DTMF Receiver For Telephones: BU8874 / BU8874F
DTMF Receiver For Telephones: BU8874 / BU8874F
DTMF Receiver For Telephones: BU8874 / BU8874F
Telephone answering machines
1) Dynamic range of 45dB. (internal AGC) 6) 4.19MHz crystal resonator can be used.
2) Power down mode. 7) 8-pin DIP package. (BU8874)
3) 4-bit binary serial data output.
4) Guard time can be controlled through host microcon-
5) Input pins equipped with hysteresis. (ACK pin)
Block diagram
Communication ICs BU8874 / BU8874F
FPin descriptions
Communication ICs BU8874 / BU8874F
Communication ICs BU8874 / BU8874F
Communication ICs BU8874 / BU8874F
Circuit operation
(1) An overview of operation (2) Power down interface
A DTMF signal is supplied to the INPUT pin and applied
to a pair of 6th-order bandpass filters, which separate the
DTMF signal into its high (COL) and low (ROW) frequen-
cies. The separated tonesre converted into square
waves and fed to a DIGITAL DETECTOR. The DIGITAL
DETECTOR checks the two tones to see if they are with-
in the valid DTMF frequency bands. If they are, it sends
a DETECT signal to the STEERING CIRCUIT, and sends
the appropriate COLUMN and ROW address signals to
The CODE CONVERTER encodes the received and de-
tected DTMF signal, and outputs an ENABLE signal to
Based on the DETECT and ENABLE signals, the
STEERING CIRCUIT outputs an Early Steering (ESt)
signal, which sets the ESt pin to HIGH, indicating that a
valid DTMF signal has been detected.
If a series of pulses is input at the ACK pin while ESt is
HIGH, a decoded DTMF signal is output to the SD pin as
a binary code. (See Figure 4 for the overall timing.) The power down mode is activated by applying a rising
If a pulse sequence is input at the ACK pin, the data is edge at the PWDN pin when the ACK pin is LOW. The
latched at the rising edge of the first pulse by a PAR- ACK pin may be taken from LOW to HIGH and back to
ALLELSERIAL CONVERTER, and at the same time, LOW again while the circuit is in the power down mode.
the LSB is output from the SD pin. Following this, three To return to the normal operation mode, set PWDN to
bits of data are output from the SD pin for each bit of each LOW. After returning from the power down mode to the
pulse in the pulse sequence input from the ACK pin. As normal operation mode, if a valid DTMF signal is still be-
a result, a total of four bits of data are output for the four ing held (from prior to entering the power down mode),
pulses. (See Figure 5 for the ACK and SD timing.) a second reading of the data can be performed (the first
If the pulse sequence input to the ACK pin consists of reading following recovery to the normal operation
three or fewer pulses, the next DTMF input cannot be de- mode) by inputting the ACK pulse sequence. Figure 3
coded properly. Any ACK pulses in excess of four are ig- shows this status.
nored until ESt goes HIGH again. Table 1 shows the for-
mat of serial data output from the SD pin.
Communication ICs BU8874 / BU8874F
(4) Serial data correspondence table (6) Operation mode input logic
Communication ICs BU8874 / BU8874F
Application example
X501 : Use a crystal or ceramic resonator with an os- C591 : If you are using a dedicated resonator X501de-
cillation frequency of 4.194304MHz. If using a signed for DTMF receivers, capacitor C591
ceramic resonator, there may be problems with should be left open. If you are injecting an exter-
the precision of the oscillation frequency, so we nal clock, X501 should be omitted and DC
recommend using one of the ceramic resona- blocking capacitor C591 used in its place. Typi-
tors listed below. cally, this capacitor should be 47nF.
Communication ICs BU8874 / BU8874F
C501 : This is the DC blocking capacitor. Select a ca- JP592 : If DTMF signals are being input directly, both
pacitor that will pass DTMF signals (greater ends should be shorted.
than 697Hz) without significantly attenuating Q591
Use these to increase the sensitivity of
the signals. R591 X R595
the DTMF receiver.
C592, C593
Communication ICs BU8874 / BU8874F
Operation notes
(1) Power down (2) Oscillation
When ACK is LOW, the power down mode can be en- Oscillation frequency precision can be a problem with ce-
tered by applying a rising edge to the PWDN pin. Current ramic resonators. Before including a ceramic resonator
consumption drops from several seconds to several tens in your design, please consult the resonator manufactur-
of seconds after the power down mode has been speci- er to make sure this will not be a problem.
fied. Also, if an external clock is being injected, a DC blocking
Operation with SD multiple reading is recommended. capacitor must be inserted. Select a capacitor that will
neither attenuate the frequency components or put an
excessive load on the drive side.
This LSI is not equipped with the power-on reset function. Also, since the internal circuit (flip-flop circuit) becomes unsta-
ble at the rising edge of the power supply, the internal circuit is initialized as shown below by the first DTMF sequence
received after the rising edge of the power supply. Therefore, input four dummy ACK pulses before the DTMF reception.
Communication ICs BU8874 / BU8874F