Both were
uncalibrated logs, so the analyst had a fair amount of work to do. Analysis of ancient logs is
covered elsewhere in this Handbook. Modern gamma ray and neutron logs are properly
calibrated and scaled, but a number of environmental corrections may be required.

The pulsed neutron (thermal decay time) and induced gamma ray spectral logs followed in the
1960s, as did the natural gamma ray spectral log. With these, we could assess water
saturation and lithology through casing, at least in favourable circumstances.

Compensated neutron logs with some corrections for casing and average cement conditions
appeared in the 1970s. This log was scaled in porosity units so it could be used more directly
for reservoir evaluation than previous neutron logs.

Compressional and shear travel time (slowness) logs appeared in the 1980s and were suitable
for both open and cased hole.

Roke Oil Enterprises in Calgary developed a though casing laterolog with a 3 to 6 inch bed
resolution and a through casing density log in the 1970s. Both tools were calibrated and
worked fine, but they did not find a large audience and no major service company took up the
challenge until almost 25 years later. By 2004, the Schlumberger services catalog listed both
cased hole resistivity and cased hole density logs

The modern logs that cannot be run in casing are the dipmeter, resistivity image, nuclear
magnetic resonance, and SP.

Cement bond, cement mapping, and casing inspection logs are covered elsewhere in this
Handbook. Production logging, perforating, testing, and completion or workover services run
on wireline in casing are not covered in this Handbook.

Petrophysical analysis using these cased hole measurements proceed along the same lines as
with the equivalent open hole logs, with only minor exceptions. The first is that the annulus
between the casing and formation must be well cemented, with good cement fill up. Most
cased hle logs suffer from poor cement. A good cement bond or cement mapping log should
be run and remedial action taken before running cased hole logs for reservoir evaluation.

The analyst needs to determine whether further borehole fluid, casing size and weight, cement
sheath, or other environmental corrections are required. Some corrections are made at the
time of logging, others are not, and this varies with the age of the tool.
A brief outline of each of the tools useful in cased hole reservoir evaluation are given below,
condensed from Schlumberger Services Catalog, 2004 Refer to appropriate Chapters in this
Handbook for additional details on tool theory or petrophysical analysis methods.


Gamma ray tools record naturally occurring gamma rays in the formations adjacent to the
wellbore. This nuclear measurement indicates the radioactive content of the formations.
Effective in any environment, gamma ray tools are the standard device used for correlation of
logs in cased and open holes.

Depth determination
Depth correlation within the well and between wells
Lithology identification
Qualitative evaluation of shaliness
Qualitative evaluation of radioactive mineral deposits
Cased hole perforating depth control
Positioning for openhole sampling tools


Spectral gamma ray tools provide insight into the mineral
composition of formations. The total gamma ray spectra measured is
resolved into the three most common components of naturally
occurring radiation in sands and shalespotassium, thorium, and
uranium (K, Th, and U, respectively). These data are used to
distinguish important features of the clay or sand around the
wellbore. The clay type can be determined, and sand can be identified
as radioactive. The deposition of radioactive salts behind the casing
by the movement of water can also be identified.

The natural gamma ray spectrometry tool uses five-window

spectroscopy to resolve the total gamma ray spectra into K, Th, and U
curves. The standard gamma ray (SGR) and the gamma ray minus the
uranium (CGR) component are also presented. The computed gamma
ray or Th curve can be used to evaluate the clay content where
radioactive minerals are present.

Cation exchange capacity studies
Reservoir delineation
Detailed well-to-well correlation
Definition of facies and depositional environment
Igneous rock recognition
Recognition of other radioactive materials
Estimated uranium and potassium potentials
Lithologic analysis log input Nuclear


Cased hole formation porosity services make accurate formation porosity and sigma
measurements in cased wells. The measurement, based on an electronic neutron source
instead of a chemical source, uses borehole shielding and focusing to obtain porosity
measurements that are affected only minimally by borehole environment, casing, standoff, and
formation characteristics such as lithology and salinity.
The large yield of the neutron source enables the use of epithermal neutron detection and
borehole shielding. As a result, the porosity measurements are affected only minimally by the
borehole environment and formation characteristics, such as lithology and salinity. Five
detectors provide information for porosity evaluation, gas detection, shale evaluation,
improvement of the vertical resolution, and borehole correction. The measurements can be
performed in both cased and open holes.

Compensated neutron logs have traditionally been run as a porosity indicator in cased wells.
Although it provides a good estimation of formation porosity in most conditions, the
unfocused nature of the CNL log does not allow correction for environmental effects, such as
thickness of casing and cement, or effects resulting from the position of the tool and casing in
the borehole. For the highest possible accuracy, CHFP service is the measurement of choice.

Compensated neutron tools measure the hydrogen index of downhole formations. The
measurements are converted to porosity values, which in combination with density tool
measurements provide an indication of lithology and gas in zones of interest. Some
compensated neutron tools provide thermal and epithermal measurements. Thermal
measurements require a liquid filled borehole. Epithermal measurements can be made in air or
gas filled boreholes.

The compensated neutron log tool contains a radioactive source that bombards the formation
with fast neutrons. The neutrons are slowed, primarily by hydrogen atoms in the formation.
Detectors count the slowed neutrons deflected back to the tool. Because the tool responds
primarily to the hydrogen content of the formation, the measurements are scaled in porosity
units. Both epithermal (intermediate energy) neutrons and thermal (slow) neutrons can be
measured depending on the detector design. These tools use two thermal detectors to
produce a borehole-compensated thermal neutron measurement.

The dual-energy neutron log has two thermal and two epithermal detectors that make separate
energy measurements for gas detection and improved reservoir description.

Porosity determination
Lithology identification
Gas detection
Correlation in cased wells
Option to pump slim tools down drillpipe
Formation evaluation behind casing
Accurate hydrogen index estimation
Clay analysis
Reservoir saturation tools such as the pulsed neutron (TDT) are still widely used. The newesu,
the reservoir saturation log (RST) makes both formation sigma and C/O ratio measurements
that allow the calculation of water saturation without the need for a resistivity log..

In formations with high-salinity formation water, the sigma measurement has been used for
several decades to determine water saturation. The C/O ratio measurement can accurately
evaluate water saturation in moderate to high porosity formations regardless of water salinity.
This calculation is particularly helpful if the water salinity is low or unknown. If the salinity of
the formation water is high, the Dual-Burst Thermal Decay Time measurement is used. A
combination of both measurements can be used to detect and quantify the presence of
injection water of a different salinity from that of the connate water.

Time-lapse measurements of water saturation can be used to monitor the performance of a

well or reservoir over time. TDT logs have gone throufg many evolutionary changes over the
years so reservoir monitoring is difficult, especial;;y in low porosity reservoirs. Some age
related normalization and bore hole corrections are often needed to makes sense of the data.

Formation evaluation behind casing
Sigma, porosity, and carbon/oxygen measurement in one trip in the wellbore
Water saturation evaluation in old wells where modern openhole logs have not been run
Measurement of water velocity inside casing, irrespective of wellbore angle (production
Measurement of near-wellbore water velocity outside the casing (remedial applications)
Formation oil volume from C/O ratio, independent of formation water salinity
Capture yields (H, Cl, Ca, Si, Fe, S, Gd, and Mg)
Inelastic yields (C, O, Si, Ca, and Fe)
Borehole salinity
Dipole shear sonic coupled with automated sonic waveform processing for slowness
determinations, provides accurate formation compressional and shear slowness
measurements in cased wells. Slowness processing is based on optimally designed frequency
filters and advanced signal processing. This method significantly attenuates casing arrivals to
facilitate the clean extraction of formation slowness.
The dipole shear sonic log combines monopole and dipole sonic acquisition capabilities. The
transmitter section contains a piezoelectric monopole transmitter and two electrodynamic
dipole transmitters perpendicular to each other. An electric pulse at sonic frequencies is
applied to the monopole transmitter to excite compressional- and shear-wave propagation in
the formation. For Stoneley wave acquisition, a specific low-frequency pulse is used. The
dipole transmitters are also driven at low frequency to excite the flexural wave around the

The tool is made up of three sections: acquisition cartridge, receiver section, and transmitter
section. An isolation joint is placed between the transmitter and receiver sections to prevent
direct flexural wave transmission through the tool body. The receiver section has an array of
eight receiver stations spaced 6 inches. [15 cm] apart and 9 ft (2.74 m) from the monopole
transmitter, 11 ft (3.35 m) from the upper dipole transmitter, and 11.5 ft (3.50 m) from the lower
dipole transmitter. Each receiver station consists of two pairs of wideband-piezoelectric
hydrophones aligned with the dipole transmitters.

Summing the signals recorded by one pair of hydrophones provides the monopole waveform,
whereas differentiating them cancels the monopole signal and provides the dipole waveform.
When a dipole transmitter is fired, the hydrophone pair diagonally in line with the transmitter is
used. Four sets of eight waveforms can be acquired from the four basic operating modes fired
in sequence. A special dipole mode enables recording both the inline and crossline
(perpendicular) waveforms for each dipole mode.
This mode, called both cross receivers (BCR), is used for anisotropy evaluation.

Velocity calibration, time/depth conversion
Synthetic seismograms
Amplitude variation with offset (AVO) calibration
Shear seismic interpretation
Porosity estimation (also in cased hole)
Lithology and clay identification
Gas identification
Stoneley wave measurement
Fracture evaluation
Permeability (mobility)
Pore pressure
Wellbore stability
Hydrofracture design
Sand strength
Sonic imaging
Sonic imaging with borehole acoustic reflection survey (BARS)
Very long spacing tool (using spacers)
Reflection analysis
Highly dipping beds
Horizontal wells (apparent dip > 45)
Well placement with respect to cap rock
Elemental capture spectroscopy lods use a standard americium beryllium (AmBe) neutron
source and a large bismuth germanate (BGO) detector to measure relative elemental yields
based on neutron-induced capture gamma ray spectroscopy. The primary elements measured
in both open and cased holes are for the formation elements silicon (Si), iron (Fe), calcium
(Ca), sulfur (S), titanium (Ti), gadolinium (Gd), chlorine (Cl), barium (Ba), and hydrogen (H).

Wellsite processing uses the 254 channel gamma ray energy spectrum to produce dry-weight
elements, lithology, and matrix properties. The first step involves spectral deconvolution of the
composite gamma ray energy spectrum by using a set of elemental standards to produce
relative elemental yields. The relative yields are then converted to dry-weight elemental
concentration logs for the elements Si, Fe, Ca, S, Ti, and Gd using an oxides closure method.

Matrix properties and quantitative dry-weight lithologies are then calculated from the dry-
weight elemental fractions using the SpectroLith* empirical relationships derived from an
extensive core chemistry and mineralogy database. The calculated outputs are
dry-weight lithology fractions (from elements)
total clay
total carbonate
anhydrite + gypsum from S and Ca
QFM (quartz + feldspar + mica)
matrix properties (from elements)
matrix grain density
matrix thermal and epithermal neutron
matrix sigma. Applications
DecisionXpress* integrated petrophysical analysis
Clay fraction independent of gamma ray, spontaneous potential, and density neutron
Carbonate, gypsum or anhydrite, pyrite, siderite, coal, and salt fractions for complex
reservoir analysis
Matrix density and matrix neutron values for more accurate porosity calculation
Sigma matrix for cased and openhole sigma saturation analysis
Mineralogy-based permeability estimates
Quantitative lithology for rock properties modeling and pore pressure prediction from
seismic data
Geochemical stratigraphy (chemostratigraphy) for well-towell correlation
Enhanced completion and drilling fluid recommendations based on clay versus carbonate
Coalbed methane bed delineation, producibility, and in situ reserves estimation
Cased hole formation resistivity logs make direct, deep reading resistivity measurements
through casing and cement. The concept of measuring resistivity through casing is not new,
but recent breakthroughs in downhole electronics and electrode design have made these
challenging measurements possible. Now the same basic measurements can be compared for
open- and cased holes.
The effects of invasion are usually dissipated by the time the log is run, so the measurement is
considered to be a good representation of true resistivity, as long as cement conditions are

The tool injects current into the casing with sidewall contact electrodes, where it flows both
upward and downward before returning to the surface along a path similar to that employed by
open hole laterolog tools. Most of the current remains in the casing, but a very small portion
escapes to the formation. Electrodes on the tool measure the potential difference created by
the leaked current, which is proportional to the formation conductivity.

Typical formation resistivity values are about 10^9 times the resistivity value of the steel
casing. The measurement current escaping to the formation causes a voltage drop in the
casing segment. Because the resistance of casing is a few tens of microohms and the leaked
current is typically on the order of a few milliamperes, the potential difference measured by the
CHFR-tool is in nanovolts.

Resistivity measurement behind casing in new or old wells
Reservoir monitoring
Location of bypassed hydrocarbons
Determination of residual oil saturation
Contingency logging in wells where openhole logs could not be run
Primary evaluation where openhole logging is not possible Resistivity Logging
Cased hole formation density logs make accurate formation density measurements in cased
wells. A chemical gamma ray source and three-detector measurement system are used to
make measurements in a wide range of casing and borehole sizes. The density measurement
made by the three detector system is corrected for casing and cement thickness.

The density data are used to calculate porosity and determine the lithology. The combination
of density and neutron data is used to indicate the presence of gas.

Porosity determination
Lithology analysis and identification of minerals
Gas detection
Hydrocarbon density determination
Shaly sand interpretation
Rock mechanical properties calculations
Determination of overburden pressure
Synthetic seismogram for correlation with seismic

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